A PREPARATION TO THE DUE CONSIDERATION AND REVEREND Coming to the holy Communion of the Body and Blood of our Lord. THE CONTENTS whereof follow in the next page. IMPRINTED AT LONdon by Christopher Barker, Prin ter to the Queen's most excellent Majesty. 1580. The Contents. 1 What an high dignity it is to be a Christian, and partaker of the holy Sacraments of Christ. 2 An instruction how a Christian ought to be occupied, before he presume to come to the Table of the Lord. 3 How dangerous a thing it is to come unworthily, or unadvisedly, to the holy Communion. 4 A prayer to be truly penitent for our sins, before we receive the holy Sacrament of our Lord. 5 A prayer to be said immediately before the receiving of the holy Communion, and in the time of the celebration thereof. 6 A thanksgiving after the receiving of the holy Communion. 7 An excellent Psalm of King David. 8 A prayer for our Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth. To the most excellent, virtuous, and our dread Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, Queen of England, France, and Ireland, etc. Grace, mercy, and everlasting peace from God the Father, through jesus Christ our Lord. HAVING CONsidered, and called to memory (most gracious Sovereign) the manifold blessings and benefits, given by the incomparable mercy of God to us your subjects, by your ministery, and the execution of your Kingly office, and under your majesties protection, and most peaceable government: wherein we do not only enjoy, and quietly possess the fruit of our labours, and all other our temporal commodities, but (that which is many thousand times more worth) even the liberty of conscience, the preaching and hearing of Gods most sacred truth, the fruition and use of the most holy Sacraments of our Lord jesus Christ, which are seals unto us of the assurance of our inheritance in the kingdom of God. And on the otherside, having thoroughly weighed our contempt and ingratitude to Almighty God, to his son jesus Christ, and to your Majesty: by whom, as the only mean from God, we reap all these good things, and are defended and maintained in this our happy state: I cannot enough wonder, nor sufficiently lament, to see for the most part how little we regard, and how seldom we come to the hearing of Gods most holy word, and to the celebration of these his most holy mysteries: and when we do come, how rudely, unadvisedly, and unreverently it is, cannot be but most fearful, and most pitiful to behold. Wherefore most gracious Queen, and dread Sovereign, the zeal and duty I own to the glory of GOD, and to the honour of your Majesty, (who cannot, but be greatly dishonoured in this our negligence) hath enforced me to procure the aid of an excellent learned and godly man, to compile three short instructions, or admonitions upon the three first titles, or contents in the second page of this little manuel (whereunto are added certain most needful prayers and thanksgiving, all which may properly be entitled, A preparation to the holy Communion of the body and blood of our Lord) to the end we may be moved with better consideration of the benefits we receive in these sacred mysteries, and also with the greatness of the danger for the abuse and contempt of the same: Most humbly beseeching your Majesty, according to your accustomed goodness, to accept in good part this my simple and unskilful service, that by your good acceptation hereof, many of your majesties most honourable household, and others also, may be drawn and procured to the exercise of the same, to their further instruction, comfort, and consolation, by the working of God's holy Spirit: to whom with the Father & the Son, be all glory for ever, and to your Majesty, a most honourable, long and prosperous reign over us, with all other his merciful blessings in this life, and in the life to come, joy, felicity, and continual dwelling with all the blessed Angels and Saints in the kingdom of God, world without end, AMEN. Your majesties most lowly subject, and servant, C. Barker. What a high dignity it is to be a Christian, and partaker of the holy Sacraments of Christ. SAINT JOHN the Evangelist, in the first Chapter of his Gospel writeth, that our Saviour Christ coming into the world, which was made by him, was unknown of it: yea, coming among his own, of his own was not received: but yet to as many as received him, he gave this dignity, that they should be called the sons of God, which are borne not of flesh, nor of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God. By which testimony of the holy Ghost, we may understand how great and excellent is the dignity of true Christians: namely, that they be the children of God, begotten not carnally, but spiritually of God himself. And that we should not deceive ourselves, by a false imagination of christianity, as it is commonly called and reputed in the blind world, the same scripture teacheth us who be true Christians in deed: not every one that is so called, or would be so accounted, not every one which hath taken upon him the outward sign and badge of christianity, which is the Sacrament of Baptism: but only those which receive Christ, are true Christians, and the children of God. But who are they that have received Christ, that they may be partakers of so high a dignity? even they which seeing, acknowledging and confessing their own shameful, miserable, and damnable estate, which they have not only received by propagation from their parents, but also have wilfully incurred through the just judgement of God for their own sins, do willingly, joyfully, and thankfully hear & obey this voice of our Saviour Christ, Mat. 11. and 28. Come unto me all ye that labour, and