An Homely or Sermon of Good and Evil Angels: preached by the Reverend D. Vrbanus Rhegius, Pastor and superintendant of Christ's Church at Zelle in Saxony. Anno. Do. 1537. Newly translated into English: by Ric. Ro. citizen of London. 1583. Seen, perused, and allowed. Psal. 104. verse 4. He maketh Angels his Spirits, And his Ministers as flames of fire: To save, or consume, as it pleaseth him. Imprinted at London, by john Charlewoode. Insignia Collegij Westmonsteriens. Esay. Erunt Reges Nutricij tui. Cap. 49. F. t Reginae Nutrices tuae. Nobilis haec Domus antiquo memorabilis Temporis ad varias est revoluta vices: (ortu, Elizabeth tandem à Celo Regina profecta, Fecit ut aeternum possit habere statum. ❧ TO THE Right worshipful and Reverend in God, M. GABRIEL GOODMAN, D. in divinity, & Deane of the Collegiate Church of S. Pecter, at Westminster, Grace, mercy, and Beatitude abundant in Christ jesus our Lord and saviour, everlasting. life, from entering in again any more. Hereby as all their posterity may decern, man's great ingratitude for his creation, Satan's scandal in t●ptation, and the Lords providence in preservation of his chosen from the beginning: when all beit he expelled them, he would not yet utterly extinguish them, and though he terrified them he would not eternally torment them: But denouncing their enemy accursed above all cattle, (and giving him judgement that The seed of the woman should break the Serpent's head, Ibidem uz. 14. &. 15. Col. 3. ) he yet dealt so mercifully by the Ministry of his cherubins these Angels with them, that he reserved them by repentance to return into his kingdom by the redemption of his Son Christ jesus and through the regeneration of his holy spirit. Great cause have we therefore the remnant of their posterity in these late dangerous days, not only to be ware by their harms, but also carefully to endeavour ourselves according to his holy word. jeam 4. To obey God, and to resist the Devil. Again in our lives and conversations one towards another, To be doing of good, and eschewing of evil. Psal. 34. Finally in all temptations and tribulations of the world, the flesh, Satan, sin, death and hell, to crave of God, for his son Christ's sake, in our daily prayers. That we may not be overcome with evil: But that with good we may overcome evil. john. 18. Rom. 12. And so be thankful unto his divine Majesty, for his mercy in the Ministry of his holy Angels, whom he hath made watchmen and superintendents over us. And like as he promised to his servant Moses in making of the tabernacle: That the Cherubins should stretch their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, so as their faces being one towards another, Exod. 25. us 20. & 22. should also be towards the mercy seat: And again, that from the mercy seat, between the two Cherubins, he would tell them all things what he would have given in commandment unto the children of Israel: Even so it would please him of his gracious goodness, to be merciful unto his chosen Church dispersed throughout the world, in the building of his son Christ & his Gospel, with the savegarding of his holy Angels: And that by his special grace he would be in the midst of his elect, to instruct them in his will that they may warily & worthily walk in the same. For, the Ministers cannot build jerusalem before god lay the first stone: That is, Christ, Zach. 2. which is full of eyes, both because he giveth light unto others and that all aught to seek light at him: As it was spoken unto jehosuah and his fellows the Angels who represented the whole number of the faithful. Notwithstanding it is always seen, when God buildeth his Church, Satan will set up his synagogue. And when good Isaac prospereth, Genes. 26. the wicked Palestines will labour to stop up his pits: yet hath God promised that whom Isaac blesseth, him will he bless, & whom he curseth, him will he curse. And as the envy of the chief Priests and Scribes nought availed against the miracles of Christ: Math. 21. but that in despite of them he will have little Children to cry Osyanna. Nor the false Apostles shall seduce open and the Angels of God ascending and descending about the son of man, and with him to live everlastingly, among all his elect Angels, Archangels and Saints which incessantly shall sing, Revel. 19 hallelujah, Salvation and honour and glory, and power be unto our Lord God, for ever Amen. At London in Foster lane, near S. Michael's in Cheap. januarii. 18. An. 1583. Your worthy good Worships most humble & dutiful Orator Richard Robinson Citizen of London. OF GOOD and Evil Angels: Upon this day of S. Michael the Archangel, hath the gospel been accustomed to be read and expounded in the Churches, which is extant in the 18. Chap. of S. Matthew, by occasion taken out of these words: The Angels of them in heaven do always see the face of my Father which is in heaven. Math. 18. Seeing then the sacred Scriptures of the old and new Testament do teach many things touching holy Angels, and seeing they are before God, our fellow servants and coheir of eternal salvation, yea our faithful and continual keepers or watchmen. The other part of this days gospel being reserved, & deferred till an other time, now for this hour (by God's help and grace) we will only entreat of Angels: which have largely the 24. of S. Luke, when his Apostles had seen him after he was risen again, and did think that they had seen a spirit, the lord said unto them. Behold my hands and my feet, I am even he Handle me and look upon me: For, a spirit hath not flesh and blood, as ye see me have: And he showed them his hand● and his feet. Difference between spirits and bodily creatures. Here Christ teacheth us, a difference between spirits, and bodily creatures▪ For, God hath framed a two fold kind of substances in creatures, certain cor●porall and visible creatures, such as men are: also as brut beasts and other bodies are, which may be touched and seeney certain spiritual, which be called spi●rites, whose substance is not corporal, or compact and framed of