THE IMAGE of both Churches, after the most wonderful and heavenly Revelation of saint john the Evangelist, containing a very fruitful exposition or Paraphrase upon the same. Wherein it is conferred with the other scriptures; and most authorised histories. Compiled by john Bale an exile also in this life, for the faithful testimony of jesu. Go ye out of Sodom, for the Lord will destroy that City. Gen. 19 Come away my people, lest ye be partakers of her sins. Apoc. 18. Flee from filthy Babylon, and go clean away from the land of the Caldees. Hier. 50. ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East. ¶ A Preface unto the Christian Reader. SO highly necessary (good Christian Reader) is the knowledge of S. john's apocalypse or Revelation, Apoc. 22. 1. Cor. 6. Rom. 12 whether thou wilt, to him that is a true member of Christ's church, as of any other book of the sacred Bible. For in none of them all are the faithful diligent hearers and readers more blessed, nor more lively so declared observing the contents thereof, them in this one book. Apoc. 1. Apoc. 22. Apoc. 4. 1. john 5. Mat. 16. No where is it more clearly specified, the Father, the Son, and the holy Ghost to be one everlasting God, and jesus Christ to be the eternal son of that living Father (which are the first and chief grounds of our Christian faith) then here. No where is the durable kingdom and priesthood of the said jesus Christ more plenteously spread, Apoc. 14. Hebr. 7. more plainly proved and more largely uttered, than in this holy oracle. No where is the doctrine of health more purely taught, Apoc. 1. john. 7. Apoc. 21. faith more thoroughly commended, nor yet righteousness more highly rewarded, then here. No where are heresies more earnestly condemned, blasphemous vices more vehemently rebuked, Apoc. 18. Apoc. 15. nor yet their just plagues more fiercely threatened, then in this compendious work. Herein is the true christian church (which is the meek spouse of the Lamb without spot) in her right fashioned colours described. Ephe. 5. Apoc. 21. Apoc. 17. Apoc. 2. So is the proud church of hypocrites, the rose coloured whore, the paramour of Antichrist, and the sinful synagogue of Satan, in her just proportion depainted, to the merciful forewarning of the Lords elects. Why this book is called the Image of both churches. And that is the cause why I have here entitled this book, the Image of both Churches. Neither here spareth the holy Ghost their hypocrisy nor pride, their Idolatry nor whoredom, their covetousness, nor most cruel tyranny, with their other outrageous mischiefs. No, he toucheth them so nyghly that we should the better know them, and be the more ware of them, that he showeth them to be such a spiritual sort as maketh daily merchandise of the bodies and souls of men. Apoc. 11. Apoc. 18. 2. Pet. 3. Let us never look to have a more open mark of that wicked generation, take heed of them if we lust. He that will live godly in Christ, and be a patient sufferer. He that will stand in God's fear, & prepare himself to temptation. He that will be strong when adversity shall come & avoid all assaults of Antichrist, 2. Timo. 3. Eccle. 2. 1. Pet 5. Ephe. 6. and the devil, let him give himself wholly to the study of this prophecy. Not one necessary point of belief is in all the other scriptures, A brief sum is this book of the whole scriptures. that is not here also in one place or other. The very complete sum and whole knitting up is this heavenvly book of the universal verities of the Bible. All that Moses taught in the law, David in the Psalms, and the Prophets in their writings concerning Christ's spiritual kingdom both here & above, Luc. 24. Esay. 9 Apoc. 21. meet for this present knowledge are herein briefly comprehended. Ephe. 4. john. 16. Hebr. 2. Apoc. 18. So is his eternal victory for us, over sin, death, hell, and the devil, with his perpetual clearness, authority, and empire world without end, compendiously here expressed. He that knoweth not this book, knoweth not what the church is whereof he is a member. For herein is the estate thereof from Christ's ascension to the end of the world, Col. 1. Apoc. 4. Apoc 12. Apoc. 21. under pleasant figures and elegant tropes decided, & no where else thoroughly but here, the times always respected. He that delighteth not to behold the condition of his own city, is thereunto no loving citizen. And after the true opinion of saint Austen, Ephe. 3. August. Apoc. 21. Hier. 50. either we are citizens in the new Jerusalem with jesus Christ, or else in the old superstitious Babylon with Antichrist the vicar of sathan. He that with diligence shall search that matter, specially in this present revelation shall thoroughly perceive the certainty thereof. john. 5. Mat. 7. Consider the dignity and worthiness of this most precious jewel that the Lord hath left here to our consolation. first God the eternal father gave it unto Christ his well-beloved son in our manhood. Mat. 13. Rom. 15. Luce. 10. john. 21. Apoc. 1. john. 12. Apoc. 22. Christ now glorified committed it unto the holy Ghost, which is here called an Angel or messenger. The holy Ghost delivered it unto john the peculiarly beloved disciple of jesu. And john last of all left it with the universal church to their christian erudition. Mark now if any other treatise of the sacred Bible had ever so worthy a forward setting forth. Gilbertus porreca. Mat. 25. Lucc. 11. This is not that it should be altogether neglected, and not looked upon▪ No man lighteth a candle (saith Christ) and conveyeth it under a bushel that men should not see thereby. Mat. 5. Mark. 4. Never was this gracious gift given of God to be hidden as it hath been of long time, but to be opened to all the congregations. A more necessary doctrine to the christian erudition is not in the whole scriptures; all circumstances considered. For besides all that is afore expressed, jacobus faber super Dionisium. it containeth the universal troubles, persecutions and crosses, that the church suffered in the primitive spring, what it suffereth now, and what it shall suffer in the latter times by the subtle satellytes of Antichrist which are the cruel members of Satan. What this book containeth. What it openeth to the Reader. It manifesteth also what premyes, what crowns, and what glory the said congregation shall have after this present conflict with the enemies, that the promised rewards might quicken the hearts of those that the torments feareth. Dyosius Alexandrinus in chiliaste. A prophecy is this apocalypse called, and is much more excellent than all the other prophecies. Like as the light is more precious than the shadow, the verity than the figure, the new testament then the old, and the gospel than the law, so is this holy oracle more precious than they. That Esay, Hieremie, ezechiel, Danyell, Oseas, with all the other Prophets warneth afore hand to follow concerning Christ, and his church, Robertus Tuiciensis et Haymo. this mystery declareth effectually fulfilled. It is a full clearness to all the chronicles and most notable histories which hath been written since Christ's ascension, Sebastianus mayor in prefacione. opening the true natures of their ages, times, and seasons. He that hath store of them, and shall diligently search them over conferring the one with the other, time with time, and age with age, shall perceive most wonderful causes. For in the text are they only proponed in effect, and promised to follow in their seasons, and so ratified with the other scriptures, but in the chronicles they are evidently seen by all ages fulfilled. Yet is the text a light to the chronicles, and not the chronicles to the text. Unto saint john the Evangelist were these Gilbertus porreta in prologo Apocalipseos. mysteries of the whole Trinity revealed (as I showed afore) such time as he was of the Emperor Domicianus exiled for his preaching into the isle of Pathmos at the cruel complaints of the Idolatrous priests and bishops, & of him so written & sent out of the same exile into the congregations. In one day were all these marvels seen and in the same written, Haymo in libro. 6. cap. 18. as witnesseth Haymo with divers other expositors, and as seemeth agreeable to the text (which is a great wonder) in token that the Lord as David reporteth him, Psal. 44. Apoc. 1. Apoc. 21. is a very swift writer, which at the same time earnestly occupied the hand of the said john Of such a nature is the message of this book with the other contents thereof, that from no place is it sent more freely, August. Bedas. opened more clearly, nor told forth more boldly, than out of exile. And this should seem to be the cause thereof. In exile was it first written, as a little before is mentioned. In exile are the powers thereof most earnestly proved of them that hath faith. Rabanus et alii doctores. Hieronimus in libro deviris illustribus. As appeareth yet by justinus the martyr. Militon the Asiane, Hireneus, Hipolytus, Victorinus, and other which were there of the first expositors in the primative church, and in the end suffered for it the death of their bodies. And though it were than the last book of the Bible, Franciscus Titelmannus de avetoritate Apoca. and hath been ever since farthest from knowledge & least regarded of them all, yet was it the first that received any man's exposition, as a book thought most necessary to be known of the Christians. Into the desert sendeth the Lord his church, Apoc. 12. Georgius Aemilius. when the filthy spirit by his spiteful spirituality speweth out his execrable waters, throwing the third part of the stars into the earth with his tail. He giveth her two eagles wings to fly thither with, Psal. 54. john. 13. Luke. 4. Mat. 10. john. 8.12. which are the light precepts & examples of Christ to decline their mischiefs. For he both ●●ed his self when occasions were given him, and commanded his disciples to flee from city to city in time of their persecutions. He provideth her there a resting place for iij. years and an half, which are the days of Helyas, Danyell, and john. And all this is not that she should there be idle. ●. Reg. 17. Dani. 12. Apoc. 11. Flattery dwelling at home, and sucking there still his mother's breasts, may never tell out the truth, he seethe so many dangers on every side, as displeasur of friends, decay of name, loss of goods, Flattery may never tell forth the truth. offence of great men, punishment of body, & jeopardy of life, with such other like. The forsaken wretched sort, hath the Lord provided always to rebuke the world of sin for want of true faith, of hypocrisy, 1. Cor. 1. Math. 4. john. 16. for want of perfect righteousness, & of blindness, for lack of Godly judgement. For nought is it not therefore that he hath exiled a certain number of believing brethren the realm of England, of the which afflicted family my faith is that I am one. Why god exileth the faithful brethren, Where upon I have considered it no less than my bound duty under pain of damnation, to admonish Christ's flock by this present revelation of their perils past, and the dangers to come for contempt of the Gospel which now reigneth there above all in the clergy. protestation of the author hereof I am not the first which hath attempted this office, or taken upon me this odious enterprise, full of rebukes and slanders, and that maketh me the boulder. justinus becoming of a profane philosopher a perfect Christian, Franciscus Titelmannus libro. 2. de auth. apoc. wrote an exposition upon this apocalypse, and was slain for the verity in the year from Christ's incarnation a. C. and liv. Melyton the bishop of Sardis in Asia (which was one of the seven. congregations unto whom john wrote) made also a book of the same, Hieronimus ●. in libro de ilustribus, viris. & lived about the same time in the year of our lord a c.lx Hyreneus a disciple of Polycarpe bishop of Smyrna (which was also one of the said congregations) left behind him a commentary upon the same book, Sebastianus meier et franciscus Ticelmannus. and suffered strong martyrdom for the truth in the year of our lord a c.lxxv. Hypolytus a byshope in Aphrica, Petrus equilynus & sophronius Grecus. a man of much godly wisdom and learning wrote upon the same about the year of our lord .cc. & twenty In like manner Uictorinus the bishop of Pictavis about the year of our lord cc & lxx Ticonius the African, anno. dom. ccc. &, xc. saint Jerome to Anatholius Anno. Dom. cccc. & ten And saint Austin also, joannes tricemius de scriptoribus eccles●●sticus. Anno dom. cccc. & twenty with diverse other more. Primasius bishop of V●icina wrote .v. little books upon this Apocalyps unto Castorius whereof this is the beginning. Ambrose ●usbertus. Tuis vir illustris et religiose castori (which volume I have red) and he lived in the year of our Lord. cccc. & xl Redas' et Meyerus Aprigius bishop of Pacen in Spain, made a notable work upon the same about the year of our lord. ccccc. & xxx So did Cassiodorus Apulus, as Petrus Equilinus calleth him, anno. dom. ccccc. lxx. & called his book complexiones in Apocalipsim. So did Isidorus junior the bishop of Hispalis in Spain, joannes. Tritemius de scriptori hus Ecclesiasticis. Anno Do. with all those that here followeth. Of whom I have seen almost so many, as have there beginnings here registered. Ex benedictinis monachis. ●edas presbiter Anglus. li. iii apocalypsis sanetis johannis inqua. Alcuinus monachus Anglus. li. i. Haymo Hirsueldensis Germanus, Petrus equilinus et Hermannus a●●edell. li. seven. Legimus in ecclesiastica historia. Strabus fuldensis Germanus, lib. i Sicut in secularibus literis. Rabanus maurus, Germanus, li. i. Ambrose Ansbertus Gallus, li, x. de illustratione afflatus. joannes Tritenuus Spanhemē●●● abba●. Robertus Tuiciensis Germanus, lib. xii. Vt tu quoque venerabilis colo. joachim Abbas Calaber. li. viii. Quia profunda libri huius. Monachus quidam Cantuariensis, li. i Legitur Genesis xxviii Vidit. Easterton monachus Anglus lib. i. Posuit castra sua in medio. Ex Canonicis regularibus. Richardus de sancto Victore, Scotus, Franciscus citelmamnus & Sebastianus meyer. libro primo. Gaufredus Antisiodorensis, Gallus, lib. i. Ex Carthusianis monachis. Henricus de Hassia, Germanus, lib. i, Dionysius Rikel Germanus, lib. i Ecce puer meus electus. Ex sacerdotibus prophaenis. Ambrose de septem tubis, li. i Tempus autem arbitror. Thomas walde●●● Ranulphus c●strensis. Berengarius Thuronensis, Gallus, lib. i. Gilbertus porreta, Gallus. li. i Omnes qui pi● volunt vivere. Author a centum annis, Anglus, libro. i. joannes Hus, Bohemus, li. i. Come finierin● testimonium. Paulus Burgensis, judeus, lib. i Licet opinio expositorum. Otho brunfel●ius et Conradus ●●ontorius Mathias Dorinck, Germanus. lib. i. Costasie doctor Anglus, lib. i Ecce de scripsieam tibi triplic. jacobus Stralen, Germanus, lib. i Vidit jacob in somno schalam. Ex Carmelitanis. joannes Baconthorpe, Anglus, lib. i. apocalypsis jesus Christi. etc. joannes Tytleshale, johannes Tritemius. Arnoldus Bostius Anglus. li. i Est autem apocalypsis, Grecus sermo. Thomas de ylleya, Anglus li. i. apocalypsis revelacio dicitur. joannes Barath, Hannonius, lib. i Ego joannes vidi ostium. joannes de Vernone, Gallus, lib. i. Nicolaus de Alsacia, Germanus, lib. i. joannes Bloxam, Anglus, lib. i. De apparicione septem sigillorum. joannes Elyne, Anglorum Heliades johannes Balei libro. 2. Anglus, li, i. Secundum Isidorum ethimolo. joannes Tilneye, Anglus, li. i Septem ecclesijs in Asya. Henricus Winchingham, Anglus, li. i Apertum est templum Dei. joannes Thorpe, Anglus, lib. i. joannes Egidius, Gallus, lib. i. Apocalip. etc. joanni evangelist. joannes Haynton, Anglus, lib. i Beatus qui legit verba. Ex Augustinianis. Augustinus de Auchona, Italus, Ambrose choriolanus Nicolaus. Bertrandus lib. i. Jordan Saxo, Germanus, lib, primo. Bertrandus parayte, Tholosanus, lib, i. Augustinus de Roma, Italus. li, primo, Philippus de Mantua, Italus, li. primo. joannes Capgrave, Anglus, li. primo. Sylvester Meoccius, Venet. lib. i, Promaiori intelligentia. Ex dominycanis. Jordan Botergius, Germenus. Leander Bonoviensis. Antoninus Archiepiscopus. li. i. Hugo Bar chinonensis, Gaillus lib. i. Asser pinguis panis eius etc. Albertus Magnus Germanus lib. i Confiteor tibi pater. Stephanus Bisuntinus, Gallus lib. i Nicolaus Gorham, Gallus li. i. Bernardus de Trilia. Narbonensis, li. i. Paganus Bergomensis, lumbardus. li. i. Aluarus de Caturco, Tholosanus. Nicolaus Bertrandus Sebastianus me●erus. lib. i. Fredericus de Venecijs, Italus lib, pri, joannes Annius, Viterbiensis li, prim. Hieronymus Savanarola, Italus, lib. i Ex Franciscanis, Alexander de Hales, Anglus, lib. primo. Titelmanus Bernardus Lutzenburgus. Io●an. Tritemius. Helias de Hanibalis, Italus, lib primo, Petrus joannis Cathalanus. li. primo, joannes waleys, Anglus, lib. primo, Petrus Aureolus, Tholosanus. libro. 1. Nicolaus Lyranus, Germanus. libro. ij. Oportet te iterum prophetare. Astesanus Astensis, Lumbardus, li. i. Bernardinus Senensis, Italus, li. i Beatus qui legit et audit. Theodoricus Andree. Tholosanus, lib. i. joannes de Rupe scissa. lib. i. Franciscus Titelmannus, Germanus, li. two. Superioribus diebus eruditis. Ex neotericis. Martinus Lutherus, Germanus. lib. i. Varias prophecias invenimus in. The writers of our time upon the apocalypse. Sebastianus Meyer, Bernensis. li. i. De lib. Apocalipseos cum. Georgius Aemilius, Germanus lib. i. Mira quedam inest aviditas. Franciscus Lambertus, Gallus. li. seven. Israelitic a Mose Dei lege. Huldricus Zwinglius, Heluecius lib. i. joannis Brencius, Suews lib. i. joannes Calvinus, Gallus. li. i. Melchior Hoffman, Germanus. lib. i. And many other more. Doctors are followed agreeing with the scriptures. Of these Commentaries have I taken both example to do this thing, and also counsel to understand the text, to none of them wholly addict, but as I perceived them always agreeing to the Scriptures. What chronographers & historianes I have herein followed for the times and ages of the christian church, besides the Scriptures, it will evidently appear to the reader in the margin of this volume. Apoca. 8 Apoca. 11 Apoca. 14. Esay. 1. Gene. 10. Hiere. 23. I know there will be great thondering, lghtnings, and earthquakes at the coming forth thereof, for so is it here oft promised of the holy ghost. The boystuous tyrants of Sodoma with their great Nembroth Wynchester, and the execrable citizens of Gomorra, with their shorn sinered captains, will stir about them. Much pain have they of long time taken, and many have they cruelly burned, as was seen of late years in Coventrie, London, & in other places more, Fabianu● et alij in chronicis. to obscure the knowledge thereof. Who can suppose them that they will now sit still their mischiefs made so manifest? Our worldly wise brethren also, which are neither hot nor cold, will starcle a course at the matter. Apoca. ●. Eccle. ●0. 2. Cor. 11. I know somewhat is to be suffered at their hands also. For they always tarry their times, & will not wake the shrewd cur for hurting themselves. Graciously hath the Lord called them, specially now of late, Gala. 1. Esa. 60. Math. 22. but his voice is nothing regarded. His servants have they imprisoned, tormented, and slain, having his verity in much more contempt than afore. We looked for peace (saith Hieremye the Prophet) and we far not the better at all. We waited for a time of health, Heir. 8. Hiere. 14▪ Psalm. 11●. Apoca. 13. and we find here nothing else but trouble. And no marucile, considering the beasts head that was wounded, is now healed up again so workmanly, as the xiii chapter here mentioneth. The abominable hypocrisy, isaiah. ● Math. 23▪ Apoca. 13. 2. Tim. 3. Apoca. ●. Idolatry, pride, & filthiness of those terrible termagaunts of antichrists holy household, those two horned whoremoungers, those conjurers of Egypt, 2. Pet. 2. jude. 1. and lecherous locusts leaping out of the smoke of the pit bottomless, which daily deceiveth the ignorant multitude with their sorceries and charms, must be showed to the world to their utter shame and confusion. They know as did Balaam the sorcerer, that over a gorgeous glittering whore every fleshly man is inordinately wanton, Nu. 24. jude. 1. Prove. ●. Hier●. ●. 〈◊〉. 6. Apoc. 2. Osce. 8. Apoc. 18. fierce, & greedy. following his ways therefore, they have always for lucre's sake, gloriously garnished their holy mother, the madame of mischief, and proud synagogue of Satan, with gold, silver, pearl, precious stone, velvets, silks, mitres, copes, crosses, cruetes, ceremonies, sensings, blessings, babblings, Gala. 4. Osce. 4. Ezech. 16, Psal. 102. Hiere. 6. brawlings, processions, popetts, and such other mad masteries (whereof the church that Christ left here behind him knew not one jot) to provoke the carnal idyotes to her whoredom in the spirit. The Lord hath long suffered them of mercy, Esay. 58. Psal. 54. Gene. 12. Mat. 19 Act. 5. 1. john. 3. and wythhoulden from them his rightful hand of their deserved vengeance, yet will they not fall to repentance nor amend their daily mischiefs. To tell them freely of their wicked works by the scriptures, I have exiled myself for ever from mine own native country, kindred, friends, acquaintance (which are the great delights of this life) & am well contented for jesus Christ'S sake and for the comfort of my brethren there, to suffer poverty, penury, abjection, reproof, and all that shall come beside. A commandment the Lord hath given in this book unto them whom he hath called of mercy from their wretched beggaries, Apoc. 18. Hier. 50. Apoc. 18. Apoc. 17. to spare no rebukes, but to power out double upon that bloody ●awde & malicious mother of theirs. Never was this commandment more effectually to be followed then now, his holy word of salvation so presently set at nought, despised, and persecuted of her mad moody ministers. 1. Cor. 1. Rom. 1. Apoc. 18. Mat. 23. Unto heaven are her sins gone up in these latter days, as S. john here witnesseth, requiring vengeance for the innocents blood that she hath so cruelly shed. And the Lord hath remembered her wickedness according to his promise, Apoc. 18. Luce. 13. as partly hath been seen in this realm, and in divers other more. I doubt not but within short space she shall be wholly turned over into the bottomless pit again with all her heathenish ceremonies, Apoc. 1●. Apoc. 9 Apoc. 14. Apoc. 18. Apoc. 21. superstitions and sorceries, and never return hitherward no more than the great mighty millstone that is thrown into the seas bottom, Christ so restored unto his right spouse. Wonders will appear concerning this & such other matters, to him that shall diligently examine the scriptures & histories alleged in the margin. For only minister I an occasion here unto them of a farther search. 2. Cor. 8. Mar. 9 Luce. 11. Mat. 21. Nothing will be hidden from him, that asketh with meekness, seeketh in faith, and in prayer desireth the glory of the Lord. Evident will those secret mysteries be unto him, which are privily hid unto other under dark ambages and parables. 2. Cor. 3. Esay. 6. Col. 2. Apoc. 10. Luce. 8. Though this heavenly treasure of health be under lock and key of unknown similitudes, and so be shut up from the untoward and wicked generation for their unbelievers sake, yet will it be plain enough to the faithful believers instantly calling upon him which hath the key of David to open unto them the door of his infallible verities. jacob. 1. Apoc. 3. Col. 4. jacob. ●. Psal. 100L. Ephe. ●. They shall be sure to find there that shall richly delight them, and that will greatly replenish the most wholesome desire of their ●oules, concerning their necessary salvation in Christ. The more the figurative speech aboundeth here, Franciscus La●bertus in prefacione. the more let them confer it with the other scriptures without all honeyed colours of rhetoric or of crafted philosophy, specially with those which of their own nature jointly agreeth to the same. Nothing ought here to be sought of curiosity, Georgius Aemilius in prefacione. but of love towards God, for defence of his most pure doctrine, and for avoidance of the crafty snares of the vivel. A perfect preparation is it to a constant soul when the battle is seen afore, the end thereof known, and the remedies learned. Hear are we admonished afore hand of two most dangerous evils, Gilbertus porreta, & Georgius Aemilius. neither to agree to those tyrants which battayleth with the Lamb in his elect members, nor yet to obey those deceitful bishops that in hypocrisy usurpeth the church's titles. Of such tirryble plagues of vengeance as were coming towards the Israelites, Esay. ●. Heir, 8. 1. Mac. ●. the Lord ever warned them afore by his Prophets. And none was there that escaped them so clearly, as they did which regarded those warnings, watching evermore the conclusions of them. Much less harm felt they of Antiochus Epiphanes that had red daniel's prophesy afore, and marked it, 1. Mac. 1. Dan. 11. 1. Mac. 6, Luc, 2. than they which knew it not when the Tyrant came upon them. Through diligent expecration in the faith of God's promises, received just simeon and Anna the saviour of the world in his tender infancy. Mention maketh the holy Ghost here of Gog and of Magog two tirryble fierce enemies to Christ's congregation, Apoc, 20, Ezech, 38. and showeth afore hand their purposed mischiefs. Let us not suppose it to be a fable, Ezec, 39, Apoc, 13. Num. 23, 1. Ioh, 4, that he so earnestly telleth us. Neither let us think but this warning is of love, if we list so to take it, and accept it for a truth. immediately after the Apostles preaching▪ was this prophecy given to the Christian church (which hath been always a small congregation) lest they should unbewares at the subtle suggestions of these two enemies, Wha● this prophecy was given and to what end. throw aside the sincerity of Christ's Gospel. So glorious are the pretences of the Romish Pope and Mahomete, joannes Oecolampadius in▪ that they seem unto them which regard not these warnings, the very Angels of light, and their churches most holy congregations, being very devils with their filthy dregs of darkness. The Pope in his church hath ceremonies without number. Ier●miam & Danielen. None end is there of their babbling prayers, their portases, beads, temples, altars, songs, hours, bells, Images, Popish ceremonies without number, Organs, ornaments, jewels, lights, oilings, shavings, religions, disguisings, diversity of feasts, constrained vows, fastings, processions, and prattlings, that a man would think they were proctors of Paradise. On the other side Mahomet in his church is plenteous also in holy observations. Guihelmus Tripolitanus de statusaracenorum. They wash themselves oft, they frequent their temples, they pray five times in the day, they reverently incline, they lie prostrate upon the ground, they fervently call to God, they are temperate in feeding, not curious in their buildings, joannes Cuspinianus de origine turcarum. they abstain from wine, they abhor Idols, they hate them that are proud, and commend all soberness. And these virtues have they to appear most innocent livers. But unto what end this holiness leadeth, the sequel hereof declareth. Daniell ●aketh these two but one, because they are both of one wicked spirit, Dan. 7. Oecolampapadius in Danielem. ● Apoc. 13. and reporteth his blasphemous mouth to utter presumptuous things. Saint john sayeth also that the Dragon speaketh blasphemies against God in them both. Mark both their voices, and ye shall find these sayings most true. The Pope maketh his boast, he is the high priest, he is of equal power with Peter, he can not err, joannes Oecolampadius in Danielem. Theodorus Bibliander in christiana consultatione. he is head and spouse of the church, and he is Christ's immediate vicar. By this brawling boast he maketh men to believe, he may constitute laws, keep under the Gospel, distribute kingdoms, sell promotions and benefices, set up a Purgatory, provide satisfactions, make new bodies to Christ, redeem dead men's souls, and remit sin for money. Mahomete braggeth also, joannes Oecolampadius in Danielen. that he is the great prophet, the promises Messiah▪ the Apostle of both testaments, abled both by the law & the gospel, & that he hath his name from the eternal throne of God. He is well contented that Christ be an holy Prophet, and a most worthy creature, joannes Cuspinianus et Bibliander. yea▪ the word of God▪ the soul of God▪ and the spirit of God, conceived of the holy ghost, and borne of Mary the virgin, but he will in no case grant him to be the son of God, nor that he died here for man's redemption. Both these two maintainers of mischief alloweth Moses' law, the Psalter, joannes Oecolampadius in Danielen. the Prophets and the Gospel, yea, they commend them, advance them, sing them, read them, honour them, and reverently use them in all their doings. Theodorus Bibliander in christiana consultatione. Yet will they have their own filthy laws preferred above them, the Pope his execrable decrees, & Mahomete his wicked Alchorane, else will they murder men without measure. Thus though they outwardly appear very virtuous (yet are they the malignant ministers of Satan, denying the Lord which hath redenied them. By these may we measure their inferior merchandise, Mat, 23, Apoc, 13, 2, Tim, 4, Apoc, 18, Higher, 50, having their livery and mark. Of these hath our loving Lord premonished us in this heavenly work of his, and graciously called us away from their abominations, lest we should be partakers of their sins, and so receive of their plagues. If we unthankfully neglect it, the more danger is ours. Let no man take the corrections of this book to malice. A christian request of the Author But if he chance in it as in a clear glass to perceive himself spotted, let him wash away the deformities, for God's word spareth no man's iniquity. Read my whole Commentary, else judge me not. In no wise rebel I here against any princely power, or authority given of God, but against Antichristes filthy titles. Antichristes titles are not of God, The grace of our Lord jesus Christ be ever more with thee (good faithful Reader) and with all those good men that entirely hunger for his righteousness, Amen. Thus endeth the Preface of the Image of both Churches, out of Saint john's apocalypse. ¶ A brief Paraphrase or compendious Elucidation upon the apocalypse or Revelation of Saint john the Evangelist, gathered out of the pure scriptures, and sincere word of God, by john Ba●e, an exile also in this life, for the testimony of jesu. The first Chapter. The Text. 1 The Revelation of jesus Christ, 2, which God gave unto him, 3. for to show unto his servants the things which must shortly come to pass. 4. And heavens and showed by his Angel unto his servant john, 5. which bore record of the word of God, and of the testimony of jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw, 6. Happy is he that readeth, & they that hear the words of the prophecy, & keep those things, which are written therein, 7. for the time is at hand. The Paraphrase. OF jesus Christ▪ the son of the living God, Mat. 16. joan. 16. Act. 20. Mat. 28. john. 5. Luce. 10. this is the wonderful revelation, concerning the divers and doubtful estate of the Christian church from the Apostles time to the latter end of the world. 2 Which revelation with all judgement and power, Phil. 2. Psal. 8. john. 17. 2. Cor. 2. Ephe. 5. 2. Pet. 2. john. 16. Mat. 13. God the everlasting father hath wholly given unto him, now taken up from the earth, glorified, and set above all the works of his hands. 3 Evidently to declare, yea, to make manifest and known unto his true faithful servants believing in his words, and walking in his ways, the tokens, signs, & marvels, which must by his unchangeable ordinance, shortly in this latter time, follow in effect, without premonishment or warning taken of the wicked sort. 4 And the said jesus Christ sitting on the right hand of the majesty of God, Mar. 16. Heb. 1. john. 15. Act. 2. john, 1● Luke. ●●. john. ●●. and being much more excellent than the angels, hath according to his former promise, sent forth his spirit of truth, most specially unto his dearly beloved Apostle and peculiar disciple saint john the Evangelist, not only to deduce him into all knowledge and verity, but also to manifest unto him the secret mysteries of things to come. 5 Which john hath already (as an earnest doer in his master's cause) most constantly witnessed his eternal godhead in the everlasting word, Act. 4. john. 1. Psalm. 118 2. john. 1. against the Hebionites, which denied him to come in the flesh, john. 19.21 1. john. ●. 1. john. 2. 1. john. 4, and hath faithfully affirmed his natural manhood in all that he saw being conversant with him, against Carpocras and Cerinthus, which blasphemed the same in the utter confusion of all such Antichristes. 6 Blessed is he (saith Saint John) which after meek prayer and godly meditation, Apoca. 22 Math, 7. 1. Cor. 12. 1. Peter. 4 1. Cor. 4. having the gift of understanding and grace of interpreting the scriptures, doth sincerely & faithfully without craft or colour, publish & declare the mystical words of this heavenly prophecy. Ephe. 4. Math. 5. Luke 2. jacobi. 2 Math. 7 Blessed are they also, which in a fervent faith hongering & thristinge for the righteousness, and with Simeon and Anna desirous of the glory of God, doth lovingly hear and earnestly mark the wholesome words of the same said godly prophecy, and that will diligently apply themselves to observe the rules, and take the premonishementes of Godly doctrine there in written. 7 For the perilous days are come that the deceitful swarm of Antichrist perverting the truth, john. 13. Psalm. 118 1. Cor. 1 1. john. 4. 2. Thes. 2. Gala. 3. Rom. 1. 1. Tim. 4. Math. 15. shall bring the world into pernicious and damnable errors. And the jeopardous time is at hand, that the wrath of god shall be declared from Heaven upon all ungodliness of these seducers that with hold his truth in unrightuousensse, & set hi● commandments at nought for their own vile traditions. 1. Tim. 4. Math. 15. The text. 1 John unto the seven congregations which are in Asia. 2. Grace be with you. 3. And peace from him which is, and which was and which is to come. 4. & from the seven spirits which are present before his throne, 5. and from jesus Christ which is a faithful witness. 6. and first begotten of the dead, 7. and prince over the kings of the earth, 8. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood. 9 and made us kings and Priests unto God his father. 10. even unto him be glory and dominion for evermore, Amen. The Paraphrase. 1 john the elect Apostle of jesus Christ sendeth these greetings to the seven. churches or christian congregations, john. 13.19 which are in the land of Asia the less. Marc. 16. 2 Grace (which is the mercy, favour, and acceptation of God) be with you. Psalm. ●8. 3 And also peace (which is the trauquilitie of conscience in them that believe in Christ) dwell ever among you, Ephe. 2. Rom. 8. Philip. 4. from god the father everlasting which is essentially in and of himself, Math. 6 Hiere. 7 Psal. 73. Exod. 15. Miche. 4. 1. john. 5. Apoc. 3.5. and which was before the constitution of the world, and which shall be after the world be finished for ever and ever without end. 4 The same grace and peace again be unto you from God the holy Ghost here mentioned under the title of vij spirits, for that he is manifold and plenteous in gifts. 5 The third time also the same said grace and peace be unto you from the Lord jesus Christ the only son of God, Esa. ●●. Colo. ●. john. 3. john. 14. Esa. 61. 1. Pet. 2. which being the eternal verity itself, was in preaching his Gospel, a witness thereof both faithful, true, and perfect, and in no wise could lie, that ye should the rather believe him. 6 He was the first of all men that ever were in this mortal nature or body of death, Colo. 1. 1. Cor. 15. Osec. 13. Act. 1. Phil. 2. 1. Tim. 2 1. john. 2. recovering again the favour of God lost in Adam, and that with victory over sin, hell, death, and the devil, ascended into Heaven, and became in that flesh glorified, the son of God, that ye should be the bolder of him, and the rather take him for your only advocate. 7 He is also a m●ste mighty Lord over the kings, rulers, Psal. 7●. Math. 28 john. 17. and magistrates of this world, having now all power given him in heaven & in earth, Apoc. 19 Luke. 1. Math. 2● with a writing upon his vesture that he is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and that of his kingdom there shall be no end, that the wicked tyrants should the rather fear, lest they feel him a terrible judge at the latter day. 8 For so much as he hath so entirely loved us, 1. john. 4. ●. Esa. 53. 1. Cor. 15. 1. Tim. 2. Heb. 9 as to be smitten and wounded for our offencest, and as to give his life for our wicked wretchedness, yea for so much as he of most natural kindness would be cruelly slain to wash us, purify us, and cleanse us in his own most innocent blood, 1. Pet. 1. 1. john. 1. from the most cankered vileness of our sins, to provoke us to love him again. 9 For so much also as he hath made us a living kingdom to god through faith in him, Exod. 19 Abacuc. 2. and consecrate us priests to offer up our bodies by a new Christian life as a sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God his everlasting father. Apoca. 5. Rom. 12. Philip. 4. 2▪ john. 5. 1. Timo. 6 10 Unto him with the said father & with the holy ghost be perpetual praise glory, power, and dominion for evermore. Amen. The text. 1 Behold, he cometh with clouds. 2. and all eyes shall see him, 3. and they also which pierced him. 4. And all kindreds of the earth shall wail. 5. Even so, Amen. 6. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending (saith the Lord almighty) 7. which is, & which was, and which is to come. The Paraphrase. 1 Take heed for most certain it is though Christ in his first coming as a merciful saviour, Zacha. 9 2. Cor. 8. Phil, 2, Luke, 25, Jude, 1, Math, 24 appeared here upon earth poor, simple, & ignominious, yet shall he in his latter coming appear in the clouds of heaven, with majesty, power, and glory, isaiah, 3. Rom, 14 2, Cor, 5 Zach, 12, accompanied with the infinite host of angels as a rigorous judge, 2 And upon him shall all eyes look, both man and angel shall behold him, john, 19, and stand before his terrible judgement seat, no creature good nor bad exempt. 3 Yea, th●se cruel tyrants also shall at that hour appear before him, which did not only flee his most innocent body, but also that hath ever since spitefully persecuted his faithful members unto death for the truth's sake. 4 And all kindreds of the earth, that is to say, whoremongers, glouttons, Math, 23, Deut, 32, Ephe, 5, 1, Cor, 5, Heb, 13, Sapi, 5, Luke, 25, extortioners, idolaters, murderers and tyrants, shall bewail themselves for the sight of him. 5 Whose rightful judgement is not so heatefull unto them, but it is as greatly desired of the faithful multitude, saying in their hearts continually. Even so be it, Amen. Apoca, 22, Rom, 8, Ephe, 1, For they at that hour shall be wholly delivered, glorified, and sealled up with Christ for the everlasting children of God. 6 I am he (saith the Lord God almighty) which hath begun all things and finished the same, Apo. 21. Esay. 41 Apoca. 22. Isaiah. 44. Zach. 9 Rom. 1. Gene. 17. 1. john 5. Exod. 3. Miche. 5. being signified by Alpha (which is the first letter of the Greek Alphabete) and Omega (which is the last) because this present revelation was written in Greek, and unto them which only knew the Greek tongue. 7 I am the same (saith the said Lord God everlasting, the father, the son and the holy ghost iii distinct persons in one essential godhead) which is essentially in and of himself only, which was without beginning, and begun all things, Abacuc. 3. 2. Cor. 9 Nun. 23. Psalm. 138. and which shall be without ending and finish all things, alone able to exhibit all virtue, power and strength, and alone unable to execute errors, lies, and sin, which is of fragility, weakness, and unperfectness. The Text 1 I John your brother & companion in tribulation, 2, and in the kingdom of patience, which is in jesus Christ. 3. was in the isle of Pathmos for the word of God, and for the witnessing of jesus Christ. 4. I was in the spirit on a Sunday. 5. and heard behind me a great voice, as it had been of a trump, saying. 6. I am Alpha and Omega, the first & the last. 7. That thou seist writ in a book, 8. & send it unto the congregations, which are in Asia, 9 unto Ephesus, & unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, & unto Thiatyra▪ 10. and unto Sardis, & unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicia. The Paraphrase. 1 I the faithful writer of this present revelation, Apoc. 22. Mar. 3. Mat. 5. Luc. 6. john. 15. Luc. 14. called john the Apostle, your natural loving brother, so inferly caveting your soul's health as 〈…〉 companion of yours also in adversity, trouble, and persecution, for the truths sake. 2 And a partaker with you in the afflicted kingdom, and in the patient cross of s●fferēce in Christ jesu. 3 Was now of late in a certain isle of Licia called Pathmos, Hieronymus in cathalogo scriptorum Ecclesiaticorum. exiled for the Gospel preaching, & made a vile abject for testifying the name & word of the said jesus Christ the only 〈◊〉 of the world. 4 I being thus carefully afflicted and driven from all solase and bodily comfort, on a certain sunday or day dedicate to the lords remembrance, Luc. 24. Psal. 142. 2. Cor. 12. was in the spirit rapt, and clearly taken up from all worldly affects (so sweetly did the Lord relieve his poor persecuted servant.) 5 And I heard certainly with mine ears a loud shirle voice behind me, Math. 5. Ezech. 3. Rom. 8. Exod. 19 as I was in this sweet heavenvly trance, which was so vehement, and stout to my judgement, as it had been the noise of a great trump, uttering these words unto me. 6 I am the first and the last the original beginner and the 〈◊〉 finisher of all things, isaiah. 58. Apoc. 21. isaiah. 48. Apoc. 22. under A●pha and Omega the first and last Greek letters, as under an allegory to be understand. 7 With all diligence▪ therefore write, Exod. 17. Abac. 2. that thou shalt see here and make a perfect registre of the same. 2. Cor. 11. Mar. 16. 8 And that done, send it lovingly unto the seven. Christian congregations, which are in the land of Asia, committed of the Lord, unto thy administration in his word. 9 Send it unto Ephesus, send it unto Smyrna, direct it unto Pergamos, commit it unto Thyatyra. 10 And unto Sardis, & unto Phyladelphia, and unto Laodicia, Eusebius Cesariensi● in historia ecclesiastic. lib. 5. ca 23. and finally by them to the vij Climates of the universal world. For though it be here to them only limited, yet is it to all people universally meant. THE TEXT. 1 And I turned back to see the voice that spoke to me. 2. And when I was turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks. 3. And in the midst of the Candelsticks, one like unto the son of man, 4. Clothed with a linen garment down to the ground, 5. And girded about the breast with a golden girdle, 6. His head and his heirs were white as vahite wool, and as Snow. 7. And his eyes were as a flame of fire. 8. And his feet like unto brass, as though they brent in a furnace. 9 And his voice as the noise of many waters. 10. And he had in his right hand seven. stars, 11. And out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword. 12 And his face shone even as the son in his strength. The Paraphrase. 1 And suddenly I turned back (saith saint john) earnestly to behold from whence this voice should come, john. 20. Zacha. 6. Ruth. 2. job. 28. Num. 8. Zach. 4. or who it should be that should speak these words unto me. 2 And as I had turned myself, anon I beheld vij golden Candelsticks, betokening not only the said seven. congregations in Asia, but also the universal Christianity of the whole world. For seven. in the scripture most commonly signifieth all or the whole of that it comprehendeth. Gene. 2. Hebr. 4. 3 And in the midst of the said vij candlesticks, isaiah. 12. johel. 2. Math. 8. Phil. 2. Math. 28. john. 10. 1. john. 2. Act. 7. I saw one like unto Christ, which when he was conversant here among us, not only called himself, the son of man, but also appeared in shape and apparel, as the same. And this betokeneth Christ always to be present and assistant to his congregations, as a shepherd, and advocate, a teacher, and a redeemer, to keep them, help them, inform them, and save them. 4 I saw him clothed with a side linen garment down to the ground, Sapi. 18. Dan. 7. Colos. 2. Dan. 10. Eccl. 45. isaiah. 66. Psal. 102. Cant. 7. john. 13. 2. Thes. 3. signifying his abundant righteousness wherewith all his faithful believers are in this world largely replenished. 5 He was girded also about the paps with a golden girdle. His paps are his most sweet words and promises replenishing our souls with most suffrane consolation and gladness. And they are speared up together fast unto him with the shining chain of charity or love. Which in the whole, betokeneth that he is of righteousness & love, fast & sure unto us in his word & promise. 6 His head (which is his eternal Godhead) and his hears (which are his infallible verities thereof proceeding) are both so purely white as snow, 1. Cor. 11. Cant. 1. 1. john. 1. Cant. 5. Psal. 11.18. Mala. 4. Apoc. 2. in the incomprehensible mysteries of his divine majesty, and so perfectly white as wool (which is of a meaner sort) in the lower mysteries of our redemption. Hebr. 4. Apoc. 19 Luc. 22. john. 19 7 His eyes (which are his Godly wisdom and knowledge) were as a burning flame of fire, most effectual, pure and quick in working. 8 And his feet (which are his human affections & most sweet desires of our health) were like unto brass, most beautiful, Hebr. 4. Prou. 27. isaiah. 53. clean & precious to behold, and as though they had been proved, tried and depured in a hot burning furnace. For in them was his frail, tender, and mortal flesh, by manifold troubles, sore vexed, persecuted, and slain. Act 8. Psal. 67. Ezech. 43. 9 His voice (which is his holy Testament or Gospel) was as the sound or noise of many waters. Dan. 10. Apoc. 5. Phil. 2. For many peoples of divers and sundry nations, kindreds, and languages, hath confessed and still doth confess him God and man by the same, though the one understand not the other. 10 And he had in his right hand (which is his mighty power) seven stars, Psal. 117. Baruc. 3. Phil. 2. Hier. ●. Prou. 3. isaiah. 41. john. 9 Rom. 1. Math. 5. which are not only the seven preachers of his seven. congregations in Asia, but also all the true ministers of his word, the world over. For them hath he in his right hand. They are under his governance, will, protection, & custody. So long as he retaineth them, they are wise, godly, and profitable, but if he once throw them forth, then are they blind, wicked, and accursed, yea, and good for nothing but to be cast out, & to be trodden under foot. Blessed are they therefore, which fall not beside that hand. 11 Out of his mouth (which is his holy spirit) proceeded a sharp two edged sword. This is his strong, Apoc. 19 Ephe. 6. Hebr. 4. job. 19 mighty, and quick word, or his sacred scripture, so sharp that it pierceth through, Math. 10. jere. 17. Luce. 21. even to the dividing a sunder of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints & the marry. And is a judger of the thoughts and intentes of the heart, whom finally nothing shall be able to resist. 12 And his face (which is the eternity of his godhead, Dan. 10. Math. 27. Hebr. 1. john. 6. 2. Cor. 2. 2. Cor. 1. glorified nature, and spiritual kingdom) shone even as the clear son in his most strength, whose brightness no creature can behold without the pure sight of an uncorrupt faith. For the fleshly carnal man in no wise understandeth things belonging to the spirit of god, but judgeth them foolishness. THE TEXT. 1 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet, even as dead, 2. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me. 3. Fear not, I am the first & the last. 4. And am a live, & was dead. 5. And behold I am a live for evermore. 6. And have the keys of Hell, & of Death. 7. Write therefore the things which thou hast seen. 8. And the things which are, and the things which shallbe fulfilled hereafter. 9 And the mystery of the seven Stars which thou sawest in my right hand. 10. And the seven golden candlesticks. 11. The seven Stars are the Angels of the seven Congregations. 12. And the seven candlesticks, which thou sawest, are the seven Congregations. THE PARAPHRASE. 1 And when I had thus seen him (saith saint john) & diligently marked all these points in him, Dan. 10. Apoc. 22. Col. 3. Rom. 12. Psal. 43. Rom. 8. job. 14. Psal. 137. jacob. 4. Psal. 87. Dan. 10. Heir. 1. isaiah. 41. Math. 17. isaiah. 44. Rom. 6. john. 12. Apoc. 21. I fell down at his feet as one almost dead for fear. Consider in this that the nature of the true knowledge of christ, is to throw down & to mortify the flesh with his corrupt affections, and to cast us in fear till his hidden mysteries be thoroughly perceived. 2 And he (saith saint john) to comfort my weakness, laid his right hand upon me. He relieved me with his power, grace, and help, when he saw me humbled before his face, and fearfully astonied at the wonderful brightness of his high mysteries: And not without his word, for he said unto me. 3 Let not fearfulness overcome thee, nor doubtful dread oppress thee. But take unto thee faith (which is the chief remedy in fear) & know that I am the first and the last, the maker & the restorer of all creatures. I am he, of whom all things depend and unto whom all things belong. 4 I am now alive, as thou seest evidently, and the very life itself, yet was I slain now of late, and my body dead and buried. 5 Behold me therefore earnestly, for now in a glorified nature, john. 14. 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 6. 1. Pet. 4. Hebr. 7. 1. john. 2. Rom. 6. in a body impassable and immortal, I am a live for ever & ever, ready to make interpellation, & to obtain mercy for all the worlds sins, death having over me no more dominion. 6 I have in my hands & under my power, isaiah. 22. Apoc. 3. Math. 16. Rom. 8. Apoc. 21. 1. john. 1. the keys both of hell & death, that neither hell nor sin, death nor the devil, shall be from henceforth able to prevail against my elects. No condemnation shall be unto them that are surely grafted in me. 7 Take pen and ink therefore, Rom. 8. Apoc. 21. and seriously wry●e the things which thou hast already seen. 8 And note faithfully the marvels which are by the power of God accomplished, 1. john. 1. john. 5. Luc. 21. and the wonders also which shall be fulfilled hereafter. 9 Mark first of all with due circumspection the secret mystery of the seven. shining stars, Apoc. 3. Dan. 12. Act. 11. which thou sawest now of late in my right hand. 10 And diligently consider the seven golden candlesticks also. Zach. 4. 1. Cor. 15. Dan. 12. 11 The seven. stars in signification are the messengers of God's word or the Apostolic preachers appointed to the seven. congregations in Asia, Math. 5. Eccl. 50. 1. Pet. 2. Phil. 2. john. 15. Apoc. 2. and in them to all the world. These aught in the church, as the stars in the firmament to shine in wholesome doctrine, and in godly conversation, and as the lights of the world, neither in life nor preaching to minister any manner of darkness. 12 Consider also the seven golden candlesticks which thou sawest about me, john. 8. Luc. 2. to be the said vij congregations. Upon whom I ought to shine, which am the light of the world. In whose works I ought to appear, Par. 28. Ephe. 1. 1. Cor. 7. 1. Pet. 1. which am the clearness of the Gentiles. They are called here vij Golden Candelsticks, as most precious in value, for so much as they are precious in the sight of God, & were also redeemed, and bought with a great price even with the precious blood of the undefiled lamb jesus Christ. The second Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 Unto the Angel of the congregation of Ephesus write. 2. These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, & walketh in the midst of the seven Golden candlesticks. 3. I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience. 4 And how thou canst not forbear them, which are evil. 5. And examinest them which say they are Apostles, and are not. 6. And hast found them liars. 7. And hast suffered, and hast patience, and for my name's sake haste laboured, and haste not fainted. 8. Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, for thou haste left the first love. 9 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent. 10. And do the first works. 11. Or else I will come unto thee shortly. 12. And will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent▪ 13. But this thou hast, because thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans. 14. Which deeds I also hate. 15. Let him that hath ears, hear what the spirit saith unto the congregations. 16. To him that overcometh, will I give to eat of the tree of life, 17. which is in the midst of the paradise of my God. THE PARAPHRASE. MY dearly beloved servant johan (sayeth the Lord jesus) my will is that thou shalt signify by writing unto the messenger or preacher of the Christian congregation of Ephesus, john. 19 Apoc. 1 Ephesus. jacob. 5. Dan. 9 Luc. 19 Math. 5. john. 4. Rom. 7. Phil. 1. which dwelling in this earthly mansion, is as was Daniel, full of wholesome desires. She looketh for the Kingdom, she seeketh for the glory, she hungereth for the righteousness of God, she thirsteth for the living waters, she longeth for to be delivered from this body of death, she coveteth to be dissolved, and to be with Christ, yea, fervently she desireth to rest in the arms of her almighty spouse. 2 Tell her therefore that these sayings hath he, Apoc. 1. Math. 28. john. 17. Luc. 14. john. 14. Apoc. 22. which holdeth the seven. stars in his right hand, & walketh in the midst of the seven. golden candlesticks, which hath in his power all ministers of his word, to retain them or to cast them out, & remaineth among the congregations, to behold their acts, and reward them according to their doings. 3 I know thy works (saith he) I perceive thy labour, Exod. 3. Hebr. 4. Math. 5. Luc. 6. Rom. 12. thy anguish, thy affliction, thy pain, for unto me nothing can be hid. I consider also thy patient sufferance in adversity, and thy troublous cross for my words sake, thy constant faith, and thy unbroken spirit. 4 And I ponder thy fervent and godly zeal, wherein thou canst in no wise forbear them that are wicked, and evil, but thou hatest blasphemers, & abhorrest the enemies of god. 5 I much commend thee for that thou diligently examinest them which call themselves Apostles, and are none, Phil. 3. 1. Tim. 3. 1. john. 4. 3. john. 1. 2. Pet. 2. which boast themselves to be christian teachers, and are nothing less. 6 And by thy diligent search hast not only proved them false, 2. Tim. 2. 1. john. 2. 2. Cor. 11. Apoc. 1. and deceitful Antichristes but also thou hast expelled them lest they should do harm. 7 And though thou haste been grievously vexed and persecuted of those false Prophets, yet hast thou patiently suffered, and firmly stand by the truth for my name's sake. Thou hast taken pains, and not fainted in thy labours, so strong hath the spirit of God been with thee. And all these points in thee I greatly allow. 8 Yet have I somewhat against thee, Gala. 6. 1. Cor. 11. jude. 1. Prou. 25. Gala. 5. Act. 5. Ephe. 2. Eccle. 8. Gala. 5. for so much as thou art fallen from thy first charity, the fruits of true faith not being so abundant and plentiful in thee as they were in the beginning of the Gospel, nor thou so effectual in working mercy & pity. 9 Call therefore to thy remembrance, from what perfection thou art fallen, and repent thy slipper weakness and slothful negligence, which hath not suffered thee to persever in thy first calling. 10 And return to thy first works again, Psal. 50. Math. 10. john. 15. Ephe. 4. Phil. 1. Math. 14. Luce. 13. Math. 21. Rom. 1. 2. Thes. 2. 1. Tim. 4. 2. Pet. 2. walking in that fervent faith, in that godly spirit, and in that sweet love of thy neighbour, that thou didst walk in before, & diminish not, but increase evermore in all goodness 11 ells will I come shortly unto thee as a strait looker upon thee. 12 And except thou repent from the heart with full purpose of amendment, I will remove thy candlestick out of her place. I shall take away from thence the sincere doctrine and pure preaching of my word, & suffer men's fantastical traditions, old women's dreams, the spirits of error, the doctrine of devils, the lies of hypocrites, Apoc. 9 1. Cor. 1. Rom. 1. Apoc. 2. john. 12. isaiah. 1. with all blindness, darkness, abomination, and idolatry, there to remain. For where as my word is not sincerely taught, believed, and observed, but uncharitably despised, hated, and persecuted, there shall not my church remain, but in her place shall stand up the synagogue of Satan, with blindness and induration. For that congregation is not mine, which hath not my word. No longer is it my church, than it hath my verity. Turn back again therefore to Abraham, Isaac, 2. Cor. 4. 1. Mac. 2. Ephe. 2. & jacob, to the Prophets and Apostles, and exercise the first works leaving all papistry. 13 This warning hast thou of me, for that thou hatest the unseemly deeds of the Nicolaytanes, The Nicolaytanes. Act. 6. 2. Pet. 2. jud. 1. Psal. 25. Heb. 13. so called of one Nicolas a proselitie of Antioch, and one of the seven. Deacons ordained by the Apostles. Whose corrupt custom was among other to defile holy wedlock in making their wives common, & in boasting themselves lawfully so to do by the example of the said Nicolas. 14 Whose uncomely acts I hate and abhor also, Eccle. 10. Math. 13. Mar. 4. Luce. 8. joan. 16. having matrimony in honour, and the chamber thereof undefiled. This premonishement have I given thee also, lest thou in process of time shouldest fall to Apostasy, & utterly decline from the truth. 15 Let him that hath ears (sayeth the Lord) which is judgement and discretion in the spirit, Mat. 5. Rom. 8. 1. john. 5. diligently hear, and earnestly mark, what the holy ghost speaketh, what premonishments he giveth, & what reward he promiseth to the faithful congregations. 16 To him that by the spirit of Christ and by faith, Rom. 8. 1. john. 5. Luc. 10. Rom. 14. Ephe. ●. joan. 17. victoriously overcometh the world, sin, hell, death, & the devil, I will give to eat of the tree of life to have rejoice here in the holy ghost, to have comfort, peace and gladness in me. Gene. 2. Cant. 4. joan. 20. 17 And after this life eternal beatitude which is in the midst of the beautiful paradise, or the triumphant church of my Lord, my God, and my celestial father, & yours also by me. THE TEXT. 1 And unto the Angel of the congregation of Smyrna, w●yte, 2. These things saith he that is the first & the last, 3 which was dead and is alive, 4. I know thy works, and tribulation, 5. And poverty, but thou art rich. 6. And I know the blasphemy of them which call themselves jews, and are not, but are the congregation of Satan. 7. Fear none of the things which thou shalt suffer. 8. Behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison to tempt you, 9 And ye shall have tribulation ten days. 10. Be faithful unto the death, 11. and I will give thee a crown of life. 12. Let him that hath ears, hear, what the spirit saith to the congregations. 13 He that overcometh, shall not be hurt of the second death. THE PARAPHRASE. 1 Apply thee also (my friend john) with all festination, Smyrna. 2. Cor. 15. Eccle. 14. Math. 10. 1. Pet. 4. to write unto the faithful minister of the congregation of Smyrna, which travailing in this veil, of misery, as the odoriferous myrrha giveth forth the sweet smell of all good christian works, and distrybuteth freely the precious treasure of godly examples. She believeth in God, she seeketh his only glory, Coll. 3. 2. Tim. 4. Prou. 13. Tobi. 2. she followeth his word, she rebuketh sin with patience, she openeth her hands to the poor, she giveth meat to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, Mat. 25. 1. Cor. 13. Phil. 2. lodging to the stranger, clothes to the naked, comfort to the sick, and relief to the prisoner. She is meek, gentle, obedient, patient, and merciful. 2 inform her therefore that these things sayeth he, Apoc. 1. Act. 7. Luc. 24. joan. 20. 1. Pet. 2. ●. Tim. 6. joan. 12. Sapi. 9 which is the first and the last, the maker and redeemer, the founder and restorer of all creatures. 3 Which was once dead to redeem her from eternal death, and now is alive to restore her to life everlasting. Let her not doubt therefore to suffer here like as he hath suffered. For as he is now immortal & hath the over hand of death, so shall she be and have the same. 4 I know thy works (saith the Lord) to spring only of faith, Gala. 5. Act. 14. Hebr. 10. Mat. 5. Luc. 6. and to be fashioned according to the word of God. I perceive thy manifold tribulations, how thou art outwardly afflicted by continual persecution of enemies, and inwardly cruciated in conscience to behold the damnable errors, frowardness, blindness, and utter contempt of God's truth, which reigneth in the wicked. 5 I consider thy poverty in the spirit, that nothing thou esteemest the pride, the riches, the vain glory, Math. 5. Esay. 61. Rom. 6. 1. Cor. 4. Hebre. 11. 1. Thes. 2. Tobi. 14. 1. Thes. 2. jude. 1. Rom. 2. and the wanton desires of this world, yet art thou rich, for the kingdom of heaven is thine. For with Abraham, job, Moses, and Helyas in thy heart thou seekest the only glory of God: and with all these things most highly am I pleased, 6 But this pleaseth me not, that thou for my words sake art so blasphemed of ungodly hypocrites, isaiah. 1. joan. 11. which call themselves jews and are not, which boast themselves for the peculiar people & choose children of God, & are nothing less, but are without fail the congregation of Satan, & the tyrannous rabble of ravenous ruffians. 7 Certayne it is that by such spiritual tyrants, isaiah. 1. joan. 15. Psal. 58. Heir. 18. joan. 14. thou must sustain opprobrious rebukes with manifold afflictions and pains. But let neither their subtle sleights, nor their cruel snares be troublous unto thy mind. Luc. 21. Math. 5. 2. Tim. 3. Phil. 3. 2. Pet. 2. Neither doubt thou their false practices, nor yet their vengeable lies, whom both thou must suffer, with hate, slander, revilings, false witness, spite, shame, and vengeance. Considering this patiently to live in Christ, is to suffer persecution, and that among those belly gods nothing is more to be looked for than the cross of contradiction and death. 8 And take this for a warning afore hand. Mat. 4. joan. 8. Apoc. 12. Mar. 13. 1. Mac. 2. Luce. 21. Hebr. 11. Sap. 3. jacob. 1. 1. Cor. 11. The devil doubtless which is the common adversary, and the head captain of their empire, shall with violence bring some of you, not only under the captivity of cruel governors, but also into the thraldom of wicked laws and damnable constitutions, yea and consequently throw you into prison, chains, sorrow, hunger, thirst, cold, poverty, care, and wretchedness, to tempt your hearts, to try your patience, to prove your sufferance, & to trouble your faith, lest ye should else steadfastly stand by Christ's doctrine, to his glory and profit of your brethren. 9 But let this solase you for the time. Apoc. 19 Heir. 51. Sap. 3. Apoc. 2. job. 14. Their malice shall not always endure. Their mischief will have an end. For though ye have here tribulation, and suffer grievous persecution, he ye sure, isaiah. 25. Apoc. 12. 1. Mac. 10. it shall no longer continue then ten days. The term of man's life is but short. And that once finished, God shall wipe away from him all tears, and take away all sorrows, and bodily pains. 10 Persever therefore steadfastly, and be strong in the spirit unto the end. Mat. 24. Ephe. 3. Eccle. 2. Apoc. 3. Let not faith fail thee unto the departing from this transitorious life. 11 And I shall replenish thee with the reward of faithful perseverance. I will give thee the crown of eternal life, with full tranquillity, joy, and beatitude. 12 Let him that hath ears of understanding, with diligence attend, not what the Hypocrites hath fantasied for lucre, Mar. 4. 1. Thes. 4. 2. Pet. 2. Act. 1. Mat. 10. but what the holy spirit of God doth here graciously utter unto the christian congregations. Prou. 4. isaiah. 30. 2. Mac. 9 Apoc. 14. Psal. 115. Ezec. 33. Rom. 8. 13 He that so constantly persevereth in the truth of God, that neither flattering persuasion, worldly promotion, nor cruel torment can pluck his mind from it, shall never take harm of the second death. For the death of them which truly believeth, is precious in the sight of the Lord their God. Neither shall sin be imputed to him that hath faith, nor yet damnation to them, which are in Christ jesu. THE TEXT. 1 And unto the Angel of the congregation in Pergamos write. 2. This saith he which hath the sharp sword with the two edges. 3. I know thy works, & where thou dwellest. Even where Satan's seat is. 4 And thou keepest my name, and haste not denied my faith. 5. And in those days Antipas was a faithful witness of mine, which was slain among you where Satan dwelleth. 6. But I have a few things against thee, 7. That thou hast there them that maintain the doctrine of Balaam, which taught Balaac to put occasion of sin before the children of Israel, that they should eat of the meat dedicated unto Idols, and to commit fornication. 8. Even so hast thou them that maintain the doctrine of the Nicolaytans, which thing I hate. 9 But be converted, or else I will come unto thee shortly. 10. And will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. 11. Let him that hath ears, hear, what the spirit sayeth unto the congregations. 12. To him that overcometh, will I give to eat Manna that is hid. 13. And will give him a white stone. 14. And in the stone a new name written. 15. Which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it. THE PARAPHRASE. 1 Fail in no wise good john (said the said Lord jesus Christ (consequently to make known to the christian Preacher of the congregation of Pergamos, Pergamos. Colo. 3. Ephe. 2. Luc. 12. Mat. 16. Hebr. 11. which though she remain here beneath upon earth, yet is she the very high building of God many times assaulted and stricken of the wicked for confessing his truth, but never yet overthrown nor utterly destroyed. This Church is not only high through grace, faith, the word of God, the spirit of God, the invincible verity, and all other graces and gifts of the holy ghost, joan. 16. Gala. 5. Psal. 78. Ephes. 6. Rom. 11. but also for the glory of the name of god, for the strength of his power, for the secret mysteries of his heavenly judgements, & for the most constant assertion of his godly truth. 2 Show her this heavenly message from him, Apoc. 1. Hebr. 4. Ephes. 6. Mat. 10. joan. 16. Apoc. 19 Psal. 138. 1. Cor. 2. Hebr. 11. which hath from his mouth proceeding a fine sword, sharp edged on both the sides, whereby is meant his mighty word, so effectual, quick, and strong in operation, that the infallible judgements thereof doth not only condemn, but also destroy utterly all falsehood, filthiness, lies, lewdness, and wickedness. Apoc. 16. 1. Cor. 1. 2. Pet. 2. isaiah. 1. Phil. 2. 2. Tim. 3. 3 By my everlasting foresight (saith the Lord) I know thy christian works, and for thy faiths sake I allow them and praise them. I perceive also where thou dost remain & dwell, even where as is the resting place of Satan, and the very kingdom of the devil, whereas Gods heavenly word is oppressed, contemned, and blasphemed, of the infidels, tyrants, and hypocrites. 4 But I much commend thee, that thou dwelling among them, Luc. 2. Act. 4. Act. 8. and sustaining daily persecution and rebukes, hast so strongly persevered in the truth, that thou hast neither denied my name nor forsaken my faith. 5 And specially in those terrible days wherein that godly preacher and faithful witness of mine called Antipas, Antipas Apoc. 1. joan. 16. job. 1. Apoc. 20. among other was most cruelly murdered and slain, yea, before your faces to put you the more in fear, lest ye should still confess my name & word, to the hindrance of Satan's kingdom, for there he dwelleth in deed. There is his seat, his throne, his habitacle. 6 Notwithstanding all these faithful points, Osee. 4. 2. Pet. 2. jude. 1. yet have I somewhat against thee, wherein thou art rebuke worthy. 7 For thou art conversant with them that contrary to their christian profession support the execrable doctrine of that subtle soothsayer & cursed ●harmer Balaam, Nu. 22. Primasi. 9 African. Nu. 24. Hier. 9 which by pestilent counsel caused king Balaac to provoke the children of Israel to work wickedness, Prou. 6. Psal. 88: 1. Cor. 8. Esa. 34. and so to have the curse of God through this occasion. He should set, before their eyes, the most fair damsels of the Madianytes preciously appareled. And they once tangled with their wanton beauty, should not only defile the laws of their fathers by the eating of meats dedicate to unclean Idols, but also fall into the high displeasure of god, for committing with them most vile fornication. 2. Pet. 2. 2. Tim. 4. 1. joan. 4. Such unwholesome teachers are among thy people, take heed if thou list. 8 Thou art also very familiar with such ungodly Apostates & false Apostles as maintain the uncomely examples & teachings of the Nycolaytanes, jude. 1. Act. 6. 1. Tim. 4. Rom. 1. which corrupting godly marriage not only permit their own wives to be common, but also they abash not to defile the wives of other men. Whose damnable doings I detest and abhor. Ezech. 18. Phil. 3. 9 I counsel thee therefore to repent in time, and to be converted from the errors of those covetous gluttons & ravenous lechers, 1. Tim. 4. 2. Pet. 2. Baru. 6. Dan. 14. 2. Tim. 4. which condemyning holy matrimony permit all kinds of uncleanness, and nothing more greedily devour, than that is offered up to Idols in their dedycations and feasts. Call back these abuses with sweet teachings, Ephes. 4. Psal. 8. jude. 18. 1. Pet. 2. 1. Tim. 4. exhortations, desires, and patiented rebukes, else will I within a while visit thee to thy displeasure. 10 Yea, and I will valiantly fight against those Balaamitanes, which give false counsel for filthy rewards, and against those Nicolaytanes that change holy wedlock for whoredom. Apoc. 19 Ephes. 6. Hier. 9 Soph. 3. Ose. 12. And with the sword of my mouth, which is the invincible verity, shall I judge them, condemn them, and utterly destroy them with all those shaven Madyanites that with their whorish inventions, painted traditions, and ceremonial superstitions, hath taken from me my most dear israelites, bought with my precious blood. With the breath of my mouth shall I consume thee, and bring thee to nought. 11 Let him that hath but one ear of just understanding, 2. Thes. 2. job. 4. Luc. 8. joan. 10. take gentle warning by such charitable premonishments as the holy spirit of God giveth unto the christian congregations. 12 To him that through constant faith in the name & doctrine of God, Nath. 16. Hebre. 11. 1. joan. 5. Math. 16. Nehe. 9 john. 5. Psal. 33. neither feareth the world, sin, death, hell, nor the devil, will I give to taste, eat, and saver an hidden manna, a secret sweetness, a wisdom in the spirit, that he shall feel the goodness thereof, and rejoice to know how sweet the Lord is, and what an heavenly treasure it is to trust in him. Which manna is hid from the wise of this world. 13 I will also give him for a token of perpetual peace and love, Math. 11. isaiah. 55. Rom. 8. that pure and precious stone jesus Christ, so white as the lily flower, innocent and clean from all contagious vices, to be his only & whole wisdom, righteousness, light, health and redemption. 2. Pet. 2. 1. Cor. 1. 14 And in the said white stone jesus Christ (which is also the book of life) will I give him a new name written. 1. john. 2. Psal. 68 isaiah. 62. john. 1. Ephe. 1. I shall register him for the child of God, and the heir of life everlasting. For in him alone must ye be accepted, saved, and glorified. 15 Of this no man is certain, but he that is taught of the spirit of God. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 12. Galla. 4. Rom. 8. 2. Cor. 1. No man can say, jesus is the Lord, but in the holy ghost. By the spirit of adoption ye cry Abba father. The only spirit of the Lord ascertaineth your spirit that ye are the sons of God. THE TEXT. 1. And unto the Angel of the congregation of Thiatyra, write. 2. This saith the son of God, which hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, 3. whose feet are like brass. 4. I know thy works, and thy love, and thy service, and thy faith, and thy patience, and thy deeds, 5. which are more at the last then at the first. 6. Notwithstanding, I have a few things against thee, 7. that thou sufferest that woman jesabel (which calleth her self a prophetess.) 8. To teach and to deceive my servants▪ to make them commit fornication and to eat meats offered up unto Idols. 9 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication, and she repented not. 10. Behold I will cast her into a bed. 11. And them that commit fornication with her. 12. Into great adversity, except they turn from their deeds. 13. And I will kill her children with death. 14. And all the congregations shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts. 15. And I will give unto every one of you according to your works. THE PARAPHRASE. Thiatira. Luce. 1. Rom. 12. Ephe. 4. 1 Delay not consequently my loving friend john (sayeth the Lord) expressly to manifest with pen, unto the pastor of the elect congregation of Thiatyra, which is from these low parts here a sweet smelling sacrifice unto God of labour and contrition in the old aged man and body of death. Eccle. 2. Gal. 5. 1. joan. 2. Colo 3. Rom. 12. Treno. 2. For she detesteth the vanities of this world, she forsaketh the fruits of the flesh, she renounceth the concupiscence of the eyes, she mortifieth her mortal members, she slayeth her sensual affects, and rendereth up herself unto her Lord God as a lylyving, holy and acceptable offering. 2 give unto that contrite and fervent congregation this comfort. Tell her that this saith the dearly beloved and natural son of god, Cantic. 7. Apoc. 19 1. Cor. 2. Hier. 17. 1. john. 4. which hath his eyes of godly wisdom and knowledge so lively & effectual, as a flame of fire, that he seeth all things and nothing can pass from his righteousness in judgement. 3 Whose feet or charitable affections towards man, Hebr. 7. isaiah. 53. Hebre. 4. Psal. 181. are like unto Brass brent in a furnace. For his most innocent manhood by his own agreement suffered here for his sake manifold afflictions and pains. 4 For so much as all things are open to mine eyes, and nothing can be hid from me (saith that lord) I perceive thy fruitful works, I see thy neighbourly christian love, Prou. 31. Act. 14. jacob. 1. Luc. 6. Gala. 6. I consider thy liberal heart and hand to the poor, thy faithful exhortations, thy fervent spirit in the Lord, thy patient sufferance in adversity for the truths sake, and thy other godly deeds beside. 5 I mark it also that thou shrinkest not in them, but rather goest forward with increase. For now at the last are they more effectual & plenteous than they were at the first, which greatly delighteth me. Phil. 1. 2. Cor. 8. Act. 11. Ose●. 6. 6 Nevertheless yet, I have somewhat to say against thee. For though I judge thee much to be commended, yet find I thee not without fault. 7 Thou peaceably permittest without resistance that cruel woman and abominable strumpet jesabel, Mar. 10. Mat. 5. ●. Reg. 16. Apoc. 2. 4. Reg. 9 Apoc. 18. Dan. 8. 1. Tim. 4. 2. Thes. 2. which is the malignant church and synagogue of Satan, which is not ashamed to boast herself a prophetess, a publisher of the truth, and maintainer of God's service, yea & the mother of holy church herself. 8 Under that pretence to set forth devilish doctrine, to advance pernicious errors, 2. Pet. 3. 1. Tim. 3. Hier. 3. jude. 1. isaiah. 10. and colour false lies in hypocrisy. To the intent she might therewith not only deceive my faithful servants, but also bring them into such trade of wickedness, that they should not force to commit whoredom in the spirit by falling unto strange worshippings, and to eat of Idol offerings in consenting to wicked laws and blasphemous traditions of old doting hypocrites. 9 I have given to that wicked congregation many wholesome premonishments and warnings with convenient respite to remember her folly, Baruc. 6. Mat. 23. job. 24. Treno 2. and repent her detestable ways of living, lest she should perish, but she will in no wise be sorry, repent, nor forsake her accustomed Idolatry. 10 be in certainty therefore I will cast her into a bed or couch of carnal quietness. Ezech. 16. Ephe. 2. 2. Reg. 24. john. 3. Apoc. 18. Dan. 8. Apoc. 13. Apoc. 17. She shall in this life have peace in the flesh, liberty in ungodliness, obedience of the world, and power in darkness, that she shall swim in wanton pleasures, and bathe herself in innocent blood, and to assist her in the same, she shall have subject unto her the sceptre, sword, authority, and power of Princes, Lords, rulers, and Magistrates, that none so hardy under pain of death to check her, rebuke her, nor once say against her. 3 Reg. 12. 2. Pa. 21. 4. Reg. 24. Nahum. 3. Franciscus Lambertus 2. Thes. 2. Math. 25. This pleasant sleeping bed had the ten tribes of Israel under king Hieroboam, Achas, Sedechias, and the other two under Ioram Ochosias', and such like till they were raised of their rest & led captive into Babylon. Such a delectable resting couch hath also the greater part of the world under Mahomet and the romish Pope, and shall have still till God root them out, destroy them with the breath of his mouth, & throw them into the fire everlasting. Apoc. 17. isaiah. 1. Apoc. 18. Hier. 7. Amos. 5. Mich. 6. 11 Let them beware therefore that as her lovers hath to do with that execrable whore, consenting to her pestilent laws and traditions, defending as godly ordinances, laudable rites, decent orders, civil policies, honest usages, comely fashions, holy ceremonies, necessary customs, and such like, boinge in very deed most damnable superstitions. 12 For them doubtless will I throw into the anguish of a desperate conscience here, isaiah. 48. isaiah. 66. & after this life into the unquietness of eternal damnation. The wicked shall have peace neither here nor there. Neither shall their worm die, nor their fire go out, unless they decline from that wickedness, Mar. 9 Luc. 13. Ezech. 18. Apoc. 9 Baruc. 6. renounce their abominations and convert to the truth, whiles they are yet here living. 13 And as touching her superstitious children, which from their beginning hath evermore sucked out of her venomous breasts all poison and ungodliness, forsaking, Hier. 2. john. 4. Math. 25. yea and abhorring the sweet vain of the living waters, then will I slay with death and condemnation everlasting prepared for the devil and his angels. 14 Yea, and it shall then be evident and clear to all congregations in heaven & under heaven, Osee. 10. Luc. 21. isaiah. 2. Sapi. 1. Hier. 17. Rom. 8. which hath been from the beginning, to their utter shame and confusion, that I am he from whom nothing can be hid. They shall perceive also that I go so nigh them, that I search out the ground of the heart, and try the very reins or inward affects, so that I know all their privy sleights and practices be they never so secret. 15 And ground you upon this surely, I shall give unto every one of you, Deut. 5. Hier. 51. Mat. 16. john▪ 2. Osee. 4. true and false, good and bad, righteous and unrighteous, according to your doings. Rewarding them with life everlasting that hath done the true works of faith, and them with eternal damnation that hath left them undone, to follow their own inventions. THE TEXT. 1. Unto you I say, and unto other of Thyatira, as many as have not this learning, and which have not known the deepness of Satan (as they say.) 2. I will put upon you none other burden, 3. but that which ye have already. 4. Hold fast till I come. 5. And whosoever overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, 6. to him will I give power over nations, 7. and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, 8. and as the vessels of a potter shall he break them to shivers. 9 Even as I received of my father, 10. so will I give him the morning star. 11. Let him that hath ears, hear, what the spirit sayeth to the congregations. THE PARAPHRASE. 1 And take this of my mouth (saith the Lord) aforehand, 2. Thes. 1. both unto you which hath the doctrine of the spirit, john. 7. Thiatyra macedonus civitas. and unto other also of them that remain at Thyatira that notable city of the Macedonians, so many as hath not grounded in them that godly learning of the truth, Prou. 16. 1. Cor. 2. Dan. 2. 1. Pet. 5. Rom. 1. but a trifling doctrine of their own imaginations contrary unto it, whereby they have not perceived the more than subtle crafts of that deceivable sathan which evermore craftily compasseth to devour, what though their fantastical brains hath given them so to think, standing much in their own conceit. 2 My mind is to yoke you with none other law, nor to burden you with none other traditions than I have already given you. Neither with ceremonies, Math. 11. Mar. 7. Col. 2. Gala. 4. Luc. 27. Hebr. 10. john. 15. Luc. 10. rites, nor ancient customs in the observation of days, months, times, nor years, in holy days, fastings, vigiles, nor sabbates, for they were but shadows of things to come. 3 Regard only that sweet yoke and that light burden which ye have received of me. Hold ye fast to the gospel of the kingdom of God, so long as ye shall continue here. And let the Pharysées leaven, with old wives fables, & hypocrites dreams pass by. Mat. 4. Mar. 8. ●. Tim. 4. Deut. 12. Act. 3. Deut. 4. Osee. 12. 4 Let my godly ordinance suffice you. Ad nothing unto my words of your own brains, lest I find you false liars when I shall come again to my latter judgement, and according to righteousness so condemn you. 5 And whosoever is so earnestly faithful in the word of God, 1. joh. 5. Mat. 10. Deut. 12. john. 11. that he overcometh there by his own lusts, and performeth to the latter end of his life the works that are there commanded to be done, & none other. 6 To him will I give power as to the son and heir of god, Hebr. 1. Psal. 90. Mich. 7. Psalm. 2. over nations or sects of the world divers in opinion and faith, as over serpents, scorpions, adders and lions. 7 That he shall not only overcome them with the mighty iron rod of the invincible verity. Hier. 13. Sapi. 4. 8 But also as the weak vessels of a potter, or as most vain fantasies, Mat. 15. Rom. 14. john. 6. Mar. 16. 1. john. 4. confounded their dreams, destroy their imaginations, and bring their practices to nought, proving their traditions to be most vile draff, & most stinking dregs of sin, for so much as that which is not of faith, is sin. 9 And this power he shall have in no less efficacy and strength, than I received it of my heavenly father. 10 And besides all this I will freely give him myself to reward which am the clear morning star, Apoc. 22. Luc. 12. john. 17. 1. Cor. 1. & shining lantern of life. So that all shall be his that is mine. My birth, my labours, my life, my passion, and death, my resurrection and ascension, with all their fruits, shall be his own proper good. 11 Let him that hath reason and discretion, 1. john. 2. Mat. 17. Rom. 8. 2. Tim. 4. set beastly fantasies apart, and diligently note what the holy Ghost sayeth here in this dangerous time, to the dear congregations of God. The third Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 And write unto the Angel of the congregation of Sardis. 2. This sayeth he that hath the seven spirits of God, 3. and the seven stars. 4. I know thy works. 5. Thou hast a name that thou livest, and thou art dead, 6. Wake, and strength the things which remain, 7. that are ready to die. 8. For I have not found thy works perfect before God. 9 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, 10. and hold fast, and repent. 11. If thou shalt not watch, 12. I will come on thee as a thief, 13. and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 14. Thou hast a few names in Sardis, 15. which have not defiled their garments, 16. and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy. 17. He that overcometh shall be clothed in white array, 18. and I will not put out his name out of the book of life, 19 and I will confess his name before my father, and before his Angels. 20. Let him that hath ears, hear, what the spirit sayeth unto the congregations. THE PARAPHRASE. 1 ●Hou shalt also so shortly as may conveniently be (sayeth the Lord to his peculiar servant saint john) take pains by an Epistle to admonish the watch man or Curate of the chosen congregation of Sardis, john. 21. Apoc. 1. 1. Tim. 3. Sardis. 1. Cor. 1. Mat. 10. 1. Cor. 6. 1. john. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Phil. 2. which though it be of very slender reputation before the eyes of the wise, rich, and strong men of this world, yet is it precious in the sight of God, for so much as it was prised, bought, & redeemed, by the greatest payment that ever was, even by the precious blood of the undefiled lamb and immaculate son of God jesus Christ. Luc. 18. Mat. 20. john. 19 Hebr. 9 Mar. 16. Rom. 1. 1. Pet. 4. Apoc. 1. isaiah. 11. ● He it was that laboured, hungered, thirsted, & fainted, according to the weakness of the human nature, & finally suffered blasphemies, curses, scorns, lies, persecutions, & rebukes with the most painful death of his body at the latter, to deliver her, make her atonement, and restore her again to the favour of God. 2 find the means that she may know (saith the Lord jesus) that this is to her the message of admonishment or warning from him, which hath in his power to distribute at his pleasure the seven spirits of God, or the the universal gifts of the holy ghost. 3 And hath also in his right hand the seven. stars, Apoc. 1. Mat. 28. Luc. 14. Mar. 9 Apoc. 22. 2. Pet. 2. which are the bishops, or preachers of all congregations, with full authority & power to hold them still or to throw them forth, to glorify them if they be faithful ministers of his word, or to damn them for ever if they be deceivable hypocrites, and for lucre prefer their own crooked inventions. 4 Thou workest not so secretly (saith that Lord) but I know thy deeds and perceive where about thou goest. Exod. 2. 2. Reg. 12. Hebr. 4. For unto me all secrets are open, clear & manifest. When thou thinkest I do not perceive, than see I thee most of all. 5 Thou hast a name of life, an outward show of virtue & of goodness, Zacha. 11. Math. 7. 1. john. 4. Mat. 23. Act. 13. 1. Pet. 5. john. 4. 2. Tim. 4. isaiah. 55. & a shining pretence of much holiness, yet art thou before God a dead rotten Idol, full of hypocrisy, and falsehood. Men think thee a godly creature, yet art thou nothing less. 6 Awake therefore quickly from thy more than idle imaginations & fickle sophisms, and take unto thee faith, and spirit. Watch upon thy cure and see to their profit. 7 consider that thy ways in the outward letter hath made my people weak, faint, and feeble, Ephe. 6. Hebr. 1. jacob. 1. Apoc. 18. & left them at the very point of death. Strengthen them now a new with that which is effectual, strong, sure, lively, true, and necessary, which is the sincere verity and faith, lest thou perish with the wicked. 8 For though thou hast the godly gift of prophesy with the grace of understanding and judgement, 1. Cor. 13. Luc. 8. jude. 8. isaiah 64. Rom 1. Num. 25. yet have I found thy works ungodly, and thy doings vile and abominable before God my celestial father. For thou hast been inwardly corrupt with avarice and ambition like as was Balaam the deceitful Prophet and wicked soothsayer. 9 It becometh the judge to know afore what he shall judge, which hath caused me to search out thy carnal and miserable ways. job. 10. 2. Cor. 6. jacob. 2. Mat. 7. Psal. 18. jacob. 1. Psal. 49. Call therefore unto thy remembrance, how thou by the singular gift of God haste received his word, and heard his Gospel which is the kingdom of health, at the very mouth of his Apostles. 10 And for so much as thou haste not esteemed it according to the worthiness thereof, nor yet been thankful unto God for such an heavenly gift, but rather swynishly trodden it under thy feet, and currishly persecuted his faithful servants for it, have remorse in thy conscience, Mat. 7. Luc. 13. and once again set sure hands upon it, embrace it, hold it fast, and faithfully believe it, repent, from the heart thy ungodly usages passed, and from henceforth live according unto it. 11 If thou wilt not do so, taking of me this gentle warning, Mar. 1. Act. 16. Mat. 24. 1. Thes. 5. 2. Pet. 3. Apoc. 16. and watch as one uncertain of the hour of death, living as thou wouldst die by and by. 12 I shall (as doth the thief in the night) come upon thee unlooked for, Luc. 21. Psal. 48. Mat. 25. Mar. 13. with death shall I destroy thee unbewares, so shall hell and damnation swallow thee up for ever. 13 And thou shalt neither know the day nor the hour, the time nor the minute, that I will thus fiercely come upon thee, & justly suppress thee according to thy ungodly deservings. 14 And in spite of thy cruel heart, yet are there a few new brethren, and lovers of the truth in the city of Sardis, though their number be but small, which are so dear unto god, that he hath registered their names in the book of life. 15 These hath for no painted speech, glozing promiss, Luc. 13. Prou. 10. Luc. 12. Mat. 10. Dan. 12. 2. Pet. 3. Mat. 15. Gal. 4. Phillip 2. Ezech. 