A Method, or brief instruction; very profitable and speedy, for the reading and understanding of the old and new Testament. (* ⁎ *) The one expounding the other according to the sense and meaning of our Lord and Saviour jesus Christ. Veritas. Blessed is that man whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth exercise himself both day and night. Psalm. 1.2. 1. He shall be like a tree planted, etc. 2. His leaf shall not whither, etc. 3. Whatsoever he doth shall prosper. LONDON. Imprinted by T. Orwin. for W. Holme. 1590. Vitam orna docendo: Vaum hoc gestit Doctrinam Orna Givendo: Ne ignorata damnetur: Teipsum Consul. Memento Mori. Iusu●●andum serua. Praemonitus Praemunitus. jesu esto mihi jesus. The Preface. To Theophilus the unfeigned lover of jesus Christ. Act. 1, 1. and To Lydia his wife, the painful instructor of her household. Act. 16.15. THE evil of ignorance, how great a sin it is not rightly to know God, the common course of all Creatures in their order, duo partly teach, that by endeavour we may in knowledge excel them, seeing by nature they excel us. And for experience, if the souls and consciences of ignorant men were set open but one hour to the world, it would be a world and a warning for ever, to see their desolation, their fear, their sorrow and resolute condemning of themselves to that place of perdition of body and soul prepared for the devil and for them: not knowing which way to wind out, being brought in by Ariadne's thread, or rather by a corruptible seed, that although the light shineth in the darkness of their hearts, yet they cannot comprehend it: because they either despise or neglect the knowledge of their Creator, which is not to be known to any, but by the knowledge of the holy Scriptures. What Father or Mother would not sigh, and sown for hearty sorrow to see their Children preparing themselves to hell: what Master so unmerciful that would not pity to see their servants hearts bleeding for sorrow? And what Pastor would not willingly resign all to redeem one of his charge, although all the rest were saved? Behold then how careful ought Parents to be in teaching their Children the instruction of the Lord? and how watchful every Pastor to give them their meat in due season. The Devil hath received many into his Kingdom by ignorance of the Scriptures, and he seethe it is the way to enlarge it: therefore he laboureth bodily & Ghostly, night and day, by craft and by cruelty, to hold men in that miserable thrall of darkness, how necessary the knowledge of holy Scriptures is for all people to comfort themselves, and to confirm other many places do testify. Leu. 19, 17. Deu. Kings 23, 2, 3. Neh. 8, 2. Psal. 1, 1.2.3. Prou. 1, 1.2, etc. 19, 2.29, 18. 1. Cor. 14, 20. Gal. 6, 1. 1. Thess. 5.14. 1. Tim. 2, 4. 2. Tim. 2, 24.25.26. Heb. 3.13. jam. 5, 19.20. 1. Pet. 3, 15.16. Beware of false Prophets Math. 7, 15. Try all things and keep that which is good. 1. Thess. 5, 21. But how can these things be performed without the knowledge of holy Scriptures? How shall a servant do the will of his Master, when he knoweth it not? How shall a son rightly obey his Father, wherein he is not taught? And how much less shall the Master the servant, the Father or the Son be serviceable to the Lord, and Father of all things, or by obedience please him when his will is not known by his word; who in deed is to be served and obeyed according to the line and level thereof, and not according to man's fleshly invention or worldly reason. Objection. Yet for all this many object and lay for themselves that the study of God's word doth only appertain to Divines and men that are not busied with the affairs and cares of this world. Alas they are altogether deceived by Satan who worketh in them that be ill, always to doubt their ill by preferring ignorance before knowledge: carnal things before spiritual, and earthly before Heavenly. But Parents must needs have the knowledge of Scriptures to teach their Children. Gen. 18, 18.19. Exod. 12, 26.27.13, 8.9 10. Deu. 4, 9.10. Psal. 78, 5. etc. And it is also the duty of every householder to instruct their families Gen. 18, 18.19. Act. 10, 2.16, 14.15. Romans. 15, 5. Colloss. 4.15. Phil. 2. Object. Some do hold themselves well excused as touching this account, by hard travail and pains taking in their vocation and calling. Object. Some by catechizing in little Books, some by their worshipful and honourable offices in the common weal, and some by frequenting Sermons early and late. Object. Some do think themselves well exercised, and their time well spent in examining & searching other men's Books for faults and errors, thereby to get praise and profit: if they find none, than they hue and strike fiercely at their manners and conversations, always bearing armour defensive to defend their own evil; and arms offensive to assail the good manners of others, whiles they should be occupied in searching their own errors and faults by the holy Scriptures. Objection. Some do spend the remainder of their lives in Envy and Arrogancy enterprising impression against impression, Books, against Books, Sermon against Sermon. And thus they bring some to neglect the study of the sacred Bible: some to doubt of the truth and dignity thereof, and some to hate or to despise the professors of the same. If these calumniators and busy bodies were as ready to put in practise their preaching, as they be to follow after a fault in their living, there should be no such need of Prisons for Malefactors, of Bridewells for Libellors, nor of Hatchets for traitors. Object. Another sort there is (in their kind worse than all these) who by their learning do dissuade the unlearned from that study and order of reading the Bible which is prescribed privately and publicly by a man whose life is unrebukable, whose learning countervaileth the best learned: whose good will to all men hath been published in his Preaching freely, whose undeserved and unanswerable pains hath been set forth by Printing, and whose godly zeal and care doth plainly appear in those whom he hath taught in the knowledge of Gods most holy word, who are in deed as testimonies of his truth & infallible arguments to prove the experience of his Method & order of teaching, (which many ignorant men do control secretly) to be principal. And what should I say more, I doubt not of mildness of constancy, and of the virtue of God's holy spirit in him, so as he may live boldly even at the faces of his adversaries, still prospering in God's business, and very well in his own: In the mean time he is honoured among them that be honoured, that fortune abateth without fault; and he is ashamed among them that be ashamed, that fortune enhanceth without merit; honourable honour resteth not in the dignity that men have, but in the good works whereby they deserve. Herein I commend not the best, the worst are not tolerable. There is no more comparison betwixt the Ark and the Tabernacle, than is between God's word & worldly wealth: the getting, the keeping and the spending of the one is sin, and the seeking of the other is not finding: without the diligent reading of the old & new Testament. Rhetoric is good, I grant you, to persuade: Astronomy is sit to know the course of the Stars. Geometry is profitable to measure the Land. Music is necessary to recreate: Philosophy to take away the terror of death. These and the rest, be they never so good, so fit, so profitable, and so necessary: yet they are all but as dim Stars, in respect of Divinity. The Phrygian Harmony moved to the kalends, maketh a great noise: but being moved to Apollo, is still calm and quiet. Hiarchion hearing Ruphinus blow on his Pipe, would never after play on his flute, the Thrush although having many good notes, will not sing in the company of the Nightingale. Even so, let all the world hold their peace, sit down and hear Divinity. It is like the Pillar of fire by night, and a cloudy pillar by day: to conduct the children of Abraham through the waste wilderness of this world, to that spiritual and everlasting kingdom of Canaan: from this miserable Mesapotamia, and out of the bondage of sinful flesh, to a Gall anointing the eyes of the faithful, that they may see and avoid that foul spirit Asmodeus. To a Star, leading all wise men to the true worship of jesus Christ: and it is a law to control us, a shield to defend us, and a light to teach us. Seeing then it hath so many good uses, how can we be without the knowledge thereof. Seeing our journey & voyage is so dangerous, and we such unskilful travailers: how shall we miss so good a guide? we are all overwhelmed with a cloud of darkness and ignorance: how can we want such a skilful Schoolmaster? And seeing we have all sorts of enemies hindering us, & we ourselves so unfurnished, how shall we be able to stand, not having on the whole armour of God? How shall we quench the fiery darts of the devil? and what shall I say more? O that my mouth could cause my words to mount over all the world, for to make such a deep impression in the hearts of all men; that neither things absent, present or to come in the loss of liberty, living, or life should make them to start one jot from the Christian delight, the holy and Heavenly exercise of God's word. Many, no doubt, would more willingly give themselves to this godly labour, seemed not the ●●ble so great and tedious. And many might soon be brought to the knowledge thereof, if their Minister had either will or ability to divide unto them the word of God aright. For the discharge of mine own conscience and duty, in some respect, having no opportunity or occasion otherwise offered me to benefit my brethren: I will deliver in this book a short method, and easy rule, and a plain passage throughout the Bible to great use and profit. At the first view and sight judge not rashly, let christian modesty and the bands of love hold you, until some time pass for proof of the profit. And if in any thing you mislke it, I humbly pray you mend it: I seek not mine own praise or profit, but in plain and simple sort, to teach Christ Jesus: in whose name I begin and make an end. Your contrieman and servant for Christ his sake, EDWARD VAUGHAN, Preacher of God's holy word in London at S. Marie Wolnor. ●ct yourself throughout the Bible, by learning how many ●ookes are in every part: and how many Chapters every ●ooke containeth: The profit I cannot briefly utter, if you acquaint yourself in the same with this order. The whole Bible may be considered four fold. Legal. Gen. 50. Exod. 40. Levi. 27. Num. 38 1. Sam. 31. New Mat. 28. Mark. 16 Luk. 24. joh. 21. Historical. josu. 24. jud. 21. Ruth. 4. 1. Sam. 31. 2. Sam. 24. 1. King. 22 2. King. 25 1. Cro. 29. 2. Cro. 36. Ezra 10. Nehe. 13. Ester. 10. New Acts. 24. Sapientall. job. 42. Psal. 150. Pro. 31. Eccl. 10. Can. 8. New Rom. 16. 1. Cor. 16. 2. Cor. 13. Gal. 6. Ephe. 6. Phil. 4. Collo. 4. 1. Thes 5. 2. Thes. 3. 1. Tim. 6. 2. Tim. 4. Tit. 3. Phile. 1. Heb. 13. jam. 5. 1. Pet 5. 2. Pet. 3. 1. Io. 5. 1. Io. 1. 3. Io. 1. jude. 1. Prophetical. Isay 66. jere. 52. Ezec. 48. Dani. 12. Hosea. 14. joel. 4. Amos. 6. Obedi. 1. josuah 4. Micha. 7. Nahum. 3 Habac. 3. Zepha 3.3 Hagg. 2. Zach. 14. Mal. 4. New Revel. 22. The Contents or sum of the first part. THe first part is called Legal, because it chiefly containeth the law and statutes of God the Creator to all his Creatures: in this order given. To things not having life, as the Element, the Earth, the Sea, etc. Gen. 1.11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. To things having life, as Fowls, Fishes, Beasts, etc. 14, 25. To Adam before his fall, & after Gen. 2. 15, 16.3.15, 17, 19 To his posterity, in two Tables of stone written by the finger of God. Exod. 19, 20, 34. To the sanctified members of Christ in the fleshly Tables of their hearts. 