THE HOLY HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR jesus Christ nativity, life, acts, miracles, doctrine, death, passion, resurrection and ascension: Gathered into English meeter, and published to withdraw vain wits from all unsavoury and wicked rhymes and fables, to some love and liking of spiritual songs and holy Scriptures. By ROBERT HOLLAND master of Arts, and Minister of the Church of Prendergast. Be filled with the spirit, speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts. Ephes. 5.18. LONDON, Printed by George Toby, 1594. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL, MISTRESS ANNE PHILIP'S OF PICTON, R. H. wisheth increase of worship, continuance of godliness, and health in Christ jesus. AS the highest tides have their falls and ebbs, & after greatest tempests and darkest days, the sun shineth: so fareth it with me, (right Worshipful) it pleased God the author of all goodness (when I had been four years or more tossed with sundry troubles & adversities able every way to oppress me, had not the same mighty jehovah, jacobs' God, Exod. 2●▪ ●●. Levit. ●●. 12. Psal. 50.14. Psal. 116.1. the hope and strength of Israel (who by the mouth of his holy Prophet hath willed all men in their troubles to call upon him, promising even then to deliver them) so stirred up and opened the hearts of my worshipful good friends, ●o favour my innocency & to relieve my case, to Gods holy name be all praise, honour and glory for it,) to grant me at length a breathing time after my travels, yet intermingled with remembrances of my former miseries, & with special warnings of the Lord: all which I most joyfully receive, and with my heart embrace, considering, 〈◊〉. 12.5.6. 〈◊〉. 3.11.12. ●u. 3.19. that he correcteth whom he loveth: and that the race of my youth was so unadvisedly run, that I have merited much more grievous punishment for it. In which time of rest (if I may term it a rest that we enjoy while we remain here in this world) I have bestowed such vacant time as my necessary business letted not, in penning the whole history of Christ our Saviour plainly & as I could, according to my simple capacity and knowledge in English me●ter, to be applied to the tunes of sundry of David's Psalms: following therein the four Evangelists, dissenting from them in nothing, though in the disposing of Christ his acts and doctrines (as near as I could) to their proper places, and as they were done in order of time, I follow other directions. Which work (howsoever) to God's glory I hope, I have finished, and for two especial causes have determined (though the workmanship be but as it were rough hewn, yet in respect of the matter that is so worthy) to dedicate the first fruits of my labours under your worship's name. The first is, your godly zeal and forward affection to the hearing & reading of God's word, much like that noble Roman Caecilia, which let no day pass without reading some part of God's book, and ever carried about her, whither soever she went (the * Rom. 10.17. Deut. 6.6. Cap. 11.18. Luc. 1●. 26. Io●. 5.39. Act. 17.11. touchstone of our faith) the new Testament, which rare virtues of her mind much more adorned and beautified her, then either her birth, though borne of honourable parentage, or her attire how costly so ever. The book of God is in deed to be esteemed of greater value than all other jewels: in it is the heavenly manna, that * joh. 6.48. Cap. 4.14. Cap 7.38. bread of life, and the waters whereof whosoever drinketh shall never thirst, offered us: in it is the * joh. 14.6. way, the truth, and the life taught us, and by this way only have we access unto the Father. Homer. Odyss. lib. 12. The Poets feign that Ulysses sailing between Italy and Sicily, was driven to stop the ears of his company with wax, and to be bound himself to the mast of his ship, lest by hearing the songs and sweet melody of the Siren that lay in his way, he and his should f●ll into their danger: but whosoever saileth in this ship, may safely unbound, and with open ears, pass by all the Sirens of Italy at this day, which exceed (I dare avouch it) for number and craft, an hundred to one that all Italy and Sicily afforded in the days of Vlyss●s. In the book of God is the true and best treacle found, which delivereth the receiver from the poisoned cup of that great Circe the Bishop of Rome, reve. ●8. 3▪ Mar. 16.18. who hath infected so many thousands, and transformed them into swine: in it is that notable whore of Babylon, sitting on a scarlet coloured beast full of names of blasphemy, Revel. 17 3. with seven heads & ten horns, notably described: from whose fornications the Lord deliver us. While your Worship doth (as that kingly prophet David did) exercise yourself in the same book of the law of the Lord day and night, Psal. 1.2. Psal▪ 119. joshua 1.8. you shall easily perceive that vain and wicked are the trash and trumperies that Rome doth offer us, the which I know and can justly report, that with all your heart you utterly abhor them: which gift of grace as God hath begun in you for your good, so I beseech him to continue the same to his glory. In the book of God you shall see that Rom. 1.20. Cap. 10.18. Psal. 19.4. Wisd. 13. ignorance (which the Romanists do account the mother of devotion) can not excuse them: that devotion without knowledge is dotage, and knowledge without virtue ostentation. And therein you shall see and find it indeed, that * Psal. 97.7. Exod 20.3. john 14.13. Cap. 16.23. Matth. 7.7. Reu. 19.10. Cap. 22.9. to pray to Angels or Saints, or for the dead (which they make no small point of their religion) is plain superstition, and their counterfeit holiness hypocrisy. Novelties in these days delight dainty ears, and fine filled phrases so fit some fantasies, that no book except it abound with the one or th'other, or both of these, is brooked of them. Some read Gascoine, some Gueuar●, some praise the Palace of pleasure, and the like whereon they bestow whole days, yea some whole months and years, that scarce bestow one minute on the Bible, albeit the book of God. And no marvel though hypocritical Papists delight in any other book rather than the Bible, seeing that this (as the Sun scorcheth the naked Ethiopians skin) so grieveth the galled consciences of some that when it discovereth their dissembling, they never leave kicking while any Christian is in their company. Other there be that are more mild, who for fear their offices should fly, or their livings be lost, have learned such conformity, that they can dissemble with dear friends in deep points of religion, and seem outwardly that which inwardly in heart they utterly abhor: these snakes are most venomous when they cast their old skins. Are not they gross, & drunk with the dregs of their superstition, that dare utter this blasphemy against God and his word (to terrify and withdraw as much as they may, the well meaning man from so godly and comfortable an exercise) that it is dangerous for the unlearned to read the Bible? If they would consideratively waith what great and grievous punishment the Lord laid on Sennacherib king or Assyria, 2 King. 18.30. Esay. 37.1. 1. Mac. 7.43. Levit. 24.11. Nicanor and others, for blaspheming his name, they would not so rashly do the like. If their forefathers had considered that the word of God is a sea, Ezec. 47.1. wherein both the elephant may swim and the lamb may wade, the greatest Doctor may daily learn in, and the simplest man may concontinually have comfort; and that in the same there is a sovereign salve for every sore, they would not (as I think) have forbidden the reading of God's book, & in stead thereof commanded to be read (yea and that openly in churches) the legend of lies, rather than lives of Saints: not unlike in most places, for method & matter, to the monstrous fables of Garragantua, Huon of Bordeaux, & the like. Whosoever will (as Isaac) continually meditate on God's book, Gen. 24.63. he shall as David saith, find it a lantern to his feet, Psal. 119. and a light to his paths: yea Gods word will be in his mouth sweeter than honey and the honey comb. When I perceived how desirous your Worship was, to hear & read God's word, it greatly moved me to write this book, persuading myself that it will be to you and all the godly, a recreation, to apply some part of this heavenly history of Christ our Saviour to the tune of one of the Psalms of David, that being (as S. Paul adviseth all men) filled with the spirit of God, you may still be speaking unto yourself in Psalms & hymns and spiritual songs, Ephes. 5.18. singing and making melody unto the Lord in your heart, and giving thanks always for all things unto God even the Father, in the name of our Lord jesus Christ. The second reason that moved me to take this work in hand (besides the hope that I have thereby to benefit many, and especially such as have delight to be reading and singing of Ballads and other English metres, by giving them better matter to read and sing, than such commonly do yield unto them) is to signify in some part, my gratefulness to God and your Worship, for the manifold benefits and favours that I and mine have received at your hands: to God (I say) first, as the author, and yourself the instrument that he hath used to do me much good. For if God had not opened your heart, 〈◊〉. 16.14. as he did the heart of Lydia to hear the preaching of S. Paul, you had not regarded my misery. And therefore with David I will as long as I live receive the cup of salvation, ●sal. 116.12. and call upon the name of the Lord: for as nothing pleaseth God more than thankfulness, so nothing can displease God and man more than ungratefulness. But lest some sycophant should (seeking to deface my good meaning) note or charge me with adulation, I will rather pass over the sundry and daily benefits I have and do receive by your Worship's means, with this slight remembrance of them, them give him any such-aduantage, or the least occasion to carp at the same. But if any of Momus mates mislike with my doings, either in this or the rest of my book, (so that the godly & well disposed, & of them chief your Worship, to whom I offer my book and myself to be patronized and defended, do like and allow of it) I esteem not his detractions but as trifles, and his flouts as follies, and therefore let him content himself with this answer, I took not this travel for his sake. And thus desiring your Worship to accept in good part this my humble duty and remembrance of you, as glad by this means to impart the effect of my affection towards you, as the widow was by two mites to manifest her good meaning to the treasury, I beseech Almighty God to bless you and all yours with continual and daily increase of the riches of his graces & gifts, that you may ever go forward from faith to faith, ready with all your endeavours to maintain the quarrel of Christ and his Church, until you be summoned to reign with him in glory without end. Amen. From Prendergast the first day of August, 1594. Your Worships in all duty, Robert Holland. TO THE GODLY and Christian Reader. GEntle Reader, I think my labour well bestowed if the same may benefit any, and my reward sufficient, if the godly like and allow of my book. I must confess, and do, that this work would have required one of greater reading and of far deeper judgement than myself to undertake it: neither can I any way make thee amends for my rashness herein, unless thou accept of my good will, for the recompense. Many will mislike with it, because it is in meeter ( * Beza. Georg. Fabr● hist. de nat. pa● & resur. Chr● carmina. Barthol. Freu● celij odd. sacra● lib. 3. de inca● reb. gestis, & 〈◊〉 Christi. Witt●berg. an. 159● 1. Cor. 2.2. though sundry have done the like in Latin verse:) and many with the meeter, because it is rudely handled. The first I hope will excuse me, if they consider that I seek not herein to set forth myself to the show, but as much as I may to win if not many, yet some, to know Christ jesus crucified. Although this history is so brief and plain in the writings of the four Evangelists, as no mortal man may presume to amend it: and that many worthy and famous men, both for their learning and knowledge, have in sundry languages commented at large, and made very godly and profitable expositions upon the same: yet hath it not won all men to such liking thereof, that they can afford much time to read the one or the other. If I may any way satisfy such, and hereby draw them to savour of the Saviour, our Lord jesus Christ, I shall think my time well spent, and myself not deceived of my desire. Which reckoning of mine if it be allowed for good payment of my godly hostess, I mean the Christian congregation and church of God: there shall none of the children of Belial, the brood of darkness, drive me to any new accounts. I care not who carp at it, so that Christ may be glorified by it, and the Christian and godly Reader satisfied with it: to whose censure I submit it and myself, humbly desiring the learned with favour to find out all faults, & charitably to amend where I have missed. Farewell. Thine in the Lord jesus, R. Holland. 〈…〉 Chronographiam carmen. HEsperiae vasto nox (proh dolor) incubatorbi, Vesanos magica fascinat arte viros: Integer insano divisus orb Britannus Sublimi tuitur sydera fronte poli: Syderis aetherij vulgo speculantur ovantes Ortum, sanati coelica verba libri: Cosmicus, haud obitum metuens, hic syderis ortus Nubeculas Papae, scripta nefanda, fugat. Nec radijs rutilae tantum calet Anglia stellae: Sed calet haec gemini terra sub axe poli: Haec plwialis Hyas, aeterni sermo jehovae, Vivifico cunctos irrigat imbre pios. Passim sacrorum sacrata volumina vatum Lingua profert genti consona quaeque suae. Anglus at errantes stellas videt orb cadentes, Infoelix Babylon stella maligna ruit: Et coniuratos coelum affectare gygantes Deserit Almannus, Gallus, & Anglus atrox, Anglus & aeternas cernit stellas Orientes, Anglica stella nitet regia, Sermo Dei, At chronicus clari spectandus syderis ortus, Hollandi Chronicon, carmine scripta salus: Ardua molitur, laeto canit acta triumpho Prototoci Mariae, tempore quaeque suo: Ortum decantat, vitam, tunc funera Christi: Cum petijt coelos victor, & ordo docet. Ergo manent holland tibi coelestia serta, Carpere námque Theon, nullus obesse, queat. H. Smartus Oxoniensis. 〈…〉 of the Author. IF Maro who did treat of Mars, And Lucan civil wars, If Naso for his wanton verse, And change of men to stars, Possessed great praise and endless fame, What then deserveth he, That treats of him who brought us bliss, And bond did make us free? Whose life he loved not as our health, And us transforms to Angel's wealth. Lo let his praise the brazen posts And Pyramid outwear, Nor let not Momus cankered tooth, The work praise worthy tear: But as the Phoenix shall it live, Though birth renewing new: And as the fire which watery thorns, And green wood doth subdue, Doth flame at length: so maugre spite, It flourish shall to goods delight. Io. Pine in eiusdem. LEt fame take now her flight, From place to place, and say, That if men look to find aright, To life a ready way, Or seek the sovereign pearl, That far surpasseth gold, They may herein find either well, Sent free to them, not sold. Let him in lieu of pain, Reap this reward therefore, That gives what wit (not wealth) did gain, A name for evermore. THE FIRST PART OF THE HISTORY OF CHRIST OUR SAVIOUR, AS IT IS WRITTEN BY the Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and john. Written in English meeter by R. H. to the tune of the Psal. 81. The promised Messiah. BE light, and glad, in God rejoice, Psal. 81.1. Which is our strength and stay, Confess also with heart and voice, Gen. 3.15. & 12.3. & 28.14▪ Act. 3.25. Ga. 3.8. Num. 24.17. Esay. 40.9. His goodness every way: Whose promise to the patriarchs passed So oft, and long before, God hath performed at the last; To him be praise therefore. His word into the world he sent, joh. Colos. 1.16. Hebr. 11.3. By whom he made the same: Who us to save, (as then was meant) A perfect man became▪ Christ is that light, that lighteneth all, john 1.9. Mat. 4.1. mar. 1.12. luc ●. 1. cor. 15. ●. That in the world do dwell: Of him the devil had a fall; He hath us freed from h●ll. The Angel Gabriel saluteth the virgin Marie. ●uc. 1.26.27. To nazareth Gabriel came from God, A town in Galilee: Six months after, (and no odd,) He spoke to Zacharie. To blessed Marie, than he went, A maid and virgin pure: And said (all hail) to thee is meant, Much happiness be sure. Luc. 1.31. Math. 1.21. Esay. 7.14. The Lord thy God, hath thought it good, That thou shalt bear his son: Which when she heard and understood, She said his will be done. I nothing doubt what thou hast said, But do the same believe: No fond conceit shall cause men fear, All thanks to God I give. Marie visiteth her cousin Elizabeth. Luc. 1.39. When he was gone from her away, Most joyful, and most glad The virg●● was, to see that day, And h●●e the news she had. Straightway she thence went hastily, Her cousin for to see: They did rejoice most heartily, Such mothers both to be. joseph disposed to leave Marie, was satisfied by an Angel, and so took her. Math. 1.19. Deu. 24.1. But this amazed joseph's mind. That was a man so just: He thought his spouse had been unkind, And had abused his trust. Yet when he meant to shift away With her, his worldly shame: An Angel warned him where he lay, And then he took the dame. The taxing of the world under Aug. Caesar. And in Augustus Caesar's reign, Luc. 2.1. When all the world so wide, He so commanding, this is plain, Was taxed on every side. Cirenius over Syria, Was governor also: When to be taxed in judea, They thither both did go. joseph and Marie. With Marie, his espoused wife, Luc. 2. ●. Math. 2.6. joh. 7.42. Micah. 5.2. From Nazareth he came: To Bethlehem; to lead his life, To answer to the same. Of David's house and line they wear, And therefore thought it good: Among all such their tax to bear, As were of David's blood. The birth of Christ in Bethlehem. While they were there her days were done, Luc. 2.6. An. mundi. 4142. An. Aug. Caesar. 42. An. Herod. Ant. 33. Christus natus. Her childbearing did high: So she brought forth, and bore a son; Such was their poverty, A stable room they only had, This heavenly babe to lay: Whose birth hath made so many glad, Within a cratch of hay. His clothes were clouts, they wrapped him in, And laid in cratch he was: Although his weeds were very thin, Between an Ox and Ass. Thus poorly came our mighty king, into the world so vain: Without all pomp, our prince did bring His people out of pain. Christ, our Messiah, God and man, Borne of a virgin pure, Contented (though no princes can, Such poverty endure:) For kingly court, with stable was, For bed of Down, with hay: A while in manger by an Ass, The king of kings he lay. An Angel declareth to the shepherds the birth of Christ, and they are made witnesses of it. Luc. 2.8. His birth the Lord did first bewray, To shepherds poor and base: Which day and night in field did stay, Their flock of sheep to graze. An Angel came most gloriously, Unto those silly men, Saluting them, (though graciously) Yet were they fearful then. Let not your minds be so afraid, For tidings of great joy I bring to you: the Angel said, Nothing shall you annoy. All people may rejoice at this, And praise their God for aye: For Christ the Lord is borne iwis, in Bethlehem this day. And this (as sign) you shall espy, The saviour shall be laid, All swaddled, in a cratch to lie, In poorest sort arrayed. Disdain not you his poverty, The Saviour is the same; He will his save most certainly, From everlasting blame. Then with the Angel straightway were, A multitude surely: Of heavenly soldiers, praising there One God in trinity. All glory be to God on high, And in the earth be peace, And towards men continually, Good will may still increase. So when the Angels all were gone, To heaven melodiously: The shepherds of their news anon Would try the verity. They went, and saw what they had heard, And published the same: All wondered at what they declared, Though few believed the fame. They praising God, not now afraid, Did thence again departed: But Marie kept what they had said, And pondered in her heart. Euseb. lib. 1. ca 4. probat Chr. regem, sacerd. & propheta● esse. For she brought forth the Lord, the Prince, The prophet, and the priest: That did the devil, and death convince, Our Saviour jesus Christ. The Circumcision of Christ. ●uc. 2.21. When eight days were accomplished, Because they stood in awe: The child was then Circumcised, According to the law. Then jesus was he called by name, His friends ordaining so: Because the Angel willed the same, To joseph long ago. The wisemen, the first fruit of the Gentiles, came from the East and worshipped Christ. Math. 2.1. L. Codomamnus. Epipha. & alij dicunt magos Chr. adoravisse 12. die post eius nativitatem. Next, after this came from the East, The wisemen by a star: To see this babe; for ever blessed, The wisemen came so far. In Herod's days these wisemen came, And asked (him) this thing: We saw his star, yet heard no fame, Of Christ your Prince and King. Babilonij & Persae magos: Graeci Philosophos: Indi, Brachmenas': Aegiptij gymnosophi. judaei Prophetas homines doctos & sapientes vocant. Where is he borne? that we may see, And worship him they say? King Herod, what is known to thee, Declare without delay. This troubled all Jerusalem, (as it had done the King:) Yet many knew in Bethlehem, Should be this childbearing. But Herod fearing his estate, So doubtful to endure: Did of this matter much debate, His Crown it was not sure. Therefore, he sent the men away, To search where Christ should be: That Christ (saith he) without delay, May worshipped be by me. Now as the chief Priests, Scribes, and rest, Had therein taught to them: The wisemen so were ready priest, To go to Bethlehem, Yet warned by the king they were, To make return again: Thereby he thought, to end his fear, When he the child had slain. So they depart, and lo the star, Which they had seen before: (By which they had now journeyed far, And were to travail more,) Did still direct them in their way, Each day by day and night, Till they had seen (it did not stray,) The only Lord of might. Whom, when they found, they fell down flat, To worship him, and these Gave to him treasures, each one what Each one of them did please. Or as their country yielded then, They unto him did bring Gold, incense, myrrh: those sage wisemen, Did offer to that king. And so being warned in a night, (For God an Angel sent) Another way with all their might, They to their country went. Then they perceived, that Herod's drifts, Was only him to slay: Whom they adored with their gifts, Therefore they went their way. Christ was presented in the temple at jerusalem: where Simeon and Anna witnessed of him. Marry purified according to the law. ●c. 2.22. ●uit. 12.6. When Mary's days were finished, Full thirty days and three: She afterward was purified, As women wont to be. And then the child they did present, Meekly before the Lord: For to jerusalem then went, His friends with one accord. ●uc. 2.23. exod. 13 2. ●euit. 12.8. This was a law they did observe, The first that opened The mother's womb; they did reserve To God as hallowed. And offered an oblation, Of turtle Doves a pair, Or pigeons young: this portion They would not sure appair. Luc. 2.25. Then Simeon surnamed just, That long had lived there: For Israel's comfort he did trust, He lived of God in fear. The holy Ghost him this foretold, No death shall dint on thee, The Lord his Christ (though thou art old) Before thou surely see. Luc. 2.27. He then into the temple came, When jesus there was brought: And speaking plainly of the same, As in his mind he thought, Said, Lord, now lettest thou in peace, Thy servant to departed: According to thy promise, ease Is happened to my heart. For with mine eyes, I sure have seen, Salvation sent by thee: And in mine arms, thy son hath been, That works the same for me. Him thou prepared hadst before, To be the Gentiles light: And eke to Israel ever more, Their glory and their might. Then joseph and his mother mild Did marvel much, to hear The words he spoke there of the child, And pondered them with fear. Yet Simeon blessing them, could say, Luc. 2.34. Psal. 118.22. Esay. 8.14. Cap. 28.16. Math. 21.42. Act. 4.11. Rom. 9.33. 1. Pet. 2.7. Oh Marry be content, This fall to many, is the stay, To Israel was meant. Old Anna was a Prophetess, Which prayed day and night: This likewise did the child confess, To be the Gentiles light. She came by chance, the same to see, Luc. 2.36. That she so much desired, The rites, performed orderly, They homewards all retir'de. joseph warned of an Angel flieth into Egypt. After all this; was joseph warned, Math. 2.13, Hosea. 11.1. That he should take the child, And mother; then, all three unharmde, Lest they should be beguiled. For Herod, as the Angel said, Would seek to take his life: Wherefore to Egypt all afraid, Went joseph and his wife. The infants slain. Math. 2.16. Herod (as mocked) did take a scorn, And in his angry mood, Slew infants all in Bethlehem borne, And spilled their guiltless blood. The children there of two years old, Or under as they were; He slew them all; his act was bold, It wanted grace and fear. Math. 2.18. ●erem. 31.15. This act was foretold long before, In jeremy we read, That Rachel she should so deplore, Her children being dead. Which was accomplished in deed, By Herod in his ire: Who made so many infants bleed, Yet missed of his desire. For Christ was gone from thence away, To Egypt to remain: Whence he till Herod's dying day, Did not return again. That it which erst the Prophet said, Might certainly be done: Hosea. 11.1. Math. 2.15. I out of Egypt unaffrayd, Have called back my son. joseph warned again by an Angel, returneth out of Egypt, after the death of Herod. When Christ was now full five years old, Math. 2.19. Epiphan. supp●seth that Chr● was 6. yeare● old at his return out of egypt: other think but fiu● because he w● but 3. going 〈◊〉 stayed there tw● Math. 2.20. And had in Egypt been Two years or more, as authors hold, The Angel there was seen, To warn josephus thence to come, Again to Israel: And bring his wife, and son, (as some Supposed) there to dwell. For now they were both dead and gone, That sought the child his life: Then he and his supposed son Returned and his wife. But Archelaus Herod's son, That held his father's place, Made joseph think they were undone, He doubted of his grace. He went and turned then aside, Another part unto, Of Galilee; there to abide, Math. 2.23. As he was wild to do. In Nazareth he did remain, That it might come to pass: What erst the Prophets very plain Foretold: and so it was. jesus being twelve years old disputeth with the elders in the Temple at jerusalem. His parent's year by year they went, Luc. 2 41. Deut. 16.2. Their passover to hold: And did the same with like intent, When Christ was twelve years old. They to jerusalem did go, And there abode the days Appointed for that feast; no more, For than they went their ways. Yet Christ the Lord abode behind, Whom they with sorrow sought Three days, not knowing well his mind, What then our Saviour thought. For he began to set abroach The business he had: Who did perceive the time approach, To make his chosen glad. Among the Doctors as he taught, And posed them withal, His parents found him, that were fraught With grief unto the gall. Yet were they eased; and pleased to hear Each one to give him praise: Though hay had sought their son with fear, And sorrow sundry ways. Then he again obediently, To Nazareth did come: And served his parents reu'rently, Most like a loving son. And he increased in stature so, In wisdom, and in grace With God and men, where he did go, That happy was the place. Six things specially to be noted in this first part of the History. Six things, we may especially, In this part mark and see: Pertaining to Christ's infancy, As authors do agree. 1 First, of what line Christ jesus came: Luc. 2 4. 2. Sam. 7.12. Luc. 1.35. He was of David's seed, 2 The holy Ghost conceived the same That Marie bore in deed. 3 The wisemen thirdly, came to see, Math. 2 3. And seek to find a king: Then found, confessed him so to be, For whom they treasure bring. 4 Fourthly, by flight Christ scapeth sure, Math. 2 14. King Herod's heavy hand: 5 For him, the infant's death endure, Math. 2.16. When Christ had left the land. 6 Sixtly, being warned to come again, Math. 2.21. For sundry causes good, From Egypt where they did remain, josephus past the flood, And came to lurie for to dwell, Thus tossed cruelly, Was Christ the king of Israel, From his weak infancy. Thus did our good and loving God, Luc. 1.31. Send down his only son: To save us sinners from his rod, 1. Thess. ●. 9. That else had been undone. There was no merits left for man, Act. 4.12. His silly soul to save; But only this, Christ only can, joh. Gal. 4.4. Revive us in the grave. This Christ at the appointed time, took flesh, of Adam's seed: 〈◊〉. 3.19. Whose substance was but earthy slime, This flesh, he took in deed. And in this flesh, that did offend, This second Adam he Did all our former faults amend, And fully made us free. 〈◊〉. 1.12. ●●l. 2.32. ●ct. 2, 21. ●m. 10.13. ●ct. 3.16. ●sal. 81.1. As many as unfeignedly Believe and say the same, They find salvation certainly, In jesus Christ his name. Therefore be glad, in God rejoice, He is our strength and stay: Be joyful, and lift up your voice, To jacobs' God always. Amen. THE SECOND PART OF THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, containing those things which he did the first year after his Baptism: which was the thirty. of his age, according to the four Evangelists. To the tune of the lords Prayer. Christ baptized the time when, and where he was baptized. CHrist, thirty years of age at jest, Luc. 3.23. Euseb. lib. 1. Cap. 11. Carion. Chron. lib. 3. de 4. Monarch. fol. 110 Began to preach the Gospel then: Our saviour Christ, was ready priest, To bring glad tidings unto men: But ere he would this enterprise, In jordan john did him baptize. Tiberius Caesar as we read, Luc. 3.1. Then reigned full the fifteenth year: judea pilate ruled as head. In Galilee, it doth appear, That Herod reigned in the place: And in Iturea Philip was. Lysanias ruled Abylen, Annas and Cayphas high Priests were: Th'evangelists agree that then, john preached and baptized there. Among the rest, he did baptize Our Saviour Christ, but on this wise. Mat. 3.13. Mar. 1.12. Luc. 3.21. Christ jesus came from Galilee, To jordan, where john did baptize: john Christ foreruning certainly, His office did well exercise With diligence, whose time then came, To yield to Christ, and leave the same. Mat. 3.11. Mar. 1.8. Luc. 3.16. joh. 1.26. Act. 1.5. Cham 2.4. Cham 8 17. Cham 19.4.5. With water I baptize, said he, men's lives t'amend I teach the way: But he that cometh after me, To baptize his, will not delay, With fire and with the holy Ghost, To whom I yield; his might is most. Therefore, when Christ Baptisde would be, Mat. 3.13. Mar. 1.9. Luc. 3. ●1. john put him back, and said, I need To have thy help, comest thou to me? Christ said again, we must in deed, Both thus all righteousness fulfil: Then john obeyed Christ jesus will. Christ needed not at all to have This badge of penitence: but he That meant his chosen for to save, Most humble shows himself to be. Christ Baptism did receive therefore, That he might honour it the more. When Christ out of the water went, Straightway the heavens were opened: john saw the same incontinent, Assoon as it then happened, The holy Ghost, john like a dove, Did see descending from above. He heard withal from heaven this voice, Math. 3.17 Mar. 1.11. Luc. 3.22. joh. 1.32. Math. 17.5. 2 Pet. 1.17. Colloss. 1.13 This is my well-beloved son, In whom I only do rejoice, By him my will is truly done; The Father, Son, and Spitite he Then heard, and saw, at once all three. The voice, and sight, john heard, and saw, joh. 1.33. Assured him, that this was he, Of whom, all men should stand in awe, By whom, all men must saved be. He that sent john for to baptize, Said, thou shalt see him in such wise. john then, discharging well his place, Was glad in heart to leave the same, And yield to Christ, so full of grace; Of whom he published the fame. I came before, said john, to tell, And spread his name in Israel. Christ by the spirit was lead into the wilderness where he fasted forty days and 40. nights. After all this, Math. 4.1. Mar. 1.12. Luc. 4.8. the spirit lead Christ jesus, to the wilderness: Where he trod down the Serpent's head, To bring us out of heaviness. There first, he did both prey and fast, While forty days and nights did last. Among wild beasts he lived then, This was his comfort all those days: August. in Psal. 85. (So far from company of men,) In prayer to talk with God always. Christ thus with reverent care did take, In hand his office for our sake. But after that those days were done, To show him perfect man to be, An hungered was God's only son, Though far from food as then was he. The tempter thought this place most fit And time to ply his wily wit. Christ was tempted of the devil three ways, and thrice himself overcome by Christ. joh. 8.44. He like himself, is always found Most false, and feign would Christ deceive: This first demand he did propound, (As doubting (though he did perceive) That Christ the son of God should be; And tries it with devices three.) The first temptation. First, to despair he Christ would bring, As then to doubt of help at need: His wants he knew, and urged that thing, If thou be Christ, God's son in deed, Command these stones made bread to be: For other food I can not see. Math. 4.4. Deut. 8.3. Christ answereth, man doth not live By bread alone, as thou dost deem, God's word is bread, which I believe Doth feed all his, this I esteem. By it, man's life preserved is: Satan's first fall. I will not tempt my God in this. The second temptation. Then next, the devil devised so From doubt, to confidence as vain, Christ to provoke, they both thence go The temple to, from top again Satan willed Christ to take a fall: Angels will aid thee if thou call. For this is written sure, said he, Psal. 91.11.12. That God hath charg'de them so to do, If thou dost fall, then shall I see, And show it unto many more. Thus did the devil God's word abuse: Which God hath willed us well to use. Christ said again, this written is, Deut. 6.16. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God: Who so doth so, deserveth this, For such a fault, to feel his rod. Satan's second fall. I will not so deceived be: Depart therefore, thou devil from me. Lastly, by wealth and worldly gain, The third temptation. The subtlest shift of all the rest Man to deceive, whose mind is vain, This wile as then the devil addressed, To tempt our Saviour Christ withal: Not doubting him therewith to fall. He brought him to a mountain high, These worldly kingdoms to behold: The devil was in his majesty, This act of his was very bold. All these (said he) will I give thee, If thou fall down and worship me. But jesus could no more abide, Satan's third fall. To hear him vaunt so much amiss: Christ did convince him then of pride, To offer him that was not his. Void Satan; get thee hence away: Deut. 6.13. Chap. 10.20. Worship the Lord; thy God obey. You see therefore Christ jesus was So by the spirit led away: He fasted, in a desert place. Aret. in Cap. 4. Math. fol. 28. He practised prayer day by day, And Satan's sleights did overthrow, All this the Scripture, doth us show. Hebr. 2.18. And in that he was tempted so, And suffered: S. Paul doth say, He is well able to help more, That tempted are by any way. We need not therefore stand in fear, When we do call, Christ will give ear. Though Satan, had three drifts divisde, By fraud our Saviour Christ to foil: Yet naked then, and all disguised, He gained shame for his great toil. Three ways he tempted Christ withal, And thrice himself he had the fall. This conquest of th'infernal foe, Christ jesus made ere he began In open sight himself to shoe, The Saviour of mortal man. That his might evermore boldly, The devil and all his works dofie. When Satan felt his force, he flayed, And left Christ jesus all alone: Gen. 3.15. The woman's seed, on Serpent's head In his good time, did tread upon, And then the Angels to him came, To be as witness of the same. john's testimony of Christ. joh. 1.15. While Christ was in the wilderness, And unreturned back again, The Scripture plainly doth express, That idle john did not remain. The jews sent to him, for to see, They thought him sure that Christ to be. But jesus he confessed to be, joh. 1.15. Before him, and his greater to: All grace in him received we, Said he, and so all faithful do. The law by Moses given was: By jesus Christ came truth and grace. God was not seen of any man, joh. 1.18. 1. Tim. 6.16. 1. joh. 4.12. His son hath him declared sure: Which best and only do it can, And doth both God and man endure. Which in the father's bosom still Doth rest, and knoweth all his will. One day ere Christ came back again, Lau. Codomamnus saith that john gave this answer to the Priests & levites the day before Chr. came from the wilderness. Febr. 14. To Bethabara where they were, The Priests and Levites answer plain Of john receive, back home to bear. What art thou, they to john did say? Tell us, let us go hence away. Confessing, he did not deny, That Christ whom ye suppose I am, I am not he assuredly. Tell whom thou dost thyself then name? joh. 1.20. Mar. 1.7. Act. 13.25. Art thou Elias? no said he. Whom makest thou thyself to be? Art thou that Prophet? john said no. What art thou then the Levites say? Give answer now and let us go, So answer others that we may. For hither they for this intent, Us from jerusalem have sent. ●oh. 1.23. Esay. 40.3. Math. 3.3. Luc. 3.4. I surely am (said john) the voice, That in the wilderness doth cry, Unto all such as do rejoice, That their redemption is nigh. Make strait the paths, prepare the way, Of God the Lord, without delay. They which were sent were pharisees, They asked him then, thus again, Why Baptisest thou now all these, If thou be none of both those twain? That Christ, nor yet Elyas he; How can this work agree with thee? joh. 1.27. Math. 3.11. Mar. 1.7. Luc. 3.16. Act. 1.5. Cap. 11.16. Cap. 19.4. john said, with water I baptize, But there doth stand among you one, Whom ye acknowledge in no wise, For all that I to you have done: He was before me, and his shoes, I am not worthy to unloose. These things in Bethabara were So done, as you do hear the same: For john baptized even there, As many then as to him came: And Christ returned the next day, When john had sent those men away. joh. 1.29. At Christ's return, john sure said this, Forthwith as jesus came that way, Behold, the lamb of God it is, That cometh here, this man I say, He of this world, and all therein, Away will only take the sin. john the 17. of February, An. mundi 4170. sent Disciples to Christ, this was john Baptist. A few days after this was done, joh. 1.35. Christ as before then passing by, Behold, said john, here is the son, And lamb of God assuredly. This his Disciples heard him say, Andrew and john called. And two of them went strait away. Andrew and john were the same twain. Aret. in Cap. 1 Ioh fol. 147. This was john Evangelist, he that wrote this Gospel. That followed Christ, to them said he, What seek ye? where dost thou remain Rabbi, said they? he said come see. They went and saw, and both did stay With Christ our Saviour all that day. His brother Simon Andrew found, Peter called. joh. 1.41. And brought to Christ, to whom Christ gave Cephas to name, which men expound To be a stone, and this we have To note, that as his name so was, His faith for firmness it would pass. In this discourse, well may we see, As john, so his, themselves did show, Most willing, that all men might be Brought the Messiah for to know, To Christ john sent such as he won, For than he knew his time was done. In Christ's return to Galilee, Philip called. joh. 1.43. He finding Philip by the way, Said, follow me: he presently Christ's call most humbly did obey; This Philip of Bethsaida was, And Andrew also of that place. ●en. 49.10. ●eut. 18.18. ●●ay. 4.2. ●erem. 23.5. ●zek. 34.23. ●an. 9.24. Then Philip found nathanael, And said the Saviour is hear: The only king of Israel, A Nazarite he doth appear. Can any good come, I pray thee, From Nazareth (Philip) said he? nathanael ●alled. ●oh. 1.46. Then Philip said, come thou and see. When jesus saw nathanael, Oh Israeli●ie, no guile in thee, Or deep deceit (said he) doth dwell. Whence knowst thou me, said he again? I never saw thee, this is plain. Then jesus said, I did thee see, Ere Philip came and called thee thence, When thou wast under the fig tree. nathanael said in their presence, God's son thou art, I see it well, And eke the king of Israel. Because I said so, unto thee, Said jesus to nathanael; I saw thee under the fig tree, Believest thou? thou dost well. Thou shalt see greater things than these: Thy plainness, me said Christ, doth please. Hereafter, shall ye verily, The heau'ens see open all above, And Angels coming certainly, joh. 1.51. Gen. 28.12. Upon his son, whom God doth love. Ascending and descending they, The son of man will all obey. The first miracle that Christ wrought was in Cana in Galilee at the marriage, Bonaventura Mantuan. as some suppose of john the Evangelist, turning water to wine. In Cana was a marriage made, joh. 2.1. (This Cana was in Galilee,) Three days after Philip had Been called of Christ so lovingly: And eke nathanael also: Or after Christ did thither go. Marry unto the marriage came, So Christ withal was bidden there, And his Disciples to the same, As john reports, all called were. Of miracles the first this was, That Christ then wrought in the same place. But Marry there presumed so, That Christ gave her a grievous check; In thought man may not God out-go, Prescribe not him, obey his beck. They have no wine (oh son) said she: Said Christ to her. Oh what have I to do with thee? He turned yet (as he before Had with himself in mind decreed) Six water pots (to mend their store) Of water full, to wine in deed. And show'd his glory, that he might So strength their faith, that saw the sight. Christ went from Cana to Capernaum. From Cana to Capernaum he, joh. 2.12. Aret. in joh. 2 Theophilact. Chrisost. His mother, and his brethren went: Because he there used oft to be, To leave his mother there he meant. For it would weary her to go From place to place, though Christ did so. For her Christ jesus did provide, (To teach us all the like to do,) Where he was wont for to abide, ●ath. 9.1. And liked of the place also, For where his mother placed he, His City, it was named to be. Yet there (as then) he tarried not, But very shortly went away, For nothing could make him forgot, Or then his father's works delay, The more he car'de for his in deed, He did the more about this speed. Christ went thence to jerusalem to the feast of the passover, and there drove the buyers and sellers out of the Temple. ●h. 2.13. From Capernaum Christ did go, Up to jerusalem; for he, As other, always used so, Not sailing, at that feast to be. The passover was then at hand, A feast observed through the land: ●h. 2.14. ●ath. 21.12. ●ar. 11.15. ●uc. 19.45. When Christ came there, as he did use, Into the Temple than he went, Where he reproving their abuse, All such out of the Temple sent, As did therein then buy or sell, And told them plain they did not well. A whip of cords Christ jesus made, Wherewith both oxen, sheep and men, He drove out, he lowed there no trade, No not money strangers then, Those thence he forced to pack away, And suffered none of them to stay. Such as sold doves, they had a check, He did command them quickly thence; Perforce they must obey his beck, He not regards their ware or pence, But said my father's house make ye, No house of merchandise to be. They were amazed all at this, Yet none of them durst disobey, Resist, or say thou dost amiss, They yielded all and went away. But his Disciples thought in mind, This zeal God joys in him to find. When this was done, joh. 2.17. Psal. 69.9. the jews began To question with him thus again: What sign show'st thou? oh son of man, That thou dost this? declare it plain: joh. 2.19. Math. 26.6▪ Cap. 27.42. Mar. 14.58. Cap. 15.29. Destroy this Temple, in three days, The same again I will up raise. The Temple-sixe and thirty years In building was; thus answer they, This unto us no truth appears, That did thy words and works obey. They meant the Church of lime and stone, Christ meant his body, flesh and bone. When he was risen from the dead, Then his Disciples called to mind What he foretold, and how he spread, A truth in him they still did find, The ground of their belief, they make The Scripture; and the word he spoke. While he did at that feast remain, Many believed in his name: They saw his works, they were not vain, His wonders wanted not their fame. He gave to them no credit then: For he knew well that vain were men. Christ instructeth Nicodemus in the regeneration by water and the holy Ghost. 〈◊〉 3.1. There was a man, a Pharisie, A ruler, one of chiefest fame, named Nicodemus verily: This man by night to jesus came. He had a mind for to amend, Yet men he feared to offend. Master he said, we know thou art, A teacher come from God above: Such signs and works none can impart, But such a one as God doth love. Those miracles that he had done: Approved him to be God's son. Said jesus, I do say to thee, Except a man be borne again, Of water and the spirit, he Shall not Gods kingdom sure obtain. Can this be true, as thou hast told, May man be borne that once is old? Assuredly, except a man Be borne as I have said to thee: Heaven be never enter can, God's kingdom he shall never see. Of flesh, but flesh is borne iwis: The spirit yields that spirit is. Thou knowst not whence cometh the wind, Whose going in and out to thee, Though by thine ear the sound thou find, The seat thereof thou dost not see. Who of the spirit is borne hear, Is so, though strange it doth appear. Nicodemus said, how can these things be. A teacher greater things should know, I testify that I have seen, When earthly things to thee I show, If dull and faithless thou hast been; What wilt thou be, when I declare Of heavenly things? and what they are. No man ascendeth up above, But he that did descend from thence: The son of man, whom God doth love, And is in heaven in his presence. He must be lift, joh. 3.14. Nomb. 21.9. as by Moses The Serpent was in wilderness. That who so doth in him believe, joh. 3.16. 1. joh. 4.9. Eternal life the same may have: For God his only son did give, The faithful from hell fire to save. The world to save God's son was sent: It to condemn God was not bend. Condemned shall he never be, That doth believe in him, the same Condemned is already he, Whose faith is not firm in his name. The light is come, yet darkness more Do worldly men love, than before. The evil ever hate the light, By it their deeds reproved are, He loves the truth, that with his might His deeds by day seeks to declare. Oh Nicodemus, all I say, A faithful heart must bear away. Christ returning into judea preached the Gospel, and baptized the people by his Disciples near john, of purifying a question did then arise. joh. 3.22. After this done, came Christ again, With his Disciples as we read, Into judea, this is plain, Where he baptizing tarried, john did baptize in Enon by, And ply'de his office carefully. joh. 3.25. Of water there they had great store▪ And john was not in prison cast, But as the number waxed more, Of Disciples, strife grew as fast, The jews, and john's Disciples, crave Of purifying the truth to have. john's testimony again of jesus. joh. 3.26. They also came to john, and said, Most men to Christ (baptizing) go. john bade them be no whit dismayed, From heaven it is appointed so: Ye know, I said, I am not he; Christ must increase, as you do see. He that is come from God on high, Doth testify what he hath seen, joh. 3.33. Ro●. 3 4. He that receives it, verily, Doth seal how true our God hath been, Whom God sent, speaks God's word, john saith, And plenteously God's spirit hath. The Father loved the son, john. 3.35. Math. 11.27 Habac. 2.4. 