elements. Such spiritual creatures are the reasonable souls of men, and Angelical natures, which have in them neither bones nor flesh. An Angel in his substance can no● either be felt, handled, or holden, with han●des, or seen with carnal eyes. These spiritual creatures hath God our creator (in respect of other creatures, The excellency of spiritual creatures. excellently advanced) with most precellent ●iftes, most profound singular and notable wisdom, and understanding, with marvelous force and strength and with other special virtues, and gifts, adorned and inritched. And hath used their diligence and ministry to accomplish and speedily to bring to pass even greatest affairs. And so doth S. Paul unto ●he hebrews, call Angels, spirits: Heb. 1. For in ●eede the nature of them is very & highly ●oble, excellent, and wonderful. By these ●t appeareth plainly and may be gathered, ●hat good Angels are spiritual creatures which for this purpose also are made and ●reated unto the similitude of God, that ●hey may extol him with perpetual ●raise, and honour or worship him: concerning whom I will afterward speak. Secondly we must also learn, whether there be more kinds of Angels then ●ne. Here, we know out of god's word ●hat there are both good and evil Angels. Good Angels God calleth his children: job. 38. But evil Angels are Devils. Good and Evil Angels. But peradventure some man would marvel and ask this of me: from ●hence have devils their original? ●eing that Moses, sayeth in genesis. 1. in the beginning of Genesis, mention is made of this battle, and most grievous conflict, between the son of God, and these devils: where we read thus, That the seed of the Woman shall break in sunder the Serpent's head. Genes 3. And that the serpent burning with infinite lust of revenge, by endless and unsatiable hatred in all that he can, shall with exceeding beastly rage & cruelty persecute the same seed. But, that Angels by their own will and lust became disobedient, Angels degenerate. and have lost their brightness and sincertie: The Epistle of S. Jude witnesseth, where he clearly and profoundly saith. The Angels observed not their Original: That is to say, jude. 1. they were in the beginning made pure and undefiled, but afterwards they became disobedient like as S. Peter, saith. 2. Pet. 2. They transgressed, and therefore were they plagued. And Christ saith, that the Devil continued not in truth: john. 8. signifying by the words: He was indeed created in truth, but he abode not in the truth, but fell from the truth, and perished. And in an other place he sayeth. That the devil speaks lies of his own. That is, he speaketh lies of that, Ibidem. which he received not from God, but what he of his own will, liberty and lust took & chose unto himself, this is sin. This doctrine is needful to be known, and to know this, maketh much for our purpose, lest we do fall into that filthy heresy of the Manichees, and that we may be fortified against the same: And this doctrine did these ancient Fathers of sound judgement diligently teach, and beat into men's ears. Contrary wise, good Angels being corroborate or strengthened by the son of God, through his holy spirit continued still in obedience & were confirmed, that so the son of God might continue and abide there lord and head. thirdly also the Ministry of good Angels and their office, ministery of good Angels and of evil. let us see out of the word of God. And first here even this is specially necessary, that we may learn suffcientlye to know the will and practises of the evil spirit against us. Of the hebrews, Satan is called that evil Spirit, (that is to say.) The adversary. For all devils be perpetual deadly unreclaimable unto him. For so is he made, that he feareth no man. A man may see a certain image of Satan in the Turks, which are the most dearest and most diligentest vessels and instruments of Satan to the accomplishment of all his will, The Turk a right image of Satan. lust, and desires. In these may you have a certain image not obscure, of that malicious & most cruel splrit, to behold, with such outrage of mind, with so great bitterness of cruelty are the Turks inflamed against Christians: with so deadly and beastly cruel hatred, are they swollen against them, that they adventure and suffer at full, all manner of griefs, miseries, and calamities, hunger, thirst, most grievous labours, scourges, stripes, wounds, yea and also death itself: So that they may hurt and work extreme injury towards the bodies and goods of Christ's true believers. And where they prevail in strength, having obtained some one victory over the Christians, they are not contented with the riches and substance, nor with the obedience and servility of Christians, but with beastly, and horrible cruelty they kill and slay as well young as old, men and women, with the sword ripping the bellies of women great with child, they hang up babes and silly infants upon hedges or stakes, they dismember and butcherly mangle in pieces their captives with their hooked and bowed fawchins, none other wise than Butchers do Oxen: Neither are they touched with any never so slender motion, of mercy towards them or their so great calamity: That I may in mean time let pass with silence their mischievous filthy dealings, both horrible to here, and to repeat, as also their abominable sins shameless crimes and reproaches wherewith they punish & torment those silly Christians, whom they have captived. We can not see Satan, Satan unvisible in substance. in his substance, because he is a spirit, as Paul saith Ephes. 