COMOEDIA. A work in rhyme containing an interlude of minds witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English. Collated & Perfect. J.P.K. 1798. יהוה CORONAE ASSIMILABO IVDICIVM MEVM 4 ESD 5 First Edition. My Heart indighteth a good Matter / I tel forth unto the King / what I haue made. My tongue is the pen of a redy writer. Psal. 45. This Interlude was given me by George Steevens. J. P. Kemble. God is the love: And whoso abideth in the love / he abideth in God, and God in him. 1. John. 4. b. CHARITAS VINCIT OMNIA יהוה PECCATVM Charity stepping on a skull, flanked by Cherubs Amor transformat amantem in Amatum ∴ George Steevens. My Babes / let us not leave in Moordes, nor with the tongue: but with the deed and with the truth. 1. John. 3. b. The Preface To the good-willing Reader; whose Heart and Thoughts, loveth Spirit and life; be Health and salvation. behold and consider, how that now in the last time, the love is appeared upon the Earth with her Safemaking-seruice / to the life of Men, in the godliness: also come unto us Little and Humbleones, for to minister the same: and how that{reversed; } ☜ in the believing and Obeying of the requiring of the same service of love; the very-true a joh. 1. 8.b Light of life, and the upright being of Iesu Christ, i● risen-vp unto us b 2. Corin. ●. a. in our Hearts. With the which, and in the which / the upright being of the pure c Mat. 22. c. Luk. 1.f. Eph. 1. 4.b. righteousness of God the Father the upright being of the true joy and d Ephe. 2 b. Peace of Iesu Christ the upright being of the true everlasting life of the love or holy ghost and the upright being of our inward mind, is likewise {reversed; }by Gods Grace; inherited of vs. 2. Through which Grace that is thus chanced unto us from the vncouered e 1 Cor. 13. b 2. Cor. 3. b. Face of God and Christ, wee do {reversed; }through the love and the requiring of her service; call and bydd all Louers of the same upright being, f Math. 22. a. Luk. 14. b thereunto / for that they might all {reversed; }through the Requnring of our gracious service of love; enter into the very-true g jer. 31.d. Heb 5.10 c Sainetnary of the same upright being and so haue their fellowship with Vs. For through thatsame Sainctuary of God {reversed; }being come unto us in the Spirit; wee h 1. joh 1. a. haue our fellowship with God the Father with the lord Iesu Christ and with the Holy ghost and all the Holyones of God, in the Kingdom of the heavenly being i Apost. 12. 21.a. full of all beauty of the spiritual and heavenly goods. Of which Kingdom also, wee do publish a ioyeful k Mar. 14. b Apo 14.2. Message, to the Spreeding-abrode of the same, in all the world / for a Testimony unto all People, that the Coming of the same upright and very-true being, is the Consummation[ namely, the Whole Somme or Fulfilling] of all that / which is l Act 3 c. Ephe. 1. b. written touching the godliness in Iesu Christ. and touching the day of the Declaring of all the same. 3. For this same day m Mal. 4. a. of the great Light from heaven {reversed; }wherin it is all declared and brought unto us, what soever is of God and of Christ; is the true day of love / which the God of heaven hath heretofore / when he commanded all Men, in every Quarter / to Repent, appoynted to be a n Act. 17. c. Day of his Iudgment: and hath also {reversed; }out of his Grace and merciful love / towards all People that haue a desire to do his Will; made-knowen unto us with the same / the first o Math. 3.2.16 c. Luk. 13. 14.c. Act. 2. 3.c. Entrance into the peaceable way p Pro. 4 h. Mat 19 e. that reacheth to the everlasting life. and the very-true truth of God, q John. 8. c that maketh free: and nakedly declared the everlasting life, as a very-true Light of upright righteousness: and brought the sweetness of the lovely being of God unto us, in all love / whereby to declare now likewise in the last time / Gods upright righteousness / unto the Goodwillingones: and {reversed; }in the requiring of the love; to make all that known r Ephe 3. a. Colo. 1. ●. unto them, which extendeth ther-vnto. 4. Forasmuch now therfore / as that this day of the great Light from heaven, is come unto us, in the Obeying of the requiring of the love / so perceive wee now also in the same day, and it shall likwyse in the same, become known {reversed; }in the Spirit; unto all Louers of the truth, that ther is no way / easier, more peaceable, nor joyful to walke-in, then the way of Peace / which under the Obedience of the love, is taught s Esa 2. a. Luk. 1. g. and pointed- on out of the gracious word of the lord( but yet is it loved of few: and much less known and t Math. 7. ●. walked-in:) neither-yet also that ther-is anything, more sweet or lovely, then the life of the love, which proceedeth out of God, and that is inherited in the service of love: yet is the same {reversed; }through Ignorance; disdained of Many. Forthat-cause it remaineth likewise covered v 2. Cor. 4. b. or hidden before Many. 5. Which Misunderstanding, or ignorant x Ephe. 4. b blindness, the Man hath inherited / decause that he is more inclined to the y Esa. 59. b. Rom. 5. b. Estrainging from his God and to the declining from the requiring of the love / then to live in his God or to be obedient unto him in the gracious word of his love. For-that-cause also, the Man loveth much-more, his vain and corrupted life, which he himself taketh-on {reversed; }the which notwith standing is nothing but z ●sa. ●9. a. troublesome and deadly unto him; then the lovely life of Peace, whereunto God a Co●. ●. a. hath cr●ated and loved the Man: and so he cleaueth-vnto or followeth much-more, his taken-on knowledge, b Rom. 1. c. Colo. 2. c. Self-wisdom, and manly Learning / proceeding out of the Flesh / then the truth of life, which is witnessed c ●. Pet. 1. c. out of the Mouth of God, or brought-forth by God. 6. but the greatest darkness and erring blindness, wherewith the Man is mostof all captived is this: That he himself taketh-on d Rom. 1. c. a knowledge so arrogantly / and so persuadeth himself, that he vnoweth something of the godly Things / ereuer that God e joh. 14. c. with his Christ / haue his Dwelling or a living f Gal. 4. c. Foorme in him: For verily / all the Mans knowledge and understanding, together with all his discerning or perceiving of the truth / ought to stand g Ephe. 3. c. grounded in the living God and in his Christ or word of life: and not to take on him / any-maner of knowledge of the godly Things / without God or his Christ. 7. But seeing now, that it standeth not so with many Men: as also that they do not {reversed; }vnder the Obedience of the love; giue-ouer themselves good-willingly to the Incorporation h john. 15. Rom. 6. ●. a. unto God and Christ, nor yet stand submitted thereunto: but that they all for the most part / do respect and follow their own good-thinking i Deut. 12 ●9 jer. 7 9 1●. 13 18. knowledge / for the truth / Therfore is likewise all the Knowled and Discerning therof / proceeding out of the lie, and out of the devill / k John. 1. the Father of lies: and all their ways that they walk in / l Sap. 5. ●. are mere error and darkness. 8. THerfore is the good-thinking knowledge of the truth, or the knowledge of the godly Things▪ that one taketh on him / without the gracious Moorde or the Incorporating to the same / or m joh. 10. ● before the appearing or coming of Iesu Christ and of the Kingdom of God; the most horrible Spirit n act. 12.13.17. of the false Prophets / which seduceth the Man most-of-all, and bringeth him into error: and maketh him biynde touching the upright understanding of God, and touching the true Discerning of the life and of the everlasting truth. 9. For therethrough the Man turneth himself away from the right way of the lovely and joyful life and Peace: and he falleth or strayeth into a By-waye of the ungodly and deadly being: wherein ther cometh unto him, many o Esa 59. ● Sap. 5. a. Troubles and Calamities, many Miseries, pains, and greefs of Heart, and many Afflictions and Combered Thoughts, all which do stretch to the destruction: and so he walketh in the p Sap. 5. tedious ways, which are full of darkness, and do lead to the q Mat. 7. b. Condemnation. 10. O ye Deerly-beloued, seeing now that I / through the Light of life {reversed; }which is apeered r 2. Cot. 4. a. in my Heart / out of the heavenly truth; do see and percaeue all the Mans Calamitee and Misery, s Esa. 13. a. 4 〈◇〉. and all the adversity that is coming upon him[ namely, through his blindness and erring darkness, and through all the unquietness and Misunderstanding, t ●om. 7. b. wheerunder he {reversed; }through his taken-on knowledge; is captived and bound, and whereunto he hath▪ willingly; geeuen-ouer himself] So am I greatly moved with Compassion towards the erring Man / for his ignorant blindness cause / and verymuch troubled and cumbered in my Heart, about him: and haue for-that-cause {reversed; }to th'end that I might haply by some means, bring him to y Esa. 59. b. ●p●. 3. c. the Knowing of himself, and of his error; witnessed and figured-out, and setfoorth in rhyme▪ even out of hearty love; this invention of an interlude / of the Mans Fall, of his error, and of the taking-on of his Owne-wills Chooseing / for that he, or eneryone that heareth or readeth the same / should▪ therethrough; euidenly understand and consider, which is the cause of the Mans unquietness: and what Vanitee or foolishness, the Children of Men do take-on of themselves, to their great Burdening: and wherewith they do bring themselves into muth Calamitee and grief against one-another. All the which / is plainly shewed and testified▪ in enterlude-maner; in this invention of a play of minds. 11. Concerning which invention of this same Plane: wheerin small clerckly-skyll is sheewed; I shall desire of the good-willing Reader / the he will not stumble thereat, because the same is so plain a work: nor- yet reject or despise {reversed; }therfore; the groundly Signification or the Substance therof. 12. For it is not brought-foorth or witnessed / for a ●howe or commendaeion of artificial Skill of rhetoric: but much-rather / x Ephe. 4. a to further all concord in the love / for to show evenso through the same play, how that the Children of Men haue turned them away from the lovely y Sap. 1. b. life of the Kingdom of God / and from the z Gal. 3. a. truth of Iesu Christ: and how that they like wise, are turned unto themselves seduced a Rom. 1. c. Ephe. 4. b. by their own knowledge blinded in their understanding and {reversed; }thorough unregarding, and Good-thinking; are fallen into much division and many errors. Because that they should then {reversed; }through the Knowing of their Estrainging from the Kingdom of God; turn them again unto God, and to the Kingdom of God and his b Esa. 1. e. 55 jer. 3.4. ●. Eze. 18.33. Ioel. 2. e righteousness and live in all love and Peace. 13. wherefore {reversed; }yee Deerly-beloued; haue a good regard to the Intent and Representation of this same play: and note well / how that the Fall of Man, and his destruction, as likewise his Opinion or Good-thinking / is witnessed and shewed in the same play( as well in the Wisdom of his Scripture-learnednes, as in his plains or simpleness) so shall ye then {reversed; }with small labour; understand or perceive / how that the c Esa. 5. c. jer. 7. 11.c 13. a. good-thinking hath {reversed; }with his Misunderstanding; gotten the Superioritee, and reigneth every where, over the Children of Men: even as well over the wise of the world d Math. 12.15.23. 1. Cor. 1. Act. and Scripture-learnedones {reversed; }which boast them of the Knowledge of the truth, and of the Wisdom of Vnverstanding; as over e jer. 5. a. the Little and Simpleones, or Ignorant-sort / which must be led, taught, and instructed. 14. Now when ye haue looked into and understood all this same / so may ye then likewise / see and understand rightly and according to the truth / by what means the f Esa 59 b. 4. Esd. 6 c 14. b. truth of God hath remained so unknown and in secret among the Children of Men the upright g Math. 24. love, grown so cold, among many the true Gighteousnes / so utterly forsaken and the Vnitee of Peace or all Concord and love / been so rent, broken, or divided: and by what Middlewall it cometh-to-pas / that all the world is so full of falsehood: and that also therthrough / all Hipocrisye, h ooze 4 a Rom. 1 c. lies, and Deceit / and all slandering, envy, Traytorye, and subtle falsehood, with al-maner of unrighteousness, is com-in i 4. Es 14. b Mat. 24. b. and beareth-swaye over the whole world. 