THE Bridling, Sadling and Riding, of a rich Churl in Hampshire, by the subtle practice of one judeth Philip's, a professed cunning woman, or Fortune teller. With a true discourse of her unwomanly using of a tripe wife, a widow, lately dwelling on the back side of S. Nicholas shambles in London, whom she with her conferates, likewise cozened: For which fact, she was at the Session's house without Newgate arraigned, where she confessed the same, and had judgement for her offence, to be whipped through the City, the 14. of February, 1594. Printed at London by T.C. and are to be sold by William Barley, at his shop in Newgate Market, near Christ-Church. 1595. A true discovery of divers notable villainies practised by one judeth Philip's the wife of john Philips, of Crown Alley in Bishop's gate street, the like was never in any age committed by a woman. OF all the seven deadly sins, there is none so common in this flourishing Realm of England, as is the grievous sin of Covetousness, for it is the root of all iniquity, the puddle of perdition, and the alluring bait of hell, and that mind which is once drowned in the depth of that sin, is sold to eternal damnation, unless the mercy of God raise him up from that filthy and devouring gulf: for there is no sin committed under the cope of heaven, but one branch of Covetousness is therein comprehended. As Usury, what is it but the desire of gold, and hurding up of wealth? What is Whoredom and Lechery, but lust and desire of the flesh? What is Drunkenness but Covetousness of wine? And what is Pride, Envy, Fury, Theft, Murder, but the desires of the wicked mind? yea every vice is cloaked under the wings of Covetousness. The thief and robber both by sea and land, ventureth the hazarding of his life for covetousness of wealth: yea all creatures which bear life, in some sort cou●t after unlawful things. Lucifer that once was an Angel of brightness, through his pride coveted to sit in the bright celestial throne of God, for which he was cast from heaven, and made an Angel of darkness. We may read how jezabel for coveting poor Nabothes Vineyard, for the which, by the just judgements of God she was devoured of filthy Dogs. Therefore the sin of Covetousness is so ha●nous before the face of heaven, that God in his tenth commandment strictly doth charge us to forsake all unlawful covetousness, by these words; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbours wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is his. Which precept, if men would advisedly and carefully look into, and with their true endeavours seek to follow it, we should not have in this our Realm of England, and especially in this famous City of London, so many bad and notorious members yearly cut off by the queens majesties Laws as we continually have. Which spectacle, we have once every month to see and behold, to the great hearts grief of all her majesties loving subjects: but yet men are graceless and wilfully minded, and will not be warned, nor take example by the downfall of others: some are so idly brought up, that they can nor will endure no labour; and some are so haughty and proud minded, that they scorn to bend their necks to the yoke of others, and live honestly, in taking pains for their livings, but study and devise night and day how they may frawdulently and deceitfully better their estates by the sweat of other men's brows, for now a days, theft, cozenage, robberies, and unlawful practices are so common, that not only men, but women and children, strive with studying and busy brains, how to compass and bring to pass many cunning sleites and policies, to deceive the world. As by an example here following, is truly described by a woman, the mirror and map of all cozenage and deceit, whereat all modest women may blush, and every true meaning man may smile at the folly of the world. Pardon my pen, you modest Dames and grave Matrons, it shall no way impair your honourable Sex, but truly imblazen to the world, the cozening devices of a shameless woman, whose name and conversation hereafter followeth. This is to let you understand, that in the month of january last passed, in the famous City of London, one judeth Philip's the wife of john Philips, by occupation a Cun-maker, now dwelling in Crown Alley in Bishop's gate street, was brought before her majesty's Justices of peace at the Session's house in old Bailie, and there was indicted upon cozenage, where she confessed the truth of all her practices, before the honourable Lords of the bench. But know gentle Reader, before I undertake to explain the truth of all her practices done here in London, I will first in most ample manner, set forth to the view of the world, a notable villainy committed by this cunning and fine witted woman, in the village of Vpsborne in Hampshire, in distance seven miles or thereabouts from Winchester. This judeth Philip's before times having another husband named Pope, being an honest poor man of a good conversation and well beloved amongst his neighbours, but this his wife not contented with his poor estate of living, upon a certain time took an occasion to go away from him, and purposed to seek some other course for maintenance of her living, so traveling along the West parts of England, it was her chance to remain for a certain space in the parish of Vpsbrne, a Town seituate and being in Hampeshire, and there practised many cozening sleites and devices to deceive the simpler sort of people in the Country: Only she betook herself to the profession of a cunning woman, a Fortune teller, and those which she knew did abound in wealth, she daily sought means to bring into a fools paradise, and by one device or other, cousin them of some store of Crowns. Not far from this Town, there was dwelling a wealthy churl, (whose name I here omit) that was somewhat fantastical and given to believe every tale he heard, which churls wealth whetted so the desire of