2. And again in the 6. Cham thus: We fight not against blood & flesh: But Satan's most malicious & murdering will, cogitations, hatred, crafty dealings practices & counsels against us, after a sort we may know & see in his members That is, in ungodly persons, who be void of the fear of God & endued are with what force of body and mind, and with what strength he is endued: what weapons or defences he will use, what are his determinations, what things he practiseth, and with what policies & subtleties he is instructed. These when thou hast diligently searched out, then much better furnished, and much more boldly mayest thou march on to set upon him, thereby more busily mayst thou defend thyself, so much more circumspectly mayest thou invade him, and thereby more assured, and more greater hope mayest thou have to obtain the victory, and bear the prize away. And that same our heavenly Father hath opened and disclosed unto us his children, by good credit in his word, all this enemies thoughts, determinations, practices, enterprises, will, power, and warlike provision of this our horrible and mighty enemy: to the end that we may well and strongly defend ourselves against his violence, practice and snares: to the end we might go against him, easily abide the brunt of his assault, & be able to quench and vanquish all his fiery darts. If so be that we at no time through great and filthy ingratitude and foolishness despise and reject the doctrine of God, and his admonitions: nor as faithless ungracious, ungodly, trucebreakers, forsworn, fearful and faint-hearted soldiers casting away our weapons, despairing in mind, without any resisting (which the most merciful God turn from us) yield ourselves into perpetual and wretched servitude, nor deliver over ourselves unto so filthy, so horrible and so beastly cruel enemy. Therefore now hearken ye and give ear, After what manner Satan invadeth mankind. how that changeling our most diligent and most crafty deceitful enemy invadeth and tempteth mankind, with what subtle sleights he rusheth in upon us, with what bands of power he fighteth against us, with what garboils he bestirs him, and what subtleties and frauds he useth to cirumvent us. He is not ignorant that we shallbe made partakers of eternal righteousness and salvation, and that we shall attain thither from whence his vile corruption fell, if we do constantly & by all means stick to the truth of the Gospel, embracing the same with both arms, and the words of God, preferring his lies before them, inducing them against the word of God, and disannulling the words of God, preferred he his crafty lies in place of them. This false tale was the beginning, the well spring the root and cause of all our misery and calamity. This most filthy and deadly did Satan notably deck with colours and set to sale for his advantage: when he said It should come so to pass▪ if they did eat of that tree, Genes. 3. that they should know both good and evil, and that they should be even as Gods. Here the policy and practices of that old Serpent fell out even as he himself wished them, Satan's first victory over mankind. whereby he purposed to cast mankind headlong into the same disobedience, (whereunto he himself was fallen down) that they should not continue in the truth. This was the first victory of this our enemy over us: which he obtained, not by any good or just means, but only by mere murdering falsehood and treacheries. By this victory gotten over us also he so held us altogether and every one of us drawn, enthralled bound and made his own bondslave, yea he so chained us together & brought us into that bondage, that not one of us in deed could escape or start from him: had not afterwards the truth, wisdom & power of God himself that is to say, Christ's greatest benefits towards us. the only begotten and natural son of God been made man to the end he might encounter in a wonderful battle with that most crafty Serpent: and foil him with his own weapons, yea overthrow and utterly vanquished him: so that not only by fine force and power, but also by good right, he assailed with strong hand hereby to deliver all mankind out of Satan's power and jurisdiction. If then at the beginning his liings, deadly practices, and mischievous enterprises against mankind (of all creatures so perfectly framed) so wishfullie and so notably by and by came to pass as he would have it, Satan's subtle deceits. As he is a soul slayer. that he could cast down our first parents into this far most wretched, most grievous most sorrowful and most horrible calamity of all other: when as yet they were free from sin, when they were of firm, and upright of lively and flourishing, of sound and undefiled conversation: If (I say) he could seduced, corrupted and besotted mankind with so horrible so manifold falsehoods, devilish deceits and errors, (as Moses witnesseth in the 6. of Gene.) that, All the earth was wicked and corrupt in the sight of God, and was filled with iniquity: And all flesh upon earth had corrupted their former ways wherein they were prescribed of God to continue, So, that God (in respect of his justice) could no longer suffer that huge, far spread and infinite mallis of Satan, & that abundance of wickedness & sins so raging▪ But therefore destroyed he with an universal deluge all that first age of the world, saving viii. persons only. And when that Noah & his offspring or kindred in the same new world begun a fresh to be planted and somewhat to increase, by and by Satan again broacheth and practiseth his subtle sleights, when there were a few persons, and as it were desolate soiourneiss which truly feared & knew God, Genes. 7. as Noah & his kinsfolk did. Then filleth he the earth with Idolatries and all kind of errors brought in by his false and ungodly doctrines. But, God (not unmindful of his mercy) chose unto him again a certain man and his seed, namely Abraham: The mercy of god in stirring up Abraham. with whom the truth of God's word was found. And yet notwithstanding there was an Innumerable multitude of Gentiles upon earth void of all knoweldge of God. Genes. 