1. Cor. 3.3. The Contents or sum of the second part. THe second part is called Historical. for that therein is principally set forth many and singular examples of Gods mighty power, in protecting the lot of his inheritance: who, notwithstanding Satan and the world craftily and cruelly resisteth; yet by a few simple men, and of no reputation; he replenished all the world with the sweet sound of jesus Christ his son: and overthrew their Conspiracies, their Treacheries, their cruelty and outrage. In these Stories he hath left perfect notice to all the world, that he never suffered them that trusted in him to perish; nor such as delighted in their own Arms to prevail. Besides, he hath in these notable Actions and Stories, as it were registered a perpetual memory to the Church: that the Cross is ordained as an inseparable companion to a good Christian, which nevertheless, is turned in short time, to endless and unspeakable joy: for so is the will of God. The Contents of sum of the third part. THe third part, which is Sapiental comprehendeth matter of great doctrine concerning true Religion & holiness of life: it doth allure the hearts of men to the diligent reading of God's word, which is left as most precious jewels to the Church. It describeth the dee●auable vanities of this world, that men should not be addicted to any thing in the same; but rather inflamed with the desire of heavenvly life & bliss in Christ. It showeth forth by many sweet & pleasant Allegories, similitudes, parables, and comparisons, the perfect love of jesus Christ in the creation and redemption. It teacheth us to tread in the steps and paths of the true Church, whose affections are inflamed with pure bounty & love of the Messiah, who is become ours, by taking our nature upon him, and by accomplishing all things necessary to our Salvation and Redemption. The Contents, or some of the fourth part. THe 4. part, which is Prophetical, interpreteth the law contained briefly in two Tables. It foretelleth many notable things touching the promise of the Messiah, his office, his kingdom, the favour of God towards his Church, and the persuasion that is used with japhet to dwell in the house of Sem as God had said unto Noah. It directeth all men to the assurance of God's eternal providence, by the consideration of things present, past, and to come; whereof the Prophets are plentiful. By observing this order, you shall be able to judge nearly where every matter that cometh in your hearing doth lie in the Bible, or what scripture soever you shall read elsewhere. For all things profitable to our instruction and salvation is contained in the four parts before recited: therefore mark how they are distinguished. First, learn how the whole is divided into 9 Periods, or stories. Secondly, where every Period or story do begin and end in the Bible. thirdly, that you learn to say some thing as the holy Ghost uttereth concerning the Creation in Gen. 1, 2, 3, 4. The Flood, Gen. 7, 8. The Promise, Gen. 12. The giving of the law, Exod. 19, 20. The going out of Egypt, Exod. 12, 13, 14. Their entrance into Canaan, josua. 1, 2, 3. Their possession, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 The first King, 1. Sam. 9, 10. The Captivity, the book of Daniel, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Their liberty in Christ, Matth. 1, 2, 27, 28. The continuance of every period or story I have laid down at the end of every one such. Be sure to observe this order. 1. From the Creation to the Flood Gen. 1. to Gen. 7, a story of 1656. years. 2. From the Flood to the promise first to Abram Gen. 8, to Gen. 12, a story of 427. years. 3. From the Promise made to Abram to the giving of the law Gen. 12. to Exod. 19, a story of 430. years. 4. From their going out of Egypt to their entrance into Canaan Exod. 12, to josua 1, a story of 40. years. 5. From their entrance into Canaan to their quiet possession. josua 1, to judges 1, a Story of 7. years. 6. From their quiet possession to Saul their first King. judg. 1. to the 1. Sam. 1, a Story of 450. years. 7. From Saul their first King, to the Captivity. 1. Sam. to Nehemiah, a Story of 490. years. 8. From their captivity to their liberty, these books, Nehemiah, Ezra, Hester: a Story of 70. years. 9 From their liberty unto Christ the everlasting liberty: the book of Daniel a Story of 490. years. These things being well & perfectly settled in your mind, then consider what is contained in every Period particularly, I mean what the Argument or Sum of every ●uch Story is: whereby you shall see whereupon the Bible doth depend, what Religion was in every Age, the cause of the alteration: which you must do advisedly in this order. 1. PERIOD. In every Period mark what is said of God the Creator in this order. The Creator called himself in the Hebrew tongue jehovah, whom in our language we call God, Gen. 1, 1. Deu. 6.4. It is a name of wonderful weight & unsearchable consideration, and yet not answerable to the greatness of his Majesty, in respect of his divine person and godly essence. It containeth five vowels, which are the ground and perfection of all languages: for, as without the same no tongue can be distinct or understood, so without the true knowledge and love of his eternal Majesty, no man can speak unto him rightly: all will be but babbling, or as though he understood it not. This name hath in it also 2. h. h. which in all languages are nothing else but aspirations or breathe, thereby making up the number of 7. letters, being the full number of the Sabaoth, alluding to this saying, From him we have our breathing, in him we live, move, and have our being. For we are his generation, Act. 17.28. And also to teach that the praising of God is a part of the sanctification of the Sabaoth, without the which, no soul hath rest or peace with God. jehovah our God. Mark the force of this word Our: It is not attributed to the Father, nor to the holy Ghost, but directly to the Son of the Father, who is become ours & we his, Cant. 2.16. by taking our nature upon him. For the use and interest of all his Creatures, together with the work of redemption, he hath left this exercise for ever in his Sanctuary, saying; Praise me the eternal God: which is the signification of this holy name jehovah, assuring us also thereby of his aeternal favour, in whom is no shadow of change: for what he was, the same he is, and will be to come. He hath many other names in respect of his quality & rich liberality towards his Saints, and in regard of his justice towards the reprobate. As Palmoni, Michael, etc. Of the same number of letters, but of three vowels, pointing closely to the unity of the Trinity. The one signifieth that he numbereth & finisheth the livings and lives of all men, that he weigheth all men's words and works in a balance or weight of the Sanctuary, that he divideth and giveth how he will, and to whom it pleaseth him. Dan. 5.26, 27, 28. Michael signifieth very God, and showeth that there is no other: he is God alone. Michael is only thrice repeated in Scripture, Dan. 10.21. Dan. 12.1. judg. 1.9. There is no Angel of that name. Wherein we are to consider 4. things. His Wisdom in creating all good. His Power in governing all his creatures. His Providence in providing all good things for his. His justice in destroying all the wicked. In every story or Period you shall see these particulars, which will further your purpose, and put you in mind of divers other such like concerning GOD: whereby you shall be perfect in that account, which is the first and principal point required of every Christian. Then observe wheresoever you read, what is spoken of GOD, whether he be 3. in one Gen. 1.26, 27.18.2, 3, 9, 10.13.16 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27. joh. 10.30. 1. Timo. 3, 16. Ephe. 4, 5.6. Or 1. in 3. distinct Father. Gene. 1.1, 2, 3. Matt. 3.16, 17. Son. Gen. 1, 3. Mat. 3.16. Holy Ghost. Gen. 1.2. Matt. 3, 16. The Argument or some of this first Period. Read Gen. the 5. there you shall see 10. holy Fathers, which I have laid down in their order, in whom the Church of GOD stood, who as skilful musicans, did sweetly sing one song, making a heavenly sound over all the world, whose lives were ended at the flood, whose holy Religion hath end with the fire, the reward of whose labours hath eternal memory with GOD and his Angels, which are these that follow, with their significations and years. Fathers. Significations. Years. Adam earthly. 930 Gen. 5.5, Seth settled. 912 8, Enos sorrowful. 905 11, Kenan godly repentance. 910 14, Mahalael praise God. 895 17, Iared the lowly. 962 20, Henoch the Sabaoth keeper. 365 24, Methuselah long life. 969 27, Lamech heart wounded. 777 33. Noah. the comforter. 950 Gen. 9.29 This number of 10. Fathers, wherein God hath measured his Church, serveth very necessarily to expound hard sentences in scripture of the same number. But you must mark that 10. sometimes standeth in good part, as in Tithes, Levi. 27.32. Nu. 18.25, 26, 27, 28. In the 10. month the flood abated Gen. 8.5. God would have spared many thousands for 10. sake, Gen. 18.42. etc. Sometimes 10. is taken in account of evil, as Numb. 14.22. Esai. 5.10. Again, 10. horns of the Beast which Daniel saw, signifieth 10. wicked persecuting Kings, Dan. 7.24. The Pope hath 10. stately Kingdoms to assist him, Revel. 13.1. Thus must you compare one 10. with another as you read. Now mark briefly the story of every Father particularly, in the which you may, by comparison, expound other places of like quality in Scriptures. ADam, his original or kindred was the red earth of Moriah, near the garden of Eden a mount in jerusalem. Where Isaac was offered, as a figure of Christ the holy of holiest. Gen. 22 2. Where Sem, or Melchisedech dwelled, which place was called Salem, but upon Isaac his offering, it was called jerusalem. Gen. 14.18. Where Noah's Ark rested in the threshing place of Araunah the Jebusite. 2. Sam. 24. 16, 17, 18, to 25. Where Solomon was commanded to build the Temple. 2. Chro. 3.1. Where was the Oratory of God, the law and the spirit. Where Christ in the sulnes of time died, as a high Sacrificer. Mark every Moriah as you read, and confer one with another by particular questions. Adam was in soul a Saint for wisdom and will. So are all his posterity in Christ. He was a King, a Prophet, and a Sacrificer. So was Christ. And it is certain that he believed the promise concerning Christ, in whose commemoration he offered continual sacrifice, the which was consumed by fire from heaven in the allowance thereof, as was the sacrifice of Abram, etc. in the time of the Law. In the assurance whereof he named his wife Heva, that is to say, life. And he called his Son Seth, settled or persuaded in Christ. He brought up his Sons Abel and Cain in the same profession. By faith Abel offered a greater sacrifice than Cain, by the which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts. Hab. 11.4. God clothed Adam & his wife with the skins of those beasts which he had sacrificed. The first promise concerning Christ. When God had chastened the woman and cursed the serpent. He said unto Adam, The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head. Gen. 3.15. He lived with Methusalah to instruct him in this promise, and in the right use thereof 243. years as in Gen. 5.25, 26, 27,, 11. He was skilful in all Sciences the first day, and 30. year of age, by the use of nature as men are now. So was Christ at the end of daniel's last week 9, when he was baptised Lu. 2.23. And it must needs stand by many arguments and plain narrations, that he fell the the same day of his creation. His Wife was a goodly, fair, and beautiful Queen. So is the Wife of Christ, the Church, all glorious, and there is no spot within her. Thus by particular observations, you may make your comparison fit with other places of the same sense out of the old or new. Read Mat. 19.4, 5, 6. Mark 10.3, 4, 5, etc. Christ comes of Adam, Rom. 5.1. 