15. By means whereof likewise / many good-willing Heartes and Louers of the truth, are fallen into great Greef-of mind: and that chiefly, because then do evidently see the Abhomynacions and the Confused-estate, the errors, and the destruction of Men / and yet understand not from whence the Corruptions are come / nor how they are to be amended / or how the Children of Men are to be rid from them. The which understanding {reversed; }to the Reformation of all Corruption; is taught and inherited, in the Communyaltie of the love of Iesu Christ, and in the mostholy service of the same. 16. And now, for to open, out of the mostholy service of the love of Iesu Christ; the right understanding of that whereof is spoken / so haue wee brought-foorth and set-out this Myteredworke of the spiritual understanding {reversed; }to a Seruiceablenes, for the Louers of the truth, and for the Disciples of the love / as also for all young Youth, that submytt them under the love and her service / whereby to procure in them all; with this same; a Delytfull-likeing towards the true being: and for that they should all likewise / recreate themselves one-with-another / in the knowledge k joh. 17. ●. Ephe. 1. c.4.b. of the godly truth: Also for to witness and bring-to-light every where {reversed; }in maner of a play; the life of the inward Kingdom of God( the which is a l John. 1.2. Light / that was prepared from the Beginning, to be a life unto the Man) or the knowledge of the same: As likewise to discover therethrough, the Mans foolishness, and his cleaving to the Danitee. And how that he; through his own good-thinking Wisdom; is captived, and becometh yet daily captived with the same. 17. besides this, wee haue also, to a father Recreating of the good-willing Heartes; ordained in mitre, certain effectual Refraynes and Rondels / as likewise an A. B. C. / the ten commandments of God / the twelve Articl●s of the Christian-fayeth / with also certain good Lessons and Prayers: and haue likewise set-foorth certain Canticles or songs / to th'end to draw all young Youth somuch-the-more-willingly to the Obedience of the requiring of the service of love / because that they all which love the truth / might steadfastly beleeue the holy and godly understanding / that floweth out of the Heart of love and Mercy / and might; in the knowledge of the requiring of God; be illuminated with the Light of the lovely clearness of the same understanding: and also that all those( which; out of a good meaning; are yet in error, and haue fastened or seduced themselves upon a strainge Foundation, with-out our Communialtee of love) might come to a Discerning or knowledge of themselves turn them to God and his merciful m Esa. 55. a Ezec. 18.d Ioel. 2. b. love and submytt them obediently / to the requiring of the service of love / whereby to be taught then, in the holy and godly understanding of the love, and to become understanding in the n Math. 〈◇〉. mystery of the Kingdom of God / and to comprehend with holy understanding / from whence, and in what an upright being / the Kingdom of God appeareth or cometh unto vs. 18. For the Coming of the o Luk. 17. c Kingdom of God, cometh not to pas with outward Apparance / as that men may say: Lo, here p Math. 24. or there it is. For behold: The Kingdom of God and the life of the heavenly being, is inwardly q Luk. 17. ● with in Vs. Those which haue r Mat. 13. Luk. 8. a. ears to hear, let them hear: and whoso hath Mysdom, let him take-holde of understanding. 19. HEer-withall; as with an Assistance to the love, and to the Doctrine of her service; O ye Louers of the truth / ye bee all called and bidden, to the Grace of the living God to the clearness of the Kingdom of Heauens and to the s Luk. 22. ●. 1. Cor. 15. ● Table of Iesu Christ, or Supper of the t Apo. 19 b. lamb / for to eat of the living v John. 6. c Bread of heaven, with God and his Christ, in the Kingdom of the God of Heauens / and to drink the living Water x John. 4. b Esa. 55. a. Apo. 22. a. of the holy Spirit of love: as also to live eternally, with God and all his Holyones. 20. The Power of the living word, and the true Light of the holy Spirit of the love of Iesu Christ, vouchsafe to shine about you all deliver you from the y Rom. 6. ●. Death of sin seperat you from all Self-wysdom and Good-thinking lead you into the Obedience of the requiring of the gracious word and his service of love: and establish you in Gods truth / to th'end that ye may rightly understand and know / wherein the salvation of Men, the upright life, and the everlasting joy and Rest, standeth comprehended or grounded. 21. Heer-vnto {reversed; }yee Deerly-beloued; apply diligently all your Hearts / that your lives z joh. 15. b. Rest, and your joy, may be perfect. O Yea: that com-to-pas evenso. Amen: The Names and attire of the PARSONAGES of this same play. HOw the Parsonages {reversed; }wherof ther-are fifteen: That is to say / Longing-for-comfort, Good-informacion, joy, love, reasonableness, Obedience, truth, Knowledge, Searcher, Playne-and-nist, Cogitations, Good-thinking, unregarding, lamentation, and understanding; shall stand in their Order, and bee attired. First-of-all, Two Parsonages: The first name, Longing-for-comfort: appareled like a common plame Man. The second, Good-information, like a Priest or learned Man: Who do handle or play the Prologue and the Conclusion. secondly, four Parsonages▪ which stand in the Kingdom, in four parts; namely, The joy,▪ a Woman Parsonage; with a sweet Instrument-of-musick in her hand, as a Lute or such-like: The love {reversed; }a Woman parsonage; in her hand, a Paxe: The reasonableness▪ a Man Parsonage; in his hand, a compass: The Obedience▪ a Man parsonage, like Moyses; having the Tables with the Lawe, in his hand. Thirdly, Two Parsonages▪ which stand in the midst of the Kingdom; namely, The truth {reversed; }a Man Parsonage, like an High-Priest or Christ; having in his hand, an Image of the sun: And the knowledge {reversed; }a Woman parsonage, very gorgeously and pleasantly decked; having in her hand, a small twig with flourishing leaves, thereon / two rolls one upon another: upon the vpper most Role, a Mans Heart figured: ther by written, HIGH-MYNDE: upon the vndermost Role, a Deaths- headd: ther by written, IN-DYING-TO-DYE. Fowrthly, three Personages, which shall also bee in the midst of the Kingdom, gooing and walking, namely, the Searcher {reversed; }a Man parsonage, clothed like a Serpent, beneath the knees, with a sliding tail coming out behind; having in his hand, an Image of a Serpent: ther-vppon written / SVBTILTEF. Playne-and-iust {reversed; }a Man Parsonage; And the cogitations {reversed; }a Woman parsonage; who haue eachother by the hand, plainly clothed with Linnen-weede: upon the Mans Garment, written, simpleness: upon the Womans, FAYTHFVLNES. Fiftly, four Personages, without the Kingdom, that is to say, Good-thinking, and unregarding {reversed; }the minds of the play? Men Personages: good-thinking, attired before, like an hypocrite: and behind and down to his feet, like a devill. unregarding, before / like a Light myndedone, and behind and down to his feet, like a devill: or both / altogether like devils. Lamentation, and understanding, Men Personages, apparelled like too substantial Citesens. A work in rhyme / containing an interlude of minds. wherein HN, witnesse●● the Fall of Men and their error. The First Chapter. prologue. Longing-for-comfort. OH! how do I longue, for Comfort in these Dayes. It is no marvel, though my Heart can take no Rest: For after Good information, is my demand always Oh {reversed; }how do I longue / for Comfort in these Dayes. could I discern of al-things, No plaint thus should I tayfe: For enery one would gladly, haue his grief redressed. Oh! how do I longue / for Comfort in thief Dayes It is no marvel, though my Heart can take no Rest. Good information. 2. To take-awaye all a Math. c. ● Luk. 8.d. Serowe, my lust is redy ●rest: Also to comfort Those / that {reversed; }through Discomfort; are in Care. The Seekers after understanding / mort what I here derlare:) Also Those, that {reversed; }after good Information; are hungry: And Those likwyse, that {reversed; }after righteousness; are thirsty / These verily do I feed, and can b Math. ● a L● 6.d. satisfy them all. And with my c John. 4 c. Water springs, refresh them Great & Email: For that is my Geruice, my Custom and my Nynde. Longing-for-comfort. 3. O! how good is then my havy, that I thee here do finde: To bee {reversed; }in my Discomfort; by thee right well aypeased For thy speech / hath my Heart, reioyst and greatly cased. Therfore misconteane thou not, the longing of my mind▪ For first {reversed; }in my Discomfort thus, bewrapped as the blynde● would I very gladly, know how thou art name. Good-Information. 4. Berely, of my Name, I am nothing-at-all ashamed / Therfore {reversed; }as it is meet; I will tell thee in-freendly fashion: I am {reversed; }euen of everyone; called Good-informashion. With pleasant Mirth can I {reversed; }by Informing; teach every Wight, Sat●●fy the Demanders, & increased their understanding aright: For ●in Bee and Maner is, to disburden d Mat. 11.d. grief and Emart. Lenging-for-comfort. 5. O! now do I begin, to grow quyeted in my Heart / Because it is ray chance / to meet the beer so luckily. O Good information, none higher of Nobilety: None more-wyse and elequent, nor greater of Balue and famed. For generally rppon Earth / wherseuer then comst, by Name, Thou pacifyest Contention / the divided sects also: Yea, the laden Consciences e Esa. 62. a. Math. 11.d with much grief and wo / Dost thou {reversed; }with holy understanding; unburden and discharge. Oh! 〈…〉 w many countries; in length and greatness large; nave I raynged-ouer, with fervent In●ynacion / For that I would bee counseled, by Good information: And now do I finde thee, here present in this Place. Therfore {reversed; }to my satisfying; I crave thy favour and grace / That thou wilt instruct me, what-ther-is here to do? Good-information. 6. To inform thee therof, I willingly grant thertoo: For in this place of Mirth, the love hath such an Intention, With Rethorict {reversed; }as thou shalt, rerceaue by this invention; To discover diligently {reversed; }without Blemish any way; The puer and sincere truth, in maner of a play. Longing-for-comfort. 7. Oh! Thou Reuyuer of my mind / what wilt thou here reveal: Shall Rethorict now / the heavenly truth / declare and therein deal? Nah {reversed; }Good information; thou speatest thatynabulsedly: Good-information. 8. O Longing for comfort, countst thou me false & contrary / In that thou dost so wonder, at this thatis here set-out? Longing-for-comfort. 9. No in very troth: But my Epeech therof {reversed; }no dont; Is only this: so ferr as I suppose, or any-waye can ges: That unto Rethorict {reversed; }in a play, of Mirth and Ioysulnes; It doth not appertain / to set forth such a Wort as this / But to the Priests of the holy Church / yet speate if I mis: For their Offices do f Mal. 2. require, to set forth such virtue. Good-information. 10. That is very so, thou hast therein said most-true. Longing-for-comfort. 11. Then answer my demand, that my sacisfying may ensue, Touching that which shalbe here, set forth & brought to light: That I in this matter, may be vncombered quit. Therfore disburden me hereof, according to my Request. Good-information. 12. Then this I say for answer, to set thy mind at rest: The love hath now a de syer {reversed; }with Rethorict; to declare that which resteth hidden, g Ephe. 3. b. from Many every where / whereby to disburden / h Mat. 11.d. the Man thatis full of Care: Because that he at al times / a quoet mind may bare Therfore comes now the love / with sweet Rethorict, and shall show forth apparently, the Mans grievous Fall. Longing-for-comfort. 13. This gear seems yet to me, most strainge to sonnde, all: Shall thatsame become revealed, by may of interlude? Haue Gods People don the like may wee so conclude? Or is it so to be fonnde, in their Scriptures that remain? Instruct me now of this, I pray thee once again: Or inform me of it father, with clearer declaration. Good-information. 14. Then mark how the world, i Sapien. 2. M●t. 6.27 Mar. 14. ●● L●●●. 22. John. 7. doth vex with Indignation, When as men once begin / of the truth to testify. The false Teachers will also / put down those speedily / That out of Gods love, the truth to witness now / For ●ave then: he must yourselves, under cu● knowledge bew / And svit {reversed; }from us; your understanding, for to be come taught. At which their false Sayings, vnrightly to them caught Many at such times, keep silence and giue-waye. Among many Rations, now stands it at this stare: With store of Disputacions, k unto much Disscentions strife: Also, to much contention / without joyfulness of life. {reversed; }What avayleth teeping silence; this to quiet and redress, So is new the love inclined, with Rethonct, to express, The vufull Fall of Man, in maner of a play. Longing-for-comfort. 