be heavy laden, and I will refresh you. And so reposing their whole trust and confidence in the mercy of God (whose justice they know to be satisfied in the merits and sufferings of his only begotten son our Lord and Saviour Christ, their whole and only Redeemer) do willingly take upon them the sweet & easy yoke of Christ, which he requireth in the next verse to be taken of all them that come unto him, & look to be refreshed by him: which yoke of obedience unto the rule of Christ, though it seem hard and unpleasant to be borne, unto the corrupt nature of man, yet unto the children of God, (whose weakness is assisted by the holy Ghost, & their faults committed of weakness, are washed away with the blood of Christ) there is nothing more sweet, pleasant, and delectable: insomuch that David upon this consideration, preferreth the Law of God before honey, and the honey comb in sweetness, protesting that it is more to be desired then all jewels of gold and precious stones. Behold, these are true Christians which have received Christ by faith, and gladly bring out the fruits of faith in all godliness of life, to the glory of God their Father, and the profit of God's children, their brethren and sisters. Therefore if we be such, whatsoever we be in the estimation of the world, we are most honourable. And if we have all the vain titles of worldly honour heaped upon us, & be not such, we are most vile and contemptible in the sight of God: for God maketh more account of his children, then of all the creatures of the world beside: as every father more esteemeth his natural sons and daughters, than any other thing he hath in the world. yea for them the world was made, for them the son of God became man, and suffered death for their redemption: for them the world is continued, that their full number out of all ages might be gathered, in which God hath appointed them to live: and when the number of them is once accomplished and fulfilled, this world shallbe at an end, and Christ shall come to give them all together that perfect reward, which God hath promised, & he for them hath deserved. What worldly dignity, have it never so swelling titles of honour and glory, can be comparable to this high dignity of true Christians? If we should speak of the sons of Knights, Lords, Earls, Dukes, etc. they are all surmounted and excelled by the children of Kings & Emperors: and for what cause, but that the majesty of Kings and Emperors so far passeth those meaner titles of honour before rehearsed? It followeth then of necessity, that the more excellent the parents are, the greater is the dignity of the children: and consequently, by how much the eternal glory and majesty of God excelleth the honour & dignity of earthly Kings and Emperors, by so much the dignity and honour of God's children exceedeth the honour and dignity of Kings and emperors children. Wherefore, if in respect of worldly honour, we worthily esteem those happy, which have been borne of earthly princes: much more ought we to account them blessed in heavenly & spiritual dignity, unto whom this prerogative is granted, that they should be called the sons of God. For thereby they are assured, not only to be maintained and protected by the governor of all things in heaven and earth, but also they are certainly persuaded to receive such an inheritance, as it is meet for the Almighty creator of all things to bestow upon them, whom he accepteth & taketh for his well-beloved children: yea, such is his bountiful goodness towards us his adopted sons and daughters, that as his chosen vessels, S. Paul doth testify, he hath made us assurance, and by the earnest of his holy Spirit, put us in possession, (though not yet in full fruition) of that most royal inheritance, which he giveth to his only natural son, our Lord and Saviour jesus Christ. Rom. 8. And as the Spirit of adoption, by which we cry, Abba, father, which is the Spirit of truth, and therefore can not deceive us, beareth witness inwardly to our spirits, that we are the sons of God: So it hath pleased our heavenly Father, outwardly by holy signs and Sacraments, to testify the same unto us: which Sacraments, as seals of his promises which are daily preached unto us out of his holy word, he hath given for a further and more full confirmation and strengthening of our faith, and most perfect assurance of those things which he hath promised: by which Sacraments also he doth not only signify and show what he hath purposed to do for us, but also worketh effectually in those that be his true children, the same things which he doth signify and teach by them. For as by his holy word he teacheth us, that after he is reconciled with us for Christ his sake, he accepteth us for his dear children, and assureth us that he will never forsake us, but continue his mercy and love towards us for ever and ever: even so he testifieth and ratifieth the same by his holy Sacraments. For in as much as it is necessary, that if we be the children of God, we must know that we are borne of God, it hath pleased him in the Sacrament of Baptism, which is the laver of regeneration or new birth, to testify unto us, that by virtue of the blood of Christ washing away our sins, as water doth the uncleanness of our bodies, & by the grace of his holy Spirit working wonderfully in our souls, our old man is abolished, and we borne anew of water and of the holy Ghost, to be the children of God. Being thus assured of our spiritual birth, that we should not doubt of our everlasting preservation in the same state of God's dear children, he hath prepared us also a spiritual nourishment of meat and drink, by which we should be fed to everlasting life: namely, the