1. joh. 5.1. and gave All things he had into his hand, He that believes in him shall have Eternal life, this understand, They dead are that him disobey, The wrath of God all such will slay. jesus to avoid danger departed out of judea into Galilee. When he, that knew of all things well, joh. 4.1. Perceived by relation, Or of himself, for he could tell His enemy's intention, How that the pharisees did hear, That he was famous every where: And that he made Disciples more, And more baptized then likewise, Then john, that had gone him before. Mark ye now well Christ jesus guise, He did his office earnestly, Yet voided danger warily. Christ passing through Samaria towards Galilee, conferred with a woman at the well of Sichar: and converted many Samaritans. Christ leaving jury, did departed, joh. 4.3. And went again to Galilee, He knew what love or hate in heart Men bore him hidden outwardly, Christ through Samaria needs would go, He had himself decreed so. What works for him did there abide, To bring the Gentiles to the light, He did foreknow, and then did guide joh. 4.5. Gene. 48.22. Cap. 33.19. josua. 24.32. His company to Si●har right, Near to the place that jacob gave, Where joseph should possession have. And there on faithful jacobs' well, Christ jesus sat about midday: A woman, that thereby did dwell, For water came while he did stay. But his Disciples they were gone, Into the City, every one. The jews agreed not with the Samaritans, because they professed themselves to be jews, come of the seed of jacob and kept Moses law, while the jews were in prosperity: and in their adversity denied them saying, that they were Syrians, Medes and Babylonians the jews enemies, and hereof grew their hatred. Then to the woman jesus said, For me to drink some water give: So she again then undelayed, Said, thou a jew art I believe; jews with Samaria disagree, And water askest thou of me? Then jesus said, oh woman, see: If thou the gift of God didst know, And who it is that asketh thee, Thou wouldest not then seem so slow, To ask of him, for he can give Water of life, if thou believe. The woman said, the well is deep, And thou hast nought to draw withal: Where dost thou then thy water keep? Or dost of me for water call? This well our father jacob gave, Whose name in reverence here we have. Art thou greater than jacob was? He drank of it, and so did then His children, in this very place, His cattle, and his household men. But jesus said, who so doth drink Of this, will thirst, thou so must think. The water I give, who drink will, Thirsteth no more while he doth live, It shall in him be springing still To everlasting life; this give That I thirst not, oh sir said she, Nor to draw here more driven be. Then jesus said, thy husband call, And come again with him to me. Husband I have now none at all, To jesus then thus answered she. Thou hast well said; thou hast had five, This is not thine, that is alive. joh. 4.19. ca 6 14. Luc. 7.16. Mount jerizim wherein a temple was built by the Samaritans of envy to the temple at jerusalem. joseph. li. 11. ca 7.8 Thou art a Prophet I do see: Our fathers worshipped in this mount, But now jerusalem say ye, To worship in, men most account, The hour is come, now shines the light, Yet here, nor there, ye worship right. Ye worship that ye do not know, We worship that we know and see: Salvation is, I say to you, joh. 4.22. Deut. 12.5. 2. King. 17.29. Come of the jews, and now said he, In truth and spirit men have need, The father to adore in deed. Rom. 1.8. God is a spirit, and they must, In spirit and in truth withal, Worship him, that in him trust, joh. 4.24. 2. Cor. 3.17. And on his name for mercy call. Messiah comes (said she again,) And he will teach us all things plain. joh. 4.26. Cap. 9.37. Ca 10.11 Math. 26.64. Mar. 14.62. Luc. 21.69. He said to her, lo I am he; And his Disciples came with that: When Christ so talk with her they see, They all did marvel much thereat. They of their meat did offer make, But he as then no meat would take. Christ answered his Disciples, that his harvest was ripe. joh. 4.35. Math. 9.37. Luc. 10.2. His meat, was to accomplish then His father's will, and work to end, The harvest is among all men Most ripe, where to God did you send: The reaper wages shall receive, And sour joy thereof perceive. Herein the proverb true is found, That one doth sow, another reap, You reap where other tilled the ground, Their labours all on you I heap. The woman all this while was gone, And left Christ there, though not alone. She went into the City then, Come see, said she, one that told me, All I have done; and strait the men Went out our Saviour Christ to see; Whom when they saw, they did believe, For words that she to them did give. When the Samaritans were come, They prayed him to tarry there, And he abode (as saith some,) Two days with them, and they with fear, When they had heard, and seen also His words, and works, believed tho. Then said they to the woman, we Do now believe, not for thy sake, But for the words, and works we see, For Christ the Saviour we him take. So two days after, thence he went, To Galilee; for so he meant. Christ passing from Samaria to Galilee, turned aside to Nazareth, where he preached on the Sabbath day, etc. When from Samaria he was gone, Luc. 4.16. Math. 13.5 Mar. 6.1. joh. 4.43. To Nazareth he took his way, Christ knew what best was to be done, No time he would at all delay: About his father's work he went, In which his time he wholly spent. Then to their Synagogue to preach, Upon the Sabbath day he came; Esayas book they did him reach, Luc. 4.18. Esay. 61.1. That he might read upon the same. Whereout he taught them what he was, What he should teach, and bring to pass. Christ reproveth the ingratitude of his countrymen: affirming that a Prophet is esteemed least in his own country. His doctrine so astonished some, joh. 6.42. Luc. 4.22. Mar. 6.3. Math. 13.55 That they did wonder at his words, Whence doth (say they) this wisdom come? Or who to him these works affords? Is not that josephes' son (we pray,) The Carpenter, we heard this day? His mother Marie we do call, His brethren be they not with us? As men amazed were they all, To hear him so that text discuss. Luc. 4 24. ●ob. 4.44. Save in his country, than said he, A Prophet sure shall honoured be. ●am. 5.17. Luc. 4.25. ● King. 17.9. Wherefore he said to them again; When famine plagued Israel, And they for three years wanted rain, And months six, as stories tell, Eliah then was sent to none, Save in Sarepta unto one. Luc. 4.27. 2. King. 5.14. Oh israel, thy leprosy, Was great in Eliseus' time, Yet none could find a remedy, But Naaman was cured by him. When they heard this it grieved them sore, And they devised his death therefore. So rising▪ they out thrust him all, And lead him on that very hill, Where they might give him such a fall, As might have pleased their wicked will. He freely yet from them did go, Escaping for all they could do. Christ went from Nazareth to Cana in Galilee, where he restored the ruler's son to health, the noble man and all his household believed. joh. 4.46. To Cana Christ from nazareth came, The Galileans him received, And joyfully they did the same, His Godhead there was well perceived, Of water wine he made before, Now one to life he did restore. A ruler, that thereby did dwell, At Capernaum, had a son Sore sick: when he of Christ heard tell, And what he every where had done, He came to Christ, and him did pray, To go with him without delay. His son was ready now to die, Therefore he made the greater haste. Your unbelief assuredly, Doth make you many words to waste, But go thy way, thy son doth live. He went, and did Christ's word believe. And as he journeyed, by the way, He heard his son recovered, And by account that hour and day. That jesus health had promised: So he and his believed all. Christ when he will, can thus men call. Christ hearing of john's imprisonment went to Capernaun, after he called sundry of his Apostles, preached the Gospel in Galilee, and healed the diseased. When john was then imprisoned, Math. 4.13. Or much about that time, I say, Christ went and he inhabited Capernaum; and there did stay▪ The sea of Zabulon was nigh, And Nepthalim assuredly. Esayas Prophecid before, Math. 4.15. Esay. 9.1. That there the Gentiles should have light, Whose darkness still increased more, Until of Christ they had a sight, Who doth unto all that believe, Eternal life most freely give. ●ath. 4.18. ●ar. 11. Christ passing throughout Galilee, As he did walk by the sea side, Apostles called verily, Of such men as did there abide, Poor fisher men without respect, By whom he would his works effect. With whom about from place to place, Throughout all Galilee he went, Heaping on his all gifts of grace, And teaching them with like intent, He made those foolish weaklings rise, For to confound the worldly wise. And as he passed, continually He every where did daily teach, Their Synagogues to openly He went, the Gospel for to preach. The sum of ●hristes doctrine. Amend your lives, for now said he, God's kingdom is at hand you see. He also healed each disease, And sickness that the people had, Afflicted folk by him found ease, And every one of him was glad. When once abroad was spread Christ's fame▪ In multitudes they to him came. From all the regions round about, Those then that had infirmities, As palsy, gripings, or the gout, Came to him in great companies: And each was eased of his sore, To God alone be praise therefore. Amen. THE THIRD PART OF THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST▪ containing those things which he did the second year after his Baptism, which was the xxxj. year of his age, according to the four Evangelists, the year after the creation of the world. 4172. beginning at the Sermon, which Christ made in the mount. CODOMANNUS. To the tune of the lords Prayer, ut sup. CHrist did prepare all his in mind, To seek for treasure up on high, In heaven; where as the godly find, All happiness eternally, It is not health, wealth, shape, or age, That brings men to the heavenly stage. Therefore clean contrary to those, That taught true happiness to be In earthly things, this heavenly rose, A sweeter scent hath given thee, To trace the tract that leadeth sure, Where happiness doth still endure. When Christ the multitude did see, Math. 5.1. A mountain he went up into: When he was set, where he would be, To his Disciples he spoke tho, The 9 beati●des. Math. 5. 3. ●uc. 6.20. 1 The poor in spirit blessed are, A kingdom God did them prepare. 2 Blessed are they that mourn for good, Math. 5.4. Esay. 61.2. Cap. 65.13. For they shall surely comfort have, Such to their power ill withstood, And for amendment daily crave. 3 Blessed are they that meek are found, Math. 5.5. Psal. 37.11. The earth they shall inherit round. M●th. 5.6. 4 Blessed are they which suffer thirst, And hunger after righteousness: For they (said Christ) shall as the first, Math. 5.7. Be filled with all happiness. 5 The merciful are blessed all, They shall have mercy when they call. Math. 5.8. 6 Blessed are all the pure in heart, They shall see God undoubtedly. Math. 5.9. 7 Peace makers they play such a part, As pleaseth God assuredly: Blessed are they therefore said he, God's children they shall called be. Math. 5.10. 1. Peter. 3.14. 8 Blessed are they, which patiently Do suffer persecution For righteousness, they verily Shall after their affliction, God's kingdom in heaven possess, For so he will their griefs redress. Math. 5.11. Act. 5.41. 1. Peter. 4.14. 9 When men revile you most of all, And persecute you for my sake, And falsely speaking ill withal, If patiently you do it take, You shall therefore find happiness, The salve to ease your heaviness. Rejoice also, I say, be glad, When they have done you greatest wrong, You have no cause for to be sad, In heaven shall you the Saints among Rewarded be, as were before, The Prophets, whom they grieved sore. Christ contrary to the opinion of flesh and blood, and the doctrine of the Philosophers, pronounceth a woe to those whom they thought happy. But woe to them that are rich here, Luc. 6.24. Amos. 6.1. Eccl. 31.8. Esay. 65.13. And do therein repose their trust: The day will come it shall appear, They dearly bought such dross and dust. True treasure in the heavens are found, Each thing corrupteth in the ground. Woe be to you that now are full, Luc. 6.25. Esay. 65.14. Gene. 25.30. For ye shall hunger after this, If you were not exceeding dull, For meat ye would not mortgage bliss. Woe be to you that now laugh so, For you shall wail and weep for wo. Woe be to you whom men do praise, And speak well of, deserving ill, When you have driven out your days, You shall bewray your wicked will: False Prophets were by like device, Among your elders, had in price. Christ teacheth his Disciples, and in them all other Ministers, what lives they should lead, seeing they were appointed to be the salt of the earth, and light of the whole world. Next, his Disciples he did teach, What they should be in word and deed, Lest when to others they did preach, They to be taught should stand in need; In life and manners he would have, Them honest, wise, and very grave. ●ath. 5.13. ●ar. 9.50. ●c. 14.34. Ye are the salt the earth doth yield▪ If in the salt no savour be, It doth no good in house or field, Men cast such out of doors we see: As it could salted nothing before, So it cannot be seasoned more. ●ath. 5.15. ●ar. 4.21. ●c. 8.16. ●p. 11.33. Of all the world ye are the light, A City set upon an hill, Can not be hid, by wile or might; And light a candle no man will, To hide it with a bushel then, When it should give most light to men. Math. 5.16. ● Pet. 2.12. Let your light shine before men so, That your good works they all may see, Your modest manners where ye go, Example must to others be: Your father that doth sit on high, In heaven, see you so glorify. Christ came to fulfil the law. Math. 5.17. I am not come for to destroy The law or Prophets, but fulfil, I take in nothing so much joy, As to obey my father's will, Till heaven and earth do all decay, Math. 5.18. Luc. 16.17. The law shall not be done away. The least commandment expressed Math. 5.19. james. 2.10. Who breaks, and teacheth other so, In heaven he shall be counted least: The contrary who so will do, Observing them, and teach the same, In heaven he 〈◊〉 receive a name. I say, except your righteousness, Math. 5.20. Luc. 11.39. Exceed the rigeteousnesse of these, You shall be void of happiness, And heaven (as they) for ever lose; The pharisees are verily, Scribes and pharisees. Full fraught with all hypocrisy. Christ interpreteth certain Commandments or Laws: and first thou shalt not kill, correcting the false interpretations of the Scribes and pharisees. Here Christ correcteth very well, The doctrine of the Pharisie, Ye have ofttimes (said he) heard tell, How they expounded sensuallie These words, which have been said of old, Math. 5.21. Exod. 20.13. Deut. 5.17. To kill another be not bold. Who so (say they) doth kill, shall be By judgement therefore punished, But ma●ke what I say unto thee, Without cause who so is moved (Against his brother) angrily, Is subject to judgement thereby, Who Racha saith his brother to, By counsel shall be punished, Take heed therefore before ye do, Ye may hereby be terrified, Who so his brother fool will call, In danger of hell fire doth fall. With hand, with heart, and so in word, We often spill our neighbour's life, The hand doth use to wield a sword, The heart deviseth bate and strife, And words when one disdainful, Revileth as an enemy. Christ would have men to reconcile themselves one to another. The greedy pharisees, they say, That offerings and oblations please, Which now men offer day by day, Yet no man knows his own disease. I say, who doth his brother hate, His gift is nought, and worse his state. Math. 5.23. If to the altar thou do bring, Thy gift remembering some offence, Against thy brother the lest thing, Leave there thy gift departing thence, Go reconcile thyself again, Thine offering then is not in vain. Math. 5.25. Luc. 12.58. Agree while thou art in the way With him that is at strife with thee, Lest to the judge without delay, Delivered by him thou be: If Sergeant thee in prison set, Thence, till thou pay, thou shalt not get. Of Adultery. It was of old time, also said, Math. 5.27. Exod. 20.14. Rom. 13.9. Commit not thou adultery. But I say, look you be afraid, To gaze on women lustfully. Who so doth so, doth for his part, Commit adultery in his heart. If thy right eye, or hand offend, Pluck out, or cut, and cast away, For it is to a better end, One member perish and decay, Then all thy body thou knowst well, Should wholly so be cast to hell. Of Divorcement. It hath been said, Math. 5.31. Cap. 19.7. Mar. 10.4. Luc. 16.18. Deut. 24.1. 1. Cor. 7.10. who so had sent His wife away, he giving her A letter of their divorcement, Had not been then an offender; Except the wife a whore be found, To live with her, the man is bound. Who so commits adultery, The man or woman doth amiss, And for that fault may verily, Divorced be as reason is: No such offender may therefore, While th'other lives, match any more. Of Oaths. Again of old they did forbid, Math. 5.33. Exod. 20.7. Levit. 19.12. Deut. 5.11. Forswearing, for the same is ill, Of oaths each man his house should rid, So to obey jehovahs' will. Oaths rightly made do not delay, For to perform the same always. But otherwise swear not at all, No not by heaven the throne of God, Nor by the earth, for so ye fall In danger to deserve his rod. Nor by jerusalem, for this, The City of the king it is. Nor by thine head, thou canst not make, One hair thereof as black or white, Most vain are they that oaths do take, And vain those that in oaths delight, Math. 5.37. james. 5.12. Let ye and nay declare your will, What so is more doth come of ill. Of Revenge. Math. 5.38. Exod. 21.24. Levit. 24.20. Deut. 19.21. Revenge not though the law be so, That eye or tooth must be repaid; When one doth smite thee as a foe. Use patience, be not dismayed. And he that for thy coat will sue, Give him thy cloak, and more than due. Math. 5.42. Deut. 15.8. If one compel thee for a mile, Do thou at least go with him twain; The asker do thou not revile, Give thou and lend without disdain; To do men good be ready still, And slow to do thy neighbour ill. Math. 5.43. L●uit. 19.18. love thine enemy. Love thou (say they) thy neighbour well, Thine enemy thyself may hate, Of virtues, love, doth all excel, What so the pharisees do prate, Your enemies love not the worse, And bless you them that do you curse. Math. 5.44. Luc. 6.27.35. Do good to them that do you hate, Pray for them that you persecute: They sure shall have a blessed state, My father's will that execute: He makes his sun and rain to fall, Math. 5.45. Luc. 6.35. On good and bad, alike to all. If man do love, Math. 5.45. Luc. 6.32. or friendly be To him, that doth to him the same, What thanks for that deserveth he? Each sinner must do this for shame. Have you therefore regard of this, Be perfect as your father is. Alms. By sound of trump, and in men's sight, Math. 6.1. Rom. 12.8. As hypocrites are wont to do, To give thine alms is not aright, They gape for praise, and get no more. In secret give what God hath sent, God will reward thy good intent. Prayer. Pray not as hypocrites do pray, Math. 6.5. All open to be seen of men; But when thy prayers thou will say, Shut close in chamber be thou then: Pray to thy father secretly, He will reward thee openly. Much babbling see thou do not use, Nor repetitions, they are vain, The heathen hope for like abuse, Some great reward thereby to gain. Be not like them, for God in deed, Before ye ask, doth know your need. The lords Prayer. Math. 6.9. Luc. 11.2. Pray thus when ye do pray therefore; Our father which in heaven art. Thy name be hallowed evermore, Thy kingdom we desire in heart, Thy will in earth make us to do, As it in heaven is, even so. Give us this day our daily bread, Our debts forgive us we thee pray, As we our debtor do: and lead Us not (Oh Lord) by any way Into temptation, but see, Math. 6.13. Cap. 13.19. From evil we delivered be. For thine (good Lord) the kingdom sure, The power and the glory is, For evermore for to endure, Which livest in eternal bliss. Let this be done (oh Lord) we pray In heart, whereto Amen we say. To forgive one another. Math. 6.14. Mar. 11.25. Eccl. 28.2. If ye men's trespasses forgive, Your heavenly father will again Forgive you yours: you while you live, In love and concord must remain. If you forgive not other men, Your faults God will not forgive then. Fast. Math. 6.16. Moreover when that ye do fast, Look not sour, as the hypocrite, That time as vain, they vainly waste, For God therein hath no delight, Their faces they disfigure to, That men may see what then they do. When thou dost fast, anoint thy head, And let thy face then washed be: Seem not to men as one half dead, Let God thy deeds in secret see. Thy heavenly father, both regards Thy fast, and theirs, have their rewards. The careful seeking of worldly things forbidden. On earth hoard up no treasure so, Math. 6.19. Where moth and canker eat apace: Lest with them you do heap on woe. There thieves (men void of better grace) Break up, thus they for riches deal, When digging through, men's wealth they steal. But lay your treasures up above, Math. 6.20. Luc. 12.33. 1. Tim. 6.19. In heaven; where none of these are found: You on your treasures set your love, Lay not your love so on this ground. But lay it where is no decay: Earth will corrupt and fade away. The eye, doth give the body light, Math. 6.22. Luc. 11.34. The light of the body is the eye. And reason rules the inner man: If clear and sound remain the sight, No darkness hurt that body can. If thine eye wicked be, then mark, Sure all thy body shall be dark. Two masters, well, no man can serve: Math. 6.24. Luc. 16.13. No man can serve two masters. For truly he the one will hate, And for the other love reserve: This of man's life is right the state. God and your riches, disagree: They may not both, then served be. Math. 6.25. Psal. 55.22. Luc. ●2. 22. Phil. 4.6. 1. Tim. 6.8. 1. Pet. 5.7. Set not your care on meat and drink, Nor yet on your apparel so: You with yourselves must always think, That howsoever here ye go, He that gave life and body, will Provide you meat and clothing still. Math. 6.26. The fowls of heaven, ye may behold, To sow or reap they have no care: Fowls. They neither want, nor suffer cold, Much better far than them ye are. Your heavenly father feedeth these: And so will you, if you him please. Math. 6.28. Which of you can by taking care, One cubit ad unto his length? Clothing you know what things they are, Who giveth them and giveth strength. lilies. Learn of the lilies how they grow, To spin or card they do not know. Yet Solomon, to you I say, Was not arrayed like one of theafe. The grass if God do so array, Can he not clothe you if he please? The faithful never fail to speed: God more regards you then a weed. For meat, for drink, for cloth always, Take ye no thought at all therefore: The Gentiles seek these day by day, Your heavenly father evermore Will all your wants relieve in deed: He knoweth well what things ye need. God's kingdom, if ye do seek first, You can not wish but you shall have. If for his righteousness ye thirst, He will give you, the things you crave. Care not then for to morrow day, The grief with it shall pass away. Christ forbiddeth rash judgement. judge not lest that ye judged be, Math. 7.1. Luc. 6.37. Rom. 2.1. 1. Cor. 4.3. Mar. 4.24. Like judgement you shall have be sure: Like measure shall be measured thee, Look that thine eye be clear and pure; A moat in others do not spy, While that a beam is in thine eye. Holy things may not be given to dogs. Give not to dogs, that holy is: Math. 7.6. Nor cast your pearls before the swine. The wicked they regard not this, And Epicures to lust incline. When under feet they them have tread: Pearls. They will not rest till you be dead. Ask, seek, knock. Ask, and it shall you given be: Math. 7.7. Cap. 21.22. Mar. 11.24. Luc. 11.9. joh. 14.13. Cap. 16.24. james. 1.5. So they that seek shall surely find: Knock, I will open unto thee: To them that call God he is kind, He loveth such men verily, As pray unto him heartily. If you for bread, give not a stone, Nor for a fish, a Serpent send, When that your sons for want do moan, If good things you do give and lend; How much more shall the father be, Give good things (if thou ask) to thee? The scope of the Scripture, and of the straight and wide gate. Math. 7.12. Luc. 6.31. ●●bie. 4.15. Luc. 13.24. What you would men to you should do, Do even so to them again: The straight gate enter in unto, The way to death is broad and plain, And many find that path (I say) But few do go the better way. False Prophets. Math. 7.15. False Prophets fly with all your might, Whose clothing plead simplicity: But inwardly their minds are dight, Math. 7.16. Luc. 6.43. With ravening and all villainy. Such by their fruits ye may well know: For grapes on thorns did never grow. The good and evil tree. Math. 7.18. A good tree, good fruit it will bear, The evil yields no fruit as this: Ill fruit on good trees grows no where, By fruit, the tree best known is. Math. 7.19. Cap. 3.10. The ill, men hue, with fire to burn: The good serve for a better turn. Not every one that faith to me, Lord, Lord, but he that doth God's will, In heaven be sure shall saved be. My father guards all his from ill; The wicked that their good works tell: Shall miss of heaven, and go to hell. The house on the rock or sand, the conclusion of this Sermon. Math. 7.24. Luc. 6.47. All that I have declared now, Who so doth hear with good intent: Is like to one that did bestow His money well, that he had spent, To build a house for him and his, Where rain and wind hurt not iwis. But who so heareth these my words, And doth them not, is like a man, That charges great in deed affords: To build a house where no man can, Upon the sands, where sea and wind, Do spoil and swallow all they find. When jesus, thus had finished This Sermon which he there did preach, The people were astonished, To hear what doctrine Christ did teach. He taught as with authority, Unlike the Scribe or Pharisie. Christ after his Sermon descending from the hill and going to Capernaum, healed a leper by the way. Descending down then from the hill, Math. 8.1. Mar. 1.40. Luc. 5.12. A leper met him by the way: And cried, master if you will, Both help, and heal me here you may. I will, said Christ, be clean, and gone, See that thou tell it unto none. Go to the Priest thyself to show, That he may judge if thou be clean, And offer there that thou dost owe, What Moses did appoint I mean: Give them their due of all thy wealth, Math. 8.4. Levit. 14.4. That they may witness of thy health. Christ healed the Centurion's servant of the palsy. ●ath. 8.5. ●uc. 7.1. As Christ came Capernaum to, A Captain there, a Gentile borne, Who for his servant was so woe, That he seemed a man forlorn; He sought all means his health to have: Christ with a word his life did save. The Captains great humility, And faith: Christ jesus did commend. In Israel then verily, Like praise to none he did extend. Of these said Christ shall many come: To heaven, and have the children's room. Christ cast out a devil at Capernaum, and delivered the possessed from that infirmity. Mar. 1.21. Math. 4.13. Luc. 4.31. And so upon the Sabbath day, Into the Synagog●●●e went: Those works to do without delay, For which he to the world was sent; The people did upon him gaze, His doctrine did them so amaze. He taught as with authority, Not as the Scribes were wont to do. Or the dissembling Pharisie, To whom Christ oft pronounced woe. But as God's only son in deed: Sent man to save, as God decreed. And in the Synagogue there was, A man possessed, even then: Whose cure Christ jesus brought to pass, Yea in the fight of all those men. His doctrine he confirmed still: With wonders, which he wrought at will. Satan that wicked spirit he, Began within the man to cry; Oh what have we to do with thee? Oh jesus of Nazareth. I know thou art assuredly The holy one of God, his joy: Art thou come us for to destroy? jesus rebuked him, and said, Come out of him and hold thy peace. Satan of Christ was all afraid, Yet loath the man for to release. But forced thence, the devil did fly, The man. Crying; and tore him cruelly, When he came out, the standers by, Were much amazed at the fight: Ask each other busily, How they supposed that this might Be done of him? what thing is this? What think you that this doctrine is? The spirits with authority, He doth command; and they obey. His fame was spread immediately, Throughout that region every way. All Galilee did hear his fame: And countries bordering on the same. Christ raised Peter's mother in law. Christ from the Synagogue did go, Math. 8.14. Mar. 1.29. Luc. 4.38. To Symons house as doth appear: With Andrew, james, and john also; His Godhead he declared there. Men tasted still in every place, In ample measure of his grace. For when to Peter's house he came, Peter's wife mother sick there lay: A fever vexed sore the dame, Which Christ rebuking, went away. By touch of hand Christ helped her, And she to them did minister. Christ cast out devils, and healed all that came unto him. Math. 8.16. Mar. 1.32. Luc. 4.40. Esay. 53.4. 1. Peter. 2.24. When even came he healed all They brought to him that vexed were; And the possessed there withal, Of devils, among the people there. That what the Prophets said before, Might be approved evermore. jesus passed thence to preach to other Cities. Luc. 4.42. So he that night went to take rest, But rose again by break of day: For to go thence he thought it best, Into a desert place away. The people. Christ then they sought, and found, kept so, As men loathe he should from them go. But Christ said unto them, I must To others preach assuredly The kingdom of God, this my trust I will discharge most faithfully. And so he preaching daily went Through Galilee, as he was sent. Luc. 5.1. Math. 4.18. Mar. 1.16. It came to pass as jesus taught, The people pressed on to hear: Some faithful, some with faults full fraught, Both good and bad to him drew near. The word of God Christ did not let, To preach then by Genezaret. And seeing ships by the lake side, Two snippes. Although the Fishermen were gone To wash their nets then in the tide: Yet Christ went boldly into one. The same was Symons ship in deed, To ask him leave he had no need. Yet Christ required him that he, Would thrust a little from the land; That of the press he might be free, He left them on the bank to stand: And sitting down he taught them there, That to his doctrine did give care. After Christ had preached out of the ship, at the lake of Genezareth, he miraculously took a great multitude of fishes. When Christ left speaking, than he said To Simon; launch the deep into: Luc. 5.4. Cast out your nets, be not dismayed, Make hear a draft before ye go. Travailde we have master indeed, All night, and yet we could not speed. Nevertheless, at thy command, I will let down the net again: Oh master, thou shalt understand, That I let not for any pain. Which done, of fishes they did take So many, that their nets they broke. Then beckoned they for help unto Their partners, in the other boat: To come, for they had much ado, To save what they as then had got. The ships they filled when they came: They both almost sunk with the same. When Simon saw it, all afraid At jesus knees down flat he fell: Go from me Lord, withal be said, I am a sinner, I know well. For he and they astonished were, That draft had put them in such fear. And so was james and john also Amazed, wondering all at this: And jesus said to Simon tho, Thou shalt henceforth catch men iwis. When they the ships had brought to land, They followed jesus out of hand. Christ's answer to a Scribe that would follow him. When jesus then had finished Math. 8.18. The miracle ye heard before: Perceiving that him followed, Then companies still more and more, Christ his disciples did command, To pass the river out of hand. Math. 8.19. Luc. 9.57. Then came a Scribe to him and said, Oh master, I will follow thee: For answer he was not delayed, The Foxes have their holes ye see: And fowls (said Christ) their nests; but I Have not a place wherein to lie. Christ's answer to one of his disciples that would go bury his Father. Math. 8.21. Then a disciple leave did pray, He might go first, and in his grave (As custom was) his father lay, Him so to do Christ would not have; Thine office and thy call see thou, (Not worldly works) go follow now. The greater work thou mayst not leave, To take the lesser work in hand: They that do so themselves deceive, Thy charge learn thou to understand; And let the dead therefore, said he, Their dead bury, and follow me. Christ as he passed the lake to the Gergesens, stilled with his word a tempest. When Christ aboard the ship was gone, Him his disciples followed: Where suddenly to them anon, A cruel tempest happened. But jesus then slept very fast, Whom they were forced to wake at last. For as they passed then the lake, Unto the Gergesens to go: The wind and weather sore did shake Their ship, and they all full of woe, Called Christ to help, whose word, I say, This history, though the evang. differ in some things: yet is the same that all the 3. recite, & but one history. Math. 8.28. Mar. 5.1. The wind and weather did obey. Christ passing over into the country of the Gergesens, met two men there possessed with devils: which he healed, and gave the devils leave to go into the heard of swine. It is supposed of some, that this heard contained 2000 swine, for they were many. When to the other side they came, There two possessed met them then, Luc. 8.26. Out of the graves: for in the same, Then commonly remained those men. Their fierceness so did men affray, That no man might go by that way. And yet behold immediately, Assoon as jesus Christ they saw They all began on him to cry; (Satan of him did stand in awe) Oh jesus (said they) what have we, Thou Son of God to do with thee? Before the time what art thou come, To torment us, hither this way? This time supposed is of some, That Satan meant the judgement day. A heard of Swine fed certainly far off from where the men did lie. The devils beseeching Christ did say, If thou do cast us out give leave, That go into those swine we may. Christ jesus did their suit receive: He bid them go, and so they went Into the Swine as they were sent. And the whole heard with violence, Into the sea ran from the hill: The herdmen also fled from thence, Their loss they took it very ill. They of the swine they had before, Then of their health regarded more. These news, being brought the city to, The citizens came out apace: They for their swine made much ado, Because they had no better grace. They craved that Christ would leave with speed Their coasts: which he did then in deed. Sending the man late cured away, Which would so feign with him have gone: But Christ gave charge without delay, He should go show what God had done, Among his friends, who with good will, Went back and did his charge fulfil. Christ returning from the Gergesens to Capernaum, healed one of the Palsy. Math. 9.2. Marc. 2.3. Luc. 5.18. To his own city thence he came, And lo, they brought him one in bed: The Palsy had made him so lame, That he lay there as one half dead. My son arise, take up, said he, Thy bed, thy sins forgiven be. The Scribes thought these blasphemous words, Why think ye so (said Christ) again? You see what mercy God affords: Do you at me therefore disdain? I spoke that you may know I may Forgive his sins: rise go thy way. Christ also healed a leper there. Luc. 5.12. Another leper then again, Christ healed of his leprosy: jesus did no disease disdain, He helped all indifferently. This leper fell down on his face: Calling on Christ for help and grace. So jesus stretching forth his hand, Did touch him: saying, so I will, Be clean: and strait at his command, The man was healed of his ill. And Christ commanded him to say Nothing of this: but go his way. Yet go (said he) the priest unto, And show thyself: for so I will. The law this likewise bids thee do, And it of force thou must fulfil. The priest must judge (said Christ) of thee: If wholly cleansed that thou be. The more that Christ himself kept close, The more hereby increased his fame: The bruit by this begun, so rose, That more and more was spread his name, So that the sick from place to place, Came and received of his grace. The calling of Matthew from the receipt of custom. Math. 9.9. Mar. 2.14. Luc. 5.27. As jesus forth from thence did pass, Matthew he called, and went to meat Home strait with him from the same place, With whom some Publicans did eat. The pharisees found fault with this: Christ told them how they thought amiss. The whole seeks no physic at all, Math. 9.12. Cap. 12.7. Hosea. 6.6. 1. Tim. 1.15. The sick of the Physician Have need: and oft for him do call. So sinners I have mercy on, For the repentant me doth move, As doth the righteous, him to love. Of the time and causes of fasting, Christ answered the pharisees and johns disciples. Then john's disciples came, and said, The pharisees fast oft, and we: Math. 9.14. Mar. 2.18. Luc. 5.33. But thy disciples unaffraid, Do eat and drink abroad with thee. Then jesus said, the children sure, Mourn not: while that the feast endure. But when the Bridegroom shall be gone, Then they will all fast at that day. No man doth patch a new piece on An old garment, it rends away. The law observed is by thee: The Gospel makes the other free. New wine will burst the bottles sure If they be old: therefore I say, Sith ceremonies may endure No longer time, but must delay, Let new wine have new vessels then, And be contented with these men. Christ healed a woman that had been sick of a bloody issue twelve years, and raised jayrus daughter from death. As Christ with jairus thence did go, Math. 9.18. Mar. 5.22. Luc. 8.41. To raise his daughter lately dead: A woman sick twelve years or more, With touching him, of health was sped. And after that where they did see, The maid from death delivered he. Christ gave sight to the blind. When jesus did from him departed, Math. 9.27. Two blind men meeting him did cry, Thou son of David ease our smart. Believe ye then said Christ, that I Can help ' yes Lord said they: then he Did touch their eyes, and made them see. Christ casteth out a devil, and maketh the dumb man to speak. Mat. 9.32. Again, they brought a dumb man there, Possessed with a devil: but he Cast out the devil, to their great fear: And the dumb spoke, which Christ made free. The people marvelled, yet some said, He had done it by Satan's aid. Math. 9.35. Mar. 6.6. Luc. 13.22. So jesus went from place to place, Teaching and healing every one: To all that sought, he did give grace, He was of great compassion. Math. 9.37. Luc. 10.2. joh. 4.35. The labourers are few said he, Yet is the harvest great ye see. At the pool of Bethesda, Christ healed a man that had been diseased 38. years, and being accused defended his fact. Cyrill. Chrysos. & Theophilact as Aretius saith, take this feast rather to be Pentecost then the Passeover. After all this, against the feast Of Passeover, which then was nigh, * joh. 5.1. Levit. 23.3. Deut. 16.1. Christ jesus that took little rest, Unto jerusalem did high. That holy Sabaoth of the Lord, The jews observed with one accord. Christ at jerusalem then found A multitude of sick and lame: About Bethesda lying round, Abiding till the Angel came. When as the Angel stirred the pool, The water still made one man whole. Christ by that pool a man did see, That had lain sick there very long: Wilt thou be whole oh man, said he? Sir I want help among this throng. Rise thou said Christ, thy bed up take: For perfect whole I do thee make. Christ healed him on the Sabbath day, Whereat the jews were grieved sore: And sought our Saviour Christ to slay, Rewarded thus he was therefore. The jews accusing Christ, do move Him justly them for to reprove. To whom the father witnessed, And john did testify the same: The Scriptures also verified, As did his works so full of fame, That he the son of God should be: The stubborn jews him would not see. Christ defended his Disciples accused for plucking ears of corn on the Sabbath. Three feasts the jews kept year by year, Math. 12.1. Mar. 2.23. Luc 6.1. Exod. 13.3. Cap. 23.15. Numb. 3 13. And chiefest Sabbath days did call: Of the same feasts it doth appear, The Passeover was first of all: This they the feast of sweet bread name, On this day they from Egypt came. The next was that whereon God gave, Exod. 19 20. Deut. 16.10. Acts. 2.1. The law by Moses unto men: That day in reverence we have, The holy Ghost was given then: This some the feast of weeks do say, Some Pentecost, some Whitsonday. Deut. 16.13. The feast of Tabernacles last Came of these three in order there: Those feasts were never fully passed, Till all their days accomplished were. The first and last day of each feast, Were counted chief of all the rest. Exod. 20.8. The seu'nth day also through the year, Is was and so shall be for ay, With them and Christians every where, In solemn wise a Sabbath day, Though theirs and ours do disagree; One day with them observe not we. Christ passed through a corn field, Upon the second Sabbath day, This doth to many matter yield, To reason when he went that way. Aret. in Math. Cap. 12. Some say it was in Easter feast, The last and chief day of the rest. That day the first, doth answer well, And so the second Sabbath day Men might it call; it did excel, The middle days as all men say. And there withal time of the year, This reason good makes to appear. Gualt. in Luc. Cap. 6. Eras. in Luc. Cap. 6. Some think it was on Whitsonday, Because this Sabbath second was, As they suppose, and that no way, The first did the same Sabbath pass. These reasons both, may please all such, As self-will leads not overmuch. That day a Sabbath day was sure, When the Disciples plucked corn: Which thing the jews could not endure, They did the act most vilely scorn. Not knowing him that went that way, To be Lord of the Sabbath day. The cause they did not weigh withal, That hunger than did cause the same: The pharisees on Christ did call, And his Disciples foully blame. They did prefer tradition, Before their own salvation. But Christ said unto them again, Math. 12.3. 1. Sam. 21.6. Exod. 29.33. Levit. 8.31. Cap. 24.9. What David did who hath not read? Now his example doth remain, Though David lie a good while dead. These do as he did them before, When he and his did hunger sore. He had the meat that was forbid: These break you think the Sabbath day: They do as he and his than did, Find fault with him yet no man may. Math. 12.5. Num. 28.9. The Priests do in the Temple so The Sabbath break, yet free they go. One greater than the Temple is, Math. 12.7. Hosea. 6.6. Caep. 9.13. And here he standeth verily: Mercy will I, not sacrifice; Learn what this meaneth faithfully. Then will you not condemn this day, These innocents that hurt no way. The son of man is Lord likewise. Yea even of the Sabbath day: Shall I then these so much despise, Or suffer them for food decay? Though fault with them you find so soon: Deut. 23.25. The law allows what they have done. Mar. 2.27. The day is made all men to serve, And no man made to serve that day: Should not man then his life preserve, Upon the Sabbath, if he may? The law that bindeth man so fast, To finish I am come at last. Christ healed one in the Synagogue on the Sabbath day, that had a withered hand, and answered his accusers. Math. 12.9. Mar. 3.1. Luc. 6.6. Now Christ disposed to beat down, Their grievous superstition, Went shortly after to their town, To reason of this question. And to the Synagogue he went, The fittest place for his intent. For there was always most resort, Which was our saviours Christ's desire: That many men might have comfort, All his affection was on fire. This his devise to further then, Fell out a work among those men. A man there with a withered hand, Was present in that very place: The Scribes & pharisees. They said give us to understand, If law allow men so much grace, As to be cured on this day? Christ to accuse they sought a way. Math. 12.11. Christ answered to them again, What man shall have a silly sheep, Fall in a pit, and lie in pain: If it were worst of all he keep, And will not on the Sabbath day: Have care to fetch it thence away? How much more may a man be then, Preferred before a sheep I pray? There is no law forbiddeth men, To do good on a Sabbath day. Stretch forth said Christ, thy withered hand: This heard they all that there did stand. It was restored to him so, And all the people saw the same: It filled the pharisees with woe, Which sought for to eclipse his fame. And they went out with little joy, Devising Christ for to destroy. For they had miss their intent, Which made them rage so much the more: To trap him in his words they meant, Yet failed as they had done before. His worthy works they did despise: And went his death for to devise. But he that knew their meaning well, Departed thence, and went away: He needed not that man should tell, That they sought how they might him slay. His fathers will he did respect: And he his works did well effect. Great multitudes him followed thence, And he likewise them healed all: Each one that came in his presence, And unto him for help did call. Yet charged them they should not tell. Or make him known, if they did well. Math. 12.18. Esay. 42.1. Esayas Prophecy took place; My servant whom I chose iwis, And my beloved full of grace, In whom my soul delights, is this. My spirit put on him I will: And he shall judge the Gentiles still. He shall not strive in word or deed, None in the street shall hear his voice: He shall not break a bruised reed, The Gentiles shall in him rejoice. Yea smoking flax quench shall not he: Till he both judge and victor be. Christ then had twice refelled such Opinions fond, as they did hold: At first they had presumed much, And then again did seem as bold. The Sabbath lets no man at need, His wants supply, or do good deed. jesus seeing the multitude dispersed as sheep having no shepherd, took compassion on them. Math. 9.35. Mar. 6.6. Luc. 13.22. And jesus Christ did not cease then, But went about to every place, In towns and Cities among men, To preach, and he was full of grace. He healed each disease they had: All men of him were very glad. But when he saw the multitude, He took on them compassion: The people seemed very rude, And wanting consolation. For all abroad they scattered were, As sheep that had no shepherd there. The harvest great and the labourers few. The harvest is surely said he, Now very great, yet few I say, Do labour in the same: pray ye The Lord thereof to send away Some labourers for to take pain, That by his harvest he may gain. Christ called his xii. Apostles, and sent them forth to preach, giving them power to work miracles and heal diseases. Then his Disciples Christ did call, Math. 10.1. Mar. 3.13. Luc. 9.1. Power to them he gave and grace, That unclean spirits they should all, Cast out of men, in every place. As free you have, so likewise deal: All sickemen freely see you heal. Twelve, jesus did send fotth to preach, And did command them saying so: Among the Gentiles them to teach, Or to Samaria do not go. Math. 10.6. Acts. 13.46. To the lost sheep of Israel Go first of all these news to tell. Say ye, and teach that now at hand The kingdom of our God doth come, Math. 10.7. Luc. 10.9. Salvation throughout the land, Is surely sent to all and some. To all that will believe, say ye, That they the same shall shortly see. heal ye the sick, the lepers cleanse, Raise up the dead, the devils out cast, And see when ye depart from hence, Math. 10.9. Mar. 6.8. Luc. 9.3. Ca 22.35. Ye freely give from first to last. And in your journey take no care: What weeds ye wear, or how ye far. Math. 10.10. Luc. 10.7. 1. Cor. 9.9. 1. Tim. 5.18. What house or City ye come to, Among the worthy there remain, Till you from thence have cause to go, Let them with you in peace retain. As a witness unto them that you have not of theirs as much as the dust. Such as do not deserve this grace, Shake of their dust in the same place. That dust shall witness against those, * Acts 13.51. Cap. 18.6. That you desired not their wealth: And earthly treasure, that they chose Before this proffered saving health. They in the judgement sure shall gain, Of Sodom and Gomorh the pain. As sheep, I send you simple men, In midst of worldly wolves to go: Be ye as wise as Serpents then, And innocent as doves also. To kings and counsels for my sake, When you are brought, no thought then take. For what ye speak, it is not ye: When torments for you do remain, The holy Ghost in you shall be, To guide your speech, and ease your pain. Math. 10.21. Luc. 21.16. The father shall the son said he, And friend his friend betray for me. Math. 10.22. Mar. 13.13. Luc. 21.17. Ye shall be hated for my name, But he that dureth to the end, Shall saved be, and void of blame. From persecution you defend, From City to another go: If you have need for to do so. For the Disciple is not sure, Math. 10.24 Luc. 6.40. joh. 13.16. Cap. 15.20. Math. 12.24. Nor the servant his Lord above: Like death if you as I endure, A sign it is of perfect love. If Beelzebub they do call me: Is it strange than you so should be? Nothing is hid, Math. 10.26. Mar. 4.22. Luc. 8.17. Cap. 12.2. but that shall I Make manifest, and what ye hear In secret, preach it openly. Of men ye need not stand in fear; Fear him that soul and body may Destroy in hell, fear him I say. If that a sparrow shall not fall, Mat. 10.30. 