❧ By the queen. THe queens majesty understandeth, that where she hath given order, that all her loving subiectes to whom she oweth any money vpon loan, should be fully and speedily paid: certain persons intending vnduely to seek a gain herein, haue of late sought to redeem into their hands, a number of privy seals, which were delivered to the said creditours for assurance of repayment, with condition to pay to them less portions, then ought and shalbe paid by her majesty to the said creditours. Which abuse, her majesty so much misliketh, as a thing tending in some part to the discredit of her payment, and insome other, to damnify such persons, as her majesty thinketh worthy, not onely of their money, but of her thankes: that her express commandment and will is, that yf any person may any wise be known, that may be herewith charged, the party so offending, shall not onely make full payment to the creditours, but shal be further punished, until he haue made satisfaction for his offence, against the honour and credite of her majesty. given at S. james the xi. day of november, the sixth year of her majesties reign. God save the queen. ❧ Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard, by richard Jugge and John Cawood, Printers to the queens majesty. ¶ Cum privilegio Regiae Maiestatis.