A PROCLAMATION, BY THE WHICH IS prohibited in the research of the Passengers Ships between France and England, not to use any disorder in words nor deeds, neither to use any bad or slanderous speeches of the King's Majesty of Great Britain, etc. nor his Subjects in any manner whatsoever. Translated out of Dutch. AT LONDON Printed by Thomas Purfoot, for William Fearbrand. THe general Estates of the united Low-countrieses. To all those that shall see these presents or hear them to be read, send greeting and let to wete, or make known. Whereas we are informed, that in the research of Passengers ships between France & England by the Ships of War, which are in service of these Countries, to the end to know whether in the same there be any Soldiers going towards the Enemy, or other persons actually of the service of the Enemy, many abuses & wrongs are offered by the Ships Company, and others which do aboard the said Passengers Ships, as beating, thrusting, wronging, and rifling of the Passengers contrary to our order, good intention, instruction and all reason. Likewise that the Ships Company through ignorance, and otherwise in the mean time upon the Ships, but espectally in the said research, do speak hardly of the King's Majesty of Great Britain etc. From whom the united Provinces, and the Inhabitants of the same, many years have enjoyed, and as yet do enjoy many Royal favours and pleasures; under pretence that his Majesty hath made Peace with the King of Spain: notwithstanding his Majesty by reason thereof, hath not changed, altered, nor diminished his affections towards these Countries in the least point, wherein they do not only wrong his Majesty, but also us the Inhabitants of the united Provinces in general. Forasmuch as every one is holden and bound to endeavour to requite his majesties good affection & great favours with due thanks, and the same to win and conserve for these countries, and that such misrules and unlawful research, as also the said bad speeches and abuses might happen to breed a discontentment between his Majesty and his Subjects with the Inhabitants of the united Provinces, to the prejudice of the welfare of these Countries, wherein it is needful by times by all means to foresee. Therefore have we expressly forbidden and prohibited, do forbidden and prohibit by these presents all and singul●e of what condition or quality they be, and namely the Commanders ship, Captains, ship Officers, and Mariners of the ships of war of our Fleet, which do lie in weight in the narrow Seas and upon the coasts of Flaunders, and all others which shall be commanded for the research of the said Passengers ships between England and France, not to use any disorder or unlawful means by words or deeds, but to do the same with all discretion without beating, thrusting, wronging, or rifling any one. And further we do forbid all the Inhabitants of the united Provinces and others frequenting the same: as also all those as are in our service by water or by land, not to use any bad or injurious speeches of the Kings most excellent Majesty of Great Britain, etc. nor of his subjects in any manner of wise, nor to slander nor impute them with any calumnious speeches, under any pretence whatsoever, upon pain to be punished, (as disturbers of the Common welfare) in body and goods, without contradiction or delay. Provided always, that we do not herewith exempt those of what Nation or condition soever they be, which shallbe found by the said research in the Passengers Ships going to the service of the King of Spain, or of the archdukes, nor those which shallbe found to be in their service, but our express intention and commission is, that such shallbe dealt withal and used according to the order to that effect given in the Fleet. And to the end no man do pretend to be ignorant of these presents, we do ordain and give commission to our well-beloved the Estates, Governors, and committed counsel of the several Provinces of Gelderland, and County of Sutfen, Holland and Westfreesland, Sealand and Wretcht, Freesland, Ouerissell, the Town of Greenighen, and places adjoining, and all others justices, Officers, and Ministers being thereunto required, to make known, proclaim and publish this our order in all places, where it is usual to publish & proclaim, charging also the Governors, Precedents, and provincial Counsel: likewise the Colleges of the Admiralty, the Fiscalladuocats, and also the general Attorneys, and all other Officers, judges, and justices of the said Countries, and likewise the Admiral, Vice-admirals', Chieftains, Colonels, Commanders, Captains, and Officers to accomplish, and cause to be accomplished this our order, and to proceed, & cause to be proceeded against these which shall do any thing to the contrary, without any favour, grace, dissembling, or forbearance, for such is our express meaning. Thus done and concluded by the said Lords▪ the general Estates being assembled in S'Grauenhaghen, the Nineteenth of july Anno. 1605. And was subscribed in Eluckema VI. Under is written by order of the said Lords the general Estates subscribed. G. Aerssen.