2. Sam. 14.11 Acts. 27.34. Nor any hair of yours decay, But that your father cares for all, And over all doth bear a sway: Why should you care or be afraid? You shall be sure to have his aid. Who so shall me on earth confess, Math. 10.32▪ Mar. 8.38. Luc. 9.26. Cap. 12.8.51 2. Tim. 2.12. Or me deny before men here, Shall have the like and nothing less, In heaven, before my father there. For my cause peace must needs decay, And dearest friends their friends shall slay. Who father, friend, his son or wife, Math. 10.37 Cap. 16.24. Mar. 8.34. Luc. 9.23. Cap. 14.26. Doth love more than he loveth me: Who so my Cross (to save his life) Doth not take up, but seeks to fly. The one unworthy of me is: The other shall not scape iwis. He that receiveth you, or me, receiveth him that us hath sent: Math. 10.41. Luc. 10.16. ●oh. 13.20. Mar. 9 41. A Prophet who receiveth, he Reward shall have to his content. These little ones who doth relieve: God sure to him reward will give. Christ's Sermon at the sending forth of his Apostles to preach. ●uc. 6. 17. ●welue Apo●●les. When jesus had then made an end, Of giving these commandments To his, whom he then forth did send, To teach the jews good documents: The place he stood in was a plain, And with him many did remain. Yea multitudes of people were, Out of all jury standing by: From tire and Sydon they were there, To hear his doctrine verily. And at his hands to have relief, Each one as he was pained with grief. And they that with fowl spirits sore Tormented were, Christ healed them all: And still they sought him more and more, (Which boldly durst not on him call) To touch his vesture as he went: For health thereby to them was sent. Then jesus lifted up his eyes, On his Disciples, saying this: Ye poor are blessed even thrice, For yours God's kingdom surely is. Ye that now hunger blessed are, You shall be sure of better fare. And ye that weep, yet blessed are, For ye shall likewise laugh again: When men hate you, take ye no care, And when they do procure your pain. Nor yet when they you separate, Reviling at your base estate. If for the son of man's sake, they Your names put out as evil men, Rejoice ye greatly, God obey, And be in heart glad of it then. Behold in heaven reward have ye: The Prophets were, as now ye be. But woe to them that rich are here, Luc. 6.24. Amos. 6.1. Eccl. 31.8. And do repose thereon their trust: The day will come it shall appear, They dearly bought vile earth and dust. In heaven true treasure may be found: Each thing corrupts that grows in ground. Woe be to you that now are full, For ye shall hunger after this: Luc. 6.25. Esay. 65.13. Gen. 25.30. If you were not exceeding dull, For meat, ye would not mortgage bliss, Woe be to you that now laugh so, For you shall wail and weep for wo. Woe be to you whom men do praise, And speak well of, deserving ill: When ye have spent out all your days, You shall bewray what was your will. False Prophets were by like devise, Among your elders had in price. But unto you which hear, I say, Luc. 6.27. Math. 5. 4● Your enemies see that ye love: To them that hate you, if ye may, Show how my doctrine doth you move To do them good, and bless withal, And pray for them, that wish your fall. ●uc. 6.29. ●ath. 5.39. ● Cor. 6.7. To him that smiteth thee also, Upon one cheek, the other give: Who so thy cloak would take thee fro, Give him thy coat, and do not grieve To purchase so a quiet life, And stir thou no debate or strife. Give every man that asketh thee: And he that takes thy goods away By force or fraud how so it be: Ask thou them not again I say. ●●c. 6.31. ●ath. 7.12. ●●h. 4.15. But unto other men so do, As thou wouldst be of them done to. If that ye love, do good, or lend, ●●c. 6.32. ●ath. 5.46. ●●ut. 15.8. To them that do requite the same, Each sinner so doth for his friend; You should do more than such for shame. Be merciful to such as need: For so your father is indeed. Christ healed the Centurion's servant being absent: the Centurion's faith. After that Christ had finished His Sermon, as you heard before: From thence he likewise hastened; For he desired more and more, The work he had in hand to end: Which for our good did wholly tend. ●ath. 8.4. ●uc. 7.1. As Capernaum he came to, A Captain there a Gentile borne, Made for his servant much ado, That seemed then a man forlorn. He sued by means his health to have: Christ with a word his life did save. The Captains great humility, And faith, our Saviour did commend: In israel then certainly, Like praise to none he did extend. Of these said Christ shall many come To heaven: and have the children's room. Christ raised from death the widows son at Naijm. The next day after, Christ did raise The widow's son to life again: Luc. 7.11. And all the people gave God praise, That present than did there remain. All they did spread abroad his fame, That either saw or heard the same. john Baptists message to Christ by two of his disciples. john Baptist was in prison cast, Math. 11.2. Luc. 7.18. Herodias had obtained the same: And his disciples came in haste, And told him there of jesus fame. Yet he in prison as before, Would win to Christ disciples more. For when his works to him were told, That his disciples might believe In jesus Christ: john said; behold, A message unto you I give, (john knew him well assuredly: As he oft times did testify. But that his might also perceive, That Christ the true Messiah was: Of whom they should all grace receive, In whom they might all truth embrace.) Go ye, and say, john sent to thee, To ask if thou be even he? They went, and both to jesus came, And said to him, our master sent: To know if thou be sure the same, Or else another that is meant? Men knew as then that Christ should come: How, when, or where, that knew but some. Christ's answer sent back to john by his disciples. Go back said Christ, to john again, Show him what ye do hear and see: The blind and halt are rid of pain, The lepers and the deaf go free: Math. 11.5. ●uc. 4.18. ●say. 61.1. The dead are raised up, this day The poor, the gospel bear away. And therewithal to them he gave, A gentle admonition, His humbleness that they might have In reverent estimation. Blessed said Christ, shall that man be, That taketh no offence by me. Christ's testimony of john Baptist. When they were gone, than Christ began To speak unto the company: What went ye out to see? a man Infected with inconstancy? john you in wilderness did find: Not as a reed, shaked with the wind. What went ye then out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Such men in kings courts use to be: john is with meaner weed content. john's raiment shows him to be plain: He flattered not, he could not feign. But what went ye out then to see? Math. 11.10. Luc. 7.27. Malach. 3.1. A prophet? I say to you more. Of whom is written, (this is he) My messenger shall go before. This is Elias, whom they say, Should come for to prepare the way. * Either because he is in heaven already, & john alive: or the least is bear taken for Christ, as he is made less than the angels. Psal. 8. Math. 11.12. Luc. 16.16. No greater among men did rise Then john the Baptist, verily, Not any that you can device. Yet this I say, assuredly The least in heaven goes him before: And doth enjoy God's graces more. God's kingdom suffereth violence, Since john's time to this very day: The Gentiles with all diligence Without the law, new called, obey. The law and Prophets have their end: For he is come whom ye attend. He that hath ears to hear, may hear. Mark what I say therefore, amend, Sith that Elyas did appear, The law and Prophets made an end. Yet you remain both deaf and blind, That may your true Messiah find. Christ reproveth his auditory. Math. 11.16. Luc. 7.31. This generation it is, Like children that their fellows call: And say we piped have iwis, And yet ye danced not at all. So you defer from day to day, For to repent for all we say. Hard was the life that john did lead, For meat and drink he took no care: He had a devil, men supposed. The son of man they do compare, With gluttons, and with drunkards, when He eateth meat as other men. Christ upbraideth the unthankful cities, wherein he had taught and done so many miracles, and yet they repent not. Math. 11.20. Luc. 10.13. Then Christ began for to upbraid, The cities that so oft had seen His works: and yet for all delayed For to repent, as they had been Clean void of sin, or had no will, To learn the good, and leave the ill. Chorazin woe be unto thee, And to Bethsayda woe likewise: The great works that were done by me In you, ye greatly did despise. If they in Tyrus had been done, It had repent long agone. If tire and Sidon had, I say, Both seen, and heard what ye did hear: Sackcloth and ashes every day Had been their weed: ye buy it dear, For at the judgement then to thee, To them more easy shall it be. Thou Capernaum lift so high, Yea raised up to heaven above, To hell thou shalt be brought to lie, Because my works thee never move. If they in Sodom had been wrought, It had not yet been brought to nought. For Sodom it shall easier be, Oh Capernaum be thou sure, At the last judgement, then for thee, Thy punishment for to endure. tire, Sydon, and Sodom shall have More ease than these, though then they crave. Christ his gratulation for the success of the Gospel by his Apostles. Then jesus said, Math. 11.25. Luc. 10.21. I give to thee (Oh mighty Lord and Father dear) Most hearty thanks, thou hearest me, And to my call thou givest ear. These things thou hidest from the wise, Their worldly wit thou dost despise. Thy secrets unto babes withal, And humble men, thou dost declare: These do on thee for mercy call, These, these, oh God thy chosen are. This thy good pleasure was, and is: Oh Father none can alter this. All things to me now given are Math. 11.27. joh. 3.35. Cap. 6.46. Of my father, the son and he, No mortal man can well declare One of them both, except he be Taught by the son, and so he may Learn both to know, this only way. Christ's exhortation to bear the Cross. Math. 11.28. Ye that are laden, come to me, Come all that weary are likewise: And you shall all refreshed be, They shall have woe, that me despise. I am the life, the light, the way: They that seek me shall not decay. Take up my yoke, and learn of me, Math. 11.29. jerem. 6.16. For meek and lowly sure I am: Rest to his soul so find shall he, Whose neck, my yoke, doth only tame. Math. 11.30. 1. joh. 5.3. My yoke is easy day and night, And so my burden very light. Christ dined in the house of Simon the Pharisie, was anointed of a sinful woman, and being accused, defended himself, and her fact. Luc. 7.36. Mar. 14.3. Then of the pharisees came one, Which bid Christ to his house to meat: And jesus went with him anon, And at the table sat to eat. While he was there, came by and by, A sinful woman verily; And when she knew he was set down, At table with the company: (Because she dwelled in that town, No man misliked her modesty:) With box in hand of ointment sweet, She came and fell at jesus feet. To show withal her misery, She stood Christ jesus back behind: And there shed tears abundantly, The tokens of a woeful mind. With tears his feet she washed fair, And then did wipe them with her hair. And oftentimes she kissed his feet, That so she walked with such care: Her box of ointment very sweet, To spend on them she did not spare. Her sins so great, she did believe, That Christ would them to her forgive. And Simon seeing what was done, By her since she his house came to: This to conceive, he then begun, If this man were a Prophet lo, He would know that this woman is A sinner, that his feet doth kiss. Then jesus unto Simon said, Somewhat I have to say to thee. No longer let it be delayed, Oh master, this again said he. Though Christ perceived Simon well, Yet knew not he what Christ would tell. There was a certain lender had, Two debtor, and their state was such, That neither of them could be glad, Their debt to either was so much. The one five hundred pence, I know, The other fifty pence did owe. When neither knew what shift to make, For they had not wherewith to pay, The lender did then pity take, Forgave them, and sent both away. Oh Simon show me if thou can, Which of them will love most this man? He answered, and said again, He unto whom he most forgave: For he was rid of greatest pain, And had most need of both to crave. Then jesus said, thou judgest right: Behold this woman in thy sight. Into thy house when first I came, Thou gav'st thy feet no water though: Yet she with tears hath washed the same, And wiped them with her hair also. No kiss of thee I had, I say, She kissed hath my feet this day. Thou didst not mine head anoint, But she anointed hath my feet: (Christ reasoned from point to point, Of her and of her odours sweet:) Wherefore her sins, I say to thee, (Though many) all forgiven be. Whom much or little men forgive, Like measure they do yield of love: It will no good man therefore grieve, That men his mercy so should move. And to the woman, than said he, Thy sins they are forgiven thee. But they that sat with him at meat, Began within themselves to say, How can this man that here doth eat, Forgive sins? this God only may. Christ said to her, from labour cease: Thy faith hath saved thee, go in peace. The women that Christ had delivered from evil spirits and healed of sundry infirmities, followed him as he went from place to place to preach the Gospel, and ministered unto him of their substance. And afterward, it came to pass, Luc. 8.1. That Christ from town to town would go, Preaching, and publishing apace, The kingdom then of God also. The twelve Apostles with him were, And certain women every where. Some of them Christ had helped before, And rid of their infirmities: He cured with his word their sore, And healed all their maladies. Yea deu'ls he out of many sent: Seven out of Magdalen there went. Marry Magdalen was one of them that followed Christ. joanna, also Chuzas' wife, King Herod's steward than was there, A woman of a godly life, And one that stood of God in fear. Susanna, and a number more, From place to place with Christ did go. They for their health received, restore To Christ all kind of thankfulness: To him and his they of their stor● Did minister with joyfulness. Those women all with full intent, To hear and learn God's word were bend. And when into a house they came, The multitude met so again: (So far abroad was spread his fame,) He could no space alone remain. Both he and his, though they had meat, Had then no time the same to eat. Math. 12.22. Luc. 11.14. Then they brought unto jesus one Possessed with a devil, I find, And him for help they call upon, The man withal was dumb and blind. These three impediments had he: Yet with his word Christ made him free. The multitude amazed were, And praised God with heart and voice: The son (said they) of David here, Doth give us cause for to rejoice: And now we all assured be, This Christ the Lord is even he. Math. 12.24. Cap. 9.34. Mar. 3.22. Luc. 11.15. But the hard hearted pharisees, When they heard this, began to say: He fills you full of fantasies, For Beelzebub this part doth play; Without his help he never can Cast out the devil out of a man. A kingdom or a City divided within itself cannot endure. Math. 12.25. But jesus knew their thoughts before, And therefore unto them did say: What kingdom warreth very sore Within itself, without decay? What City or what house may stand, Divided so, in any land? If Satan cast out Satan sure, Or I by Beelzebub do so, His kingdom cannot long endure: One thing I ask you and no more; By whom do your sons cast them out? They shall you judge in this no doubt. If through God cast out the same, Then is his kingdom come this day: If one man to a strong man came, To spoil his house, and run away, Can he his purpose bring to pass, Ere he be bound that owner was? But I by force gave him the foil, Whose help you say, I daily use: The more for you that I do toil, The more you still do me abuse. He that on my side is not, he Against me fully sure must be. Blasphemy. Each sin, and so each blasphemy, Math. 12.31. Mar. 3.28. Luc. 12.10. 1. joh. 5.16. Shall be forgiven men, I say, If they repent it heartily, And for remission do pray; Except against the holy Ghost, Of all, this sin offendeth most. The sin against the son of man, Which oftentimes doth hap and chance: Both frank and free remit I can, For it may come of ignorance. The works God's spirit works are such, That they cannot be hidden much. Take heed ye do not then offend, Or sin against the holy Ghost: God will not sure world without end▪ Forgive that sin, he hates it most. The tree and fruit make good I say, Or make both ●it to cast away. As by the fruit we know the tree, So by your words, ye known are: Oh vipers, you that evil be, Your speeches do your works declare. Math. 12.34. Luc. 6.45. The heart it storeth good or ill, Whereof the mouth doth savour still. Both good men and the evil show, What treasure they have hid in heart: At the last judgement you shall know, How well or ill you played your part. Vain talk who so doth here afford, Shall answer for each idle word. Christ denied the jews any sign, saving only the sign of jonas. Math. 12.38. Cap. 16.1. Luc. 11.29. 1. Cor. 1.22. The Scribes and pharisees withal, Came tempting Christ, and sought a sign, As if on sight thereof they all, From former faults would then decline. But Christ that knew the inward mind, With words they could not so make blind. Christ answered, and said again, Thou wicked generation, Adulterous, and very vain, Though signs thou dost depend upon, No sign shall given be to thee, But that of jonas thou shalt see. Math. 12.40. jonas. 1.17. Cap. 2.10. As three days and three nights he was, Within the whale all covered: So shortly it will come to pass, I shall in earth be buried. jonas in the belly of the whale was a figure of Chris● in his grave. Three days and three nights verily, In grave the son of man shall lie. Christ argued the jews of impenitency. The men of Niniveh shall rise With these, and shall condemn them to: Math. 12.41. jonas. 3.5. They jonas words did not despise, But did repent, as you should do. One greater than jonas is here, Yet small repentance doth appear. The Queen of Saba she shall rise, Math. 12.42. 1. King. 10.1. 1. Chron. 9.2. Saba is full South from jerusalem. In judgement, with these men also: And them she shall condemn likewise, That so far from her home would go To hear king Solomon; I say, His greater yet you hear this day. Christ prnounced an heavy sentence against such as revolt from the truth received. They which are once delivered Math. 12.43. Luc. 11.24. From unclean spirits, free and well: Are after justly punished, If in them they again do dwell. Their last end sure far worse shallbe, Then was the first, take this of me. The unclean spirit places dry, Doth walk throughout seeking a rest: Where faith, where hope, where charity, Is settled sure within man's breast, It is so dried with God's grace, That devils have there no resting place. Then he returneth home again, Into the house from whence he went: (For all this while he walked in vain, And miss still of his intent) This house he findeth swept within, Clean void of virtue, decked with sin. Math. 12.45. ●. Pet. 2.20. hebr. 6.4. Cap. 10.26. Then taketh he seven spirits more, As ill as he in every thing: And dwells where he did dwell before, His end is worse than beginning. So shall it with this people be, They mend not for all that they see. This spirit is the devil indeed, His house is man where he doth dwell, The dry place where he cannot speed, Man's heart it is, heat by God well With godly zeal, and hate of sin; He rests not there though he come in. Christ showed who his mother, sisters, and brethren are. While Christ spoke to the company, Math. 12.46. Mar. 3.31. Luc. 8.20. His mother and his brethren were Without: desiring earnestly, To talk with him as may appear. Then one of them that was there, came And told our saviour of the same. But he preferring far before, The work that he then had in hand, Increasing daily more and more; He said, to such as there did stand, My mother and brethren be they, That do my doctrine still obey. My mother, whom I love so well, My brethren, whom I like also, Are these: and they (mark what I tell) For brother and sister shall go. My friends they are who so do still, Perform and keep my fathers will. The state of the kingdom of God, set forth by seven parables, and first of the seed. By parables Christ taught men plain, The state, nature, and worthiness Of God's word: he did not disdain, To show always his readiness, His chosen in all things he may To help; and win them every way. Christ though of late he had been let, And interrupted by his friends, His office he did not forget, For their great fault he made amends. To the sea side from thence he went, To preach again with like intent. And the same place, Math. 13.1. Mar. 4.1. Luc. 8.4. was the sea side That by Genezaret doth lie, Where he sat down for to abide; But pressed on with company, He took a ship wherein he sat, And taught them as he had done late. The people standing on the shore, With diligence did give him ear: The multitude increasing more, The more of him did stand in fear. Whose words and works they all did see, The first parable, wherein showed the ●dition of the word of God In every thing so well agree. Behold, said Christ, a sour went To sow his seed; but some seed fell far otherwise then he had meant By the way side, which could not well Yield fruit: the fowl without delay Devoured them all so clean away. Some fell on stony ground also, Where they of earth had little store: They sprung the rather there, but lo The sun rose up and parched them sore And so for lack of root, I say, Anon they withered all away. Among the thorns some other fell, Which springing up were choked withal: Some fell in good ground and did well, The same brought fruit where they did fall, One corn an hundredth fold or more, Some sixty, some thirty also, He that hath ears to hear, may hear, For herein the condition Of God's word may to thee appear, The rule of thy salvation. Three sorts decayed all, you see, The fourth yields only fruit to me Then his disciples asked him, why By parables he taught them then? To you said Christ this verily Given is to know, not to those men. The secrets of God's kingdom ye, Shall learn, and know always of me. Math. 13.12. Cap. 25.29. To you that have, more will I give▪ That you may have abundance still: He that hath not, although he grieve, Shall lose all that, against his will. For seeing, they shall neither see, Nor hearing hear, as you hear me. This prophesy Esayas spoke, Math. 13.14. Esay. 6.9. Mar. 4.12. Luc. 8.10. joh. 12.40. Act. 28.26. Rom. 11.8. Which now in them fulfilled is: I will this people surely make, By hearing so to hear iwis, That they shall not yet understand, Nor think on that which is at hand. This people's heart is waxed fat, Their ears of hearing deaf and dull, They with their eyes have winked at The truth, lest they should see it full, Hear, and perceive it, as ye do, And turn, that I might heal them to. But blessed are your eyes, they see, Your ears also do hear the same: All you thereto appointed be, For you and such I surely came. The rest of sin are very full, And shall remain both blind and dull. Christ interpreted to his disciples the parable of the seed. This Parable hear ye therefore, Math. 13.18. Mar. 4.15. Luc. 8.11. When that a man God's word doth hear, And understands thereof no more Than ere he heard, it may appear The devil did catch the word away, That seed by the way side it lay. He that had seed in stony ground, Did hear the word, and that with joy, Yet had no root, he was not sound, He dured not, for every toy When trouble for the word shall be, Offended very soon is he. He that receiveth seed also, Among the thorns, are they that hear The word of God; yet go it fro, For worldly cares in them appear. Deceitfulness of riches make God's word in them no place can rake. But he that doth receive the seed, In the good ground; is even he That hears the word, and doth indeed God's word perceive it for to be. This beareth fruit an hundredth fold, Some sixty, some thirty, be bold. The second parable of the good seed, and of the tars declaring likewise the state and condition of God's word. Math. 13.24. Another parable Christ spoke, The kingdom of heaven is, I say, Much like one that good seed did take, And sowed it, and went away: But while men slept, the enemy, Did sow tars there immediately. And when the blade sprung up in sight, And brought forth fruit, than did appear The tars that he had fowne by night: The servants seeing, said with fear, Didst not thou (Master) sow good seed? Whence cometh then this filthy weed? He said, the envious man it is That hath done this: the servants say, Wilt thou that we go gather this, And pluck it up to cast away? Nay, while about the tars ye go, Lest ye pluck up the wheat also. Let both grow till the harvest come, Then will I to the reapers say, The tars now gather to one room, And bind them in the fire to lay. My wheat see ye that reapers are, It be brought to my barn with care. This parable declareth well, The state and the condition Of God's word writ in the Gospel, The doctrine of salvation. The householder soweth the seed: The devil sows tars and other weed. The 3. parable of the mustard seed, wherein is set forth the nature of God's word. Another parable again, Christ put forth to them, saying this, Math. 13.31. Mar. 4.30. Luc. 13.19. God's kingdom like unto a grain Of mustard seed assured is: Which man doth sow within his field, That it some fruit to him may yield. This seed, of seeds is least of all, Of herbs it grows the greatest one And is a tree (though not so tall) Yet birds may breed his branch upon. The nature of God's word iwis, Is very well compared to this. For though this seed is very small, And subject to contempt therefore, Yet it of herbs grows great'st of all, And birds therein do breed some store. God's word at first seems so, I say, Yet groweth great each day by day. And sharp in taste is mustard seed, Yet heateth man, though bitingly: So is God's word in very deed Sharp to the mind, yet soul healthy. Of him that takes of this a grain, It sharply heateth every vain. The fourth parable of the leaven, declaring also thereby the nature of God's word. Math. 13.33. Luc. 13.21. A parable then like the last, jesus put forth to them again, To prove the nature, force, and taste, That in God's word doth sure remain. It is like leaven laid in meal, That leaveneth it every deal. As little leaven leaveth not, Till it have leavened the meal: So God's word searcheth every knot Or vain in man, his sores to heal. The one makes bread taste well in deed, The other man which most hath need. In parables spoke jesus then, Unto the people that were there: He would not speak unto those men, This otherwise: as may appear, That it might be fulfilled so, Which David spoke so long ago. Math. 13.35. Psal. 78.2. My mouth I will open, saith he, In parables; and show to man, The things that now so hidden be, And have been since the world began. Then jesus sent the men away, For there he made no longer stay. Christ went into the house, where he declared to his Disciples, desiring it, the meaning of the two parables of the tars. When Christ into the house was come, Math. 13.36. Then his Disciples to him say; Declare to us the very sum, And certain meaning we thee pray, Of the same tars so in the field, We can no reason of them yield. Then Christ did answer them again, He that there sowed the good seed, It was the son of man certain, The field, it is the world in deed, The good seed, are God's children sure, The tars, the wicked and unpure. The enemy, the devil it is, Math. 13.39. joel. 3.13. Revel. 14.15. The harvest of the world is end: The Angels are reapers iwis, Which to his harvest God will send: And as the tars are burnt in deed, The wicked so in hell shall speed. The son of man then forth shall send His Angels, for to gather all That in his kingdom do offend, And still from sin to sin do fall. These to hell fire shall be cast tho, Where they shall gnash their teeth for wo. Math. 13.43. Dan. 12.3. Wis. 3.7. Then shall the just men shining be, As is the Sun in greatest light, In the kingdom of heaven, said he, Abiding in their father's sight. See ye these words receive in fear, With humble heart, and open ear. The fift parable of the treasure hid in the field, declareth the worthiness of God's word. Math. 13.44. While Christ did in the house remain, (As he had done by the sea side) He spoke in parables again, To such as did with him abide. The worthiness declared he, And of what price God's word should be. Like treasure hid within a field God's kingdom is, which when one found, In hope it would much profit yield, He hide the same within the ground; For joy and hope such wealth to wield, That man sold * All that he bade. all to buy that field. The sixth parable of the pearls, declaring as before the worthiness of God's word. Math. 13.45. Again he said, God's kingdom is Like to a wary merchant man, That sought pearls, and found one of price, To buy the which this merchant can Find in his heart to sell away All that he hath without delay. Gen. 12.1. Acts. 7.3. Old Abraham was such a one, He left his country, friends and all: His wealth he never thought upon, But did obey when God did call. And David that God's word dist taste, Psal. 1.2. Psal. 1 19 As sweet as honey to his last. And the Apostles they were such, And so the godly Martyr all: These did esteem nothing so much, As to obey, when God did call: These merchants, all they had they sold, To buy this pearl, surpassing gold. The seventh parable of the draw-net, declaring the state and condition of God's word. God's kingdom is like a draw net, Math. 13.47 Which one into the sea doth cast: Things of all sorts when it doth get, He draws it full from thence at last. The good he doth in vessels lay, But casteth all the bad away. So shall it be at the world's end, The Angels shall sever the bad, And such as by no means amend, From just men, which shall then be glad: Though wicked men in fire then do Both wail and gnash their teeth for wo. Then jesus ask them could say, All these things understand ye yet? Yea Lord, for so say they we may, Thy words we never shall forget. By this Christ did teach them again, The state of God's word very plain. The godly may not sever now, Themselves away from wicked men, But as the tars in wheat must grow Till harvest time; the reapers than Shall save the wheat, and for their hire, Shall burn the tars in flaming fire. And every Scribe said Christ, that is Taught to God's kingdom, I compare Unto a householder iwis, Whose treasure house's stored are: And doth (to whom himself so would) Bring forth (to give) both new and old. As these, so more of Christ were done, Then we in writing left us have, Approving him to be God's son, Come to the world man's soul to save. Yet here the meek and godly mind, Of heavenly food his fill shall find. All glory be to thee on high, Oh Father, Son and holy Ghost: One mighty God in Trinity, Which saved us, that else were lost. To thee be laud o God therefore, And praise, and honour, evermore. Amen. THE FOURTH PART OF THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, containing those things which he did the third year after his Baptism, which was the two and thirtieth year of his age, according to the four Evangelists: the year after the creation of the world 4173. beginning at the death of john Baptist. To the tune of the Lords Prayer. john Baptist was beheaded, his head given to Herodias daughter, and his body buried by his Disciples the 13. of April. Anno Domini. 32. THe year of Christ's Nativity, Math. 14.1. Mar. 6.14. Luc. 9.7. The thirty two, as than it was, And thirteenth day assuredly Of April, thus it came to pass, That john the Baptist lost his life, To please Herodias, Philip's wife. For john had said to Herod's face, Herodias may not be thy wife: Which wrought in her that wanted grace, Such fervent hate, she sought his life. She never rested night nor day, Till she had got his head away. His doctrine she misliked so, Two brethren may not marry ●ne woman, nec 〈◊〉 converso, Levit. 18.16. Cap. 20.21. Because he said; she could not be King Herod's wife and Phillips to, Two brethren may not marry thee. And though she did him much despise, Yet could not she his death devise. For Herod heard john willingly, And feared much him to offend: For he confessed john to be Both just and holy to his end, This was a let, to work her will, Her malice she could not fulfil. Till it befell when Herod had Enclosed john in prison fast, And on his birth day to be glad, As he had used in times past, A Royal feast he caused to be Made for the states of Galilee. Whereat what happened you shall hear, Though Herod knew it in his heart, That john was just, and stood in fear, To play with him that bloody part: For oft he heard him joyfully, And did obey him willingly. Yet at that feast a dainty Dame, Herodias daughter danced so well, That all that to the banquet came, Commended her, and then befell The thing that was desired so, By the maids mother long ago. For Herod so was pleased withal, That strait he gave without advise, (Hap what might happen to befall, He did not reckon of the price) What gift soever she would crave, The same he promised she should have. She quickly went and Counsel had, Or else was taught to ask before: This made her mother very glad, For this she thirsted had so sore. Ask thou john Baptists head she said: Which done, was granted to the maid. Though Herod grieved at the same, Yet would not he the gift deny: For fear of foolish worldly shame, And for their sakes that then stood by. Therefore he to the hangman said, Go fetch his head, give it the maid. The minion with john Baptists head, Unto her mother straightway went: When his Disciples law him dead, His death they greatly did lament; And they his body buried, And thereof jesus certified. Then jesus fame so far was spread, That many wondered at his name: King Herod knew that john was dead, Yet scarcely could believe the same. john risen is again said he, By whom are wrought the works you see. Some other said Elyas was, Or else some Prophet come again: By whom such works were brought to pass, To name him Christ they thought it vain. Yet Herod him desired to see, That he might learn what he should be. Christ preaching in his own country, was despised of his countrymen. Luc. 4.16. Math. 13.54. Mar. 6.1. joh. 4.44. When as Christ jesus for to preach, To Nazareth his country came, Esayas book they did him reach, That he might read upon the same: Whereout, he taught them what he was, What he should teach, and bring to pass. His doctrine so astonished some, That they did wonder at his words: Whence doth (say they) this wisdom come? Or who to him these works affords? Is not that joseph's son I pray, The Carpenter, we heard this day? His mother Marie we do call, His brethren be they not with us? As men amazed they were all, To hear him so that text discuss. Save in his country then, said he, A Prophet shall sure honoured be. Luc. 4.25. 1. King. 17.9. jam. 5.17. Elyas was sent to a poor widow in Sarepta. Luc. 4.27. 2. King. 5.14. Wherefore he said to them again, When famine plagued Israel, And they for three years wanted rain, And months fix as stories tell, The Prophet then was sent to none, Save in Sarepta unto one. Oh Israel, thy leprosy, So great in Elyseus time, Though few could find a remedy, Naaman yet was cured by him. When they heard this, it grieved them sore, And they devised his death therefore. No greater works there then did he, Then on few sick his hands to lay: When he their unbelief did see, He marvelled much, and went away, Teaching in every town and place, Where he came, and had gotten space. Christ sent forth his Apostles by two and two to preach. And he the twelve did call again, Mar. 6.7. Math. 10.1. Luc. 9.1. And sent them forth by two and two: Power of him they did obtain, And charge withal what they should do; For clothing, or how they should far, He willed them to take no care. What house ye enter to, said he, There tarry till ye thence departed: If that you there despised be, They work themselves the greater smart. Acts. 13.15. Cap. 18.6. Shake from your feet the dust away, As witness against such I say. That city, house, or man be sure, Mar. 6.11. Math. 10.14. Luc. 9.5. That will not you receive or hear, A harder judgement shall endure, (When all in one place shall appear) Than Sodom and Gomorhe shall have, Where worldly wealth can no man save. So they went forth, and preaching told, That all men should their lives amend▪ They cast out devils with courage bold, And as their master did them send, Of griefs each grieved did relieve, And to the sick they health did give. The Apostles returning, showed Christ what great things they had done. Luc. 9.10. Math. 14.13. Mar. 6.30. When the Apostles came again, They told to Christ all they had done, Aswell where most they did remain, As how to preach they had begun, Relieving all men's miseries, And helping their infirmities. Christ went aside into the wilderness with his disciples, where he fed 5000. men with five l●aues and two fishes. Math. 14.13. Mar. 6.31. Luc. 9 10. And jesus said, come hence, depart By ship into another place: He thought he might in the desert Have had some ease a little space: For he and his Apostles were Much cloyed with press then every where. This was not done so secretly, The people soon espied the same: In multitudes they after hie, So great was grown Christ jesus fame, That from the cities all about They followed, till they found him out. Bethsayda was near to the place, Where Christ did mean to take some ease: The people thither ran apace, Each to be cured of his disease. Like scattered sheep the people were, All ready for the Wolf to tear. To pity them it did him move, And that he might express the same, And give them tokens of his love, He healed their blind, their sick, and lame; And of his kingdom verily, He taught to them the certainty. And now because the time was spent, Math. 14.15. Mar. 6.35. Luc. 9.10. joh. 6.5. And that they had far way to go, Christ thought it was expedient, With meat to feed those men also, Lest that they going by the way, Should faint, and of his help dismay. When his disciples came him to, Willing the people might be gone: For else said they, how shall they do, The night apace now draweth on. And this is desert where we are: For victuals therefore let them care. They have no need to go away, Said jesus, unto them again: See therefore that ye do them stay, Let them a while with us remain: And give you them now of your meat, For I would have them hear to eat. Then the disciples said, we have Five loaves, two fishes, and no more. Give thanks to God that the same gave, He daily will increase your store: Bring the same hither unto me, That your provision I may see. Then Christ commanded on the grass, The multitude to sit down round, Where he brought that thing then to pass, Which did their reasons all confound. When he had prayed and blest the bred, Five thousand Beside women ●nd children. ●ohn. 6.13. men therewith he fed. And of that broken meat had they, Twelve baskets full among them all: This was to warn men to obey, And to depend on him withal. They that his kingdom seek to have, Shall want nothing that they do crave. ●oh. 6.5. For Christ's demand to Phylip was, Where bread for all them might be bought▪ He knew not what would come to pass, And therefore spoke as then he thought; Two hundredth pennyworth will not be, To each of them a bit; said he. And Andrew said, here is a boy That hath five loaves, and fishes two, And thought it but a very toy, To offer that, all those unto. Yet with the same, Christ fed as then, As I have said, five thousand men. The multitude when they did see, The miracle that Christ had done: Did strait confess him then to be, (As sure he was) Gods only son. This Prophet (say they) certainly, We looked for so earnestly. When jesus therefore did perceive, That they would seek to make him king, Worldly conceits could not deceive, (Or work in him ●o base a thing.) Therefore he did himself convey Into a mount out of the way. Christ stilled the raging of the sea, walked on the sea, and saved Peter, when through infidelity he was ready to sink. Then jesus sent by ship before, Math. 14.22. Mar. 6.45. joh. 6.16. All his disciples thence away, And eke the people from the shore, And went alone aside to pray. But they were tossed too and fro, The wind and waves then raged so. All this he saw, that seethe all, And therefore went ro ease their pain: Who so doth come when he doth call, Or sent doth go, shall sure remain Amidst all troubles safe and free: For Christ with such will ever be. About the fourth watch of the night, Christ walked on the sea as then: And passing by them, at the sight They cried out like fearful men, Supposing he had been a * Or spirit. ghost, And that they surely had been lost. Comfort yourselves then jesus said, It is myself, you need not fear: Though want of faith made you afraid, Yet none of you shall lose a hair; Rejoice therefore, regard no pain, You shall have ease for this again. Then Peter minding him to try, Said; master, bid me come to thee. Then jesus said; Come by and by, And walk on foot along to me. Out of the ship he stepped strait way, As one that would his Lord obey. But when he saw a mighty wind, He sore afraid began to sink: If help (he cried) I do not find, I shall be drowned as I think. So want of faith, did let him fall, And faith again, gave grace to call. Him jesus then reproved sore; When they into the ship were come: The sea and wind did cease to roar, Which seemed a marvel unto some: Yet all confessed verily, By this, Christ jesus deity. When Christ had landed in the country of Genezareth, they brought unto him all that were sick, and as many as touched the hem of his vesture were healed. Math. 14.34. Mar. 6.54. Christ to Genezareth then went, Where when he came first to the shore, The country all with one consent, (Yea such as saw him not before,) Devised how to bring him there, All such as than diseased were. All which desired but to touch His garments, as he passed by: His shadow did relieve all such, As shadowed were, where they did lie. Thus did their faith bring forth much fruit, For they obtained all their suit. Lo he that lately with disdain, Math. 13.54. Mar. 6.1. Luc. 4.16. Among his own had no regard: He whom his kinsmen would have slain, Him truly, strangers gladly heard. His doctrine these men did embrace, And he on them shed forth his grace. Christ's Sermon of Manna from heaven, and of the bread of life, at Capernaum. joh. 6.24. The people that Christ jesus fed, Sought him till they found him again: They sought not for the heavenly bread, For earthly meat they took that pain. Strive not so for that meat, said he: Strive for the meat I shall give thee. Then said they all what shall we do, That work the works of God we might? Christ jesus answered thereto, And taught them how to do it right; The work of God (with good intent,) Is to believe in whom he sent. Show us some sign that we may see, joh. 6.31. Exod. 16.14. Nomb. 11.7. Psal. 78 24. Wis. 16.20. And so believe in thee: they say, Our father's Manna had, to be Their meat, in the desert always: God gave them bread from heaven to eat, And it was long our father's meat. And jesus then said verily, Not Moses but my father he Doth give to you assuredly, True bread from heaven: believe ye me; The bread of God came down I say, And to the world gives life always. Then they again to jesus said, Give us this bread, Lord, evermore: The bread of life (be not afraid) joh. 6.35. Cap. 4.14. Eccl. 24.24. I am: he shall not hunger sore, Nor thirst, that doth believe in me, So do not you, for all you see. They come to me whom God doth give, And them I do not cast away: I lose not one that doth believe, But raise him up at the last day. My father's will, not mine to do, I came from heaven this earth unto. The jews did murmur he said so, (I am the bread that down did come.) joh. 6.42. Math. 13.55. What is this joseph's son or no? Is not he known to us, said some? No man can come (be sure said he) But whom the father draws, to me. john. 6.45. Esay. 54.13. jere. 31.33. joh. 6.46. Math. 11.27. Whom God hath taught, come unto me, Not that the father sure hath been Of any one, save only he Which is of God (said jesus) seen. To him that doth in me believe, Life everlasting I do give. I am the bread of life in deed, john 6.49. Exod. 16.15. Your father's Manna long did eat, Yet are they dead: so shall not speed, Such as feed on this heavenly meat. My flesh it is the bread I give, Which is life to all that believe. How can this man give us to eat His flesh say they? can it so be? My flesh except it be your meat, Add that ye drink my blood, said he, Eternal life I say again, Doth not at all in you remain. Who so doth eat my flesh, I say, joh. 6.54. 1. Cor. 11.27. And drinks my blood, hath life in deed: Him I will raise at the last day, But so shall not the wicked speed. My flesh and blood is faithfully, Both meat and drink assuredly. He that doth eat my flesh, is he, And he that drinks my blood withal, In whom I dwell, and he in me, As God the Father eternal Hath sent me; so, by him I live, And life to others I do give. From heaven above came down this bread, Not as your fathers that did eat The Manna sent them, yet are dead, For he that eateth of this meat Shall live, and he shall never die, As sinners do eternally. At Capernaum spoke he this, Where some of his Disciples were, That said, a hard thing sure it is, Who can abide the same to hear? joh. 6.62. Cap. 3.13. Doth this offend you then, said he? What, if I should ascend, will ye? It is the spirit that in deed Doth quicken, not the flesh be sure: In spirit, this both life doth breed And nourish, ever to endure: For what I speak (to end all strife) To you is spirit and is life. Yet some of you believe not this, (He knew them, and the traitor to) Therefore I told you how it is, That come unto me any do: The father only gives this grace To him, that doth enjoy the place. So some went clean from him away, Then jesus said, unto the rest; Will ye departed from me this day? And walk as they where you think best? Shall we said Peter, then at last? Words of eternal life thou hast. joh. 6.69. Math. 16.10. Math. 26.16. And we believe, and know thou art The Christ, the Son of God in deed: And if we did from thee departed, We should be sure, full ill to speed. Christ did again the traitor note: Lest his Apostles should forgot. Christ rebuked the Scribes and pharisees, for transgressing Gods commandments, and answered their accusation against his Disciples, for eating meat with unwashen hands. Math. 15.1. Mar. 7.1. The Scribe and faithless Pharisie, Came then our Saviour Christ unto, Supposing by their subtlety, For to deface what he would do. They from Jerusalem then came, That so feign would his works defame. Why thy Disciples do transgress, Of elders the tradition, Do thou now unto us express; This was at first their question: For they (say they) wash not a hand, When they eat meat, we understand. O hypocrites, said Christ again, You do God's word still disobey, Supposing you shall scape the pain, Math. 15.4. Exod. 20.12. Deut. 5.16. Ephes. 