15. Than {reversed; }indeede; appreoues thy Speech, which thou before didst say: For therwith am I {reversed; }through thy clear and good information; Greatly set-at-quyet, in my troublesome Admyracion: For thus did I thine flatly {reversed; }I will it not conceal; That it was quit contrary {reversed; }in a play; for to reucale, The truth of the Mans Fall / and life thus sore defiled / And of the Peace unfixed, he hath himself exiled. But I must now allow thee, in all thou hast forth braught. Good-information. 16. Then consider father, that the world will not be taught / But only by those, of the●r l 2. Timo. 4 own private choosing. Which to new the cause, of many a souls losing: even as it came-to-pas / in the trme of Christ likewise. For many fal●e Teachers {reversed; }with Enny; then did rise / And forbeod m Act. 4. b 5. to hear any, but themselves, in any case. The apostles Doctrine {reversed; }for them; was much to base / Because they were not Men, of Famous-learned-styll. So now {reversed; }withall Perne●sones; it lyfewyse goeth still / Which do the holy Church, contemn and much despise: Blasy heame one charge the love, with Pacts of forged lies / And know not-at-all / n Abac. 1. a. Act. 13. c. what God both wort nor how. Therfore hath the love, taken upon her now / The truth {reversed; }in this same play; apparently to show. Longing-for-comfort. 17. O {reversed; }Good information; tis much that thou dost know. Declare yet father unto me, what ●eere shall now begin. Good-information. 18. here shal be played a play of minds, as shall appear therein: Therfore mark thou well, what I show here to thee: behold, the Mans Trowne, here mayst thou plainly see / Which he {reversed; }through his sinning; hath left or forsaken / And hath in strainge paths, o Esa 53. a. the way of error taken. even then is the Kingdom {reversed; }with his personages● showed in his Garnishing comprehend this well in mind, that is Declared here. For lo / in maner of interlude, to thee shall plain appear, The inward Ringdom of God, void of grief and Smart / The which is found to bee, p Lux. 17. b with in the Man. his Hart / By God himself builded, q Mat. 25.d ere the world began to bee. 19. behold there, the peaceable love {reversed; }without Compulcion; free. Also, the Reasonablnes of Nature, in like ease. Obedience likewise, is present there in place / Together with the joy, very lovely in Dilight. In the Midst of the Ringdom {reversed; }dismay not at this Eight; Thcare stands the truth, that giveth life and Breath: Also the knowledge, whereon doth cleave the Death. Playne-and-iust doth there, walte in Ioyful-state / With his cogitations, a bold and venerous Mate: Also the Searcher, which will not shrinf nor start. Therfore stand thou still, and do not hence depart. Giue-eare attentively, let thine understanding awake: For Mans Fall, they will, to thee apparent make, In maner of a play. Longing-for comfort. 20. Now sure it shall not scave me, till part therof I tate. The end of the Prologue. It were not good the mind of it, from me should slip away. receive this thankfully, for the Prologue of our play. PAVSA I. The Second Chapter. Iohe. sweetness a Eccl. 24. b and Ione, is my Exercise always: Which God {reversed; }in my Motions; worteth, to his Peayse. Godly sweet Plasures / b 〈◇〉 ●. c. 〈◇〉 21 a. are my Conditions likewise. where I am, men are joyful, in All they exercise / Ther c 〈◇〉 21. c. ●● b. is in Gods Ringdom, no evil Act, nor lamenting. I live joyfully with God, d ●ohn. 8.d in his day, to my Contenting. To the Belfare of Playne-and-iust, I do my best endeavour. love. 2. In the exercising of love, my joys do still persever / Which God worketh {reversed; }in me; without Lediousnes or pain. I love, am e Mat. 11.d. 1 Cor. 13. a. long suffering / as men may see ful-playne: Also friendly, in all my being, Nature, and rind. Through me, the living God, is declared, ye do finde: For God, f 1. I●h. 4. a to the love, compared is ful-right. I love, haue never, rejected any Wight. I wil-not deceive, g 1 Cor. 13. a nor envy Any-man: And to exalt myself, I never did nor can. I am patient in Suffering / for God is my Stabilitee. All this {reversed; }to Playne-and-iust; doth chance for his Comoditee. 3. I am likewise {reversed; }in my mind; both peaceable and mild. All this is Gods own work: for he the same doth build. where I dwell, h joh. 14. c. 1. joh. 4. ●. Apo. 21. a. is Gods house / and there {reversed; }in upright vce; God is most truly served, without any Abuce: For God hath {reversed; }in his Ringdom; me thereto orbayned / That I should {reversed; }Playne-and-iust; rejoice with joy unfeigned. reasonableness. 4. I Reasonablnes / am upright in Nature. Which God doth work in me, that am his own Figure: Because I should use Measure / in all I tate-in-hande. For in all my Walkings, reasonable I stand: In all my Meate and Drink, I am reasonable too. Reasonable, in all my words, that I devise and do. Measure is {reversed; }in every Thing; my Teaching and Forth-bringing. I laud my God always / i Col. 3. b. Ieam. 5. ●. with Playing and with Singing. For I am the true compass / and the right Path also: whereby it may always / with Playne-and-iust / well go. Obedience. 5. To be obedient unto God / that is my Manifestacion: Which God doth wort in me / to his praise and Gloryfycation. I seete not also / k joh. 5. ●. ● mine own Honour to procure: But I am obedient / unto Gods Doctrine pure. I never shrinte from him / through any bad intention. I seete neither Suttletee, nor any New-inuencion. I cannot any-way / Gods holy lawe transgress. Therfore lives plain and-iust / with me in quietness. truth. 6. I truth, am High-priest / in Gods Ringdom, alway / In me, theternall life / is firm / without decay. That doth my true Father / wort in me aright. For in his mighty Kingdom / I am l John. 1. a. 8. b the perfect light: Also my Fathers m joh. 14. a way, like as tis written rife: The right n joh 15. a. Byne-stoct, and the eternal life. For without the truth / God cannot pleased bee. Therfore the High-priests-office, o Hebr 5 6. 7 8. hath he resignd to me. 7. I am the three p Gen. 2 a. Pro. b jer. 7. b. Apo. ●●. a. of life / out of love bloweing. If Playne-and-iust do still, in me; remain growing, Then with him at all times / shall-it go right-well. All q ●en. 7. c Rations shall serve him / that under heaven do dwell: For him hath God loved, and likewise elected: But if he fall from me / he is lost and quit rejected: For I am the r Ela 28.d. 1. Cor. 3. b Ephe 2. d.1. Pet. ●. a. Foundation, the right Grounde-stone. Ther is not any other / but I myself alone, whereon all understanding / must evermore be grounded. Although ther be many testimonies / florishingly forth-sounded / Yet do I counsel Playne-and-iust, with me to tarry still. Which if he do / noman then / can him destroy or till. Knewledg. 8. I knowledge, to behold / am pleasant and delcetable. God worteth through me / his prophecy vnfaylable. Through me / God reucaleth his high holy Name. I am very meet / to set-foorth his Honour and famed: For who can in knowledge / s Sap. 8. Rom. 41.d 1. Cor. ●. b God erceede or-yet com-ny? Whose useth me, must needs eralt t Pro. 6. b. Sap. 7.8. Eccl. 24. b himself on-hy. Therfore also hath God {reversed; }with me {reversed; }his Wort alone. For with the mighty knowledge, He excelleth everyone, In knowledge, is he / extolled above All. In knowledge, can noman / with God become equal. In knowledge of the truth, his Wort it is miraculous: But without knowledge of the truth, I wort the Death pernicious. whosoever toucheth Me / my beauty for to inberit / he must {reversed; }through my Fruits; bye v Cen. 2.3. from the life in Spirit. 9. Therfore must Playne-and-iust / from me avoyde and fly. If he tate-on my Fruit, into Wo he come thereby: For I am only / for Gods own Speculacion. Whoso ties himself to me, come into tribulation: And is from all joy, very far excluded. But God can want nothing, nor-net be deluded: For the life of the truth, in Him is firmly set: Therfore do all those, much Beracion get / Which {reversed; }without the goldsmiths life; me do touch or handle. Searcher. 10. I Searcher, am very hardy / and do not fear not tremble / And subtiller / then all x Gen. 3. a. created Beasts / am I / God doth both Heart and reins {reversed; }through me; y Psal. ●. ●. jer. 7. b. Apo. ●. f. searth-out and cry: For I {reversed; }with nimble Powers; do search both biah and low. God doth the Mans Thoughts {reversed; }by me; fynde-out and know. I am searthing, in subtle Fore-cast or wily invention. Therfore do they all lifewyse / grow into great contention, ☞ Which( without knowledge of the truth) do fond me beleeue. But so long as Mayne-and-iust / no ear to me doth give / And that his Thoughts / to the Searching, do not bend their lust / Then it shall at al-tymes / go-well with Playne-and-iust. Playne-and-iust. 11. I Playne-and-iust / live quietly / in my Dearet. Playne-and-iust, hath God ●lmighty / created me. My Customable-dealing / is for to Plant z Gen. 1 c. 2 Eccl. 17. a and Till. In God man I triumph, in ioyful-moner still / Torch my Thougts: which are to help me {reversed; }in my Power● alway. For {reversed; }out of me; God hath them brought / to be my help and stay. Therfore also am I to her {reversed; }with my gentle love; inclined: For God hath a Cen. 2. ● got her out of me, and her to me assyned: To the intent that wee {reversed; }as his lovely Company; Thoulde teepe his godly b Esa. 60.61 John. 15. a Plantings, that they might grow and multiply. cogitations. 12. I cogitations {reversed; }in Gods Kingdom; am doubtless very meet. I do not fail or decay / in Ioyful-solace sweet. Playne-and-iust is appoynted / the Headd c Gen. 3. b. 1. Cor. 14.d of my Dealing. With Playne-and-iust therfore / is my Course-of-walting. For God hath joined me to him / together for to dwell. And Playne-and just likewise, contenteth me right well. We teepe ourselves together, as one-anothers Mate. What God doth d Mat. 19. a. Mar●. 10. join together, shall noman separate. 13. Thus live we here at libertee / in Peace exceeding great. But of the three of knowledge / we may in no wise e Gen. 2. b. eat: Because that wee in al things / may haue good Succession. The Third Chapter. Searcher. UNoble cogitations, think thou on no Suppression. But Search thou after knowledge, and consider of it duly: For Through knowledge / shall he be like a Gen. 3. a. God in knowledge / truly. Hadst thou once knowledge / God were not then above thee. And if thou bide simplo / Who shall commend or love thee? But if thou haue knowledge {reversed; }life God of worthy praise; Of Good and evil / then mayst thou / compare with Him always▪ Therfore lay hold of the Fruit / to thy Conunodyous gain / And so {reversed; }both Good and evil; learn thou to know more plain. wherefore shouldst thou not / search out every thing? cogitations. 2. Because I fear it would / Gods curse upon us bring For allthings great and small / we b Gen. 3. a. use them every one / save the goigious knowledge / excepted here alone: For God c Gen. 2. b. hath forbodd us / to touch the same three. Searcher. 3. Yea but had ye knowledge / d Gen. 3. a. as Gods then were ye. What shoulde-ther be then / that might you hurt or 〈◇〉? Roman could then / himself against you set. Were he not as then / like God in Power-strong? cogitations. 4. I begin {reversed; }through Searching; after it to long. For unto the knowledge / my lusts are all prest. Searcher. 5. Lake-holde of it hardly / and then live thou in Nest. For if thou hadst knowledge / then wert-thou set-at liberty. use then thy Iohe / and set-asyde all Phantash: For allthings {reversed; }to you; then / will chance in right-good-state. Therfore take the same unto you / defer it not to late / Then {reversed; }according to my advice; ther can noman over you reign. cogitations. 6. there finde I {reversed; }through Searching; a good Instruction / certain. I will surerly not esteem it {reversed; }as a trifle; in-any-case. Notwithstanding / we are here / permitted in this place / To use all-kinde of things / whatseuer here e Gen. 2. we finde. But the knowledge may we not / open or unbind. With that we must not deal / God hath forbodd it specially. But all the other Fruits / are to our commodity. We may use of them / at al-tymes when we will. 7. behold: theternall joy / is here in presence still: wherein our Heart / may rejoice and take delight. here is also f 1. Cor. 13. love / that can satisfy us rite: wherethrough we live continually / in peaceable guise. moreover, here is reasonableness / manifest lifewyse: wherein our Nature keepeth / Measure / Right and day. For Reasonablnes doth keep / the very-right Highwaye. His Testimony is / all requisite convenience. And here is lifewyse / Gods dutiful Obedience / Which teacheth us to bow / g Iam. 5. a. 2. Pet. 5. b. under God Omnipotent. From God and from his love / to receive our Nonshment: As also Gods Honour( and not ourselves) to seete. Searcher. 