this woman, that she devised a subtle practice to have a share out of his Coffers. First to bring her purpose to effect, she inquired secretly of his neighbours of what condition and conversation this myzer and his wife were of, and in what state the manner of his living lay, likewise she understood, that this Churl was in suit of law about a piece of ground, with one sir William Kingsman, a worshipful Knight in Hamshire, which being done, this judeth Philip's one evening very late went into the back side of this man's house, where under a hollow holly free she buried an angel of gold, and six pence in white money, and then returned home to her lodging again for the night: But the next day after, she walked by the churls house, and it fortuned that his wife sat at her door to take the fresh air, and so when this cunning witted woman saw her time, stood still, and looked very wishly upon her, which made the churls wife to marvel much, that a strange woman whom she never saw before, should look upon her so steadfastly, which caused her to demand wherefore she looked so earnestly in her face? O mistress said this judeth Philip's, you are the fortunates women I saw this many a day, for in your brows I see good fortune sit, have you not (said she) a hollow holly tree standing near unto your house, with certain weeds growing about the root? we have (answered the miser's wife) and what of that? O mistress said this woman then, if I might speak with your husband, and if he be like you in the face, you will come to be exceeding rich, for under that hollow tree there is great store of treasure hid, come in (than said she) and thou shalt see my husband: but when this woman came into the place where her husband was, she likewise looked him strangely in the face, and told him that she knew by certain signs in his forehead, that he was in suit of law with some great man of that country, and how he should prevail in his suit. Also she told him, if he would be at some charge, she would bring him to great sums of gold and silver, that was hidden about his grounds, to whom the man being some what covetous said; If I might first see something of thy skill, I will be at any charge thou wilt, but first tell me what thou art, and from whence thou camest? I am said this judeth, an English woman borne, but come new from the Pope, and know more of his mind then any woman in the world: to confirm her words for truth, she took her oath upon the Bible how that she came from the Pope: which was true, for her husband's name as then was Pope, which being done, she tooks him by the hand and led him to the root of the hollow tree, where she caused him to dig till he found some gold, which was the angel and the six pence, which the night before she closely hid, this brought the covetous Churl into such a conceit, that he promised to give her whatsoever she desired, so that her promise might be performed: then she demanded of him for her pains, fourteen pounds, whereat he grumbled to lose so great a gub at one time, yet at last the hope of the treasure hidden under the tree made him to consent, and so with speed gave this woman fourteen pounds in ready gold and silver. Then said this woman, now must I have the largest chamber in your house behung with the finest linen you can get, so that nothing about your chamber but white linen cloth be seen, then must you set five candelsticks in five several places in your Chamber, and under every candlestick you must put an angel of gold, all which was done as she required: and likewise said she, you must also get a saddle and a bridle with two new girths thereunto; all which the covetous churl performed in hope to attain to great wealth: then this judeth caused him and his wife to go into the yard, where she set the saddle on his back, and thereon girteth it fast with two new girths, and also put a bridle upon his head, all which being done, she got upon his back in the saddle, and so rid him three times betwixt the chamber & the holly tree, than said this cozening quean, you must lie three hours one by an other groveling on your bellies under this tree, & stir not I charge you, until I come back again, for I must go into the Chamber to meet the Queen of Fairies and welcome her to that holy and unspotted place, so this churl and his wife were left quaking in the cold, casting many a long look for the coming of this woman, but she in the mean time took down all the fine linen clothes from the walls of the chamber and wrapped them up close in a bundle, and all the gold from under the candelsticks, and put them into her purse, then putting herself into a fair white smock, somewhat disguised, with a thing on her head all white, and a stick in her hand, she appeared unto him and his wife, using some valiance, as old wives say, spirits with night spells do, she vanished away, and again entered the chamber where her pack lay ready, and so roundly went away, leaving the churl and his wife in their cold lodging, but when the poor fool saw the time expired, and his expected woman did not return, he got him up and cast off his saddle and bridle, being half dead with cold, retired into the chamber where he supposed to have found this cunning woman talking with the Queen of Fairies, but when he entered his chamber, and saw both his linen and his gold conveyed away, fell into such a perplexity of mind, as though he had been distraight of his wits: one while grieving for the loss of his fourteen pounds, another while, for the abuse of his good name, likewise for the penance and disgrace she put him and his wife unto, the base and ridiculous manner of his sadling, his cold lodging and weary time spent under the tree, to his utter infamy and shame. And lastly, the loss of his pure and fine linen, but yet he dissembled his grief in such order, that his neighbours had no suspicion thereof, so in all haste, he take horse, and road to Winchester, being in