3. suggestion, nor threatening, once soiled their garments with thy dirty ceremonies, nor defiled their conversation with thy beggarly traditions. In the midst of the wicked and froward generation, their hearts are towards me & my word. 16 Wherefore by promiss they shall walk with me in white, Apoc. 7. Psal. 31. their faults shall never be imputed unto them, their sins shall be wiped clean away, I will clear them & restore them to parpetual innocency, & make them partakers with me in everlasting felicity & glory. For doubtless they are worthy, for my will forsaking their own will, john. 12 Luc. 10 Mat. 19 Hebr. 11 and leaving the corrupt ways of men to follow my sincere word. Mat. 10. Apoc. 14. 1. Cor 15. Deut. 25. Apoc 2●. Ephes. 1. 17 He that after this sort overcometh persevering in the faith thereof to the latter end of his life shall be sure of these three benefits. He shall be clothed with me in white apparel made innocent and pure, incorruptible, impassable, and immortal. 18 I will in no wise put his name out of the book of life, nor separate him from the predestinate number of them which shall be saved, but associate him with the righteous▪ 19 And besides all this I will earnestly witness him, confess him, Luc. 1●. Mat. 10. Rom. 8. and allow him by name, before my heavenly father and all his company of Angels, for one of mine, to have the inheritance with me. 20 Let him that hath ears in no case be dull or slack in hearing, Mar. 4▪ Dan. 9 Eph●. 1. but diligently attend, and mark what the spirit of God doth here utter before the congregations to their singular warning and comfort. THE TEXT. 1. And write unto the Angel of the congregation of Philadelphia. 2. This sayeth he that is holy and true, 3. which hath the key of David, 4. which openeth and no man shutteth, and shutteth & no man openeth. 5. I know thy works. 6. Behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it. 7. For thou hast ● little strength, & hast kept my word, 8. and hast not denied my name. 9 Behold I shall give some of the congregation of Satan, which call themselves jews, and are not, but do lie. 10. Behold I will make them that they shall come and worship before thy feet, 11. and shall know that I have loved thee. 12. Because thou hast kept the words of my patience, therefore will I keep thee from the hour of temptation, 13. which will come upon all the world, to tempt them that dwell upon the earth 14. Behold I come shortly. 15. Hold that which thou hast, that no man take away thy crown. 16. Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, 17. and he shall go no more out. 18. And I will write upon him, the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, new Jerusalem, 19 which cometh down out of heaven fro my God. 20. And I will write upon him my new name. 21. Let him that hath ears hear, what the spirit saith unto the congregations. THE PARAPHRASE. john. 19 2. Cor. 10. 1 Moreover, differ in no wise my trusty disciple john (saith the Lord jesus) by writing to signify or make mention, to the tidings bringer, bishop, Act. 10. Philadelphia. Ephes. 5. 1. john. 4. or overseer of the dearly beloved Church of Phyladelphya, which as beseemeth a Christian congregation in this life, is never without brotherly charity and love, but always hath a sweet compassion upon the poor, the needy, isaiah. 58. Ezech. 18. Prou. 21. Mat. 5. Luc. 6. the simple, the desolate, the forsaken, the disdained and miserable people of this world. She hath also in her heart a woeful pity, and a lamentable dolour, when she seeth men wicked, vain, blasphemous, hateful, beastly, idle, covetous, superstitious, and full of other ungodliness. 2 Let this be known to her first of all, levit. 20. 1. Reg. 2. john. 14. Rom. 3. isaiah. 22. Luc. 1. that these are the favourable sayings of him which is holy of himself, and alone maketh other holy, which is only true and the verity itself, without whom no truth can be had. 3 Which hath also in his hand and power, the key of the house of David, which is the faithful kingdom or congregation of God. 4 Where as he openeth to the john. 10. Math. 16. john. 16. Sap. 14. faithful believers by the gospel preaching, no man can spear them out of the kingdom of God by no excommunication nor curse. Where as he doth loosen from the bands of sin by the holy Ghost, no man can bind to damnation by no interdiction nor sentence, have he never so great power given him. And again, if he shutteth up the kingdom from the unfaithful hypocrites, job. 12. Mala. 2. Rom. 1. 2. Thes. 2. no man can admit them to it, by blessings, remissions, nor a thousand years of their pardon. If he seclude them from it, no man can able them to it again by no authority nor power. Mat. 6. Psal. 72. isaiah. 26. Hebr. 11. Mat. 1●. 5 I know (saith that Lord) thy doings from the very root, and from whence thy works doth spring, even from a sincere faith in my word, wherefore they are to my mind and pleasure. 6 For so much therefore as I find thee thus grounded in faith, be thou certain and sure of it, I have set before thee an open door, I have illumined thy senses, and cleared thy understanding, to know the holy scriptures and perceive the high mysteries therein written, Luc. 24. Psal. 118. Mar. 4. Ephe. 1. john. 16. so admitting thee to my kingdom. And this door can no man shut up again. Neither shall the power of this world, nor yet the gates of hell be able to prevail against this opening. 7 And this hast thou of me, partly for thy meekness. Mat. 16. Apoc. 12. jacob. 4. Mat. 23. Apoc. 28. For where as the wicked doth seem to themselves beautiful, strong, learned, rich, righteous, religious, and holy spiritual fathers, thou esteemest thyself but an abject of the world, wretched, weak, blind, poor, sinful, & a miserable doer, as concerning the flesh. 8 But thou art she that hath kept my sayings, Psal. 83. Mat. 5. john. 14. Apoc. 2. Ephes. 5. Luc. 12. Act. 4. john. ●. and by such strength as I have given thee, observed also my laws and commandments. It is thou that have stand by my truth steadfastly, and not denied my name in the time of troublous persecution. Wherefore thou canst in no wise perish before me. Gala. 4. Apoc. 2. Apoc. 18. ●. Thes. 4. Apoc. 2. 9 And as concerning the wicked, behold how I shall order them. I shall not only set thee clear from the filthy traditions of that false congregation or synagogue of Satan, but I will also take a certain from thence of the best learned, converting them from their errors and giving them unto thee. Which afore time called themselves jews or the chosen children of Abraham, and were not so in deed. john. 8. Rom. 9 Gala. 4. john. 14. They boasted themselves very much to be the anointed israelites, the consecrate sons of promiss, and the holy spiritual people of God, like as the residue doth yet still to this hour, but they lied full falsely. They were for that time false dissembling hypocrites, Mat. 7. Mar. 14. and cruel adversaries to the truth, as their companions are still. 10 Be sure that these will I so inwardly move and effectually provoke, Psal. 56. Rom. 11. isaiah. 60. Apoc. 21. Ma●. 15. john. 4. Act. 2. that they shall come unto thee, to be of thy congregation. They shall gladly submit themselves to thy doctrine, they shall worship God not in outward shadows with bondage, but in spirit and truth with liberty. At thy feet, after thy wholesome instructions and godly admonitions. 11 And where as they have thought thee afore time of me to be hated, when thou hast been in persecution, they shall now well perceive and know (my spirit speaking in thee, and such heavenly secrets coming from thee) that thou standest much in my love, & art greatly in my favour. Psal. 70. Sapi. 5. Act. 2. johel. 2. 12 And for so much as thou haste constantly holden and manfully stand by that word for the which I have suffered much not only in mine own flesh, Hier. 31. jacob. 1. john. 19 Luc. 23. 1. Cor. 12. Luc. 21. but also in thee and in other my servants, for no adversity falling from it, I will preserve thee in the hour of temptation. Thou shalt for no violence decline from the truth, thou shalt for no torment forsake the verity. So mighty a stomach and so strong an heart shall I give thee for the time of thy temptations, Hier. 5. Apoc. 11. Psalm. 1. that thou shalt not be once moved. 13 For no doubt of it, this fierce temptation and cruel handling of the boystuous Antichrists, Mat. 12. 1. john. 2. 2. Pet. 2. 2. Tim. 4. Mahomet standing in the way of sinners, and the Romish Pope sitting in the most pestilent seat of errors, will come upon all the world by execrable sects of false Prophets, liars, hypocrites, blasphemers and teachers of devilish doctrine, to tempt and allure them, which dwell here upon earth, sometime by flattering promotions, Act. 20. Jude 1. Rom. 3. ●. Pet. 5. Apoc. 22. sometime by threatenings and penalties, to renounce that verity, and deny that word, to the utter damnation of their souls. 14 But in any wise take heed and watch in prayer, job. 14. Mat. 5. 1. Cor. 16. Luc. 6. for I come shortly as a righteous judge giving to every one according to their hearts inventions. Consider the life but short in this world, & the reward great, if thou persevere in thy Christian profession. Hold fast that godly faith which thou hast taken, with her wholesome fruits. 15 Stick sure to that heavenly word which thou hast received, lest thou falling from it lose the crown prepared for thee. jacob. 1. I have done my part. john. 17. Rom. 8. 2. Pet. 2. Mat. 21. Rom. 8. I have chosen thee to eternal life, and promised thee, inheritance thereof without thy deservings, beware now lest thou lose it by apostasy, and lest an other take it from thee by doing the fruits thereof. 16 Desire my spirit to strengthen thee that thou mayest persevere, Ephes. 9 Mat. 10. Act. 6. Heir 1. Ephes. 2. and stand fast. For that faithful servant and mighty soldier, which continueth in that verity to the end, will I set up for a strong pillar and sure butteras in the temple of my God, which is the church or faithful congregation of my heavenvly father, prefigured by the temple of Solomon at Jerusalem. 17 And so strongly will I build him upon the hard rock, that he shall stand always and nevermore be removed. 3. Reg. ●. Mar. 16. Mat. 7. Ephes. 2. john. 15. 1. Cor. 3. Ecclesi. 3. john. 20. No more shall he be aforener nor a stranger, but a citizen with the saints, and of the household of God most surely grounded upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets. 18 And I shall write upon him to his singular commodity, the name of my God and father almighty, and the name of the beautiful city of my God also, Apoc. 21. called new Jerusalem, renewed in the spirit. Evermore shall he be called a servant of the Lord, Rom. 1. Math. 25. john. 15. ●. Cor. 6. Ephe. 2. jacob. 1. Tit. 3. john. 3. Rom. 8. an Apostle or witness of God, a lamb of Christ's fold, a sheep of his pasture, a branch of his vine, a member of his church, and imp of his kingdom, a citizen of heaven, and an inheritor of everlasting life. 19 And all this cometh not from beneath, it riseth not of his good works, merits, nor deservings, but it cometh out of heaven from my god. It is only his goodness, grace, liberality, forgiveness, pity, & mercy. 20 I will also garnish him, & beautify him with my new name. He shall evermore for his faith's sake be called the son of God, and rise at the latter day in full glory incorruptible, immortal and clear, in perpetual peace and concord. 21 He that hath by the gift of God an ear, john. 1. 1. Cor. 15. Apoc. 2●. Mar. 4. Apoc. 2. Rom. 8. let him consider wherefore he hath it, and apply it to the right use, discreetly weighing what the holy Ghosts mind is to the christian congregations in these heavenvly premonishments. THE TEXT. 1 And unto the Angel of the congregation, which is in Laodicia, write. 2. This saith Amen, the faithful and true witness, 3. the beginning of the creatures of God. 4. I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot. 5. I would thou were cold or hot. 6. But because thou art between both, and neither cold nor hot, 7. I will spew thee out of my mouth. 8. Because thou sayest thou art rich and increased with goods, and hast need of nothing, and knowest not how thou art wretched and miserable, poor, blind, and naked. 10. I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, 11. that thou mayst be rich, and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, 12. that thy filthy nakedness do not appear. 13. Anoint thine eyes with eye salve, 14. that thou mayst see. THE PARAPHRASE. 1 And now last of all my dear friend john (sayeth the Lord jesus) forget not to admonish by the hand writing also, john. 19 2. Thes. 2. Laodicia civitas Asie Rom. 4. Mat. 6. Luc. 11. isaiah. 1. the elder of the Christian congregation which is in Laodicia, a notable City of the asians, which pretendeth to be a just people or a company to whom faith is reckoned for righteousness, and are nothing less. In the sight of men they appear good, and their works seem glorious, yet are they before God no sincere Christians, but dissembling hypocrites in deed. 2 Cause them to know certainly that this is the chartable warning of him, 1. Tim. 2. Psal. 144. john. 14. Apoc. 19 Apoc. 21. Eccle. 1. john. 1. jacob. 1. Phil. 2. which coveteth all things to be well, perfect and good, and is in very deed a witness faithful and true, yea, the eternaall verity itself, for that they should give the more credit to his sayings. 3 Moreover he is the original beginning, not only of the creatures for so much as he was that word by whom God created all things in the beginning, but also of the creatures of God, for so much as he becoming flesh in this latter age restored them again to the peace and favour of God, for that they should evermore seek unto him in their need as to the very fountain or well spring of all goodness. 4 Thy works are evidently open before me (saith that Lord) and I know them in their kind. Mat. 11. john. 4. Hebr. 4. Prou. 24. 2. Pet. 2. Gala. 3. Rom. 2. 1. Cor. 13. I see thou art neither cold nor hot. Thou art neither a full infidel, nor a full believer, neither a perfect pagan, nor a perfect Christian. Thou art neither constant in the faith, nor yet all without faith. Outwardly thou art hot, but within thou art cold as ice. Inwardly thou abhorrest the word of God, yet dost thou not outwardly condemn it. 5 I would thou were either cold or hot, Phil. 3. 1. Tim. 1. Gala. 2. Act. 20. Jude 1. 2. Pet. 2. isaiah. 5. 1. Tim. 4. either a Christian or none at all, either a perfect lover of the verity, or else a full hater of it, and not a dissembling hypocrite as thou art, judging evil good, and good evil, calling darkness light, and light darkness, making sour sweet, & sweet sower, allowing fables and lies, and contemning the wisdom of God. None is so far from the kingdom of heaven as is a false Christian. Much sooner is he converted to the truth that is all cold or all without faith than he that under the colour and pretence of God's laws maintaineth errors and lies. 6 For so much therefore as I find thee between both, Mat. 3. Luc. 3. 2. Tim. 4. john. 16. Luc. 18. Gala. 4. and neither of both, half cold, half hot, and neither fully cold nor hot, neither faithfully given to God's word nor all whole without it, but a false glozing hypocrite. 7 I will begin to vomit thee as a morsel out of season, Apoc. 2. Mat 25. Rom. 1. and spew thee out of my mouth as a thing out of kind. Thou shalt not be digested. Neither shall my word allow thee, nor my promiss admit thee to rest with Abraham Isaac, john. 18. Mar. 8. john. 12. Mar. 22. Mich 3. Luc. 9 Hebr. 6. and jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But thou shalt be thrown forth into exterior darkness, where as shall be weeping & gnashing of teeth. I will cast thee out, detest thee, and abhor thee. For much worse are they that abuse or despise the gift of God, Luc. 18 Eccle. 7 Apoc. 18. than they which never received it. 8 Thou pratest very sore of thy riches, thy merits, good deeds, and deservings. Thou boastest thyself much of thy increase in goodness by deeds of supererogation and works more than need. Yea, thou art not ashamed to think thyself so greatly to abound in learning, wisdom, Math. 2● Luc. 11 john. 2 Soph. ● Apoc. 1● Amos. 5 Eccle. 1. righteousness, and holiness, that all hath need of thee, and thou of none, selling to the wretched idiots of the world, thy masses, thy dyryges, thy fastings, thy memories, thy knéelings, thy crouchings, with other idle observations. 9 But thou remember'st not that thou art wretched of thyself, Psal. 143. Prou. 14 Rom. 5. Ephe. 4 Apoc. 1●. & wicked of thine own nature. Thou considerest not that thou art miserable and sinful in thy life, poor without understanding & knowledge, feeble without the strength of God's spirit, blind without judgement and faith, and naked without verity and all good Christian works. 10 I charitably therefore admonish thee to remember thyself. I counsel thee also as one minding thee good, to buy of me gold tried in the fire. Come unto me with faith, and ask in the ferventness of soul. Psal. 55. Mat. 7. Luc. 17. john. 19 Psal. 18. Eccle. 23. Mala. 3. isaiah. 52. Prou. 23. 1. Cor. 4. If thou be feeble hearted, say: Lord increase my faith. Desire my heavenly word to thy comfort, with understanding to perceive it and know it. It is treasure much more precious than gold, it is sweetness more dulcet than honey. And tried it is most pure and clean by the holy Ghost. Thou shalt have it without payment. Thy good heart shall only suffice me. 11 Diligently procure it that thou mayest be rich in faith and righteousness, in the merits of jesus Christ, and in the favour of God by them, and that thou mayest be clothed in white raiment of innocency & cleanness, Apoc. 7. 2. Pet. 3. Rom. 12. not only before men, but also before God. 12 Be never without verity, faith, righteousness and charity, with other gifts of the holy Ghost, lest the filthy nakedness of hypocrisy, and sin, Gala. 5. 2. Cor. 5. Apoc. 17. isaiah. 64. 1. Pet. 1. Psal. 31. Rom. 8. for all thy painted colours appear to thy confusion. Let thine own dirty merits alone, & deck thee with the precious deservings of the son of God, that thou mayest have thy sins wiped away, clearly forgiven, covered, and never more imputed unto thee by him. 13 And to avoid the blindness, see thou anoint thine eyes, thy mind or affection, thy judgement or knowledge, with the eye salve of clearness which is jesus Christ, the sweet smelling ointment of health. 14 Consider that he alone was borne for thee, and died for thee. And take him for thy only wisdom, Psal. 18. john. 8. Cant. 1. isaiah. 63. Act. 4. 1. Cor. 1. 1. john. ●●. satisfaction, holiness, and redemption that thou mayst hereafter see. Let this precious liquor take from thine eyes all filthy corruption: and whatsoever thou shalt hereafter do in word or in deed, do all in the name of that Lord, giving thanks unto God the father by him. For he is the salve that shall heal thee, Ephe. 1. Coloss. 3. Hiere. 17. and the light that shall clear thee. THE TEXT. 1 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, 2. Be fervent therefore and repent. 3. Behold I stand at the door and knock, 4. If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in unto him, 5. and will sup with him, and he with me, 6. To him that overcometh will I grant, to sit on my seat, 7. even as I overcame and have sitten with my father on his seat, 8. Let him that hath ears, hear what the spirit sayeth unto the congregations. THE PARAPHRASE. Prou. ●. Gene. 18. Hebre. 12. 1. Cor. 11. isaiah. 5. Luc. 6. Rom. 1. 1 So many as I love, I rebuke earnestly, lest they should perish with the wicked. And those that I favour I chasten in this life, lest they should be dampened for ever. Woe is the man that hath of me here neither chastisement nor rebuke, but is left without restraint, wallowing in the concupiscence and desires of his flesh. A great sign it is of the indignation of God, where as the other is an evident token of love. 2 From henceforth therefore be fervent in the truth. jacob. 1. Ephe. 4. Apoc. 2. Cant. 5. Rom. 8. Earnestly embrace it, keep it, and follow it. Abhor thy old superstitions, and repent from the heart that thou haste been so long neither hot nor cold. 3 Behold I stand at the door of thy heart as one ready to help thy weakness. 2. Thes. 2. Psal. 106. And I knock at the portal of thy conscience as one that would gladly comfort thee, I send forth my heavenly word to succour thee, lighten thee, raise thee up, & save thee. 4 If any man with a glad heart will hear my voice, or the true preaching of my word, john. 10. Mar. 16. john. 14. Gala. ●. Luc. ●. and open the door of his faith, thankfully to receive it, I will come in unto him, enduing with all spiritual delights, as righteousness, peace, love, and joy in the holy Ghost. 5 Yea to him shall I make manifest as to my friend the hidden mysteries of the scripture, john. 15. Luc. 14. Math. 8. ●. Cor. 2. and secret counsels of my father. And he shall finally sup with me and with him in the eternal habitacle of God, where no heart can esteem what he hath prepared for them, that love him. 6 That man which through the earnest zeal of God's truth destroyeth hypocrisy, and overcometh sin, will I admit to reign with me in the kingdom of my father, and grant him to sit with me in the seat of everlasting peace, 1. john. 5. Dani. 2. Apoc. 21. 1. Cor. 6. 1. Cor. ●5. Rom. 8. as a dear member of mine own body, declaring him a triumphant conqueror in me, over damnation, hell, death, and the devil, in a glorified nature. Ephes. 1. john. 12. Apoc. 21. Math. 13. Phillip 3. Ephes. 1. 7 Even as myself was before, sitting with my celestial father in the seat of his eternity. And to have with me that health, that blessing, that joy, that victory, that honour, power, and glory, that I have. 8 Let him that God hath given eared unto, apply them to his mind, and mark what the spirit hath here spoken to the Christian congregations, for thereupon resteth his life, or his death, his salvation or his damnation. The fourth Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 After this I looked, and behold a door was open in heaven, 2. and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a Trumpet, talking with me, which said. 3. Come up hither, and I will show thee things, which must be fulfilled hereafter. 4. And immediately I was in the spirit, 5. and behold a seat was set in heaven, and one sat on the seat, 6. And he that sat, was to look upon like unto a jasper stone, and a Sardine stone. 7. And there was a rain bow about the seat in sight like a smaragd. 8. And about the seat were xxiiij seats. 9 And upon the seats xxiiij elders sitting, 10. clothed in white raiment, 11. and had on their heads crowns of gold. 12. And out of the seat proceeded lightnings, and thunderings, and voices. 13. And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the seat, which are the seven spirits of God, 14. And before the seat there was a sea of glass like unto Crystal. 15. And in the midst of the seat and round about the seat, were four beasts, 16. full of eyes before and behind.. THE PARAPHRASE. 1 After this special injunction of my Lord and master jesus Christ (saith saint john) I did cast up mine eyes towards the sky lifting up my heart to give thanks unto God. Apoc. 1. john. 13. Psal. 120. 1. Thes. 7. Eccle. 43. Ezech. 1. Act. 14. Luc. 24. And anon as I seriously beheld the face of the firmament or majesty of God's works, I saw a door open in heaven. Which was a signification to me, that God minded to open certain high mysteries of the scripture, & hidden secrets concerning his kingdom or church unto me his simple servant. Ezech. 3. 2 And the first thing that ascertained me of the same from thence, was a mighty great voice as it had been the stout noise of a Trump, Psal. 28. isaiah. 18. john. 6. Mat. 6. Hier. 31. or the vehement blast of an horn. The which voice though it were fearful unto my flesh (as commonly the commandment of God is) yet was it solatious unto my spirit, for so much as it familiarly talked with me, and said these words. 3 Come thou up hither. Suspend thine own will, wit, study, practice, Ephe. 5. Col. 3. Phil. 3. Gala. 5. 1. Cor. 12. Apoc. 1. and judgement. Condemn that thou hast of nature. Lift up thyself above thyself, ascend in soul by the spirit and power of God, and I will show unto thee things wonderful, and such as must without fail be fulfilled in every point hereafter by the unvariable ordinance of God. 4 And as it had been in a thought, I was suddenly by the lords power taken up. I was in the spirit in deed, secluded from all carnal imaginations. 5 And anon I was ware of a beautiful seat prepared in heaven, Rom. 8. 2. Cor. ●●. Psal. 44. which moved me to consider that before the constitution of the world almighty God had appointed by his spirit to reign in his faithful church. Sapi. 9 Ephes. 1. john. 14. Psal. 77. Act. 7. 2. Reg. 7. Luc. 7. 1. Cor. 6. For I saw that one sat upon that seat, as upon the beautiful throne of his glory. No where else reigneth God but among his chosen people. He dwelleth not in Temples made by hand, he resteth not in houses of man's preparation. Is the kingdom of God any where else than within man? Hath God any Temple that he more favoureth than man's faithful heart? 6 And he that gloriously sat upon that comely seat, was like by all similitude to a jasper stone, and resembled also a precious stone called a Sardine. Betokening that his reign is durable & strong, isaiah. 54. Ezech. 28. Dan. 7. Psal. 44. Dan. 4. Abacuc. 3. his power firm and invariable, his glory clear and precious, and that he himself is as the red jasper beautiful and orient, and as the green Sardine, fresh, fair, and never fading, that man should ever be desirous of him. Whose will to consider is our felicity, and whose pleasure to follow is our perfectness. 7 And there was a fair rainbow about that glorious seat, Psal. 16. Sapi. 15. Luc. 6. The rainbow is the covenant. Zacha. 2. Prou. 8. 1. Reg. 3. Ezech 28. john. 16. 2. Cor. 13. Phil. 4. in sight like a smaragd or an Amarald stone. Which signifieth his perpetual covenant of peace & love to all them that have faith, which are so dear unto him as is the apple of his own eye, or as that thing which he desireth most. And no less precious the said covenant is, than the fresh Ameralde with his amorous hue and beautiful show of love, that we should the rather covet it. For nothing is more avydyously to be desired, then is the sweet peace of God. 8 And about that exceeding fair seat or empire of the Lord, The 24 seats are virtues. Gala. 5. isaiah. 11. were xxiv. other mean seats appointed, which put me anon in remembrance of charity, patience, steadfastness, love, joy, peace, temperance, justice, knowledge of god, meekness, & other fruits of faith, with innumerable gifts of the holy ghost, wherein the servants of God hath afore time and still doth continually rest. Apoc. 5. Mat. 19 Hebr 11. Eccle. 45. Ephes 4. Mat. 19 elders, or notable ancient men sitting. Which seemeth unto me to be Abel, and Noah, Abraham & David, Moses and Helyas, joseph & john Baptist, the Prophets and Apostles, the Preachers & Martyrs, with such other like. To whom Christ promised in the regeneration to sit with him upon xii. seats, judging the xii. tribes of Israel. Numbers in the scriptures. Dan. 7. Apoc. 7. These set numbers in the scriptures of xxiv. or of twelve & such like, noteth certainty in the promiss of God towards them which are in themselves without number. 10 And the foresaid elders or men of ripe discretion, were clothed in white raiment or apparel of innocency according to the commandment of the holy Ghost. For their works were pure and clean before God, Hebre. 11. Apoc. 14. rising only of faith, and were never defiled with the filthy traditions of men. 11 They had also upon their heads as mighty rulers, What are meant by the crowns. and governors, crowns of fine gold, in token that they had here the governance in his word, and shall hereafter be partakers with Christ in his heavenvly kingdom and glory. 12 Great is the majesty of the throne of God, and the power much. Ezech. ● Psal. 96. Apoc. 16. Zacha. 6. Act. 2. john. 16. For from his heavenly seat into the universal world proceeded lightnings, and thunderings, and voices, which are the manifold and divers respects of his word. For a fearful lightning it is when it rebuketh, throweth down, and condemneth the sinner. It is a terrible thundering, when it feareth, threateneth, and commandeth things contrary to the flesh. Psal. 118. Rom. 16. john. 6. isaiah. 2. johel. 2. And it is a solacious voice again when it raiseth, relieveth, and quickeneth the desolace conscience with comfortable promises. And full is all the scripture of these, which cometh from Zion, and the sweet word of God which cometh from Jerusalem. 13 And there were seven lamps of flaming fire burning before the said throne of God, Cant. ●. isaiah. 11. Zacha. 4. which are the seven spirits of God, or the universal gifts of the holy ghost, Zacha. 3. Apoc. 5. john. 15. prefigured in the scriptures by the seven lights of one candlestick, the seven. eyes of one stone, and by seven. horns and eyes also of the lamb. These show light evermore before God's sight. The church without them in no wise can be the throne of God. 14 And before the said seat, there was as it had been a sea of glass, Ezech. 47. Apoc. 1. john. 14. Psal. 11. Mala. ●. a plentiful understanding of the verity, first given unto Christ by the father, and then unto the church or congregation by the spirit of Christ. And this sea was like unto a Crystal clear, beautiful and pure, without any corruption of humane fantasies. 15 In the midst of that heavenly seat, Mala. 3. Ezech. 1. joannes ba●othorpe. Albertus & alii. Ezech. 10. Dani. 3. & in the circuit of the same, were iiij. beasts seen, of divers nature and shape, not signifying the iiij. greater Prophets, nor yet the iiij. Evangelists (as no small number of doctors hath fantasied) but rather the universal number of all faithful believers, & earnest setters forth of the verity in the four quarters of the whole world. And this may be gathered by the noise of their wings in Ezechiel by their crying of sanctus sanctus, sanctus, Ezech. ●. isaiah. 6. Apoc. 5. Franciscus Lambertu● & by their showing of mysteries of the opened seals of the book, as hereafter followeth. By whom are to be understand the sincere openings of God's word, and the continual praising of his glorious name. These beasts are in the midst of the seat or congregation of God, Georgius aemilius. 1. Pet. 5. Ezech. 5. 1. Tim. 4. when they teach them and exhort them to persist in the truth. They are also in the circuit of the same, when they diligently labour to defend them from the doctrine of devils, and errors of hypocrites. 16 These beasts were full of fair eyes before and behind. Ezec. 1. 1●▪ john. 15. Math. 13. Luc. 8. john. 8. Haymo. 1. Cor. 2. john. 6. john. 16. Which is a clear knowledge in the mysteries of God's word. The sincere favourers of Gods heavenly truth doth see many wonderful things, and know many secret marvels, not only concerning matters past, but also of judgements to come. So many eyes have they, as they have perceived verities. For they once made spiritual by faith, discern all things. They are taught of God. And the holy ghost doth lead them into all truth. THE TEXT. 1. And the first beast was like a lion. 2. The second beast like a Calf, 3. and the third beast had a face like a man, 4. and the fourth beast was like a flying Egle. 5. And the four beasts had each one of them six wings. 6. And round about without and within they were full of eyes. 7. And they had no rest neither day nor night, saying: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, which was, and is, & is to come. 8. And when those beasts gave glory, and honour, and thanks to him that sat on the seat, which liveth for ever and ever. 9 The xxiv. elders fell down before him that sat on the throne, & worshipped him that liveth for ever, 10. and cast their crowns before the throne, saying. 11. Thou art worthy Lord to receive glory and honour, and power. 12. For thou hast created all things, and for thy wills sake they are and were created. THE PARAPHRASE. 1 These iiij. beasts hath iiij. divers exterior similitudes, Ambrostus Ansbertus. Rom. 3. Gala. 5. Prou. 30. Prou. 28. Col. 3. Rom. 8. 2. Cor. 3. Apoc. 5. which are not else but the outward tokens, testimonies, and signs of faith, or the fruitful works thereof only proceeding. For faith is never without her wholesome fruits. The first beast was in similitude like unto a Lion, strong and mighty in power. And that are they which hath laid aside the old man of sin with his feeble faint works, and converted themselves into the ghostly image of Christ, which is the mighty strong Lion of the Tribe of juda, for that they might have the victory over sin. 2 The second beast was fashioned like unto a Calf, isaiah. 11. Exod. 2●. Gala. 5. Col. 3. Rom. 6. Rom. 12. 2. Tim. ●. much used in the old law to be offered up in sacrifice. And such are they, which forsaking themselves and mortifying the corrupt lusts of their flesh, doth walk in a new Christian life, and offer up themselves unto God as a living sacrifice, ready to suffer all kinds of persecution and death for his name's sake. Eccle. 8. Hebr. 12. Rom. 8. 1. Cor. 2. 2. Cor. 10. 3 The third beast had a face in favour like a man, having reason, wit, and discretion. And those are they which through policy of faith and prudency in the spirit, so wisely and discreetly order themselves in that they go about, that nothing is against the glory of God, but all things worketh for the best in them. 4 The fourth beast was like unto a flying Eagle, job. 9 Heir. 49. Rom. 6. Phil. 3. Col. 3. Hebre. 10. 1. Cor. 10. which buildeth her nest very high in the hard rock stone. Which are those godly people that living here in this mortal body, by the counsel of the holy Ghost have their conversation in heaven. They seek for those things which are above, where as Christ is sitting on the right hand of God. In whom only as in the sure rock they build all their whole hope and trust. Ansbertus & Haymo. Apoc. 2. By these four similitudes is the true congregation of God known from the painted synagogue and counterfeit church of Satan glorifying herself in vain glory, pomp, cruelty, rape, Apoc. 1●. Gala. 5. Phil. ●. simony, lies, hatred, sects, murder, Idolatry, sedition, and tyranny, with other fruits of the flesh, whose God is their belly, and their end damnation. And though these iiij. similitudes be divers, yet do they respect one congregation after Ezech. which ever more applieth all four unto one beast. And every one of the said iiij. beasts had uj wings about him. Lambertus Ezech. 1. Ezech. 10. Esay. 6. Esay. 4●. Hebr. 11. Gala. 5. 5 The wings whereby Gods people are raised up unto him, is faith, hope, charity, justice, mercy, & verity, with such other virtues as ever more accompanieth them. Ephe. 1. john. 15. Rom. 2. Tit. 2. Ezech. 1●. By these are they lifted up unto heavenly things. By these avoid they the common mischiefs of the world. By these obtain they a plenteous quietness in God, abiding their saviour and redeemer jesus Christ. And where as in ezechiel the said wings appearing but iiij. are here found six, we may gather this. That the gospel now published, the gifts of the holy ghost are more high, plentiful, and open under christ, then afore time under Moses. 6 Round about them without and within the said beasts were full of eyes. Rom. 8. john. 1. Ezech. 10. Psal. 4. 1. ●or 2. Apoc. 21. 3. Reg 3. Eccle.▪ 1. The servants of the Lord hath Godly wisdom and knowledge every where inwardly to consider heavenly things durable, sure, and perfit, and never to perish. Outwardly again to judge earthly things corruptible, wretched, and vain, and shortly to be ended. 7 Neither day nor night could the said beasts cease from the praise of their Lord God, Psalm. 33. Esay. 6. Athanas●us Augustinus Fulgencius, Apoca. 1. Esay. 44. saying: Holy, holy, holy. Or blessed art thou almighty father, blessed art thou almighty son, blessed art thou almighty holy ghost, distinct three persons in trinity, and in substance one Lord God almighty, which was without beginning, and is of himself only, and shall be for ever, & ever, everlasting. And what is this else but that the righteous fervently eprayinge, giveth continnuall thanks unto GOD rejoicing among themselves in psalms, in hymns, Primasius Aph●●. Colo. 3. and in spiritusonges, praising him evermore in their hearts. 8 And when those four beasts, Robertus Tuitiensis. Esay. 11. Psalm. 118, or faithful, fervent, sincere, and pure believers here believing in the flesh, gave glory, honour, and thanks from the, iiij. quarts of the earth, in professing the verity, in teaching it unto other, and in living according to the same. Esa. 6. Exod. 15. Luc. 1. And that unto him which sat on the seat, which is god almighty reigning over that congregation, which liveth for ever and ever and hath of his kingdom none end. 9 Anon stepped forth the xxiiij elders, or the whole, perfect, Apoca. 5. Albertus Magnus. and universal number of them which hath rested in the Lord, and they with all meekness fell down before him which sat on the throne. They submitted themselves unto him, Psalm. 82. ackowleginge him for their only Lord. They worshipped him also with dew reverence, & gave high thanks unto him, as unto their eternal living god. Gregorius magnus. 1. Cor. 1. Tit. 3. 10 Yea, finally they threw down their crowns before the throne of his eternal majesty. They confessed their own good works, merits, and deservings to be nothing at all. But their whole health, wisdom, knowledge, virtue, holiness, righteousness, and redemption to be only of his liberal gift and undeserved goodness. 11 And as men most highly rejoicing they cried unto him, saying thus: It is thou (O Lord God, & most mighty creator) that is alone worthy to receive all glory, all honour, and all thanks for that hath been wrought, Psal. 85. 2. Mach. 1. Rom. 11. Hest. 13. in heaven, & in earth, and none other else but thou. Jude 9 Psal. 103. Gen. 12. Hest. 13. Eccle. 3. jon. 1. Ephe. ●. 12 For thou hast alone by thy unsearchable wisdom created all things, and brought them forth out of nothing. And for the only pleasure of thy will they are now at this present time in substance and fashion, and were created of thee at the beginning, not only to be at thy commandment, but also to be evermore thankful unto thee, and to laud thee, and praise thee for ever. The fift Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne, a book 2, written with in, and on the back side. 3. sealed with seven seals, 4. and I saw a strong Angel preaching with a loud voice. 5. Who is worthy to open the book, and lose the seals thereof? 6. And no man in heaven nor in earth, neither under the earth was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. 7. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open & to read the book, neither to look thereon. 8. And one of the elders said unto me: Weep not. 9 Behold, the Lion which is of the tribe of juda, 10, the root of David, hath obtained to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. 11. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the seat, and of the iiij. beasts, and in the midst of the elders, 12. stood a Lamb as though he had been killed, 13, which had seven horns, 14, and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God, sent unto all the world. 15. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the seat. The Paraphrase. AFter the foresaid vision I saw (saith saint john) in the right hand, Apoca. 4. 1. Pet. 5. Esa. 6. ●. Peter. 1, Exod. 32. Esa. 8. Colo. 1. Apoca. 10. Rom. 1. Psalm. 117 or mighty power and will, of him that sat on the throne with majesty, a wonderful Book, in the which both man and Angel were desirous to look. This book is Gods heavenly ordinance, containing not only all, that hath been created of God visible and invisible, but also the universal contents of the holy scripture. This book hath the merciful Lord provided, that men should know him, partly by his creatures, partly by his Scriptures. This book he hath in his right hand. For heaven he measureth with his span, and the whole world he comprehendeth under his three finger's. Esa. 48, Esa. 40. Psalm. 4● Io●. 32. Psalm. 118. In his hand or power is the universal earth; both hills & valleys. At his only will & pleasure is the sincere understanding of the scriptures, and true interpretation of the same. 2 This book is written within & without. Colo. 1. Rom. 1. Math. 10. Psalm. 99, 2. Tim 3. Luke. 8, Rom 13, john. 6. Gala. 4. john, 1. The world containeth creatures visible and invisible, powers open & hidden, that men in them should read and understand that there is a living God, and that they should acknowledge him and worship him as the Lord and creator of all. The holy scripture hath her figure & history, her mystery and verity, her parable & plain doctrine, her night and day, her letter and sense, her voice and word, her flesh and spirit, her shadow and clear light, her death and life, her law and gospel, her Moses and Christ, to bring all men also unto the knowledge of God. Esa. 29. 1. Cor. 2. Roma. 8. 1. Cor. 1. joannes Bacanthorp. Nicolaus Lyranus. Albertus. 3 But that Book is surely sealed with seven strong seals from the fleshly understanding of man, not having the spirit of Christ, that he can neither use the creatures of God a right, nor yet perceive the Scriptures according to their true meaning. Much hath the doctors fantasied of these seven clasps or spearynges of this book, without the authority of God's word, Liranus. Albertus. calling them all manner of obscurities & darknesses. Where as in very deed they are nothing else but the strong and unvariable decree, Psal. 118. Prou. 8. Mat. 11. Rom. 8. jacob. 1. Luke. 10. Mat. 13. Sapi. 1. or set definition of God, before the constitution of the world, that none should be able to read rightly therein, nor know the just meaning thereof without the spirit of his son, and unless it be meekly asked in faith. And this one decree of god, so oft locketh up these heavenvly secrets from man, as it findeth him carnal, covetous, wilful, blind, malicious, proud, and false, with such other like. The number of seven doth only respect the opening of the seals in all ages. joachim. Abbas. Gen. 4. Gen. 12. 1. Reg. 16. Luk. 3. Mala. 2. 1. Cor. 9 Act. 4. Mala. 2. Mat. 5. Luk. 6. For in every age hath God opened the truth unto some Godly men by his spirit, with Abel and Enoch, with Noah and Sem, with Abraham and job, with Moses and Samuel, with David and Helias, with Hieremie and Daniel, with john Baptist & Peter. 4 And I saw (sayeth S. john) a strong Angel, which betokeneth every faithful minister of god's word, coveting all men to be taught of god, and sending them only unto Christ, for they are the Angels of the Lord of hosts. Which Angel cried with a loud voice, with an earnest zeal of the glory of God, and with a fervent desire of his neighbour's health. 5 Who is worthy to open this book, and to undo the clasps thereof? Psal. 1●. Psal. 68 Mat. 15. joh. 9 1. Cor. 3. Hier. 10. As though he should say, None but he alone. Seek him therefore that he may open it unto you, else are ye like always to be blind, foolish, and unlearned liars before the Lord, seem ye never so wise, eloquent, and well learned in the sight of men. 6 And in deed no man was found able to do it, neither in heaven, nor in earth, nor under the earth, 1. Esd. 4. Gen. 1●. Esay. 14. 2. Pet. 2. Act. 17. john, 1. Act. 4. 2. Pet. 2. yet was there a diligent search made, & many did attempt it. The Angels that by apostasy fell from God, when they were in heaven wrought maistryes about it. And in the earth here, the Philosophers among the Gentiles, the religious fathers among the jews, the pharisees and Scribes, the lawyers and priests, and among the Christians, the false Apostles & Antichrists, the Sophisters and Papists, the sects, and school doctors with all the worldly wise hath craftily compassed the thing. Yea the messengers of Satan (whose damnation is certain) subtilely to persuade, and fraudulently to deceive the innocent souls, 1. john. 4▪ Rom. 3. Psalm. 63, Hiere. 2●. Esa. 29. Prou. 25. 1. Cor. 1. Colo. 4. Rom. 11. Sapi. 9 have also done their part. But what hath followed? After their vain enterprise, they have been so astonied at the majesty or sight of the book, that neither were they able to open it, nor yet to look thereupon. So high were the mysteries thereof, so unsearchable the judgements, & so investigable the ways thereunto. Math. 5. Esa. 63. Apoca. 1●▪ Eccle. 8. john. 14. 7 And I fell in sore weeping (saith Saint john) much dolour was it to my heart to see that none was found worthy, no creature able, neither Angel nor man, good spirit, nor devil, to open, and to read the book, which is clearly to know the will of God therein, nor yet once to look thereupon, that is sincerely to perceive the least verity contained therein. No creature understanding could attain unto it. All were ignorant, all dark, all blind. 8 And as I was thus mourning one of the elders, even jacob by name, Ose. 4. Sapi. 9 isaiah. 56, Gen. 49. Esa. 32. Mich. 5, 3. Esdre. 3. comforted me with his prophecy of juda, Esay, Micheas, & Esdras, bearing witness to the same. 9 These with other ascertained me, that he was the Lion of the Tribe of juda, Osee. 13, john. 8. Heb. 11 john. 12. Luke. 11. Esa. 11. Apoca. 22. Luke. 1. which should overcome the world, & have the victory over death, and hell, for in deed they with Abraham saw it a far of, and much rejoiced. He is the strong & invincible Lion that subdued the prince of this world, took from him the pray, and hath divided the spoil. 10 He is the very root of David, the ground and original cause of all godly promises made unto him of deliverance, victory, and reign, and alone in him are they fulfilled. Only hath he obtained by his death, Colo. 2. Matth. 28. Ma●ci. 16, resurrection, and ascension, to make open the hidden mysteries of this book, or whole ordinance of God, and to lose the seven seals thereof, Luc. 24 2. Cor. 3. john. 12. Ephe. 5. ●. Tim. 4. Ezech. 36. Io●el. 2, or to take away the universal impediments whereby the said book could in no case be seen, as is carnality, ignorance, darkness, blindness, wilfulness, covetousness, malice, hypocrisy, lies, with such like. So was it afore speared by the decree of God, that none could read in it till he removed the untowardness from their hearts. 11 All this I beheld (saith S. john) and as I looked further, Esa. 12. Psalm. 21. Apoca. 4. 1. Cor. 4. Psalm. 106 Eccle. 8. Esa. 53. Hiere. 11 isaiah. 53. john. 1. Exod. 12. Esa. 16. I saw that in the midst of the seat (which is the universal congregation of God) & of the four beasts (which are the constant ministers of his word) & also in the midst of the ancient elders) which hath been the sincere witnesses of his verity since the beginning.) 12 There stood a fair, meek, & most innocent Lamb, as though he had been newly slain. I knew that Christ was this Lamb, for he was wounded for our offences, & took away the sins of the world. He was that meek Lamb prefigured in the law whom the faithful fathers so earnestly desired. He was that gentle Lamb that was carried away to be slain, and that opened not his mouth before the shearer. Acto. 8. 1. john. 2. 1. Timo. ●. Heb. 9 Math. 2●. Daniel. 7. Psalm. 74 This Lamb standeth up evermore for us before God, as our only mediator, advocate, peace maker, Saviour, helper, counsellor, defender and teacher 13 This Lamb had seven horns, which betokeneth his strong and infinite power, virtue, victory, kingdom, glory, bounteousness, and majesty, with such like, and in the whole his universal reign. 14 He had also seven eyes, Zacha. ●. Esa. 11. Apoca. 1. 1. Cor. 12. Ma●ci. ●6, Ephe. 4. Matth. 28. Esa. 11. Apoca. 22. Gala. 5. Ephe. 5. 1. Cor. 12. 1. john. 4. which are all the powers, graces, & fruits of the holy ghost, called here the seven spirits of God, For so much as they are the singular gifts of him which is his essential spirit. And them he hath sent by his apostles, & other godly preachers into the seven climates of the earth or universal world, the people with them to be replenished. These are wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, pity, & the fear of god. These are also love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, long suffering, cleanness, and temperance, with diversity of tongues, interpretation, prophecy, cures, healings, miracles, and judgement of spirits. 15 And the said Lamb came forth as one through meekness, Phil. 2, Ose, 13, Luke, 10, Esa, 6, Math, 1●, having victory over sin, death, & hell, & he reverently took the said book from the right hand of him that sat upon the throne. Which made me anon to consider that the heavenly father had given up unto him the whole administration of his spiritual kingdom, with all authority & power in heaven and earth, john, 5, Math, 28, john, 17, Phil, 2, Math. 25, Luke. 24, john, 14, john, 16, Act, 2. Mat. 25, Hebr, 10, to open or to spear, to choose or to reject, to take or to refuse, to save or to lose, to reward or to damn. For he it was that first opened the understanding of men, that they might perceive the scriptures. He it was that sent the holy spirit of God to deduce them into all verity, and gave them grace to instruct all people. He it is also that shall thorough them into everlasting fire, with the devil & his Angels that resist the same. THE TEXT. 1 And when he had taken the book, the liij. beasts and the xxiiij elders, 2. fell down before the Lamb, having haps, 3. & golden vials full of odours (which are the prayers of the Saints) 4. & they sung a new song saying, 5 Thou art worthy to take the book, 6. and to open the seals thereof, 7. For thou wert killed, 8. and hast redeemed us by thy blood, out of all kindreds & tongues, and people, and nations, 9 and hast made us unto our God, Kings, and priests, 10. and we shall reign on the earth. The Paraphrase. 1 And when he had received the said book of the hand of God, with full authority and power, the iiij. beasts, or the present protestours of the verity, here living in the world, john, ●, Luke, 10, Heb, 11, Sapi, 5, john, 8, Ephe, ●. john, 8, Heb, 11. and the xxiv. Elders or ancient witnesses of the same, departed clean from this world, as were the old fathers, the patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, Act. ●. Apoca. 22. meekly submitted themselves before the Lamb, much rejoicing in his triumphant victory for them. 2 They fell down before him, they praised him, Act●. 3. Apoca. 2● they worshipped him, they gave thanks and recognized him for their merciful Lord and Saviour, having in their hands harmonious haps, Apoca. 15. Psalm. 150 isaiah. 66. Prou. 23 Luck. 10. 1. Cor. 10. isaiah. 53. john. 8. john. ●. which there represented the melody of their faithful souls, or the inward rejoice, that they had in faith of the eternal verity of god. For that is the agreeable concord and sweet harmony that he most delighteth in. And as well had they haps that were long afore Christ, as had they that followed him, the effect of his death being equal to them both. So well rejoiced Abraham, which saw him a far of, as did john Baptist, which showed him present. 3 Each one of them had also in his hand a golden vial full of sweet odours, which is a faithful heart to God, Zach. 14. Daniel. 9 full of sweet desires and wholesome prayers, whiles they lived here. And these vessels of prayer, or hearts of the faithful believers, coveting mercy to themselves and all other, were very precious, pleasant, Psalm. 61. Math. 5. Prou. 17. Psalm. 140▪ Prou. 23. Apoca. 14. and beautiful in the sight of the Lord, which only desireth the heart. 4 They sang also with their instruments a new song of rejoice recording the great benefit of God. Marci. 16 Aggei. 2. john, 1. Marci. 1. 1. Cor. 1. Rom. 1. 1. Cor. 5. Colos. 3. Ephe. 4. They uttered the glad tidings of peace. They published the Gospel of Christ. They told of his coming. They declared him present & past. This song was ever new unto flesh & blood. It seemed very strange, yea and foolish to the children of this world, yet is it the power of God unto salvation for every one that believeth. Now it is also for so much as it nothing alloweth in our aged man of sin, but always calleth upon renovation in the spirit. 5 This was the conclusion of that song. Thou alone sweet Lord (said they) art found worthy to take the Book to receive power and administration of the kingdom of God. john. 17. Apoca. 3. Luke. 24. Esa. 42. Io●●. 16. Esa 53. ●. Cor. 15. 6 Thou only art able to open the seale● thereof, to take from us all impediments of darkness, hypocrisy, lies, ignorance, wilfulness, blindness, and sin, and to deduce us into all godly knowledge. 7 For thou wert not only despised and wounded, but most cruelly slain for our offences, whereby thou hast obtained our perpetual peace, and atonement with god. 1. john. 2, Titum. ●, 1. Petri. 1. Esa. 56, Psalm. 105 johel.. 8 Thou hast clearly redeemed us out all spiritual bondage by the price of thy blood, and by the virtue of thy passion and death, thou hast gathered us together into one kingdom of God from all the nations of the world, and hast chosen us out of all kindreds, languages, & peoples of the universal earth. 1. Peter. 2. Psalm 44. Acto. 11. Apoca 1, 1. john. 5●, Thou hast made us also partakers with thee in thy peculiar unction, that we are now called Christians. 9 Thou hast anointed us Kings by the gift of true faith, to have victory over sin, death & the devil, and consecrated us priests by the grace of thy holy spirit, Hebr. 9 Rom. 12. Exod. 19, Deut. 17 Esa. 40 1. Pet. 2. to offer up ourselves and undefiled sacrifice unto our everlasting God. So that we are now the chosen kindred, the kingly pristhoode, the holy generation, the peculiar people, that should manifest the works of thee, which hast called us out of darkness into the marvelous light. 10 And by the benefit of thy only grace and goodness we shall reign prosperously on the earth, Apoca. 22, 1. john, 2, 1. Cor. 15 Psalm. 141. Apoca. 21. not here where as is sorrow, care, penury, scarceness, and death, but our portion shall be in the pleasant land of the living, where as is the peace, joy, tranquillity, comfort, and life everlasting. THE TEXT. 1 And I beheld, 2. And heard the voice of many angels about the throne, and about the beasts, and the elders. 3. And I hard thousand thousands, saying with a loud voice. 4. Worthy is the Lamb that was killed, to receive power, and riches and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing, 5. And all creatures, which are in Heaven, 6. And on the earth, 7, And under the earth, 8, And in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I, saying, 9 Blessing, honour, glory and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the seat, 10. And unto the Lamb for evee more. 11. And the four beasts said amen. 12. And the xiiii elders fell upon their faces, 13. and worshipped him that liveth for ever more. The Paraphrase. 1 Furthermore saith Saint john, I saw an infinite host of Angels beholding the face of the heavenly father. Daniel. 7, Math. 18. Psalm. 102. Luke. 2, 2 I heard also the voice of a great number of them about the throne of God, giving laud and praise unto him, Hebr. 1, Apoca. 19 Rom. 8. Toby. 5. judith. 13▪ Psalm. 90 Daniel. 7, Hebre. 12. and about the beasts and ancient elders. For they are not only the immediate ministers of God, but also the servants of those men, which shall be the heirs of salvation. Where ●●ould they be else then? but about them that fear the Lord, to see to them and preserve them in all their ways, like as he hath given them in commandment. 3 And the number of them was a thousand thousands, or a number beyond our estimation. And they cried with a loud voice, signifying in their sort no corporal noise, but for so much as they are but spirits, but a vehement zeal of most perfect love and rejoice for the glory of God, Psal. 103. Luke. 2, john. 20. Luke. 15. Daniel. ●, Math. 18. Esaie. 53, 1. Cor. 15. john. 17, Apoca. 1 1. Tim. 6, Sap. 3, Apoca. 3. Psalm. 23. Math. 28, Ephe. 1. the victory of Christ, the redemption, deliverance, and health of man. It betokeneth also their exceeding gladness in the opening of the verity and conversion of the sinner. 4 Worthy is the most meek Lamb (said they) which was cruelly done unto death, and by his death overcame the world, hell, death, and the devil, to take upon him the title of all power, heritage, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, and blessing, and to be called of all creatures most mighty, most rich, most wise, most valiant, most worshipful, most glorious, and most blessed, convenient names for the king over al. Yea finally to have ●he universal authority in heaven and in the earth, to govern every where, and all to be subject unto him. Gene. ● Psalm. 8, Psalm. 148, Ba●●ch 3. Daniel. 3, Gene. 1, Psalm. 148. Deut. 14 Hester. 1●. 5 I hard also (saith saint john) all the creatures that God ever created as the angels in heaven, the sun, the Moon, the planites, the stars, the firmament, the fire, the water, the air. 6 And all that was upon the earth, as man, beast, foul, fish, mountains, valleys, wellsprings, floods, winds, wethers, times, trees, herbs fruits. 7 And all that was under or within the earth, as roots, worms, serpents, vermin. 8 And all that was in the sea, or that moved in the waters, with all that are contained in these, each one in his kind saying. Esa. 6. 1. Timo. 1 Apoca. 14. 1 Tim. 6. Apoca. 1. 9 The everlasting God, which sitteth upon the eternal throne, with power and majesty, be evermore blessed, worshiptfull, glorious, and almighty. Rom. 8. 2. Cor. 5. Apoca. 21 10 And unto the Lamb (which is his only son jesus christ) be blessing, honour, glory, and power from him for evermore. And in this all creatures desireth no longer to be subdued unto the vanity of the wicked, nor yet to serve the same. But to be wholly delivered from the bondage of corruption, and in liberty to serve the children of God, to the glory of of him that made them. 11 To this the four beasts or all the true servants of God here living answered Amen, Hebre. 1. or so might it be in effect, as ye have desired. 12 And the xxiiij elders, as, Psalm. 134▪ Ne●e. 8. Hebr. 11. Ephe 2. Apoca. ●. the patriarchs, the Prophets, the Apostles, with other that hath passed this life, fell down flat upon their faces, they submitted themselves. 13 They worshipped, lauded, Apoca. 4▪ Math▪ 3. 1. john. 5, Esa. 65, and glorified him that liveth for ever and ever, one God in three persons, the father, the son, and the holy ghost. This signified the Angels and Saints evermore to be joyous as any thing is done in the creatures to the manifest glory of God. The sixth Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, 2, and I heard one of the iiij. beasts say as it were the noise of thunder. 3. Come, and see. 4. And I saw and behold, there was a white horse, 5, and he that sat on him had a bow, 6. and a crown was given unto him, 7. and he went forth conquering, & for to overcome. The Paraphrase. 1 COnsequently (sayeth saint john) as I was beholding these wonders, I saw that the Lamb (which is the son of God) opened the first of the seven seals, john. 1, Apoca. 15, Luke. 4, Primacius Apher joachim Abbas declaring the first mystery of the book. These openings betokeneth not only the manifestation of God's truth for seven ages of the world, but also for the vij several times, and after seven. divers sorts from Christ's death to the latter end of the world. The first seal was removed, and the mystery there under contained, made open, when the Apostles & disciples of Christ abundantly replenished with the holy Ghost, Lambertu● Act. 2. did constantly preach the gospel over the universal world. 2 And at the opening of the said seal (sayeth he) I heard one of the beasts in shape like a Lion, Marci. 16 Psalm. 18. Apoca. 4. Ezech. 1. by whom are signified the strong witnesses of God's verity, by constancy of faith resembling Christ the very Lion of the stock of juda, whose voice was mighty and strong as it had been the noise of a thundering, Hiere. 1, Gene. 49, Psalm. 28. Acto. 2, john. 1. Psalm. 33, Zachar. 6 and vehemently it said unto me. 3 Come hither and see, draw nigh and be taught, believe and thou shalt understand. 4 And anon I saw evidently that there was a white horse, which signifieth the Apostles and first disciples of Christ, for why the scripture doth so call them. Zach. 10, Apoca. 1. Psalm. 50. Rom. 10. Act. 9 Gala. 1. These horses were white, they were made pure, righteous, and clean by jesus Christ, and bore him by their preaching the world over. Such a white horse to the glory of God was Paul, when he bear the name of Christ before the Gentiles, the Kings, and the children of Israel Math. 2●. Act. 15. Luke. 21. Amos. 9 Eccle. 10. Zach. 9 Psalm. 44 john. 15, 5 He that sat upon this white horse (which was Christ himself) had in his hand a bow, which figured the hearts of the foresaid Apostles and disciples, out of whom he fiercely sent forth the arrows of his word into his chosen people. Their hearts were in his hand, for that his verities might the more effectually pass forth, and the more surely light upon his elects. For without his spirit nothing could they do. 6 From God the father unto him was given a crown of magnificence, honour, worthiness, and victory, in his resurrection and ascension. 7 And when he had stomached them by the holy Ghost, Phil. 2. Ephe. 4. Act. 2, Act. 5, john, 16. 1. john. 5. to shoot forth his word without fear, he went forward with them by his grace, conquering in them the prince of this world, in process of time by their doctrine so to overcome him and all his wicked army. Were the Antichristes never so mad, john. 16. Math. 10. Acto. 4. Act. 5. Acto. 12. 1. Cor. 15. Sap. 5, john. 9 Act. 5. 1. Cor. ●. Gala. 1. john. 15 john. 8. torment they never so sore, slay they never so fast, Christ will overcome them. Let them inhibit his truth, and forbidden his Gospel, take, spoil, imprison, exile, murder, hung, head, drown, & burn, yet will Christ have the victory over them, though it otherwise seem to the fleshly children of darkness. In many countries, Cities, and towns, hath God's word been taught, where as it is now forbidden under the pain of death. Is Christ therefore the weaker? which chose the weak to confound the strong? No truly. It hath wrought in them whom he hath called, and ro●ted in them whom he hath sought. So that the faithful children of Abraham and true Isralites in no wise can perish nor be taken from Christ. THE TEXT. 1 And when he opened the second seal, 2. I hard the second beast say, 3. Come and see, 4, And there went out an other horse that was red. 5. And power was given to him that sat thereon, 6. to take peace from the earth, 7, & that they should kill one an other. 8. And there was given unto him a great sword, The Paraphrase. 1 What the estate of the Christian church was immediately after the apostles time, it is under mystery declared in the opening of the second seal. Franciscus Lambertus. Luke. 21, 1. john. 2. Act. 20. 2. Pet. 2. Gala. 5, For so soon as the said Apostles and first Disciples of Christ were taken from the world, yea and partly in their time also, many pernicious errors did springe and increase by crafty teachers and subtle seducers in divers quarters. Some coupled the law with the gospel, and circumcision with baptism, to bring Christian liberty into bondage. Some said the general resurrection was past, to subvert the ways of the Lord. Some denied him to come in the flesh. Some brought in ceremonies and beggarly shadows to yoke us with jewish superstitions. 2. Tim. 2. 1. john. 4, 2. john. 1. Gala. 4. 1. Timo. 4 jude. 1. Gene. 9 Some forbade marriage as an unclean thing, to bring in all abominations and filthiness. Some did inhibit meats sanctified of God, under colour of abstinence to set up hypocrisy. Some called Saint Paul an Apostata from the law. Some taught the Gospel carnally, denying Matthew and john, and fantasied gospels upon their own brain under the names of Peter, Andrew, Thomas, & Barthelmew, Mathias, Hebion Cerinthus, Basilides, Ex Eusebio cesari. ●●las●us Philastri. Guido et Lutzenburgus. Thadeus, & Barnabas. And of this sort in the Apostles time, was Nicolas of Antioch, Hermogenes, Hymeneus, Philetus, Alexander, Elymas, Carpocras, Cerinthus, Hebion, Helion, with their affinytie. And after their time Basilides, Ualentinus, Heracleon, Cerdon, Mertion, Apelles, Tacianus, Menander, Montanus, and other. 1 In signification of this, the Lamb opened this second seal of the book. Apoca. 5 Ephe. 5. Eccli. 50 Act. 13. He removed once again the dark clouds of ignorance, he replenished with his grace, & strengthened with his spirit certain of the Greeks and Gentiles which believed, Histo. ecl. li. 3. ca 30. Eusibus Cesarien. Hioronimus. Tritemius. to confute the errors, & condemn the lies of those false teachers & deceivable Antichristes. Of this number was Ignacius, Policarpus, Theophilus, Antiochenus, justinus Martyr, Agrippa, Castorius, Aristides, Quadratus, Meliton, Apollenaris, Theodotion, Hyrenius, Appollonius, Melcyades, Rhodon, & divers other. These boldly confessed Christ, Heb. 1●. Actu. 9 john. 1 john. 15. they taught his verity, they put aside the darkness, they ministered the light, they confounded the adversaries both with tongue & pen. Apoc. 4. Exo, 29 Rom, 12 2 And when the Lamb had thus opened this second seal declaring the mystery thereof, I heard the second beast (saith S. john) which was to my sight a calf, signifying those ministers which had mortified and wholly given up themselves as a sacrifice for the preaching of the same, saying also unto me. 3 Approach nigher, & look, perceive, john, 1▪ Psal. 44▪ Zacha. 1▪ Actu. 20, Mat. 16▪ 1, john. 2, john, 16 Math. 23 Act. 16▪ Mat. 10 john. 16 2, Pet. ● 2, Cor. ●●, john, 10▪ Au●● 20, and take heed, mark & bear it away. 4 And suddenly I saw that there went forth an other horse all divers from the first, for he was outwardly read. This horse resembleth the said false teachers, borne & brought up in flesh and blood taught of the same. Such went from the Apostles & were not of them, they cursed the true preachers out of their sinagogs, they persecuted them from city to city, they accused them as the stirrers up of sedition, they caused the rulers to imprison them, scourge them, & slay them, thinking thereby they did God high service. They turned the grace of god into beastliness, & brought in lying sects. These were those false brethren & deceitful masters whom the scripture calleth strangers, hirelings, thieves, scorners, and ravening wolves, not sparing the flock. These were those blood thirsty doctors and puffed up prelate's, which are partakers with their fathers in the blood of the Prophets, whose succession for a token of the same is clothed in read scarlet to this day. john. 11. Math. 25. Apoca. 18 Acto. 13. 2. Tim. 4, 1. Tim. 1. Act. 19 Act. 23. Such a red horse was Barichu, which resisted Paul & Barnabas at Paphos. So was Alexander the copper smith which did Paul much displeasure. So was Demetrius which moved sedition against him, so was Ananias the high priest that commanded him to be smitten, so was Tertullus the Orator that accused him to the debity, Act. 24. 1. john, 1, so was Diotrephes that sought the pre-eminence, and reproved john. 5 And power was given to him that sat upon this horse▪ By the sufferance of God to try his elects, the wicked rulers and Princes of this world persuaded, and set forward by these bloody beasts, Ezech. 23 Sapi. 3. 3. Reg. 22, Eusebius ce●ar●en. Philip. 4. hath exercised all cruelty, fierceness, and tyranny. 6 To take from the earth the sweet peace of God & Christian unity, which made of the jews and Gentiles one people, Ephe. 2. Ephe. 4. Rom. 12, 1. john. 2. john. 18, Rom. 13. 2. Pete. 2. & knit us altogether through faith and baptism, as members of one body in Christ jesu. This peace have they broken, this unity of faith have they torn, this coat of Christ without seam have those soldiers divided, & abusing the power (which is the high ordinance of God) they have maintained the manifold sects of division. 7 Of whom one hath killed an other, josephus Platina. Baptista. Panecius as in the destruction of Jerusalem the unchristian gentile slew the unfaithful Iew. And now in the church of Antichrist one Bishop poisoneth an other, one priest an other, one religious as other. 8 And unto this terrible horse man was there given a great sword. job. 34. Exo. 14. Eusebius cesarien. Hermauns' contract●● Long hath the Lord suffered those tyrants to reign, much mischief to work, great cruelty to use. Much was the persecution, tyranny, and murder, under Nero, Domicianus, Traianus, Aurelius, Severus, Maximinus, Decius, Ualerianus, Aurelianus, Dioclecianus, Maxencius, julianus, and such like, & much christian blood in their time was shed. THE TEXT. 1 And when he opened the third seal, 2. I heard the third beast say. 3. Come, and see. 4. And I beheld, and lo a black horse. 5. And he that sat on him, had a pair of balances in his hand. 6. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say. 7. A measure of wheat for a penny, 8. and three measures of barley for a penny. 6. And oil and wine see thou hurt not. The Paraphrase. 1 Under trope or secret mystery of the third seal opening, Albertus Magnus. Math. 10, Luck. 6. Regino ●rumiensis. ●arolus ●ouillus is specified the estate general of the Christian church, after the time of the martyrs and strong witnesses of jesus, which were most cruelly afflicted and slain for confessing his name and truth. Not that the Martyrs were only and that time, and not afore and after, but for so much as they did than most abound. For in the Rome church besides other, were slain all the ministers of the word or bishops as they call them, from the time of Peter unto the days of Silvester, to the number of xxxij. not one of them escaped. After their time as the tyranny of rulers was stilled, Lambertus Shafnaburgensis. Carolus Bovillus. and their gauging cruelty pacified, there arose an other fashioned sort all divers from the other, given to bodily ease and delights of the world. More desirous, Sigebertus Gemblacensis. were they to rest then to labour, to sleep then to work, to take then to give, to bankette, then to preach, to dally then to die. Benno Cardinalis. Then strove they among themselves for the premacy, them sought they ambitiously to reign over all. Wernerus Carthusiensis. Not one Martyr was then among them, unless he were a stinking Martyr made among themselves. But all were confessors. For preaching was laid a part, and pride had take up his room. Yet were they not long without contradiction. For than arose heresies and schisms, sects, and divisions, and were spread the world over, like as the histories mentioneth. The Sabellians, A do vine nensis, et Beda. Cirillus Augustinus Ciprianus Hieronimus. Sigebertus Gemblacensis. Vincencius Antonius Arrianes, Eunomyanes', Macedonianes, Priscillyanes', Nestoryanes', and Euticyanes', then diversly erred in faith and opinion of the Godhead. The Manichées despised the old Testament. The Donatists held it necessary to be rebaptized. The pelagians taught that men might merit heaven without grace, with such like. Then Schisms were plenteous among bishops every where. In the church of Rome were many alterations about the election, much strife, & division was for the Papacy, betwixt Liberius and Felix, Damasus, & Urcisinus, Bonifacius & Eulalius, Simachus and Laurencius, Bonifacius and Dyoscorus, Platina. Nauclerus et alii. Constantine & Philip, Eugenius & Sisinius, Formosus & Stephanus, Sergius and Christophorus, benedict and Leo, Gregory, and johan, with divers more. In the which some were noted of heresy, some accused of incontinency, some called insolent, some Rustical, Abbas urspergen sis. jacobus bergomensis. Hermannu● siedel. some rude. Some were accursed, some deposed, some slandered, some exiled, some poisoned, some strangled. Some had their eyes thrust out, some were most spitefully murdered. No colour, cautel, craft, subtlety, nor violence unsought to fulfil their mischievous purpose. 1 The Lamb therefore opening the third seal, disclosed the mystery thereof unto john. 2 Which heard the third beast in similitude of a man, Apoc●. 4. Rom. 8. Ambrose Ansbertus Zacha. 6. Math. 24. 2. Peter. 2, betokening such preachers as hath wisdom in the spirit saying unto him. 3 Draw nigh and perceive, consider and way. 4 And anon he was ware and beheld a black horse, in figure representing the aforesaid heretics, and unpure ministers, ambitious Prelates, and false teachers, full of errors, lies, pride, and uncleanness. Upon these and such other rideth Satan the world over, for he is their master, job. 41. john. 8 Hiere. 29 john. 18. Lord, King, and father. Such Christopher's of the devil were Phassur and Semeias in the old law, Annas & Cayphas in the new law, Mahomet and the Pope in our time, with all such prelate's, priests, Monks, doctors, and other spiritual dowsipers, Marsilius Patavinus joannes Hus in Apoca. as setteth forth themselves with arrogancy, pride, pomp, glory, & magnificence of this world, not sincerely preaching God's word. john, 14 Osee. 12. Prove. 11, 1. Tim. 4. ●, john. 4. 5 He which sat upon that horse, or that reigneth in this congregation hath in his hand a deceitful pair of balances of abominable judgements, weighing all things according to the doctrine of error and lies of hypocrites, not proving the spirits whether they be of God or no 6 And after this vision (I heard saith saint johan) a voice among the iiij. beasts. Apoca. 4 Math. 28 Acto. 1 No time hath there been, wherein the faithful believers and constant witnesses of the verity in this life, hath not resisted the masters of lies, and confounded their errors, preserving the undefiled scriptures. 2, Pet. 2 1. Cor. 2. In those days were among the Greeks, Origine, Eusebius, Eusebius Cesariensis Cassiodorus. Hieronimus Benadius Isidorus Tritemius Athanasius, Didimus, Gregorius, Nazianzenus, Cirillus Basilius, joannes Chrisostomus, Hisichius, Euagrius, joannes Damascenus, & Theophilactus. And among the Latins were Tertulyane, Cyprian, Lactancius, Hilarius, Prudencius, Ambrose, Hieronimus, Augustinus, Orosius, Sedulius, Prosper, and Beda, with such like. Psalm. 6● Esaie. 53 1. Tim. 6 What though all they in many points have erred to declare themselves men, and lest their authority should be taken among the people, above the authority of god's word. 7 This is the voice which come from those holy beasts, Esaie. 52 Hiere. 2● Ezech. 4 Eutherius Lugdunensis Westmerus. or faithful servants of the Lord. A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny also. The wheat is the new Testament, fair, pleasant, and sweet in the eating. 8 The barley is the old, more gross, heavy, and heard of digestion, yet is their price all one. So much in value is the one as the other. So precious are the scriptures of the old law for the Christian erudition as of the new, Psalm. 18, 2. Tim. 3. Psalm. 118, Esa. 40. Gala. 3 Marci. 16 Rom. 3. for both they are the word, verity, spirit, and promise of God. So perfect also is the one as the other, (each grain in his kind considered) as the law to condemn, and the Gospel to save. So necessary is it to the sinner to know his fall, as to see his raise. In that the barley is three measures, and the wheat but one, is signified that the old Testament containeth the law, Psalms & prophecies, Origines Hieronimus Rom. 1. 1. john. 4. 1. Tim. 4. 1. john, 5. 2. Tim. 2, Math. 4. 1. Tim. 4. and the new the only doctrine of Christ, confessing altogether three distinct persons in one godhead against the aforesaid heretics & erroneous prelate's. Whensoever therefore the devil goeth forth with his black horse or deceitful doctors, to subvert the ways of the Lord with his untrue balances of crafty interpretations & false judgements in the scriptures, attend you to this voice of the faithful fathers, Psalm. 118, john. 8. and stand by the truth, which is the only price of both testaments, with Christ which fulfilled the law, and commanded us to search the Scriptures, and with his Apostles, john. 5. Act. 2. Hebr. 9 Psalm. 4. which alleged the same. When the figure troubleth you, confer it with the verity, and the shadow with the light. 9 The dulcet wine and the fragrant oil see thou hurt not, sayeth the said voice, Deut. 12 Eccle. 4● Esa, 61, Luke, 10, Franciscus Lambertus in libro de prophecia Apoca. 22, hinder not the word of God, which is the sweet wine that replenished the heart with gladness, and the wholesome oil that comforteth the soul in trouble. Delicious it is in adversity, and solacious in all weakness. Corrupt not the text with false gloss, take not from us the sweetness thereof, defraud, us not of the fruitful Savour. Let the text be whole, the sense uncorrupt, and the judgement right. And that shall well be if nothing be added unto it, nor nothing taken from it. THE TEXT. 1 An when he opened the fourth seal. 2▪ I hard the voice of the fourth beast say. 3. Come and see, 4, And I looked, and behold a pale horse. 5. And his name that sat on him was death. 6. And hell followed after him. 7. And power was given anto them over the fourth part of the earth. 8. To kill with sword and with hunger. 9▪ And with death of the beasts of the earth. The Paraphrase. 1 In the fourth Seal opening is under secret figure mentioned the universal estate of the christian Church after the increase of the aforesaid heretics, joannes Hus in aliquot loca Apoca. Wernesus carthusian●s in fa●ciculo. and the raise of the ambitious Prelates. And though the Arrians and Eutycianes with such like Heretyks were than put to silence, and all things pacified, partly by the public power, and partly by the continual disputations and writings of the faithful Doctors, and catholic Fathers, yet continued the bishops still in their vanities, and the Prelates in their pride, joannes de molinis in speculo ca 6. Carolus bovillus de septem etatibus mund. ca 67. whereby the truth was blemished and the light had a sore Eclipse. Daily they sought for new promotions. Evermore they compassed to augment their dignities. Continual was their study to get pre-eminence, to win honour, and to obtain superiorytie, not without the destruction of kingdoms, the utter decay of commonalties, and unspeakable murder of peoples. john the archbishop of Constantinople contended to be the universal Patriarch, Antonius sabellicus Raphael. Volatera. Paulus Diaconus Bibliande●▪ Boniface the third of that name bishop of Rome, took upon him to be the head bishop of all the world, and Gods only vicar in earth, Mahomet boasted himself to be the great Prophet and messenger of God. john. 18. 2 john. 1. joannes Aunius joannes Nauclerus Thus was Christ's coat without seam among them divided, and his church most ruefully dispersed. Thus out of the corrupted & depraved scriptures took the jews their Talmud, the Saracens their Alchorane, and the Bishops their popish laws and decrees. Then followed innumerable sects of perdition under the romish pope, in Europa, under Mahomet the false Prophet in Afryca, and under prester john in Asia, which with their execrable traditions and rules banished Christ and his pure doctrine for ever. Martinus Lutherus Sigebertus, Platina. Gregorius Odilocluniacensis Martinus Carsulanus Than set they up song in the church with Latin service, bell ringing, and Organ playing. Than builded they monasteries, advanced Images, invented purgatory, not without many strange revelations. Than came in that ceremony, & that, as sensing of Images, Procession, and holy water, with candles, ashes, and palms. Than were shaven crowns commanded, holy ornaments devised, marriage and meats inhibited, and hallowing of churches practised. At the last crept in the worshipping of relics and shrines, Ranulphus Cestrensis joannes Stella. Odilo clun● Paulus Diaconus. with holy oil and cream, with the paschal and pax, with feasts and dedications, with latins, masses & dirges for the dead, and many great miracles followed. Than were kings deposed and made monks, Emperors put down and parish priests set up. Robertus gaguinus. No gospel might then be taught, but to maintain this ware for advantage. Universities were then builded and general studies founded the world over, with all kinds of crafty learning to uphold this new Christian religion or prestish superstition. Hector Boetius Martinus Lut●erus Gen. 1. Luke. 12. The Antichristes thus spread and their kingdom well set forward, the light was clearly extincted, and darkness over went the whole world. 1 Much marveled always the poor chosen flock of christ, and were greatly troubled in their minds, Apoc●. ●. Daniel. 1●. to behold this great confusion, till the Lord opened unto them the fourth seal of his book, in the which all was written from the beginning. Albertus Magnus. Zach. 6. Math. 6. Esa. 1. In that Seal opening, the Lord showed what the head rulers of his Church were, even very hypocrites, rightly compared unto a pale Horse. For after their dissembling manner they showed sad countinaunces outwardly to appear fasting, and babbled very much to seem devonte men. 2 And as the Lamb had opened the fourth Seal (sayeth Saint john) I hard the voice of the fourth beast, Apoc. 4. Daniel. 7. Math. 4 john, 1, Apoca. 1. which seemed unto me an Eagle representing those godly believers that are most highly desirous of the glory of God. 3 Come hither said that voice. Note what thou shalt see here, & enprent it well in thy mind. 4 And sa I looked forth, I beheld a pale Horse, Apoca. 6. Apoca. 2 Math. 6. 1. john. 3. whom I took for the universal synagogue of hypocrites or dissembling church of antichrist, pale as men without health, & bleyk as men without that fresh life which is in Christ jesu. 5 The name of him which sat upon this pale Horse was death, for their doctrine is death and damnation. Rom, 8 Luke. 12. Math. 6 Math. 23. What bringeth hypocrisy with him, but destruction of health? What carrieth dissimulation, but the utter decay of life? Are their last fruits any other then confusion and despair. 6 For why hell cometh after them to swallow in those that are taught by them. isaiah. 5. Prove. 1. Luke. 20 Apoca. 17. Roma. 3▪ Hebre. 10. Eternal damnation doth follow them to eat them up for ever, whom they shall deceive. Such is the final reward of those cursed hypocrites that treadeth down God's truth, and destroyeth his word under a feigned pretence of the contrary, Luke. 11 Prove. 1●. God grant them therefore once to open their eyes, and to consider it, that they are the Horses of death, lest Hell here after devour them. 7 Unto these gaudish hypocrites and beastly Antichristes which are Psalm. ●●. the horse of death and carrieth all to darkness, john Hus in sermonibus de antichristo. Apoca. 9 and damnation, power is given (which is the sufferance of God) upon the fourth part of the earth. A great part of the world shall they destroy, much people by them shall perish and be lost. 8 After divers sorts shall they deprive them of the life everlasting. Some shall they slay with the sword of their false doctrine, Apoc. 13. Chrisostomus Colos. 2. Amos. 8. Math. 15. john. 6. Luke, 12. Math, 16, Luke, 3, Math, 23, Wicleus Psalm. 13. 2. Peter. 2, Math. 7 Psalm. 73, having a glorious shine of wisdom in superstition and devilishness Some shall they famish for want of GOD'S true word, which is the bread of Children, and the living food of the soul. 9 Some will they also poison with the contagious leaven of their pestilent laws and traditions, which are daily ministered & taught by the vile vermin of the earth, their suffragans, Archedecons, officials, doctors, ministers, false preachers, curates, persons, parish priests, and religions, very beastly both of life and study. Lord once deliver from these deceitful and ravenous wolves, which are never satisfied, thy poor servants that confess thy holy name. Amen. THE TEXT. 1 And when he opened the fift seal, 2, I saw under the altar, 3. The souls of them that were killed for the word of God, and for the testimony which they had, 4. And they cried with a loud voice, saying 5. How long tarriest thou, 6, Lord, holy and true, to judge▪ 7. And to avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 8. And long white garments were given unto every one of them. 9 And it was said unto them. 10. That they should rest for a little season. 11. until the number of their fellows and brethren, 12. And of them that should be killed (as they were) were fulfilled, The Paraphrase. 1 Evident it is by that hath been seen and said afore in these four horses, what the estate of the christian church was, & is now in these latter days. Zacha. 6. 1. Tim. 4. jude. 1. Math. 15. 2. Tim. 6, Apoca. 8. Gen. 6, Esa. 1. Math, 23, Such horrible confusion hath the Antichristes made with their wicked laws and decrees, and with their deceitful doctrine of errors and lies to uphold their filthy kingdom of pride, sloth, hypocrisy, and beastliness, that scarcely is any thing clean, pure, and godly. Now do they nothing but slay. None other study have they in these days, but to persecute, imprison, and famish, to burn, head and hang. Now have they obtained to enter the judgement hall, john. 18, Act. 5. 〈…〉 19 Isa. 10. 〈…〉 5, Act 20. Apoca. 18 and to sit upon life & death, without defiling of themselves. Now may they both a accuse and judge, both indite and condemn, & yet not soil their consecrate hands. If any control their customs, or say against their witchcrafts, they are ready to run over him with death, whom they carry to slay both soul and body. 1 This hath the Lord showed in mystery unto john in the fift seal opening, Sebastianus meyer in apocalipsi●● by whom are meant the true Christian believers at this time so well as at all other times sense Christ's ascension. john, ●, Math, 13, john, 15, Psal. 50, Heb, 9, 2 And when the Lamb opened the fift seal, or declared in figure what should be the estate of that time to ascertain his chosen friends thereof, I saw (saith Saint john) under the Altar of God, which is Christ (upon whom the whole sacrifice of our redemption was offered.) 3 The souls or spirits of those constant believers, which through the violent handling of the afore said false prelates and Antichristes were cruelly put to death by divers manner of torments, john, 16, Math. 23, Sapi, 3, Psal. 118, Apoca. 1, john. 14, 1. Thes. 4 Act, 7. Acto. 17 Psal. 5●. Matth. 23. 1. Cor. 1 Phil, 1, not only for the undefiled word of god, but also for the sincere testimony of jesus, which they had by the gift of his only spirit. Under this Altar remain all they which have been killed for that witness of truth. In his faith they slept and still rest now in his hope. In him now they live for whom they once died. Under his shadow they dwell. Under his wings they flock, under his covert they cloister. He is their comfort, keeper and defender. With him are they now, whose presence they evermore coveted. 4 In that they cried with a loud voice, Math, 2●, Apoca. 19 Sapi. 3. Gen, 4, levit. 20. Psalm. 10, Prou. 6. is signified that their innocent death fiercely asketh and requireth the great indignation, vengeance, and terrible judgement of GOD, upon those tyrants, like as did the blood of Abel upon that murder Cain. 5 And this is their daily cry. O Lord God almighty, 2. Peter. 2. Psalm. 25. Heir. 17. johel. 2 so holy thou art that thou hatest all evil, so true and so just that thou abhorrest all lies and perverse doctrine, so manifest is the filthy life of the spiritual antichristes that thou seest it, so evident is their unshamefast cruelty upon thy servants, that thou knowest it. Yet dost thou leave them unpunished, and suffer them uncorrected. How long time will it be ere thou judge them to damnation? What years wilt thou take ere thou revenge our blood? Math. 25. 4. 〈◊〉. 15. Psalm. 18, Math. 12, Apoca. 11. 6 Sure it is that thy laws are holy, and thy words are faithful and true. Why dost thou then permit these proud homicides and spiteful murderers to defile them with their errors, and blaspheme them with their lies: killing up thy servants without pity, 1. Tim. 4. Luke. 11, ● Thes. 2. Apoca. 17 Phili. 3. for holding with them, and reigning here as Gods upon earth in ambiciousnesse, vain glory, pomp, gluttony, and lechery, with other abominable vices. Thus these beastly belly Gods doth daily despise thee. They tread down thy testimonies and shed innocent Christian blood in despite of thee. johel. 3. Daniel. 1● Deut 32 Psalm. 78, Ezech. 5 Rom. 2. 7 Look once upon them therefore according to thy promiss, and see thou reward them according to their wickedness. This revengement do we not ask for our scathe, but for the contempt of thy truth. Not for our harm, but for the blasphemy of thy name. 8 And long white garments (saith Saint john) very large and comely were given unto every one of them. A full innocency, Eccle. 45, Apoca. 4. Apoca. 22, Apoca. 1. Hebr. 1. john. 12, Eccle. 5. perfectness, and clearness was powered over them, and abundantly spread upon them. Endued they were with an inestimable pureness by Christ, for whose verities sake they died. With him they are now in peace, joy, and sweetness. But whether they be in full glory afore God or no, that will we not temerously define. Sure we are that they be delivered from all pain, sorrow, and care, Apoca. 7● 1. Cor. 15. Rom. 8. Sap. 3. Psalm. 15. isaiah. 64. and that they clearly be ascertained so have that glory complete both in body and soul at the latter day. More sweet is their estate for the time, yea more delicious and pleasant, than all the delights, prosperity, and wealth that ever was yet in this world. 9 And as they were in this sweet solace, much desirous of their bodies deliverance from corruption, Rom. 8. Ephe. 3 they were required by these secret heavenly motion of Christ (as we are in this life by the outward word. Act. 13 Psalm. 4. 1. Thes. 4, ) Titum. 2. john, 17, Luke. 21. Apoca. 20 10 Patiently to pause for a while and quietously to rest for a season. 11 Until such time as the complete number of their constant fellows and faithful brethren. 12 Yea and of all those poor creatures that should be killed by these unsatiate blood suckers for his truths sake, like as they were afore should be fulfilled and wholly accomplished according to the eternal prediffinition of God. Act. 13, Psalm. 