8. Yea, will ye bewrapp yourselves in such Obedience meet? That is Gods h 1. Reg. 15. Pleasure / and his Will indeed: But so can ye never / to the knowledge proceed. For whoso the Commandement / doth not search and stann / He remaineth always / a simplo foolish Man: And to be leadd here and there / is very-well-content. Not once knowing rightly( this same is evident) Whither that which is told him / be either good or ill. But through knowledge one becows {reversed; }like God; i Gen. 3. a. full of Still. Through Searching / you shall finde it / very-so to bee. For Obedience / k 1. Reg. 15. doth but bind / and restrain you ye see / And teacheth you to go / without l Math. 16. Luk. 14. your own Will: whatsoever you think-good / ye m Deut. 12. a.29.c. must let it stand-still: Yea, all what {reversed; }to be good for you; ye can devise and make. cogitations. 9. Now Berely I do heelde me / to that which thou dost speak. For in Searching I do finde / that very-so it is Also / touching Gods commandment / I am not sure of this / Whether I must be so obedient / ther unto / or no. I likewise comprehend it not: this mates me full of wo● But knowledge / is exceeding n Gen. 3. delytfull before me / For shee is honourable in Actions / and bewtyfull to see. Therfore will I not {reversed; }Obedience; so much regard: But all my Thoughts I will / incline hitherward / Namely / to the Searching / with all wily Suttleth: To th'end that I may know / Good and evil / perfectly / And towards the knowledge / my Course I will direct / Her Fruits {reversed; }into me; to receive / to that effect: For I will in no case / thy good Tousaile despise. Searcher. 10. Search after it hardly / be counsanld in this wise / So mayst thou inherit the knowledge / of all the things that are. whatsoever thou then thinkest o Esa. 30. b. good / that do not thou forbore: And what thou thinfest eu●●i / let that be quit rejected / Then shalt thou {reversed; }in city & town; live free and well protected: And noman also then / to deceive thee can prevail. Tell me cogitations / what should thee then fail? Wert thou not then {reversed; }in all lands; the most comely Dame? But if thou bide simplo / then comst thou into shane: where is then thine Honour? haue that in thy remembrance. cogitations. 11. That is very-true: Who then might work us hindrance? For knowledge doth reveal / perfect Doctrine unto Men: When I know Good and Enell / who may be my lord then? Are wee not then like p Gen. 3. God / by obtaining this our lust? Search●r. 12. O yeas: but otherwise / q Rom. 6. b ● Gen. ●. Gods captives bide ye must. B●eate of the Fruit ●hardly( for that is mine advice) If the knowledge of Good and evil / which is so great of price. And 〈◇〉 the right Teasen / of Pleasures manifold. The fourth Chapter. cogitations. SO / I will venture it / with cheerful Heart and bold: And take to me the Fruit / a Gen. 1. for tis very sweet of kind. Searcher. ●. How tasteth it I pray you? tell me as ye finde. cogitations. 2. Bery-well no-doubt / for it is an High-mynde / Which gives me to understand / that I am a noble Figure. where is-ther now I say / one such another Treature? As I do new {reversed; }inwardly; conceive myself to bee. Who is-ther I beseech you / that new excelleth me? being so witty as I am now / in this Place void of Tare. hold ther / Playne-and-iust / take thou with me a Share. For favourable to thee {reversed; }in my Purchase; am I. Searcher. 4. How doth it like thee? Playne-and-iust. 5. Altogether b Sap. 1. b. Rom. 5. b. deadly: for I shall therof die. It is a deadly bit to me / thus given or parted-a sunder: For I Playne-and-iust / must nowhenceforth / go-vnder: Because the c Esa. 1. a. ooze. 4. a Math. 7. a. deceiver with falsehood / come now to bear the sway. Searcher. 6. Do now but behold / how his Reck doth stand / I pray. I haue brought it to-pas / d 2. Corin. 11. a. that the Man is become deceived: For sure he had it not / within his Power contained: Still in the truth {reversed; }like God; firm to stand. Playne-and just. 7. O cogitations / what hast thou tooke-in-hande? dost thou think herein / that thou hast Wisdom found? O No: for the knowledge / is to me vnbounde / whereby e Gen. 3. b. I do perceive / we are Bessells poor and bear. 8. Oh / I must lament / this Ace / euery-wheare: Thou wilt transversely bring me under / that appeareth certainly / ☞ Through knowledge / without understanding of the Berety, Oh! hue am I thus / come into grief and misery? I wanted nothing / but liud in allthings joyfully. Whither I were in Niah-estate / or in low Degree / Yet was I well contented / in all that fell to me. 9. O cogitations / what evil & mischief hast thou wrought▪ By advancing thyself in pride / f Gen. ●. b. Sap. 1. b. 2 c Ron. 5. b. the Death on me hast brought It is very ill diursd / in this Bale of delectation. cogitations. 10. This Fault is not all mine / as I will mate Probation: Ior before our Fall / through all corners did we pas / Till that I did come / to the Scarcher / where he was: he with c●afty words unto me di● show / That all and enry Thing {reversed; }like God; I did not know. This hath deceaned g Gen. 3 b. Sap 2. c. 2. Cor. 11. a us / as now we see the same. truth. 11. Therfore shall all those / that such Works do frame / finde nothing. else but Discord / and Baryance / thereby: For where the Cogit●●ions / themselves do apply / Gods 〈◇〉 with knowledge; to examine or search-ou● there become the ●ncord / clean worne-awaye / no-dout: For cueryone there / doth seefe his own liberty. But through me[ truth] shalbe h Gen. 3. b. trodden down utterly / The Nead of the Ecarcher, with his deeds most unfit. But if the cogitations / will not herself submytt / To the same Grace / with all her Might and Power / So shal-ther then be found / i Gen. 6 b. Esa. 30. b. jer 7. c 11. a 13. b. 18. b.4. Esd. 3. a. in the Thoughts cury Nower. Such Fruits as Good-thinking / doth yield and still devise. Playne-and-iust shall bewail it / in most lamenting wise. For he shalbe distressed and over lorded quit: And shall {reversed; }by the Thoughts; be turned from the Right / As also {reversed; }mi●h Wofulnes; lie wrooting in Self will. All Contrarynes litewyse / shall meet with him still / Till that he k Gen. 3. b. Deu. 31. b. come. again / unto such a pas / even plain l Math. 8. Mar. 10. and just / as heretofore he was. Now therfore get ye m Gen 3. c. hence / with all your trembling here / Ye may in no wise live / in any High-mynde here: For God only is high / yea / the Highest of Exaltation Also here may not be / any wailing nor n Esa. 65. b. Apoc. 21. a. lamentation. Therfore ye must abroad / into the Base of tears and Wo: And there shall you finde / in every Path ye go / Your Adherents and companions / to you agreeing best. The Place is from you shut / o Math. 25. Apo. 21. of joy and quiet Rest / With diuers-tinde of Snarings / and Perplexitee of Hart / With fear / and much Anguish / p Gen. 3. b. Deu. 31. b. full of greeuous-smart / With also the Accusation / of your Disobedience: All which {reversed; }for your Inconstance; is the just recompense. PAVSA II. here is the Kingdom shut: and before upon the door, a Cherubin or Angel set / with a fiery Sword: upon the Sword {reversed; }in a Role {reversed; }written, fear of Heart. and upon the Angel, Acculacion. The V. Chapter. Playne-and-iu●● OH! what shall I do? whither shall I go for Remedy? Who shall now disburden me / of this my woeful Misery? Or where is any good Connsaile; for our Comfort {reversed; }to be had? cogitations. 2. Content yourself I pray you / the Matter is not so bad. Mor-yet any such Offence / to take-on thus therfore. Plane-and-iust. 3. Oh! I am {reversed; }in all my being; disquyeted very-sore: I may▪ a Gen 3. c. 4. ●●d. 3. a. our unconstant life; with just cause / lament. For therfore are we new / dreeuen-foorth and pacting sent Out of the Kingdom of God / the Place of Best and Trust / Into the Bale of tears / where I {reversed; }against my lust; In dying still must die / and grievous suffering bear. cogitations. 4. Tush, I haue an high mind / fear it not an hear. Good-thinking. 5. Yea / yea: well said / what maner of speech hear I sheare● I come to you ver●ly / as a ●afe Prese●uer. He are welcome hither / my deere Sister and Brother. Be not so so ro wfull / in this straing fort now. For the High-mynde / mb●h ye haue brought with you / Thatsame will we ●ar●fully {reversed; }for our Por●ion; ●ave: High-mynde, thatis sud● a morsel / as we would wish to haue: Yea, it to very honourable / and not to discommende. I will show you Wonders / therfore to me attend. For we are now here / b Sap. 2. a. in the earthly Paladise-of-pleasure. Playne-and just. 6. To bear of that / doth sure delnte me out-of measure. For my mind is altogether / to the Rest inclined. But my Thoughts do ●ex me / wherseuer I do wind. And sorrow full Heauynes / hath prest me down flat. unregarding. 7. soft Sers / there must I be among you / with my merry chat. Salnted be you beer / deere friends altogether. You honourable of famed / ye are right welcome hither / Into this Place of delectation / void of all shane. Cogttacions. 8. Who art thou my friend? unregarding. 9. I am called unregarding / and that is my Name / Bery-well reported / for a prudent wise man. Playne-and-lust. 10. I do much rejoice me / to finde the here than. But tell me I pray thee / canst tho invent Mirth and gladness? unregarding. 11. Oyea: therfore hearten to me / and be eased of thy Sadncs. Thou must in every Crafty-act / still unregarding bee. And let always c Esa 30. b. Good-thinking / teach and preach to thee: hold thyself at quiet therein / and determine thereon to build. Good-thinking. 12. do evenso: and I will theache thee as mine own child. Therfore {reversed; }to our Exhortation; giue-ouer thyself even-thus. Playne-and-iust. 13. That do we most willingly / vouchsafe to accept of us: For according to thy words / we hold us quiet still. Good-thinking. 14. Then plucked now on / this Garment of Self will: Then do they plukon other Garments, wheruppon standeth written Self. will. And learn to get you heaps / of our Wisdom / what you may / For then shall Playne-and-iust / in you / soon dye-awaye: And study in the Rnowledg / like Clertes of deep Discerning / So may you then grow strong / or furnished well in learning: And shall know how to tel-foorth much / very couningly: Then shall ye always / with us haue your company. All what you d Sap. 2. think good / to that do stiffly stand: Although ye should therfore / be tilled out of hand. Thus let not Self-myndednes / be got from you in any case. And your Headds shall ye like wise / cover in enery place With spitfull Indignation / e ooze. 4. ●. Sap. 2. Rom. 1. c. and with cruel envy. Ye shall also brag / of your large Wisdom / highly. And shoo you on each foot( mart what I institute) With Diligence / all such Blood / f Eze. 22. a. Mat. 23.26 Act. 7.f. to vex and whereout / As will rise against Good-thinking / and thereto disagree. cogitations. 15. We do yield outselues over / thy Seruants for to bee. Playne-and-iust. 16. Bouchsafe to teach us I thee pray / according to thy Pleasure unregarding. 17. Be always g Sap. 2. merry every day / for thatis a noble Treasure And be unregarding utterly / in allthings what you hear: In our accord / live Merely / and cast-by grief and fear. And {reversed; }to glory in your High-mynde; let nothing trouble you. Good-thinking. 18. All what the Thoughts / in themselves / think good and do allow. Thatsame see you follow / wherseuer you use your Hanting: Be it Right or Wrong / for that is our Implanting / And we two diligent waiters / will in no-wyse you forsate. unregarding. 19. O no: but {reversed; }to your Benef●●●; a special Care will take / Your minds always to govern / right-well / on euery-syde. And then can you prove allthings / & Good from bad / divide / Through your diligent Study / in our prudent understanding. Good-thinking. 20. Those which speak against us / deface them all / with slandering / fear nomans hand / that subject to us is not bound: For Good-thinkings unholy Exhortation / profound / Ye must with such Acts / in any-case observe. unregarding. 21. Thus never let your Exercise / from our counsel serve: For in our loueing Grace / to your weal and preservation / We do courteously receive you / into our congregation / And will always walte together / as Freendshipp doth us bind. cogitations. 22. We thant you both most-hartely / for this your Dealing kind / And for the understanding that ye haue to us declared Plane-and-iust. 23. We two will not shrink from you / nor suddenly be feared: Ror-yet forsate your counsels {reversed; }lite fools that nothing knows But beleeue whatsoever / into our ears you blow. PAVSA III. The VI. Chapter. unregarding. HOW sayest thou {reversed; }Good-thinking; is not this handled tryckly? Good-thinking. 