1. Cor. 15. A comparison between Christ and Adam. 1. Tim. 2. Revel. 12. SEth was the 3. son of Adam, begotten in the likeness of his Father, when he was 130. year old. All the world is bound to take instruction of him, to be settled in Christ the Rock. All places of Scripture that import the Rock Christ, settled faith and constancy may be reduced unto this. The number 130. in which he was begotten, serveth very well to remember you of all places of the sam● number in scripture. As Terah begat Abram, a new Stablisher of Religion when he was 130. year old. Jaacob came to Egypt, a reviver of Religion when he was 130. year old. You shall read seldom, or but once, in Luk. 3.38. of Seth in the New Testament. ENos was very zealous and sorrowful for the corruption of Religion and good manners, which was like to ensue upon the marriage of the sons of GOD with the daughters of men, who regarded beauty and worldly preferment, rather than the promises of life and everlasting glory, by serving and praising God in true Religion. To this you may refer the zeal of Moses, Elias, Paul, john, etc. who wept for the people that sinned, and desired rather to be razed out of the book of life, than that so many thousands should perish in the wrath of the Lord. To this you may refer all unequal and inordinate marriages, and the inconveniences that cometh thereof. KEnan had sorrowfulness and withal godly repentance, furnished with a care of amendment of life. To this you may reduce all penitent sinners, as David, Peter, etc. MAhalael had a name very answerable to that acceptable Sacrifice which the Creator imposed upon his creation, according to the signification of his own name: both which I have told you. To this may be reduced all places of thanks giving and praising of God. So Leah named her fourth son, judah, signisying, praise the Lord. This aught to be imitated of all men throughout the course of Religion and trade of life. Psal. 47. The reason why, is showed Psal. 19.102, 105. Jarred had the virtues of his forefathers, which induced him to great humility and lowliness. To this you may refer all such like places, how God exalteth the lowly and meek. As Joseph out of the pit of slime, to be Lord and ruler in all the Land of Egypt. David a poor simple Shepherd, to be a renowned king over his inheritance, and Daniel & Peter, etc. This must needs call you to remember the proud and their overthrow upon the dunghill. HEnoch walked with God in holy life, he was a man wholly dedicated to the Lord by his name & in the trade of his life, wherein was seen his father's zeal and sound Religion in bringing him up meet for the service of the great God, as Abram did Jsaac. as Anna did Samuel, etc. He was faithful. Read Haebr: 11.5. He was a Prophet. jude. 1.14, 15. He is the seventh from Adam, his years are agreeable with the number of the Sabaoth, putting all men in mind of the six days creation, and the seventh days Rest or redemption. Seven is an holy and an infinite number importing grace & peace by jesus Christ. Leviticus. 25.8, 9, 10, 11. Seven eyes in the Revelation signifieth Gods seven fold & incomprehensible wisdom and providence. The number of 7. is also taken, many times, for a time certain, and ceasing in evillpart, as Nabuchadnezzar was a beast 7. years & no longer. The Tabernacle was 7. months in building, and no longer. Sometimes 7. is in good part, and for a certain time ceasing, as the Land of Canaan was 7. years in conquering. All notable actions were done in the equal number of 7. from Moses to Christ his death by 7. sevens. Seveh fifties for the glory of joseph's house. Seven seventies for the house of judah. Seven tens for the captivity. Seven seventies to Christ. Thus you shall make use of seven in all actions throughout the holy Bible. The holy servants of God, as a rare mark to behold, were borne in the equal number of 7. As Henoch the 7. from Adam. Heber the 7. from Henoch. Isaac the 7. from Heber. Moses the 7. from Abram. josua the 7. from Ephraim joram the 7. from David. MEthuselah having all the virtues and blessings of his forefathers, after his death shall have life eternal which his name did teach him by the signification thereof. As Adam lived 249. years to instruct him; so he lived with Sem to teach him 98. years. Apply this to the faithful, as a reward of their labours in Christ. His age was an exact number or rule of the Flood, the waters could not drown the world while he lived. The like may be said of Lot, that fire could not fall upon Sodom, until he was entered into Zoar. LAmech he was outwardly afflicted by men, & inwardly afflicted in conscience by the devil: he was a Prophet for he spoke of things many hundred years past, and of the comfort that should fall out by Woah. Gen. 5.28, 29. A fit resemblance of the Church. NOah found grace and favour in the sight of God, in him was established the Covenant made to Adam. His household, as a small remnant left in the Ark, is lest as an equal portion of the smallness of the Church, in respect of the wicked. The Dove, bringing an Olive leaf, signified peace and plenty. You may compare it well with the holy Ghost bringing glad tidings and everlasting joy to the Church. He was the 10 from Adam. Remember 10. Read for Noah, Matt. 24. Luk. 17. Hab. 11. 1. Pet. 3. 2. Pet. 2. The signification of their names being well linked and chained together, makes up a Christian Sacrifice and the whole sum of Religion briefly thus. The Majesty of God foreseeing the fall of Adam, gave him a name answerable thereunto, which was Earthly, miserable, perishing, dying▪ etc. Adam finding the same true in him and in his posterity, he comprehended by the light of God's spirit, that the seed of the woman should restore him and all believers into the favour of God, and therefore he called his third son Seth; which is in our language settled, persuaded, & resolved in Christ. Seth was in his profession and trade of life as his name signified: and because he knew that to be settled in Christ cannot be without contrition and grief for sin, he named his son Enos, sorrowful: the rather because sorrowful corruption began to grow by the marriage of the daughters of men. Enos knowing that there was two sorts of sorrow or repentance, a godly & a worldly; therefore he named his son Kenan, godly repentance. Kenan being settled in Christ, sorrowful for sin, and having godly repentance, he named his son the praise God, in Hebrew Mahalael. Mahalael, having in himself all the former virtues, he called his son lared, lowly, without the which all is sin. Iared, knowing that the sanctification of the Sabaoth is a degree of virtue, and a great piece of this spiritual Sacrifice, he called his son Henoch, the Sabaoth keeper. Henoch, to set forth the reward of all those excellent virtues, named his son Methuselah, that is, long life. Methuselah, knowing well that the Church in the mean time should endure many tribulations, he called his son Lamech, which is by interpretation, heart wounded. Lamech, although his case, and his brethren professing jesus Christ was wretched and full of heart wounds, yet after a while they should rejoice, and in token thereof he called his son Noah, a Comforter. Go backward or forward, he that hath one of these virtues hath all; they cannot be separated: he that misseth of one misseth of all. He that is settled in Christ is sorrowful for his sin; he that is sorrowful, is godly sorrowful unto repentance: he that hath a godly repentance, praiseth God in poverty and in plenty: he that praiseth GOD, is lowly in all estates: he that is lowly, sanctifieth the Sabaoth: he that sanctifieth the Sabaoth, shall have long life: he that hath these former virtues, shall be heartily wounded in this world: but in the world to come he shall have joy and comfort, which no man shall take from him. He that keepeth not the joy of Christ in his heart, is not heartily wounded: he that is not wounded and in afflictions here, hath no hope of long life: he that hopeth not for long life, keepeth not the Sabaoth: he that keepeth not the Sabaoth, is not lowly: he that is not lowly, praiseth not God: he that praiseth not GOD, hath not godly repentance: he that hath not godly repentance, is not sorrowful: he that is not sorrowful, is not settled on Christ the rock, but is earthly, miserable, perishing, etc. Now mark who were enemies in their time. 1 Serpent a liar. Gen. 3.1, 2, 3 4, etc. 2 Kain a murder. Gen. 4.1, 2, 3 4, etc. 3 Lamech an adulterer. Gene. 4.18, 19, 20. etc. By lying, pride entered. By pride, murder issued. By fleshly lust, contempt of Religion followed. These 6. were the sins of the old world, the earth was corrupt, and filled with the enormity thereof. Gen. 6.5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13. job speaketh much of these sinners in those days. 22.15, 16, 17. 1. Pet. 3.19, 20. Jude 1. 14, 15. 1 The Serpent was a goodly fair creature; but very wise and subtle. Matth. 10.16. The Angels seeing the excellency of the creation day by day, & perceiving that they and all creatures else were made but as servants to Adam, they presently upon his creation murmured, and were not content with their estate; but left their habitation and calling, which made GOD to reserve them in everlasting chains. jud. 1.6. whereupon he presently fell to tempt Adam, 1. Cor. 11.3. The head of these evil Spirits was Lucifer; as he was more clear and brighter than other Angels, so he fell into a more filthy Apostasy: he was not evil by kind, but of his own advisement he turned out of kind: he fell willingly, as Adam from good into evil, from light into darkness: he coveted highness not meet for him: therefore he was thrown into the lowest place: he with an infinite multitude more were deprived of their beauty and glory. They were at the first heavenly bodies: but upon their fall they were turned into the quality of the air. These were called by divers names answerable to their kind and quality. Whereof 4. are in the 12. chap. and .9. vers. of the Revelation. 1 a Devil. For that he is a quarreler, a callenger and a backbiter. 2 a Dragon. In respect of his wonderful cruelty and speedy spoil. 3 a Satan. For that he is a Tempter, Matth. 4.10. Adversary or enemy. Luke 22.31, 32. 2. Cor. 4, 4. 1. Thess. 2, 18. 1. Thes. 3, 5.2. Thes. 2.9, 10. Reu. 2.13. 4 a Serpent. For his subtlety and craft. 2. Cor. 11, 3. Behemoth, is likened to an Ox: for that he laboureth and enforceth all his power to draw men to destruction. job. 40, 10. Leviathan, a great mighty fish, not to be ruled with line and hook; so the Devil cannot be meeked and tamed by the nature of man. job. 40.20. Lion, who is very ravening, and always sleepeth with his eyes open, most watchful and vigilant: so the devil seeking whom he may devour. 2. Pet. 5.8. Boar, for his rooting, extirpation, utter subversion and destruction. Psal. 80.13 Now I will speak briefly of those Angels, which were left in heaven, and continued in their first Estate, of whom you shall read much in holy Scriptures, and of their sundry names in respect of their several & sundry offices in the Church, and in heaven: which I pray you diligenly to mark. AN Angel is a name of office & not of kind. He is of a spiritual & immortal substance, and of great purity: by reason whereof he perceiveth in himself all forms & shapes intelligible, whereby he is stirred to heavenly contemplations. The likeness of GOD shineth in him. Haeb. 1.7. Angels have three things in them. 1 Essence: by the which they have being of purity, of discretion, and godliness. 