15, And so much the rather to content themselves with their peaceable and quietous estate for their brethren's sake, that it should not belong ere their death were revenged, Esa. 61 jaco. 5 Apoca. 21 Roma. 8. ●, john. 3 and they restored to a full tranquillity. For nothing in comparison are the sufferings of this time, to that glory which shall be showed unto the chosen sort in that day. Let no man think where as Christ hath willed those souls to rest, that they sleep in death, Psalm. ●●. john. 14, Ezech. 43, john. 8. Phil. 3, 1. john, 2 Apoca. 1. 1. Timo. 2, 1. john. 2▪ john. 15, 2. Mach. 1● Rom. 8. Hebr. ●. john. 5, for they rest in him which is life. Out of him they are not, he is their Altar, he is their covert. They live, they decern, and in sweetness they abide the latter day, and all under him. Their white garment of innocency they have only by him. Worship him then and not them. Pray and call upon him and not upon them. For he is the only meditour, and general advocate to God the father, so well for them as for you. Nothing can they do but by him. Their office is not to hear suitors causes, nor to go to and fro, but still to rest abiding the glad day of their deliverance. It is Christ's only office to receive all complaints to pleat them, and to judge them. THE TEXT. 1 And I beheld when he opened the six● seal, 2. & lo, there was a great earth quake, 3. and the sun was as black as a sack cloth made of hear. 4. And the moon waxed even as blood. 5. And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, 6. even as a fig tree casteth from her her figs, when it is shaken of a mighty wind. 7. And heaven vanished away, as a scroull when it is rolled together. 8. And all mountains and isles, were moved out of their places. 9 And the kings of the earth, and the great men and the rich men, 10. and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond man, and every free man, 11. hide themselves in dens, and in rocks of the hills, 12. and said to the hills and rocks, 13. Fall on us, 14. and hide us from the presence of him that sitteth on the seat, 15. and from the wrath of the Lamb. 16. for the great day of his wrath is come. 17. And whom can endure it. The Paraphrase. 1 This know they well whom the lamb hath delivered from their dark synagogue, ●. Cor. 6. Act. 2, Apoca. 4, 2. Cor. 4. Apoca. 18, Luke. 1. Psalm. 106 & to whom he hath in these days opened the sixth seal of the book, raising up the spirits of many to detect by his holy word their shameful abominations. Blessed be the name of that Lord, which hath now so mercifully visited his poor people from above, sending his word under the type or figure of this Lamb, to open unto them at this sixth time of darkness, the vj. seal of the hidden mysteries of the book. I looked yet farther (sayeth saint john) and as the Lamb Christ disclosed the sixth seal to manifest the clearness of his truth, Apoca. 5, Ephe. 4, john. 1, Luke. 12, ●. Thes. 2 to show the estate of his church, anon I beheld a marvelous earthquake arise. Most lively was this fulfilled such time, as William Courteney the Archbishop of Caunterburie with Antichristes synagogue of sorcerers sat in consistory against Christ's doctrine in john Wycleve. Walde● Polidor●● lib. 20. Mark the year, day, and hour, and ye shall wonder at it. 2 The Gospel once preached, and the verity sincerely opened, Math. 24, 1. Thes. 2. Luke. 12, Act. 4. john. 16. Apoca. 2, (whose nature is to condemn their superstitions) the earthly and carnal antichrist's swell, fret, and wax mad, they threaten, curse, and blaspheme, they run upon the faithful ministers with terror, cruelty, & fiercens, having at their hand the aid of wicked princes and blind governors. Aenas Silnius. Such a terrible earth quake was the general counsel of Constance against john Hus and Jerome of prague, and here in England against the King (when he set forth the Gospel) the seditious rising of Lincolneshere, and the traitorous uproar of Yorkshiere, in their pilgrimage without grace, where as neither wanted the false counsel of bishops, the riches of Abbeys, An experiment of our time in England. Aduersus has sunt scripta Morisoni & benefices, nor yet the cruel hearts of priests. A thousand bows and as many bills, beside other weapons were there among priests and religious to one poor Testament of Christ to subdue the verity. Yet hath the Lamb overcomen them, Apoca. 17. 2, Cor. 1, Sebastianus meyer. Wicleus Psalm. 2, Act. 4, Luke, 2. ●. Peter. 2, and declared their great wisdom in that enterprise foolishness, like as he did also in Germany among them, which maintained the same spiritual quarrel. Yet is not this earth quake pacified, but still they rise up against Christ and his word, and daily they counsel together to condemn his truth, that we should know him to be the sign of contradiction, the stumbling stone, and the rock of reproach. Mala. 4 Hebre. 1. ●. john. 1. Eccle. 42 2. Cor. 4. johel. 2. ●. Mach. 1 Ephe. 4. 3 The Sun appeared so black as a sack cloth made of hair. What though Christ being the clear son of righteousness, and the shining Image of God, can not be dark in himself, no more than can the material son in his own nature, yet may his clearness beholden from us by the mists of false doctrine, like as is the suns brightness by the shadow of the clouds. For the more men delight in ceremonial traditions, the blinder they are, and the less knowledge they have of God. To them seemeth not Christ the fairest among men, well coloured and beautiful, Psal. 44. Canti. 5. 1. Cor. 1. Heir. 44. Baruch. 6 john. 4. 1. john, 3. Mich. ●. and gentle as a Lamb, but ill favoured, black, and stubborn. And therefore they have no mind to him. They rather seek help, health, and light of other then of him. They think it much better to pray to dead Saints, and offer to Idols, then to call upon God ●n spirit & verity, and to help their ●oore neighbour at his need. More pleasure they have to follow men's dreams, them the verity of God. For ●hat is to them black as the heiry sack doth. It is dark, Esa. ●. 1. Cor. 1. johel. 2. Cant, 6. rough & foolish unto ●hem, they can perceive no beauty in 〈◊〉. ● The Moon became altogether as ●lud. Apoca. 1●. Math. 16 john, 16. 2. Tim. 4. The church being sometime fair ●s the Moon, & taking her light of christ, 〈◊〉 now waxed all carnal. Now is she taught only of flesh and blood, refusing the doctrine of God & his spirit. Now reigneth every where the corrupt fantasies of men, a few places except. And sure we are that neither flesh nor blood shall obtain the kingdom of God. Nevertheless yet all the world hath not perished in this bloody church. ●. Cor. 15. 2. Reg. ●●. Rom. 11, Gala. 4. Psal. 61. Polidorus Virgilius Always hath there been some that hath had the spirit of the children of God, what though they have erred sore in many things. Though Benedict, bernard, & Bruno, Albert, Francis, and Dominicke, with many such other, were far out of square from the rule of Christ's Gospel, yet doubt I it not, but the mercy of God hath saved them through faith for jesus Christ's sake. In the midst of false doctrine and devilish traditions he hath preserved them like as he preserved the three children, Ephe. 2. Rom. 8, john. 18, Daniel, 3. Franciscus Lambertus, li. 2. in Apocalipsim. in Daniel from the heat of the burning furnace. Though all at that time were blood through cruel decrees, yet were not all men so taken afore God, for than should none have been saved, none should have possessed his heavenly kingdom. 5 And the stars from heaven fell down upon the earth. Math, 24, 1. Cor. 4. Matth. 5. Daniel, 12 1. Timo. 4 Rom. 1. The ministers of God's word which should declare his righteousness, and be the lights of the world, were fallen from the heavenly doctrine of Christ, and from the sincere scriptures, to worldly learning and earthly fantasies. Nothing can be more evident than this, 1. Timo. 6 2. Tim. 2, specially to them that hath red the trifling works of the Sophisters, sentencioners, school doctors, canonists, and summystes. As are Dons, Dorbell, and Durande, Thomas of Aquine, Gerarde, and Gyles of Rome, Bonaventure, Baconthorpe, and Guido, Caldrinus, Bobius, and Baldus, Panormius, Rosellus and Roxius, joannes Tritemi●s Arnoldus Bostius jacobus Bergome● Agrippa▪ with an infinite rabble of such dirty dottages, and filthy dregs. Besides the great heap of the foolish sermons of Barnardyne and Uincent, Pomerij and Soccij, Mallyard and Barlet, De voragine and de Hungaria, Discipuli and Dormi secure, Uade mecunt, and Rapiunt hinc inde, with all such beastly beggary and lousy learning. 1. john, 2. Esa. 34. Ose. 2, Luke, 8. Primasius Ansbertus Haymo. 2▪ Tim. 4. 6 These stars hath thus miserably of a long time fallen, like as doth the infected figs when the fig tree is shaken of a mighty strong wind. Found fickle vanities, desire of worldly promotions, fear to have displeasure of friends, adversity, vexation, and trouble, with such other blasts here, hath caused the unprofitable instructors of the people to fall from God's heavenly verity unto fables, lies, trifles, and most pestilent wicked errors. 7 So that heaven hath vanished away from them, Esa. 34, Amos. 8, Psalm. 49, Rom. 1. 2. Thes. 2. Psalm. 11, as doth a scroll when it is rolled up together. True preaching of the word which is very heaven, hath been withdrawn, the verity hath been closed up. Christ hath take his leave, the spirit of God hath forsaken them, the sincere faith hath failed, Christian works hath decayed, when their dark divinity, dead ceremonies, & crooked customs of their fathers hath been in place. Nothing hath remained spiritual, Franciscus Lambertus Sebastianus meyer. john Hus. Godly, heavenly, holy, righteous, wholesome, nor worthy our christian vocation among their solemn shadows and sacred sorceries. If it hath, it was never yet seen. And that know they full well, which hath unfeignedly received Christ's Gospel. 8 All mountains and isles were removed from their places. Abacuc. 3 3. john. 1, Math. 12, Wicleus in lib. de ecclesia et membris. Not only the high minded Antichristes, but also the dissembling hypocrites are enforced many times & against their wills, compelled by the open verity and evident scriptures; to deny that afore they highly affirmed, and to grant that afore they highly denied. The Bishop of Room was afore. God's vicar & head of the church, he is now neither of both. They had sometime a purgatory, Martinus Lutherus de tradicionibus sugiendis. Daniel. 8, joannes Gocchius▪ & now they have none. Pardons are forgotten, pilgrimage is not spoken of, Faith in Christ now justifieth without their vain will works. They have put man to death for that they now affirm, yet are they not ashamed of that cruel murder. I hope in a while they shall out of more places, and grant will they nill they, to more christian verities, though their selves be never the nigher salvation, for that they do it not of good will, but compelled. 9 The Kings of the earth, more looking for their own pre-eminence then for the glory of God, Psalm. 2, Esa. 1, joannes Wicleus in suotria logo joan. Hus. the great men more seeking their own pleasures, than the common wealth of the people, the rich men oppressing the poor. 10 The Captains deceiving the commons, the strong men overthrowing the weak, every bond servant doing untrue service, and every free master ungodly occupying his faculty. 11 Hath hid themselves in dens of the said rocks & hills. Haymo: Wesselus' grovingensis in opusculis When they have done all mischief and wrought all wickedness, tyranny, manslaughter, rape, adultery, lechery, extortion, Idolatry, sacrilege, with all other abominations, & can do no more, than run they to those hypocrites, Apoca. 81, them seek they up those Antichristes. There must they be confessed, Martinus Lutherus in annotationibus. Mathei. there must they hide their sins. They must be covered with his dirty merits, & with his holy whoredom. And to be prayed for, that monastery must be builded, & that prebendary or chauntery must be founded. There must be Masses & dirges, there must be anuaries & bead men. joannes Paleonidorus in cronicis. Erasmus in suis colloquijs. He must be buried in S. Francis grey coat, and he in our Ladies holy habit. He must have S. Dominic'S hood, and he saint Augustine's girdle. 12 And thus they cry to those earthly hills and rocks, to those filthy dung heaps, or dens of wild beasts with a fearful desperate conscience. 13 Fall upon us with such stuff as ye have. Esa. 1, Cover us with your works more than need. Pray, pray, pray, sing, sing, sing, say, say, say, ring, ring, ring. Math, 25, Luke. 20, Racionale divinorum. Give us of your oil, for our lamps are out. Help us with your latin Psalms. relieve us with your lip labour though all be but dung and earth. Comfort us with Placebo. Odilo cluniacensis Help us with Requiem eternam. power out your Trental masses, spew out your Commendations. Sing us out of that hot fiery Purgatory before we come there. Esa. 2, Osee. 10 2, Cor. 1, 2. Pete. 3. Ephe. 4. 14 hide us from the fearful presence of him that sitteth on the thorn, whom we never knew to be a merciful father in all our romish medita●ns, and the scriptures we abhorred that so would have taught us. 15 Convey us clean from the wrath of the ungentle Lamb, whose doctrine we never favoured, nor whose goodness we never yet trusted. johel. 2, Esa. 13 Math. 25. Mala. 3, Gala. 5 Apoca. 17. 16 For the great day of his wrath is come. So certain we are of his terrible judgement, as it were now in doing. So sure we be to feel him a righteous judge, as we are sure he liveth. 17 And who can be able to endure it: who can abide it doing so much cruelty, rape, murder, bribery, with all other abominations, as we have done, Lutherus & Erasmus de confession. leaving wicked laws behind us still to continue the same? Well, with you we have left our whole rockening, ye know our deeds. Answer you for us then, for we dare not be seen. If your idle merits help us not, we look for no grace at his hand. If your souls be not for ours at that day, we perish for ever and ever. For we have not relieved him a hungered, Esa. 58. Ezech. 18 Eccle. 7 Math. 5. Luke. 6 Act. 8. john. 15, Math, 2, Apoca. 18. Luke. 21 Hebr. 10. a thirst, harbourless, naked, sick, and imprisoned, in his poor brethren, confessing his name and verity. But rather we have abhorred, reviled, blasphemed, spoiled, imprisoned, shamed, and persecuted him unto death in them, devising most terrible torments for them. Thus is there among the wicked sort, princes and other (where as the word of God is published) not only a doubt of their ruinous fall or decay, but also a fearful expectation of the terrible judgements of God for contempt of the same. The vij Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 And after that saw I four Angels, 2. stand on the four corners of the earth, 3. holding the four winds of the earth. 4. that the winds should not blow on the earth, 5. neither on the sea, 6. neither on any tree. 7. And I saw another Angel, 8. ascend from the rising of the sun, 9 which had th● seal of the living God. 10. And he cried with a loud voice, 11. to the four Angels (to whom power was given to hurt the earth and the sea) 12. saying Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, neither the trees, 13. till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. The Paraphrase. MOre manifestly yet are describe hereafter, Apoca. 6, 2. Peter. 2, Acto. 4. ●. Cor. 2. still under the mystery of the sixth seal opening, the hypocrites, antichrists, Tyrants, and cruel magistrates, forbidding the truth and condemning the word of God. After this (sayeth Saint john) I saw four Angels of darkness suffered but not sent of God. These are the aforesaid hypocrites with their false doctrine, Luke. 22. jude. 1. 1. Tim. 4, Colos. 2. the Antichristes with their pestilent decrees and traditions, the cruel princes with their tyrannous laws, and the ungodly Magistrates with their ignorance and blindness. 2 These stand upon the four corners of the earth, Esa. 10. they reign in the four quarters of the world, Esaie. 1●, 1. Tim. 4. Exod. 1, 1. Para. 9 1. Cor. 2, with lies in hypocrisy, errorus, in superstition, with tyranny in power, and cruelty▪ in executing human laws. 3 They withhold the four winds of the earth. Marci. 16 Act. 4. The doctrine of the spirit, which GOD hath sent to be blown the world over, they withstand, resist, stop, vex, and evermore persecute. 4 lest it should blow upon the earth, Gene. ● Ihon. 16 jaco. 1, Hebr. 13 Mark. 8, Luke. 6, which is the garden of God, driving away from thence all filth and corruption. 5 Or on the sea, which is the wavering conscience, bringing men to a quietous hold and sure stay in the Lord. 6 Or upon any tree that is growing here, which are men whom GOD hath planted on earth to fructify in Christ to the comfort of other. Wind can be here no fickle vanity as the wind of this world is, Psalm. 134, jacob. 1. Apoca. 12 Act. 5. john. 16 Sebastianus Meyer. for so much as it cometh from above. These furious Angels care not what cruelty they exercise to drive away this heavenvly blast. They lay about them like Termagauntes, they inhibit, sequester, banish, imprison, slay, hang, head burn, and drown the poor preachers of the verity, the vessels of the election, and organs of the holy Ghost, and their fierceness hath none end. Act. 9 Prou. 27 Hiere. 12 Math, 23, Apoca. 6. Apoca. 20, Their power in darkness prospereth upon earth, and shall do till they have fulfilled the whole measuere of their wicked fathers, and made up the number of God's chosen flock under the altar. 7 And whiles these execrable angels were yet stopping this wind, or letting the free passage of the Gospel preaching, I beheld (sayeth Saint john) another Angel of a divers nature from them, Albertus Mala. 3, Math. 11. Westmeri collectanea. john, 6 for he was the true messenger of God, betokening the Prophets, Apostles, and all just preachers. 8 He came forth from the rising of the sun, Mar. 16 Luke, 6 or as one taught of God in the sincere doctrine of Christ, he hath stepped forward to publish the same, ascending upward from the low spirit of meekness to do the godly office. 9 He had the seal of the living God in his hand, Ezech. 9 1. Cor. 1. Psalm. 4. which is the effectual word of truth in his mouth, to execute it. The true ministers of God's verity have power to mark his faithful servants unto salvation. Ephes. 1, Psal. 44. 2. Cor. 3. Their tongues ar● the writing pens of the holy ghost, by whom the word of god is registered in the hearts of them the believe. For faith is the very sign, whereby Gods servants are known to be the children of adoption, or of the inheritance promised by grace. Gala. 4. Ephe. 2. Heir. 1. Math, 10, Lutherus Erasmus Occolampadius. Zuinglius 10 And the said Angel cried with a loud voice, he boldly and with an earnest spirit uttered the verity, fearing no worldy displeasure. This voice against the unbelieving Antichristes was never more earnest than now in our time, as well in writings, as in preachings. And further hath it gone by books written, then by words spoken, and much more people converted. 11 An earnest message from God was this voice to the said four Angels of his wrath, which were by his sufferance permitted cruelly to handle and to hurt his people to their salvation and their own damnation, Daniel. 7, Sebastianus Meyer. Sapi, 3, Franciscus Lombertus which people dwelled as well upon the sea, as upon the land, as well in the close Islands as in the open country. 12 And the voice was this. Sequestre your fierceness for a time, Apoca. 9, & in no case presume after any cruel sort to harm neither the earth, Robertus tuitiensis, Math. 24, Hiere. 31 Canti. 4, Psalm. 38, Hiere. 22, nor the sea, nor the growing trees. Suffer the Gospel to have his free course, stop not the passage of God's word, let the wind of his verity blow without impediment. Though some hearts be worldly, some conscinces wavering, and some minds barren and unfruitful, yet may they repent and come to goodness. When the seed is sown, some falleth upon the good earth, Luke, 8 Math. 13, Luke. 19 Math. 9, Act. 9, Canti. 4 Roma. 8. Ezcch. 9, 2. Cor. 1. Hebr, 11. & bringeth forth fruit in abundance. Zacheus of a great extortioner became a righteous man, Matthew of a publican a true Apostle, and Paul of a fierce persecuter a gentle preacher. 13 Cease therefore from with holding the sweet blast of the Scriptures till we have sealed up the chosen servants of our eternal God in their foreheads, or imprinted faith in their hearts by his spirit, which is the mark of salvation, and till we have tokened up the whole number of them. Thus to be marked up for the servants of God, is not only to believe after the mind of Ezechiel, Ezech. 9 Rom. 9 Math. 5. Luke. 23 Apoca. 5 but also to lament the abomination, and bewail the wickedness that is done here. None are of that sort unless they sorrowfully mourn to see god blasphemed, the name of Christ disdained, the truth trodden under foot, and the perfect Christian church despoiled. By the aforesaid Angel is not meant one Christian preacher alone but many, Strabus Haymo. Albertus Magnus Hier. 26. 1. Tim. 3. Actu. 4. for so much as it is here said. Till we have sealed the servants, etc. For after that one hath begun, many doth continue it. In that hath been spoken afore is it manifest that wax the tyrants never so mad and persecute they never so sore to stop God's word of his course, yet can they not so prevail against it, but it cometh to them whom God hath appointed to be marked up for his. They with all the devils in hell cannot withhold it from them, Rom. 8. Math. 16 〈…〉 whom God hath prefixed to make up his number. And though that the Antichristes and murderers thinketh them to be very few, by reason of their wicked laws, Actu. 70 Sap. 3, cruel constitutions, threatenings, and terrible torments, yet is their number infinite like as here doth follow. THE TEXT. 1 And I heard the number of them which were sealed. 2. And there were sealed an hundredth and xliiii, M. of all the tribes of the Children of Israel. 3. Of the tribe of juda were sealed, xii. M. 4. Of the tribe of Reuben were sealed xii M. 5. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed xii M. 6. Of the tribe of Asser were sealed xii M. 7. Of the tribe of Neptalim were sealed xii M. 8. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve M. 9 Of the tribe of simeon were sealed xii. M. 10 Of the tribe of Levy were sealed xii M. 11. Of the tribe of Isachar were sealed xii M. 12 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed twelve thousand. 13. Of the tribe of joseph were sealed twelve thousand. 14. Of the tried of Benjamin were sealead xii M. The Paraphrase. Apoca. 6 john. 6. Rom. 8▪ john, 17, Deut. 7, 14 &, 26 Exod. 4 1 And I heard (sayeth Saint john) the number of them rehearsed, which were sealed with the sure token of faith, and marked up for the heavenly inheritors with Christ, not for one country, but for the whole world. first were the Israelites named, for so much as they were the peculiar nation, whom God first chose for his own people. Israel is mine eldest son, sayeth the Lord. After them followed in course the Gentiles as the younger Son, that we should thereby know that all people, Esa. 60, Act, 10. which feareth god, and worketh righteousness, is accepted unto him. 2 And there were sealed unto the Lord an hundred and xliij. thousands of all the tribes of the children of Israel, Numerus signatorum to have the life everlasting, Hebr. ●, Gene, 20 Hebr. 7. of every tribe twelve thousand persons. 3 Of the chosen tribe of juda the fourth son of jacob, of whom christ descended, were sealed unto God xii thousand. 4 Of the mighty stock of Reuben the first son of jacob by Lia, 1. Para. 5● Gen. 19 were marked unto the Lord twelve thousand. 5 Of the happy kindred of Gad the seven. son of jacob by Zepha, Gen. 30, Nun. ●. Gene. 30, joshua. 18, were tokened unto life xii thousand. 6 Of the blessed tribe of Asser the eight son of jacob by Zepha were sealed unto the heavenly fellowship xii. thousand. Gene. 30, Deu. 33. 7 Of the plenteous offspring of Neptalim the vi. son of jacob by Bala, Gene. 4● Num. 32 judie 18, Gene. 2●, were signed to be partakers of joy with christ xii thousand. 8 Of the notable parage of Manasses the eldest son of joseph in the stead of Dan, because of the idolatry, were noted for the friends of God twelve thousand 9 Of the humble tribe of simeon the second son of jacob by Lia, were sealed to the heavens felicity xii. thousand. 10 Of the sanctified success of Levy the third son of jacob by Lia, Deut. 10 Gene, 29 were marked unto salvation twelve thousand. Mala 3 Gen. 30, ●. Cor. 2, Gene. 30. 11 Of the pleasant posterity of Isachar the ix son of jacob by Lya, were tokened to the joys everlasting xii. thousand. 2 Thes. 1. Gene. 30 Hebr. 9, 12 Of the famous tribe of Zabulon the ten son of jacob by Lya, were sealed to the kingdom heavenly xii thousand. 13 Of the righteous stock of jospeh the xi son of jacob by Rachel, were sanctified to Christ's inheritance xii M. Gene. 35 1. Peter. 3, Collectanea West meri. Otho brunfel●ius de tropis scripturarum. 14 Of the godly kindred of Benjamin the twelve son of jacob by Rachel, were elected unto the eternal heritage twelve thousand. This set number of twelve thousand for every tribe of the Israelits, betokeneth a notable multitude in ever kindred of them, certainly appointed of God unto salvation. And it is not to be understanded upon them that are past, but rather upon them, whom it shall please God to call in this latter age under the vi. seal opening. Whom Paul calleth the remnant which shall be saved, Rom. 11. Amos. 9 according to the election of grace. For like as by the fall of the jews synagogue for unthankfully receiving the verity, salvation than happened unto the Heathen, Math, 21, ●see. 3, Apoca. 17, Rom. 11, Math. 10, Psalm. 85. so shall it now again from their carnal church to the jews for the same. god hath not thrust out his people, but their conversion shall be as is life from the dead. This shall the carnal synagogue of antichrist's, hypocrites, tyrants, and cruel magistrates, no more perceive at that day than they now decern those poor creatures whom they spitefully persecute and kill, to be the true Church of CHRIST. When Helias thought no more true believers but himself left alive, Sapin, 5, john. 16. 3. Reg. 19 Roma. 13 jude. 1, Apoca. 13. john, 19 almighty God showed him of seven. thousand more whom he knew not. If he were then ignorant, much more these four Angels of darkness, which now slayeth up God servants as the jews did Christ. Not for nothing hath god given so much knowledge in the Hebrew tongue. The jews must be sealed with the word of verity. Franciscus Lambertus in Apocal. li. 2. part. 3 Roma. 11 Apoca. 9 They must have the sure sign of faith. They must know and confess Christ, whom god afore promised by the Prophets, that twelve thousand of every tribe may be sealed unto salvation. For that time must the Antichrists cease. Their false interpretations of scripture, Marci. 7, 1. Tim. 4, 2. Pet. 2 Math. 8. their wicked traditions, their doctrine of devils, their lies in hypocrisy, their errors, their stinking chastity (whom God and his angels abhorreth and the devil most highly alloweth) with all their other filthiness they must lay aside. Where as afore time they have imagined other ways of the health and righteousness then by Christ, Gala 3, Rom. 10. 2 Peter. 2 Apoca. 18. joannes ●ecolampadius in Dani●lē. as by infinite sects of perdition, Idol worshipping, pardons, and other abominations without number, they must now be compelled against their will to resign them, not only by the manifest truth, but also by those which as yet are enemies both to them and also to the said verity. I can not see it but it worketh even now as it did in the primative church. When the heathen perceived the Apostles and Disciples expulsed out of jewry for the gospel preaching, Eusebius Acto. 13 Rom. 11 Esa. 49 Franciscus Lambertus li 2. part. 3 in apocalipsim. for the hate they had to the jews they gladly received them, which was unto their salvation, though they thought nothing less. Not unlike is it in this age, but that the true preachers and learned men, compelled also by tyrants to decline to the Saracens and Turks, may in like manner be accepted of them in spite of the romish devil and his Church, and so convert them to the true Christian faith, which they before abhorred. Gene. 41. Daniel. 2. Hester. ●. Toby. 1. Math. 24▪ Luck. 19 Gala. 4. Apoca. ●● Such favour may they find among them now, as did joseph, Daniel, Hester, Mardocheus, Zorababel, Nehemias, Es●ras, Tobias and other among the infidels then. And like as the jewish synagogue did at that time wholly perish for rejecting God's word, and never could recover since, so may that false counterfeit church of antichrist come to destruction for contemning the same and never rise up again. Much is it to be feared, if they stop GOD'S word as they have begun, Act. 4▪ josephus Egesippus Mantuanus The sweet winds may not blow for these angels of darkness. lest that plague fall on them that lighted upon the JEWS at the Siege of Jerusalem, by the TURK now, or by some other worse than he. For though they suffer the Bible to be abroad in the mother tongue in BRABAND, holland, FLAUNDERS, FRANCE, SPAIN, italy, and other places, yet are they still as they were Angels of darkness, tyrants, persecutors, Antichristes, and Hypocrites forbidding the right course of it. And not withstanding their violence, yet breaketh it forth so, that innumerable people are daily sealed unto God. THE TEXT. 1 After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude (which no man could number) 2. Of all nations, and people, and tongues, 3. Stood before the seat. 4. And before the Lamb, clothed with long white garments, 5. And palms in their hands, 6. And cried with aloud voice, saying, 7. Salvation be ascribed to him, that sitteth upon the seat of our GOD, 8. And unto the Lamb, 9, And all the Angels stood in the compass of the Seat, 10 And of the Elders, and of the four Beasts, 11, And fell before the Seat on their faces, 12. And worshipped▪ GOD, saying, Amen. 13, blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanks, and honour, and power, and might be unto our God for evermore, Amen. The Paraphrase. 1 After this (saith saint john) I beheld an exceeding multitude of the Gentiles or Heathen, Psalm. 1●8 Marci. 16. Osee. 1. Gene. 18, marked into the fellowship of Christ, whom no man was able to number. 2 These were of all nations of the earth, Phil, 2 Rom, 14, Acto. 2, of all peoples of the world, and of all languages under heaven, Greeks, Latins, hebrews, Chaldeans, Parthians, Medes, Elamites, Capadocians, asians, Phrygian, Egiptianes', Arabianes, Syrians, africans and Indians. 3 They stood all before the imperial seat of God. Psalm. 9 Luke. 8▪ Math. 16 john, 20▪ Esa. 5● It was given them by the holy ghost to see him in faith reigning in his true church, and to take him for their merciful Lord and father. 4 They stood also in the presence of the poor Lamb, Apoc. 6. Ephe. 1. Rom. 5, Psalm. 8●, Esa. 45. john, 1, 1. Cor. ● beautifully clothed with long white garments. They believed Christ to be their only saviour and redeemer, and were most highly accepted before him for that believes sake. They lived purely according to his word, & did all things of a sincere conscience, taking him for their only health and comfort. By him only they trusted to have their sins forgiven, wherefore they were by him justified and restored to perfect innocency. 5 Palms had they in their hands large and beautiful, Eucheriu● 1. john. 5. 1. Cor. 15, Hebre. 11. Psal. 113, in token of victory over sin, hell, death, & the devil, which they have through Christ. 6 And they cried all with a loud voice. In an earnest faith they made this strong protestation, saying. Eph●. 2, ●. Cor. 4. Psalm. 3 Daniel. 7. 7 No merit, health, nor goodness be attributed unto us, nor yet unto any creature in heaven nor in earth for us. But all our whole salvation, life, and deliverance, be only ascribed unto him that sitteth upon the throne of our God, reigning by his spirit not in the false counterfeit church, but in the true christian congregation. 8 And unto the sweet Lamb jesus Christ, Apoca. 5, Heir. 11. Psalm. 3. Rom. 9 isaiah. 64 Apoca. 5, which alone died for the same. For health is only the Lords, so is the eternal blessing, and neither of our works, nor yet of our good deeds, for the best of them are defiled. 9 And all the Angels or ministers of heaven, Daniel. 7. isaiah. 9, Apoca. 4 Math, 1● compassed the throne according to their office. They assisted the true faithful church which is the seat of God. 10 The xxiv. elders they compassed also, so did they the four beasts. For ministers they are to the saints departed, and servants to them that be yet alive. 11 They fell down flat on their faces before the throne. They meekly acknowledged themselves the creatures of God, Phili. 2 Apoca. 5 and servants to his congregation. 12 And they worshipped not the seat, but God which sat on the seat. Psal. ●0. Lambertus Luke. ●. Colos. 1. Daniel. 7 Apoca. 5 Most highly they magnified him and praised him for restoring their lost number saying: So be it evermore as we shall now desire. 13 Everlasting praise and glory, perpetual wisdom and thanks, 1. Timo. 6 Nehe. 8, 3. Esd. 9 continual honour and pour with might which can not be measured, be referred unto our eternal God of all his creatures for ever and ever, yea for all that he hath wrought in them, Amen. THE TEXT. 1 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me▪ 2. What are these which are arrayed in long white garments, & whence came they. 3▪ and I said unto him, 4. Lord thou wottest. 5. And he said unto me. 6 these are they which out of great tribulation, 7. and made their garments large, 8. and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. 9 Therefore are they in the presence of the seat of God, 10. and serve him day and night in his Temple. 11. And he that sitteth in the seat, will devil among them. 12. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst, 13. Neither shall the sun light on them, 14. neither any heat. 15. For the Lamb which is in the mids of the seat shall feed them, 16. and shall lead them unto fountains of living water. 17. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. The Paraphrase. Haymo Ansbertus. Sebastianus meyer. Apoca. 6 Esa. 30 Math. 20, Luke. 9, ●cm. 8 1 And one of the ancient elders (saith saint johan) made answer unto that, which I was inwardly most desirous to know concerning this innumerable multitude, saying unto me by manner of question. 2 What are these comely persons, which are thus beautifully appareled in long white garments, large and fair? And from whence came they as thou supposest. 3 And I as one ignorant of the mysteries of God, of mine own nature without the special gift of him, answered after this sort. 4 Sir, thou wottest what they are and from whence they come, by such knowledge as the Lord hath given thee. 5 And he said again unto me thus. john. 1●▪ 1. Cor. 14, Hebre. 11 Acto. 14▪ 1. Peter. 3. john. 6. 6 These are they which come unto Christ by faith, out of the great tribulation of worldly wickedness, fleshly cares, and disquieted consciences. 7 Abhorring the doctrine of men's inventions, they set sure hold upon the living word of the Lord. There fet they out forgiveness of their sins, Acto▪ 10 Psalm. 3● and made their garments large to cover their old deformities. 8 They washed their lives in the sorrows of repentance, Act. 19, Psalm. 113 Daniel. 12 1. Peter. 1. Apoca. 22, Acto. 10 Ephe. 2. Daniel. ●. and fashioned their deeds to his sweet laws and commandments. They made their garments white in the precious blood of the Lamb, believing to be purified by the merit of his death. 9 And therefore are they at this time in the presence of his majesty, accepted, taken, and allowed for the citizens of heaven. 10 They serve him day & night in the Temple of their souls, and they praise his glorious name in spirit for ever more. Apoca. 4 Exod. 29 johel. 2. Esa. 49, 11 The Lord that sitteth on the throne will always dwell among them, as their most mighty defender, their solace, and their comfort. jaco. 1, Esa. 49, Psalm. 120 12 The spirit shall so refresh them, they shall no more hunger nor thirst. Though concupiscence dwell in them they shall desire none evil. Deut. 4. Hiere. 17. 13 Neither shall the sun so light on them, which is this worlds prosperity, that they shall forget their Lord God at any season. 14 No heat shall hurt them, nor adversity of this world overcome them, john. 15, Rom. 8. Apoca. 5. but in that they suffer or do, all things shall work to the best. Math. 18. john, 14, ●ggei. 2. Acto, 4. Esa. 60. 15 For the innocent Lamb Christ which is in the midst of the seat, or the congregation of God by his word, shall nourish, feed, & relieve them with his promise, shall preserve, comfort & lead them by his spirit. Yea he shall so order them, they shall have need of nothing. And if he be their light, health, and strength, of whom should they be afraid 16 He shall bring them unto the fountains of the living waters, Psalm. 5●, john. 4 Eccle 1. john. 14 Apoca. 2● john. 16, Acto, 5. 1. john. 4 Rom. ●, Math. 5, & make them such well springs as shall flow up into the life everlasting. His doctrine must do it and none other, for none cometh to the father but by him. 17 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. Adversity shall be unto them a very consolation. No sorrows shall they care for, no torments shall they regard, no troubles nor yet death shall they fear, but think in their hearts always, that the sufferings of this life are nothing to the glory to come. Gene. 4● Psalm. 21 Esaie. 63, Apoca. 1●. The aforesaid elder might seem to be jacob, whose prophecy might tell john, that Christ should wash his garment in wine, and his mantle in the blood of grapes. So might it be David or Esay, which also confirmeth the same. In this as in a glass may be seen what they are afore god that at this present age, or under this six seal opening unfeignedly cleaveth to his word, Mark this sixth seal opening. followeth it in effect, and liveth according unto it. first they are clear afore God, Rom. 8. Psalm. 31. Sapi. 17. Hebr. 9, Gala. 4, john. 4. Math. 5, Luke. 6 Colo. 3. Hebre. 11. Psalm. 118 2. Corin. 1. and no sin shall be imputed unto them for their faiths sake. Consequently, they are delivered of a troublous conscience. The Lamb hath restored them to innocency, & God accepteth them for his children. These seek no doctrine but the scripture. They serve God in spirit and in no dead things. They hunger not for men's traditions, they thirst not for hypocrites good works, they are well, and fully contented with the Lamb. They seek no prosperity, neither care they for adversity. The word of God is their guide, and therein they mind to departed. None other but such are sealed unto god, nor none else walk before him in white garments. The viii. Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, 2. there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. 3, And I saw seven Angels, 4. standing before God. 5. And to them were given seven Trumpets. 6. And an other Angel came, 7. and stood before the altar, 8. having a golden censer▪ 9 And much of odours was given unto him. 10. that he should offer of the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar, 11. which was before the seat. 12. And the smoke of the odours which came of the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the Angels hand. 13. And the Angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, 14. and cast it into the earth, 15. And voices were made, and thunderings, & lightnings, 16. and great earthquake. 17, And the seven Angels which had the seven trumpets, 18, prepared themselves to blow. The Paraphrase. 1 2 This silence shall endure but half an hour space, Psalm. 125 Bedas. Apoca. 20, 1. john. 2, 2. ●ara. ●. Psalm. 89, Rom. 11, Hiere. 23 Luke. 15 john. 10 which may be the thousand years that are spoken of here afore, considering that all the age after Christ is but the last hour, and a thousand years before God is but as the day that is paste. In the time of this sweet silence shall Israel be revived, the jews shall be converted, the Heathen shall come in again. Christ will seek up his lost sheep and bring him again to his fold, that they may appear one flock, like as they have one shepherd. 3 And I saw (sayeth saint john) seven Angels standing before the majesty of God, Apoca. 1. Mala. 2 Albertus Magnus Franciscus Lambertus Esa. 27, Ose. 8, Hiere. 16. which signifieth the preachers of his word for the seven several times of the seven. seals opening, to every seal corresponding an Angel. For all that the preachers hath done from the beginning of the Gospel, to the time of this last seal opening, shall then appear at once. In that day (sayeth Esay (the Trumpet shall be blown, they that were lost shall come from the Ascirians, the scattered flock shall come from Egypt, & worship the Lord in jerusalem. Daniel. 7, Hebr, 1, Esa. 58. Eucherius 4 These Angels stood before the presence of God, as ministers of acceptation, ready to execute his heavenly will and commandment. 5 And to them was given seven. hollow trumpets, Hiere. 23 johel. 2. Apoc. 6. 1. Cor. 4 the ministration of his word was unto them committed. They ran not forth unsent, they spoke not uncommanded. They blew their trumpets one after an other. As the seals were opened, the mysteries they declared as came to their course. 6 And another Angel (sayeth saint john) of a much higher nature than these, Mala. 3. Esa. 64, Nume. 4 Phil. 2. came forth, yea even the Angel of the covenant that was so sore longed for, came to his holy Temple. 7 He stood before the altar, he humbled himself, he became man, he took the shape of a servant. 8 He had in his hand a golden censer. Hebre. 9 john. 4. 1. Tim. 2, 1. john. 2. Psalm. 140, Gene. 15, This Lord jesus Christ the sovereign messenger of our salvation took it upon him alone to be our mediator our advocate before God, and the only atonement for our sins. 9 And much incense of odours was given unto him by the great faith of Abraham, john Baptist, Hebre. 11. and of all the sanctified number. 10 That he should offer up unto God so much of the prayers of all the faithful believers upon the golden altar or in his glorified nature, Hebre. 13 Ephe. 1. Apoca. 12 as was right afore him. 11 Which altar is now before the throne of God. Hebr. 7 johh. 14, Acto. 7. 1. john. 2 Act. 4, He hath an everlasting priesthood, he is able to save them that come unto God by him, and liveth immortal, standing on his right hand as one ever ready to make interpellation for us. All they consented in ●ne that he should be their general attorney, considering he was their only saviour and redeemer. 12 And the sweet smoke of the odorous incense, which came of the wholesome and fervent desires of them that had faith, Psalm. 140, Prove. 11. Hebre. 1 Rom. 8. Hebre, 9 john. 14 ascended up before God out of the Angels hand. By his only merit was their faith accepted, and for his death's sake their works pleased God. 13 The said Angel took the censer, he prepared his godly spirit. Heir, 31 Luke. ●2 Act, 2. john. 1, He filled it with fire of the altar, which was his eternal charity. 14 And he cast it into the earth, with power he sent it down in cloven fiery tongues upon his Apostles, of whose plenteous abundance all we have received. 15 And as it was come down, there were noises, Apoca. 4, john▪ 16, Marci. 16 john. 3, Esa▪ 1, Math. 15. 1. Tim. 6 Apoca 6, Nath. 2, Acto 4, john. 11 thunderings, and fearful lightnings, for it rebuked the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgement. It reproved the world of unfaithfulness, for contemning the light of God's verity. It threatened it for superstitions, hypocrisy, and outward observations. And utterly it condemned it for obstinacy of corrupt interpretations. ●6 There was also a terrible earthquake as it was comen into the world. The ungodly rulers were moved, the ambitious prelate's were vexed, ●he covetous lawyers fretted, the hypocrites and priests waxed mad, yea they are not yet quieted to this day. They still lie & prate, they blaspheme and accuse, Math, 5 john. 15 Psalm. 73 they persecute and kill, they hang, burn, and drown, their malice hath none end. ●7 And the said seven. Angels (sayeth john) which are the universal preachers of God's verity, Luke. 9 Esa. 58 having their seven. trumpets or full authority given them of the Lord. ●8 Prepared themselves by power of the holy Ghost, john. 15, Marci. 16 to execute their offices, & to blow each one in his course. THE TEXT. 1 The first Angel blew, 2. And there was made hail and fire, which were mingled with blood, 4. and they were cast into the earth. 5. And the third part of the trees was brent, 6. and all green grass was brent. The Paraphrase. 1 The first Angel first stood forth, and blewe his Trumpet. The first angel. Acto. 2. Rom. 10. john. 12 Act. 13. Hebr. 3. Apoca. 22, The Apostles after the first seal opening (which was at the coming of the holy ghost) went forward with the gospel, and taught it the world over. And when they had believed and thoroughly received the word which were predestinate of God to be partakers of the glory with Christ, the residewe still blind & obstinate, persevered in their infidelity, and so perished. 2 For upon them came hail & fire, which were mingled with blood. Their wickedness over went them, their stubborn stomachs stirred up their fury, Exo. 9 Eccle. 9 Rom. 1. Sapi. 2. their fierceness kindled ever more and more, & their madness made them blind. john, 16, Acto. 4 judie 1, 2. Cor. 4. Act. 7, 8.12 14.19. 3 And these they coupled always with cruelty & murder. For when Christ's disciples had preached the Gospel, the wicked sort of the jews and Gentiles in no case would believe it, but their obstinacy so blinded them, and their malice so inflamed them, that they sought their death and procured the effusion of their blood. Over all the Acts of the Apostles this is evident. 4 And they were cast into the earth. So occuppied their earthly hearts this wilfulness and anger with thirsting of innocent blood, Ezcch. 14, Math. 23, Osee. 4, jude. 1. Luke. 13. that all grace in them was extinguished, and all goodness clean consumed. 5 The third part of the trees was brent, and all the green grass came to nought. Though the chosen people were ever the lesser number, and the wicked the much greater (as in Zacharie) yet are they not here so noted, Math. 7 Zacha. 13 Psalm. 33, Luke. 12. for so much as in the sight of the Lord the infinite rabble of infidels are nothing to the small flock of faith. Consider also that in Zacharias time, the jews were the people of God, which were nothing in comparison to the Gentiles. But now are the Gentiles his people, which ever exceeded them in number. The thrid part of the Trees withered in their wickedness were found without fruit in the Gentiles. Osee. 11, Rom. 9 Esa. 54, 1. john. 2 Act. 1●, Hiere. 2, john. 4, Math 21, Luke. 11 Primas. 1, Haymo. Franciscus Lambertus 6 All the jews which sometime were the green grass by the manifold gifts of God, and by Christ's coming of them, were then brent up clean. True faith went from them, and their own malice blinded them. Though this were verified of them only, which were at the first Seal opening, and the first Trumpet blowing, yet doth it touch the bloody Antichrists, Hypocrites, and ungodly rulers, withstanding God's word to this present day, the poor Christians being green, and bringing forth fruit in patient sufferance. THE TEXT. 1 And the second Angel blew, 2, And as it were a great mountain burning with fire, 3, Was cast into the sea. And the third part of the sea turned to blood. 5, And the third part of the creatures which had life, died, 6. And the third part of the ships were destroyed. The Paraphrase. 1 The second Angel blew his Trumpet at the second Seal opening, which signifieth the preachers, The second angel. Mala. 2, Apoca. 2, Eusebius cesariens●s declaring the secret mysteries of God's verity immediately after the Apostles time. 2 And as they were at the pleasure of the Lord so doing, a monstrous thing in manner of a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. A cruel sort of false disciples and wicked brethren arose up from among them, Zacha. 4▪ 1. john▪ 2 1. Tim. 3. all earthly minded to covetusnesse, puffed up with pride and ambition, 2. Tim. 3. Act. 20 2▪ Peter. 3, Esa. 17, Ezech. 6 Luke, 18 inflamed also with anger, spite & vengeance, they boisterously entered in among the people, so mutable and fickle as the sea, which changeth with every wind. These are the mountains that swell up thinking much of themselves. These are the rising hills that boast so much of their good works, of whose overthrow by God's word both Esay and john Baptist did prophesy. Such fiery mountains were jamnes and jambres, Esa. 40 Luke. 3 2. Tim. 3, Heir, 20 john, 18. 3. john. 1, Act. 19, Act. 13, 2. Tim. 4. that maliciously resisted Moses, so were Phassur and Semeias, which vexed the Hrophet Hieremy. Such burning hills were Cayphas and Annas against Christ, Diotrephes, Herpocras, Hebion, and Cerinthus against john the Evangelist, Demetrius, Bariehu, Himenius, and Alexander against Paul, with such like moody prelate's resisting the truth to this present day. Such smocky mountains of contradiction both daily withstand Christ in the edifying of his Christian Church, Hebre. 12 Zacha. 4 Esa. 17 Rom, 16. Apoca. 20. as rebuked Zorababel in the building of the jews temple. 3 They stir up the sea, they move the weak people, and make them blind as Asses. In their hate they provoke the Princes to cruelty and malice. They cause them to punish the poor Preachers, Acto. 16 Luck. 11. and put aside the truth lest they should fall unto it. 4 By reason of this burning hill falling into the sea, the third part of the water turned into blood, Exod. 7 Apoca. 17 Act. 6 Math. 10, joan▪ 16 Math. 5. 1. joan. 3 the third part of the people seduced by them became hateful murderers. Not only they accused GOD'S servants, but as blood thirsty beasts they consented to their deaths, not considering that he which doth but only hate his brother is an homicide. 5 The third part of the creatures, which had life died. Of those which seemed to be faithful among them, Acto. 1●. Apoca. 3. 2. Tim. 3. a great number were worse than nought. Dissembling with faith they betrayed the truth, and wrought much wickedness. Eusebius cesariensis Eucherius Many martyrs were then every where. 6 So that the third part of the ships were destroyed also. Many Churches or private congregations called parishes, for fear of losing their goods, and for doubt of imprisonment and death, refused the faith and fell clean from the truth, 1. Tim. 6. and so were perished and lost. For Ships in the scriptures betokeneth them. Luke. 8, Act. 5● THE TEXT. 1 And the third Angel blew, 2. And there fell a great Star from Heaven, 3. Burning as it were a Creshet. 4. And it fell into the third part of the Rivers, and into fountains of waters. 5. And the name of the Sarres is called wormwode, 6. And the thitd part of the waters was turned to wormewod. 7. And many men died for the waters, because the were made bitter. The Paraphrase. 1 When the third Angel blew his Trumpet at the third scale opening, The third angel. Daniel. 12 jude. ● there fell from heaven a great mighty Star, burning like a Creshet, 2 As the preachers of that time opened the truth of god, 2. Tim. 4 Philastrius Brixiensis Argustinus many great doctors and excellent learned men, as Arius, Macedonius, Cutices, Ualens, and such other, declined from the sincere faith, and fell to blasphemous opinions concerning the Godhead. 3 These seemed glorious to the earthly minded people, Luke. 16 Osee. ●, 2, Tim. 4▪ john. 6. Apoca. 2▪ 1. john. 2. 1. Tim, 4. they appeared notable and famous to the blind forsaken sort, yet was their learning madness, and their doctrine fables and lies. But this is here to be noted, that they which are true teachers remain still in heaven, they persever in the christian church, where as the other are fallen clean from thence by apostasy, and errors, so that they are none of Christ's. 2. Corin. 4. Esa. 55 2. Tim. 2 Luke. 12, 1, Cor. 2, Amos. 5. 4 This star fell into the third part of the rivers, which are the scriptures perverted, and into the fountains of waters, which are Gods own very words depraved. These have the false doctors, yea pernicious heretics infected with their errors, corrupted with their lies, and with their false interpretations made them bitter and unsavoury. Heir. 9 Gene. 26. Primasius Bedas, Here. 2, 1. Cor. 5 Psalm. 18, Math. 15, 2. Thes. 2. 5 For the name of the star was wormwood, whose nature is to withdraw all sweetness. These with their bitter heresies and their noisome doctrine destroyed the pits of Abraham, they troubled the Text, they mixed the truth with falsehood, they poisoned the waters, they took away the lovesomnesse of them, they left them unpure and unperfit (not that they can be so of themselves, but of their false working) they made them unpleasant, unprofitable, yea and most perilous unto many. Hiere. 23. 2▪ ●or. 2 2. ●ete. 2. Trens. 3, 6 For it followeth, When the third part of the waters (which are the scriptures corrupted by them) was turned into woormwoode, or bitterness of errors. 7 Many men died of them. They perished by those doctrines, because they were made bitter. Yet were not all men cast away, for two parts were left undefiled, and many that drunk the poisoned waters, Haymo. Ambrose Ansber●u● Heir. 2. Psalm. 18. 1. Tim. ●. enometed them again. Only were they lost that retained them still. The pure waters are here doubled unto the waters infected. For double in value is the verity before GOD, and the true minister thereof worthy double honour, where as the other are nothing at all. THE TEXT. 1 And the fourth Angel blew, 2. And the third part of the Sun was smitten, & the third part of the Moon, & the third part of the Stars. 3▪ So that the third part of them was darkened. 4. And the day was smitten. 5. That the third part of it should not shine, and likewise the night. 6. And I beheld and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven. 7. And saying with aloud voice. 8. woe, woe, woe, to the dwellers of the earth, 9 Because of the voices to come of the Trompetes of the three Angels, which were yet to blow. The Paraphrase. 1 At the fourth Seal opening the fourth Angel stood forth and blew his Trumpet. The fourth angel. ●ath. 20, Luck. 20 Marci. 12 Math. 28 Hieronimus▪ Rufinus. Cassianus Heraclides. Never was the time yet so perilous but some true preachers hath been in it. Were there never so many heresies abroad, yet have there reigned some godly ministers, what though they were unknown to the world. Many sincere fathers were in the desert wilderness when most mischief was in doing among the cruel tyrants which privily resorting to Cities, taught them whom God had appointed to be saved. Of this number was Paulus Antonius, Hilarion, Macharius, Pambo, Theonas, Baptista Mantuanus joannes tritemius Franciscus. Lambertus Effrem, & such like. And long since their time Anastasius, Persa, Theophilactus, Fulgencius, Beda, Alcuinus, Strabus, and such other many. Not with standing all that they taught and wrote was not gospel. All was not without superstition though they lived in much pureness of life. 1 These blew the Trumpet as they had received that time. joannes Oeclampadius in Da●n elem. joannes Wiclenus de antichristo ●t membres. But the false Hypocrites and the Antichristes so prevailed more and more under Mahomet and the romish pope that 〈◊〉 Christianity and spiritual holiness was turned into superstitious sects. None was well christened that had not a moonkish disguising. None was thought spiritual, unless he were shaven on the crown. Then brought they in many new ways of salvation, to prove Christ but a second saviour, as pardons, pilgrimages, Masses and friday fastings. Then was god able to help no disease, but images were sought up every where, saint job for the pox, Platina Nancleru● Otho. Brunfelsi●us. Erasmus. Lutheru●. ● Saint Roke for the pestilence, saint Germine for the ague, saint Appolyne for the tooth ache, saint Graciane for thrift losing, and saint Barbara for gonnshote. That Lady in that place, and that Lady in that. joannes Olneye C●rthusianus. Vincencius This Rood here, and that Rood there. And he that did miracles here, could do nothing there. Thus was all changed into devilishness, and their preachers for lucre confirmed always the same, 2. Timo. 3 3. Reg. 18, 2. Tim. 4, which were many more in number than were the true messengers of God, 2 In this most corrupted and dolorous age, john. 15, Luke. 21. Esa. 13, 2. Cor. 2. 1. Tim▪ 4 Treno. 4 Acto, 8. the fourth angel blowing his trumpet, the poor forsaken disciples showing the truth, the third part of the sun was smitten, so was the third part of the Moon, & also the third part of the stars. Good creatures they found the third part of God's heavenly word sore blemished by the hypocrites, the Christian Church piteously disfigured by the antichrists and the inferior ministers thereof, darkened by Tyrants and cruel magistrates. john, 12, Osee. 4 3 By their wicked struck the light of GOD'S verity was hidden, and appeared less by the third part than it was afore. Less was Christ the son of righteousness known, Mala. 4 Apoca. 2 Esa▪ 56. 2. Pet▪ 3. Rom. 1. less was the Christian Church faithful, and less were the preachers godly. More ignorant was at the time then afore, more superstition, hypocrisy, and falsehood, wherefore the third part of them all was darkened. 4 At that time also by reason of them, the day was so smitten, that the third part thereof showed no clearness, Heir. 6. Albertus Magnus, joannes Wicleus in supplimento ●●ialogi▪ and so was the night likewise. 5 In no case might Christ shine in the Curates and religious, which ●ooke themselves for the day, nor yet Christian fruits in the common people which were esteemed the night, Only were their will works allowed, and their dirty traditions thought godly. The true trumpet blowers or ministers of the word, Waldenꝰ in fasculo zizanio●ū, Bedas Haymo were then compelled by cruel commandments, & the ●ōmons by cruel laws enforced in ●o case to meddle with the truth, lest their abominable doings were espied. In this therefore mark, what a detestable thing false doctrine of hypocrites is, Sebastianus Meyer. for it bringeth in all darkness an ignorant blindness, and it shadoweth under pretence of virtue, all wickedness, and sin. 6 And then (saith saint john) I beheld an Angel, Apoca. 7 Osee. 8, Mala. ●. flying through the mids of heaven, as it had been an Eagle, which betokeneth certain peculiar servants of GOD, illumined with some knowledge, and lea●ing an high conversation in the church. Such were joachim Abbas, Cirillus of Carme, Angelus of Jerusalem, Phil. ●. Bapt. ●● Mantuanus joannes 〈◊〉 Nauc●●rus Theolespherus of Cusencia, Raynhardus, and other. And since their time Petrus johannis, Robertus de usecio, johannis de rupescissa, Arnoldus de villa nova, Hieronimus Savonarola, with such like. 7 These perceiving the light of God's verity, joachim 〈◊〉. ●uper oracu●o ciril. li. Baptista Mantuanus and the true teachers thereof daily deminishinge, considering also the mighty increase of darkness with a loud voice they cried earnest writings they sent the world over, under the title of revelation and prophecy. 8 Saying by the threatenings of scripture, woe, woe, woe, Zacha. 12 Ephe. 4 Apoc. 22. 2. Tim. 3, jude. 1. 3. Reg. 10 to the inhabitors of the earth. More wickedness is coming, more blindness and more darkness to the ungodly infidels and earthly minded people. It will stylll be worse and worse to the foolish ignorant sort, through the errors, lies, and abominable superstitions of the false antichrist's and cruel chaplains of Baal. 9 And this rebuking cry, Franciscus Lambertus was because of the voices of the other three Angels were yet to blow with the Trumpet, whose blasts they should also more deeply contemn. By prophecies & scriptures, waldenses 1. Tim. 4. Acto. 20. 2. Tim. 3, Wicleus Math. 22 Apoca. 20. hath many godly men perceived afore hand with Paul, the fall of faith, the increase of errors, and that divers should decline from the truth, and earnestly they have premonished the governors of it. Yet have they neglected the warning, and utterly despised them for it, leading the People into the depth of all errors and filthy abominations. The ix Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 And the fift Angel blue. 2. And I saw a Star fall from Heaven unto the earth. 3. And to him was given the key of the bottomless pit, 4. And he opened the bottomless pity. 5. And there arose a smoke of the pit, as it were the smoke of a furnace. 6 And the sun and the Air were darkened, by the reason of the smoke of the pit. 7. And there came out of the smoke Locusts upon the earth. 8 And unto them was given power. 9 As the Scorpions of the earth have power. The Paraphrase. THe fift Angel which blew his trumpet under the fift seal opening of the Lamb, The fift angel. Albertus Magnus Luke. 12 Math, 20, Act. 5. were they which had the word of God for that age of Christ's Church, and that published it to his elects. And these doth not only seem to be few in number, but also they appear to have taught privily in private congregations and houses. 2 For when this trumpet was blown, Esa. 14, Psalm. 13 Hiere. 6 isaiah. 24 john beheld a star fallen down clean from heaven into the earth, no part thereof reserved, neither of the star in heaven, representing the spiritual church, nor yet of the earth from the star, betokening the worldly people. Neither were the spirituality of Christ's church, Ose. 4. Baruch. 6 nor yet the laity clear from their poisons any where. This glittering star or shining multitude of prelate's, Hired ●, 1. Cor. 2, 2. Peter. 3, Math. ●5. Gala 4, ●. Tim. 4. pastors, and religious fathers, were fallen away from the doctrine of the spirit, from the living word of the Lord, and from the right conversation of Christ, into the earth of their own decrees and laws, nothing savouring but carnal traditions, dumb dark ceremonies, and doctrine of devils, fashioning their lives all after the same. Then sought they up Plato, Averroes, Agrippa. de vanitate ●cientiarum and Auicenne. Then was Aristotle thought necessary to interpret the scriptures. Then was there an infinite rabble of Sophisters & school doctors of reals and nominalles, of sentencioners and summists of collyginers and canonists, of Scotistes, Thomistes, Olcamystes, Alberstystes, Baconystes, Anconistes. And every man thought his own wisdom best, Erasmus sarcerius, de scolasti●ce theology vanit●●te▪ Oecolampadius in epistolis which God hath proved stark foolishness, all and most ydiotishe dotage. When the blind world supposed they had the truth by this fallen star, they had nothing less. Under the fift seal opening this darkness was not seen, but the sixth now discloseth all. Franciscus Lambertus li. 3. in Apocalipsim Apoca. 6. Apoca. 20 Only the slain sort complained that time desiring their blood to be revenged, where as an answer was made them, that many more yet should be killed to fulfil their number. And it was proved true. For none in those days once hissed against them, but suffered death for it. Yea of Emperors and kings that offended them, some were accursed, some deposed, some slain, some poisoned. Neither spared they power nor yet noble blood. joannes Ca●ion in cronicis. Ranulphuus cestrensis. In England here they slew King herold, poisoned King john, and famished King Richard the ij. by their own histories, they burned sir Roger Acton knight, sir john Oldecastel, the Lord Cobham, & sir Raynolde peacock bishop of chichester they imprisoned to death, Fabianus joannes maior. Polidorus. Agrippa contra Lovanienses. Zacha. 9, Prou. 1. Math. 16 Rom. 1, besides an infinite number of poor simple souls, no lawful cause known, but lies of their own forging. Yea and the articles that they died for than, they affirm now to be good. But no marvel though they did such mischief in those days. 3 For to the star was given the key of the bottomless pit. After they were fallen from the wisdom of God to the corrupt dreams of men, following rather the creatures than the maker of them, he gave them over unto their own imaginations and fantasies. 4 Then had they pour in darkness, by their carnal, Luke. 22 Hebre. 13. Luke. 11 Rom. 8 Gala. 5 Apoca. 13. Daniel. 7 job. 1. Psalm. 106 jaco. 5. beastly, and devilish divinity to open the well of damnation. For what is the wisdom of the flesh else but death? What are their practices but fight weapons against life? They had licence to deceive, and leisure to do mischief in outward things, as had Satan upon the body of job. But no doubt the goodness of God yet preserved the inward souls of many simple jobbes for time of that dangerous world. 5 And when they had opened the bottomless pit with the key of their false doctrine, Luke, 11. Apoca. 14▪ Apoca. 19 1. Tim. 4 Gala. 5, Apoca. 18 Apoca. 20 Esa. 1, there went up a black filthy air as it had been the smoke of a great furnace. There arose all errors, lies, heresies, superstitions, idolatry, covetousness, pride, incontinency, falsehood, hypocrisy, with all other filthiness, which are the fruits of hell, and they went abroad the world over. Thus hath these cursed Apostates the pope & his chaplains the keys in deed, not of heaven but of hell. They may open but they can not spear again, Math. 16. Luke. 11, Math. 23, Luke. 10 john. 10 2, Pet. 2 Math. 15. 2, Tim. 3, I●on. 14▪ Apoca. ●. Esa. 63. unless they spear from heaven, as they do always. They may hurt, but they can not heal, they may destroy, but they can not help, they may well damn, but they can not save. For the nature of their key is only to make blind, obstinate, foolish, hard hearted, and ever more worse and worse. He only giveth light, grace, faith, & health. He taketh away all darkness and sin, which hath the key of David. Ab●cuc. 3. 8. Cor. 15. For he alone hath trodden down the wine press, having the whole victory over death, sin, hell, and the devil. He hath power only to spear up both death and hell. The fire of God's wrath, they be not able to quench. The smoke of the dyvils' malice and continual wickedness, Apoc. 6. Sapi. 2. Gene. 3. 2 Cor. 11. Rom. 5. 2. ●essa. 2. Math. 24. 1. Tim. 4. Gala. 5. Luce. 12. they be not able to keep down. Eva could not withstand one simple suggestion of Satan. A small taste of this smoke lost Adam with his whole posterity. And now these Antichristes hath filled the world with it. For what is it else but wicked persuasions? a learning of devils, and a doctrine contrary to the doctrine of God? poisoning all, destroying all, & leading unto hell. 6 The sun by this smoke was darkened, 2. Cor. 2. Apoc. 19 so was the wholesome air. The Gospel they defiled with their false interpretations. God's word they corrupted with their gloss, commentaries, and postilles. They mingled the scriptures with the dirty dregs of their own laws, Lutheras adversus. traditions, and old rotten customs of their popish fathers. Catherin●●▪ Esa. 3. 2. cor. 2 johannes. agricola super lucan▪ So that in the church no good air could be had, no sweet smell of the truth could be found. There was much idol worshipping, strange crying, and lip labouring, sensing, fooling, & charming, crossing, mowing, and juggling, gazing, kneeling, & knocking, but no true Gospel preaching. 7 Out of this pestilent smoke came innumerable locusts, Apoca. 19 Nahum. 3. Amos. 7. Wicleus in speculo militantis ecclesie. a very monstrous vermin and horrible to behold, creeping over all the earth. These were the disguised swarm of Cardynalles, mitred Bishops, doctors, shaven priests, abbots, monks, Canons, Friars, Nuns, sisters, and hermits, in read, white russet, grey, black, blue, and all other colours. Of these were the Benedictines, Sabellicus. Mantuanus Egid●us Father. Paleonid●rus. the Bernardines, Gerondines, Gilbertines, Celestines, Scopetines, Grandimontensers, Camaldulensers, Cruniacensers, Premonstratensers, Carthusianes, Carmelitanes, Ambrosianes, Rhodianes, Gregorianes, Purgatoryanes', Guilhelmytes, jesuits, johannites, Hieronimites, Ninivites, Polidorus Franciscus Lambertus in regulam minoritarum et alij. 2. Peter. 2, Math. 24 Acto. 20 2. john, 1. jude. 1. Esa 1, Rom. 2. Cellites, Thaborits. Templars, Hospitelers, Crucigers, Augustinianes, Dominicianes, franciscans, Brygydanes, Basilianes, of josaphat's valley, and of the dark alley, and such other, with innumerable swarms of them every where. Peter prophesied afore of this smoky multitude, when he gave warning that there should come into the Christian church false teachers, which privily should bring in damnable sects, denying the Lord that bought them, and many should follow their damnable ways, through whom the truth should have ill report. But few hath marked that warning. 8 And unto these noisome locusts was pour given, Exod. 10. Ezech. 2, Haymo. Albertus. job. 34. Math. 7 Hebr. 2● but yet none other power, then have the scorpions of the earth, whose crafty nature is first to creep softly, then grievously to sting, & last of all to venom. This pestilent vermin, God hath suffered for the wickedness of his people, first flatteringly to creep, to dissemble, gloze, gloze, and speak fair, Sebastianu● meyer, in Apocal. Gregorius in li. e●alogorum. Odilo cluniacensis abbess. promising prosperity, victory, long life, and heaven, after this departing. And by such means goat they under them Emperors, Kings, governors, and all the world beside. 9 Then did they sting their consciences with terrible dreams and visions, and with fearful revelations of purgatory and of hell, to build them up fair houses, and to live in wealth and pleasure. Finally, they venimed their faith with their poisoned counsels and promises, 2. Pet. 2 Apoca. 18 Exod. 10. Deute. 28, Sebastianus ●ranck in 2. part chronicorum and so took they from them the true hope in Christ, making merchandise of them through covetousness & fair words. Thus cloistering together like locusts they have left nothing green, but all they have withered and destroyed. No works might then be used of God's prescription, but such as were fantasied by them for advantage, as mass founding, chantries building, priest singing, Image gilding, kissing of relics, praying to death men, and such like. And when they were once frank and fat, Hiere. 5, Psalm. 2 they stood up together proudly against the Lord and his word. THE TEXT. 1 And it was said unto them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth neither any green thing, neither any tree, 2. but only those men which have not the seal in their foreheads 3. And to them was it commanded, that they should not kill them, 4. but that they should be vexed five months. 5. And their pain was as the pain that cometh of a Scorpion, when he hath stung a man. 6. And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it, 7. and shall desire to die, and death shall fly from them. The Paraphrase. 1 Yet were they commanded that they should in no case hurt the grass of the earth, Apoca▪ 7▪ Prou. 11 john. 6. Nun. 24. Acto. 20. john. 17, neither any green thing, nor tree. Though they were permitted by the sufferance of God to do much mischief, yet could they harm none but such as wanted faith. He ordained from the beginning always to save his. Never could Satan hinder the soul of job, only did he vex the outward carcase and goods. Where as faith is growing, true hope in Christ springing, job. 2. Collo. 1. Rom. 8. Gala. 5 john. 18 Hiere. 15 Marci. 16 and works of charity fructifying, they shall do no hurt by the promise of God. Where the gift of the spirit aboundeth, they can in no wise prevail. If any hindrance doth fall, it is where faith is wanting. 2 For only had they power upon those men which had not the seal of God in their foreheads. Apoc. 7. Apoca. 19 Ephe. 5. Franciscus. Lambertus li. 3 in Apocalipsum. They only are in peril that have not the sure faith. And the more want they have thereof, the more is their seathe when it cometh. 3 Yet had those locusts in commandment, that in no wise they should kill them whom they had noyed. For the will of God is that no wicked person should perish, unless he resisted the holy ghost, but rather to turn from sin and to live. 4 Only was it permitted that they should be vexed v. months. Ezech. 18 Ambrose Ansbertus Math. 23, Gala. 4, Osee. 11 john. 9, joannes Eskius, Only for their life time were they suffered to over load their poor consciences with their beggarly traditions, to trouble them with their trumpery, to grieve them with their curses, and to torment them with their threatenings of their purgatory and their hell. Though they blinded for want of the scripture, erred in all popish divilrie, and for lack of true knowledge had not the token of faith, yet perished they not wholly, Apoca. 7 joan. 3, Act. 5, Franciscus Lambertus Eccle. 39, no more than did Nicodemus and gamaliel which were but carnal men. But their ends the Lord reserved to his own merciful goodness, for confessing the name of jesus Christ. 5 Yet were they sore vexed for the time, and their pain was as the stinging of a Scorpion, when he hath hurt a man. A pricking of a more than half desperate mind, Ephe. 4 Sapi. 17. Sapi. 17 Sebastianus Meyer in Apocalip●●●. a fear of a wonderfully troubled conscience, yea and a great doubt of salvation ha● they, till God showed his mercy upon them, opening their faint hearts and strengthening them with his inward power. 6 And in those days shall men seek death, and yet shall not find it. Sapi. 16, Osee. 10 2, Tim. 3, Osee. 4, For the grief of their loaded consciences they shall in confessions take counsel of them, which is very poison and death, yet shall God so preserve them, it shall be no death unto them. For no damnation can be unto them which are in Christ jesu. Rom. 8 Gene. 19, Luke. 17 Loth dwelled in Sodom, yet perished he not with Sodom. 7 They shall desire to die, and yet death shall flee from them. Apoca. 6. Marci. 9, Wicleus in libro de confession Heir. 2 When they feel the terrible gnawing of inward fearfulness, they shall seek up their stinking remedies, and require their dirty merits, which is clean to die from Christ, and to forsake his living waters for their filthy puddles of hypocrisy and devilishness. Yet by the singular grace and unspeakable mercy of God, Heir. 31. joannes Hus de antichristo. 1▪ Pet. 1. that they seek shall flee clean from them, and that they have not sought for, shall save them, which is the only blood and death of jesus Christ. Thus shall they have life unlooked for, Titum. 3. Gene. 5. Psal. 85. and be taken up with Enoch from the wickedness of this world, and see the God of Gods in Zion without their deserving. THE TEXT. 1 And the similitude of the locusts, was like unto horses prepared unto battle. 2, And on their heads were as it were crowns like unto gold. 3. And their faces were as it had been the faces of men. 4. And they had hair as the hair of women. 5. And their teeth were as the teeth of Lions. 6 And they had habbergyons, as it were habbergions of iron. 7. And the sound of their wings was as the sound of charettes, 8. when many horses run together to battle. 9 And they had tails like unto Scorpions, 10. and there were stings in their tails. 11. And their power was to hurt men five months. 12. And they had a King over them which is the Angel of the bottomless pit, 13. whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abadon, but in the Greek tongue Appollyon. 14. One woe is past, and behold two woes come yet after this. The Paraphrase. 1 And the locusts in similitude were like unto horses prepared unto battle full of stomach, strife, Sapi. 16▪ Ro●● ●● Waldem●● in 〈…〉. contention, anger, and hate, rigorous in examinations, fierce in excommunications, moody in disputations, mad, hasty, and cruel against the verity, and evermore grudging among themselves one sect against another. 2 Upon their heads they had counterfeit crowns in manner of gold. Esa. 28. Math. 23. jacob. 3. Luce. 22. 3. john. 1. Math. 23. Luce. 20. Marci. 12. Luce. 18. Glorious names of dignity had they, and shining titles of high pre-eminence undeserved. Most holy fathers, most gracious Lords, and most reverend masters commonly were they called. They made large their phylacteries, & set abroad their skirts, they sought the highest places in the synagogues, and salutations of reverence in the streets. They were not as other men be. The simplest holy water priest among them was sir at the least, which is no less than lord 2. Tim. 3, 2. Thes. 2, Psalm. 36 Esa. 14, Abdie. 1 Esaie. 28 Phil. 3 Psalm. 1, By presumption, pride, and ambition, they exalted themselves aloft as the Ceader trees of Lybanus, above Emperors, Kings and Princes. Yea they set their seats in heaven, & became God's vicar's to damn and save at their pleasure. But w● be to the proud crown of this drunken generation, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is but dust, and shall be their shame & confusion. 3 Their faces were not unlike to the faces of men. Colo. 2, Apoca. 3. josephus Math. 6 Luke, 11. Math, 23 Marci. 12, And outward pretence they had of wisdom, grace, and godliness, yet was there nothing less with in them. Very prudent, wise, & learned they seemed in their commoning, discreet in behaviour, and sober in their living, yet were they but painted combs full of all sin and filthiness. The counterfeit goodness they showed outwardly, was only to be seen of the world. Haymo ●span 3 4 Hair they had on their heads most like to the hair of women. All wavering were their minds, inconstant fickle and foolish. Their hearts were given to uncleanness, jude. 1. 2. Peter. 2, Rom. 1▪ Ezech. 4 Eccle. 2●, 2. Timo. 3 Act. 20. their flesh to voluptuous desires and pleasures, so that in them rained all beastly abominations. All execrable lusts flowed in them as the water of the Ocean sea. 5 Their teeth were as the teeth of Lions. For they were wholly given to greediness, ravin, fierceness, and cruelty, not sparing, but devouring the flock, not saving, but loosing, not helping, but destroying. These were those wild beasts that trod down the viniarde of the Lord, Canti. 2, Psalm. 79 Math. 10. Heir. 23. Haymo. Albertus Luke. 22 1. Tim. 1. Math. 12. Hebre. 6. those unreasonable Boars, that hath rooted up all, and those blood thirsty wolves that hath rent the poor Lambs in pieces. 6 Habbergyons had they upon them like jacks of Iron mail, which signifieth their obstinate malice, their hard froward stubborn hearts against the verity of God. For wilfully they resisted it, blaspheming the holy ghost with the pharisees and Scribes, whose sin shall never be remitted in this world nor in none other. 7 And the sound of their wings was as the stout noise of charets, joan Husde Anatomia antichristi. Wicle●●s li. 2. de sermone doni in monte. when many horses bus●le together towards a battle. The wings of these abominable locusts, that set them aloft so far above themselves, are their dignities, offices, riches, liberties, Priveleges, Laws, and such like, which boldeneth them in all things, be it never so unjust. 8 The noise of these is great, the note, the rumour, the fame is mighty the world over, as well in Cromeles and writings as in the speech of the people. Yea under the title of God they bolster their wickedness to make it the stronger. All must be God's dignities, Sebastianus meyer in Apocalipsim. Apoc. 18. Esa. 10. Miche 3. Rom. 16. joan. 16. God's service, God's laws, Gods religions, when it is stark devillishnes. They make what laws they list, they command and forbidden, they set up and pluck down, they both curse and bless, yea they do all mischief and all in his name. Be it never so ungodly, cruel, and false, yet must it forth in the name of god. Thus mightier wings they have then had the great Eagle in Ezechiel. Neither could Pharo in Egypt, Ezech. 17. Exod. 5. Daniel. 3 1. Macha. 1. Deut. 8. Heir. 51. Esa. ●. Wiclews li. 2. de sermone domini in monte. nor Nabuchodonosor in Babylon, nor Antiochus in jury do that they might do here in christendom. 9 For they had tails like unto Scorpions, and there were sharp stings in their tails. Their study, labour, and practices was ever for a false conclusion. The end of their fair compassed crafts, was always to maintain their errors and lies. 10 And this had a very sharp sting. For death was towards them that withstood their gins. Destruction of body and goods was evermore at hand 11 Yet was their power only to hurt men for v. months space, Primasius li. 3. in apo. job. 2. Math. 17. joan Hu● de regno Antichristi. Luce. 12. Sapi. ●. to harm them in this sensible life, divided in five parts. No power had they upon the souls hence departed. Then could they not hinder with all their censures, black curses, suspensions, disgrading, interdictions, excommunications, and all such terrible thunderbolts, with Book, Bell, and Candle. Farther extended not their violence, then upon the poor bodies. The souls were in God's hands, whose mercy is never far of. 12 A King they had over them, which is the Angel of the bottomless pit, Sapi. 1. Apoca. 20 job▪ 41. john. 8. Luke. 11, 2. Thess. 2 1. Tim. 3. Psalm. 17, Math. 15, Hiere. 2. for he is the head captain of all the children of pride, the master of errors, and the father of lies. Needs must the devil be their king whiles his smoky doctrine hath nourished them, fed them, and set them forth in their colours. Sure we are that they are strangers to God, for the heavenly father never planted them. Well, such people, such governor, such swarm, such stinking leader. 13 The name of this their captain in the Hebrew tongue is Abadon, Hieronimus Erasmus. Math. 4. Gene 3 Luke. 11, Math. 12 and in the Greek tongue Apollyon, and both signifieth a spiteful destroyer. His nature is to persuade all evil, to infect the mind, to corrupt the heart, to pluck away faith, to make the soul blind, Franciscus Lambertus to rob man of all goodness, to separate him from God, and to damn him with himself for ever. Woe is that wretched army that hath such a captain, and that forsaken multitude, which hath such a king. 14 One woe is past. One cursed season of execrable blasphemy, Bedas. Haymo. Albertus Magnus darkness and devilishness, under the fift seal opening, and the fift trumpet blowing is at an end. But look to it well, for two other woes, yet shall come after this under the sixth and seven. as here after will appear. THE TEXT. 1 And the sixth Angel blewe. 2, And I heard a voice from the. 3. Four corners of the golden Altar, which is before God, 4▪ Saying to the sixth Angel, which had the Trumpet. 5. Lose the four Angels, which are bound in the great river Euphrates, 6. And the four Angels were loosed. 7. Which were prepared for an hour, for a day, for a month, & for a year, 8. For to slay the third part of men. 9 And the number of horsemen of war were twenty times ten thousand. 10. And I heard the number of them. 11. And thus I saw the horses in a vison. 12. And them that sat on them, having fiery habbergions of a yalow and brimstonie colour. The Paraphrase. 1 Consequently the sixth Angel stood forth and triumphantly blewe his Trumpet. The sixth Angel. Bedas anglus in apocalypse. Sebastianus meyer. Constantly the sincere preachers of this present age hath taught Christ and his verity, under this sixth seal opening, wherein they have disclosed the detestable errors and shameful abomination of the other age afore. 2 And as this Trumpet was blown I hard (saith saint john) a sweet voice from the four corners of the golden Altar which is before the eyes of God. 3. Reg. 7. Apoca. 8. Matth. 17. johan. 1 Hebr. 9 johan. 1. Upon him we offer when we trust only in him, Hebre. 9▪ Rom. 12 Colo. 3. 1. Pet. 2, Math. 28. and also when we live according to true faith in him restraining our old Adam, with his fleshly desires. 3 The four corners of this altar is the Gospel, Marci. 16. Rom. 10 Math. 16 Gala. 4. Rom. 8. which he hath left by his Apostles in the four quarters of the universal world. The voice is the joyful tidings or message thereof. And this signifieth Christ not only to have his church within the dominion of Rome under bondage, but also in all other parts of the world in liberty All these four corners hath but one voice. The Gospel every where taught hath but one heavenly message of mercy and peace from God the father, Ephe. 1, john. 16 Rom. 1 1. Cor. 15. Ihon. 14 one glad tiding of health, and salvation from jesus Christ, and one sweet smell of the grace of God and of victory in Christ from the holy ghost. 4 And this one voice commanded the sixth Angel which had the Trumpet or the true faithful preachers under the sixth seal opening, which had the administration of the word at the only gift of God. 5 To go forth and to lose the four Angels which are bound in the great river of Euphrates. Many hath the Lord anointed with his spirit in this age to preach deliverance to the captive, to open the prison to them that were in bondage, Luke. 4, Esa. 61, Amos. 9, Hiere. 31, john, 5, Psalm. 1ST 2. Para. 7 Baruch. 6, Math. 2● and to declare the acceptable year of health. By whose preaching he hath now vntha●●led the children of the dead and set them at liberty to preach his name in Zion, and to worship him in Jerusalem. Many that afore were fettered with fantasies, yoked with unadvised vows, & overcharged with intolerable burdens among bishops, Priests, Monks, Canons, Friars, and Noons, are now graciously delivered, Hebre, 9 Lutherus adversus presendo episcopos. Franciscus Lambertus in Apoca▪ and with a free conscience confesseth the verity of God, 6 So that many among the four Angels, or a great number of them that were sometime Antichristes, Hypocrites, tyrants, and murders, are now losened from Euphrates the great flood of wavering fantasies, and of the sickle pleasures of this world. For though they were sore bound in their conscience and life, yet wanted they there no wanton delights, to nourish and féederal fleshliness. Idem Lambertus de caulis excecacionis multorum seculorum. Acto, 4. john. 8. They lacked nothing that might maintain their pomp, vain glory, covetousness, pride, gluttony, and lechery, but they had it in abundance. And though the nature of God's word be as of a key to open unto them that believe, and to spear unto them that believe not, yet is it said here to open unto both. But yet in divers respects. For in the chosen sort it openeth to love, in the other it openeth to hate. The one bringeth forth honey by it with the be, the other venom with the spider. The one is made more meek and gentle, the other waxeth more cruel and mad. Acto. 10. john, 7, 2. Cor. 2. Luke. 2. 〈◊〉. 6, 2▪ Thes. 2. Mala. 3, Apoca. 7. As Paul saith unto some it is the saver of life unto life, and some again it is that saver of death unto death. For hard is that word to the execrable Angels 〈◊〉 children of Satan, calling them from Euphrates. They can in no wise abide it. Yet were the four Angels loosoned from thence, and hath lost a great part of their pleasures. Since the Gospel came in, the Antichristes hath lost the prophets of their Bulls, pardons, joannes wicleuꝰ in sua confession. et in libello ad parliamentum regis. confessions, privy tithes, idol offerings, purgatory, masses, bell christenings, church hallowings with other lose ends. The Hypocrites hath lost their more than princely habitations, their monasteries, covents, hospitals, preben●●●ies and chantries, with their fat feeding & warm couches, for ill gotten good will home again. The tyrants and murtherrers have not now their pleasures in all points as they had afore time, what though their cruelty be still as much as it was and rather more. For the people is not now to their mind as then. Franciscus. Lambertus li. 3 in Apocalipsum. Otho brunfelsius et alij. And as these Angels are loosened in this quarter of the world, so shall they be in all then other quarters, the Lord appointing their times. One corner of the altar hath given his voice I doubt it not but the other three will shortly do the same. 7 The four ill Angels were prepared (saith saint john) for an hour, for a daes, Daniel. 12 john. 7. for a month, and for a year. At no time are the Antichristes unready to do mischief, the hypocrites to deceive, the tyrants to persecute and kill. Since Christ's time to this day never ceased they, joachim Abbas in apocalip. Eusebius cesarienfis but still evermore they have been doing. Yet hath their fierceness been more and longer at one time then at an other, more vehement in some places then in some. And at this time, their continuance is some where long, some where short. Some where is their cruelty more, johannes Nauclerus jacobus bergomensis some where less. Their days are not always alike, nor their lives of one length. 8 notwithstanding for their time they shrink not, but still 〈◊〉 go forward to slay the third part of men. None other can the tyrant be but a Tyrant, nor the antichrist but an antichrist. None other part can the hypocrite play but his own, joan Hus de Anatomia antichristi. nor yet the spiteful murderer. Ever seek they to kill the innocent people. Evermore practise they to bring out of the way, Math. 23 john. 16 Sebastianus meyer. Apoca. 8, Ticonius Apher. ex primasi● & Ansberto. the righteous servants of God, taken here for the third part of men or in the smaller number, for so much as here is neither blood, nor fire, wormwood, nor smoke. 9 And the number of their horsemen, like unto the horsemen of arms in war, was twenty times ten thousand, or ten score thousand. An innumerable multitude have they sent forth the world over, to deceive and blind, to destroy and kill. joannes brencius. Act. 8. 2. Peter. 2 Math. 10 Daniel. 