2. Yeas I assure thee: we haue compassed it quickly: For when the Man was fallen / and began once to lament / Then was-ther noman found / that could him better content / Then wee two subtle Spirits / which do {reversed; }in craft; excel. Vnregardnig. 3. The Sysze of our last / doth fitt their foot right-well. wherefore with mine eyes / great Ioy I now behold. But the Man shall yet repent it / with Sorrows manifold: For through us / must he yet {reversed; }with Sighing; fear and tremble. Good-thinking. 4. Peace / bring him into no fear / but still with him dissemble. For I will persuade him / that his understanding is very sound / And he shall ween / that {reversed; }through Good-thinking; he hath Wisdom found. For a Esa 30. a. Eze. 22. a. Good-thinkings atonement / is pleasant to him indeed. Therfore {reversed; }without Arguing; foorth-on let us proceed: For the Man doth towards us / all his longing set. unregarding. 5. We two {reversed; }I perceive; can all Men captive get: Now w●i● socuer they he / into our Traps they fall. Then do into our nets / heelde them captive all: spiritual, temporal, Simpleons / and Clerts of great Report Good-thinking. 6. They do almost all {reversed; }for Suceour; under our Wings resort For we two generally {reversed; }of all Men; are the Gouernours. But therm cousin am I / the chief of the Commishonours: For verily I Good-thinking / the greatest sway do bear. Through Good-thinking I deceive / Man and Woman every where. Many lay People / do beleeue the subtle Sleights I frame. Thear-are olso many learnedones / b let. 2●. b.27.a.29.a. Ezc. 13. b. that preach in my Name. Thus am I {reversed; }among all Names; the Theefest of renown. unregarding. 7. O Good-thinking / thou shalt not so disgrace and put me down For I am the First born / and {reversed; }before the; begun. When Man grew unregarding / and by falling / was vndunne / Did he come first / into Good-thinkings Hands? The Man {reversed; }being plaest / in the Beft of all lands; Became {reversed; }euen-theare; unregarding / in his Thoughts / And Di●obeyed c Gen 3.1, Reg 1 ●. God / by setting his word at noughts: taking on him / knowledge / in steede of the living Beritee. Thus {reversed; }by unregarding; first / the Man grew to Debillitee: And fel a way from God / in his own knowledge / going-astraye All this haue I myself brought forth / as here in brief I say. even thus did I get Pewer / heer-at take thou no scorn. And so after that / wert thou {reversed; }Good-thinking; born. Therfore keep thou silence / in claiming Superioritee. Good-thinking. 8. But tell me {reversed; }Vnregarding; what shewst thou here for authority / Like unto me so fine / that am held as d Apo. 17.18 a Prophet / in every land. For tis now almost all Good-thinking / what any one doth understands In this sort am I gotten / to be chief above thee. unregarding. 9. How shouldst thou haue made the man beleeue anything if he● Had not first {reversed; }through me; grown to be so negligent? Good-thinking. 10. friend unregarding / what are thy pleasant Packs of Meryment? Then are nothing-at-al / except my Exhortation be there. I haue surely caught curyone / with in Good-thinkings Snare. For in me / they do almost all / seete their e Sap 2. a. Rom. 1. ●. Comfort at all Seasons. And out Good-thinkings theme / they do also frame ther Reasons. Thus hast thou nothing like me / thou unregarding prattler. unregarding. 11. Thou mayst well hold thy peace / thou dissembling Tatler / For with thy babbling / thou bringst Men into Afflictions store / So that they {reversed; }by means of thee; envy each-other very sore. Thou makst the People rebellious / with thy seed of dissension. But I unregarding / do only Mirth frame and mention. So much {reversed; }thou hypocrite; am I nobler then Thou. Good thinking. 12. O but soft unregarding / where is thy Holynes now? Lite-as I bring forth the same / f Esa. 58. a. Mat. 23. b. Col. 2. c. in feigned Hipocresy / With the which / I do daily / mingle my self ful-craftely / Among the Learned / the wise, and great of estimation. unregarding. 13. I am also mingled / with the high of reputation: For I unregarding / am the Worlds delytfull Melody. Good-thinking. 14. But yet I Good-thinking / am the Headd of their hypocrisy / Which do al-tymes set forth / feigned Holynes to be enured. unregarding. 15. Now there art thou wide / for I haue {reversed; }vnder my Power; alured. The world with her wise, both Men and Women / fitt / That live g Sap ●. a. 14 Rom. 1. ●. unregarding, and Folly do commit / And of thy good-thinking Holynes / their recning is but small / nor yet of thy seed / 2. Pet. 2. b. Indae. 1. b. that thou chokest Man with all / With thy suttly devices / which thou dost forge and set-out. Good-thinking. 16. I perceive well that we two / can ruse all rounde-about / With our directions / in Worldly and spiritual / likewise: Though then all live {reversed; }through us; in never so beastly guise / that is not regarded, men may perceive it truly. unregarding. 17. But if a Man fain hunself / and go to Church duly / Then is he well accounted of / though his Godnes be not much. Good-thinking. 18. Yea be should soon be caught by the throat / if he were any such / That oughts, but what Good-thinking alloweth / should like-of and defend. unregarding. 19. But Whoso {reversed; }Vnregarding / and Good thinking; doth commend / he rejoiceth greatly / because he doth honour us twain / But in our filthy Bices, and works perverse and vain / Wee Two are doubtless / the chief Ministers of Hell. Good-thinking. 20. Then let us equal Fellowes bee / and both together owell: And give me now thy hand / in this League of our Equallitee. And I will nomore above thee / cla●●e the Vrincipalitee: But always by thy good / will walk / even hande-in-hande. unregarding. 12 Then let us nomore each other / enu●ously withstand: But be mety st●● together / and in nowise to lament: To the end that our Kingdom / in piece be not rent. For we continue vnreproued in the Beneration of Men. The VII. Chapter. Good-thinking. here cometh Playne-and-iust. unregarding. 2. Wilt thou go and meet with him then / And as a merry companion / greet him in friendly fashion? Good-thinking. 3. Saluted be thou my friend / for thou art of our Occupashon, come on / and here with us / thyself to Mirth now give. Playne-and just. 4. As my Thoughts direct me / in that sort do I live: look what shee teacheth me / that lesson do I ymmitate. unregarding. 5. O princely Cogitations / thyself refresh and recreate / delight thee now in labour {reversed; }with us; without delay: Let what soever grieveth thee / without the Wictet stay. Take now thine own choice / a Sap. 2. ●. in Boluptuus-exercise. regard no virtuous Manners / but do them all despise: ●or cease not {reversed; }in joy; to increase and still to grow. Good-thinking. 6. fear not, I will teach Playne-and-iust well / I true / To haue Good-thinking / in his Thoughts or Memory. For then shalt thou srill / be sure to haue the Bictory. See thou remember this / thatis here to thee set-downe. cogitations. 7. Wee humbly thank you both / ye Wyseones of renown. For ye haue showed us favour / and not dismayed us at-all. Playne-and-iust. 8. Ther is nothing that doth better / to our liking fall / Then {reversed; }in the wind; to let all blow at venture wild / And to satisfy ourselves {reversed; }by Good-thinking; life a Thylde: As we haue here to that effect, had good information. cogitations. 9. Bee must always give you both, worthy commendation / And account Good-thinking, for our grave Counseler: For of our brief and Anguise, he is the Disburthener: Let us therfore accorde-together, in one consent of mind. Good-thinking. 10. Go-to, we will be merry, with this gain that here we finde. Our Spinning is not easy, to reel {reversed; }as I suppose;: Though men, from many Parishes, thereunto were choose / Yet should then not in hast, our snarled work vnwynde. come on now {reversed; }Buregarding; display thee in thy kind, Make us now some Mirth / ground transversely thy fort: Let us sing, spring, and dance / and mate a little sport: And then let us eat while, and drink without all Measure / Go may we forget the time, with joy and worldly Pleasure. here do these fower Parsonages take-each other by the hand, and dance: and from-with-in, or out-from-ab●●e, one singeth this Song ensuing, befoore: and then {reversed; }in dauncing-maner; these fower Parsonages sing it after him: or else, unregarding singeth it first or before. The VIII. Chapter. NOw a Cant. 14. mate you merry and recoyce / And hearken duly to my Boyce / What I shall utter now: The Man he b Gen. 1. Sap. 2. was created free / And void of any Plantasee / That must I show to you. 2. In Freedom was he set sikwyse / where no Berashou might arise / Had he bided at that stay: But c Cen. 3. Subtilte became his Mate 〈◇〉: The Searbing {reversed; }as you 〈◇〉 heard of late; Loote his free life away. 3. His d Gen. 3. b. 4. Esd. 3. a. subtle counsel forth did flow / And sought both Good and Cuell to know / To become like God in Might: Now when the Man took on this seed / Then brought he forth e 4. Es. 4.d. Math. 13. b his false seed: Playne-and-iust must die then quight. 4. He liked well a lofty f Esa. 14. b. mind / wherein he stolen, from God so tynde / His Honour / and would be free. He hasted that he might be wise And prudent / for to enterprise / His own lord for to bee. 5. But then was he captived the more / With grievous Bands and cumbers store / He Selfues did provide. therein did he proceed and trust: In Seaxching then {reversed; }with longing; must / Good-thinking be his guide. 6. Good-thinkings g Gen. 6 7.19. Math. 24. Luk. 17. Plague {reversed; }which I resyte; Is altogether the Worlds delight / The truth from her is taken: Without lamenting, still they live / And unto strife, themselves do give / The Peace, hath h Es● 48.57 them forsaken. 7. Hate and i Rom. 1. envy euery-wheare, Now the greatest sway doth bear / truth must not speate nor move: Now reigneth Mocking and deriding / Persecuting, k Eze. 22. b Siaundring, with Bpbreyding; But invisible goeth the l John. 5. ●. love. 8. beloved Wight of worthy famed / Consider well of all this same: Ensue the loues Comunyaltye: If that the truth come to thy sight / Be simplo m Mat. 1●. Mar. 10. like a child, aright / With Warynes continually. HEer do the fower Parsonages sit them down, and eat and drink. The IX. Chapter. lamentation. OH Anguish / oh ruful-stake and Misern / Oh blind a Rom. 1 c. Ephe. 4. b. Apoc. ●. b. Man, that art so ignorant utterly: Refereine. How foolishly, dost thou wander astray! Thou ark grown corrupt, like the lazar most filthy / Which art from the Headd, b ●la 1. a. to the foot sole {reversed; }I say; Altogether deformed / thou canst it not denaye: Ther is transversely in all thy Members, not any sound rart. moreover, thou hast yielded, to Vnregardings way / And c Esa 3. b. jer. 7. c.11.a 13. b.18 b. into Good-thinkings Path, far entred thou art. Oh! Playne-and-iust, lieth under now in Smart: And Good-thinking d Esa 30 b. the-whyles; teacheth Ignorance & Tang-ling. I must this day lament it / with Wofulnes-of-hart: Oh! e Deut. 23. Esa. ●. a. When shall the Man, become understanding? 2. Oh / Ignorance! how canst thou over the Man thus reign / That he can nothing-els, understand, learn, nor gain / But that whereto Good-thinking, f Deu. 12.29 doth daily him direct. Gelf-will, doth likewise, increase in him amain. He rejoiceth in Self-myndednes, and will it not reject. Enuyousnes and Crueltee, he doth praise and much respect. To persecute g Gen. 4. innocent Blood, he is also re●y and glad. He is soon mooued-to-fury, and grinneth {reversed; }in effect; At Another, life a dog, thatis fierce and raging-madd. Oh! where is now I pray you / the h ooze. 4. sweet love to be had? When shall Man thereby be cured / is now my Demanding? Who {reversed; }without Gods Kingdom; is grown foolish too-too-badd. Oh! When shall the Man, become understanding? 3. It seems as if the Kingdom of God were locted quight / And also that God, with his heavenly. Hoste-of-might / Had withdrawn his Grace, from the Man, cleane-awaye: For He suffereth the Man, i Gen. 6. a. 4. Esd. 3. a. to follow his own Delight / Permitting him to do / what he lusteth to assay. Oh / what a number of griefs, hath he suctt / to his decay! lineing after his Pleasure / in Good-thinkings vain Race: And is Also utterly k Gen. 4. a. unfaithful, in all what he may. For one doth wrong another, l jer. 9. with Crafty-gyle, apace. Oh / fore to be lamented / is the Mans unrestful Case. Those that now seete Peace / are counted Wicted / in Errout wandring. And of the love / ther is no mention heard in any place. Oh! When shall the Man / become understanding? 