6.2. That you do merit day by day. He that his parents (sure saith God) Dishonoureth, shall feel my rod. In words you worship, but in vain, Lip labour, liketh not the Lord, A double heart, he doth disdain: When words and deeds do well accord, Then praise and prayer he will hear, Which never doth in you appear. It is not meat that hurteth man, Which with the mouth he doth consume: But evil thoughts which now and than, Do move the heart to fret and fume, Or else devise some evil deed▪ Of this ye should take greatest heed. Each plant my father planteth not, Shall by the root be plucked again: Our God will not all his forgot, When hypocrites do suffer pain. These blindly still, the blind do lead, You have no cause, their craft to dread. Christ cast a devil out of the daughter of a woman of Canaan, and healed many other. From thence likewise did jesus pass, Of tire and Sydon through the cost, Of such great care our Saviour was. To save that else might there be lost: He ceased not but day by day, Did good to all that would him pray. Behold a woman, came to him, That did within those borders dwell, Whose daughter was in every limb Sore vexed with a devil of hell. Christ she most earnestly did pray, From her to drive the devil away. Whose suit, though seeming to deny, Christ granted unto her at last, When that he saw how faithfully, She hoped his favour for to t●st. He gave to her to do her good, Some portion of the children's food. Christ returned thence again into the costs of Galilee, healed a deaf man that stammered in his speech and many others, and fed. 4000 men besides women and children with seven loaves. Mar. 7.31. Math. 15.29. Christ did return yet then again, Into the costs of Galilee, Their late contempt and deep disdain, Withdrew not so his piety. Among the midst of wolves he still, Protecteth safe his flock from ill. A deaf man unto Christ they brought, That stamb●ed in his speech also: He granted them, what then they sought, And healed him, and let him go: So that amazed in great fear, They gave God praise all that were there. He then up to a mountain went, And sat him down upon the same: And the people with full intent, By multitudes unto him come, To hear his doctrine, and to crave That they some help of him might have. They thither brought the lame, the blind, Math. 15.30. Esay. 35.5. The deaf, the dumb, and maimed sort: These had as they did hope to find, Their former health, to their comfort: So that the people did rejoice, And praised God with heart and voice. Which caused Christ to pity these, As he before had done also, When in the desert to their ease, He fed five thousand men and more. This did he that they might perceive, That Christ would not his chosen leave. Wherefore he fed now once again, Four thousand men sure at the least, Near Galilee on that mountain, Where he had healed all the rest, With seven loaves and few fishes small, Christ jesus fed those men withal. The pharisees and Saducees tempted Christ, and desired him to show them a sign. Math. 16.1. Mar. 8.12. Luc. 12.54. To Magdala, when this was done, By ship our Saviour did sail, To whom the Saducees did soon, And pharisees without all fail Resort, which feign a sign would see From heaven above, if it would be. They could discern the outward face, And each appearance in the sky: These hypocrites had yet no grace, But needs they would Christ jesus try. Those that by tempting, Christ assail, Do most in all their fetches fail. For those no sign at all could have, But that of jonas, which we read, That lay three days as in a grave, Within a whale, as he were dead: The son of man shall even so, Lie in the grave, and rise therefrom. Christ commanded his Disciples to beware of the leaven of the pharisees. Math. 16.5. Mar. 8.14. Lu●. 12.1. They thence went to the other side, But had forgot to buy them bread, So far men's fancies wander wide, When they do stray from Christ their head. These minded not that jesus could Provide them meat when that he would. Christ warning them to shun always The leaven of the Pharisie, Made them conceive, this doth he say, Sith we forgot some bread to buy. They never thought how he had fed Four thousand men with little bread. This leaven of the Pharisie, The Saducees, and Herod to, Then his disciples warned he, They should in any wise forego False teachers, and their doctrine flee, For they men's souls do slay ye see. Christ healed a blind man in Bethsayda. Then jesus to Bethsayda came, Mar. 8.22. Where they unto him brought one blind, Desiring him to heal the same, For other help they could not find. Out of the town the blind led he, Where afterward he made him see. Christ jesus spat his eyes into, And put his hands upon him then, And said, now tell it, if thou do See any thing among these men. I see them walk as trees, said he, Though perfectly I cannot see. Christ put his hands on him again, And bade him look then all about. He looked, and saw each thing plain, He stood of nothing then in doubt. Go home said Christ, sith thou art well, Of this in town to no man tell. Peter in the name of all the Apostles, confessed Christ to be the son of the living God: to which confession Christ answered, and in his name promised unto them all the keys of the kingdom of heaven. When to Caesarea jesus came, Math. 16.13 Mar. 8.27. Luc. 9.18. Called Philippi, as we read: Of his disciples then what fame He asked, of him abroad was spread? The son of man I am said he: What do men say therefore of me? john Baptist, some name thee, they say, Elias some do thee suppose, Or jeremias, or some way, That of the Prophets one of those That in the elder times have been, Is rise again, and of them seen. But whom say ye, said Christ again, That I the son of man should be? Mat. 16. joh. 6.69. Then Simon Peter said certain, The son of God we knowledge thee. Then Christ said, Simon verily, Blessed thou art, and worst thou why? To men's opinions subject I, Most willingly myself do give: Yet mine do know me perfectly, And as they know, do so believe; This knowledge thou couldst never have, Of flesh and blood, but God it gave. O Peter, this confession, The ground work of my Church shall be: For upon that foundation, I mean to build a Church for me. The gates of hell shall not prevail Against the same, but still shall fail. To you of heaven I give the key, That is the preaching of my word: All men that will not it obey, Against all such, draw out this sword; What so in earth ye lose or bind, The like in heaven, the same shall find. Then charged he that they should tell, As then to no man what he were: E●● Christ we learn to know full well, We may not preach him, without fear; For though no more but man we see, Yet must we know him God to be. Christ taught the faithful to bear his Cross, and rebuked Peter for dissuading his death. From that time forth jesus began, Math. 16.21. To show that he himself must go Unto jerusalem, for man To suffer and abide much woe: The elders, Priests, and Scribes had plain Devised all, to have him slain. And though he told them this before, The third day I will rise again: Yet Peter thought it wisdom more, To keep him thence to shun the pain. And therefore he took him aside: But Christ would not his words abide. So he that late revealed by God. Did know and knowledge Christ his son, Doth straightway here deserve a rod, Not knowing yet what he had done. When self-will casts God's word behind, Our weakness than we quickly find. Here Peter doth presume to teach His master Christ himself to save: Christ him of folly did appeach, And so a sore rebuke him gave. Oh Satan come (said he) behind, On earth, not heaven, thou settest thy mind. The faithful must bear the Cross. Math. 16.24. Math. 10.38. Mar. 8.34. Luc. 9.23. Cap. 14.27. Then jesus said to them again, If any man will follow me, He must forsake himself at vain, And bear my Cross though vexed he be: If his afflictions shall be sore, Yet in the same I go before. Who so would live still loathing pain, And yet doth seek his life to save, Doth lose his labour, this is plain, Life without me he cannot have. He that for my sake yields to die, Shall save his life eternally. What profit shall that man obtain, That wins the world his soul to lose? When he hath reckoned all his gain, Most vain it is that he doth choose. For he that will not for me die, Shall die a death perpetually. For sure the son of man, he shall In glory of his father dear, (The Angels him attending all) Math. 16.27. Psal. 62.12. Rom. 2.6. In judgement here again appear. And then according to his deed, Shall every man be sure to speed. Math. 16.28. Mar. 9.1. Luc. 9.27. Yet truly unto you I say, That some of them which here do stand, Shall not by death be fetched away, Until the time be near at hand, That in his kingdom they do see The son of man so come to be. Christ was transfigured on mount Thabor, in the presence of Peter, james, and john, & talked with Moses and Elyas. Saint Matthew after six days said, Math. 17.1. Mar. 9.2. Luc. 9.28. Matthew saith that this was the sixth day after the preaching of the cross remembered before. Luke saith it was eight days after, which both agree thu●● Matthew reckoneth neither the day he preached, nor the day he wa● transfigured, Luke doth both. That jesus was transfigured: The order of it made afraid, All such as saw what happened; For he appeared in majesty, Surpassing their capacity. Christ, Peter, james, and john then took Into mount Thabor all apart: Where on his glory they should look, That they might ponder it in heart: He took them three, for against three, Exceptions may not taken be. * Moses, Elias, and the voice of the father, were three witnesses of his deity or Godhead. So as the sun, did shine his face, His clothes were white as is the light, And two men standing in the place, With whom to talk he took delight: They Moses, and Elias were, That stood and talked with him there. But his disciples were afraid To look upon so strange a sight, This voice withal made them dismayed, That came out of the cloud forthright, This is my son I love so dear, Happy are they that do him hear. And Peter was amazed so, That he knew not the words he spoke; Come Master said he, ere we go, Three tabernacles let us make. Be not afraid said Christ of me, For now alone you may me see. So as he came the mountain fro, He said to them, this vision You may declare all men unto, After my resurrection: Till then to no man may you say, What you have seen all three this day. Why do the Scribes said they tell us, Come needs must first Elyas be? Then Christ to them gave answer thus, Elyas came, they could not see. And his Apostles well then witted, He had spoke this of john Baptist. Christ coming down from the mountain, cured a child that was lunatic. Math. 17.15. Mar. 9.14. Luc. 9.38. When from the hill come down they were. Among the multitude was one That said, oh master, pity here, And help I pray my vexed son: Of thy Disciples I can have No help at all, my son to save. Oh crooked generation, Bring here said Christ, the child to me: How long shall in this nation, Such unbelief engraffed be? Christ then the devil rebuked so, That from the child he made him go. Then his Disciples secretly, Asked why they could not cast him out? It was your infidelity, Else you had done it without doubt. Prayer and fasting it the way, Whereby this devil cast out you may. They came thence into Galilee, where he foretold them of his passion, and paid tribute. Math. 17.22. Cap. 20.17. Mar. 9.31. Luc. 9.44. Cap. 24.7. Christ told them this in Galilee, The son of man shall given be, Into men's hands assuredly, For to be slain as you shall see: Yet he the third day, shall again Revive, and so for ay remain. Then they which tribute did receive, Peter was a Citizen at Capernaun, where Christ then lay. Came unto Peter secretly, And said to him, we do percive, Thy master at thy house doth lie, Tell us therefore and if he do Pay tribute, unto Caesar to? Whose answer (as he thought in deed,) Was that his master paid the same: Wherefore he hide him home with speed, Christ declared his deity in that he told Peter his thought. And to his master quickly came. Who then preventing him took pain, To ask of him the same again. What thinkest thou, oh Peter show Of whom do kings their tribute take? Of children? or of strangers now? Of strangers, he did answer make. By this thy reason then said he, Both thou and I may well go free. Another infallible token of his deity, in that h● foretold Peter of the money in the fish mouth. Yet lest we should them so offend, Go to the sea, and angle there: Where if thou do a while attend, A fish thou shalt take, do not fear, That in his mouth shall surely have What they for thee and me do crave. Thus Christ to Peter twice did show, That every thing what so it were, Himself the same before did know: Whereby his Godhead did appear. And therewithal example gave, To pay the king what he should have. The contention of the Apostles for the primacy, Christ's answer, and warning against offences. Math. 18.1. Mar. 9.34. Luc. 9.16. Then his Disciples did demand, Who should in heaven the greatest be? Christ did a little child command To stand, and said, lo here you see, In heaven the greatest is the mild, That humbleth him as doth a child. Math. 18.10. Psal. 34.7. Offend not these, whose Angels see, And do behold my father's face: Math. 18.8. Cap. 5.30. Mar. 9.45. Though that offences needs must be, Yet sure offenders do want grace. Cut of the hand, pluck out the eye, If that offences come thereby. Math. 18. 15. ●f a man being ●arned pri●atly, & again ●efore one or too, & thirdly ●efore the church, do not ●mend, then let ●im be excommunicated, not otherwise. Of forgiving our brethren. But if thy brother thee offend, Seek thou to win him privately: If thee he hear not, nor amend, Go yet, and warn him earnestly: If then he do not hear the same, Before the Church let him have blame. Then Peter came to him, and said, When that my brother doth offend, Shall I when he doth seem afraid, Forgive him seven times, if he mend? Not seven times, but as oft (said he) As he reputes, let him go free. By you on earth what so is bound, Or loosed likewise by you is, The same in heaven shall so be found. If they ask to God's glory, the profit of their neighbours, and the salvation of their own souls. Two their requests shall have iwis, Where in my name meet two or three, I in the midst will surely be. The example of the king receiving accounts of his servants, and the reward of cruelty. A certain king would take accounts, Math. 18.23. Among his servants jesus said: And one was brought whose debt surmounts Ten thousand talents, all dismayed. Of this, the mighty king could say, Sell him and his, my debts to pay. But when the servant cried grace, Desiring him a longer day: He said not, go thou for a space, But I forgive, go hence away. This king so full of piety, May teach us to use clemency. But the same servant met his mate, That aught to him an hundred pence: He strait not weighing his estate, Nor yet regarding the offence, Put him in prison that did pray, Without respect, till he would pay. His fellows saw, and sorry were, And told their master of the same, Who would not long this fact forbear, But paid him like for like, with shame. Till all were paid, withouten fail: He sent that servant then to jail. So likewise shall my father do, (Said Christ) except you do forgive, Yea from your hearts your brethren to, Their faults, whereat you so much grieve: For as you hope of him to have, So grant them grace, that grace will crave. Christ his journey out of Galilee into judea, and his Sermons in the Temple at the feast of Tabernacles. Mat. 19.1. Mar. 10.1. Christ did departed from Galilee, And to judea came again, Where as he passed jordan by: While in that cost he did remain, (As graciously he used to deal) Their sick and lame he then did heal. Then came to him the Pharisie, Full fraughted both in heart and mind, With craft, and cloaked hypocrisy, Hoping in Christ some fault to find. But still for all his taken toil, Ere he departs he hath the foil. joh. 7.2. Levit. 23.34. The feast of Tabernacles then, Was kept with great solemnity, Unto the which those country men, Did use to go continually: That feast was even then at hand, Which they gave Christ to understand. His brethren to him therefore say, Depart hence, and to jury go, That thy Disciples there they may, See all thy works, that here we do. For none in secret works the same, That being known sets forth his fame. My time it not yet come, said he, But your time always ready is: The world loves you, and hateth me, Because it doth all things amiss. Go ye that are thereto addressed: I will not yet go the feast. These things he said, abiding still In Galilee, behind the rest, Till he his time might there fulfil: Yet after he came to the feast, Though secretly, which made the jews To muse, they heard of him no news. Some cald' him good, some other bad, And said he doth but men deceive: When half the feast was done, yet glad Were some our Saviour to receive. Christ taught, the jews did marvel how He should untaught the Scriptures know▪ My doctrine is his that sent me, If any man will do his will, God's word he shall know it to be, And that I must the same fulfil. Unrighteousness in him was none, He sought God's glory not his own. Did Moses give to you a law? joh. 7.19. Exod. 2●. ●. And none of you doth keep the same? And yet as men that stood in awe, For breach therefore ye do me blame. Yea more than that, ye would me kill, That only do my fathers will. Thou hast the devil, said they again, Who goeth about to kill thee here? One work I did, I tell you plain, joh. 7.22. Levit. 12.3. Gen. 17.10. You marvel at, on may with fear. You Circumcise them Sabbath day: I made one whole, ye would me slay. joh. 7.24. Deut. 1.16. judge not as outwardly you see, But righteous judgement judge withal. Is not this man (said some) even he Whose death they have decreed all? Do not the rulers see plainly, That he now speaketh openly? This man from whence he is know we, Whence Christ shall come we cannot tell▪ Whence I am come ye know, said he, Him that sent me ye know not well: But I know him, and he sent me; I am of him, so are not ye. They sought to take him, but did lay No hands on him, his hour as then Was not come, to make him away. Some said, believing of those men, When Christ comes shall his works be more? Or greater than we see him do? The pharisees and high Priests sent Their officers Christ for to take: A little while now be content, Said Christ, my journey hence I make: joh. 7.34. Cap. 13.33. To him that sent me will I go, You (leeking) shall find me no more. Now whither will he, said the jews? That we shall not find him again? If to the Grecians that were news. This thing they would have learned feign; Ye shall seek me, but shall not find, Nor come to me, in deed or mind. Now in the last day of the feast, joh. 7.37. Levit. 23.36. Christ stood, and cried to them, and said, If any thirst, lo I am priest To give him drink, be not afraid, In him that doth believe in me, A well of life shall springing be. This of the spirit they should receive, joh. 7.39. joel. 2 28. Act. 2.17. That would believe in, him he spoke, Although the jews did not perceive, Nor great account of jesus make. When Christ was glorified then, The holy Ghost was given men. So many when they heard this, said, This is the Prophet certainly: Some other not so much afraid, Said, he was Christ apparently. Of other minds again were some, From Galilee Christ should not come. Saith not the Scripture, joh. 7.42. Micah. 5.2. Math. 2.5. of the seed Of David, Christ shall come to thee? And out of Bethlehem in deed, Where David was, thou shalt him see? Each liked his own opinion ●f Christ, which bred dissension. Some would he should then taken be, Yet no man laid on him a hand: The rulers all did so agree, And so their officers command. Of whom they asked the reason why, Christ was not taken by and by? The servants said, assuredly, Man never yet like this man spoke. The rulers answered bitterly, Ye are deceived and much mistake. What trust do wisemen to him give, Though the unlearned him believe? joh. 7.50. Cap. 3.1. Deut. 17.8. Cap. 19.15. Then Nicodemus said, our law Doth judge no man, before it hear What he hath done of him in awe. Art thou said they? what dost thou fear: Search well and look, from Galilee Comes not one Prophet verily. Bethany where Lazarus, Martha and Marie dwelled, was in the mount of olives. Then every man went to his home, And to the mount of Olives he That night did go, it seems to some, He went to pray, yet other be Of mind, he went to take his rest In Bethanie, where he thought best. A woman taken in adultery brought to Christ, we delivered by him from her accusers. joh. 8.1. And early in the morning came Into the temple Christ again: Yea all the people saw the same, Christ sat him down and taught them plain. But mark the craft and subtlety, Of Scribe and froward Pharisie. Though they had by temptation, Assailed him oft, and had the fall: A new devise they hammer on, To tempt our Saviour Christ withal. A woman in adultery Was found, the act did verify. They brought her unto him, and said, joh. 8.5. Levit. 20.10. Moses commandeth in the law, No time therein should be delayed, To stone such as live not in awe. But master what dost thou suppose, That God would have us do with those? Then jesus stooped to the ground, And with his finger wrote thereon: The Scribes still ask him were found, Some answer to their question. He that sins not, let him Said Christ. joh. 8.7. Deut. 17.6. not stay. Cast the first stone at her he may. They hearing this, no longer muse, They go out every one away: Their conscience did them so accuse, To punish her they would not stay. And jesus was there left alone With her, and she condemned by none. Sith no man hath condemned thee, Go hence said Christ, and sin no more: Misliking her adultery, Which sure he would have punished sore, But that repentance by her face, He saw in her, had got his grace. Christ is the true light of the world. joh. 8.12. Cap 1.5. Cap. 9.5. Of this world sure I am the light, For him to walk that followeth me: Yea clear shall be the darkest night, The light of life that man shall see. Thou of thyself dost record bear, It is not true, we therefore fear. joh. 8.14. Cap. 5.31. Then jesus said, though I do so, My record yet is true in deed: For whence I came, and where I go, I know, to learn I have no need. This thing from you so hidden is, Because ye judge each thing amiss. I judge no man, yet if I do, My judgement ye the truth shall find: For I alone do nothing so, I still am of my father's mind. The father is always with me, joh. 8.17. Deut. 17.6. Cap. 19.15. Math. 18.16. 2. Cor. 13.1. Heb. 10.28. Two witnesses allowed be. Where is thy father then, say they? Ye know him not, nor will know me: You all the son do disobey, And yet the father feign would see. He that doth seek the son to know, To him I do the father show. jesus spoke in the treasury, As he within the Temple taught, These sayings all most constantly, And yet no man Christ jesus caught. His hour uncome, no man there could (For all their spite) on him take hold. Then jesus said, I go my way, Ye shall seek me, yet die in sin: You cannot come to me I say, Your wickedednesse so wraps you in. Will he said they himself go kill, That he saith so? what is his will? Ye from beneath, I from above, Ye of this world, I am not thence: Your sins, said Christ, I cannot love, In them you die, departing hence, Except your faith unfeigned be, And ye believe that I am he. Who art thou then, said they again? The same said he, I told before: And many things of you remain To say, and judge, that grieve me sore. Yet true is he that sent me here, Whose words to speak I do not fear. They understood not, he spoke this To them as of the father then: When ye lift up the son iwis, Then shall I be well known to men, That of myself I do, nor say, But as my father makes the way. For he that sent me is with me, The father left me not alone: My doings all directeth he, Him please I, and we both are one. As he spoke these things, many were, That then believed on him there. Christ said, to those that did believe, In my word if ye do abide Ye my Disciples are, I give You knowledge of the truth beside, And the same truth shall make you free, That are so joined in league with me. They said we be of Abrahms seed, And never yet to any bound: Why sayest thou then ye shall be freed, As we had been in slau'rie found? I say, said he, who so doth sin, joh. 8.34. ●am. 6.20. ●. Pet. 2.19. sins servant is, it wraps him in. Of freedom, or the difference between the son and the servant. ●oh. ●. 35. The servant doth but sojourn here: The son doth in the house abide. They that the son shall free, are clear▪ And shall be free at every tide. I know ye are of Abrahms seed, Ye seek to kill me yet in deed. And why, in you can take no place My words, I speak that I have seen With my father: you void of grace, With your father to long have been, Ye follow him, the devil I say, And therefore seek ye me to slay. Abrah'm said they, our father is. Christ said, if ye his children were▪ Ye would his works than do, not this, Ye would to kill me stand in fear, This did not Abraham, sure I have Told you the truth, which God me gave. Your father's works you do in deed: They said, of fornication We were not borne, we are God's seed, And other father have we none. If God were he, ye would love me: For I came forth from, God said he. I came not of myself, but sent, My talk why do you not perceive? Because my word with good intent, Ye do not hear nor yet receive. joh. 8.44. 1. joh. 3.8. The devil your father is, whose lust You do, and in him only trust. A murderer he ever was, And did the truth most deadly hate: For lies all other he doth pass, This is your father's dreadful state. Because I tell the truth said he, Ye wickedly believe not me. Who can of sin rebuke me here? The truth why do ye not believe? He heareth God's word with much fear, joh. 8.47. 1. joh. 4.6. That is of God, and so doth live. Ye hear it not therefore said he, Because of God none of you be. The jews then answering said again, Samaritan, devil thou hast: I have no devil I tell you plain, My father whom away ye cast, I honour, ye dishonour me, Which your decay no doubt will be. And I seek not so much my praise, But there is one that seeks the same: And judgeth you, and all your ways, Whose judgement you may never blame. The man that keeps my word, I say, Shall see no death, nor dying day. A devil we know thou hast in deed, For Abraham is dead and gone: So did the Prophets likewise speed, And yet thou sayest, there shall not one That keeps thy word, death taste or see, But from his dart thou keep'st him free. Then Abraham which now is dead, And all the Prophets, dead also, Whose fame so far abroad was spread, Art thou greater than they or no? Whom makest thou thyself to be? Tell us, that we may honour thee. jesus said, if I honour me, My honour is nought worth at all: My father doth the same, said he, Which you your God in vain do call; Ye know him not: but him know I, If I said no, then should I lie. I know him, and his word I keep, Your father Abrahm did rejoice, To see before he fell on sleep, My day, and so to hear my voice. He saw it, and thereof was glad: Ye want the grace your father had. Thou art not old yet fifty year, Hast thou our father Abrahm seen? Though this so strange to you appear, Before he was, I sure have been. They took up stones to stone him then: But jesus hide him from those men. Christ gave sight to one that was borne blind. ●oh. 9.1. And as Christ jesus passed by, When he out of the Temple went, Where then the jews most cruelly, To stone our Saviour Christ had meant. He saw a blind man by the way, That had been blind from his birth day. And his Disciples asked thus, Oh master, who did sin we pray? He or his parents, tell it us? That he is blind, what dost thou say? Then jesus said, nor they, nor he, But that all men Gods works might see. His works, I must work, that sent me, While it is day, the night comes on: joh. 9.5. Cap. 1.9. Cap. 8.12. Cap. 12.35. I am the light while here I be, When I go hence, the light is gone: And so he spat and made the clay, Which cured his blindness clean that day. Then Christ said, go, in Siloam wash, Lo, I have sent thee so to do: Which when he did, his eyes as glass Were made as clear, and seeing to. The neighbours that knew him before, To see him see, did wonder sore. Some said, and thought that it was he, Some other thought him like the same: But he confessed himself to be, Borne blind, and spread Christ jesus fame. For whom (said he) you jesus call, Hath made me see, as you see all. They said, how opened he thine eyes? Mine eyes he did anoint with clay: And then he said to me arise, Go wash the same from thee away. I washed, and then received sight, Which never saw before the light. Where Christ was then, he could not tell, They brought him to the pharisees: Though Christ had done but all things well, In opening the blind man's eyes, They chafed, that Christ should work the clay, To heal him on the Sabbath day. The Pharisees asked him the same, He answered, as he did before. From God (said they) he never came, That makes not of the Sabbath more. Some said, how can he sinful be? That works such works as we do see? Then asked they the blind again, Tell us of him what dost thou say? He said he is a Prophet plain, That wrought this work on me this day. They scarce believed he had been blind, Till they had known his parent's mind. Of them his parents were afraid, Because they had decreed so, Who so confessed Christ, they said, Out of their Synagogue should go. Our son he is, borne blind he was, Let him tell how this came to pass. Then called they the blind again, And said to God the glory give: He is a sinner this is plain, Though he thy grief did so relieve▪ I know not if he sinful be: Once I was blind, and now I see. How opened he thine eyes, say they? I told you once, and hard you not? Would ye his doctrine now obey? Or else have ye so soon forgot? They checked him, saying, Moses we, Not his disciples, sure will be. God spoke to Moses, this we know, This man we know not whence he is. The blind man answered, now I trow, Ye doubt not that he hath done this: And this to all men may appear, That God will not a sinner hear. It was not since the world began, Hard that his eyes were opened, That was borne blind; and now a man, But that of God it happened. If he were not of God, said he, He could not have done this for me. In sins (they said) borne sure thou art, Dost thou teach us what we shall do? They cast him out: he did departed, When jesus heard they had done so, He said to him, wilt thou believe, Now in the son of God and live? Who is he Lord, that so I may, Believe in him as thou wouldst have? It is myself, Christ did then say. Lord I believe, help me I crave. Christ said, I make the blind to see, john 9.39. Cap. 3.17. Cap. 12.46. And seeing blind, that love not me. Some of the pharisees were there, Which hard these words, and thus said then, Are we blind? how doth that appear? The blind are not such sinful men; But now ye say that ye do see, Your sins remain therefore, said he. Of the true shepherd and the hireling. ●ohn. 10.1. And that they might the better know Their state, and so consider his, Christ in a parable did show The faithful Shepherd who he is: The hireling jesus did bewray, And thief, that lives upon the prey. Verily, verily, I do say, He that into the sheepfold goes, Beside the door some other way: May well be counted one of those, That comes to rob and steal the sheep, Which other men have charge to keep. But he that goes in by the door, Is sure the shepherd of the flock: To him the porter evermore, Doth open assoon as he doth knock; To call his sheep he doth rejoice, The sheep likewise to hear his voice. When that his own sheep forth a ●nt, He goeth before: they follow fast, His voice they know, and what he mea● Their peril he before doth cast. A stranger they will surely flee, By voice they know him strange to be. They understood not all he said, Therefore Christ said to them again, My sheep may safely unaffraid, Void of all dangers so remain. I am the door of all my sheep, And care most safely them to keep. All that before me came, said he, (That is, such as I have not sent, And such as feign them Christ to be) The thieves and robbers are I meant. But sure the sheep hear not their voice, Though to hear mine, my sheep rejoice. By me (the door) if any do Enter therein, shall saved be: He in and out shall freely go, And pasture find that follows me. The thief doth steal, destroy, and kill, I came to save my sheep from ill. I the good shepherd surely am, john. 10.11. Esay. 40.11. Ezech. 34.23. That give my life to save my sheep: An hireling hath thereof no shame, To see the Wolf, and take no keep; He leaveth them: the Wolf doth catch, Destroying one at every snatch. The hireling fleeth, he serves for hire, And therefore cares not for the sheep, But that th● is not my desire: The good sphered takes little sleep, And I am 〈◊〉 my sheep I know, And so 〈◊〉 known of mine, I trow. So as the father knoweth me, So I do him: and for my sheep My life I lay down; john. 10.16. Ezech. 37.22. and there be Another flock that I must keep: As yet of this flock are not they, When I call them, they will obey. My Father loveth me the more, Because I do my life down lay, That I might it again restore. john. 10.18. Esay. 53.7. Act. 2.24. No man takes it from me away: To lay and take I power have, But this precept my father gave. Among the jews dissension grew, For these his sayings then again: He should be mad, if some said true, And have a devil: some other plain Confessed his words and works to be No devilish deeds, to make men see. Feast of dedication was an. mundi. 3118. 1. King. 8.65. 2. Chro. 7.1. Three feasts of dedication, We find in scripture there have been▪ The first, solemnized Solomon, In harvest time this feast was seen. Then * Ezra. 6.16. This feast was anno mundi 3627. anno. 6. Darij Hystapsis reg. & mensis martij. 3. die. Ezra next, did keep the same In Spring, when they from Babel came. * 1. Mac. 4.59 This feast was anno mundi. 3967. & mensis Decemb. die. 25. Then judas Macchabeus he, Lastly this feast solemnized In winter: and the same decree, Till Christ's time so continued. When jesus walked (which took small rest) In Solomon's porch, this was the feast. The jews came there him round about, If thou be Christ, now tell us plain, How long dost thou keep us in doubt? Then jesus answered again; Ye trust not what I told: yet see That my works do witness with me. Yea, ye believe not, for ye are Not of my sheep: mine hear my voice; I know them, and for them I care, To follow me they will rejoice. Eternal life to them I give, They perish not, * Or in me. with me they live. My father which gave them to me, Is greater than all, this I know. And in my father's hand they be, None can thence take them as I trow. I and my father sure are one. The jews again thought him to stone. Then jesus said, good works I have Showed from my father verily: For which of them now do I crave, Would you stone me so cruelly? For the good work no stone cast we; Thou being but man, God makest thee. If that the Psalmist Gods them call, joh. 10.34. Psal. 82.6. To whom God's word then given was, The Scripture faultless yet withal, Do I blaspheme? or so trespass? To say that I God's son should be? Sent to the world, as here ye see. If I do not my father's works, Believe me not: but if I do, In you some hidden hatred lurks, That wilfully the truth forego. Believe the works that ye do see, The father works the same by me. So than ye shall know and believe, That sure in me the father is: And I in him, yea he doth give To me all power that is his. They sought then to put him in bands: But he escaped out of their hands. Now when the jews he scaped fro, He passed jordan, then again Where john baptized he did go, And there a while he did remain. There many did to him resort, And did receive of him comfort. Though all jerusalem of pride, And deep disdain did Christ refuse, Yet there where then he did abide, They did our Saviour better use. What john of him had spoke before, They knowledgd, praising God the more. Thus many conflicts jesus had, With froward foolish pharisees: All which might make his chosen glad, That he obtained such victories. To God let us the honour give. That did our weakness so relieve. Give glory unto God on high, To Father, and so to the Son: See that the same perpetually, Unto the holy Ghost be done, Which is, and was, and so shallbe, One mighty God in persons three. Amen. THE FIFTH PART OF THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, containing those things which he did the fourth year after his Baptism, which was the three & thirtieth year of his age, according to the four Evangelists: the year after the creation of the world. 4174. To the tune of the lords Prayer. The time of Christ's departure approaching, he confirmed himself to go to Jerusalem. WHen Christ had now accomplished Luc. 9.51. The time appointed him before, And that his death then hastened, He did prepare himself therefore: His mind he fully settled tho, Thence to jerusalem to go. Wherefore he did before him send, A lodging for him to prepare, Of such as did him then attend, Which they did with exceeding care. Within Samaria entered they, Into a town for to purvey. But the Samaritans in deed, Their message would not then receive, When him and his they (with such speed) Go to jerusalem perceive. This was the cause, for all their care, They could no lodging there prepare. When john and james that then were sent, Saw they could not provided be: Shall we said they, incontinent, Command as did Elias he, That fire come down from heaven high, And so consume them utterly? jesus rebuking them, did say, Know ye not yet what men ye are? The son of man came not to slay, But save men's lives, whereof have care. So to another town they went, For then the day was almost spent. Christ's answer to the Scribe that would have followed him. A Scribe came then to Christ and said, Luc. 9.57. Math. 8.19. Oh master I will follow thee. For answer he was not delayed; The foxes have their holes ye see, And fowls their nests, said he, but I Have not a place wherein to lie. Christ's answer to the Disciple that would go bury his father first. Luc. 9.59. But to another Christ said then, Come thou forthwith and follow me: Thus calleth he us mortal men, Whom when, and how best liketh he. * joh. Caluin. in Cap Math. 8. vers. 21. My duty first discharge must I, To my old father till he die. And jesus said to him again, Let thou the dead their dead bury: For my Disciple must remain, And do his office carefully. Go thou therefore abroad, I say, Preach the kingdom of God always. Christ's answer to a third that would follow him, but would first ●●d his household farewell. Another said, ●●e follow thee, Luc. 9.61. But first I must go bid farewell, To such as be in house with me; But jesus said, be doth not well, That to the plough doth put his hand, And looketh back, and lets it stand. Christ sent forth the seventy Disciples to preach. After these things appointed he, Luc. 10.1. Math. 10.1. Of his Disciples seventy more, That still were wont with him to be, And sent them forth by awd two, Where he would come, before they went, To do and teach, as they were sent. The harvest is surely said he, Now very great, yet few I say, Do labour in the same, pray ye The Lord thereof to send away Some labourers for to take pain, That by his harvest he may gain. Behold, I send you, go away, As lambs among the wolves ye be: As simple as the doves, I say, And as the Serpent wise be ye. Do in your journey take no care, What weeds ye were, or how ye far. What house, or City ye come to, Among the worthy there remain, Till you from thence have cause to go, Let them with you my peace retain. Such as do not deserve this grace, Shake of their * As a witness ●hat you have ●●t of theirs as much as the dust. dust in the same place. This dust shall witness against those, That you desired not their wealth; And that they earthly treasure chose, Luc. 10.11. Math. 10.14. Act. 13.51. Cap. 18.6. Before this proffered saving health. And in the judgement they shall gain, Of Sodom and Gomorh the pain. Chorazin woe be unto thee, And to Bethsayda woe likewise: The great works that were done by me In you, ye greatly did despise: If they in Tyrus had been done, They had repent long agone. If tire and Sydon had, I say, Both seen and heard what ye do hear, Sackcloth and ashes every day Had been their weed: you buy it dear, For at the judgement, then to thee, To them it shall more easy be. Thou Capernaum lift so high, Yea raised up to heaven above, To hell thou shalt be brought to lie, Because my works thee never move: If they in Sodom had been wrought, It had not yet been brought to nought. For Sodom it shall easier be, (Oh Capernaum be thou sure) At the great judgement, then for thee, The punishment for to endure. tire, Sydon, and Sodom shall have, More ease than these, though then ye crave. He that doth hear you, heareth me: He that despiseth you also Despiseth me, and likewise he Despiseth God whom I came fro. They do aright in God rejoice, That in his Preachers hear his voice. The seventy returned, and told Christ all that they had done. The seu'ntie did return with joy, Luc. 10.17. And told the Lord what they had done: The devils (said they) could none annoy Or hurt, where we to preach begun: For every where we through thy name, His rage and fury soon did tame. Christ said, I Satan did behold, Like lightning down from heaven fall: To you I power give (be bold) To tread on Serpents great or small, And Scorpions: yea the enemy ●hall not hurt you assuredly. In this yet do not ye rejoice, T●●t spirits to you subject are, But lift both hands, both heart, and voice To God which hath of you such care. That he your names hath written sure, In heaven, for ever to endure. Luc. 10.21. Math. 11.25. Then jesus said, I give to thee, Oh mighty Lord and father dear, Most hearty thanks, thou hearest me, And to my call thou givest ear: These things thou hidest from the wise, Their worldly wit thou dost despise. Thy secrets unto babes withal, And humble men thou dost declare: These do on thee for mercy call, These, these oh God thy chosen are. This thy good pleasure was, and is, Oh father, none can alter this. All things to me now given are Of my father, the son, and he, No mortal man can well declare The one of them, except he be Taught by the son, and so he may Learn both to know, this is the way. To his Disciples turned he, And secretly to them did say, The eyes are blessed that do see, As ye do see, now at this day. Prophets and Kings wished to see so And here what you do long ago. A Scribe or Lawyer tempting Christ, was answered hi● question, and taught who his neighbour was. Luc. 10.25. Math. 22.35. Mar. 12.28. A certain Lawyer stood up then, And tempting Christ began to say: Oh master, thou dost teach these men, To everlasting life the way. Vouchsafe to tell it I do crave, Eternal life how I may have. What is written said Christ again? And in the law what dost thou read? Thou shalt (said he) with * Or all the strength. every vain The Lord thy God both love and dread: And next the Lord thy God above, Thy neighbour, thou shalt likewise love. Thou hast said well▪ said Christ in deed, Go thou and do th●●▪ thou shalt live: But he in hope of better speed, A new assault to Christ would give. Who is my neighbour then said he? This thing I would feign learn of thee. Then jesus answering, said so, A certain man went by the way That leadeth down * From jerusalem. to jericho, Where among thieves he fell ●hat day: Robbed, and wounded, there he was, And left half dead so on the grass. By chance a Priest came by that way, Which when he saw him, passed by: Likewise a Levite where he lay, Did look on him, and let him lie. But a Samaritan by chance, Came by, and saw him in his trance. Which sight, so moving then his heart, He took on him compassion: Whereof before he did departed, He made full declaration. He powered in (and also bound) Both wine and oil into his wound. And not contented yet with this, He set him up, on his own beast, And brought him to an inn of his, Where he provided for his rest: And on the morrow ere he went, He told the host his whole intent. Lo take these two pence that I give, Have care of this man I thee pray: His wants therewith do thou relieve, What more he spends, I will thee pay. Which thinkest thou now of these three, To him most neighbour▪ like to be? The Lawyer answering, did say, The merciful was even he. Go thou said Christ, then hence away, And do as this man teacheth thee; To every one in misery, Show thou like liberality. Marry and Martha entertain Christ. ●c. 10.38. Now as they further passed on, Into a certain town they came, Where was the habitation, Of one that Martha had to name: Who to her house received tho, Christ and those that with him did go. Her sister, Marry men did call, Which also sat at jesus feet And heard his preaching as then all Most heedfully, as it was meet. But Martha was most busily Providing for the company. Martha therefore to jesus said, Master regardest not thou this? That all the care on me is laid, And that my sister sitting is? Bid her therefore that she help me, So shalt thou better served be. And jesus answered her again, Oh Martha, Martha thou hast care, For many things put thee to pain, And helpers very needful are: The good * It shall not be taken from her. part Marie chose in deed, And she there after sure shall speed. Christ rising from prayer, was requested of one of his Disciples, to teach them, as john taught his Disciples, to pray. As jesus was praying with his, Luc. 11.1. In the desert as some suppose, Which unto Ephraim nearest is, And from his prayers as he rose, Of his Disciples one, did say, Teach us (as john taught his) to pray. He soon of him had his request, He was not long enforced to crave: Christ's readiness, this well expressed, As he to them example gave: In their distress both night and day, That they (as he them taught) should pray. Our father which in heaven art, Thy name be ever sanctified: Thy kingdom come: withal my heart, I wish the same accomplished. Thy will in earth be done we pray, As thine, in heaven do it always. Our daily bread give us this day, Our sins also to us forgive: As we our debtor do, I say, That us in any wise do grieve. Let us by no illusion, Be lead into temptation. But Lord, from evil us defend, And graciously deliver all: That we which do on thee depend, By frailty from thee never fall. Grant these requests (oh Lord) we pray, To us and thy whole Church always. Amen. Moreover Christ unto them said, Which of you all shall have a friend, And shall when he in bed is laid, Have cause to go to him, or send, And say a friend to me is come, Bread I have none now lend me some. And he within should answer so, Why dost thou trouble me I say, I pray thee to some other go, I must at this time say thee nay; The door is shut, my children be In bed, I cannot come to thee. I say though he would not arise, Nor thee regard as should a friend, Yet when he seethe thee in such wise, importunate he will thee lend▪ Of bread or meat what thou dost crave, Or what thy need requires to have. Ask than it shall be given thee, Luc. 11.9. Math. 7.7. Cap. 21.22. Mar. 11.24. john. 14.13. Cap. 16.23. jam. 1.5. And they that seek, shall surely find, Knock, I will open then, said he, For God to them that call is kind: He loveth such men verily, As pray unto him heartily. If you for bread, give not a stone, Nor for a fish, a serpent send, When that your sons for want do moan; If good things you do give and lend, How much more shall the father he, Give good gifts if thou ask, to thee? Christ cast out a devil, and the dumb man spoke. Then they brought unto jesus one, Luc. 11.14. Possessed with a devil, that day, And him for help they call upon, The man was dumb withal▪ I say. Though these impediments had he, Yet with a word, Christ made him free. The multitude amazed were, And p●a●●ed God with heart and voice: The son said they of David here, Doth give us cause for to rejoice; And now assured all we be, That Christ the Lord▪ the same is he. A woman that his works did see, And heard how he taught great and small, ●●id, blessed is the womb that bore thee, And paps that gave thee suck withal. But Christ said, blessed they rather are, That God's word hear, and keep with care. The jews required asigne. Luc. 11.29. Math. 12.38. Christ to the people said again, This wicked generation, Adulterous and very vain, Though signs they do depend upon, No sign to them shall given be, But that of jonas they shall see. Luc. 11.30. jonas. 1.17. Cap. 2.10. As to the Ninivites was he, That three days in the Whale did lie: The son of man shall shortly be, The like to these assuredly: The sign that jonas to them gave, I shall give these, so long in grave. The men of Niniveh shall rise, And these condemn assuredly: Luc. 11.32. jam. 3.5. They did not jonas words despise, But did repent immediately. A greater than jonas is here, Yet small repentance doth appear. Luc. 11.31. 1. King 10.1. 2. Chron. 