12 Horsed they are with their beastly laws and decrees, and armed with their fierce authority and cruel power. And who is not now an horseman of theirs, and a cruel Saul, making havoc of Christ's poor congregation? Every where they by them and sell them, betray them and accuse them, persecute and imprison them, indite them, and burn them. 10 And I heard the number of them (saith saint john) or knew certainly asorehand that the truth in those days should have many such enemies I understood it in spirit, Ambrose Ansbertus li. 4. super apocalipsim. Haymo Apoca. 9 I believed it and surely marked it up for a warning to them that should come after. 11 Consequently I saw the setting forth of them. I beheld in a vision the horses, frank, fat, and fierce, which were none other than the aforesaid locusts that crept out of the smoke from the bottomless pytte. In the fift opening or blast of the Trumpet, Thomas Naogeorgus in pammachio. joannes wicleuꝰ li. 2. de sermone domini in monte which was the rank time of their going forth they were but locusts, lean, bare and needy. In their beginning the Antichristes and hypocrites, as bishops, Priests, Monks, Canons and Friars, were poor, abject and untydy. But under the sixth they grew unto great horses. They were so pampered with possessions, fatted with pleasures, and boldened with authority. And when they were once comen into the estimation of the world, than waxed they high, heady, fierce, proud, and cruel. Then were they horses of pleasure for Princes, and worldly magistrates, to carry them at their own lusts, for they were unbrideded. No laws had they for them. Benno cardinalis. joannes Carion. Thomas waldenus Fabianus Polidorus li. 22. Chro. The sceptre, Crown, sword and power, might then pass none otherwise in Emperors and kings than they had fantasied. A fault then done against them, could be no less than both heresy and treason. If they said but burn, then must they be both drawn, hanged, and burned, no remedy. For that that toucheth them, toucheth the prince's honour also, to make the matter more grievous. They should not else be both partners in the vengeance of God for innocent blood shedding. Yet hurt they not the righteousness in all their mischief, Math. 23. Luke. 1● Sapi. ●, Psal. 115 Apoca. 6 Ephe. 2. though ●t so appeareth unto them, for so much as their death is precious in the sight of the Lord, and their dwelling place the alter of god, Christ full of rest & peace. 12 And the men that sat on these horses had fiery Habbergions of a yellow and brimstone colour. The Princes and Rulers provoked by the crafts of these false Prophets and deceivable teachers to rise against Christ and his word, Exod. 7, 3. Reg. 22, Psalm. 2 2. Tim. 3 Colo. 2. waldenus in fasciculo Zizaniorun are armed with cruelty in unrighteousness, with a false charity, and with a counterfeit wisdom. In the examination of causes they will oft times seem favourable, loving and wise, when in effect they are nothing less. For move them once with the truth, or the quick learning of the spirit, and then will they do as doth the Brimstone that is touched with fire. They flame out their malice, Sebastianus meyer, in Apoca. Sabellicus Platina. Blondus Carsulanus they spit forth their wickedness, and their filthy judgements stinketh the world over. Many such sweet saviours of their politic wisdom or rather fleshly foolishnesie, have they left behind them in the chronicles and histories that unwholsonly savoureth yet to this day. And this have they of their unbridled horses, their ghostly fathers, wernerus. Cornelius Agripda confessors, & counsellors, over whom their selves have neither power nor authority but as they list. THE TEXT. 1 And the heads of the horses were as the heads of Lions. 2. And out of their mouths went forth fire and smoke, and brimstone, 3. And of these three was the third part of men killed. 4. That is to say, of fire, smoke, and brimstone, which proceeded out of the mouths of them. 5. For their power was in their mouths, 6. and in their tails. 7. For their tails were like unto Serpents, 8. and had heads, and with them they did hurt. 9 And the remnant of men, which were not killed by these plagues, 10. repented not of the deeds of their hands, 11. that they should not worship devils. 12. and Images of gold and silver, & brass and stone, and of wood, 13. which neither can see, neither hear, neither go. 14. Also they repented not of their murder, and of their witchcraft, 15. neither their whoredom, neither of their theft. The Paraphrase 1 The heads of these horses were in similitude as the heads of Lions, Haymo. li. 2. in apocalipsi. which betokeneth their proud, bold, and mighty malice against god's verity. In the other age when they were but locusts, joan Hus de regno antichristi. they had the faces of men, for some reason yet appeared in their laws and doings, though they stood not all with God's word. But since they grew up in courage, and became furious horses, wicleuꝰ li. 2. de sermone domini in monte. they have laid away those faces and now taken to them fierce Lion's heads. Now is there nothing in them but open malice, cruelty, and spite. Now are they termagauntes all together, Lambertus Shafnaburgensis Sigebertus gemblacensis. Otho phrisingensis. and very devils incarnate, where their dirty traditions be not kept. So eager they are, their horse men can not restrain them, their princes can not rule them in such a matter, unless they will be torn in pieces, as many of their predecessors have been afore time both Emperors, Kings, and other governors. 2 For out of their mouths goeth fire, smoke, & brimstone, isaiah. 56, Math. 24 2. Peter. 2, 12. Peter. 5▪ Ephe. 6, God's word they preach not, for they are become horses. Their office is now to carry whither it shall please them, and to lead the princes at their lust. Now roar they like Lions with their great grandsyr Satan, seeking whom they may devour. Now breath they forth of their execrable mouths the hot fire of their threatenings & curses. john. 16 Acto 9, Luck. 21 2. Tim. 3. 1, Tim. 4, Now vomit they abroad the filthy smoke of their vanities and fables. Now spew they out the stinking brimstone of their lies and errors. 3 So that they have killed with these three plagues the third part of men. joannes Hussius de regno, vita, et moribus antichristi. But yet none other else than those which hath given creadence to their errors, believed their fables and feared their curses. 4 For none other were slain, but they only which tasted of the fire, smoke, and brimstone, that went out of their mouths. None other else were lost & deprived of the life which is in Christ jesus, but such devout dotterels, Collo. 3. 1. Cor. 1. Baruca. 6 and worldly wise people as they taught and brought up in false worshippings. 5 No doubt of it but the power of these cruel beasts was most in their mouths. Sebastianus meyer in Apoca. The strength of the deceivable teachers to beguile the wretched Idiothes and blind asses of the world, is evermore in their speech, in their sermons, confessions, and privy counsels. There with do they infatuate them, blind them, & kill them. 6 Much power have they also in their tails behind, Johan's Wicleus de confession Latinorum. which is not only their hypocritish life, but also their pestilent traditions, laws, and customs, with these do they sore infect and grievously poison. 7 Let no man think their noyance to be light nor their grievance small, Franciscus Lambertus li. 3. in opocalipsim. Otho brunfelsius in loc●s communibus. considering that their tails are like unto serpents, and have heads wherewith they hurt. Not only doth their doctrine for their life times sting, venom and corrupt the silly souls, but also their examples, constitutions, and usages, left behind them to be performed of other which followeth, Math. 25. 2. Tim. 3 Marci. ● to the overlading of their conscience also, doth poison them unto death. They infect their belief, and provoke them to trust in vain things, and are jeopardous every where. 8 Oh horrible beasts, and most cruel monsters. noyful are they both in the head & in the tail, joannes Hus in quedam loca Apocalipseos. before and behind, coming in and going out. No where are they good, if they once appear. Let him that will not perish shurne their company, considering that no man dwell with them without great peril. In their mouths is venom, in their tails is poison. Sebastianus Meyer in Apoca. Both their laws and their lives, their counsels & their ceremonies, their holiness and blessings, are all hypocrisy, sin, & pestilent doctrine of devils. Only are the laws of the Lord holy, true, & perfect, 1, Tim. 4. Psal. 18 Math. 5, 1. john. 2. Heir, 13 Apoca. 16 Luke. 21 converting the poor in spirit, and giving wisdom unto children. The Antichristes and the hypocrites thus put from their sweet Euphrates, wherein they swimmed in all pleasure, wealth, & ease, what is more in this age to be looked for the terrible war? Consider that here in this prophecy they are no less than cruel horses and vengeable beasts, Primasius ●pher. li. 3. in apocal. Franciscus Lambertus li. 3. in opocalipsim. having before them lions heads with fire, smoke, and brimstone, and behind them serpents heads to sting, venom, and kill. Ponder this also, that they have power to carry the Princes & magistrates at their pleasure, for they are unmoseled. Yea, what though some notable governors hath gotten victoriously of them, the primacy of their own realms, to be the supreme, highest, & immediate heads of their clergy here in earth under God (which is a wonder) yet are they scarce able to put aside one corrupt custom or dirty ceremony of theirs. Let open experience be herein an able witness. Bedas. Albertus Magnus' visione. 3. But all their devilishness must needs stand still under the colour of laudable rites, decent usages, & politic orders. For why, they are perilous beasts, and their mouths yet open, wherein they have both fire, smoke, and brimstone, which are most terrible things, and in their tails poison, which is most dangerous. What a fearful blast is this to them, which more feareth men then God? If your grace do suffer this new trade still to go forward, Eccli. 16 Daniel. 6 Cornelius Agripda in querela super calumpnia. ye shall procure yea the malice of all reygons, the hate of all Princes, and the cruelty of all peoples. They shall invade your realm, consume your substance, and destroy your commons, with such like. Where as if ye take an other way, ye shall have their benevolence, love, and favour. Thus dally they with their head rulers, and neither make them faithful, David's, Esa. 55, 3. Reg. 4, 2 Para. 4. Eccli. 4● Gene. 4 wise, salomon's manful Josaphat's, valiant Jehu's, godly josiases, nor holy Ezochiases, but very fearful & faint bartod Caines, thinking that every man, which cometh by the way will kill them. This will be the rule of this present age no doubt of it. For unto kings hath not. Apoca. 6. Esa. 11 2. Thes. 2. Math, 22 Luc●. 12. God given it to subdue these beasts. Only is it reserved to the victory of his living word. Only shall the breath of his mouth destroy them, Franciscus Lambertus li. 2. in Apocalipsim grind them to dust, and throw them into hell fire. Let the faithful believer therefore considering the mischief of this time wherein nothing is like to be certain and sure, in land, shire, city, town, no, nor yet house, appoint himself to persecution, loss of goods, exile, prison, sorrow, & death, of body for the truths sake, thinking that his portion is in the land of the living. For now are the perilous days under the voice of the sixth trump, Psalm. 141 Daniel. 12 Wicleus & joannes Hussius. Gala. 6. Apoca. 7 Act. 1, jaco. 5. these mad, fierce, raging beasts being abroad. Where as under the seventh, the carnal church rejected, and the Antichristes overthrow, the right Israel of the jews and gentiles tokened with faith, shall be pacyable restored into the possession of God. In the mean season let them that live now pray, and have their whole hope and comfort in the Lord. 9 And the remnant of men (sayeth Saint john) that were not killed with these plagues, Sebastianus Meyer in commentario super Apocalipsim. which are they whom God hath called in this age by the true preachers, from their detetestable doctrine & erroneous ways, unto the sure knowledge of his godly verity and Gospel. 1. Peter. ●, Roma. 1. Heb. 2 2. Tim. 4, These remember not the singular benefit of God, they magnify not his holy name for their deliverance from these most dangerous plagues of no less than damnation in themselves, but remain altogether unthankful. 10 They repent not from the heart the deeds of their hands. Apoca. 2, Hebr. 12 Franciscus Lambertus in Apoca. Rom. 14. 1. Cor. ●. They have no remorse in conscience of their old wicked works. No, they amend not their lives, nor yet fashion themselves to the true trade of the Gospel. But rather they are slanderous unto it, by undiscréetly using the liberties thereof, ministering occasions of falling unto the weak. 11 They see the people in divers points of Idolatry run headlings to the devil, Theodorus bibliander in consualtatione▪ yet do they not brotherly admonish them by the scriptures of the dangers thereof. They show them not that the worshipping of Images. 12 Which are made of dead things, Baru●●. as gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, is the very worshipping of devils. Psalm. 95 Sapi. 15. Psalm. 113. Math. 5, Rom. 15 1. joan. 3, Luke. 10 13 They tell them not that they be sinful men's works, and can neither see nor hear, speak nor go. They will be called Christian brethren, yet is it no dolour unto them to see their brethren perish, for whom they ought to jeopardy their lives. They must seem Samaritans, yet will they not heal the wounds of them that are more than half dead, yea, is not to be feared that for doubt of punishment and loss of their goods, they look back again toward Sodom with Lot's wife, Math. 13. Gene. 19, Luke. 17. Apoc. 18. Chrisostomus. Cirillus. consenting to their abominations? Let them not think that so doth, but a double plague followeth them. More worthy is he to perish the throweth himself willingly into a peril knowing it afore, Rom. 1. Apoca. 22, them he which never knew it. 14 Neither repented they (sayeth Saint john) of their murder, their witchcraft, their whoredom, nor their ●●eft. They see of their own congregation in poverty, penury, prison, and exile, & they know it is for none other than the testimony of jesu. Yet have they no mind to help them. Hiere ●●. Apoca. 1. 1 Tim. 5. john. 12 Luke. 8, Act. 5, 2. Thess. ● Math. 13. No courage have they to comfort them. They dare not be acknown to favour that sort. When any trouble cometh, they are none of them. They are well contented to have Christ in dalliance, but if he put them once to pain, or ask aught of them, then bid they him adieu, they can no skill of him, they know him not, the farther of the better. Thus are they become neither hot nor cold, Apoca. 3, 1. john. 3. jacob. 2, 1. T●m. 5. Daniel. 14▪ Bar●●a. 6 Apoca. 17 Sebastianus Meyer ready to be spewed out of the mouth of God None other are they then murderers that succour not their brethren. Worse are they then infidels that helpeth not the household of faith. The witchcrafts of the hypocrites they know by the evident scriptures, yet will they not flee from them. 15 They know the open whoredom of the Babylonical strumpet, they know her theft and robbery, evermore spoiling God of his honour, yet will they r●nne to it, seek it, and take part of it with the unfaithful. What is he ●ls that runneth with a thief, Psalm. 4. but a thief also. Hebr. 6. Math. 2● Luke. 19 2. Peter. 2. 2. Cor. 1. Rom. 1. 2 Thes. 2. Luke. 12, jaco. 4. Math. 12 Alack they tread under their feet the precious gift of God. Like unprofitable servants, they hide his godly treasure underneath the ground. And like unreasonable dogs they turn again to their vomit. The heavenly father of his eternal mercy, grant such to amend▪ For a much greater plague abideth them than the other, thought it be not here named. For many stripes are due to that servant which knoweth his Lords will, and doth it not, yea, to sin against knowledge, is against the holy ghost & irremissible. The tenth Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw an other mighty Angel, 2. come down from heaven, 3. clothed with a cloud, 4. and the Raynbow upon his head. 5. And his face, as it were the sun, 6. and his feet as it were pillars of fire 7. And he had in his hand a little book open. 8. And he put his right foot upon the Sea, and his left foot on the earth. 9 And cried with a loud voice, as when a Lion roareth. 10. And when he had cried, seven thunders spoke their voices. And when the seven. thunders had spoken their voices, 12. I was about to wright. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me. 13. Seal up these things, which the seven thunders spoke. 14. And write them not. The Paraphrase. 1 IN the midst of this most vengeable time, joan Hu● de regno antichristi. Apoca. 9 Bedas. Franciscus Lambertus in apocal. wherein the Antichristes & hypocrites most fiercely stirreth about them, 〈◊〉 vex all the world with their ●erie blasts, their filthy smoke, ●nd their stinking brimstone, to restore again their pleasant Euphrates, the Lord hath sent to the comfort of his certain peculiar and chosen learned men, most constantly to defend his verity. And then, this present revelation compareth to a strong Angel. 1 I saw (saith saint john) an other mighty strong Angel come down from heaven. Cobanus Hessus▪ joannes Hilten. With a stout power came this Angel from God to withstand the furious beasts in this sixth age of Christ's church, wherein they rage so sore. God hath raised some godly persons now, Melanchton Waldenꝰ, Heir. 1. Acto 9 3. Esdre. 3, by whom many things are opened that afore time were hid, accept it were to a few poor souls in corners. Constant are these and earnest, yea invincible warriors by the word of God. For who can be more strong than they which fi●ht with an invincible weapon? Which is the verity of God. That valiant conqueror hath victory in them, which promised to give them such mouth and wisdom as all enemies should not be able to resist, 2 This Angel, or ministers signified by him, Math. 10. Luke. 21 Franciscus Lambertus john 20 Apoca. 8. Esa. 14. Math. 15. descend down from heaven with Christ their master, as messengers sent of God. The Apostates and Antichristes falleth down from heaven with their Captain Lucifer, like stars of darkness. And as wicked seed not planted of God they rise up in the world. 3 This Angel was clothed with a cloud, Petru● Berthori▪ john. 15. betokening these godly supporters of the Lords truth to be compassed with many hard showers and troublous crosses of opprobrious rebukes, scorns, slanders, lies, and open blasphemies, to the uttermost trial of their weak flesh. And this cloud hideth from the world all that is in them spiritual and godly, Math. 5▪ Luck. 6▪ Mala. 2. Phil. 2, Acto. 20. john. 9 john. 12. john. 19 like as it did in Christ, that to many they seem not that they are in deed. Because they are despised of the crafty generation, and evil spoken of by the hypocrites, the simple idiots and deceived multitude doth judge them ill doers, yea, they suppose them very heretics, and so doth spitefully call them. Where as in very deed they are the Angels of God, and most high chosen messengers. Mala. 2, Acto, 4. Esa. 60. Augustinus et Bedas. Eccli. 39 1. 〈◊〉. 3. john. 15 The Apostles thus used also of the world, were named clouds of Esay the Prophet very long before they preached the Gospel. What are these (saith he) that flieth like clouds. These were and are they that every where poureth down the sweet dew & rain of the mysteries of God, and seasonably moisteneth the ground of faithful hearts, causing them to bring forth their fruits in due season. 4 Upon the head of this Angel was the Rainbow. Eccli. 4● Psalm. 102 Esa. ●3, Gene. 9 And in this are they noted to be the Angels of the covenant, and the messengers of peace▪ For so much as the rainbow was the sign of God's covenant concerning the flood. Their message is that Christ is the only saviour of the world, Act. 4. Heb 7. Roma. 8. Gala. 4. and that none can perish believing in him. No damnation is there to them which are in Christ jesu. No though they never know one ceremony or popish constitution of theirs. Though they never hear Mass nor go procession, Titu●. 3. Esa. 1. wicleuꝰ Ephe. 2. Collo. 1. joannes Oecolam padius in Esaian. Rom. 4▪ Luce. 18. though they never be greased, shaven, nor disguised, though they never have Beads, Latin Primers, portifolyomes, nor other signs of hypocrisy, yet are they promised to have atonement with God. Most rightly hath this Angel the rainbow on his head, for all the study, practice and diligence of the faithful ministers, is to declare the free mercy of God, and most friendly benevolence in Christ without any point or jot of men's deservings, lest they should perish with the Pharysy for trusting in their own works. 5 The face of this Angel was as the bright sun. Phillip 2. Mala, 3, john, 12, Rom. 2. Henricus Bullingerus Their outward show is altogether Christ, which is the son of righteousness. None other light show they but his. None other doctrine declare they but his holy Gospel, neither decrees, nor decretals, father's constitutions nor Sinodals. But them they leave to the dark bloody stars which are fallen from heaven. Apoca. 9 ●. john. 4 Only teach they the shining charity of God, the fervent zeal, and burning desire towards man's salvation. Neither advance they ceremonies nor rites, holy days nor offerings, dirges nor masses, Martinus Lutherus de tradicionibus humanis. Math. 5. Esa. 1. Wicleus in trialogo 1. Thes. 4. 1, Tim. 5, purgatory nor relics. And as concerning their lives, more GOD desireth not of the Christian minister, then to expend his whole study, labour, and time to the lightning of other. He neither commandeth them to be shaven, nor disguised, to be popish Priest nor Monk, to say matins nor Evensong, to fast friday nor vigil, to abhor marriage nor meats. Only he willeth them to edify his flock, with none other learning than his Godly truth. This is their only office. 6 The feet of this Angel were in similitude as pillars of fire. Apoca. ● Gala. 2. 1. Tim. 3 Hiere. 1. Strong sustentacles and sure stays hath god made the upholders of his true church. Fervent affections hath he given them, constant stomaches, Luke. 2● 3. Esd. 3. Psalm. 2● Esa. 52 Nahum. 8 Rom. 10 and so invincible a power as no violence can resist. Douty & strong is the administration, where the verity remaineth, for it bringeth with it the majesty of God O how beautiful (saith Esay) are the feet of the Ambassadors of the Lord, which bringeth the message of peace, and the tidings of health unto Zion? 7 He had in his hand a little book open. 1. Cor. 12 Apoca. 4. Luke, 24. Esa. 35. Math. 11. Psalm. 118 jaco. 1. Math. 7 john. 14. In their administration are the scriptures evident and clear, opened by the Lamb, and much godly knowledge is received of other by them. Blessed be the Lord which hath opened the book. Now may the cripple stand up, the blind see their way, the poor feed & be satisfied. Desire therefore with faithful David from the very heart, to have understanding & to know the testimonies of god. Are meekly and have, seek wisely and find, knock gently and the door will be opened. Very like is it that the Lord God doth mind plenteously to spread the doctrine of his spirit in this sixth age of his church, Act. ●● Apoca. 4. this book being thus opened. And that all the world shall receive it, rebel the hypocrites never so sore. Math 24 Apoca. 7 Math. 15 Eusebius cesarien. Franciscus. Lambertus in Apoca. When the Gospel appeared in Christ's time, the jews were the first that received it, after the greeks, and last of all the Latins. Now in this later time it openeth to the Latins by the administration of this mighty Angel and his affinity, and from them is going to the Greeks, for many of them now of late hath graciously received it, as we have hard. And last of all it shall return again to the jews, Martinus Lutherus. Br●̄felsius. Luke. 11 Math. 20 Hiere. 31 Aggei. 2 as now very apt also to receive it. That Christ's prophecy may be found true. The last to be the first, and the first the last. For he that hath dispersed Israel, shall bring him again to his fold, as Heiremy recordeth. Thus shall the glory of God be within few years seen the world over, to the comfort of many. 8 This Angel set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot upon the earth. Ambrose Ansbertus Heir. 31 isaiah. 61. Marci. 16▪ Ihon. 6, As well shall the weak people receive this verity as the strong, the poor as the rich, the low as the high, the sick as the whole, the sinner as the righteous, the beggar, as the king, the unlearned as the learned, the labouring man as the priest, and much rather. 1. Cor. ● For the right foot is towards them. The I'll that is speared up with the main sea, yea, Franciscus Lambertus in Apoca. Math. 24 Hiere. 31 Sebastianus meyer. in Apoca. 6. and they also which be upon the sea, shall so well have it as the open wide country, or as they, which dwell upon the most pleasant land. From none shall the Book be speared. Every where shall the truth be open, as well by writings as words, and as well by books as preachings. Upon both shall this Angel tread. Both sorts of people shall be subjects to that verity, which those Godly messengers shall bring, submitting themselves as footstools unto it. Psalm. 9●▪ joannes 〈…〉. Some ungodly rulers there be both by sea and land, both in the Isles and the open country, Otho brunfelsius in annotacio●ibus ●nāgeliorum. that will none of this Angel with this open Book. In no wise will they suffer him to set footeinge within their regions, but commandeth under pain of death, that no man teach his doctrine nor hear it, that no man print his books, buy them, sell them, read them, hold them, favour them, nor bear them upon him. But all is in vain. Let them wax mad, swell, and fret themselves to death, yet will he tread upon their ground. Let them persecute, fetter, stock, famish, slay, hang, head, burn, Ioa●him Abbas in Hieremi. Lutherus adversus pseudo Episcopos. drown, yea, and bu●y quick with all other mischief and tyranny, yet will the truth abroad. 9 For the Angel crieth with so loud a voice, as the Lion when he roareth. Apoca. 19 Herb 4▪ Apoca. 5 Gene. 1. Math. 16. Hebr. 4. Ephe. 6 〈◊〉. 21. 1. Cor. ●. So mighty and strong is the word that they preach, and the verity that they show, as was the sharp living word, that Christ spoke, which was the invincible Lion of juda. And so mighty is that as made both heaven and earth, so strong as destroyeth the power of hell, so sharp as divideth the soul from the spirit, and the joints from the mary, and so weighty as when it falleth, grindeth to powder all pride, power, magnificence, wisdom, riches, and vain policy of this world, none shall be able to abide it. 10 And when the Angel had cried, and uttered this terrible noise, Hiymo. lib, 3. in Apoca. Franciscus Lambertus P●alm. 9 Rom. 1. Apoca. 7 seven thounders spoke their voices. The fearful judgements of the wrath of GOD, which are infinite, and can neither be numbered nor yet measured of the creatures, opened their terrible mysteries, which shall at their times appointed of him, light upon the children of unbeléeve. The tyrants, Hebr. 10 2. Para. 32 isaiah. 36. which hath resisted the heavenly verity of the Lord, will once be punished as was the ●ost of Senacherih king of Assur. Once will he fearfully visit their multitude in the thunder of his ire. Once shall the terrible sound of hy● crack stryk the earth smooth, johel. 2. Soph. 2. Sebastianus Meyer in Apocalip. Math. 23. Luke. 11 Franciscus Lambertus revenging the contempt of his word. In italy, Spain, France, Germany, and other christian regions, the Angel hath showed the book open, and roared out the voice of the Gospel with stomach as doth the Lion, yet will it not be taken, but some they have beaten for it, and some most spitefully murdered. Let them not think but after the lightning the thunderclap will follow. The verity opened, and thus despised, most grievous plagues of dearth, war, or pestilence will shortly fall by the great vengeance of God. Principles hath been seen in some quarters, Math. 24. Luce. 21. Otho brunfelsius of the world, let them not think but much more is coming, and will not cease till christ hath made of his enemies his foote● stool. 11 And when the seven thunders had spoken their voices, Psal. 109 Albertus Magnus in Apoca. 7 or showed their certainty that they should so surely as God liveth come to pass at their time appointed. 12 I was about (saith Saint john) to take pen and ink in hand, Robar●●● Tuitiensis in apoca, Bedas Haymo. Franciscus Lutherus and to write them I thought to register them in a book to the admonishment and warning of them that should follow. And anon I heard a very earnest voice from heaven, saying unto me in this manner. 13 Seal up those things which the seven thunder spoke, and in no wise write them. Register the thunders, but not the voices. Note the figures, but utter not the mysteries till God appoint it. It is not for all men to know the times which God hath in his power. Many secret things heard Paul, Acts. 1. Math. 24. 2. Cor. 12. Chrisostomus. Augustinus▪ john. 16. Math. 13. Luke. ●. which was lawful for no man to utter. The outward sound of God's secrets may be heard of all men but the inward working is reserved to the spirit. The Lord always with the holy ghost so informeth them inwardly, that they perceive the effect of many things, the other heareth but a noise. For so much as the voice of gods thunderings is unsearchable, Rom. 1● Psalm. 35. Esa. 6. and his secret judgements the most mighty depth, they are not open but to such as he electeth. 14 Therefore was john commanded in no case to writ them, or to open the secret meaning of them. That point the Lord reserveth peculyerly to himself, Haymo in Apoca. Psal. 67. Luke. 24. Otho Brunfelsius in evangelia to open to whom, what, or how much him lusteth. Much wide are th●● which thinketh that they can of their own wit, and industry declare such causes, unless God openeth them by his word or some evident sign, as he hath done in this age most plenteously to many. Less can we not gather of these thunders, john Hus in quedam loca Apoc. Franciscus Lambertus Mala. 2. when the message of God is despised, abused, forsaken, neclected, trodden under foot, 〈◊〉 damnable lies preferred unto it, tha● that his wrath must follow. Somewhat hath been seen already, much more will appear when they give full 〈◊〉▪ THE TEXT. 1 And the Angel which I saw stand upon the sea. & upon the earth. 2. life up his hand to heaven. 3. And swore by him that liveth for evermore. 4. Which created heaven and the things that therein are. 5. And the earth, and the things that are in it 〈◊〉, And the sea, and the things which are therein. 7. That there shall be no more time, but in the days of the voice of the seventh Angel. 8. When he shall begin to blow. 9 Even the mystery of God shall be finished. 10. As he preached by his servants the Prophets. The Paraphrase. 1 And the Angel (saith Saint john) whom I saw in this wonderful revelation, thus standing with one foot upon the sea, an other upon the land, after the sort afore named. 2 life up his hand towards heaven, joachim Abbas in Apoca. Sebastianus meyer. in Apoca▪ so strongly to affirm his message to be true as the Lord liveth, and to promise it so in fallibly just as god sitteth in heaven. 3 What do the true preachers else in this age, but maintain their doctrine by the mighty word of God, Luke, 24. acts ● after the example of Christ and his Apostles which alleged the law, prophecies and Psalms, to confirm their sayings with They neither allege decree, Martinus Lutherus in postilla. 1. Tessa. 5. 1. john. 4 Psalm. 115 Psalm. 13 Hebr. 1. Gene. 1. nor decretal, constitution, nor synodal, legend nor fable, monks rule nor saints life, doctors nor fathers, Gregory nor Anselme, Thomas nor Dons, Plato nor Arystotle, nor such like filthy dregs. But they come to the very true touchestoane with john, they prove the spirits whether they be of God or no, considering that all men are liars, and have erred, one except. 4 He swore by him that liveth in himself with incomprehencible majesty, power and glory for evermore, which in the beginning created the heaven above with the invisible things that are therein contained. 5 Which formed the ponderous earth beneath and the visible creatures that are therein remaining. isaiah. 45. Amos. 4 Eccli. 18. Psal. 135 6 Which fashioned the flowing seas and the corruptible things that are there in continuing. Franciscus Lambertus in Apoca. 7 With an earnest constant spirit he protested, and by the strong word of God he affirmed, so taking him to witness, that there shall be no more time, no more leisure, no more sinful occuping here from henceforth, but in the days of the voice of the seventh Angel. This oath is none other than a sure assertion, joachim abbess. that all shall be finished in this seventh age of the church. This would not be hidden from the congregations. Sebastianus Meyer Marci. 16. Math. 13. Luke. 21. 2. Pet. 2 Apoca. 2. Necessary it is that both good and bad knew it. The faithful to be assartened that their final redemption is at hand, to their consolation. The unfaithful to have knowledge that their judgement is not far of, that they may repent and be saved. Not unlike is this oath to the oath in Daniel of time, times, and half a time, whereof the time was from him to Christ. Daniel. 12 Apoca. 12. johannes baconthorp in Daniel. The times were the ages from Christ to the seventh seal opening, or the seventh trumpet blowing. The half time from thence forth, Math. 24 Apoca. 8. Apoca. 12 wherein the days shall be shortened for the chosen sake. So much mischief shall not the enemies d● than. Their tyranny shall be as waged. 8 For when the seven. Angel shall begin to blow, or the ministers of that age sincerely declare the word. 9 Even the mystery of God shall be finished, john. 4▪ 1. Cor. 13. Daniel. 11. Heir. 31 and the full meaning thereof fulfilled. 10 Like as he afore time both taught and promised, Franciscus Lambertus in Apoca. Psalm. 32. Act.. by his peculiar chosen servants the prophets. No time shall be after this but that, which will be of all times the end. But when that time shall begin, we know not till God shall open it by his seventh angel. Of the thing we are certain and sure, but the time of it is evermore in god's hand. That is sealed up in the book till he shall please to open it, the righteous shall not see till it cometh, but rest still in their lot with Daniel. And the ungodly shall have no understanding then. Marci. 13, Daniel. 12 Luce. 17. Gene▪ 7. Gene. 19 They shall build and plant, buy & sell, riot & banquet as in the days of Noah & Loth, yea they shall give themselves to all filthy lusts & covetousness, 1. Thes 5. Math. 25. john. 5. Apoca. 12▪ Daniel. 12. And unbewares shall death come upon them, the terrible judge shall call them to account, and to the everlasting fire condemn them, thus shall their days also be shortened, when they think nothing less for the time shall be but half after Daniel. THE TEXT. 1 And the voice which I hard from heaven, spoke unto me again, and said. 2. go & take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel. 3. which standeth upon the sea & upon the earth. 4. And I went unto the Angel and said unto him. 5. give me the little book. And he said unto me. 6. Take it and eat it up, 7. And it shall make thy belly bitter. But it shall be in thy mouth as sweet as honey. 11. And I took the little book out of his hand, and did eat it up. 10. And it was in my mouth as sweet as honey. 11. And as soon as I had eaten it, my belie was bitter 12. And he said unto me, 13, Thou must prophecy again unto the people. 14. And to the Heathen, and Tongues, and to many Kings. The Paraphrase. Mala▪ 2 john. 16 Rom. 8. Apoca. 1. Bedas et Haymo in apocal. 1 And the voice (saith saint john) which I hard afore from heaven, spoke unto me again. God's holy spirit touched me, moved me & compelled me. It graciously admonished me, taught me, and said thus unto me. 2 Go thy ways forth john, and take the little book which is now open in the hand of the Angel. joannes 5 Acto▪ 17 Math. 13 Every man having grace with john is here commanded to have God's word. Christ willed all faithful believers to search the Scriptures to understand the prophecies, and to perceive the mysteries of them. And for the performance of his will therein, he hath sent in this age this peculiar Angel, Franciscus Lambertus in Apocal· Luc. 10▪ Apoca. 9 Otho brunfelsius. beside the common preachers, betokning those singular learned men, whom now he hath endue● with most high knowledge. Of their hands he mindeth us to receive the scriptures, and not of the blazing star, nor yet of the smoky Locusts. Their faithful, sincere, and godly interpretations, he willeth us to take, Henricu● Bulling●ru●. specially in books, for so much as in person they can in no wise be every where present, & for that it is a book here named. For by them in these days doth he make open his saving health, and in the sight of all people declareth his righteousness. Let them therefore (whose hearts God moveth to instruct other in the ways of the Lord) diligently peruse the labours of such, Luc. ●. Esa. 40. joel. 2 Psal. 118 Franciscus Lambartus▪ joannes. 5. 1. joan. 4 Math. 15. whom he hath so plenteously replenished with his spirit. But in thus doing let them not to much depend upon no man's person, but prove all things by the scriptures, lest they fall into errors as other hath done afore for so doing. very lightly is he deceived that measureth the verity by man's judgements. In the search therefore of godly mysteries, not the wit nor the learning of the man is to be sought, but rather the right meaning of God working in the man. joannes Chrisosto. Augustinus 3 This Angel standeth upon the sea, and upon the land. As well is the true messenger of God for the weak as for the strong, Cyrillus. Albertus Magnus Esa. 61. Math. 11 2. Tim. 4▪ Gala. 6. for the low as for the high, for the poor as for the rich, for the simple as for the learned, for the sick as for the whole, & for the foul as for the fair. Yea, and rather for them than the other, having his right foot upon the water. 4 And I (sayeth S. john) obeying the voice of the Lord, joshua. 1●. Rom▪ 6, Psalm. 118 or the heavenly motion of his spirit went unto the Angel, and instantly desired him to give me that little sweet book. 5 None other is this book than the holy scripture, Eucherius jugduneas. joannes Hus in aliquot loca Apocalip. Franciscus. Lambertus whose opening is a pure and right interpretation thereof. This he receiveth open at his hand, which diligently readeth or heareth any sincere declaration of it by any faithful minister. None other is this book fit for, nor none other retaineth it in this age, but meek john's, or men of a gentile spirit having the grace of God, and obeying his heavenly voice. For the wicked must ever be blind. Heir. 35. Ephe. 4. Sapi. 1. Wisdom shall not enter into a froward soul, nor dwell in the body that is given to sin. Hiere. 4 Math. ●▪ 4. Esdr. Ezech. 3▪ Haymo. john went to the Angel, and received the book, for he that will seek shall find. 6 For the Angel said unto him: Take it unto thee, & eat it up clean. The belly shall it make very bitter, but it will be in the mouth so sweet as honey. With good heart ought the scriptures to be received of all men, jaco. ● john, 8, Psal. 118. Ephe. 4 2. Peter. 1▪ Wicleuꝰ de ecclesia Rom. 16 Math. 6. Hebr. 11▪ john. 6. Psalm. 118 in faith devoured, & in a pure love digested. In continual study & meditation thereof, ought each man after his calling to persever, the King in his reign, the judge in his office, the merchant in his occupying, the labourer in his work, the mariner upon the sea, and the bishop in his cure. Nothing but idleness worketh the man, which hath it not grafted within him, though he both fast & pray. vain are all policies, acts, constitutions and laws without it. For it is the life of our souls, the lantern of our feet, the light of our passage, and rule our works. 7 Bitter it is in the belly, & sweet in the mouth. Luke. 8. Apoca. ●. When the knowledge of truth is is once received, and surely settled in the heart, 3. Reg▪ 1● Hire. 9 Ezch. 34. Exod. 32 Psal. ●3. Treno. 1 Luc. 19 it engendereth a spiritie of indignation, and a zeal of God, very bitter against all wickedness. It maketh us with jeremy to detest all vice, and with ezechiel to abhor all sin. It provoketh us also with Moses, Helias, David, and the Prophets grievously to complain of the worlds abominations, & with Christ & his Apostles dolorously to lament the sore decay of the wicked. Act. 9 8 Yet is nothing so sweet in the mouth as it is. Nothing was to Paul so delicious, Psal. 18▪ 1, Tim. 1, Gala.▪ 4. Math. 12, Hiere. 7 2. Cor. 11 Rom. 1. Act. 9, Gala. 2. when he once savoured it. No, nothing so pleasant. Neither colours of rhetoric, paintings of poets, wisdom of Philosophers, nor holy traditions of fathers could then delight him. All were but darnal, tars, stubble, chaff, filth, rust, dreams, lies, and unprofitable vanities. Nothing was in his mouth than, but that delectable verity, & that sweet Gospel of God. That took he with him as the vessel of election in many an hard journey, and bear it forth before the gentiles, the kings, & the children of Israel, yea & for that to die he thought it than advantage. Phili. ● Ezech, 3. 4. Esd. 14 Acto▪ 1● Psal. 18 Psal. 11● Canti ● 9 And I took the little book (saith saint john) out of the Angel's hand, with meekness I received the scriptures of God. I did eat it up clean, I digested them in faith. 10 And it was in my mouth so sweet as honey▪ Oh how delicious (saith David) are thy sayings unto my throat? More dulcet than honey are thy words Lord to my mouth. 11 So soon as I had eaten it (saith Saint john) so soon as I had incorporate it in my mind, Westmerus de tropis scriptu. Luc. 6 Roma. 9▪ Dani. 1● & rooted it in my soul, my belly was bitter, my heart was grieved much to see the evils of the world, my spirit was troubled to see the abusions of men, and much I pitied the loss of their souls. 12 Yet did not the Angel so leave me, but he said thus unto me: Thou must prophecy again among the people. 13 As thou hast received, 2. Cor. ● john. 2● thou must tender, as thou hast been taught, thou must teach again, lest thou hiding the treasure of thy Lord, Math, 25 ●. Tim. 4. become an unprofitable servant. Math. 2●. Marci. 1● Acto. 9 Sapi. 6. Esa. 38 14 Thou must publish the truth to the unbelievers, thou must open it to people of divers nations & languages, and finally manifest it to Kings of many regions, that they see their people instructed in the same. As a trumpet therefore exalt thy voice, show freely the joyful message of salvation. Refuse none that will come unto it, poor nor blind, Luke. 14 Math. 5. Luke. 11 Rom. 10. Esa. 5●. Apoca. 7 Hebr. 1. ●. Thessa. 2. halt nor lame. Consider that no man lighteth a candle to hide it, but to set it up that men may see by it. None other are fit to prophecy, but they which have devoured the book. They must now declare the gospel in this latter age of the church by the appointment of the Lord. For necessary it is that by the strength thereof, all pride of this world and blasphemy against God be destroyed. ¶ In the next volume shall follow the rest. The second part of the Image of both Churches, after the most wonderful and heavenly revelation of Saint john the Evangelist. etc. Compiled by john Bale. The same Disciple whom jesus loved hath witnessed and written these things, and we know that his testimony is true. joannes xxj ¶ A small Preface unto the Christian Reader. IN the first part or volume of this work (which containeth the first ten Chapters) are all these godly ma●ters of Saint john's Revelation in course comprehended. first of all is the high legacy and message of the said Saint john unto the vij congregations of A●ta, in the first Chapter mentioned. Wherein they are also unto seven. golden candlesticks compared, and their preachers unto seven. shining stars in the right hand of Christ. In the second and third Chapters are the said seven. congregations severally each one by itself described and warned, to the universal premonishment of the whole Christian Church in the seven. parts or climates of the world. Mark those three Chapters diligently, and ye shall perceive that the true Christian church is alone go●uerned by the preaching of gods word, an only office of Christ commanded, and not by dead ceremonies command by the Pope, of whom there is no specialty. Consider how those preachers throughout all this book, are compared unto stars and Angels, their congregations called the right spouse of Christ. The other be assembled unto most filthy locusts, breeding of the smoke of the pit bottomless, unto hateful birds, foul spirits and devils, their church called the proud synagogue of Satan, and the most execrable whore of Babylon. In the iiij. Chapter is heaven made open, and the secrets thereof manifested unto the christian begin, whom john also representeth this whole book over. For not only are the mysteries thereof in the universal church performed, but also in the particular churches of nations, and in the private consciences of men. In the. u.uj. and seven. Chapters, the Lamb Christ openeth the seven. seals of the book of the most hidden mysteries of God, for the seven. ages of the christian church. In the mean season are the true servants of God sealed unto salvation, solaced in their troubles, and relieved in their sorrows, notwithstanding, the great violence of the truths adversaries. In the viii. and ix. Chapters, the seven. Angels blow their trumpets. Signifying the preachers to show forth their messages appointed of God for the seven. ages of the church, many wonderful plagues following in the people for their unbeléeves sake, they obstinately resisting it, or else unthankfully receiving it. In the tenth Chapter cometh the mighty Angel from heaven with a book in his hand all open, and john devoureth the same. Which betokeneth the earnest preachers of this latter age of the church, wherein the true servants of God shall greedily receive and also digest the scriptures. Take this for a brief sum of all that is spoken in the other volume, the residue shall follow hereafter in course. In the mergent of that first part or volume, put I many allegations both of the scriptures and doctors▪ And there unto was I first provoked by this saying of Saint Jerome in a certain Epistle of his, ad Paulinum monachum. The apocalypse of Saint john (sayeth he) hath so many mysteries as it hath words, or for every word a mystery whither ye will. I minded also thereby, my labours to ease the readers for search of the places, and to signify unto them that I did nothing therein without authority. And undoubtedly the gathering of those places was so laborious unto me, as the making of the commentary, which nevertheless I thought well bestowed for the comfort of my brethren. But two cruel enemies have my just labours had in that behalf, of whom the one hath them falsified, the other blasphemed. Which hath caused me to leave them out in all that here followeth. The Printers are the first, whose heady haste, negligence, and covetousness commonly corrupteth all books. These have both dysplased them and also changed their numbers to the truths derogation, what though they had at their hands ij. learned correctors which took all pains possible to preserve them. The other is Momus or Zoilus, yea rather one which playeth both parts under the cloak of a Christian. This cruel carper and malicious quarreler leaveth no man's work unrebuked, minister it never so much godliness. But like as rust, moths, maggottes, cankers, catterpyllers, with other vile vermin corrupteth all that is to the use of man, so doth this enemy, to destroy both name and work, only for the advancement of his own precious person. His working tools are such unsavoury sophisms, problems, elenches, corollaries, quydities, subtylties, second intentions, intrinsical moods, with other prodigious sorceries, whom he sometime sucked out of his mother's breasts the university. These hath he not yet all, as unsavoury morsels evometed for Christ, diffyning rather with Aristotle than with Paul in his daily disputations. Of this rial Rabi is Peter judged a fool, and john an unlearned Idiot. Yet shall his reader find small learning at his hand, unless he take an heap of barbarous terms, and unsowed together sentences for matters of excellent learning. But surely john will one day come from Ephesus to visit this proud Diotrephes, & show him of his arrogant brags to his displeasure, unless he leave of in tyme. All Aristotle's provision shall not help him. Satan upon the pinnacle of the Temple never bestowed his alleged scripture more perversely, than this Momus interpreted certain of my allegations, nor yet farther from their right understanding: But I forgive it him with this forewarning for this time, though it be not the first lewd point that he hath played, in case that ●e so leave his quarreling. My second allegation upon the Preface .1. Cor. 6 is not set there to authorize the apocalypse, as he most falsely and all contrary to my meaning hath interpreted it, but affirmeth that the Christian believers are Christ's members which ought of necessity by the holy ghosts appointment to hear and to read the words of the said Book. For I know that the epistle unto the Corinthians was written of Paul ten years at the least before Saint john's apocalypse. No less is he than a false Prophet that resisteth jeremy rebuking Babylon for her wickedness, To much it were to answer his other quarrelings, and to tedious unto the christian readers, and therefore I pass them over least I should be to plenteous in answering a fool according to his foolishness. Thus by these cruel handlings of these two ungracious enemies, have I just occasion to leave out the allegations in the margin, observing this wholesome counsel of Christ concerning such as they be. give not that is holy unto Dogs, nor yet that is precious unto swine. For the one of his churlish nature teareth and devoureth, the other like a swine treadeth it under his filthy feet. The grace of our Lord jesus Christ be with thee evermore (good christian Reader) and with all them that seeketh of the scriptures the saving health in them contained without quarreling. Amen. The second part of the Image of both Churches, after the most wonderful and heavenly revelation of Saint john the Evangelist. etc. Compiled by john Bale. The xi Chapter. Unto john was delivered after that he had thus devoured the book, a reed, not unlike to the meet wand of sixth cubits long and a span, which was given unto ezechiel, nor very far different from the measuring line in Zacharie. And what is this else? but that the administration of God's heavenly verity is secretly of him committed unto them which hath afore received it, and in faith digested it, that they should therewith rightly measure, disterne & judge all things. None other is it to prophecy again in this sixth age, but thus is to meet the Temple, the altar, & the worshippers therein, and to prove them in length, breadth, height and depth, THE TEXT. ANd than was given me a reed, a Like unto a rod. 3. And it was said unto me. 4. Arise and meet the Temple of God. 5. And the Altar. 6. And them that worship therein. 7. And the Choir, which is within the Temple, cast out. 8. And meet it not▪ 9 For it is given unto the Gentiles. 10. And the holy city shall they tread under foot xlii. months. The Paraphrase. 1 And there was given me (sayeth saint john) a Reed. Both received I the wisdom of God, and also a mouth to utter it. So that my tongue became the pen of a ready writer. For so much as I abhorred iniquity, the Lord anointed me inwardly with th● oil of gladness, & gave me stomach to utter his word. 2 The reed which god delivered me was like unto a rod. For his word is the rod, of right order, and the sceptre of his kingdom. With this rod spread he out the heavens, and laid forth the first foundation of the earth. This rod of his power hath the Lord now graciously sent us out of Zion by men having his special grace as by john, to have dominion here in the midst of his enemies. 3 For unto john it was said for this age. Arise, from vain studi, from cares of the body, from consideration of earthly causes. 4 And meet the holy Temple of God, which is his congregation or Church: Prove all believes whether they be right or no. Examine their works, whether they spring of God's commandments or of men's traditions. And in so doing try by the scriptures the corn from the chaff, Mark out the people of God from the synagogue of sathan, and delay not to nourish them with the sweet fruits of the spirit, 5 Measure the Altar also, which is jesus Christ, upon whom the full sacrifice of redemption was offered. For many false Christ's are abroad in the world, to seduce the people, The Pope boasteth himself for Gods own vicar. Machomet calleth himself the great Prophet of the Lord. And both they to subdue the Gospel hath set up new laws. The Pope his detestable decrees, and Mahomet his abominable Koran. Both they have wrought such wonders and such signs in superstition, as might deduce into error (if God were not merciful) the very elect persons. The monks saith that Christ is in the desert, the priests saith he is in the box, but admonish my people, that in no case they believe it. The Canons saith he is here, the Friars saith he is there, but counsel my flock that they go not forth. For God dwelleth in nothing that is made with hand. In the faithful heart is Christ only found. There remaineth he. That is his dwelling place. 6 Therefore now last of all, measure them also that worship in the Temple. Consider them only to be his people, which seek him in spirit and in verity, and that worship not in outward shadows, nor in the elements of this world, nor yet with observation of days and times. They are not his sons, that for the leaven of Pharisees which is the doctrine of hypocrites, forsaketh the bread of children, which is his living word, They are not his Lambs but vile goats, that rather attendeth to the voice of strangers, than to the true shepherd Christ. 7 And therefore the quire which is within the Temple cast out. The prelate's, priests and religions, which are not of the common sort, seclude from Christ, from his Church, and from the company of true worshippers. Throw forth the bond woman and her son, the Rome church with the her children, and Mahomet with his rabble. For the bond shall not inherit with the free. 8 Measure not out that chaunsell of charmers, that college of balam's brethren, those marked Madianits and cursed Ismaelits. Allow them not by the scriptures, commend not their counterfeit righteousness. Admit them not for the members of CHRIST, but judge them to be the synagogue of sathan. And spear them out of the kingdom of God, with the key of David. For they are those swine, that tread pearls under their feet & those cruel dogs that turn again to devour men. Meddle not with that quire, have not to do with that wicked generation. 9 For it is given unto the Gentiles, Wholly are those Antichristes addict to the superstitious rites of the Heathen in their sacrifices, their ceremonies, their observations, their holy days, their vigils, fastings, prayings, knéeling, and all other usages, contrary to the admonishment of Christ. That they should in no wise enter into the ways of the Gentiles. Wherefore God hath detested them with his own mouth, and clean given them over unto their own filthy lusts. Mow reign they all in their own wisdom, thinking evermore their own fleshly fantasies best, wholly they are become gentiles. 10 And the holy city (of whom glorious things are spoken) they shall tread under foot the space of xlij. months. Not the earthly Jerusalem is this city, builded of men, and made holy by the outward observations and ceremonies of the jews as many expositors hath fantasied. For of that (like as Christ prophesied) is not left one stone standing upon an other. But this city is the sure building of God, grounded upon the strong foundation of the Apostles and prophets, even upon the hard rock stone jesus Christ. This is the pleasant possession, the wholesome household, the sure hold, and the delectable viniarde of the Lord of hosts. This is the living generation of them which feareth, loveth, and seeketh their Lord God in faith, spirit and verity, and not in outward shadows. These are the children of promise, the true offspring of Abraham, the chosen house of Israel, and the kingdom of the holy ghost. Pure, clean, and holy hath Christ made this city by none other thing but the only shedding of his precious blood. 11 This city tread they under foot, that keepeth down the truth of the gospel, that persecuteth & slayeth gods people for it, the defeateth his word for their own traditions, that bringeth in the jewish ceremonies, the Gentiles superstitions, pagans customs, & heathen usages, yoking men with imp●rtable burdens of false worshippings for their own filthy 〈◊〉 & advantage. notwithstanding thus must they do still by the sufferance of God, till the lxij. months be finished, which is not else but the time, the times, & the half time, or the thousand, two hundred & lx. days, in that God shall shorten the time for his chosen sake. Thus after S. Paul also before the Lords coming. There must be a departing. The quire or chancel must be cast out, that the man of sin, the sun of perdition, & the adversary exalting himself above God, may be known in his colours. It may not be moten, or allowed by god's word, but rejected as that plant which the heavenly father hath not planted, that the mystery of iniqutye may be uttered and perceived of them which shall be saved. It must be given to the gentiles, or addict to their superstitions, with all lying power, signs and wonders, in all deceivable doctrine, by the subtle working of sathan. They must also be permitted to do all mischif in unrighteousness, upon the citizens of God, till he utterly consune them with the mighty breath of his mouth. THE TEXT. 1 And I will give power. 2. Unto my two witnesses. 3. And they shall prophecy a thousand, two hundred and threescore days. 4. Clothed in sack cloth. 5. These are two olive Trees. 6. And two Candlesticks. 7. Standing before the God of the earth. The Paraphrase. 1 And I will give power saith the Lord unto my faithful witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and lx. days against those enemies to the comfort of my people. So that though my city be trodden down by their cruel laws of persecution to death, yet shall it not be forsaken. And though my people be over loaded with their heathen superstitions and blasphemous worshippings, yet shall they not be lost nor left all without succour. 2 They shall have my two witnesses with them to solace them in their troubles, & to comfort them in their cares. Both Moses and Christ, both the law and the Gospel, both the Prophets and the Apostles shall stand upon their side and be upon their part: yea, for so much time as their enemies shall vex them, and for so much space as their adversaries sholl trouble them Even a thousand two hundred and thréeskore days, which maketh three years and an half, and is more than the two and forty months by iiii. score days and four. Which signifieth that the enemies shall not evermore keep down his word, but their days shall be shortened for his elect sake. The school Doctors with their sophestry hath fantasied the said two witnesses to be Enoch and Helyas, and that they should come then from Paradise terrestre for the same purpose, because that Enoch was taken away of God, and Helias was carried hence in a fiery Chariot, neither understanding what Paradise is, nor yet knowing what it is to be taken from hence. Paradise is the sweet rest of God appointed unto them that depart hence in faith. The peculiar translations of Enoch and Helias were not only for a confirmation or strenthning of the faith of the fathers for their times, but also that they should be figures of Christ's ascension. And what godly wise man can give more to the figuer than to the verity? More were not they privileged from death than was Christ, though God would not then have it so openly known, to declare his wonderful power. Unlike is it that god should call witnesses from the dead, not promising it by his word, having power also from stones to raise up Abraham's children, and to give the spirit of Helias to whom he pleaseth, like as he did to john Baptist, & as he doth now to many other more in our age, as all the world may see and hear. These witnesses are two, for so much as the truth of the Lord in the mouth of two or three godly persons ought to stand. 3 These two witnesses or faithfuli protestours of the aforesaid two testaments hath continued with the people of god since the death of Steven, for the more part secretly & unknown to the world. But now they are come abroad by the appointment of God, to the utter confusion of the great adversary and man of sin, as Paul doth call him. And unto them in this sixth age of the church, the Lord hath given the great power of his living word, or the spirit of his invincible verity in much more ample wise then aforetime, for the abatement of the said enemies or synagogue of perdition. 4 Clothed they shall be in sackcloth (saith the Lord) No pomp shall appear in their apparel, no glory of the world in their behaviour. Neither shall they be accompanied with a guard of ruffling rutters. Neither shall they with Annas and Caiphas sit upon life and death. Neither shall they bless in the street with mitre, cross and cope. Neither claim the higher seats, in side gowns, shaven crowns, and tippetes. Neither shall their be sack Friars, nor Franciscans, monks, Canons, nor Hypocrites. They shall not disfigure themselves to seem religious, nor say long prayers to appear holy, but in a sober conversation, avoiding superfluity, they shall constantly witness the truth of god to the universal world, to his glory and their edification. For sackcloth in the scriptures is a sign of sobriety, sadness and temperance, as in Helias and john Baptist. 5 These witnesses are two sweet olive trees, shedding forth the fatness of the scriptures, and dulcet sanour of the spirit. God hath so blessed them that their lips are full of grace. He hath anointed them with the oil of gladness above their fellows, of Myrrh, balm and Aloes, they delectably smell. None other things utter they but his infallible verities. 6 They are also two shining Candlesticks, setting forth the light, or clearly opening of the hidden mysteries of the scriptures, to the comfort of the gentiles & glory of the Israelits. They are not the light itself but only instruments ordained to bear witness of the light. For there is but one light for al. Only are they the vessels of election, as was Paul, to carry that light the world over. 7 They stand in the presence of the God of the earth, or the Lord of all, as men of most high acceptation before him, ready to do his will and to fulfil his commandment and pleasure, having the oil of his spirit, and the light of his eternal verity. THE TEXT. 1 And if any man will hurt them. 2. Fire shall proceed out of their mouths. 3. & consume their enemies. 4. And if any man will hurt them, this wise must he be killed. 5. These have power to shut heaven. 6 that it rain not in the days of their prophesying, 7. and have power over waters to turn them to blood 8. and to smite the earth. 9 with all manner plagues, as often as they will. The Paraphrase. 1 If any man will attempt to do them scathe, or presumptuously seeketh by crafty colours, subtle reasons, and deceitful arguments, upon dangers, doubts, doctors, old customs, and authority of fathers to hinder their office, blemish their message, and darken their light, such fire shall proceed out of their mouths as shall consume their enemies. 2 The eternal word of the Lord that they shall declare (which is the consuming fire) shall utterly destroy them. So that nothing shall be seen of that they were afore. Neither cut shoe, nor cord, cowl, nor grey cote, boot, nor black hood, rochet, nor scapler, mitre, nor crosier, sandal, nor frock, shaven crown, nor anointing. For all these are their enemies. 3 Consumed are they to their salvation that with matthew become of Publicans true Apostles, and with Paul of fierce persecutors, charitable teachers. Contrariwise are they consumed to their damnation, which being overcome by the manifest verity, wilfully persist in their devilish errors with Antiochus & Pharaoh, with the Scribes and pharisees. 4 For it followeth. And if any man will hurt them, this wise must he be killed. Either must he be mortified from the old Adam, and changed into a new man in Christ, or else by the said word must he both be judged and condemned for the utter adversary of God, with Satan his ancient captain. So must he be killed. And no death will be found like unto that death come they once to the feeling of it, though they account it now very light. 5 For these witnesses have power as had Helias, to shut up heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophesying, but yet none other wise then by the aforesaid word. For the word of God is the very key of David, which openeth the kingdom of god to them that faithfully believeth, and that speareth it up also from them which dwelleth in unfaithfulness. For it is said, in the days of their prophesying. This power therefore is of the word, and not of the men. The word speareth and openeth, losoneth & bindeth, saveth, and damneth. He that believeth saith Christ shallbe saved, he that believeth not is judged already. No moisture of grace nor godly wisdom can light where sturdy frowardness is rooted. The days of their prophesying in figure is none other than the aforesaid time, times, and half time, or the three years and vj. months of Helias. 6 In those days shall it not rain upon the wicked, they shall have no grace to receive the verity. In parables and figures shall that be hidden from them, that shall be evident enough unto the faithful. With ears shall they hear and not understand, with eyes shall they see, and not deserve. So blind will their hearts be. For such speak the Prophets in figures. Christ in parables, and the Apostles in mysteries. The open truth of this revelation shall not the wicked perceive, till they taste the plagues thereof. Such is the nature of God's wisdom that though it be not in glorious words, fine painted terms, nor in persuasive reasons of man's wit, but in plain simple speaking, yet can it not be known of the worldly wise. The sweet dew thereof will not be received of them, in the aforesaid days of prophecy, but he that is blind shall be blind still. 7 These witnesses have also power over waters, to turn them into blood. When they interpret and sincerely declare the pure verities of God, which are those wholesome waters that restraineth the damnable dryness of the soul, that refresheth the conscience, and cleanseth the heart of the sinner, they can not choose but earnestly condemn the perverse judgements, the covetous laws and hipocrityshe works of the ungodly. And then is all unclean unto them, than is all bloody. The Gospel which was a stumbling stone to the jews, & made foolishness unto the Gentiles, is also now unto them naughty new learning, seditious doctrine, and abominable heresy. Yea, & they judge them worthy to be burned that doth teach it. Thus is it abhorred of them that shall perish, & nevertheless to them that believe, it is the power of God unto salvation. 8 finally, they have power to smite the earth with all manner of plagues, as oft as they will. Very earth are they that regard not God's truth, as the Lord said unto Adam after his offence. Earth thou art, and unto earth shalt thou return. Nothing they esteem, but that which is earthly. Nothing they desire, but that is carnal. The froward creature will in no case know that is of the spirit. The light is hateful unto sore eyes. Very painful is bread to the mouth that is not whole. A great mote was Christ to the jews, as his true preachers are unto the blind world yet to this day. For they smite the earth. 9 They touch their living, they rebuke their falsehood, they condemn their wickedness. They reprove them of sin, of righteousness, & of judgement. They force not to tell to him of their unfaithfulness, fraud, and hipocrisiie of their Philosophers, prelates, & religious. No greater plague is it unto the ungodly than to hear of their evil doings. No greater pain, nor yet greater punishment, then to have their faults opened, and their cloning colours condemned. That fretteth them at the very heart. Death must be sought out for such preachers. No wonder is it though this be here written for this age of the church. For never were more earnest witnesses than are now, & more are like hereafter to follow, till the man of sin be fully known, and his kingdom clearly overthrown. THE TEXT. 1 And when they have finished their testimony, 2. the beast that came out of the bottomless pit, 3. shall make war against them, 4. and shall over come them. 5. And their bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city, 6. which spiritually is called Sodom and egypt, 7. where our Lord is crucified. The Paraphrase. 1 And when they have once finished their testimony (sayeth the Lord) the beast that came out of the bottomless pit, shall make war against them. No sooner shall the witnesses of gods verity in all ages be taken from the world, than he hath prefixed. After none other sort shall they be sent hence, than he hath appointed by his eternal decree. john Baptist was not imprisoned, nor beheaded, till he had done his office. Christ was not taken, condemned, and crucified till his hour was come. Paul was not put unto death, till he had fulfilled his course. 2 The beast of the bottomless pit is the cruel, crafty, and cursed generation of antichrist, the Pope with his Bishops, prelate's, priests, and religious in Europa, Mahomite with his doting doucipers in Africa, and so forth in Asia & judia, all beastly, carnal, and wicked in their doings. 3 These maketh war against God's witnesses, when they hate them, curse them, blaspheme them, & persecute them. When they withstand them with their crafts, impugn them with their lies, and vex them with their devilishness, as necessary it is they should do. For if they have troubled the head, they must vex also the members. If the householder be called Belzebub, the hosholde must suffer the same. No better is the servant than his Lord, nor the messenger, than he that sent him. 4 They shall also overcome them, not with the scriptures, but with their beggarly customs, constitutions, laws, decrees, and traditions. They shall shall scourge them or disgarde them in their synagogues. They shall deliver them up to justices, debits, and rulars, making them their butchers and slaves, so washing their own holy hands from the shedding of innocentes blood. 5 They shall kill them also by their counsel, to fulfil the measure of their fathers, that all righteous blood may light upon them which hath been shed upon earth. Yet shall they not hurt their souls, but thorough faith they shall have victory both over them and the devil. 6 And their bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city. In this world shall their carcases remain, where as they have rule and dominion. Here shall they be judged and condemned. At their pleasure shall it be to hang them, head them, or burn them. And though they lay no hands upon them for soiling their consecrate fingers, yet must it be done by their ghostly counsel, and ordered also after their spiritual appointment. None other is it to lie in the streets of their great city, then after such laws as they have practised to be brought unto death. 7 For spiritually is their city called. A glorious name usurp they as though they were none of the world. They will be called the holy church, good ghostly fathers, godly divines, and spiritual men, not considering of what spirit they are spiritual. They are those into whom the unclean spirit hath entered with seven. other spirits worse than himself. With the spirit of falsehood, the spirit of witchcraft, the spirit of cruelty. And of these only with such like are they spiritual, & of no godly spirit as their fruits declareth. And therefore the spirit of God doth judge here this great city not to be called Jerusalem, but stinking Sodom, and most miserable Egypt the prophecies and other scriptures agreeing to the same. For look what filthiness and abomination was in Sodom, what Idolatry and devilishness was in Egypt, the same is now reigning in this painted spirituality, & is accounted their great holiness. 8 Among this consecrate multitude or smeared sort is Christ yet crucified, as he was among the jews which knew him not, and yet boasted themselves outwardly for the peculiar chosen people of God. Not only is Christ among them persecuted, scourged, punished, & put unto death in his members, but also he is proved of them an unsuffitient Saviour without their daily doings. Their masses must be satisfactory sacrifices, profiting both the quick and the dead. And that must men believe under pain of death and damnation. Thus crucify they Christ again, and make a mock of him as witnessed Paul, and yet do they call him their Lord, not unlike to the tormentors, which crowned him with thorn, and saluted him with ave rex judeorum. THE TEXT. 1 And some of the people, and kindreds, and tongues, and of the nations, 2. shall see their bodies iij. days and an half, 3. & shall not suffer their bodies to be put in graves. 4. And they that dwell upon the earth, 5. shall rejoice over them and be glad, 6. and shall send gifts one to an other, 7. for these two Ptophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth. The Paraphrase. 1 And as they lie thus dead in the streets, or are contemned as heretics, and despised as wicked doers, some of the people perverted by these enemies, some of the kindreds or sects of division, some of the tongues or blasphemous babblers, and some of the nations of all wicked workers shall be hold their bodies three days and an half. 2 They shall from all ages abhor them, hate them, revile them, and spitefully report them. In their chronicles shall they write them for seducers of the people, and in their stories register them for damnable heretics. For the iij. days and an half divided into seven. values, betokeneth the seven. ages of the church wherein they have and shall still both persecute and blaspheme. 3 And these wicked sorts of people, kindreds, tongues, and nations, or of false justices, priests, Lawyers, & religious shall not suffer their bodies to be put in graves. But be these witnesses once judged heretics by the clergy, and so condemned by the laity, either shall their bodies be resolved into ashes by fire, or else consumed by the fowls of the air. Seldom shall ye see a known heretic buried among them, but most commonly burned. Examples of this hath been lately seen here in England by Thomas Hitton. Thomas Bilney; john Frith, George Bainham, William Tindale, john Lambert, Roberte Barnes, William Jerome, Thomas Garade, Richard Spenser, and in Partrick Hamilton of scotland, with many other more. And long afore our time in sir john old Castle, the Lord Cobham, sir Roger Acton knight, sir Reynold Pecoke Bishop of Chichester, master john Ashton, sir William Thorpe, sir William Sawtre, sir Richard With, sir john Bale, sir William tailor, and sir William white, priests with divers other. The body of Form●sus was first taken up by Steven the vj. bishop of Rome and disgraded. After was it beheaded, mangled, & thrown into the flood of Tiber by Sergius the third. Saint Herman after twenty years from his burial was taken up & burned at Ferraria in Italy by Boniface the eight. The bones of master john 〈◊〉 were taken up and burned, also the xl year after his death, as Walden witnesseth in his book de Sacramentalibus. Li. ix. Capi. lxxxix. So was of late years in Worcester dyoces the body of master William Trace esquire, & in London the body of Richard Honne merchant tailor. Moreover, john Colet dean of Paul's in London also was not far from the same for reading of Paul's Epistls by his life, had not other weighty matters been in the way. Such heretics shall not rest in their city, they shall not be buried among them. They shall not be shrined, cannonised, nor allowed for Saints, for they builded no monasteries, they set up no chantries, they subdued no Princes, nor yet died for the liberties of holy church. They stood not in defence that priests doing Idolatry, theft, murder, witchcraft, whoredom, buggery, with other abominations should remain unpunished. But rather to the contrary and that they should worship but one God, live by their labours, take wives of their own, and teach nothing but God's laws. 4 And they that dwell upon the earth (sayeth the Lord) or have their felicity here with the rich glutton, shall rejoice over them and be glad. 5 They shall clap their hands when they see godly witnesses be brought out of the way, They shall common, riot and banquet, having among themselves joy without measure that the heretics be gone, so hateful is the light to their eyes, and the verity to their wicked hearts. 6 And they shall send gifts or presents one to an other for gladness, as for example. My Lord bishop hath had a sum of money of the priests for doing his part so well. My Abbot and master doctor have had phesan●es, plovers, and par● riches, pigs, geese, and capons, for disputing their matters so valiantly. Master parson hath been commended for scolding, and set Saunder smell smock our parish priest for bearing false witness. Master Friar hath had a trental, and father Lymitour a bushel of malt, or a cheese for playing the knaves also, and hardly my L●rde chief justice hath not been without his reward, nor yet master chancellor, neither master scribe. What made T. More for his time with so prodigious tyranny to persecute the truth, and since, Godsalue of Norwiche. Warton of Bongay Hales & Baker of Kent, with such other like? but Aury sacra fames, as Virgil doth call it. Thus do they laugh and triumph when they have wrought mischief, and much it delighteth them when they have done ungodly things. 7 For these two Prophets (saith the Lord) vexed them that dwell on the earth. A great trouble it is to them to have their faults seen, a sore vexation to have their crafts known, and an exceeding displeasure to be put from their pleasant Euphrates by the preaching of such busy herytickes. Much was Herode offended with john, the bishops with Christ, the prelates and religious with Paul, & a sore grief it was to their hearts, when they were rebuked their vices. THE TEXT. 1 And after three days and an half. 2. The spirit of life from God, entered into them. 3. And they stood up upon their feet. 4. And great fear came upon them which saw them. 5. And they heard a great voice from heaven, saying unto them come up hethere. 6. And they asscended up into heaven in a cloud. 7. And their enemies saw them. 8. And the same hour was there a great earthquake. 9 And the tenth part of the city fell. 10. And in the earthquake were slain names of men, seven thousand. 11, And the remnant were feared. 12. And gave glory to God of heaven. 13. The second woe is past. 14. And behold the third woe will come anon. The Paraphrase. 1 And after three days and an half (saith saint john) did the spirit of life by the power of God enter into them. In the midst of their joy and triumph when they think themselves well quieted, the heryticks thus taken away, an other storm falleth upon them much worse than the other. Many more ariseth out of their ashes to their confusion & to the chosens comfort. And the same witnesses they are again, giving the same testimony, though they be not the same persons. 2 The same living spirit have they, confessing the same verity, that had the other. No long time can Christ's congregation be without faithful testes, he promising to be with them to the end of the world. 3 These witnesses stood up, upon their feet. In the time full passed is this spoken for the certainty of the thing though much of it be to come. For so certain is it as it were all finished, an earnest stomach shall they have, and with much boldness shall they speak. The righteous shall stand by (saith the book of wisdom) in great ferventness of spirit against them that hath extremely handled them, and taken a way their labours, persecuted them, & blemished their doctrine. 4 And great fear came upon them which saw them. When the Antichristes see they cannot prevail, much are they inwardly anguished; vexed, and tormented. Then doubt they their fall, than fear they their utter destruction. They tremble and quake when they see their laws will no longer stand, nor their insurrections no longer help them, looking for a terrible day. With horrible fear shall they wonder (saith the aforesaid book of wisdom) at the coming of the sudden health, groninge for sorrow, and mourning for very anguish of mind, and saying within themselves. These be they whom we sometime had in derision. Unwisely, we thought their lives to be madness, and their ends to be without honour. And now they are reckoned among the children of god & their portion is among the Saints. Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us. We have wearied ourselves, in the paths of wickedness but the way of the living Lord have we not known. 5 And they hard a great voice from heaven, saying unto them. Come up hither. The Antichrist shall hear this noise, they shall know them to be in the favour of god, and great heaviness it shall be unto them. For this voice is the free election of god according unto grace & not after man's deeruing. And it cometh from heaven as doth all other good gifts, from the father of light. It calleth up them that afore walked somewhat after the flesh, and durst not for fear of punishment witness the verity. It commandeth them to arise unto God, to be more perfect, more spiritual, more godly, and to have their conversation in heaven. They attend unto the voice, they obey it, and do after it. For it followeth. 6 And they ascended up into heaven in a cloud. By the power of God they are taken up. From worldly affects are they changed to the pure love of God, and from carnal prudence to the wisdom of the spirit. In a cloud are they rapt. Compassed are they with this flesh, the ill desires taken from them. Every where resemble they Christ, and are daily better and better. They cease not of their progress, no pain can separate them from the love of Christ, till they perfectly come to the sight of the God of Gods in the supercelestial Zion. 7 And their enemies saw them. The Antichrists knoweth that they are gods servants, the hypocrites perceive they have heavenly knowledge, yea, many times they so report them both in their words and writings. In many of their Chronicles they affirm, the Berengarius, johnnes Scotus the elder, john Wicleve, john Husse. Hierom of prague. Thomas Thedonensis a white friar of Britain burned in Rome, Hieronimus Sa●o●●rola a black friar burned in Florence, and divers other more were men of most excellent wits, of most high learning, of most godly conversation, of a most perfect life, fervent, constant, and unmovable in the time of their death. Bylney, Bainham, Beyféeld, Frith, Tindale, Barnes, and other, are yet reported (yea of some which to this hour hateth their opinions) to have died charitably and godly. Yet believe they never the better, they come never the sooner to god. Their malice hath so blinded them, and the cloud of ignorance so darkened their knowledge, that still they blaspheme and most cruelly persecute. 8 And in the same hour (saith S. John) there happened a great earthquake. A terrible contradiction ariseth ever from the carnal synagogue, & from among the earthly minded hypocrites, when the verity is taught as it was afore time in Christ, and in his apostles, sepcially in Paul, and now of late days in many other poor preachers. When new witnesses arise, then wax they more mad, fierce and fell, than they were afore. Then imprison they, then punish they, then make they acts and command in pain of death no more to speak in that name. Yet do they rather lose than win, fall then rise, disprophet, than profit. 9 For the tenth part of the city fell to the ground. Their building upon sand will in no case endure. That God hath not planted must up by the roots. Their holy whorish church (which is here called Sodom and Egypt) is ruinously decayed, their monasteries of monks, their houses of friars, their colleges of idle priests, with their Nuns, Canons, & chantries in many places are down. Tithes are not as they have been, nor Trentals, nor other devotions. Images are not sought, nor pardons in confession. The people inclineth to new learning, and goeth from their old believe of holy church. They that were monks, priests, & friars are now become gospel teachers. Such as afore were dead, standeth up now against them boldly. This fallen part is hear the tenth, for it is the Lords by the law. It is the same sheep that afore was lost, and now is brought to Christ's fold. These were called away from thence by the witnesses, the other stand yet still, and are every day worse and worse, 10 In the earthquake were slain names of men, to the number of seven thousand. An innumerable multitude hath been sent out of the way by these Antichristes in their fury, but yet nothing have they slain but their names. Only have they hurt their bodies, upon their souls have they had no power, no more than had Satan upon the soul of job. Yet have their not names perished before god, for of him are they written in the book of life. In no case are the wicked of the godly here put to death, though some do so understand it, but rather of the wicked the godly. For they never retail their wrongs, but rather pray for their enemies. 11 And the remnant or residue were feared (saith saint john) and gave glory to God of heaven. Of such as were left in their earthquakes or terrible persecutions, some remained in prison: Some were beggared, some were exiled, some fled, some lost their estimation and friends, and yet gave praise unto God. 12 In all their adversities they glorified the name of their heavenly father, and Lord. Thus have we here what is done already, and what is it to come under this sixth trumpet blowing (where under we are now) which all belongeth to the second wo. 13 And these things once accomplished the second woe will be past. And then look by and by for the third woe, for it will follow anon after without fail, yea, so soon as this second woe is done. 14 In the later age of all shall this third woe reign, such time as Gog and Magog most extremely shall rage's. And the uninuersall judgement shall finish that woe, as here after more evidently will appear. But consider that these woes are to the infideles. The faithful feareth them not, but receiving the word in a pure heart they bring forth fruit in patient sufferance. The xii. Chapter. NNw followeth in order the seventh trumpet blowing or the pure declaration of Christ's joyful tidings for the last age of the Church under the seventh seal opening, with the wonders and marvels that there after ensueth. THE TEXT. 1 And the seventh Angel blew. 2. And there were made great voices in heaven. 3. Saying. The kingdoms of this world are our Lords and his Christ's. 4. And he shall rain for evermore. 5. And the xxiiii. elders which sat before God on their seats, 6. Fell upon their faces, and worshipped God▪ saying, 7. We give thee thanks, Lord God almighty, which art and waste, and art to come. 8. For thou hast received thy great might, and hast reigned. 9 And the nation's were angry. 10. And thy wrath is to come. 11. And the time of the dead that they should be judged. 12. And that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the Prophets and saints 13. And to them that fear thy name, small and great. 14. And shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. The Paraphrase. 1 And the seventh Angel blewe (sayeth Saint john.) The seventh sort of sincere preachers shall utter their message according to the will of God, they shall declare his pleasure as he hath appointed them. For though it be spoken hear as past and done, for the certainty of the thing, yet is it not fulfilled in effect. The word of God was without beginning, and his promise everlasting, yet is it not all performed in his creatures but many things are yet to come. 2 After this blast of the Angel were made great voices in heaven. Many (the congregation or kingdom of God his Gospel once purely published by the preachers) shall speak godly things to the edification of other. The simple poor weaklings, idotes, and infants shall utter the hidden wisdom of god to the confusion of the great wise men, and sage seniors of this world. Yea, the stones in the street, the outcasts of the world, the forsaken people, shall wonderfully praise the Lord. 3 And these shall be their sayings, when they shall see the Antichristes confused and not able to speak again. The kingdoms of this world, that were sometime wicked, cruel, and unfaithful, are now become the Lords, and his Christ's, of his only grace and goodness. Now fall they to the word that afore thought it foolishness. Now cleave they to the truth that sometime did abhor it. Now have they in hand the Gospel, that afore did persecute it as seditious learning and heresy. 4 And in this congregation shall he reign evermore. Continually is he with them, that in faith retaineth his verity. All this shall they utter with no small rejoice. For doubtless after the seventh seal opening, and the gospel preaching, than a peaceable time shall be, and figured it is by the half hour spoken of afore. For it shall not continue to the end. Long may not the church of Christ be unpersecuted▪ But yet this peace for the time shall ●ot only be an inward peace in the conscience (as is always among the faithful) but an outward quiet also, or a season without persecution abroad. 