2 Virtue: by the which they have power to understand, to live, and to continue for ever. 3 Working: by the which they are exercised to do all things swistly, willingly, and profitably to God's glory, and to the benefit of his Church. Angels called Seraphins. BEcause they are many, they are inflamed with the clear light and brightness of God: their office is to kindle and inflame others in the love of God. This fire wherewith they are kindled; burneth and not wasteth. Haeb. 1, 14. Angels are called Cherubins. A Company or a multitude higher than the Seraphins: these have the gift of fairness in the first virtue that worketh. For by the light of wisdom they be drawn into the fairness of GOD himself. Haeb. 9, 5. Angels called Thrones. THe Majesty of God sitteth in and upon these. Their offices is to set forth GOD'S justice against unpenitent sinners. Revel. 1.4. Revel. 14.17, 18, 19, 20. Psalm. 80.1. Cherubins and Thrones are one. Angels called Dominations. THese are above the rest in power, they have justice in force, liberty in godliness, and they conform all their actions to The rule and direction of their Precedent. Haebr. 1, 6. Angels called Principalities. THeir office is to bring and reduce others to God. They are over other Angels. Some of them serve, and some wait. Dan. 7.9, 10. Psal. 68.7. Angels called Powers. FOr that they have power over evil Angels, and wicked spirits. Their office is, to keep & comfort the Saints on the earth. These have equal might with those Angels which are called Dominations. Revel. 16.1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. 1. Pet. 3, 22. All these are said to be clothed with fire, and with Light, as with a garment. Psal. 104. They are girded with a golden Girdle, signifying might and courage. Dan. 10 5. Revel. 15, 6. They bear in their hands swords & sceptres. A sword to rule, and a sceptre to magnify. Gen. 3.24. Numb. 22.31. josua 5, 13. Revel. 6.8. warlike weapons, fight for the Church spiritually. They have Trowels, Measures, and all sorts of working tools, to work men a new unto God. They have Trumpets, for that they warn and excite men to hear the voice of God, and to prepare themselves against the spiritual enemy. Revel. 8, 2. They have Instruments of Music, comforting and refreshing the weak & wearied, as was signified by the Levites. 2. Cron. 7, 6. Revel. 5.8, 18, 22. They are likened to Horses of all colours, to Chariots, and to Eagles, for that they are posts and speedy messengers betwixt Christ and his Church. jerem. 4, 13. Zachar. 1.8, 9 6.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Revel. 9.16, 17. They are likened to Warders, and unto Watchmen, for that they forewarn the Church of perils. Psal. 141, 3. Esa. 21.6, 7, 8, 9 jerem. 51, 12. Dan. 4, 10. They are likened to harvesters and labourers, for that they gather men into the lords Barn, as wheat. jerem. 50, 16. Mich. 7, 1. Math. 9.37, 38. They are called by many other names, and likened to divers natural things, thereby to make us the better to discern them, the plainlier to see them, and the easier to avoid that which may dislike them. Mark them well, and reduce them by particulars into memory, which will greatly profit you. THE particular Ages and Years of the ten Fathers, Gen. 5. before recited serveth as an exact rule to know how long the first Story or Period, and the world of old did last. The same manifesteth unto all Nations the loving kindness of the Lord, who as yet in the days of Noah, he gave them, one hundred and twenty Years Repentance and withal the severity of God in making the earth void and empty, as it was in the beginning because of sin: & in not suffering the posterity of Noah to live half their former years: which was a note of God's justice to the wicked in breaking their earthly imaginations: and a testimony of his love towards his elect, by hastening their kingdom and glory. 2. PERIOD. The Argument or sum of the 2. Period. Read Gen. 11. there God in the number of other 10. holy Fathers, beginneth to multiply a new Church; over whom he was very careful and provident, as of a peculiar and special people dedicated to his own glory, and sequestered from ill and profane uses; which I have laid down in their order, with the significations of their names and years, which you shall perceive serveth to great purpose. Fathers. Significations. Years. 1 Sem renowned. 600. Gen. 11.11. 2 Arphaxad healing. 438. Gen. 11.13. 3 Sale peace 433. Gen. 11.15. 4 Heber pilgrim. 464. Gen. 11.17. 5 Peleg divided. 209. Gen. 11.19. 6 Regue breaking. 207. Gen. 11.21. 7 Sarug palm trees. 200. Gen. 11.23. 8 Nahor angry or dry. 119. Gen. 11.25. 9 Terah a wretch. 70. Gen. 11.26. 10 Abram. a high father. 175. Gen. 25.7. Now you must learn what may be said particularly of these Fathers. Sem was Melchisedech King of Salem, who lived 600. years, who was Noah's Son. SEm was a perfect figure of Christ, without father & without mother, in respect of his great age, whose kindred was unknown to any man, when Lot was taken prisoner, for he was before the flood, and lived a Grandfather in Abram his time of eight degrees. At the slaughter of the Kings he might well be renowned; for when all Nations were at variance round about him, he was unto them at Salem a sight of peace, he ruled with great wisdom and dexterity, like the Son of God; he outlived all that knew him. None of Cham's house could resemble the Son of God, nor any of japhets' house, whose Religion came from Salem. The 2. promise concerning Christ. SAint Paul meant when he said that Melchisedech was without father and without mother, nothing else but to call the jews to mind, who (in their Story) was the true figure of Christ, without father and without mother. Sem lived until 50. years of Jsaac his age, to teach Religion. Blessed be the God of Sem. Gen. 9.26. Saint Paul chargeth men to consider of him, & to compare him with Abram, which cannot be, if he be indeed without father and mother. Read more Luk. 3. Haebr. 5.6.7. Heber was a rare man, 2. sevens from the creation, a double Henoch, he was the 4 after the flood. So is Judah the 4. from jaacob, of whom Christ came. Mark always the number 4. and make your comparison. The Hebrew tongue remained in him, whence he had his name, at the confusion of tongues, which enlarged his glory. Again, none that ever were before him, lived after him. In his time Babel was built, by the curse of Cham there they lost the glory of their name, which was turned to shame. Thence they were scattered over the world into 70. companies, where afterwards they were in bondage 70. years. There their ages were again halved the 2. time. To this you may refer the fall of Angels, who by pride surmounted above their Creator, seeking to enlarge their glory, but thereby it was diminished greatly. The like may be said of Adam, who coveted to be over wise, became a very fool, and coveting all, lost all. The like of Jsrael, who not contented with the Lord, desired to be governed by man, had an hypocrite for their King. Abram was a new setter up of Religion in his time, as was Seth in the old world; he was the 10. from Noah, and the 7. before Moses, showing therein, that in 10. he was on earth the highest account, and in 7. the holiest by Christ. Here mark 10. and 7. and confer them elsewhere with the like numbers. He overcame four Kings with his own household. To this you may call to mind the conquest of josua, who with a small company subdued mighty Nations; and especially to Christ jesus, who by himself, conquered all the world and the power of Satan to deliver the Captive. He had the Promise concerning Canaan, and concerning Christ to come. God changed his name Abram, a high father, to Abraham a father of many Nations; declaring thereby, the unsearchable riches and mercies of the father in Christ. Here Ages were the third time halved. Read more joh. 8. Luk. 16. Act. 7. Rom. 4. Haebr. 7.11. Matth. 1. Abram had two sons, Ishmael and Isaac: Isaac was a son by the free woman, which was borne by promise, who being offered & not slain, is a figure of Christ, who was killed, and behold alive. Revel. 5.6. Abram is a figure of God the Father, who spared not his only son. Jsaac is the longest liver after Heber, and lived longer than his father, to show that he was the child of promise, and by relation closely to 〈…〉 the aeternal joy appointed to every one of the same covenant. Rom. 9 Ishmael was borne of the bond woman, and both brothers hath a great relation to the 2. Testaments, the calling of some freely of his mercy, and the rejecting of many other according to upright justice, which was signified by casting Jsmael and Hagar out of Abraham's house. Read Gal. 4. yet he became a Nation of 12. Dukedoms in the land of Chush. Isaac had two sons at one time, jaacob & Esau, who did import and signify two Nations: to weet, the Jews and the Gentiles: the one was chosen by the free mercy of God, the other left to condemnation, that the purpose of God might stand. Rom. 9.11. Of jaacob which is called Israel. Read Matth. 1. Luk. 1.2.4. Joh. 1.4. Rom. 9.11. 1 Cor. 10, 11. Gall. 6. Act. 2.13.21. The other Fathers are not recited in the new Testament, nor in the old, but only to prove the line of Christ whole from Noah to Abram, of whom he should come according to the flesh. The 3. promise concerning Christ. IN the 10. Age from Sem, Abram lived, to whom GOD said, In thy seed shall all the Nations of the earth be blessed. Gen. 12. Sem lived 150. years in Abraham's time, to teach him in the right use of that promise which God had made unto him many years before. Gen. 11.10 to 27. Terah was 130. years when he begat Abraham. 11, 32.12.4, etc. Act. 7.4. and he lived unto the 50. year of Jsaacs' age. Abram being 110. years old Gen. 21.5. lived to teach Isaac 75. years after. Gen. 25.7 Isaac being 60. years old was borne Jaacob, Gen. 25.26. Abram was then alive and lived 15. years to teach Jaacob. These sons of Sem with their posterity are cast out of the holy line, who were deadly enemies to their kindred. Gen. 10.22, 23. Elam their issue and posterity Elamites, or Persians. Asshur Assyrians. Lud Lidian's. Aram Aramites, or Syrians. IAphet the son of Noah, and his sons: of these were the Isles of the Gentiles, every man after his tongue, and family. Genesis 10.2, 5. Gomer their issue or posterity. Tartarians. Magog Turks, Scythians. Madai Medes. javan their issue & posterity, read Ezech. 38 1, 2, 3, etc. 39.1, 2, People of Asia and Graecia. Tubal Read Ezech. 27.12, 13. Mesech Tiras I'm the Son of Noah, and his Sons. Genesis 10.6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, etc. Chush their issue & posterity. Nimrod a mighty hunter, the builder of Babel. Gen. 10.8. Misraim Egyptians in Hebrew Misraims'. Pút Black Moors. Canaan Canaanites, Perizites & so forth, as Gen. 10. Here may you see the great wisdom of GOD, by ruling the hearts and tongues of these Fathers to give their Children such names, as might in it teach a true form and proportion of his Church, as he did by the other 10. Fathers before the flood: which being laid & chained equally together, maketh up a short account of Faith and sum of Religion. It showeth to all the world the providence of God, and it enforceth men of good conscience, to give their children significative names, for imitation and examples sake. Noah having found favour with GOD, above many thousand generations, & perceiving by a spirit of Prophecy, that his son Sem, the eldest in account, should be blessed, & of great fame with God & men, he named him Renowned. Sem perceiving the purpose of his father to be fallen true in him, and knowing that perfect Renown standeth in the Saving health of the soul, to make his faith known, he named his son Healing. Arphaxad being thus named, to show his Religion, that health and salvation standeth by the persuading of God's justice in Christ, he called his son, Peace. Sale being well assured that he was at perfect peace with GOD, as all the faithful were, and yet seeing their trouble and misery in this world, he called his Son Pilgrim. Heber having many singular prerogatives in himself, & foreseeing division of the people for their pride in building Babel, he named his son dividing. Peleg perceiving that immediately upon division and dissolution, comes a starting from the laws of GOD, and a cutting or dismembering from the Church, he named his son Breaking. Regu declareth his own stay and sound continuance in the Covenant, though the wicked break and are broken off as rotten branches: he calleth his son Palm Tree. Sarug was springing and sprouting, he was prosperous and goodly as a Palm tree among the trees of the Forest: & although nothing could diminish the force of his faith, yet he called his son Dry. Nahor being easily moved with displeasure and anger, and dry in respect of any good fruit without the Lord, he saw that the son of such a father was to be called, Wretch. Terah although indeed a poor miserable wretch, and subject to corruption, because of sin in himself, yet by grace saved, as by testimony of his sons name did import, whom he named a high Father. To every one of these may be called to mind all places of Scripture of like sense, and so make use thereof: as Renowned, Peace, dividing, Breaking, Palm trees for Constancy, etc. The years how long these Fathers lived serveth to great purpose, otherwise the holy Ghost had not made account thereof so plain. Therefore mark well the same, and the profit will be yours greatly. 