9.1. The Queen of Saba she shall rise In judgement with these men also: And them she shall condemn likewise, That so far from her home would go, To hear king Solomon: I say, His greater you do hear this day. Christ dining with one of the pharisees, and misliked for eating with unwashen hands, answered them, and rebuked their hypocrisy. Luc. 11.37. As jesus taught the people then, There came to him a Pharisie, Requesting him and all his men, To dine with him immediately. Then he went in with him to meat, And sitting down, began to eat. But when the Pharisie did see, That Christ sat down, unwashed before, He marvelled what the cause might be, For they did use it evermore. They sit not down at all to meat, But first they wash before they eat. Indeed said Christ to him again, To drink wine in a cup unwashen, defileth not a man, but to drink wine gotten by fraud, or for excess, and no● of necessity defileth a man. Ye do make clean the utter side Of cup or platter, all in vain, Bewraying still your foolish pride: But they within are not the less, Of bribrie full, and all excess. Ye fools made not the very same, The inside and the out also? Give alms therefore, and leave for shame, To be so tied your toys unto. Relieve the poor when they do crave, And clean shall be all that ye have. Woe be to you ye Scribes, I say, And pharisees so full of guile: Ye hypocrites is this the way, To cloak your cursed craft so vile? Ye keep the least the law doth will, And leave the great things unkept still. Mint, anise, and Cummin tithed be, And weightier matters left alone; The law commandeth these to thee, But last of all to think upon. For judgement, mercy, and faith are The chiefest things should be your care. Woe be to you ye Scribes also, The highest seats ye all do love In Synagogues, and where ye go, And that men in the markets move With reverence to greet you there, Or give you place, and praise elsewhere. Woe be to you, for sure ye be, Like painted tombs in outward sight, Appearing fair, to them that see No part within, how they are dight. For dead men's bones lie there doubtless, Within them full; and filthiness. A Lawyer answered him again, Oh master, thou in saying so, Rebukest us likewise as vain, And subject with them to like woe. Christ said to him it cannot be, That you of all men should go free. For heavy burdens ye do bind, And on men's shoulders them do lay, Most grievous to be borne in mind, Intolerable every way: But you yourselves will not once prove, With any finger them to move. Woe be to you that build so brave The Prophet's tombs that were before, And garnish outwardly each grave Of righteous men now more and more. And more than that, you verily Thus utter your iniquity. If we had been alive, ye say, In our forefather's time, had we Consented so to be the day, That so much blood then spilled should be? No, no, the Prophets should not so Have died or suffered any wo. So than ye are as witnesses Unto yourselves, how that ye be Their children (as ye do confess) That murdered them: therefore do ye What lacked of their cruelty, Perform with all dexterity. God said, behold, I will you send Both Prophets, and Apostles sure, To see if that you will amend, Yet you will not their words endure: You will them kill and crucify, And persecute most busily: That on you all the blood may come, Which was shed upon earth, I say, From righteous Abel Adam's son, To Zacharias blood, which lay Between the temple verily, And the Altar, slain cruelly. Martha and Marie sent jesus word that their brother Lazarus was sick. Lazarus sure as then did lie Sore sick, and near his death indeed: joh. 11.1. This man he dwelled in Bethany, His sisters both of him took heed: Martha the first, then Marry she, They were beloved of Christ all three. (Christ's feet anointed Mary sure, joh. 12.3. And wiped with her hair the same: The oil was costly, sweet and pure, Her fact Christ did defend from blame:) These women did for jesus send, And said, come help thy sickly friend. This sickness jesus then did say, (Is for God's glory) not to death: The son of God must by this way, (Who takes and gives men life and breath) Assure yourselves be glorified, Which thing Christ shortly verified. Now jesus loved Martha well, Her sister and her brother to: Yet he there after this did dwell Two days ere he to them would go: And did as he had done before, There, heal and teach men more and more. The pharisees question of divorcement and marriage, answered of Christ. Math. 19.1. Mar. 10.1. As Christ departed Galily, And to judea came again: And as he passed jordan by, While in that coast he did remain, As graciously he used to deal, Their sick and lame he there did heal. Then came to him the Pharisie, Full fraughted both in heart and mind With craft and cloaked hypocrisy, Hoping in Christ some fault to find: But still for all their taken toil, The pharisees received the foil. May man his wife, Sir, put away For every cause he can devise? Have ye not read, than Christ did say, (Or God's decree do ye despise?) That they were male and female framed, Math. 19 ● Gen. 1.27. When Adam the first man was named? Therefore a man shall love his wife, Math. 19.5▪ Gen. 2.24. 1. Cor. 6.16. Ephes. 5.31. Though he his father should forsake: With her he needs must lead his life, They both by promise that they make Become one flesh; and so remain, Though they in persons still are twain. Let no man put a sunder then, All such as God hath coupled so, Math. 19.7. Deut. 24.1. Though Moses have allowed some men Their married wives for to forego: From the beginning (sure I say) It was not as it is this day. Truly for whoredom she may be Math. 19 ● Cap. 5.32. Mar. 10.11▪ Luc. 16.18. 1. Cor. 7.11. Divorced, and so may the man, If he commit adultery, Nor afterward well marry can: For which of both this part doth play, Should single live, till death say nay. If it be so, of man and wife, Said his Dis●ples. Christ's answer It were not good to marry then: Yet some so borne, chaste lead their life: Some are made chaste also by men. Some chaste themselves, who can perceive, Let him this doctrine so receive. jesus among other other things that he taught his Disciples, declared unto them the parable of the rich man that so much delighted and trusted in his riches. While jesus his Disciples taught, Luke. 12.1. Mat. 16.5. Mark. 8.14. The Leaven of the Pharisie To shun with care, for it was nought. He called it Hypocrisy, And willed them to teach openly, What he had taught them privately. Fear ye not man, but God, said he, Before men likewise me confess, And you shall well assured be, I will to you like love express: Before God's Angels verily, I will confess you constantly. Blasphemous words avoid withal, And for yourselves take ye no care, God will hear you when ye shall call, Of him your hairs all numbered are. When Princes vex you for my sake, In worth do you your troubles take. Then said one of the company, Master, command I do pray thee, The living now immediately, My brother may divide with me. A judge, or a divider who Made me, said Christ, I should do so? Wherefore said Christ to them again, Take heed beware of greediness, Abundance here is all but vain, It worketh man but heaviness; A man for all his riches may Prolong his life, no, not a day. The grounds of a rich man, said he, Brought him forth fruits most plenteously, Therefore he thought, what then might be Done, in such great prosperity. I have (said he) no room to lay My fruits, such store I have to day. This thing (said he) sure will I do, I will now all my barns down pull, And greater build: and thereunto Gather my fruits, till they be full; I have devised this therefore, Because my grounds do yield such store. I to my soul will also say, Soul, thou hast much goods laid in store For many years: live now I may At more ease than I did before: From henceforth soul eat, drink and play, This work shalt thou do every day. But God said unto him again, Thou fool, this night i'll fetch from thee, That soul of thine, that is so vain, Whose then shall all thy riches be? So shall it ever be with those, That too much trust in wealth repose. Therefore take you no thought I say, How you shall make provision, But give yourselves to learn the way, That leadeth to salvation Alms, watching, and all wisdom ye Shall use, and with all men agree. The parable of the watchful servant. Luk. 12.42. Math. 24.45. A faithful servant and a wise, Made ruler of his masters men, His masters trust will not despise, But feedeth them in season then When he is absent; as he were, Still present with his servants there. That servant happy is in deed, Whom his master when he doth come, Shall find so doing, he shall speed, Be sure of some especial room. His master will make him therefore, Ruler of all he hath in store. But if the evil servant say, My master will not come as yet, And smite his fellows day by day, And still with drunkards drink and eat, His master will come, when that he Expecteth not him for to see. And will cut him of from the rest, And give to him his portion With hypocrites, this is the least, That after condemnation He shall both weep and gnash for woe, His teeth that he applied so. Wake therefore, and be wary men, For ye know not what hour or day Your master comes, lest sleeping then You with the reprobates decay. And watch that with th'elected sort Received ye be, to your comfort. Christ received infants brought unto him and blessed them. Mar. 10.13. Math. 19.13. Luc. 18.15. At that time some did children bring, That Christ his hands on them should lay: But his Disciples did the thing Dislike, and would have said them nay. But jesus said, forbidden not these, For such my heavenly father please. Assuredly to you I say, God's kingdom who receiveth not As doth a child, there shall not stay, Of him no place may there be got. In arms Christ took the infants tho, And blessed them and let them go. Christ conferred with a rich young man, that would be justified by the law. When jesus was gone on the way, Mar. 10.17. Math. 19.16. Luc. 18.18. There came one after him apace: Which kneeling down, to him did say, Good master show me so much grace, That I may know, how I may have Eternal life good Lord I crave. Then jesus answered him again, Why dost thou call me good, said he? There is none good, this thing is plain, Save God alone, I tell it thee: Eternal life thou mayst not see, If broken these commaund'ments be. Thou shalt not kill, by word or deed, Mar. 10.19. Exod. 20.13. Deut. 5.17. Rom. 13.9. Nor yet commit adultery: Thou shalt not steal, for all thy need: False witness, is plain treachery. Thy parent's honour, not for pelf: Thy neighbour love thou, as thyself. I have, said he, observed all That thou commandest from my youth: What lack I yet, before I shall Have life, I pray thee tell me truth? Sell all, if thou wilt perfect be, And give the poor that want by thee. This made the young man very sad, Who then with sorrow went away: The great possessions that he had, His fervent zeal did soon allay. The rich t'enjoy eternal bliss, Said jesus, sure a hard thing is. Whereat amazed as they were, And thought that few could saved be: Christ said to them, do you not fear, But mark and listen unto me, What men impossible do take, God possible the same can make. Life everlasting, promised to all them that follow Christ. ●ar. 10.28. ●ath. 19.27. ●uc. 18.28. Then Peter said, we follow thee Forsaking all: what shall we have? When I in throne of majesty Shall sit: though you do nothing crave, Upon twelve thrones you shall sit by, And judge all Israel certainly. For who so shall his house forsake, His parents, or what other friend For my name: and doth well it take, Or wife, or wealth, what God doth lend, The same an hundredth fold shall he ●ath. 19.30. ●●p. 20.16. ●ar. 10 31. ●uc. 13.30. Enjoy, and life eternal see. And Christ pronounced in this place, That many first should be the last: And that the last obtaining grace, Should be the first; the first outcast; And that this sentence is certain, By parable Christ made it plain. The parable of the labourers sent to the vineyard. The kingdom sure of heaven, is so, Math. 20.1. Much like to a houshoulder hear, That to hire labourers would go, Assoon as day light did appear: With whom for pence he did agree, All day to work, this was their fee. About the third hour of the day, When he came to the market place, The idle thence he sent away Into his farm, to work apace. Likewise the sixth and ninth hour he With other more did so agree. Again th'eleven hour there he found, Some other idle standing by: Go hence he said to my farm ground, Why stand vee thus so idly? No man hath hired us, you see. Go to my Vineyard, than said he. When even came, the master said Unto his steward, call them soon: For I would have the workmen paid, That all this day my work have done; Begin and pay the last of all, As he is served, the other shall. A penny than each of them had, From last, to first, as he did go: Which made the first men very sad, They thought their pay should not be so. Go to said he, this is your hire, You may no more of me require. This parable may teach us all, (As Peter) true humility, Not to presume on Christ to call. As meriting felicity: Lest we of first the last may be, And last be first in each degree. The cruelty of pilate towards certain Galileaas, and of the Tower of Siloam. When Christ had ended thus the same, Which never shunned any pain, Though in judea was a fame, That he should of the jews be slain, He went about his father's will, Therefore the jews sought him to kill. Then some told him how cruelly, Those Galileans used were, Whom pilate caused for to die, Without respect he slew them there, And mingled with their sacrifice Their blood; which was a strange device. Then jesus said, suppose ye these Were greater sinners than the rest? I tell you nay, your sins doubtless, May cause that you shall so be dressed. So of the eighteen whom the tower Of Siloam slew, all in an hour. The parable of the barren Fig tree. ●uc. 13.6. This parable Christ did declare; A certain man a Fig tree had, Which for three years he still found bare, When fruit would make the owner glad. Come Gardiner, cut down said he, Why are we cumbered with this tree? The Gardener then said again, Lord let it stand this year also, Till I once more have taken pain, To dig it round, and dung it to; If then no fruit this tree do bear, It shall no longer tarry there. Christ healed a woman that had had a spirit of infirmity xviiij. years, and was so bowed together, that she could not lift up herself. As Christ taught on a Sabbath day, Luc. 13.10. A woman whose infirmity Had bowed her long, she could no way, Lift up herself, then certainly. Christ said be loosed of thy disease, Laying on his hand, she strait found ease. The ruler of the Synagogue, Was filled with indignation, As if his conscience had a clog, Or of a proud presumption; Six days ye may well healed be, And rest the Sabbath day, said he. Then said the Lord, thou hypocrite, Do ye not on the Sabbath day, Your ox and ass without respite, Lose from the stall and drive away? And should not * This daughter of Abraham she whom Satan bound, The Sabbath day go safe and sound? When Christ said this, his enemy Was sore ashamed, and the rest Rejoicing, did God glorify, Which by their words was well expressed: For they gave God the only praise, That wrought such works in those their days. The parable of the mustard seed, and of the leaven. Luc. 13.18. Math. 13.31. Mar. 4 31. What is the kingdom of God like? Or whereto shall I it compare? (Christ saw that some did not mislike His deeds, and doctrine which were rare) It is like to a mustard seed, That man doth sow, to serve his need. This seed of seeds though sure the least, Yet sown, it waxeth to a tree, Wherein the little birds may nest, As oftentimes we do them see. Or leaven in three pecks of flower, Till all be leavened and made sour. This mustard seed, that is so small, And therefore subject to disdain: And eke the leaven there withal, Doth signify Christ's Gospel plain; God's word though weak it seem to be, Works great effects in some we see. The parable of the straight and broad way. ●uc. 13.22. Math. 9.35. Mar. 6.6. And as through every town he went, And taught going to Jerusalem: That few be saved is it meant, Said they? thus answered Christ to them; The straight gate strive to enter to, Though many fail that so would do. The goodman of the house when he Is risen up and shuts the gate, Your might or merit little be, To cry Lord open, is to late. Luc. 13.27. Psal. 6.8. Math. 7.23. Cap 25.41. Depart saith he, hence speedily, You workers of iniquity. We eaten have, say you again, And drunk, oh Lord, so oft with thee, And thou hast taught us, but in vain. Depart (saith he) away from me. Your sins are only cause of this, That you shall lose eternally bliss. There ye then weeping all shall be, And gnashing of your teeth full sore, When Abraham in heaven ye see, And ye shut out, as is before. The patriarchs, and the Prophets, rest In heaven above, for they are blest. And many shall come from the East, And from the North, and South also: And many likewise from the West, The heavenly kingdom come unto: And then the first, the last shall be, Luc. 13.30. Math. 19.30▪ Cap. 20.16. Mar 10.31. And so the last, first you shall see. Christ called Herod a soxe, and cried against Jerusalem. The pharisees to Christ did say, Luc. 13.31. King Herod doubtless will thee kill: Depart therefore and get away, Ere he do work on thee his will. Thus would they seem his friends to be, That sought his death aswell as he. Go tell the fox, said Christ, from me, Behold, I cast out deu'ls to day, And eke to morrow I make free And heal the sick that do me pray. The third day I do make an end, I care not what the fox intent. To morrow as to day I must, And yet the third day walk also: It cannot be, you may give trust To this that now declare I do, Save at jerusalem alone, Shall of the Prophets perish none. Luc. 13.34. Math. 23.37. Jerusalem that oft dost kill, And stone those that are sent to thee, Thy children's good I wished still, Yet canst not thou thy safety see: But from thee when I shall be rest, Thy house then desolate is left. Christ healed one of the dropsy on the Sabbath day. Luc. 14.1. Again as jesus would eat meat With one of the chief pharisees, They friendly seem him to entreat, To colour out some brave devise: Their snares and traps for him they lay, And watch him on the Sabbath day. Behold, a certain man was there, Infected with a dropsy sore: Some Lawyers there at that time were, Which watched him so much the more. Christ asked if it lawful be, The man on that day to make free. They held their peace: for to reprove His words and deeds they did intend: The matter he no more did move, But healed him, and made an end. Who doth said Christ his ox espy In pit, this day, and lets him lie? Christ forbade men to press for the highest rooms at feasts, taught men lowliness, and to use liberality unto the poor. A parable Christ jesus spoke▪ Luc. 14.7. When he the guests had marked well, How each the highest room would take. See that (saith Christ) you do not mell With chiefest rooms, when you are bid, Lest thence your betters do you rid. When thou art bidden to a feast, Luc. 14.10. Prou. 25.5. Go and sit lowest in the place: Then saith the * Or he that bade thee. Luc. 14.11. Cap. 18.14. Math. 23.12. master, come my guest, Sat higher up; this giveth grace: For who so him exalteth high, Shall be brought low reproachfully. When thou dost make a feast, command To call the poor, the maimed, the lame, And blind, to such stretch forth thy hand, This will gain thee deserved fame: And thou thy recompense, this trust, Shalt have in heaven, among the just. And one of them that then there sat, Said he is blest that eateth bread In heaven, and happy are their state, That their lives there might always lead. In heaven as (this man doth confess) Sure resteth all true happiness. Christ declared how a certain man made a great supper, and bade many: of the excuses of certain guests, and their unworthiness. Luke. 14.16. Mat. 22.2. Reu. 19.9. Christ jesus said, a certain man Made a great supper or a feast. Come ye as soon now as ye can, His servants said unto each guest: For all things are now ready made, To welcome whom our master bade. But they began to make excuse: The first said, I have bought a farm, I must go see it, as they use, Thou mayst excuse me without harm. The next, of Oxen bought yokes five, And must go prove how they do thrive. The third had married then a wife, Sure he might well excused be: For he was bound to lead his life With her, and live no longer free. You know what wilful men deserve, All their excuses may not serve. The servants told their master, these Whom thou hast bid, come not at all: Which did him very much displease, And said, another sort go call; Go bid the poor, the lame, the blind, And such as in the streets ye find. The servants said, Lord, it is done, Yet there are rooms unfurnished. In the high ways seek some out soon, That my house be replenished: For those men that were bid before, Shall never taste my supper more. Then to the multitude that went Luc. 14.26. Math. 10.37. Cap. 16.24. With him, Christ turned back, and said; If any man with good intent, Come after me, now unaffrayd, He must hate father and each friend, To bear my cross unto the end. Who means to build a stately tower, Luc. 14.28. And doth not cast the cost before, He may repent him in that hour, When he can make thereof no more: Or when he hears one mocking say, This man did work well for a day. What king also will purpose war, Luc. 14.31. Ere he know what his strength may prove: And will not rather send so far, And see if he some peace may move? He my Disciple that will be, Forsaking all, must follow me. And sure what salt this earth doth yield, Luc. 14.34. Math. 5.13. Mar. 9.50. If in the same no savour be, It doth no good in house or field, Men cast it out at doors we see. In salt of man, this doth appear, He that hath ears to hear, may hear. The parable of the lost sheep and the groat. Then to Christ jesus did resort, Luc. 15.1. Both Publicans and sinners to: Such in his doctrine found comfort, As still the penitent may do. The Scribes and pharisees disdained, That Christ with sinners so remained. Then jesus said, I came to save That which my dearest blood must cost: How think ye if a rich man have An hundred sheep, if one be lost, Will he not leave the rest behind, And seek that one till that he find? Or else, what woman doth not so, If she ten silver pieces had, And lose but one, will she not go Search till she find, and found is glad? The Angel's joy as these in heart, When that one sinner doth convert. The history of the prodigal son. Luc. 15.11. Moreover, mark ye this, said he, Two sons a certain rich man had, Who cared much that they might be A cause to make his last age glad. The younger led by lust, would go To travel far, his father fro. Wherefore he to his father said, Give me that is my portion: My suit, let it not be denayed, But make a just division. His substance he divided tho, And gave him his, and let him go. This younger son did gather all His father gave, and went away, From place to place as did befall, In countries strange, this son did stray: Till riot wasted all his wealth, As whoredom had impaird his health. When he had spent all wilfully, There rose a dearth throughout the land, And he there pinched with penury, Was forced to go then out of hand To serve, nor durst the man repine, To keep and feed his master's swine. Where oft for want of better food, Husks with the swine this youth did eat, And then the same thought very good, For no man gave him better meat: And sometimes in his misery, He wanted husks assuredly. Then came he to himself, and said, How many hired servants be, That find my father's house an aid, And there have meat enough said he, While I do live thus loathsomely, And near for hunger daily die? I will unto my father go, And say to him, I sinned have Against both heaven and thee also, Forgive me father now I crave, And me receive yet I thee pray, No son but servant from this day. So he unto his father went, Who did his son from far espy, And ran to him incontinent, Much pitying his misery. And then upon his neck he fell, And kissed him, that he loved so well. The son then to his father there, Said I have sinned against thee, And am not worthy to be here, Or called thy son that I should be: For heaven and earth can witness this, That I have run my race amiss. The father said his servants to, Bring forth my best rob unto me, To put on him, this ring also, And shoes on his feet, I will see: The fat calf kill, and make us meat, That this my son, and we, may ear, For this my son of late was dead, And now he is alive again: The lost, I found, so well I sped, He shall henceforth with me remain. This they performed speedily, And past the time most merrily. Abroad the elder brother was, And coming home, he heard a noise, Yet knew not who was in the place, Nor why his father did rejoice: He only heard the minstrelsy, With dancing, and much melody. He called, and bad a servant come, And tell him what all those things meant▪ Thy brother is said he come home, And was received incontinent: Thy father spareth for no cost, To welcome him that late was lost. All angry when he heard the same, He would not in unto them go: Therefore to him his father came, Requesting him not to do so. Now he unto his son doth stand (That should command) with cap in hand. The son his father answered, I have unto thee service done, Yet hast thou not considered, How though I were thy eldest son, And many years now night and day, I still at thy command did stay; Yet all this time I never had, A kid of thee that I might spend, When I was willing to be glad, And welcome any honest friend: Yet thou the fat calf killed haste, For him that worse thy goods did waste. Son unto him again, said he, All that I have is thine in deed: Thou ever didst abide with me, And shalt therefore the better speed; Yet should we joy and merry be, The dead alive, and lost to see. The parable of the unjust Steward. Luc. 16.1. And Christ to his Disciples then, Said that a certain rich man had A Steward, charged by some men, That he did use his office bad: For he (said they) doth day by day, Consume and waste thy wealth away. He called him, and said withal, How do I hear this ill of thee? For thine accounts I needs must call, Thou mayst no longer Steward be. The Steward then began to muse, How he might best the matter use. What shall I do? my master will Mine office take from me away: I cannot dig nor delve but ill, And beg for shame I never may; Wherefore I must devise, said he, That I of some received be. His master's debtor he did call, And asked the first, what owest thou? Declare at once the sum of all, For I must lose mine office now. Of oil an hundredth measures he Confessed, at least, his debts to be. The Steward said to him again, Upon thy bill down fifty lay: The next in debted did remain, And hundredth measures, he did say, Of wheat, to whom the Steward said, Writ fourscore down, be not afraid. The Steward's wisdom Christ did praise, Though he unjustly dealt in deed: For when he knew none other ways, He this devisd, to help his need. The worldlings in their kind, said he, Are wiser than the godly be. Make you so friends, Christ to them said, With riches of iniquity: That when ye want, they may give aid, And then receive you readily. The just or unjust in the small, Will prove the very same in all. If then ye have not faithful been In wicked riches, who will trust, That you (whose trial men have seen) In treasures true may be found just? If false to other men ye were, Who shall give you that yours is there? Two masters well no man can serve, Luc. 16.13. Math. 6.24. For truly he the one will hate, And for the other love reserve, This of man's life is right the state: God and your riches disagree, They may not both than served be. All these things heard the pharisees, Whose greediness was very great: They mocked Christ, for fantasies They do account his words as yet. Before men ye, you justify, Though fraught with fowl hypocrisy. God's kingdom suffereth violence, Luc. 16.16. Math. 11.12. Since john's time to this very day: The Gentiles with all diligence, Without the law, now called obey. The law and Prophets have their end, And he is come whom you attend. I came not sure for to destroy Luc. 16.17. Math. 5.18. The law, or Prophets, but fulfil: I take in nothing so much joy, As to obey my father's will, Till heaven and earth do all decay, The law shall not be done away. The history of the rich glutton and of poor Lazarus. Christ said, a certain rich man he, Luc. 16.19. Was clothed in purple and fine white: His fare most dainty used to be, For he therein did take delight. As costly was the man's array, So fa●'d he sumptuous every day. There was a certain beggar that Was named Lazarus also, Which was laid at the rich man's gate, All full of grievous sores and woe: This man therewith had more annoy, Then Dives had in heart of joy. And he desired for to have, (Wherewith his body for to feed) The broken meat, yet no man gave One crumbe for to relieve his need: The dogs yet came and licked each sore, These than their master, eased him more. It came to pass the beggar he, Dying, was carried thence away, In Abrahms bosom for to be, The Angels there this man did lay: Those messengers God sent to fetch To heaven to him, that silly wretch. The rich man also shortly died, His wealth could not deaths dart withdraw, But needs he must be buried, Each man must yield to nature's law: And as the beggar was on high, So Dives deep in hell did lie. From whence as he in torments lay, And looked up, he might espy, Above from him so far away, Where Lazarus in heaven did lie (With Abraham:) so was he blest, For there Gods chosen all shall rest. Then cried Dives loud, and said, Oh father Abrah'm pity me, Let not thy mercy be delayed, My cruel torments thou dost see: The fiery flame doth fry me so, That here I wallow full of wo. Send Lazarus, that once he may His finger in the water dip, This fervent heat for to allay, If it were but the very tip. One drop to cool my tongue withal. That so his finger would let fall. But Abraham said thus again; The pleasures (son) thou didst receive, Remember now and this man's pain: Thy wealth at will did thee deceive, Therefore art thou (as doth appear) In pain, and he in pleasure here. Comforted now is Lazarus, And thou in hell tormented art: There is set likewise between us A mighty gulf, no little start, So that none hence go to you may, Nor come from thence to us away. Here Christ did speak of heaven and hell, No Purgatory than was found: Or else Christ jesus could not well, As school men can, all things expound. But woe to them that think them wise, And do Christ's doctrine so despise. Him, Dives said, I pray thee send, (Oh father) to my father's house: To warn my brethren to amend, And force no wealth so frivolous. Vain trust therein hath wrought my fall, And will do theirs, I fear me all. Send him therefore (father) I pray, For five of them I left behind: Which warned may amend their way, And become of a better mind; Oh father show them so much grace, Lest they should come into this place▪ Then Abraham said thus again, They Moses and the Prophets have: If they do not hear them, in vain, They shall obtain what thou dost crave. They warn all men to seek for grace▪ While they have time, to shun that place. Nay father Abraham, said he, But if one from the dead do come To them, repentant they will be, And be afraid then of this doom: They will not sinning wilfully, Be subject to such misery. Then Abraham said to him, son, If that those men they will not hear, But do as thou before hast done, No more will they to this give ear: For truth in God's word seek they must, And not on dead men vainly trust. Here heaven is the appointed place, Where Gods elect for aye shall rest: In hell we see such as want grace, All torments are for them addressed. God's word not dead men must us guide, Unless we mean to wander wide. As for all Dunces drowsy dreams, Or Monkish toys to mock an ape, Or frantic Friars, for all their themes, They now want nails new pits to scrape: Their Purgatories had a fall, There is not one now left of all. Offences are to be avoided, and our brother's trespasses forgiven. Though that offences needs must be, Luc. 17.1. Math. 18.7. Mar. 9.42. Psal. 34 7. Yet sure offenders do want grace: Offend not these whose Angels see And do behold my father's face; He that doth so, were better sure, In surging seas death to endure. And if thy brother thee offend, Seek thou to win him privately: Or if he hear not thee, and mend, Take two or three in company; But if he hear not then the same, Before the Church let him have blame. But if he do repent, he said, As oft as he doth thee offend, And seemeth still to be afraid, And seeks all means for to amend, Not seven times, but as oft (said he) As he reputes, let him go free. And the Apostles all said then, O Lord increase our faith we pray. If ye had faith as much (o men) As is a mustard seed, I say, You might command this mulb'rie tree, So growing in the sea to be. Which of you if his servant were At plough, or did his cattle feed, When he came home, would say, sit here? And so serve him at board with speed. And would not rather bid him dress (That he himself might eat) a mess? Or who doth thank his servant then, When he performeth readily What he commandeth, that his men Should see accomplished faithfully? I trow the servant may be ●lad, That he did what his master bad. So likewise ye, when ye have done What you are bid, although with care: Say, that small profit may be won By such slack servants as ye are. We have done, you may say also, What was our duty, and no more. Christ healed ten lepers. ●uc. 17.11. As to jerusalem he went, And passed through Galilee, Ten lepers did themselves present To jesus Christ immediately, Which stood far off, and cried thus, Have mercy master now on us. ●●c. 17.14. ●uit. 14.2. And when he saw them, than said he, Unto the Priests go strait way now, That they may judge you clean to be, And have what law doth them allow. And as they went they cleansed were, While Christ remained even there. Then one of them when he did see, That he was healed very well: Returning back, with loud voice he Gave praise to God for what befell. He falling down upon his face, Gave thanks to Christ, that showed him grace▪ The same was a Samaritan, Which cleansed came so back again: Of ten, returned but this man, Though all were eased of their pain. This in Samaria verily By Christ was done, or Galilee. Are not ten cleansed? jesus said, The other nine where be they gone? Arise therefore, go unaffrayd, Thy faith saved thee that cam'st alone. Of all the ten this stranger came To give God praise, that wrought the same. The pharisees demanded of Christ, when the kingdom of God should come, and his answer. Luc. 17.20. Then of the pharisees when some Demanded Christ when it would be, That the kingdom of God would come▪ To them again thus answered he; With observation verily It comes not, though with majesty. Men shall not say, lo here, lo there, Behold the same among you is: His kingdom is spread every where, In faithful hearts abideth this. In truth and Rom. 14.17. righteousness I say, Find out God's kingdom well ye may. To his Disciples than said he, The days will come you shall desire (As now ye are) with me to be, And shall not have what ye require. The son of man must suffer woe: And for a time departed you fro. Luc. 17.23. Math. 24.23. Mar. 13.21. If any then to you do say, Lo here is Christ, or Christ is there, Believe it not, for at that day, False Christ's and Prophets shall appear, And shall show signs and wonders such, As will deceive men very much. For as the lightning from the East Doth come, and that most suddenly, And shineth forth into the West, So shall it be most certainly: The son of man shall come, I say, In like sort at the judgement day. ●uc. 17.26. Math. 24 38. ●●ne 7.5. ●. Pet. 3.20. And as it was before the flood, They did both eat and drink also, And married wives, as they thought good, Till Noah the ark had entered tho: Where he and his from flood were free, Though all men else were drowned, said he. ●uc 17.28. ●en. 19.24. In Lot's days likewise it befell, They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, They built, and thought that all was well, Nor would hear Lot, for all he told, Till fire and brimstone from above, Destroyed all that * In Sodom. there did move. So shall it in the latter day, When I shall then revealed be: Let him that on the house doth stay, Not fetch his stuff below, said he: Nor from the field, but have in mind, Lot's wife that looked so behind. Who so his soul doth seek to save, Luc. 17.33. Cap. 9.24. Cap. 16.25. Math. 10.39. Mar. 8.35. joh. 12.25. If not through me, shall lose the same: And life he likewise then shall have, When life he looseth for my name: For he shall live eternally, That dieth so here willingly. Two in one bed, or field shall then, Luc. 17.34. Math. 24.40. 1. Thess. 4.17. Whereof but one received shall be, The other of those very men, To be refused sure is he. Two women grinding then at mill, The good received, but not the ill. Where Lord? where the carcase doth rest, Luc. 17.37. Math. 24.28. The eagles will resort thereto: If that it be by East or West, Such fowl, unto their prey will go. God's chosen shall resort that day To Christ, as these unto their prey. The parable of the unrighteous judge and the widow, teaching men to pray continually. By parable Christ spoke that day Luc. 18.1. Eccl. 18.22. Rom. 12.12. 1. Thess. 5.17. To his Disciples, to this end, That they ought always for to pray, And not to faint while they attend: For they shall surely mercy have, That instantly for mercy crave. There was a judge which had no fear, Nor reverence of God or men: A widow woman dwelling there, Did move this judge (not now and then) But daily crying mightily, Avenge me of mine enemy. Though for a time he would not hear Her suit; thus the poor widow sped, At last said he, though without fear Of God or man my life I lead, Her instancy doth vex me so, I'll do her right, and let her go. If this unrighteous judge thus do, For his elect will not God care, That day and night cry him unto? Though for a time their foes he spare, He will revenge each injury That they receive assuredly. The Parable of the Pharisie and the Publican, that went into the Temple to pray. Luc. 18.9. A parable he spoke again, To some infected with self trust: For they did other men disdain, And did account themselves for just. Into the Temple for to pray, Two men went up, both in one day. The one of them a Pharisie, The other was a Publican: The first full of hypocrisy, The other was a simple man. Their prayers showeth what they were, Of whom Christ maketh mention here. The first stood up and prayed so, Oh God this day I do thank thee: This I as other never do, Extort or rob as some, said he: I am not an adulterer, Nor as this man is, a sinner. Twice in the week also I fast, I give tith of all I possess. The Publican poor man at last, Began his sins for to confess: This man in great humility, Acknowledged his misery. He stood far of, and did not there, Lift up his eyes to look on high: The poor man was in such a fear, For to offend God's majesty; Be merciful (oh God) said he, Most wretched sinner unto me. This man, said Christ, went thence away, More just than did the Pharisie: For every one that doth delay To knowledge his infirmity, Shall be brought low: the humble he, Likewise exalted sure shall be. The parable of the Talents. The kingdom of heaven much like is Luc. 19.12. Math. 25.14. Mar. 13.35. Unto a king that went from home, To a strange country far from his, But made his servants first to come, To whom he did deliver tho, His goods ere he from home would go. To one man gave he Talents five, And to another only two: The third had one, therewith to thrive, Each one had something for to do, As they were able: then straightway, He went from home that very day. Then he that the five Talents had, Went and did occupy the same: And gained, to make his master glad, Five Talents more before he came. He that likewise received two, Did therewith gain as many more. But he that had received one, Within the earth did dig the same, And hide the money with a stone, To keep until his master came. Thus every one did occupy Their master's Talents diversly. And after a long season came The master of those servants home, And reckoned with them for the same, One after other as they come. To give accounts from first to last, They all were called, till all was passed. Then came he that five Talents had, And brought with him five Talents more, And said, oh master hear (be glad) Thy money is, and gains also: For I have gained as much more. As I received of thee before. To him his master said again, Thou good and faithful servant hast Well done, therewith to take such pain, Thou shalt receive reward at last. Thy master's joy enter and take, Of much I will thee ruler make. He came also that did receive Two Talents, and thus could he say: Oh master, here thou mayst perceive My gains, since thou wentest hence away; Here is thy money that I had, And as much more, that I have made. His master unto him then said, Good servant sure it is well done, The time, I see was not delayed, Thou couldst not else so much have won: Thy faithfulness in this was such, I will thee ruler make of much. Then he which had received one, Came to his master, and did say; When thou away from hence wast gone, I hide thy money without nay, Because I feared thy cruelty, Receive thine own contentedly. His master answered and said, Thou ill and slothful servant, why (If thou of me were so afraid, And knewest so well my cruelty) Didst not thou find some mean or way, To get me gains against this day? The Talon take from him therefore, And give it him that now hath ten: Math. 25.29. Cap. 13.12. Mar. 4.25. Luc. 8.18. Cap. 19.26. For who so hath, he shall have more, And he shall have abundance then. From him that hath not, shall a way Be taken what he hath, I say. That servant void of profit, ye To utter darkness therefore cast, There weep and gnash his teeth shall he: Thus shall his sloth be paid at last. See then your talon fructify, Lest you lose it eternally. Of the labourers hired into the vineyard. Math. 20.1. The kingdom sure of heaven is so, Like unto a householder here, That to hire labourers would go, Assoon as daylight did appear. With them for pence he did agree, All day to work, this was their fee. About the third hour of the day, When he came to the market place, The idle thence he sent away, Into his farm to work apace. Likewise the sixth and ninth hour he, With other more did then agree. Again th'eleven hour there he found Some other idle standing by: Go ye (said he) to my farm ground, Why stand ye thus so idly? No man hath hired us you see. Go to my vineyard, than said he. When even came the master said, Unto his Steward, call them soon, That I may see the workmen paid, Which all this day my work have done. Begin and pay the last of all: As he is served the other shall. A penny each of them then had, From last to first as he did go: Which made the first men very sad, They thought their pay should not be so. Go to, said he, this is your hire, You may no more of me require. Christ as he went to jerusalem did admonish his Disciples of his passion. As to jerusalem he went, Math. 20.17. Cap. 22.14. Mar. 10.32. Luc. 18.31. Christ jesus told them certainly, The Priests and Scribes with full intent, Do purpose me to crucify: Yet when the Gentiles have me slain, The third day I will rise again. john and james the sons of Zebede contended for primacy, and were taught humility and patience, and to avoid ambition. The wife of Zebedeus came Math. 20.20. Mar. 10.35. To Christ, and both her sons also, And her request she thus did frame, Grant ere thou to thy kingdom go, That these my sons there sitting be, Each one, upon each hand of thee. Ye wots not what ye ask, said he, Can ye drink of my cup in deed? Or be Baptized as I shall be? Yea that we can, if we may speed. Yet I can not grant your request, That in my father sure doth rest. But when the other ten heard this, They at the brethren did disdain. Then jesus said ye think amiss, Among the Gentiles Lords do reign: They that are great of them, are priest, Authorized, to rule the rest. It shall not so among you be, He that would greatest seem of all, Or chiefest in authority, Shall serve the rest, as at a call. As to be served came not I, But serve, and save men certainly. Christ gave blind Bartimeus and two other blind men their sight as he passed from jordan through jericho toward jerusalem. The 14. of March. Mar. 10.46. Math. 20.29. Luc. 18.35. jericho was two miles from jordan, & four miles and a half from jerusalem. The fourteenth day as jesus went From jordan towards Bethanie, In jericho, there did present, A work none else could remedy: Blind Bartimeus and two men As blind as he, were crying then; O son of David make us see, We are poor men both bare and blind, Let our estate (oh Lord) move thee, That we may of thy mercy find. Their blindness he did help straightways, And they him followed giving praise. The calling of Zacheus a rich man, and by office the chief receiver of tribute. Luc. 19.1. As jesus went through jericho, Zacheus sought him for to see: His stature did not serve him so, Among the throng it would not be, He ran and climbed up therefore, A fig tree in the way before. This was the shift that rich man had, To see Christ as he came that way: When Christ came by, to make him glad, He looking up, to him did say; Zache come down without delay, At thy house I'll abide this day. Then he came down full hastily, Assoon as jesus did command: And him received joyfully; But some of them that there did stand, Did murmur that he then would go, To lodge there with a sinner so. To Christ Zacheus as he stood, Said (Lord) I give half that I have Unto the poor, to do them good, And no man shall have need to crave; What I by fraud or force did take, Fourfold I'll give him for thy sake. Then jesus said, salvation Is come into this house, ye see: Sith of the generation Of Abraham, by faith is he. The son of man doth seek and save, That which was lost, as here I have. jesus though he stayed a while (after he had heard that Lazarus was sick) working in the regions round about sundry miracles, and preaching the Gospel: at last he returned to Bethanie, where he raised Lazarus from death to life again. Now to return to Lazarus, joh. 11.7. Which was already dead in deed: To his Disciples Christ said thus, Come let us go from hence with speed: To jury we without all stay, Must pass apace the ready way. joh. 11.8. Cap. 7 30. Cap. 8.59. Cap. 10.31. O master, than said they again, The jews sought lately thee to stone, And wilt thou not then here remain, And so provide to save for one? He stumbleth not that walks by day, But in the night (said Christ) he may. These things Christ jesus to them spoke, And then said, Lazarus doth sleep, But I go him for to awake. What Christ then meant, they took no keep, But said, Lord, if he sleep, than he Both safe and sound will shortly be. Then jesus said to them again, Our friend is dead, and I rejoice I was not there: Christ then was plain, To strengthen such as he made choice. Then Thomas said, come, let us go, That we with him may die also. The fifteenth day Christ jesus spent, In journeying along the way: He than bewrayed what he meant, In Bethanie the sixteenth day. For jesus then in hand did take, His sleeping friend, again to wake. Christ found he had lain in the grave, Four days already ere he came: The women they this comfort * ●ad. have, The jews that heard his death by fame, (Because jerusalem was nigh) Came unto them to Bethanie. When Martha heard that Christ was there, She went to meet him by the way, And said, Lord, if thou hadst been here, Thy friend had not been dead this day: Yet what thou dost desire or crave Of God, I know thou mayst it have. Thy brother then said Christ shall rise. joh. 11.24. Math. 22.23. Mar. 12.18. Luc. 20.27. Act. 23.8. I know said Martha the last day. Life without me is in no wise, Nor resurrection * said Christ. I say. The man in me that doth believe, Though he were dead, yet shall he live. Who lives and doth believe in me, Shall never die: believest thou this? I do believe, thou Lord, art he, That Christ, the son of God iwis, Which should come to the world, and so When she had said, home she did go. Then called she forth secretly, Her * Marry Magdalene. sister, and to her she said: The master is come hard here by, Where he and his for thee have stayed. When she heard this, she quickly rose, And to the Lord forthwith she goes, jesus came not yet to the town, Where Martha met him there he was: When Mary went so hasty down, The jews that were then there in place, Risen up, and said, come follow now, She will go weep for him we know. When Mary came our Saviour to, She flat down at his feet then fell: My brother (Lord) she said also, Had not been dead, I know it well, If thou hadst here been him to see, For God had him