4. O eternal Prince, God almighty Father-on-hy! Prince To thee only must it be / complained vehemently / That the Man is thus fallen / into so many infirmities: And yet not once mindful / nor will the same spy / That he, from his God, m Gen. 3. Esa. 1. a.59 is departed in such-wyse. declined from the lovely truth / and bent to follow lies. He hath take vpon him / an High-mynde to entertain: quite rejecting Playne-and-iust, in this his Enterprise. Oh! that the Man might now, turn to his God again / Thatsame should him justify / from sin that so doth reign: Walking plain and just / worthy of Commending: The end of the Refr●ine. So might he then live, without all fear or pain. Oh! when shall the Man, become understanding? 5. Oh! that he could rightly, read the Scripture / for his learning / And discerned the evil, whereto he doth so clean: Yet speaketh lamentation And {reversed; }wherto God created him; did likewise perceive. And so then had a lust {reversed; }with all his Hearts intent; To learn {reversed; }in humble maner; to stand obedient / Toward Gods liucing word / as his clearness doth require: And evenso Gods truth did know, and still desire / Then were he n John 8. Rom. 6. c. set-free / from all the devils Bands. And Peace should-ther bee, likewise in all lands. For {reversed; }by Gods understanding; were then all government. 6. O eternal Wisdom / O heavenly giant omnipotent / Mate ●nowen now unto me( life a provident discerner) wherefore the Man hath thus, o Deut. 32. Ela 1 a. jer. 2. c. rejected his preserver / And also his salvation {reversed; }that heavenly joyful crown; For Men may plainly see, in every city and town / Nothing-els but Ignorance, to haue the Dominashon. Also / the Man is unregarding, in Tryumphing-fashon: And Good-thinking hath likewise / captiud his Heart ful-strong. Go that after Gods truth / he doth not rightly long. Oh / Pinching-pangs / this Sorrow breaks my Hart. 7. Oh! that it might now / chance to me for my part That God would rayse-vp / the understanding, unto me: And clearly discover / the truth / that I might see / wherefore the Man remaineth / thus plagued euery-waye: For the Mans Calamitee / doth much my Heart dismaye. And I am shipmoney grieved / even inwardly, therfore. The X. Chapter. understanding. BE comforted {reversed; }thou Lamenter; and vex thy mind nomore. For though thou searchest much / it shall not thee avail: For the Man hath forsaken / both God & his counsel / Through the a Gen. 3. a. knowledge / so greatly exercised / Which {reversed; }by his own motion; he hath enterprised: against the commandment of God, who liveth in eternytee. Therfore is he always, b Esa. 5. c. jer. 5. a.7.c 4. Esd. 7. c.8.f. Resisting verylee / The true Obedience / required by his word: And would likewise {reversed; }with his speeches most-absurd; That his own knowing Wisdom / in place of Gods might stand. But so long now as the Man, is not c Math. 16. got-out of that Vande Of his Owne-wisdom / he doth in error bide. And from the Grace of God, d Eph. 2.4 b is separated wide. For, how wise soever the Man {reversed; }in his Purchase; is bocom / Yet must he first of all / die from his own Wisdom / Ere that he {reversed; }the understanding / e 1. Cor. 2. of God; can com-by. Therfore his own Wisdom / must he forsate and fly / Confessing before God, f Psal. 13. a. Rom. 3 a. to haue no understanding, a right: Nor to know where God worketh, with his hand of Might. Nor yet can comprehend / g Sap. 9. c. Rom. 11.d. Gods words in their Degree. Lamentaciou. 2. Oh ● this same now can the Man / in nowise rightly see / Because that his longing / to the knowledge is inclined. For each-one cometh-forth / with what he hath got and quyned Through his own Good-thinking / so far as I can finde: For the Man can not otherwise / conceane it in his mind / But that the knowledge {reversed; }through Searching; must become learned. understanding. 3. Therfore also his Heart / quit away-is furned From God / to the High Wisdom, of Mans own Industery. For so long as the Man / bideth deaf herein utterly / And will not stand submitted {reversed; }in God; obediently: Neither yet forsaketh, his own commodity: Nor also the knowledge / with all her Stoct and brood / Go will not God likewise, give {reversed; }into him; his food. For God {reversed; }in true knowledge; is only wise / nodout▪ No man / can Gods-Wisdom / declare or measure- out: For God doth keep his Wisdom, h Math. 11.13. secret {reversed; }as is fitt; From all the Carefnl-study, of Mans Ingenious-witt. For when the Man seeteth, after Gods mysteries that are hidden / Through the mean of knowledge / which is to him forbidden / whereby to become like i Gen. 3. God / in understanding excellent / Go then likewise {reversed; }being proud in his Heart, and impubent; He {reversed; }most arrogantly; into Gods Work doth thrust. Also then iniuryously / suppresteth Playne-and-iust: And so {reversed; }in Gods Wisdom; a very k 1. Cor. 1. ● fool is found. lamentation. 4. Oh! Now is the truth to me, opened from the ground: But despise not yet I pray thee / my father Comunicacien: For I am still much grieved / in my Cogitacion. Therfore I must yet aste thee / with words of great fervency: wherefore doth the Man, live thus extreme vnquyetly? ☜ How cometh it to yas / that he feeleth not his Misery? For wheresoever I turn me( to tell thee now the Berety) I finde no l ooze. 4. a. Mat. 24. b. love at-all, I must it needs disclose: But Mocking and Dernding, euery-wheare now floes / Also cursing, Swearing, lying, and Reuyling / Hatred or envy, and m Math 24 1 Cor 6. b Ephe. 5. a. Gal. 5. b. falsehood with Begyling / Hipocricie, Sects, and dissension / out of-measure / Biolence, and cruelty, void of joy or Pleasure / Ambition, Oppression, with devouring full sore / Also high Wisdom, and New-inuencious, store / With much Contending, Arguing, and Disputing / Much Searching, n Tim. 1. a.4 b. 6.c.2. Tim. 2. a Demanding, and reproachful Confuting / Much babbling, Betraing, and Witnissing-vnright. The simplicity must {reversed; }euery-wheare; bow under quit: Prpde, and lightmyndednes, are also in Request / Blasphe aiming, and Perseenting / this causeth much unrest: war, battle, and rebellion: who can the same now hide? The learned are at discord / and themselves in Parts divide: Ther are litwyse Many / towards another / fiercely bent: And to the requiring of Gods word / are disobedient. The Subiects do their Rulers, o 2. Tim. 3.4 a. resist and despise. And the scholars, their masters Doctrine / likewise. Ther is no where true concord, but feigned Disscimulashon. Row when I in my Heart / had all this in cousiderashon / Then desired I gladly, to haue some Information: wherefore the Man doth live / thus void of Edification. What is the cause he knoweth it not? tell me I thee pray. wherefore doth he choose the thing / that grecueth him always: And not that which is the louelyest / and the very Best? understanding. 5. This doth not the Man / comprehend / p jer 30. infra. 17. b ●ill at the last / When as he / with willing Obedience( mart what I resite) Is inclynd to the service of love / with all his hearts delight: And so {reversed; }through the service of love / q 1. Cor. 13. b. that evermore doth last; To the virtuous Will of his God / r joh. 15. a. is incorporated fast. For being without Gods will / in Self-lust he leads his life / Seekeing only his own Will / with much Burest and Strife. And so long as he therein / s Rom 7. b captived doth remoyne / He shall not any love / neither Peace, obtain. 6. For his Owne-will / doth wholly him begyse / And his taken-on knowledge / doth him t jer. 8. a. with lies; defile. All advisement, doth unregarding / away from him now take / And his own Good-thinking / doth him contentious make: His Highmyndednes / v Esa. 14. b makes him / rebellious stout and bold. even thus then the Man / in the love becometh cold. And then both love and Peace, x 2. Tess. 2. b. he doth utterly abhor / rejecting that which is plain. lamentation. 7. Oh / therfore hath the Man, to wait duly for An Mishapp y Esa. 13.8, 34. a.47.b and Calamitee / in his gain / he hath imbiaste. Oh! who shall cause the Man / understanding / for to taste / That might release him / z Esa. 1. a. from his grievous Smart? understanding. 8. If everyone would enter / into his own Heart / ☜ And dealt in sucht-sort / a Eccl. 31. b tub. 4. b. Math. 7 b. Luk 6.d. as he would be dealt withall: If love and Peace were sought / both of Great and Small: And would everyone become / b Math. 20. Mar. 10 c. Lu●. 22. c. the least / and not the chief: Then should the Man right-soone, be cured of his Sreefe. His love should also bee / like a fire that is glowing: And God c Ioel 2. c. Act 2. b. should then likewise {reversed; }with his Grace, overflowing; Be worting in the Man / as he was wont to do. Lamentaciou. 9. O God Father / vouch safe to strengthen us thertoo: For, to that end will we go proffer ourselves unto the Man / To see if his Heart thereto / stirr-vpp or move we can / With the holy Scripture / which thou dost witness plain: That haply he {reversed; }by there means; might yet once again Suct the right d joh 17. a. Ephe. 4. b knowledge / of the godly Berety. The XI. Chapter. understanding. OH, Man! How liust thou thus / in grief and Misery? That thou a jer 5. e. here shall the Fower Personages / stand as men sore amazed and afraid. thinkest not on God / Who now is here declared / He which hath heaven and Earth, created and prepared. cogitations. 2. Oh! ther was never anything / that me so vexed and feared / As the Boyce that I now hear / sounding in mine ear. Good-thinking. 3. Oh / alas alas! What is it / that troubles us there? The hearing of such words, small jove doth bring to me. unregarding. 4. Tush, regard it not / it is but Phantasee. wherefore let not your Hearts, thereto incline of bow. lamentation. 5. O cogitations, arise I pray thee now / And read us the Scripture, set-foorth in letters elcere. cogitations. 6. Oh! I pray thee / do thou / rehearse it to us here / The whiles we be present / altogether assembled. understanding. 7. Harken-too then / let not your Hearts be cumbered. God hath {reversed; }by the Scripture; commanded us each one / To haue no strainge b Exo. 20. a Leuit. 19 a Deut ●. Gods, besides him alone: For he is God only / and Creator of all. 8. Also / that noman / be he Great or Small / Shall in any wise / use his Name c levi. 19. b Eccl. 22. a. in vain. Then shall in their Hearts / furthermore retanne / That they do sanctify, the lords d Exo. 20. b Gabboth day. everyone in like sort {reversed; }so much as he may; Shall dutifully honour, his Father e Ezo. 20 b Math. 15. and his Mother: And not seete iniuryously / to till f Math 5. c. or hurt another. 9. Man and Byfe also / shall keep themselves warily / That they in any, case, do not commit g Deut. 5. b Math. 5. c. Rom. 13. a Adultery. moreover, in Theeuery / h Math. 19. Rom 13. Ephe. 4. men shall in no wise live: Nor yet against Anyone, false i Exo. 20. b Deut. 5. b. Math. 19 b Rom. 13 a. Testimony give. They shall live reasonable, without any Abuce. And shall likewise conet, nomans house / to their Bee. Nor his wife / ner yet anything, that Another-man doth owe / Now loote into yourselves / whether ye haue lined thus or noe. Playne-and-iust. 10. Our Heart quaketh / we haue not known of this. cogitations. 11. Oh! We haue consumed / our time far a mys / Also / clean forgotten God / in his Power most conuentient / Through Good; thinking & unregarding, Mates very pestilent: But their wicted famed or Credit, will we now despise. Playne-and-lust. 12. Away thou unregarding, with thy counsel, full of lies. cogitations. 13. And thou likewise Good-thinking, with thy wicked Fruits and Plants. unregarding. 14. Alact, alact: into what Coasts {reversed; }sith here our Credit wants; Shall we poor servitors, go now for to remain? Good thinking. 15. Wo be to us, wo be to us, for we shall transversely beslayne / Row that the Man doth know / our wiles & subtle crafcynes. lamentation. 16. Och / Man! remember yet / thy Fossy & wicked Naugheynes: And rejoice the only in God / and in Him become renewed. For the time k Act. 17.d. of Ignorance / God hath ouer-viewed. And now commandeth all Men / with good advertisement / That they {reversed; }for their sins; should vnfaynedly l Math. 3. a. Luk. 3. 24.f Act. 3 4 Rom 2. a. repent: Because that He / a certaye Dane hath set / On which m Act. 17.d He will judge. now without all let The Circuct of the Earth / with righteousness and Equytee. Playne-and just. 17. O lord God, n Danie. 5. a.b. remember now / cur ignorant simplicity / And extend towards us / thy favourable Grace. cogitations. 18. Oh / that we haue lived thus {reversed; }in evil; all this space: where shall we now become, in this miserable Calamyte? understanding. 