12. In Israel doubtless the name of God was only known, there the knowledge of him flourished: The nations (as Paul witnesseth) in the world not trusting in God: Rom. 1. But were without all knowledge of him. And I pray you what a handful and a very little portion of people were the jews in respect of the Gentiles? But what other thing did the Gentiles being enthralled and seduced with the illusions and devilish deceits of Satan, then that they served him and worshipped him, with divers & infinite manifold Idolatries? Did he not with so horrible and detestable blindness besot infatuate and bewitch them that they adored and worshipped, Cat's Dogs Curlewes, also other filthy and vile living Creatures, as Serpents and Crocodiles, by the testimony of many and divers Histories? of their errors amongst them, they might infect & corrupt others with their malady. Of this man came the sect of Nicholataines' Such one was Nicholas one of the seven Deacons in the City of Antioch the enemy of chaste Matrimony. Acts▪ 6. But in very deed not long after and whiles certain of the Apostles were yet living, he began by his false Apostles to preach lies, and to sow abroad his horrible errors, most ungodly opinions, and most false doctrines: namely, That there is no resurrection of the flesh Again, That righteousness or salvation before God, cometh by the work of the Law. Thirdly, That Christ is not a true God, but man only. But when the Apostles of Christ had slept in the Lord, and that lying & false forsworn Spirit thought he had a time given him in the world▪ to sow his leasings and lies (when, the Apostles were gone to God) then and not before (like as we may see the same in Egesippus) began he to turmoil himself and stir up discords in the Church, by his liings, by his corrupting the scriptures, and eftsoons planting and bringing in Heresies against the Creation, against the divinity and humanity of Christ, also feigning a certain corporal kingdom of Christ upon earth▪ before the latter day, divers Heresies. wherein we should abound with, and enjoy all kind of most exquisite pleasures: which was the opinion of Cerinthus the Heretic, Cerinthus. like as Eusebius himself witnesseth in his 3. book. There were divers heresies against Christ: This Heretic was not persuaded that the natural man was God. Another believed not that God was natural man. And hear good Lord, how much calamity and what horrible errors brought he in, how many blasphemies belched he ought against Christ, by the Montanists, Montanists. Mar●ionists manichees. Nestorians. Pelagians. the Marcionists, the Manicheys, the Arrians, the Nestorians, & lastly by Pelagius, who could not abide that Christ should be our Redeemer, but would needs have salvation to be merited by works. This Pelagius was a Monk, and left behind him a filthy and noisome stink, of whom those begging monks first began their order. How then? Did he not I pray you establish in the Popedom horrible and Satan's workmanship, with all his power, of whom Paul writeth unto the Thessalonians. 2. Epistle. 2. Chap. I pray you what troubles and calamities hath not the same spirit of lying and murder, stirred in this our so greatly unquiet time in the country of Westphalia Munsteri. What subtle sleights Satan did work in Westphalia. Believe me he is a wonderful and notable crafts master in deceiving the world, he is most absolutely furnished with all kind of subtle sleight, deceits and mischiefs to beguile us, and even to work wonders is he taught and exercised in this wrestling place: where he findeth auditories & scholars docible & tractable. Whom by and by he so besotteth and blindeth their minds, that of some errors he breedeth more: was it not a most great and horrible, bewitching dementation or dooting, and blinding of their senses, when as incontinently the citizens of Munster were driven away from the symplicitye of God's word, touching the Sacraments, by wonderful and subtle sleights jugglings and deceipts? when it carried those whom it would, and cast down headlong such persons eftsoons out of most grievous errors, into more grievous, more heinous and more horrible error. First, The errors of the Munsterians. Satan besotted them with this error, that they baptized children twice, & so most grievously dishonoured this honourable Sacrament. This was the first step unto their distructtion. After that with a certain incredible and most feigned hypocrisy did he blind them, so that the most godly and most honest person was reputed for a most wicked and most lewdest of others, except he would baptize children twice. The hearts also of certain persons he so bewitched and blinded, that they thought themselves to be, very Prophets. When as therefore he had called and drawn them away, from the word of God, unto those their dreams, he might for certainty promise himself the conquest over them nay he had all ready conquered them. And indeed thus far had that wolf leared and lurked, being clad in a sheeps skin, boasting himself to be a sheep: But when those errors which he had were not these horrible things? is not Satan here a marvelous, a guileful insnarer, a notable crafts master in lies? That by his illutions casteth mankind into so great troubles, Satan holdeth Papists fast bound in errors. and so great calamities? Doth he not also daily in most horrible manner make blind our adversaries the most cruel and most spite full Papists? Doth he not amongst them norrish & confirm horrible blasphemies against god? Doth he not mightily hold fast and beesot them with his errors, that they can not by any means abide to hear the true and sincere gospel, and that they had rather here the most vile, most filthy and most fabulus toys, than the scriptures of God? And yet they suffer whoredoms and other lusts and mischiefs to escape unpunished: But in the mean time such as believe the gospel▪ and endeavour to direct their life after the rule & prescription thereof, those do they extremely persecuted, hate, pursue, tear in pieces with reproaches & slanders, yea spoil them of their substance and with devised torments do they vex them. Is not this a work of the devil and a blindness of him that the most manifest & clear scriptures are set before the Papists and by all means so expounded, No truth can make them yield. even as the true Catholic Doctors and Christians have understood the same from the beginning, that they are compelled to confess it to be the word of God: And yet