restored to thee. When jesus therefore saw her weep, And all the jews that came with her: He groaned in the spirit deep, So moved his affections were. Where have ye laid him then said he? They said unto him (Lord) come see. And jesus wept: the jews then said, Behold, how he did love the man: His death could Christ not have delayed, That blind men's eyes so open can? Then he again did deeply groan, And from the grave, said take the stone. Then Martha said, he stinketh now, For he is dead four days ago. Then jesus said, I did thee show, If thou believe what I would do; God's glory, this I said to thee, If thou believe, thou shouldest see. When they, the stone removed had, Then jesus did lift up his eyes, And said (oh father) I am glad, My prayers thou dost not despise; That these (as thou still hearest me) May know that I am sent of thee. Then jesus cried with a loud voice, Come Lazarus, out of the grave. Then he came forth, and they rejoice, Their dead again so whole to have. Christ bade them lose away each band, For he was bound face, foot, and hand. Then many of them did believe, When they had seen what he had done: This act did others of them grieve, And to the pharisees they run; To whom they told what they had seen In Bethanie, where they had been. The high Priests and the pharisees, A Counsel held against Christ. A counsel called out of hand: What shall we now (said they) devise? Christ's fame is spread throughout the land. Such wondrous works now worketh he, His miracles, who doth not see? All men in him will sure believe, If we do let him thus alone: The Romans will come us to grieve, (Supplanting all our nation) They will our rulers take away, Therefore devise we may him slay. Then he that Cayphas had to name, And was the high Priest that same year, caiphass Prophesy of Christ's death. Perceive ye not (said he) the same? And doth it not to you appear, That for the people one must die, Lest they should perish utterly? This God did make him Prophesy: Against himself he witness bears, Though for all people Christ should die, (Who, guiltless blood to spill but fears?) God's children and his scattered sheep, Christ jesus had a care to keep. From that day, they consulted how They might him take, and cause to die: Whereas the jews of him might know, Christ walked no more openly. To Ephraim he went away, Where he and his Disciples lay. The passover was then at hand, And to jerusalem there went Full many out of all that land, Before the feast: some with intent Themselves as then to purify, Which feast the jews kept orderly. The jews for jesus sought about: All in the temple where they where, That he came not did make them doubt, For they had sought him every where. They chargded who knew where he would lie, To tell, or take him craftily. joh. 12.1. Math. 26.7. Mar. 14.3. Six days before the feast, no more, Our Saviour came to Bethanie: Where he would not be seen before, His enemies it was too nigh. Now the appointed time was come, And Christ obeyed his father's doom. Though he but lately fled away, He then returned with good will. His father's mind he would obey, And so all Prophecies fulfil. He came therefore to Bethanie, Prepared for mankind to die. Christ being come back to Bethanie from Ephraim, supped with Lazarus, and was anointed by Mary, whereat judas was offended especially. Christ fearing neither watch nor ward, joh. 12.2. Did offer all occasion Unto the jews, without regard, To hasten on his passion: Wherefore he supped in Bethanie, His adversaries even by. With Lazarus Christ supped there, And Martha served then at board, Where many did with joy and fear, Attend unto Christ jesus word: As john doth witness Mary then, Anointed Christ before those men. Of ointment Mary took a pound, Of spikenard very costly sure, As any ointment might be found, For it was perfect, sweet and pure, This all she spent on jesus there, His head and feet as may appear. His feet she wiped with her hair, The house with odour it was sweet: The savour so perfumed the air, That came from jesus head and feet. Yet judas did repine at this, For of his purpose he did miss. For he it was that did receive, What men at any time did give: This Christ did very well perceive, How that her * Or act. fact his mind did grieve: For strait with her a fault he found, And did her check thus very round. This waist it needed not, said he, This ointment for three hundred pence Might have been sold and given me, As part of the beneficence That used is unto the poor, And such as go from door to door. He spoke not as his mind then gave, But moved with a vain desire: For he did covet all to have, This kindled in him flaming fire Of greediness, as did appear, By such words as he uttered there. Then jesus said, let her alone, She kept this for my burying day; The poor ye may well think upon, They shall remain with you always: Ye shall not always so have me, But they always with you shall be. The woman's work thus wrought on me Is good, and shall not be forgot, This Gospel where as it shall be Preached throughout the world, I wots: This act of hers shall be spoke sure, And her memorial shall endure. Much people of the jews were there, Not all for jesus sake only, But for to try what they did hear, Of Lazarus assuredly. Of him they heard, as you have read, How jesus raised him from the dead. The high Priests therefore took advise, How they might Lazarus also Condemn with Christ in any wise, Because they saw that many more Did for his sake, in Christ believe, Which thing did very much them grieve. The next day following Christ went towards jerusalem, riding most gloriously, the people crying Hosanna to the son of David. When they were thence to Bethphage come, Math. 21.1. Mar. 11.1. Luc. 19.29. Which to jerusalem is nigh: From the mount Olives he sent some, To the next village by and by; There hence to fetch an ass away, For him to ride upon that day. If any one say aught, say ye, Thereof the Lord as now hath need: And he will send the same to me, Therefore go hence, and come with speed. That Prophecies so long ago, Might be fulfilled, he did so. To tell it Zion, see ye go, Esay. 62.11. Zach. 9.9. Math. 21.5. joh. 12.13. Behold, thy king doth come to thee, Meek sitting on an ass, and lo This happened then so to be: But his Disciples (as forgot) These things at first perceived not. Yet the Disciples went away, Accomplishing their master's mind: They brought the ass without delay, Which Christ had told them how to find: And put their clothes the ass upon, That jesus then might ride thereon. joh. 12.12. Math. 21.8. Mar. 11.8. Luc. 19.35. A multitude that very day, Of such as were come to the feast: When they heard Christ would ride that way, Met him, and they for joy were priest To spread the branches they did bear, And some the clothes that they did wear. Moreover they that decked the way, And went Christ jesus there before, And they that followed, each did say, And praise his name for evermore; The king of Israel is come, Blessed be he for ay, said some. Hosanna David's son, to thee, Blessed art thou, some other say: All praise and honour given be, To him that * In the name of the Lord. cometh now this way. Hosanna thou which art so high In heaven, full of all majesty. When to jerusalem they came, The City all was moved then: And fully priest this pomp to blame: Who is this, say they, to those men? jesus, they say, that Prophet he, Of Nazareth in Galilee. Math. 21.13. Mar. 11.17. Luc. 19.46. Esay. 56.7. jerem. 7.11. Christ then again purged the Temple, and cast out the buyers and sellers thence, and cured certain blind and lame persons. So Christ went strait the Temple to, And purged then again the same: He did (as he was wont to do) All their abuses greatly blame, Reproving all those evil men, That made God's house for thieves a den. Then to the Temple came the blind, The halt, and such as grieved were: Whom Christ did heal (such grace they find As seek to him, let no man fear) Those men gave God continual praise, That such a Prophet he would raise. But when the chief Priests, Scribes, and such, Saw all the marvels that he wrought, It grieved them, and disdaining much, They uttered what in mind they thought: For they the children heard on high (Hosanna David's son) to cry. Dost thou hear what these children say, Said they to Christ? he said I do: Have you not read of this I pray, That written was so long ago? By babes and sucklings sure thou hast, Math. 21. 1● Psal. 8.2. Made the praise perfect now at last. Christ conferred with certain Grecians, or rather they desired to see Christ, and speak to him. Now there were certain Greeks' as then, joh. 12.20. That came to worship at the feast: Which were among those other men, As earnest as they saw the rest; These say to Philip we pray thee, To help that we may jesus see. Philip told Andrew of the same, Again they both to jesus went, As messengers, in those men's name, And told him all, and who them sent. The hour is come, the son (said he) Of man must glorified be. I say unto you verily, Except that the wheat corn do fall Into the ground, and therein die, It bringeth forth no fruit at all: But if it die, assuredly, It bringeth fruit abundantly. Another Sermon of the Cross, wherein Christ covertly foretold of his death. joh. 12.25. Math. 10.39. Cap. 16.25. Mar. 8.35. Luc. 9.24. He that doth love his life, he shall Lose it, but who so hates it here, Shall keep it to life eternal, Though this scarce truth, to some appear: Learn ye yourselves to hate therefore, That ye may live for evermore. If any man wish to serve me, Let him come follow me, I say: For where I am, there shall he be, I will protect him night and day. They (in my service) that endure, My father will them honour sure. And jesus herein declared Himself a perfect man to be: My soul (saith he) is now troubled, From this hour, father, save thou me. But therefore to this hour I came, Yet father, glorify thy name. Then came from heaven a mighty voice, Saying I have, and will again: (This may each mortal man rejoice, That God did not for him disdain, To send his son to bear his blame) In whom he glorified his name. Then said the people that stood by, It was some thunder that they heard: But others said, nay verily, An Angel if ye do regard, Spoke unto him; thus diverse men, Did diversly judge of it then. And jesus answered, and said, This voice came not because of me, But for your sakes, be not afraid, Great things you shall both hear and see: For your sakes God will glorify The son of man, assuredly. Of this world now the judgement is, The Prince thereof cast out shall be: And if I were lift up iwis, I'll from the earth, draw men to me. Now this said he to signify, What death then shortly he should die. We heard out of the law, said one, joh. 12.34. Psal. 89.36. Psal. 110.4. Psal. 117.2. Ezek. 37.25. That Christ for ever should remain: And how sayest thou, he must be gone, The son of man must needs be slain, And lift up high upon a tree? Tell, who that son of man should be. Then jesus said, joh. 12.35. Cap. 1.9. a little while Light is with you, walk in the same, Lest that the darkness you beguile, Who walks therein may merit blame. While ye have light believe therein, As loving it, and hating sin. Math. 21.17. So left he them, and went again, As he was wont, to Bethany: For there all night he did remain, Among his chosen company. This night by night he used still, That so he might all things fulfil. Christ going the next day from Bethany to Jerusalem, cursed the fig tree. Math. 21.18. Mar. 11.12. As Christ returned the next day, From thence Jerusalem unto, He was an hungered by the way, And to a fig tree he did go, That grew hard by, thereon to find Some figs, as then to ease his mind. But when thereon he only found Green leaves, and not a fig at all, From top he cu●●d it to the ground: Fruit henceforth on thee never shall▪ Be seen again, said Christ, and so, Away from thence they all did go. Like to an hypocrite, this tree 〈◊〉 leaves, but had no fruit so eat: L●t hypocrites than warned be, 〈◊〉 the some curse, that Christ did threat: 〈◊〉 with one word the Lord he may, Head, branch, and root, cause to decay. All his Disciples than did see What he had done, and heard likewise The curse Christ gave unto that tree, Yet little thought in any wise, What would be fall, but thence they went, The City to as they were bend. Christ to the Temple went again, And purged it, as he did before, Reproving them that were so vain, Abusing still then more and more That place, appointed men to pray, And not for merchandise to stay. The Scribes and high Priests hearing this, Sought how they might him then destroy, Though he had done nothing amiss, But gave them cause of greatest joy▪ They sought his life, that life doth give To all men that in him believe. They feared him, for they did see, They could no way resist his will: And did perceive most men to be Astonished at his doctrine still. When even came jesus did high, And got him back to Bethany. Christ returning the next day, the Disciples seeing the fig three withered, tell him of it. Math 21.19. Mar. 11.20. The next day, as they passed by, Then the Disciples all did see The fig tree dried, verily, And that up from the root to be▪ Then Peter said, master see this, The fig tree thoroughly withered is. Then jesus answering, did say, If ye have faith unfeignedly, Ye may this mountain move away And lay it in the sea to lie. See that your hearts be clean and pure, And that your faith be firm and sure. Mar. 11.24. Math. 6.14. ●ap. 7.7. Then what ye do desire, I say. By prayer shall be done in deed: Faithful requests have wings always, To fly unto the Lord with speed. Forgive when ye do pray also, That on your faults God think no more. Mar. 11.27. Then to Jerusalem they came, And to the temple went again: Where walking then within the same, The high Priests fraught with foul disdain, And all the Scribes and Elders were, To see Christ jesus coming there. They asked by what authority, Christ did those things so lately there; Who is of so great dignity, As may appoint thee ruler here? Our elders left us long ago All power here, and to no more. Then jesus answered, and said, I will ask you one question, And answer me now undelayed, Therein your just opinion: And I, by what authority, Have done these things, will testify. john's Baptism tell me certainly, Was it from heaven or else of men? Now answer me unfeignedly, And you shall have your answer then. Like doubtfulness there is in this, As in their former question is. They thought, if we confess it came From heaven, then will he surely say, Why did ye not believe for shame His doctrine, and his words obey? But if we say, of men, we fear The people, that are standing here. For john accounted was in deed, Math. 21.26. Cap. 14.5. Mar. 6.20. A mighty Prophet of them there: When they perceived how they should speed, To answer him they stood in fear; They answered than they knew not well, He answered them he would not tell. The Parable of the two sons. What think ye then said Christ again? Math. 21.28. Two sons a certain rich man had: Unto the elder of the twain The father came, and thus he bade: Go son, said he, and work I say, Within my vineyard all this day. The son then answered, and said, I will not work therein at all: But afterward as all afraid To disobey his father's call, His frowardness he did repent, And then into the vineyard went. Then came he to the second son, And said to him such words likewise: Thy will (said he) shall sure be done, Yet did his father's hests despise. For this son never laboured In his work as he promised. Now whether of the twain say ye, Performed best the fathers will? The first or last tell this to me? The first said they, did it fulfil. The Publicans and harlots then, Shall go to heaven before these men. For in the way of righteousness, john came to you I say, said he: As did his doctrine well express, Yet ye believed not him, I see; The Publicans and harlots they, Believing did his words obey. Though ye his words and works did find, So well agreeing certainly: None to repentance gave his mind, Among you all assuredly. His doctrine, that believing ye, Might for your sins much grieved be. Another Parable of the vineyard, let out 〈◊〉 the unfaithful husbandmen. ●th. 21.33. ●r. 12.1. 〈◊〉. 20.9. ●y. 5.1. ●em. 2.21. Another Parable hear ye, A certain householder did plant A vineyard, and round hedged he The same, that nothing it did want: And therein this man builded tho, A winepress, and a tower also. All this he let to husbandmen, And traveled to a strange country: For thence he went to sojourn then, In hope his farmers would obey His will, and well perform also Their promise made, ere he did go. But when the time of fruit drew nigh, And he had sent for to receive The fruits of them his servants by, As promise was when he took leave. His servants they did beat and kill, Little regarding their Lords will. Again he sent unto them more, Which servants they did kill likewise: At last his son he caused to go, His son also they did despise. His only son which he sent there, Of whom he hoped they stood in fear. But when the husbandmen did see The son: * Math 21.38 Cap. 26.3.4. Cap. 27.1. joh. 11.53. this is the heir, they said: Come let him likewise killed be, All shall be ours, be not afraid; They slew the son himself at last, And him out of the vineyard cast. Now jesus said, what think ye then? For these offences that your hear, What shall their Lord do to those men, Whose faults so manifest appear? They slew his servants one by one, And lastly slew his only son. They said the Lord will sure destroy Most cruelly those wicked men, And others shall his farm enjoy, To whom the Lord will let it then, That fruit in season will him yield, Math. 21.42. Psal. 118.22. Act. 4.11. Rom. 9.33. 1. Pet. 2.7. Of every sort within his field. Then jesus said have ye not read? The ●one the builders did refuse, Is of the corner made the head? And so put there to chiefest use. The Lord his doing it is this, And in our eyes a marvel is. The fruits of ●he kingdom ●f God, is to embrace Christ ●esus, and admonished by ●im to amend ●ur lives. The fruits of ●he spirit. Gal. ●. 22. are also ●he fruits of ●he kingdom ●f God▪ etc. Aretius. Therefore I say to you again, The kingdom of God sure shall be Taken from you, this thing is plain, And given others frank and free, Which will the fruits thereof forth bring, And yield increase in every thing. And who so on this stone shall fall, Shall broken be, this you shall find: But on whom it shall fall withal, To powder him the stone will grind. The first he may be healed again: This last shall labour but in vain. When the chief Priests and Pharisie, These Parables of Christ did hear, They did perceive then by and by, Of whom he spoke as did appear: For they on him sought hands to lay, Yet did for fear their purpose stay. That Chr. was ● prophet, the ●eadines of the ●eopleto set him free, & that his ●oure was not ●ome, were 3. ●hiefe causes ●hat the Scribes and pharisees ●ooke not Christ ●hen. The people that were standing by, A Prophet they took Christ to be▪ This feared them that did espy, Their readiness to set him free. And eke his hour was not come then, Which was a let unto those men. Another Parable of the King that made a marriage for his son, whose bidden guests refused to come (although they were called) to the wedding. Another Parable he spoke As then, before the multitude, That unexcused he might make The jews for their ingratitude, To whom the Lord so bounteously, Had offered so much clemency. God's kingdom is like to a King, That made a marriage for his son: And when he had for his wedding Prepared what was to be done, He sent his servants then forth all, That they his bidden guests might call. The guests would not, though bid they were, Repair with them unto the feast: They said, they could not then be there, To their affairs they were addressed: And thus they did the King abuse, For every one made his excuse. The first had bought a farm he said, And he must needs the same go see: The second was no whit afraid, Excused well he hoped to be, Five yoke of oxen he did buy, And went to prove them hastily. The third had wed a wife as then, He could not come in any wise: Thus answered those wicked men, That did the heavenly feast despise: Yet were they not so very bad, But there were some ten time as mad. For they entreated shamefully, The servants that the King had sent: They killed them most cruelly, That so much good to them had meant; Though wicked were the first in deed, These did the other far exceed. But when the king had heard the same, He sent his warriors forth with speed: For he was wroth to hear the fame, And worse displeased with the deed. Those murderers destroyed he, And caused their City burned to be. Unto his servants he said then, The wedding truly is prepared: Unworthy were those wicked men, That would so lightly it regard; Go ye therefore to the high way, And bring me guests without delay. The servants went and so they did, They brought him guests both good and bad▪ For every one they met, they bid, To seek to make their master glad; And so with guests they furnished The feast that he solemnized. The king came in his guests to see, And there he did perceive anon, A man among the rest to be, That had no wedding garment on; This came not to adorn the feast, But to have meat among the rest. The king unto him quickly said, How camest thou hither in, my friend? And he then speechless all afraid, Can by no means his cause defend. The king could soon his faults espy, For all his cloaked hypocrisy. Then to his servants said the king, Bind him, and take him hence away: Math. 22.13. Cap. 8.12. Cap. 13.42. Ca 20.16. Ca 25.30. To utter darkness see you bring Him, bound both hand and foot, I say; There weep and gnash his teeth shall he: Many are called, few chosen be: Of paying tribute unto Caesar. The pharisees took counsel then, Math. 22.15. Mar. 12.13. Luc. 20.20. How Christ in talk might tangled be: They sent unto him Herod's men, With their Disciples this to see. Thus all their wits they busied still, To seek to work Christ jesus ill. Master, said they, we know and see, That thou art true, and teachest right The way of God, and that with thee, Respect of man is very light: Man's person thou dost not respect, But him that doth Gods will effect. Tell us therefore how thinkest thou? May we to Caesar tribute give? Thy judgement herein show us now, The tribute paid to the use of the Temple, was then levied to the use of the Emperor. For this thing doth us greatly grieve, To pay him that mislikes men more, The temple had always before. jesus knowing their wickedness, Said, Hypocrites, why tempt ye me? Your deeds show you to be no less, I cannot so deceived be: The tribute money show me soon, And you shall know what must be done. They brought a penny to him then, Whose Image (than said Christ) is this, And superscription (to those men?) Math. 22.21. Rom. 13.7. Mar. 12.17. Luc. 20.25. Caesar's, said they, it surely is. Give Caesar, Caesar's things therefore, And God his due, for evermore. When they heard this, they marveled, And left him then and went away: H●s answer them astonished, So that they could not him gainsay. * Erasm. in Math. Cap. 22. vers. 22. Yet left they not (such was their grace) To hate him, though they left the place. Christ confuted the Saducees, which denied the resurrection. Math. 22.23. Mar. 12.18. Luc. 20.27. Act. 23.8. The Saducees the same day came: The resurrection they deny, And all such men did foully blame, That would believe it verily. These came, I say, to Christ that day, Their ignorance for to bewray. Math 22 24. Deut. 25.5. Master (said they) Moses hath said, Childless if that a man should die, His brethren need not be afraid, To take his wife successively, And marry her, to raise him seed, This law allowed was in deed. There were seven brethren here with us, The first of them did wed a wife: And dying then it happened thus, He left no child, that left this life, His wife unto his brother he Did leave also, his wife to be. The second, third, and all the rest, Did marry her, but had no seed: For each of them as is expressed, One after other died in deed; And last of all than died she, Whose wife in heaven there shall she be? Then jesus answered again, And said unto them verily, Ye are deceived, this is plain, In your conceit, and wots ye why? The Scripture ye at any hand, Nor yet God's power understand: For in the resurrection, Men do not marry wives as then, But are in each condition As Angels are, not mortal men. But that the dead do rise again, Have ye not read, yea oft in vain? I am said God, of Abraham, Math. 22.32. Exod. 3.6. Of Isaac and jacob in deed, Their God, and of all them that came Of them, by faith, or of their seed. Sure of the living God is he, Not of the dead, I say to thee. And when the people heard it, they Were all astonished at the same: But some his doctrine did obey, Some other shrunk away for shame: Which did his works and words despise, Nor would believe in any wise. The pharisees demanded of Christ, which was the great commandment, and his answer. Math. 22.34 Mar. 12.28. But when the pharisees had heard, That Christ to silence than had brought: The Saducees, without regard, They then a shift against him sought, To work his shame if it might be, And so assembling this agree. A Doctor of the Law therefore, Should ask him there a question, Tempting him then as before, And ask his opinion: Oh master, in the law which is The great commandment? tell me this. Math. 22.37. Luc. 10.27. Deut. 6.5. Then jesus said to him again, The Lord thy God him shalt thou love With all thy heart, and every vain, Thy soul, and what thy mind may move: This is the great commandment, To keep it is expedient. Math. 22.38. Mar. 12.31. Levit. 19.18. Rom. 13.9. Galat. 5.14. jam. 2.8. The second is like unto this; As thine own self thy neighbour love On these commandments it is, The law and Prophets hang and move. In first and last, the wiseman can Learn duties, due to God and man. To jesus said the Pharisie, Master, thou hast said very true: There is but one God verily, To love, fear, and serve him is due. Then jesus said, God's kingdom thou, Art not far from, I tell thee now. Math. 22.41. Mar. 12.35. Luc. 20.41. Christ demanded of them how Christ the Messiah is the son of David. While that the pharisees were there, Gathered together as we find: jesus did ask them without fear, Of Christ, what think ye in your mind? Whose son is he? they said again, Christ David's son is very plain. Christ said to them, Math. 22.44. Mar. 12.36. Psal. 110.1. how then doth he In spirit call him Lord, I pray▪ As in the Psalms is for to see, The Lord unto my Lord did say, Sat at my right hand till I make Thy foes thy footstool, for thy sake. If David called him Lord, how then Is he his son, do you declare? And none of all those busy men Can answer him, as witness are Their works, they durst not, this is plain, From that day ask him aught again. The doctrine of the Scribes and pharisees, sitting in Moses chair was to be heard, but their lives and manners not to be followed. jesus spoke to the multitude, And his Disciples likewise then, (Not weighing the ingratitude, Of such malicious wicked men.) Commending of the Scribes their place, Though they themselves were void of grace. * There are 3. sorts of Ministers. The first do teach well & live well, as the Apostles, & they build with both hands. The second, teach well & live ill, as the Scribes and pharisees: these build with one hand and pull down with another. The third teach ill and live worse: these scatter with both hands. The Scribes and pharisees do sit, In Moses seat, Christ jesus said: All therefore what they bid is fit, That you observe it undelayed: But what they do, do not the same, They say and do not, to their shame. For heavy burdens they do bind, And on men's shoulders them they lay, Math. 23.4. Luc. 11.46. Act. 15.10. Most grievous to be borne in mind, Intolerable every way; But they themselves will not once prove, With any finger them to move. All that they do is to be seen, To have of men a praise therefore: Math. 23.5. Nomb. 15.57. Deut. 22.12. It is not now as it hath been, They do dissemble more and more. For God would have his word well known, And not upon their clothes so shown. Math. 23 6. Mar. 12.38. Luc. 11.43. Cap. 20.46. But they have broad phylacteries, And God's commandments in those Not in their hearts, these mysteries Their fowl dissembling do disclose. What they about them written bear, The heart to have it, fittest were. And other vanities among, That th●se men use continually: They fringe their garments all along, For outward show assuredly. They love the chiefest place and seat, In all assemblies, and at meat. Math. 23.7. jam. 3.1. And greetings in the market place, And masters to be called of men: Be not so called, lest you disgrace Your call, and doctrine even then. Christ only master you may call, And ye yourselves are brethren all. Math. 23.9. Malach. 1.6. On earth your father, no man call, For one your father is in deed: He is in heaven far above all, And giveth you what you have need. Be not called Doctors, for one is Your Doctor, even Christ iwis. Let him that is the greatest, be As servant unto all the rest: * Math. 23.12 Luc. 14.11. Cap. 18.14. Himself who so exalteth he, Shall be brought low: but this is best, That ye yourselves do humble; so To be exalted where ye go. Christ cried woe against the Scribes, pharisees and Lawyers. Woe be to you, ye Scribes therefore, Math. 23.13. And pharisees withal, I say, You hypocrites do evermore Shut men from heaven all that ye may: For in yourselves ye do not go, Nor suffer them that would do so. Woe be to you, Under colour of their holiness and long prayers for them, they oft consumed their wealth & their honesty. for ye devour The widows houses craftily: Your prayers longer by an hour Ye make, to work your treachery; Wherefore without compassion, You shall receive damnation. Woe be to you (I say) again, For ye do compass sea and land To seek one Proselyte to gain, That he your law may understand. Which when he learns then sure is he, Much more the child of hell than ye. woe 〈◊〉 to you, ye guides so blind, Which say that who so use to swear By the temple, this oath doth bind No man, thereof ●e need not fear: But by the gold thereof, say ye, Who so do swear, offenders be. Of both these things which do you deem, To be in deed the holiest? The gold which you so much esteem, Or temple of the mightiest? The gold it doth * The temple. it beautify, The temple * That is the gold. it doth sanctify. And who doth by the altar swear, It is nothing as you do say: But so to do ye make men fear, By the offering, in any way. The gift or altar which think ye, The holiest of them both to be? Ye fools and blind, the offering Is by the altar sanctified▪ Who swears by it, for any thing, Of this you may be certified, He swears by it and all things there, Therefore take heed how ye do swear. Math. 23.21. Cap. 5.34. 1. King. 8.13. 2. Chron. 6.2. Who by the temple sweareth, he By it, and by him sure doth swear That dwells therein: and likewise ye That swear by heaven without all fear, Of God ye do swear by the throne, And him that sitteth thereupon. Math. 23.23. Luc. 11.42. Woe be to you ye Scribes (I say) And pharisees so full of guile: Ye hypocrites is this the way, To cloak your cursed craft so vile? The least things that the law doth will, You keep, and leave the greatest still. Mint, anise, and cummin tith ye, And weightier matters leave alone: The law commandeth these to thee But last of all to think upon. For judgement, mercy, and faith, are The chiefest things should be your care. Ye blind and wicked guides, which strain A gnat, as if ye could not well Devour the same except with pain, And swallow up a great camel: Ye hypocrites, for cloaking so Your craftiness, you heap on wo. To drink wine in a unwashen cup defileth not a man, but to drink wine gotten by fraud, or for excess, not for necessity, this defileth a man. Woe be to you (I say again,) For ye make clean the utter side Of cup and platter, all in vain, It doth bewray your foolish pride: But they within, are not the less Of bribery full, and all excess. Thou blind and foolish Pharisie, Cleanse first the inside of the same, And then the outside verily, Thou mayst make clean without all blame: If that the inner man be pure, The outward man is clean be sure. Woe be to you, for sure ye be Like painted tombs in outward sight: Appearing fair to them ●hat see No part within, how they are dight: For dead men's bones are there doubtless Remaining with much filthiness. So ye also, for outwardly Ye do as righteous men appear, But are full of hypocrisy, And vices, it is very clear: The outward man is fair in show, And fowl within, as God doth know. Woe be to you that build so brave The Prophet's tombs that were before, And garnish outwardly each grave Of righteous men, now more and more; And more than that you verily, Thus utter your iniquity. If we as then had been (ye say) In our forefather's time, had we Consented so to see the day, That guiltless blood then spilled should be? The Prophets had not died so, Nor any godly man with wo. So than ye are as witnesses Unto yourselves, how that ye be Their children, as ye do confess, That murdered them, therefore do ye What lacked of their cruelty, Fulfil with all dexterity. O Serpents the offspring in deed, And bloody generation Of vipers, and their very seed By nature and opinion: How ye should scape no man can tell, The great damnation of hell. Wherefore behold, to you I'll send, Prophets, wisemen, and Scribes surely, To see if that ye will amend, Whom ye will kill and crucify, And scourge in Synagogues apace, And persecute from place to place. That on you all the blood may come, Math. 23.35. Gene. 4.8. Heb. 11.4. Which was shed upon earth always, From righteous Abel, Adam's son, To Zacharias, blood which lay Between the temple verily, And altar, slain most cruelly. All these things shall assuredly Come on this generation, This ag● shall bear this penalty, And righteous condemnation, That all their vain hypocrisy, May be detected openly. Jerusalem which killest so, Math. 23.37. Luc. 13 34. The Prophets that are sent to thee, And stonest some t'augment their woe, How often would I, tell it me, Thy children gather for their good, Which they most frowarly withstood? Math. 23.37. Esd. ●. 30. Yea even as a careful hen Doth clock her chickens, so have I: And yet will not these wicked men Be saved from their misery: All waist and desolate shall be, Their dwellings left that loathed me. For unto you, mark it, I say, Ye shall not henceforth see me more, Until ye bless the very day, And wish good hap for evermore To him that cometh so with fame To you, in great jehovahs' name. As jesus by the treasury Beheld, what men did offer there, The rich and poor most bounteously Did cast therein, as may appear: Of all the rest a widow then, Cast in two mites among those men. To his Disciples jesus said, I say to you assuredly, She in this treasury hath laid More than their superfluity, She cast in all she had in store, They want no whit they had before. Of the destruction of the temple and City, and of the end of the world. Math. 24.1. Mar. 13.1. Luc. 21.5. When jesus then had finished, To purge the temple as ye heard, And had also accomplished His judgements hear before declared, He left the temple, then to go To Bethanie, whence he came fro. And this the third day after was The feast of Palms, or Palm sunday: But ere he thence away could pass, Thus his Disciples to him say; Come Lord, and see this building here, How beautiful it doth appear. And jesus said to them again, See ye these things and mark them all? There shall not verily remain, One stone hereof that shall not fall. A stone shall not be left on stone, Math. 24.2. Luc. 19.44. But shall be cast down every one. And his Disciples came again, As he upon mount olives ●ate, And said, do thou now tell us plain, When this shall be, and of the state Of thy coming, and the world's end, And what sign then thou wilt us send. Math. 24.4. Ephes. 5.6. 1. Coloss. 2.18. And jesus answered and said, That you be not deceived take heed: Great cause ye have to be afraid, Lest you as others then should speed: For many shall come in my name, And deceive many with the same. And ye shall hear of wars, I say, And rumours of wars there shall be: Let not all this your minds dismay Or trouble, though the same ye see: These things to come no man may let, But sure the end is not as yet. One nation shall first arise Against another nation: And realm with realm shall in this wise, Fall into great contention. Pestilence, and famine then, And earthquakes, shall vex diverse men. For these assuredly shall be, And that in diverse places so, That who so shall those troubles see, And plagues, shall sore lament for wo. Of sorrows and also of care, All these things but beginnings are. Math. 24.9. Cap. 10.17. Luc. 21.12. joh. 15.20. Cap. 16.2. Then you delivered up shall be, By men to be afflicted sore: They shall kill you, take this of me, Ye shall be hated more and more Of nations, for my name's sake, Which you contentedly must take▪ Offended than shall many be, And one another shall betray: And hatred in the highst degree, Shall among men bear too great sway. False Prophets also shall arise, Which shall deceive the worldly wise▪ And then because iniquity, Shall be increased day by day, The love of many verily, Shall be as cold as clod of clay: Math. 24.13. ●. Thess. 3.13. ●. Tim. 2.5. But to the end who doth endure, Shall saved be, of this be sure. When this Gospel of the kingdom, Shall preached be in every place Throughout the world, sure then shall come The end within a little space. This witness to both good and bad, Increaseth joy or maketh sad. These are the signs that Christ foretold, Should come ere thy destruction, Thou City that to sin art sold, Still working thy confusion: Jerusalem thou wilt not see, Nor yet receive health sent to thee. Therefore seducers shall arise, Wars and rumours of wars shall be: The pestilence in raging wise, And famine in the highst degree: Earthquakes which may not be withstood, And persecution of the good. Offences public in each place, And very wicked treachery, False Prophets many wanting grace, Deceiving many subtly: Of manners much corruption, Stained with all pollution. love cold among the greatest sort Of brethren than shall likewise be: Yet for the faithful this comfort, Ere than they shall be sure to see The Gospel preached every where: And then the end shall soon appear. And therefore this shall be the end, Which you must mark advisedly, For few shall then find out a friend, There will be such calamity: When former signs are come to pass, The end is worse than all that was. For then jerusalem shall be Math. 24.15. Mar. 13.14. Luc. 21.20. Dan. 9.27. With men besieged round about: Let them consider then that see What Daniel spoke: it is no doubt The great abomination, Of thy just desolation. This standing in the holy place When ye do see, mark what I tell, Let him that reads while he hath space, This prophecy consider well. Then let them which in jewrie be, From thence into the mountains flee. Let him that is on the house top, Not come down thence to fetch away Aught that he hath in house o● shop, Lest lingering there by such delay He lose the opportunity, Offered for his commodity. And he that in the field is then, Let him not go back home again, To fetch his clothes, though this to men May seem to be exceeding pain, The time shall then require no less, Then I to you do now express. Then woe to them with child shall be, And them that do give such also: ●lee you must: ●herefore pray ●hat it happen 〈◊〉 on the Sabaoth least Religion, or in win●er the season, be let's to ●ou. For these are most unapt to flee, And therefore subject to all wo. That your flight be not, see you pray, In winter or the Sabbath day. For than great troubles shall be sure, Such were not since the world began: Nor shall be while the world endure, That saved scarce should be a man, If for th'elect it happened, Those days should not be shortened. Math. 24.23. Mar. 13.21. Luc. 17.23. If any then to you do say, Lo here is Christ, or Christ is there, Believe it not: for at that day, False Christ's and Prophets shall appear, And shall show signs and wonders such, As will deceive men very much. Those false Christ's and false Prophets shall Gods chosen very near deceive, If possible it were at all, As than you shall full well perceive. Behold I have told you before, Have always care hereof therefore. Wherefore if they unto you say, Behold he in the desert is: Go not forth after him that way, For you shall find untruth in this. In sectet if they say he be, Believe it not, it is not he. For as the lightning from the East, Doth come and that most suddenly, And shineth forth into the West, So shall it be assuredly: The son of man shall come I say, In like sort at the judgement day. For where the dead carcase doth rest, Math. 24.28. Luc. 17.37. The eagles will resort thereto, If that it be by East or West, Such fowl unto their prey will go. God's chosen shall to Christ that day Resort, as these unto their prey. * Math. 24.29 Mar. 13.24. Luc. 21.25. Es●y. 13. 1●. Ezek 32.7. joel. 2 31. Cap. 3.15. Math. 24 30. Dan. 7.13. Revel. 1.7. After those days immediately, And all those troubles, then forthright, The sun shall darken by and by, And eke the moon shal● not give light: The stars of heaven they shall fall, And powers thereof shall shake withal. And lo, in heaven shall sure appear, The sign of Christ his coming then, And much shall mourn then every where. All kindreds and all tribes of men. Then in the clouds Christ coming he, Most glorious all men shall see. Math. 24.31. 1. Cor. 15.52. 1. Thess. 4.16. And he his Angels forth shall send, With sound of trump that is so shrill: On the elect they shall attend, And gather them as he doth will, From the four winds and every where, In one together to appear. The Parable of the Fig tree. Math. 24.32. Now learn the parable, I say, Of the fig tree, whose boughs shut out And bearing leaves, do well bewray Summer at hand without all doubt: So all these things when ye do see, God's kingdom near know then to be. This generation verily Passeth not, until all be done, As you have heard effectually: The Lord will it accomplish soon. Matth. 24.35. Mar. 13.31. Both heaven and earth shall pass away, But my words sure shall not decay. Christ's coming shall be as the days of Noa● were, sudden and unlooked for. Matth. 24.36. No man doth know that hour or day, No, not the Angels, be ye sure: My father only, this I say, Doth only know that day and hour: For as the days of Noë have been, So shall Christ's coming then be seen. As in the days before the flood, Matth. 24.38. Luc. 17.26. Gen. 7.5. 1. Pet. 3.20. They did both ear and drink also, Marry, and else what they thought good, Till he the Ark had gone into. All this we may in Moses see, How he and his from flood were free. And all the rest did nothing know, Till that the flood took them away: It shows how they were very slow For to repent their sins that day. Christ's coming shall as suddenly Be seen, as that was verily. Two men shall in the field be then, Matth. 24.40. Luc. 17.34. 1. Thess. 4.17. The one of them received shall be, The other of those very men, To be refused sure is he. Two women grinding then at mill, The good received, but not the ill. A warning to all men to be watchful. Wake therefore and be wary men, Matth. 24.42. Mar. 13.35. For ye know not what hour or day Your master comes, lest sleeping then You with the reprobate decay. Watch that with the elected sort Received ye be, to your comfort. Of this be sure, if the good man, The hour the thief will come may know, Matth. 24.43. juc. 12.39. 1. Thess. 5.2. Reu. 16.15. He will keep watch all that he can, To save his house from hurt I trow. Be likewise ready always then, For Christ will come ye know not when. Matth. 