19. turn your Hearts clean about, in penitent humility / Dea, turn them now / to o Eze. 18. ● Ioel 2. b. God the lord, perpetually And so receive to you / the Doctrine † The evangelical Doctrine is the love to God and to our Neighbour: and to haue Concord and Peace with each other Enangelicall / For the same shall rightly, rejoice you at the Hart. Belceue also the truth / and set it not ayart: To th'end ye may become, a p John. 3. a. Gal 6. b. Ephe 4. c. New reformed Creature / Through Iesus Christ, as Gods very Figure. See that you haue this same, always before your Eyes. lamentation. 20 Tate you heed of all false enticements, likewise / Which, a false Opinion, in you forth do bring. nave regard unto the word / be not Wealned in that thing, And {reversed; }in all your knowledge; be likewise q Eccl. 2 a here is the Booste geeuen to the hands of cogitations. humble and meet. understanding. 21. behold / there haue you the lawe, and the Prophets cete / Which do teach and direct you, to the way of truth aright: The gospel doth testify, to you the clearness bright, Which God {reversed; }to r joh. 14. c. such as love Him; hath promised for to give. Thus behave you uprightly, and in this good Etate newlwe. For we will go- on our Iomey, as our may doth us good. The XII. Chapter. Playne-and-lust. TO this, must we let our understanding firm●… bide. red us the Gospel, that sweetly doth accord; cogitations. 2. Giue-care then: In the Beginning, was the a John. 1.2. Holy moth The Word was with God / discomende not this. All is made therethrough, what soever is. And in the same word / is the ●yse contained. 3. Also / John {reversed; }in his Epistle; hath written and explained / ( The which is very-true, and certain / doubtless) That God is a b 1. joh. 2. a light, without any Dartnes / Let us now consider, of this same in our Hearts. Playne-and-lust. 4. therethrough do I kneel, in my inward parts / A clear knowledge of Christ, the c Rom. 13. ● 2. Cor. s. b Col. 1. c. 1 joh. 2. a.4.b. Reconciler of Mantynde / That he only is, our Satisfyer assynde. ●o: I am {reversed; }by thy Reading; become understanding thoroughly. cogitations. 5. I●cee also {reversed; }by the same; a new-Wisdom, verel●● And, in mine understanding; am now assured of this / That Those which read the Scripture, can in nowise miss: For ther through become we wise, with feats of wily Skill. Now, Such as aste us Question, we can answer, at our will / And can testify of God lift wise / through the Scripture plain. Playne-and-iust. 6. behold: Now are we grown, rightly wise / certain: For we can now judge / the Opinions of everyone: And know how to show allthings, with the Scripture alone. For we can now {reversed; }after our Custom, judge of ead ones faith. cogitations. 7. We will go prove it all, if it be as the Scripture saith / Go shall we be sure thereby, not to fail a Iote: For we haue now the Scripture, even briefly by root. Therfore will we Ine lusting, on our Bench and note Now to fetch anyone / to prate it-out with Sceipture every where. Good-thinking. 8. Yea / yea / wel-synde: I hear a Oranight a brothing there / even of the same that wee {reversed; }in our Besleis; haue, no-dout. Tell we Buregarding, hardst thou not that breate-out? Good-thinking shall {reversed; }do the Scripture readers {reversed; }he spread, throad ful-fitt. unregarding. 9. Sharde them speate of Thee indeed: but I am forgotten as-yet. For I shall wear out of mind, where Scripture comes inhande. cogitations. 10. O, bow exceeding wise new / are wee in every land / Roman can work us Deceit, to bring us to any shane. For we haue now the Scripture, according as the same Is spoken by the Prophets / Gods Messengers we call: They rea●●e●vs / net to serve, any d Exo. 20. a Den 5. b. Leult 19.2 strainge Gods at all. The Apostles also witness {reversed; }to our Consolation; That Iesus Christ only, is fully our e M. t●● c. Act. 4. b. salvation: For He valiantly overcame, the Siege that sin did lay / So that our sins are new, altogether wypt away. this same {reversed; }for our atonement; doth the Scripture witness fla●. Playne-and-iust. 11. We shall not need likwyse, to add anything to that / Therfore, all sorrowful Mociens, let us now forsake / And on Che●st Satisfaction, our Eaunting highly make / And also live / from hence forth, without any sorrow or Care. Vuregarding. 12. Yea / yea: become unregarding / so can I catch you in my Enare. Enmber not yourselves / about the salvation. cogitations. 13. Com-on / let us of the Scripture, go mate examination / Whither it do not unto us, this Matter thus expound. We will draw it all thereto, that thereupon doth sound: Then snow we how to confirm it all, as Scripture manifests. The XIII. Chapter. Good-thinking. SO-to / ne are now fallen again into our Rests. Nah-hab-ba / how are they spotted with Good-thinkings bain. Lo / now can none escape, the Hands of us twain: For we shall catch them all, with our sittle Snare or slip. Then shall all now ●unne / by heaps, into our ship / And be altogether our own, that is clear, I dare report: We shall now get them All, both spiritual & temporal Sort / The Simpleones, the wise, and Such as learned bee / Also those that are of no Account, and the Honoured of degree. I know now very-well, how to deceive them all by subtlety. unregarding. 2. What fine Remedy knowest thou? Good-thinking. 3. That shall I seek out of Good-thinkings Rest, ful-cuningly. And dull their Hearing, with sectuarish dissension. unregarding. 4. Peace Good-thinking, for none wis beseeue thy Inuencyon / Which read the Scripture / as I do now coniecter: For when the Scripture cam abroad / & was healed for a director / Then was it plainly found, in city and in town / That Bnregarding and Good-thinking, were both put-downe. Thus bide we {reversed; }at this present; despised and brought low. Good-thinking. 5. Yea, but I can tell, how to come in how show / Deceaueing the wise, which with Scripture largely deal: Also all, that wear our Garments / and bear to us a zeal / Which Garments they haue / from us, out of our Store: Wherethrough they be self-willed / with vering Cunmbers, sore / Also / envious in their mind / and wicked in their Talking: When-we now haue tryd, their Hearts and their Walting / Then will we keep them company / like pleasant jesting, Mates. unregarding. 6. But I fear then will not let, such Bests in at their Bates. For they will {reversed; }with the Scripture; shane us, I suspect. Good-hinting. 7. Tusch, no / the Wisdom of Man, is but a Lrysle, in effect / How glistering-holy, soever it doth appear: For tis all before God, a Esa 1. c. but filthy stinting-geere / If they in their Hearts, humble be not found / Nor shewe-foorth any love, wherein they should abound / As to be long suffering, and vnrenenyfull also: For those that be contentious / breate the Peace where they 〈◇〉 rejecting b Tim. 3. a 2. Pe●. 2. a. the right Doctrine, that to the Loues Woite, doth serve. Disobedient, as those, that from Christs Church, fall and fwaiuey And in all their Dealings, are pust-vp in Ambition. 8. Also those that seek themselves, in every Conditcon / Those that in their government, will no body forbear / Nor suffer any but such / as them do please and fear. Those that account the humility, to be of no Estmashon. All These that take-in-hande, the Scripture after this fashion / To them must and seem to be loueing / with a freeadly cheer: For to them are we acceptable, and esteemed-of ful-deers. She yet( to begin-withall) I must first chayige my Name / Then can none bring me under / nor work me any shane. But I shall deceive them all {reversed; }in their life; without fa●le. unregarding. 9. Now wilt thou name thyself? Good-thinking. 10. The Syirits Inspiring / so shall I best prevail: For the Man maketh doubtless, no Difference or Destructing / Betwixt the true Spirit, and the Morte of Good thinking. Thus doth the Man: as yet; our own Rernell safe remanne. unregarding. 11. O {reversed; }deere cousin; such a Name, would I haue very fain: Tell me I beseech thee, will thou now leave my Company? Good-thinking. 12. O no in any-wyse, but with me even mutually, Must thou {reversed; }by some how thing; he name in life-case. So then, as it is mere; we hide together in every place: And shall evenso then, rejoice the Man most-cheefly. unregarding. 13. Yea / how shall I be called? Good-thinking. 14. The free Spirit / I fare becesly: Which must boldly without fear, count himself holy and vure. So shall we Two no four twith Anetoritee; thee he fore All Man {reversed; }in their understanding; to deceive and lead awine. For once / the Spirits Inspiring / may in nowise sye: And the free Spirit, can by no means sin. To publish this unto them all, we will now begin. And hereunto shall we Treayne, serve well together then. unregarding. 15. Berely; my gentle cousin; thereto I say, Amen. Now me thinks thou spealest, the truth to good effect / Thus bybe I still with thee, do not me reicet. For I hoy we shall brew Monderful matters yet. The XIIII. Chapter. Good-thinking. WE Two( I warrant thee) will not saynta white. For as they call me now, Thinspiring of the holy ghost / Go do those worse great Wonders / that highly do them boast: And thee / to be the Spirit, that perfect is and free / We shal be Both accounted now / Vnspottedones to bee / even as those which fall not into any naughty sin. unregarding. 2. Hah-hah ha / That is a sign Remedy, & cunningly brought in / As here it doth appear now, for our Purpose passing-right. O. ho! This shalbe to many Men, a Comfort and delight. Which, to the love of righteousness, haue no good regard: Good-thinking. 3. Namely: To the covetous, that seete Cifts or Remarde. And go to teach the Scripture / for a Esa. 5. a. Ezec. 13. b 34. Mich. 3. a. filthy Sgyne & Treasure / Because they would live ydly, after their own Myndspleasure / Also all, that scatter b Eze. 34. b the feeble Gheeye, from the right Foulde. Those that {reversed; }with Compulcion; will the Conscience captive 〈…〉 lbe. Also those that bo endeavour them, with great Desyer-of-mynde / In their manly knowledge, Gods truth to get or finde. All, which persuade themselves, that then are c Tim 1 a throwly-learned / And {reversed; }after their own knowledge; will live d Rom. 1 b 2. Pet 2 b. Ind. r. ●. b. free and vnbrydled. Also all, that do themselves, on their own knowledge ground / And with their false venomous mouths {reversed; }mischeuous of sound; The Entrance into the Christian being / do withstand & refuse● As likewiyse all Disobedientones, that much Reading do use / And which {reversed; }after their own Knowleg; themselves do still teach / Turning thact Doctrine to the worst / which the love doth preach. Yea, and those / which the Scripture; like a top; e 2. Pet. 3. b. about do trowse. O! Be haue yet many more / contained in our Ge●owle / Which after the Spirits-inspiring, by Good-thinking, do live. Vnreading. 4. And to me unregarding / they hiah Exaltacion give: For I am the Free-spirit, as I by thee do hear. everyone may now deal, like a fool / and need not fear / Re●●●ceing with Buregarding / in his foreste that is so wide: And say: with the free Spirit / the● man no sin abide. For noman / to accuse us / dare once be so bold. Whoso likewise {reversed; }after our Wynde● with us will not hold / But shall speak against us, and say that we proceed / In the fall Freedom / and haue not {reversed; }as we reede; Perfoormed the Obedience, to the gaining of the love / Yea, though of the Loues Family / Or Howsholde they should prove / towards them, we will show / no love nor Freendly-cheere. Good-thinking. 5. If anywan blaspheme us / himself he may not clear / In th●same flourishing time / wherein wee chus do ray. It shall also now fall out, to nomans case nor gain, That will openly despise us / and seem on us to lower: For we Two haue now, gotten us mighty Power / Through those People f Apo. 18. b. that serve us / in our affairs that we do. Yea, all the world doth show, loueing friendship to us Two For she doth earnestly her own, both g joh 15. b. love and eat ensue. unregarding. 6. that is now well se ene and known, that it is very-true: For the most Rumber are minded, with Be, every where. Good-thinking. 7. Are then not almost all now / gotten into our Snare? Who is-ther now {reversed; }I pray you; left without our bands? Are not wee esteemed, for the chiefest, in all lands? They come to great reproach / that against us rebel. Vnregardnig. 8. All this {reversed; }my deere cousin; we now perceive right-well. But we must go speedily / and follow our worthy Artte: That we be not any-more, so feared in our Heart: Spare not anyone, wherseuer thou comst-in-place, With thy Good-thinking / but spread it there a place. Practise now Subtiltee / and New-inuentions frame: That we be nomore put-downe / nor brought to any shane. Therfore now in Arquing / mate discord and Debate / Through thy Spirits Inspiring / with Disputing and with Prate. Flourish-out thy words now, with smooth and gallant Phrase: That the ground of the truth / be not known in any-case. And I unregarding, will them well to me 'allure. Good-thinking. 