A Caveat or Warning. For all sorts of Men both young and old, to avoid the Company of lewd and wicked Women. To the tune of Virginia. I Once did love a bonnie Lass, As Oxford Town doth know, But now I see all is not gold, that makes a glistering show. The fairest apple to the eye. May have a rotten core: And young men all now by my my fall, take heed trust not a whore. she'll struck your cheeks she'll struck your chin, Sh'eele fling her arms above ' you, And sheele protest with vows and oaths, She cannot live withou' you: she'll sigh and sob if that you say, You'll come to her no more: And Gallants all by this my fall, take heed trust not a whore. Sh'eele buy you bandstrings at the Fair, she'll cause you for to woe her: she'll make you bracelets of her hair. for to bewitch you to her, she'll sit upon you all the night, she'll give you kisses store: But Gallant all by this my fall, take heed, trust not a whore. If thou shouldst be in heaven (quo'h she) I would not live in hell: If thou shouldst be on earth quoth she, in heaven I would not dwell: If thou shouldst be on sea (quoth she) I would not be on shore: Then Gallants all now by my fall, take heed trust not a whore. If that you chance for to be sad, she'll bid you send for wine: For that is good sweet heart quoth she, for thy choice heart and mine: And thus with sweet ' and smiling words, she'll dive into your store: But Gallant all now by my fall, take heedd trust not a whore. When she hath had her whole desire, And all your quoin is spent, If you entreat her company, she'll say she ' shall be shent Then will she leave you to yourself, Your fortones to deplore: Then Gallants all now by my fall, take heed trust not a whore. The Second Part. To the same tune. she'll sit alone with you and swear, By God that did her make, While breath within her body is, she will not you forsake: Shée'le let you toy, and stroke and kiss, she'll let you do much more: But young men all, now by my fall, take heed trust not a Whore. Now here I lie, my friends do fly, My wench doth quite forswear me, Her father's house is but hard by, and yet she comes not near me me: In prison I for her do lie, Close by her father's door: And young men all now by my fall, take heed trust not a whore: My Creditors they chafe at me, For my time spent so bad, And scarce I see no friend I have, is for my grief now sad: And those that loud in former times, They now do me abhor: Then young men all now by my fall, take heed trust not a whore. My kinsfolks they do send to me, And often me do rail, Now am I plagued in misery, here lying in the jail: But if that I come out again, Though I be ne'er so poor: I never more will give consent, to meddle with a whore. You young men that in London live, Take heed by this my fall: For if you still will follow whores, they will devore you all: Your quoin, your states, your health and friends. Then turn you oat of door: O young men all by this my fall, take heed trust not a whore. Now farewell all you Prentices, That do in London dwell, Leave all those vices, which will bring one day your souls to hell: So with my heart prayer for you, I now will say no more: But wish you all both great and small, take heed love not a whore. FINIS. Imprinted at London for H. G.