5 And the xxiv. elders (saith S. john) or the great number of saints departed, which sitteth before God on their seats, or resteth in his sweet peace, in such graces of the spirit as he gave them by their life time, as charity, steadfastness, love, joy, peace, meekness, righteousness, and such other like, fell down flat upon their faces. 6 Most humbly have they ever submitted themselves, referring unto god the father the benfite of their creation, and unto jesus Christ his son the free gift of their redemption. Yea, sepcialli at this time, being under the Antler of God, & knowing by his mere goodness the number of their brethren shortly to be fulfilled, and themselves with them to be at a glorious liberty, after their ghostly sort they laud him saying. 7 From the very depth of our spiritual hearts, we render unto thee most high thanks Lord god almighty, eternal Father, son and holy ghost, which art one essential God, and waste without beginning, and shalt be without ending. 8 For thou hast taken upon thee thy great might. Now haste thou showed thy wonderful power. Ever hast thou reigned among thy people, but never so graciously, so plenteously, and so gloriously for our behove. 9 The Heathen evermore were angry when thy truth appeared. Mad were the wicked Antichristes when thy glory shined, and their pride diminished. They freted for anger, they swelled for woodness, yea, they slew thy servants and burned up thy people. 10 But now is thy wrath towards them. Now will thy anger break out, now will thy vengeance appear. Now shall thy terrible judgement without mercy be declared from heaven upon all ungodliness of those cruel enemies that withheld thy truth in unrighteousness. 11 Now shortly ensueth the time of the dead, wherein they shall be judged some to joy, some to heaviness, some to glory, some to pain. 12 Now approacheth the glad season wherein thou hast appointed to reward the true servants, the Prophets, & the faithful believers, made saints by the only death of thy son, and all them that yet feareth thy name, with eternal felicity. 13 None wilt thou seclude from this thy liberal goodness, for no weakness nor poverty. But so well the small as the great, the low as the high, the poor as the rich, the sick as the whole, the unlearned as learned shall taste of thy inestimable clearness. 14 Only shalt thou destroy them that destroyed the earth, compelling both it and all that therein is, not to serve thee their heavenly creator, but their own stinking desires, lusts, and corrupt affections, thy glory not once esteemed nor regarded. Herein may we conjecture, that th● seventh seal once opened and the seven. trumpet blown, the last judgement day is not far of. Blessed is he that watcheth for the Lords coming. THE TEXT. 1 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, 2. and there was seen in his temple, the Ark of his Testament. 3. And there followed lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and earthquake, 4. and much hail. The Paraphrase. 1 And the Temple of God (sayeth S. john) was opened in heaven. Evident will the godly and spiritual estate of the true christian church seem in those days, the Gospel sincerely preached. In faith shall men seek their living father, & not in dead Images, nor other corruptible things. In spirit and verity shall they worship him, and not in dumb ceremonies, nor outward shadows. Speared is God's temple, when his true worshipping is hid. And opened it is again, when that is clearly seen. Till Christ's coming in the flesh nothing thereof appeared. With the key of David opened he the mysteries thereof. Whereby thorough faith the conversation of many is now & hath been ever since in heaven. 2 This temple thus open, anon the Ark of God's holy Testament was seen therein. Christ showeth himself in his own colours, when the Gospel is truly received, which is that Ark, wherein all the riches of God's covenants and the precious treasure of his promise is reposed to man's behove. And specially those by whom we are reconciled and saved. By him are we only brought to God's favour again, and graciously redeemed. Yea, all the sort of us have received of his abundant & overflowing fullness. The sight of this Ark in this temple is none other, than a clear knowledge of him in his congregation. So oft are his mysteries evident, as this temple is opened. So many times are they known as his word is truly taught. 3 And no small fruit is to be thought to come thereof. For there followe● lightnings, voices, thunderings, and earthquakes, divers respects hath the verity of God, according to divers audiences. In manner of lightning it moveth some making of earth, heaven, and of sinners godly people. A sound or a noise only it is to some men, not regarding the fruits thereof. To some it is an occasion of anger, spite, and madness, & to some of open blasphemy against the holy ghost. For what else doth the clergy, maliciously withstanding it, but wilfully work against knowledge? And what doth the undiscreet laity, blinded by them, but babble they wots not what? 4 And a great hail also followed, which betokeneth the vehement and sharp judgements of God towards such enemies of his verity. The most terrible tempests of his Ire abideth them. The Lord shall break into the land (sayeth the Prophet Esay) like a sore tempest of hail that breaketh down strong holds or castles. And the proud crown of the drunken Ephraemites shall be trodden under foot. Not only is the last age appointed to these thunderings, and earthquakes, but they began also so soon as Christ appeared in the flesh. No sooner was the young babe borne, but Herode for madness sought to slay him in his very infancy. The Pharisees & Scribes, the bishops, priests and Lawyers swelled at his preaching, & never left till they had slain him. And this rule with the prelate's and hypocrites hath continued ever since, & still shall do till the latter day. Only is there and shall be a moderation, that some time it is not so extreme as at some. For if it were always alike, there should none be left. THE TEXT. 1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven. 2. A woman clothed with the Sun, 3. and the Moon under her feet, 4. and 〈◊〉 on her head, a crown of xii. stars. 5. And she was with child, 6. and cried, traveling in birth, 7. And pained, ready to be delivered. The Paraphrase. 1 And there appeared (saith Saint john) a great token in heaven. For no wonder is this token here to be taken, as in other places of the scripture, but for a type or figure, containing under mystery great things. A woman was seen clothed with the son, yea of john. For to Gods only elects is the verity showed to advantage. Not Marie Christ's mother is this woman, though many hath so fantasied in their commentaries. But it is the true christian church of whom mary is a most notable member. 3 This woman the church (as salomon's canticles specify, is fair, lovely, pleasant, sweet, wholesome, delectable, undefiled as the M●ne, excellent in clearness as the sun, and glorious as an army of men with their banners and streamers. This woman is bewtifully decked with the shining sun of righteousness. None is of her that hath not done on jesus Christ, being renewed in their hearts by faith. They are not her children that persecute gods word, no more than was Annas and Caiphas, joannes and Alexander. 4 This woman seemed to have the moon under her feet. To the church or congregation of God are all other creatures subject. All movable things hath the Lord subdued unto her. She is the right heir and inheritor of them through Christ, they with her to be delivered from the bondage of corruption, and to serve in liberty. 4 Upon her head was also a crown of twelve stars, which betokeneth not only the twelve Apostles declaring the glory of Christ's kingdom immediately after his death, but all other godly ministers of the word also, which have done the same ever since. Only reigneth the true Christian church by the word of God, by the sincere scriptures, by the doctrine of the Apostles, and neither superstitions nor ceremonies, neither by councils or customs, by doctors, nor fathers, by mitres nor rochetes, by tippets, nor hoods, by shaven crowns, nor side gowns, by crosses nor copes, by bells nor torches, by shrines, nor guilt Images, nor yet by xii. couples in a livery with golden chains and guarded coats. Her beauty consisteth only in faith, and in the observation of God's holy commandments. Her true ministers or preachers as very chosen stars, showeth forth his glory to the edification of other, and not their own Pomp and magnificence. 5 And she was as is the woman with child. She cried traveling in birth, and was pained as one ready to be delivered. With Christ is the church big, when her members are in full faith. In the heart is he evermore conceived, & delivered forth such time as he is declared unto other. For this cause Christ called them his mother which ha● faith, and thereupon did the will of his father. Of faith in the first promise that Christ should destroy the serpent, was he first conceived in Adam and Eva▪ and so grew forth in righteous Abel, in Seth, Enos, Enoche, Noah, Sem, There, Melchisedech, Abraham, and Loth. And as the promises waxed stronger (as in Abraham, Moses, David, and the Prophets) and the people of God more in number, so waxed the woman bigger & bigger, till the fullness of her time was come that she should be delivered. Which was such time as Christ appeared to the world, taught and was conversant here among men. And this course hath she kept ever since, & shall do to the latter day in them 〈◊〉 believe. Thus hath she had Christ in her womb since the beginning. 6 And being full of his heavenly spirit, she hath cried in the patriarchs, and Prophets, in the Apostles and faithful ministers, as one traveling in birch. Her cry was the mighty and strong declaration of Christ's doctrine, the fervent zeal & desire of the glory of God, & of all men's health in Christ. She traveleth ever more a new like as did Paul, till Christ be fashioned in her christian members. With all her strength she laboureth that the promised seed may increase in the faith of all men. 7 Finally, she is pained with labours, dolours, blasphemies, troubles, and terrible persecutions, and never is delivered without them: Never is Christ earnestly received, till some of her members doth suffer. The constant spirit & invincible standing by the truth in them, hath converted many. And like as the pained woman in all her agonies, is much comforted by the hope of a child, so are Gods faithful witnesses trusting that by their patient and glad sufferance, Christ should be received & rightly fashioned in many. Yea, this causeth them to rejoice in all adversity, and little to esteem their pains. THE TEXT. 1 And there appeared an other wonder in heaven, 2. for behold a greater red Dragon. 3. having seven heads, 4. and ten horns, 5. and seven crowns upon his head. 6. and his tail drew the third part of the stars, 7. and cast them to the earth. The Paraphrase. 1 After this (sayeth Saint john) appeared in heaven an other token or marvel all divers from the first. The true church (which is god's kingdom) was never yet without contradiction, nor without the crafty assaults of enemies. Adam was not so soon created, but he was immediately assaulted of Satan. Christ entered not so soon the world, but he was by and by persecuted. The devil goeth about like a roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour. 2 For behold there was seen a great red Dragon, betokening the said devil, with his whole retinue, full of deceit, craft, malice, poison, pride, and fierceness, to enforce the poor weaklings to consent unto his falsehood. All red his body seemed, in token that they which are of him, are all full of cruelty, spite, & blood shedding, afflicting the constant believers for withstanding his assaults. Seldom is he out of the earth, as winesseth job, but commonly in the company of men, impugning the faithful. And no power is able to match him, unless it cometh from above. 3 The said Dragon had seven. heads, signifying all the crafty wiles, and subtle suggestions, that he hath practised and used against Christ and his word under all the seven. seals opening, and the seven. trumpets blowing. Very easy it is to conjecture what manner of heads they were, marking other places of the scripture. A serpent's head should seem to be the first, considering that in the Serpent he deceived our first parents with his venymed crafts. This head so maliciously poisoned man, that God repented him of his creation, and destroyed his whole kind in the flood eight people only reserved. After the flood had he the head of a calf for the second, in signification of the shameful Idolatry, and wicked worshipping that than begun in Nembroth, and so continued in the Heathen. The third was the head of a Lion, full of pride and oppression, expressed first in the cruel reign of the Assyrians & Chaldeans, and after in the proud Bishops and priests. The fourth, was a bears head, full of ravin and cruelness, betokening the fierce kingdom of Meads and persians. Consequently, his fift head was like a Leopard's head of many colours, full of fickleness and changeableness. And that was the unconstant reign of the Greeks. His sixth was the head of a beast, far unlike all other beasts, which signifieth the kingdom of the Romans, with their monstrous laws more than needeth. The seventh is not unlike to a man's head, including all carnal wisdom, with all devilish polices & crafts, & this is the very papacy here in Europa, which is the general Antichrist of all the whole world almost, which hath already subdued and destroyed the Empire of Rome. For he is called the Apostata & man of sin. By this only head, is the Dragon named the envious man. The whole body followeth the heads. As the devil is malicious, wicked, fierce, cruel, tyrannical, false, execrable, and deceitful, so are all his members. In the prudence of the flesh after him they walk in Idolatry, hypocrisy, & all other filthiness. And like as afore Christ's coming, these heads were in the serpent, in the golden calves, in the kingdom of Babylon, in Nembroth, in Pharaoh, in Antiochus, & in the pharisees & scribes, bishops, Lawyers, & priests, so have they been since his time under the seven. seals opening, and the seven. trumpets blowing, after the same sort. Under the first, he had a serpent's head in the jews, most maliciously and subtly withstanding Christ & his Apostles, pretending the zeal of God & his laws. Under the second, he had a calves head in the idolaters, which slew the constant witnesses of Christ's verity. Under the third, the head of a proud Lion in the bold rabble of heretics, presuming against god's word to affirm ungodly things. Under the fourth, the head of a Bear, in the greedy multitude of holy hypocrites & spiritual Antichristes, which have ravished up the substance of this world, usurping the empire of the same. For then begun the papacy with Mahomet's mischief. Under the ●ift the head of a Leopard, in the diversity of pestilent sects or execrable locusts, of whom every one rejoiceth in his own colour and invention. For than did they sore increase. Under the sixth, the head of a best unlike to all other, in the tyranny of wicked governors blinded and persuaded by the priests to slay God's servants for the upholding of their stinking generation. For than was and is yet done much murder▪ upon such as confess the truth. Under the seventh or last seal opening, shall he have yet still the head of a man, in fleshly polices & falsehood of the Pope and his prelate's, in the doctors and priests till God utterly shall destroy them with the breath of his mouth. 4 The said dragon had also x. horns or all subtle ways wherewith to impugn the feeble weak nature of man, or to provoke him ever more to rebel against gods commandments. 5 Upon his seven. heads he had seven. crowns signifying thereby that both he & his members hath not only possessed the afore named vices, but also they have over the world reigned in them, and yet do to this day. In pride, falsehood, malice, craft, cruelty, wickedness, & all other mischies triumph they yet. 6 And his tail drew towards him the third part of the stars, and inconclusion threw them down to the earth. By worldly promotions, lucre, favour, and other flattering fantasies, hath he tangled many learned men, and plucked them clean from Christ's true Church, and from the life of the Gospel, so provoking them, wholly to give themselves to the study of erroneous doctrine and lying prophecies, to seduce the worldly multitude and keep them in perpetual blindness. 7 So that they are now cast into the earth. They are become all carnal, filthy and ungodly in all their wisdom, study, and works, in all their counsels, preachings, and teachings. Now are they the wicked apostles of Satan, no longer may they shine in the firmament. THE TEXT. 1 And the Dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered. 2. for to devour her child as soon as it were borne 3. & she brought forth a man-child. 4. which should rule all nations with a rod of Iron. 5 And her son was taken up unto God, and to his seat .6. And the woman fled into the wilderness .7. Where she had a place prepared of God, 8. That they should feed her there .9. A thousand, two hundred, and threescore days. The Paraphrase. 1 Before the aforesaid traveling woman stood this Dragon, ready to devour her child, so soon as it were borne. Evermore is the devil waiting his prey, where as the Gospel is sincerely taught, lest any thereby should become the children of God. 2 He seeketh all crafts, polyces, & engines, to take the word from the heart, lest they believing it should be saved. Thus sought he to devour christ after the letter, appointing Herode to slay him soon after his birth. And when he see that way would not take, yet left he not of till the jews had slain him. Not thus yet satisfied, he laboured by the bishops to extinguish the faith of his resurrection, lest that should profit unto life. Moreover where as the Apostles and other godly men, have given Christ unto other in manner as they received him, he hath left no cautels unsought by his malignant members, ever since to deprive God's people thereof. 3 Such a man child (saith S. john) brought this woman forth, as with an iron rod should rule all nations. Never is the true church idle, but conceiveth christ at the gospel preaching, retaineth him in faith & bringeth him forth in teaching other the same. No woman child is he, impotent, weak & feeble, but a man-child, bringing with him always a strong, mighty & invincible spirit, where as he is unfeignedly received. For he is the mighty Lord that is valiant in battle. 4 With the iron wand of his word invincible shall he govern his meek spirited flock, that none other laws shall they require, with the same also shall he subdue all powers which are not of him, and drive them down to the bottom of hell. For by faith only in him is the victory gotten over the world. 5 This child was also taken up to God and unto his throne. Where as the devil thought to devour him, and to wrap him up for ever under death, he put him beside his purpose. Uictoryously he arose up from death to life, he ascended unto heaven, and now sitteth upon the right hand of God the father almighty. And where as he is now, there shall his faithful followers, and ministers be hereafter, for that is his, is also theirs, birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension. 6 The woman fled after this into the wilderness. What else doth the just people of God? but fly the contagiousness, vanity, tumult, fornication, idolatry, and filthiness of this world? seeking God in the solitary heart, and not in outward fantasies. I got me away far of (sayeth David) and remained in the desert, monks, nuns, cannons, and friars, hath fled into monasteries, covents, and houses, but nothing after this sort. For in all voluptuous pleasures have they there lived. The unfeigned solitary man after Hieremy, continueth peaceably with himself, and hath his heart above. 7 In the said wilderness had she a place prepared of God. Which is none other but God's protection, defence, and safeguard promised in the scriptures. That the Lord should pieserue us as he did his chosen people of Israel, when he went before them in a cloud upon the day, and in the night in a pillar of fire. David boasted himself that God was his refuge, and that he dwelled under the defence and shadow of the highest. So long as the Lord is my governor (saith he) I can want nothing. He feedeth me, he sustaineth me I doubt no danger, for he is with me. His staff stayeth me, his word and promise is my whole comfort. 8 And there will the Lord feed her sayeth S. john) for the space of a thousand two hundred and threescore days. None other are fed with the scriptures and promises of God, (which is the bread of children not to be given to dogs) but they which flieth into the desert from the dragon, forsaking both head and tail, both suggestions and laws, both customs and constitutions. For all are devilish. None other escaped the plague of Sodom, but they which fled clean from thence. Lot's wife but looking back only towards it again was turned into a salt stone. 9 The numbered days here are none other but the afore written time of the two witnesses, the time of Helias preaching, the time of john's preaching, the time of Christ's preaching, or the time of the gospel preaching from Christ's ascension to the latter end of the world. That is the very time of the feeding of his Church. And not open is this feeding here, but▪ in secret in the wilderness, among a sort unknown to the world, having the poverty of the spirit, without sha●ing, anointing, or hypocrites apparel. And not only hath the Lord thus nourished his people in this spiritual respect, but also in body. When they have been grievously handled, spoiled of their goods, imprisoned, and exiled, graciously hath he relieved them, and provided for them both solace and comeforte at the hands of them whom they never saw afore. So that the just hath not felt himself forsaken, nor his children seeking bread. THE TEXT. 1 And there was a great battle in heaven. 2. Michael and his Angels. 3, Fought with the Dragon, and the Dragon fought and his Angels. 4. And prevailed not. 5. Nether was their place found any more in heaven. 6. And the great Dragon, that old serpent, called the devil and Sathanas▪ 7. was cast out. 8. Which deceived all the world. 9 And he was cast into the earth, and his Angels were cast out with him also. The Paraphrase. 1 And there happened at that time (sayeth saint john) a great battle in Heaven. In the Church is evermore variance and strife without ceasing betwixt the spirit and the flesh, the good and the bad, the faithful and the unfaithful. None other is this battle but a very contradiction, a diversity in faith, study, opinion, will, and work, about the laws or commandments of God, and also about the laws and traditions of men. This battle is weighty in cause, multitude and continuance. The cause thereof is Christ, the Gospel, faith, righteousness, man's health, God's high honour, and such other like on the one party. Upon the other party the cause is, error, hypocrisy, lies, idolatry, avarice, pride, cruelty, filthiness, with all such other. So great is the multitude, that none is found out of it. None is there but are in this army. Either they are good or bad, faithful or unfaithful, righteous or unrighteous. The righteous are of the host of Michael, the unrighteous are upon the dragon's side. Continued hath this battle from the first beginning, and so shall still to the latter end. Yea, though the dragon be bound or tied up under the seventh seal opening, that he rage not then as he hath done afore. Yet shall the spirit of wickedness, and a mind to do mischief, reign inwardly still in his members, for Satan can be but a Satan, and a Devil a Devil. 2 Michael and his Angels fought valiantly with the dragon. Spiritual are they which hath done on Christ after the mind of Paul, and spiritual is their armour. Their girding is verity, their breast plate righteousness, their shield a sure faith, their weapon the word of God, their helmet the hope of health, and for steadfastness of their feet, their shooinge the gospel. By interpretation is Michael to say, who is as God? or who is like unto god? And he betokeneth the constant minister & sincere teachers of the Gospel. The Angels of Michael are all they that in a sure faith confesseth the eternal magnificence of God, and that none is like unto him. Contrariwise the Dragon's Angels are the hypocrites, lying prophets, and erroneous teachers. 3 These fight with the Dragon, and the Dragon and his Angels with them. For he that is not with Christ, is against him. With the rituous is Michael. For ministering spirits are the Angels ordained for the comfort of them which shall be saved. And commanded they are to wait upon the faithful, to preserve and defend them. The wicked sort have the Devil and his chaplains to fight for them, the righteous have Michael and his Angels. The wicked fighteth with errors & lies, the righteous with the only verity of God. 4 As vengeable & as fierce as they are, yet prevail they not, neither is their place found any more in heaven. Faith hath the victory by the promise of god, though the blind world seeth it not. overcomen are the wicked when their enterprises taketh not, & clean overthrown when their beggary is contemned. And never is the full victory gotten, no more than it was in christ till the tabernacle of this body be laid aside. At that day is the crown gotten whom the Lord hath laid up for the righteous. And like as there is daily fight, so is therein some, daily victory. Daily are the angels of darkness overthrown, daily are they cast out of heaven, which is the true church. Daily are they condemned by the word of God & judged for rebels against the holy ghost, whose sin is never forgiven. 5 No place have they any more with the chosen, no election, nor acceptation afore god. The more light they have had & the more they have tasted of the truth now forsaking it, & rebelling against it with the devil, the farther they are from god, & the more nigh unto damnation. Never believed he truly, that so had received the word. Let none think to be saved, unless he persevereth to the end. 6 And the great Dragon, or cap●tayne of all the unfaithful sort, that old crooked Serpent which deceived Adam, & is called the devil or malicious accuser, yea, and also Satan the most cruel adversary with all his clients and spiritual adherentes, are certain and sure to be cast out. 7 With the righteous they shall have no portion for all their glorious titles. With the godly shall not their names be registered for all their holy unctions. But with the prince of this world they shall be thrown forth. 8 For he by them, and they by him hath deceived all the world, in lying tokens and wonders, and in the operation of errors, to the utter damnation of all them that consenteth to their wickedness. 9 And he was cast into the earth, & his Angels also were cast out with him, which is not else but that they are reserved to eternal damnation. For serving the creature rather than the Lord that made all, God hath forsaken them, and given them, over to their own shameful lusts. All grace and goodness hath he taken from them, and in all darkness hath he left them. Nothing is now behind but hell fire, prepared for the devil and his Angels. The church thus first bringing forth Christ among the jews, and so by their cruelty driven out into the wild desert of the Gentiles, hath been there fed of God in percecution ever since, and shall be still till the term come out of the aforesaid thousand, two hundredth, and three score days, whose end is in the Lords hands THE TEXT. 1 And I heard a loud voice which said. 2. In heaven is now made salvation, and strength. 3. And the kingdom become our Gods. 4. And the power his Christ's. 5. For he is cast down which accused them before God day and night. 6. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb. 7 And by the word of their testimony. 8. And they loved not their lives unto the death. 9, Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and ye that devil in them. 10. woe to the inhabiters of the earth, and of the sea. 11. For the devil is come down unto you. 12. Which hath great wrath. 13. Because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. The Paraphrase. 1 And I hard a mighty great voice (saith saint john) which is the whole agreement of all the sacred scriptures. And the voice said thus unto me. 2 Now is there in heaven salvation, in the church is the health of soul now that the idolatry with other abominations is thrown forth, and she clean delivered from their beggary. Now appeareth the power of the Lord, that his Gospel is truly preached. 3 Now is it become our God's kingdom, that their doctrine is not of men. 4 Now hath it the whole strength of his anointed. All Christ's labours, merits, and deservings, his nativity, passion, resurrection, and ascension, is now her own good, Christ's victory is theirs, his crown, his sceptre, his seat and kingdom is theirs, Yea, the possession of his father's right hand is theirs. 5 For the enemy of our brethren is thrown down, which cruelly accused them before god day and night. The adversary Sathen which quarreled before the Lord against patient job, and vexed him sore in his substance and flesh, never ceasing to this day to trouble the righteous with Antichristes and tyrants, is now overcome by the victory of faith, and his power greatly diminished in his members. Now is the kingdom of God increased, much people being unfainedli converted unto christ. 6 Conquered him they have by no Power of their own, neither merits nor works, but through the inestimable strength which is in the blood of the immaculate lamb jesus Christ, & through the invincible word of his verity which they to the world have testified. 7 In the witness thereof have they constantly suffered, & through faith in them, have they with him obtained victory over the world, sin, hell, death, and the devil. Not their own bodies have they spared to win this conquest. 8 But much more have they loved Christ and his truth than themselves, accounting it advantage to give their lives for him. 9 Therefore rejoice ye heavens, and all you that in them in doth dwell. Ye Angels above ordained for man's comfort, ye saints departed from the miseries of this world, ye faithful believers remaining in this life, and ye fervent favourers of the lords verity be glade that your brethren hath gotten the victory of the devil and his Angels to the glory of Christ. 10 But woe unto the wretched inhabitants of the earth, & of the sea. No small danger is towards them that hath heard the voice of the Lord, & still yet will follow the course of this world, no light peril hangeth over their heads, that are inconstant, fickle, & waverin, giving back with every blast for the pleasure of their flesh. 11 Take heed of it therefore, for unto you that are such, the devil is come down with his subtle suggestions and crafts, with his wily cautels and engines. Among you doth he remain watching to have his prey, as he did among the children of Israel, when they were become unfaithful. 12 tars will he sow to destroy the good seed, for his wrath is great to see himself thus dejected, & his hate is exceeding beholding his kingdom decayed. Among you must he wreak his anger, for he can not harm the faithful. Thorough his envy came death first into the world. If ye will escape his snares, look ye give no place unto him, but in faith resist him manfully. 13 He waxeth now mad, & fretteth with himself. He mindeth to make havoc and to do much mischief, because he knoweth that his time is short. No long season shall he have from henceforth to deceive. The latter day he perceiveth not to be far of wherein great torments, abideth both him and his. And that maketh him so wood. That maketh him so insaciably desirous to noye, not caring what spite he worketh against God. And no wicked will leaveth he unsought, to perform his cruel intent. Woe unto them therefore that in these days taketh no heed. Woe unto them that stumbreth in wanton pleasures, when most danger is, and the devil most busy, not attending to the call & warning of God. THE TEXT. 1 And when the Dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, 2. he pursued the woman, which brought forth the man child, 3. And to the woman were given ij. wings of a great Egle, 4. that she might fly into the wilderness, 5. into her place, where she is nourished for a time, times, and half a time, 6. from the presence of the Serpent. 7. And the Dragon cast out of his mouth water after the woman, as it had been a river, 8. that he might cause her to be caught of the flood. 9 And the earth holp the woman, 10. and ●he earth opened her mouth, 11. and swallowed up the river, which the dragon cast out of his mouth. 12. And the dragon was wrath with the woman, 13. and went and made war with the remnant of her seed, 14. which keep the commandments of God. 15. and have the testimony of jesus Christ, 16. and he stood on the sea sand. The Paraphrase. 1 And when the Dragon or most furious serpent the devil, the head master of pride, & father of lies, saw that he was thrown down unto the earth by the valiant host of God. Or such time as he perceiveth the Idolatry, superstition, pomp, hypocrisy, and other abominable filthiness, destroyed by the word of God in his malignant synagogue of proud painted prelate's. 2 Then persecuteth he the poor woman which brought forth the man child. Then vexeth he the true congregation that teacheth none other but Christ, and confesseth none other saviour, health, and redeemer. Them doth he torment and punish by his mitred Mahound's and his shaven sodomites, subduing unto them for that purpose the power of Kings, and might of magistrates. Then sitteth Annas in consistory, & Cayphas in sessions upon life and death. Then bringeth the woman her child forth in pain. By the martyrdom or death of godly witnesses is Christ delivered & left here behind in the hearts of many. 3 And unto the woman were given two wings of a great Egle, or the two testaments of God, containing the Prophecy & Gospel, with the love of God and our neighbour. And these mighty wings were given her that she might fly with them into the wilderness. Evermore when dangerous persecution is, the members of Christ's congregation (which are left here behind) hath authority of the old law to flee from it with jacob, Moses, David, and Helias, of the new law also with Christ and his Apostles. If they pursue you in one city (saith the Lord) flee you into an other. Not only to save your bodies, but to fructify in the people. Get ye into the desert. Teach them that were not taught afore. If ye can not be suffered openly to preach, instruct men privately in houses. Play not the sluggards in the lords vineyard. Be not niggards over his free treasure. But as ye have plenteously received it, so liberally distribute it again. 4 From the face of the Dragon hath the woman thus power to fly into the wilderness by the scriptures, when her child is delivered and taken up to the throne of God for the unthankfulness of the people that they have not in faith received him. And in much danger are they left having the devil & his Angels thrown down among them with their wiles and crafty snares. In much more peril are they, than they were afore. 5 A place hath she in this desert appointed of God, wherein she is nourished for a time for times, and for the half time, which is not else but his special protection, among them that be poor in spirit, and are judged outcasts of the world. There is the true church nourished with the pure word, not mixed with the leaven of Phari●ies. There is the faithful congregation at all times fed, without the traditions of hypocrites. Only are they relieved with the verity, and satisfied with the living promises, and have been since the time of Christ. Yea, since the time of Daniel and afore. And this feeding time of the Lord in secretness hath been sometime shorter, sometime longer, & sometime shortest of all, according to the times of persecution, and of blindness in the enemies. 6 To flee from the presence of the serpent, have they evermore had commandments of the Lord, & to shun the suggestions of his Angels. Warned they have been in no wise to go forth, when they say, Christ is here and there, for so much as their crafts are such as would (if it were possible) deceive the very elects. 7 And the Dragon (saith saint john) did cast out of his mouth water after the woman. A doctrine of hypocrisy, errors, & lies, hath always passed from the synagogue of Satan. None other fruits hath gone from them, than wavering superstitions, Idolatry, and Heathen ceremonies. These hath flowed forth like a great river. Daily have they augmented, and tontinually increased. Innumerable are the cumbrous and unprofitable burdens of their fantasies & dreams, wherewith they noy men's consciences, drown their small faith, & overload their souls. 8 This stinking water did the Serpent vomit out by his ravenous Antichristes, which are his insatiable mouth, to stop the passage of the woman. He poured it forth in abundance that he might cause her to be caught of the flood. Such is always the mischievous nature of the devil and his Angels. Uengeable assaults have they, and innumerable crafts to deceive the innocent not knowing them. Our first mother Eva was thus trapped in the beginning, & so had been drowned with Adam her husband, had they not had faith in the promised seed. An innumerable multitude hath been & are yet to this day, swallowed up of this flood, and without great difficulty none escapeth it. exceeding is the compass, study, and practise of this false generation. Evermore power they out their poison, they dispute their matters with errors and lies, with counsels and customs, having upon their side the darkened powers. 9 Yet is the Lord merciful to his poor congregation, that they are not drowned with all this filthy flood. None of it once toucheth their hearts. No part of their faith doth all this riff raff hinder. This dirty baggage accombreth not their souls. Only are they satisfied with the wholesome doctrine of Christ's spirit. And the earth did help the woman (saith S. john) The carnal multitude, the wise men of this world, the very reprobates from God, all dry without the true faith, drank up this filthy water. 10 They opened their mouths wide, and swallowed up the great river clean, which the Dragon cast out of his mouth. This erroneous doctrine was evermore pleasant unto them. Much more have they always delighted in lies, and old wives dreams than in God's truth. Thereto have they given their ears, with all avidious greediness and superstitious devotion have they embraced them. But the living waters of the Lord savoureth not in their mouths, their own broken ceysternes doth please them best. Better is to a swine a filthy puddle, than a sweet running water. No where will he drink, but where he may wallow his carcase. No doctrine pleaseth them, unless ● maintaineth their sin. 11 In drinking up this flood, yet ease they this woman. In such multitude is Christ's small flock not missed, not looked for, nor yet many times in their abominations perceived to be absent. So gracious to them is the Lord, that in no wise are they harmed with those unwholesome waters. They are not caught of that pestilent flood. It overwhelmeth not their faith. 12 And the Dragon was wroth with the woman (sayeth saint john) frantic mad is the synagogue of Satan, when their wanton ware is forsaken, abhorred and despised. Than fret they for anger, than swell they for woodness. Than whet they their teeth upon the innocent souls, and would tear them in pieces for very spite. Than imagine they new cautels and wiles, and thereupon procure they new laws to be made, to trap them in snares that they escape no way. 13 For the Dragon in his wrath, made war with the remnant of her seed, which kept the commandments of God. All manner of ways hath this Serpent assayed to destroy Christ's true church. The Apostles he vexed with the pharisees & priests, for the first age. With false brethren and tyrants troubled he their successors for the second age. For the third, with innumerable Heresies did he accomber them. For the fourth, with damnable sects of Hypocrisy did he oppress them. For the fift, brought he the world into a damnable peace of Idolatry & superstition. And for the sixth (seeing he can not yet prevail) he maketh open war upon the remnant of her seed. 14 Now doth his synagogue of Prelates, Priests, Hypocrites, and tyrants, make wicked laws against them. Now do they persecute them for keeping the commandments of God, in marriage, in receiving meats with thanks giving, and in not going out to seek Christ here & there in their Masses and mutterings, in their outward colours and shadows. 15 Now put they them to death, which have the Testimony of jesus Christ, preaching him for an only teacher necessary, for an only mediator and advocate, for an only saviour and redeemer, for our only righteousness, wisdom, & health. For their war is only against them that keep God's commandments, & that have the witness of jesu. Neither is it against bands nor whores, against murderers nor thieves, against idolaters nor Hypocrites, Sorcerers nor Sodomites, adulterers, nor gluttons, Idyotes nor liars, idle priests nor vagabonds, Schismatics nor traitors. None of these seek they out, none of these accuse they at their Sessions, but the only readers of the Gospel, and poor favourers of God's truth. 16 Upon the sea sand stand they ever more with their grand Captain, to fight this battle. None other laws have they to ground themselves upon, but their own traditions and customs, with such fantastical acts as they daily make, or procure to be made of Princes for their own wicked purpose. And as their laws are beggarly and weak, so is their usurped authority, so are their proud titles also, so are their miters, their anointings, & pompous functions. All are sand, dust, & rotten powder before God, not grounded upon his word. All are unprofitable chaff. Yea, their selves are a ground unfruitful, sandy, & unsure, fit for the Dragon to stand upon to fight against Christ's members. For they are the very seat of Satan, and his continual dwelling place. And that he can not do by himself, he bringeth evermore to pass by them. Innumerable also are their devilish practices, their wiles, and their subtleties to uphold their master, as be the sands of the sea. The xiii. Chapter.. BY the monstrous, ugly, and most odious beast rising out of the sea, with seven heads and ten horns, is meant the universal or whole antichrist, comprehending in him all the wickedness, fury, falsehood, frowardness, deceit, lies, crafts, slaightes, subtleties, hypocrisy, tyranny, mischiefs, pride, and all other divillyshnesse, of all his malicious members which hath been sense the beginning. The exceeding presumption of them that hate the blessed Lord (saith David) ariseth day by day. Continually thine enemies grow, always they increase, & evermore they prosper in this world. Not from the steadfast or sure ground (which are the Lords people) ariseth this beast, but out of the wavering sea, or from the fickle fellowship and movable multitude of the ungodly. For the wicked sort after Esay, are the raging sea that can not rest, whose water foameth with the mire & gravel. No peace is among the ungodly (saith the Lord) no unity, no charity, nor mutual christian love. It pleased therefore the holy Ghost to provoke john after his secret vision, to describe this mighty Antichrist thus in his right colours, according to that he had seen, to the forewarning of Christ's people. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw a beast rise out of the sea, 2. having seven heads & ten horns, 3. & upon his horns ten crowns, 4. & upon his head the names of blasphemy. 5. And the beast which I saw was like a cat of the mountain, 6. and his feet were as the feet of a Bear, 7. & his mouth as the mouth of a Lion. 8. And the Dragon gave him, 9 his power, 10. and seat, 11. and great authority. The Paraphrase. 1 I beheld (saith saint john) an execrable beast, very odious & hateful to look upon, rising out of the ravenous roaring sea. For the wicked advance themselves as the green bay tree in ungodliness, & the synagogue of proud hypocrites riseth up a loft, setting up their Christ's, as doth the fat Cedar trees of Libanus. All beastly are they as was Elimas' the sorcerer, full of filthiness, guile, & falsehood, yea, the very whelps of the devil, subverting the ways of God. None other is this beast here described, than was the pale horse in the fourth age, the cruel multitude of locusts in the fift age, and the horses of incomparable woodness for the sixth. 2 Seven heads and x. horns had this cruel beast not unlike therein, to the aforesaid red Dragon or Serpent. For look what pestilent suggestions in errors & lies, & what deceivable power in signs & wonders hath reigned in the devil for all ages, the same also hath reigned in the wicked members of his beastial body, in the furious bishops, lawyers, doctors, priests, hypocrites, & false magistrates, for their heads are their universal crafts, & their horns their tyrannous aucthhrities, usurped primacies, or malignant magistrates. Thy strong mighty power Lord (saith David) hath broken the dragons heads in the raging waters. Thou hast smitten in pieces the heads of the great Leviathan. Enhance not your horns so high ye stiff-necked Antichrists, for the horns of the ungodly will the Lord pluck down, and exalt the horns of the righteous, in the house of David his servant. More are the horns here in number than are the heads. For greater is the power than is the suggestion, the usurped authority than the craft, the Majesty than the error, and much more mischief may work. 3 This beast had upon his ten horns x. crowns, signifying his victory, dominion, & primacy over the universal world, and that he through the wickedness of the people, is the unworthy captain and prince thereof. In this only point differeth the dragon from the beast, the devil from his members, or sathan from his carnal synagogue. He had seven. crowns upon his. vi● heads. They have ten crowns here upon their ten horns. For that he hath but in simple suggestion, they have in double power of coaction. Where as he doth but dallyingly persuade, they may enforce and compel. Where as he doth but easily move, they may by rigorous authority constrain. When he hath propounded an error, they may by their power establish it for an infallible truth, & make of it a necessary article of the christian believe, as they have done of purgatory, pardons, confession, saints worshipping, latin service hearing, & such like. When he hath once made a lie (as he is the father of all lies) they may authorize it for an unwritten verity, like as they have done many. Much more mischief may they do, being his spiritual instruments than he can do alone, as largely appeareth by their works. Never could sathan than have put Christ unto death, had he not entered into judas & so betrayed him, had he not entered into the bishops & lawyers, & so condemned him. Never had the apostles, nor all other godly preachers since their time, been sent out of the way, had not those mitred Mahomet's & priest's wrought still their old feats. 4 Upon this beasts head was written the names of blasphemy against the Lord and his Christ. Which are none other than the proud glittering titles, wherewith they garnish their usurped authority, to make it seem glorious to the world, having within them contained, the great mystery of iniquity. What other else is Pope, Cardinal, Patriarch, Legate, Metropolytane, Primate, archbishop, Diocesane, protonotary, Archdeakon, Official, chancellor, commissary, Dean, prebend, Person, vicar, my lord Abbot, master Doctor, and such like, but very names of blaspheme? For offices they are not appointed by the holy ghost, nor yet once mentioned in the scriptures. What other is it but abhominaton, the Pope to write himself the most holy father, the general vicar of Christ, the supreme head of the christian church, & the only distributer of the treasures of god? The bishops & priests also to call themselves their church's bridegrooms, sitters in gods stead, forgevers of sin, & our Ladies chaste knights? None other are they so abusing their flock in leaving the just office of sincere preaching under such vain titels, after the mind of Zacharye, but very shameful Idols in deed. Their decres, decretals constitutions canons, rules, statutes provincial & sinodall, traditions, laws, fatherly customs, & usages, not grounded upon gods commandments, are very devilishness & hypocrisy, blaspheming the name of god. For why, to have the name of blasphemy upon their heads, is none other than under a glorious title to maintain that thing which is blasphemous, glorifying themselves in the same. The ungodly (saith David) with mocks hath disdained the Lord, & with open mouth hath uttered wickedness against God. 5 And the strange fashioned beast (saith S. john) whom I saw in this vision, was like in similitude to a cat of the mountain, full of many coloured spots in token of inconstancy, variety, and fickleness. 6 His feet were as the feet of a bear, fierce, rough, and ill favoured, in signification of cruelty, stubbornness, & uncleanness. 7 And his mouth seemed as the mouth of a Lion, declaring him to be full of pride, ravine & excess. To such beasts as here are mentioned, compareth Daniel under hidden mystery, certain mighty kingdoms of the world. As to the Lions (which here is caleld a Lion for the more cruelty now used than was in those days) the proud kingdoms of the Assyrians & Chaldeans. To the bear the cruel kingdoms of the Medes and Parthianes. And unto the Cat of the mountain, the unsteadfast kingdom of the Greeks. Of pride, spoil, and rgbbery, are the Assyrians & Chaldeans condemned by Isaiah, Nahum, and Abacuch the prophets. The Medes & Parthians held captive the people of god, as witnesseth Hester, Paralipomenon, & Esay. The Greeks most spitefully were bend against them under the cruel king Antiochus, as in the Machabes is evident. No abomination nor mystery of iniquity, as Paul calleth it, was ever found in these kingdoms, but now reigneth manifold in the detestable papacy or monstrous kingdom of Antichrist, as all the world may see. No where was ever more pride, vanity, and cruelness, Idolatry, whoredom, and filthiness, hypocrisy, falsehood, and fickleness, extortion, vainglory, & covetousness, sorcery, superstition, and unfaithfulness. More than all the unfaithful kingdoms under heaven, have this sodomitical spirituality defiled with their witchery the holy temple of God, which is the Christian church. They have most shamefully abused gods chosen people, which are the vessels ordained to his glory. They have holden his free servants most miserable captive, under their wicked decrees and traditions. The cruelty of Pharaoh Antiochus, and Caiphas, compared to their tyranny, is but as it were a play, dalliance, or shadow. In them is all lechery and uncleanness, all raging lusts and wantonness, all fleshly abuses and beastliness, no natural order observed. Nothing in a manner are the cruel constitutions, made against the jews by the suggestions, of Aman, and by Antiochus to their wicked laws and ordinances. For they were only against the body, theirs are against men's souls. So that the papistical kingdom of antichrist are to be seen both the Lion, the Bear, and the cat of the mountain, they not only participating with all unfaithful regions, but also doubling with them in all abominations under the Sky. The mouth they have of a Lion, roaring out evermore blasphemies, curses & bitterness. The feet of a bear, signifieth their ravenous affections, running unto all pernicious evils, very swift also to the shedding of blood. As Cats of the mountain they are spottid with divers fickle fantasies, in sects, observations, ceremonies, ryts, laws, & customs, no where steadfast & uniform, but every where variant & foolish. And worthy they are to be forsaken of god, & to be left to the spirit of errors & lies to their damnation, that so contemneth the verity of god. 8 More over the dragon (saith s. john) which is sathan the devil, gave over unto this beast, or cursed generation of antichrist, being his bestial body, all his whole power, his blasphemous seat, & his mighty authority. To give them his power, is no more but to fill than with crafts, subtleties, wiles, malice, fraud and deceit, and to make them apt to seduce the simple, or to able them to all falsehood & witty guile. To admit them his seat is to leave them here a kingdom of vain glory, hypocrisy, & abominable Idolatry. To grant them his full authority, is to work in them all lying singes & wonders through deceivable doctrine, strongly to delud the unbeluers to their greater damnation. 9 To this power of the dragon, is no power comparable upon earth. No power is able to suppress it, unless it cometh from above, & is given unto us from the father of light; as is the strong gift of faith. Thus is this great antichrist a king with sathan, over all the children of pride. With Lucifer he usurpeth the seat of God, sitting in the consciences of men, evermore boasting himself to be in god's stead, seducing the people of the world, & finally overcoming them by bringing them into all kinds of error. 10 And as concerning the seat, like as Christ our lord sitteth in the throne of God, reigning with his eternal father in meekness, so sitteth he in the throne of sathan with his father the devil, in all pride and blasphemy. As touching the power, like as Christ had his power of God, so hath he his power of the devil. Like as Christ is full of grace and verity, and of his fullness all they have received that truly have believed in him, so is this antichrist full of hate, falsehood, and all other iniquity, of whose errors and lies the unbelievers have tasted. Like as the holy spirit of Christ hath wrought in his lovers the mystery of truth & goodness, so hath the erroneous & unclean spirit of this antichrist wrought the mystery of his wickedness▪ in chrstes enemies, since his death and asscention. 11 And finally as concerning authority like as Christ being man took power of God to do such mirakles as none else could do, so did he of the devil, being his wretched body to work prodigivos marvels & wonders in hypocrisy among the unfaithful multitude, by the secret sufferance of god. So that in all perverting power supremite and authority, he followeth his father sathan, yea, in every point. For like as he deprived simple job, a man that feared god, of his substance cattle, children, and servants, and vexed him in his flesh with most grievous botches, so doth this greedy Leviathan, this malicious murderer, the man of sin, & body of the devil, with his devourig locoustes, rob the poor people of their sweat, labours, travail, and nessary living, sparing neither sick nor succourless, poor widow nor fatherless, no goods gotten by theft, man's slaughter, extortion, bribery, pollage, idolatry, bandry, & all other ungodliness coming to them amiss in their private confessions. And (that is most to be lamented) they defile their souls with all superstitions, falls believe, and devilishness, leaving their consciences all doubtful, desperate & comfortless. Finanally to conclude, like as, in the body of Christ dwelleth the whole fullness of the godhead corporally, so dwelleth their in this body of Satan the whole fullness of falsehood, craft, sutiltye, malice, with power to work all manner of mischief, effectually, really, substantially, and corporally. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death. 2. & his deadly wound was healed. 3. and all the world wondered at the beast. 4. And they worshipped the Dragon which gave power unto the beast 5. and they worshipped the beast. 6. saying. 7. Who is like unto the beast? 8. Who is able to war with him? The Paraphrase. 1 And one of his heads (saith Saint john) seemed unto me, as it had been wounded unto death. And it was not so indeed, for his deadly wound was healed again. Evident it is that in john's time, Rome the mother of all whoredom had, subject unto her the vij climates or universal parts of the world, with all their powers, governors, kings, possessions, pomps, false worshippings, and such like. Whom some writers suppose meet to be taken here for the vii heads of this beast. But I find an other thing in it, the body of these vii heads being but one, & still continuing so. For though all were at that time under her, yet is it not so now, & yet still remaineth this beast. Therefore I do take it for one universal Antichrist (as I did afore) comprehending in him so well Mahomet as the Pope, so well the raging tyrant as the still hypocrite, & all the wickedly worketh are of the same body. The vii heads of the beast, may so well be his presumptuous doings for the vij ages of the church, as any thing else, & yet no prejudice done to that hath been said afore What should ail this wounded head here, not to signify his supremite suppressed, his usurped authority & power diminished, & his whole prodigious occupying condemned in this latter age of the church? I suppose nothing more manifest, unless we have eyes & will not see. Are not now in many parts of Germany, & in England also the Pope's pardons laid aside? His power put down, his name abolished, his purgatory, pilgrimages, & other peltries utterly exiled? and so like to be within short space in other regions also. If this be not a deadly wounding of one of the beasts heads, I think there is none. If this be not an apparent likelihood of his fall, there is none to be looked for. 2 But the healing again of this mortal wound is like to mar all, & make the last error worse than the first. In many places where as the Gospel hath been preached, the bishop of Rome deposed, sects, shrines, & sanctuaries destroyed, monasteries, priories and friars turned over, remaineth still their poison with those same instruments wherewith they have wrought all mischief. Still continueth their more than jewish ceremonies, their priestybulous priesthood, their vowing to have no wives, and their sodomitical chastity. Still remineth their sale masses, of all abominations the principal, their prodigious sacrifices, their sensing of of Idols, their boyesh processions, thieir uncommanded worshippings, & their confessions in the ear, of all trayterie the fountain, with many other strange observations whom the scripture of God knoweth not. Nothing is brought as yet to Christ's institution & sincere ordinance, but all remaineth still as the Antichristes left it. Nothing is tried by god's word but by the ancient authority of fathers. Now passeth all under their title. Though the old bishops of Rome were of late years proved Antichristes, and their names razed out of our books, yet must they thus properly for old acquaintance be called still our Fathers. If it were nought afore I think it is now much worse, for now are they become laudable ceremonies whereas before time they were but ceremonies alone. Now are they become necessary rites, godly constitutions, seemly usages, & civil ordinances, where as afore they had no such names. And he that disobeyeth them shall not only be judged a felon and worthy to be hanged by their new forged laws, but also condemned for a traitor against his king, though he never in his life hindered, but rather to his power hath furthered the common wealth. To see this also with such like put in execution, the Bishops have authority every month in the year if they list, to call a session, to hang and burn at their pleasure. And this is ratified and confirmed by act of Parliament to stand the more in effect. If this be no healing of Antichristes wounded head, never is like to be any. When men shall defend free will, & allow their popish mass to be a sacrifice satisffactory for the quick and the dead, labour they any other (thinks you) than the healing of this wound? He likewise that in an open audience maintaineth our own works to justify, by dimit nobis, and other not rightly understanded scriptures, doth he any other than prepare a salve for the same? Nay surely. No less also doth he that setteth men to open penance at Paul's cross, for holy water making, for procession and sensing, with other Popetish gauds, constraining them to promise the advancement of the old faith of holy church by such fantastical fopperies, as Bonner bishop of London did now of late, to the lawhinge game & wonderment of all the world. Alas how is the people abused? None other do they but mock Christian Princes with flattery, that give them old popish titles and blasphemous names of antichrist. As to call them most christian kings and defenders of the catholic faith, meaning the Pope's old traditions, to heal the head of the beast. This is surely none other, but with the said beast to receive authority, seat and power of sathan. Let them therefore take heed lest they be found the same antichristes that they have condemned, and so throw themselves double under the same plague. Necessary it is they beware what they drink, or what titles they take upon them at their appointment, lest they forgetting themselves be found drunken by taking excess of the Babylonish cup, and so perish with the wicked. Mark here diligently this word head, and ye shall well perceive how wonderfully the story agreeth with the mystery. 3 And all the world (sayeth Saint john) wondered at the beast. All foolish, carnal, and worldly people, not understanding the wisdom of God's holy spirit, dependeth all upon their beastly baggage, thinking all that they do to be godly, meritorious, and spiritual. They magnify it, praise it, and have it in most high estimation, yea, they have it in much more price than any thing that is of God. In no wise will they from their old frenzy, such is their exceeding blindness. For when they hear tell their customs shall continue, their governors agreeing to the same, they clap their hands for joy, and sing Gaudeamus with the priests. 4 Yea, they worship the Dragon which gave such power to the beast. With their hearts they rejoice trusting upon longer continuance, when they see his head restored again in their rulers, the godly teachers burned, and the preachers put to silence. 5 They worship also the beast, so many as worshipped the Dragon. For as they which worship Christ, worship his father also, so they the worship Antichrist, agreeing to his laws and decrees, doth also worship the devil, of whom he received his pride. They wonder with the Iewes that seeketh cavillations to contemn Christ's doctrine, as doth the filthy family of the doting dodipolles, priests, & unlearned lawyers. They worship with the Heathen that admitteth their power and alloweth their faces, as doth the foolish multitude, that never will be godly wise. None other judgement remaineth in these days to these wonderers and worshippers of the newly restored head of the beast, than did unto them, that with double devotion agreed to the abominations of Mahomet & the pope. 6 And this will be their saying as followeth in the text, spoken in the time past for the certainty of the thing, as the manner of the scripture is. 7 Who is like unto the beast, in outward glittering works, or in the externo observations of counterfeit religion. 8 Who is able to war with her the worldly powers now so deeply maintaining her quarrel? All seeketh the papists that they can in the world imagine, to uphold the glory, magnificence, and beauty of their holy whorish church, or malignant muster. No cautels nor crafts leave they unsought nor unsearched out, to cause the people to esteem her of incomparable power. No small labour took standyshe in hand in Whittington College, when he made his more than foolish book of reproach against Barnes being dead. Nor no lessen diligence the wise poet john Huntingdon when he registered in his genealogy of heretics, with out grace, wit, learning the names only of such godly men as were the Pope's enemies, no heretic against God once mentioned. No more did Thomas Smith, Richard Dallison, William Stawne, Steven Prowet, Friar Adrian, Quarry the Pardoner, with such other blind Popish poets, and dirty metristes, when they uttered their shitton rhymes and poesies. And sure I am that many more be yet abroad of the same wicked zeal and spirit, to the great blasphemy both of God and his truth, now that the beasts wound is made whole again, by so many new acts, so many new titled Bishops, so fresh sale of benefices, masterships, and dignities, spiritual offices, degrees, and authorities, as plenteous as ever was in Rome. And lest we should be deprived of our new pleasant Euphrates, and so be compelled by the word of God to follow the Monks, Canons, Nuns, and Friars, in their banyshments. We have procured certain acts to be made for our commodity, and those only to be published among the people once in a quarter, or so oft as shall please us to blemish all Godly preachings of the scriptures. Thus seek we ourselves and not God, our own strength and not his, our own glory and not jesus Christ's. But let us not think that he sleepeth with Baal the false God, knowing the most hidden thoughts of the heart, but that he will within short space send forth his lightnings and scatter us, bringing our heathenish devices to nought. For the kingdom of one faith in us, and the Pope thus manifestly in certain points divided, must surely decay. THE TEXT. 1 And there was given unto him a mouth, 2. to speak great things and blasphemies. 3. And power was given unto him to do, xlij. months. 4. And he opened his mouth unto blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his Tabernacle, and them that devil in heaven, 5. And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints, 6. and to overcome them. 7. And power was given him over all kindreds, tongue, & nation. 8. And all that dwelled upon the earth worshipped him, 9 whose names are not written in the book of life, 10. of the lamb, 11. which was killed from the beginning of the world. 18. If any man have an ear, let him hear, 13. he that leadeth into captivity, shall go into captivity, 14. He that killeth with a sword, must be killed with a sword. 15. Hear is the patience and the faith of the saints. The Paraphrase. 1 To this beast (saith saint john) was given a mouth, not of God, but of Satan, to speak great mighty things and blasphemies. So well is this spoken of the one as the other, so many as hath done upon the Antichrists' livery, title, power, authority or name. When the verity of the Lord was opened before them, they gave no thanks for it, but became vain in their thoughts, wherefore god gave them over into a lewd mind, darkening their hearts. So that now thinking themselves wise, they appear more foolish than afore. 2 Now speak they great things in their convocations, seanes, & sermons, and all are sore blasphemies against God & his Christ. Now must they serve God by most strait commandment with old Romish beggerry, though he most highly abhorreth it, & no scriptures may be read in the time thereof. For the scriptures must only pass as we will have them. How should the beasts head else be healed again? or how should our church be known else to be his own Image? Oh beastly abomination, & most hellish decree. Now must Christ be taken for no saviour at all without our deservings. The supper of the lord that was sometime a mutual perticipation of Christ's body and blood, must now be a new crucifying of him, one traitor playing all parts, judas, Annas, Caiphas, Herode, pilate, & the jews. Matrimony must be judged uncleanness though it be the earnest institution of god. No popish vow may be dissolved, though it be well known a matter so devilish, as hath made an hundredth thousand Sodmites. The Eucharisti may not be received in both kinds, though it be the express commandment of Christ so to be used. Without the blind bussings of a Papist, may no sin be soluted, for that is the upholding of their kingdom, with many other like blasphemies. Certain other great things are uttered by this mouth, which now I pass over, lest I should be tedious to the reader. How be it, this one great blasphemy that is spoken, I can not leave untouched. Where as they boast themselves yet still alone to be the holy church, by the only virtue of their unctions and shavings received first of the Pope, the laity secluded. And under this most falsely usurped title, they will still be taken for the redéemers of men's souls. For they say that their masses are satisfactory sacrifices for the quick and the dead, justifying, relieving, and saving them both from damnation, ex opere operato. And over that abominable swarm of Antichristes, filthy ministers, make they now their Kings the heads most blasphemously, only to be by them upholden now in all their mischiefs. Truth it is that a king is the politic head, supreme governor, & great stay under God, of the people to his charge committed, and after that sort, their mighty monarch also by the scriptures, which they have afore this time denied, worshipping them for most holy saints, which have most presumptuously rebelled in that behalf. But over the whorish church of theirs (whom Christ never planted) is sathan the only head, by the holy ghosts fore judgements here. For to that beastly brood gave the dragon his power, his seat, and his mighty authority. God forbidden therefore that any christian prince should at their false suggestions, admit so blasphemous a title. The devil (saith job) is the only head over all the children of pride. That voice therefore may be blasphemous, as coming from the mouth of the serpent, if it be not taken good heed to. 3 And power was given to the beast to do these things for the space of xli● months, which is the three years, & an half of Hilias', the time, times, & half time of Daniel, and the M. two hundred & lx. days of john. Not only for this age of the church, but also for all other ages, and by other heads also, hath the mouth of this beast uttered great things in blasphemy, lies in hypocrisy, & wonders under a deceitful power. But as concerning this latter healed head of the beast, the time thereof will be short, as hereafter shall appear in the xvii chap. 4 He opened his mouth (saith the text) in reproves against god, speaking evil of his name, of his tabernacle, and of them that dwell in heaven. This is in a manner all one with that was spoken afore in the xi. chapter of the temple, the altar, and of them that worship in the temple, save only that his name is here for his temple. In token that when his temple is blasphemed (which is his congregation) his name is blasphemed by the same, so is his tabernacle jesus, in whom bodily dwelleth the fullness of the Godhead, so are also they that dwell in heaven, whereby is meant the true church, from whom the angels are not secluded, being their fellow servants. These dwellers be they that have their conversation in heaven under an undefiled faith, that seek those things, which are above & not upon earth, that worship the father in spirit & verity, & the persevereth true christians to the end. Many entereth this heaven of the Lord, but all continueth not in it to the end of their lives, the more is the pity. 5 Power was also given unto this beastly antichrist, to make battle with the saints, and to overcome them. Continually do they with violence vex by their carnal policies, authority, & laws the sincere witnesses or preachers of the Lord, sanctified of him throw faith in his holy word as were his apostles, like as did the malitius clergy of the jews, yea, they did resist them with their more than tyrannous proclamations, commissions▪ & commandments with cruel Pharaoh, Aman, & Antiochus to prove Christ in them the sign of contradiction and stone of reproach. They seek here, the hunt there, and never leave raging till they have closed them up in prisons. 6 Yet are they not so contented till they have overcome them in the sight of the blind world, though not before God. Either shall they be compelled shamefully to recant, or if they persist in the verity, to suffer most painful death. By one way or other they must be overcome, to hold the people in error. The gardener of winchester was not ashamed now of late (as I hard it credibly reported) to say unto one that was accused of his malignant multitude, when he was no longer able to withstand the manifest truth. Master Seiton we know ye are learned, and plenteously endued with knowledge in the scriptures, yet think not that ye shall overcome us. No, no set your heart at rest, and look never to have it said that ye have overcome the bishops, for it shall not be so. In deed it is truth. For neither Christ nor his Apostles did ever yet overcome you. Their victory over you is not in this world, your kingdom being here. But be ye certain & sure of it, ye shall be overcome to your much more rebuke at the latter day when all wrongs & injuries shall be revenged, which is not far of. Your lordly estimation (which may not be hindered here) will appear there not very precious. Yet do ye well to hold up a proud peacocks head as long as ye may. Lose not an inch of your height hardly, but with your goggle eyes look up like a man with a guard at your tail, like a sort of tormentors in a play. And with your lying judgements overcome these beggarly vagabonds, and burn them also rather than fail, to fulfil the measure of your holy fathers. 7 And authority was given to this beast upon every kindred, people, tongue and nation. For none these antchristes spare, neither high, nor low, rich nor poor, sick nor whole, learned nor unlearned. But a jurisdiction they must have over them, though it be usurped. Once in the year must they have them in confession, to know which way they are bent. That salve have they gotten in again, to heal up their wounded head. Be he native or be he stranger, be he ruler or be he a commoner, he must obey them no remedy, or else stand forth at the sessions with Christ among thieves. Not in on region, or where as one manner of language is used, have they this authority, but in every land, in every shire, in every town, & in every family must they have to do, corrupting every man's faith. 8 For all that dwell upon earth must worship this beast. They must agree to the great things, no remedy. They must blaspheme god as they do. But blessed be the Lord none doth that in their hearts but they only that dwell upon the earth, that have their felicity here, that seeketh the prosperity of this world, & regardeth none other life than therein is. The lambs of christs fold giveth heed to his voice, they regard his call, they follow his word, they wal●e in his light. They seek for no holiness but only in him, neither in water nor bread, ashes nor palms, robes nor relics, masses nor anointings. He is their only sufficient wisdom, righteousness, holiness & redemption. His word is their living water, the food of their souls, the lantern that shall guide them, and the life that will not fail them. None other doctrine do they covet nor yet other precepts of living. Though they be here in the earth, yet dwell they not upon it. No continuing city have they here, but they seek unto another of much more beauty & pleasure, not builded of men. And for that they are ready rather to render up their lives, then to renounce the verity, only they which dwell here doth worship the beast, loving themselves better then god, & their flesh better than his truth, having their whole trust in the mangy merits & dirty deservings of these beastly hypocrites, and nothing at all in his sweet promises. 9 And therefore are not their names written of the lamb in the book of life, which lamb was slain from the beginning of the world. Christ hath not allowed them by his word & promise. With the righteous are they not registered, as members of one mystical body in him. In the similitude of his death are they not grafted unto him as the branches unto the vine, to be partners of his resurrection. Their portion is not in the land of the living with him. They are none of those, whom the father hath given him, to participate with him in one spirit. Predestinate they are not unto life by him, nor so written up in the foreknowledge of God. Chosen they were not of the lord before the world's constitution, to be his undefiled children in Christ. 10 He is the meek lamb that was slain. He alone taketh away the sins of the world. In him only is the life, for he is the life itself. Yet is he the life of none other, but of those that only believe in him. 11 In that he was killed from the world's beginning, is signified, that he died for all them which were create to be saved, and that his only death is all their health, raise and remedy by the promise of God. For all they have eaten of one spiritual meat and drunk of one spiritual rock, though it came in the flesh long after them. He only trod down the head of the serpent. Since the beginning hath he been slain in his membres also, as manifest it is in righteous Abel, Hieremy, john Baptist, & such other like. They that are not written of the lamb in the book of life for the children of God are registered in the book of death for the children of perdition, reserved to eternal death for their infidelity, with the devil & his Angels. 12 He that hath an ear (sayeth the text) let him take good heed. He that hath an understanding, let him be admonished, by that which followeth here. Or he that hath received the wisdom of the spirit, let him judge hereof according unto it. Thus doth the holy ghost advertise the faithful to consider that whatsoever things are written, they are written unto our learning. 13 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivyty. And he that killeth with a sword, must with a sword be slain. This warning giveth the lord, take it if they list. For he will have his right judgements known. He that vexeth or aflicteth the just believers in body by outward punishments, he shall be afflicted in the spirit with an inward darkness or blindness of the soul, that he may be the more captive to sin and to sathan. God will deliver him up unto a lewd mind, and will give him strong delusion, to believe all manner of lies, that he might be damned. 14 He that killeth the poor innocent for his faith with the iron sword, or slayeth him with any other torment, with the sword of the spirit (which is the Lords word) shall he be both judged & condemned. The word that I have spoken (saith Christ) shall judge them at the latter day. And this is in manner all one with that was said in the xi. chapter afore. If any man will hurt them, fire shall proceed out of their mouths, and consume their enemies. 15 Nevertheless to the christian is persecution necessary. For here in this life is the patience of the saints proved, and their faith required. Here was Abraham tempted & job sore vexed, and both they were found Gods true faithful servants. Here were the apostles contemned rejoicing that they were found worthy for Christ's sake to suffer rebuke. The righteous the lord trieth as gold in the furnace. He chasteneth every servant that he loveth, and scourgeth every son that he receiveth. Only is it faith that all the evils of this world by patience overcometh, & so obtaineth the victory. The fruit which riseth to eternal life, is peaceable sufferance in faith. And that must be hear in this life, where as we are unperfect, to make us perfect. THE TEXT. 1 And I beheld an other beast. 2. coming up out of the earth. 3. and he had two horns like a lamb. 4. and he spoke as did the Dragon. 5. and he did all that the first beast could do. 6. in his presence. 7. And he caused the earth, and them which dwell therein. 8. To worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 9 And he did great wonders. 10. So that he made fire come down from heaven. 11. In the sight of men. 12. And deceived them that dwelled on the earth by the means of those signs which he had power to do in the sight of the beast. 13. Saying to them that dwelled on the earth, that they should make an image. 14. Unto the beast, which had the wound of a sword and did live. The Paraphrase. 1 And I beheld (saith S. john in this secret revelation of my Lord, an other beast arising out of the earth. A figure is this of all false prophets and ungoly preachers. Beastly are they evermore, vain, carnal, and corrupt in their studies, abominable in the practisings of their wicked hearts, not seeking God but their belleyes, not Christ's glory but their own pride and vain glory. 2 From the earth they arise, all given to earthly wisdom. The only affects of this world doth move them to teach, & no good zeal of the truth. Either are they tickled with ambition, pricked with avarice, or else stirred with malice to invei. These are the common affects of the wicked. This going up have they from wickedness to wickedness, and shall have still till the Lord destroy them, like as have the just believers from virtue to virtue in the spirit, till such time as they see him face unto face in the everlasting Zion. From the world's beginning hath this beast risen up in Cain the first murderer in the fleshly Children of men, in Cham the shameless child of Noah, in Ishmael & Esau, in jannes' & Jambres, in Balaham & Baal's prophets, in the Beniamits & Bells chaplains, in Phasur & Semeias, in judas, Annas and Caiphas, in Bariehu & Di●trephes. And now since their time most of all in Mahomates doctoures and the pope's choristers. Yea still they are aloft in their beastly beggary, & will be till their mischif be finished. Who seeth not now a days that hath light in the spirit, the malignity, hypocrisy, fraud, craft, & deceit, in certain false prophets at pauls cross in London, & in other places else. 3 This beast had two horns like the lamb at a blush, but all counterfeit ● falls in very deed, for he spoke as did the dragon, the horns of Christ, are his high kingdom in the world. Only ariseth his Church by faith in the glad tidings and promises of god. That word is the sceptre of Christ's power and the rod of right order whereas he reigneth. None other strange sceptures are there, neither traditions nor customs. Seven horns had Christ, for in him was the fullness of the verity. This beast hath but two. and yet they are but false & counterfeit. They seem to be Christ's & are not. These are the corrupted letter of the two. testaments, falsely interpreted, and for a carnal purpose alleged. And therefore it is but apparent, hipocritishe, and deceitful, yea, and clean repugnant to the lords meaning, not having the judgement of his spirit. This letter without the holy ghost is death, & nothing pertaineth unto Christ. He is the verity & life, this is but a fable or fiction. His word is spirit and life, this is but a brass pot sounding, or a latten candlestick tinkling, fantastical & faint, sophistical & slaightye. Though these seem like Christ's, yet are they none of his, but the very horns of the beast. For they uphold antichrists kingdom & not his, a worldly glory & not his, for his kingdom is not of this world, no longer are they his words, his laws, nor his testimonies than they maintain his right honour. No newly practised worshipinges alloweth he for his, but utterly abhorreth them all as things raw & unsavoury. 4 And therefore it followeth, that this spoke as did the dragon. The doctrines and teachings of these false Apostles and deceitful masters, are lies in hypocrisy, and the very doctrine of devils, under title of the veriti repugnant to the same. Not unlike to that the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall not die if you eat of the forbidden fruit, but ye shall be surely as Gods, knowing both good and evil. They do as did sathan in the desert. Always they persuade us either of stones to make bread, or else to throw ourselves downward, or else to worship the devil. That is, to change the good creatures of God from their right use, as trees into idols, silks, velvets, cloth, gold, & silver into superstitious ornaments, chaste marriage into stinking whoredom and sodomy with such like. To decline from the duties commanded of God to their idle observations, so making his commandments of none effect for the vain traditions of men. And finally to fall unto forbidden worshippings or abominations of Idolatry, of whom they are full. And for these they have with Satan also their mangled scriptures to lay for them, to prove that the help of dead saints is necessary, their masses, merits, & works more than need, expedient, and the fire of Purgatory a fearful thing, with the devil & all of such fantasies. These are the prelate's of antichrist's church, the two horned monsters or great bellied Bishops, rightly described here of the holy ghost in this two horned beast. These beastly buszards are not ashamed both to say & write, that in their mitres they bear the figure of both Testaments, whose verity they impugn with tooth nail. Very truly they say, that they carry the figure, for in deed it is but a shadow they bear. Not to glorify God, but their own beastly bodies with gold, pearl, & stone, like Mahound's in a play, for his truth they most cruelly persecute. These are the very false Prophets, the instruments of sathan, the deceivers, wolves, wagelings, judasses, dreamers, liars, Idols, adversaries, adders whelps, foxes destroying the Lord's vineyard, deceitful workmen, desperate shepherds, blind watchmen, dumb dogs, devils incarnate, wicked seed, unsatiate beasts, whose God is their belly, & glory their confusion. To all these & to many other such doth the holy ghost compare them for that they have with their errors & lies turned the sweetness of the scriptures into bitterness, scarcely leaving one place thereof undefiled with their filthy dregs. 5 This beast (saith S. john) did all things that the first beast could do, even before his own face. The same lying power to deceive in hypocrisy hath this beastly brood that the great Antichrist hath, the same wily crafts, & the same beastly kinds of idolatry, & so doth use them. The same abominations maintain they that world over, that the pope maintaineth at Rome, & Mahomet in Barbary, of Turkey. Yea, the same superstitions & sorceries, the same execrable traditions and beggaries. The same ceremonies have they, that he hath, the same unctions, the same orders, & the same masses. The same idle observations with unknown cloyning, clattering, and wauling, are still used in England, like as they were used afore and with no less blasphemy unto God. 6 To do such things in the first beasts presence, is to do them where his power & authority is reigning, or where as is the seat of Satan, which is every place that admitteth strange worshipping. 7 Both the earth & them that dwell in the earth, compel they to worship this first Beast. Not only enforce they them to wicked Idolatry, that never would know the truth, but also many of those which have great knowledge in the same. Oh how many are in England, & in other regions also that in these days worketh against faith, knowledge, & the holy Ghost admitting the priests abominations? Rather had they to dwell still in the earthly beggary with the blasphemy of God, than either to be out of favour, or to lose their offices to have their goods hindered, or to hazard their lives, so sweet are these wanton worldly pleasures. Rather had they to perish with the sons of Hely & Samuel, for abusing the ordinances of the Lord, & with Core Dathan, & Abiron for rebelling against them to sink unto hell, than with Christ to take pains in poverty. But let not them think to be worthy of Christ, that better love their own carnal commodity, than his heavenvly verity. 8 Well, the beast must they worship whose wound is made whole. His old rusty rules new burnished, and his old Romish rags new patched by a newly confirmed authority, must they embrace in pain of death. The Lamb shall not yet be suffered to appear. Still for a time must these terrible termagaunts have more worship than God, their traditions preferred to his most pure word. And why should it not be so? have they not now a new reformed church, in whom the beasts wounded head is newly restored? So long as it is like the pope's church, it must follow his rules, and cleave to his ordinances. It shall not follow Christ in ●aith & in doctrine, till it appear like the church which he left here behind him when he ascended. And that is not like to be yet. 9 First must there be wrought great wonders. Fire must be compelled to come down from heaven in the sight of men, by this two horned beast. The disciples of Antichrist with their bifurked ordinaries must violently pluck from the true Christian church (whose reign is not of this world) the eternal word of the Lord. 10 Then must they take from them the consuming fire that Christ sent down into the earth of men's hearts, to dry up all malice and sin. Yea, they must deprive them of the cloven fiery tongues, which the holy ghost poured upon the Apostles, to the comfort of all the world. The treasure that Christ hath left here to succour us, they must hide under the ground, and the candle that he light us to see over the house, convey underneath the bushel. 