3. Period. The Argument or sum of this Period. REad Gen. 29, 30. there you shall see a Church in the number of 12. of the seed of Abram, who are called in scripture by divers names, as Vine, Garden, Vineyard, a Royal nation, a peculiar people, Kings and Priests, etc. The Majesty of God did keep them as the Apple of his eye, he wrote them upon the Palm of his hands, he set them as a Signet on his finger, and he wrote their names in the book of life. Patriarches. Significations. 1 Reuben The L. looked upon my tribulation, my husband will love me. Goe 29.32 2 Simeon The Lord heard that I was hated. 33. 3 Levi Mine husband will love me and keep me company. 34. 4 judah Praise the Lord. 25. 5 Dan God gave sentence on my side Gen. 30.6. 6 Nepthali Excellent wrestling, I got the upper hand. 8. 7 Gad A company cometh. 11. 8 Asher Blessed am I, for the daughters will love me. 13. 9 Isachar GOD hath given me my reward. 18. 10 Zabulon GOD hath endowed me with a good dowry. 20. 11 joseph GOD hath taken away my rebuke. 23, 24. 12 Benjamin The son of my sorrow. 35, 18. When you miss them by their names, you shall know them by their significations, as you read. Read Gen. 49, there their Father jacob at his death gave them several blessings answerable to their names, and withal a Prophecy in another sort, what should come unto them in the later days, by giving them these Arms and Cognisances according to their Kindred and Tribes, whereby you may know them. And the cause why he so blessed them is laid down directly: which I pray you for your own profit to read, and mark the Story well. Patriarches. Arms. Chapters. 1 Reuben water. Gen. 49.4. 2 Simeon a Sword. Gen. 49.5. 3 Levi a Book. Gen. 49.5. 4 judah a Lyon. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 5 Dan an Adder. Goe 49.16, 17. 6 Nepthali a Hind. Gen. 49.21. 7 Gad a Banner. Gen. 49.19. 8 Asher Bread. Gen. 49.20. 9 Isachar an Ass. Gen. 13.14. 10 Zabulon a Ship. Gen. 13. 11 joseph a fruitful bough Gen. 49.22. 12 Benjamin a Wolf. Gen. 49.27. Many times you shall read of these Tribes not by their names, nor by their significations, but by their Arms, which you must mark, for thereby you shall know them. Read all Deut. 33. where Moses that kingly Prophet at his death blesseth also the same 12. Tribes, ratifying also their former blessings, and enlarging the same by many regal notes, whereby you may also know them, where they are dispersed in the Bible, in what sort they lived, and where they died. Here you have the number of 12. wherein many excellent things were done, which you are carefully to mark, by comparing them as you read, particularly. First the number: As In the Creation GOD was mindful of these 12. Tribes before they were: for as they went to Canaan he brought them to Elim, where was 12. Fountains. He divided the year into 12. Months. He caused them to take 12. stones out of jordan. There were 12 stones in Aaron's breast. 12. Apostles. Thus of all the rest. Now mark a brief rehearsal of every Tribe, by the observation whereof, you shall by comparison direct your memory to many other such like. RVben lost his prerogative, because he went up to his father's bed, therefore he was as light as water. Gen. 49.4. To this you may apply all places of fleshly affections or light behaviour. Simeon Levi. THeir wrath was fierce against joseph, but Levi afterward repent and showed tender affection to joseph: he destroyed I idolatry, therefore he had a blessing in Moses will. Simeon was still cruel, therefore when he came to Egypt he was put in prison. Also his sin with the Suhamites was great, and seeing he never repent, he was justly cut off. Gen. 49.5, 6, 7. IVdah hath a prerogative that his brethren should praise the Lord, yet who loser than he, who lay with his daughter Thamar: wherein are manifest the gifts of grace, and not of nature: for if judah had been rare of godliness, than the prerogative of nature might serve to cause Christ to come of him. Gen. 49.8, 9, 10, 11, 12. To this you may bring all places of praising God. DAn when the Tribes are sealed Revel. 7. is left out, whereby it is thought that Antichrist should come of him: he caused the first Idolatry, and in this Tribe it continueth until the removing of the Ark from Shiloh. Gen. 49 17, 18. To this you may refer all places that concern Superstition and Idolatry. NEpthali, is a Hind let go, giving goodly words. Gen. 49.21. which thing was performed with Baracke of his Tribe, and Deborah of Ephraim, who sang for the overthrow of Sisera, at the waters of Magedda. judg. 4, 6.5. GAd, he shall lead an Host of men, or a company cometh. Gen. 49.19. This was performed when Reuben, Gad and Manasses gave an overthrow to the Hagarines. josua. 1.21. ASser was a Farmor, he provided bread & pleasures for a King. Gen. 49.20. ISachar was contented to live under tribute, like an Ass under two bindens, rather than by seeking glory in resisting evil. Gen. 49.14. ZAbulon was a Merchant, and delighted in Ships, he dwelled near the river Tharsis where was gold. Gen. 49.13. joseph was a goodly man and a chaste, he had the spirit of Revel he had favour with the master of the prison. Gen. 49.22. So had Daniel. joseph his name was changed. So was daniel's. joseph was falsely accused. So was Christ. Thus you must remember more by particulars, whereby you may compare. etc. There were six judges of this Tribe, by which glory, his posterity began to despise the Tribe of judah. joseph was sold. So was Christ. BEniamin, the son of my sorrow. Gen. 49.27, 28. jaacob calls him, the son of my right hand. Moses calls him, the beloved of the Lord. The Temple was built in this Tribe. In this Tribe was the first King, he continued one of two, when 10. fell away. Hester came of this Tribe. So did Paul. All the whole Story of the Bible from Abram to Christ is contained by these, with their Actions good or evil, and their Religion. Now mark their peregrination. Israel was borne in Canaan. Israel lived 400. years in Egypt and returned into Canaan; from thence they were carried captive to Babel or Babylon, whence their father Abram was called, where they lived 70 years. They were restored to Canaan and there died. Adam fell in Canaan, Christ was promised in Canaan, Christ was borne in Canaan, he went into Egypt, returned into Canaan, and there died, to deliver Israel from their everlasting bondage. To this you may refer the uncertain state of the Church in this world. It serveth to prove the providence of God, who determineth every man's abode, the time, the place, & the cause of his death in his everlasting Counsel. Enemies in their time. Ishmael Midianites. judg. 8.24. and their race. Esau The continuance of this Story is sure. Galat. 3.17. Christ shined in Egypt. jaacob lived 17. years in Egypt, teaching his people concerning Christ. Job lived in Egypt. Gen. 47.28. By faith he saw Christ a far off, which made him to offer. Job. 1.5. and to teach his sons the same. 4. PERIOD. Read Exod. 12. the going of Israel out of Egypt towards Canaan: in which journey you shall direct your memory to all that was done in 40. years. They pitched their Tents in 42. places, whereof some were pleasant, and some unpleasant: so is our journey to that heavenly house whose builder and maker is God. Here I have laid down what was done in every standing, whereby you may compare them. Ramases signifieth worms meat: such is our nature, Exod. 12.37, etc. 13.18, 19 Mark the Passeover which was eaten there. Read Luk. 14. joh. 12.13.21. 1. Cor. 5.11. Revel. 19 Compare it with the Lords supper. Succoth signifieth poor Cottages: so are our habitations. God directeth all men's doings. Exod. 13.21, 22. Read Haeb. 11.1. Pet. 2. to an heavenly house. 1. Cor. 10. Mat. 2. Etham signifieth hard ground: so are our worldly commodities. Exod. 13.20. Maarah signifieth Bitterness: so after a little comfort we fall into trials again, showing us that the grace of worldly things lasteth not. Exod. 15.23, etc. All the waters were bitter. Elim signifieth strong hearts: so God encourageth the wearied and weak. There were 12. Fountains, and 70. Palm Trees, putting them in mind of the 70 that came out of Egypt, and of the 12. Tribes. Exod. 15.27, etc. Sin signifieth Thorny: thereby GOD taught them and us that the cares and pleasures of this life, are hindrances to life everlasting. Exod. 16.1, etc. Rephidim signifieth Temptation: there there was no water, there GOD proved them. Exod. 17. Read Luk. 4.5.15. Joh. 6.7. 1. Cor. 10. 1. Timo. 6. Phile. 2. jam. 1. 2. Peter 2. Revel. 3. Sinai, signifieth Everlasting temptation, there the Law was given 430. years after the promise made to Abraham. Exod. 19 Numb. 33. Read Matth. 22.23. Luk. 2.16. Joh. 1.7.18, 19 Rom. 1. Corin. 15.6. Ephe. 2. 1. Timo. 1. Haebr. 7.9, 10. jam. 24. Which Law was divided into 1. Moral not removed by Time. 2. Judicial altered Place. 3. Ceremonial abrogated Person. In reading of the Law consider well these three aforesaid: mark well the difference betwixt them. Time's principal, the feasts of Sabbaths. Exod. 16.23, 24, to 30. Leuitic. 23.3, 7, 8. Sabbaths of weeks. Deut. 16.9, to 12. Passeover. Exo. 12. Levit. 23.5, 6. Deuter. 16.1, 2, to 8.2. King. 23.21, 22, 23. Tabernacles. Leu. 23.34, etc. to 43. Deu. 16.13, 14, 15, 16 Haeb. 9.2. jubilee years. Leuitic. 25.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Places principal Temple. 1. Kin. 6. 2. Sam. 24.16. to 25. 1. Cro. 3.1. Ezech. 41. Court. Exod. 27.9, 10, to 18.40.8, etc. 1. King. 7.12. Altar. Num. 4.11. Deut. 16.21, 22. 1. Cron. 6, 49. 2. Cron. 4.19. Tabernacle. Exod. 26.1, 2, to 37.33.7, 8, to 23, 40. Num. 7.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Jos. 18.1. 1. Sa. 22. Ark. Exod. 25.1, 2, 3, to 40. Nu. 4.1, 2, to 15.6, etc. 1 ki. 8.1, 2, to 7. Nu. 10.33, to 36. Jos. 3.6, to 17. 1. Sam. 4.6, 7. Holy of holiest. Exod. 26.33, 34, to 37. Num. 4,4. 1. kin. 6.19, to 36. Haeb. 9, 3. Persons principal. Aaron's apparel. Exo. 28. levites office. Jos. 3, 3. Num. 3 7, to 11.4.2, 20. 1. Cro. 15. to 20. 2. Cro. 7.6. Their habitation. Josh. 21.1, 2, etc. Creatures for sacrifices. Levit. 2.2, 3, etc. 3, 4, 6, 7, 11. THese particulars being well and advisedly considered by Books and Chapters, as is laid down, will greatly open unto you the chiefest effects and purposes of the law. Withal, you shallbe thereby called to mind of other such like places else where, every of which particulars being spiritually applied, & interpreted by the Gospel, must of necessity establish and confirm a weak and a troubled soul. Christ was known and preached in the Law. The Lamb eaten Exo. 12. figured Christ most plainly, which was promised to Abran the self same day 430 years before. Exo. 12. Gal. 3.17, 18. In which day the Jews returned from Babel. In which day Christ was killed, the which Moses knew very well: therefore he said, This day shall be unto you a remembrance, etc. Exod. 12.14. Manna, Exod. 16.15. The water out of the stone 17.6. signified Christ. 