flesh & blood of jesus Christ, which was broken and shed for us upon the cross, that it might be spiritual food to all them that shallbe partakers of it by faith. Of which everlasting food and nourishment, he hath given us a seal or sacrament in his holy Supper, that, receiving that bread and cup of the Lord worthily, according to his holy institution, we should no more doubt that our souls are spiritually fed and nourished with the precious body and blood of Christ, to the forgiveness of our sins and life everlasting, than we doubt that the outward elements, which we have taken into our bodies, according to their quantity do feed and nourish the same, unto the maintenance of this temporal life. Whereby we may easily see unto how great honour we are called of our Saviour Christ, when we are made partakers of that most holy and heavenvly Table, wherein he setteth forth unto us, most unworthy wretches of ourselves to sit at his high Table, no meaner food than his own flesh & blood, to be a spiritual nourishment unto our souls, whereby we are made one body with him, and members one of an other, and an holy temple of GOD, through the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, and Kings and Priests do reign with him, and praise his holy name for evermore. ❧ An instruction how a Christian ought to be occupied, before he presume to come to the Table of the Lord. SALOMON, in the 23 Chapter of his Proverbs, exhorteth them which shallbe partakers of an earthly prince's table, to have due consideration of their behaviour thereat to be used, and of such meats as shallbe set before them: how much more ought a Christian diligently to weigh with himself when he is called unto the high Table of the Lord, by whom he is called, whither he is called, unto what he is called, and for what end he is called. Verily, a Christian man, when he is bidden to this royal banquet, is called by no person of mean estate in this life, nor by any of the highest dignity in this world, but by him that made them all: and in comparison of whose excellency they all are but dust and ashes. It is even the Lord our GOD, the creator & maker of all things, most holy, most righteous, hating and abhorring all sin and wickedness, in whose sight no unclean or filthy person may abide to stand: but such as are holy, righteous, clean, and pure in heart, are acceptable before him. The place whereunto a Christian man is called, when he is required to be partaker of the holy Sacrament, is the lords Table, whereof this earthly & corruptible table is but a figure & shadow: for even as he that calleth us, which is God our Father, and that whereunto we are called, which is the body and blood of Christ, is in heaven at the right hand of God in glory & majesty: even so the Lords Table, on which we shall be partakers of the same, is lifted up above all height of the visible skies, into that place of God's eternal glory, and majesty, where jesus Christ is resident in the throne of his magnificence. The holy feast & banquet, whereunto a Christian man is called, consisteth not of earthly dainties prepared by the art of man, to please the bodily taste, which as soon as they are received into the body, tend to putrefaction and corruption: but of that lively bread which came down from heaven, and giveth life to the world, even the flesh & blood of our Saviour Christ, the immaculate lamb of God, which gave himself an holy and undefiled sacrifice unto God his Father once for all, and found thereby everlasting redemption: of which most holy and heavenly meat and drink, whosoever is partaker, shall live for ever. The end wherefore a Christian man is called to be partaker of this holy Sacrament, is, that he might be assured, that he is regenerate and borne again by the holy Ghost, to be the child of God, and inheriter of the kingdom of heaven, notwithstanding that he remaineth still as yet subject unto death of his body, and (that which is more to be feared) through infirmity falleth often times into sin, the reward whereof by the justice of God, is death both of body and soul: yet being nourished and fed with the food of immortality and everlasting life, which is the flesh & blood of our Saviour Christ (as he himself testifieth in the sixth Chapter of john) he shall by the divine virtue and quickening spirit of our Saviour Christ, be raised up in the last day unto everlasting felicity. These things if a Christian man do duly consider, before he presume to come to the lords Table, he will not thrust forward himself rashly, unadvisedly, & contemptuously, but with such reverence, preparation, and examination, as is meet for him that is called by so great a person unto so high a place, to be partaker of so holy, and so fearful mysteries, for so weighty and necessary an end and purpose. For in respect of him that calleth, which is most holy and righteous, he will remember, that it is his part to cleanse his soul from all uncleanness of sin and wickedness, by true and hearty repentance: he dare not appear in his presence, (which seethe and knoweth the secrets of his heart) with an outward show of feigned holiness and counterfeit sorrowfulness for his sins, which he purposeth not to leave and forsake, but to continue in them, after the receipt of the Sacrament, and to delight in them as much as ever he did before. He will not presume to deride and mock the judge of all the world, with a feigned countenance of modesty, taken upon him for a few hours while he is in the Church, and laid aside again almost assoon as he steppeth over the threshholde of the Church door, to return no less to his former lightness, vanity, pride, lust, covetousness and other ungodliness, then