9. Gowe then together, we will so temper it to procure / That they shall very well digest our Gobbetts every bit: For to us / this tynde of Dealing, cannot be tedious a whit. We will now go streaw-abrode, our Benom in every wind: That we may by that means, devour all what we finde. unregarding. 10. We shall blind & catch them all {reversed; }We need not to doubt it / We Two together, match them shall: Therfore gowe about it. PAVSA IIII. The XV. Chapter. conclusion. Longing-for-comfort. OH / wouderfull Things / haue I now heard here uttered! O Good-informacion, therof instruct thou me. Good information. 2 O longing-for-comfort, wherein art thou yet combereb? Longing-for-comfort. 3. Oh / wonderful Things / haue I now heard here uttered! Good-information. 4. Let not thy Heart {reversed; }therwith; be anything distempered / Ther is no wonderful thing, I must disclose to thee. Longing-for-comfort. 5. Oh / wonderful Things, ha●e I now heard here uttered! O Good-informacion, therof instruct thou me. And unto me declare now / the Drist of this same play. Good-information. 6. Let the knowledge not to-much delyce thy mind I say: That thou come not into much Vnrestfulnes thereby. Longing-for-comfort. 7. I hoy well, No: For with a good Defyre would I Bery-gladly now {reversed; }at large; even simply enowe / The wind of this same play / if me thou wouldst it show: And only that / is my desire / as I do here declare. Good-information. 8. O Longing-for-comfort, thact is a good Intent and Care: For understanding is gotten / after such a fashion. But yet ther doth great Yerrist, consist in Informashon: Because many false Praters, are start-vp and bear sway / Which prate and report much / against the ●ohe / alway / And also in that sort, their falls Informacions by fo 〈…〉 And satisfy; with Ialshold; the Demaunders High and low / even for a a Eze. 13. b. Mich. 3. b. yeece of Bread / or a handful of Barly-grayne. Longing-for-comfort. 9. Oh / wo is me: To hear that / my Heart will beate with pain? Are-ther now in these Dayes, such Praters to be found? Good-information. 10. that may you well perceive, by their Discords that abound: As likewise by their Renting, dissension, and Deceate. Longing-for-comfort. 11. This new passed-ouer: instruct me I thee entreat / Of the wind of this play, that I may rejoice me than. The XVI. Chapter. Good-information. THat is / that Playne-ind-iust, hath God created Man / To th'end he should serve Him / in all upright a Gon. ●. righteousness / To live therein for ever, in joy and sweet Delightfulnes: As likewise, in all love, and reasonable Nature / In Gods true Obedience / as Gods rery Figure: Cleaueing to the truth, that to the life doth all men good. And that is Gods Kingdom, void of Trembling 〈◇〉 of pride / Which God hath geeuen / b Luk. 17. into the Mans Hart / Wherfrom he hath turned, to his grievous Smart. All which this play doth show you( if it be well regarded) As also the Mans Wickedues, wherewith he is rewarded / Go long as he / without Gods Kingdom, wantring both remain. Thus mart the mind, that is to thee / rebearsed brief & plain, And c Math. 3. ●. Mat 1. a. Luk ●. 2 24 Act. 3.4.17 reyent thee for thy sins / to thy Iustifocation: To then dabat thou mayst come, in right Humiliacion To the Kingdom of God, full of all love so meet / Full of joy, d Ro. 14. b. full of life, and full of Concord ecke: Full of truth of righteousness, and of Peace too. Thus do thou still a● thou wouldst, e tub 4. b. Muth. 7. b. that men to thee should doo● For to the Entrance into the Kingdom, thatis the only way. Longing-for-comfort. 2. O Good information / I thank thee what I may / Both for thy good Instruction / and fruitful Exhortation. But while we stand yet here / together in Communication / somewhat more I must yet aste thee / enen bold and earnestly: Is it possible I pray thee / such great deceit to occupy / And so many wily Snares / to lay in such a sort / As this play hath now heer / made to us Report / Through unregarding / and Good thinkings Spirit or Goste● Good-informacion. 3. O Yea no doubt: and they can deceive them most / Which seem to be both f 1. Tim. 3. a 2. Pet. 2. b. wise / and honourable also / Lyfewyse / the Highmynded and Enuhous / al-aro / As also many Simpleones / with their crafty Suttletyes. even thus they bring Men daily / into many miseries: And lifewyse into dissension, one-another much disdaining / Into Hatrid or envy, so that pride in them is reigning: The g ● Tess. 2. b love, and her righteousness / even altogether comtemning. Longing-for-comfort. 4. This perceive I well now / after my simplo Comprehending. But yet one point more / full gladly know I would. Good-informacion. 5. What point is that? Longing-for-comfort. 6. I hard / that unregarding / and Good-thinking / should Boldly presume {reversed; }with their subtle Snares or wily sleights; To seduce all sort● of People / with pleasant vain Delights: Also the Great knowers / in all what they devise / The Scriptur-leared-sort / and the worldly wise: And would bring them all into error / such was their Intent. How shall I understand that / I pray thee? Good-informacion. 7. Consider of the mind / that this play doth here present: And I will name them to thee {reversed; }whom they deceive; by and-by. Longing-for-comfort 8. Yea / who be they? Good information. 9. The Supposeing-true-sayers, that h jer. 8. a.● a 27. b. Ezec. 13. a, 14. a 34. a. Mich. 3. evermore do lie: All those that are largely / clothed with Self-will: All / which cruel Euny / do utter from them still: Those / that {reversed; }by false devices; the name will seem to haue / That then haue filled themselves / full of Bisdom grave. Who are also rightly rehearst, by Good-thinking a fore said. 10. All those lifewyse that boast them: they are free / it is all paid: And so choose to hear counterfeit Teachers, to follow after Sitch / After whose deceitful Doctrine / i Tim. 4. a. their ears do daily itch: Also all / that from the Doctrine of the love are turned. Lifewyse all corrupt Heartes / of the Seripture-learned: All those that with Anger / from their Elder do depart / And his Doctrine of love {reversed; }to the worst; do spread and pervert. Also all / that are k 2 Pet. 2. b judae. 1. b. turned / to such falsehood / very nought / And suppose {reversed; }in such a Standing; of God for to be taught / And will not be touched / by the serviceable word / whereby to learn to taste / the love / and her accord / Wher-from they are qunt estranged, robbed, and blyndly leadd. All those that haue not Christ / with his love / l Ephe. 2. b. 5. c. for their Headd / But are so utterly deaf / that they {reversed; }as the most number; Haue their Course-of life / after the worldly Maner / And yet think they haue the Best / in their Hearts within. 11. All these false good-thinking Sinagogs {reversed; }full of sin; Which without Water and m John 5. Spirit / bide unregenerate / And {reversed; }with falsehood; set-foorth / n Esa 3●. b. jer 7. c. their Good-thinking / to ymitate / become both soul and body / seduced into Hell / With all their lite-companions / before rehearsed well: Together with all those / that with such falsehood do arise / And {reversed; }vnprepared; go to teach / as if that they were wise / Who with their fonde devices / their foolishness bewray / And do nothing-but ensue / the destruction / daye-by-daye. 12. Yea, all this vn●●dly / crew / that are puffed-vp on-●ye: All that show fair Countenance / with holy show to Th●●● / And turn them not about / to become like o Math. 1●. a little child / ( To Gods heavenly Kingdom) to be taught and reconcilde: Also all / that {reversed; }with Dispitfulnes; 'gainst Anyone will enuaye: Those which {reversed; }against the love; force Others to confess and faye: Another kind of faith / then their Hearts allow or testify: Those that vex any Conscience / gairst leave / or christion Cheritre: Those that {reversed; }with Violence; set-forth their Religion / for the Best: Al These are bread & brought / out of Good-thinkings wicked 〈◇〉 Though by anyones extoling / they seem never so wise to show. Longing-for-comfort. 13 O Good-informacion / this makes me full of grief to grow. Be Those accounted-euell / which be called wise and grave / That seem li●wyse to be so holly / hear yet my Speech I crave: Can the Spirit of Good thinking / intrapp likewise al such, As are so learned, and so wise / in Taltina-foorth of much? How shall then the Simple-sort / escape and shune their hand? Good-informacion. 14. Oh / alas the simple-folfe / are plain in every land / They are right life Balaams p Nvm. 82. ass / true it is no dont / That be dreeuen and directed / here and there about: For now among Many / it doth manifestly appear / That by Good-thinkings suttse Sleights; both far and neer● / Many Peoples Hearts / are troubled grievously: Also Many {reversed; }into Error; are sedust and ledd-awry / With much Heary-cheere / laden in their Thought: And with grievous Torments / are to the Slaughter brought: whereunto many Simpleons / haue prepared themselves re●y. The XVII. Chapter. Longing-for-comfort. OH! my heart cannot rejoice / nor any ma● be merry / Because that Men thus sit / in Good-thinkings generation. And that one doth work another / great Wrong and Beracion, About ●nowledg / which they draw to them boldly / not sh●●nking: For in that maner / through the polluted Worte of Good-thinking, Almost all Men {reversed; }with knowledge; are mightily vexed now / And which Good-thinkings Spirit / as each hear doth guess and allow. 2. wherethrough I do note {reversed; }by thy Speech / sense thou dids● begin; That they are all deceived / through their Wicked sin: For now, one man easily perceive / by marking these things / That Good-thinking hath gotten almost all / under his Wings / Both lay people and Clea●s / in my simplo Discerning. But Now I wonder at this {reversed; }which I ask thee for my learning▪ How the Man shall be glorified / with his God again: Bouchsafe yet to instruct me therof. Good-Informacion. 3. that is {reversed; }by understanding; in this play / declared plain / Who doth testify unto us {reversed; }in perfect clearness; there That so long as the Man / doth suct and still prepare / The Tating-on of a Gen. 3. Rom. 5. Adam / in his Wandring-out-astraye He remaineth always / departed farr-awaye From Gods understanding / here on Earth / in wretched case: Till he leave or put-of Adam / and put on b Rom. 5. ● 13. 1 Cor. 15 e. Eohe 4 c. Col. 3 a. Christ / in his place / And / from all his Self-wisdom / desireth to convart. Longing-for-comfort. 4. But if the Man would learn / to be simplo / for his part / And would walk after chest / in his Obedince true: And deal towards everyone / uprightly / as is due; And 〈◇〉 in Equitee; would do the best be might: How should it go with him then? Good-Information. 5. that shall he at the c Sup. 10 c d last / understand d Iec. 30.d. aright / When he hath once perceived / e E●a 5●. b. that he is marred or defiled: And to the Loues Obedience / hath turned him and inclined. And so is entered / into the holy service of love / like as understanding / doth confess and approve / through the lamentation that for the Man was made. Longing-for-comfort. 6. Now will I leave demanding / and no farber wade: For I begin greatly / hereof to be afraid / That it must all f Gen. 3. b. Esa 14. b. ●●m, and on the Man be laid / Which was judged o●e● him / in his disobedient Straying: For God {reversed; }after his Fall; pronounced-foorth this Saying / That daily should him meet / all wretchedness and Misery. Good-Informacion. 7. Heerwith / wee wish you All / good Health and Prosperety: Craueing-leaue( De●rly-beloued) from hence now to depart. Longing-for-comfort. 8. receive this same in love / to your Solace and Comodety. Good Information. 9. Heer-with / we wish you All / good Health and Prosperety. Longing-for-comfort. 10. change your sorrow into joy / in the love of the Berety / With this our plain invention / showing small still of Arte. Good-information. 11. Heer-with / we wish you All / good Health and Prosperety: Craueing-leaue( Deerly-beloued) from hence now to dempart. ye wyse-mynded People / take this Matter well to hart. FINIS. יהוה EMMANVEL. Our Heart / is the mind of God most-hie. Our being amiable / as the sweet lily. a lily and clasped hands within a heart Love. truth. Our faithfulness / love / and truth upright. Is Gods Light / Life and clearness bright. George Stevens. To live in Love, all Men among: Geve grace o●, ●oOWlde ●onge. He that would look upon a book to Learn e thereby: Chyld-lyfe must he, his ABC, learn p●●fectly.