HEnry by the grace of god king of Engl●●● and of France/ and lord of Ireland to all and singular archebisshops/& bishops/ abbattis/ priors/ arch●eacons/ deans/ and their officers/ vicars/ curatis and other spiritual {per}sones. And also to Meyres/ shiriff●● bailies/ conestables: and all other our feythfull ministers/& subgiettis( as well within liberties as with●●t) to whom these present letters shall come sendeth grettyng. Know ye that of late by showing of our humbl●●ubgiette Thomas Andrew of the parish of Southmymes in the count of mid and also we be enfourm●d by feythfull witness/ that before the feest of Christmas last passed the house .iiii. stables .ii. oarnys. iii. 〈◇〉 and all other mouabl●s goddis of the foresaid Thomas through the misfortune of fire were burned and ●asted. whereby he is fallen into great and extreme poverty/ having nothing left to succour& relieve himself/ his wife& his ch●●●rē. wherefore he humbly desired our licence safely to go& come in all parties of this our realm of England to gether the alm●●/ devotion/ and charitable gyftis of christen people. To which petition we being inclined favourably haue received the say● Thomas/ his men/ seruauntis/ and goods in to our protection& defence: safely to go& come in all parties of this our realm England for the cause above said/ to gether the alms dedis& charitable gyftis of christen people. And therfore we desire an●●ray all you prelatis and other spiritual parsons/ when the said Thomas his men and seruauntis shal come to your church●● chapels/ or any other spiritual place/ that ye receive them freely to desire and gether the alms and charitable gyftis: and fau●●ably suffer them ther with to depart. And to all mayres/ shiriffis/ baylyes/ constables/ and other our feythfull ministers and s●●giettis aforesaid/ we charge and command that ye maintain/ protect and defend the said Thomas/ his men/ seruantis/ and g●●dis: where soever they come for the cause above said to desire and gether the alms dedis and charitable gyftis and ther with 〈◇〉 return again. And that ye shall do to them none injury molestacion/ damage/ violence/ impediment/ or grief/ nor suffer the●me to be done of any other parson. And if any trespass or injury be done vn them/ than ye without delay shal se it duly corrected ●●eformed. In witness whereof we haue caused these our present letters patentis to be made. And we will that this {pro}tection shal ●●re the space of an hole year after the date of these presentis. witness our self at westm the. viii. day. of Februarii. The. xi. year 〈◇〉 our reign.