to his private house and lodging. And when he considereth that he is called into heaven, where no uncleanness or corruption can abide, where holiness & righteousness doth dwell, he will call to mind the answer which God maketh to David in the 15. Psalm, where he inquireth who shall dwell in his Tabernacle, and rest in his holy hill: Even he that leadeth an uncorrupt life without hypocrisy, without fraud and guile, covetousness or oppression, that dealeth justly, faithfully, and mercifully with all men: such a one shall never be removed. He that is called into heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of GOD, and willingly obeyeth his calling, acknowledgeth that he must forsake the earth, with all earthly affections, and set his mind upon heavenly things, upon those things that are above, and not upon the earth, as S. Paul exhorteth, Colossians the 3. Chap. he must mortify his members that are on earth, fornication, and all uncleanness, covetousness, and deceitfulness, wrath, malice, blasphemy, and filthy speaking: and putting off the old man with his works, he must put on the new man, which is renewed according to the image of him that created him, in holiness and righteousness, in mercifulness, humility, meekness, long suffering, and forgiveness of all them that have offended us, even as God hath forgiven us in Christ jesus. And for as much as the distance between the earth, where we are strangers, and the Heaven, whereunto we are called, as to the place of our inheritance, is so great, that it is not possible for our heavy & lumpish bodies to ascend thither, before they be made conformable & like to the glorious body of our Saviour Christ, which is gone thither before us to prepare a place: a Christian man will consider, that as yet he can no otherwise be lifted up into heaven, but in heart and soul, by the wings of faith. And therefore he will seek to confirm and strengthen his faith, by the often and diligent meditation of the most comfortable promises of God contained in the holy Scriptures, and by earnest and fervent prayer unto God for Christ his sake, to increase his faith by the virtue of his holy Spirit, as well in this time of his participation of the heavenly mysteries, as at all other times, unto the end of his life. Yea, that spiritual food of the body & blood of Christ, whereof he is called to be a partaker, will admonish & put a Christian man in mind, as well of repentance, purpose of amendment, reverence & humility, with which he ought to be prepared that shall receive the Sacrament worthily: as also, that faith and constant belief in the promises of God is necessarily required of him that shallbe nourished with so wonderful & heavenly food. For were it not that the son of God, which is truth itself, hath promised by his holy word, to give us his body and blood to be meat in deed, and drink in deed, to feed us unto everlasting life: and for assurance of this his promise, doth give us his seal in bread and wine, which therefore he calleth by the name of his body and blood, because they do truly, and not vainly represent unto us the truth of his promise, and effectual performance of the same: how should we differ from the unbelieving jews, which understanding carnally, that which our Saviour Christ spoke spiritually, demanded how it were possible to give his flesh to be eaten, and his blood to be drunken? But being instructed by faith, although the mystery far pass the reach of any man's understanding, yet do we nothing doubt, but according to his holy word and promise, after a heavenly and spiritual manner, he giveth to all them that are worthily partakers of that holy Sacrament, his very body and blood to be spiritual meat and drink, whereby they are fed & nourished unto that life which is immortal and incorruptible. Which faith of ours receiveth strength and increase by worthy participation of this holy mystery: for which end and purpose it was instituted and ordained to our comfort. In consideration whereof, and of all & every the respects before mentioned, a Christian man is compelled to fall down before the throne of God's grace, and from the bottom of his heart to yield most humble and unfeigned thanks to God the Father, with the son our Lord jesus Christ, & the holy Ghost, by whose infinite mercy and goodness, without all merit and desert of himself, he is called to so high honour and dignity, that he is admitted to be a guest at the Lords Table, in which he is made partaker of the flesh and blood of the son of GOD, who so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, to suffer most cruel & shameful death for the redemption of mankind, to satisfy the wrath of God, & to reconcile us again into his favour, of his enemies to make us his children, and of his children to make us joint heirs with his only begotten son jesus Christ our Saviour. Last of all, a Christian man thus assured, that he is made partaker of the body & blood of Christ his head, of whom he is now made a living member, must acknowledge & purpose with himself, that it is his bond duty, not only to be more circumspect & watchful of himself, that he be not forgetful for so high and incomparable a benefit, nor unthankful to so merciful a Lord that hath thus loved & saved him: But also to show all love & tender affection towards all them, which by the same means are made fellow members with him of the same mystical body: and as occasion and ability shall serve, like a living member, to feel joy and comfort at the prosperity of his fellow members, and to be so grieved at the hurt or affliction of any of them, that he be ready to relicue & comfort them, to aid and assist them, as we see by the example of