11 And these wonders shall they work in the presence of men. Already have they taken in England, from the Bibles, the annotations, tables, & prefaces, to perform this their damnable enterprise. They have straightly forbidden the reading thereof, for time of their Romish service. Some have they burned, & some put to silence, & all in the face of the people. Yea, they raised the maids of Ipswhich and of Kent to work wonders & marvels, & now of late the foolish Northern men to fight for their Church. What practices they have had in that ear, and that ear to fetch away the true favourers & preachers of the Gospel at divers times, he that well considereth, may say that the holy ghost hath here rightly described them calling them workers of wonders. The discreet citizen of London master Packyngton was slain with a gun at saint Thomas of Acres (as they call it) not without their privy legerdemain. But this with other of their miracles I intent to declare more at large, in an other tretise the Lord lending me life. It is not long ago also, since Alexander Seyton an excellent learned man, with poor master Tolwin recanted at Paul's cross. Nor yet long afore sens good doctor Crome was complleed to do the same. And now last of all, to take the scripture clean away, they have sought out great faults in the translation of it, & there upon taken them away from the common people's reading. Great pains they take to put it down, but they never sweat yet in the setting up of it. Thus mind they to work their wonders, till they have buried it all in the earth. They lack now but iiii. knights to hire, to keep it down still, that it rise no more up. O veri imps of hell, & limbs of the devil, how vain are your studies, & how wicked are your practices? I have no doubt, but within short space God will destroy the counsels, & dissipate the strength of them that please men. Yet let no man marvel though they do these feats for the time. For if the Gospel were taught without check, in a while should nothing remain of that generation, neither mitre nor rochet, shaven crown nor anointing, & that know they well inogh. For the word of the lord is the breath of his mouth that shall destroy them, and the devouring fire that shall consume them. 12 By the means of these signs (saith the text) which this beast had power to do in the sight of the other beast, or where his abusions doth reign without check, he deceived them that dwelled on the earth. Many in this age are wonderfully abused, through the deceitful werking of Satan in these horned whoremongers, but yet non other than are earthly minded. Of some men in deed the eyes are bleared with their crafts, of some men the weak judgements blemished with their subtleties, for want of discerning the scriptures. Some men are tangled with doubts, some troubled with terror, some tormented with fear, considering that for this new learning (as they will have it called) some have been hanged as were the three poor young men of Southfolke for the rotten rood of Dovercourt. Some burned, some be headed for things of nought, as is known to all the world. These things daseth their wits, and amasseth their minds. And earth is the cause of all this, were it not that they much more loved this world's pleasures than God, it should never be so. 13 All the persuasions of Antichristes prelate's and preachers hath evermore been, and are now still unto such earthly inhabitants, that they should make an Image like unto this beast, which is always to choose such an Emperor with other worldly governors as shall be for their commodity. He must by the worldly people be compelled to take authority, sceptur, and crown at their hands, so sworn to maintain their fleshly liberties. He must also be fashioned by their wicked doctrines and false counsels in confessions, like them in all sustersticious living, and in the tyrannous murder of innocent Christian men. Where such an head ruler is appointed, there is his own figure made, and where such a Governor is constitute, there is his own Image set up. For we must consider that this revelation is in all points no story, specially here, as many writers have thought it to be, in supposing an Antichrist to be borne at the latter end of the world. But it is a mystery comprehinding in it but one general Antichrist for all, which hath reigned in the church in a manner since the Ascension of Christ. And in this one point are all the commentours that I have seen, most foully deceived, yea, the best learned of them. I know well if there be any yet to come, he shall be but a member of this. Again to our purpose. 14 Specially must they make a right Image of that beast, which had the wound of a sword and did live. This betokeneth that in these days they shall stir about them, & leave no cautels unsought, neither any false counsels unfet from other realms, to do their feats with, and to fashion the Christian Governors to their minds. As Winchester did the last time he was in France. After whose coming home, many great wonders were wrought in England, and fire was made to come down from heaven. Consider the story afore, for the story declareth the mystery. That wounded head now healed, must be upholden. 15 He had a grievous wipe with the sword (which is the living word of the Lord) when he lost his Monks, canons, and friars, his purgatory, pilgrimages, and shrines. Yet was he not all dead. For though their cowls, coats, and rochetes were of, yet had they still the same popish hearts, and the same superstitious frowardness, that they were wont to have. This might have been found true, if it had been searched, when certain popish priests of master wharton's retinue not far from Bongay in Souffolke did calk for Cromwell, & for other else, if the world had not changed to their minds. I writ not this, thinking they can harm by their calkinge where as faith is resident, but only to show, that their hearts are yet alive, and how virtuously they are occupied. Many things I consider at this instant point, concerning Prince Edward, whom I doubt not but the lord hath sent for the singular comfort of England. Not that I temerouslye define any thing to come concerning him, considering it only in the Lord's power. But I desire the said Lord to preserve his bringing up from the contagious drinks of these false Physicians. And this is to be prayed for of all men, if ye ponder well the text & mark their wonderful workings, where the beasts head is restored. THE TEXT. 1 And he had power to give spirit unto the Image of the beast. 2. And to make that the image of the beast should speak, 3. And should cause that as many as would not worship the Image of the beast should be killed. 4. And he made all, both small & great, rich and poor, free and bond. 5. To receive a mark in their right hands, 6. Or in their foreheads. 7. And that no man might buy and sell. 8. Save he that had the mark. 9 Or the name of the beast. 10. Either the number of his name. The Paraphrase. 1 For power they have to give spirit to the Image of the beast. It is surely given them of the devil, when they have once fashioned out the beasts right image, or made of an emperor a tyrant, or set in the place of godly governor, a cruel murderer up of god's people, by flattering praises to encourage them to all mischief, and by wicked counsel to prick them forward to make cruel acts of murder for upholding their beastly generation. The spirit that they do minister unto Princes evermore, is not the correction of sin, the amendment of life, redress of the common wealth, provision for the poor, nor the seeking of God's glory. But by flattering praises to uphold them in their evils, much after this sort of speaking. Your majesties or graces are called most virtuous, most valiant, most worthy, most wise most mighty, & best learned among all christian potentates. They are all but a●es, in comparison to your worthinesses. If it be your majesty's pleasure to do this or that within your own dominion, who shall be so bold to withstand you? No, though Gods holy laws be an hundred times against it. Sopport the old religion of holy church against the heretics, & ye cannot choose but prosper in all your affairs. Let it be treason against your own persons, according to the acts of the Emperor Sigismundus and of King Henry the fift, if they do but once speak against her corrupt customs. Make cruel constitutions a pace, & proclaim them abroad to show yourselves the pope's lively Images. 2 Our office it is to cause the beasts Image to speak. Let therefore your voices be heard. Be no dumb idols, but speak with bold stomaches. In his spirit make utterance without god's word of his old romish rules. Send forth your proclamation to be published every where, concerning his masses, his confessions, his ceremonies and his whorish chastity. Let all things be blown forth under your titles, names, & authorities, to be observed under pain of death. If other relmes report that ye abuse the duty of emperors or kings (which is the office of god) esteem not their sayings, but stand well in your own conceits, Interpret the scriptures at your own lust & pleasures as your law master of Rome hath done afore your time. 3 Cause so many to be killed, as will not worship the Image of the beast, or obey such wicked laws against the verity of god, as hath been made by those Emperors that were the pope's eldest sons, by the kings of France, which were his younger sons, or by other princes else which were the defenders of his church, let none escap your hands that inveigheth against our kingdone, but make havoc of them on every side as of heretics & traitors, to prove the holy ghost true here in his foreiudgements. For that is your office, not appointed of god but of sathan. And in our commission from him also we have it to be no slake movers of you thereunto. So hath Christ told afore in this revelation unto S. john the Evangelist. This is the Ghoostelye councsell that we the horned beasts have in commission to give unto you from the mouth of the Dragon. When such an Image or Idoluse prince is thus up set or constituted by authority (his oath once mad that he shall all ways defend them) he may in no wise speak, but out of that spirit▪ that their conjurers, confessors, I should say, have put into him. He may make no lauws but at their spiritual appointment, like as the Emperor Carolus doth now in these days. Much after this sort, became the emperor Nero, this beasts image immediately after Christ's ascension by the subtle flaights of that spiritual sorcerer Simon Magus, at Rome to withstand the christian preachers Peter & Paul, as largely witnesseth Egisippus in his third book de Hierosolimorun excidio, the two. chap. This Simon Magus by flattering praises crept first into his favour, promising him health, long life, increase of power, & enlargement of his empire, with continual victory over his enemies, in case he would follow his counsel, upon this became he, not only his chief counsellor, but also the high bishop of his soul, & conservator of his body, the preservation of his whole health and life to him committed only. All things after that was done by his counsel to stop the Apostles preaching, he taken for the emperors most familiar friend, and a man most profitable to the common wealth of the Romans, & they soon after supprssed and put unto most cruel death. 4 And he made all (saith saint john) both great and small, rich & poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hands, or in their foreheds. When this new raised Image of the beast, or sworn power to Antichrist, is once raised up or admitted by their authority, be he King or kaiser, Prince, or other Potentate, he must strongly defend that synagogue of the devil, with whole majesty, crown, and sceptre. By their only counsel must he them make laws (for they must give him spirit) and send his commandments abroad that their holy decrees be observed. Commisioners and visitors must out under the authority, as well to the clergy as laity. Then must all be sworn to it and so obey it, both high & low, both gentleman & yeoman, both owner and farmar, both citizen & townsman, both merchant and ploughman, both master & servant, both native dweller, and denizen. Yea, both priests in their colleges, monks in their abbeys, canons in their covents, & friars in their cloisters must after their sort do the same. This rule hath been always for the commodity of that kingdom, where as the powers have been thus by them perverted. Much were it to show the manifold examples in that behalf. Charles the v. now Emperor, to make this good, and to show himself to be the said beasts Image, caused such acts to be published throughout his whole dominion against the christian doctrine, wherein all they are declared heritiks, schismatics, & excommunicats, which taketh not the pope for S. Peter's only vicar & head of the christian church, none excepted, neither king nor coruester, as there are now divers of the contrary opinion. The articles of the lovanians under his privilege, & the acts of the Parisians under the French kings authority, proclaimed in this present year of our lord a M. D. xlv. will make all this matter good. 5 And what is this else both in their clergy and commons, but to receive a mark in their right hands or foreheads, for in admitting those articles and acts, they grant to obey those blasphemous doctrines that shall both corrupt their life and faith, both their works and conscience. For in consenting unto errors in their faith, they spot their foreheads, having so their consciences marked with an hot iron. In full granting also to do them in effect, they defile their hands performing such works as are unpure before God. If they were gone quite from Christ that wrapped themselves again in the works of the law, appointed of god before his coming, much more are they gone from him that tangle themselves with such works of bondage as he never knew, as are all their idle observations, having no express commandments of the word of God. Only look we (saith Paul) in spirit to be justified through faith, which by love is mighty in operation. 6 And for them that so believeth is this disjunctive, or, put between their hands and foreheads. For all they that outwardly keep these heathenish observations, have not their consciences defiled with them, for their inward faith's sake, though they perform their outward works doubting the terror of the laws. Yet would I counsel them not therein to trust, but at the word of the lord to go from it. For though Loth dwelled in Sodom, yet at the lords voice he departed from thence. 7 This image made also that no man might buy or sell, save he only that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or at the least the number of his name. The acts of justinian the emperor, shall make this good, so shall the constitutions of Adelstane & Edgare, & many other kings here in england which for the order & commodity of the clergy made many politic laws. Specially king Inas, governor of the west Saxons, which first gave the Peter pence unto Rome, & made himself a monk there. But in this spiritual generation among themselves, is none allowed for a merchant unless he come in by simony. None was made bishop, pastor nor curate, but paid for it their taxed sums, bishops to the pope, and the priests to the bishops, besides Item in bribes. None might else be allowed to utter to advantage the wares of the beast, or distribute the rites of that holy whorish church. 8 Neither were any made free of that mart, unless they had the mark of the beast, which is not only the outward sign of their head, shaving and anointing of their fingers, but also the inward print of their consciences, received by profession made to that wicked monster. For like as true faith in jesus Christ is the mark of a perfect christian, so is a false believe in popish traditions a token of antichrist's member By their fruits (saith christ) shall ye know them. For the one followeth the rule of god's word, the other hath counterfeit works of men's prescription. 9 Else must they have the name of the beast to be called spiritual men, or the holy consecrat number, as his holy fatherhod is called. 10 Or at the least they must have the number of his name, which is a note of magnificence and worthiness. Less can they not be called then Lords, so many as are sworn to that spiritual market. The most ragged ronnagat, and idle idoit among them, is no less than a sire, which is a lord in the latin as sir john, sir Thomas, sir William. In the Latin only hangeth their great Lordships. Among their unknown latin hours, their masses, & their diriges, lieth their plenteous patrimony in their portasses & mass books. Not he that leaveth all with poor Peter, may be called from fishing, nor with Matthew from the custom house, to do these offices. But he that catcheth all with judas and Simon Magus must come from Simony to do them. Not he that is called of God as was Aaron shall have cure of soul, but he that offereth to Corban with Annas and Cayphas. Such a world hath it been and is yet still in the world abroad among them. THE TEXT. 1 Here is wisdom. 2. Let him that hath wit. 3. Count the number of the beast. 4. For it is the number of man. 5. And his number is six hundred, sixty, and six. The Paraphrase. 1 Here is wisdom to be had (saith saint john) Let him that hath wit, count the number of the beast, for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred, sixty & six. 2 For so much as Christ hath willed us diligently to search the scriptures, & the holy ghost here doth commit the judgement of this secret to the wit of man, some writers have deducted this number out of certain Greek words, betokning this great antichrist, because this present revelation was first written in the Greek language. As out of Antemos, which signifieth one contrary to God's honour, out of Arnume, which signifieth a denier of God, & out of Teitan, which betokeneth the sun. All these 3. vocables, though they seem divers, yet contain they after the Greek rules, neither more nor less, than this set number. And all this may stand both with Scripture and reason. For he that is not with Christ, is against him, calling that is good evil, and that is evil good, ministering darkness for light. Such lying masters as hath brought in sects of perdition, hath denied the Lord that bought them. They are not the light as they boast themselves to be (for all they look to be called spiritual) but they are the fallen stars and very Apostates from God, & Satan's transfourming themselves into the Angels of light, by divers kinds of Hypocrisy. 3 Some expositors leaving the Greek, hath practised the same thing by these two latin words. Dic lux, containing innumerable letters the same set number. Which signified that they call themselves the light or men of a spiritual sort, being nothing less. For they in deed are the same self darkness, that will in no wise receive light, but rather persecuteth it with most spite and cruelty. After this sort might I bring in Diabolus incarnatus, or filius perditionis, the devil incarnate or the son of perdition, for both they are the names of this beastly Antichrist by the scriptures, the one wanting in the numeral letters but four of the number, & the other but vj. which might be supplied in the other letters. But among all these this word Arnume most nighly toucheth the mystery, which is as much to say, as I deny. Evidently seemeth he to have the mark of the beast, or to be sealed with the numbed of his name, that saith when he heareth the manifest verity, I will never admit it while I have a day to live, it is against good order, it standeth not with laudable custom, our doctors agree not thereunto, our holy canons alloweth it not, it hath not the holy father's consent, with such like. What are these else but the voices of an Antichrist? full of such voices was the Pope's legate Gaspar Contarene at the last counsel of Rainsburgh, so was the frantic papist john Eckius, & our winchester the winker of wiles, largely declaring themselves, to be deeply of the same profession and mark. 4 But I find yet an other thing in it. For it is called here the number of man, whose number lieth all in vj. God created all things for man's commodity in vj. days, & in the seventh rested. After this creation continued man the space of uj ages till the coming of Christ, which brought with him the sabbath of the spirit. And this is signified by the greater number, which is the vj. hundred. For not unlike is it to the time, times, & half time of Danyel & john, & to the years, months, & days of Helyas & john also, as we had afore. Since Christ's ascension hath the church continued by vj. other ages of much less time comprehended in the uj seals, in the latter end of whom we are now. And this shall conclude with such a sabbath of peace in the freedom of God's word, as hath not been since the beginning. Satan shall be tied up, and the true believers shall occupy in much quietness, the beast condemned with all his false Prophets. And this is the n●mber of the sixth. But this peace shall not thus in quietness long continue. For long can not Christ's church be without persecution. Satan shall be loosed again, and the beleaving of the beast shall set up their bristles, and persecute the Saints a fresh. Again shall they plant & build, ravish & keep whores, riot and ruffle, as though they should long continue. But suddenly shall the latter judgement day of the Lord light upon them unbewares, the perpetual Sabbath of joy shining to the elect flock of Christ. And this is the least number of all, compared here unto six. And may well be signified by the xlij. months afore, which is rightly vj. seventhes, in the which they shall tread down the holy city or congregation of the Lord once again. This latter account was found out by a certain unnamed disciple of john Wycleve, and I suppose it most agreeing to the truth. The second sabbath here, or liberty of God's truth, hath had his show in England already, if ye mark it well. And whither it will yet appear more open or nay, it is in the Lords hands, let us pray and hope, for it hath great likelihood of a much farther appearance. 5 Since the world's beginning hath the mystery of iniquity wrought in Cain and in his posterity, and so continued in the beastly members of Antichrist, and so shall do still to the latter day. Therefore is it no less than the number of men, six hundred sixty and six. Thus is he tokened with all wickedness, that admitteth the false faith of this beast, and followeth the same in his living by the subtle persuasions of the bishops and their lying Prophets, & is sealed up to eternal damnation, unless the Lord call him in time. Not only in England is healed the beasts wounded head, but also in ohter certain regions. But for so much as it is most lively done there, and this book written in that language, I have only brought forth here examples thereof in that purpose. The xiv. Chapter.. IN this present chapter declareth the Lord unto john, and unto his faithful servants by him, the degree, estate, & condition of his true believing church, now after he hath afore lively described the bestial church of Antichrist & of his horned spirituality by the afore named two. monstrous beasts. And this is that his lovers should know what they be which are of his household, & what an helper they have of him in the midst of their adversities, to the comfort of their souls. And though they be here among those raging tyrants in tirrible agonies & pains, persecutions & troubles, he is never absent from them, nor will not be till he hath rewarded them with unspeakable joys. THE TEXT. 1 And I looked and lo, a Lamb stood in the mount Zion, 2. and with him an C. and xliiij. thousand, 3. having his father's name written in their foreheads. 4. And I heard a voice from heaven, 5. as the sound of many waters, 6. and as the voice of a great thunder. 7. And the voice that I heard, was 8. as the harpers that play upon their haps. 9 And they sang as it were a new song, 10. before the seat, 11. and before the four beasts, 12. and the Elders, 13. And no man could learn that song, 14. but the hundredth and xliiij. thousand, 15. which were redeemed from the earth. 16. These are they which were not defiled with women, 17. for they are virgins. 18. These follow the Lamb whither so ever he goeth. 19 These were redeemed from men, 20. being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb, 21. and in their mouths was found no guile, 22. for they are without spot before the throne of God. The Paraphrase. 1 I looked (saith Saint john) on the other side, & in a thought as it were, I beheld that a Lamb stood upon mount Zion. Even the Lamb of God jesus Christ, that alone took away the sins of the world. Alone doth he govern his faithful church, as the only and immediate head thereof, having none other to assist him in that office. For who is the King over Sion but he? Who shall reduce Israel again to his fold but he? Only is he with his congregation, to aid them with his word, to bolden them with his spirit, & to strengthen them with his grace. 2 And with him were present an hundredth and xliiij thousand, having his father's name written in their foreheads. So many as have in heart received his word, and in faith digested his verity, are the very children of Abraham, and are marked up for the sons of god by the seal of the holy Ghost. 3 For power have they given them to be God's children that believe in his name. And this is it to have his name written in their foreheads. For their faith declareth them Gods sons. Let this set number be none impediment to the reader, to be taken here for the universal multitude of the faithful, as well of the gentiles as of the jews that believeth, though it otherwise appeareth in the viii. Chapter of this book. For so well is the gentle that hath faith, a perfect Israeltie, as is the Christian Iew. Yea, much rather was Zachius for his faith judged Abraham's child, than was Simon for fulfilling the works of the law. For God is not partial. Whatsoever he be that feareth him & worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. And so is it meant hear. And therefore is not the difference written here as in the other place, but all is joined in one, to comprehend all under one. And as touching the equal certainty in number both here and there. Like as it is there certainly known unto God, even so is it here though it be unto us both innumerable & uncertain. Not as concerning the number itself, but the common understanding thereof in the scriptures. For if the number of one seventh be an infinite number there, much more of many seventhes. 4 And I hard a voice from heaven (saith S. john) which is all one with the aforesaid Zion, & is the universal congregation of Christ, all clear frō● superstitions of men. For, from Zion cometh the law of the Lord after Esay, and the word of God from jerusalem. 5 This word is as the noise of many waters, when it is in the mouths of many divers peoples, of divers nations & languages, one not understanding an other, & yet knowing it each people among themselves. 6 Very like is it also to a great thunder crack, mighty, fearful, and terrible to the flesh. Very hard is thy word Lord (said Christ's disciples) who is able to abide it. 7 And the voice that I hard (saith john) was much after the noise that the harpers make when they play upon their harps. Full of agreement are the holy scriptures, yea, full of sweet harmony & concord, more precious are the verities of the Lord than is gold, and their melody more sweet than honey. 8 With them rejoiced David before the ark of the Lord. In them took Paul a stomach, and confounded the jews at Damascus. 9 And sweetly they uttered with their voices a song that seemed all new, before the seat of the Lord, before the four beasts, & before the ancient elders. This song is the word of the Lord, all new both to the good and to the ill. The faithful it reneweth in the spirit of their minds, provoking them to do on a new man in Christ. The hearts of the unfaithful is so hardened that they in disdain and spite doth call it new learning, as did the ignorant multitude at Caparnaum, and the worldly wise men of Athens. 10 Before the seat of the Lord was this song uttered, which is the godly disposed multitude. For like as the heart of an hypocrite is the very seat of sathan, so is the heart of a faithful man the seat of god and habitacle of the holy ghost. 11 Before the iiii. beasts was it opened also by this number of godly teachers, which beasts are the private congregations of the Lord, remaining here yet in the flesh, in the iiii. quarters of the world 12 Finally before the elders was it song also. For none other doctrine is it, nor Gospel of glad tidings, than hath been since the beginning, nor than hath been thankfully received of our old auncitors patriarchs, the Prophets, the Apostles, & the faithful fathers. 13 And no man could learn the new song, but the aforesaid hundred and xliiij. thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. Oh mighty, wonderful, yea & tirrible sentence of the Lord. None that take themselves for the people of God, can be accepted afore him for the true feed of Abraham, nor for the just ministers of his word, unless they be tokened afore with the holy spirit of his promise, and so predestinate to the life everlasting. 14 None can sincerely do that godly office to the profit of other, unless he be wholly taken from all fleshly and worldly affects. No man can come unto me (saith Christ) unless it be given him of my father. 15 The wilful jews believed not because they were not the sheep of his mark. Neither is it of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of the only mercy of the Lord. Necessary is it therefore that his spirit draweth, moveth, & inclineth the heart. Else can not the song be sweet, neither in him the singeth, nor yet in the hearer. The notes of this new song are gods heavenly verities, registered in the faithful hearts. 16 And they that did sign them to the praise of the Lord, were not defiled with women. With no strange doctrines, nor yet profane worshippings is their faith contaminate, that unfeignedly have done on jesus Christ. Not the spousage of their souls have they broken by no filthy traditions of men. Only have they with david sought the testimonies of God, and thought none like unto them. Only did they cleave to his precious laws, esteeming all other but chaff, and very whoredom in the spirit. 17 Therefore are they vyrgines married unto Christ in faith, as were the Corinthians by Paul's preaching, whom he wished to continued a chaste virgin unto Christ. Never is the maidenhead of the soul lost, till erroneous doctrine be received from the messengers of Antichrist, the Bishops & Hypocrites. 18 The virgins, or uncorrupted believers doth follow the lamb wheresoever he becometh. They go after Christ, the believing his word, doth fashion their lives unto it. Like as they follow Antichrist, the fashion their works to his doctrine. They walk in his steps, that forsake themselves with him, that beareth the cross of persecutions with him, or the suffereth death for the truth with him. And not they that seek themselves, living here in all pomp, voluptuousness, and Tyranny. From this place fetch the blind papists, a great argument for their wifeless castity, & that none followeth christ but they in this muster, because they are unmarried. Neither may, Abraham, Moses, nor David, Zachary, Peter, nor Philip, walk in this number because they had wives. So perilous a thing it is to have a wife. It is great marvel they admit Mary Christ's mother to it, because she had a husband. Oh ignorant asses, & very beastly idiots. I think you follow judas which had neither wife nor child, unless he had than sitting by other men's fierce, as many of you have yet at this same day. What is vyrginitie before god more than is marriage? No more than is circumcision in comparison to uncircumcision. And that is nothing. No more maketh the one than the other, to a Christian life. Only is it ●aith effectually working by love, that the Lord requireth of us. Only respected he the faith of Mary, and not her virginity. They which live in matrimony after the word of god, are accepted afore him for virgins, & so are named of S. Paul. another cavillation they have, that none which hath offended afore, can be of this number. But they consider not what is spoken here afore, that they were redeemed from the earth, & that the spirit of the lord hath purified their hearts through faith. Neither have they grace to remember the Christ's innocency is reckoned for an whole & perfect righteousness unto them that believe in him, but they must bring in such trifles, as are their own beggarly merits. 19 And therefore it followeth also. These faithful believers (saith saint john) were redeemed from men, being the first fruits to God & to the lamb. By none other were they redeemed, than by Christ. For of all the elect number, he is the only righteousness, wisdom, holiness, & redemption. From the corrupt, blind, & froward multitude hath he called them, taken them, and cleared them. And of deformed sinners, hath he made them, fair, of vile pure, of wretched, glorious, of blind perfectly seeing, of liars, true sayers, of obstinate, gentle, of ill good, and of unfruitful, profitable. For he it is that taketh away the stony heart, and giveth a soft heart for it, so making us abraham's children. Thus are we redeemed from men, when we are taken by his goodness from such corrupt usages as man's nature is inclined unto. 20 And for none other purpose but to be the first fruits unto god, as were the altar offerings in the old law, in the hands of the high priests. For so much as the elect number are but a few or a certain taken out from the universal multitude, and are the portion of the Lord (as were the said offerings) pertaining unto Christ the only bishop of our souls, they are his first fruits. Yea, & his own very mystical members, and all but one offering unto God the father by him. For he is the only lamb that died for them, his own body, being the only oblation and sacrifice. 21 And in their mouths was found no guile. For none other words uttered they but his p●er testimonies. None other taught they but his undefiled laws. None other persuaded they to be observed of other, but his immaculate Gospel or easy burden of Christ. No importable yokes laid they upon men's shoulders▪ neither of ceremonies, fastings nor mass hearings. 22 For they are without spot before the throne of god. Both before them that are faithful and have right judgement in the spirit (which are the very seats of God) appeareth their doctrine pure, and also their life innocent before god himself. Neither are they spotted with filthy traditions nor yet with uncunly examples, & as concerning their former sins, they shall not be imputed unto them. They are remitted in Christ, and so forgotten afore god. Though this that here hath been spoken be concerning the whole christian multitude and her preachers, yet doth it most specially touch the jews or Israelyts that shall in this latter age be converted unto Christ. And so do I counsel the reader to understand it. For the mount Zion after the flesh was theirs. Not defiled are they with unmarried women, which are the whorish laws and unclean superstitions of the Gentiles, upon none other harp have they commonly harped but upon the scriptures, though it hath not been to the pleasure of God, till now in this latter age, wherein they shall wholly turn unto Christ. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw an Angel, 2. Fly in the midst of heaven. 3. Having an everlasting gospel to preach unto them that sit and devil on the earth. 4. And to all nations, kindreds and ●ongs, and people▪ 5. saying with a loud voice. 6. Fear God. 7. And give honour to him. 8. For the hour of his judgement is come. 9 and worship him that made heaven & earth. 10. And the sea & the fountains of water. The Paraphrase. 1 An other Angel saw I (sayeth saint john) fly in the midst of heaven. For Christ was the first angel or messenger of the everlasting covenant of the father. This angel here mentioned is none other than he that had the seal of the living god in the vii Chapter, and he that was clothed with a cloud in the tenth chap. And he betokeneth those fervent ministers whom god hath sent in this latter time to admonish his people to fly from the errors of antichrist, & return to his heavenly verities. 2 He flieth in the midst of heaven. An earnest, fervent, & faithful course take they in the midst of god's congregation (which is his heavenly kingdom here, to whom this revelation is written) like as did Paulus, Sylas, and Barnabas, Timotheus, Titus, and Clemens, with other of the Apostles sincerely to declare his word. Mighty stomached are they in god's cause, both in their words and writings. 3 An everlasting Gospel had this Angel to preach unto them that sit, & dwell upon the earth, and to all nations, kindreds and people. His eternal testament and covenant of peace hath the Lord given unto them, to preach deliverance to the captive, health to the wounded, life to the dead, and remission to the sinful. Yea, to utter that word that is stronger than is heaven, or earth, and that shall never fail him that truly believeth. 4 The sound of this gospel must go the world over, as in the apostles time. Every where must it be spread to the increase of faith. Among all nations of the earth, among all kindreds of the Isralyts, among all languages of the world, and among all kinds of people, of what sort so ever they be, whether they sit upon the earth or dwell upon the earth, whether they be high or low, governors or subjects, masters or servants, owners or farmers. So that they sit not nor dwell not within the earth, or have their felicity here. For that is holy should not be given unto dogs, nor yet pearels laid before swine. 5 And he cried with a loud voice, with a mighty fervent spirit do they beat it into the heads of men, both by words, writings, and all they can make to have the fear of God, and to give him his due honour. And this is the doctrine they teach & the counsel they give. 6 Fear ye God in all that ye do, for the first point of godly wisdom▪ is to dread lest we offend him. Be constant in the word, and fear no displeasure of men. For no more can they do in their anger but slay the body, and bring it to the rest of god. No power have they over the soul, fear him only therefore, that when he hath destroyed both, may throw them into▪ he●. 7 give honour unto him, worship him & serve him alone, praise him, & glorify him above al. But yet after 〈◊〉 other sort than he hath appointed, which is in faith, spirit, & verity, & not 〈◊〉 outward shadows with observation of times. He truly honoureth him that trusteth in him, the believeth his word, and that in spite of all antichrists▪ confesseth it afore all men, after this sort therefore fear him, & worship him nothing doubting the assaults of enemies. 8 For the hour of his judgement is come. At hand is it that all the antichrists and hypocrites shall by the invincible word of god be judged, condemned, and destroyed. From heaven shall his wrath be declared upon all their ungodliness. With the spirit of his mouth shall the lord consume them, and not long after will the great day of his indignation toward them light suddenly upon them. 9 With all faithful obsequi worship him therefore that created heaven & earth in wonderful strength & beauty. 10 That made the sea & the fountains of water with all that in them doth anon, whose power is eternal, knowledge none other god but him. None other helper, redeemer, nor saviour but christ: for all other Christ's not sent of him, are but antichrists, only bow your knees unto him, for only is his strength everlasting, only obey his laws, for only are his laws clean. THE TEXT. 1 And there followed an other Angel saying. 2. She is fallen, she is fallen, even Babylon that great city. 3. For she made all nations drink of the wine of her whoredom. The Paraphrase. 1 And there followed an other Angel (saith S. john) which betokeneth an other sort of preachers, whose office is here appointed them of the holy Ghost to declare unto the people the certainty of the fall of the advoutrus, cursed and malignant church of hypocrites, here figured by wretched Babylon. For though all the true prophets and preachers have but one word of God in their mouth, yet passeth it diversly from them. Unto each of them is given a divers utterance of the spirit to edify. One is soft, meek & gentle, as was David, john & Peter an other is boisterous, hard & vehement as was Helias, Esay & Paul, And all this worketh the self same one spirit. This diversity of teachers was never more plenteous in the world than now in our time, figured here by these two angels. Praised be the Lord therefore. 2 And the tenor or ground of this latter sort of preachers is this. She is fallen, she is fallen, even miserable Babylon the great city of whoredom, because she made all nations to drink of the wrathful wine of her fornication. So sure is it that the execrable church of Antichrist shallbe overthrown, and utterly destroyed, as it were now performed in deed. Nothing shallbe unrooted out that the heavenly father hath not planted. Sooner shall heaven & earth perish, than this promiss be unfulfilled. 3 For with the stinking whorishnes of her superstitious worshippings, hath she poisoned all nations & peoples, under heaven. The great governors, & learned lawyers of the world, hath she made in manner of beastly drunkards, witless, faithless, and graceless, by their prostibulous doctrine. And this shall be declared more at large in the xvij cha. following. whereas she is more plenteously described. The text. 1 And the third Angel followed them. 2. saying with a loud voice. 3. If any worship the beast and his Image. 4. and receive his mark in his forehead or on his hand. 5. the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god. 6. which is powered in the cup of his wrath. 7 and he shall be punished in fire & brimstone. 8. before the holy Angels. 9 and before the Lamb. The Paraphrase. 1 The third Angel also (saith saint john) followed them in the third kind of preaching of the same self message, that in the mouth of two or three faithful witnesses all verity might stand. 2 And by this Angel are they signified that by the word of God stiffly impugn their wicked laws & ungodly ordinances, whose manner of earnest preaching is this. 3 If any man worship the beast, which is the great antichrist. And his Image which are those governors that taketh upon them his blasphemous titles, names, authority, or defence. If any man also receive his mark in his forehead, believing their laws to be a christian doctrine, or have the print of his seal upon his right hand which is to fashion his outward works after the same. The same man shall drink of the wine of God's wrath, which are the dregs of the pure wine poured in the cup of his high displeasure. He shall taste of the everlasting damnation, that is reserved in the latter curse or fearful sentence of their most terrible judge. To worship the beast and his Image, is to accept them in conscience, and in the outward obedience, with full consent of the heart. For that they blasphemously pretend, without God's authority. As the Pope for God's vicar or forgiver of sins. Mahomet for the great Prophet of the Lord, the rulers of the earth, for the Pope's elder or younger sons, for most christian Kings, and defenders of the faith of that holy church. 4 To receive the beasts mark in their foreheads and hands, is to agree to such decrees, traditious, laws, constitutions, acts, & proclamations, as they under those titles have made only for their own covetousness & pomp, and neither for the glory of god nor yet for the right maintenance of the christian common wealth, as I have declared afore. And also to be sworn to the same, to subscribe to it, to give counsel or aid to it, to maintain it by learning, to minister in it, to execute under it, to accuse, punish, and put to death for it, or to think it lawful and godly, with such like. 5 These marked worshippers that taste of the cup of god's indignation, of calamity, sorrow, & wretchedness in the days of their fall here, & after the last judgement of unspeakable pains and most grievous torments, in everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 6 The dregs that the Lord hath powered out (saith David) shall the wicked of the earth drink. Clean contrary are these Angels to the horned ministers of antichrist. For they maintain the Pope's errors, these the only verities of christ. They labour for the glory of their pope, these seeketh the only honour of god. They prate that their holy Church shall continue, th●se say it shall down with shame. They require worship to the beast and his Image, these will report it blasphemous, & the reward thereof damnation. Mark in these two sorts the preachers of our time, and judge which are of god. Against both beasts in Christ's quarrel shall these Angels contend. Against the Pope and his bishops, Mahomet and his doctors, will these godly ministers reply (whom the Lord hath sent in this latter age for that purpose) condemning by the scriptures their authority, jurisdiction, & power declaring also the plagues that will fall upon them for withholding the truth of God in unrighteousness. 7 For these Antichristes and their worshippers with so many as beareth their token shall be punished in fire and brimstone, before the holy Angels, and before the Lamb. Fire shall be kindled (saith Moses') in the anger of the Lord, & shall burn unto the bottom of Hell. Upon the ungodly (sayeth David) shall he rain snares. Fire, brimstone, storm, and tempest shall be their portion to drink. The vehement indignation and mighty judgement of God, shall light upon them, as upon Sodom and Egypt, and shall both devour them and consume them. 8 And this shallbe in the sight of Angels, which are not only the spirits of heaven, but also the church of the faithful. Yea, the righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the destruction, and shall wash his hands it the blood of the wicked. 9 In the presence of the lamb shall it be also. For he is evermore with his flock, & shallbe unto the end of the world, wherein he shall sit & condemn them The Text. 1 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up evermore. 2. And they have no rest day nor night. 3. which worship the beast and his Image. 4. and whosoever receiveth the print of his name 5. here is the patience of saints. 6. Here are they that keep the commandments. 7. and the faith of Iesu● The Paraprhase. 1 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up evermore, as the flame of a furnace with most horrible stink for a perpetual sign of their punishment, like as it did from Sodom & Gomor, when the Lord overthrew them. 2 So that they have no rest neither day nor night, so many as worship the beast & his image, receiving the print of his nam 3 Both in this life are they cruciate with a troublous and doubtful conscience, and also after this life with unspeakable pains. For neither shall their worm die, nor yet their fire be quenched, all flesh abhorring them. 4 Thus shall they be with the beast tormented, which have the spirit of the beast. For like as all the faithful (which hath been from the beginning) belongeth to one mystical body in Christ, and shallbe preserved by him so doth the wicked pertain to one mystical Antichrist, having all one spirit with him, and so shall with him perish. 5 Here is the patience of the saints. In this life are their troubles no pleasure is for them in this world, but hate, rebukes, slanders, lies, persecutions, and death of their bodies. Their life upon earth is continual affliction, but glorious is the fruit of their labours. Manifold are the misfortunes of the righteous, but the Lord cleareth them of all. 6 Here are they vexed that keep the commandments & the faith of jesus. Here are they had in derision, that behave themselves as the ministrs of god in much patience, afflictions, need, anguish, labour, strips, imprisonment, and such like.. 7 Here are they chastened of the LORD with many sore storms, that they should not be damned with this world. Much have they here to suffer of enemies, that only cleaveth to the word of god in life & doctrine. THE TEXT. 1. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me. 2. Writ. 3. Blessed are the dead, which hereafter die in the Lord, 4 (even so saith the spirit) that they may rest from their labours. 5. But their works shall follow them. The Paraphrase. 1 And I heard a voice from heaven (saith S. john) saying unto me. 2 Write with pen, or mark surely this sentence following for them that here suffer in the truths quarrel. 3 Blessed are the dead, or they which are already departed, and that also shall hereafter departed in the Lord. This voice from heaven are the infallible scriptures▪ ascertaining the faith of john, of the sweet rest of the saints in the hands of God. And that their end is not without honour, as the vain sort supposeth, but they are counted among the dear children of God. Let them therefore that suffer in this age be earnestly spirited, & not fear the torments of the enemies in Christ's cause. 4 For from hence forth (the spirit saith) that they rest from their labours. In a wonderful quietness dwell they, by the very sentence of the holy Ghost, & shall never more feel of any woe. God hath clean wiped away all tears from their eyes, all sorrows & pains from their bodies, the first dangers being ●ast. Happy are they therefore and moste godly fortunate, that are slain for Christ, because they will not worship the beast & his Image, nor corrupt their faith with their wicked laws, but in a pure christian believe departeth from hence to the Lord. Their portion is in the land of the living, and their lot among the holy ones. 5 For certainly their works doth follow them. The promised reward of God for constantly standing by the verity, for the fruits of their christian patience, & for other exercise of their faith, is evermore to their glory present with them. Not as deserved of them, but of Christ, in whose faith they wrought here, & for the promise sake, that they should be gods heirs together with Christ. The lively word also which they earnestly received here and so rooted in their faith, will never suffer them to perish, nor to be hurt of the second death. THE TEXT. 1 And I looked, and behold, 2. a white cloud, 3. and upon the cloud one sitting, like unto the son of man, 4. having on his head a golden crown, 5. and in his hand a sharp sickle. The Paraphrase. 1 I looked yet further (saith S. john) and evidently before me appeared a white cloud, which betokeneth the true ministers of God's word. Whom the holy ghost calleth clouds by Esay, David, Peter, & judas. For from them falleth upon the people the sweet drops of his verities. 2 White they are as milk for their faith in the word, and for their christian conversation not blotted with hypocrisy of men's corrupted customs. 3 Upon this cloud was one sitting like unto the son of man, which is verily Christ, in his glorified manhood. For evermore is he among his true preachers, giving them such utterance and wisdom, as all their enemies are not able to withstand. Always walketh he among the seven. candelstickes, which are his congregations as we had afore. 4 He had upon his head a golden crown, in token of his eternal and uncorrupt kingdom, and in his hand a sharp sickle, which is the sharp judgement or righteousness of his word, for there with shall he reap his latter harvest. According to his word and promise shall he judge good and evil. 5 This sickle received he of his everlasting father, such time as he gave over unto him his universal judgements. By the order of this vision should the preachers seem in the last age of the church, much to admonish the people of the latter day, with the coming of Christ again to judge both the quick and the dead as is in their creed, or believe. THE TEXT. 1 And an other Angel came out of the temple, 2. crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud. 3. Thrust in thy sikle, and reap, 4. for the time is come to reap. 5. For the corn of the earth is ripe. 6. And he that sat on the cloud, 7. thrust in his sickle on the earth, 8. and the earth was reaped. The Paraphrase. 1 And an other Angel (saith saint john) came out of the temple, which is the congregation of faith, consecrated as an holy temple unto God in the blood of the undefiled Lamb jesus. This Angel betokeneth those just men, that with simeon and Anna the daughter of phanuel, in this latter age are desirous of the glory of God, and of the final redemption of man from bodily corruption. 2 These shall cry with a loud voice, with a fervent spirit shall they call unto Christ, which sitteth upon the cloud. 3 And this shall be their saying. Thrust in the sickle and reap. Send forth thy living word. And like as it hath created all things, so let it now try and judge all things. 4 For the time is at hand to reap. For we are those upon whom the ends of the world are come. 5 And doubtless the corn of the earth is ripe, the world is at the best that it will be. As it hath been ever, so is it still, altogether set upon mischief. Let thy word therefore finish all, as it hath begun all. With the breath of thy mouth, consume the great antichrist, the man of sin, the son of perdition, & the adversary that hath exalted himself above God. power out thy indignation upon the kingdoms that will neither know thee, worship thee, nor alone call upon thy name. Thou haste called thy harvest the end of the world, let it now finish all in deed. Divide the chaff from the corn, the wicked from the righteous. Gather the wheat into thy garner, and burn the chaff in unquenchable fire. 6 And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and anon the earth was reaped. 7 He hath sent his mighty word, so quick in operation as fire. Which shall not only consume the wicked generation of the beast, but also reserve them to eternal damnation. 8 The earth shall be cleared of them as of all other filthy corruptions, and hell replenished with them, to their perpetual care. THE TEXT. 1 And an other Angel came out of the temple, 2. which is in heaven, 3. having also a sharp sickle. The Paraphrase. 1 And an other Angel (saith S. john) came out of the temple which is in heaven, or from the great number of Angels, having also a sharp sickle in his hand. 2 This Angel betokeneth those heavenly spirits that the Lord shall send forth to gather together his chosen from the iiij. winds when his token shall appear in heaven. These are the reapers of the lords harvest. These are they that shall go forth too gather all nations, & to separate the goats from the Lambs, the ill from the good, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire, where as shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 3 And therefore is their sickle here named sharp. None other is their sickle, but this appointed office. None other is their harvest, but this gathering together. But these messengers shall not forth till they have commandment. And therefore saith saint john consequently. THE TEXT. 1 And an other Angel came out from the altar, 2. which had power over fire, 3. and cried with a loud cry unto him that had the sharp sickle, and said. 4. Thrust in thy sharp sickle, 5. and gather the clusters of the earth, 6. for her grapes are ripe. 7. And the Angel thrust in his sickle on the earth, 8. and cut down the grapes of the vineyard of the earth, 9 and cast them into the great wynefat of the wrath of God. 10. And the wynefat was trodden without the city, 11, and blood came out of the fat, 12. even unto the horse bridles, 13. by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs. The Paraphrase. 1 And an other Angel came out from the altar which had power over fire. This is the Lord jesus Christ, whom Malachias calleth the Angel of the covenant that was longed for. He is the altar of the righteous, & by him are they a sweet sacrifice unto God. Else could they be but very abomination. Till the judgement day shall he be an Altar of means making to God the father for us. But that day once come, no longer shall he be an altar or an advocate, but go clean from it. He shall then become a judge over all the world, rewarding every one according to their works. Hitherto hath he meekly sitten upon the cloud, and not cut with his sickle. He hath had in his hand the judgement, and not judged. 2 But now hath he power over fire. By fire (which is under his obedience, as are all other creatures else) shall he at that day judge the universal world. And more sharp, vehement, quick, fierce, mighty, & tirrible shall his sentence be to the wicked, than is any fearful, flaming, or consuming wild fire. 3 For with a loud voice shall he cry unto him that hath the sharp sickle. An earnest charge & commandment shall he give at the day to the ministers of his ire, for to cast them into exterior darkness, after this sort here uttered in mystery. 4 Thrust in thy sharp sickle, & gather the cluster of the earthli vineyard, for the grapes thereof are ripe. 5 Execute the vengeance committed unto you, & root out this rank riotous generation of the ravenous epicures▪ 6 For now are their mischiefs at the full. Now are they most curious in their fashions & feadinges, most covetous in their compassing, most vain in their studies, & most cruel in their dominges. For with them shall it be (saith Christ) as it was in the days of Noah and Loth. They shall build and banquet, ruffle and riot, buy and sell, and plant for their pleasures. And suddenly as a snare shall that terrible day light upon them unbewares, as did death on the covetous iourer. 7 And the Angel (saith S. john) thrust in his sickle on the earth, he cut down the grapes of the vineyard of the earth, and so did cast them into the great wine fat of the wrath of God. 8 According to their commission they shall plague the earthly minded, for here is the time past for the time coming used, for the certainty of it. With sudden death shall they pierce them in this world that contemning Christ's doctrine have followed the corpse thereof in all concupiscence. 9 And finally they shall throw them into the lake of misery, the pit without water, into the stinking dregs of hell, where as fire and brimstone shallbe rewarded to drink. For the vinyeard of the earth is the carnal synagogue of hypocrites, & the grapes thereof are the glorious gluttons, & frank fed porkelinges of the greedy gulf, even the enemies of Christ's cross, whose God is their beally, whose glory is their confusion, & whose end is their damnation for they are earthly minded. This winefat of the wrath of God is none other than his great vengeance, to be powered upon the unfaithful. Or else hell prepared for the devil & his angels. Great, not only for the innumerable multitude that it hath & shall receive but also in that it is insatiable. 10 And this winefat was trodden without the city. Nothing pertaineth it to the city (of whom famous thing are spoken) which is the congregation of god, nor yet to the good creatures of god. No, not unto this world, which shall at that day● be tried & purged by fire. But under the earth shall it be, & far without this world, secluded from the face of heaven in filthy & unspeakable darkness. 11 For blood will come out of this fate, even unto the horse bridles. Wherein is expressed not only the terror of the place, but also of the pains therein contained. For blood shedding & murder are things very horrible & fearful to behold, containing in them deprivation of life, which is most terrible of all. The abundance thereof betokeneth the greatness of the grief in the sufferance of them. The treading down also signifieth, that no raise towards any relief is to be looked for of them that be there. Unto them which at that day shall be in the city, will be that sitteth in the throne make all things now. All dolour, affliction, sorrow, pain, penury, wrath, condemnation, & death, shall be passed with them. Only shall they be trodden down in this winefat of god's wrath, that lived here like beasts without reason, and that wandered here like horses and mules in their own filthy lusts. 12 All shallbe punished there, that was here unbridled, unordered, & ungoverned after the word & pleasure of God And therefore it is here said, unto the horse bridles. Every man shall receive in body according to that he hath done. whether it be good or evil. They that have wrought the work of God in faith, shall reap according unto it. The bridles also betokeneth the measure of god's judgement, not as concerning the time which is everlasting, but concerning the pain rightly measured according to the iniquity. For the lord hath set his judgements over the wicked in weight and measure, the stripes agreeing in quamtiti to the excess of sin, so much torment to have as their rejoice hath been in wickedness 13 The space of these terrible torments or punishments of hell, is a M. and uj hundred furlongs. A furlong of the Greeks is called the run of Hercules, & it is in length an C. & xxv paces or steps. And commonly they used according to the length to measure their playing places. Of whom Paul maketh mention to the Corinthians being Greeks, by them that runneth in a course, & that proveth masteries. In this thousand and vi. hundred furlongs here, is comprehended the whole & universal course of the wicked for the iiii. quartars of the world. The number of an hundred is evermore an whole complete & perfect number. And ●iij. hundred four times numbered is xuj hundred which maketh this number of a thousand & vj. hundred, the number of iiij. respecting always the iiij. climates of the world, which are the common habitations of sinners. In them course they, in all wantan kinds of living. In them work they their masteris of all ungodly observations and false worshippings, walking in the large or open way which leadeth unto death. According to the number & measure of this course, hath God here measured the place & punishment. Notwithstanding never is he without mercy. marvelous he is in his works & judgements, which are unsearchable. Blessed is he that shall have his part in the city or congregation of the righteous, and that shall see the peace upon Israel, when the Lord shall lead forth them with the evil doers, that hath 〈◊〉 themselves with their laws. The Lord grant us once to taste the prosperity of Jerusalem. Amen. The xv. Chapter. NOt only for the common sins of the world doth the Lord plague, but most of all for unthankfulness of all blasphemies the greatest. From that spurneth against knowledge & directly worketh against the holy ghost. A double destruction or decay both of soul & body by the righteousness of god must needs follow the wilful contempt of his verity manifestly showed and openly taught. Yet is the Lord so merciful, that he willeth not the damnation of a sinner. Such compassion hath he ever our manifold weakness, that he premonisheth us of his most terrible plagues, to call us back by fear, if love will not do it. As here consequently in the first vision of this present revelation to john, which followeth after this sort in this xv. and xuj. Chapters. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw an other sign in heaven, great and marvelous, 2. seven Angels having the seven last plagues, 3. for in them is fulfilled the wrath of God. 4. And I saw as it were a glassy sea, 5. mingled with fire, 6. and then that had gotten the victory of the beast, and of his Image, 7. and of his mark, and of the number of his name, 8. stand on the glassy sea, 9 having the harps of God, 10. And they sang the song of Moses the servant of God, 11. and the song of the Lamb, saying. 12. Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God almighty, 13. just and true are thy ways, thou king of Saints. 14. Who shall not fear (O Lord) and glorify thy name? 15. For thou only art holy, 16. and all gentiles shall come and worship before thee, 17. for thy judgements are made manifest. The Paraphrase. 1 And I saw (sayeth saint john) by the secret goodness of my Lord God, yet an other token in heaven, great & marvelous, strange and wonderful, For in the churches or congregation of God, are evermore uttered his wonderful and deep judgements, unto them only whom his grace appointeth, as unto john. And this is the token in mystery. 2 Seven Angels had in their hands the seven last plagues. Some expositors have taken these Angels for the right ministers in the vii ages of the christian church. Some have thought them to be the perverse preachers and ungodly ministers of all the said ages suffered of God strongly to delude the unbelievers, that he which hurteth should hurt still, and that he wkich is in filthiness, should still be filthy. Unto every age corresponding an Angel, to declare the nature of those deceitful hirelings and lying masters. And this maketh them so to understand the text. They are here expressly noted to be in heaven. Among the congregation of God are the false Prophets, and discembling hypocrites evermore, as the chaff among the corn, the tears among the wheat, and the filthy dregs, among the pure wine. For that kingdom is as a net thrown into the sea and gathering all manner of fishes both good and bad. In all ages hath the wicked generation increased, to impugn the truth, and stiffly s● to stand up against God and his Christ, which is none other after their minds, than to minister the vii last plagues here. For no poison is to the soul so pestilent, nor yet venom so noyful, as is false doctrine. No plague can be thought more deadly nor violent, than to deprive us of that faith, of that verity, & of that life which is in Christ jesus, or to bring us out of the way which he hath appointed. And all this seemeth no small likelihood of the just understanding of the text here. Yet Frances Lambert giveth a far better judgement, calling than the set sentences or unvariable decrees of god, difining his judgements against the wicked in his latter age of the world, at their appointed times to be utterred. For all these things are iontely to be considered. These Angles came not only from heaven, which is the congregation (as they have mentioned) but also out of the celestial temple of the tabernacle of testimony, which is the omnypotente God & his Christ, as the xxi. chap. hereof declareth. They are also clothed with pure whit linen, girded with golden girdles, they have golden vials delivered unto them by one of the iiii. beasts, and one of them commoneth with john, declaring unto him the judgement and fall of the great whore. Which are no arguments that they are here to be taken for ill preachers, though they here minister the last seven. plagues. Therefore shall we judge them here to be Gods appointed purposes or eternally decreed pleasures, against the wilful obstinates and indurat rebellions to the end of the world. These are called the last plagues, because they fall in the last age of the world whom Esay, Hieremy, Oseas & Micheas calleth the last days, John the last hour● & Paul the ends of the world. Seven are they named here in a universal respect both of the times, parsons, places and perverse doctrines of the whole world. And also because of the vii seals, and the viii trumpets, to whose judgements they jointly agree, as in the next Chapter following will appear more largely. 3 For in them (sayeth the text) is fulfilled the wrath of God. The indignation of the Lord is in them wholly declared. For what hate can he show more unto a man, than to withdraw him from him his grace, to leave him to himself, to suffer him in his own blind judgements, to give him over to his own filthy lusts, and to send him the operation of error to his double damnation. A very fulfilling of God's anger is it also to appoint us a false Prophet or deceivable curate a wanton Prince, or ungodly governor. These therefore with such like are those plagues, in whom is deeply accomplished the displeasure of God And they are here named the last plagues, for after them shall none other be seen, the latter day finishing and clearin all. 4 And I beheald (sayeth john) in the same said vision, as it were a glassy sea, or a great fllowing water in similitude of glass, all mingled with fire. None other is this sea, but the precious verity of the Lord, so clear as glass and so pure as crystal. This sea gushed out of the hard rock of stone, that was cloven a sunder in the desert. When he sent forth his spirit, these waters flowed forth in abundance. 5 Most effectual and quick is this sea And therefore it is here noted and mingled with fire, which signifieth the holy ghost. For never is the verity without God's spirit. A fierce fiery stream calleth Danyell this sea all fiery is the word Lord (sayeth david also) and therefore thy servant loveth it. This is the fountain of living water springing up into the life everlasting. Unto this water should all they resort that are thirsty, thereof to take refreshing▪ 6 Upon this glassy sea were they seen of saint john, that had obtained victory of the beast, of his Image, of his mark, and of the number of his name. By whom are meant those constant christians, which hath for all ages firmly affirmed the truth. For none adversity declining from it. Strongly have these since the Apostles time resisted the adversaries of God by his only word, persisting therein unto the death as did Steven, james, and Antipas with such other his faithful witnesses. Victory have they gotten by faith both of the beast and his Image, both of the great Antichrist and his supporters, of the pope and of Mahomet, with their maintainers Emperors, Kings, and maigistrates, and of all them that usurp their title, name, seat, authority, pomp or power. 7 They have blemished likewise by the said word not only the mark of the beast, which is corrupted faith, but also the number of his name, which is the denial of God. Them have they to their rebuke uttered, and to their confusion declared. They have proved their orders damnable, their doctrine devilish, their religion, hypocrisy, & their spiritualty, plain wickedness, condemning them by the scriptures, as ungodly dissemblers denying the Lord which bought them. These are they whom the lord tenderly nourished, and graciously brought forth upon the refreshing waters converting their souls to his godly fear and love. 8 These stand evermore on the glassy sea, they set sure footing upon the rock stone. Unmovably they persever in ● truth, never denying it afore men. 9 And they have in their hands the harps of god, which are devout mind● given all unto godliness, and rejoicing in spiritual things. 10 Harmoniously they sing the tune●able song of Moses the faithful servant of god, and the melodious sweet song of the lamb jesus Christ. 11 Of both testaments they make utterance, declaring the wonderful works and terrible judgements ●ute of the old law, and ●ute of the Gospel of gladness the most sweet mercy of the Lord. Without ceasing open they the the scriptures unto other inwardly rejoicing in spiritual Hymns, and Psalms, having this evermore for the standing tenor of the song. 12 Inestimably great is thy goodness and wonderfully marvelous are thy works Lord God almighty. 13 Just are thy promises, and most perfitly sure thy ways, thou glorious King of saints, & gracious g●ydt of the Godly believers. 14 Who shall not evermore fear thee, a mighty Lord, who shall not always in heart glorify thy blessed name. 15 Thou alone art holy, just, and perfit, for none is there good but thyself only. Thou art our our only maker, redeemer, and comforter. None other have we for our God but thee. 16 No doubt of it but the time will be that all kinds of people, both jews and gentiles, faithful, and Heaten, shall seek unto thee, and shall faithfully in verity and spirit worship before thee, acknowledging thee for their only Lord God. 17 Because thy wonderful judgements that sometime were secret, are now to the world made openly known and manifest. Though this song be little and small, yet is there in contained all verity, that both Moses and Christ confesseth at large. Moreover whatsoever the scriptures comprehendeth, either of the great omnipotency of god or of his most wonderful works, either of his loving mercy, or of his benign pity towards man, of his glorious name or mighty power, or that he is to be magnified and feared, or how that the faithful pertaineth only to his kingdom, or how that all people shall finally be converted unto him. All is compendiously in this brief song here contained, what though it be not so word by word expressed. And as concerning that is here last spoken, that his judgements are made manifest, it is to be understanded of those faithful creatures whom he calleth, cleareth and justifieth, & of none other. For unto them only are his heavenly verities known, to whom he witsaveth to open them. Though the other outwardly see the judgements of God, yet do they not inwardly perceive them, though the b●st it never so much. For it is given them so to do. They must have eyes and not see, ears and not understand. The Text. 1. And after that I looked 2. And behold the temple of the tabernacle of testimony 3. Was open in heaven. 4 and the seven. Angels. 5. came out of the temple. 6. which had the .7. plagues. 7. Clothed in pure and bright linen. 8, And having their breasts girded with golden girdles, 9 And one of the four Beasts gave unto the seven Angels. 10. Seven golden vials. 11. full of the wrath of god, which liveth for evermore 12 and the temple was full of smoke. 13. For the glory of God, and for his power. 14. And no man was able to enter into the temple. 15. Till the seven plagues of the seven Angels were fulfilled. The Paraphrase. 1 And anon after that (saith S. john) I looked yet more advisedly. And suddenly as it were, the everlasting temple of the tabernacle of witness was open in heaven. 2 A mystery this is very earnestly to be marked, as a thing of great weight. The Lord almighty is this eternal temple, he is the temple not made with hands, uncreated, glorious and full of majesty, comprehending in him all things & he within none again comprehended. He is the Lord of all. He measureth heaven with his span, he over reacheth all the world with his three fingers. In him we live, we move, and have our being. The tabernacle of witness is the lamb jesus Christ. He is that very tabernacle of God that was here among men, bearing that faithful witness which giveth wisdom to babes. He is the propitiatory or mercy seat, wherein we are hard and forgiven. Neither was this tabernacle of this manner building, but much more perfect and greater. This holy tabernacle is with in the aforesaid temple, for Christ dwelleth in the father, and the father in him. 3 Open is this temple in heaven, & the tabernacle seen, when god is known by true preaching & Christ's doctrine believed. For he came into the world, & for that purpose was borne, to bear witness unto the truth, whom the father willed only to be hard concerning faith. 4 This temple and tabernacle open, or god and his word once known in this latter age, the seven Angels cometh forth. The eternal decrees of gods secret iudgemets appeareth, & are fulfilled in their times. As Angels or messengers of god they have in his eternity their just plagues in their season appointed to be exhibited. 5 And therefore are they said to come out from the temple which is God. Nothing hath he purposed to the world, but he hath decreed it afore the worlds constitution. For his purpose, mind, and pleasure, is as he is, everlasting. And as it falleth to the world by his assignment, it becometh a messenger, going out of the temple. So many hath he sent out of such messengers, as he hath fulfilled decreed purposes. And marvel not though they be here called angels, considering that it is the common manner of the holy scriptures, evermore to call them Angels which uttereth the will, pleasure, and commandment of God, as they do here. After this sort are the priests called Angels, so is Aggeus the prophet, so is S. john Baptist, so are Christ's disciples, & also the public preachers. 9 What the plagues are that they shall shed out of their vials, will be showed clearly in the next chap. following one after an other. 7 These Angels are appareled in pure whit linen, bright shining as crystal and girdles about their breasts with girded of fine gold, which betokeneth their sincere cleanness, & their glorious perfitness. For what can be more pure & precious, than the eternal decrees of the lord. What can be more perfect and glorious than his prediffined purposes? The laws of God are undefiled, the testimonies are true the statutes are right, the ways are sure, the commandments are clear, the judgements are godly, the words are pure and precious. Yea, the gifts that come from the father of light are ever more perfect and good. 8 The girding of their breasts, is the straight spearing up of the secret meaning of God's judgements from our carnal understanding, till such time as he openeth them unto us by his spirit: for it belongeth not unto us to deserve such secrets as the father reserveth to his own power. 9 And one of the four beasts or congregations (saith S. john) delivered unto the aforesaid vii Angels vii golden vials replenished with the wrath full displeasure of God which liveth for evermore. Though the congregations be in the first chapter vii & in the fourth four understanded by the four beasts, yet are they here in this place brought all unto one, and called one of the iiii. or else of the four made one, for so much as the universal christian church is of one consent, one faith, one baptim, one god, and pertaineth to one Christ. For so much also as it confesseth, believeth and teacheth one doctrine of health. One is my dove saith the holy ghost, one is my dearly beloved darling. A beast is it here noted, as living in the flesh, and not yet mortified by death. 10 The vials of God's wrath are the ungodly reprobates, fit only for destruction. Golden are they here named, because they appear glorious in the worldly judgements of men. very painted tombs are the dissembling hypocrites, within full of stinking bones. A shining name of life have they & yet are they inwardly dead. For all that they do is to be seen of men. 11 Full of wrath are they, whereby is meant a sinful understanding, with damnable doctrines. For very swift are they to all ungodliness. The vi properties have they which the Lord hateth, and the seventh which he utterly abhorreth. A proud look, a dissembling tongue, bloody hands, a wicked heart, feet ready unto mischief, ways to practice lies, & sowings of dissension among brethren. These are given of the true christian congregation to the seven▪ Angels, or decreed purposes of God to be judged as they have eternally defined. For none other is their continual prayer, but that his will be fulfilled, and that his predifined intentes against the perverse multitude be finished at their convenient times. None other is it to put into the Angel's hands, the vials of gods displeasure, than thus to commit them by faithful prayer to his purposed decrees or fore set ordinances. 12 B●t because that commonly when gods judgements begin to wax known all things are commoned & troubled, therefore is it said here conseqently that the temple was full of smoke, by reason of the majesty of God, and of his glorious power. This smoke are certain mysteries, representing unto us the hidden majesty of gods eternal presence. Whose brightness can no frail understanding abide. Not all the world could not sustain it if all things were open & plain concerning it. In no wise could Moses presently see the face of God, only might he be suffered to see his back parts, for no man can see God & live. Only is he seen here in this life as in a glass, or under a dark speaking. He appeareth unto us here in a mystical smoke, like as he did to the patriarch jacob in sleep, to Moses in the flaming bush, to Helias in the horle wind, to the Apostles in fiery tongues, & unto Ananias in a secret vision. 13 Under the shadow of figurate locution is his glory for the elect persons, and faithful believers known. The unfaithful reprobates beholdeth the smoke, but neither perceive they in it the glory of god, nor the majesty of his presence. They neither conceive his wonderful works, nor yet his Godly judgements. Their foolish hearts are so darkened, that though they know God, yet glorify they him not. They see the smoke & perceive the world troubled (as it is always when the verity appeareth) but never the more faith nor godly knowledge have they. But the which is unto the faithful a raise is unto them a ruin. That is unto the other the power of God unto health, is unto them slander and foolishness. And that is unto the other a savour of life unto life, is unto them a savour of death unto death. They remember not that the Lord came down in fire unto Moses upon Mount Synay when it smoked altogether like a burning furnace, & therefore bear they away no glorified faces, or consciences depured by a true perfect faith. 14 And no man was able (saith the text) to enter into the temple, till the seven. deadly plagues of the vii Angels were wholly fulfilled. For though the true believers perceive in the mysteries of the scriptures, the present majesty & mighty power of GOD, yet enter they not into full knowledge of him, being as yet subject unto vanity. For here is there knowledge unperfect, and their prophesying also. And therefore acknowledging their imbecility, and also waiting for the revelation of the children of God, they say with Saint Paul. O the wonderful deepness of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How incomprehensible are his judgements, and how unsearchable his ways. 15 And at this point shall they still be till the last judgement day finish all. For the full entering into the temple is none other than a whole perfect or consummate knowledge of God and his mysteries. Which can not fully be had, till that which is unperfect be done away, the creature delivered from bondage of corruption. And till death be swallowed up, the vessel of corruption becoming incorruptible, & the mortal body becoming spiritual. The righteous shall than shine as doth the sun in the kingdom of their father, & glister as doth the bright stars world without end. What the seven. plagues are, & what is their fulfilling, will in this Chapter following appear. The xuj. Chapter. THE TEXT. 1 And I hard a great voice out of the temple, 2. saying to the seven Angels, 3. Go your ways, 4. power out your vials of wrath upon the earth, 5. And the first went, and powered out his vial upon the earth, 6. and there fell a noisome and a sore botch upon the men which had the mark of the beast, 7. and upon them that worshipped his Image. The Paraphrase. AN other great voice hard john out of the temple. A perfect, strong, and earnest assurance had he of the Lord by a spiritual premonishment, that the unvariable decrees of his set judgements should be fulfilled at their times of him appointed. Yea, ascertained he was infallibly that they should in their due seasons come to pass. For unto his friends openeth he his secret counsels always, as he did in old time unto his well beloved Israel, unto Moses, Zachary, ezechiel, and Daniel, with such other. 2 And the voice was unto the seven Angels under the seven. seals opening, and the seven. trumpets blowing after this sort. Go your ways forth fulfilling the purpose ye be ordained unto. power out your vials of wrath upon the earth. 3 Declare them first of all to the world, to be the reprobate vessels of dishonour, which of wilfulness contemneth my eternal verity. Consequently send them into most deep error, that they may wax worse and worse, and not only to err in themselves, but also to bring other into error, that they may receive the double reward thereof, abiding my most fearful judgement. 4 And in such time as the Lord appointed, the first Angel went forth under the first seal opening, and poured out his vial upon the earth. For in the first age of the church, to try her as gold in the furnace, permitted the Lord by his eternal decree, the malicious synagogue of the jews to rage, and to do their ungodly feats. In the which their furious madness, not only did they persecute the Apostles and first preachers of Christ from city to city, but also perverted the earthly minded multitude, by many and divers ungodly kinds of false doctrine in hypocrisy. Of this sort was Himineus & Philetus, becoming of Saducees, false Christians, and denying the latter resurrection, whom Paul did excommunicate. So were also Phigellus & Hermogenes, bringing in again circumcision with certain ceremonial observations to blemish the Gospel of Christ. These with such like, subverted whole houses (sayeth Paul) teaching things that they ought not to have taught for filthy lucre's sake. 6 And when they were thus by the dec●●ed purpose of God shed upon the earth, or ●e●te unto their own earthly beastliness, all destitute of his grace for contemning his word so graciously 〈◊〉, there lighted a noisome and 〈◊〉 botch upon those men which 〈◊〉 mark of the beast, or an 〈…〉 through their persuasions. 7 〈◊〉 upon them also that worshipped his Image, or accepted them for godly that made laws repugnant to his laws. For the great headed Rabines of the jews did not only spot the consciences of the Israelites their own native country men, but also of the Greeks and Latins, the Asians & Romans, compelling them for their own traditions to make God's commandments of none effect. These having a pretence of godly living, denied the power thereof. Of this sort were they which entered into houses & brought into bondage superstitious women loaden with sin. For a more deep understanding hereof, confer this with the first seal opening, and the first trumpet blowing, and likewise the other vj. following. THE TEXT. 1 And the second Angel shed out his vial, 2. upon the sea, 3. and it turned as it were into the blood, 4. of a dead man. 5. And every living thing died in the sea. The Pharaphrase. 1 After this went forth the second Angel of the second seal opening, effunding his vial upon the sea. According to the decree of God almighty for the second age of the Christian church, reigned among the Christians, deceitful brethren, & perverse teachers, betraying the true ministers & delivering them unto death for jesus Christ's sake, that his life might be seen in their mortal flesh. For in this life he proveth his elects with Abraham and job to save them, & to make them just followers of Christ, whom it behoved to suffer ere he entered into h●s glory. 2 Upon the sea or wavering multitude was this ●●al●shed. Only are the false Prophets received & taken of the foolish fantastical, & ●●ipper witted sort, as a reed shaken of every wind Non regardeth them which hath set sure footing upon the hard rock Christ. Such a vial or vessel of God's Ire was Mair the Idon●●t which made the Talmud of the Iwes, a book more than ten Bibles after Navelerus & other Historians, full of blasphemies & lies condemning the doctrine of Christ. So was Rabbi, Moses the Egyptian, Rabina, & Rabasses with such other confirming the same. 3 All bloody was this sea, the vial once shed thereupon. All fleshly were the people in their judgements, their hearts fulfilled with cruelty & murder against Christ's true witnesses, through their perverse preachings. Yea, in the furious rage they thought they did God great good service when they put his servants unto death. 4 This blood was also in a manner as the blood of a dead man. For dead was the doctrine that they taught, even the slaying letter itself. Dead were also their ceremonies, their rites, and their idle observations. So that every living thing died in that bloody sea. All they which seemed through glittering hypocrisy to live, wanted the very life which is hid in Christ, and that riseth of faith in his living word. So did they also which depended all upon the vain pleasures of this life, exercising here tyranny both in words & doings. Neither were they out of the same danger, that fell from the verity once known, nor yet they which durst not receive it for fear of persecution, but both perished in this sea. THE TEXT. 1 And the third Angel shed out his vial, 2, upon the rivers and fountains of waters, 3. and they turned to blood. 4. And I heard an Angel say, 5. Lord which art and waste, 6. thou art righteous and holy, 7. because thou hast given such judgements, 8. For they shed the blood of saints and prophets, 9 & therefore hast thou given them blood to drink, for they are worthy, 10. and I hard an other Angel out of the altar, 11. say, 12. Even so Lord God almighty, 13. true & righteous are thy judgements. The Paraphrase. 1 Next in his course went out the third Angel, under the third seal opening, & he powered out his vial upon the watery floods & fountains, & all they became very blood. By his set decree for the third age of the church, suffered the Lord false heretics to rage in all kinds of error, strongly to delude the unbelievers. 2 These lighted upon the sweet waters, by whom are meant the sacred scriptures refreshing the dry souls. Who soever drinketh (saith Christ) of the waters that I give, he shall never be more a thirst. 3 Of these waters have they defiled both the rivers and wellsprings with blood. Both the law and gospel, the figure & verity, the commandment & promise, the doctrine of prophets and Apostles have they corrupted with their false interpretations & gloss, with froward drifts and opinions, with vain traditions and worshippings, & with carnal wisdom and murtherings. Of this sort were Eutices & Arrius with such other like, as in the vii chapter afore. 4 And I hard (saith saint john) an Angel, betokning those sincere witnesses, to whom God had opened for that age his secret judgements. And this Angel said. 5 Omnipotent creator & Lord which art not only of thyself at this present instant, but wart also essentially in thyself without beginning. 6 Thou heavenly Lord art faithful in thy words & holy in thy works. 7 For as it appeareth before our eyes, the decrees & foreiudgements that thou madest afore, are now fulfilled in effect. 8 For the religious murderers that of cruelness caused the blood of thy holy saints & Prophets, Apostles & preachers to be shed, have now by thy just appointment very blood to drink as they are most worthy. 9 For slaying of them whose message they contemned, they had their just plague. Not only became they vain in their thoughts, their foolish hearts darkened (not unlike to them that hath ears & hear not, eyes & see not, but also there remained unto them after this life a perpetual vengeance without mercy for their cruel oppressions as a due reward of their error. 