Satan holds them so Captived and bound in the chains of man's traditions, that they are not afraid freely and openly to say, that they can not embrace that doctrine of God, except first the Pope and his Bishops do like thereof and allow the same. As if we lay against them, both kinds of the reverend Sacrament touching the body & blood of Christ, to be both ministered unto the lay people, and also that Christ so ordained the same: and that the Apostles in like manner delivered and used the same: and that it was so administered from the Apostles time, until the Counsel kept at Constance, 120. years agone. When these things are laid against them, when they are urged with these matters, so that they can bring forth nothing against them. nor deny any of them: yet notwithstanding to they bear rule in the world. That thing evidently appeared by his works and mischievous practises. A man may see in the evangelical history every where, how wretchedly he turmoiled, vexed and tormented them, whose bodies he possessed: with what violence he holds them, and how he driveth them whether soever he will. A man may see how great tyranny he exercised in judea, how many he invaded, & how he bereft them of their wits and senses. We read in the 13. of S. Luke's gospel, that a woman had the spirit of infirmity 18, years and how she was so shrunk together, that she could not hold up her head at all. This woman (said Christ unto her when he had healed her) had Satan bound so many years. Satan's power permitted by God. He is able to send diseases unto men's bodies, he is able also to stir up and bring amongst mankind plagues, and other discommodities and calamities, as also fiery impressions, hurtful tempests, battles, seditions, spoilings of countries and cities, with all manner of mischiefs. By what and how cruel means did he exercise that holy man job! jobes' afflictions. When God had suffered this to be done unto him, Satan forthwith brought upon his family and substance even a certain huge sea full of all Calamities & hindrances. job. 1.2. & 3. First by Satan's instigation, the Sabaeians violently rushing upon his ground, drove away his Bulls, Oxen and asses, slaying his Servants also. Afterwards a fire being by Satan cast down out of the Air brent all Job'S Sheep, shepherds and Servants. incontinently after that, the Chaldeans with three furnished armies made an assault upon his camels, took them by force away, and smote his young men with the edge of the sword. Besides these, when the sons and daughters of job, were received at a banquet in the house of his eldest son, and refreshed themselves altogether with meat and drink, he stirred up a most grievous and horrible tempest: So that a most outrageous wind coming been so shut and fast bound in any secret place or deep dungeon, that he could never burst out of his chains and get lose from thence, then might we be safe enough, and then might we lawfully (as they say) sleep sound on both sides, with each foot in either ear couched. But in very deed seeing he is an enemy such and so great, so mighty, so envious, so spiteful, so bitterly swelling and inflamed, so treacherous, so cruelly, fierce, so crafty, so wily, so changeling so watchful, so laboursome, so wicked and always so near our dangers, which now for a certain M. of years space hath wonderfully exercised mankind, hath assaulted us with all kind of weapons, and eftsoons hath circumvented us with one or other subtle snares: Neither is he once tired nor awearied at any time, but walketh up and down, and, shall walk up and down like a Lion roaring, and being thoroughly enraged, seeks none other thing, practiseth nor imagineth any thing else, then to swallow up and devour man: That is to say to consume, tread under foot, destroy and utterly to extinguish all mankind in body, soul, good name and worldly substance. These things sith they so be, undoubtedly we may not sleep so sound and become so slothful and so sluggish. When we sleep, he sleeps not, but watcheth most circumspectly with eyes always fixed towards some occasion, that he may steal upon us, when we are so sleepy sluggish and so careless. He is in every place, yea he is near and amongst us, even in the very secret places of our houses, neither steps he once an nail breadth from us, and assaulteth us by divers and wonderful means: this man by this means, and that man by that Ram and warlike engen of temptation (as it may agreeably serve with his name) doth he ●rye men. For he is called Tentator in Latin, which, (in English, Math. 4.) we read to be, a Temptor to evil. If he cannot cast thee headlong into this mischief, he frameth other engines to cast thee, into an other. In thy house and families stirreth he up promptitude, What time Satan watcheth to work his mischief. and gratitude of minds as it ought to be, then easily and forthwith is he able to pluck out and root out of our hearts that wholesome seed of the Gospel, that men should not believe the same and obtain salvation, like as Christ himself teacheth in .8. Luke, Of the seed falling near unto the high way. He is able to entangle and draw thee quite away into the company of lewd persons, which when they have defiled thee with their disease, are able with their infection so to corrupt thee, that there shall never be any hope of recovery in thee afterward: And that all this labour shall be lost in the twinkling of an eye; yea all diligent carefulness, and careful diligence which parents bestow and employ upon their Children in bringing them up, instructing and informing them, is all to no purpose. By like contagion, saith the verity in john 13. did the devil put into the heart of judas, to betray his master Christ. This aught we rightly and diligently to consider and not slenderly to regard: That Satan is so near man, that in near us, yea every where layeth he snares for us, watcheth each where, and ●s ready to all occasion, that with so great power, such craftiness, so wonderful, so subtle, and so wily deceits or illusions he is able to cast man seduced, headlong