the members and parts of our natural body. He therefore that examineth himself after these rules, shall be rightly prepared to receive the Sacrament worthily, to his everlasting comfort. ¶ How dangerous a thing it is to come unwor thily or unadvisedly, to the holy Communion. Unworthily they come to the holy Communion, not whosoever are unworthy of that high honour, which GOD vouchsafeth them whom he calleth to his holy Table: (for then should all men, even the most righteous come unworthily. For no man is worthy to stand in the lords presence, much less to sit as a bidden guest at the marriage of his Son, or rather as a child, at the high Table of Almighty God the Father, but that he of his infinite mercy, whereby he accepteth them to be his children, vouchsafeth also to give them this heavenly nourishment.) But all they come unworthily, not only which come like hypocrites, with feigned hearts and contemptuous minds against the Lord, whom they pretend to worship: but also even as many as presume rashly, negligently, and unadvisedly to receive the holy Sacrament without due examination of themselves, and consideration of the excellent benefit whereof they come to be partakers. Of them S. Paul writeth, that they eat and drink, not the body of Christ, whom they despise in his holy mysteries, but their own damnation, because they discern not the lords body, from other bodily meats & drinks: For seeing our Saviour Christ hath adorned these holy mysteries with the name of his most precious body & blood; whosoever contemneth or lightly regardeth the fame, must needs deserve such punishment and condemnation, as they which abuse not only the name of GOD, (of whom he protesteth that he will not hold them guiltless:) but also the seal of God, whereby he offereth them assurance of their redemption, and even the very body and blood of Christ, whereof this Sacrament is a true and lively representation. Wherefore the Apostle saith, Whosoever eateth this Bread, and drinketh of this Cup of the Lord unworthily, shall not be guilty of abusing of bread and wine, and other such like creatures, (the abusing whereof is nevertheless unanswerable before GOD:) but he shallbe guilty of the body and blood of Christ. Which sin, how horrible and gricuous it is in the sight of God, to be guilty of the body & blood of Christ, we may easily perceive, if we call to remembrance the example of those, who most cruelly and despitefully betrayed, condemned, scourged, and crucified his most holy and innocent body, when he lived upon the earth. The guiltiness of whose treason, false witnessing, unjust condemning, cruel scourging, and crowning with thorns, & most despiteful crucifying, and shedding of his most precious blood, beside spitting, scorning, and reviling: the guiltiness (I say) of all which injuries and villenies they do most justly heap upon themselves, which unworthily, unadvisedly, rashly, or negligently presume to come to the Lords Table, and so become guilty of the body & blood of our Saviour Christ: whereby they procure unto themselves (if GOD should deal with them in justice) such punishment, as was deserved by judas Iscarioth, the false suborned witnesses, Annas and Caiaphas, with the rest of the high Priests and Pharisees, Pilate with his soldiers, and the people that cried out upon him, Crucify him, Crucify him. And more worthily deserve they such punishment, than many of these before named: for of them the holy Ghost testifieth, that they did it ignorantly: for if they had known him, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But these men contemn and despise him, whom they know and confess to be the Lord of glory, and the eternal Son of God: the other despised him in the estate of his humility, when his Godhead was covered with the shape of a servant: but these men set light by him, and contemn him, now he sitteth in his throne of magnificence and majesty. Therefore, much greater is their guiltiness, & more grievous is their condemnation, if the Lord should deal with them according to their deserts. But although he be ready to pardon and forgive such as have so despised him, upon their hearty and earnest repentance, even as he was ready to pardon them which crucified him: yet doth he not suffer his children to be altogether without chastisement, but that they may more deeply consider how grievously they have trespassed against him, he punisheth them oftentimes with sharp sickness and sudden death, which have presumed unworthily to be partakers of his holy mysteries, even as the Apostle saith: For this cause many among you are sick, and some are fallen asleep, by which temporal punishments, if the residue can beware, and learn to judge themselves, they shall escape the judgement of God: but if neither by Gods threatening, nor example of punishment, they will be taught to amend this great & gross contempt of God's lenity & mercy, they shall heap upon themselves vengeance in the day of wrath: from which, our most merciful GOD for Christ his sake, vouchsafe to deliver us. ❧ A prayer to be truly penitent for our sins, before we receive the Sacrament of the Lord. O Eternal, and most merciful Father, we most vile and wretched sinners (and yet thy children through thy singular grace and mercy) fall down before thee, most humbly acknowledging and confessing our own vileness and unworthiness, through our infinite sins and wickedness, to come into the presence of thy majesty, or stand before thy face, whom we have so grievously offended, & dishonoured thy glorious name, by which we are called. O Lord, we are ashamed to present ourselves into thy sight, who seeest and knowest all our wickedness, much more clearly than we