❧ By the queen. THE queens majesty contynuing in her former earnest disposition to deliver this realm from the infamy of all maner of base moneys, and to restore the same to thauncient possession of as good moneys in fines, as ever was in the same, meaning thereby beside thaduancement of thonour and famed of this realm, to restore by course of time, thancient good chepenes and prices of all things necessary for the use of her Subiectes, hath by good aduise of her counsel, thought meet by this Proclamation to make even a full end of thabolishing of all kind and maner of base moneys within this realm, and therefore 〈…〉 e at this time no other base moneys be leefully current, but onely two small pieces, whereof one is yet current for penny halpeny, and tother for halfpenny farthing, and besides them as it is thought, there remaineth some small quantity of three other pieces of base moneys, scantly worth consideration, which were in former time coined one for a penny, one other for a halfpenny, and a third for a farthing, and now not certaynelye valued, but yet amongs common people taken vncertaynelye. Her majesty giveth all her Subiectes to understand, that 〈…〉 ne of all the said pieces of base moneys, nor any other kind of base money, shalbe taken or allowed to be as current money within this realm of england, after the twenty day of july next, but to be accounted from the said twenty day of july as Bullion, and yet for relief of all such as shall, at, or before that time possess any of the same: Her majesty is pleased that whosoever shall bring any of the said two former pieces now current, for three halfpence, or three farthings, betwixt this & the xxv. of August next ensuing to her mints in the Tower, shall haue for the same in fine moneys, not onely the valves according to the rates of the said three halfpence, and three sarthinges, but also in consideration of their portage, three pence for every pound thereof, within the space of twenty dayes or less, and after the said xxv. of August, until the xx. of september, to haue onely the value according to the several rates of three halfpence, and three farthings, without any allowance for portage: And as to tother base pieces being taken for the valves of halfpenyes and under whereof there is little account to be made, because of the small quantity coined thereof, yet for the satisfying of every person that shall haue any such small pieces at any time betwixt this and the twenty day of september, the same shall haue at the said mints, the full value of the silver contained in the same, as the same shal be duly proved, and from the said xx. of september, her majesty determineth to receive no more base moneys of this realm, into any her mints. And thus her majesty having now as it were atcheued to the victory and conquest of this hidiouse monster of the base moneys, which although it hath had no great continuance in this realm, yet hath the same been in parte no small occasion of many euyles in the same: Willeth and requireth al maner her Subiectes, to use all the expedition that they may in bringing to the mints all their base moneys, that her majesties officers and ministers appointed 〈◇〉 refyning and coinage may speedily end this good work, and not to wast their time for lack of speedy bringing in thereof, as of late they haue done to the great charge of her majesty, and her said Ministers. given at her majesties Manor of Grenewiche the xii. day of june the third year of her majesties reign. And the year of our Lord GOD. M, D. LXI. God save the queen. Imprinted at London in Powles churchyard, by Richard Jugge and John Cawood Printers to the queens majesty. Cum privilegio Regiae Maiestatis.