A NEW MANVAL OF OLD CHRIstian Catholic Meditations, & prayers faithfully collected & translated, without any word altered, or added: except in titles of Chapters, citations of places, & some few merginal annotations, for the most part taken forth of holy Scriptures, or the holy Fathers within the first four hundred years of Christ. And not any one in probable opinion, after the first six hundred years: nor forth of any Author, but such as are by all english Christians, accounted Saints, and to be in heaven: that none professing Christ, can except against them, or any of them. Is. 35. 8. This shall be unto you the direct way: so that fools can not err by it. 1617. TO ALL ENGLISH Christians of all degrees. My dearest beloved: AS you profess yourselves in Religion to be Christians: so I am most assured, none of you will be so profane and impious, as willingly to be deemed people without Religion, or to have the most odious and impious name of irreligion, or atheism ascribed unto you. All that be Doctors, Preachers & Rabines in Religion, among you, do teach, that every christian at least must undoubtedly hold, all points of faith which they call fundamental & substantial, namely those articles & Creed which the Apostles of Christ delivered unto Christians. Then the first & principal of them which are: I believe in God the Father almighty maker of heaven & earth. And in jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, are principally to be embraced. Denial of the first, denieth god, affirming & proving such deniers atheists. Doubting or denial of the second, condemneth all belief in Christ, and the some of christianity: and taketh away all articles of christian Religion, substantial, or not substantial, if any such can be in a true Religion: which I may not now dispute, but only demonstrate this: If there be a God almighty maker of heaven & earth: both you, and I, and all things else, are his work and creatures: we have received our essence, being, & all of him. In all things we depend of him, & he of none, but independent: and we own, and must pay and render unto him, all divine worship, prayers, supplications, sovereign duty, and Adoration. If jesus Christ be his Son, & our Lord, & came to redeem the world: he tauhgt true Religion unto it. And that Religion could not dy● with him, whose death was death to death, but foundation and life of religion, and life & redemption to us and all to th● end that shall be sa●ed. The scriptures say, He shall reign for ever, and of his Kingdom there shall be Luc. 1. 28 Dan 7. 14 & 17. no end. All people, Tribes, & tongues, shall serve him. His Father hath given him Mich. 4. 7 Dan. 3. 100 Dan. 4. 31. Ps. 2. 7. the nations his Inheritance, & his possession the ends of the earth. The law of the Gospel teacheth, and all good Christians do and must beleue●, that the law of Moses was but temporary, a pedagogue to Christ, and in him evacuated, and ended. That Christ was the Messiah, taught an everlasting Law, no other to succeed it, the world should never want a true Religion, the eternal King and Bridegroom, must have subjects, & a Spouse for ever. The jews and Thalmud acknowledge, that the Law of the Messiah, was to succeed that of Moses▪ when it had reigned two thousand years, and this of the Messiah, to endure for ever. Mahumet that monster, such a pretended reformer as in these days have prou●d many: freely confesseth the truth, & long continuance of the Religion of jesus Christ, and was unborn when it had ruled above six hundred years. Your english protestant Doctors and ruler's in Religion, are far divided from the Roman Church, yet they freely and generally grant, It was pure and immaculate, six hundred years near that seducers time. For my purpose, your good, and contentment, at this time, I ask no more but this, to which, all but atheists, have given allowance: That we are bound to pray, and the doctrine & prayers used in the primitive Church, within the first six hundred years, are holy, to be used and frequented,: except you will not allow his warrant that said: It behoveth always to pray, and not to be weary. 1. Thes. ●. Pray without intermission. or any of you sha● be so desperate, to equal, or prefer yourselves in pride to Lucifer, to think ther● is any time, thought, word, o● d●ede, wherein you need not the help of God or are not dependent of him. Therefore to make alsecure in these unfortunate days of dissension in Religion, and take all evasion away from all, even those that seek to excuse excuses in sin. I have collected this manual of psal. 104 old Catholic devotions, such (to be brief) as the title thereof informeth you: And such as by the best testimony of God himself, his holy primitive Church, and best learned Saints thereof, together with your own conscience and all present consent, neither will, nor can deceive you. Yet I have not in this Treatise, but slenderly in respect, handled any controdersies of this time, but propose unto devotion, Meditations, and Prayers daily & necessarily to be used of all private and unlearned persons, which may pretend danger to bes●duced in so great variety of doctrines. The contents will appear, either in a particular Table, or if that be omitted, in the titles of the Chapters and spiritual Exercises. If any desire better to inform their understanding of the chiefest questions in Religion, handled in these days, by this Religious manner & method of disputing, by the prayers themselves of the primitive Church, & Saints thereof (although they may c●●i●ct●r● by ●he great words & brags of many desiring to be called learned, that none of the Roman Church, whereof ●am●●●e●st unworthy ●an perform it for that religion or chief points thereof) I remit them to my late book dedicated to our present Queen and her Ladies, of that order in disputing, and subject, where they shall find the doctrine of the external sacrificing priesthood, & external Sacrifice: Transubstantiation, & real presence of Christ's blessed body & blood there: Invocation and patronage of the blessed Virgin Mary, all holy Angels and Saints both in general and particular: Purgatory, & Prayer for the dead, invincibly (I confidently affirm it, & will maintain it) and demonstratly proved by the prayers themselves of the primitive Church, & holy Fathers within the first five hundred years of Christ. The serious consideration of these two works, I commend to your equal judgements and best devotions, to give sentence how you have been led or nuzzled, used or abused, in this so urgent and important business. And I make even the unlearned and enemies to be judges in this cause, whether the mouth of ●hose that speak unjust things be stopped or Noah, that at least we of one ps. 62. nation, kingdom, and kindred, with one faith and mind, may sing, that holy song with the heavenly Angels, Glory in the highest to God: & in earth Peace to men of good will. Let us not be wiser Ro. 12. than we ought to be wise, but to be wise to sobriety, hating evil, cleeving unto good: loving charity of fraternity one with an other: Instant in prayer, thinking the same together: If it may be, as much as is in you having peace with all men: Careful to keep the unity of spirit in the bond of peace. Eph. 4. Eph. 6. By all prayer and obsecration, praying at all time in spirit, and in it watching in all instancy and obsecration for all that be holy. that at length we may hope, the heavenly bedewed tears of holy prayers, may quench, or slake at the least, that raging and consuming fire, which the poisoned blazes of polluted mouths; & rotten fuel o● defiled lives, have blown, kindled, and maintained, to flame so long. God of his rnfinite mercy grant that with one consent and one mouth, we Ro. 1● may honour him; for which I shall ever pray: and so rest: Your loving & best wishing Countryman, R. B. OF MEDITATIon and Prayer in general. OF Meditation out of holy Scriptures. Deut. 6. & 11. THe words which I command unto thee this day, shall be in thy heart: thou shalt meditate upon them sitting in thy house, & walking on thy tourney, sleeping, and when thou risest. jos 1. Let not the volume of this law departed from thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate in it days & nights, that thou may keep and do all things that are written in it. ps. 1. Blessed is the man which hath not gone in the counsel of the ungodly, & hath not stood in the way of sinners, nor sit in the chair of pestilence: but his will is in the Law of our Lord, & in his Law he will meditate day & night. ps. 118. O Lord how have I love dthy Law: it is my meditation all the day. How & upon what a Christian ought to meditate: out of S. Cyprian. lib. de Spectacul. Vain, pernicious, and sacrilegious spectacles, are to be avoided by Christians. We must be careful to keep our eyes and ears. quickly we accustom ourselves in wickedness which we hear: for the mind of man being inclined to vice, what will it do when it hath corrupt examples? That which falleth of itself, how will it do if it be pricked forward▪ We must have our mind retired from these things. A Christian, if he will, hath bettermatters to behold. He hath true & profitable pleasures, if he recollect himself. And to omit those which he can not yet perceive, he hath the beauty of this world to consider, and wonder at. Let him contemplate the rising of the Sun, and again the setting thereof in order, causing the days and nights: the globe of the moon, by increase and wain, designing the courses of times: The multitude of stars, shining from the high heaven, with their speedy motion: the parts of the whole year divided by turn, and the days themselves, with the nights digested by the spaces of hours: the vast greatness of the earth, poised with mountains: the rivers with their springs flowing from them: the air extended in the midst, giving life to all things: sometime rain from the condensed clouds: otherwhile fairness of wether, renewing his rarity, and in all these their proper inhabitants: fowl in the air, fish in the waters, men upon earth. Let these and such other works of God be spectacles for the believing Christians to meditate upon. What Theatre framed by the hands of man, is comparable to these works▪ Though it be builded up with great heaps of stones, they are but the crusts of hills, and though their beams do glister gilded with gold, yet they are inferior to the shining of the stars. He will never wonnder at the works of man, whosoever knoweth himself to be the child of God, He casteth himself down from the top of his nobility, who can marvel at any thing after God. Let a Christian, I say, attend to h●ly Scriptures, there he shall find things to behold worthy of Faith. He shall find god ordaining his world, & among the rest of living creatures, making that admirable and excellent frame of man. He shall view the world in s●nnes, rewards for the godly, and Punishments for the impious: seas dried up for the people, and again wate●● given out of the rock for the people, Harvests coming from heaven, and not from the fl●u●●s: rivers bridling their violence to give dry passage: In some Faith wrestling with fire: wild beasts conquered by Religion, and turned into meekness. And he shall sce souls recalled from death it s●lf. And among all these, he shall behold a greater spectacle, the devil that had triumphed over all the world, lying under the feet of Christ. O how beautiful a spectacle to contemplate is this▪ how delightful▪ how necessary▪ for a man always to behold his hope, and open his eyes to his salvation▪ This is a spectacle which may be seen though our eyes be lost: this is a spectacle which neither Praetor, nor Consul showeth, but he that is alone, & before all things, even he from whence are all things, the Father of our Lord jesus Christ, to whom be praise and honour world without end. Amen. Of prayer, & of the excellency thereof, out of the holy Scriptures. prou. 15. THe Lord is far from the wicked, and he will hear the prayers of the just. These things saith our Lord, my house Is. 56. Mat. 21. shall be called the house of prayer to all nations. Ask, and it shall be gruen you, seek, & Marc. 11 Luc. 19 Math. 7. you shall find, knock, & it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh, receiveth, and that seeketh, findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. It behoveth always to pray, and not to Luc. 18 be weary. Pray without intermission. In all things give thanks, for this is the 1. Thes. 5. 1. Tim. 2. will of god in Christ jesus in all you. I desire therefore first of all things, that Obsecrations, Prayers, Postulations, Thanksgivings, be made for all men: for Kings and all that are in pre-eminence, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all piety & chastity: for this is good and acceptable before our Saviour god, who will all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of truth. What Prayer is, and the dignity thereof, out of the Fathers, & first S. Gregory Nyssene. IT behoveth always to pray, & never to be weary, for by prayer we come to be with God. But he that is with God, is separated from the adversary. Prayer is the defence & protection of chastity, moderation of anger, appeasing and suppressing of pride, a rooting out of the settled remembrance of injuries a putter to flight of envy, taking away of injustice, correction of impiety. Prayer is a right constitution of justice and laws in a city, strength of a Kingdom, victory in war, security in peace, reconciliation of the disagreeing, consernation of the united. Prayer is the seal of Virginity, fidelity of matrimony, a shield to travailers, a keepe● of the sleeping, trust of the waking. Prayer is a conversation and conference with God, a contemplation of things not seen, a sure confidence of things desired, an estate of the same honour with Angels, a going forward, and increase of good things, an overthrow of things that be evil, an amendment of sinners, ●he fruit of things present, are representation of things to come. Prayer made the whale an house unto jonas: Reduced Ezechias from the jonas. 3. 4. Reg. 20 Dan. 1. doors of death to life: for the 3. children, it changed the flaming fire, into a cooling wind, erected a Trophy of victory for the Israelites against the Amalacites: Exo. 17. 4. Re. 29. and in one night slew with Turrian invisible sword, one hundred, four score and five thousand of the Assyrians. And we may find examples not to be numbered, of such things as are already chanced: by which it is manifest, that among those things which in this life be embraced and esteemed precious, nothing is to be preferred before prayer▪ When, where, and how to pray: out of S. chrysostom, homil. contra Pseudoprophetas. Hear the Apostle crying, Pray ye without intermission, that is, ●. Thes. 5. at all time, both night and day, and every hour, both when thou art about thy work, in thy journay, keepest thy flock, tillest thy ground, & sleepest. Expect not our lords day, or festival day, or disterence of places. For the name of God is not confined with place, for in his hand, are all the ends of the ps. 94. earth. Therefore David the Prophet, praying every day and night, expected not difference of places, but weeping said admonishing his soul, O my soul, bless god in all place of his domination. Therefore ps. 10● expect not day or hour, but pray even when thou art at home, and in thy journey, & when thou liest down, and when thou risest, and in every place, & pray vigilantly, & diligently, not requesting riches, not honour or glory, not prosperity, nor any thing else of this world, transitory, or unprofitable: for all these things are corruptible, & end in corruption, whether thou namest the greatest riches, or pre-eminent human glory, or any thing else, of such things as be on earth, with which men use to be puffed up. But pray for thy salvation alone: pray for the necessities of thy neboures: and pray with humility, with tears, with contrition, and knock continually, or rather without ceasing, and daily, for every one that asketh, receiveth, Math. 7. and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. Perfection and attention in prayer, out of S. Ephrem, ser. de vi●ginitate. FOllow the steps of the holy Fathers, which have b●ne eminent in virginal chastity, and chaste and religious life, in prayers and fastings. Love the exercise of divine things: desire Prayer, the familiar conference with God. For every holy and pure prayer, converseth familiarly with God. The prayer of them that perfectly desire God, with gladness and much t●ust, continually pierceth heau●n itself. In it, the Angels and Archangels rejoice, and present it before the Throne of the holy & high Lord of al. For then the greatest joy shineth unto them, if at any time, they offer before our holy Lord, the prayers of just men that love God. Therefore study in life & virtues, to be a follower of t●e holy Fathers: Walk in the paths of their way and life: keep the virtue of continency as they did: execute it in mind, execute it in spirit, execute it in body, & execute it in habit, also in meat, and speech, beholding, cogitation, and laughter, that in all things thou mayst prove a perfect champion. Look to thyself, lest at any time in prayer, thy mind wander hither and thither: but when thou standest praying to god, order thyself before him, with fear & trembling. Cut out of thy heart all thoughts & cares of earthly things, & be wholly in time of prayer, as an heavenly Angel: & so strive, that thy prayer may be holy and pure, unspotted, and irreprehensible, that when the heavenly gates shall see it ascend up ward, rejoicing, they may of their own accord presently be opened: that the Angels, and Archangels seeing it, may all rejoicing meet it, and offer it before the holy and high throne of our immaculate lord. Therefore be thou always in prayer joined to God as the Cherubin & Seraphim. 'Cause god always to rest in thy soul, that thou mayst there be found full of confidence, in that terrible & dreadful hour, when Christ our Lord shall come, to render unto every one according to his Ro. 2. Apoe. 22. work. To whom be glory and power world without end. Amen. An other out of the same S. Ephrem, ●er. Asc. de vita Rel. & paren. 50. AS if a man standing before a King and talking with him, being called by his fellow servant, should leave the honourable & glorious speech of the King, and turn himself to talk with his servant: even so a Religious man in the time of his singing, that draweth his mind from god and turneth himself to fables and toys with others. Therefore let us consider before whom we are placed. For as the Angels with great fear & trembling, do stand before the Creator, singing hymns unto him: even so ought we in the time of prayer and singing, to appear before god with a pure heart, and with reverence and fear, lest we be thought to stand before him, and intend to prayers only in body, but in mind in the mean time, to be occupied with earthly business. For even as a ship boat that is carried up & down with waves of the sea: even so a Monk, whose mind is distracted with business and cares of the world. An other out of the same S. Ephrem. de orand. Deum. TAke heed thou ceacest not to pray; & as often as thou canst kneel down: when thou can not, call upon God in thy mind, both at evening, morning, and none-time. If thou put prayer before thy work, & rising forth of thy bed, shalt take the beginning of thy motions from prayer, sin will not enter into thy soul. Prayer is a conference with God, equal honour with the Angels, promotion of the good, aversion from the wicked, and amendment of sinners. There is no possession in man's life, more precious than prayer. Never suffer yourselves to be separated from this, never depart from this, but as our Lord saith, let us pray, that our labour be not in vain. Mat. 6. The devotion and attention to be used in prayer, out of S. Cyprian, de orat. dom. WHen we are at prayer, we o●ght to attend and give ourselves with all our heart to prayers. Let all carnal and worldly cogitation departed. Let not the mind then think upon any thing, but that alone which it prayeth. Therefore the Priest before prayer, when he hath said the Preface, prepareth the minds of Preface at Mass. the brothers saying. Sursum corda. Let our hearts be upward, that when the people answereth, Habemus ad Dominum. We have them unto our Lord: they may be admonished to think on nothing but our Lord. Let your breast be shut against the adversary, and open to god alone. Let it not suffer the enemy of god to come into it in time of prayer, for he often times suddenly creepeth and entereth in, and craftily deceiving, calleth our prayers from god that we may have one thing in heart, and an other in voice, when not only the sound of the word, but the mind and sense, aught to pray with pure intention unto our Lord. And what a sluggishness is it to be carried away with foolish & profane cogitations when thou entreatest our Lord, as though there were any thing which thou rather shouldest think on, then that thou speakest with god? How do●st thou desire to be heard of God, when thou hearest not thyself? Wilt thou have god to remember thee when thou askest, & thou remember'st not t●y self? This is not to beware of the enemy: this is when thou prayest unto god, by negligence of prayer, to offend the majesty of God. Where and with whom we may pray, out of S. ClEment Rom. IF because of misbelievers, we can not go to the Church, but the wicked occupy the place, thou must flee from that place, because it is profaned by them. For as the priests do sanctify holy things; so the impious defile them. If the true believers, can not assemble together neither at home nor in the Church,: let every one by themselves, sing, read, pray, or two or three gathered together. For Where there be two or three gathered together in Mat. 16. my name, there am I in the midst of them. Let not the godly pray neither at home with an heretic, for what society is there ●. Cor. 6 between light & darkness? Times of prayer out of S. Jerome. ALthough the Apostle biddeth us always to pray, and to those 1. Thes. 5. that be holy, sleep itself is a Prayer: yet we ought to have divided hours of praying, that if peradventure we be detained with any work, the time itself may admonish us to do our duty. There is no man that is ignorant, of the third hour, sixth hour, ninth hour, morning also, and evening. Let us not go to meat, except we pray, nor departed from the table, before we give thanks to our creator. We must rise twice, or thrice, in the night, & meditate such things as we can say by memory, out of the Sctiptures. When we go forth of our lodging, let us be armed with prayer: when we come forth of the street, let prayer meet with us before we sit down. Let not the body take rest, before our soul be fed. At every action, at every going forward, let our hand make the sign of the Cross. PRAYERS AND ME ditations in particular; and first upon our lords Prayer: The salutation of the Angel to our B. Lady: & the Creed of the Apostles. With the primitive Catholic introduction to all prayer before them. ALL whatsoever you do in word or work, all tbinges in the name of Col. 3. our Lord jesus Christ, giving thanks to god the Father by him. God forbidden that I should glory, but in the Gal. 6. Cross of our Lord jesus Christ. The Cross is made on the forehead of jeron. in c. 9 Ezech. the Christians, and signed by often framing it with our hand. In the name of the Father, and of the Missa Ethiop. ascribe●●● S. Matthew Apostle & Mozar. in Miss. S. jacobi. S. Ephrem, de panopl. Son, and of the holy Ghost. Amen. Humble thyself under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt thee in the kingdom of heaven, which our Saviour hath promised to the humble. But in stead of a shield, defend thyself with the sign of the Cross, signing therewith all thy members, & thy heart. Sign thy affections, thy going in, & thy going forth, in all times. Thy sitting down and rising up, thy bed, and whatsoever things thou passest by. First sign them in the name of the Father, & of the Son, and of the holy Ghost, for that armour is most forcible, & no man can ever hurt thee if thou shalt be defended with it. For if any man carry with him the sign of Turrian earthly King, no man dareth to hurt him: how much more can or ought we, that bear such a sign of the heavenly Emperor, fear any man? Never omit to be signed, and thou shalt destroy the snares which the devil hath laid for thee. S. Ephrem ser. de sanct. ●r●. dom. The Cross triumpheth, which all nations, people, Tribes, and tongues, adore, in which let us glory with blessed Paul saying. God forbidden I should Gal. 6. glory, but in the Cross of our Lord jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I to the world. Let us paint and engrave, on our gates & foreheads, & eyes, & mouth, & in all our parts, this vivificant sign. Let us be adorned and armed with this invincible armour of Christians: For it is the vanqueresse, of death, hope of the world, light of the ends of the whole earth. Opener of Paradise, profligatrix, and destructresse of heresies, the strength of the orthodoxal Faith, a great and saving custody, perpetual glory of the right believers of the Church. Therefore o christian, omit not to bear about, all days and nights, hours and moments, and in all places, this armour, do nothing without it, but whether thou sleepest or wakest, or eatest, or drinkest, or travailest, or sailest, or passest waters, or dost any other thing, ever sign & arm all thy members with this saving and quickening sign of the Cross, and thou shalt never be afraid of the day fear, or the arrow flying in the day, psal. 90. or business walking in darkness, from ruin, & noone-time denil. If thou shalt be assisted with this defence, evil things shall not come unto thee, & scourge shall not approach thy tabernacle. For so soon as they see this sign, presently all adversary pours terrified, depart and go away. This sign hath quashed the error of Idols: this hath sanctified the whole world: this hath driven away darkness, and restored light: this hath gathered together the nations from the east, and west, and north, and south, and joined them together in Charity, into one Charity, into one Faith, into one baptism. This sign is the impregnable bulwark of true believers. What mouth, or what kind of tongue, shallbe able worthily to praise this victorious armour of the great King Christ our God? Of prayer, and espechally our lords prayer out of holy Scripture. WHen you pray, you shall not Mat. 6. Luc. 11. be as hypocrites, which love to stand, praying in Synagogues & corners of streets, that they may be seen of men: Amen I say unto you, they have received their reward But when thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, and the door being shut, pray thy Father in secret, and thy Father which seethe in secret, and thy Father which seethe in secret, will reward thee. And when you pray, speak not much as the heathens do, for they think to be heard in their much speaking, therefore be not likened to them, for your Father knoweth what you need before you ask him. Therefore so you shall pray. Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. give The grecke, Acton epionsion. Supersubstantial Bread. us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil. Amen. S. Ambrose lib. 3. de virginitate Repeat often in thy chamber psalms with our lords prayer, either when thou awakest, or before thou goest to sleep. A devout Meditation or exposition upon this our lords prayer, out of S. Chromatius Bishop of Aquileia, in cap. 5. Mathei. O How faithful & blessed a prayer is this unto us▪ whose order was instituted by the Doctor of life, and heavenly master? And how blessed may we also be, if we observe, not only with duty of mouth, but with most faithful deed of conversation, these words of our lords prayer? Therefore our Lord ordained this form of praying, for his Disciples for the hope of man's salvation, saying, Our Father which art in heaven. How great is the love of our Lord toward us, how exceeding his mercy and piety, who hath bestowed a gift of such grace upon us, that him, which is our Lord and god, we which are but servants, may lawfully call our Father. By which name, he doth not only demonstrate us now to be the servants, but also the sons of God. Therefore because we have obtained the grace of so great a gift, that we are made, not only servants, but sons also: we ought to do and behave ourselves as the children of god, that by spiritual doing, we may prove ourselves to be that which we are called, according to that of john, He that is borne of God, committeth 1. Io. 3. not sin, because his nativity of god doth keep him, and the devil toucheth him not. But he that committeth sin is not of God, but of the devil, because the devil sinneth from the beginning. And therefore keeping the sacrament of our heavenly nativity, we ought to be free from all sin, that we may deserve truly to be called, or be, the sons of god. And the holy prophets knew the grace of this divine mercy, in which it is permitted unto us, to call god our Father, as Isay saith, For thou art our Father, because Abraham hath not known us, & Israel Is. 63. hath not known us: but our Lord our Father from the beginning, thy name is upon us. Likewise also Malachy witnesseth in his book saying, For there is one Father Mal. 2. of us al. How great is the mercy of our Lord? We which before, by our own will, had chosen the devil for our father, now being borne again by water and the holy Ghost, begin to have god our Father. And therefore we ought to walk as the children of God, l●st doing otherwise than becometh gods children, we be holden guilty under the usurpation of so great a name. Therefore he saith, Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name: not because the name of god can be hallowed of any man, when he halloweth all men, which saith by the prophet, Be you holy, as I also am holy, saith our Lord. L●uit. ●0. But therefore we request his name to be hallowed, that it may be hallowed in us by the works of justice, by the merit of faith, by the grace of the holy Ghost, which sanctification, that we may receive by such gifts, the aid of his mercy is necessary: but he that is the fountain of everlasting holiness, needeth not any sanctification. Then he saith, Thy kingdom come. Likewise we do not ask, that he should be King, who is King of ever-during worlds, whose kingdom hath neither beginning nor end, but that the kingdom which is celestial, which he hath promised unto us, may come. But it is a sign of great confidence, and sincere conscience, confidently to ask, that this Kingdom of our Lord may come. And therefore because we always pray, that the Kingdom of God may come, we must show ourselves such in the faith of our Lord and his commandments, that we may be worthy of his kingdom to come. After this he saith. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, where also there is the like manner of understanding: for no man can resist or hinder god, that he do not what he will, seeing all things both in heaven and earth, consist by his will: But we pray that his will may be done in us. And the will of God is, that believing in him with all our heart, we fulfil those things which he hath commanded to be done: of which will of god, the Apostle witnesseth saying. The will of god, is your sanctification, that 1. Thes. 4. you abstain from carnal concupiscences. Therefore when ●e say. Thy will be do●e in earth as it is in heaven: This we pray that as the will of god is faithfully kept of the Angels in heaven, so also we must with a Religious and faithful devotion, desire the help of god's assistance, or, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven, that as in heaven, that is, in holy and heavenly men, the will of god is fulfilled, so also in earth, that is, we pray, that the will of god may be done by belief of faith and knowledge of the truth in them which have not ye● believed. Then he saith. give us this day our daily bread. This saying of our Lord we understand two ways, first that we do not ask any thing but our daily food. For we are not commanded to ask riches, or superfluity of worldly things, but our daily bread, which to Christians that live by faith, is only necessary for this present life, as the Apostle saith. Having food, & wherewith to 1. Tim. 6. be covered, with these we are content. But w● must consider, that this is spiritually commanded unto us, that we ask our daily bread, that is, that heavenly and spiritual bread which we daily receive for the curing of our soul, and hope of eternal salvation, of which our Lord saith in the Gospel. The heavenly Io. 6. bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. And therefore we are commanded daily to ask this bread, that is, that through the mercy of God bestowing it, we may deserve ●aily to receive the bread of the body of our Lord. And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors. This is plainly a just and necessary saying for all men. First, that we acknowledge ourselves to be sinners: then that we so pray our sins to be forgiven of god, as we ourselves forgive them that sin against us. Which if we do not, we make ourselves guilty before god by our own words, the scripture saying. A strong snare is to man his own lips. Whereupon Solomon not unworthily, also not ignorant, by the holy ghost, of the form of this our lords prayer, forewarned us saying, Thou shalt not lie a word in thy prayer. For what man can or dareth to lie unto God in prayer, except peradventure he which according to our lords prayer, ask pardon for his sins of god, doth not forgive them that sin against him. Moreover he saith. And lead us not into temptation: but deliver us from evil. There is a double reason, and divers causes of this temptation. Because by sin, temptation is brought in, to some for their amendment: to others for proof of their faith: to others, for their glory, as blessed james witnessith, in his Epistle saying. Blessed is he which jac. 1. hath suffered temptation, because being made blessed, he shall receive the crown of life, which god hath promised to all that love him. Therefore we do not pray, that we be not tempted at all, but ●hat we be not given over to temptation, above that which the power of our faith doth suffer▪ The Apostle, that he might show the same, hath witnessed so saying: But god is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are 1. Cor. i● able: but will make with temptation also an overgoing, that you may be able to sustain. Therefore we do not pray to have that temptation which may be profitable unto us, taken away, but that which exceedeth the measure of our infirmity. And therefore fitly and necessarily in the end of the prayer, we pray to be delivered from evil, which doth not give over daily to assault our faith with divers temptations, from which to be delivered, we justly daily pray, lest hindered by his suggestions, we can not keep the commandments of god. Therefore all The excell●cy of our lo●des Prayer things necessary to our faith & salvation, are contained in this short prayer of our Lord: while we profess the profession of the name of Father, while we ask that the signification of his name be in us, while we street that the kingdom of god may come, while we pray that his will be done in us, while we beseech for daily food, earthly or heavenly, for the hope of our salvation, while we crave pardon of our sins, while we pray to have grievous temptation taken from us: last of all when we desire continually of our Lord, to be delivered from that evil which is author of all sin, which thing, how it was to come to pass, the holy Ghost foretold long ago by Isay, saying. Our lord Isay. 10. will make abbreviated word through ●l the world, to whom is honour, p●aise, and glory, together with the holy Ghost, before all worlds, and now and ever, & world without end. Amen. Meditations & prayers upon that petition: give us this day our supersubstantial or daily bread, out of scripture: and may be used before receiving. Io. 6. I Am the living bread, which have descended from heaven: if any man shall eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: & the bread which I will give, is my flesh for the life of the world. jesus took bread, blessed, & broke, Mat. 26. & gave to his disciples, and said, take, and eat, this is my body: etc. this is my blood of the new testament to be shed for many to remission of sins. Take this is my body, etc. this is my Mar. 14. blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many. This is my body which is given for Luc. 22. 1. Cor. 11. you, etc. This is my body etc. Meditations of this supersubstantial bread, out of the fathers. S. justin. Apol. 2. ad Anton. WE do not take these things as common meat or common drink, but even as by the word of god, jesus Christ our preserver, being made man, had both flesh and blood, for our salvation: so also we have received, that the meat which is consecrated by the prayers of the speech which we received of him, is both the flesh and blood of jesus Christ, that was made man. For the Apostles in their Commentaries which are called Gospels, have delivered, that Christ so commanded them, that he taking bread, when he had given thanks, said, do this in memory of me, this is my body. S. Ciprianus L. de caena Domini. The supper being ordered among the sacramental banquets, the old and new institutions met together, and the lamb which the old tradition proposed, being consumed, the master setteth before his disciples, food inconsumbale, the food of immortality is given, differing from common meats, retaining the species of corporal substance, but by invisible efficacy of the divine power, proving the presence to be there. Sacraments signified long ago from the time of Melchizedech, come forth, and to the children of Abraham, doing his works, the highest Priest bringeth forth bread & wine. This is (saith he) my body. They had eaten & drunk of the same bread according to the visible form, but before those words, that common meat was only fit to nourish the body, and ministered help to the corporal life, but after it was said of our lord: Do this in my commemoration, This is my flesh, & this is my blood. So often as with these words, and this faith, the matter is handled, that supersubstantial bread, and Chalice consecrated by solemn benediction, doth profit to the life and salvation of the whole man, both a medicine, and holocaust to heal our infirmities & purge iniquities. The bread which our Lord gave unto his Disciples, changed not in outward show, but in nature, by the omnipotency of the word, is made flesh. And as in the person of Christ, the humanity was seen, and the divinity lay hid: So the divine essence unspeakably, hath infused itself to the visible sacrament. As the common bread which we daily eat is the life of the body: so this supersubstantial bread, is the life of the soul and health of the mind. S. Saluianus lib. 2. ad Eccl. SOme man perhaps will demand why god requireth more of christians by the gospel, than before of the jews by the law, there is a manifest reason of these things, we pay greater things now to our lord, because we own greater things. The jews had the shadow of things, we the truth: the jews were servants, we are addopted children: the jews received the yoke, we have received freedom: the jews malediction, we grace: the I●wes received the kill letter, we have received the quickening spirit. To the jews the servant was sent for a master: to us the Son. The jews by the sea went into the wilderness: we by baptisine enter into the kingdom. The jews did eat Manna: we Christ. The jews the flesh of birds: we the flesh of god. The jews the dew of heaven: we the god of heaven. S. Ciril. Hierosolim. catech. mistag. 4. WHen Christ himself doth so affirm and say of bread, This is my body; who after dareth to doubt of it? And when the same affirmeth and saith, This is my blood, who would doubt and say, it is not his blood? S. Chrisost. hom. 60. ad pop. Antioch. Let us obey god in all things, and not contradict him, although that which is spoken, seemeth to be otherwise to our cogitations, & eyes: but let his word be more worthy than our thought, and sight, and so let us behave ourselves in mysteries, and let us not only have respect to things put before our eyes, but let us hold his words: for his word is infallible, and our sense easy to be seduced: that doth never fail, but this doth very often ere. Therefore because the word saith, This is my body: let us obey him, believe him, and behold him with intellectual eyes. He doth grant unto thee, not only to see him but also to eat him, & touch him, & receive him within thee. But no small punishment is proposed to the unworthy receivers. Consider how thou art offended against him that betrayed him, against those that crucified him: and therefore beware lest thou also beguiltie of the body, and blood of christ, they killed his most sacred body: but thou after so many benefits, receivest it with a polluted soul. It was not enough for him to be made man, to be beaten with bufets, but he doth mingle himself with us, and not only by faith, but in very deed doth make us his body. Therefore than what, ought he not to be more pure, that enjoyeth such a sacrifice? what beam of the son is there, that the hand which divideth this flesh, ought not to be more bright than it, the mouth that is filled with spiritual fire, the tongue that is imbrued with that exceeding dreadful blood? Bethink thyself, with what honour thou art adorned, what table thou dost enjoy: that which the Angels seeing do tremble at, nor freely dare behold, for the brightness shining from thence: with this we are fed, to this we are united. Primasius in cap. 10. Heb. This is one sacrifice and not many, how is it one, and not many, when it is offered of many, in divers places, and divers times? Therefore we must most aptly consider, that the divinity of the word of god, which is one and filleth all things, & is wholly every where, that causeth, that it be not many, but one sacrifice, though it be offered of many, and be one body of Christ with that, which he received in the virgin's womb, not many bodies. Neither that we offer now an other great an other less, an other to day, an other to morrow, but always the same, having equal greatness: Therefore this is one sacrifice of Christ, not divers, as the jews sacrifices were, for if it should be otherwise, because it is offered in many places, there should be many Christ's. which god forbidden to think: therefore he is one, in all those places, existing whole here and there, having one whole body in all the places. And as he that is offered every where is one body, and not many bodies: so also one sacrifice. S. Casarius ep. Arelaten. hom. 7. de pascha. The heavenly authority confirmeth; My flesh is truly meat, & my blood truly drink. Therefore let all doubt of infidelity departed, for he that is author of the gift, he also is witness of the truth. For the invisible priest by the power of his secret word, doth change the visible creatures, into the substance of his body, and blood. When the creatures that are to be blessed with the celestial words, are laid upon the Altar, before they are consecrated by invocation of the holy name, there is the substance of bread, and wine: but after the words of Christ, there is the body, and blood of Christ. And what marvel is it, if those things which he could create with his word, being created, he could change them with his word? Yea it seemeth now less miracle, if that which he is known to have made of nothing, now being made, he can change it into a better. Examine what can be difficult to him, to whom it was easy by the power of his will to make visible and invisible things. Prayers before receiving the B. Sacrament. Math. 6. Our father which art in heaven etc. give us this day our supersubstantial bread. S. Dion. Areopag. l. cael. hier. c. 3. contem. O divine and most holy Sacrament, those, as it were veils, and coverings, drawn over thee, by signs of obscurity, being opened, show things clearly unto us, and replenish the eyes of our mind, with asingular light, and such as can not be covered. S. Ambro. orat. praeparator. O Lord thou hast said, with thy holy and blessed mouth, The bread which I will give, is my flesh for the life of the world. I am the living bread which descended from heaven: if any man shall eat of this bread, he shall live for ever. O most sweet bread, heal the taste of my heart, that I may feel the sweetness of thy love. Cure it from sickness, that I may perceive no sweetness besides thee. O most white bread, having all delight, and all taste, who dost always refresh us, and never feelest defect in thyself. Let my heart eat thee, let all the bowels of my soul, be filled with the sweetness of thy taste. O holy bread, o lively bread, o pure bread, which descendedst from heaven and givest light unto the world: come into my heart, and cleanse me from all infection of flesh and spirit. Enter into my soul, heal and cleanse me, inwardly, and without. Be thou a defence, & continual health of my soul and body. Drive from me the enemies that lie in wait for me. Let them departed far from the presence of thy power, that I being both without and within defended by thee, may come in the right path to thy kingdom, where it is not dealt in mysteries as in this time, but we shall see thee face to face, when thou shalt deliver the kingdom to god, and the Father, and god shall be all things in al. For then thou shalt fill me of thee with a marvelous satiety, so that I shall never after hunger, nor thirst, thou who with the same god the Father, and holy Ghost, livest and reignest world without end. Amen. S. jacobus in Missa. receipt. in Synod. 6. general. taste and see, how bountiful our Lord is, who is distributed into Parts, and is not divided, and given to the faithful, and is not consumed, for remission of sins, and for life everlasting, now and ever, & forever. In the peace of Christ let us sing: taste & see, how bountiful our Lord is, o Psal. 33. Lord our god, heavenly bread, the life of al. I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and I am not worthy to be partaker of thine immaculate mysteries, but thou o merciful god, make me worthy of thy grace, that without condemnation, I may be made partaker of thy holy body. etc. After consecration. Missa Ethiopum, ascribed to S. Matthew Apostle. THis is the holy, honoured, and lively body of our Lord & Saviour jesus Christ, which is given for remission of sins, and obtaining eternal salvation, to them that duly receive it. Amen. This is the blood of our Lord & Saviour jesus Christ, holy, honoured, & vivificant, which was given for remission of sins, & to obtain everlasting life, to them that truly receive it. Amen. Verily this is the body, and this is the blood of Emanuel our God. Amen. I believe, I believe, Ibeleve, now and ever. Amen. This is the body, and this is the blood of our Lord and Saviour jesus Christ: which body, & which blood, he took of our holy and immaculate Lady, Virgin Mary, and united them to his Divinity. Amen. S. Ignatius Epistol. ad Ephes. I desire the bread of god, the heavenly bread, the bread of life, which is the flesh of jesus Christ, Son of the living god, who was borne in the last time, of the seed of David, and Abraham. S. Lligius Hom. 15. de utriusque paschalis esu. CHrist is offered in Sacrifice and eaten, and yet remaineth one & whole, sure our redeemer, providing for our frailty, delivered this sacrament unto us: That because he now cannot die, and we do daily sin, we might have a true sacrifice, by which we might be purged from our sins. Wherefore with fear, and compunction of mind, & with all reverence we ought to come to the Altar, and to the table of the body, and blood of our lord, and humbly say, with Math. 8. the Centurion: O Lord I am not worthy, that thou shouldest enter under my roof. S. Ambros. l. 4. the Sacrament. cap. 5. It was great and venerable, that to the jews it rained Mamna from heaven. But understand, what is greater, Manna from heaven, or the body of Christ? Truly the body of Christ, who is Author of heaven. Thou dost not idly say, Amen, now in spirit, confessing, that thou receivest the body of Christ. The Priest saith unto thee, The body of Christ, and thou sayest, Amen, that is, true. Let thine affection hold, what thy tongue confesseth. S. S. Clem. Rom. Const. Apost. l. 2. c. 61. AFter the Sacrifice is ended, let all in order receive our lords body, with shamefastness & fear as coming to the body of the King. Let the women also, with their heads veiled, come in order. Let the Bishop give the oblation saying, The body of Christ. And let him that receiveth, say, Amen. When the rest receive, let the 33. psalm be said. lib. 8. cap. 20. Psalmus. 33. I will bless our Lord in all time: his praise always in my mouth. In our Lord my soul shall be praised: let the meek hear, and let them rejoice Magnify our Lord with me: and let us exalt his name together. I have sought our Lord, and he hath hard me: & delivered me forth of all my tribulations. Come unto him and be illightened and let not your faces be confounded This poor one hath cried, and our Lord hath hard him: and hath saved him from all his tribulations. The Angel of our Lord will put himself in the circuit of them that fear him: and will deliver them. Taste, and see, how sweet our lord is: Blessed is the man that hopeth in him. Fear our lord, all you his Saints: for there is not want to those that fear him. The rich have needed, and have been hungry, but they which seek our lord, shall want no good. Come children and hear me: I will teach you the fear of our lord. Who is the man which will life, loveth to see good days; forbidden thy tongue from evil, and thy lips that they speak not deceit. Turn from evil and do good: seek for peace and follow it. The eyes of our lord over the just: & his ears to their prayers. But the countenance of our lord upon them that do evil things; that he may destroy their memory from earth. The just have cried, & our lord hath hard them: and hath delivered them from all their tribulations. Our Lord is near to them that be of a troubled heart, & he will save the humble in spirit. The tribulations of the just are many: & our Lord will deliver them from all these. Our Lord keepeth all their bones: one of these shall not be broken. The death of sinners, the worst: & they which have hated the just, shall offend. Our Lord will redeem the souls of his servants: and all that hope in him will not offend. S. Clem. Rom. sup. l. 8. c. 20 When the psalm is ended, let the Deacon say, let us give thanks to him, who hath made us worthy, to receive his holy mysteries, and we ask that they be not unto us to judgement, but salvation unto us, to the profit of our soul & body, for custody of piety, remission of sins, to the life of the world to come: let us be stirred up in grace. S. Chrisost. l. 3. de Sacerdot. When thou beholdest our Lord Sacrificed, the priest occupied in the Sacrifice, and pouring forth prayers: dost thou think thou dost converse with mortal men, and to be on earth? Art thou not rather forthwith transported into heaven, and casting away all cogitation of the flesh, with a naked mind and pure understanding, lookest about the things that be in heaven? O miracle! O bounty of God He which sitteth above with his Father, the same instant time, is handled with the hands of all: and he giveth himself unto them that will receive him and embrace him. THE SALUTATION of the Blessed Virgin, commonly called the ave Maria, by whom composed, and Meditations upon it out of Scripture. THe Angel Gabriel was sent of Luc. 1. God into a City of Galilee, ●alled Nazareth, unto a Virgin, despoused to a man whose name was joseph, of the house of David, & the Virgin's name was Mary. And the Angel being entered in, said unto her. Hail full of grace, our Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. As Elizabeth heard the salutation v. 41. 42. of Mary, the infant did leap in her womb. And Elizabeth was replenished with the holy Ghost, & she cried out with a loud voice & said, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. The Prayer added by the primitive Church, as appeareth by these Saints. S. Aug. 5. 2. Annun. Dom. Athan, ser. de Deip. Ephrem. orat, de laudib Dei Matris. Greg. Naz. Trag. Chr. patience. etc. O holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now & in the hour of our death. Amen. A devout Meditation by way of exposition, upon the first part, out of S. Andrea's Archbishop of Hierusalem, sir, in salut. Angel. Hail full of grace, our Lord is with thee. Hail organ of gladness, by which the condemnation of our sin is purged, and a full recompense of true joy is made. Hail thou who art truly blessed. Hail illuminated: Hail magnificent Temple of divine glory: Hail consecrated Palace of our King. Hail Bride-chamber wherein humanity was espoused to Christ. Hail thou chosen of God before thou wert borne. Hail gods reconciliation with men. Hail treasure of incorruptible life. Hail heaven, the Tabernacle of the Sun of glory. Hail most ample field of God, whom none other place, but thou alone, is able to comprehend. Hail holy virginal earth, of which the new Adam by an unspeakable framing, was form, to restore the old Adam to salvation. Hail full of grace, our Lord is with thee: He that said, Let light be made. Gen. 1. Let the firmament be made, and afterwards, the other works of his powerable creation. Hail thou new Ark of glory, in which the holy Ghost descending, rested: the Ark in which the sanctification of new glory, which of his own nature is holy, marvelously enclosed himself in the virginal womb as in a shop of nature to be incarnate. Hail thou intellectual glass of contemplative knowledge, by which the Prophet's renowned spirits, have mystically shadowed the incredible coming down of god unto us. Hail ornament of the Prophets, and all patriarchs, and the most true praise of the unsearchable oracles of god. Blessed art thou among women: And blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And certes thou art truly blessed, for God blessed thee a Tabernacle to himself. Among women blessed art thou, who most freely diddest embrace, as it were, in the saife promptuary of thy virginity, that heavenly treasure, in whom all other treasures of wisdom & knowledge are laid up. Thou art truly blessed, who alone above all other Mothers, was worthy to be the Mother of thy maker. Verily blessed art thou who alone without man, diddest conceive, & in thy womb bear him, who spreadeth the heavens, and made the earth, of thy virginity, to be celestial. Blessed art thou among women, who alone hast obtained the blessing which god promised to the gentiles by Abraham. Verily blessed art thou, who art na●ed the Mother of the blessed child jesus Christ our Saviour, by whom the Nations do cry, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of our Lord, and blessed Math. 21. Psal. 117. Psal. 71. is the everlasting name of his glory. And the whole earth shall be filled with his Majesty. Among women blessed art thou, whom all generations declare to be blessed, Kings do glorify, whom Potentates adore, in whose sight, the richest of the people offer gifts, on whom virgins following, and going before, do attend, into the Temple of the King. Blessed art thou among women, whom Isay beholding with his prophetical Is. 8. eyes, named the prophetess and virgin. Verily blessed art thou, whom Ezechiel Ezechiel. 43. Ezechiel. 44. et 46. Daniel. 2. proclaimed to be the true rising of the sun. A gaite closed, opened by god alone, and shut again. Thou alone art truly blessed, whom Daniel that man of desires did see, to be a great mountain, And admirable Abacuc, a shadowing mountain: Moreover the mountain of Psal. 67. god, & a fertile mountain; Also a pleasant mountain, a mountain in which it pleased god to dwell, as thy ancestor the king endued with the spirit of god foretold. Among women blessed art thou: whom Zacharie that most heavenly Zachar. 4. man did behold as a Candlestick adorned with seven Cādl●s, doubtless bright & shining with those seven gifts of the holy ghost. Verily blessed art thou, beautified with sense and understanding, the Gen. 2. paradise of the flourishing wood of our salvation, which hast within thee the husbandman himself of the Garden Eden I mean Christ our lord, shadowed by figures in thee: who by a certain unspeakable power, like unto astreme, issuing forth from thy womb of life, as it were with four beginnings by his gospel, hath wattered the face of the world. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Blessed is that Io. 4. fruit from which fountains Do flow of water springing up unto life everlasting. That fruit from which that lively bread, I mean our lords body is brought forth, and the cup of immortality, the saving potion is given unto us. A devout meditation and prayer concerning the second part of the ave Maria: out of S. Augustine s. 2. Annun. dom. Tom. 10. O Blessed Marie, who is able worthily to render unto thee duty of thanks, and solemnity of praises, who by thy singular assent hast succoured the world, that was lost? What laudes shall the frailty of mankind pay unto thee, who by thy negotiation hast found the means to recover it again? Therefore receive such as they be, very small, such as they be, thanks uneqnal to thy merits: And when thou hast received our prayers, by praying excuse our faults. Admit our prayers within the Oratory of thy audience, and bring back unto us, a preservative of reconciliation. Let that be excused which we entreat by thee: Let us obtain that, which we ask with a faithful mind. Receive that, which we offer, bestow a gain upon us, what we demand, excuse what we fear: For thou art a singular hope of sinners, by thee we hope for pardon of offences, and in thee, o most blessed woman, is the expectation of our rewards. O Holy Mary secure those that be in misery, assist the weak hearted, comfort those that weep, pray for the people, entreat for the clergy, make intercession for the devout woman sex, let all perceive thy help, that celebrat thy name. Be ready to assist the prayers of them that ask thee, and yield to all, their desired effect. Ha●e a care d●a●y to pray for the people of god, t●ou o blessed, who diddest dese●ue to b●are the Redeemer of the world, who l●uet● and reigneth for ever. Amen. An other devout Meditation and prayer concerning the s●me out of S. Atha●asius Pa●ri●rcke of Ale●a●dria se●. de Sac●iss. deipara. THe holy ghost came upon her & Luc. 1. sanctified her, as the spirit saith in the psalms. The most high, ps. 45. hath sanctified his Tabernacle, and the power of the highest strengthening overshadowed her. Luc. 1. He is a King that was borne of the Virgin, & the same our Lord and God. Therefore also his Mother which brought him forth, is properly & truly thought, to be our Queen, and Lady, and Mother of God: and it will be lawful for us so agreeably to speak, while we have respect unto ●er, and him that was borne of her, her son that beareth flesh. Wherefore as when we look unto him, we call him our King, Lord, and God: so also when we cast our eyes to her, we behold her to be our Queen, Lady, and God's Mother, and that by contemplation of our intellectual eye. The Queen is present ps. 44. on thy right hand, compassed about with her guilded garment garnished. And now truly, o Daughter of David and Abraham, hearken and incline thine ear to our prayers, and do not forgeat thy people. It becometh thee to be called Mother, Regeneratrix, Lady, and Mistress: in regard, that from thee, issued our King, Lord, and our God. Thou art present unto him, who though he be terrible unto us, yet is sweet unto thee, and giveth all grace: for which cause it came to pass, that thou was called Full of grace, that is, Luc. 1. who diddest abound with algrace, and that by the coming of the holy Ghost ps. 44. upon thee: Therefore, all the rich of the people, do beseech thy countenance, being made rich with such good things, and spiritual contemplations. To thee we cry, remember us, o most holy Virgin, who ever after thy delivery, remainest a Virgin: and give unto us for this little speech, great gifts out of the riches of thy graces, thou that art full of grace. Wherefore we use these words, as from the thing itself, & by nature laudatory: chiefly for the song of thy praise, if at any time hymn, if at any time praise, be offered unto thee, either by us, or any creature: To thee, I say, our gracious Lady, Queen, Mistress, Mother of God, Ark of the Sanctuary. Behold now at this time, & in the beginning of the day, how the Angel composed this Eucomion to thee, as the first fruits of praise, saying. Hail full of Luc. 1. grace, our Lord is with thee. All orders of Angels, and terrestrial things, pronounce thee blessed: and lifting up their Hierarchial hands, bless thee, who art blessed in heaven, and declared blessed on earth. Bl●ssed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb: For with such blessings, the first sacred Order, doth celebrate thee, which consisteth of, Thrones, Cherubins, & Seraphins, who are called Flamines or knowers of the great King, that is God. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is thy womb, the bearer of God, & thy Paps, which he yet an infant, sucked. And the second Hierarchy, which containeth Dominations, Powers, and Potestates, as having learned it of the higher Hierarchy, and first illuminated, respecting unto thee, doth cry, Blessed art thou among women, an● blessed is thy womb which conceived God, and thy ceates which brought up god, become a child. Now the third holy order of Principalities, Angels, and Archangels, unto twhom it was commanded and permitted from God, by sending forth one Gabriel an Archangel, doth utter the most glorious & most abundant hymn in these words. Haileful of grace, our Lord is with thee. Then from these, we that are the earthly Hierarchies, bringing the exaltations of god in our voice whether because we have learned, or have tak●n these words one from an ps. 149. other, exalt thee with a great & loud voice, Hail gracious, our Lord is with the●. O Mistress, and Lady, & Queen, and the Mother of God, make intercession for us. Because he that was borne of thee, God incarnate, is our god, to whom is due glory, magnifying, and all honour and adoration, and thanks giving, with the father without beginning, and with the holy good vivificant spirit, both now and ever world without end. Amen. An other out of S. Ephrem. ser. de sanctiss. dei genitricis virginis Mariae laudibus. O Lady replenish my mouth, with the grace of thy sweetness; and illuminat my mind, o full of grace, move my tongue, and lips, cheerfully and with joyful mind, to sing praises unto thee, and chiefly that angelical delightful song, by far, most renowned, which the angel Gabriel in Nazareth did sing to thee a virgin, & mother of god most undefiled: That salutation I say, most convenient, and agreeable, and most worthy health of the world, and medicine and preservative of our souls. O sacred virgin vouchsafe that I thy humble servant, may praise thee, and joyfully say: Hail excellent and chosen vessel of god. Hail lady Mary full of grace: Hail among women, most blessed virgin. Hail star most refulgent, from which Christ went forth. Hail light most shining mother & virgin Hail who hast most admirablly brought forth, the king of al. Hail by whom the most clear sun of justice hath shined. Hail Queen and lady, higher than al. Hail song of the Cherubin & Seraphim, and sacred hymn of Angels. Hail peace, joy, consolation, & health of the world. Hail gladness of mankind. Hail praise of the fathers, and ornament of the prophets. Hail beauty of martyrs, and crown of saints. Hail glory of the godly. Hail most excellent miracle of the whole globe, of the earth. Hail delight of all earthly creature's. Hail paradise of delights, and all pleasantness, and immortality▪ Hail tree of life, joy, and pleasure. Hail mother of al. Hail fountain of grace and all comfort. Hail refuge and harbour of sinners. Hail propitiatory of them that labour. Hail sanctuary in jerusalem. Hail most glorious throne of our Creator. Hail illustrious, & most shining brightness of eternity. Hail hope of all good men afflicted with adversity. Hail sweet comfort, and defence of convertites. Hail Queen and patroness both of men and women. Hail most effectual conciliatrix of the whole world. Hail glory, and ●oy of all priests. Hail virgin, comfort of the solitary livers. Hail Queen of the heavenly Citizens, and Lady of Angels. Hail our comfortesse that hast appeased our sorrows, and mitigated our griefs, and taken away all our oppressions. Hail sure trust of our soul. Hail firm safeguard of all Christians, recurring sincerely and truly unto thee. Hail light most bright, by which the world is illumined. Hail bright mother of Christ son of the living god. Hail notable protection, & glory of us al. Hail who hast comprehended him in thy bosom, and arms, that is comprehended in no space. Hail who hast brought up Christ the giver of life: Christ I say the most merciful creator of al. our most sweet lord jesus, to whom belongeth all honour, glory, renown & power forever; praise and jubilation and magnificence together with the eternal father and holy ghost, now and ever & world without end. Amen. By th● p●aiers and merits of the most holy mother of god, Mary the virgin, & all the heavenly armies, and whole company of Angels, Cherubin and Seraphim, prophets and Apostles, Martyrs and Confesors, and by the intercessions of all Saints, and supplications of all the blessed, o my most merciful god have mercy on thy creature: and place thy humble servants on thy right h●nd, in the hover of thy dreadful judgement Amen .. An other out of the same S. Eprem. orat. ad Sauctiss. dei Genitricem. BE present unto me now & ever, o Virgin, Mother of God, Mother of mercy, benign, & gentle, a fervent protectrise, & helper, in this present course of life, turning from me all hostile invasions, and placing me in the way of salvation, and in the last point of life, conserving my miserabl● soul, and driving from it, the dark & horrible sight, of most wicked devils: in the dreedful day of judgement, delivering me from everlasting damnation's and finally accounting me in the number of the just, and making me heir of the inaccessible glory of thy son & God, which I desire, o my Lady, and Mother of God, may after this exile, by thy godly intercession and patronage, be granted unto me, and unto all that humbly run to thee, and fasten their hope in thee, by the grace, mercy, and bounty of thy only begotten Son, our Lord God, and Saviour jesus Christ: to whom is due, all glory, honour, power, and adoration, with the Eternal Father, and holy, and vivificant Spirit, now and ever, & world without end. Amen. An other out of the same S. Ephrem in Lament. Mar. super pas. dom. O Pure, and immaculate, and blessed Virgin, Mother of thy mighty Son, and of the God of all, without offence, perfect and most sacred, the hope of the despairing, and guilty, we praise thee, we bless thee as most full of grace, who brought forth Christ, God and man. We all fall down to thee, all call upon thee, and beseech thy help. Deliver us o Virgin holy & intemerate, from all necessity approaching, & from all temptations of the devil. Be thou our reconciliatrix and Advocate in the hour of death & judgement, and deliver us from the unquenchable fire to come, & the outward darkness, and vouchsaife us the glory of thy Son, o Virgin and Mother most sweet and gentle. For thou alone with the God of Christians, art our most secure and holy hope. To whom be glory & honour, renown, & rule for ever. Amen. Another of S. Ephrem, ser. de laud. Sanstiss. Dei Genitr. Virg. Mar. OInuiolate, perfect, & wholly pure and chaste Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Queen of all, our most glorious Lady, higher than the inhabitants of heaven, brighter than t●e beams and shyninges of the sun, more honoured than the Cherubin, more holy than the Seraphim, and incomparably more glorious than all the other celestial Arms, the hope of the Fathers, glory of the Prophets, praise of the Apostles, honour of Martyrs, joy of Sainctts, & light of the most accepted Abraham, Isaac, and jacob. The Ornaments of Aaron, brightness jud. 6. of Moses, and Flease of Gedeon, the crown of the company of holy Princes, & all Saints & virgins, brightness far exceeding, and splendour inaccessible, the Golden Censor, most clear lantern, most beautiful vessel, bearing the Manna of heaven, the Heb. 6. Table which brought the written Law unto mortal men, the true Ark, most Apoc. 8. divine Charter, most prudent and wise wise Princess of all, and illuminating Virgin, most holy comfortesse and guider of all, most sacred Maiden. O flaming Bush unburned, and flourishing Rod of Aaron. For verily thou art the Rod, and thy Son the Flower: For from the root of David and Solomon, did spring Christ our creator god and Lord, omnipotent, and alone most high. Thou broughtest forth god and man: Thou a Virgin, before birth, in birth, and after his birth. God thy creator, putting on flesh without seed, in thy virginal womb, did not take away those keys of the oriental gate that is ever shut: and preserving thee, o most beautiful, such a one as thou was before his birth, By thee we are reconciled to Christ our God, thy most sweet Son. Thou art the only adnocatrix, and helper of sinners, & people destitute of help. Thou the most saife Haven of them that suffer shipwreck. Thou art the comfort of the world. Thou art the receptacle of orphans, redemption, and delivery of captives: Thou the exultation of the sick, consotion of the sad, and health of al. al. Thou art the strength of Monks, and Eremites, and hope of the secular. Thou art the glory, crown, and joy of virgins. Thou art the gladness of the world, O Lady, Princess, & Queen most excellent, exceeding blessed, Maiden most honoured, and Lady of ladies most pure and chaste. We flee under thy defence, o holy Mother of God, defend and keep us under the wings of thy piety and mercy. Have mercy on us that are defiled with the filth of sin, who with very manifold offences and transgressions, have offended the Creator our god, judge of all, lest the most pernicious Satan, be insolent & glory against us, lest the detestable enemy arise against us, lest we see thy servants to fall from hope of thee: or lest the tongue of detractors, calumniate us. We have none other hope, then in thee o most sincere Virgin. far from our Mother's arms, o our Lady, we wretches are dedicated unto thee, and called thy Clients. Therefore suffer us not by the malignant Satan, to be led to the gates of hell. For thou art our haven, o Virgin immaculate, and precedent. O holy helper, we are wholly under thy tuission, and protection. Therefore we flee to thee the only woman, and with often tears, o most blessed Mother, beseech thee and fall down unto thee, humbly crying, and praying, lest thy sweet Son our Saviour, & giver of the life of all, for many sins which we have committed, take us away, and like a Lion, tear our wretched souls, or cut us up, as the barren fig tree. But we entreat that we may come securely to Christ, & enter into those palaces of the blessed, where there are not tears, nor mourning, nor vexation, not grief, not calamity, not death, not torment, not want of place. THE HOLY CREDE Or Articles of our Faith, delivered to the Church by Tradition, by the holy Apostles of Christ, as testify these primitive Saints S. Clem. Rom. Ep. 1. Amb. Ep. 81 ad Siriac. & ser. 38. Aug. ser. 181. the temp. Ireu. lib. 1. haer. ca 2. & l. 3. c. 4. Hier. ad Pamach. Ep. 61. ●a. 9 Leo ser. 11. the pass. dom. Ep. 13. ad Pulcher. Aug. ser. count Eu●ych. Max. Taur. Ep. Hom. de trad. Simb. paschas. praef. lib. de Sanct. and others. I Believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in jesus Christ his only Son our Lord. Which was conceived by the holy Ghost, borne of the Virgin Ma●y. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. Descended into hell. The third day he arose again from the dead. Ascended into heaven. Sitteth at the right hand of God the Father almighty. Fron thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the holy Ghost. The holy Catholic Church. The communion of Saints. The forgiveness of sins. The resurrection of the body. And life everlasting. Amen. Direction out of S. Ambrose lib. 3. Virgin. We ought to repeat daily the Creed as the seal of our heart, in the hours before day. To which, when we are afraid, of any thing, we must run continually. For when is a soldier in camp, a warrior in battle, without his sign of warfare to be discerned by? A Meditation, or brief exposition upon the same Creed, out of S. Clem. Ep. 1. translated by Ruffinus, within 400 years of Cirist. Ruffinus in praef ad Gaudent. in Re●ogn. vasen. Conc. can. 6. Alexan. 1. Ep. ex Conc. Rom. Anaclet. Ep. 3. IT greatly behoveth all men that are called by the Christian name, truly to believe and acknowledge, the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost, one God and Lord, and with all their The duty of ● Christian. mind, and all their heart, and all their power, to love him and their neighbours as themselves, and to be instructed, to perfect Doctrine, to accomplish these. things. For faith and Charity, are ●he foundation of all Goodness, Heb. 11. and without Faith no man can can please god. Therefore Christ being risen from death, & ascended into heaven, after the holy Ghost was sent, the Apostles having the knowledge of tongues, bestowed upon them, being yet together, composed the Symbol, which the true believing Church now holdeth, every one of them saying what he thought. That when they should departed one from an other, they might preach this rule throughout all nations. Wherefore so they taught, proposing a sum of the whole Catholic faith, in which both the integrity of our belief, and the equality of one god omnipotent, that is, the holy Trinity, is declared, & the mystery of the Incarnation, of the Son of god, who for the salvation of mankind, descending fro● his Father in heaven, vouchsaifed to be borne of a Virgin, and by what means, & when he suffered death, how being buried, he arose, and in his flesh itself, ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father, and shall come to be our judge, and how he bestowed remission of sins, to them that be regenerate in holy baptism, & the resurrection of mankind in the same flesh, for the life to come. For Symbol in greek, is called in latin, a Collection. And this the said Apostles among themselves, by the holy Ghost, as before is said, for the good of us. It is also named a sign, because by this, he that truly believeth, is known. Therefore esaluation of their souls, & everlasting life is by good works prepared to all that believe the things contained in the foresaid Symbol. An other Meditation upon the same, out of S. Maximus Episc. Thaur. hom. de tradit. Symboli. WHen among our Fathers, as the book of judges maketh mention, certain Trib●s of Israel, fell to civil wars among themselves, and because of the like habit of one people, there could be no distinction to know the soldiers by: that Tribe which had the justest cause of war, because it worthily by the help of god presumed of victory, ordained to itself a sign in a secret speech, that those whom one likeness of armour confounded, the mystery of their watchword might distinguish. Which example, as I suppose, the blessed Apostles imitating, delivered the mystery of the Symbol to the Church of God, which they armed against the malice of the devils fury: that because under one name of Christ, there would be a difference of believers, the sign of the Symbol, might make distinction between the true faithful, and the misbelievers. And he that was a stranger from faith, and enemy of the Church, might appear either as one not baptized that knew it not, or as an heritik that had corrupted it. A Meditation necessary, for a direction to all professing Christ crucified, upon that word of our Creed, Crucified. Ciril. Hieros'. Catech. 4. Illumin. MAny others have been crucified, but what other that was crucified is there, whose invocation expelleth devils? Therefore let us not be ashamed of the Cross of Christ. But if any man doth hide it, sign thou thyself openly in thy fornead with the Cross, that the devils seeing th● sign of the King, may with trembling fle● fa●re of. Make this sign, when thou eatest, when thou drinkest, and sitting, and standing, and speaking, and walking: briefly in all thy business. An other of S. Ephrem, ser. de cruse D●mini. DOminus regnavit a Ligno. Our Lord hath ●e●gned from the tree The Cross ruleth, which all Nations adore. T●e C●●sse is the hope of christians▪ the Resurrection of the dead, staffs of the lame, comfort of the poor, bridle of the rich, subversion of the proud. The Cross, the triumph against devils, a father of orphans and pupils, counselor of the just, comfort & ease of the afflicted, keeper of infants, head of men, crown of old men, a light to them that sit in darkness, magnificence of Kings, freedom offeruantes, wisdom of the unlearned; philosophy of the barbarous. The Cross, the preaching of the Prophets, companion of the Apostles, glorifying of Martyrs, shamefastness of virgins, joy of priests. The Cross, foundation of the Church, and security of the world, destruction of the temples of Idols, scandal of the jews, strength of the weak, medicine of the s●ck, food of the hungry, and fountain of the thirsty. This it is, which fastened in the middle Mat. 27. Marc. ●5. of the earth, in the place of Calvary presently budded forth, the best branch of grapes of our life. This planted in Luc 23. Io. 19 Phil. 2. Eph. 4. the middle of the earth, most prudently hath comprehended the ends of the world. On this, Christ our God being exalted, led again captivity captive, which was detained by the tyrant beneath. In that Christ destroyed the most devouring bely of hell, and stopped the working, and wide open gaping mouth of the devil: He being seen, death did tremble and quake for fear, and dismissed all free, which from the first man, unto that time, it had held under her rule and tyranny. Another of S chrysostom adver. gent. demonst. etc. et hom. 55. in Matth. THe Cross, which was cursed, which was abominable, a sign of death: is made a thing more noble than Diadems and Crowns. For the head is not so adorned with a kingly crown, as with the Cross which is more worthy than any ornament, & that which in former times, all so much abhorred, now they so much seek to have the sign thereof. It is now found in every place: with Princes, subjects, men, women, Virgins, the married, bound, and free. All men oftentimes sign themselves therewith, making it on our noblest member, for it is daily figured on our forehead as upon a pillar. So it shineth on the holy Table, so in the ordinations of Priests, so again with the body of Christ in the Mystical supper. Marvelous is this grace no man is ashamed of it, no man blusheth at it, thinking that it hath been the sign of a cursed death: but all men are more adorned with it, then with ●rownes of Diadems, or many jewels, and chains, beset with precious stones. Hieronimus Ep. 128 ad Fabiol. Exod. 28. Thou shalt make a plate of the purest gold, etc. fastening it on the forehead etc. THat which in times past, was demonstrated in the golden plate is showed in the sign of the Cross. Then the sign, according to the saying of Ezechiel, was fastened on the forehead of them that mourned: now we that bear the Cross, do say, O Lord the light of thy countenance, is signed Hier. inc. 9 Ezech. upon us. K●l none, upon whom you shall see the sign Thou. In the old characters of the Hebrews, which the Samaritans vs● to this day, the last letter is Than, having the similitude of a Cross, which is made in the foreheads of Christians, and signed, by often forming it with our hand. A prayer after the Creed, out of S. Hilary, l. 1●. Trin. in fine. Preserve o Lord, this Religion of my faith unspotted, and till my soul departeth from me, geum me this voice of conscience, that I may always keep that which I have professed in the Symbol of my Regeneration, when I was baptized, in the Father and the Son, and the holy Ghost, that is, may worship thee our Father, thy Son together with thee, and may deserve thy holy Spirit which is of thee by thy only begotten Son. Because there is a fit witness for my faith unto me saying, Father, all my things are thine, and thine, are mine: my Lord jesus Christ remaining in thee, and of thee, and with thee, always God, who is blessed for ever. Amen. An other inter oper. sancti Cipriani, de Symb. which some ascribe to S. Cip. others to Ruffinus. Our Lord vouchsafe to grant us, that keeping the Faith which we have received, after our course is ended, to expect the crown of justice laid up in store, and to be found among them that rise again to everlasting life, & to be delivered from confusion and ever-during reproach, by Christ our Lord, by whom to God the Father almighty, with the holy Ghost, be glory and rule, world without end Amen. Meditations and prayers, upon those words of the Creed, Communion of Saints, may be used before journay, or other business. Gen. 48. THe Angel which hath delivered me from all evils: bless these children. The Angel of our Lord, will put him Ps. 33. self in the compass of them that fear him: and deliver them. He hath given his Angels charge Psal. 90 of thee: that they keep thee in all thy ways. When thou diddest pray with tears, Tob. 12. & buriedst the dead, & left thy dinner, and hiddest the dead in the day in thy house, and buriedst them in the night: I did offer thy prayer to our Lord. I am Raphael the Angel, one of the seven which stand before our Lord. The vision was this. Onias which Mach. l. 2. c. vlt. had been high Priest, holding out his hands, to pray for all the people, of Israel, and after this an other man appearing, marvelous for age and glory, and with habit of great comeliness about him, and Onias answering, to have said: This is a lover of his brethren, & the people of Israel, this is he that prayeth much for the people, and all the holy City, jeremy the prophet of god. The four and twenty Elders, fell down before the Lamb, having every Apoc. 5. one haps and Phials of Gold, full of sweet odores, which are the prayers of Saints. A Prayer of judas Machabeus, 2. Machab. cap. vlt. O Lord, who hast sent thy Angel 4. Reg. 10. Tob. 21. under Ezechias king of juda, and killed an hundred fourscore and five thousand of the army of Sennacherib: and Eccl. 48. Is. 7. 1. Mac. 7. etc. now o Lord of heavens, send thy good Angel before us in fear and trembling of the greatness of thy strength, that they which come against thy holy people, may be afraid. A Meditation out of S. Cyprian, de mortalitate. WE must consider, and think with ourselves, that we have renounced the world, and live here a while, as strangers, and pilgrims. Let us embrace that day, which appointeth every one to his dwelling house, which restoareth us, being delivered from hence, and freed from worldly snare, to paradise and the heavenly kingdom. What man, being a pilgrim far of, would not hasten to return to his Country? Who seeking with speed to sail unto his friends, would not wishingly desire, a prosperous wind, that he might quickly embrace his dearly beloved friends? We account Paradise to be our Country, & have begun to have the patriarchs for our parents. Why do we no● make haste and run, that we may see our country, and salute our parents? A great number of our dear friends, expect us there, a frequent and abundant company, of parents, brethren, children, desireth us, now secure of their own immortality, and yet careful for our salvation. What great and common joy is it, both to them and us, to come to their sight and embracing? What pleasure is there of the heavenly Kingdoms, without fear of dying, & with eternity of living? How exceeding and everlasting felicity? There is the glorious company of the Apostles, there the number of rejoicing prophets, there innumerable people of Martyrs crowned for their victory of combat and suffering, there Virgins triumphing, which have subdued the concupiscence of flesh and body, with the force of continency, there the merciful rewarded, which have done the works of justice, with feeding & liberally rewarding the poor, have translated their earthly patrimonies, to the celestial treasures. Let us with a greedy wishing, hasten unto these, that we may desire soon to be with these and come to Christ. S. Leo ser. in Epiph. Dom. c. 4. Confirm your friendships with holy Angels, enter into the City of god, whose inhabitation, is promised unto us: and join yourselves in company with the patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, and Martyrs. Rejoice in such things as they joy in. Covet their richesses, and by good emulation, seek to obtain their suffrages. S. Euseb. Emiss. hom. de S. Stephano. LEt us inquire what need or reason there is, seeing the holy Martyrs being placed in that light of paradise, need not human praises, why they are celebrated with so great affections of men. Why are their Relics (God reveling them) so manifested to the world? Doubtless for many causes. First they are worshipped of careful men, that they may make intercession for their diligent worshippers. Again, that whilst they are proposed to posterity for an example of devotion and faith, they may always be increased with new merits: & now renowned for their virtues, they may also be amplified by the profits of others. And further that the old enemy even before judgement, may see the punishment of his malice, by which he understandeth, that he hath fought for the glory of Saints: that whom he seethe here now honoured, he needeth not doubt, but there they will be revenged. That when the whole world doth celebrate the crown of the martyred, the killer of Martyrs, must needs bewail his victory. S. Augstin. lib. meditat. cap. 20. O House of God, bright, & beautiful, I have loved thy comeliness, and the place of the habitation of the glory of our lord, my possessor, and maker. Let my pilgrimage sigh unto thee day and night. Let my heart be open unto thee. Let my mind intent thee. Let my soul desire to come unto the fellowship of thy blessedness. I speak unto him that made thee, that he may possess me in thee because he hath made me, & thee. And speak thou, ask thou him, that he make me worthy of the participation of thy glory, for I do not require thy holy society, and thy admirable beutifulnes, by my merit, but by his blood, with which I was redeemed: I do not despair to obtain it, only let thy merits help me, Let thy most pure prayers, which by no means can be uneffectual with god, assist my wickedness. I have erred, I confess, as ● lost sheep, and my inhabitation is porlonged, and I am cast far from the face of our lord, into this blindness of exile, where banished from the joys of paradise, I daily be wail with myself, upon the miseries of my captivity, a doleful song and great lamentations, when I remember thee, o my mother Jerusalem, while my feet do stand in thy courts, o holy and beautiful zion, not yet able to look openly into thy inward things, but I hope to be earied b●e●●● unto thee, upon the shoulders of my shepherd thy builder, that I may rejoice with