ourselves, and yet such is our miserable estate, that when we look back to our former life that is past, we see nothing in a manner, but a monstrous heap of ignorance, error, sin, wickedness, and ungodliness: for which, O Lord GOD, we are so far off from making any satisfaction or amends, that we are not sufficiently displeased with ourselves for so great unworthiness, nor sorrowful enough for so great wickedness. Therefore most merciful Father, we fly unto thy only grace, and bountiful mercy, which art the only fountain of all good gifts: most humbly beseeching thee to mollify our stony hearts with the dew of thy holy Spirit, to subdue the pride of our nature with the terror of thy justice, to grant us true repentance, that we may be truly turned unto thee. Convert us, O Lord God, & then shall we be converted: yea, turn unto us the light of thy countenance, and then shall we be saved. And for as much as thou hast given the holy Sacrament of the body and blood of thy son our Saviour jesus Christ, to be a seal of thy promised mercies and our redemption, to be a confirmation of our faith, and medicine of our infirmity: we hearty beseech thee, most merciful Father, that as we humbly present ourselves to celebrate this thy holy institution, not in presumption of our worthiness, but emboldened by thy heavenly voice commanding us: so we may be partakers of thy holy mysteries to our comfort, that we may feel the fruit and effect ofthy promise adjoined unto them, lively working in us. Prevent by thy grace (O Lord God) lest through our negligence & default, the same be not only made unfruitful unto us, but also hurtful, which thou hast ordained and graciously given for our profit and comfort: but grant that thy grace and goodness assisting us in all things, we may enjoy thy benefits to thy glory, and our everlasting felicity, through our Lord and only Saviour jesus Christ: to whom with thee and the holy Ghost, be all glory, praise and dominion, both now and for ever, AMEN. A prayer to be said immediately before the receiving of the holy Communion, in the time of the celebration thereof. O Most gracious & bountiful Saviour of mankind, jesus Christ our only redeemer, which for our sake didst abase thy self to come down from thy eternal throne of Majesty, in which thou art equal with God the Father and the holy Ghost, to take upon thee the shape of a servant, that thou mightest be strike of God the Father for our sins, and buffeted for our iniquities, that through thy stripes we might be healed, which didst become obedient (to satisfy for our disobedience) unto the most shameful & cursed death of the cross, that thy shame might be our glory, thy curse our blessing, and thy death our life everlasting: We most humbly beseech thee, that as we present ourselves at thy holy Table, to celebrate an holy memorial of these thine inestimable benefits, according to thy gracious institution and ordinance: so it may please thee, all lets and hindrances, which our unworthiness may object before thy righteousness, being taken away through thy only goodness, we may receive to our comfort, that which thou of thy mercy dost offer unto us: even thy most precious body and blood, to be a spiritual food and nourishment, to feed us unto immortality both of body and soul, that we may glorify thee with the Father and the holy Ghost, one eternal God world without end, Amen. A thanksgiving after the receiving of the holy Communion. O Almighty and most merciful Father, what thanks are we able to yield unto thee, sufficient for so many and so great benefits, of which we are daily partakers, without all merit or desert of ours, through thy only goodness and mercy? And now (O Lord God) that thou hast refreshed our souls with the heavenly food of the body and blood of our Saviour Christ, in this holy mystery and Sacrament of thine institution, whereby we call to remembrance our whole and perfect redemption, by the bitter passion and shedding of the blood of thy immaculate lamb, our Saviour jesus Christ, who offered himself to be a sacrifice of sweet savour and full reconciliation once for all to thy Majesty for our sins: how are we able to testify our thankfulness for so wonderful mercy and goodness? The consideration of the greatness whereof, swalloweth up all our cogitations and thoughts: so that we find nothing but eternal and infinite praise to be due unto thee, for so infinite and eternal mercy. Which, because (O Lord) we are neither able, nor worthy to express and set forth, we humbly beseech thee, as well for this want and imperfection, as for all other our weakness and unsufficiency, to accept the satisfaction of our Lord and Redeemer jesus Christ, who hath washed us, and made us Kings and Priests, to offer up spiritual sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving acceptable unto thee. In whom (O Lord) we yield unto thee, that which we cannot of ourselves, perpetual and worthy thanks, honour and glory, world without end, AMEN. An excellent Psalm of King David. MY soul, praise thou the Lord, & all that is within me, praise his holy Name. 2 My soul, praise thou the Lord, and forget not all his benefits. 3 Which forgiveth all thine iniquity, and healeth all thine infirmities. 4 Which redeemeth thy life from the grave, and crowneth thee with mercy and compassions. 5 Which satisfieth thy mouth with good things: and thy youth is renewed like the eagles. 6 The Lord executeth righteousness and judgement to all that are oppressed. 7 He made his ways known unto Moses, & his works unto the children of Israel. 8 The Lord is full of compassion and mercy, slow to anger, and of great kindness. 