24.45. Luc. 12.42. A faithful servant and a wise, Made ruler of his master's men: His master's trust will not despise, But feedeth them in season then When he is absent, as he were Still present with his servants there. That servant blessed is in deed, Whom his master when he doth come, Shall find so doing, he shall speed, Be sure, of some especial room: His master will make him therefore, Ruler of all he hath in store. But if the evil servant say, My master will not come as yet: And smite his fellow day by day. And still with drunkards drink and eat His master will come when that he Expecteth not him for to see. Him he will cut off from the rest, And give to him his portion With hypocrites this is the least, Math. 24.51. ●ap 13 42. ●ap. 25 30. That after condemnation, He shall both weep and gnash for woe, His teeth that he applied so. The Parable of the ten Virgins. Math. 25.1. The kingdom sure of heaven shall be Unto ten virgins likened, Which took their lamps and went to see▪ If they could meet (as happened) The bridegroom, coming by that way, For whom all they together stay. ●retius in Ca ●5. Math. Yea virgins they were all in deed, Such find this spouse assuredly, As chastened have in heart decreed, On Christ to call unfeignedly, And not on idols, for they must Repose in Christ their only trust. Yet only five were wise of these, And five were foolish certainly, Which had their lamps the bride to please, And went to meet him solemnly. The former five had oil all night. The last had none to save their light. Now while the bridegroom tarried long, All slumbered and slept heavily: There was at midnight heard among The Vingins, suddenly this cry; Behold, the bridegroom comes this way, Go meet him forth without delay. Then all those Virgins quickly rose, And trymed their lamps away to go: The foolish Virgins said to those That wiser were, give us also Some of your oil, our lamps to save, Our lamps are out, no oil we have. The wise thus answered them again, Lest there be not enough we fear For us and you, therefore take pain, To go and buy some oil elsewhere. Their foolishness deserved blame, For while they went the bridegroom came. And they that then were ready, went Into the wedding with the bride, And they that there were not present, Were shut out at that very tide. And when they came and knocked fast▪ This answer they received at last. I know you not that cry and call, Lord, Lord do open us this gate: Nor you may not come in at all, Your knocking now is to to late: * Math. 25.13 Cap. 24 ●2. Mar. 13.33. Luc. 19.12. Sith, ye know not the hour or day, That Christ doth come, watch still and pray. The Parable of the Talents. Math. 25.14. Mar. 13.35. Luc. 19.12. For the kingdom of heaven, it is Like to a man that went from home, To a strange country far from his, But caused his servants first to come: To whom he did deliver tho, His goods, ere he from home would go. To one he gave then Talents five, And to another only two: He one unto the third did give, Each one had something then to do, As they were able; and strait way, He did departed, that very day. Then he that the five Talents had, Went and did occupy the same, And gained to make his master glad, Five Talents more before he came. He that likewise received two, Did gain therewith as many more. But he that had received one, Within the earth did dig the fame, And hide the money with a stone, To keep until his master came. Thus every one did occupy, Their master's Talents diversly. And after a long season came, Their master home to them again: They reckoned with him for the same, And gave accounts of all their gain: One after other as they could. What they had done, to him they told. He came first that five Talents had, And brought with him five Talents more: And said, o master here (be glad) Thy money is, and gains also: For I have gained as much more, As I have received of thee before. To him his master said again, Well done good servant sure thou hast: That thou therewith didst take such pain, Thou shalt receive reward at last: Enter thy master's joy to take, Of much I will thee ruler make. He came that did receive likewise, Two Talents, and he thus did say: O master, thou mayst not despise, These games since thou wentest hence away: Here is thy money that I had, And as much more that I have made. His master unto him did say, Good servant, sure it is well done: The time thou spendest well always, Else couldst not thou so much have won: Thy faithfulness in this was such, I will thee ruler make of much. Then he which had received one, Came to his master, and did say, When thou a way from hence wast gone, I hide thy money without nay, Because I feared thy cruelty▪ Here, take thine own contentedly. His master answered and said, Thou ill and slothful servant, why (If thou of me art so afraid, And know'st so well my cruelty) Didst not thou find some mean or way, To get me gains against this day? The Talon from him take therefore, And give it him that now hath ten: * Math. 25.29 Cap. 13.12. Luc. 8.18. Cap. 19.26. Mar. 4.25. For who so hath, he shall have more, And he shall have abundance then. From him that hath not, shall away Be taken all he hath, I say, Math. 25.30. Cap. 22.13. Cap. 8.12. That servant void of profit, ye To utter darkness therefore cast: There weep and gnash his teeth shall he, Thus shall his sloth be paid at last. See then your Talon fructify, Lest you lose it eternally. The manner of the last judgement. Math. 25.31. When that the son of man comes to The judgement, with great majesty, His holy Angels all also, Shall be with him most gloriously: And he shall sit upon the throne Of glory, judging every one. All nations shall be gathered, Before the son of man as then, And there they shall be severed, The godly from the wicked men, As shepherds separate their sheep, From flocks of goats that they do keep. The sheep, whereby are meant the best, He shall set then on his right hand. The goats, by which are meant the rest, On the left side of him shall stand: So shall the King to the good men, Pronounce this loving sentence then; Ye blessed of my father come, Inherit you the kingdom here, Prepared ere the world begun, For you (of him) as doth appear: Math. 25.35. Esay. 58.7. Ezek. 18.7. For when I wanted food to eat, Ye gave me lodging, drink and meat. Ye clothed me, that naked was, Me, being sick, ye came to see: Imprisoned ye did not pass, Until ye had relieved me, My wants supplying willingly, Math. 25.36. Eccl. 7.35. And comforting my misery. Then shall the righteous, say again, Lord, when saw we thee in such case? And then the King without disdain, Shall answer them; in every place, In as much as ye have done this, To these my brethrens, mine it is. Then shall he to the other say, (The wicked goats on the left hand) Depart ye cursed hence away, All, as ye do together stand: Math. 25.41. ●ap. 7 23. ●sal. 6.8. ●uc. 13.27. Go into fire unquenchable, Prepared for the damnable. For when I hungered very sore, Ye gave me then nothing to eat▪ And oft I thirsted more and more, Yet wanted drink, aswell as meat: Ye lodged not, nor clothed ●e, Nor sick in prison would me see. They ask when they had seen him so: He answereth now as before: Math. 25.46. Dan. 12.2. joh. 5.29. Therefore he saith, that these shall go, To suffer pain for evermore▪ But sure the righteous shall then all, Go and possess life eternal. Luc. 21.37. Christ in the Temple taught by day, And there hence out at night he went To Olivet the ready way, Where that time he then always spent. To hear him daily many came, So much was spread abroad his fame. Another Sermon of the Cross, which Christ made to his Disciples in Bethanie, at Simon the lepers house. Math. 26. Mar. 14.1. Luc. 22.1. When jesus had thus finished These sayings, he began to say To such as him then followed, From place to place so every day; Ye know within two days will be The feast of passover, said he. And then shall be delivered, The son of man (as heretofore I told you) to be crucified, Although it grieve you very sore: The time, is come that death the just, For sinful men needs suffer must. The chief Priests were then assembled, Math. 26.3. joh. 11.47. The Scribes and eke the Elders all, Where they this thing delibered, (Within the high Priest Cayphas hall) How jesus might by subtlety Be had, and killed cruelly. But they said, not on the feast day, Lest any uproar there should be Among the people any way, If they the same should hap to see: The people him do magnify, Whom we desire to crucify. Then judas took occasion, (Set forward by the devil in deed, Math. 26.6. Mar. 14.3. joh. 11.2. Cap. 12.3. To be of such opinion, Which caused him so ill to speed) When Christ did sup in Bethany, At Simons house assuredly. Where Mary did anoint the Lord, With precious ointment that she had, As Christ was there set at the board, Which made the traitor judas mad▪ He thought it waste that so was spent, Revenge it therefore thus he meant. He went to the chief Priests, and said, Math. 26.14. Mar. 14.10 Luc. 22.4. What will ye now give unto me, If I deliver undelayed, Christ to your hands? what then say ye? All thirty pence they said again, We will give thee if thou take pain. And from that time, as most suppose, He sought all opportunity For to betray him unto those, That hired him so liberally: For all his mind was fully set, By hook or crook some gains to get. The Disciples demand of Christ, where he would they should prepare the passover. Math. 26.17. Mar. 14.12. Luc. 22.7. The first day of unleavened bread, Peter came unto Christ and john, (Whom they acknowledged their head) And asked of him this question; Where wilt thou that we do prepare, To eat the passover declare? Then he thus unto them did say, Go ye into the City both, And you shall meet one in your way, Mark whither that the same man goeth▪ You shall see him a pitcher bear, Of water full, when you come there. Go ye and follow him into The house he goeth in, and say To the good man, we pray you do Show the chamber our master may Eat passover, and he forth right Will show a chamber ready dight. So the Disciples found in deed, As Christ before to them did say: And they prepared for him with speed, * Math. 26.19 Mar. 14.18. Luc. 22.14. joh. 13.21. To eat the passover that day. So when the even was now late, Christ came and with the twelve he sat. As they did eat, Christ said again, Assuredly to you, I say, You shall see this (though to his pain) That one of you shall me betray. Then the Disciples sorry were, And of this saying stood in fear. Now there was one whom Christ did love, joh. 13.22. Math. 26.21. Mar. 14.18. Luc. 22.21. That leaned then upon his breast: Him Peter did with signs so move, That he demanded for the rest; Tell us (o Lord) we do thee pray, Who is it that shall thee betray? And jesus said, the hand is here At this board, that betrayeth me, (As to you all it will appear) And in the dish now dippeth he. He lift his heel against his head, That eateth with me of this bread. The son of man shall surely go, As of him it hath written been: But to that man be ever woe, By whose devise the same is seen. It had been good for him, I say, He had not yet been borne this day. Then judas which did Christ betray, Answered and said, sir is it I? The traitor thought to find a way, To cloak his treason craftily. Then Christ said, thou hast said in deed, As I have said, so shall I speed. Christ washed his Disciples feet. ●oh. 13.1. Math. 26.2. Mar. 14.1. ●uc. 22.1. Christ knowing that the father had Given all things into his hand, (Whereof all men may be right glad, That truly this will understand) And that from God come forth was he, And went to God, with him to be. He rising from his supper, laid His upper garments all aside, And took a towel, it is said, And withal girt himself that tide▪ Christ jesus did this verily, To teach us true humility. Christ powered in a basin then, Water to wash their feet withal, He humbling him among his men, Did with a towel wipe them all: Thus used he all simplicity, To teach us still humility. To Simon Peter then he came, Who said, what dost thou Lord to me▪ To wash my feet it were my shame, Therefore good Lord, this may not be. What I do now, said Christ, at all Thou know'st not, but hereafter shall. But Peter said, thou shalt not now, O master, wash my feet, I say. Then jesus said, clean art not thou, Nor mayst be if thou disobey: For Peter if I wash not thee, Thou shalt have sure no part with me. And Simon Peter said again, Lord, not my feet all only then, But head and hands if thou take pain, And wilt such favour show to men. Christ said, whose feet is washed so, Is clean, and needs not any more. And ye are clean although not all, For he knew who should him betray: He knew him well before his fall, How foully he would slide away: But to repent he had no grace, Though he were checked in every place. So after that he washed had Their feet, and took his clothes again, And was set down, as always glad He was, for his to take all pain; Know ye, said he, what I have done? Do ye therefore as I begun. Ye call me Lord, and master well, For so in very deed I am: If I your Lord, that so excel, Most humble for your sakes became, Ye ought each others feet therefore To wash, as I have done before. Example unto you gave I, That you as I have done, should do: The servant was not certainly Above his master, hitherto, Nor the ambassador I say, Greater than who sent him away. If ye know these things I declare, And do ●hem, then blessed are ye: It is a virtue very rare, Among most men the same to see. All this he spoke to them assoon As he of washing them had done. Christ instituted the Sacrament of his holy Supper. Math. 26.26. ●. Cor. 11.24. And as they sat all then at meat, jesus took bread, and broke the same, And giving thanks, gave it to eat, To them that thither with him came: And said, take, eat ye all of this, My body for you given is. Also he took the cup, when he Had given thanks, and gave it those: Saying, of it now drink all ye, (This cup see ye do so dispose As I have taught you) still, said he, Receiving this, remember me. For this it is my blood truly, Of the new Testament I make, For many shed assuredly, Thereby their sins away to take: Who so hath not remission By it, hath just damnation. Henceforth of this fruit of the vine, I will not drink, until that day When I shall drink it new with mine, And that God's kingdom come I say. When Supper thus all finished was, Christ jesus song a Psalm for grace. And judas that did Christ betray, (Assoon as Satan pricked him on) Departed thence and went away: But jesus said ere he was gone, What is devised secretly, Go judas do it speedily. But none of them that then were there, Knew why the Lord said to him so: The bag, thought they, judas doth bear, And therefore he doth bid him go To give the poor what he thinks best, Or to provide against the feast. When he was gone out, jesus said, The son of man is glorified, And God in him, be not afraid, For you in both are sanctified: As God, in the son verily, So he the son will glorify. Christ departed thence into the mount of Olives, where as also by the way he comforted and strengthened his Disciples. When jesus thus forewarned had All them, of that which happened, To comfort them and make them glad, Against his death which hastened, They passed thence though it was night, And to mount Olives they went right. Where he, as also by the way, Admonished them, and comforted, To love together, and I say, Against the devil them strengthened: For Christ did know it well before, They should be tempted ye ●●fore. * Math. 26.31 Mar. 14.27. joh. 16.32. Zachar. 13.7. This night, said he, you shall be all Offended much because of me: For when the shepherd hath a fall, The sheep soon shall then scattered be: Yet after I am risen, I Will go with you to Galilee. O little children, yet a while I am with you, ye shall seek me: Let not the devil you then beguile, joh. 13.33. Cap. 7.34. Where I go, yet, come cannot ye: Let this therefore I say, you move, Each one another for to love. joh. 13.34. Cap. 15.12. Math. 22.39. Levit. ●9. 1●. 1. joh. 4.21. By this shall all men know indeed, That my Disciples sure ye are, If each one help another's need, And to the world your love declare Love is the badge and only sign, That men may best know you for mine. Then Simon Peter said, I pray, Lord, tell me whither goest thou? O Simon where I go, I say, Thou canst not come and follow now, But afterwards I tell it thee, Thou shalt be sure to follow me. joh. 13.37. Math. 26.33. Mar. 14.29. And Peter said Lord, why not now? My I fe●● will lose for thy sake. Thy life for my sake lose wilt thou? No haste, said Christ, o Simon make: The cock shall not crow verily, Until thou do me thrice deny. Luc. 22.31. 1. Pet. 5.8. And jesus said o Simon see, Satan's desires assuredly, That you as wheat should winnowed be, This he attempted earnestly: But I for thee have prayed, I say, Thy faith so fail not clean away. And see when thou converted art, Thy brethrens that thou strengthen then: But he said, though I suffer smart, And die the death before all men, My master I will not deny, So said the rest, assuredly. And he said unto them again, Luc. 22.35. Math. 10.9. When you without a bag I sent, And scrip, and shoes, declare it plain, What then ye lacked where ye went? Nothing said they, but now said he, To you these things may wanting be. See then of these things ye make store, And sell thy coat a sword to buy: The Scripture shall be evermore, Luc. 22.37. Esay. 53.12. In me performed certainly. They said, o Lord, two swords have we. It is enough, again said he. Christ armed his Disciples with consolation against trouble, declaring that he is the way, the truth, and the life. Though otherwise he knew it well, joh. 14.1. It would fall out immediately, Then they said: yet for to expel Their fear, he armed them graciously; Let not your hearts now troubled be, Ye trust in God, do so in me. And dwelling places many are, Within my father's house, I say: For you I go, place to prepare, That be there, where I am, ye may: Yet I will come to you again, And you receive without disdain. Now ye know whither that I go, And likewise ye do know the way. Thomas ignorant of the way, is taught ●t by Christ. Then Thomas said, Lord, no not so, We know it not, nor know it may, Except thou show it, how should we Know well the way to go with thee? Then jesus said, I am the way, I am the truth, and life also: Come to the father no man may, Except that he by me do go. Full well my father knoweth he, That perfectly hath known me. Philip desired to see the father. Philip said, Lord, it will suffice, If thou let us thy father see: Then jesus answered in this wise, O Philip he that hath seen me, Hath seen my father verily: Believe the same unfeignedly. Believest thou not that sure I am In the father, and he in me▪ The words I speak, from him they came, The works I do, all them doth he: I am in him, so do it take, At least believe for the work sake. In deed, in deed, to you I say, Who firmly doth believe in me, The works I do, do them he may, And greater works than these shall he. That man shall sure be blessed so, For I unto my father go. What ye ask in my name, I'll do, joh. 14.13. Cap. 16.23. Math. 7.7. Mar. 11.24. jam. 1.5. That in the same my father may Be glorified, I hither to Have ever taught you so to pray. Withal I say, if ye love me, See my precepts observed be. Christ said, the father I will pray, And he another comforter Shall give to you, that the same may Abide and be with you ever. God's spirit sure on you shall be, A teacher of all truth is he. I will not leave you comfortless, But I will come to you again, And then to you I will express, How in the father I remain: The world shall not these things perceive, Because it will not me receive. Then judas said unto him, Lord, judas demanded of Christ, why he would not show himself unto the world. (Not judas that the traitor was) Why dost thou not as well accord, To grant unto the world this grace? To show thyself to them also, As unto us thou meanest to do? He that my precepts will obey, And keepeth them, he loveth me: He that doth keep my word, I ●ay, Loved of my father he shall be; What I say therefore mark it well, For we will come with him and dwell. The comforter the holy Ghost, The father will send in my name: He will see that no word be lost, That out of my mouth ever came. Let not your heart be moved to fear, Peace with you I leave every where. That I do go, and come again, Might give you cause with heart and voice, To laud the father, God certain, And so much more in heart rejoice, In that I tell you this before, You may believe me evermore. I will not many things to you Speak after this, as I have done: The Prince of this world cometh now, Yet he in me hath nothing won: But this I do that men may see, I love the father, he loves me. The Parable of the Vine. joh. 15.1. Math. 15.13. I am the true and perfect vine, My father is an husband man: Fach branch that is not truly mine, He cuts away that cut it can: And each one that bears fruit in me, He makes more fruitful for to be. joh. 15.3. Cap. 13.10. Through the word I have spoken now, Ye are assuredly made clean: Abide in me and I in you, If to bear fruit ye ever mean. As branches cut of fruitless be, So you, except you bide in me. I am the vine, ye branches are, He that abideth still in me, And I in him, he need not care, Much fruit in him shall ever be. Give ear and listen hereunto, Ye can without me nothing do. He that abideth not in me, Is cut off as a withered bough, And to the fire cast then is he, Where he is punished sore enough. In me abide, ask what ye will, And your request I will fulfil. My father he is glorified, In that ye bear much fruit in me: And we are both much honoured, If ye together loving be. This aught you greatly thereto move, That I (as he loved me) you love. Sure greater love can no man bear Then this, when one doth for his friend. Bestow his life, to him so dear, Which I do only to this end, To keep safe mine from all annoy, That they in me might still have joy. Ye are my friends, if ye 〈◊〉 serve What I do both command and show: The hireling doth his master serve, His secrets yet he doth not know. All that I of my father heard, The same to you I have declared. Ye have not chosen me before, I first chose you, I tell you plain, joh. 1●. 16. Math. 18.19. To bring forth fruit still more and more, And that your fruit it might remain: That what so ye ask in my name, My father may give you the same. Love one another I command, The world doth hate you, well ye know, The cause ye likewise understand, Is that I have so chosen you. If they have persecuted me, So persecuted shall you be. If they have kept my word before, They will keep yours hereafter so: All those things they and rather more, For my name sake to you will do. Against me and mine they are bend, Not knowing from whom I am sent. If I had not come, then in deed They should have had no sin at all: But now have they no cloak at need, To hide their sin that is not small. My father hates who hateth me, And they hate both, for all they see. But it is that the word might be Fulfilled, written in their law; * joh. 15.25. Psal. 35.19. Without a cause they hated me, Of my word they stand not in awe. * joh. 15.26. Cap 14.16. Luc. 24.49. The comforter shall testify Of me, with you assuredly. Another Sermon of the Cross: the Disciples comforted with promise of the holy Ghost: the coming of Christ again: his Ascension: to ask in his name: peace in Christ, and affliction in the world to such as follow him. These things I have unto you said, joh. 16.1. That ye might not offended be: Nor that ye should be much afraid, When from their Synagogues that ye Be thrust out, for they shall you kill, And yet think that they do Gods will. These things they will unto you do, Because that they have not known me, Nor yet the father hitherto These things I say to you, that ye May think on it for evermore, That I have told you this before. I tell it now, because I go Hence unto him that did send me, And none of you though grieved so, Doth ask of me, what aileth thee? Or whither goest thou a way? And yet ye sorrow all ye may. Yet surely this to you say I, It is expedient I go: For if I go not hence truly, The comforter he comes not so As I have said, think this in heart, I will send him when I departed. When he is come, he will reprove, The world of sin, because men do Distrust in me, whom thy should love: Of righteousness, because I go To my father, from hence away, You shall see me no more, I say. Of judgement, shall the world likewise Reproved be by him as then: Because their Prince then judged is, And righteousness restored to men: For Satan's empire hath a fall, And Gods anointed ruleth all. I have yet many things to say, But ye cannot them now well bear: The comforter will not delay, To tell you all things, do not fear. He shall show you mine verily, And so he shall me glorify. A little while and surely ye Shall not see me, and yet again After a while ye shall see me, For I go where I must remain. But they had not as then the reach, For to perceive what Christ did teach. Therefore he said to them again, Assuredly to you I say, You shall weep and be full of pain, Yet shall the world rejoice that day. Though sorrow do you much annoy, Your sorrow shall be turned to joy. A woman when she travaileth, Hath sorrow that her hour is nigh▪ As soon as she delivereth Her child, than she immediately, Her anguish doth not think upon, For joy of him, her pain is gone. So now ye sorrow at the heart, But I will see you sure again, Though for a time I do departed, I'll come to ease you of your pain: And then your joy shall be so great, As you may never it forget. Ye shall ask nothing then of me, joh. 16.23. Cap. 14.13, Math. 7.4. Cap. 21.22. Mar. 11.24. Luc. 11.9. jam. 1.5. But of my father in my name: And what ye ask shall given be, Be most assured of the same. In my name ye asked nothing yet, Ask, ye shall have, nothing shall let. In Parables these things I spoke, But sure the time will come, when I A plainer speech to you shall make, And preach the father openly. What in my name ye ask, that he Will give, because ye loved me. For from the father out I came Into the world, and out again, I do departed, and leave the same, And go to him thereto remain. Thou * Said his Disciples. speakest now so plain, we see. That no man more needs ask of thee. Now we believe thou cam'st from God. The hour is come then jesus said, Ye shall taste of a bitter rod, And scattered be, be not afraid, From me though you be fled and gone, The father leaves me not alone. These things I speak to comfort you, And that in me, you might have peace: For in the world assured now, Afflictions for you do increase. B● of good comfort: verily The world now overcome have I. The prayer of Christ unto the father for his elect. ●h. 17.1. After that Christ had preached long To his Disciples, of the cross, He mingled comforts all among, Lest they despaired for such a loss. He prayed God them to protect, And this his doctrine to effect. And jesus lift his eyes on high, And said, the hour, o father dear, Is come, thy son then glorify, That so thy glory may appear. ●oh. 17.2. Math. 28.18. As thou him power gav'st of all, So he gave his life eternal. And this is sure eternal life, That they the only God know thee, And whom thou has● sent (without strife Acknowledge) jesus Christ to be. The work thou gavest me to do, I to thy glory finished to. Now glorify thou me again, With thine own self (o father dear) As when I did with thee remain, Ere heaven and earth did first appear: Thy name to those declared I, Thou gavest me, accordingly. They kept thy word, and know withal, That all I have are come of thee: They did obey when I did call, joh. 17.8. Cap. 16.27. Believing that thou hast sent me. For those thou gavest me▪ always For them, not for the world, I pray. As they and else all mine are thine, And I in them am glorified: So thine undoubtedly are mine, Thou hast thy son so favoured, I in the world am now no more, But they are as they were before. O father, keep them in thy name, Those that thou hast so given me: As one in deed we both became, That so they may for ever be. I kept them safe, I lost not one, joh. 17.12. Psal. 109.7. Save that child of perdition. I speak these things, and come to thee, That they in them might have my joy: Thy word is given them of me, Yet will the world much them annoy; It hates them, for both they and I Are not of this world, verily. Out of the world I do not pray, That thou shouldst take them by and by, But that from evil night and day Thou keep, and give them victory, In all their combats, when they crave, Thy help (o father) let them have. They are not of this world, nor I, Thy word it is the truth in deed; Therewith do thou them sanctify, And help them father at all need. As to the world thou didst send me, So these of me sent likewise be. And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that through the truth they may Be sanctified assuredly. For them I do not only pray, But for them also which afford Firm faith in me, Lord, through thy word. That they all may be one, as thou (O father) art in me, and I In thee was, and am present now, So they may all be verily Made one in us, that the world may Believe thou hast sent me this day. The glory that thou gavest me, I gave them, that they may be one As we are one, that they might be Known the Disciples of thy son: And that as me thou lovest those, Whom so out of this world I chose. ●oh. 17.24. Cap. 11.26. I will (o father) that they be With me, where ever that I am, That there the glory they may see, Which thou hast given to my name. Thou lovedst me, ere thou began To make this world, and create man. The world (o father) knows not thee, But I have known thee: and so these Have known in deed that thou sent'st me. Thy name to them whom thou dost please I will declare: thereby to move, There may in them be perfect love. The Passion of our Saviour jesus Christ, and first of his prayers in mount Olivet, where he sweat drops of blood, and an Angel came and comforted him. When jesus these things spoken had, joh. 18.1. Math. 26.36. Mar. 14.32. Luc. 22.39. Over brook Cedron then he went With his Disciples, who were sad, When they perceived what he meant. Some Gethsemane do name the place, This garden in mount Olives was. joh. 18.3. Math. 26.47. Mar. 14.43. Luc. 22.47. And judas which did him betray, Did likewise know the place full well: And knew that Christ would walk that way, As than most truly it befell. For thither oft to their comfort, With his, Christ used to resort. When he was come into the place, He chose of his Disciples three, To watch and pray with him a space, To whom he said, go ye with me: And so he went aside to pray, And left the rest behind to stay. And these were Peter, james, and john, That he took then with him apart; They so with sleep were over gone, That they perciued not all his smart. These on mount Thabor verily, Had seen before his majesty. Where they as witness chosen were By him, of his divinity: And now that likewise may appear To them his great humility. He chose no more, because by three, All things well witnessed may be. Then to wax heavy he began, And sorrowful as all afraid: Sore troubled was the outward man, He thus to his Disciples said; My soul is heavy verily, Yet I must needs now yield to die. Now tarry here and watch with me, While I go yonder for to pray: A little further than went he, And falling on his face, did say, Let this cup pass (o father mine) Yet not my will be done, but thine. ●uc. 22.43. And there from heaven did appear, Him comforting an Angel then: The weight of sin that he did bear, So pressed him (for mortal men) That he sweat drops of blood a pace, Which trickled down along his face. Then up from prayer he arose, And his Disciples came unto: But he all sleeping there found those, For heaviness oppressed them so. Why sleep ye, than said Christ? I say Arise, watch earnestly, and pray. The flesh is weak and frail also, But yet the spirit ready is: Pray lest ye enter now into Temptation in any wise; And so again he went away, Where he then (as before) did pray, At his return to them again The second time, they were a sleep, Their eyes were heavy, they in vain Did labour, waking them to keep: They knew they had deserved blame, Mar. 14.40. And could not answer him for shame. So he left them, and went away, (He saw they could not well awake) And as before again did pray, Thus thrice he did his prayers make. To his Disciples than said he, Take rest and sleep henceforth may ye. Behold, the hour is now at hand, And ready come assuredly: This you shall shortly understand, That sure the son of man shall die; Into the hands of sinners he Shall presently delivered be. judas the traitor with a band of men, and officers, which he received of the high Priests and pharisees, came thither with lanterns, torches and weapons to take jesus. Now let us go, I say arise, Math. 26.46. He cometh that doth me betray: The traitor judas on this wise, Was then set forward in his way, And near approaching to the place, Where Christ with his Disciples was. He had received a band of men, And officers also withal, That the high Priests allowed him then, The number of them was not small: They with their weapons came all night, With lanterns and with torches light. The high Priests in all things were priest, Christ jesus for to crucify: The pharisees they would not rest, Till Christ were slain most cruelly. Therefore with judas they did send By night, men armed to that end; All which with judas then were come. As Christ to his Disciples spoke, A token judas gave to some, That they might know whom they should take, He whom I kiss it is the same, Lay hold on him, lest you have blame. joh. 18.6. But Christ whose might they could not match, If he had meant them to withstand, (Whom they by fraud or force would catth,) Went forth to meet them our of hand: Who with his word their weapons all, And they themselves did cause to fall. When Christ said to them, whom seek ye? jesus of Nazareth, they say. He answered and said, I am he, And so they all went back away, And to the ground they did thereat, As men amazed fall down flat. Then he said unto them again, Whom seek ye after tell it me? jesus of Nazareth certain, They answered is even he. Then jesus said, sure here I am, For whom ye say, you hither came. If you seek me let these men go, And quietly departed away: This was that his word might prove so, Which he of them before did say; joh. 18.9. Cap. 17.12. Psal. 109.7. Of them which thou hast given me, I have not sure lost one, said he. Then Simon Peter drew a sword, And smote the high Priests servant there: He minded to revenge his Lord, And therefore cut of Malchus ear: For so they called him by name, He was one that with judas came. Put up thy sword in sheath, said he, What sayest thou (o Peter) now? The cup my father giveth me, Shall I not drink of thinkest thou? The Scripture thus I must fulfil, That saith, it is my fathers will. Dost thou suppose I cannot pray My father, that he would give me Twelve legions (as well he may,) Of Angels with me still to be? Then pressed judas Christ to kiss. Betrayest thou me, said Christ with this? Then to the multitude he said, The high Priests, and the Captains there: Ye be come out as men afraid, Or as against a thief it were, With swords, and staves: when I, said he, Did daily teach, you took not me. jesus was taken, bound, and brought to Anna● first, and then to Cayphas. The Captain, officers and band, joh. 18.12. took jesus, and they bound him then, And thence they led him out of hand, Among a sort of armed men. To Anna's first, he father was To her that was wife of Cayphas. joh. 18.14. Cap. 11.50. This caiphass was high Priest that year, He to the jews this counsel gave, How it expedient did appear, That they the man as then should have, Which there must for the people die, Lest they should perish utterly. This of himself then spoke not he, But being high Priest prophesied Numb. 24.5. As Balam did, the Lords decree, Which he would feign have contraried: But both or them were bridled so, They must obey would they or no. joh. 18.15. Math. 26.58. Mar. 1●. 54. Luc. 22. 5● Now Simon Peter followed His master, and another then Of the Disciples, acquainted With the high Priests and with their men: This therefore by acquaintance went Into the hall, where Christ was sent. But Peter stood out at the door, He was not friended there so well: The other that went in before, Came out to him as it befell, And spoke to her that kept the gate, And so brought Peter in thereat. The high Priests, the Elders, and the whole Counsel sought false witness against jesus: Peter denieth him thrice. joh. 18.17. Then said the maid that kept the gate, Thou one of his Disciples art: But he denied it very flat, And so from her he did departed. Then came he where the servants were, And sat him down among there. The high Priests and the Elders all, Math. 26.59. Mar. 14.55. That then were met in Counsel there, Within the high Priest Cayphas hall, Sought such as would false witness bear, Whereby they might make jesus die, But they found none assuredly. Though many came that witness bare, Their witness yet did not agree; At last are found two men that dare False witnesses against him be. They undertook to justify, More than was true assuredly. They said, that they had heard him say, That he God's temple could destroy, And build a fairer every way, Within three days without annoy. Mar. 14.59. Yet these as Mark doth testify, Did not agree so perfectly. Then the chief Priest from seat arose, And asked jesus on this wise, Why answerest thou not to those? Thou seest what witnesses arise, And testify, as may appear, A truth, against thee to us here. But jesus yet did hold his peace. The high Priest said to him again, I charge thee that thou do no less, By God the Lord, but tell it plain, Mar. 14.62. Math. 24.30. If Christ the son of God thou be? Then jesus said, I sure am he. Math. 26.64. Cap. 16.27. Rom. 14.10. 1. Thes. 4.14. And ye shall see the son of man, Sitting at the right hand of God, (Whose power to resist none can, Nor of himself escape his rod) And in the clouds of heaven shall ye, The son of man then coming see. The high Priest then his clothes did rend, And said, what need we any more Of witnesses for this intent? He openly blasphemeth sore. What think ye? then they cried all, Death he deserves, and die he shall. Math. 26.67. Esay. 50.6. They mocked Christ, that him did hold, And spat withal into his face: To strike him also they were bold, So much they were devoid of grace; With rods and fists most cruelly, They beat, and used him shamefully, Then said they to him, prophesy, Which of us all now hath done this: And other things as wickedly They did against him then devise. But he most meekly suffered all, To bring us sinners our of thrall. Math. 26.69. Mar. 14.66. Luc. 22.55. joh. 18.25. Now all this while there at the fire Did Simon sit, among them then: Another maid did thus inquire, Art not thou one of this man's men? Though she affirmed it to be so, Yet he denied it, saying no. Then they that stood by, said again, One of them thou most surely art: Thy speech bewrayeth thee so plain, Thou canst not hide it for thy heart. Then he to curse and swear began, That he did never know the man. The cock did crow then once again, Mar. 14.72. For Mark doth say he crowed twice: Man of himself is very vain, Peter denied his master thrice. The cock's crow could not let his fall, Till Christ did look on him withal. Then he remembered what was said Of jesus unto him before; And then he went out all afraid, And wept and wailed very sore. Whom late no death could terrify, Perceived then his infirmity. Christ was brought unto pilate then Precedent of the Romans: judas repentance and death. Then in the dawning of the day, Math. 27.1. Mar. 15.1. Luc. 22.66. joh. 18.28. The high Priests and the Elders did A counsel hold to find some way, By death Christ jesus life to rid: Whom thence they led then hastily, Bound hand and foot most shamefully. From Cayphas unto Pylats' hall, jesus condemned so of late, They brought bound by their counsel all; (Re●oycing at his woeful state.) For they had no authority, Our Saviour Christ to crucify. Yet they into the common hall, Where pilate did his judgement give Went not themselves, lest thereby all (For so the jews did then believe) Should be defiled, and be let Thereby the passover to eat. Math. 27.3. While this was doing, mark the end That to the traitor judas fell: He was past grace for to amend, He loved Mammon to to well: Yet his offence displeased him so, That he was wrapped all in wo. When by his means he did perceive, His master was condemned to die, An inward grief he did conceive, And did repent him mightily: But his repentance took no place, For it was void of faith and grace. The thrifty silver pieces he Unto the high Priest brought again: I sinned, said he, and woe is me, Which have procured my master's pain; It was because you thought it good, That I betrayed his guiltless blood. What is that unto us, said they? Look thou to that which thou hast done: Therein thou didst our hests obey, And we will end what is begun. Math. 27.5. Act. 1.18. In temple he the silver cast, And went and hanged himself at last. The chief Priests took the silver plate, And said, it is not lawful we Do them put up (such is our state) Among our treasure for to be. And why? the law doth so devise, Because it is of blood the price. Then they took counsel, and did buy A potter's field, as did befall, Zachar. 11.13. For to fulfil the prophesy, To be the stranger's burial: Wherefore that field is called, I say, Math. 27.8. Act. 1.19. The field of blood until this day. And to leave of his tragedy, Math. 27. 11● Mar. 15.1. Luc. 23.3. joh. 18.33. Let us return to Christ again, Whom then the jews maliciously, For to accuse did take such pain; On pilate they did cry and call, Though then they went not to the hall. pilate went out to them, and said, What cause bring you against this man? The wicked jews nothing afraid, For to accuse him thus began; An evil doer were not he, We would not have brought him to thee. Then pilate said to them again, Take him, and judge him by your law, We may not judge him, it is plain, joh. 18.32. Math. 20.19. Of Caesar we do stand in awe. Christ's word this was to verify, When he foretold how he should die. * Luc. 23.1. Math. 22.21. Mar. 12.17. They charged Christ that found he was, Perverting of the people there, Forbidding men from place to place, To pay their tribute any where Unto Augustus, persuading That he was Christ their only king. ●uc. 23.3. Math. 27.11. Mar. 15.2. joh. 18.33. As jesus in the judgement hall, Before the governor did stand, He said to Christ before them all, Answer thou this now out of hand; Art thou king of the jews or no? And jesus said, thou sayest so. The high Priests, and thy nation, Delivered thee unto me: Now tell me then what hast thou done, That they should so cry out on thee? They say thou art a naughty man, Defend thy cause now if thou can. joh. 18.36. Then jesus said, my kingdom is Not of this world, for if it were. My servants sure would never miss, To fight for me without all fear, Ere I should thus delivered be, Unto the jews, as thou dost see. Then pilate said, art thou a king? And jesus said, thou sayest I am. I was borne for this very thing. For this cause to the world I came, And witness of the truth to bear: My voice he that loves, truth will hear. pilate sent Christ to Herod, and they were made friends that day: Herod sent Christ back to pilate: pilate warned by his wife sought by all means to deliver Christ. Then to the high Priests pilate said, Luc. 23.4. I find no fault sure in this man: Their fury then could not be stayed, But fiercely thus they all began; He teacheth moving mightily * All judea to this place. All, and begun at Galilee. When pilate heard of Galilee, Is he a Galilean then? Said he; and forthwith hastily Sent Christ to Herod with his men: He at Jerusalem then was, When all these things came so to pass. When Herod saw him, he was glad, For he desired him to see: And so his wish at last he had, Which never till that time would be. Such signs and wonders Herod thought He should have seen, as Christ had wrought. He then with Christ there questioned, And did him many things demand: But jesus nothing answered, For all king Herod could command. Though high Priests, Scribes and people all, Accused Christ in Herod's hall. Then Herod with his men of war, Mocking Christ, him in white array: (pilate and Herod were at jar, And were made friends that very day.) And Christ so clad, Herod again, Sent back to pilate it is plain. Then he thus warned by his wife, Wrong not thou that just man, said she: He sought all means to save his life, But by those means it would not be. This made the jews yet almost mad, To hear what he devised had. Ye have brought this man unto me, As who the people doth pervert: I have examined him, ye see, And find in him no such desert, To punish him for any thing, That you against the man do bring. Nor Herod unto whom ye went, Finds that he doth deserve to die: For unto Herod him I sent, Whom uncondemned verily He did send back; sith it is so, I'll chasten him, and let him go. The governor was accustomed at that feast to let lose unto the people a prisoner, whom they would: he offered to let lose jesus unto them, but they required Barrabas and obtained; their importunity also prevailed with pilate against Christ. Math. 27.15. Mar. 15.6. Luc. 23.17. joh. 18.39. Act. 3.14. The governor still at that feast, Was wont to give a prisoner free: He whom the people would request, Who so it were, the same was he. One Barrabas was prisoner, A very thief and murderer. Then pilate to the people said, Whom will ye that I do let lose? His liberty shall undelayed Be granted him, whom ye do choose: If Christ, or Barrabas be he, Now name the man, he shall go free. For pilate knew it verily, That envy caused them indeed To deal with Christ so cruelly, And therefore sought to have him freed. His wife also to that intent, A message had to pilate sent. But the chief Priests and Elders bade Math. 27.20. Mar. 15.11. Luc. 23.18. joh. 18.42. The people that they should require, That Barrabas might free be had, And that none should for Christ desire. To this advise with full intent, The people soon did yield consent. For when that pilate did demand, Which of them both they would have lose: They (as the high Priest did command) Barrabas the thief did choose. Sith we (say they) this custom have, Then Barrabas we all do crave. But pilate willing to let go Christ jesus, asked them again; What will ye then that I should do With jesus? and they answered plain, And did request most instantly, That pilate would him crucify. He did the third time ask likewise, What was the evil Christ had done: I cannot see (though you surmise) A cause of death since you begun. Christ I will chastise and let go, If you consent to have it so. But they more earnestly require, That he would jesus crucify. At last he granted their desire, Although it were unwillingly: For when the people seemed to fail, The high Priests voices did prevail. When Pilate saw all he could do, Would not effect then his desire, But that it made the tumult more, And that they did Christ's death conspire: Their fury grew to such a rage, That nought but death could it assuage. Math. 27.24. Then Pilate washed his hands, and said, Most innocent I am indeed: Though you seem not to be afraid, To make this just man's heart to bleed. As they wished ●o they had, & ●his curse continueth to this day. Math. 27.26. His blood on us and ours let be, If it offend, and none on thee. Christ jesus was condemned and crucified. So Pilate willing them to please, Gave sentence as they did require: He Barrabas did then release, And jesus as they did desire He scourged, and delivered Unto them to be crucified. Matth. 27.27. Mar. 15.16. joh. 19.1. The soldiers led Christ away, And brought him to the common hall: Whereas the band without delay, Were gathered together all, To work and do assuredly, To Christ all kind of villainy. They stripped him of all he had, And put on him a scarlet weed: A crown of thorns which they had made, Set on his head, in hand a reed, And bowing knees, in mocking way, God save thee king of jews, they say. And they did spit then in his face, With rods they smote him on the head, They were all clean devoid of grace, They in their sins so wallowed: They practised what they could tho, That wrought, or might increase his wo. They took his rob from him away, And put his clothes on him again: Then led him forth without delay, No whit regarding all his pain. Some thought the time lost verily, They letted Christ to crucify. As they out of the hall than came, Matth. 27.32 Mar. 15.21. Luc. 23.26. They met a man that passed by. Simon of Cyren called by name, Him they compelled certainly, The cross of Christ with them to bear: Which the man did for very fear. A multitude of people then, Luc. 23.27. Did follow Christ the way he went, Aswell of women as of men, For him they all did much lament. Weep not ye women so for me, But for your sons and selves, said he. The days will come when men shall say, Blessed are they that barren are: The paps that give no suck this day, And wombs that likewise never bare: Luc. 23.30. ●say. 2.19. hosea. 10.8. ●euel. 6.16. For they shall wish the hills to fall, And so the mountains, on them all. ●uc. 23.31. ● Pet. 4.17. ●erem. 25.29. ●rou. 2.21. If they do this in the green tree, What shall be done then in the dry? If thus they execute on me The depth of all their cruelty? What shall God to the wicked do? Consider it, and weep no more. Math. 27.33. Mar. 15.27. ●uc. 23.32. ●oh. 19.18. Two evil doers likewise were, Then led with Christ for to be slain, A just reward they both did bear, Their evil deeds deserved pain. Yet Christ was used more spitefully Than they, for all their villainy. Math. 27.38. Mar. 15.22. ●oh. 19.17. Luc. 23.33. From thence into the place they came, Which Golgotha they called then: Or dead men's skulls it had the name, For there they executed men: They also called it Caluarie, Where they did jesus crucify. Math. 27.34. Mar. 15.33. Then vinegar they mixed with gall, Or wine and myrrh as other think: When Christ for drink began to call, They offered this for him to drink. They had devised it in vain, He would not so be rid of pain. When jesus thus did suffer death, Impatiency in him was none, He sought no means to stop his breath, As he with fear were overgone: But for us died verily, As God appointed, patiently. And crucified when jesus was, Luc. 22.33. Matth. 27.38 Mar. 15.27. Those evil doers likewise were So put to death, each in his place, On his right hand and left hand there. Christ jesus suffered like a lamb, Not once repining at the same. But calling to his father, said, O father do thou them forgive, Though they be not at all afraid, Thy son with torments thus to grieve: And though my life they take away, That thou wilt blot their sins, I pray. His garments then they parted all, Matth. 27. 3● Mar. 15.24. joh. 19.23. Psal. 22.18. And did cast lots there for his coat, That he whose lot thereon would fall, Might sole enjoy what he had got. This was almighty God his will, That they the Scriptures should fulfil. And all the people that stood by, Beheld and saw what there was done: The rulers also scornfully Said, if he be Gods chosen son, As unto others health he gave, So he himself now let him save. A title Pilate also wrote, Matth. 27. 3● Mar. 15.26▪ Luc. 23.38. joh. 19.19. And put it up the cross upon, Whereby each man might plainly note, What was then his opinion; jesus of Nazareth to be King of the jews, confessed he. And though the high Priests did repine, That Pilate then should write him so: This sentence, said he, it is mine, It shall remain will ye or no. In Hebrew, Greek, and Latin he, Did cause the same so writ to be. ●oh. 19.25. All this while by his cross did stand His mother, and her sister to, Marry Cleopas was at hand, And Marie Magdalene also. Though grief did pierce them to the heart, They would not yet from Christ depart. Then jesus to his mother said, And the Disciple standing by, Though they were both then all dismayed, To see Christ used so cruelly. Thy mother see, said he to th'one, And to the other, see thy son. And this Disciple was the same, That Christ did so entirely love, Though john doth here conceal his name: Yet duty did so deeply move His heart, that he obediently Christ's hests performed faithfully. Math. 27.39. Mar. 15.29. Luc. 23.35. The wicked jews that passed by. Reviled at Christ, and waged the head: The high Priest, Scribe and Pharisie, Continued so till Christ was dead; They mocking him from most to least, Till he was dead, did never rest. Thou that the Temple dost destroy, And build it in three days again, Now save thyself from all annoy, Why dost thou so here suffer pain? The son of God if that thou be, Come from the cross, that we may see. Then of the evil doers one Luc. 23.39. Began to rail on him also: If thou be Christ God's only son, Command that we from hence may go. Help now, said he, thyself and us, That here do hang tormented thus. The other answered and said, Dost thou not fear the living God? Art not thou sinful man dismayed, That feelest justly of his rod? For we are punished worthily, But this man undeservedly. Thus unto jesus then said he, When thou dost to thy kingdom come, I pray thee Lord remember me, And grant me there with thee a room. Then jesus said, to thee I say, Thou shalt be there with me this day. From the sixth hour the ninth unto, That day was darkened through the land: The sun gave then no shine also. The jews would not yet understand, No, not though that * The vail of the Temple rend through the midst as after appeareth. Math. 27.46. Mar. 15.34. Psal. 22.2. the temple there, Renting, did put them all in fear. About the ninth hour jesus said, Crying aloud as then likewise, My God why hast thou thus delayed, Or seem'st thy son so to despise? He seeks said some, that then stood by, Elias help assuredly. And other said, now let us see, If that Elias will him save. Then jesus said, I thirst, give me To cool my thirst some drink, I craves: And said, all things are finished, As God the Lord hath promised. Matthew, Mark, as john also Say, that some there that then stood by, With sponge and vinegar did go, That they had filled hastily: And offered it upon a reed, But Christ drunk not of it indeed. Luc. 23.46. Psal. 31.3. Then with a loud voice Christ did cry, Into thy hands I do commend My spirit, now most heartily: O father dear, the same defend. And so he bowing down the head, Gave up the ghost, and strait was dead. Matth. 