thee in that unspeakable joy, with which they rejoice that are with thee, before god himself, and our saviour, which hath dissolved enmities in his flesh, & Eph. 2. with his blood pacified all things that are in heaven, & in earth. For he is our peace who hath made, both one, who joining two contrary wales together in him, hath promised to give unto us, by the like manner, and the same measure, the continuing felicity of his happiness, saying: They shall be equal to the Angels of god in Math. 22. Luc. 20 heaven. O Jerusalem the everlasting house of god, next to the love of Christ, be thou my joy and consolation, let the sweet memory of thy blessed name, be the relief of my sorrow & weariness. A prayer out of S. Victor. Vticen. l. 3. pers. Vand. BE present unto me o you Angels of my god, who are never absent, constituted in your ministry for them, which shall receive the inheritance of salvation, Consider, & behold, how Zion the City of our god, is made vile, become Thren. v ●. as it wear unseemly, defiled among her enemies. The enemy hath laid his hand upon all her desirable things, because she hath seen the Gentiles to invade, and enter her courts, of which thou haddest commanded that they should not enter into thy Church. Her ways do mourn because no man do●h come in the festival day. All comeliness and delight are gone from her countenance. Her virgins & young people brought up in Monasteries, have learned to tread sharp ways, and are gone into captivity. The holy stones, are scattered abroad, not only in streets but in filthy places. Pray for her you patriarchs, which now is persecuted on earth. O holy Prophets pray, knowing that she, whom before you have tuned with a prophetical praise, is now afflicted. O Apostles, be you spokesmen, for her, whom to gather together, you have run as most swift horses through the whole world, our Lord ascending upon you, chiefly thou, o blessed Peter, why art thou silent for the sheep and lambs, with great weariness & solicitude committed unto thee by our common Lord? Thou holy Paul Doctor of the Gentiles, who from jerusalem, to Illyricum, hast preached the Gospel of god, and all you holy Apostles, lament together with us. Let it be said to the striking Angel, It sufficeth, now hold thy hand. We prostrate, ask, that you do not despise your wretched sinners, by him that promoted you lowly fishers, to the highest Apostolical dignity. S. August. l. meditat. c. 40. O Holy & immaculate virgin Marry mother of god, and mother of our Lord jesus Christ, vouchsaif to make intercession for me with him, whose temple thou diddest deserve to be. O holy Michael holy Gabriel, holy Raphel, o holy Queares of Angels, Archangels, patriarchs & Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, priests, Levites, Monks, Virgins, and all the just, I presume to beseech you, by him, who hath chosen you, & of whose contemplation you rejoice, that you will vouchsafe to make supplication to God for me that am sinful, that I may deserve, to be delivered forth of the jaws of the devil, & from everlasting death. An other out of S. john Chrisostom. in miss. vers. a Leon. Tusc. O Apostles, Martyrs, and Prophets, Priests, Confessors, & you the just, who have well finished your combat, and kept your faith, conserving your confidence with our Saviour: pray for us, that our souls may be saved. Amen An other of S. Ephrem, de laud. Mart. O Most blessed Martyrs, who willingly and readily have undergone torments, for our Lord our Saviour, and for his love, & therefore are familiarly conjoined with our Lord, we beseech you to vouchsaife to make intercession to our Lord for us wretches, and sinners, defiled with the filth of negligence, that the grace of Christ may come upon us, that may illustrate our hearts with the beam of holy Charity, that we may love him with all our heart. O most blessed men, and most glorious Martyrs of God, help me a wretch with your prayers, that I may obtain mercy in that hour, when the hidden things of men shall be manifest. Assist before the throne of Majesty, for me a wretch, that by your prayers, I may deserve to be saved, and enjoy eternal blessedness with you. Amen. Aug. lib. Med. cap. 24. O Al you happy Saints of god, which have now passed over the sea of this mortality, and deserved to come to the haven of ever-during quietness, security, and peace, you are secure, and quiet, and always pleasant and rejoicing. I beseech you, by your Charity, that you which are secure for yourselves, will be careful for us: you are secure of your own never fading glory, be you careful of our manifold misery. I ask you, by him that hath chosen you, who hath made you such, of whose beauty you are now filled, by whose immortality, you are made immortal, of whose most blessed vision, you ever rejoice: be you continually mindful of us. Secure us wretches, who as yet in the sea of this life, are tossed with storms, enuyroning us round about. You that are the most beautiful gates, which have risen to a great height, help us a vile pavement, lying far underneath. give us your hand, and lift us, that lie down, upon our feet, that recovering our infirmity we may be made strong in battle. Make intercession, and pray constantly and continually for us wretches, and very negligent sinners, that by your prayers, we may be joined to your holy company, for we are very frail, dwarves, of no strength, creatures of the belly, and bound-slaves of flesh, in whom scarcely any foot-step of virtue, appeareth, and yet being placed under the confession of Christ, we are carried upon the wood of the cross, sailing ●uer this great and spaceous sea, where be little creatures with great, where the most cruel dragon, is always ready to devour, where dangerous places be, Scylla and Charybdis, & others innumerable, in which, men unwary, & doubtful in faith, make ship wrack. Pray unto our Lord, o you most godly, pray unto him, o all you armies of Saints, and all you companies of blessed ones, pray you, that being helped by your prayers and merits, with our ship saife, and merchandise preserved, we may deserve to come to the haven of eternal salvation and rest, and continual peace & security, never to have end. Missa Rom. antiq. Reverencing the memory, first of the ever glorious virgin Mary, Mother of God, and our Lord jesus Christ, and of the blessed Apostles and Martyrs Peter and Paul, Andrew, james, john, Thomas, james, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and Thadee, Linus, Cletus, Clemens, Xistus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Laurence, Chrisogone, john and Paul, Cosmas & Damianus, & all thy Saints, by whose merits and prayers, grant o Lord, that in all things we may be defended, by the help of thy protection, by the same Christ our Lord. Amen. S. Ephrem. serm. in laud, omnium sanct. Martyrum. O Most holy Martyrs, we beseech you, who for our Lord our Saviour and his love, have freely and readily sustained most cruel torments, for which you are more familiarly joined unto him, that you would entreat our Lord for us wretched sinners, covered with the filth of negligence, that he would power his divine grace upon us, which may continually lighten & illuminate our hearts with the beam of holy Charity, by which we may be able to love him with all our heart, and with all our mind. Idem, supra. O Most holy Martyrs of Christ, I beseech you stand before the Throne of the divine Majesty for me a vile & wretched sinner, that by your prayers, I may deserve to obtain salvation, and enjoy eternal felicity with you, by the grace, bounty, and mercy of our Lord and Savionr jesus Christ, to whom, with the Father and holy Ghost, be praise, honour, power, and glory, world without end. Amen. The ancient litanies used in the Roman Church, especially in dedicating Churches, confirmed by the primitive Fathers, and public Liturgies, & word by word registered in ord. part. 2. de Officus c●p. Lytanta in ord. aedificanda Ecclesia. Ordo Rom. whereto this is joined, and is cited and expounded by S. Albinus, S. Amalarius, Micrologus etc. And may be used before journay, or any business. LOrd have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. O Christ hear us. O Saviour of the world, help us. O holy Mary, pray for us. Saint Peter, pray for us. Saint Andrew, pray for us. Saint james, pray for us. Saint john, pray for us. Saint Thomas, pray for us. Saint james, pray for us. Saint Philip, pray for us. Saint Bartholomew, pray for us. Saint Matthew, pray for us. Saint Simon, pray for us. Saint Thadee, pray for us. Saint Mathias, pray for us. Saint Luke, pray for us. Saint Mark, pray for us. O all holy Apostles & Evangelists, pray. Saint Stephen, pray for us. Saint Chrispine, pray for us. Saint ●hrispinian, pray for us. Saint Linus, pray for us. Saint Cletus, pray for us. Saint Clement, pray for us. Saint Sixtus, pray for us. Saint Cornelius, pray for us. Saint Cyprian, pray for us. Saint Laurence, pray for us. Saint Chrysogone, pray for us. Saint Device, pray for us. O all holy Martyrs, pray for us. Saint Silvester, pray for us. Saint Hilarius, pray for us. Saint Martin, pray for us. Saint Leo, pray for us. Saint Ambrose, pray for us. 4 If this S. Gregory be S. Gregory, 1. Pope, & not any of the former Saints of that name: in all probability he was for his rare sanct tie added after, and so if any other in that state be hear remembered: this manner of Invocation being used in the Church, long before his days, as the english protestants themselves do grant. Saint Gregory, pray for us. Saint German, pray for us. Saint Remigius, pray for us. Saint Jerome, pray for us. Saint Benedict, pray for us. O all holy Confessors, pray for us. Saint Felicitas, pray for us. Saint Perpetua, pray for us. Saint Agatha, pray for us. Saint Lucia, pray for us. Saint Agna, pray for us. Saint Petronella, pray for us. Saint Regina, pray for us. Saint Christina, pray for us. Saint Margaret, pray for us. Saint Eutropia, pray for us. Saint Brigide, pray for us. O all holy Virgins and Widows. pray for us. O all Saints, pray for us. Be merciful unto us: spare us o Lord. From all evil, o Lord deliver us. From the deceits of the devil, o Lord deliver us. From thine anger, o Lord deliver us. From all iniquity, o Lord deliver us. From everlasting death, o Lord deliver us. By thy Nativity, o Lord deliver us. By thy Cross, o Lord deliver us. By thy Passion, o Lord deliver us. By thy Death, o Lord deliver us. By thy Resurrection, o Lord deliver us. By thy Ascension, o Lord deliver us. By the coming of the holy Ghost the Comforter, o Lord deliver us, In the day of judgement, o Lord deliver us. We sinners beseech thee hear us. That thou wilt give us peace, we beseech thee hear us. That thou wilt grant us seasonable wether; we beseech thee etc. That thou wilt give us the fruits of the earth, we beseech. That thou wilt grant us space of penance, we beseech. That thou wilt give us remission of our sins, we beseech thee. That thou wilt vouchsafe to infuse the grace of the holy Ghost into our hearts, we beseech. That thou wilt vouchsafe to preserve our Lord Apostolic, and all ecclesiastical order, in holy Religion, we beseech. That thou wilt vouchsafe to exalt thy Church. we beseech. That thou wilt vouchsafe to consecrate this house, made to the honour of thy name, a Kingly palace to thee our God, we beseech. That thou vouchsafe to be merciful to us sinners, we beseech. That thou wilt vouchsafe to bring us to the promised reward of thy glory, we beseech. That thou vouchsafe to hear us, we beseech thee. That thou vouchsaif to keep us, we. Son of god, we beseech. Lamb of god that takest away the sins of the world, spare us o Lord. Lamb of god, who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. O Christ hear us. Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us. Lord have mercy upon us. Meditations and prayers when we rise in the morning. IN my bed I have sought him, whom Cant. 3. my soul doth love, I will rise, & go about the city; by Towns, & streets I will seek him whom my soul doth love. O Lord thou art my receiver, my Ps. 3. glory, and raising up my head, with my voice I have cried to our lord, and he hath hard me from his holy mountain. I have slept, and slumbered, and have risen, because our lord hath received me. O God, my god, I do awake to thee Ps. 62. from the light, my soul hath thirsted in thee. O Lord have mercy upon us, for we Is. 33. have expected thee; be thou our strength in the morning, and salvation in time of trouble. S. Athanasius l. de virginitate sive meditatione. Whether thou risest, or sittest, or dost any work, or eatest, or goest to bed, to sleep, or risest from bed, let not the praise, of god be absent from thy lips. S. Ephrem de Panoplia. Defend thyself with the sign of the cross, signing therewith, thy sitting down and rising up, thy bed, & whatsoever things, thou passest by, first sign them, in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy ghost. S. Ambros. l. 3. virgin. Repeat often in thy chamber, our lords prayer either when thou awakest, or before thou goest to sleep. Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy &c. S. Ephrem ser. de laudib. sanctiss. virg. Mariae. O Lady, o full of grace, move my tongue, and my lips, to sing praises unto thee, and especially that angelical song, which the Angel Gabriel did sing unto thee. Hail Marry full of grace, our lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women: etc. S. Ambros. sup. l. 3. virginit. We ought daily to rehearse the Crede in the hours before day. I believe in god, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in jesus Christ, his only son, our lord etc. S. August. l. mediate. cap. 40. O Lord god omnipotent, I commend to thee this day, and ever, my soul, my body, my seeing, hearing, taste, smelling, & touching, my thoughts, affections, speech, deeds, and all my both external, and internal things, sense, and understanding, memory, my faith, and belief, & perseverance, into the hand of thy power, that thou vouchsaife to keep them, days and nights, hours, & moments. O holy Trinity, hear me and preserve me from all evil, from all scandal, from all mortal sin, from all deceipts and infestations of devils, and enemies visible and invisible, by the prayers of the patriarchs, by the merits of the Prophets, by the intercession of the Apostles, by the constancy of Martyrs, by the faith of Confessors, by the chastity of Virgins, and by the supplication of all thy Saints that have pleased thee, from the beginning of the world. S. Ambrose in hymn. O holy Father, now that we have refreshed our body with sleep we arise, and beseech thee to be present with us, praying unto thee. Let our tongue chiefly praise thee, and the fervour of our mind, seek after thee, to be the beginning of our works. Let darkness give place to light, and the night to day, that all offence which the night hath brought, may suddenly fall down. We humbly beseech thee, to cut of, all occasion of sins, that we may praise thee for ever. S. Ambros. him. ad laud. far. 2. O Brightness of the Father's glory, light of light, and fountain of light, the day that doth lighten the day, and true ●unne: come down into us, shining with everlasting brightness, and infuse into our senses, the beam of the holy Spirit. With our prayers, we call upon thee Father, Father of eternal glory, Father of effectual grace, to abandon our proneness to sin, inform our diligent actions, blunt the teeth of the enemy, prosper our adversities, give us grace to do our duty, govern and rule our mind. Aurelius Prudentius, in Cathemerin. hymn. Mat●tin. O Night, darkness, confused & misty clouds of the world, depart away, the sky is bright, Christ doth come, this hour is profitable for all m●●, for every one to do his business that he affecteth, soldier, Citizen, Mariner, workman, ploughman, Merchant. But we that know thee alone, o Christ, do learn to pray unto thee with a pure and single mind, thee we beseech weeping upon our knees, we live by this art, we begin these duties, now the Sun is risen and shineth. Have a care of our senses, and regard to all our life: let so many things, obscured with darkness, be purged with thy light. Command that, all uncleanness being taken away, we continue such as we were made in baptism. Whatsoever the night of this world hath infected us, with the dark clouds thereof: Thou the light of the sun, vouchsafe to illuminate with thy cheerful countenance. Let that darkness now cease, which hitherto hath drawn us headlong with unhappy steps, in wandering error. Let this light bestow clearness upon us, make us clean, that we speak no subtlety, and think of nothing that is of darkness. Let the whole day be so spent, that neither our tongue, nor hand, nor eyes, commit any sin, nor any offence defile our body. For he that beholdeth all things from above, is present, that continually seethe our actions, from the beginning of morning, to the evening. He is witness, he is arbitrator, he beholdeth whatsoever man's mind conceiveth, he is the judge, whom no man can deceive. Missa S. jacobi Apost. received, Concil. Constantinop. 6. general. Can. 32. LEt us pray to our Lord, to forgive us our sins, and grant pardon to our offences, and deliver us from all tribulation, anger, danger, & necessity: That we may spend all our days, in perfection, peace, and without sin. Let us all ask of our Lord, the Angel of p●ace, the faithful guide, keeper of our souls and bodies. Let us ask of our Lord, pardon & remission of our sins & offences. Let us ask of our Lord, things that are good and profitable to our souls & bodies, that he will give peace to the world. Let us ask of our Lord, that we may finish the rest of our life, in peace and health. Let us ask of our Lord, that we may persever in Christian and sincere faith to the end without sorrow, grief, or infamy: and a good defence before that fearful and dreadful Tribunal of Christ. Let us ask of Christ, for thou art that good Annunciation, Illumination, Saviour, & keeper of our souls and bodies, God▪ and thy only begotten Son, and thy most holy spirit, now, and ever, and world without end. Amen. Miss. Mozarab. The grace of God, the Father almighty, the love of our Lord jesus Christ, & the communication of the holy Ghost, be with us for ever. Meditations, and prayers for the morning. I Love them that love me, and they Pro 8. that watch to me in the morning, shall find me. In the morning I will watch unto Is. thee. I have cried to thee, o Lord, and Ps. 87. in the morning my prayer shall come before thee. It is good to confess unto our lord, Ps. 91. & sing unto thy nam●, o most highest, to show forth thy mercy in the morning. The people did offer their prayers Exod. ●6. Ps. 62. daily in the morning. In the morning I will meditate on thee, because thou hast been my helper. The kingdom of heaven is like an househoulder, Mat. 20. that went forth, early in the morning, to hire workmen into his vineyard. S. Clem. Roman. constitut. 55. Apostol. l. 2. c. 63. Exhort the people, daily to frequent the church, in the morning, & evening, and never at all, to be absent. S. Clem. Rom. supr. lib. 8. c. 37. Let every faithful man, or woman, earery in the morning, when they arise from sleep, pray, before they begin any work. S. EPiphanius in Compendiar. Morning Hymns are used continually, in the church, & morning prayers. A meditation, or preparation to prayer, out of S. Basile, Const. Mon. c. 2. 3. THere be two manners of praying, whereof the one is in glorification, yielding submission of mind: The other in petition, to be used after the former. Wherefore when thou art to pray, do not presently fall to petition, otherways thou art an evidence to thy will, that thou makest not thy prayers unto god, until by necessity thou be urged unto it. Therefore when soever thou art determined to pray, forsake wife, children, and thyself also, and departed far from things of the earth; climb above the heaven, and leave behind thee all creatures visible, and invisible, and begin with glorifying him, that created all things. And when thou hast sufficiently rested on him, say as followeth. I give thanks unto thee o Lord, for thy incredible clemency and gentleness, in bearing with the offences of men, who sufferest me that sinneth daily, and givest power to us all, to amend our lives. For this is the cause for which thou art silent, and sparest us o Lord, that we should give thanks unto thee, who dost manage the salvation of mankind, sometime by threatening, sometime by exhorting with lenity. And first diddest visit us by thy Prophets, and lastly by the coming of thy Christ. For thou hast framed us, and not we ourselves, thou art our god. And when thou hast sufficiently given thanks, and glorified god, with praises of holy Scripture, than again with humility begin and say. I am not worthy o Lord, to speak before thee because I am exceedingly a sinner. And although to thyself thou art guilty of no sin, yet it behoveth thee so to say. For seeing that in many jac. 3. things we all offend, yet we do not understand the greater part of our offences. Therefore the Apostle said, I am 1. Cor. 4. guilty to myself in nothing, but in this I am not justified. Which is the same as if he had said, I commit many offences, which I know not, that I commit them. For this cause also the Prophet said. Who doth understand his offences. Ps. 18. And when thou hast sufficiently in words showed thy humility and said, I I give thanks to thee o Lord, that thou hast suffered me a sinner, so long time with thy patience, and to this day exacted of me no punishment of my sins. Verily o Lord, I had long since deserved infinite punishments, and was worthy to be buried most far from thy sight: but thy most patiented gentleness hath most mercifully borne with me a sinner. I give thanks, I say, unto thee, although I know myself unable to render thanks answerable to thy clemency towards men. And so soon as thou hast satisfied these two duties, that is of giving thanks, & humility, then at last ask what thou oughtest to ask. A Meditation out of S. Leo, ser. 1. de Nativitate Domini. O Christian, acknowledge thy Meditations and prayers for morning. dignity, and being made partaker of divine nature, do not return by degenerate conversation, to thine old vileness. Forgeate not, of what head, and whose body, thou art member. Cal to mind, how being delivered from the power of darkness, thou art translated into the light & king doom of god. Do not drive away from thee with wicked deeds, so worthy an inhabitant, and again subject thyself, to the slavery of the devil: because thy price, is the Blood of Christ, who in justice, will judge thee, who in mercy, hath reedeemed thee, who with the Father and the holy Ghost, reigneth for ever. Amen. An other Meditation out of S. Athanasius, ser. de sanctiss. Deipara. CHhrist receiving the throne of Ps. 109. David, shall reign among Christians for ever, & of his Kingdom Luc. 1. Dan. 7. there shall be none end. For being borne of a Virgin, and having consummated all things, that belonged to the business of his death & Cross, after his Resurrection, he said unto his Disciples, Alpower is given to me, in heaven & in Math. 28. earth. Behold now from thence he be 'gan to reign, and is declared to be the King of Christians, as men in the beginning of their prayers, exhorting one an other, & calling the company together, do use to cry, Come let us adore & fall Ps. 94. down, before Christ our King. Psal. 94. COme let us rejoice unto our lord, let us make joy to god our Saviour. Let us approach to his presence in confession, and in psalms let us make joy unto him. Because god is a great lord, and a great king above all gods. Because in his hand are all the bounds of the earth, and the heights of the mountains are his. Because the sea is his, and he made it, & his hands framed the earth. Come let us adore, and fall down, and weep before our lord, that made us, because he is the lord our god. And we are his people, and sheep of his pasture. To day if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts. As in provocation, like as in the day of temptation in the wilderness. Where your fathers tempted me, proved me, & saw my works. Forty years was I offended with that generation, & I said, they always err in heart. And these have not known my ways: as I have sworn in my anger, if they shall enter into my rest. 4 Pope Damasus ordained Gloria Patri etc. to be said after every Psalm. In vita Dams. con. Vas. c. 7. proveth it ageneral custom. S. Aug. l. 9 confess. c. 7. etc. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the holy Ghost: As it was in the beginning, is now & ever shall be world without end. Amen. Direction out of S. Clement & Athanas. Clem. const. l. 2. c. 63. Come together early in the morning, singing & praying: In the morning saying, 62. psalm. Atharisius l. de virgin. In the morning say this psalm. O God, my god, from the light Ps. 62. do I watch to thee. My soul hath thirsted after thee: and my flesh very many ways. In a land desert, where there is no way, and without water, so in the holy, have I appeared unto thee: that I might see thy power, and thy glory. Because thy mercy is better than lives: my lips shall praise thee. So will I bless thee in my life: and in thy name, will I lift up my hands. Like as with fat and fatness, let my soul be filled: and my mouth shall praise, with lips of joyfulness. So have I been mindful of thee upon my bed, in the morning I will meditate on thee: because thou hast been my helper. And in the covert of thy wings, I will rejoice, my soul hath cleeved after thee: thy right hand hath received me. But they in vain have sought my soul, they shall enter into the lower parts of the earth: they shall be given over into the hands of the sword, they shall be made the portions of foxes. But the King shall rejoice in God: all shall be praised that swear in him, because the mouth of them which speak wicked things, is stopped. Glory be to the Father, & to etc. As it was in the beginning etc. The prayer of Manasses 2. paral.. vlt. O Lord omnipotent, god of our Fathers, Abraham, and Isaac, and jacob, and the just f●ede of them, who hast made heaven, and earth, with all their beauty, who hast tied the sea with the word of thy precept, who hast concluded the depth, and signed it with thy terrible, and laudable name, whom all things do fear, and tremble before the face of thy power, because the magnificence of thy glory, is importable, & the anger of thy threatening over sinners, unsustentable. Truly great, and investigable is the mercy of thy promise, because thou art Lord most high, bountiful, long suffering, and much merciful, and sorrowful for the malices of men. O Lord, thou according to the multitude of thy goodness, hast promised peace and remission unto them that have sinned against thee: and in the multitude of thy mercies, hast decreed repentance for sinners to salvation. Therefore thou Lord god of the just, hast not appointed penance for the just, Abraham, Isaac, and jacob, those that have not sinned against thee, but hast appointed penance for me a sinner, because I have sinned above the number of the sands of the sea, o Lord: mine iniquities are multiplied, multiplied are mine iniquities, & I am not worthy to behold and look up to the highness of heaven, for the manifoldness of mine iniquities. I am crooked with a great iron chain, that I may not lift up my head, and respiration is not in me, because I have stirred up thine anger, and done evil before thee. I have not done thy will, and have not kept thy commandments, I have erected abominations, and multiplied offences: and now do bow the knee of my heat, beseeching goodness of thee. I have sinned o Lord, I have sinned, and do acknowledge mine iniquities. Wherefore I ask, entreating thee. forgive me o Lord, forgive me, destroy me not together with mine iniquities, neither, being angry for ever, reserve evil things for me, neither condemn me unto the lowest places of the earth, because thou art God, God, I say, of those that repent, and show all thy goodness towards me, because thou wilt save me unworthy, according to thy great mercy, and I will praise thee all the days of my life, because all the power of the heavens praise thee, & to thee is glory world without end. Amen. A Prayer of King Solomon. prou. 30. I Have asked two things of thee, deny them not unto me, before I die. Set vanity and lying words far from me. give me not beggarliness, and riches, give only things necessary for my living, lest peradventure being filled, I may be provoked to deny thee, & may say, who is our Lord? Or compelled by want, may steal, & forswear the name of my God. A Prayer of Esdras. 1. Esdr. 9 O My God I am confounded, & I am ashamed, to lift up my face to thee, because our iniquities are multiplied over our head, and our sins have grown, even unto heaven, from the days of our fathers: yea and we ourselves also have sinned grievously unto this day. Tobias 3. O Lord be mindful of me, and take not revenge on my sins, neither remember mine offences, nor the offences of my parents. Sap. 9 O God of my Fathers, and Lord of mercy, who hast made all things with thy word, & by thy wisdom hast ordained man, to rule the creatures which thou hast made. And that he might dispose the world in equity and justice, and judge judgement in direction of heart: grant unto me wisdom, the assistresse of thy seats, & reject me not from thy servants, for I am thy ser●ant, and son of thy handmaid, a ●an infirm, and of small time, and too little to understand thy judgement and Laws Ecclesiast. 