9 He will not always chide, neither keep his anger for ever. 10 He hath not dealt with us after our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. 11 For as high as the Heaven is above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. 12 As far as the East is from the West, so far hath he removed our sins from us. 13 As a father hath compassion on his children, so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear him. 14 For he knoweth whereof we be made: he remembreth that we are but dust. 15 The days of man are as grass: as a flower of the field, so flourisheth he. 16 For the wind goeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more. 17 But the loving kindness of the Lord endureth for ever and ever upon them that fear him, and his righteousness upon children's children, 18 Unto them that keep his covenant, and think upon his commandments to do them. 19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in heaven, and his kingdom ruleth over all. 20 Praise the Lord, ye his Angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandment in obeying the voice of his word. 21 Praise the Lord, all ye his hosts, ye his servants that do his pleasure. 22 Praise the Lord, all ye his works, in all places of his dominion: my soul, praise thou the Lord. A prayer for our most gracious Sovereign Lady, Queen Elizabeth. O Almighty eternal God, Creator, governor, and preserver of all things, Lord of all lords, and King of all kings, who madest man like unto thine own image, that he should honour, serve, and obey thee only, and that all other thy creatures should serve to his use and commodity, over whom thou madest him lord and ruler, the forbidden fruit only except: but he most miserable man, by his own disobedience in eating thereof, lost not only that kingly prerogative, but brought himself, and all his posterity, into the state of eternal damnation. Yet thou (O Lord) in thine unspeakable mercy didst then promise, and in time broughtest to pass, that thine only son became man like unto us, sin except, and was borne of a pure virgin by thy divine providence and power: who to restore this, now, most miserable man, with all us, whose children by nature we are, unto the state of eternal salvation, did suffer most shameful, most vile and bitter, yea most cruel & painful death on the cross, whereon his glorious body was broken, and his precious blood shed, a sufficient ransom, a full satisfaction and just recompense of thy justice and law, for all them that believe and embrace thy Gospel and sacred truth. But, O Lord our good God, be merciful unto us, who by our infirmity (through the fall of this lordly man, our great grandfather Adam) can not now live in any peaceable or good condition & state, without magistrates and kings to rule and govern us: we therefore most humbly and hearty beseech thy divine Majesty, for the love of thine only son jesus Christ, to look down with thy fatherly compassion upon thy servant Elizabeth, our most gracious Queen & dread Sovereign. Graft in her royal heart, by the working of thy holy Spirit, thy manifold good gifts and benefits, as wisdom, grace, perseverance in thy truth, increase of faith and affiance in thee: defend her (O Lord) with thy mighty hand, and outstretched arm: grant unto her a most honourable, long and prosperous reign over us. Moreover (O Lord) if the service of golden vessels in thy Temple at jerusalem, were accetable unto thee: vouchsafe this thy servant to be esteemed in thy sight, as a most honourable ornament in the new jerusalem, not built with money, by the labour of the servants of the first Solomon, but bought with the precious blood of the second Solomon thy son our Saviour. Behold her, & make her to be, O Lord, as the precious stone or signet of thine own hand, and as the apple of thine eye, for thy truths sake: to the enemies whereof, make her name most dreadful, and to thy Church wheresoever dispersed, most acceptable and joyful. confound and put to shame, O Lord, all those that wish or procure any evil to her royal person, or diminution of her kingdoms, and imperial dignity over them. And when for the multitude of our sins, O Lord, thou wilt punish us with the wind of thy displeasure, by taking from us this our fragrant and sweet smelling flower, which we beseech thee for thine own names sake long to defer: then (O Lord) plant her in the garden of thy presence, where she may grow and dwell in felicity incomparable, which the eye hath not seen, the ear hath not heard, neither ever came it into the understanding of man, those joys which thou hast prepared for her, and all thine elect. Moreover (O Lord) grant thy heavenly wisdom and grace unto all us her subjects, that we may advisedly consider, and dutifully call to our remembrance, the manifold blessings that we so long time have enjoyed, and do presently possess through thy mercy by her ministery authority, and the execution of her kingly office, under the which we do not only reap, and peaceably enjoy the fruits of our labours, and other corporal commodities: but also (that which is more worth than all this) even the freedom and liberty of conscience, the preaching and hearing of thy most holy word, and the administration and receiving of thy holy Sacraments. For all which, and many other thy blessings, O Lord, work in us thy grace to yield unto thy divine Majesty all possible and continual praises and thanksgiving, that it be not said unto us, Are there not ten cleansed? or, Is not England preserved from all tyranny, and enjoy all these benefits? But where are now they returning to give thanks? Quicken our memories therefore, (O Lord) that we never be forgetful of thy great goodness towards us, and make us more & more, for thy