♣ ♣ Vice for to eschew, and all abomination Ipocr●●ie, Idolatry, which is man's perdition O Lord is not the merits of thy passion A sure seal of free pardon, and remission? ♣ ♣ That once was shed for man's redemption? Upon the cross was offered, that high oblation. ¶ O Lord thou didst thy father's wrath pacify ♣ ●Obedient thou wast unto a shameful death For man's life, thou sufferedest patiently Thou yieldest the ghost, as the scripture saith And rose from death, to life the third day And sittest in heaven, with great power & majesty ♣ ♣ Coequal with the father, this is no hay Making intercession, for us sinners perpetually. ¶ O Lord how long shall we weep and cry For fault of food, to the soul spiritual Thy watchmen are doom, and lie in their sty Their filthy living it so abominable To feed thy flock, they take no care nor pain To teach or preach, thy fathful testament ¶ O Lord thy word is our sure touch stone. That leadeth mankind, to his salvation ♣ ♣ Vice for to eschew, and all abomination Ipocrysie, Idolatry, which is man's perdition O Lord is not the merits of thy passion A sure seal of free pardon, and remission ♣ ♣ That once was shed for man's redemption? Upon the cross was offered, that high oblation. ¶ O Lord thou didst thy father's wrath pacify ♣ ● Obedient thou wast unto a shameful death For man's life, thou sufferedest patiently Thou yieldest the ghost, as the scripture saith And rose from death, to life the third day And sittest in heaven, with great power & majesty ♣ ♣ Coequal with the father, this is no nay Making intercéssion, for us sinners perpetually. ¶ O Lord how long shall we weep and cry For fault of food, to the soul spiritual Thy watchmen are doom, and lie in their sty whyppet you priests and turn you Vice and sin they will not rebuke Nor come to god's word to warm you Where do you see more idleness used whippet you priests and turn you Then among you priests which should be refused And come to god's word to warm you ❧ Yet they have an other pretty cast whippet you priests, and turn you Which they play at the last Leave that you priests I warn you ❧ For than they do hold up a cup whippet you priests, and turn you And all the drink they themselves drink up Leave that you priests I warn you ❧ Moreover, they teach their god to play Whyppet you priests and turn you This way and that way Leave that you priests I warn you ☞ Now therefore I will with it be plain Whippet you priests and turn you They will not stick to break their god in twain