36. O God of all, have mercy upon us, and have respect unto us, and show the light of thy commiserations to us, and show thy fear upon Nations, which have not sought thee, that they may know there is no God, but thou, & may declare thy worthy things. jerem. 10. O Lord I know that the way of man is not his own, neither is it of man, that he may walk & direct his goings. Correct me o Lord but with judgement, and not in thy fury, lest thou peradventure bring me again to nothing. Pour forth thine indignation upon Nations that have not known thee, and upon Countries that have not called upon thy name. O Lord expectation of Israel, all which jer. 17. forsake thee, will be confounded: they which go back from thee will be written in the earth; because they have forsaken the vain of living waters, our lord. heal me o lord, and I shall be healed: save me, and I shall be saife, because thou art my praise. I beseech thee, o Lord god great and Dan. 9 terrible, keeping covenant, and mercy to those that love thee, and k●●pe thy commandements: we have s●med, we have wrought iniqiuty, and ●one wickedly, and gone away, and d●parted from thy commandments, an● judgements. We have not obeyed thy servants the Prophets, which have spoken in thy name, to our Kings, to our Princes, to our Fathers, and to all the people of the land. O Lord, justice is to thee, but to us confusion of face: o Lord, confusion of face unto us, & to our kngies to our Princes & Fathers, who have sinned. But to thee Lord ●ur g●d, mercy & propitiation, because we have gone back from thee, & have not heard the voice of the Lord our god, that we might walk in his law. O our God, hear the prayer of thy servant, & his petitions. jeremias in orat. cap. 5. lament. O Lord remember what hath chanced unto us, and have respect unto our reproach. Our inheritance is converted to aliens, and our houses unto strangers. We are made pupils, without fathers or mothers as widows. But o Lord thou shalt remain for ever, thy state, from generation, to generation. Why wilt thou forgeat us for ever? Wilt thou long time forsake us? O lord convert us unto thee, and we shall be converted. Baruch. 2. O Lord look down upon us, from thy holy house, and incline thine ear and hear us. Open thine eyes and see, because the dead that be in hell, whose spirit is taken from their bowels, will not give honour and justification to our Lord. But the soul which is sad for the greatness of evil, & goeth crooked & weak, & fainting eyes, and an hungry soul, doth give glory and justice to thee our Lord. And now o Lord omnipotent, Cap. 3. god of Israel, a soul in distress, & troubled spirit, crieth unto thee: o Lord hear, and have mercy, for o god thou art merciful, and have mercy upon us, because we have sinned before thee: Remember not the iniquities of our fathers, but remember thy hand, and thy name in this time, because thou art lord our God, and we will praise thee o lord. Eccelsiasticus. 23. O Lord Father and ruler of my life, forsake me not in their counsel, suffer me not to fall in that reproach. Who doth impose scourges in my thought, and doctrine of wisdom in my heart, that they spare me not in their ignorances, and their offences appear not, and that mine ignorances may not increase, and mine offences multiplied, and my sins abound, and I may fall in the sight of mine adversaries, & ' my enemy may rejoice? O Lord, Father, and god of my life, forsake me not in thought of them. Arrogancy of mine eyes, give not unto me, & all evil desire, turn from me. A prayer for repentant sinners out of S. Clement Constut. Ap. l. 8. c. 12. ALmighty everlasting god, Lord of all, Crearor and governor of the world, who hast placed man for the ornament thereof, by Christ, & given him the law, natural and written, that as a reasonable creature he might have a rule to live according unto it: & if he should sin in any thing, thou hast delivered unto him the foundation of penance, thy goodness: look upon them that bow down the necks of their soul & body, unto the●, because thou desirest not the death of a sinner, but jer. 18. penance, that he may return from his evil way and live. Thou that diddest admit jonas 3. 1. Tim. 2. the penance of the Ninivites, who wouldst all men to be saved, & come to the knowledge of truth. Who received with fatherly affection Luc. 15. by penance, the son that lasciveously had consumed his portion: receive now also the penance of them, that pray unto thee, because there is none, that sinneth not against thee. If thou wilt obse●●e Ps. 129. our iniqities o Lord, o Lord who shall be able to endure it? Because with thee there is redemption, and bring them again into thy holy church, restoring unto them their former dignity & honour, by Christ our God and Saviour, by whom glory & adoration be unto thee in the holy Ghost for ever. Amen. A prayer for devotion and spiritual knowledge: out of S. Ephrem l. de armatura spirituali cap. 8. O Lord jesus Christ, open the ears and eyes of my heart, that I may hear and understand thy words, and obey thy wil I am a pilgrim on earth, keep not hidden from me thy commandments. Open my eyes, that I may understand, the things that are admirable in thy law. A prayer stirring up to give thanks to god for his benefits: out of S. Augustine in his book de spiritu & litera cap. 17. Unhappy and wretched man that I am, how much ought I to love my god, who made me when I was not, redeemed me when I was lost. I was not, & he made me of nothing, not a stone, not a tree, not a bird, or any other of such creatures, but he would have me to be a man. He gave me to live, to have sense, to understand. I was perished, and he descended to mortality, took mortality upon him, suffered his passion, overcame death, and so restored me. I was perished & gone away, because I was sold in my sins, he came after me that he might redeem me, and he so much loved me, that for me he would pay the price of his blood, and with such a covenant reduced me, from banishment, and redeemed me from slavery. Also he called me by his own name, that his memorial might always be upon me: he anointed me with oil of gladness, with which ●e himself was anointed, that of him, that is anointed, I might be anointed, and of Christ, might be called a Christian. So his grace and mercy have always prevented me, for my deliverer hath often delivered me from many dangers. When I did err, he reduced me: when I was ignorant, he taught me: when I sinned, he corrected me: when I was sad, he comforted me: when I fainted in hope, he strengthened me: when I sell, he lifted me up: when I stood, he sustained me: when I came, he received me. These and many other things, god hath done for me, of which, it is a pleasant thing to me, always to speak, always to think, all ways to give thanks, that for all his benefits, I may always praise & love him. A prayer to God the holy Ghost, for grace & sanctification, out of S. Cyprian, l. de Spir. s. COme holy Ghost, & from heaven enter into those that expect thy consolation. Sanctify the temple of our body, and conserate it for thy habitation, make the souls that desire thee, glad with thy presence, make the house worthy of such an inhabitant as thou art, adorn thy bride chamber, and compass about the staying place of thy rest, with varieties of virtues, strew the pavements with change of colours, let thy mansion shine with flaming carbuncles, and brightness of precious stones, and the sweet odours of all graces, send out their savour within. Let the liquor of balsamum, abundantly perfume thy lodging, with his sweetness, and driving from thence, whatsoever is corrupted, whatsoever is the seminary of corruption. Make this our joy, stable and everlasting, and confirm the renewing of thy creation, with incorruptible beauty for ever. A Prayer out of S. Gregory Nyssene. l. de S. bap. in fine. O Lord, thou truly art the pure and everlasting Fountain of goodness, who justly forsaking us, hast mercifully taken pity upon us; hatedst us, and art reconciled; hast cursed, and hast blessed us; banished us out of paradise, & called us back again; put of from us fig leaves, that undecent cou●ring, and clothed us with a most precious cloak; hast opened the prison, and let the condemned forth; hast sprinkled us with pure water, and cleansed us from filthiness. If hereafter Adam be called unto thee, he will not be ashamed, nor his conscience reproving him, for shame hide himself under the grove of paradise, neither will the fiery sword compass it about, denying entrance to them that come to it, and making the place unaccessible. But all things to us that were heirs of sin, are changed into joy, & Paradise and heaven itself, lieth open for man. All creatures, both of this, & the world above, beforetimes at variance, are made friends & reconciled, and men with Angels, reverencing their divine learning, are at concord and agreed. Therefore for all these things, let us sing unto god the hymn of joy, which the mouth endued with the spirit, long since prophetically pronounced with a loud voice. Let my soul rejoice in our Lord, for he hath put upon me a saving cloak, and compassed me about with a coat of gladness: as to a spouse he hath fitted a mitre to me, and adorned me as a bride. The adorner of the spouse is Christ, who is and was before, & shall be blessed, now and ever. Amen. A prayer meditating upon the Majesty of God out of S. Augustine Conf. l. 1. c. 4. WHat art thou, o my God, what art thou I beseech thee, but my lord God, for who is lord but our lord, and who is god but our God? O highest, o best, o most mighty, most omnipotent most merciful, and most just, most secret, and most present, most beautiful, & most strong, stable, and incomprehensible, immutable, changing all things, never new, never old, renewing all things, bringing the proud into old age, and they are ignorant, always doing, ever quiet, gathering and not wanting, bearing, and filling and protecting, creating and nourishing, and perfecting, seeking, when nothing is wanting unto thee, thou lovest, yet art not truobled, thou art ieleous, and art secure, thou repentest, and greuest not, thou art angry, & art quiet, thou changest thy works, yet changest not thy counsel, thou receivest what thou findest, & never lost, thou art never poor, yet rejoicest with gain, never covetous, and yet exactest usury. There is largely bestowed upon thee, that thou mightest be in debt, yet who hath any thing that is not thine? Thou payest debts, owing nothing, givest debts, losing nothing. And what do we say, my god, my life, my holy sweetness, or what doth any man say, when he speaketh of thee? and woe to them that speak not of thee. A prayer for all people out of S. Clement Const. l. 8. c. 18. WE beseech thee o lord, for thy holy church, which is dispersed through all places, which thou hast gotten with the precious blood of thy Christ, that thou will vouchsaif to keep it quiet and in tranquillity, to the end of the world. And we also entreat thee, for all Episcopal order, rightly handling the word of truth, & for all priesthood, for deacons, & the whole Clergy, that being taught of thee, thou wilt replenish them with the holy Ghost. Also we beseech thee o Lord, for our King, and all that are placed in authority, that by them, we may peaceably live, and persevering in quietness and concord, through all the time of our life, may glorify thee, by jesus Christ, which is our hope. For Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Subdeacons', Lectors, Singers, Virgins, Widows, Lay people, & for all, whose names thou knowest. Also we beseech thee for this City, & all that dwell in it. For those that be sick, & that suffer cruel servitude, for banished people, & such as have suffered forfeiture of their goods. For all that travel by sea, and undertaking far iournays, that thou wilt be an assister, helper, & aider of them al. Also we beseech thee for them that hate & persecute us, for thy name's sake, for those that be forth and in error, that thou wilt bring them to good, and appease their fury. Also we beseech thee for the Cathecumen of the Church, and such as be vexed of the adversary, and for our brethren that be penitents, that thou wilt perfect these in faith, deliver the other from vexation of the evil, receive the penance of these, and pardon them and us our offences. Also we pray for them, that are letted by just cause, or absent, that keeping us all in godliness, thou wilt gather us together into the Kingdom of thy Christ, god of all sensitive and intellectual nature, and our King, constant in good, inculpable and without sin: because unto thee is all glory, worship, thankes-geving, honour, & adoration, to the Father and Son, and the holy Ghost, both now and ever, world without end. Amen. Out of the same S. Clement Const. l. 7. c. 4 7. so by him appointed, A prayer for morning. Athanas. l. de virg. When day appeareth say the Hymn Gloria in excelsis. etc. GLory in the highest to god, and in earth peace to men of good will: we praise thee, we celebrate thee, we bless thee, we glorify thee, by the great high priest we adoare thee, god unbegotten, one, unaccessible, alone for thy great glory, o Lord heavenly king, God, Father omnipotent, o Lord god Father of Christ, the immaculate Lamb, which taketh away the sins of the world, receive our prayer: thou that sittest upon the Cherubin. Because thou alone art holy, thou alone Lord jesus Christ of god, of all created nature, of our king, by whom glory honour and worship is unto thee. A Prayer out of S. Cyprian. Tom. 3. HAgios, Hagios, Hagios, Holy, Holy, Holy. O holy of holies, Father of our Fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of jacob, God of Apostles, God of Prophets, God of Virgins, God of the well living, God of the faithful, God and Father of our Lord jesus Christ, we humble, call upon thee, and also beseech thee, o only begotten Son, who was begotten of the mouth of the highest, before the disposing of the world, and by mystery brought forh of the womb of Mary the holy Virgin. Vouchsaif to bestow upon us that pray, spiritual increase of holy desire, and integrity of heart, that our breast, by holy baptism renewed, may persever saife from carnal sins. We ask with an unspotted faith▪ an uncorrupted mind, with a strong devotion, love continual: that thou wilt suffer us to flourish in thy holy Church, because unto thee we bend our knees, and bow down our necks, to whom Angels, and Archangels, thousands of thousands, of Martyrs, the quire of the Apostles, and glory of Prophets, ●o make joy, to whom all birds do sing praises, whom the tongues confess, of things celestial, terrestrial, and infernal. All waters in heaven, and under heaven, confess thee, the insensible things, perceive thee. Thou art alone and besides thee, and without thee, there is none. We beseech thee o Lord, Father omnipotent, who art conspicable to the only Son, whose Angels and Archangels, obey thee. O Lord Father, we pray to thee, to give us a sound mind, a pure innocency, devout sincerity, holy conscience, pure, sober, chaste, walking in glorious faith, against all deceits of the world. Grant us a breast defended against all threatenings of the devil, & carnal enticements, that we may carry sound, the sign of everlasting salvation, lest we be entangled with the deadly snares of the violent and cruel enemy. Put away from us, all uncleanness of the world, and all persuasion of the devil, let him be snared, thrown down, and overcome, and put away from us, as from Sara thy servant, Asmodeus the most Tob. 8. wicked devil suppressed by the holy Angel Raphael. And as thou wert present with Tobias, so vouchsaife to be present unto me. And as thou showed mercy unto Dan. 3. et 14. the three children in the furnace, and to Daniel: so vouchsaife to deal with us thy servants. Thou which hast raised the dead, lightened the blind, given hearing to the deaf, speech to the dumb, going to the lame, soundness unto leepers: so also give to us thy servants, who with all the power of our mind believe that thou wert borne, suffered, art to come, to judge the quick & dead. Assist us, as thou diddest assist thine Apostles in bands, Tecla, in the fire, Paul, in persecutions, and Peter, in the waves. Thou who sittest upon the seven Thrones, at the right hand of the Father, look upon us, and deliver us from the destruction of eternal death: one in one, the Father in the Son, the Son in the Father, the holy Ghost, by whom, and with whom, is to thee, in the holy Church, Honour, Power, Glory, Majesty, Authority, Benediction, Immortality, both now & for ever, always, and world without end. Amen. A Prayer to avoid damnation, out of S. Andrew, Archbisbop of Cesarga, soon after S. Basile. Our Lord grant that we showing forth, by lively works, sincere and true faith in Christ, may never hear that terrible voice of Christ, Amen, Amen, I say unto you, I Math. 25. Luc. 13. know you not. And that other, Depart from me all you workers of iniquity. But But may hear with open ears, that blessed and, every way, desirable saying. Come you blessed of my Father, possess Ib. the Kingdom prepared for you, from the beginning of the world. By the grace, & clemency, and mercy of him, who for us willingly did undergo the Cross, that is of Christ, god and our Lord, with whom, to the Father, together with the holy and vinificant Spirit, be glory now, and ever, and world without end. Amen. A Prayer to the blessed Trinity, out of S. Augustine. Medit. ca 32. O Blessed Trinity, with my lips, and heart, and all the power I am able, I praise, I bless, I worship thee, and to thy clemency and goodness give thanks for all thy benefits, and sing an Hymn of glory unto thee, holy, holy holy. I call upon thee to come in me, and make me a temple worthy of thy glory. I beseech the Father by the Son, I beseeh the Son by the Father, I beseech the holy Ghost by the Father and the Son, that all vices may be driven away from me, and all holy virtues planted in me. Keep me the work of thy hands hoping in thee and trusting only in thy mercy. Keep me I beseech thee, here, and every where, now and ever, within & with out, that no place for the enemies, lie open in me. Thou art god omnipotent, the keeper & protector, of all that trust in thee, without whom, no man is saif, no man delivered from dangers. Thou art god, and besides thee, there is not any other god, neither in heaven above, nor in earth beneath, who dost wonderful, and marvelous, and unscrutable things without number. Praise becometh thee, honour be cometh thee, hymn becometh thee. To thee all Angels, to thee the heavens, and all Potestates, do say Hymns, and sing laudes, incessantly, as creatures, to their Creator, servants, to their Lord, soldiers, to their King: every creature doth magnify, every spirit doth praise thee blessed and undivided Trinity. An other prayer to the blessed Trinity out of the same S. Aug. Meditat. cap. 33. Grant unto me o Lord, that so long as I am in this frail body, my heart may praise thee, my tongue may praise thee, and all my bones may say, O Lord, who is like unto thee? Thou art god omnipotent, whom three in parsons, and one in substance of Deity, we worship and adore. The Father, not begotten, the Son, the only begotten of the Father, the holy Ghost, proceeding from both, and remaining in both, the holy and indevided Trinity, one god almighty, who, when we were not, hast mightily made us, and when by our offence, we were lost, by thy piety and goodness, thou hast marvelously repaired us. Suffer us not, I beseech thee, to be ungrateful for so many benefits, and unworthy so many mercies. I do beseech, entreat, and desire thee, increase my faith, increase my hope, increase my Charity. Cause us by that I do thy grace, to be always steadfast in faith, and effectual in work, that by right faith, and worthy works of faith, by thy mercy, we may come to eternal life, that there seeing thy glory, as it is, we may adore thy Majesty, and may say together, whom thou shalt make worthy to see thy glory, Glory be to the Father that hath created us, Glory to the Son who hath redeemed us, Glory to the holy Ghost, that hath sanctified us, Glory to the highest & indevided Trinity, whose works, are inseparable, whose rule, remaineth without end. Praise becometh thee, Hymn becometh thee, all honour is due to thee: To thee benediction and glory, to thee thankes-geving, to thee our God, honour, power, and strength, for ever. Amen. A prayer for all true believers, both deceased, and living, out of S. Basil, in Anaphora: or whosoever in the primitive Church author there of, but commonly attributed to S. Basile. O Lord creator of bodies and souls, remember at thy heavenly Altar, all those that are departed forth of this wretched world, and refresh them in thy Tabernacle, full of all beauty. Pass them over beyond the horrible mansions of torment, and place them in thy most lightsome Tabernacles. Deliver them from the want of light, and darkness, and take them forth of tribulation and grief, and let thy countenance appear peaceable unto them, neither enter into judgement with them, nor severely examine their former life, but whether in word, or work, they have sinned, as men in flesh, forgive & abolish their errors. And converted, have mercy on us, which yet believing. For behold daily, we move thee to anger, by our filthy and detestable manner of living. Because there is one alone that hath not sinned, and delivereth from sin, our Lord and our Saviour jesus Christ, by whom we all hope to obtain mercy, & remission of sins. A prayer for remission of sins, by the intercession of the B. Virgin, & all Saints, out of S. Augustine Med. cap. 35. O Holy and most merciful Lord, be not made untreatable unto me because of my sins, but for thy goodness, receive the prayers of thy servant, and grant me the effect of my petition and desire, the glorious Virgin Mary, thy Mother, my Lady, together, with all thy Saints, making intercession, and praying, and obtaining it. Amen. The usual Hymn of the Church, Te Deum: We praise thee God, composed first (as witnesith S. Dacius Bishop of Milane lib 1. Cron. ca 10.) between S. Ambrose his predecessor, & S. Augustine when he was baptized. WE praise thee God: we confess thee our lord. Thee the everlasting Father: all the world doth worship. To thee all Angels: to thee the heavens, and universal powers. To thee the Cherubin and Seraphim: with uncessible voice do cry out. Holy, Holy, Holy; Lord God of Sabbath. Full are the heavens, and the earth: of thy majesty of glory. Thee the glorious Queare of the Apostles. Thee the laudable number of Prophets. Thee the white clothed army of Martyrs do praise. Thee the holy church throughout the world doth confess. The Father of infinite majesty. Thy venerable true: & only Son. And also the holy Ghost the comforter. Thou o Christ the King of glory. Thou art the everlasting son of the Father. Thou about to deliver man: diddest not abhor the virgin's womb. Thou having overcome the sting of death: hast opened for believers, the kingdom of heaven. Thou sittest at the right hand of God: in the glory of the Father. Thou art believed to be the judge that shall come. We therefore beseech thee, succour thy servants, whom thou hast redeemed with thy precious blood. Make us with thy Saints to be rewarded with glory. O Lord save thy people: and bless thy inheritance. And govern them, and extol them for ever. Every day we bless thee. And we praise thy name for ever: and for ever and ever. Vouchsaife o Lord this day to keep us without sin. Have mercy upon us o Lord: have mercy upon us. Let thy mercy o lord be upon us: even as we have hoped in thee. In thee o Lord I have hoped: let me not be confounded for ever. The Hymn of the Angels Luc 2. with the addition by S. Hilarius. ANd with the Angel there was a multitude of the heavenvly army, praising god, and saying: glory in the highest to god: & on earth, peace to men of good wil We praise thee, we bless thee, we adore thee, we glorify thee, we give thakes unto thee for thy great glory. O Lord god, heavenly King, God Father omnipotent. O Lord, only begotten son, jesus Christ. O Lord god, Lamb of god, son of the Father who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Who takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer, who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy upon us. Because thou alone holy, thou alone lord, thou alone most highest, o jesus Christ, with the holy Ghost, in glory of god the Father. Amen. A prayer, desiring pardon, and grace by Christ's passion: out of S. Isaac l. de contemptu mundi c. 29. O Lord that diddest weep over Lazarus, and pour forth the tears of thy compassion on him, receive the tears of my bitterness, heal my passions with thy passions, cure my wound with thy wounds, cleanse my blood with thy blood, and mingle with my body, the sweet odour of thy quickening body. Let that gall which was given to thee to drink by thy enemies, make my soul sweet from the bitterness, which the enemy adversary, hath drunk unto me. Let thy body, that was stretched forth upon the wood of the Cross, lift up to th●e my mind, which by the devils is drawn downward: Thy head, which thou leanedst down, on the torments of the Cross, lift up my head that is buffeted of my enemies. Thy most holy hands crucified with nails, raise me up to thee, from confusion of perdition, as thy most sacred mouth hath promised: Thy face which received buffetinges, and spittings upon it, make clean my face, defiled with cursed iniquities. Thy soul which thou gavest up first being on the Cross, bring me to thee in thy glory. I have not a sorrowful heart to seek thee, I have not repentance nor compunction, that bring again children to their inheritance. O Lord I have not entreating tears, my mind is darkened with worldly things, nor can look unto thee with grief, and my heart is withered for multitude of temptations, and can not be warmed, with tears of thy sweetness. But o jesus Christ the treasure of good things, give unto me perfect repentance, a sorrowful heart: That thereby I may hasten with my soul to seek thee, for without that which is all goodness, I shall be an Alien. Therefore o jesus Christ give me thy grace: The Father which from eternity without time begot thee, renew in me the light of thy image. I have forsaken thee, do not thou forsake me: I have gone out from thee, go thou forth, to seek & bring me into thy pastures, & number me among the sheep chosen in thy sight, and place me with them in the portion of the riches of thy secrets, whose habitacle is a cleansed heart, & in it, let be seen the brightness of thy revelations, which are the consolation, and refreshing of those, which have laboured for thee in tribulations, and all kind of afflictions, of which, grant we may be worthy, by the grace and holiness of our Saviour, then, and in the world to come. Amen. Augustine l. med. cap. 11. With all our heart and mouth we confess, praise, and bless thee god, the Father unbegotten, thee the only begotten Son, thee holy Ghost, comforter, holy and individed Trinity: praise be to thee, world without end. Amen. Other meditations and praisings of god, for the morning, as opportunity is; or for variety. Direction out of scripture. IN the midst of the Church I will Ps. 21. see Ps. 34. 83. 112. 116. etc. praise thee. You that fear our Lord praise him: all you seed of jacob, glorify him. All Nations praise our Lord: all ye people praise him, because his mercy is confirmed upon us, and the truth of our Lord remaineth for ever. Rejoice and praise together, you deserts Is. 52. see c. 49. et Zach. 2. of jerusalem: because our Lord hath comforted his people, redeemed jerusalem. Our Lord hath prepared his holy arm in the eyes of all Nations, and all the ends of the earth, shall see the salvation of our god. Daughter of Zion praise, o Israel cry Sophon. 3. out for joy, and rejoice in all thy heart daughter of jerusalem, our Lord hath taken away judgement, hath overthrone thine enemies, the King of Israel is lord in the midst of thee, thou shalt not fear evil any longer. At midnight, Paul and Silas, praying, Act. 16. did praise god. Direction out of S. Basile, l. quaes. diffuse explicat. quaest. 