27.51. 2. Cor. 3.14. Then (as is said) the vail did rend, Of their great Temple into twain: From top to bottom it was splent, Which never could enclose again; The earth did quake, and stones did rive, And graves did yield their dead alive. And many Saints did rise and go, After his resurrection, Into the city, to and fro, And made their apparition To many of the godly there, That of God's wrath did stand in fear. When the Centurion that stood by, And they that were abiding there, Saw what did happen, certainly They fell into exceeding fear: Surely this man was just, said he; And needs the son of God must be. The people that came to that sight, And did behold what things were done, Smiting their breasts, returned right, Confessing him to be God's son. Of his acquaintance some did stay, But most were fled and gone away. The women boldly there did stay, And stood aloof, and looked on: Though his Disciples fled away, These did behold his passion: For God would have those weaklings there, Witness of such things for to bear. The jews because they did prepare That day, against the Sabbath day, As men that had exceeding care, Lest they offended any way: For that day was the Matth. 27.57. Mar. 15.42. Luc. 23.50. joh. 19.38. Their Sabbatum magnum fell out that year. chiefest feast Among the jews of all the rest. Now that the bodies might not be, Remaining on the cross that day, They all together thus agree, To beg of Pilate, that they may Break all their legs, and them down take, Lest it should them polluted make. The jews they all did greatly fear, In outward things for to offend: Their Sabbath they observed there, Religiously they did pretend; Yet spared not most wilfully, To kill the guiltless cruelly. And now when leave they gotten had, The soldiers did perform the deed: Both they and these were very glad, That so they of their suit did speed: Therefore they first the thieves did take, And both their legs a sunder broke. And when they unto jesus went, And found him then already dead, His legs they broke not, as they meant, But then a soldier opened H●s side so sweet with cruel spear, Which he in hand as then did bear. And there-out straightway issued, As blood then water freshly both: He that saw when it happened, Doth witness it as very troth, And knoweth that he here doth give The truth, that you might it believe. All these things were so done in deed, That they the Scripture might fulfil: Act. 2.23. For God before had so decreed, And man could not resist his will. * joh. 19.37. Zach. 12.10. Whom they thrust through they shall see: * Exod. 12.46. Numb. 9.12. His bones shall not one broken be. Christ was taken down from the Cross, enbalmed and buried by joseph of Arimathia and Nicodemus. Matth. 27.57. When eventide was now at hand, That day of preparation, Mar. 15.42. Luc. 23.50. joh. 19.38. A night then kept throughout the land, With solemn observation: Their Sabbath then must have no let, For it began when sun was set. Then joseph came that was so just, Mar. 15.43. A noble counsellor in deed, Which did in God repose his trust, And of his kingdom hoped to speed. To those he did not give consent, That Christ our Saviour did torment. His worldly wealth was not a let, And banished he had all fear: His master he could not forget, That did for him such torments bear; Whose body joseph then was glad, To beg of pilate: which he had. But Pilate marvelled if he were Already dead, and sent to call The Captain, witness for to bear, That h●d been present there at all. And when he heard the truth, than he To joseph's will did soon agree. Then joseph went to take away The body which he begged so: He would therein make no delay, But strait to take it down would go. The feast drew on, joseph would have Christ jesus body laid in grave. And Nicodemus likewise came, joh. 19.39. Cap. 3.2. Which a Disciple was also, Though secretly for fear of blame, This man with joseph then did go. Of myrrh and ●loës pure and rare, An hundred weight with him he bore. They both his body down did take, And it in linen clothes did lap: Ointments and odours they did make, Which with the body they did wrap. They buried him as manner than Was for to bury Noblemen. Christ in a sepulchre they lay, That joseph in a rock did hue, Wherein no man until that day Was ever laid, this joseph knew, That had thereof the property, As Luke and john do testify. So when they had in solemn wise Interred Christ, ere they were gone, They did between them both devise, To roll unto the door a stone: And then they did with heavy heart, From thence unto their home departed. And Marry Magdalene did see, And so did Marie loses to, Where Christ in grave was laid to be; Then homeward both began to go, Ointments and odours to prepare: They then of Christ (though dead) had care. Yet rested they the Sabbath day, Because of the commandment: Though they kept them from thence away, They carried still a full intent, When that the Sabbath had an end, To visit Christ their Lord and friend. Now that the Lord might manifest, Math. 27.62. Christ jesus resurrection Unto the jews, and all the rest, That were of the same faction: He caused them, to their great shame, To be the witness of the same. They spared not the sabbath day, To manifest their malice more: Their zeal was such they would not stay, Or rather raging as before, The high Priests, Scribes and all the rest, Assembled them upon that feast. And so they unto Pilate went, And humbly did desire his aid, Expressing wholly their intent, They in this manner to him said; Christ that deceiver oft would say, I will from death rise the third day. Command the grave (we do pray thee) To be made sure, till that be past, Lest his disciples, which may be, Do steal him while those days do last: And to the people then do say, That Christ from death rose up that day. So the last error worse shall be, A great deal then the first hath been. They raged yet as when that he Among them late alive was seen. Ye have a watch, said Pilate, go, And make it sure, do even so. All thence they went then hastily, The sepulchre for to make fast: A watch provided carefully, They sealed the stone, this was the last. And this the Lord did so effect, To confound whom he had reject. And to their saving health likewise, Whom he had chosen long before. To thee therefore God only wise, Be praise and thanks for evermore: One mighty God in persons three, All honour we do give to thee. Amen. THE SIXTH AND LAST PART OF THE HISTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR Jesus Christ, as it is written by the Evangelists: containing his resurrection from death, and his ascension to heaven. To the tune of the 81. Psalm. Christ rose from death the day after the Sabbath, called the Lords day: Marry Magdalene and others came to the sepulchre, and saw a vision of Angels. BElight and glad, in God rejoice, Psal. 81. Which is our strength and stay: Be joyful and lift up your voice, To jacobs' God always: * Math. 1.16. Luc. 2.7.11. joh. 1.14. Cap. 8.42. For he hath sent his son indeed, Our flesh on him to take, As he had long before * Gen. 3.15. Cap. 12.3. decreed, For his great mercy's sake. Which flesh in * Luc. 2.11. Mat. 8.20. Mat. 9.12.13. 1. Tim. 1.15. 1. Cor. 6.11. base and poor array, Christ clad himself withal, And in this flesh he took away * Luc. 2.11. Mat. 8.20. Mat. 9.12.13. 1. Tim. 1.15. 1. Cor. 6.11. The cause of all our fall. First, needs he must be perfect man, Sith ‖ Gen. 3.6. man did first offend: ●en. 3.6. ●oh. 1.1. And God also, who only can So great a fault amend. Thus Christ as he appointed was, Both God and man in deed, Brought by his death that thing to pass, ●. Cor. 15.3.4. Which nothing else could speed. This Christ wrought our redemption, From devil, death and hell: We have by him salvation, As holy Scriptures tell. And when all men had lost this light, As far as man could see: For darkness is our sharpest sight, If faithless that we be: 1. Cor. 15.4. Esay. 53.5. 1. Pet. 2.24. jonas. 2.1.10. Yea then when all our hope was past, To see Christ jesus slain, Out of the grave God brought at last, Our saving health again. And to be witness of the same, And triumph over hell, (That flesh and blood might to their shame, Consider of it well) The weaklings of the world he chose, Whom worldly men despise, For to confound the wits of those, That thought them worldly wise. 1. Cor. 15.12. I mean the rising up again, Of jesus from the dead: Lest that our hope had been in vain, And we with fancies fed. For if the dead did not arise, Our hope were vain, I say, And we as beasts should in that wise, Continue in the clay. But Christ the first fruits of the dead, 1. Cor. 15.20. Coloss. 1.18. Revel. 1.5. Is risen up in deed: As we the members of that head, Shall sure hereafter speed. And to stir up the slothful fear, That his Disciples had, Weak women did first witness bear, Of that which made us glad. They when the Sabbath day was past, Mar. 16.1. Luc. 24.1. joh. 20.1. Or while it did endure, Devised how they might at last, With ointments sweet and pure, Embalm Christ's body in the grave: Therefore at sabboth's end, Odours and ointments sweet they have, To work what they intent. With them the Sabbath day was done, Assoon as sun was set: And then the women all begun, (For nothing then did let) Their ointments sweet for to prepare: And this they did by night, That they might be (this was their care) There by the day was light. Then Mary Magdalen by name, And Mary Solom to, Were they which thus together came, With other women more: And as they went all by the way, This doubt did then arise, The stone to roll the women say, We cannot all devise. Yet to the sepulchre they go, The first day of the week: Where they at sun appearing so Found that which they did seek: I mean when they came to the place, Behold the stone was gone: God's Angel showed them this grace, To roll away the stone. Whose face did shine like lightning, His garments white as snow: Which unto them in the dawning, These joyful news did show: How from the dead Christ risen was; But they amazed were, To see such things come so to pass, Did put them in great fear. The earthquake first, and then that sight, Unused of them to see, Did make the women all affright, And wish at home to be. And sure no marvel, sith also The watch was fraught with fear, Notable once to move or go, They so astonished were. When Marie saw the stone away, She went thence home with speed, To Simon Peter where he lay, To show him of the deed. And to the rest, for this she thought, From grave the body they, (Which we with tears and sorrow sought) By night did sure convey. Then Peter went with john away, To see what they had done: They would no longer make delay, But both together run; Yet this Disciple him out went, And Peter left behind, Though both did run with full intent The truth thereof to find. When john unto the grave did come, He stooped down to see, Supposed as it is of some, If Christ therein might be; But he went not into the cave Till Simon Peter came, Who stepped first into the grave, To see and search the same. Who there did find the linen lie, And kerchief of his head: Not with the linen, but set by, Wrapped in another stead. Then went the other in also, That first came to the place: And both saw and believed tho, God giving both such grace. For they did not well understand, That Christ should rise indeed, Till then: so they thence out of hand, Returned home with speed: Nor did they see, or hear, as then, More than the empty grave: Christ surely had not chosen men, First sight of him to have. But Mary would not so departed, Nor leave his grave as yet: She felt such sorrow in her heart, She could him forget. But wept, and wailed very sore, Which she did not in vain; She was first witness made therefore, That Christ did rise again. The women they did not departed, Their minds were wholly set To find Christ, though they suffered smart, Nothing the same could let: Wherefore to comfort them again, God down his Angels sent, Who heareth his when they complain, Effecting their intent. Which Angels to the women said, Why do ye weep and wail? Pluck up your hearts, be not afraid, Ye have no cause to quail: jesus that late was crucified, In grave you look to find: Sith the Scripture is verified, Then be not of that mind. Christ is not here, but risen is, Alive in deed is he: And that ye may be sure of this, Come to his grave and see: What God before appointed had, Christ jesus did fulfil: Thereby to make his chosen glad, And to obey Gods will. Christ spoke to you before of this, If ye remember well, While he in Galilee iwis, Did there among you dwell: Luc. 24.7. Cap. 9.22. Math. 17.23. Mar. 9.31. The son of man delivered, To sinful men must be, Said Christ, for to be crucified, Yet rise again will he. Then they these words remembered, Though they were all afraid: And knew that he had suffered, As he before had said. Thus were the women comforted, Those 3. things which the Angels did to the women. Christ afterward appearing to them by the way did the same. 1. Eased their fear comforted them. 2. Satisfied them of his resurrection. 3. And sent them to declare the same to his Disciples. And eased of their fear: And of Christ's rising answered, While they were weeping there. And sent home hastily with care, His resurrection To his Disciples to declare With expedition. Which three things afterward again, Christ did to them, I say: 1 He eased their fear: 2 they saw him plain: 3 He sent them back a way. * joh. 20.11. Mar. 16.9. But Christ to Mary Magdalen Did first of all appear, While she was weeping, even then At his sepulchre there: And when she bowed down to see, And look the grave into, Of Angels there she found to be (As john reporteth) two. Which both, where jesus body lay Were sitting in the grave: And thus they unto Mary say, What seekest thou to have? Why weepest thou? she said again, My Lord is stolen away: Because I know not (I complain) Where they my Lord did lay. When Mary thus to them had said, She turning back might see Christ first apparition was to Mary Magdalen after his resurrection. Christ standing by, yet all dismayed Christ knew him not to be. Christ said, why weep'st thou? she did say Sir, if thou bore him hence: Now tell me where thou didst him lay, And I will fetch him thence. All this while she thought Christ to be The gardener in deed: But when by name Christ called, she Did turn about with speed: And with her body turned her mind, Thus did effect his call: For she which hitherto as blind Perceived him not at all, Confessing now, doth answer so That he her master is, Whom she as gardener spoke unto, And doth rejoice at this. Mar. 16.9. This Mary (Mark saith) Christ made free, When she had then at least seven devils in her; wherewith saith he, This woman was possessed. But touch not me, did jesus say, joh. 26.17. That I am not ascended, Thou dost believe: this error may And must by faith be moved. Leave thou to look as dead for me, I live assuredly; And now to touch me, learn to fly By faith above the sky, And to my brethren, say thou so, To them I do thee send: To my father and yours, I go, To God I do ascend. Which was to lift their earthly mind, To look for whom we love, No more in earthy grave to find, But now in heaven above. Christ appeared to the women as they went back from the grave, after they had seen the Angels, which told them of Christ's resurrection. Then next, Christ second apparition to the women as they went homeward by the way. Math. 28.10. while that the women went All homeward in the way: For back the Angels had them sent To tell these news: I say Christ jesus did to them appear, Matthew doth testify: They worshipped him with reverence there Embracing joyfully. To whom, what both the Angels said, Christ did confirm again: Pluck up your hearts, be not afraid, You sorrow all in vain. Go bid my brethren, this said he, They go to Galilee: For me (as you have) must they see, And shall do speedily. Mar. 16.10. So thence, they went as charge they had, (No fear did them annoy) All his Disciples to make glad, Who thought it but a toy: For all the women did report, They would it not believe, No comfort, could with them comfort, Christ's death so did them grieve. The soldiers signified to the high Priests what was done, and they were corrupted with money by them. Math. 28.11. When they were gone, the watchmen came The City then unto, And told the high Priests all the same, Which knew not what to do, So mad they were, that their devise, Did not effect in deed: Together they therefore their wise To counsel called with speed. Wherein they did with one consent, Among themselves agree, The watch with money to content, They spared for no fee: Nor yet the watch did force to lie, When they the money had; The high Priests hired them easily, And each of them was glad. The jews that they had so obtained The watch to work their will: The watch that they so much had gained, They cared not how ill. So both were pleased, but mark the end, What was it they should do? The watch must lie, and they defend, It was concluded so. The lie was this, that Christ from grave Was stolen away by night, And his Disciples surely have Now hid him out of sight. When was it done? while we were all By heavy sleep oppressed: And when we thought that great and small, Had likewise been at rest. If they then slept, how did they see, When he was stolen away? And his Disciples knew to be, That did him thence convey? Or why did they (being armed men) Not seem for to resist Those weaklings, without weapons then? Too late comes had I witted. If thieves had stolen the body thence, They had not left behind The linen clothes, the recompense That they were there to find. If friends, the shame to see him bare, Had caused them this to do: As of the body to have care, To take the linen to. Yet they upon presumption, And promise to them made, By the high Priests persuasion, Set up their lying trade: For when they knew they should go free, And fall to no disgrace, Although the governor did see, That they did lie apace, They spread abroad this false report, Which no way can be so: That his disciples did resort By night his grave unto, And had Christ's body stolen away, To make men think that he, joh. 2.19. Cap. 10.17. Esay 53.7. As he before (alive) did say In three days will I be. And this among the jews is said Unto this very day, (For they are not at all afraid) That he was stolen away. By pilate's winking came to pass, That this escaped tho: He (as the high Priests) blinded was, For God would have it so. The high Priests did the Governor Persuade; he was content; The watch men had their hire therefore, And so away were sent. And being gone, they spread this fame, That Christ was stolen away: Which sure the jews do to their shame, Believe unto this day. Christ. 3. apparition, to Simon Peter. Christ appeared to Peter. Christ first to Marie did appear, To comfort sinners all, Luc. 7.37. Cap. 8.2. Marc. 16.9. Then to the other women there, To answer Euahs' fall. And thirdly unto Peter he Did show himself also, 1. Cor. 15.5. Luc. 24.34. Luc. 22.62. From former fear to set him free: For Christ did see his wo. Of the two Disciples that went to Emaus, and what happened to them by the way. Christ's 4. apparition. Luc. 24.13. Aret. in Luc. Erasm. in Luc. Of the Disciples, the same day, As two to Emaus went, (This from jerusalem then lay, As writers do consent, Threescore furlongs; or foorthright As we account do take, seven miles and one half mile we might, Of the same furlongs make. This Nicopolis since we name, Hieron. 8. cap. Daniel. Nicepho. li. 10. cap. 31. Plinius lib. 5. cap. 14. The Romans called it so: It was a town sometimes of fame, And very pleasant tho.) They talked both of what was done As well to Christ before He died, as this, which now begun For to amaze them more. For they had heard the women tell, That Christ rose up again, And was alive; yet knew not well, Which they should do of twain: Believe, or not: or what to do, For all men saw him die: But women only, say these two, These news do testify. And as they thus then reasoned, Behold it came to pass, That Christ himself as happened, Or purposely it was, Did join himself in journey wise, With those Disciples then, And said, what do ye thus devise, And look as woeful men? Yet all this while their eyes were hold, They could not both perceive What man he was, that was so bold, Though they did him receive Most willingly to walk the way, And travel with them to, As may appear by what they say, As they together go. Art thou, said Cleopas, (my friend) A stranger only here? And if thou be, a while attend, And give unto me ear: For at jerusalem of late The thing hath happened, That we so much do wonder at, Was thus determined. Then jesus said, what things were those? They said to him again, The thing that we do now disclose, A number do disdain. jesus of Nazaret was this, A Prophet mightily In word and deed, allowed iwis Of God and man lately. Him the high Priests and rulers all, Delivered to be Condemned in their judgement hall: And crucified was he. But we did hope, that he would sure Deliver Israel: 'tis since he did his death endure, Three days, we know it well. And certain women that we have Among us, verily Astonished us: for at his grave Where they were certainly, Though they there found his body gone, They did return and say, Of Angels that a vision They saw this very day. Which said, that Christ did live indeed: So that on this report, Some of us did with haste and speed, Unto the grave resort. And they did find apparently, All as the women said, But saw not him assuredly, Which made us all dismayed. O fools, said Christ, and very slow Of heart, for to conceive: What hath been said, do ye not know? Or will ye not perceive? The Prophets all have this foretold, That Christ should suffer so, Then to his glory enter should, And to his Father go. And he at Moses then began, And the Prophets by name, Interpreting from man to man, Their sayings of the same: And all their writings left behind Of Christ, from first to last, He then imprinted in their mind, And would from them have passed. For to the town they did draw near, Whereto as then they went: He seemed, not to tarry there, So trying their intent. But they constraining him, did say, Abide with us all night; far spent already is the day, And now the town in sight. So he went in to take his rest, Whereof they both were glad, And then to supper them addressed, Content with what they had. He sitting down, the bread did take, And when they both did see, He first gave thanks, and then it broke, They knew him Christ to be. For both their eyes were opened, And they did know him well: But mark what after happened, For thus it than befell, While they with joy surprised were, He went out of their sight, And left them both abiding there, To take their rest all night. Herein we may assuredly, Perceive Christ jesus use, And learn to eat meat thankfully, Lest we the same abuse. Christ using now his wont before, In breaking bread to pray, Did lighten them, that very sore Were blinded by the way. And yet again twixt joy and fear, They were amazed so, They could not see how from them there, He then away did go. Not that he did his shape at all Exchange, as some men say: But from this earth their minds to call, On heavenly things to lay. For now no more on earth is he, At he before hath been As mortal man, so found to be In all, excepting sin: But sitteth sure in heaven above, Now in great majesty, His Father for us still to move, And work our liberty. Then they between themselves did say, Did not our hearts rejoice, While he talked with us by the way, And while we heard his voice? Our hearts did burn, while we heard how He opened more and more The Scriptures unto us, so slow To mark the same before. And in that hour they rose again, And did return with speed: They letted not for any pain, They went back both indeed: Unto jerusalem they hie, Where the Apostles were: For they did there together lie, Amazed much with fear. Whom when they found, they joyfully Began for to report, How by the way most happily, Christ did to them resort. Yet ere they came the news was spread That Simon Peter he Had likewise surely lately sped, Of Christ a sight to see. While these confessed what he had done, And told them by the way, Luc. 24.36. Mar. 10.14. john 20.19. Christ's 5. apparition. And how to know him they begun, By breaking bread that day: jesus stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you all: It is myself, be not afraid, Perceive it well you shall. This was that very day at night, That he did first arise, That Christ appeared in their sight, While closely in this wise They shut them in a secret place: The jews they feared so, That they durst not be seen a space, Abroad the streets to go. He while the doors all close were kept, And they of him did talk, Into the midst of them then stepped, He made no longer walk. Christ showed his divinity Herein, we must confess; Yet left not his humanity, For he meant nothing less. Nor did he pierce the doors indeed, As foolish Papists hold: For so to do he had no need, That could do what he would. If bars or bands and iron gate, Act. 12.10. Gave Peter leave to go, Why wonder ye so much thereat, If these did even so? And that no feigned shape he had, As ghosts or spirits have, To ease their fear, and make them glad, His hands and feet he gave That they should handle them and see That he had flesh and bone: And not as spirits wont to be, For they have neither none. Therefore set care and fear aside, These troubles that arise, You may out of your hearts let slide, And them as toys despise. The body that was laid in grave, Now glorified they see, And to their handling subject have, So good a God is he. Lo, thus did Christ to his appear, Such as sought him indeed: At every time and tide his ear, Was open to their need. The morning Marie did him see, The women towards noon; To Peter next appeared he, And Cleopas & others going to Emaus. these ere day was done. To the Disciples late at night Appeared Christ also: Great comfort had they of that sight, And so had many more. But while for joy they did not yet Believe that it was he, Their blindness did them so much let, That then they could not see. Christ did again unto them say, Peace be unto you all: As me my Father, so I may, And do you to me call, To be sent forth, as I was sent To do my Father's will: The which you must with good intent, As I have, all fulfil. He breathed then on them, and said, Receive the holy Ghost: And so gave them such heavenly aid, As might relieve them most. john 20.23. Matth. 18.18. 1. Cor. 5.4. 2. Thess. 3.14. Whose sins ye do remit, they are Remitted, then said he; Whose sins retained ye declare, Retained shall they be. And while they wondered yet, he said, Have ye here any meat? A piece of broiled fish they laid Before him for to eat, And of an honey comb a piece: Which meat then surely he Did take and eat, that he by these, Might show him man to be. Then said he unto them again, These are the words I spoke, When as I did with you remain, And here abiding make: Fulfilled needs must all things be, Which by the Prophets were, As also Moses writ of me, As in the Law ye hear. And he their understanding then Did open, that they might See what was said by holy men, And know the Scriptures right. Thus it is writ, thus behoved Christ jesus for to die, And rise again so from the dead, The third day verily. And that of sins remission, And eke repentance should Be preached to each nation, As hath before been told; And that in Christ's name alonely, Which * at jerusalem here should first begin: For his name is assuredly, The only salve for sin. Now ye of these things witness are, Which happened to me: Therefore see you yourselves prepare, And always ready be. The promise that my Father made, You shall receive indeed: The same I'll send to make you glad, Assure yourselves with speed. Therefore when I depart you fro, See that you tarry still Here in this City; for I go To do my Fathers will. In his good time he from on hi● Will to you power give, To preach abroad this mystery, That many may believe. Christ the eight day after appeared to them again, Thomas himself being then present. john 20.24. Christ's sixth apparition. But Thomas was not with them there, Which of the twelve was one, When jesus did to them appear, For he from thence was gone. And the Disciples to him said, When he was come again; We saw the Lord while hence ye stayed, And did abroad remain. Except in his hands I do see The print of every nail, And put my finger there, said he, Your words will not prevail, Except also into his side, My hand that I may thrust: Your news from reason are so wide, That them I will not trust. Now eight days after Christ had been With his Disciples there, He thus again was likewise seen, Unto them to appear: And that while Thomas was within, The doors then shut withal: To stir up Thomas from his * incredulity sin, And raise him from his fall. Christ came, and in the midst he stood, Peace be to you, he said: Come hither Thomas, for thy good I come, be not afraid. Put in thy fingers here, and see My hands and side also: They bear their marks, now faithful be, And let this weakness go. Then Thomas answered and said, My Lord my God art thou. Thomas said he, be not dismayed: Because thou seest me now Thou dost believe: blessed I say Are they that have not seen, And have believed without nay, As I with them had been. And many other things did he, More than are written here: And his Disciples witness be, That daily with him were. But this is written that ye might Believe that jesus is That Christ the son of God, whose right Is to give life to his. Christ appeared to james. 1. Cor 1●. 7. Christ's 7. appa. And james another time did see Christ, Paul doth it declare: Whereof we may assured be, For Christ of his had care; And as to Peter, so alone He unto james then came. Thus did they see him every one, And witnessed the same. Christ appeared to seven of the Disciples as they were fishing at the sea of Tiberias. john 21.1. After these things jesus also Did show himself again, To his Disciples, seven or more, Where then they did remain, At the sea of Tiberias: For they a fishing were. And thus as then it came to pass, That they were fishing there. These were together in one place, And Simon Peter said, I'll go a fishing for a space, To whom they promise aid: For they said, we will go with thee, And so away they went; Soon shipped they were as they would be, Small time therein was spent. But they that night their labour lost, Christ jesus was away: They took no fish along the coast All night, till it was day. That Christ came unto them, and then When he was come indeed, Though past all hope (as weary men) Yet presently they speed. For when it was now early day, Christ on the shore did stand: Christ's 8. apparition, They knew him not (as john doth say) Though they were near at hand. Have ye said Christ, sirs any meat? They answered him, no. Christ doth not his at all forget, Where ever that they go. Cast out your net, and you shall find On the right side, said he: So they obeyed jesus mind, And cast that side, to see; Their travels past was then no let, They did what Christ them bad: They scarce could draw to land the net, Such store of fish they had. Then that Disciple whom Christ loved, Said unto Peter, lo, It is the Lord: his heart was moved, His mind did give him so. When Peter heard that it was he, He gird his coat in haste, And cast himself to swim, to see He would not be the last. But all the rest by ship did come, They were not far from land: For as it is supposed of some, The shore was hard at hand. Two hundredth cubits off they were, Or thereabouts, they say: The net they drawing with them there, Made to the shore away. Assoon as they were come to land, A fire of coals they see: And jesus by the same did stand, There bread and fish had he. The fish upon the coals were laid, That jesus had before: Bring of your fish also, he said; Thereof they had great store. Then Peter stepped, to draw straightway The net and fish to land: His masters mind he did obey, He ready was at hand. And hundredth, fifty, then and three Of fishes great they had: Their net unbroken safe they see, For all they were so lad. Come now and dine, than jesus said. Of the Disciples none Durst ask, who art thou? so afraid They were at what was done: And eke withal they knew it well, Him Christ the Lord to be: No man had need the same to tell, They knew all it was he. jesus took bread, and fish likewise, And to them did it give, And they did eat what did suffice, Thus Christ did his relieve. This was the eight time since he rose, Christ did to them appear: To some Disciples, as to those, That met together there. Christ restored Peter to his former place, thrice calling him, to answer his three fold denial of him. Christ said when they had dined well, john 21.15. And each of them at ease; Simon thou son of jonah tell, Lov'st thou me more than these? I love thee Lord, thou know'st I do. My lambs (said Christ) then feed. jesus the second time said so: He said, I do indeed▪ Then feed my sheep, Christ jesus said. Yet once again did he Ask Peter; which made him dismayed, So instant him to see. Yea Peter grieved in heart to hear Christ ask him thrice the same; It doth to thee (o Lord) appear, That I do love thy name. Then feed my sheep, said Christ again; So to his former place Christ called him, by this 'tis plain, And he received grace. He did his master thrice deny, So grievous was his fall: And thrice to ease his misery, Christ jesus did him call. Amen, amen, I say to thee, When thou wast young, thy way Was where thou wouldst then, as free To walk at will each day. When thou art old, another shall Gird and lead thee also, Where thou wouldst not have gone at all, Yet mayst not choose but go. And this Christ unto Peter spoke, To signify thereby, What death or end Simon should make, His God to glorify. And when to him he had said this, Christ said then; follow me: That now his calling certain is, Assured well is he. He turning back did soon espy Him whom the Lord did love, Then following after; verily He Christ for him did move: (For this had leaned on Christ's breast, As he at supper sat, And asked Christ then for the rest, Who should betray his state.) When Peter therefore saw him so, To jesus he did say; Lord, what is it that he shall do? Now tell me I thee pray. Then jesus said to him again; Man, what is it to thee, If till I come he do remain? See thou, thou follow me. Then went this word among them all, That that man should not die. Christ said not unto him, he shall Not die assuredly, But if until I come, I will That tarry still shall he, Do thou what I command fulfil: What is the same to thee? Christ appearing to his Disciples, reproved their infidelity. The ninth time that Christ did appear, Christ's 9 appa. Of incredulity He did reprove all that were there. Through imbecility They did misdoubt though they did see, And speak to him withal. Thus blind (as they) our eyes now be, Till Christ them open shall. Christ appeared to his Disciples and five hundred brethren at once in a mountain in Galilee. The next time was in Galilee, 1. Cor. 15. Christ's 10. app. Upon a mountain there: Where he as Paul doth testify, To many did appear. There unto his a charge he gave, The which to undertake, He promised them a help to have, Which should them able make. For jesus spoke, and thus did say, All power now I have, Matth. 28.18. Cap. 11.27. Hebr. 2.8. john 17.2. In heaven and earth, and every way, Which God the Father gave. * Math. 28.19 Mar. 16. ● Go ye therefore now teaching all, Baptizing them also: Throughout the world where I shall call, And you oppoint to go. Baptize all in the Father's name, The Son, and holy Ghost: What I command, do ye the same, Your labour is not lost. Teach them all things for to observe, That I command indeed: I am with you, you ●le preserve, And still relieve your need. I will save them that shall believe, And be baptized to: My Father did me power give, That I the same may do. The unbelievers all shall be Condemned for the same. And these things also do shall he, Which shall believe my * in my name. name. * Marc. 16.17 Act. 16.18. The devil, cast out in my name shall, * Act. 2.4. With new tongues speak shall they: * Marc. 16.18 Act. 28.5.8. No deadly drinks shall hurt at all, And serpents take away. On sick men if their hands they lay, They shall recover well. All these things they shall day by day Perform, as I do tell. Christ appeared again to them in Bethanie, and led them into mount Olivet, where after he had blessed them, he ascended most gloriously into heaven in their sight. Christ's 11. app. Then the Disciples all they were By jesus led away, To Bethanie together there, On his ascension day: And to mount Olivet they went, Mar. 16.19. Luc. 24.50. john 20.21. Act. 1.9. Where he did bless them all, Willing them then (as they were sent) All his elect to call. When he had blessed them, foorthright, While they beheld the same, A cloud took him up out of sight, Which suddenly so came. And while they looked steadfastly To heau'nward as he went, Behold two men did stand them by, Perceiving their intent. Which said to them, why gaze ye so, Ye men of Galilee? This jesus whom ye see thus go, Shall so come verily, Those men in white apparel were, Whom they knew not as then Angels to be, that did appear As though they had been men. Which when they heard, they every where Went preaching day by day, The Lord increasing here and there, Mar. 16.20. Heb. 2.4. His Church, by them, I say: And eke confirming what they taught, With signs and wonders so, That still some fish their net then caught, Where ever they did go. Thus jesus was seen bodily, In forty days we read, Eleven times assure'ly, When he rose from the dead. And after his ascension, Christ also was seen twice: Act. 7.56. Act. 9.5. 1. Cor. 15.8. Christ's 12. apparition, which was spiritually. By Steven when they did him stone, And by Saint Paul likewise. First Steven upon God's right hand Did see him sit on high, The which to them that there did stand, He then did testify. Chr. 13. appar. spiritually likewise was the last that is read ●f in the testament. Paul persecuting sore of such As did in Christ believe, Saw him, rejoicing very much, That God did grace him give. And many other things there are, That jesus did also, Which man with tongue cannot declare, Nor pen paint out: for lo If written were his works and words, The world could not contain The books (so much the same affords) Unwritten that remain. Yet herein is so much contained, As we have need to know: God's spirit sure in them remained, That this to us could show; Therefore be glad, in God rejoice, That left us such a stay: Be joyful, and lift up your voice, To jacobs' God always. To Father, Son, and holy Ghost, All glory be therefore, That was and is of might the most, And shall be evermore. Amen. FINIS. The Table of the first part. THe promised Messiah. 1 The Angel's salutation to Marie. 2 Marie visited Elizabeth. ibid. joseph warned by the Angel. ibid. The tax under Augustus Caesar. 3 The birth of Christ. ibid. The Angel to the shepherds. 4 The circumcision of Christ. 6 The wisemen. ibid. Simeon and Anna prophecy. 8 joseph's going into Egypt. 9 The infants slain. 10 joseph's return out of Egypt. 11 jesus disputed with the Elders. ibid. A repetition of six things. 12 The Table of the second part. The baptism of Christ. 15 Christ fasted forty days. 17 Christ was tempted. 18 john's testimony of Christ. 20.30 john sent Disciples to Christ. 23 Andrew and john called. ibid. Simon Peter called. ibid. Philip called. ibid. nathanael called. 24 Christ's first miracle in Cana. 25 Christ went from Cana to Capernaum. ibid. Christ drove the buyers and sellers out of the Temple. 26 Christ's conference with Nicodemus. 28 Christ's return to judaea. Of purifying. 30 jesus avoided danger in judaea. 31 Christ's conference with the woman of Samaria. ibid. Christ preached at Nazareth. 35 A Prophet not esteemed in his country. ibid. Christ healed the ruler's son. 36 john's imprisonment: Apostles called. 37 The Table of the third part. Christ's sermon in the mount. 39 Christ pronounceth wo. 41 Ministers salt and light. 42 Christ came to fulfil the Law. ibid. Thou shalt not kill. 43 Reconciliation. 44 Adultery, Divorcement, Oaths. 45 Revenge. 46 Love thine enemy. ibid. Alms, Prayer. 47 The Lords prayer. 48 To forgive one another. ibid. Fasting. ibid. Worldly care forbidden. 49 Rash judgement forbidden. 51 Holy things may not be given to dogs. ibid. Ask, seek, knock. ibid. The strait and wide gate. 52 False prophets. ibid. The good and evil tree. ibid. The houses on the rock and sand. ibid. A Leper cleansed. 53 The Centurion's servant healed. 54 Christ cast out devils. ibid. Peter's wives mother healed. 55 Christ again cast out devils. 56 Christ went from Capernaun to preach to the other cities. ib. Christ's sermon in the ship. 57 Christ's answer to the Scribe that would follow him. 58 Christ's answer to the Disciple that would first go bury his father. ibid. Christ stilled the tempest of the sea. 59 Christ healed the possessed with devils. ibid. Christ healed one of the palsy. 61 Christ healed another leper. ibid. Matthew called. 62 Of fasting. 63 jayrus daughter. ibid. A blind man healed. ibid. The dumb speak. 64 Christ healed one that had been diseased xxxviij years. ib. The Disciples plucked ●ares of corn on the Sabbath day. 65 The man with the withered band. 68 jesus took compassion on the dispersed multitude. 70 The harvest great. 71 The twelve Apostles sent to preach. ibid. Another sermon of Christ. 74 That Centurions servant. 54.76 Christ raised the widows son at Naijm from death. 77 john Baptists message to Christ. ibid. Christ's answer to john. 78 Christ's testimony of john. ibid. Christ reproved his auditory. 80 Christ upbraideth the unthankful cities. ibid. Christ rejoiced for the success of the Gospel. 81 Christ's exhortation to bear the cross. 82 Christ dined with Simon the leper. ibid. Certain women followed Christ. 85 A kingdom divided. 86 Blasphemy. 87 The sign of jonas. 88 Impenitency. 89 To revolt from the truth. 89 Christ's mother, sisters, and brethren. 90 The parable of the seed. 91 Christ interpreted the same. 93 The parable of the good seed and tars. 94 The parable of the mustard seed. 95 The parable of the leaven. 96 The parable of the tars interpreted. 97 The parable of the treasure hidden. 98 The parable of the pearl. ibid. The parable of the draw-net. 99 The Table of the fourth part. john Baptist beheaded. 101 Christ preaching in his own country, was despised again. 104 Christ sent his Apostles to preach. 105 The Apostles return. 106 Christ fed five thousand with five loaves. ibid. Christ walked on the sea. 109 Christ healed the sick at Genezaret. 110 Christ's sermon of the true Manna. 111 Of eating meat unwashen. 114 The woman of Canaan's daughter healed. 116 Christ fed four thousand with seven loaves. ibid. The pharisees and Sadduces seek a sign. 117 The leaven of the pharisees. 118 Christ gave a blind man sight. 119 The keys of the kingdom of heaven. ibid. To bear the cross. Peter rebuked. 121 The faithful must bear it. 122 Christ transfigured on Thabor. 123 Christ healed the lunatic. 124 Christ foretold his passion and paid tribute. 125 Contention for primacy. 126 Of forgiveness. ibid. A king receiving accounts. 127 Christ's sermons at the feast of tabernacles. 128 A woman taken in adultery. 132 Christ the light of the world. 133 Of freedom. 136 Christ gave sight to one borne blind. 138 The true shepherd and hireling. 142 The feast of Dedication. 144 The Table of the fift part. Christ settled to go to jerusalem. 147 Christ's answer to the Scribe. 148 Christ's answer to the Disciple. ibid. Christ's answer to another that would bid his friends farewell. 149 Christ sent the seventy Disciples to preach. ibid. The seventy returned. 151 The Lawyers question answered. 152 Marry and Martha receive Christ. 154 Christ taught his Disciples to pray. 155 Christ cast a devil out of a dumb man, and the dumb spoke. 157 The jews required a sign. 158 Christ rebuked the hypocrisy of the pharisees. ibid. Lazarus sick. 161 Divorcement. 162 The parable of the secure rich man. 163 The parable of the watchful servant. 165 Christ received infants. 166 A rich young man that would be justified by the Law. 167 Everlasting life promised to them that follow Christ. 168 The labourers sent to the vineyard. 169 The cruelty of Pilate. 170 The parable of the fig tree. ibid. Christ healed a woman that had been sick 18. years. 171 The parable of the mustard seed. 172 The strait and broad way. ibid. Christ called Herod a Fox. 173 Christ healed the dropsy on the Sabbath. 174 Christ taught lowliness. 175 Of the great supper. 176 The parable of the lost sheep and the groat. 177 The parable of the prodigal son. 178 The parable of the unjust steward. 181 The history of Dives and Lazarus. 183 Offences are to be avoided. 185 Christ healed ten Lepers. 186 The pharisees would know when the kingdom of G●d should come. 187 The parable of the unrighteous judge. 189 The parable of the Pharisie and the Publican. 190 Of the talents. 191 Of the labourers. 194 Christ foretelleth again of his passion. 195 The sons of Zebede, and their request. ibid. Blind Bartimeus. 196 The calling of Zache. ibid. Christ raised Lazarus from death. 197 A counsel held against Christ. 201 Christ supped with Lazarus. 203 Christ rideth into jerusalem. 205 Christ cast the buyers and sellers out of the Temple. 206 Of the Grecians. 207 Another sermon of the cross. 208 Christ cursed the fig tree. 210 The fig tree withered. 211 Th● parable of the two sons. 213 The parable of the vineyard let out. 214 The parable of the king that made a marriage for his son. 216 Of paying tribute to Caesar. 219 Of the resurrection. 220 Of the great commandment. 221 How Christ is the son of David. 222 The Scribes and pharisees sitting in Moses seat are to be heard. 223 Christ cried woe against the Scribes and pharisees and the Lawyers. 225 Of the destruction of the temple, the city, and the end of the world. 230 The parable of the fig tree. 236 Christ's coming. ibid. A warning to be watchful. 237 The parable of the ten virgins. 238 The parable of the talents. 240 The manner of the last judgement. 242 Another sermon of the cross. 244 The Disciples demand where they should prepare the passover. 246 Christ washed his Disciples feet. 248 The institution of the Lords Supper. 250 Christ went to mount Olivet. 251 Christ comforted his Disciples. 253 The parable of the vine. 256 Another sermon of the cross. 258 Christ's prayer for his Elect. 262 The history of the passion. 264 judas with a band of men took Christ. 267 jesus was brought to Annas and Caiphas. 269 The high priests sought false witness against Christ. 270 Christ brought before Pilate: judas death. 273 Christ brought before Pilate. judas death. 273 Pilate sent Christ to Herod. 276 Barrabas let lose. 278 Christ condemned and crucified. 280 joseph and Nicodemus buried Christ. 288 The Table of the sixth part. Christ rose from death the day after the Saboth. 293 Christ appeared to Marie Magdalene. 300 Christ appeared to the other women. 301 The soldiers were corrupted. 302 Christ appeared to Simon Peter. 314 The two Disciples going to Emaus. 315 Christ appeared Thomas being present. 324 Christ appeared to james. 326 Christ appeared at the sea of Tiberias. ibid. Peter restored. 329 Christ appeared to his Disciples, reproving their unbelief. 331 Christ's last apparition bodily. 332 The end of the Table.