1. Cor. 10.3. Their offerings pointed to Christ. Levit. 16 Numb. 19 Haeb. 9 The Brazen Serpent Numb. 21.6, to 10. signified Christ. job. 3.14, 15. Aaron the high Priest Exod. 28.29. Christ Haebr. 4.14. In Mount Sinai by plain laws, saying: I am the Lord thy God, which pointed to Christ, for God the Father in justice was to them as a consuming fire. Again, I will send an Angel before thee. Exod. 23.20. The Angel of the Covenant saith Malach. 3.1. S. Paul pointing to this time & to this people said, As the Gospel was preached unto us, even so was it unto them. Haeb. 4.2. jotbatha signifieth a Turning away. There Chorah, Dathan, etc. rebelled. Numb. 16.1, 2, 3.33.34. Read Act. 7. Rom. 9.13. 2. Timo. 2.3. jam. 4. 1. Pet. 5. Hor signifieth Declaring, or showing, a Mount where Aaron died 14. years after he came from Egypt. Numb. 20, 22.33.37. showing the death of that perpetual Aaron, and high Priest Christ jesus. Zalmonah signifieth the Shadow of a portion: there they loathed Manna, etc. Numb. 21.1.5. There they were stinged. 6. etc. Read joh. 3. 1. Cor. 10. Luk. 10. Moah signifieth of the Father, who was Lot's son of his eldest daughter, of whom came the wicked Moabites Israel falling to Idolatry are overcome by them & so brought into subjection: there they commit whoredom with the daughters of Madian: there Balaac hired Balaam, etc. Numb. 27.10, 11. etc. 33.44. Read Rom. 1. 1. Cor. 5.6.10. 2. Cor. 12. Eph. 5. Col. 3. 1. Thes 4. Reu. 2.14.17, 18. Heb. 12. The rest of the standings seem to no such purpose, as these. 5. Period. Wherein consider a Conqueror. Land conquered. IOsua the Conqueror succeeded Moses, he was one of the twelve that viewed the Land, and one of the two that believed. He was 67 years when he began, and continued 17 years. Moses called him Thesus, because he was to be a figure of Christ Jhesus. In him all the promises to Abram and to others concerning Canaan, was fulfilled. Moses by the Law showed them that good Land, but joshua brought them into it: to show forever, that the Law bringeth no man to heaven, but Jesus' Christ. The Land conquered, it was exceeding fruitful, pointing to the land of the living. Strong people as Giants. 324. great Cities. 31. King's: a proportion of Satan's force, of the Captivity in Egypt and in Babylon. Canaan was a place that lacked nothing which was in the world. Jud. 18.10. Compare it with the kingdom of heaven. It was seven years in conquering, as appeareth by the words of Chaleb, saying Forty years old was I, when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesbarnea to espy the Land, etc. josua. 14, 7. Look Num. 13.27. The space that we came from Kadesbarnea was 38. years, etc. Deut. 2.14, etc. Add 7. to 40. and to 38. that makes up 85. Calebs' age. josua 14.10. Hear is a comparison, as the Land was in conquering 6. years, and at rest the seventh: so God in six days wrought, and resteth the seventh. This is the state of Christians, and the course of their life. 6. Period. Here you shall have in the book of judges by succession thirteen Governors, who were stirred up to be deliverers of the poor oppressed people of God. They were men of great faithfulness and courage, as the Story doth witness. The sins of the people were such and so grievous, as God did greatly punish by men that were twice worse than themselves. This Story of the judges, serveth very well to show the judgement of God against obstinate sinners, and his mercies to the penitent. If you mark the Story well, you shall find it full of weighty matters: and by many particulars therein, you shallbe called to remember other places of like sense and quality. Here I have distinguished the judges from the Oppressors, the time how long the one and the other reigned: whence the judges were, and who the oppressors were: as is expressed in their several Stories: in which you must be perfect. 1. Oppressor. THe Philistines, the Canaanites, the Sidonians, the Hevites, and Chusan of Mesapotamia. judg. 3.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Under whom they served. 8. years. 1. judge. OThoniel of the Tribe of judah, delivered Jsrael, and set them at rest forty years. judg. 3.9, 10, 11. 2. Oppressor. EGlon the King of Moab was stirred up against them, whom they served 18. years, judg. 3.12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 2. judge. EHud of the Tribe of Benjamin, delivered them, and they had peace four score years judg. 3.17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, etc. 3. Oppressor. IAbin King of Canaan, and Sisera his Captain. He had nine hundred Chariots of iron. He vexed Jsrael 20. years. judg. 4.1, 2, 3, 4. 3. judg. DEborah a Prophetess reigned with Baracke of the tribe of Nepthali, she being of the tribe of Ephraim, destroyed the Army of Sisera, & Sisera himself was slain by a a woman And jabin the King was also destroyed. The Land had rest forty years. judge 4.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc. 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc. 4. Oppressor. THe Madianites prevailed against Israel, and vexed them grievously seven years. The Amalakites and they of the East: judges 6.1▪ 2, 3, 4, 5▪ 6. Their chief Princes were Oreb and Zeb 7, 25. Zeba and Zalmonah Kings of Madian 8, 5. 4. judge. GEdeon of the Tribe of Ephraim, was especially called by an Angel from the threshing of wheat, to thrash and beat the enemies of God's people: whose authority was miraculously confirmed. With a few he destroyed many in number as the grasshoppers. The Country was in quietness in his days full forty years. He was called jerubbaal. judg. 6.11, 12, 13, etc. 7.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. 8.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. 32. 5. judge. ABimelech of the Tribe of Ephraim. He slew his brethren: for the which he was slain himself by a woman with a stone, after he had reigned 3. years. judg. 8.33, 34, 35.9.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. 6. judge. TOla of the Tribe of Jsachar, he judged Israel twenty and three years. judges 10.1, 2. 7. judge. Jair of the Tribe of Manasses, a Gileadite, ruled Israel twenty two years. judges 10.3, 4, 5. 5. Oppressor. THe Philistines and the Ammonites vexed and oppressed Israel 18. years. judges 10.6, 7, 8, 9 8. judge. IEpthe of the Tribe of Ephraim, delivered Israel, and ruled them in peace 6. years. judg. 11.1, 2, 3, etc. 12.1, 2, etc. 9 judge. ABesan of judah delivered them from their enemies, and kept the Land in quietness seven years. judg. 12.8, 9, 10. 10. judge. EGlon of the tribe of Zabulon judged Israrael 10. years. judg. 12.11, 12. 11. judge. ABden of the Tribe of Manasses, ruled Israel in peace eight years. judges 12.13, 14, 15. 6. Oppressor. THE Philistines vexed them sore forty years. judg. 13, 1. 12. judge. SAmpson of the Tribe of Dan was made their King or Captain after a strange and most miraculous sort, and continued most triumphantly judging Israel twenty years. judges 13.3, 4, 5, 6. etc. 14.1, 2, 3, 4, etc. 15.1, 2, 3, 4. etc. 16.1, 2, 3, 4, etc. 13. judge. HEli of the Tribe of Levi, delivered Israel and preserved them in peace 40. years 1. Sam. 1, 2, 3, 4. The judges continued in Storic most sure and certain 450. years, reckoning withal the years of the Oppressors. Act. 13, 12. If you mark the particular Story of these judges and Oppressors, it will not only make you perfect in this book of judges: but also by comparison direct you to many more books for matter of like quality. 7. Period. Here I will speak briefly and particularly of the Kings. SAule signifieth, desired of the people▪ he was of the Tribe of Benjamin, which was a great prerogative to that Tribe being the least and the last: he was an hypocrite, and an open persecutor. 1. Sam. 10.13, 18, 19.20 David believed God, and his kingdom was reckoned when the Ark was recovered to Judah at Easter. So Christ at Easter was proclaimed King general: he was of the Tribe of Judah, of the root of jesse borne in Bethelem. He killed a Bear, a Lion, and a Philistin that defied all Israel. Herein he is a figure of Christ. He had many enemies, therein he is a figure of the Church. 1. Sam. 16, 17. David was upright, except in one thing. 1. King. 15, 5. SAlomon signifieth Peaceable: so was his kingdom: for his wisdom and order in Religion he was a figure of Christ: he was extremely wicked. 1. King. 11, 4.5. Yet he was saved. 2. Sam. 7, 13.14. Herein he was a figure of the Church. He laid the foundation of the Temple in Moriah, 2. Chro. 3, 1. where Adam was created, where Isaac was offered, Genesis 22.2. where Christ died, where afterwards the holy kingdom was divided into 2. parts, 1. King. 12. according to the Lords words unto Solomon. 1. King. 11.11, 12, 13.14, 15. But after 490. years expired, it was thrown together again, as in Ezech. 37.16, 17, 18. etc. Thus have I distinguished the Kings in their order as they succeeded, who were wicked, who were godly, and what Prophet, one, or more was under every King, whereby the books of the Kings being laid with the Prophets, the one expounds the other plainly and easily, if you mark what sins the people committed, what happened to them or to their Kings, and what not, whereof the Prophets did by particulars speak of. Kings of Judah. REhoboam succeeded Solomon. The Tribe of judah, and the Tribe of Benjamin clave to him: thence it was called the kingdom of judah, his throne was at jerusalem: he was 14. years when he began to reign and continued 17. years 1. Kings 12.1, to 25. 21, he and his people were wicked. 22. Sesack King of Egypt came in the fifth year of his reign and spoiled jerusalem, and the Temple, and carried away their treasures. 1. King. 14.25, 26, 27, 28. He died 31. Abia his son reigned 41. years, ye was godly. 1. King. 15.9, 10, etc. Asa his son reigned 41. years, he was godly, 1. King. 15.9, 10, etc. Ahaziah reigned 1. year. 2. King. 8.25, 26, wicked. 27. jehu slew him 9, 27. he is also called Ochosias' his mother Athalia the daughter of Omri king of Israel Elisha prophesied, 2. Kings 8, 24. etc. 9 etc. Athalia his mother reigned six years, she slew all the King's sons saving joash who was hid from her 11, 2. she herself was slain. 11. 3, 16. joash when he was 7. years old 11. 17, 18 19 godly, and the people, he reigned 40. years 12, 1. etc. Amasiah his Son reigned 29. years. 2. K. 12, 21.14, 2. slain 14, 19 godly 14, 3. Ahasiah or Vziah reigned 52. years 14, 21 godly. 15, 2. 3. 4. died, 7. Esai prophesied. Hosea, Amos. jothan his son reigned 16. years, 15, 7. godly. 34. 35. 36. Micha, Osea, Esai prophesied. Ahaz his son reigned 16. years. 2. King. 15, 38. his people wicked. 16, 2.3. Nahum, Esai, OseaEzec. Micha. prophesied. Hezekiah his son reigned 29. years, 2. K. 16, 20.28, 2. died 20, 21. godly. Esai, Osea, Micha, prophesied. Senacherib came up against judah and jerusalem & took them 18, 13. Esai prophesied. 19, 2 Manasses, Hezekiah his son reigned 55. years, he began at 12. wicked. 1. King. 21. he repent. 2. Chro. 33. In the 3 year of his reign Esai was Prophet. Abacuch in the 36. year of his reign prophesied. Ammon his son at 22. years began, and reigned two years wicked. 2. King. 21, 19 etc. josiah his son at 8. years old began, and reigned 31 years godly. 22, 23. Pharo Necho king of Egypt slew him. 29. Zephania prophesied. jeremy began in the thirteen year of his reign. Zephaniah in the 20 year, Abdias in the 26 year. jehoaz his son began at 23. year, and reigned three months wicked. Pharo Necho imprisoned him, & set the land to tribute. 2. King 23, 31. etc. He placed Eliakim in his stead, and changed his name into jehoiakim, he was 11. years under taxes to the King of Egypt wicked, after that the time of their captivity came, spoken of 20, 17. 