37. WE ought to prevent the morning, and rise to prayer, lest the day find us sleeping and in bed, according to him that saith, Mine eyes have prevented the morning, Ps. 118. that I might meditate thy words: of which things, they must at no time be negligent, whose purpose is to live agreeably to the glory of god and his Christ. A Meditation before prayer out of S. Nilus lib. de oratione. Prayer is a communication of the mind with god. Therefore in what state ought the mind to be, that it may be stretched forth to his Lord. If Moses, when he endeavoured Exod. 3. to come to the Bush which he saw, was forbidden, until he loosed the shows of his feet: how must not he that will see and converse with him, which exceedeth all sense and cogitation, cast away from himself all troubled knowledge? Thou canst not pray purely, if thou be entangled with earthly things and business, and burdened with daily cares. As he which is is bound, can not run: so the mind that serveth passions, can not behold the place of spiritual prayer: for it is drawn hither and thither with troubled cogitations, and hath no fixed & settled state. If thou consider thy condition, thou wilt rather weep, protesting thyself a wretch, by the example of Isay, because Is. 6. thou being unpure, and in the midst of unpure people, darest stand before the Lord of hosts. Know that the holy Angels exhort us to prayer, and stand with us with joy, praying for us. If therefore we become negligent, and entertain contrary cogitations, we greatly provoke them, because they strive so much for us, and we for ourselves, refuse to pray to god, but rather neglecting their ministry, and their Lord, & forsaking god, keep company with unclean devils. If thou desirest to pray, transport thyself from earthly things, to heaven, & have thy conversation there, not only in words, but in angelical action and more heavenly knowledge. S. Athanasius in lib. de virginitate. WHen day appeareth, thou shalt recite this psalm. Benedicite omnia opera etc. And say the Hymn, Gloria in excelsis. Al you works of our Lord, bless Canticle of the 3. Children Dan. 3. in the burning furnace. you our Lord: praise him, and extol him for ever. Bless our Lord, ye Angels of our Lord: ye heavens bless our Lord. All waters that be above the heavens bless ye our Lord: bless our Lord all ye powers of our Lord. Sun & moon, bless ye our Lord: stars of heaven, bless ye our Lord. Shower and dew, bless ye our Lord: every spirit of God, bless ye our Lord. Fire and heat, bless ye our Lord: could & summer, bless ye our Lord. Dews and hoar frost, bless ye our Lord: frost & cold, bless ye our Lord. Ice and snow, bless ye our Lord: nights & days, bless ye our Lord. Light and darkness, bless ye our Lord: lightnings and clouds, bless ye our Lord. Let the earth bless our Lord: let it praise & extol him for ever. Mountains and little hills, bless ye our Lord: all things that spring in the earth, bless ye our Lord. Bless our Lord ye fountains: seas & rivers, bless ye our Lord. Whales, and all that move in the waters, bless ye our Lord: bless our lord all ye fowls of the air. All beasts and cattle, bless ye our Lord: sons of m●n, bless ye our lord. Let Isra●l bless our Lord: let it praise and extol him for ever. priests of our Lord, bless ye our Lord: servants of our Lord, bless ye our Lord. Spirits and souls of the just, bless ye our Lord: holy and humble men of heart, bless ye our Lord. Ananias, Azarias, Mizael, bless ye our Lord: praise, and extol him for ever. Because he hath delivered us from hell, and saved us from the hand of death, preserved us from the middle of the burning flame, & pulled us forth from the midst of the fire. Confess to our Lord, because he is good: because his mercy is for ever. Al you that be Religious, bless our Lord, god of gods, praise and confess unto him, because his mercy is for ever. A Meditation upon the same out of S. Zeno Bishop of Verona, sermoutb. in Dan. He was martyred under Galienus about the year 260. O Wonderful burning, o verily ser 2. a spectacle worthy of god. They which hear it, do fear, they which kindled it, do burn, they which were thrown into the fire, go forth of the furnace, sanctified & saif, by our Lord jesus Christ. Sometimes, after a great punishment there followeth a greater glory, especially in divine things, in which happy men with earnest devotion, rather preserve their Religion, than life. Understand, o Christian with a believing ser. 5. heart, a thing marvelous & renowned by all example of virtues. Three Hebrew children, greater than the constancy of old men, stronger than the force of young men, equal to themselves, defended with the mystery of the Trinity, firm in one faith of the unity in equality, glorious by the victory of suffering. These, a barbarous King, commanded to be burned, because they contemned to worship his statue, who, when they were cast into the furnace of burning fire, the greedy fire devoutly receiveth them the fawning flames, refresh them, covered with dew. A marvelous thing, shadow, is within, burning, is without: within, an Hymn is song, without lamenting is heard. O great power of god, the burners are burned in the burning, and they that were set on fire, are survivors in the burning, & triumphing, go forth of the furnace, our Lord jesus Christ ser. 6. performing it. Rejoice o Christian, & constantly fear god, if thou wilt not fear the fire of the devil. Behold the children are not hurt with the compassing flames, with the roaring furnace. They confound the barbarous king, are revenged of their burners, they see god, death doth pass into life, fear into glory: who would not desire, so to burn? Awake o Christian, and casting 8. away all sluggishness, of secular sleep, opening the ears of thy heart, learn virtue of children. The Canticle of Zachary, father of S. john Baptist. Luc. 1. ANd Zachary his father, was replenished with the holy ghost, and he prophesied saying. Blessed be our Lord God of Israel: because he hath visited and wrought the redemption of his people. And hath erected the horn of salvation to us, in the house of David his servant. As he spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets, that are from the beginning. Salvation from our enemies, & from the hand of all that hate us. To work mercy with our fathers: and to remember his holy Testament. The oath which he swore, to Abraham Gen. 22. our Father, that he would give to us. That without fear, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, we may serve him. In holiness and justice before him all our days. And thou child shalt be called the prophet Malach. 3. of the highest: for thou shalt go before the face of our Lord to prepare his ways To give knowledge of salvation to his people: unto remission of their sins. Through the bowels of the mercy of Zachar. 3. Malach. 4. our god, in which the Orient from on high, hath visited us. To illuminate them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death: to direct our feet into the way of peace. Glory be to the Father etc. A Prayer of praise and thanks-geving to God for his Benefits, out of S. Clement Coustitut. SS. Apost. lib. 7. cap. 38. WE give thanks to thee, o Lord omnipotent, for all thy benefits, because thou hast not taken thy mercies & pity away from us, but in every generation, and generation, dost save, deliver, succour, defend. For thou hast succoured in the days of Enos and Enoch, in the days of Moses and jesus, in the days of the judges, in the days of Samuel, and Helias, and the Prophets, in the days of David, and the Kings, in the days of Hester and Mardocheus, in the days of judith, in the days of judas Machabeus and his brethren: and in our days thou hast relieved us by thy great high Priest jesus Christ thy Son. For he hath both saved us from the sword, and by nourishing, delivered us from famine, and freed us from sickness, & defended us from a wicked tongue. For all thy gifts by Christ, we give thanks, unto thee, who hast given us voice framed for confession. Thou hast lent unto us a tongue as an instrument for the Harp and Organ. Thou hast granted unto us, an agreeable taste, a convenient touching, sight to behold, hearing to apprehend voices, smelling to perceive odours, hands to work, feet to walk, & all these things thou dost form of a little drop in the womb, and after information, bestowest an immortal soul, and bringest forth into light, man a reasonable creature, whom thou hast instructed with laws, adorned with justifications, and after dissolution of his short time, hast promised Resurrection. Therefore what life could be sufficient, or what excellency of praises would be enough, that we might give thanks unto thee. But this we are not able to perform answerably to thy deservings: yet we ought devoutly to perform it, so much as we are able. For thou hast delivered us, from the impiety of them that worship many gods, and those that killed Christ. Thou hast freed us from heresies, recalled us from the error of ignorance, sent Christ unto men, that he might be man, which was god only begotten, hast placed us in the comforter, appointed Angels over us, dishonoured the devil. When we were not, thou hast made us, being made, thou preservest us, thou ministrest life, givest food, hast promised penance. For all these things, glory be to thee and honour by jesus Christ, now & ever, & for ever. Amen. An other prayer of praise or thanks out of the same S. Clement. Constit. SS. Apost. lib. 7. ca 35. GReat art thou o Lord, almighty and great is thy strength, and there is none end of thy wisdom. Creator, Saviour, rich in graces, patiented, and shower of mercy, which takest not away salvation from thy creatures. For by nature thou art god, & sparest sinners, provoking them to penance, for thy correction is full of mercies. For how should we sustain it, if we were called to sudden judgement, when long time expected, we hardly cast away infirmity. The heavens declare thy power, the earth poised with stability, the sea waving with agreeable greatness, feeding infinite multitudes of living creatures. The sand is bridled, trembling at thy commandment, and causeth all men to cry, O Lord thy works are magnified: thou hast Ps. 103. made all thing in wisdom, the earth is replenished with thy works. The ardent army of Angels, and the intellectual Spirits, do say, one holy, & the Seraphim, together with the Cherubims, Is. 6. with their six adorned wings, singing unto thee an Hymn of victory with a never ceasing voice, cry forth, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts, the heaven and earth, are full of thy glory. Also the other multitudes of orders Angels, Thrones, Dominations, Principalities, Potestates, Powers, crying forth, do say, Blessed be the glory of god, Ezechiel 3. from his place. But Israel, that is, the Church on earth, gathered together, of the gentiles, imitating the heavenly powers, day and night, with a full heart and willing mind do sing, The Chariot Ps. 67. of god with ten thousands manifold, thousands of rejoices, our lord among them in Sinai in the holy. The heaven hath known him, because he arched it, resting upon no supporter, and made it stable as a foursquare stone: who also gathered together into one, the earth and water, and diffused the air, from whence life & spirit should be drawn, to which he joined the fire for warmness, and putting away of darkness. The company of stars is amazed, showing forth him that numbereth them, Ps. 146. and declaring him, who nameth them. The living creatures also are astonished at him, that inspireth their life, and the trees at him that planteth them: All which things created with thy word, denownce the greatness of thy power. Wherefore every man ought with all his heart to give praise unto thee, by Christ for all those things, seeing by thee he posseseth them all, for thou art gracious in granting benefits, and boutiful in showing mercy, who alone art omnipotent: for when thou wilt, power is in thee, to be able to do it: For thy eternal Dan. 3. Dan. 14. jou. 2. might cooleth the flame, bridleth the lions, maketh the whale gentle: succourreth the sick, overthroweth powers, destroyeth the army of enemies, & the proud multitude of people. Thou art in heaven, in earth, in the sea, in the uttermost bonds, thyself circumscribed with no bond: of thy greatness there Ps. 144. is no end. And o Lord, not we alone say this, but it is the oracle of thy servant saying: And thou shalt know with thy heart, Deu. 4. that thy lord thy god, is god in heaven above, and in earth beneath, and there is no other but he, for there is no god but he alone. There is not an holy besides thee, lord god of knowledge, the God of Saints, holy above all that are holy. For they which are made holy, are under thy hand: thou art glorious, exalted, invisible by nature, unsearchable in judgements, whose life wanteth nothing, duration without change, and variety, operation without labour, majesty contained with no bounds, Comeliness everlasting, a mansion place unaccessible, an habitation untransmigrable, knowledge interminable, truth invariable, a work with out middle, power without deceipts, rule without succession, strength without adversary, the multitude of thine army is great. For thou art the father of wisdom, author of nature by the Mediator, as cause, diposer of providence, Lawgiver, replenisher of poverty, revenger of the impious, and rewarder of those that be just, of Christ God, and Father, and the Lord of those that worship him, whose promise is infallible, judgement incorruptible, sentence not entreatable, piety unexhausted, benignity eternal, for whom, worthy & deserved adoration is due to thee, of every reasonable and holy nature. judith. 16. LEt us sing an Hymn unto our Lord: let us sing an Hymn unto our god. Adonai, Lord thou art great and excellent in power, and whom no man can overcome. Let every creature serve thee, because thou hast said the word, and things were made, thou hast sent thy spirit, and they were created, and no man can resist thy wil The mountains shall be moved from the foundations with waters: the rocks shall melt as wax before thy face, but they which fear thee, shall be great Ecclesiastic. 51. 1. 2. with thee in all things. O Lord our King, I will confess unto thee, and praise thee god my Saviour. I will confess unto thy name, be 10. 11. cause thou art made my helper & protector. I looked for the help of men, and it was not. I remembered thy mercy o Lord, for thou deliverest those that expect thee. I have called upon our Lord, the Father of my Lord, that he would not leave me in the day of tribulation, and in the time of the proud without help. I will praise thy name daily, and extol it 14. in confession, and my prayer is heard, and thou hast delivered me from perdition, 15. 16. 17. and taken me forth from the wicked time. Therefore I will confess, & speak praise unto thee, and bless the name of our Lord. Heu, heu, heu, o Lord god: behold jerem. 32. thou hast made heaven and earth, in thy great strength, and stretched arm, nothing will be dificult to thee, who showest mercy on thousands, and payest the iniquity of the parents, into th● bosom of their children after them, o most strong, great, and mighty, the Lord of hosts is thy name, great in counsel & incomprehensible in cogitation: whose eyes are open upon all the ways of the children of Adam, that thou mayest render to every one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his inventions. Blessed art thou, o lord god of our fathers, Dan. 3. and to be praised, and exalted for ever. And the blessed name of thy glory holy, and laudable, and exalted in all worlds. Blessed art thou in the holy temple of thy glory, and exceedingly to be praised, and eminently glorious for ever. Blessed art thou in the throne of thy kingdom, and superlaudable and extolled for ever. Blessed art thou, who beholdest the depths, and sittest upon the Cherubin, and laudable & extolled for ever. Blessed art thou in the firmament of heaven, and laudable and glorious for ever. I will joy in our lord, and rejoice in Habacue. 3. god my jesus. A brief excercise of meditations & prayers, for such as desire to observe all canonical hours of prayer, used in the primitive church: & still among the religious: And first for prime or first hour of the day. THe sun is risen and man shall Ps. 103 go forth to his labour, and work until evening. A wise man will give his heart, early Ecclesiast. 39 to watch to our lord, that made him, & will make his prayers in the sight of the highest. The kingdom of heaven is like to a Math. 20. man, that is an householder, which went forth in the morning, to hire workmen into his vineyard, and having made covenant with the workmen for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And very early the first of the sabbaths, Mare. 16. they come to the monument, the sun being now risen. we must prevent the sun to bless Sap. 16. thee, and worship thee when the day appeareth. when morning was come all the chief Ma●h. 17. Prei●●es▪ and aun●i●nts of the people consulted together, against jesus, that they might put him to death, and they bring him bound, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate, the pres●dent. From the holy primitive Fathers. AT these hours, let us y●ld thanks, S. ●enedictus in Regula. S. Choosest. l. ●. de orando Deum. to our Creator, Matins, Prime, etc. We ought in forsaking our beds to prevent the sun rising, with divine worship. Tell me with what countenance wilt thou behold the sun, except first thou hast adored him, that sendeth that most sweet light to thy eyes? Meditate in the holy scriptures: Athanasius l de virginitate. have the psalter, and learn the psalms: let th● sun rising see a book in thy hands. A meditation out of S. Athanasius ser. in id. profecti etc. invenietis pullum alligatum etc. THe scribes & pharasies came together into the court of Caiphas, & took counsel against jesus. For those most desperate men were ignorant, that his death would give unto us immortality, and this descending procure unto us, our ascending into heaven: for our lord arose the third day, from the dead, having spoiled hell, trodden the enemy under foot, abolished death, broken the bounds of sins, wherewith we were holden, & delivered those that were bound, saying: arise, let us departed hence being delivered from the servitude of the devil. Therefore let us acknowledge our benefactor, let us glorify the Father, with the Son, and holy Ghost, let us confess one deity: for so ordering our life, we shall possess the kingdom of heaven, in Christ jesus our lord. An other meditation out of S. Cyprian de orat. dominica. BEsides the hours which were anciently used, now both the spaces and Mysteries, are increased. For also we must pray in the morning; that the resurrection of our lord may be celebrated by morning prayer. If in the holy scriptures Christ be the true sun, and the true day, no hour is excepted from Christians, but God ought often & always to be adored: that we which are in Christ, that is in the sun and the day, apply ourselves to supplications, and to pray all the day. A meditation and prayer out of S. Andrea's Bishop of Cesaraea in Capadocia. c. vlt. in Apocalip. surely our Lord is a consuming fire, & warmeth the soul, which chastened and quietly, converseth with him, although it be could with sin, & maketh it capable of that fire, which was borne to consume uncleanness: Even also as the sun, whilst it doth more forcibly reflect upon a vessel of glass, full of water, by a certain kind of boiling, and refraction, draweth fire out of it, though being could. Therefore this being so, let us exhibit our selves, not as a filthy and earthen vessel, or such as cannot receive impression of the heavenly beams, but as the Temple Cor. 6. of the holy Ghost, and clean and bright glass, to the sun of justice, that is to Christ, who would all men to be saved, and 1. Tim. 2. come to the knowledge of truth: and doth bestow, and offer unto all, so plentifully, and without offence, the grace of his brightness: although it be not equally participated of all, but according to the measure of the purity of the inward eye. Our merciful Lord that for our sake suffered in flesh, that is, jesus Christ our God, grant, that we may obtain this pure and chaste eye of mind: To whom together with the Father and holy and vivificant spirit, is due, all glory, & honour, and adoration, now and ever, & for ever. Amen. A prayer for this hour, out of S. Clement Constit. S. Apost. lib. 8. cap. 44. O God of spirits and all flesh, in comparable, wanting nothing, who hast given the sun to gui●e the day, and the moon & stars to rule the night: Behold us now with thy merciful eyes, and receive our morning gevinges of thanks, & have mercy upon us, for we have not stretched forth our hands to a strange God, for there is not any new god to us, but thou everlasting and infinite, who hast given unto us by Christ, that we might be, & by him hast bestowed upon us, that we might be well. Now by him make us worthy of everlasting life: to whom, with thee and the holy ghost, be glory, honour, and worship for evermore. Amen. A Prayer out of S. And●eas of Caesarea, super cap. 47. GOd almighty grant, that our conversation and order of life be such, that it may be cause of confusion and dejection, unto the devils, and bring occasion of gladness unto the Angels, that together with them we may celebrate a f●●●●uity with voice of exultation, a●d sound of confession, and may give thanks for victory obtained against the wicked devils, unto Christ one god, with whom, glory is due to the Father and holy Ghost, now and ever, and world without end. Amen. A Meditation upon Christ's being brought before Caiphas, out of S. Leo ser. 6. de pas. Domini. Jesus being brought to Caiphas, chief of the priests, whether the Scribes, and all the priestly order, were assembled, false testimonies are sought against our Lord, and Caiphas, to exaggerate the envy of the speech which he heard, r●n● his garments, & not knowing what he signified by this madness, deprived himself of priestly ●onour. O Caiphas, where is the Rationale of thy breast? Where is thy Girdle of continency? Where is thy Superhumerale of virtues? Thou spoil●st thyself of that mystical and consecrated attire, and with thine own hands, pullest into Pieces, thy Pontifical vestments, forgeating that precept which thou hadst red of the chief Priest: He Levit. 22. shall not lay of the Cidaris from his head, and shall not break in sunder his garments. But thou from whom this dignity was now alienated, thou thyself, to thyself, art executioner of reproach. And to manifest the end of the old Testament, belongeth the same rending in pieces of the priesthood. Meditations and Prayers for the 3. Isodor. l. 1 eccl. office c. 19 Hour, or middle space, between Sun rising & Noon. Direction out of Scripture. Pilot again answering, said unto Marc. 15. them, what will you then that I do to the King of the jews? But they again cried, crucify him etc. And it was the Third Hour. Suddenly there was made a sound from Act. 2. heaven, and there appeared to them parted tongues, as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them, and they were all replenished with the holy Ghost v. 15. etc. It is the third Hour of the day. Direction out of the Fathers. Ignatius Epist. ad Trallian. At the Third Hour, Christ, by his Father's permission, received sentence of Pilate. At the sixth Hour, he was crucified. And at the Ninth Hour, yielded up the Ghost. And before the Sun setting, was taken from the Cross and buried in a new Sepulchre. We find that in making prayers, the Cyprian. de orat. domin. see S. Hieronim. epist. 122. c. 16. ad Eustochium. three children with Daniel, observed the Third Hour, sixth Hour, and Ninth Hour, doubtless in mystery of the Trinity, which was to be manifested in the last times, & it was after made manifest, that they were mysteries in old times, that before, the just men prayed in that manner. For the holy Ghost descended upon the Disciples at the Third Hour, who fulfilled the grace of our lords promise. Make your prayers early in the morning S. Clem. Co●st. S. Apost. l. 8. c. 4. at the Third Hour etc. At the 3. Hour, because at that hour, our Lord had sentence of Pilate. A Meditation out of S. Basile, l. q. diffus. explicat. q. 37. ABout the Third Hour, let us arise to prayer, remembering the gift of the spirit, which was given to the Apostles about the Third Act. 2. Hour. Let us pray all with one mind, that we also may be made worthy, to receive sanctification, ask of him direction and instruction, to that which is profitable, according to him that said O god create in me a new heart, and renew Ps. 50. a right spirit in my bowels. Cast me not away from thy face, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the gladness of thy salvation, and confirm me with thy principal Spirit. And in an other place. Thy good Spirit will lead me into the Ps. 142. right land. A Meditation of Christ's bearing his Cross, out of S. Leo. ser. 8. pass. Domini. Our Lord delivered over to the will of raging men, to the scorn of his Kingly dignity, was commanded to be the bearer of his own punishment, that it might be fulfilled, which Esay the Prophet had foreseen saying, Behold a Child is borne, Is. 9 & a son is given unto us, whose rule is upon his shoulders. Therefore when our Lord bore the tree of his Ctosse, which he would turn into the sceptre of his power: this surely was a great scorn among the eyes of the ungodly, but it was showed for a great mystery to true believers: because the most glorious conqueror of the devil, & the most mighty subduer of the enemy's strengths, in a beautiful show, did carry the Trophy of his triumph, and bore vp●n his shoulders of invincible patience, the sign of salvation, to be adored of all Kingdoms, as though even th●n he would, with the Image itself of his work, confirm all his followers, and say, He that doth not take his Cross and Math. 10. follow me, is not worthy of me. A prayer out of S. Basile de jeiunio, concione. 1. Our Lord that hath brought us unto this instant of time, vouchsafe to give unto us, as to men in combat, that to these cumbates we may show firmness, and strength of constancy, and come to the appointed day of crouning, now of the remembrance of his saving passion, and in the world to come, of retribution, according to our life, in the just judgement of Christ himself. To him be glory for ever Amen. An other out of the same Father l. exercitam. ser. 6. HE that cometh unto god, aught to embrace poverty, and in all things to be pierced through with the fear of god, according to him, that said: Pierce my flesh with thy fear, I have feared for thy judgements. Our Lord grant unto us, that with all perfection we may receive those things, that are referred to the glory of god, and show forth fruits worthy of the spirit, according to the will of god, and cooperation of our Lord jesus Christ. Amen. A prayer for graces of the holy Ghost: out of the mass attributed to S. Mark the Evangelist. O Ruler, our lord jesus Christ, the eternal word of the Father without beginning, who for our salvation diddest become like unto us, in all things, excepting sin, who sent thy holy Disciples, and Apostles, to preach and teach thy gospel, and to cure all sickness and infirmities in the people: now also o Lord, send forth thy light & truth, and illuminate the eyes of our mind, that we may understand thy divine words: grant that we be fit hearers of them, & not only hearers, but that we may be made doers of thy word: that we may increase and bring forth good fruits, from thirty to an hundred, that we may be accounted worthy of the kingdom of heaven. And let thy mercies soon lay hold on us, for thou art our Euangelisme or message of good Saviour, & keeper of our souls, and bodies, o Lord god, and we offer unto thee glory, and thanksgiving, & thrice holy hymn, to the Father, and the Son, and holy Ghost, now and ever & world without end. Amen. A meditation and prayer to the holy Ghost: out of S. Basil ser. de libero arbitrio. Marry hath chosen the best part Luc. 10. which shall not be taken from her. O those precious tears like unto Margarites flowing from her blessed eyes, o her divine & obedient ears, o manlike and wise mind, o swiftness of spiritual love, greatly hasting to the unpolluted brydegrone, o prick of desire of a soul to god the word, o indissoluble society of the spouse to the bridegroom, imitate her o son, imitate her looking after nothing else, but him that said: I came to cast fire, and what will I, but to have it kinled, for there is an heat of the spirit stirring up of men's hearts: wherefore that immaterial and divine fire doth illuminate souls, and proveth them within, as gold not counterfeit in a furnace, and consumeth wickedness as stubble and thorns. For our God is a consuming fire, who taketh vengeance in a flame of fire, upon them that know him not, and them, that obey not his gospel. This fire wrought in the Apostles, when Act. 2. they spoke w●th fy●●e tongues, this is the fire that shined with glory round Act. 9 about Paul, and illuminated his mind, but darkened the s●nce of his sight. For fleshly sight doth not receive the force of that light. This fire was seen to Exod. 3. Moses in the bush. This fire in the shape of a Chariot took away Helias. Blessed David seeking after the action of this fire, did say: Prove me o lord, & examine Ps. 25. me, burn my reins and my heart. This fire warmed the hearts of Cleophas, Luc. 24. and him that travailed with him, when our Saviour talked with them after his resurrection. Whereupon the Angels Ps. 103. and ministering spirits are termed a burning fire. This fire consuming the beam in the inward eye, maketh the mind pure, that receiving the natural strength of seeing, it may continually see the miracles of god, according to him that saith, reveal mine eyes, & I will Ps. 118. consider the marvelous things in thy Law. Therefore this fire driveth away devils, consumeth wickedness, it is the force of resurrection, work of immortality, illumination of holy souls, and confirmation of reasonable powers. Let us pray unto this fire, that it will also come into us, that always walking in the light, we never offend at all, but as lights, shining in the world, we keep continually the doctrine of life, that enjoying God, with our Lord jesus Christ, we may rest in life world without end. Amen. S. Ephrem post Thren. woe to me, to me burdeined with greatest sins. I have sinned above the number of the sands of the sea, and go crooked 2. Par. 36. Luc. 18. with the burden of my sins, as loaden with a great weight of iron. For I dare not lift up mine eyes, and behold the highness of the heavens. Therefore to whom shall I flee, but to thee most merciful and gentle? O god have Ps. 50. mercy on me, according to thy great mercy. And according to the multitude of thy miserations, blot out mine iniquity. Wash me more o Lord from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Because I acknowledge mine iniquity, and my sin is always against me. I have sinned to th●e alone, and door evil before th●e. I flee unto thee for thine infinite piety. I have provoked thee, to th●e I return, because of thine exceeding clemency. To thee, because of thy great beningnity and goodness, I run back, and beseeching, cry out. Turn thy face away from my Ps. 50. sins, and blot out all mine iniquities, for thy holy name. For I have nothing which I may offer unto thee, not any good works, not cleanness of heart. But I trust in thy mercies, and cast myself into them, ask, that thou wilt Ib. create a clean heart in me, & confirm me with thy principal Spirit, lest I easily fall again into sin: but from henceforth, may serve thee in holiness and justice, all the days of my life. Because thine is the kingdom, and Rule, world without end. Amen. Meditations and prayers for the sixth hour, or at noon tyme. Direction out of scripture. AT Noon time I will declare, & Ps. 54. show forth, and he will hear my voice. And after they came to the place, Luc. 23. Marc. 15. Math. 27. which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, etc. And it was almost the sixth hour. Peter went up to pray in the higher Act. 10. parts, about the sixth hour. O tell me, thou whom my soul doth love, Cant. 1. where thou feedest, where thou liest, at noon time, lest I begin to wander after the flocks of my fellows. M●k● your prayers at the sixth hour, Clem. Const. l. 8. c. 40. Cip. l. de orat. dom. because our lord was then crucified. We find that in praying, the three children with Daniel, observed the third hour, sixth hour, and ninth hour. etc. Peter at the sixth hour ascending into the higher parts, was instructed both with the sign, & voice of god, admonishing him that he should admit all to the grace of salvation. And our lord being crucified at the sixth hour, at the ninth hour washed away our sins with his blood. A Meditation upon the Cross for this Hour, out of S. Ciril, Archb. of jerusalem, Catech. 