Where the kings highness is informed, that dyvers and 〈◇〉 ●●●●… ngs and books, as well 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 specially one book imprinted comprisyng a sermon 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 yther late bishop of Rochester, who 〈◇〉 the laws of this realm was executed 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 & sundry manifest & detestable high treasons by 〈◇〉 against the kings highnes ▪ his crown and 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 are dispersed abroad in this realm, and ben 〈◇〉 to the hands of diuers of the kings subiectes in which writings and books many open & manifest errors & slanders are 〈◇〉, not only in derogation & diminution of the dignity & authority royal of the kings majesty, & of his imperial crown, but also directly & expressly against the good & laudable statutes of this realm: by reason whereof the kings said subiectes having such 〈◇〉 writings and books might happen by the keeping or reading of them to 〈◇〉 in to great perils dangers and losses or their lives lands & goods. In consideration whereof the kings most royal majesty, who of his most noble and gentle heart more desi●●th the reformation of his loving subiectes, by gentle warnings and monitions, than by rigour and extremytie of his laws, trusting that every humble loving and honest subject, being admonished of their offences, whereby they can pretend no ignorance, will take more regard & respect of their duties of allegiance that they own to bear to their sovereign lord, orelles they may well think that his highness, taking just occasion by their obstinacy, will procede to their reformation and punishment according to his laws after their merites and deserts, without any ministration of his mercy in that behalf: doth therfore straightly charge and commande, that al & every person and persons, which haue, or here after shal happen to haue any of the said books, containing the said sermon of the said late traitor, or any other writing or book, wherein shal be contained any error or slander to the kings majesty, or to the derogation or diminition of his imperial crown, or of any authority knit to the same, or repugnant to his statutes of this realm, made for the surety of his graces succession, or for the abolycyon of the usurped power of the bishop of Rome, shall within. x●. days next after this his graces proclamation, bring & deliver the said books and writings to the lord chancellor of England, or to Thomas Crumwell esquire the kings chief Secretary, and master of his rolls, as they will avoyde his most high indignation & dipleasure, and the perils and dangers of his laws and statutes provided for the same, which his highnes intendeth to execute against the offenders of this his graces proclamation, according to their offences, without any pit or mercy to them to be given by his majesty in any behalf. And furthermore the kings highness straightly chargeth and commandeth al and singular Iustyces of peace, Mayres, Shyryffes, bailiffs, Constables, and all other his loving subiectes, that every of them shall put their good and effectual endeavours for the finding aspienge and bringing in of the said books and writings, according to this his graces proclamation, as they will avoid his most high displeasure and indignation, and answer for their doing contrary hereof, at their vttermooste perils. ¶ And over this, where his majesty is also informed, that dyvers and sundry light persons, called pardoners, go daily abroad in this his realm, declaring and publishing to his people, as well in parish churches as else where, diuers indulgences and pardons, corruptly and deceitfully obtained of the byshops of Rome, and by colour therof exact and gather of his subiectes great and innumerable sums of money: and the most parte of the said pardoners being confederate with the great erraunt thieves of this realm, by going about espy where the richest and most substantial men inhabit and dwell, to whose houses many times they guide and bring the said thieves their confederates, to rob and spoil. And also the money vnlaufully by them exacted of the poor innocent people ▪ by colour of their indulgences, they spend in rybaldry and carnal vices, carienge about with them drabbes hoores and cut purses, to the great slander of the realm, and to the damage deceit and empoueryshinge of the kings good loving subiectes. For repressing whereof, the kings most royal majesty, who daily studieth to extinct 'vice and exalt and increase virtue in this his realm, to the glory and honour of god, and quie●nes of his people, considering that by occasion of such corrupt and deceitful indulgences many of his loving subiectes haue ben more encouraged to commit sin, and to withdraw their faith hope and devotion from god, and haue be the more negligent to fulfil his precepts and commandments, which all christen people are bound to observe, doth therfore straightly charge & commande, that no person or persons from hen●forth take vpon 〈◇〉 or them to send or go about in this his realm, to publish any such {per}don or indulgence, nor declare publish use or practise 〈◇〉 such pardon or indulgence in any monasteries churches or places, nor by colour therof exact give or receive any sums of money 〈◇〉 pains comprised in his laws in that case provided, and as they will answer for doing contrary hereof to his majesty at their uttermost perils. And if any person or persons go vagaraunt in any parte of his realm, as pardoners, taking 〈◇〉 any 〈◇〉 to publisshe such indulgences and pardons, or by colour therof exact any sums of money, that then his highness straightly chargeth and commandeth all and singular Iustices of peace, Mayres, sheryffes, bayllyues, constables, and all other his loving subiectes, that they shall apprehend from time to time such offenders, and cause them to be ordered and 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 to the act provided for valiant beggars and vagaboundes, not failing thus to do, as they will avoyde the 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 〈◇〉 pleasure and indignation, and also the perils of the pains contained in the said act. GOD SAVE THE king. 〈…〉