23, 27. at Babel. There jeremy, Ezech. Dan. prophesied. Esai. King of Babel made Mattamiah his uncle king in his stead, and changed his name Zedechia, when he was 21 years old, he reigned eleven years wicked: he rebelled against the King of Babel: in the 9 year of his reign the City was besieged, he pulled out his eyes, bound him in chains, and burnt up the city. 2. King. 24, 25. jeremy his prophesy is accomplished. 25, 11. Ezech. Dan. Hagg. prophesied. Kings of Israel. jeroboam was the other K. ten Tribes held with him, thence it was called the kingdom of Israel, whose seat was at Samaria, 1. King. 12.12, 13, 16. he & his people were wicked. 1. Kin. 12.26, 27, 28, 29, etc. He reigned 20. years. Here is a proportion of the Church of Antichrist. ten against 2: Nadab his Son reigned two years. 2. King. 14.20. he was wicked 15.25. Achab his Son reigned wicked. jesabel his wife 1. Kin. 16.28, etc. Eliah prophesied. 1. K. Micha prophesied, 1. King. 22.9, 14, 15. Achab slain 34, 35. Ahaziah reigned two years. 1. King. 22. 41, 51. wickedly. 52. 2. King. 1.1, 2, 3. died. 17. Eliah prophesied. 3, 4. Jehoram the Son of Achab reigned because he had no son 2. King. 1, 17.12, years 3, 1. Eliah is taken up 2, 1. etc. and 3. year of his reign. Elisha prophesied. 2. King. 3, 14. Kings of Aram besiegeth Samariah. 6, 24. he was hurt and died 9, 24. jehu the Son of jehosophat is anointed King by the Prophet Elisha. 2. King. 9, 1. etc. he slayeth jehoram King of Israel according to the word of the Lord. 1. Kings 21, 13. and Ahaziah king of judah, 2. K. 9, 27. he slew jezabel & all Achabs' brood 10. etc. godly: He died having reigned 25. years 36. jehoahaz his son reigned 17. years, 13, 1. wicked, and so died. 2. 9 jehoash his son reigned 16. years 13, 10. wicked. 11. Elisha died the third year of his reign 13, 20. jerusalem is ransacked the second time: the same jehoash took Amasiah King of judah, broke the walls, carried away their treasures, died. 2. Kin. 14, 13. etc. jonah prophesied. Jeroboam his son reigned 41. years, 14, 23. wicked, 24. died. 29. jonas, Amos prophesied. Zachariah his son reigned six months 8, 15. wicked. 9 jonah prophesied. Shallum the Son of jabesh conspired against him, he reigned a month. 15.10, 11, etc. Mehanaen killed him, and reigned ten years wicked. 15. 14, 15, etc. Pekahiah his son reigned two years wicked. 15, 23. 24. Pekah his captain reigned twenty years wicked. 15. 25, 27. Hosea slew him, & reigned 9 years 15, 30. 17, 1. wicked. Salmanaser king of Assured besieged Samaria three years, & subdued them & the King. 2. King. 17. etc. 18.9, 10, 11. 8. Period. HEre all the world may see the uprightness of God's justice in the punishment of sin, even in his own dear people, by giving them over into the hands of such cruel Kings as would not spare them whiles they were under their government. And here is set forth very clearly the riches of his grace, and the unspeakablenes of his mercies, in stirring and raising the hearts of those beastly and unnatural kings to lenity, to favour, and to liberality towards them, (as he did to the Egyptians to lend them costly vessels and rich jewels) whom they had before most bitterly ransacked and unnaturally rob. Hear you shall see a true proportion of the Church of Antichrist, whose earthly glory reached unto the heavens, and whose dominions mounted over all: yet their end is with a flood or with fire, destruction irrecoverable. And who seethe not in this book the wonderful providence of GOD, and the work of his aeternal spirit in Daniel, recording most exactly all that was done and spoken during their 70. years captivity, and whatsoever else was to be performed thence forth to Christ. In this Book of Daniel are two special things to be marked. The one, what Kings ruled in the seventy years. The other, what Kings ruled thence unto Christ. Three kings during the captivity. Nabucadnezzar. Dan. 1, 2, 3, 4. Euilmerodach. 2. Kin. 25, 27, Balthashar. Dan. 5, 8, Nabucadnezzar saw in a vision a great Image, whose glory was excellent, and the form terrible. Dan. 2, 31. His head of fine gold. 32. His breasts and arms of silver. 32. His belly and thighs of brass. 32. His legs of iron. 33. His feet part of iron and part of clay. 33. The head of Gold. NAbucadnezzar a King of Kings, to whom GOD gave power, strength and glory. Daniel 2.37, 38. For his greatness he is compared to a Tree, whose height reached to the heavens, etc. Dan. 4.16, 17, 18. Dan. 7, 4. seethe this great King in a dream as a Lion, with eagle's wings plucked off: it was lifted up and set upon his feet as a man, and a man's heart was given him, signifying his unnatural affections and his cruelty. The other two Kings are referred in comparison to this first King. Who Reigned just 45. years, as appeareth thus. He took jehoiachin King of judah in the 8. year of his reign. Euilmerodach his son who succeeded him, lifted up jehoiachin out of prison when he had so lain 37. years. So you must put eight years in which Nabucadnezzer reigned, to thirty seven years in which jehoiachin was raised up, that makes up just 45. years the whole reign of this first King. Euilmerodach reigned 22. years. Baltashar reigned 3. years. Dan. 8, 1. Thus you see plainly the 70. years fully accomplished in the particular reign of these three Kings, according to a prophesy. jeremy 25, 12, 27, 7. Now the head of Gold is gone off and quite taken away. The Kings of Babel are extinguished, and the 70. years expired. 9 Period. DAniel understanding that the seventy years in the desolation of Jerusalem were accomplished, he turned his face unto the Lord God, towards the City of jerusalem and the holy Mountain confessing the sins of the people, & praying that his face might shine upon his Sanctuary, which had so long lain waist and desolate, prescribed and foretold by Moses, Leuit. 26, 40. etc. 1. King. 8, 46, to 54. Whiles he was yet speaking unto GOD the Angel Gabriel came fleeing about the time of the evening oblation, saying: seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy City to bring in everlasting righteousness, Dan. 9, 24. Here is laid down a plain and an easy account of all the years from daniel's vision 9, 21. at the Edict, unto the death of jesus Christ the Prince of Peace, which is very direct, if you mark it. Every week hath seven days. The Angel meaneth for every day in the week a year, seven days seven years, after the reckoning of the jubilee year. Levit. 29.8, 9, 10. The whole is 490 years. The same Angel through the mercifulness of God, for the more plainness and perspicuity, divideth the same seventy weeks into three parts, after this manner, in Daniel, 9, 25. The first part, from the going forth of the commandment that the people Israel should be freed in the first year of Darius to build and finish the Temple at jerusalem, shall be seven weeks: that is to say, 49. years. The Jews confess 46. years in which the Temple was a building, joh. 2, 20. In the other first year they were hindered from their work. Ezra. 4. Nehemi. 4. In which three years of trouble Cirus reigned, Dan. 10.1, 2. Yet according to the time prefixed it was finished. Ezra 6. Nehemias Arms and breasts of silver. Part of the Image which Nabucadnezzar saw Dan. 2, 39 are 10. Kings of the Medes and Persians, who were 130. years continuance after the Captivity, which are these. Cyrus, or Darius. Artaxerxes, or Cambyses. Assuerus or Darius. Histaspes. Zerxes. These reigned 29. years. In the 20. year of the reign of Artaxerxes or Darius, the Temple was finished being full 49. years where they troubled Jsrael. There were other Kings that made up the 130. years before mentioned after the building, which were these. Ochus. Artaxerxes. Ochus. Arses. Darius' the Persian. These goodly Kings like arms & breasts of silver, Daniel seethe them like a Bear with three ribs in his mouth, which said, Rise and devour much flesh. So did they indeed devour the Saints of God. Daniel. 7, 6. Now the arms and breasts of silver are cut off: Kings of Madai and Paras are ended. 2. Part of daniel's division of Time. 9, 26. thus. THreescore and two Weeks shall be a troublesome time, after the which the Prince of peace, the King of glory, and the Messiah shall be slain: even he shall destroy the City and the Sanctuary. In this time the people of GOD suffer great persecutions. The belly and thighs of Brass. Doth signify King Alexander's power. TO this belongeth the vision of Daniel, 8.3, 4. A Goat Buck with ahorne, which being broken off, comes out in stead thereof four heads, signifying alexander's four Captains, fighting two to two: which two first is also the legs of iron & clay, and their successors: and the fourth Beast with ten horns. Alexander continued 6. years. His legs of Jron. IS the Beast which Daniel saw 7, 7. very fearful and strong with iron teeth burst in pieces, and stamped the residue under his feet, who was the fourth kingdom in the earth subduing all to himself. 23. The ten horns are ten Kings stronger than the jews that shall rise out of Syria and Egypt, whereof one is said to be a little horn, 8, 7, 11. boasting and bragging against the most highest. Iron like 1. S: Nicator. 2. A: Soter. 3. A: Theos. 4. S: Callicus. 5. S: Ceraunus. 6. A: Negas. 7. S: Philop. 8. A: Epimanes. javan. kings of Egypt iron like to make up the ten horns. 9 To: Lagie. 10. To: Philodelphus. His feet part of iron and part of Clay. Were (Javan) Kings of Babel clay like, in number 12. These Kings ruled as Beasts most beastly and unnaturally, and as iron very strong and invincible two hundred ninety four years to Cleopatra's death, who confirmed Herode in Judah. 3. Part of daniel's division of Times. He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the Sacrifice and Oblation to cease. Dan. 9, 27. THese words hath plain relation to jesus Christ his Office and death, for One week, as in the account aforesaid standeth for seven years, a year for a day. In the midst of the same Week, that is to say, in the midst of this last seven years, Christ was baptised, and did preach this last half seven, confirming his authority with miracles, signs and wonders, until the same three years, and half the end of daniel's week was ended. In which he suffered his passion according as it was before decreed many thousand years in the counsel of his Father, who testified of him unto all Nations saying, This is my well-beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Now having generally, and particularly compared the old Testament with the new: you shall in another sort plainly learn how to compare the New Testament with the Old. Legal. joh. Gen. Mat. Exod. Luk. Leuit. Mar Num Historical. act 1. josua 2. 3. 22 27 act 4. judg. 8. 9 12 21 act 10 Ruth 13 14 18 22 act 14 1. Sa. 2. Sa. 16 17 23 24 26 act 15 1. K. 2. K. act all 1. Cr. 2. Cr. act 10 Ezra 17 19 20 27 act 10 Nehe 17 19 20 27 act 25 Hest. 26 Sapientall. james. job. 1. Pet. 2. Pet. 1. john 2 john 3. john jude. Haebr. Psalm. Galath. Prou. Eccl. Ephes. Philip. Colloss. 1. Thess. 2. Thess. 1. Timo. 2. Timo. Titus. Phile. Roman. all. Cant. Prophetical. Revel. Daniel. The other Prophets are to be compared with the Law, which is enlarged by time, by place, and by persons, either past, present or to come, in this order, Book and Chapter. Prophetical. Legal. Esay. 1, unto 28.6, Deut. 1, 1. 40, to 25. Exod. 18, 4, 3. 40, 27. to 16. of 41. Gen. 12. 42, 5, to 21. Gen. 1, 27, 6. to 14. of 28. Exod. 1, 1. 43.22. to 23, of 44, Leuit. 1. 54, 1.10. Gen. 6, 8. 49.15. to 5. of 51. Deut. 7, 12. 54, 11. to 22. Deut. 11.26. 51, 12. to 12. of 52, 60. Deut. 16, 18. 61, 16. to 10. of 63, 26.7. 55, to 9 of 56, 29, 10. Prophetical. Legal. jerem. 1, 2, 3. to 26. Num. 30, 2. 7, 6. to 2, 8, 33, 2. 16, 19 to 14. of 17. Levit. 6, 1. 32, 6. to 28. 26, 3. 34 8. to the end. 25, 1. 