10 Yet an other angel hard I (saith S. John) even out of the alter which is christ. This angel signifieth those witnesses that sometime confessed the truth here, and now resteth from their labours in the Lord. These though they be departed, affirm that the other hath said afore, in token that now being departed they forget not that truth which they afore confessed, living still yet in the same, he that holdeth my word (saith Christ) shall never taste of death. 11 And this is their saying in mystery or words comprehending their secret confession. 12 Even so Lord God almighty▪ As the living believers saith of thee by mouth, so say we now in the spirit. 13 That thy decreed judgements are ever more true, & thy marvelous workings righteous. The first is called in some translations the Angel of waters, the other here reported to come from the altar, to signify both sorts. THE TEXT. 1 And the fourth Angel poured out his vial, 2. on the sun. 3. And power was given unto him to vex men with heat of fire, 4. And the men raged in great heat, and spoke evil of the name of God. 5. which had power over those plagues, 6. and they repented not to give him glory. The Paraphrase. 1 Consequently, by the appointment of God, the fourth Angel in the fourth seal opening, powered out his vial of God's wrath on the sun. As the Lord had eternally prefixed in the fourth age of the Christian church. For the whole worlds punishment, was Christ sore bleamished which is the clear son of righteousness. Sore did the dissembling Antichrists in those days darken the true glory of God with their manifold sects of hypocrisy. The Pope had for his part an innumerable swarm of shorn smeared Sodomites, and Mahomete a foul flock of frantic fabillers, which with their newly painted religions and prodigious observations, made first all the world to wonder & than to worship Belial for Christ, taking darkness for light, & sin for righteousness. 2 These being very adversaries unto Christ, took upon them his authority and seat, the one boasting himself for his general vicar in earth, the other for the great prophet of the Lord, & so were received of the execrate world. Needs would they seem to be the sun, being the very shadows of death. 3 Permitted was this hearsackye sun to vex men with heat of fire. Sitting in the temple of God which is with in man, with such wicked laws as they made under the name of God & of Christ, they tirribly vexed, tormented, and cruciated the weak consciences of men, leaving them commonly in most painful desperation. 4 So that the men raged in great heat, speaking evil of the name of God, which had power over those plagues. At their abominable persuasions was Christ of them not taken for a merciful saviour and gentle redeemer, but for a froward chourle & untractable tyrant, unless he were mollified by the merits and callings upon of other, and that could not be had without money. 5 Power hath the Lord over plagues, to hold them or remove them. By his rightful judgement, at his only pleasure he hardeneth. As the potter may he break them, or make them vessels of dishonour. 6 In no wise did this perverted multitude repent their wicked blasphemies to give him glory, for all their confessions, mass hearings, pilgrimages &. satisfactions without number. For they were not according to his prescription. 7 After none other sort will he be plea- and glorified, than he hath by his scriptures appointed. Nothing less are their fantasies than true repentance. THE TEXT. 1 And the fift Angel powered out his vial, 2. upon the seat of the beast, 3. & his kingdom waxed dark. 4. And they gnewe their tongues for sorrow, 5. and blasphemed the God of heaven for sorrow, and pain of their sores, 6. and repented not of their deeds. The Pharaphrase. 1 In order succeedeth by the divine ordinance the fift Angel under the fift seal opening, pouring out his vial of God's indignation upon the seat of the beast. After none other sort than the Lord had afore prediffined for man's unfaithfulness sake, was the proud beastly kingdom of the papacy, & the execrable reign of Mahomet replenished with all filthy abominations under the sun. For in the other age afore they did but creep into the hearts of men through the glitterings of hypocrisy and dissimulate sanctity. 2 But here have they obtained the power, seat, and authority of the beast, and so gotten unto them the mighty Monarchies of the universal world. Here reigned they without check in all vain glory, haughtiness, malice, pride, murder, hypocrisy, superstition, Idolatry: and blasphemy of God's name. 3 And therefore their kingdoms as all one in divillishenesse, became all dark, without the light of God's verity, full of the stinking smoke of the bottomless pit. Than went the locusts abroad, and filled the world with ignorance and blindness. 4 Every where gnewe they their tongues for very sorrow. In detracting the verity, much grief they suffered in their desperate hearts, their worms not dying, nor their fire quenched, the scorpions of the earth stinging them also. 5 Spitefully they blasphemed the omnipotent Lord of heaven for very anguish & dolour of their sores & wounds. For none other are the fruits of a desperate conscience than blasphemies of God, as in Cain, judas, and such other like. None other are the utterances of an unpenitent heart, but heavy hateful murmurings. 6 And therefore it followeth that they repented them not of their deeds. For in a cruciate or fearfully vexed conscience can never dwell true repentance. So unquietous always is the foolish desperate mind, as is the troubled raging sea. A wicked heart is laden with sorrows heaping sin upon sin, the synagogue of proud hypocrites having no health. In the fift seal opening and trumpet blowing, is more of this mystery declared, which agreeth much with this vial of God, like as doth the other with the other in their numbers, though not in their figures. The text. 1. And the sixth Angel poured out his vial. 2. Upon the great river of Euphrates. 3. And the water dried up. 4. That the way of the Kings. 5. Of the east should be prepared. 6. And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs. 7. Come out of the mouth of the dragon. 8. and out of the mouth of the beast. 9 And out of the mouth of the false prophet. 10. For they are the spirits of devils. 11. Working miracles to go out. 12, Unto the kings of the earth, & of the whole world. 13. to gather them to the battle. 14. Of the great day of god almighty. 15. Behold I come as a thief. 16. Happy is he that watcheth. 17. And keepeth his garments. 18. Lest he be found naked. 19 And men see his filthiness. 20. And he gathered them together into a place 12 called in the Hebrew tongue, Armagedon. The Paraphrase. 1 In course now followeth the sixth Angel of god's appointment, under the sixth seal opening, shedding out his ireful vial upon the great river Euphrats, a flood of the Assyrians or of Babylon, betokening in mystery the pleasant possessions and wavering delights of the Papistical clergy, with such like. 2 Into all filthy desires of carnal and worldly lusts gave the Lord their hearts over in the sixth age of the christian church for their unbeléeves sake to do those things which are uncomely and beastly. So that all their study, travail, and labour, sought to none other end, but only to abound in them. Wholly were they given thereunto, and nothing to the glory of God in all their practised observations. 3 Yet were the waters thereof in process of time dried up. Their wealthy pomps, possessions, & pleasures (their false feats once known) are & shall be clearly taken away from them. For after jesus Sirach, the plant of sin shall be rooted out in the proud synagogue of the wicked. 4 And all this shall be to prepare the way of the kings, from the spring of the sun. Never shall the governors walk in the ways of the Lord, nor rule according to Christ's doctrine, nor yet that doctrine be apert & open, till the waters be dried up, not one drop remaining. So long as the priests dwell in wanton delights & vain pleasures, either are the princes childish or else tyrannous, according as their deeds require. 5 Never are they kings from the spring of the sun, or according to Christ's rule, seeking God's honour with David and josias. In England by the Gospel preaching have many of these waters been dried up in the suppression of monasteries, priories, covents, & friars houses, yet are not all things brought unto Christ's clear institution. A sincere christian order can not yet be séene there, And a great cause why. For all is not yet dried up there. The bishop's reign still in as much vain glorious pomp, and with as many Heithenish observations as ever they did. As cruelly hearted, and as bloody minded are they yet as ever they were afore, no mischief unsought to hold in the waters. Mark how Winchester, Durham, York, London, and Lincoln worketh, with such other pleasantly disposed Euphratines'. But be of good comfort and pray in the mean time. For the holy ghost promiseth here they shall whither away, with all that the heavenly father hath not planted. All that generation will the lords breath consume. Now is the axe laid to the root of the tree, to hew down the unfruitful branches, the withered reserved to unquenchable fire. God grant the Princes at that day more christianly, to bestow the waters of Euphrates than they have yet been bestowed, no provision made for the poor, nor yet order set for the gospel preaching. For great part of it is now turned to the upholding of dise playing, masking, and bankatinge, yea I would I could not by just occasions speak it, bribing, whoring, and swearing, the towns, peoples, and housshouldes, miserably decayed, which will not one day be unplagued, unless they repent. 6 Furthermore I saw (sayeth saint john) in the same self vision, three unclean spirits one coming out of the Dragon's mouth, which signifieth sathan the devil, an other out of the beasts mouth, betokening the universal Antichrist, and the third out of the false prophet's mouth compared afore to the two horned beast. And all they seemed in manner as frogs both in their colours and fashions. 7 Idolatry was that ill spirit, which first went out from the serpent, & hath continued ever since in the world under the colour of good works, as pilgrimage, devotion & labour. 8 Error in abominable filthiness was the spirit which came from the beastly Antichrist defiling the whole christianity with innumerable superstitions under the colour of chaste living, in priesthood, sacrifices and ceremonies. 9 Hypocrisy was the foul spirit which issued from the false preachers, poisoning the catholic faith with false doctrine under the colour of religion, pretending abstinence, prayer, and cleanness. These three wicked spirits are not all unlike to the wild fire, smoke, and brimstone, which the terrible fierce horses evometed in the ix. chapter of this present prophecy. For cursed, false, and unpure they are. Their doctrine is wickedness, lies, & devilishness, and the execrable wisdom of the flesh. In manner of frogs are they here described for their diversity of colours in ceremonies, doctrine, & sects, for their filthy dwelling in the dirty traditions of men, and for crookeling of their unknown psalmody and service, disquieting with their idle customs the consciences of the simple multitude. 10 These are the very spirits of devils, the imps of sathan, working such signs and myracels as would deceive the very chosen persons, and bring them into error if it were so possible. But the Lord evermore defendeth his. 11 A strong power have they by the working of sathan to show lying wonders & deceivable signs among them that shall perish for detesting the truth. 12 These shall by the permission of god be suffered to go at large, they shall strongly delude the kings of the earth, and blind the governors of the universal world, making them drunken with the cup of all abominations. 13 And all this shall they do to gather them together by their wicked counsels, & to bring them in to one cruel consent of battailing against Christ and his members, to receive the penalty thereof in the great day of the lord almighty 14 Most busily they gather them to battle, when they move them to persecute the just believers with full ungodly acts, as now most of all in our age, which god hath promised in short space to revenge. Of this will more be spoken in the nineteen. chapter following. Lest any man knowing the truth should tangle his own conscience with their spiritual sorceries for fear of princes laws, under the vain hope of repentance, in the end of their lives, it followeth in plain sentence. 15 Behold (sayeth the Lord jesus Christ) or earnestly take heed unto it, for I come dangerously unlooked for, as commonly doth the thief, to thy hindrance if thou watch not in faith, but live in superstition. Though this, not without reasonable cause may be taken in a generaliti for the last judgement day, yet is it here spoken particularly of every man's departing. As a premonishment, he giveth this here of love lest any man should perish without warning. 16 Blessed is he (saith that Lord) which watcheth in the true christian believe, and liveth not in the vain but in the sure hope of life, sealed with the just promises of god. For all that he doth shall prosper, and turn him to great advantage in the concluston. 17 Happy is he allo that holdeth fast unto him his garments, or works of God's prescription (which are the fruits of the spirit) or that hath done on the Lord jesus Christ, gyrdinge him sure unto himself by faith. 18 Lest he be found a naked hypocrite without faith, verity, justice, charity, with such like, or lest the righteous number at the latter day see his filthiness uncovered, and rejoice at his condemnation. 19 He is blessed which at that day shall be covered with the white garment of the Lamb, not having his sins imputed unto him. 20 To show the certainty of the aforesaid battle. Saint john saith that the devil gathered together those wicked rulers into a certain place, called in the Hebrew tongue Armagedon. The unclean spirits that afore are named three of their divers working in the Dragon, beast, and false prophet are here brought into one, as all of one lying spirit, whom Christ calleth the father devil. This one lying spirit which hath been a murderer from the beginning, comprehending in him all unclean spirits, like as doth the beast all Antichristes, hath combined together into one execrable zeal of fatherly traditions, all vainglorious and ungodly minded governors against God and his Christ. And this hath not been without the secret permission of God, willing to prove his elects by strong suffering, that they might receive at his hand the reward of strong victory or of his abundant riches. 21 This place here called in the Hebrew Armagedon, betokeneth in mystery an hill of delectable fruits, interpreted of some for the hill of the gospel, and is commonly taken of the hebrews for that is sweet or of value. And this without fail is the church, which▪ ●ft times in the Scriptures is called the plenteous hill of God, the hill of God's house, the hill of mirth, the hill of olives, the hill of Zion, Carmelus, and Libanus, with such other like. In this mount evermore are they been ●o battle. There slay the● innocent Lambs of Christ. All their power, malice, and tyranny, is there extremely uttered at the Antichrists labour and desire, which are exceedingly drunken in the blood of holy martyrs, which hath been shed upon the earth from the righteous Abel unto this day. But when the almighty setteth kings upon the earth, it shall be clear even in the darkness, that the hill of Basan is God's hill. The text. 1 And the seventh Angel poured out his vial. 2. Into the air, 3. And there came a great voice out of heaven from the sat saying. 4. It is done. 5. And there followed voices, thunderings, and lightnings. 6, And there was a great earthquake. 7. Such as was not since men were upon earth. 8. So mighty an earthquake and so great. 9 And the great city was divided into three parts. 10. And the cities of the nations fell▪ 11. And great Babtlon came in remembrance before God. 12. To give unto her the cup of Wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 13. And every I'll fled away. 14. And the mountains were not found. 15. And there fell a great hail. 16. As it had been talents. 17. Out of heaven. 18. Upon the men. 19 And the men blasphemed God, because of the plague of the hail. 20. For it was great, and the plague thereof was sore. The Paraphrase. 1 Finally the seventh Angel went forth under the seventh seal, opening as God had eternali determined, throwing out the content of his vial into the air. For the seventh age of the christian church by the very set purpose of God, are many converted to the truth, and become with Paul the vessels of election, that afore were with judas the vessels of wrath under the great adversary of God. Neither is it any blemish unto them to be called here, that they were afore, vials of wrath, considering that SIMON Leprosus, being once healed of his leprosy was ever after called a leper. In case like Paul, after his conversion was not ashamed to report himself both a Pharisie & also the son of a Pharasie. 2 These, by the mighty determination of God's strong judgement, are sent into the air. Most effectually are they lightened with the spirit of god, and provoked stiffly to stand up against the aereal powers regning in the fickle fantastical antichrist and hypocrites, condemning by God's word their universal doctrines and devillishnes. These powers are no less than devils, whom Christ calleth fowls of the air, Peter and john man's adversaries, and saint Paul the governors of these darknesses in spiritual wickedness. 3 Whiles these things are in doing, out of heaven, which is the universal congregation, yea, from the very throne of god which is the elect faithful number (for they are the only seat of God) came a voice of rejoicing, saying after this sort. 4 It is done. All things are finished. Christ's glory once manifestly known the world is at an end. The wicked hath done all their mischies, and the number of our brethren is fulfilled. Thus shall they preach a full deliverance of the captives, & the peaceable year of the Lord. This is the silence of an half hour space, mentioned afore in the viii. chapter, and the return of this world unto Christ in the xii chapter. Not that there shall in those days be no enemies (for the remnant shall still remain) but that they shall not then openly dare rage, persecute, and kill, the world being at such a universal quiet. 5 Yet shall there happen in those days, voices, thunderings, and lightnings. voices of sweet blessings and delectable promises to the faithful congregation. Thunderings of terror to the unfaithful multitude commanding things contrary to the flesh. And fearful lightnings of condemnation to there probate hypocrites and desperate obstinats. 6 And all from one word of the Lord, or one gospel preaching in diverse respects, no small earthquake following upon the same. What commotions, heavy complain tes, fearful tremblings, sorrows, cries, griefs, sighings, wailings, grudgings, gruntings, groanings, weepings, and hands wringing will be among the earthly minded Antichrists and hypocrites, bishops, priests, prelate's, holy water mongers, and parish clerks, lawyers, whores, carvers, painters, & wax sellers, when their whorish church shall be turnedover by judgement of the said word is easy to conjecture. 7 Such a one will this earthquake be (saith the text) so mighty & so strong, as never was yet since men were upon the earth, or since that earthly generation first began. Than shall be clean taken away the carnal church of Antichrist or the smeared synagogue of shavelings. Neither shall the Pope with his disguised rabble any more be seen here, nor yet Mahomet with his monstrous muster. 8 In such wise shall their laws, sects & ceremones be destroyed in those days that no man shall be found so bold as once to allow one of them openly. Than shall the glory of Christ's name shine the world over, he making of his enemies his footstool. 9 Moreover in this terrible earthquake the great spiritual city called Sodom and Egypt, or the holy whorish mother the church shall be diss●uered into three parts, of the which two shall still be wicked, the third converted unto godliness. Two parts shall be dispersed (saith Zachary) the third shall remain to the Lord. Of them which have and shall go out of ministers and monasteries, colleges and covents, churches and cloisters, parishes, and nunneries, one sort shall inwardly be given to antichrist's superstitiousness and hypocrisy. another sort upon divers fleshly considerations, shall feignedly fall to the Gospel. The third sort only of love towards God and zeal of health in their neighbours, shall unfeignedly cleave to the scriptures. Thus shall the ungodly sort be coupled still with the godly in every land & province & be the much greater number, yet shall they for the time attempt nothing against them, the truth so strongly regning. Nevertheless yet is it to be thought that they shall then have nothing to suffer, considering that it is a kingdom of sufferance. Christ to be head of that congregation suffered once incommodity or other always, so long as he was here living. It shall therefore behove them which are his mystical members, always to suffer. For the servant is no better than his Lord, nor the soldier than his head captain. And to make this good, the lord sayeth in Zachary. The same third part will I lead thorough fire, and purge it as silver or gold in the furnace. Then shall every godly creature follow Christ in bearing his cross. They shall mortify their fl●shly members, slaying all fornication, filthiness, idolatry, covetousness, pride anger, and malice. They shall help, suffer, and forbear one an other, having pitiful compassion upon the weak, sick, and needy. No duty beseeming a christian shall they leave undone. 10 Therefore this great or general city thus divided, all other particular or national cities must also fall. The blasphemous Pantheon of Rome once perishing, all other churches of the unfaithful must needs follow soon after in their course. For the foundation taken away, that building cannot endure. So that from thenceforth shall be no Popish sects, no superstitious ceremonies, no heathenish observations, nor open Idolatry in all the world▪ But when the remnant of the wicked shall attempt afresh to raise up again such abominations, the Lord shall suddenly without warning fall upon them with his most fearful & tirrible last judgement. 11 Great Babylon the aforesaid mother of all whoredom & filthiness, shall then come in remembrance before god. He shall then consider her abominable blasphemy, her pride, cruelty, murder, & sins without number, weighing them in right balance according unto justice. 12 He shall also reward her to drink the fierce cup of his wrath or wine of his great indignation, which is the perpetual death of soul. The very dregs of his Ire shall she taste, yea unspeakable sorrows & pains without end. For none other is it to come in remembrance before him at that day, but to be condemned, & receive punishment according to her deeds. 13 Then shall every Isle (which is a place of refuge within the sea) flee away and not tarry. The mountains that are wont to give succour unto them that be on the land, shall not at the day be found. No comfort shall she then have nor sure help any where. 14 No remedy will be at that day to flee from the fearful face of the judge. Then will neither merits nor yet soul masses help, neither blessings nor knéelings, sacrifices nor sensings, wawling, nor rings, bussings nor singings, but will she nill she, needs must she abide his heavy and tirrible sentence. 15 And there fell great hail (sayeth the text) as it had been weighty talents. Always must it be remembered that commonly the time paste is used in this hrophecie for the time to come, for the certainty of the things here spoken. This hail is none other than the heavy tempest or plague of the said fearful & tirrible judgements of the Lord, which shall on that woeful day fall suddenly as a thick hail upon the miserable multitude of them that boasted themselves to be the holy church & upon their wicked followers, compared here unto Babylon. 16 This plague is here also for none other cause likened unto talents, but for that it is in weight & measure to be ministered unto them by the pre-ordination of God. So much pain and sorrow is due unto that whorish generation, as she hath glorified herself in filthy delights, & so many punishments to be rewarded her. Yea, double must she have according to her works. 17 Out of heaven shall this vehement hail fall, from the fearful sentence of the Lord jesus Christ, which shall then sit as a judge in the midst of his faithful congregation; they fitting with him as the body with the head in condemnation of the wicked. 18 And upon the men shall it light. For the great whore or the city called here Babylon, is in this place to be taken for that it comprehendeth, even for men, in whom also are included women by the common usage of the scriptures. 19 These men shall spitefully blaspheme God because of the hail, plague, or terror of their torments. They shall cry out of him, wishing that he had no such power so to torment them. 20 For the tempest is great, and the sufferance thereof exceeding painful. As the Lord is mighty, so are his judgements when they fall. Uehement, fierce, and strong is the Lord (sayeth Esay) as is the tempest of hail breaking out on every side, & bearing down strong holds. The xvij. Chapter. Oft hath occasions been given me in this book to speak of great Babylon and of the execrable beast, but here is place offered to describe them more at large. THE TEXT. 1 And there came one of the seven Angels, which had the seven vials, 2. and talked with me, 3. saying unto me. 4. Come I will show the judgement, 5. of the great whore, 6. that sitteth upon many waters, 7. with whom the Kings of the earth have committed whoredom, 8, and the inhabiters of the earth are drunken with the wine of her fornication. 9 And he carried me away, 10. into the wilderness in the spirit. The Paraphrase. 1 After this came (saith Saint john) one of the seven. Angels or unvariable decrees of the Lords eternal judgements, which had the seven. vials of his wrath as afore hath been declared. 2 And this Angel or set purpose of God as an heavenly messenger talked with me in mystery. 3 Of favourable goodness in secret manner, he ascertained me thereby of this wonderful judgement here following, to be fulfilled at the latter end of the world. And thus it said unto me. 4 Come hither friend john. I will show thee in secretness the tirrible judgement of the great whore or counterfeit church of hypocrites, as God hath appointed it. Needs must this whore be Rome, for that which is hereafter spoken, that she is the great city which reigneth over the kings of the earth. Evident it is both by the scriptures & Chronicles, that in john's days Rome had her dominion over all the whole world. And being infected with the abominations of all lands, rightly is she called Babylon or city of confusion, not only in this revelation but also in the first Epistle of Peter. And like as in the scriptures oft times under the name of jerusalem is meant the whole kingom of juda, so under the name of Rome here may be understanded the universal world with all their abominations and divillishnesses, their idolatries, witchcrafts, sects, superstitions, papacyes, priesthoods, religions, shavings, anointings, blessings, sensings, processions, & the devil & all of such beggeryes. For all the people since Christ's ascension hath this Rome infected with her pestilent poisons gathered from all Idolatrous nations such time as she held over them the monarchial suppremit. And like as Babylon had the Israelites captive under a bodily tribute, so hath this Rome had the Christians both in their bodies & souls. At the writing of this prophecy felt john of their cruelty being exiled into Pathmos an isle of Licia, for the faithful testimony of jesu. And so did I poor creature with my poor wife & children at the gathering of this present commentary flying into Germamye for the same. 5 No marvel though she be here called a great whore. For no where were ever yet seen so many Idol worshipinges, so many vain observations, so many superstitious sects, so many errors in hypocrisy, so many false prophets, and so many prodigious kinds of filthiness, no, not in Sodom itself, nor yet in miserable Egypt. 6 This Babilonysh whore or disguised synagogue of shorelings, sitteth upon many waters or people's that are fantastical, fickle or foolish. For none are in conscience subject unto her, that are constantly grounded in the sure doctrine of faith, only alloweth, her traditions the wavering witted multitude, the slipper and unsteadfast number, obeying them in their hearts, of fear & not of love, so throwing themselves into a most confuse Chaos or vault of double dotage. 7 With this stinking strumpet have the mighty potentates of the universal earth, the Emperors, Kings, Princes, and other notable governors committed most shameful whoredom in the spirit by many strange worshippings, agreeing among themselves to her wickedly decreed laws & customs. To long should we stand here in this place, if we should describe them all severally in their colours at large as they be. 8 Through the crafty legerdimaine of the priests on the one side, & the cruel constitutions of Princes on the other side, the dwellers of the earth or worldly minded multitude are drunken with the wine of her fornication spiritual, or practised worshippings besides the prescript rules of God's word. Not only they which have been covetous, carnal, lewd, & wretched hath followed their abominations, but also an innumerable sort of the elect number hath believed their lies and errors. Yea, they have been so dazed with their dotages, & so tangeled with their customs, that as men losing their wits without all godly remembrance, reason, wisdom, discretion, understanding, judgement, & grace, the laws of God laid apart, the commandements neglected and the scriptures despised, they have not only kneeled, crossed, kissed, set up lights, & held up their hands before rotten posts, but also called them their fathers in heaven. Yea (I axe God mercy a thousand times) I have been one of them myself. And this is to this day a principal religion of the whorish Church, called devout pilgrimage or holy stations of prayer, many great pardons granted & many false promises made to allure the people thereunto. 9 But blessed be the Lord, whose word in this age both admonished many as the Angel did john, and brought, them also clean from her abominations, into a secret consideration of the spirit, unknown to the world, there both to see her pride and also to understand her judgement. For it followeth in the text, that the Angel conveyed john away into the wilderness in the spirit. 10 In mystery here the holy Ghost declared afore what the Lord should work in men having his grace at the latter days of the world. Into the wilderness flee they with David, which leaving the customed ways of men, after the course of the scriptures seek up their Lord God in faith, worshipping him only in spirit and in verity. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw a woman sit upon, 2. a rose coloured beast, 3. full of names of blasphemy, 4. which had seven heads and ten horns. 5. And the woman was arrayed, 6. in purple and rose eolour, 7. & decked with gold, precious stone & pearls, 8. & had a cup of gold in her hand, 9 full of abominations, 10. & filthiness of her whoredom. 11. And in her fotehead was a name written. 12. A mystery, 13. Great Babylon the mother of whoredom & abominations of the earth, 14. And I saw the wife drunken with the blood of saints, & with the blood of the witnesses of jesu. 15. And when I saw her, 16. I wondered with great marvel. The Pharaphrase. 1 And I saw (saith Saint john) in mystery a woman (for an whore at the first bloush seemeth only a woman) sitting upon a rose coloured beast. This beast is the great Antichrist that was spoken of afore, or the beastly body of the devil, comprehending in him Popes, patriarchs, Cardinals, Legates, Bishops, Doctors, Abbots, Priors, priests and Pardoners, monks, Canons, Friar's, Nuns, & so forth. Temporal governors also, as Emperors, Kings, Princes, dukes, Earls, Lords, justices, Deputies, judges, Lawyers, Maiers, bailiffs Constables, & so forth, leaving their own dutied offices as to minister rightly, to serve their abominations. 2 All rose coloured is this beast, in token of tyrannous murder & blodshedding over those that will not agree to their divillishnesse. 3 Full of blasphemous names is this beast also, as your holiness, your grace, your Lordship, your fatherhood, your mastership, your reverence, honour, highness, worship, magnificence, goodness, God's vicar, spiritual sir, ghostly father, physician of souls, defender of faith, head of the holy church, and so forth, besides the names of their properties, feats, and pageants, as procession, bishoping, aneling, purgatory, pilgrimage, pardon, mass, matins, evensong, placebo, Candelmasse day, Palm sunday, ash wednesday, holy rood day, S. Thomas day, & so forth. 4 This beast had seven. heads and ten horns, signifying his universal crafts and suggestions to destroy the graces and gifts of the holy Ghost, and also his falsely borrowed primacies & tyrannous authorities to withstand the commandments of God. 5 Upon this beast sitteth a woman. For what else advanceth or beareth out this malignant muster in their copes, crosses, oils, miters, robes, relics, ceremonies, vygiles, holy days, blessings, sensings, and foolings, but a wanton foolish and fantastical religion, a vain glorious pomp, and a shining pretence of holiness in superstition, (calling it their holy church). She is said here to sit upon this bloody beast, as to be stayed, quieted, and settled by them. Mark what labours and pains that crafty and wily Winchester taketh with Bonner, Tonstall and other of his fashion, as her own sworn soldiers to hold up this glorious whore in her old estate of romish religion. Oh he grunteth and groaneth, he sweateth & swelleth, he fretteth and belleth, he bloweth & panteth, calketh and canteth, he stirreth & never ceaseth, to bring his matters to pass. 6 In token that this hypocritical church standeth in the murder of innocents, this woman is here gloriously appareled in purple, as guilty of their deaths which hath been slain, and also in fresh scarlet as evermore fresh & ready to continued in the same bloodshedding. For if such tirrible slaughter were not, the true christian faith should increase, to the great diminishment of her glory. 7 She is in like case florishingly decked with gold, precious stone, and pearls, not only in her manifold kinds of ornaments, as in her copes, corporasses, chesibles, tunicles, stools, fannous and miters, but also in mystery of counterfeit godliness. Many outward brags maketh this painted church of Christ of his Gospel, and of his Apostles, signified by the gold, precious stone, & pearls, which is but a glittering colour. For nothing mindeth she less than to follow them in conversation of living. 8 Moreover in her hand which is her exterior ministration, she hath a golden cup, full of abominations and filthiness of her execrable whoredom. This cup is the false religion that she daily ministereth, besides the chalice whom her merchants most damnably abuseth. And it containeth all doctrine of devils, all beastly errors and lies, all deceitful power, all glittering works of hypocrites, all crafty wisdom of the flesh, & subtle practices of man's wit, besides philosophy, logic, rhetoric, and sophistry, Yea, all prodigious kinds of Idolatry, fornication, sodometry, and wickedness. outwardly it seemeth gold, pretending the glory of God, ●he holy name of Christ, the sacred scriptures of the Bible, perpetual virginity of life, and all are but counterfeit colours & shadows of hypocrisy in the outward letter and name. 9 Full of abominations is the drink of the execrable faith of that Romish religion received of other, & full of filthiness also, for both retaineth the people thereof innumerable kinds of Idol worsippinges under the title of God's service, and also their shavelings of prodigious beastliness in lecherous living under the colour of chastity. Here were much to be spoken of saint germans evil, saint Scythes key, saint Uncombers oats, master john shorns boat, saint Gertrudes rats, saint Jobe for the pox, saint Fyacre for ague, saint apoline for tooth ache, saint Graciane for lost thrift, saint Walston for good harvest, S. Cornelis for the foul evil & all other saints else almost. 10 Of the buggery boys also among prelate's & pristes, Gohstly fathers & religious, might much be said here, were it not for infecting men's eyes, ears & understandings. For all these noiful nocuments are the holy fruits of the whoredom of the holy whorish Chuche. 11 In the forehead of this glittering whore, which is her outward show, is written a name, expressly declaring what she is. By her ungodly fruits is she known to the elect servants of god, having the light of the scriptures. In their consiences appeareth she none other than a pestiferous whore, by the judgements of the same. 12 A very mystery is this show to the infidels, an hidden secret, an unknown wonder. For they are so blinded with her foppryes & tangled with her toys, that they judge all that she doth, holy, religious, and perfect. And all this suffereth God for their unbeleves sake, destroying nevertheless the wisdom of the wise and prudence of the prudent in his. 13 Her very name agreeing to her fruits, is this. Great Babylon, in mischief far above the city of the Chaldeans, and much more full of confusion. For she is the original mother, the cause, the beginning, the root, the spring, and the fountain of all spiritual fornications, and in a manner of all fleshly abominations also done upon the earth. This is to the faithful sort, as a written name of her, evident, clear, open, and manifest. But to the unfaithful it is only as a mystery, hidden, dark, obscure, and neclect. For so are the secrets that God openeth to babes, & hideth from the wise. 14 And I (saith john) perceived it evidently in my fore understanding, that this woman the very wife of the devil and of his beastly body (for the byssh●ps are the husbands of their romish churches) was all drunken in the bloody slaughter of the Saints, or earnest christian believers and in the exceeding tyrannous murder of the faithful witnesses of jesus, or sincere preachers of his word. For neither of both she spareth. Besides all Godly wisdom is she, and forgetful of her self, through this same bloody drunkenness, so great excess hath she taken. 15 And when I perceived and saw her with all her adders whelps so beastyshe (saith saint john) with exceeding wonder I marveled. Not only that she was thus overset with blood, drinking, or outrageous murdering of inocentes, but also of her exceeding great abominations. 16 And most of all I wondered that the almighty God could with so much patience suffer her in such mischief. The text. 1 And the Angel said unto me. 2. Wherefore merueilest thou?. 3. I will show thee, the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that beareth her, which hath seven heads and ten horns. 4. The beast that thou seest, was 5. And is not. 6. And shall ascend out of the bottomless pit. 7. And shall go into perdition. 8. And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder 9 (whose names are not written in the book of life from the beginning of the world). 10. when they behold the beast that was, and is not. The Paraphrase. 1 And as I was thus with myself marveling, the Angel or afore named decree of the Lord said unto me these words. 2 Wherefore dost thou thus marvel, thou mortal man? 3 For thy gentle and meek expectation I shall show unto thee, the mystery of this wretched woman, and of the cruel beast that beareth her, which hath seven heads and ten horns. By this shalt thou know the true church from the ●alse, the just preachers from the hypocrites, the sincere doctrine from their subtle sophisms, & their lawful authority from their cruelly usurped presumtions. For that showeth the Lord unto his elects, that he will not have known of all men. 4 The execrable beast or carnal kingdom of Antichrist which thou hast seen here in mystery, was as concerninng his beginning in Cain first of all, & so continue forth in the fleshly children of men, in the chaplains of Pharaoh, Hieroboam, Baal and Bel, in the cruel bishops, priests, and lawyers with such other like till the death of Christ and so forth. 5 And now the said beast is not in power and authority as he hath been. For in john's time, certain years before the writing of this revelation, was the proud clergy of the jews utterly destroyed by Titus and Uespasian, in the terrible siege of Jerusalem. Notwithstanding, yet shall this beast rise again in the romish Pope and Mahomet and in their false prelate's and doctors. 6 He shall ascend out of the bottomless pit from the stinking den of sathan, exalting himself in worship above all that is called God. But in the conclsivon he shall have an end. 7 Into perdition shall he go without fail. The Lord shall first utter his wickedness (as now in this age) and than with the spirit of his mouth consume him and destroy him. So that his high climbing up, shall at the last be the chief cause of his fall. Yet shall his wicked remnant once again set up their Christ's, & persecute a fresh, but that shallbe no full raise unto him. 8 And the rabble of reprobates, which dwell on the earth, or for earthly commodities contemneth God's truth, shall wonder once again not without much inward rejoice, that their Church riseth again out of the old hipocrisyes. 9 Whose names are not registered in Christ, which is the large book of life, and hath been both the life & the light of men since the first constitution of the movable world. No, they are not numbered among those righteous that shall reign with him in glory. 10 These adversaries of God and his word shall have much gladness in their wicked hearts, when they behold the beast thus coming up again that was of such magnificence, and now is but a thing of nought, that was esteemed above GOD, and now is proved damnation. So long is this beastly antichrist, as he worketh the mystery of iniquity in the reprobate vessels, and when he leaveth that working than is he no longer. Mark in this process past the nature of GOD'S eternal decree for this age of his Church. first it showeth and than it condemneth the cursed synagogue of the devil. In signification whereof the true preachers of our time have manifestly opened her wickedness unto all the world, whereupon her utter destruction must shortly follow. Watch good Christian Reader, and pray earnestly. THE TEXT. 1 And here is a mind that hath wisdom 2. The seven heads are seven mountains. 3. Whereon the woman sitteth. 4. They are also seven kings 5 Five are fallen. 6, And one is. 7. And the other is not come. 8. When he cometh, he must continue a space. 9 And the beast that was and is not, is even the eight. 10. And is one of the seven. 11. And shall go into destruction. The Paraphrase. 1 Here is a meaning which comprehendeth wisdom. A sincere understanding shall herein be requisite. Necessary it is therefore to take heed, lest thou hold the harlot and beast for that they boast themselves, to be, to thy damnation. 2 The seven heads of the beast aforemencioned, by the plain definition of the holy ghost are here to be taken for seven mountains, or the universal princely monarchies of the vij climates of the world. 3 Upon these the woman that Babylonish harlot Rome (from whom hath issued all spiritual whoredom) in most proud manner sitteth, having over them a universal dominion. For in john's time, to Rome was all the world subject. Onder whose cruel reign was Christ done to death, so hath his faithful members been ever since by a new raised kingdom in the same. 4 These heads are also, seven, kings or governors of the aforesaid monarchies sedused by a kinds of crafty errors and devilish suggestions of that beast. So that if ye mark well this place, the head with the tail and the cause with his effect, in these present significations shall no prejudice be found to that hath been said in the other, though they seem very divers. For both the governors and also the lands, or the people's subject unto them have universally been blinded by their wily wichcrafts. And so have the worldly potentates with the spiritual Antichristes agreed that both they have usurped one malignant meddling over the souls of men to corrupt their faith, the princes applying their powers unto the same. And that causeth the holy ghost here to call them the beasts heads under the title of mountains and kings. For under their princely authorities have all their mischiefs been fulfilled to uphold this whore against Christ & his word. 5 Fy●e of these heads are fallen from the universal monarchy of Rome. All the dominions of Africa and Asia hath renounced the obedience of her Empire. Only cleaveth Europa unto her which is the least of the three, and yet not all thereof. When the Papacy grew, the whole Empire of the Greeks called Constantinople, fell clean from the Latins, and became with other diverse Monarchies, the possession of Mahomet's sect, or of the Agarenes and Turks. Of the other Empires may a like conjecture be had. Thus have they declined from her, not so going forth nor yet rising up unto Christ, for only is it said here, that they were fallen. 6 And one head is (saith the text) at this present time remaining, the other head is not come as yet, but will come hereafter. This head remaining is the sixth, and it is that feeble Empire that Rome now holdeth and have holden since john's time. The power of this Empire is ●uenously diminished, and the notable fame thereof decayed betwixt the Popish prelate's and the Frenchmen, a great part of the lands becoming saint Peter's patrimony. To make it a fit head of the beast to the up holding of this whorish church (the authority thereof maintaining her laws) Gregory the fift pope committed the emperors choosing unto vi. princes of Germany three of them being Archbishops. He appointed also the King of Bohem for the seventh, then being tributary unto him and his own feed man as an odd person to way upon their sides if need, place, and time should require it. Provided always that he should take his oath and receive his crown Imperial at Rome. So that now though it still be the same in title that it was in john's days, yet is it so divers from it through diminishment of power, and so unlike in outward magnificence, as it never had been the same. 7 The seventh head that is not yet come, is the papistical kingdom of our romish spiritualti, for therefore appeared nothing in john's time, nor yet more than v. hundred years after it. The Bishops of Rome (as they call them) from peter to Silvester, were very poor souls, simple creatures, & men not regarded but despised of the world. They were no new law makers for the more part, but rather they gave their whole diligence to see those laws observed whom the holy ghost had made to their hands. Neither were they any mass saiers, soul singers, or procession goers, but as was S. Paul with the other Apostles, simple preachers only, and for their sincere preaching, they suffered the death of their bodies. But after the donation of Constantine and other plenteous almses committed unto their hands for the succour of the poor, they became all confessers, and took them to their ease at home. Then was labour very tedious unto them preaching veri troublous & painful. Then studied they all to please the powers peacablye to hold s●yll their pleasant possessions, and by spiritual policies to increase them more & more, the poor in a manner forgotten. Then came in that holy ceremony, and that with latin hours, serving of saints, and praying for the dead, to provoke men to offer to Corban. Thus crept they up in hypocrisy day by day, till such time as john of Constantinople contended with Gregory of Rome for the supre●●●e. In the which contention though Gregory laid for himself saint. Peter's keys with many other sore arguments, and reasons, yet was he commanded by Maurcius the Emperor after the general Synod to obey the said John, as the universal head bishop of the whole world. Then were these holy fathers compelled to tarry a leisure, and under crafty colours to wait their prey. In process of time when Phocas was Emperor. Bonifacius the iii, a man of wil● practise, perceiving him much to be given to vain glory & covetousness, greatly also to disallow the acts of Mauricius his predecessor, thorough flattery and meed obtained of him that the church of Rome should be holden from thence forth for the head church of the world, and he for the head bishop. When this was once gotten, than rose they up so high that the Emperor became their foot stool, and all other christian princes their waiting slaves, to ride and run, make and mar strive and fight, slay and kill, at their commandment and pleasure. Thus became the Romish Pope the seventh King, that was in john's time yet to come. If the mark in the Chronicles (good Reader) thou shalt find that Phocas the first Pope maker slew his master the Emperor Mauricius, signifying in mystery the said Pope making to be an utter destruction to the Empire. The Pope's name was also at that time Bonifacius, which is as much to say as Bonafacies, a good face. Which betokeneth that this new raised kingdom should show a fair face evermore, or a shining pretence of holiness, what mischief so ever it wrought, either against God or man in abominable superstition. 8 And when this seventh King cometh (saith the text) he must continue a space, or abide a little season. He must have a time by the permission of God, strongly to delude the unbelievers, which will neither see nor hear, read nor yet thankfully receive his word of salvation, so graciously offered them. So corrupt are the fleshly affects of men, that much more prone they are to lies & superstitions, than to the verity of the Lord, which is to be lamented. Christ came first in the name of his heavenly father, but him will they nor receive. The Pope cometh in his own wicked name and to him run they by heaps. Whose continuance here hath been but a time. For yet is it not a thousand years since the Papacy first began under Phocas, which is but as a day before God, and that day will he shorten by his own promise for his elects sake, which to remember is their great comfort. And a great cause why. For soon after that, shall they be fully restored into the persight number of the children of God. 9 And the execrable beast (saith the text) that of late days was in authority over all the world, yea sitting above God in the consiences of men, and now is become of no reputation among men (God opening his mischiefs) is even the eight in number. And yet nevertheless is one of the seven. heads. For both is he the beastly body itself comprehending in him the universal abominations of all the earthly kingdoms. And in that point divers from the seven heads and so the viii in number. 10 And also he is one of the vii heads and the seventh in numbered, in usurping this proud worldly kingdom, thus after a vain temporal sort. Over and besides all this may he also be called the eight in the cursed remnant which after the peaceable silence of christian liberty (sathan loosoned) shall most cruelly persecute Christ's congregation a fresh, as in the xx. chapter here following will appear. 11 This beast with his carriage, the Antichrist with his church, or sathan wish his synagogue, shall not only go into destruction here by the mighty breath of God's mouth, or the true preaching of his Gospel, but also into damnation everlasting in the end of the world with the devil and his Angels. THE TEXT. 1 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings 2. Which have not yet received the kingdom. 3. But shall receive power 4. As Kings. 5. At one hour with the Beast. 6. These have one mind. 7. And shall, give their power and strength unto the beast 8. These shall fight with the lamb. 9 And the Lamb shall overcome them. 10. For he is Lord of all Lords. 11. And King of all Kings. 12. And they that are on his side. 13. Are called, the chosen, and faithful. The Paraphrase. 1 And the ten horns (saith the Angel unto john) which thou sawest here up on the heads of this rose coloured beast, are in signification x. Kings. Some hath taken these ten Kings for all those Emperors of the Latins since charlemain, which have sworn themselves obedient to the bishop of Rome. Some have thought them to be those Princes which here in Europa have aforetime been subject to the Empire of Rome. As the Kings of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Castele, Denmark, scotland, Ungary, Boheme and Naples. But these consider not that they be yet more in number, as Aragone, Naverre, Cicile, Cypress, Sardine, Swethen, Pole, and such other, and are all included in the seven heads as members of the afore rehearsed Empires. Neither mark they that they are above the heads, as horns, and more in number then the heads, betokening a rygorus authority and fierce power, which they proudly usurp over them every where. Afore they were but suggestions, but here are they earnest doers. For in every region hath the beastly antichrist of Rome his metropolitans & primates▪ As in England are Caunterbury an● York, in France, Thuronensis, and Remensis, in Spain, Tholetanus & Terraconensis, in Portugal Hispalensis & Bracarensis, in Ireland Armachanus & Dubliniensis, in Denmark Lundensis and Upsalensis, in Germany Coloniensis & Maguntinus, in Hungary Strigoniensis and Colocensis, in italy Pisanus & Ravennas, in Sicyle Panormitanus & Messanences, with an infinite number of bishops, prelate's, pristes, & religions, besides the fight orders of the Rhodes, the Prussianes, the Redemers of captives, the Aragondes, the Georgianes called de Alga, the Monteseanes, the Castilianes, the Lusitaneanes, the Calatraneanes, & S. james warriors. 2 These had not yet at the time received the divillish kingdom of pestilnce usurpation over the souls of men. For though in john's days arose certain Antichristes, as Hebion, Cerinthius, Diotrephes, Carpocras, and such like, yet were they nothing to these. 3 But now in deed they have received the self same authority & power with the beast, that he took afore of the Dragon, in manner of kings to rule in the hearts and consciences of men to his behove. 4 For so much as their authority, is not of God like as is the authority of Kings, it is said here as kings, or as men counterfeiting them, in usurping a governance not freely given them of God, but of the Devil. 5 All at one hour received they this authority with the beast. And that (I suppose) was in the great general counsel of Laterane at Rome, gathered under the title to recover Jerusalem again. Where as confession in the eare was cruelly extorted of christian people under the pain of death & damnation by the whole consent both of the princes, & bishops, at the former suggestion of Innocent the third, besides other wicked things. As to hear latin service, to go on procession on sundays, to pray unto dead saints, to ●orship Images, to buy masses for the dead, to ●ast the fridays, with purgatory, pardons, merits, & friars orders. In the said counsel became the Metropolitans as kings, and by the authority thereof appointed they their Stewards, Balives, & other officers, as bishops, curates, & parish priests to have ever & charge of souls, and in the said ear confession to receive their accounts. 6 These counterfeit kings are all of on devilish mind, practice, & purpose against God and his verity. 7 And fully they are fixed to give their whole power, their study, & their strength unto the behoof of the beast. Not according to God's mind will they rule, but all after his will & pleasure, agreeing always unto him as members to their head, to serve wickedness after wickedness in Babylon. His Popish decres will they seek, his devilish decretales will they follow, his ceremonials will they observe, and nothing of the sacred scriptures. What learning so ever they have? what gifts of nature, fortune, or grace, all must be to the maintenance of his fantastical fopperis. To him are they sworn to do him homage, to obey his laws, to kiss his feet, & for his glorious sake to persecute his gospel. 8 And in so doing they shall fight with the lamb, which is jesus Christ. They shall impunge his truth when they think to do him service. For that mischief they do to one of his, they do to his own person. 9 But be they never so dogged, yet ●hal the Lamb overcome them in his faithful members, yea, by patient sufferance only. The victory (saith S. john) which overcometh the world, is a sure christian faith. Upon their ●ide fighteth he which is most mighty and strong, yea, the Lord that is valiant in battle. And he shall first overcome them in this life with the mighty breath of his mouth, scattering them away as dust from the earth. And after this shall his tirrible judgement for ever condemn them. 10 For he is by the authority given him of his father, the Lord of all Lords, and by his own eternal Godhead the King of all Kings, having all power in heaven and in earth. He is constitute judge of the quick and the dead, having alone the everlasting Empire with his father and the holy Ghost, and of his kingdom shall never be an end. 11 By his permission doth all kings reign, he hath their hearts in his hand and judgeth their thoughts. Both may he give them his spirit, and also take it from them, and of his enemies he shall make his footstool. He is the same ●●one after Daniel that without any hands was cut out of the mount, which breaketh the Iron, the copper, the earth, the silver, and the Gold in pieces. By whom are meant the universal kingdoms of this world. 12 Of this his victory are all they partners with him, which are upon his side by faith. Most specially those true servants of his, which after they are called by grace and chosen by faith, persever still constant, fervent, faithful, and sure in his verity to the latter end of their lives. 13 Not only the Lamb therefore shall overcome the beast, but they also after the doctrine of Paul that are called and chosen in him not falling from his truth for any temptation or grief, but standing fast by it unto the very death. For those that the Lord hath prefixed afore he hath called, justified, and allowed. These advanceth not themselves with the proud, but meekly they submit their crowns, referring all victory to the lamb, as men that could have done nothing in y● behalf without him. THE TEXT. 1 And he said unto me. 2. The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, 3. are people and folk, and nations, and tongues. 4. And the ten horns, which thou sawest upon the beast, 5. are they which shall hate the whore, 6. and shall make her desolate, & naked, 7. and shall eat her flesh, 8. and burn her with fire. 9 For God hath put in their hearts, to fulfil his will, 10. and to do with one consent, 11. for to give her kingdom unto the beast, 12. until the words of God be fulfilled. 13. And the woman which thou sawest, is the great city, 14. which reigneth over the kings of the earth. The Paraphrase. 1 And after this long communication (saith Saint john) the afore said Angel said thus unto me, to make up his tale with. 2 The wavering waters which thou sawest here now of late in mystery, where as the Babylonish whore sitteth upon the rose coloured beast, are in signification all manner of peoples of the carnal nations, and the superstitious folk of many sundry tongues. 3 Not only in one place of the world ruleth this wanton religion of antichrist, but in every land, in every dominion, in every company, among all occupations & languages. The foolish multitude every where, being blinded by their subtle sorceries, and neither having faith nor yet the fear of God before their eyes, as a raging flood (the banks broken down) runneth headlings into all blasphemy and divillishnesse. 4 Moreover the afore named, ten horns (sayeth the Angel) which thou by the will of God beholdest here in spirit, upon the said beast of destruction, are those very people which also shall hate the whore. Her abominations once known by the Gospel preaching, they shall abhor her laws, despise her authority, & contemn her customs. They shall defeat her of those lands & possessions which now she unjustly holdeth. 5 They that afore were her friends shall then be her mortal enemies, denying her both tribute, obedience, & service, so leaving her without all comfort. Not only are these the temporal governors, as the King of England, the King of Denmark, the Duke of Saxon, the Landgrave of Hesse, and other Princes of Germany, with such other as will here after follow the same principles, but also the metropolitans and bishops, the Doctors and Prelates. As are already Thomas Cranmere the archbishop of Caunterbury, Hermanus de Weda the Archbishop of Coleyn, Godrick the Bishop of Hely, Barlow the bishop of Saint David's, Bird the Bishop of Chester. Thurleby bishop of Westminster, Hugh Latimer & Nicolas Shaxton of late years Bishop of Worcester and Salisbury, with such other like as will here after follow their trade. Though they were afore the horns of the beast for defence of the whore, yet are they now fallen from him, & more shall every day to make her desolate of honour, and naked of rents and possessions. 6 So shall they chase that Babylonish harlot Rome with their preachers, that neither shall they leave her colour nor yet beauty. Consider what john Reuclin, Martin Luther, Erasmus, Ocolampadious, Zwinglius, Pomeran, Bucer, Capito, Melanthon, Grineus, Caluinou, Brencius, Frances Lamberte, Bullinger and such other hath done against her already. Likewise here in Eingland, Bilnee, Tindale, Frith, Barnes, Cromwell, Coverdale, Turner, Gorge joy, Rose, Ridley, Ward, Becon, and other else leaving her neither Relics nor Robes, sects nor Shrines, Abbeys nor Priores, many more coming after them of the same sort. These shall make her so desolate that no man shall in proses of time regard her. They shall leave her so naked, that all the world shall abhor her that shall look upon her. Yea, in the conclusion they shall eat her flesh. 7 Besides the taking away of her carnal prophites and plesuers, they shall confound her fleshly understanding of the scriptuers, & utterly consume the superfluous observations of her whorish ceremonies. 8 Finally with fire shall they burn her, in bringing unto nought all her abominable rules, customs, and kinds of idolatry. All these once plucked away by the evident word of God, no longer shall this harlot appear. For no longer continueth the whore, than the whoredom is in price. Take away the rites and ceremonies, the jewels and ornaments, the Images and lights, the lordships and fatherhodes, the altars and masses, with the Bishops and Priests, and what is their holy whorish church any more? Not only is this flesh eating and buring declared now a days in outward experiments, as in the rebellious Monks and Priests of England, and in them that arose there in the North, specially in friar Forest and Margarete Cheny, which were for their church consumed, like as were Baales chaplains at the broke of Cison by Helyas, but also mystically in that is spoken of her afore. 9 For God hath (saith the Angel) all blindness secluded, put it into the hearts of those and such other godly men by the infusion of his spirit, to fulfil his decreed will & pleasure in this behalf, as utterly to destroy the popish religion or filthy abominations of Antichrist. 10 He hath given it them moreover to do these things to his glory, through the agreement of faith that they have in the unity of his godly truth, to the abolishment of all sects, false prophets, & conjurers of egypt. 11 Finally by his grace he hath moved them through knowledge of his word to tender up her blasphemous kingdom (whom sometime of ignorance they usurped) unto the malignant beast again, as the horns of his pestilent heads. After this sort did good Latimer & Shaxton give over their bishoprics, & so have divers other godly men their promotions & livings, as many more yet here after will do. 12 For as they have begun so shall they continued in diminishing the abominations of this whorish church, till the words and promises of God by his Apostles and Prophets, which can never fail, be wholly fulfilled in effect, and till his last judgement do finish all. But thus do not all they which have done of the yoke of the Pope's obedience▪ or blotted out his name. For the greater number of them retaineth still the blasphemous observations & ceremonies of his Romish religion, some making new laws of death for the establishment of the same, as is in England the act of the uj Articles with divers other more. And for this remaineth here still the beast as receiving the rendered kingdom of the whore. In whom is also comprehended the wicked remnant that shall work the last mischief, whom the Lord shall end with his said judgement. This beast is not without his lively Image still working the same féetes that himself wrought afore, though his head be grievously wounded in divers quarters of the world. Neither is he without crafty physicians, to minister life to the same. Who ever forswore the Pope more earnestly, than did Stokislye and Samson, Gardyner and Tunstall, Wylson and friar Wattes, with such other holy prelates, yet labour they tooth and nail to have Babylon still Babylon, Sodom Sodom, and Egypt Egypt. But marvel not of the ordinance of the Lord, which all at on time provided Moses to guide his people & yet hardened Pharaoh against them which sent his son jesus Christ to save them, and yet suffered the pristes to murder him, considering he is the potter which maketh both the vessels of honover and dishonour. 31 Brifly to conclude the whole of this matter (saith the angel) the gorious aparreled woman, or glittering church of Antichrist, which thou sawest here of late in mystery, is also in recemblance the great city Babylon, the mother of all the spiritual abominations & Idolatries done upon the earth. For like as from Zion hath the lave comen forth & the word of god from Hieruselen, so hath issw●d forth from this Babylonish Rome such a false religion into Emperors, princes, & peoples, as with filthy superstitions hath poisoned all the world. 14 For a kingdom she hath over the kings or noble governors of the earth, a false power, a usurped authority & a seat of very pestilence. Alas for pity that so worthy potentates should be in subjection to so stinking an whore, to so vile an harlot, being so the servants of sin and captive slaves to all wickedness, from the which the Lord once deliver them. Amen. Thus endeth the second part. The Contents of the second part. THe xj. Chap. beginneth wherein john measureth the Temple, the Altar, and them that worship therein. The two witnesses do their appointed offices, the beast making war against them and slaying them. A great Earthquake followeth, and the second woe is past. The xii. Chapter beginneth wherein the seventh Angel bloweth his trumpet. In heaven appeareth a woman all clothed with the sun, whom the Dragon diversly vexeth. Mychaell fighteth with the Dragon and overcometh him. The woman flieth into the wilderness and there is preserved. The xiii. Chapter beginneth wherein a beast riseth out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns, receiving authority of the Dragon. One of his heads is wounded and healed again. another beast cometh out of the earth with ii horns, which deceiveth the earthly dwellers, and raiseth up an Image like unto the beast. In the end is counted the number of the beast. The xiiij Chapter beginneth wherein the Lamb standeth upon the mount Zion, and the undefiled congregation with him. An Angel showeth the everlasting Gospel, an other declareth the fall of the great whore. An other is commanded with his sikle to cut down the grapes of the vineyard. The xu Chap. beginneth, wherein john seeth the seven Angels, having the seven last plagues of the wrath of God. On the glassy sea standeth men having the haps of God, & they sing the song of Moses, and the song of the lamb. The tabernacle of testimony is seen in heaven. The xvi Chapter beginneth, where in the seven Angels power out their vials of gods wrath. The first upon the earth. The second upon the sea. The third upon the rivers. The fourth upon the sun. The fift upon the seat of the beast. The vj. upon the great flood Euphrates. And the seventh into the air. The xvij. Chapter beginneth, wherein an Angel showeth unto john the judgement of the great whore, which sitteth upon the beast. He discrybeth both her and the beast at large. Finally he showeth the meaning both of his heads and horns, with other great mysteries more. The poor persecuted church of christ, or immaculate spouse of the Lamb. Apoca. 12. The Dragon was wroth with the woman which fled into the wilderness, and went and made war with the remnant of her seed, which kept the commandment of god and have the testimone of jesus Christ. The proud painted Church of the Pope, or sinful synagogue of Satan. Apoca. 17. I saw woman sit upon a Rose coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, decked with gold, precious stone, and pearls, with whom the Kings of the earth committed whoredom, and the inhabiters of the earth are drunken with the wine of her fornication. ¶ THE third part of the Image of both churches, after the most wonderful and heavenly revelation of saint jehn the Evangelist. etc. Compiled by john Bale. Apoca 1. ¶ I John your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom of patience which is in Christ jesus, was in the isle of Pathmos for the word of God. A small Preface unto the Christian Reader. FOr so much as this Image of both churches, or exposition upon S. john's apocalypsis, seemed unto me (as it came unto the printing) to be far to much for one volume. I thought to divide it by equal portions into three small books, as I have now done in deed. Of whom the first containeth x. Chapter, the second seven. & the third v. only, which maketh out the whole number of the xxii. Some peradventure will marvel, that the smaller number of the chapters should comprehend so much of that commentary as the greater number. But if they mark in the text, the abounding of mysteries evermore as the matter thereof aboundeth, they will soon leave their marveling. The nature of this revelation is, the further it goeth, the more wonders it showeth & openeth unto him that after prayer shall in faith read it and deserve it. Never therein are the principles well perceived, till the conclusion thereupon following doth plainly with the other scriptures conferred, declare them. In these v. last chapters are the two churches (whereupon resteth the whole argument of this book) fully by all dew circumstances described, them turned over into a most fearful and terrible destruction, under title of the old whorish Babylon, the other obtaining a most glorious raise, under the name of the holy new Jerusalem. In the xvij● Chapter is that execrable church of antichrist with her filthy wares and occupings painted out hereof the holy Ghost, & with her most horrible fall in the end, her worldly favours showing great heanies, and the servants of God an exceeding raise. In the xix Chapter is that reyoice of elect number over the tirryble judgements of that whore much more highly described, the death of Christ's holy witnesses most plentyously revenged, and how the Angel in no case will of john be worshipped. In the twenty Chapter is the dragon tied up for a thousand years, the chosen sort reigning with Christ. Gog and Magog gather them to battle, and are overcomen. The dead after that ariseth and receiveth judgement. In the xxi. Chapter is the church of the chosen or the new Jerusalem prepared to to her spouse. That city cometh down from heaven, and is of the holy ghost here, after most wonderful circumstances in her right proportion described. In the xxii. Chapter, the river of living waters proceedeth from the throne of God. john sealeth up the sayings of this prophecy. Christ concludeth what his kingdom is, and who shall be thereunto received, admonishing that unto his word nothing be added of men in pain of damnation. Some hateful and ungodly blasphemers there are and ever hath been, which will in no wise this Book to be of equal authority with the other scriptures of Christ's testament. But damnably wretched 〈◊〉 are they, in the vain imaginations of their sinful h●rts. The most high theology and secret wisdom of God the eternal father, is the blessed doctrine there of, given unto his only son in our humanity and after that of him so committed unto john by the holy ghost to be distributed & taught by him to the universal christian congregation, which is a most sufficient argument of the authority thereof, what so ever mad Momus shall quarrel to the contrary. james Faber Stapulensis in his preface prefixed to the works of Dionise the Ariopagyt, doubted never a deal to prefer this heavenly prophesy to all the other writings of the other Apostles, confessing that in worthiness, it far passed them all the due circumstances there of considered. The more nigher (saith he) the light be to the sun, the more strength it hath, and the more clearness it ministereth unto men. But Momus hath not yet done away the mad mists of his monkery, nor yet the dark dregs of his sophistry, which both are great blemishing uneo his eye sight. The wisdom of Plato, Homerus, & Cicero, availeth nothing in this. Aristotle & Virgil if they were alive, could herein do little or nothing. In estimably more maketh the poor fishers, learning to the understanding of these mysteries, them the proud painted eloquence or far set reasons of the philosophers. The Lord give us grace from the barn of his most plenteous scriptures to fetch the fat feeding of our feeble & hungry souls, that we may by them obtain his strength into the life everlasting. The third part of the Image of both churches, after the most wonderful & heavenly revelation of saint john the evangelist. Compiled by Ihhn Bale. The xviij. Chapter. Under the title of Babylon is here in this chapter following described the fearful judgement of the malignant church, with the ruinous fall of Antichrist and his kingdom, prefigured afore in Esay and Hiremye. THE TEXT. 1 And after that I saw an other angel. 2 Come down from heaven. 3. having great power. 4. And the earth was lightened with his brightness. 5, And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying. 6. She is fallen she is fallen. 7 Even great Babylon. 8. And is become the habitation of Devils, 9 And the hold of all foul spirits. 10. And a cage of all unclean and hateful birds. 11. For all nations have drunk of the wine. 12. of the wrath of her whoredom. 13. And the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her. 14. And her merchants are waxed rich. 15. of the abundance of her pleasures. The Commentary. 1 After these manifold visions (sayeth S. john) was I yet aware of an other angel or heavenly messenger▪ of the Lord, coming down from heaven, whnch is the habitacle of God. For from above all goodness cometh. This Angel betokeneth the faithful preachers of our age, and is all one with the Angel that had the seal of the living God in the seven. Chapter, with him that was clothed with a cloud in the x Chapter, and with him thai procllamed the fall of Babylon in the xiiii chapter. 2 In that he is said here to come down from heaven, is signified that they are sent 〈◊〉 God having great power, with constant ferventness of spirit, strongly to declare his will, to the utter destruction of the whore For like as the father hath life in himself, so hath his son jesus, and ●o hath in him his Godly ministers. 3 His power is an everlasting power, retaining both life and death. 4 With the brightness, not of this angel which was but a messenger, but of the power that was given unto him, was the universal earth abundantly lightened. Full is all the world of the glory of God, where as his word 〈…〉 his verity is once spread by the true Godly preachers. 5 In this strong power cr●ed he mightily & in this clear light was his earnest voice herd, uttering this sentence to the world. 6 She is fallen clean down that was so proud, she is turned over that was so glorious an whore, yea, even the great Babylon her self, or blasphemous church of the Hypocrites. 7 By the judgement of God is ●he brought to utter confusion. first ha● she a ●al by the death of Christ, when the prince of this world was thrown forth Mark the destruction of Jerusalem, where the church of the jews did cease, the material temple of Solomon, and clearly overthrown, not one stone upon an other, remaining. Now shall▪ she have an other much worse by the plain manifestation of his word, to the comfort of all his elects. And both are of one certainty though the one he pa●te and the other yet to come. Confer with this place the overthrow of the monasteries in England, Denmark, the free cities of Germany, & certain other regions, & think that more sorrows are yet coming. 8 These be the causes of her fall and occasions of her ruin before the Lord. She is become the filthy habitation of devils much more than before her first fa●l, for now they enter in by heaps, yea, seven for ●n afore. 9 Now is she the stinking hold of all unclean spirits. For there have all the kinds of Idolatry their earnest maintenance, by her spiritual occupiers the bishops, priests and religious. There reigneth Simony, Sacrilege, Usury, fraud, ambition, malice, gluttony, avarice, pride, filthiness, & all mischiefs beysde. 10 Now is she the corrupt cage of all unclean fowls, and hateful birds. For in her dwelleth the adulterous Cardinals, the buggery bishops, the prostibulous prelate's and priests, the Gomorreane monks, canons, friars, and nuns, an innumerable smarme of Sodomites. These doth Esay in similitude compare unto wild beasts, Dragons, Ostriches, dancing Apes, Owlets, Meremaides, and other audible monsters. For there is mocking and mowing, crying, and yelling crossing, and gaping, congering and cloyning, with many other feats. Here could I show wonderfully much by the histories of the stews of both kinds at Rome, of the profits received thereof, that occupying of Winchester's rents in England, of saint jews mantil in the grey friars of Paris, of the hollow pillar of our lords length in Lions, of the good Godly father that cons●uprated two hundred Nuns in his time, of the burying of infants in their ●akes, and of many other strange mysteries else, were it not for losing of the time and hindering men's consiences. 11 She is fallen, she is fallen (saith the Angel) and therefore be glad of 〈◊〉. For all nations of the world, a small simple number except (whom God hath preserved of his goodness) hath drunken of the wine of her whoredom. For not giving thanks unto God when causes hath been offered, they have fallen into most deep error. They have sought her sorceries with devotion, believed her doctrines, and so followed them in effect. 12 And therefore they shall taste of the wrath of God, or penalties due to that adultery of the spirit or vice of Idolatri ministered by her. I shall have no pity (saith the Lord) upon her children, for they are the children of fornication. 13 The mighty kings and Potentates of the earth, not having afore their eyes the love and fear of god, have committed with this whore most vile filthiness, abusing themselves by many strange or uncommanded worshippings, and binding themselves by oath to observe her laws and customs. At the examples, doctrines, counsels, and persuasions of her holy whoremongers have they broken the covenants of peace, battailed, oppressed, spoiled, ravished, tyrannously murdered innocents, yea, for vain foolish causes, & more vain titles, neither godliness nor honesty regarded, as though there were neither heaven nor hell, God nor accounts to be made. 14 And her mitred merchants, her shorn soldiers, her mass mongers, her soul sellers, and her mart brokers waxed very rich through the sale of her oils, cream, salt, water, bread, orders, hallowings, houselinges, ashes, palm, wax, frankincense, beads, crosses, candlesticks, copes, bells, organs, Images, relics, and other pedlary wares. 15 And are become very wealthy in the abundance of her pleasuers. They have gotten in unto them palaces and princely houses, fat pastors and parks, meadows and warrens, rivers and ponds, villages & towns, cities and whole provinces, with the devil and all else, besides other men's wives, daughters, maid servants, and children whom they have abominably corrupted. What profits they have drawn unto them also by the sale of great bishoprics, prelacies promotions, benefices, tot quoties, pardons, pilgrimages, confessions, and purgatory, besides the yearly rents, of cathedral churches, abbeys, Colleges, Covents, for suits and such other, it were unreasonable to tell. No pleasures are in the farthest part of the world, but they will have plenty of them Yet can they for the time preach unto other men contempt of the world, and commend both poverty and fasting. THE TEXT 1 And I hard an other voice from heaven, say. 2. Come away from her (my people). 3. That ye be not partakers in her sins. 4. Lest ye receive of her plagues. 5. For her sins are gone up to heaven. 6. And the Lord hath remembered her wickedness. 7. Reward her even as she rewauded you, 8. & give her double according to her works. 9 And power in double to her in the same cup, whirhe she filled unto you. 10. And as much as she glorified herself▪ and lived wanton. 〈◊〉 so much pour ye in for her of punishment and sorrow. The Commentary▪ 1 Besides all this (saith saint john) yet heard I an other voice from above, betokening an other moving of the spirit whereby the Godly ministers are taught of the Lord. And this was thereof the sweet warning. 2 Come away my people from that wicked Babylon with Esd●as, and from that stinking S●dome with Loth. Have no more to do with that whorish church. Forsake her false religion and defiled Sacraments. Refuse her wanton ceremonies, detest her superstition, leave her beggarly baggage. Meddle no more with those whoremongers, those Nicolaitanes, those Baalamits. Abhor their abominable studies, manners and life, repenting in heart all foolishness paste. Resort unto me (sayeth the Lord) all you that labour and are laden, and I shall ease you of your heavy burdens. 3 Submit yourselves no longer to the yoke of the infidels, but set yourselves at large, lest ye be partakers of her abominable sins, & to receive of her plagues, which is the great vengeance of god. Let it suffice you that hath been done already at the pleasure of the Heathen in the unlawful service of Idols. And learn from henceforth to be more Godly wise, lest ye be damned with the wicked. I remember that john Hildeshen in his book in turpia pingentem, showeth that Tailarand●s Petragoric●●s a french cardinal, when question was moved at his table of Apostates, commended the order of cardinals in that there was none among them. Unto whom Peter Thomas a Carmelyt▪ friar (which was notwithstanding within a while after the patriarch of Constantinople) made this true answer, what they be (saith he) that goth from other orders I cannot tell, but sure I am that they which go fronyour order are saints. As by example, S Jerome, Petrus Dami●●us, Petrus de Morove, & such other. 4 Besides the wholesome admonishments of the scripture hath many godly m●n given warnings of these matters, both in the primative church and in every age since. Many notab●● Doctors and fathers, since the pope's 〈◊〉 rayte, hath in their famous writings called upon the church's reformation. As Bertramus, Herebaldus, joannes Scotus Menachus, Berengarius Thuronensis, Brun●, Adegavensis▪ Petrus Damianus Wateramus, Medburgensis, Bernardus, Cla●euallensis, Robertus Tuiciensis, joachim Abbas, Cirillus Grecus, joannes Salisburtensis, Gilbertus 〈◊〉, Angelus Hierosolimitanus, Guilbe●●nus de sancto amore, 〈◊〉 ●onatus, Nicolaus Gallus, Hubertinus de Casan, Petrus joannis, Mar●ilius Pataumus, joannes▪ Paris, Arnoldus de villa nova, Michael Cesenus, Guil●e●mus 〈◊〉, nicolaus d● Luca, Marcus de Florencia, joannes Wiccleus, joannes 〈◊〉; Michael de Bononia, joannes Hildeshen, Dantes Aligerius, Franciscus Petrarcha, Nicolaus Clemengis, Petrus de Aliaco, joannes Gerson, Laurencius Ualla, Ludovicus Arelatensis, johannes Segobius, Thomas Redonesis Gallus, Matheus Parmarius, David Bois, Dionysius, Carthustanus, johannes Milnerton, johannes▪ Go●chous, johannes▪ de We●alya Wo●maciensis, johannes Jailor, johannes Crutzer, Wessalus Groningensis▪ Aeneas Silvius, Rodericus, Samorensis, julianus Brixiensis▪ and Hieronimus Savonarola, besides those that hath written in our days, as john Reuclin, Baptista Mantuanus▪ Baptista Panecius, johannes Crestonus, Erasmus, Luther, and such other▪ of whom they have condemned the more part for heretyques. To recite their testimonies and writings, it would require much time, and therefore I pass it over here▪ Only have I rehearsed their names (as I could do yet many more) to put ●ée in remembrance that God▪ hath always had some in the world, which hath not in all points▪ consented to their blasphemies, though they have not had the light of this truth so open as we have it now. Many godly Emperors and Coūseil● general have attempted this reformation in the church, but evermore▪ have they found ungodly princes against them, to hold the Antichristes still in their wickedness. Yet doubt I not but Pharaoh with his host shall perish in the sea, and the proud Jewish priests in the city, for their manifold blasphemies, at the time now appointed of the Lord. 5 For the sins of this whore, or abominations without number of the false religion, her stinkeing Idolatry and slaughter of Innocents are gone up unto heaven against her, requiring the great vengeance of God. The filthiness of them hath moved him to wrath, and kinled his displeasure towards her, putting him in remembrance of his eternal decree concerning her destruction. The greatness of her mischiefs hath touched heaven, and hath axed with Sodom and Gomor the fearful plagues threatened her. 6 And the merciful Lord beholding the affliction of his people, & pitying their miserable thraldom in the spiritual Egypt, hath considered her ungodly behaviour, weighed her wilful wretchedness, and measured her unmerciful murder, commanding his appointed ministers to execute upon her his judgements without mercy. 7 Reward her now (saith he) in every condition as she hath rewarded you afore▪ Measure again unto her, like as she hath measured to you, now that ye have the judgement seats. Cry out upon her as she hath cried out upon you▪ Snare her as she hath snared you. Destroy her as she hath destroyed you. As she hath taken vengeance of you, so take you vengeance against of her. Like as she hath afflicted you, Iudge● you, and condemned you by the laws of men, so scourge you her again, judge her an harlot, and condemn her to hell by the mighty word of God. 8 See that you give her two fold in punishment according to her wicked deservings. Where as she hath taken from you no more but the life of the body, take you away from her again the life both of body and soul. 9 Into the same bitter cup of sorow● that she hath filled unto you in her malice, power you in double again to her. Where as she hath given you a temporal death, give her the death everlasting, doubling unto her both the griefs and continuance of them. 10 Yea, consider how greatly she hath glorified herself▪ against God in blasphemous errors, in pride, in pleasures, and in wanton living. 11 And so much let her taste of most terrible punishments, sorrowful plagues, wailings, & gnashings of teeth. An holy priesthood hath she pretended▪ a regal dignity hath she usurped, and both those powers most shamefully hath she so abused, therefore let her have the penalties dew unto such presumption. Take from her, her pleasant Euphrates with the spoils and profits, wherein she hath inordinately delighted, and throw her into most● deep wretchedness here, besides that shall follow in an other world. THE TEXT. 1 For she saith in her heart, 2. I sit, being a queen, 3. & am no widow▪ 4. and shall see no sorrow, 5. therefore shall her plagues co● at on day, 6. death, and sorrow, and hunger, 7. And she shall be brent with fire, 8. For stron● is the Lord God, 9 which shall judge her. The commentary 1 For highly she standeth in her own conceit as yet, boasting her self to be the great goodness of the earth. 2 I sit here in wealth, and pleasure (saith she) being a glorious queen, yea the holy church herself, having authority in heaven, in earth and in hell, with power to lose and bind, save & damn. With me is it not as with them that are not of this world or have no dwelling place here, for all is at my will and pleasure. 3 I am no desolate widow. The powers of this world standeth by me. The mighty princes and potentates defendeth me with the death of innocent people. Never was Nero, Domicianus Traianus nor Marencius, with other cruel tirrauntes, more sure upon my side in defence of superstitions, than they are yet still to this hour. 4 Therefore I can take no seathe, nor yet feel of any sorrow, I shallbe lady for ever. Never shall my seat be removed. Never shall I fall, nor any m●shappe light upon me. Such are the bold brags of the papists, that Peter's little ship may well be moved with the tempest of heretics, but never shall it be overthrown, thinking thereby the whorish church shall evermore continue, and never come to nought. 