into sins: and when he hath once possessed his heart, and infected it with one mischief or other, he is able out of one mischief to cast the same person into another, far more grievous more horrble, and more wonderful. Let that be always considered in our minds, and let it not slip out of our memory which S. Paul saith. Ephe. 2. That evil Spirit dwelleth in the Children of Disobedience. Neither violently draweth he the ungodly ones alone out of one mischief into an other, Satan hindereth as well the godly as the ungodly but he can even hinder & stay the very godly persons, that they the less shall be able to finish any godly or holy work begun, and not such with expedition & care as they otherwise both aught and would do: except they bend themselves continually with prayers against those his snares or deceits, and except they diligently & daily be watchful. mischief follows us hard at our heels or with tooth and nail holds them fast neither shall he make an end of seducing mankind, and of bringing all mane● calamity and mischief to our bodies▪ souls & goods, until such time as Chris● at the very last judgement shall thro● him down headlong into the bottomless pit of hell. And therefore, that is needful that we defend us against his snare, suggestions and enterprises, yea at every moment to beware of him, and as fully furnished to stand to him in the front of the battle, like as S. Paul saith in .6. Ephes. carefully and diligently admonishing us, as also teaching us with what weapons and with what complite harness, furnished a Christian soldier may defend himself against this enemy. With what armour and weapons we must withstand Satan & his Angels. Stand fast therefore (saith he) with your loins girt round about with verity, and putting upon you the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod, that you may be prepared unto the Gospel of peace, above all taking to you the shield of faith, whereby you may be able to quench all the fiery darts of that wicked quirite, and put you on that helmet of salvation, and gird you with that sword ●f the spirit▪ which is the word of God, 〈◊〉 all prayer and thanks giving, praying always in the spirit, and there unto ●●atching with all constancy and supplication for all Saints. etc. Ye understand ●●ere how diligently and how carefully ●●is faithful old beaten and never wearied soldier of Christ S. Paul admo●isheth us, with what armour he sen●●th us, with what trumpet sound he stirs and encourageth us valiantly to ●●sist this enemy. This cheerful blast ●is exhortation so earnest, so instant ●nd so vehement, is truly able to admonish and teach us, that it is nei●her any slender or trifling charge pertaining to us, neither yet that we should think it a slender wrestling or 〈◊〉 it were a certain collusion, but that it is ●●most fierce fight and the same which we ●ust perpetually abide the bickering of, ●●eing we have so mighty an Enemy bur●ing with so great hatred towards us, ●nflamed with so great wrath against ●s, and furnished with so marvelous deceits & a thousand futtle sleights, briefly their ministery and function, with great faith and diligence do they guide, direct govern and defend us: They are present with us, help us every where, providently take care of us, and do obtain for us all things tending to the glory of Christ, and even reconcile him unto us, do instill and beat into our minds his holy will, ye do call us away and pluck us back from all those sins and vices which God hath forbidden us, and which he abhorreth. For that cause. S. Paul. 1. Heb. describeth good Angels on this manner. Good Angels ministering Spirits. Are they not all ministering spirits, which are sent forth into the ministry for their sakes, which shall be heirs of salvation? Here we learn that Angels are Ambassadors and Messengers sent from heaven, even from God unto true believers, to serve and attend upon them, and in all assays to be present with them, to secure them, help them, and to prefer the good enterprises, studies, and godly actions of them, which shall be made ●prtakers of the inheritance of eternal life. For, this is their chief and most fervent prayer, that we may by and by be converted from evil and ungodly life, and repent us unto better and more profitable amendment, and that we should abide steadfast in the truth, & they do infinitely rejoice, when we are converted from sins unto God, which thing Christ himself saith in .18. Luke. Here are their hearts manifest known to us, how sincere, how godly, how wellwilling and how ready they are to do us good, yea how fervently they love us, & how faithfully they embrace us. O, that we could see with corporal eyes with how firm & strong safeguard and succour of his Angels God guardeth & preserveth defendeth and protecteth us from all dangers whereunto we should otherwise run headlong: were it not that God protected us with his Angels, (good God) with how grievous hazards should we be ensnared and distressed. God's protection of his elect by his good Angels. How little help in ourselves or else any where might we find, how should we be perplexed, how should we be tormented, how most miserable of all creatures should we become? For by nature, we are fainthearted and fearful silly souls, and we are always afraid, Caesar or the king of Assiria called Zenacherib had besieged Jerusalem with an host of .185000. men: Jerusalem delivered & her enemies slain by gods Angels. and king Ezekiah by reason of the small number of men which he had within the City was far unequal & of power more feeble in respect of the king of Assiria: But nevertheless yet, he delivered his people from all violence and injury: For, God sent his holy Angel which in one night slew the same huge multitude of men, the host of Zenacherib so that in the morning early all places were full of dead bodies, as it appeareth, 4. Reg. 19 And what injuries and calamities would not that most pestilent enemy bring as well unto Mothers as infants, but that good Angels preserved the infants and their Mothers? Infants