sake, reverently to fear her, dutifully to obey her, and faithfully to love, honour and serve her, as our natural loving Prince, and mother, and as the mean by whom we receive all these thy good blessings, that her Majesty perceiving our diligence, and readiness to obey and serve her, may be the oftener put in mind to fear, honour, love, serve and obey thy divine and incomparable Majesty. Furthermore, inspire her royal heart (O Lord) with thy divine grace, that as she hath begun to set forth and maintain thy sacred truth, so she may zealously and boldly increase, persevere and continue in the same, whereby the filthiness & nakedness of Antichrist may be more and more revealed, superstition and idolatry more and more abolished and removed, and that old lying serpent, and roaring lion Satan, our ancient enemy, may be more & more restrained and kept back from his malicious purpose, in seeking to devour and drown us all in ignorance and security. Grant all this, O Lord, to our great comfort, her honour and immortal fame, yea to the discharge of her own conscience, and kingly duty: and evermore reward these thine own good gifts in her, O Lord, not for the work sake, but for jesus Christ his sake. And when thou shalt, to our great sorrow and loss, but to her great joy and profit, take her from us, crown her, O most merciful God, with a crown of everlasting glory, and give her the full possession of that eternal kingdom, purchased by the blood of that immaculate lamb, thine only son our Saviour and redeemer jesus Christ: to whom with thee and the holy Ghost, three persons and one immortal and everlasting GOD, be all honour, dominion, praise, and thanksgiving, for ever and ever, AMEN. Places, & sentences of holy Scripture, wherein the minds of the godly may be occupied at the Communion, if the time give occasion. A prophecy of Christ. isaiah. CHAP. LIII. 1 Of Christ and his kingdom, whose word few will believe. 6 All men are sinners. 11 Christ is our righteousness, 12 And is dead for our sins. WHo will believe our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? 2 But he shall grow up before him as a branch, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath neither form nor beauty: when we shall see him, there shall be no form that we should desire him. 3 He is despised and rejected of men: he is a man full of sorrows and hath experience of infirmities: we hide as it were our faces from him: he was despised and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he hath borne our infirmities, and carried our sorrows: yet we did judge him, as plagued, & smitten of God, and humbled. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was broken for our iniquities: the chastifement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray: we have turned every one to his own way, & the Lord hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet did he not open his mouth: he is brought as a sheep to the slaughter, & as a sheep before her shearer is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. 8 He was taken out from prison, and from judgement: and who shall declare his age? for he was cut out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he plagued. 9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no wickedness, neither was any deceit in his mouth. 10 Yet the Lord would break him, & make him subject to infirmities: when he shall make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed and shall prolong his days, & the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. 11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shallbe satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many: for he shall bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore will I give him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he hath powered out his soul unto death: and he was counted with the transgressers, and he bore the sin of many, and prayed for the trespassers. COLOS. Chap. 3. 1 IF ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. 2 Set your affections on things which are above, and not on things, which are on the earth. 3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4 When Christ which is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. 5 Mortify therefore your members which are on the earth, fornication, uncleanness, the inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness which is idolatry. 6 For the which things sakes the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience. 7 Wherein ye also walked once, when ye lived in them. 8 But now put ye away even all these things, wrath, anger, maliciousness, cursed speaking, filthy speaking, out of your mouth. GALA. Chap. 5. 15 IF ye bite and devour one another, take heed lest ye be consumed one of another. 16 Then I say, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary one to the other, so that ye can not do the same things that ye would. 18 And if ye be led by the spirit, ye are not under the law. 19 Moreover the works of the flesh are manifest, which are adultery, fornication, uncleanness, wantonness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, debate, emulations, wrath, contentions, seditions, heresies, 21 Envy, murders, drunkenness, gluttony, & such like, whereof I tell you before, as I also have told you before, that they which do such things, shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperancy: against such there is no Law. BLessed is the man whom the Lord chooseth and receiveth unto him: he shall dwell in his court, and shallbe satisfied with the pleasures of his holy Temple. Psalm 65. 4. BLessed are they that are called unto the lambs supper. Revela. 19 9 FINIS.