13. Illumin. THe Tree of life is set into the earth, that the earth which was cursed, might enjoy benediction, and the dead, might be delivered, and quickened. Therefore let us not be ashamed to confess, him that was crucified, but let us confidently impress with our fingers, the sign of the cross on our forehead, and let the Cross be made in all things else, in eating our bread, in drinking our drink, & in going forth, and entering in, before sleep, in lying down, in rising, in going, & resting. Great is this saifguarde which for the poor is freely given, without labour for the weak, seeing this grace is of god, the sign of the faithful, and fear of ●euils: for he triumphed over them in this sign. She wit forth boldly, for when they shall see the Cross, they ●●member him that was crucified, they f●a●e him that crushed in pieces the Gen. 3. dragon's head. An other Meditation upon the crucifying of Christ, out of S. Leo. ser. 6. de pas. Do. CHrist was crucified in the place called Golgatha. By the tree, the fall, by the tree is lifted up, and by the taste of gall and vinegar, the bait of sin is blotted out. Worthily had our Lord said before he was betrayed, When I shall be exalted, I will draw joan. 12. all th●nges unto me: That is, I will plead all the cause of mankind, and that nature which was lost, I will recall to integrity. All infirmity shall be abolished in me, all wounds shall be healed in me. And that Christ drew all things unto him, it is showed, not only by the suffering of our substance, but by alteration of all the world. For our Lord hanging in his torment, every creature did groan with him, and all the elements together, did feel the nails of the Cross: nothing was free from that punishment: that drew both earth, and heaven, to communicate with it: that broke the rocks, opened the graves, unlocked hell, and hid the beams of the Sun, with horror of gross darkness. The world did owe this testimony to his Author, that in the ending of their maker, all things would ha●e an end. Therefore, being delivered from the power of darkness, & loosed from the bands of our old captivity, with so great a price, so great a Sacrament: do your endeavour, o most beloved, that by no cunning, the devil corrupt the integrity of your minds. Let all that are regenerated by water & the holy Ghost, remember whom they have renounced, and by what profession, they have cast of from themselves, the yoke of tyrannical overruling. Let them neither in prosperity nor adversity, run to the deadly help of the devil. If god be for us, Who is against us? Rom. 8. Who spared not his own Son, but gave him for us all: how hath he not also with him, given us all things. who liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen. A Meditation upon Christ's Pass. in Mount Calvary, out of S. Athanasius, in passion. Saluat. THey cast lots for his coat, Math. 27. Ps 21. Ps. 15. that Christ might be our lot, as the psalmist writeth, Our Lo●de is the portion ●f mine inheritance, & my cup. Wherefore he suffereth 4 To this consent, Tertul. l. 2. cont. Marc Basil. in c. 5. levit. Epiph. haeres. 46. Chrisost. ho. 84. in joan Ambros. l. 5. ep. 9 August. de temp. ser. 71. et q. 161. ingen. and others▪ not in any other place, nor in any other Region, but in the place of Calvary, 4 which the Masters of the Hebrews say was the grave of Adam, for they affirm that he was buried there after the curse. And if it be so, I can not but wonder at the peculiar conveniency & fitness of his passion: for it behoved that our Lord, desirous to make a renovation, should first renew Adam, that his sin being loosed, he might quite take away sin from mankind. And forasmuch as Adam heard spoken, unto him, Thou art earth, & into earth Gen. 3. thou shalt return: So now again he might hear. Be thou raised that sleepest Is. 60. arise from the dead, and Christ will lighten thee. A●d again. Arise & follow Ib. me, that thou tre●●e not the earth any longer, but mayest ascend to heaven. For it is needful that our Saviour being raised, Adam, and all descending of him, should be also raised with him. And as when Adam died we were all dead: so also our lords body being raised, of necessity all must be raised with him. For this is the mind of the words of Paul, writing to the Corinthians, Even as in Adam, all men die: so in Christ, all shall be 1. Cor. 15. quikned. A Direction or Meditation out of S. Bafil● q. diffus. q. 37. WE judge prayer to be necessary at the sixth Hour, for imitation of the Saints, that say. In the evening, and morning, & Ps. 54. Noone-time, I will declare & show, and he will hear my voice. And that I may be delivered from incursion, and Noon●-time d●uil: let the 90 psalm be said. HE that dwelleth in the aid of This psalm is cited in the prayers for evening also, by the same S Basile his Direction. the highest, shall abide in the protection of the god of heaven. He will say to our Lord, thou art he that receiveth me, and my refuge, my god, I will open in him. Because he hath delivered me from the s●a●e of hentges, and from c●●el speech. With his shoulders, he will shadow thee, and under his wings t●●u shalt trust. His t●u●h shall compass thee about with a sh●●ld: thou shalt not be afraid of the fear of the night. Of the arrow flying in the day, of the work walking in darkness, of incursion, and noone-time devil. A thousand shall fall from thy side, & ten thousands on thy right hand: but he shall not approach to thee. But thou shalt behold with thine eyes: and see the reward of sinners. Because o Lord thou art my hope: thou hast appointed the most high, for my refuge. Evil shall not come to thee: and scourge shall not draw near to thy Tabernacle. Because he hath given charge to his Angels over thee, that they keep thee in all thy ways. They shall carry thee in their hands: lest peradventure thou mayst hit thy foot at a stone. Thou shalt walk upon the Aspis & Basilisk: and tread under thy foot the Lion and Dragon. Because he hath trusted in me, I will deliver him: I will protect him, because he hath known my name. He hath cried unto me, and I will hear him: with him I am in tribulation, I will deliver him, and I will glorify ●im. I will replenish him with length of days, and I will show unto him my salvation. Glory be to the Father etc. A prayer upon the Passion, out of S. Athanasius, in evang. of the passion & Cross of Christ. WHat must we do here? Nothing else, but that we believe in Christ, and live according unto him, as paul saith, Be followers of me, as I also am of jesus Christ. Philip. 3. Let us stick unto the Cross, and live worthy of it, and say the same words with Paul, God forbidden I should glory, but in the Cross of our Lord jesus Christ. Gal. 6. For when we shall so have lived, and believed in our Lord, we shall know his assumption into heaven, and his sitting at the right hand of majesty, & behold the subjection of the Angels unto him, and his coming again with glory, whom the Angels foreshow, the Saincctes do sing unto, and all seeing, rejoice, and are glad in Christ jesus, by whom to the Father, be glory and rule for ever. Amen. An other out of S. Ephrem, S. de passione Domini. O Lord I worship thee, O divine, I bless and praise thee, O holy, I beseech thee, O god lover of men, I fall down unto thee, and glorify thee o Christ: that thou, the only begotten Lord of all things, alone without sin, art for me, a most unworthy sinner, delivered unto death & death of the Cross, that thou mightest deliver the soul of a sinner from the bonds of sins. And what shall I render to thee for all these things o Lord? O most bountiful, glory to thee. Glory to thee, o most merciful. Glory to thee, o most patiented. Glory to thee, that remittest the sins of al. Glory to thee, that diddest descend, to save our souls. Glory to thee, that wast incarnate in the Virgin's womb. Glory to thee, that wast borne for us. Glory to thee, that wast held for our cause. Glory to thee, that wast bound. Glory to thee, that wast whipped. Glory to thee, that wast spit upon. Glory to thee, that wast mocked. Glory to thee, that wast crucified. Glory to thee, that wast buried. Glory to thee, that diddest arise from the dead. Glory to thee, that art preached. Glory to thee, in whom we believe. Glory to thee, that wast assumpted into heaven. Glory to thee, who with great glory, sittest on the right hand of the Father, and again shall come in the glory of the Father, & the holy Angels, to judge every soul that hath despised thee, and thy holy passions, in that fearful and dreadful hour, when the powers of the heavens shall Math. 24. Luc. 21. be moved, when also the Angels & Archangels, Cherubin and Seraphim, shall come with fear and trembling in sight of thy glory: when again, the foundations of the earth shall tremble, and every living thing shall be afraid for the incomparable glory of thy great Majesty. I beseech thee, that in that hour thy grace may hide me under thy wings and my soul may be delivered from that horrible fire, gnashing of teeth, external darkness, and everlasting weeping, that I may say, blessing, and thanksgiving, to thee. Glory be to thee o Lord, who, according to the multitude of the mercies of thy great piety, hast vouchsaifed to save me a sinner. who with the Father and holy Ghost, livest and reignest, world without end. Amen S. Athanasins l. Meditat. At the sixth Hour, end thy prayers, with psalms, weeping, and tears, because at this Hour, the Son of God did hang on the Cross for thee. Meditations and prayers for the Ninth hour. THere was darkness upon the Luc. 23. whole earth, until the ninth hour, & the sun was darkened: and the vail of the temple was rend in the midst. And jesus crying with a loud voice, said: Father into thy hands I commend my spirit: & saying this, he gave up the ghost. Peter and john went up into the temple Act. 3. at the ninth hour of prayer. He saw manifestly in a vision, as it Act. 10. were the ninth hour of the day, the Angel of god, coming in, to him, and said unto him, thy prayers & alms have ascended in memory, in the sight of god. Make your prayers, at the ninth hour: Clem. Const. Aopst. l. 8. c. 40. Athanas. l. de meditat. because all things were troubled, when our lord was crucified. At the Ninth hour, thou shalt be in Hymns, and glorifications, & with tears, & confession of thy sins, praying to god, because at this hour our lord hanging on the cross gave up the ghost. The Ninth hour is delivered by the Apostles themselves, in the Acts to be Basil. l. q. diff q. 37. necessary for prayer, where it is told that Peter and john went up into the Temple, at the ninth hour of prayer. Act. 3. S. Denis the Areopagite, S. Paul's scholar: epist. ad S. Policarp. Demand of him what he thinketh He meaneth Apoliphanes, the philosopher. of the Eclipse of the sun, which happened, when our Saviour was crucified, for we were then both together, and stood at Heliopolis, & did sodanly see, when the Moon objected itself to the Sun, not being the time of their conjunction: and again, when the same opposed itself, above the order of nature, to the middle line of the sun, from the ninth hour to the evening. And recall further some other thing to his memory, for he knoweth also how that interposition was seen of us, to begin from the rising of the sun, and come to the last point of it: and after to vanish away: and again, that the interposition, and recession, did not chance from the same part of the sun, but from that, which (so to speak) was diametrically contrary. These are the wonderful things of that time, which Christ, the author of all things, is only able to perform, who maketh great, and job. 5. mereulous things, of which there is no number. If it be lawful for thee, and if thou canst, o Apoliphanes, refute The testimony of gentile Philosophers for Christ. these things against me, who was then both present with thee, & did behold, and examine all things, with greatest admiration. And I cannot devise whereupon Apoliphanes then began, & conferring with me the things that were done, said thus: O Dionysius, these are the changing of divine matters. An other Meditation, how all creatures seemed to lament, at the death of Christ, out of S. Leo ser. 2. pass. Dom. WHen Christ yielded up the Ghost, all the elements did tremble. The brightness of the sun, covered with thick darkness, did extraordinarily subject the day to night. The earth weakened with deep quakings, did not retai●e it stability. And the firm rocks, their strength being broken, fell into pieces. The veil of the Temple, with which the mysteries of former things, were now no longer to be shadowed, was cut asunder. And the bodies of many Saints, being raised up, to prepare the faith of the Resurrection, their graves lay open. Therefore o jews, against you heaven and earth have given sentence. The sun hath withdrawn his service, and the day from you, all the orders of the elements, have denied to serve you, and the ministry of the creature departing from his laws, your blindness, your confusion was was signified. For you saying, His Math. 27. blood be upon us, and upon our children, this is worthily repaid unto you, that what the wicked portion of your stock hath lost, that the believing fullness of the gentiles should obtain. Therefore most beloved, let us to whom our lord jesus Christ crucified is not a scandal, nor 1. Cor. 1. foolishness, but the power of god and wisdom of god, let us, I say, the spiritual seed of Abraham, not begotten of the Issue of servitude, but regenerated in the family of freedom, for whom brought forth with a strong hand & mighty arm, from under the oppression of the rule of Egypt, the true and immaculate lamb Christ is 1. Cor. 5. offered: let us embrace the marvelous mystery of his saving passover, and be reform to the image of him, that was conformed to our deformity, let us be lifted up to him, that made the dust of our baise condition, to be the body of his glory, and that we may deserve to be partakers of his resurrection, let us in all things become agreeable to his humility, and patience. We have undertaken the warfare of a great name, the discipline of a great profession. It is not lawful for the followers of Christ, to departed from the kings way, but worthy it is, that they which tend unto eternal things, be not occupied in things temporal▪ and because we are redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, let us glorify and bear g●d in our body, that we 1. Cor. 6. may deserve to come to those things, that are prepared for the faithful by Christ our Lord. Amen. A prayer upon Christ's passion out of S. Gregory Nazianzen orat. in S. Pascha. in fine. GOd was crucified, the sun darkened, and lightened again: for it behoveth creatures, to compassionate with there creator. The veal was cut, water & blood flowed out of his side, the earth quaked, the rocks were rend, the dead rising, do testify the faith of the last and common resurrection. All which things who is able worthily to praise? But none was such, as the miracle of my salvation, a few drops of blood reforming all the world. But o great and holy passover, and expurgation of all the world. O word of God, and light, and life, and wisdom, and power, for I joy at all thy names. O Issue, and cogitation, & seal of that great mind: o word intelligible, and man visible, who bearest all things, crowned with the word of power: let us suffer no evil: stay the tyranny which the body beareth against us. Thou seest o Lord, whom, & how it beareth down, except we be purged by thy suffrage, or by thyself. But if we shall worthily be dissolved from this desire, and received in the celestial tabernacles: peradventure there also, we shall acceptably sacrifice unto thee, on thy holy Altar, o Father, and word, and holy Ghost, because all glory, honour, and power, is to thee for ever. Amen. PRAYERS DAILY To be used for the Evening. The Meditation or Preparation to Prayer out of S. Cesarius, Bishop of Arles, Hom. 31. LEt us pray with sighing, & forcible crying or groaning, according to that prophetical saying: I did roar for the groaning of my heart. Ps. 37. Let us pray, not with a sounding voice, but with a conscience, crying unto our Lord. When we pray, so much as we are able: Let us labour by the help of god, that no extravagant cogitation creep into us, lest peradventure, we may have one thing in our heart, and utter an other with our mouth, lest by chance while our tongue prayeth unto god, our cogitation occupied with divers things, may go away from the meaning of our prayer, & so from thence procure sin, from whence it might have had remedy. For if before any mighty person, thou wouldst plead any necessary cause, & suddenly turning from him, breaking of thy speech in the midst, thou shouldest busy thyself with some scurrilities: what injury thinkest thou, thou should do unto that person with whom thou diddest speak? or how shouldest thou procure his anger against thee? If therefore speaking with a man, we labour with all intention of mind, lest thinking on any other thing, we may be thought to do a wrong to him unto whom we speak: When we speak unto god, in prayer, and allege the miseries of our sins before so great a Majesty, are we not ashamed, do we not blush, our senses being made captives, to run about hither and thither, and with many business, to abstract our unhappy mind, from beholding the divine Majesty? And therefore every one before he kneeleth down in prayer, by the help of god, let him put away all superfluous cogitations, from the intention of his mind, that our soul being inflamed with the fervour of the holy Ghost, may consume all vice with the fire of compunction, or prayer, and disperse far of, all wavering and wandering cogitations, that only virtue and holy Meditations, may always, find place in our hearts. Meditations & prayers for Evening. LEt every one take a Lamb throughout their families, or houses. Exod. 12. And the whole multitude of Israel, shall offer it in sacrifice at the Evening. Let my prayer be directed as incense Ps. 140. in thy sight: the lifting up of my hands an evening sacrifice. While it was even, he sat down Math. 26. Mar●. 14. Luc. 22. with his twelve Disciples. And whiles they were at supper, jesus took bread and blessed, & broke, and he gave to his Disciples, and said, Take ye & eat This is my body. And taking the Chalice, he gave thanks, and gave unto them saying, Drink ye all of this, for This is my blood of the new Testament which shall be shed for many, unto remission of sins, When it was evening, there came a Math. 27. certain rich man of Arimathea named joseph, who also himself, was Disciple to jesus. He went to Pila●e, and asked the body of jesus. Then Pilate commanded, that the body should be delivered. Watch therefore, for you know not Marc. 13●: when the Lord of the house may come, whether late in the evening, etc. I have cried to god, and our Lord Ps. 54. will save me. In the evening I will declare & show, & he will hear my voice. A Meditation of S. Basile orat. in S. julittam. When the day is ended, give thanks unto him, who hath given the same unto us, to serve our daily labours, & fire to lighten night, and for the rest of the necessities of life. And let the night propose unto us other arguments of prayer. When thou shalt look up unto heaven, and have thine eyes fixed on the beauty of the stars: pray unto the Lord of visible things, and adore god the best workman of all creatures, who made all things in wisdom, when thou shalt see all nature of living creatures, detained in sleep. Again adore him that looseth us, though against our will, by sleep, from the continuance of labours, & by a little rest, reduceth us again to the force of our strength. S. Clem. Const. Apost. lib. 8. cap. 4. Make your prayers at the evening, giving thanks, because our Lord hath given us the night for a rest of our day labours. Daily come together in the morning, l. 2. c. 63. & evening, singing & praying in Churches, in the evening saying the 140. psalm. O Lord I have cried unto thee, Ps. 140. hear me: hearken unto my voice, when I shall cry unto thee. Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight: the lifting up of my hands, an evening sacrifice. O Lord put a watch to my mouth: and a door of standing about, to my lips. Decline not my heart into words of malice: to excuse excuses in sins. With men that work iniquity: and I will not communicate with the chosen of them. The just shall correct me in mercy, and rebuke me: but the oil of a sinner shall not anoint my head. Because as yet also my prayer in things of their delight: their judges are swallowed up joined to the rock. They shall hear my words, because they were able: as the thickness of the earth, is broken out upon the earth. Our bones are scattered abroad, near to hell: because to thee o Lord, o Lord mine eyes, in thee I have trusted take not away my soul. Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me, and from the scandals of those that work iniquity. Sinners shall fall in his net: I am alone till I pass away. Glory be to the Father, etc. Clem. Const. Ap. l. 8. c. 41. RAise up and save us o God by thy Christ, lifting up ourselves, let us desire the mercies of our lord and his commiserations, the Angel of peace, good and profitable things, christian Princes, a peaceable evening, & night, and without sin, & all the time of our life with out offence: let us mutually commend one an other to the living God by his Christ. A thanksgiving for the night. Cap. 42. O God without beginning & end, creator of all things, king of all things intellectual, & sensible who hast made the day, for the works of light, and the night for the rest of our weakness, for thine is the day, and the night, for thou hast ordained the light, and sun; o gentle and good lord, now patiently receive this our evening thanksgiving who leadest us by the length of the day, and bringest us to the beginning of the night, preserve us, by thy anointed, give unto us a quiet evening, and night without sin, and make us worthy of everlasting life, by thy Christ, by whom to thee be glory, honour, and worship, in the holy Ghost for ever. Amen. Cap. 43. O God of Fathers, and lord of mercy, who by thy wisdom hast made man a reasonable creature, and among things in earth, alone dear to god, & given authority unto him, to rule them, and by thy sentence hast appointed Princes, & priests, them for security of our life, these for just serving of thee: o Lord omnipotent, now hearken unto us, and show thy mercy upon this people, bending down the necks of their heart, and bless them by Christ, by whom thou hast illightened us, with the light of knowledge, & renealed thyself ●●to us, to whom with thee, and the 〈◊〉 Ghost, is due, worthy adoration of all reasonable, and holy nature, for ever. Amen. A Meditation & prayer for evening out of S. Athanasius hom. desement. MAny are careless in their prayers, & all the day long busy themselves, about worldly affairs, and contemn the holy works of prayers. To this man our Saviour Math. 12. Marc. 3. Luc. 6. 1. Tim. 2. may say, stretch forth thy hand, as Paul saith, I will men to pray in all places, lifting up holy hands. And let us stretch forth our hands, and not only in the day, but by night also. In the night stretch Ps. 133. forth your hands to the holies, and bless our Lord, and let us reach forth holy hands, those that be washed among innocents, Ps. 25. that caling upon the God of all things, we may enjoy his help, by Christ jesus, our Lord, by whom glory be to God, together with the holy Ghost, now and ●uer, and world without end. Amen. A prayer of S. Policarpus. O God Father of thy beloved, & Euseb. eccl. Hist. l. 3. cap. 15. Nicephor. eccl. Hist. l. 3. c. 35. blessed son, jesus Christ, by whom, we have received knowledge of thee, God of Angels & powers, and of all creatures, and the whole kind of just men, all which do live before thee, I bless thee, who hast vouchsaifed to bring me to this day, and this hour. Thou art true, and without falsehood o God, therefore both in all things, I praise thee, and bless thee, and glorify thee, by the eternal God, and high Priest jesus Christ, thy well-beloved son, by whom, and with whom, to thee, with the holy Ghost, be glory, both now, and for ever hereafter. Amen. S. Ephrem, paraenes. 