and Children might fall into the waters, yea into the fire, and might chance into many other perils, were it not, that GOD savegardeth them with his good Angels, which for this purpose are ordained of God, to have faithful and perpetual care over us, like as David in the .90. Psal, singeth. He hath given his Angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways & to bear thee in their arms, that thou dash not thy foot against a stone. But what Satan can do how great his power & strength is, God now & then showeth unto the world, suffering Satan sometime after his own lust to bring upon the world some hindrance & calamity, to work many troubles, sometimes causing seditions & sometimes murders. And therefore god suffers the same, to the end we might take heed and beware of him the more diligently, that we may live in greater fear of God, and not sleep in sin as even careless and gaping after the same. For when as good Angels by the secret judgement of God do even for a moment forsake and not saugard us, by and by is Satan then present, and worketh injury towards us by all means that he may, after his own lust, and performeth his work against us, he either violently casteth Children into waters, or fire, o● gives them knives whereby to hurt them. And the ingratitude or sin of their parents sometime do deserve this, that Satan have some sufferance hereunto. In our time not far hence was a certain his peculiar Angel, and therefore all true Christian men have his proper Angels. And therefore in every place also when we are by ourselves and with out moderators, it becometh us to be chaste, shamefast and modest, as well in words as in gestures, in honour of those good Angels that we offend them not as Paul. 1. Cor. 11. teacheth, that women should have their heads covered & closely attired, S. Paul's rule. in the Church, by reason of the Angels, which are enjoined & given unto us, that they may always and in all places govern us, comfort us, defend us, teach us, be present with us, & help us. In our child birth, in our journeying, in all things and in all dangers, for all our life long, even unto the final end and last part playing of the race of our days, yea even until the absolute and full salvation and glorification of us. Touching which matter let us give ear unto more testimonies of the sacred scriptures. In Acts Cham 11. Peter was bound in the prison with two chains & was diligently and carefully kept & watched of the soldiers, lest he should escape away. But what happened? S. Peter's Angel the 2 time. when Peter slept in the night, the Angel came to him and said: Arise by and by and strait way the chains fell from his hands, and the Angel brought him loose out of the prison, and so the Lord by his Angel delivered him out of the hands of Herod. In .5. Acts, when the chief Priests with the Saducees at jerusalem had taken and cast the Apostles into prison, The Apostles Angel. the Angel of the Lord in the night, (the dors of the prison being open,) brought out thence the Apostles, commanding them to preach the Gospel unto the people. Math. 1. Cap. Mary's Angel. The Angel showed joseph in his sleep, that Mary should be with Child not by man, but by operation and power of the holy Ghost, and revailed the child's name, also, which should be given him, viz: jesus. Also Math. 2. The Angel again warneth joseph to fly with the child and his mother into Egypt. And when Herod was dead the Angel again came to joseph warning him that he should return home out of Egypt into the land confidence in them, Whether Angels are to be worshipped or no. call upon them in our necessities, and crave help of them▪ In the Popedom (as ye know) that is observed, & peculiar temples or Churches are also builded for them, and dedicated unto them. But this honour was both unprofitable and ungodly, instituted and devised by man's mere election and good intention. The Scripture teacheth us, that we must not repose our hope and confidence upon any other, but upon one only and true God, and that he only is to be called upon in necessities, as in deed the true and most assured helper in all evils, like as we learn in the .1. and .2. commandment. And the Scripture saith jeremy. 17. That he is blessed which putteth his trust in God. Again, David saith in his .77. Psal. The children which shall be begotten, and shall arise, shall declare unto the Children, that they put their trust in God, and not to forget the work of God, but search forth his commandments. But hearken, what (as touching invocation of saints, the godly ones in the Church for a thousand years, have held opinion: Lest ye surmise that I teach you in this behalf any new invention. ¶ Saint Augustine writing upon the .96. Psalm, saith thus. ANd give ear (saith he) as touching holy men, The doctrine and opinion of S. Augustine concerning Angels not to be worshipped. which are like unto Angels. When thou findest any holy man, the servant of God, If thou wouldst worship and honour him for God, he forbiddeth thee: He will not arrogate unto him God's honour, He will not be as a god unto thee, but under God with thee. The holy Apostles Paul and Barnabas, did this: They preached the word of God in Lycaonia. When they had done miracles at Lycaonia, the Citizens of the country brought unto them sacrifices & would have sacrificed unto them, calling, Barnabas jubiter and Paul, Mercury: But they took no pleasure in that. Acts. 13. Or would they not peradventure therefore any sacrifices should be offered them: because to be compared themselves unto What then my brethren? (saith . S. Augustine) Let no man say I fear lest the Angel be angry with me, if I worship him not for God: Then is he angry with thee, when thou wouldst worship him. For he is a good Angel and loveth God. Thus far saith Saint Augustine, in Psalm. 96. ¶ The same Doctor in his book De vera Religione Cap. 55. hath these words. Angelos' honoramus Charitate, non servitute. etc. We honour the Angels with love and not service. Neither do we build them Churches: For, they will not have themselves so honoured of us: Because they know that even we ourselves, 1 Cor. 3. 