distance seven miles from the town where he dwelled, and there certified a kinsman of his, of all the actions before happened: to betwixt this Churl and his kinsman, they made hue and try after her, by which this deceitful woman was taken, and conveyed to prison, where she remained until the great Assizes came: and for the same was arraigned before the right honourable my Lord Anderson, the Lord chief justice of the Common place under her Majesty by his Office, before whom, she confessed herself guilty of all these aforesaid practices, and there received such deserved punishment as the law would permit. But this shameless woman-regarding neither her public disgrace, nor the punishments of heaven inflicted upon all such graceless livers, putting off the garment of shamefastness, and forgetting herself to have done any such thing, drowned herself in the sea of all vices, and the gulf of all outrageous mischiefs: for she after this, growing careless of her good name, fell into company of two certain bad minded men, of the same condition and quality she was on, whose names I here omit: but the one of them was in his former time, by trade a silkweaver, but leaving that ●o●●st course of living, betook himself to a very wicked disposition, as to build the state of his living upon cozenage, and to blind the eyes of the world, goes in the habit of a Lawyer all in black, like a civil Gentleman. The other fine witted companion, in the attire of a Country Gentleman, I will not say, he dwells at Borden in Kent, nor his wife is the owner of a few Chery-trées, the only stay and maintenance of both their livings, but to be plain, these two Caterpillars P. and V like Wolves in sheeps clothing, feeds upon the bloods of many innocent lambs, who knowing a woman, her husband being dead, and she left a rich widow, and in the way of marriage, would never cease pondering in their crafty brains, till they were thoroughly acquainted with her, and so by one sly devise or other, overreach her for some part of her substance, they made her believe, they could help her to a husband of mighty renenewes and great wealth, where at last she found them but Caterpillars to live upon her labours. As for example, the notable piece of villainy committed betwixt these two counterfeit gentlemen P. and V and this cozening woman judith Philip's, of a tripe wife, lately dwelling on the back side of S. Nicholas shambles in London, as it was truly noted at the arraignment of the said judith Philip's, the 14. of February last passed, 1594. at the Se●ions house in the old Bailie, before my Lord Anderson, and others of her majesties justices, and likewise word by word, as the said judith confessed it herself in the prison of Newgate, where she now remaineth. A discovery of the Cozening and ill hardling of the tripe wife, by judeth Philips and her confederates. THere was of late dwelling in London on the back side of the shambles, a very rich and wealthy man of good conversation, who dying, left his w●fe in such good estate of living, as few of the trade of selling tripes, might well compate with her. This woman as it was well known amongst her neighbours, had many suitors in the way of marriage, and many of sufficient livings, which woman's name for her wealth, was bruited through every part of the city, so that it came ●t ●●st to the ears of these two cozening companions, P. and V who studied day and night how they might come acquainted with this rich tripe wife, so that at last, this practice they devised. This P. being a very comely man of parsonage, and of a Gentleman like quality, went as a suitor among the rest, unto this widow, whereby he learned the condition and quality of the woman; and what large proffers she had in the way of marriage, likewise he understood how that a wealthy Citizen dwelling upon London Bridge, had received from her in pledge of love, a Ring with five Diamonds in it, being in value worth five pounds, which Ring upon some disagreement, she received again: also this P. understood, that one master Grace a gentleman, dwelling in Essex, was her dear friend, and one that was her councillor in all her actions, and how that she would not do any thing without his consent, and how that sometimes he ledged in the widows house, which things being well considered off betwixt these two fine witted fellows, whose heads being never barren, devised a present policy to deceive this covetous tripe wife. First they made privy to their practices this judeth Philip's before named, & told her the state, condition, and quality of this widow, and made her the Instrument of their intended drift, who was as sub●● in performance thereof, as they were crafty in devising, than they made a counterfeit Letter from master Grace, being as then in Essex, and sent as it were from him to this widow of London, by this judeth Philip's, wherein was contained, how that she was a wise woman, and could tell fortunes, and requested her to welcome her to her house, and to make much of her, for she might stand her in great stead, which Letter being in good manner contrived, as best befitting their purposes, caused this judeth philip's to be attired in a ruslet gown like a country woman, and to bear this Letter home to the widows house behind the shambles, where she was no sooner come, & the Letter read, but was bid welcome for M Grace's sake, but especially for the secret qualities the which her friend did commend her in: but now when this dissembling minion espied her time, she requested to see the widows hand, which she vouchsafe to do; O mistress (than said this woman) I see by the Art of Palmistry in your hand, and by mine own skill, that you are borne to good fortune, likewise I know you have had many rich proffers in the way of marriage: I have had said the widow indeed, Knights fellows come unto me. Then said this deceiful woman again, a Citizen dwelling upon London Bridge, hath been an earnest