42. I Have sinned against heaven, and before thee, o Lord god omnipotent, and I am no more worthy to be called thy child, or lift mine eyes upward, and behold the highness of the heavens, because of the multitude of my sins, nor to utter thy glorious name, with the defiled lips of me a sinner. For I have made myself unworthy, both of heaven, and earth, because I have provoked thee most best lord to anger, I beseech thee, o Lord, I beseech thee, cast me not away from thy face, depart not from me, lest I a wretch do perish. For except thy grace had defended me, I had been lost: I should be as dust before the face of the wind, as though I had never appeared in this life. For since the time I have forsaken thy way, no time hath been joyful unto me. For if any day by chance hath seemed more pleasant, that was the most bitter of al. But I trust hereafter, thy grace which comforteth me, may provide for my salvation. And now suppliant I flee unto thee, and beseech, that thou wilt receive me again, that have erred from the path of justice. Pour out on me the multitude of thy mercies, as thou diddest long ago upon the prodigal son, unthriftily loase the Luc. 7. Math. 9 Marc. 2. Luc. 5. Luc. 23. riches of thy grace. I have defiled my life, have mercy on me o God, and remember not my life brought to extreme villannies. Have mercy on me, as thou long ago tookest mercy on the offender, and publican. Have mercy on me, as thou tookest mercy on the thief; for he when he conversed on earth, was despised of all men, as lost, and desperate: But thou receivedst him, and made him an inhabitant of the delights of paradise. Therefore receive the repentance of thy unprofitable servant, for I also am contemned, and rejected of all, for thou diddest come, o Lord, not to call the just, but sinners unto penance. Glory be to thee, honour, and adoration is due to thee, with the Father, and holy Ghost, now, and world without end. Amen. A prayer, upon the passion of Christ, out of S. Ambrose medit. c. 6. O Holy Father, behold thy most holy son, suffering so cruel things for me, have respect o most merciful King, who it is, that suffereth, and in thy bounty remember, for whom he suffereth. O my Lord, is not this, that innocent, whom to redeem a servant, thou hast delivered thy son? Is not this, the author of life, which as a sheep, led unto slaughter, and made obedient unto thee even unto death, feared not to undergo the kind of most cruel death. Remember o dispenser of our whole salvation, that this is he: whom although thou begottest of thy power, yet thou wouldst have him become partaker of my infirmity. Verily this is thy deity, which hath put on my nature: That ascended the tree of the Cross, that in his assumpted nature, suffered grievous punishment. O my Lord, god, reduce the eyes of thy majesty, upon the work of unspeakable piety. Behold thy sweet son, stretched forth in all his body. Look upon his guiltless hands, streaming with holy blood, and pacified, forgive the sins which my hands have committed. Consider his naked side pierced with a spear, & renew me with that holy fountain which I believe to have flowed from thence. See his immaculate feet, which stood not in the way of sinners, but always Ps. 1. walked in thy law, fastened with cursed nails, & perfect my goings in thy paths, Ps. 16. and bountifully grant, that I may hate all the ways of iniquity. Ps. 118. O King of Saints, I beseech thee, by this holy of holies, by this Redeemer of me, make me to run the way of thy commandments, Ps. 118. that I may be united to him, which did not abhorred to be invested with my flesh. Wilt thou not attend, o holy Father, unto the head of thy young dearest beloved Sonn, hanging down his beautiful neck, resolved into most precious death? Behold, o most meek Creator, the humanity of thy beloved Son, and take mercy upon the infirmity of thy weak creature. His naked breast is white, his bloody side is red, his stretched entrails do dry, his comely eyes do faint, his kingly mouth is pale, his long arms be stiff, his marmour thighs, do hang, the water of his blessed blood, doth bewe●e his pierced feet. Behold o glorious Genitour, the torn members of thy most grateful child, and with bounty remember what my substance is. View the pain of God a man, and release the misery of man created. Behold the punishment of the Redeemer, and forgive the offence of him that is redeemed. This is he o my Lord, whom thou hast stricken Is. 53. for the sins of thy people, although he be thy well-beloved, in whom thou hast well Math. 3. pleased thyself. This is that Innocent in whom deceit was not found, and yet he was deputed among the wicked. Is. 53. A Prayer out of S. Cyprian, in his Tom. 3. prayer before his Martyrdom. O Lord holy, Father holy, God holy, and holy my god. For who is greater than thou art? I render thanks & praise to thee, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of jacob, God of our Fathers, God of the Apostles, and God of the Prophets, and God of Martyrs, who waist before the disposing of the world, God of the living, to come to judge the quick, and the dead, which art the true God, who sittest upon the Cherubin & Seraphim, the seat of thine honour, and beholdest the depths, which seest all things before they be brought forth, who hast power to kill, and restore again, and Dan. 3. might to make the withered to flourish, Thou Lord, ruler of all things, deliver me from this world, and hear me praying. woe unto my sins, when thou shalt rise up to crush the earth together under what clifter of the rocks shall I hide myself, from before thy power? To what mountain shall I say, fall upon Math. 25. me, and unto what hill, cover me from before the fear of our Lord, when thou shalt arise to bruise the earth? I pray thee o Lord help me. judge me not according to my doing, for I have obeyed nothing in thy commandments. Hear me praying, as thou hardest jonas, from the belly of the whale, jon. 2. et 3. so hear me, and cast me forth, from death to life. Blot out all my sins, and hear me praying, as thou diddest hear the three children in the furnace Dan. 3. of fire, Ananias, Azarias & Mizael, & sent thine Angel with a shower of dew, and Nabuchodonosor ruler of the kingdom, was confounded. Hear me praying, as thou diddest hear Daniel Dan. 14. from the lions den, and sent Abacuc the Prophet, and he brought him dinner. Hear me praying, as thou diddest hear Tobias, and Sara, while they Tob. 3. prayed in the entry of their house, than the Angel Raphael offered for them. their prayers: And so hear thou my prayers, and admit my petitions to thy holy Court, and presently send thy holy Angel, which may blot out all my sins as thou diddest drive the unclean spirit from Sara the daughter of Raguel, and enlighten my heart, as thou di●●st illuminate the eyes of Tobias. Hear me praying, as thou diddest hear Susanna, Dan. 13. among the hands of the Elders: so deliver me from this world, because thou art the lover of a pure conscience. I beseech thee, o Father of Majesty, who in the end of times, hast taken mercy on us, sending unto us jesus Christ thy Son, our Lord, God, Saviour, borne of the Virgin Mary, by the holy Luc. 1. Ghost: And I beseech thee, son of the living God, which hast wrought so many miracles: I beseech thee, o son of the living God, for all my sins committed. Thou thyself, hast made a Testament for us. Ask, and you shall Math. 7. receive, knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Whatsoever you shall ask my Father in my name, I ask it of my Father, that you may receive it. I ask, that I may receive, I seek, that I may find, I knock, that it may be opened unto me. I ask in thy name, that thou mayst ask of thy Father, and it may be given to me. I am ready, for thy name, to shed a sacrifice of blood, and undergo what torment soever. Thou art, o Lord, my helper and defender: defend me from mine adversary. Thy Angel of light, protect me, because th●u hast said, that what, believing y●u shall ask b● prayer, shall be given vn●● you. Every man is a liar. Thou art true, as thou hast promised, thou hast power, o Lord, to give me all thy heavenly sacrament, that I may be worthy to see the face of thy Saints. Let the spirit work in me. Thy will be done in me, because I have freely promised, all the days of my life, myself unto thee, which suffered'st under Pontius Pilate, a good confession, who crucified, did descend, and diddest tread under foot, the sting of death. Death is subdued, the enemy the devil, is vanquished. Thou diddest arise again, & appeared to thine Apostles. Thou sittest at the right hand of the Father, which art to come, to judge the quick and the dead. Thou shalt rule: deliver me from the hand of him that seeketh my soul. By thy name, deliver me from the adversary power, that thou mayst give help to bind mine enemy, because thou art a potent approver and advocate of the prayers and petitions of our souls. Day and night make intercession for my sins, present my prayer to thy Father. And thou o Lord holy Father, vouchsafe to have tespect upon my prayers, as thou diddest respect the gifts of Abel. Vouchsaife to deliver me from the everlasting fire and punishment, and from all torment which thou hast prepared for the impious, by the good & blessed jesus Christ our Saviour, by whom to thee be praise, honour, power, & glory for ever. Amen. Other Meditations and Prayers for Evening near Night. IF I shall give sleep to mine eyes, Ps. 131. etc. until I find a place for our Lord. When it was Evening etc. joseph taking Math. 27. the body, wrapped it in a clean S●ndone, and laid it in his own new monument. A Meditation out of S. john Climacus grad. 7. 28. AT time of thy prayer, stand Grad. 7. tremblng, nor behave thyself otherwise, than one arraigned before the judge, that both by thine inward and outward behaviour, thou mayst procure to thyself, the favour of the just judge. To them that pray rightly, prayer is Grad. 28. a Court, and judgement, and Tribunal of our Lord, before the Tribunal seat that is to be hereafter. Whosoever of us go to stand before, and speak with our King, let us not take this course unprepared, lest peradventure he seeing us far of, without armour, and not having on a stole worthy the kings sight he command his attendants, and servants, to cast us bound, far from his face, into exile, & they upbraid unto our face, our negligent, and interrupted prayers. A Meditation out of S. Basile, l, q. diffus. explicat. q. 37. WHen the night beginneth, let petition be made, that the rest which we are to take, may be without offence, and free from all imaginations: for which intent also at this hour, it is necessary to say the 90. psalm. HE that dwelleth in the help of Ps. 90. the highest, shall abide in the protection of the God of heaven. He shall say to our Lord, thou art he that receiveth me, and my refuge, my god, I will hope in him. Because he hath delivered me from the snare of hunters, and from cruel speech. With his shoulders he will shadow thee: and under his wings thou shalt trust. His truth shall compass thee about with a shield: thou shalt not be afraid of the fear of the night. Of the arrow flying in the day, of the work walking in darkness, of incursion, and midday devil. A thousand shall fall from thy side, & ten thousands on thy right hand: but he shall not approach to thee. But thou shalt behold with thine eyes, and shalt see the reward of sinners. Because o Lord thou art my hope, thou hast appointed the most high, for my refuge. Evil shall not come to thee, & scourge shall not draw near to thy Tabernacle. Because he hath given charge to his Angels over thee, that they keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee in their hands, lest peradventure thou hit thy foot at a stone. Thou shalt walk upon the Aspis & Basilisk: and tread under thy foot, the Lion and Dragon. Because he hath trusted in me, I will deliver him: I will protect him, because he hath known my name. He hath cried unto me, and I will hear him: with him I am in tribulation, I will deliver him, and I will glorify him. I will replenish him, with length of days: and I will show unto him my salvation. Glory be to the Father etc. A Meditation out of S. Athanasius l. de virginitate. IT is good to pour out tears before our Lord, and to be mindful of the twelfth hour, because at that, our lord descended into hell, which beholding him, quaked for fear saying, who is this that is come down with authority, and great power? Who is this, that descending from heaven, was crucified by me, when I am death itself, & is not subdued? Who is it that hath broken the brazen gaites of hell, & shivered in pieces the Adamant bars? Who is it, that hath loosed the bands of them, which by me were detained captives? Who is this, that by his death, hath thrown me down into death. Therefore at that hour, we ought to be more attentive, & in the night time to call upon our Lord with tears. A prayer for Evening, appointed so, by Clemens, lib. 7. Constit. Apostol. cap: 28. O Children, praise our Lord, praise the name of our Lord. We praise thee, we celebrate thee, we bless thee, for thy great glory, King of our Lord thine anointed, the immaculate Lamb, that taketh away the sins of the world. Praise becometh thee, Hymn becometh thee, Glory becometh thee, God, & Father, by thy Son, in the holy Ghost, for ever. Amen. Canticle of S. Sim. Luc. 2. NOw thou dost dismiss thy servant o Lord, according to thy word in peace. Because mine eyes hath seen thy salvation. Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people. A Light to the revelation of the gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel. Glory be to the Father, etc. A Prayer being as it were an abbr●uiate some of man's faith and salnation, out of S. Sophronius, Arch Bishop of Constantinople, lib. de Angelorum excel. O Lord, Saviour, God & word, who rulest above, without beginning, & containing all things who, in exceeding strength, excellest, bringest life to all, fear to all: who, by thine only beck, hast made the heavens and earth, and all things contained within their compass: who first in thy mind diddest conceive the Angels, and thy conceit was thy work, for what thou diddest conceive in thy mind, that with thy only word thou hast effected, and brought to pass. By and by with like art and facility, of the dust of the earth, thou framedst man, according to thine Image and similitude, and being made a little meaner than Angels and adorned with free will, thou hast appointed him King and Lord, of all created things, that he might enjoy those good things, which thou hadst prepared for him in paradise, which he also so long enjoyed, until snared & seduced by the serpent & wife, he broke thy divine commandments, in eating the apple of the deadly tree: Wherefore he presently fell from his kingly dignity, and shut forth of paradise, incurred punishment worthy his deeds, that is, into weeping, and servile behaviour, into sweat, labour, and grief, into sadness and sorrow, and which is truly the most bitter of all punishments, at last, into justly deserved death, and dissolution into earth, from which, he was first taken and produced. But thou o Lord, truly gentle and merciful, diddest not despise that substance, which above all dear unto thee, the devils tyranny had oppressed. But being to effect that dreadful mystery, which before all worlds thou had decreed, thou diddest exinanite thyself that art the wisdom, & mind, & word, and Character, and Bound, and Image, and Seal, and Son, & express form of the Father. For by the holy Ghost, thou diddest both dwell in the chaste Virgin, & received from her a birth which is above all reason. For thou diddest not at all lose her Virginal clausures, but as when thou hadst not flesh, thou diddest enter into her, by such means as thou knowest: so having received flesh thou diddest go forth of her again, leaving the door of her womb shut as it was before. Soon after, thou diddest undergo thy Cross, drinking gall and vinegar mingled together, and pierced through with a spear, thrust into thy side. At the length, freely suffering death hast destroyed death itself, and rewarded the whole world with immortality, and restored perfectly the deformed Image: and that old malediction which by the tree was brought upon men, thou hast blotted out. Therefore, o thou King and maker of all things, who alone, art the framer of so great and admirable matters, and hast made all things that continually are extant, for the common profit of mortal men, and art accustomed, not without Fatherly affection, to punish those which have deserved punishment, when sitting at thy Tribunal seat, thou shalt bring all men to judgement. Vouchsaife me, with all that I remember in my mind, to stand on thy right hand. O beholder of all things, and knower of secrets, forgeating all the offences that ever I committed, open unto me the door of the immortal bride-chamber, that is thy heavenly glory. O immortal Bride-groame, let us hear the voice of blessing. O bountiful, account me in the number of the just, and make us partakers of thy joy, by the prayers of thine unspotted Mother, making intercession for us, and holy Angels and Apostles, and Prophets, and Martyrs, and all the Just that ever were: who with the Father and holy Ghost, art blessed now & always, and world without end. Amen. An Examination of conscience, or prayers before bed. IF I shall enter into the tabernacle Ps. 131. of my house, if I shall ascend the bed of my coach: if I shall give sleep unto mine eyes, and slumbering unto their lids, and rest to the temples of my head, until I find a place for our Lord. I have laboured in my groaning, I Ps. 6. will every night wash my bed, and I will water my coach with tears. I will sleep, and I will rest in peace, Ps. 4. for thou o Lord, hast singularly placed me in hope. A Meditation before sleep out of Aurel. prudent. in Cathemer. hymn. ante somnum. O Worshipper of God, remember, that thou hast been regenerate with the sacred water of the font of baptism, and renewed with Chrism. Look, that when being oppressed with sl●epe, thou goest to bed, that thou sign ●●y forehead, and place of thy heart, with the sign of the Cross. The Cross putteth away all sin, darkness doth flee the Cross. The soul dedicated to that sign, can not waver. O you vain fantasies of wandering dreams, be you far, and far of. O thou winding serpent, that by a thousand wiles, and deceitful frauds, dost trouble the quietness of the heart, depart hence, Christ is here, tremble, the sign which thou knowest, condemneth thine army. Although my fainting body lie down a while to rest, yet in slumber itself I will meditate on Christ. An other out of S. Basile l. q. diffus. explicat. q. 37. WHen the day is ended, let thanks giving be made for those things that in it were given unto us, or happily done: and a confession made of s●ch things as we have omitted, e●●he● voluntarily, or o-otherwise: also whethe●●●e sin was committed secretly, ●i●●er in words, or in deeds, or in th● heart, that for all these things, we may appease God by prayers. For consideration of things past, bringeth great profit to this purpose, that afterward, we fall not into the like. Wherefore David saith. Those Ps. 4. things which you say in your hearts, have compunction of them in your lodgingss. The Confucor appointed by S. Damasus. I Confess to God almighty, to the B. Marry ever Virgin B Mi●ha●l Archangel. B. john baptist, to t●e holy Apostles Peter and Paul, and all Saints, that I have grievously offended, in thought, word, and deed, through my fault, my fault, my greatest fault: Therefore I pray the B. Marry ever Virgin, B. Michael Archangel, B. john Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter & Paul, and all Saints, to pray for me to our Lord God. S. August. lib. Medit. cap. 10. O Lord I know, I know, & confess, that I am not worthy for thee to love, but surely thou art not unworthy whom I should love. Truly I am unworthy to serve thee, but thou art not unworthy of the service of thy creature, therefore give unto me of that thou art worthy, and I shall be worthy of that I am unworthy. Cause me as th●u wilt to cease from sin, that I may serve thee as I ought. Grant that I may so keep, and govern, and end my life, that I may sleep in peace, and rest in thee. Grant me such end, that sleep with rest, rest with security, security in eternity, may receive me. Amen. S. Ephrem apud Sever. Patriarch. Alex. in precat. Syr. Grant unto me, o my Lord, that waking, I may stand watchful in thy sight, and if I shall chance to sleep again, let my sleep be without sin. And if in my awaking, I shall commit any offence, by thy grace, o my Lord, grant me pardon, and if in my sleep I shall offend thy clemency, forgive me. And by the Crucifix of thy humiliation, give me the sleep of rest, and deliver me from ●uil dreams, and filthy imaginations, and bring me all night, into sleep full of quietness, lest things that be evil, and cogitations, full of perversity, have dominion over me. give me the Angel of light, to keep all my members, and from cursed concupiscence deliver me, by that lively body which I have eaten. I will go to bed, and sleep, and rest, and thy blood be keeper of me, and of my soul, which is thy Image. give liberty to thy creature, and thy right hand▪ defend my body which thy hands have framed, and compass me about with a wall of mercies, as with an acceptable saifguard and trench, that when my body shall rest and sleep, it may be kept by thy power, and let my sleep be as a perfume of sweet spices before thy Majesty. Let not the evil one come to my lodging, by the intercession of her that brought thee forth, and by the Sacrifice that is offered by me, drive Satan away. I will hear and execute thy will, o my Lord, that heapest also the night with the quietness of the justice of jesus Christ my Redeemer, because thou art the true light, and thy glory dwelleth in light, and the children of light, do adore thee dwelling in light, and abiding in light. jesus the word, God, save to life, the deceased by thy Cross, spare for thy mercy. And to thee, and the Father that sent thee, and to the holy Ghost, in all time be praise. Aurel. Prudent. in Cathemer. Hymn. ant somn. O father most high, whom no man at any time hath seen, & Christ the word of the Father, and holy Ghost. O one power, and light of this Trinity, God everlasting of God, God sent from them bo●h, be present with me. The labour of the day is ended, & the hour of rest is come, and sleep doth refresh again our weary limm●s. Grant, that a delightful quietness, nourish our wearied bod●e, and vain Imaginations, have no power against us. joannes Virid. in Virid. ALmighty everlasting God, I give thanks, that thou hast vouchsaifed, by thy grace, to keeps me this day from evil: & I beseech thee, that whatsoever this day I have offended, in thought, word or deed, thou wilt vouchsafe by thy passion and death, mercifully to pardon it to me a sinner, and hereafter, to keep me from all danger of body and soul, that I may in saifty arise, to praise the name of thy Majesty, & be able gladly to serve thee with a pure heart, and a chaste body, with thanks giving. Amen. Our Father which etc. Ha●le Mary etc. O Marry Mother of grace, Mother of mercy, defend us from the enemy, & remember us in the hour of death. I believe in God etc. S. Augustinus lib. Meditat. cap. 33. GLory to the Father which created us, glory to the Son who redeemed us, glory to the holy Ghost who hath sanctified us, glory to the highest & indevided Trinity, whose works are inseparable, whose rule remaineth without end. Praise becometh thee, Hymn becometh thee, all honour is due to thee, blessing and brightness to thee, thanks giving to thee, honour to thee, power and strength to our God, world without end. Amen. Meditations & prayers before meat. WHen thou shalt eat, and Deut. 8. shalt be f●l●ed, bless thy Lord thy God etc. ● They shall eat, and pra●●e our Lord. Is. 62. Math. 14. He blessed and broke, and gave the loves to his disciples. Whether you eat, or drink, etc. 1. Cor. 10. do all things to the glory of God. S. Chrisost. hom. 79. ad popul. Antioch. de orat. ant med. IT is needful for us, both coming unto, and going from table, to give thanks to god. For a man prepared to this, will never fall into drunkenness, or insolency will never be broken with surfeit: but having expectation of prayer, imposed for a bridle upon his senses, will with due modesty take of all things, set before him, and fill his soul and body, with much blessing. For a table taking beginning from prayer, will never fail: but more plentifully than a fountain, will bring us all good things. Therefore let us not pretermit so great a profit: for it is absurd, that our servants should give thanks unto us, and go away with blessing, if they receive from us, any part of those things, that be set before us: and we which enjoy so many good things, not to render so much honour to god. S. Athanasius l. de virginit. siue meditat. Eat thy bread, giving thanks to god in this manner. Blessed be god, who nourisheth me from my youth, who giveth food to all flesh: fill our heart with joy and gladness, that in all things having sufficient, we may abound in every good work, in Christ jesus our Lord, with whom, to thee be glory, honour, rule, together with the holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. When thou shalt sit at table, and begin to break bread, signing it three times, give thanks in these words. We give thanks to thee o Father, for thy holy resurrection, by jesus Christ whom thou hast made known unto us, that as this bread was sometime dispersed in many corns, now gathered together, is made but one, so thou wilt vouchsafe to gather together thy church, from the ends of the world, into thy kingdom, because thine is power, and glory, world with out end. Amen. S. Clem. Rom. lib. 7. Constitut. Apost. cap. 48. et S. Chris. in cap. 16. Mat. idem hab. Precat. Syr. apud Sever. Patriar. Alex. de eisdem. GLory be to the Father, and to the Son, & to the holy Ghost. O Lord god grant, this thy nourishment, and fullness, and plenty upon this Table, which thou hast prepared for thy servants and worshippers, and multiply it in thy blessings, and goodness, which do not pass away, nor fail, because thou art good & merciful over every creature, which thy holy hands have framed, o Father, and Son, and holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. Aurelius' Prudent. Cathomer. in Hymn. ante cibum. O Good Christ Cross bearer, maker of light, omnipotent, holy, word begotten, borne of the Virgin, but before mighty in thy Father, before the stars, earth, & Sea were made: I beseech thee, with a favourable aspect, bow down thy saving face, with a cheerful countenance, and shine upon us, that under the honour of thy divine power, we may receive this food. Prayers and Thanks after meat. S. Athanas. lib. de virginitate, supra. WHen thou shalt rise from table, again giving thanks, three times, thou mayst say, Our gentle and merciful Lord, hath given meat to those that fear him. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the holy Ghost. And again, after the glorification ended, finish thy prayers with these words. God omnipoteut, and our Lord jesus Christ, a name that is above all name, we give thanks unto thee, and praise thee, because thou hast vouchsaifed to make us partakers of thy good things, thy earthly good things. We ask thee, and call upon thee o Lord, that thou wilt give us heavenly meat: & grant that we reverene and fear thy venerable and precious name, that we break not thy commandments. Place thy name & justifications in our hearts, sanctify our spirit and soul by thy beloved Son, our Lord jesus Christ, with whom to thee be glory & rule world without end. Amen. Precat. Syriac. apud Severum Patriarch. Alexand. in precat. GLory be to god for his goodness, glory to god for his blessings glory to god, who hath fed us, glory to god that hath filled us, glory to our merciful god, who hath taken mercy on us all, by the intercession of the Mother of god Mary, and all Saints, world without end. Amen. Prudentius supr. hymn. post cibum. NOw we have fed our bodies, and received food, which the weakness of our body requireth, let us give praise to god the Father, the Father that holdeth and ruleth the Cherubin his sacred seat, and his Seraphim leaning upon his highest Throne. S. Chrisostom. in cap. 16. Math. GLory to thee o Lord, glory to thee o holy, glory to thee o King, because thou hast given us meat, in gladness: fill us with the holy Ghost, that we may be found without shame, in thy sight, when thou shalt render to every one according to their works. Amen. A priayer before receiving the B. sacrament out of S. Hierome apud Eusebium Cremon. de morte Hieron. sic Trithem. l. de scriptor. Verep. l. prec. et alii. O Holy jesus, thou, whose magnificence Euseb. Cremon. scholar to S. Hierom l. de morte Hieronim. Tom. 4. oper. S. Hieronim. Basil. impress. An. 1565. is so great, that no creature can express it, whom the heavens, sea, and all things, which are contained in their circuit, cannot receive, thou at thy pleasure ruling & preserving all things, art contained under so small a portion of bread, not by pieces, but wholly and perfectly, & inseparably. O unspeakable admiration, o novelty of all novelties: eyes behold whiteness, taste perceiveth savour, smelling, sent, & touching findeth subtlety: but hearing presenteth to the heart, that those accidents are not in thee, but exist alone without subject: for thou art not bread, as seemeth to human sense, but whole jesus Christ, as thou sittest god and man at the right hand of the Father in heaven. Hail bread of life, who dece●dedst from heaven, giving life to those that worthily receive thee, surely he that worthily receiveth thee, although his soul be separated from his body by temporal death, he shall not die eternally: For that separation is not death, but a passage from death to life. O great & unsearchable mystery. The accidents of bread are broken by pieces, and yet thou remanest whole, & perfect Christ, in every parcel as thou wast before. O noble banquet, in which under the form of bread & wine, whole Christ God and man is received, and so whole in the form of bread and e●ery parcel thereof, and in the form of wine and every drop thereof, as in the form of the whole bread and wine together. For all perfect and whole Christ remaineth under the form of bread, & every least parcel thereof, & the same in the form of wine, and every drop thereof. Missa Rom. D. Petro Apost. asscripta. And used in the primitive church. O Lord jesus Christ, let not the receiving of thy body, which I unworthy presume to take, come to me to judgement, and condemnation, but by thy piety, let it profit me for defence of soul & body, & receiving cure, who livest and reignest with God the Father in unity of the holy Ghost God, world without end. Amen. Laus Deo.