2. Cor. 6. Ephes. 2. Acts. 17. (if we be good and Godly persons,) are the temples of the mighty God. Truly, is it written therefore, that man is forbidden of the Angel, not to worship him, but one God, under whom he was even fellow servant of him. These also are S. Augustine's words which as yet the Catholic Church hath not rejected: For they are grounded in the Scriptures, or with most firm testimonies of Scriptures established, as you here. Although ●he adversaries, notably, nay wickedly cloak & covertly deal which these words of Augustine. And surely they are wise, when they endeavour to maintain that ●heir ungodly error, hereby. For these words do discover their error, and do reprove them of wickedness and vngod●ynes. The Scripture teacheth us, Doctrine of the Scriptures. that ●here is one only Mediator between God and us wretched mankind: namely ●esus Christ, unto whom in all necessity's ●e may run for succour. By whom with confidence we may have access ●nto the father. Ephes. 2. And by whom we ought to look for assured help of ●he father. What then go we about, ●hat mischiefs move us, what ungodly curiosity compelleth us, that we are ●ot contented with the word of God and sacred doctrine in the rule of our faith & Religion. But this must we know. That Angels entirely and from our hearts are to ●e loved of us: as our watchmen or safe●éepers and special friends, and as our A Prayer unto God, for the assistanc● of his Angelical Powers, in the prosperous preservation of this our mortal race. ALmighty and eternal God which by thy word and holy spirit hast created all things in heaven, in earth and in the waters under the earth, visible and invisible. Which by thy holy Prophet David art said, To make Angels thy Spirits: Psal. 104. And thy Ministers a flaming fire. Signifying thereby, that for the good Children of God, thou ordainest good Angels, & for the wicked of this world thou ordainest evil Ministers, to make them to know, that thou hast power only to save or consume, whom, where and when thou wilt. I a most sinful soul the Child of Adam by sin subject to thy wrath, but in thy son Christ jesus by his redemption and merit the adopted Child of grace, do humbly and heartily beseech thee, for the same thy son Christ his sake my Redeemer, by thy holy Spirit to regenerate and illuminate my soul, to ●uryfie my heart and inward Man, to ●ardon the frailty of the outward man, ●nd accept the poor prayer of a penitent sinner. Which I make not only for myself, but for all thy chosen Children of Israel: unto whom passing through the ●eas of this transitory & troublesome life, Thou sayest: Behold I send mine Angel which shall go before thee, Exod. 23. & keep thee ●n the way, & bring thee unto the place that I have prepared for thee. Meaning by the land of promise here on earth, thy eternal kingdom of heaven. Unto the which land of promise on earth, as thou by the guide of thy good Angel broughtest those Israelites, when thou savedst them, & consumedst their enemies: So I beseech thy great goodness to grant the guide of thy good Angel unto me and to so many as Seeking thy kingdom and the Righteousness thereof, Math. 6. do gladly travel in our vocations to thy honour and glory? And vouchsafe also of thy gracious providence to turn from us all those evils which we most righteously have deserved in the wayward journeying of our unwillingness to serve thee. Conduct us said they were jews and were not,) making them to fall down at the feet of thine elect: we Render all humble and hearty thanks unto thy divine Majesty therefore, beseeching thee of thy manifold mercies and abundant grace to continue thy love towards us, that we never henceforth want the same, So as thou wouldst preserve us and all thy chosen from the hour of temptation, Ibidem. which shall come upon all the world. That when it seemeth good and gracious unto thee, to shorten the days of this troublesome last age for thine elect sake, when thy Son our Saviour shall come with a warning, 1. Thess. 4. and with the voice of the Archangel & with the trump of God shall descend from heaven: when the Lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with the Angels of his power, 2. Thess. 1. That is (as our saviour Christ saith,) When the Son of man shall come in his glory and all his holy Angels shall come with him, Math. 24. and shall sit upon the seat of his glory, and gathering together all that slept in the earth, summoned before him at the general judgement, shall separate the good souls from the bad, That then it would please thee of thy manifold mercies and infinite graces. Ibidem To make us of the nom●er of those thy Chosen sheep standing ●n his Right hand, unto whom the same ●hy son, then will say, Come ye the ●lessed of my Father, possess ye the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world: Where, in the ●●cietie of all those Angels and Elders ●bout the seat of thy sacred throne worshipping the Deity in Trinity, we ●aye incessantly sing that heavenly ●mne, Blessing, and Riches, and wisdom, and Thanks, Revel. 7. and Honour, and power, and might be unto our God forever and ever Amen R. R. This benefit therefore Creator dear, with one accord in thee we celebrate, To thee our Angels and Melodious choir, together singing thanks shall decantate. And in thy Church most heartily pray we will, thy watchful Angels unto us to send, And to thy people which embrace would still, thy Son his Gospel unto the worlds end. Amen. FINIS. R. R. 2. Cor. 10. Gaudentes, in Domino Gaudeamus. Revel. cap. 19 uz. 1. Amen, Alleluyah, Salvation, & Glory and honour, and power, be to the Lord our God. Faults escaped. Thus corrected. B. fol. 2. page. 2. for deadly did, read deadly lie did Eod, B. fol. 5. for Rom. 1. Ephes. 2. Siniter D. The first page first word and first line (for near us) read each place drawing near us. Fol. 5. page. 2. for 4. Reg. 9 read 4. Reg. 6. Fol. 8. page. 2. for his proper Angels, read the●r proper Angels.