suitor unto you, and hath received a ring with five Diamonds in pledge of love, but the Ring you have again. And so there was another Gentleman loved you well, which once would have kissed you, and used you harshly, by that token in striving with him, your hatsell into the Souse Tub. At which words, said the tripe wife, I think you know all things. I know some what replied this woman again, have you not mistress about your house a great rumbling when you are in bed? Sometimes said the widow we have: By that said this woman again, your husband in his life hid about your house great store of treasure, for which cause there are spirits now that haunt your house: when indeed the noise which she heard, was no other but this P. and V that late in the nights would lember against her doored, ●nd likewise in the mornings. But mistress if you will be●●t some charge, I will show you where this gold and filt●●r is hid. I will good woman, be at any charge thou wilt with reason, so I may gain thereby. Then said this cozening Deny, you must set five candlesticks, and five candles burning in them, in five corners of your house, then must you car●●stly pray in every cerner a certain space, which was performed with all all speed. Thus is God's word made a cloak for all such devilish practices, only to blind the eyes of the simple and well meaning people. But God surely in divers places of the scriptures saith; That whosoever believeth in Witches and Sorcerers, believe in the Devil: but yet God doth suffer the Devil and his Angels to spread abroad the world, to tempt those that be weak in faith, and like Wolves in sheeps clothing, seek to devour us. But now to our purpose again: This crafty creature calling the tripe wife from her prayers, asked her what she saw, and what she heard? to whom she answered, that she heard nothing. Then said this minion again, you must fetch as much Cold, Rings, jewels, and Chains, to the value of one hundredth pounds, and put them into a purse, all which was done: then she took the purse with the gold and wound about it a bottom of woollen yarn, which being done, she requested the widow to go a while from her, so in the mean space, like a crafty quean she conveyed the gold into her pocket, and took another bottom of yarn with two stones in it, in the same likeness the either was off, and gave it the woman again, as though it had been the very same: to whom she said, I pray you mistress lock this up very sure, and look not into it until I come again, for I must go and converse with a wise man that is acquainted with the Queen of Fairies, but I request you, that you will send him by me, a fat Turkey, and a couple of Capons, only to get his friendship in the matter, and no doubt but we shall find the hid treasure very shortly: which woman, through covetousness of this money, went presently and bought a Turkey, & two fat Capons, and sent them with this cozening cheater by her maid servant, into Holb●rn, but being come near unto the place whither she intended to go, took them from the maid, & so sent her back again. Thus this dainty witted Dame, having cozened the tripe wife, of all her gold, jewels, & Chains, returned joyfully unto the lodgings of her two schoolmasters, P. and V who seeing her come, asked her presently if she had sped? I have answered she, in some sort for here is a hundred pound to make us merry with, the which they divided into sour parts: she received two for her pains, and they betwixt them the other two, and afterwards made merry with the widows Turkey, and her couple of Capons, and so went with fifty pounds home to her husband johu Philip's, dwelling in Crown Alley in bishops gate street: who noting her long absence, and divers starts she made from him, asked where she had been, and how she came by that money? to whom she gave many hard words and bad answers, insomuch that in his anger he struck her, but yet by no means he could do, the crafty quean would reveal where she had it. But now to return to the widows maid again, who coming out of Holborn home so her mistress, told her that she suspected the quean had cozened her, with that she went presently and unwound the bottom of yarn, wherein she found nothing but two stones: the which being done, she went to one of her neighbours and discoursed to him all the manner of her cozening, but he like a wise man, counseled her not to make hue and cry, but watch a time until she came again, and then to apprehend her. Not many days after this, these three aforesaid cozening companions, met again together, and consulted how they might get a another booty of this tripe wife, which was plaited down in this manner. First this judeth Philips should repair unto the widow again, and tell her that she came from the Queen of Fairits, and how that she gave her in charge (if she would attain the hidden treasure) to set twelve candlesticks in diverse places of her house, and under every candlestick both gold and silver, and to set all her plate round about the Candles, whereby this subtle headed woman might the easier deceive her of it: but coming to the widows house again, she was bidden welcome as before, and requested to come in, but in the mean time, thy Constable was sent for, and she apprehended and so carried to Newgate. Likewise for the same fact, her husband was arraigned before the be●ch but found not guilty, and so quit by the jewrie: but the law finding her guilty therein, was returned so Newgate, where the did remain till the Sessions following for judgement: than that time being c●me, her judgement was, to be whipped through the city. Thus have you heard the notable practices committed by this woman and her associates. And ●●o doubt but there are more such wicked members in this land. 〈…〉 of England 〈◊〉, then do you show your 〈◊〉 to God, 〈◊〉 unto your Country, and f●ruice unto your ●●●eue: For whose long and quiet raig●●, let all true subjects daily pray. Amen. FINIS.