16, 13. to end. Exo. 21, 1. Ezech, 22, to 23, 15. 10, 1. 28, 25. to 30. Levit. 16, 43, 10. to the end. Exo 6, 2. 46, 13. to the end. 20, 20. Hosea 2, 1. to 22. Levi. 20, 1. 7, to 15. of 12. Numb. 1, 14, 2. to the end. Gen. 28, 10. Amos 2, to 9 of the 3, Deut. 29.10. 8. from 21. to end Gen. 37, 1. Obad all Levit 29.1. Zach. 2, 14. to 8.3, Gen. 32, 2. Mich. 3, 6, to 9, of 6. Numb. 8, 1. 22, 2. These Books and Chapters of the old and new Testament do not agree by comparison in all respects, but in some particulars. And therefore I have laid down briefly the Argument of every Book in the new Testament, by the which you may the more easily perceive the like in the old, and make your comparison fit. The Argument of S. Matthew. 1. The incarnation of Christ. 1, 2. 2. The office of john Baptist. 3. 3. The doctrine and miracles of Christ. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 4. The names and offices of the twelve Apostles. 10. 5. The reproof of ill life. 7, 12, 14, 16. 6. The holy Supper instituted. 26. 7. The Passeover and resurrection. 27, 28. All 4. Evangelists agree in this, which is a strong proof of the truth and great dignity of God's Word, by the length of time, and distance of place in which it was written. One is more brief than the other, and one handleth some thing larger than the other. 1. Matthew the humanity of Christ, eight years after the ascension of Christ. 2. Mark is brief in all: he showeth the end of the law, and divideth the Kingdom, 10. years after Christ's ascension. 3. Luke the Office of Christ, by abolishing the works of the law, fifteen years after Christ. 4. john the divinity of Christ, and the service of God in spirit 32. years after Christ. THe Author of the 14. Epistles was Paul, of the Tribe of Benjamin, who was honourable by birth, in respect whereof his parents named him after Saul the first King of Israel. He was called Paul in respect of his notable actions in converting Paulus Sergius the great Consul, as appeareth Act. 13. And for another cause used in change of Religion, which I rather allow, to change their names, as joseph was called Saphnat, Daniel Balthasar, Ananias Sidrac, Azarias Abednago, Misael Mesac. So Saul in the Law, Paul in the Gospel. He was brought up exquisitely in the Law with Gamaliel, Act. 22. he lived very orderly after his conversion. He wrote these Epistles in order as followeth. The Argument to the Rom. THe Romans were jews and Gentiles embracing Christ in Rome, among whom were many false teachers, which moved S. Paul to write exhorting them to take heed thereof, and to increase in the knowledge of Christ, the dignity of works in the jews & in the Gentiles, of sin, of faith, of grace, of justification by faith, and in conclusion, of salutations. The Argument of the 1. Cor. THe Corinthians had their original of Corinthus, who built that city, it was a place greatly frequented. In that City was the Temple dedicated to the Goddess Venus. There was that great notorious whore Lais, spoken of over all the world; and there many other whores: yet in this City God had his Church. Saint Paul continued there a year and 6. months preaching. But when he departed into Syria, many false teachers entered in, and taught, that whoredom, ryor, drunkenness, etc. was lawful, matrimony unlawful; and they denied the resurrection. S. Paul hearing of this, wrote this Epistle to withdraw them from all these evils by particulars, with exhortations to remain in the doctrine he had taught them. Argument of the 2. Cor. HE excuseth his long absence by divers troubles which hindered him, he willeth to excommunicate him that was taken in adultery, & he cleareth himself of all blame towards them, he showeth difference between the spirit and the letter, between the old Testament and the new. Argument of the Gallat. THe Gallathians were people of Asia, after his departure thence, false teachers pressed in, & taught that the Ceremonies of the Law were to be kept, and they spoke evil of this holy Apostle thereby to deface his doctrine. Which moved him to write unto them, discharging himself for the credit of his calling, & confirming his doctrine, with the overthrow of their false opinions. Argument of Ephesians. EPhesus was a famous City by the Sea of jonius, where was a Temple dedicated to the false Goddess Diana. S. Paul at his first coming stayed little there, but at the second time he stayed 3. years: perceiving that God had many there to be saved even among the Witches, Sorcerers, Enchanters, etc. Whereby the mercy of God appeared more abundantly. At his departure he left among them Elders, and Timothy as their Bishop. This Argument agreeth nearly with the Romans and Gallathians. The argument of the Philippians. PHilip Macedon was the original of that City: they had domestical troubles and divers other losses for the Testimony of Christ, wherefore he exhorteth them to patience and watchfulness, The argument of the Colloss. THe Collossians were a people of that great City Collossa. Saint Paul was never with them. They were taught by Epaphras, Onesimus and Titichus. S. Paul heard that they were troubled with the jews about Ceremonies, and with the Gentiles about words and subtle Philosophy. Wherefore he wrote unto them to confirm them in that they had learned concerning Christ, and to confute the contrary. The Argument of 1. Thess. THessalonica was a famous city of Macedonia, whence the people had their name. He was among them but three sabboth's by reason of the jews. He sent Timothy unto them, by whom he understood of their constancy. Whereupon he wrote unto them, exhorting them to patience, to love, to constancy, and to consider well of the resurrection. The Argument of 2. Thess. HE excuseth his long absence, showeth the manner of the resurrection, & the coming of Christ: he dehorteth from curious questions. The argument of 1. Timothy. TImothie his Father was a Grecian, his mother a jew, which was the cause that he was not circumcised in his infancy according the law. His mother Eunica and his grandmother Loida were very godly, wherein they brought him up. Saint Paul his Master sent him in the Lord's business to divers places: in the end he was left at Ephesus as their Bishop: to whom he wrote this Epistle about the choice of Pastors in the Church. The Argument of 2. Timothy. TImothie did greatly mourn after Paul: he therefore did write to comfort him, and withal to show him how he was holden in prison, which was the cause that he came not to Ephesus according to his promise. The Argument of Titus. Titus' was a Grecian borne, Saint Paul was his master, who left him at Crete to constitute Ministers in every Parish, and to reform their manners. Titus was a young man, therefore his master wrote this Epistle that he should do nothing rashly. What kind of Pastors were to be allowed, and what not. The Argument of Philemon. PHilemon was of Collossentia, a rich man, a godly man, and a liberal, he had a servant called Onesimus, who departed from him and stole his money: when he heard S. Paul preach, he believed in jesus Christ, and he confessed his fault. Whereupon Saint Paul wrote to his master, exhorting him to forgive his servant. The Argument of the Haebrues. THere are divers opinions concerning the authority hereof. Some say it is not Canonical: some say it is not Paul's writing: some say it is Saint Paul's Epistle, but not Canonical, because (say they) there is no mention of his name, and the style is contrary. The truth is by the best and most godly learned, that it is Saint Paul's writing and Canonical, because the matter is consonant to the rest of his Epistles. The Grecians did so allow of it, and the same was confirmed in the Council of Nicen. Nicephorus saith, that it was written in Haebrue by Saint Paul, and translated into Greek by Saint Luke, who altered the style and method. Iraeneus who was Policarpus scholar said the same, the truth thereof being received from Saint john, who was Policarpus master: such was the obstinacy of the jews resisting the doctrine of Christ. That gave occasion to Saint Paul to write, exhorting them from the hardness of their hearts: he magnifieth Christ above the Prophets, Moses, Aaron, Levi, and all other offices, who fulfilled the prophecies, accomplished the law, and offered a more perfect sacrifice than they all. Saint Paul speaketh of certain in the 6. Chapter, and 10. who had revolted from the known truth wittingly, willingly, stubbornly and presumptuously, that were not by the word of God to be saved, therefore he altereth much of his style and phrase, especially at the beginning and ending. The Argument of james. IN the 10. of Matthew mention is made of two james, the one was the son of Zebedeus, the other, the son of Alpheus. It is certain the Author of this Epistle was james the son of Alpheus, who is in that Chapter called Lebbeus and Thaddeus. He is called the brother of Jude and the brother of our Lord, Gal. 1, 19 He was the son of Mary Cleophas, who was sister to the Virgin Mary. It is the phrase of Scripture to call Cousins, brethren. This Epistle is called Catholical, because it is to all people. The sum thereof is to instruct all men how to live, how to believe: He setteth out the conversation of those that are regenerated, of faith, of patience, and of their teachers. The Argument of 1. Peter. THis Peter was by all consent the author of this Epistle. He was called Simon the son of john the Fisher: Christ named him Cephas, which is Peter. Mark. 3. he was one of the Apostles and the chiefest for divers causes. He speaketh of works after regeneration, as Saint James doth: he descendeth into the duties of each degree, and of the conversion of the Gentiles. It was written upon the occasion that Silvanus being long with Saint Paul, and travailing to Babylon met with Saint Peter, who delivered him this Epistle general, to Gentiles and jews. The Argument of the 2. Epistle of Peter. HE exhorteth all men from day to day, and from degree to degree, to increase in the works of regeneration, to beware of false teachers, the state of the last times. He thought his death to be at hand, wherefore he wrote to the glory of his master Christ. 2. Pet. 1.14, 15. The Argument of the 1. Epistle of john. THis john was one of the four Evangelists, he was the son of Zebedeus, beloved of Christ and wrote the Revelation. He exhorteth to faith, to brotherly love, to try and approve the spirits, to avoid false teachers, hypocrisy, small offences, and to deck themselves with godly living. The Argument of the 2. Epistle of john. HErein he handleth mutual love, the duty of widows, to beware of false Teachers, a way to know them, and with whom is no fellowship laid down. He wrote especially to a certain godly widow, who with her children and household laboured after Christ. The Argument of the 3. Epistle of john. IN this Epistle he exhorteth his familiar friends and his host Gains, etc. thanking GOD for the great comfort received at his hands, he laid him down as a harborer of all that loved jesus Christ. He exhorteth to constancy, and to beware of Tyrants. The Argument of jude. HE was one of the Apostles, he instructeth the godly to continue in well doing. He showeth the justice of God against sinners and revolters, as, the Angels, the jews, Zodome, etc. The Argument of the Revelation. THis book containeth all the doctrine of the Prophets concerning Christ, which was to be accomplished after his coming. The comfort that cometh by his death: how to know the false spirit, the battle between the Church and the limbs of Satan, the marriage of Christ with his Saints, the providence of God, and the force of his word. Now, the very GOD of peace sanctify you throughout: and I pray God that your whole spirit, soul and body, may be kept blameless unto the coming of our Lord jesus Christ. Faithful is he which calleth you, which will also do it. 1. Thess. 5.23, 24. FINIS.