5 They consider not how strong the Lamb is, against whom they daily fight. And therefore shall the terrible plagues (which God hath appointed her to suffer) heavily light upon her, and all in one day. 6 At once shall he power upon that wicked congregation, death, sorrow & hunger, like as he did fire and brimstone upon the sinful cities. Perpetually shall they be deprived of the life which is in Christ jesu. Continual weeping and teeth gnashing shall they have, their worm never dying. Still shall they inwardly famish, and never with felicity be satisfied. 7 With unquenchable fire shall this whore be brent with her whole generation of hypocrites, prepared for the devil and his Angels. 8 Effectual and true is the sentence, for mighty is the Lord that shall judge her, & condemn her by his word. 9 Just is he in his promise, true in his sayings, glorious in his works, holy, terrible, and fearful in his judgements against the wicked. None shall be found able at that day to restrain the least part of his purposed vengeance, neither Mary throwing in her beads into saint Michael's balance, john Baptist with his Lamb, Peter with his key, nor yet Paul with his long sword. Though Moses and Samuel, the chosen Prophets of the Lord, yea, with Noah, Daniel, and patient job, should stand before him at that day, yet should they not be ha●d. THE TEXT. 1 And the kings of the earth shall be weep her, 2. and wail over her, 3. which have committed fornication, 4. and lived wantonlye with her, 5. when they shall see the smoke of her burning, 6. and shall stand a far of, 7. for fear of her punishment saying. 8. Alas alas, that great city, 9 Babylon. 10. that mighty city. 11. For at one hour cometh thy judgement. The Commentary. 1 Moreover the carnally minded kings of the earth (saith the aforesaid Angel) which hath for her pleasure abused their authority and power, shall take her, sudden destruction in this life very heavily. 2 Yea, they shall most sorrowfully bewail themselves over her, as men very ill contented with that ordinance of God. They shall be sorry in their hearts that his word is become so strong against her, that they can resist it with sword, fire, & halters no longer. They shall be pensive & heavy to see all go to wrack, they being no longer able by the slaughter of innocents to uphold her glittering estate. 3 Specially shall they be sore discontented with the matter, which have with his committed the whoredom of the spirit by many extern worshippings of dry waffer cakes, oils roods, relics, ladies, Images, skulls, bones, chips, old rags, shows, boots, spurs, hats, breeches, hoods, nightcapes, and such like. 4 And they that have lived wanton with her in following her idle observations in mattenses, hours, and masses, in sensings, hallowings, and font hallowing, in going processions with canapye, cross, and pyx, with banneres, streamers, and torchelight, with such other gauds to foolish for children, no godly admonishment taken of the scriptures. For under the kings here are also to be understanded those people's, whom they have wickedly governed, & constrained by their laws to such abominable usages. 5 Dolorously shall these kings lament, when thy shall behold the filthy smoke of her burning, or when they perceive that she coming to the trial of the scriptures, appeareth nothing but a vile stinking smoke noyful to the eyes, choking to the throat, and evermore blemishing the comfortable light. The church of the wicked (saith David) is as the dust that is blown forth of the wind, the shadow that passeth away, the smoke that vanisheth, and the wax that melteth in the fire, yea, of all fantastical vanities the most. 6 A fare of shall they stand trembling at the majesty of god's word, ●●aring to be destroyed or to lose their worldly honours also by the same, as did the duke of Bavery and Brunswick with other popish princes at the last counsel of Rainsbrig. For the continual clamour of Eckius, Cochleus, Tregarius, Sactzgerus, Pelargus, Herborne, Hos●●eister, Badia, Winchester, and such other dirty doctors of theirs is evermore, that the Gospelers would have all things in common. And therefore do these persecute them, and would not have that church to go down, thinking that if it should once fall, they should not long after continue. 7 Thus doth the children of Cain which have murdered their poor innocent brethren, fear that every man looking upon them would destroy them. As men forsaken of God they despair in themselves, looking for non other but damnation, now that they can have no more masses, holy prayers nor suffrages, & complaining after this sort. 8 Alas alas that great city, that beautiful Babylon, that blessed holy mother the church, which sometime had so many Pope's pardons, so many bishops blessings, so many holy stations, so many clean remissions a Pena et culpa, so many good ghostly fathers, so many religious orders, so much holy water for spirits, and saint john's Gospels with the .v. wounds and the length of our Lord for drowning, is now decayed for ever. 9 We sorrow, we sigh, we sob, we are sore disquieted, for pain we pant, tremble, and quake to see our dearly beloved Babylon turned upside down, whom we took for a most wonderful miracle. 10 Oh, that city, that city, the sometime was so mighty and strong, so fair & beautiful, so glorious & holy, is now become waist and desolate. 11 At once is the terrible judgement of God comen upon thee unlooked for. Suddenly art thou destroyed with the spirit of his mouth unthought upon. Alas who shall pray for us now? who shall ●inge Diriges and trentoles? who shall assoil us of our sins? who shall give us ashes & palms? who shall bless us with a spade, and sing us out of purgatory when we are dead? If we lack these things, we are like to want heaven. These are the desperate complaints of the wicked. THE TEXT. 1 And the merchants of the earth, 2. shall weep and wail in themselves, 3. because no man will by their wares any more, 4. The wares, 5. of gold, 6. and silver, 7. and of precious stones, 8. neither of pearl, 9 and silk, 10 and rains, 11. and purple and scarlet, 12. and all thin wood, 13. and all manner of vessels of luery, 14. & all manner vessels of most precious wood, 15. and of brass, 16 and of iron 17. and of marbil, 18. and cinnamon, 19 and odours, 20. & ointments, 21. & frankincense, 22. & wine, 23. & oil, 24. and fine flower, 25. and wheat, 26. and cattle, 27. and sheep, 28. and horses, 29. and charettes, 30. and bodies. 31. and souls of men. The commentary 1 Now followeth in course the merchants of the earth, the sellers of wares in the temple, the marked muster of Mahomet and the Pope. 2 They shall weep & mourn, wail and lament inwardly in themselves, both wring their hands for sorrow, and scratching their heads for very anguish. 3 Because they see all men go from them, and none in a manner are disposed to buy their pedlary wares any more. 4 As these wares are specially, which follow here in course. 5 They will pay no more money for the housel sippings, bottom blessings, nor for seest me and seest me not, above the head and under of their chalices, which in many places be of fine gold. Neither regard they to kneel any more down and to kiss their pontifical rings, which are of the same metal. 6 They will be no more at cost to have the air beaten and the Idols perfumed with their sensers at principal feasts, to have their crucifixes laid upon horses, or to have them solemnly borne aloft in their gaddings abroad, with the religious occupyings of their paxes, cruets, & other jewels which be of silver. 7 Neither pass they greatly to behold precious stones any more in their ij. horned mitres, when they hollow their churches, give their whorish orders, and triumphantly muster in processions. 8 Nor incestuous pearls in their copes perrours, and chysibilles, when they be in their prelately pompous sacrifices. 9 Men knowing the word of God supposeth that their ornaments of silk wherewith they garnish their temples and adorn their Idols, is very blasphemous and divillish. 10 They think also that their fair white rochets of reins or fine linen cloth, their costly grey amices of calaber and cats tails. 11 Their fresh Purple gowns when they walk for their pleasures, & their read scarlet frocks when they preach lies in the Pulpit, are very superfluous and vain. 12 In their thynen wood (whom some men call Algume trees, some basil, some Coral) may be understand all their curious buildings of Temples, Abbeys, Chapels, and Chambers. All shrines, Images, churchscooles, & pews that are well paid for. All Banner staves, Pater noster scores, and pieces of the holy cross. 13 The vessels of ivory comprehendeth all their maundy dishes, their offering platters, their relic chistes, their god boxes, their drinking horns, their sipping cups for the hiccough, their tables whereupon are charmed their chalices and vestments, their standiches, their combs, their musk balls, their pomaunder pots, and their dust boxes with such other toys. 14 The vessels which after some interpreters are of precious stone, or after some of most precious wood, betokeneth their costuous cups or cruses of jasper, jacinct, Amel, and fine Beral, and their alabaster boxes wherewith they anoint kings, confirm children, and minister their holy whorish orders. Their pardon masers or drinking dishes, as saint Benits bowl, saint edmond's bowl, saint Giles bowl, saint Blithe's bowl, and Westminster bowl, with such other holy relics. 15 Of Brass (which containeth latten, copper, alcumine, and other hard metals) are made all their great candlesticks, holy water kettles, lamps, desks, pillars, butterasses, bosses, bells and many other things more. 16 Of strong iron are the branches made that hold up the lights before their false gods, the tacks that sustain them for falling, the locks that save them from the robbery of thieves, their fire pans, bars and pullies, with many other strange gins beside. 7 With marble most commonly pave they their temples, & build strong pillars and arches in their great cathedral Churches and monasteries, they make thereof also their superalities, their tumbs, and their solemn grave stones, besides their other buildings with free stone, flint, rag, and brick, comprehended in the same. 8 By the Cinnamon is meant all manner of costly spices wherewith they bury their Bishops and founders, lest they should stink when they translate them again to make them saints for advantage. 19 By the smelling odours, the sweet herbs that they strow abroad at their dedications and burials, besides the damask waters, balms, musks, pomaunnder, civet, and other curious confections they that bestow upon their own Precious bodies. 20 The ointments are such oils as they mingle with rose water, aloes, & spike with other merry conceits, where with they anoint their holy savours & roods to make them to sweat and to smell sweet, when they are borne abroad in procession upon their high feastful days, like as doctor Reed used his old rotten Rood at Beckles in Southfolke upon the holy rood day. 21 Frankincense occupy they oft as a necessary thing, in the sensing, of their Idols, hallowing of their paschal, conjuring of their ploughs, besides the blessing of their palms, candles, ashes, and their dead men's graves with Requiescant in peace. 22 With wine sing they their masses for money, they housel the people at Easter, they wash their altar stones upon maundy thursday, they fast the holy Imber days, besides other banketinges all the whole year to keep their flesh chaste. 23 With oil smere they young infants at baptism & bishoping, they grease their massmongers and give them the mark of madian, they ankle their cattle that starveth, & do many other feats else. 24 five sloure is such a merchandise of theirs as far exceedeth all other and was first given them by pope Alexander the first, thinking Christ's institution not sufficient nor coml●m using the common bread in that ministery. For that ware hath brought them in their plentiful possessions, their Lordships, fat benefices, and prebendaries, with in nmerable pleasures else. 25 Wheat have they of their farms, whereof they make pardon bread and cakes to draw people to devotion towards them. 26 cattle receive they offered unto their Idols by the Idiots of the countries for recover of sundry diseases, besides that they have of their tithes. 27 Sheep have they sometime of their own pastures, sometime of begging, sometime of bequests for the dead, to cry them out of their fearful purgatory, when they be a sleep at midnight. 28 Great horses have they for mortuaries, for offices, for favers, gifts & rewards, to be good Lords unto them that they may hold still their farms, and to have saunder wasp their son and their heir a priest, or to admit him unto a mannerly benefice, that he may be called master person, & such like. 29 Charets have they also or horselitters of all manner of sorts, specially at Rome, with foot men running on both sides of them, to make room for the holy fathers. Of whom some carry their own precious bodies, some their treasure, some the blessed sacrament, some holy relics and ornaments, some their whores, & some their bastards. 30 The bodies of men must needs be judged to be at their pleasure, so long as christian provinces be tributaries unto them, princes obedient, people's subject, and their laws at their commandment to slay and to kill. And to make this good, who hath not in England paid his Peter penny sometime to acknowledge himself a bond man of theirs at the receipt of his yearly housel. Furthermore yet, besides their market muster of monks, friars, and priests, they have certain bondmen, of whom some they sell to the Uenicians, some to the Genues, some to the Portugese's, & some to the Turks, to row in their galleys. 31 And last of all to make up their market, lest any thing should escape their hands, these unmerciful bribers maketh merchandise of the souls of men, to deprive Christ of his whole right, sending many unto hell, but not one unto heaven (unless they maliciously murder than forth truths sake) & all for money. After many other sorts else abuse they these good creatures of God whom the holy ghost here nameth by course as things comprehending all other, beside, that Mahomits ministers in their sort in Barbary, Greece, and Egypt. For nothing under the heavens leave they undefiled. Much were it to show here by the chronicles severally, of what Pope they have reieived authority, power, and charge to utter these wares to advantage and how they came first from the old Idolatrous by the large testimonies of Sapience, Esay, Daniel, Baruch, Os●as, and the other prophets. At one hour shall these merchants for their abominations be plagued, nothing that the vain lovers of this world have tro●●ed in, anaylinge them nor yet healping them. For at all times in this last age of the world (whom john caleth the last hour) are the wicked reprobates condemned of God, and so reserved to the latter sentence of the judge. For it followeth in the text. THE TEXT. 1 And the apples that thy soul lusted after, are departed rrom thee. 2. And all things that which were dainty, and had price. 3. were departed from thee 4. And thou shalt find them no more. 5. The merchants of these things. 6. Which were waxed rich by her. 7. Shall stand a far of, from her, for fear of the punishment of her. 8. Weeping and wailing, and saying. 9 Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in rains and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stone & pearl. 10. For at one hour so great riches is come to nought. The Commentary. 1 And the deliclous apples (saith the threatening voice of the holy ghost unto this whore) that thy wretched heart hath so sore lusted after by so many unsatiable desires are now departed from thee. Men of ripe learning and judgement, whom thou covetedst to have for defence of thy glorious whoredom, thy abominations perceived, will no longer dwell with thee, but utterly leave thee, detest thee, and abhor thee. Where as they have afore advanced thee to the world, now will they by the scriptures reprove thee to the same. 2 In like manner all those things which were afore time very precious and dainty unto thee, and whom thou hadst for their goodness in much estimation, are now for thy lewdness gone a way clean from thee, biding thee for ever adieu. Men of sober discretion and living, whom thou hast afore time pretended much to favour, as things commodious unto thee, to the cloaking of hypocrisy, thy conditions now known, do daily more and more decline from thy dead observations and most damnable superstitions. And where as they thought thee afore very holy and good, they suppose thee now both detestable and devilish. 3 So that from henceforth the verity open, none shall remain with thee, nor defend thy known whoredom, but hypocrites, men's pleasures, flatterers, babbling sophisters, hauling canonists, Epicures, and blasphemous Antichristes. As for men that be godly wise, sober, virtuous, learned, well occupied, and minding the glory of God, will utterly refuse thee, & forsake thy pestiferous ways. 4 Thou shalt find them no more upon thy side pleating. No more shalt thou have their saver, nor yet their sweet smelling. Neither shall their doctrine maintain thy vain ceremonies, nor yet their conversation observe thy crooked customs any more▪ Yea, be thou certain and sure of this, that be they once gone from the clean, never shall they again return unto thee. Only shall thy wicked remnant be beasts and babblers, filthy workers and drounkards, as in Eckius which had three bastards the same year that he disputed at Lipsia against the marriage of priests, Natalis Beda, C●lictoneus, Liset, Godet, Suitor, Delphus, and de quercu at Paris. Bragging Winchester, the Pope's paraclet in England, that is master of the stews at London, and such other dirty doungels. 5 The busi merchants of these earthly things afore (saith the voice again unto john) which were become very fat, wealthy and rich thorough quick sale of their wares of this whorish church, shall at the day of her destruction stand a far of bewailing her fall. far divers are these in their markets from the usage of other occupiers in the world. For whereas they sell their wares but once, & look no more for them again, these sell them every day and yet retain them still. And where as they sell the very wares in deed, these sell no more but the sight, the sound, and the shadow. As the looking upon their Images, the noise of their bells, the spreading out of their ornaments, the show of their jewels, the use and occupying of their instruments, the kissing of their relics, the wind of their lips, the spatle of their tongues, their idle prattlings, and ungodly merits. But still they keep to themselves the gold, the silver, the precious stones, the pearls, and such like, though they never cost them money. Yea, so would they do also the learning and good living if they had them as they have not. For none would they have learned nor yet virtuous in the sight of the world, but their own smeared Sodomites. 6 How and wherein these merchants are rich it is showed afore, and besides that all the world doth know it. 7 But now in the fall certainly of their whorish church, will they stand a far of. They will be none of hers, when they see her go down, lest they should go down with her, and be punished with penury, or lest they should be drawn, hanged and quartered, as many have been in England. 8 Rather will they hold a fair face outwardly for advantage, inwardly it their hearts bewailing her ruin, or secretly among themselves deploring her decay, till such time as they may be bold to play the knaves again, laying after this weeping sort. 9 Alas, alas that notable city, the Babilonyshe Rome that ruled all the world, that holy church that was so beautyfully adorned with fine silk, purple, and scarlet in her copes, vestures and ornaments and was so preciously furnished with gold, precious stone and pearels, in her chalices crosses and mitres, and in all other prodigious and pompous jewels. 10 Alas for her, alas, for now at one hour in this latter age of the church by the gospel preaching is so exceeding great riches, glory magnificence and honour of our holy mother come even unto nought. Yea, our manifold prelacies are not regarded among them, but utterly contemned and despised. THE TEXT. 1 And every ship governor. 2. And all they that occupied ships. 3, And ship me● which work in the sea. 4. Stood a far of. 5. And cried. 6, when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying. 7. What city is like unto this great city? 8. And they cast dust on on their heads. 9 And cried weeping, and wailing, and said. 10. Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich. 11. All that had ships in the sea. 12. By the reason of her costlines●e. 13, For at one hour● is she made desolate. The Commentary. 1 In like case every ship master, which betokeneth diocesanes, bishops, and ordinaries. 2 And all they that occupy boats, whiries, and scutes, or sail upon the sea, as they which do among the wavering multitude are taken for parsons, vicar's, and curates. 3 Yea, and mariners also that work in the sea, by whom are signified soul priests, simple penitensers, and holy water mongers, daily perverting the ignorant heople. 4 All these (sayeth the voice) will stand a far of when they see her destruction. No longer will they stand by her, than they feel her profitable and pleasant unto them. Decay once the sweet profits, and they are gone away. 5 Yet will they turn toward her again, and cry out when they shall behold the filthy smoke that shall arise of her burning. 6 When her wisdom appeareth foolishness, her doctrine devilishness, and her sanctity wickedness by the word of God shall sorrowfully lament for their own bellies sake, saying thus in their desperate hearts. 7 What city in the world can be thought like unto this mighty city, either in magnificence, wealth, or power? No cilizens are more preciously appareled, more sumptuously fed, nor more delitiouslye diered, then is the shorn nation, if ye mark well their favour and feeding, their sine disguising and lodging, their fat cheeks and great bellies with such other lyklyhoodes else. Much rather had they to have still the wanton commodities of this City, than the perpetual pleasures of Heaven. So undiscreet, carnal, and beastly are they in their imaginations, cares, & studies. 8 So sorrowful will they be for this their general loss, that upon their witless heads, they shall cast dust in token of their inward heaviness. With despair shall they darken their wits, & with dotage dull their understanding. And as graciously will they repent as ever did Cain, Pharaoh, Esau Antiochus, & judas their predecessors 9 Dolorously shall they cry in their mutual murtherings, mourning for their pouches, and sorrowing for their bellies, and this will be the tenor of their woeful tragedy. 10 Alas, alas that worthy city, that royal Rome, that sweet Babylon, that holy mother of ours, in whom we were left so rich, so mighty, & so strong that all the world feared us, & we felt of no sorrows. 11 Specially all we that had ships in the sea, or that had bishoprics, benefices, and other fat livings among the wavering wanderers of the light laity, inconstant, fickle and foolish, where as GOD'S word is not known. 12 We became wealthy in all manner of pleasures, by reason of her costly and profitable wares that those our ships contained, which are to many to be now rehearsed. 13 Full woe are we & heavy at the heart remembering that famous city, for at one hour is she made desolate. In this last age of his Church will the Lord consume her with his breath, not leaving in her one stone upon an other. Like as the shadow that passeth shall she vanish away, & like the dry thistle Flower, or dust that is scattered with the wind. Such words (sayeth the wise man Philo) shall they speak in hell that have sinned, besides their desperate complaint in this life. Some expsitours have taken all these kings, merchants vnd ship governors for one manner of people or generation of Antichrist. And it may well be, for so much as they are all of the earth. None of these are they justly by the authority of God, but very tyrants, thieves, and manquellers. THE TEXT 1 Rejoice over her thou heaven. 2. And ye holy Apostles. 3. And Prophets. 4. For God hath given your judgement on her. 5. And a mighty Angel took up a stone like a great millstone. 6. And cast it into the sea, saying. 7. With such violence shall that great City Babylon be cast. 8. And shall be found no more, 9 And the voice of harpers, and musitianes, 10. and of pipers, and trumpeters, 11. shall be heard no more in thee. 12. And no crafts man (of whatsoever craft he be) shall be found any more in thee, 13. And the sound of a mill, shall be heard no more in thee, 14. And candle light, shall be● no more burning in thee, 15. And the voice of the bridegroom, and of the bride, shall be heard no more in thee, 16. For thy merchants were the Princes of the earth, 17. and with thine enchantments, were deceived all nations, 1●. And in her was found the blood, 19 of the Prophets, 20. and of the saints, 21. and of all that were slain upon the earth. The Commentary. 1 With all mirth possible (sayeth the text) rejoice thou heaven, or thou faithful congregation of God, to see this adulterous church of Antichrist overthrown. Be glad in thy heart, not that thy quarrel is revenged, but in that the righteousness of God is fulfilled, his people being at liberty. 2 Have mirth convenient ye holy Apostles or messengers of the Lord, with them that the Gospel hath called. 3 joy with our brethren ye ancient Prophets, or godly teachers of the old law. 4 For your merciful God hath heard your piteous cry from under the altar, and hath performed upon the blasphemous whore the same self judgement that you desired. According to your own request hath he revenged all your innocent blood, which hath been shed upon earth since able the righteous. The same damnation have they now justly that they ministered unto you unjustly. Yea double, for so much as they have it both in their bodies and souls, where as you had it but alone in your bodies. 5 And immediately (saith S. john) an Angel of great power betokening the true preachers of the latter age of the church, strongly endued from above, took up a stone of exceeding weight, very like in similitude unto a great millstone. They shall gather up out of Esay, Hieremy, Abacuk, & other Prophets, the mighty, & tirrible judgements of the Lord, which are the heavy stone that shall grind his enemies into powder. 6 This stone shall they cast into the sea. They shall publish, preach, and declare unto the people of this world (which are as the movable flood) those heavy judgements which shall light upon that blasphemous church of theirs at the time appointed, and thus shall they say unto them. 7 So violent and heavy shall be the destruction of that miserable city, that mystical Babylon, that prostibulous church of Antichrist, with her shorn citizens and smeared hypocrites, as is the weighty fall of an exceeding great millstone in the bottom of the sea rising up no more again, yea, so tirrible and fearful. 8 With shame and confusion shall that wicked generation come down, and never more be found hereafter, neither in the earth nor yet in heaven. Though in their painted stories they put pope's, cardinals, & bishops, monks, canons, & shaven priests, friars, nuns, and hermits, in heaven among the saints, yet are there none such nor never shall be. Their resting place is the bottom of the sea by the judgements of God, unless they renounce those vain superstitions and cleave to the sincere verities of the Lord. Much have they boasted in their writings that their holy mother of predigious orders and disguised religions should evermore continue. 9 But be certain and sure thou miserable church (saith the holy ghost) that thou shalt no longer enjoy the commodious pleasures of a free city, all quietous without trubles. The merry 'noys of them that play upon haps, lutes and fidels, the sweet voice of musicians that sing with virginals, vials and chimes, the armony of them that pipe in recorders, flutes, and drums, and the shirle shout of trumpets, waits, & shawms, shall no more be heard in thee to the delight of men. 10 Neither shall the sweet Organs containing the melodious noise of all manner of instruments & birds be played upon, nor the great bells be rung after that, nor yet the fresh discant, prick song, counterpoint, and faburden be called for in thee, which art the very synagogue of Satan. 11 Thy lascivious harmony & delectable music much provoking the weak hearts of men to meddle with thy abominable whoredom by the wantonness of Idolatry in that kind, shall perish with thee for ever. 12 No cunning Artificer, Carver, Painter, nor Gilder, Embroderer, Goldsmith, nor silk worker, with such other like of what occupation so ever they be or have been to thy commodity, shall never more be found so again. Copes, cruets, candlesticks, mitres, crosses sensers, crismatoris, corporasses, and chalices, which for thy whorish holiness might not sometime be touched, will than for thy sake be abhorred of all men. Never more shall be builded for merchants of thy livery & mark, palaces, temples, abbeys, collages, covents, chantries, fair houses, & horcherds of pleasure 13 The clapping noise of neither wyndmil, horsemil, nor watermil, shall any more be heard, to the gluttonous feeding of thy puffed up porklings, for the maintenance of thine idle observations & ceremonies. No more shall those idle belly gods swill up the sweat th●re, of the labouring man, nor devour the poor widow & fathereesse for straining out a gnat. 14 The continual light of lamps before the high altar, the burning cressettes at triumphs in the night, the torches at burials & solemn processions tapers at high masses, and the candles at offerings, shall nevermore burn in thy sinful synagogue. 15 No more shall the bridegroom desire after thy foolish ordinance to be joined to his wife, nor the bride to her lawful husband. No more shall that free state of living be bound under yoke of damnable dreams, neither for vows unadvised, nor for popish orders, nor yet for any gossiprye, but be at full liberty as the Lord hath ordained it. No commodities, prophets, nor pleasures shalt thou have any more of these nor yet of such like, as afore time thou haste had of them in abundance. 16 For thy mitred merchants were sometime princes of the earth when they reigned in their royalty. Thy shorn shavelings were Lords over the multitude, when they held their priestly authority over the souls & bodies of men. 17 Yea, and with thy privy legardemaine, with thy juggling casts, with the crafts, and enchantments of thy subtle charms were all nations of the world deceived. With lies in hypocrisy were the great governors most miserably blinded, & with errors in superstition the common people seduced. And all was to satisfy thy voluptuous affects. Only remaineth to thee now the due reward of thy wickedness, which is an everlasting damnation. 18 All this is said here (saith the holy Ghost) for that in this adulterous church is found the great slaughter of innocentes. 19 Guilty appeareth she afore God of all the blood of the holy prophets of the old law. As were Isaiah, Hieremy, Ezechiel, and Amos. 20 And of the sincere witnesses of the new law, as were Steven, james, Antipas, and Paul. 21 Yea, and of all those Godly men that were slain upon earth from righteous Abel unto the end of the world for the faithful testimony of God. Among whom may they also be numbered, which hath in battles, skirmishes, and uproars at the Pope's appoinment in all Christian regions been unmercifully murdered, for the fulfilling of his insatiable purpose. The nineteen. Chapter. NOw followeth in course the convenient praise of thanksgiving unto God, for righteously condemning the blasphemous church of Antichrist, and for graciously avenging the innocent blood of his true servants. Here are two manner of peoples to be considered, of whom the one is sorrowful, the other rejoiceth, & all about one matter. The fall of this malignant church, is to the one sort a discomfort, to the other a heavenly comfort. The kings, the merchants, and the ship governors of the earth, most dolorously lamenteth the destruction of their mad vanities. The unregarded or forsaken number of those simple souls that faithfully believeth in Christ, are highly glad of it, for his glories sake. About this one decay crieth the one sort, woe, woe, wo. The other sort singing wyfully in their hearts unto God so oft times. Alleluia. So much dyffreth the one from the other, the children of darkness from the children of light, they that seek their own glory from them that seek the glory of god. Not unlike is johan unto Aggeus, Zacharias, & other holy prophets, which both showed afore of the people's return from the miserable captivity of the babylonians, and also the réedyfying again of their new Jerusalem. For here hath he first showed the destruction & fall of the damnable whore, the spiritual Babylon, which many years hath grievously vexed the people of God, and now in this chapter their peaceable time in the Lord. Now are the precious vessels of God like to be restored into the temple, the great Balthasar of Rome once overthrown. Now shall the sweet peace grow, the plenteous quiet increase, the pastures of the Lord wax fat, and the mighty verity of his word flow like a sweet running flood. THE TEXT. 1 And after that I heard the voice, 2. of much people in heaven, 3. saying: Alleluia, 4. Salvation, 5, & glory, 6, and honour, 7, and power, 8, be ascribed unto the Lord our God, 9 For true and righteous are his judgements, 10. because he hath judged the great whore, 11. which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, 12. and hath avenged the blood of his servants of her hand, 13. And again they said hallelujah. The Commentary. 1 After the destruction of that whorish Babylon (which singnyfieth the wicked church) I heard (saith Saint john) in mystery, the reroysing voice of much people in heaven, which is that congregation of faith wherein the Lord resteth. 2 very many were there among them which joyously gave thanks unto God. 3 Pronouncing this Hebrew sentence, Alleluia, which is so much to say, as let us together praise the lords name. 4 Only is salvation, health, & deliverance of him. Unto none other it is to be ascribed, neither in heaven nor in earth, be there never so godly doers. 5 Inestimable glory, unspeakble honour, incomprehencyble power, belongeth unto that Lord our God, so doth the dew commendation thereof. 6 He it is that only aught of us to be praised, obeyed, and magnified. 7 For he alone hath overthrown the dragon, the beast, and the glittering whore that deceived all the world, that proud church of stynkeing sodomites. 8 And this hath he done for our salvation. Refer all the praise unto him as to your conqueror most worthy. 9 For verily most true and perfect is he in his merciful promises, most righteous and just in his godly judgements, which hath been of late most evidently seen. 10 Specially in that he hath judged according to his former promise the abominable harlot, the superstitious church of Antichrist, the filthy famelye of spiritual whoremongers, gluttons, & hypocrites, yea, the execrable Sinnagog of Satan in deed. 11 Which hath most miserably corrupted not the true servants of God, but the very earth, or such men as were earthly minded, with her filthy fornication of Idolatry, superstition, & blasphemy. 12 That merciful Lord hath most righteously avenged the innocent blood his faithful servants and constant witnesses, of her wicked hand. From the tirryble cruelty, spite, and violence of her unmerciful ministers hath he graciously delivered them. 13 Yet once again (saith saint john) did this godly minded multitude break forth into the praise of God, and cried with a most joyful shought. hallelujah, or commendation without end be unto our most heavenly creator, redeemer and comforter. His laud be evermore in our mouth, for thus restoring his verity, the enemies thereof deposed. THE TEXT. 1 And smoke rose up for evermore, 2. And the xxiv. elders, 3 and the four beasts, 4. feldowne, 5. and worshipped God that sat on the seat, 6. saying▪ Amen. 7. hallelujah. 8. And a voice came out of the seat, 9 saying, 10. Praise our Lord God, 11. all ye that are his servants, 12. and ye that fear him both small and great. The Commentary. 1 And the smoke (saith saint john) of her abominations, very noyful unto the eyes of God, went up evermore into his sight provoking him to eternal vengeance. A smoke ascended in his wrath (saith David) and upon the fire proceeded from his mouth, which kindled the coals of her damnation. This fire will be the tirrible sentence given upon her in his latter judgement. For never ceaseth this blasphemous bloody church in requiring the vengeance of God. 2 And the xxiv. Elders (saith he) by whom are signified the saints departed, as the patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, and other godly witnesses. 3 And the iiij. beasts also betokening the faithful multitude in the, iiij. quarters of the world, yet living in this frail nature, fell down before the face of the Lord. 4 In one godly spirit, faith, zeal, and fervent love, did both they in their times, & these in this our age submit themselves unto God, referring alalwayes unto him all that they ever had either in faith or works, as unto the special giver of them. 5 These worshipped in their ages and yet do to this day, not things fantasied of men, but the only everlasting God that evermore hath sit upon the eternal seat of his omnipotency. 6 Continually saying: Amen▪ Or at his will be all things. 7 Saying also hallelujah, or everlasting praise be given to his name of the universal Christian multitude, for righteously judging the great whore to drink the blood that she hath shed of the holy witnesses of jesus, or to sustain for ever the just vengeance thereof. 8 Consequently came there out an, exceeding sweet voice from the eternal throne of God, which is jesus Christ. This is that Gospel of glad tidings, which he taught when he was here living among us, being the bodily habitacle of his Godhead. 9 This voice evermore is moving us to the only faith, obedience, and fear of the eternal father, comprehended in this clause following. 10 In all your sayings and doings (saith that voice) commend always that Lord which is both my father, both my God, & your God. 11 Specially all you that are his faithful servants by earnestly loving and following his word. 12 You also that unfeignedly fear to transgress his laws, and commandments, whither ye be great or small, high or low, young or old, noble or unnoble, rich or poor, strong or weak, whole or sick, beautiful or deformed, wise or unwise, learned or unlearned, none to be excluded from his praise, so that he be faithful, charitable, patient, and godly. For in no manner of nation is any of him forsaken that faithfully feareth him and liveth according unto righteousness. THE TEXT. 1 And I heard the voice of much people, 2. even as the voice of many waters, 3. and as the voice of strong thunderings, 4. saying: hallelujah. 5. For God omnipotent reigneth, 6. Let us be glad and rejoice, 7. and give honour to him, 8. For the marriage of the Lamb is come, 9 and his wife made her self ready. 10. And to her was granted, that she should be arrayed with pure and goodly silk, 11. As for the silk it is the righteousness of saints. The Commentary. 1 After this (saith saint john) I herd in mystery the voice of very much people, or of an innumerable multitude of men. 2 And it sounded unto me even as it had been the flushing noise of many waters. 3 And in a manner as the fearful sound of great thunderings. For though the praise of God be all one in the faithful nations, yet is the utterance thereof divers, like as the languages are also divers. Very strange and confuse are the speeches one to an other where they are not known. Tirrible also are they, partly for that they comprehend such a magistie, as is the glory of God, and partly because they are for the utter confusion of the wicked. None other was this voice than were the voices afore, nor to none other end. 4 For look in what faith the patriarchs and the fathers, the prophets and Apostles, the holy Martyrs and preachers, lauded God for victory over their enemies, in the same doth now the faithful multitude of all regions commend him, saying: hallelujah, or praise be evermore in your mouths. 5 For our Lord God almighty is become a victorious conqueror, and now reigneth over all. Not only hath he overcomen the devil by the doughty death of his son, but also his proud kingdom of hypocrisy by the power of his mighty word. 6 Let us be glad (saith this voice) and highly rejoice in our hearts for this heavenly alteration & profitable change. 7 Let us give thanks to his omnipotent name, that without our deservings we are brought to so joyful a day. 8 For the glorious spousage of the Lamb jesus Christ is come. Now that this whore is overthrown, shall he be joined to his undefiled church, which was afore dispersed by divers afflictions and punishments. 9 His wife which is his congregation hath made herself now ready to her spouse. Not with copes and crosses, mitres and relics, torches and holy water. Not with chapels, and chantries, hallowings, and sensings, shavings & anointings, with such other beggary. No, neither with works of supererogation, merits of masses, nor other dirty deservings of our own righteousness. But with a pure christian faith, & with the true righteousness of god which she hath of christ. 10 For it followeth in the text, that to her it was garnted by the singular goodness of God that she should be apparyled beautifully with pure whit silk, or with most fine rains. 11 None other are these fair pleasant and godly rains after the clear definition of the holy ghost here, but the pure justifications of the holy saints which have been since the beginning, whereof they have been called righteous. Of their faith in jesus Christ is this pure garment of innocency, clearness, and righteousness. Through faith was Abraham reputed for righteous, so was Abel, Enoche, & Noah, Isaac, jacob, and joseph, Moses, joshua, and Gedeon, Samuel, David, and Helias, with the universal number of the saints, Prophets, and fathers. So was Zacharias, Simeon, joseph, & john Baptist, Peter, james, john, and Paul, Lazarus, Lucas, Agabus, and S●éeuen, with all the Apostles, martyrs, and other true believers. Through faith (saith S. Paul) have the saints overcome kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained the promises, stopped the mouths of Lions, quenched the violence of fire, with such like. Sense the beginning of the world have the true and faithful prepared themselves unto this heavenly marriage, & in the resurrection of the righteous shall it be perfectly solemnized, celebrated, and magnified, such time as they shall appear in full glory with Christ. In this latter time will the true christian church, when all the world shall confess his name in peace, be of her full perfect age and apt unto this spousage. Now shall she in meekness of spirit appoint herself to meet her bridegroom in the air, for with a glad heart doth she now here his voice. At that day shall she appear as the beautiful bride prepared to the spouse, accompanied with the wise maidens, the unwise neither having oil nor light for ever rejected. THE TEXT. 1 And he said unto me. 2. Writ. 3. Happy are they, which are called unto the lambs supper. 4. And he said unto me. 5. These are the true sayings of God. 6. And I fell at his feet. 7. To worship him. 8. And he said unto me. 9 See thou do it not. 10. For I am thy fellow servant. 11. And one of thy brethren. 12. And of them that have the testimony of jesus. 13. Worship God. 14. For the testimony of jesus. 15. is the spirit of prophesy. The Commentarye. 1 And the Angel (saith saint john) which showed unto me afore, the fall of the great whore, said at this present time unto me. 2 seriously register this sentence following, that it may remain to their comfort, which shall follow thee. 3 After a most happy and fortunable sort are they blessed, which having the wedding garment, the pure fine rains afore named, are graciously prdestinate, called, and accepted of the heavenly father, unto the everlasting supper of the undefiled Lamb jesus Christ, there to perticipat with him the eternal refection both of soul & body. Satisfied shall I be (saith David) without end, when thy glory shall manifestly appear. Not of corruptible meats and drinks shall this supper be, but of uncorruptible delights and of pleasures that shall never fail. Nothing shall be there profane, void or uncomely, but all things, pure, clean true, steadfast, godly, & perfect. Then shall the meetings be heavenly, and the clippinges without deformity. The bride shall at that day rejoice with her everlasting spouse, and the daughters of Zion shall behold the true Solomon in full glory, accompanied with his holy how should of Angels and Saints. 4 And the aforesaid Angel (sayeth S. john) said thus unto me. 5 These words which I last told thee (friend john) are not mine, but they are the true sayings of gods ow● mouth. So much the rather they are to be believed as most certain and sure, that they are of him whos● universal language is the verity ●nfayned. 9 As I heard the Angel speak thus unto me (saith saint john) I fell down by and by at hi● feet flat upon the ground, minding to have worshipped him. So wonderful were the secret●● of god whom he there declared unto me, and the mysteries so joyful unto my soul, that in a manner I clearly forgot myself. 7 〈◊〉 hand I was at the point to have worshipped the messenger for the Lord, and the Angel for the La●be, otherwise th●● did Abraham, not of ignorance, but of forgetful rejoicing. 8 But in no wise would the Angel suffer me so to do, but gently he said thus unto me. 9 See thou do no such homage unto me a creature, as peculiarly belongeth unto god the creator of all. So great is thyself, and such as thou art, I am, & so excellent a creature of God. Truth it is that I am the angel of the Lord, and so are you also, so many as bear witness of the same verity. 10 And as concerning mine own person, I am but thy fellow servant. For, he that is ●hy god, is also my god, and he that is thy Lord and master is also mine. Indifferently are we both created for his servants, and admitted for his messengers. 11 Of thy brethren am I one by creation. 12 So am I also both a brother and fellow of all them that have the faithful testimony of jesus. For like as they by his godly appointment are messengers thereof to the world, so am I now unto thee here for the same. 13 worship not me therefore, which am but a creature, but worship thy Lord god, for sending by me this message of health unto thee. Though Loath jacob, joshua, Gedion, Tobias, & other fathers of the old law, gave worship unto the Angels whom God sent unto them in message, yet shalt thou not do so unto me now, considering that at this time God's son hath taken the nature of man, hath raised it from death hath set it upon the father's right hand, and therein hath sent from thence the spirit of reconciliation unto men. By this are ye become no longer in feriours unto us, but equal with us infavour and dignity. No longer are ye strangers & foreigners, but citizens of heaven and the very household children of God. 14 And as for the testimony of jesus Christ, which both I unto you, & you to the world have to utter, it is the very spirit of prophisi, & on message of health committed unto us both. The true spirit of god it is that beareth witness of Christ, both in the law & prophets (for none can say that jesus is the lord, but in the holy ghost) and in that spirit do we now make mention also of him. This is the spirit of adoption whereby ye ackonwledge god for your dear father. This spirit assertaineth your spirit that ye are become his children believing in his name. 15 And in this spirit do I admonish thee john, by this present Revelation which is a Prophicy, & in thee all them that have the same faith, to acknowledge, worship and confess the said jesus Christ, as we do now, for the only Lord & saviour of the world. Not only shalt thou be by the plain manifestation of this prophesy an Angel but also by an excellent prerogative of singular grace above all thy fellows, a Ppophete. After the manner of this Angel did Paul & Barnabas utterly refuse to have honour given them of the people at Listra. Peter would in no case suffer Cornelius the noble Centurion to worship him. Contrariwise the Antichrist of Rome not only suffereth but also commandeth straightly such homage of honour evermore to be given to his holy fatherhood. Yea, he is not ashamed to constrain noble Emperors to k●sse his filthy feet, kings with cap & knee to hold his steroppes, and the greatest princes of the world to wait upon his Mule. Great pardons hath he given to the worshipping of Idols and of old rotten bones, threatening most terrible death unto them that would not at his commandment do the same. At Geneva was honourably worshipped an Ass' tail, and at Tholosa a young boy's shoe, great in dulgences granted unto them both. But let not him and his mitred Mahomet's think easily to avoid the indignation so God when he shall call them to accounts, with their crafty distincton of Latria Dulia, and hyperdulia, whom the scripture knoweth not. notwithstanding in this is not utterly inhibited mutual reverence betwixt man & man, for so much as Paul willeth the faithful to prevent each other in honour giving. Necessary it is that they first honour God, and then for his sake that they procecute their neighbours with such christian benevolence, as the comeliness of humanity requireth. The gospel never forbiddeth such politic manner as nourisheth mutual friendship, yet ●oth it not give them unto Idols. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw heaven open. 2. And behold, a white horse. 3. And he that sat upon him. 4. Was called faithful and true. 5. And in righteousness did he judge. 6. And make battle. 7. His eyes were a flama of fire. 8. and on his head were many cro●vnes, 9 And he had a name written. 10. That no man knew but himself. 11. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood. 12. And his name is called the word of God. The Commentarye. 1 After this (sayeth Saint john) I saw heaven open. Very evident were the mysteries of the Lord unto me. I perceived that through faith & meekness, great knowledge men might have of the secrets of God. Open is heaven evermore, when gods word is freely taught. And closed up it is again when that is laid apart. 2 And behold a pure white horse appeared in this mystery, which betokeneth the true ministers or perfect preachers of the Apostles doctrine, as is mentioned afore in the sixth chapter hereof, the godly nature of these is (as is specified in Paul) to carry the glorious verity of the Lord the world over and to publish it before the governors and peoples of the nations. 3 He that sat upon this white horse, or assisted these preachers by his spirit, was the eternal son of God, which hath evermore been called in the scriptures faithful of his promise, and true of his word. righteous is Lord (saith David) in all his ways, sure of his sayings, & perfect in all his works. 4 None other thing could he teach but the verity, which was the verity itself, nor yet they which had his godly spirit. 5 according to true equity hath he judged, in utterly condemning by his word the proud synagogue of sathan, & in exalting again his own meek spirited church. 6 First in his own person, as a mighty warrior did he battle with the Devil, and by his death o●ercame him. Now by his faithful preachers doth he rightuouslye overturn his kingdom by virtue of the same graciously sending them forth in this latter age under the ●ipe of this white horse. For horses of lustty courage are his faithful servants after Abacuk. Yea, and whiter are they then either snow or milk, by their true belief after jeremy. I (saith the Lord) which am the word of righteousness, do valianaly battle to save you. For none other purpose fighteth he, but to the intent to preserve his elects. 7 The eyes of this horseman were as the pure flame of fire, effectual, mighty, and clear. And these are not, only his godly understanding, & knowledge, whereby he perceiveth, decerneth, and judgeth clearly all things, but also the universal graces of the holy ghost. Upon one sure stone, saith Zachary (whom Paul calleth Christ) shall be seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of god. With these eyes lighteneth he the hearts of godly men, and kindleth their minds to the true love of God. His word is a lantern to their feet, & a light to their paths. Pure is his commandment, giving clearness to the sight. Open thou mine eyes lord (saith David) & then shall I well perceive the wonderful mysteries of thy doctrine. 8 Upon his head (saith S. john) were also many beautiful crowns, like as were before in figure upon the head of josedech the high priest in token that christ is the high king over all worlds, regions and ages. For he is the Lord of hosts, & the eternal king of glory, he was constitute a principal governor our Zion, the holy hill of the lord. He giveth prosperity to kings, and hath their victori in his hands. In him as in their head, have all his elect members their crowns. Both with mercy shall he crown them and also with long kindness. For Peter, hath he laid up a crown of incorruptible glory, for john, a crown of life, for Paul a crown of righteousness, & so forth. For the whole conflict, victori, and triumph of the saints, is of him alone. 9 He had a special name written, or eternally of god his father appointed, whose excellent majesty no creature understanding was able of his own industry to comprehend. Omnipotent was this name, marvelous, honourable holy, and terrible, Adonay, Emanuel, a name of salvation, & a name above all names. Yea, the Lord was his name, or the Lord our righteous maker. 10 No man knoweth this name, save he himself only, and they to whom he hath showed it. Neither flesh nor blo●d, gentle nor jew, hypocrite nor false christian, hath rightly knowdn it. No, though they have said, lord, lord. For none can say jointly that jesus is the lord, but in the holy ghost, which openeth all godly verity. In this name is registered the elect number of gods adoptive children, whom the world, doth not know for his, nor never will do. 11 And this lord was beautifully adorned with a vesture fair & comely, but it was all dipped in blood, some have taken this garment for his righteousness wherein hath appeared all avengementes over his enemies, Some have supposed it to be his church, all bloody in his martyrs and constant witnesses. But upon their side am I which have taken it for his flesh, for that did he on as a vesture. So sore hath that vesture been striped, and so grievously-wounded, that from the sole of the foot to the overmost part of the head, was no whole place in it. This mighty captain is he which came from Edom and Bosra▪ his clothes be sprinkled with red. His apparel is all spotted, much like unto his raiment that treadeth in the wine press. For his mortal nature suffered most painful death. Alone tr●de he down the wine press in th●se days, & had no man to help him. Alone was he wounded for our offences, alone were our punishments laid upon him, with whose strips we are now heeled. 12 And his name (saith s. john) besides that is spoken afore, is the eternal word of god. He is called the word which was in the beginning which god, which furnished the heavens above, which ordered all things beneath & now last of all took flesh, restoring, lightning, quickening, heling, & saving all them that truly believeth in him, THE TEXT. 1 And the warriors which were in heaven, 2. followed him. 3. upon white horses, 4. clothed with white and pure silk, 5. and out of his mouth went a sharp sword, 6. that with it he should smite the Heathen, 7. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron, 8. and he trod the wine fat of the fierceness, 9 of the wrath of almighty God, 10. And hath on his vesture, 11. and on his thigh, a name written, 12. king of all kings, 13. & Lord of all Lords. The commentary 1 The valiant warriors or constant ministers which were in heaven or in the holy household of faith, did follow him in a comely order upon fair white horses. 2 According to his scriptures did they lead their conversation. After the rules of his godly discipline did they live. They fashioned themselves to the example that was showed them in the mount. 3 None other are these horses, than their corruptible bodies prepared to battle. They which are of Christ doth mortify the vices and lusts of their flesh, they tame their carnal affections. Like perfect men they bridle their bodies to the obedience of the spirit. So to become the true servants of righteousness and no more to do service unto sin. White are these horses for the pure word of the Lord which governeth them No marvel though these mighty soldiers followeth the Lord, considering he is so oft in the scriptures called the lord of hosts. A like similitude did the servant of Helizens' the Prophet behold in a vision through God'S permission in Dotham. 4 This army of the Lord here were apparelled preciously with pure white silk or fine reins, betokening the pure innocency which they have in Christ their general captain. Not carnal is this armour, but evermore spiritual after the doctrine of S. Paul. Though we walk in the flesh (saith he) yet do we not fight after a fleshly manner. For the weapons of our war are not carnal things, but things mighty in God. Beautiful & fair is my well-beloved (saith the eternal Solomon) for his soul pleaseth his Lord, and is loved again of him. His favour & his mercy is upon his holy ones, he hath a loving respect unto his chosen number. A notable sing of victory in the faithful are also these white horses & vestures, for afore they are called justifications of the saints. 5 And out of his Godly mouth (saith the Text) proceeded forth a two edged sword, which is the fierce judgement of his mighty word. By this effectual sword are the faithful believers wounded unto life, and the unbelievers to the death of damnation. For unto some it is the savour of life, and unto some again the savour of death unto death. By this sword also shall the dead branches be cut from the vine, and the corrupted members from the whole body. The goats shall be divided from the lambs, and the evil from the righteous Oh, how sharp, fierce, and tirrible will this sentence of the lords indignation be at that day? Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire. Yet shall it be unto the faithful a perpetual power, victory, & triumph over their enemies. 6 Over & beside all this, goeth that sword from his eternal mouth to the intent he should therewith correct their Heathen, or reforms them of their heathinish life. So that if they will not at the wholesome admonishments of his word repent and amend their old conversation, that than they should be condemned by the same for their wilful contempt. If men will not turn (saith David) he shall whet his sword against them. He will sharpen it as the lightning and acquit his enemies their wickedmes. 7 This mighty Lord shall rule them with a strong rod of iron, which is the invincible verity. This is the rod of right order, the sceptre of the kingdom, and the wand of power, whom the Lord sent from Zion to have sway among our enemies. So strong is this sceptre, that it will not bow. No place will it give to the contrary part. If they will not therewith be ordered, he shall break them in pieces as the potter doth his pot, in such manner as they never shall recover again. 8 The winefat of the great fierceness and sore displeasure of almighty God, shall he tread down with power. More grievously shall they be oppressed at this latter coming by his set sentence, than they were afore at Jerusalem by Uespasianus and Titus. The vinyeard of the Lord of hosts was the house of Israel. This brought he out of Egypt by strong hand. Thereof looked he to have had grapes, and it brought him forth briars and thistles. Their vines were as the wild vines of Sodom. Bitter were their grapes as the poison of Dragons, and as the cruel gall of Adders. Therefore will he break the hedge, and throw down the wall, that it may be trodden under foot. 9 Great anguish shall be upon the earth in his fury, and wrath upon that people in his anger. They shall fall on the edge of the sword and be dispersed. Both here shall they have grief, and also in the world to come. 10 This victorious horse man hath upon his white vesture besprinckeled with blood, which is his innocent manhood crucified. 11 And upon his tender thigh (whom some call his church, some his scriptures, as flesh of his flesh, or spirit of his spirit) this name of magnificence written. 12 In both of them is it manifestly expressed that he is both king of kings, and also Lord of Lords, the great guide of right governors, and that monarch of godly magistrates. By kings is his generation described of Matthew in the posterity of David, and of Luke by faithful fathers unto Adam which had the first promise of health. Both doth the godly acts of his natural manhood and also the holy spirit whom he left here to the comfort of all true believers, declare that he is the eternal attorney of God, his Apostles & true servants affirming the same. And these are his garment and thigh. By his death is our nakedness covered, which are his mystical members. Of his spirit is our strength, which are the generation seeking the Lord of jacob. 13 Both hath he given him of God the high seat of David his father, and also the universal power in heaven and in earth, as he by whom all things were first created. For his power is an everlasting power, and his kingdom such as shall never perish. And all this is comprehended in that he is called the son of the highest, and in that he alone hath immortality, inhabiting the light that no man can attain, to whom be honour and everlasting empire, Amen. In this vesture and thigh are his titles written as to his only behou e, that no man should of presumption usurp them neither by supremite nor vicarage, his church and posterity acknowledging the same evermore. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw an Angel, 2. stand in the sun, 3. and he cried with a loud voice, 4. saying to all souls that fly by the midst under the heaven, 5. Come and gather yourselves together, 6. unto the supper of the great God, 7. that ye may eat the flesh of kings, 8. & of high captain, 9 & the flesh of mighty men, 10. and the flesh of horses, 11. and of them that sit on them, 12. and the flesh of all free men & bondmen, 13. both of small and great. The Commentary. 1 After this revelation I saw (saith saint john) a beautiful Angel, betokening not only the Apostles but all other faithful ministers in the word, else, having the Apostles spirit. 2 In the sun steadfastly stood this Angel which signifieth Christ that clear sun of righteousness, the bright morning star in the midst of the cloud, the express Image of God & substance of his glory. In the strong faith of his name and word stand these worthy witnesses against the whole swarm of Antichristes, not once removing their foot from the rock, which is Christ also, for no persecution nor death. 3 These hath cried and yet shall cry still to the worlds end, with a mighty loud voice or a sure constant spirit. Earnestly shall they protest and publish unto the feathered fowls of the air, that fly by the midst of heaven, by whom are understanded the meek spirited multitude, made spiritual by faith and by knowledge of heavenly mysteries. 4 These as flying birds are taken up from unpure delights, leaving at their tails all corruptible things. They lift up themselves above themselves, & have their conversation in heaven unfeignedly. Yea, these are those gentle souls whom the heavenly father abundantly feedeth without their deservings. Such a soul was faithful Abraham in Mesopotamia, Moses in Sinai, Helias in Carme, Danyell among the Lions the children of Israel in the wilderness, Paul in Damascus, john in Pathmos, and many other more which afterward became Angels also in the sun, or teachers in Christ. And this not only hath been, but shall be also still to the world's end the tenor of their cry. 5 Come you that have received the verity, from the heavy and careful cures of this world and gather yourselves together into the unity of one faith and spirit. Knit yourselves together in christian love which is the cheayne of perfection, & let the peace of God which passeth all wit keep your hearts and understandings in Christ jesus, that ye may be counted worthy your christian vocation. 6. And so prepare yourselves as his loving friends unto the bounteous supper of the almighty God (which is the eternal refection of soul) that ye may be fed with his most precious delicates. Learn of the word of God what is his heavenly will, and follow it in your works: Flee thereby from all worldly lusts, live soberly, justly, & godly here, abiding his glorious aperance. 7 So order yourselves in living & doctrine; that ye may eat the flesh of kings, or take from the worldly governors by your godly preaching all that is filthy & carnal. 8 Consume the fierce flesh of the captains in plucking them from cruelty & malice. 9 Denowre the froward flesh of men that be mighty in power & possessions, cause them to leave their superfluous vanities 10 Spare neither horses nor yet those that sit upon them, but bite both their flesh's hard. Rebuke both the beastly Antichrist & the prince that is ruled by him. 11 Pluck from those belly Gods, bishops and priests their pomps, & lecherous pleasures, & from those that follow them in superstitions, the cruel persecuting of innocents. 12 See that no flesh be left untouched, neither of free men nor bond men, rulers nor subjects, masters nor servants: Neither of small nor great, poor nor rich, low nor high, but be doing with them all. Play as doth the Eagles & other ravening fouls. Where as ye see a dead carcase, or body without faith & spirit, thither resort ye apace. Tell every man his right office. Exhort the king to be learned, and to live in the fear of the Lord. The prince to be wise, and the judge to be godly. Bid the grand captains be faithful to their commons, and the great rich men more merciful to the poor. Command the carnal hypocrites no longer to dissemble, & their undiscréets clients no longer to follow than in darkness. Require them no longer to neigh after their neighbours wives like ●ancke stoned horses, & the other no longer to pamper them up to all beastly vices: Charge the governors to rule faithfully, & the common people to obey lovingly. See that the woman obey their husbands, the children their fathers, the servants their masters. And again that the men be loving to their wives, gentle to their children, & favourable to their servants. Open the four cornered sheet as did Peter. Slay all manner of four footed beasts of the earth, vermin, worms, and fowls of the air, & eat them. Rebuke them with patience whatsoever they be, tyrants, persecutors, murderers, gluttons, Antichristes, extortioners, ribalds, idolaters, thieves, and pluck from them their filthy and carnal customs. Ye shall eat the flesh (saith ezechiel) of the worthies, and drink the blood of the princes of the land, of the wethers, of the lambs, of the goats, and of the oxen that be all slain at Basan. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw the beast. 2. And the kings of the earth, and their warriors. 3. Gathered together. 4▪ To make battle. 5. Against him that sat upon the horse. 6. And against his soldiers. 7. And the beast was taken. 8. And with him that falls prophet 9 That taught miracles before him. 10. With which he deceived them that received the beasts mark. 11. And then that worshipped his Image. 12. These both were cast quick into a pond 13. Of fire burning with brimstone. 14. And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse 15. Which sword proceedeth out of his mouth. 16. And all the souls were stuffed with their flesh. The commentary 1 Anon after this I beheld (saith S. john) the great horrible beast that rose out of the sea, that battailed with the Saints, and that bear the great whore of Babylon which is the general Antichrist. 2 I saw also following him, the cruel kings of the earth and their host of bloody warriors, the mitred bishops of his beastly kingdom with their great bellied monks and priests, the malicious tyrants of the world, with their mad moody magistrates and slaves. 3 These gather themselves together in one mind of mischief, & hath done since Christ's ascension. They muster in array as did Pharaoes' host, they buskle together as did Cayphas hired knights in the dark with fire brands and weapons. 4 To make fierce war or very sharp battle against the most valiant captain jesus Christ, which sat upon the aforesaid whit horse, and against mighty stomached soldiers of his faithful army of true christians. Never was the holy gospel yet sincerely taught, the glory of God proponed, and the inordinate livings of men reprehended, but such uproar of hypocrites, and such tumult of tyrants hath followed. 5 The word of the Lord is always of one nature, to be the mark of contradiction and rock of reproach. Horsemen for the more part are these, malicious warriors against Christ & his word, stirred, provoked, and set forward by the beastly bishops. None other caused Herode & pilate to put Christ unto death but Annas & Caiphas. Non other moved Felix the precedent of jury to imprison Paul, but the puffed up prelate Ananias. Traianus the Emperor would never so extremely have persecuted the Christian church, nor yet other cruel tyrants ever since; had they not been propped forward by such pampered palfrays of the devil. 6 Not only against Christ do they move this bold battle, but also against those that faithfully believe his word, which are the dear members of his mystical body. No blasphemies, false miracles, lies, nor obprobryous slanders & rebukes spare they, to blemish thy opinion to the world, besides the most cruel kinds of death. The captain of this wicked army is that tirrible beast whom Danyell also beheld in a vision, with iron teeth devouring, and with nails of brass destroying, and stamping the residue under his feet. 7 This horrible beast (saith S. john) this filthy body of Antichrist, comprehending all the great adversaries of the Lord was taken suddenly. 8 And with him the false Prophet, or beast rising out of the earth, betokening his false preachers. 9 Which wrought vain miracles before him as did jannes' & Jambres the sorcerers of Egypt before Pharaoh, in counterfeiting Moses and Aaron. Yea, by their transubstauntiations, they can take from bread the substance, the accydents still remaining. They can hold the shadow when the body is gone, besides that they can do in Purgatory and hell by their sacrifices of satisfaction. 10 With such deceitful miracles and lying signs shall those be deceived by them that hath by a false believe received into their consciences the unwholesome mark of the beast, or such a corrupt faith as shall cause their damnation. 11 And they in like case shallbe seduced by them, that hath worshipped the beastly Image of that great antichrist, or inclined to any worldly potentate in the upholding of his false religion. So sealed Cayphas the hearts of the wavering multitude of the jews with that marking iron of Satan that they could be but his ministers. In no case could they save jesus, but Barrabas the murderer. Though they received him joyfully not long afore into the city with Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini, yet could they at that time but cry, Crucifige, Crucifige eum No they had power to do none other but to crucify him in deed which is to worship the beasts Image or to follow the wicked intent of that beastly generation, as their faithful client's doth yet still to this day. 12 Both these twain (saith the text) the head and the body, the beast with his false prophet, were cast quick by the mighty judgement of god into a deep lake of most terrible fire boiling with stinking brimstone. For unbewares shall destruction light upon that cursed generation, according to the faithful request of David, and suddenly shall they fall into their own mischief. 13 Without warning shall the great day of the Lords indignation light upon them, and bring them to nought for ever. Hastily shall death attach them for their wickedness sake, and quick shall they drop into hell with Chore, Dathan, and Abyron. As a weighty stone or lead shall they sink to the bottom, and the pit shall swallow them up for their exceeding rebellion. For like as they stood up against Moses. & Aaron, so hath this beastly generation against God and his Christ. Therefore are they here specified after a most strange & terrible sort to be thrown forth. For three causes may it be that they are called here quick. One is in that their stinking remnant shall at that dreadful day be alive after the doctrine of Paul. An other, in that they have wilfully, upon a set malice resisted the known verity, detortinge it to their own proper lust. If I had not (saith Christ) done among them such works as never man did, they should be faultless. But they have certienly known than, yet have they hated, both me and my father. The Pagans not believing, are judged all ready, and go to hell dead, where as they knowing the will of their Lord and not doing it, shall after an other sort be plagued. Fire shall they have with heat, and brimstone with stink. The third is, in that they shall have palpable darkness, with weeping and gnashing of teeth, their worm neither dying nor yet their fire going out. And like as the Devil was thrown forth at the death of Christ, and soon after that the prelate's and Pharisees of the jews, as the head with the body, so shall at that time Antichrist with his church, the Pope with his clergy, and Mahomete with his sects, as the head with the body also. 14 The residue (saith saint johan) as Kings, captains, strong, weak, high, low, great, and small, were slain with the sharp two edged sword, of him that yet to this hour sitteth upon the horse, which is Christ jesus in the glorified nature of his manhood. 15 This mighty sword proceeded out of his reverend mouth. For it is the strong word of him that liveth for ever, and hath in it both spirit and life. Necessary it is for them that hath been either seduced by their crafts, or coacted by their threatenings, to be touched with his sword. For he that is not thereby slain from sin & the world, shall not rise up to the life which is in Christ. He that is not with him dead from the ordinances of men, but still is led with traditions, can not be clear from the curse, nor yet be the heir of promise. Therefore must they be slain dead with this sword, either to repentance & amendment of life, or else by the hard judgements of the same to eternal damnation. 16 Which way so ever it be, all the aforesaid fowls, or peoples whom God hath raised from this world's affections, shall be fulfilled with their flesh. Whether they be saved or dampened they will most highly rejoice, considering it is the pleasure of God. Both ways shall they be satisfied. I● they be saved, than must they be glad, for that their number is so much the more increased, and for the their selves hath escaped like danger. If they be dampened, than must they rejoice also to see the right justice of God. For the righteous shall make mirth beholding the vengeance, and shall wash their hands in the blood of the wicked, all flesh abhorring to look upon them. The xx. Chapter. THe last enterprise of Satan the common adversary of man, doth this chapter following declare, fetching an original from the beginning of Christ's spiritull kingdom to conclude with the whole for our necessary instruction. As a brief rehearsal of all that is in a manner spoken afore was this unto john, least he should of obliviousness forget (as man's nature is forgetful) these wonderful mysteries and singular premonishments of the Lord, most expedient to be known of his church. That she might by them, s● aforehand the wily crafts of the devil and his members, and to beware of them. Besides that to take courage, patiently to suffer their cruel persecutions. For a thing oft rehearsed departeth not so soon the memory, as that is but once told. Which caused this Evangelist not only here in this place▪ but also in his Gospel & first Epistle oft to repeat the sayings, lest he should seem faintly to pass them over, and because the reader should the more earnestly mark them. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw an Angel 2. Come down from heaven 3. having the key of the bottomless pit. 4. And a great chain in his hand 5. And he took the Dragon, the old serpent (which is the Devil and Sathanes), 6. And he bound him a thousand years, 7. And cast him into the bottomless pit, 8. And he bound him, 9 and set a seal on him, 10. that he should dis●eyue the people no more, 11. till the thousand years. were fulfilled, 12. And after that must he be loosed 13. for a little season. The Commentary. 1 IN the end of these revelations afore rehearsed (saith S. john) saw I in a secret vision an Angel of most singular beauty; betokning jesus Christ the Angel of God's eternal covenant. 2 From the high heaven above came this Angel down unto the earth, sent of the everlasting father. For neither spared that loving father to send his most dear and only son at the time appointed, nor yet the obedient son to submit himself to the shape of a servant and so become man. victoriously did he overcome both death and the Devil, as appeareth by his great miracles, resurrection and ascension. And like as he came down first of all with a p●ssible meekness, so came he down after that with an impassable and invisible mayiestie. Sudden was this latter coming down & most marvelous to the world, such time as he by his heavenly spirit replenished his Apostles with all necessary knowledge. And the noise thereof was heard the world over, touch time as they did preach it abroad. Sinsibly was this coming down expressed in Saul, & also the mighty power thereof, when he throw him to the ground, and said, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? 3. This Angel had the key of the bottomless pet or power over hell, and a great chain in his hand or full liberty to restrain the spiritual adversary. For unto him was given all power in heaven and in earth. 4 Authority had he to destroy him that had rule over death, which was than the Devil. Though I was dead (saith Christ) yet am I now a live 〈◊〉 ever and ever, having the keys both of death and hell. 5 And according to his authorities (saith saint john) he took the fierce Dragon in hand that was wont so maliciously to noy, that old wily serpent that of so long time hath with infinite crafts deceived, which is the very devil himself or malicious accuser of man, and is called Satan, or the cruel adversary as he is most worthy. For both is he a spiteful adversary to God, evermore withstanding his will, & also unto man in plucking him back from following the same. 6 Like a most valiant captain fell he upon that strong armed house watcher, & overcame him, depriving him both of weapon and spoil. He laid a snare for the outrageous Behemoth, and caught him. He ringed the nose of the great Leviathan, and so brought him under. Yea, he bound that malicious sathan and made him sure for a thousand years space, to make of the vessels of wrath the vessels of mercy. This did he by his strong word of covenant, whom he made for a thousand generations. And a full performance it is of God's first promise for man's behove, that Christ should tread down the head of the serpent. For a thousand years was this restraint. Mark beside the mystery, the time from the ascension of Christ unto the days of Silvester the second Bishop of Rome of that name, and ye shall all find that it was from Christ's nativity a complete thousand, after all the Historiographers. By such Nicromancy as he learned of a Sarazin in Spain obtained he the papacy, & as witnesseth john Wycleave in his book De solutione Satan, in Christ's vicarship he lowsoned that devil whom Christ had afore shut up, and set him again at large to deceive a fresh. Consider for the time that he was thus bound, the constant saith of the christians, and the invincible hearts of thyr martyrs, and ye shall find them far different from them which hath been since. He was then so weak, so infatuate and babish, that not only wise men, learned men, and strong men, did set him light, but also young maidens, children, and tender infants in a manner did laugh him to scorn, & set all his subttle slaights at nought. evident will this be to all them that shall read the lives of the holy martyrs & saints of the primative church. Like a bird was that crooked Leviathan in those days so tamed, that no man set by him at all. 7 For not only was he then bound but also thrown down with violence into the bottomless pit. For that time might they go safe upon the adder and scorpion, they might tread under their feet both the Lion and Dragon. Both the Devil and his Angels might they then set at nought. 8 Yea, he was shut up, and so was double bound. So was his power taken from him, that upon neither side could he harm. Neither was he able to pluck them from Christ's faith by flattering prosperity, nor yet by urgent adversity. Neither could tyrannies nor heresies for that time prevail against the Gospel. 9 Finally he set a sure seal upon him which was his word, will, and commandment, that he should no more of his own presumption deceive the people with errors & Idol worshippings that believed in him, or that were predestinate to be saved, till such time as the afore said thousand years were fully accomplished, or as he should permit him thereunto for their unbeleves sake. 10 By this doth the holy Ghost, here assartayne us that Christ hath so suspended the subtleties, and suppressed the venomous crafts of Satan for his elects, that he can not hurt them in one heir of their head. For only is all this spoken for the chosen number. No part hath therein the reprobate vessels, never was the Devil from them yet speared, bat hath been in all ages with them familiar. Only are the consciences of the righteous by this freedom quieted, all other still left in captivity. This revelation respecteth in this point the inward kingdom of Christ, or the hidden congregation of the faithful, whom the world beholdeth with froward eyes, and not the blazing synagogue of Antichrist whom it laugheth upon so freshly. 11 None otherwise were they for all those thousand years vexed of Satan and his cursed members, but as was patient job, in their outward substance & bodies. No power had he upon their souls all that long season. 12 And where as it is here said that after these thousand years Satan must be let lose again for a certain teme. Consider it to be the promise of God, which must in effect be fulfilled. Not that he shall again lose him which hath once bound him for ever, but that he shall permit other to do it according to his threatening promise, the unthankfulness and malice of wicked doers requiring none other. In the end of these thousand years reigned in the papacy at Rome the afore named Necromanser Silvester, which was both a black Mouncke and also a Frenchman borne. This beastly antichrist boasting himself not only to be Christ's vicar in earth, but also to be equal with him in majesty and power, set f●rst the Devil at large by his Necromancy, which took from the hearts of man the living word of the Lord lest they should be saved. From thence forth were not the holy scriptures regarded, but old wives tales & jewish fabels most highly reputed. Them came in Cannons, Decrees, Sentences, Sinodals, Decretals, Clementines, Exextravagauntes with other popish ●awes, the gospel claene set apart. About this time ollo (as master john Carion writeth in his chronicle) flourished the Lordly order of cardinals, and grew into a wonderful estimation in the world. The universities were then furnished with learned men, mightily to prove the Pope Christ's vicar in earth, and the only husband and overseer of his church. General counsels were oft gathered to dispute with all Christendom, that none might dispense in matters of conscience, but he and they whom he should appoint, and that he could in no wise err. No, though when the candle were out, he went to bed with an other man's wife, besides that I will not spaeke at this time. By this means got he an imperial seat, and might make both Emperors & kings at his pleasure. And likewise depose them when he lusted. He might distribute the kingdoms and give the great possessions of this world to whom he lusted, yea to his own bastards and chamberlynes as he did many times. For of the Devil he hath received them, where as Christ did untterly forsake them. And for so much as he was the high Priest after the order of Satan, be might keep a general mart all his life time, & sell all the bishoprics, benefices, degrees, and offices of his church. He might subject the gospel to his own interpretation, make new constitutions, release sin for money, make every day new Gods, and do many other things else. No end was then of their gaudyshe ceremonies, brawlings in the temple, Singings, bells, orgayns, Images, ornaments, lamps, candles, holy days, shavings, surplice, pater nosters, commanded 〈◊〉, & such like, that a man would have thought them Angels when they were very Devils in deed. For the time that Satan was thus set at large by Christ's only vicar, was there not one martyr allowed unless it were for deposing of Princes, and defending the liberties of holy churrh against them, lest their murderers & thieves being within sacred orders, should be hanged with the secule●●, Mark the condition of the tyme. Afore that Satan was thus at liberty, he remained secret in the hearts of evil men. Now is he abroad in their outward ceremonies and rites, ready to be seen of all the world, if pride, pomp, haughtiness, vain glory, may show him, or if hypocrisy, error, superstition, and all other devilishness can tell where he is. When Christ shut him up, he took Idolatry from the people, the Pope hath restored it unto them again in thus setting him at large. In this is he not denied to have been afore this time abroad among the wicked. For little less than four hundred years afore the end of this thousand, began the two monarchs of Antichristes kingdom the Pope in the West under Phocas the Emperor, and great Mahomet in the East under Heraclius, mark it in the chronicles who so list. For afore that time was not the Pope taken for the universal head of the church, nor yet for Christ's vicar. And this could not have been unless he had after some sort, been at liberty. Evermore hath he reigned without restraint among the ungodly. But never so manifestly as then, his abominations accovonted for holiness in the church. At this losing of Satan or very defection as Paul calleth it, openly appeared the man of sin, the son of perdition, and the adversary which exaleth himself above all that beareth the name of God. Faith warred so faint and charity so cold, the scarce appeared one spark of the truth. The church became a perverse generation, & her children were very unfaithful. Afore reigned be evermore in the world, but never in Christ's congregation till that time. Never was the universal church of Christ defiled with so many abominable kinds of idolatry before. 13 But it so continued not long. For the text saith, he was loosed but for a little season. Immediately after perceived Berengarius the archdeacon of Angoy in France that all was well, and with Bruno the bishop impugned their reality, Idemptitie, & naturality in the sacrament, to bring it again to Christ's clear institution. After him followed Waleranus the bishop of Medeburge and did the same in Germany, with many other prelate's and doctors Consequently ensued the Waldeanes and Albigeanes pretending the Apostles life & doctrine, men doubtless of a godly zeal and spirit, and of them the Antichrists slew more than a hundredth thousand, besides an hundredth and four score whom they brent because they would never abjure. What Guid● Bonatus, joannes Semeca, Guilhelmus de sancto amore, Marsilius Paduanus, Arnoldus de villa nova, Franciscus Petrarcha, & other learned men did against them after that, it were very long to write. john Wicleave in England, & john hus in Boheme, men of excellent life & learning, with divers other more, replied earnestly against their transubstanciations and other sorceries. Laurencius Ualla, denied the donation of Constantyne. John Wassalus of Groaning in Friesland, called the light of the world, condemned utterly their purgatory and pardons. Now last of all cometh Martyne Luther, joannes Oecolampadius, Huldricus Zwinglyus, Pomeranus, Brencius, Melancthon, Bucer, Bullinger, with other sincere and godly divines, and they turn over their universal kingdom. So merciful is the Lord to his people in this latter end of the world, that by these and such other the Antichrist is clearly uttered, and all his Hypocrisy disclosed. I doubt not but within few days, the mighty breath of his mouth (which is his living Gospel) shall utterly destroy him with his whole generation of shavelings, by their faithful administration in the word. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw seats, 2. and they sat upon them, 3. and the judgement was given unto them. 4. And I saw the souls of them, 5. that were beheaded for the witness of jesus, 6. and for the word of God. 7. which had not worshipped the beast, 8. neither his Image, 9 neither had taken his mark upon their foreheads, 10. or on their hands, 11. And they lived, 12. and reigned with Christ, 13. a thousand years. 14. But the other of the dead men lived not again, 15. till the thousand years were finished. The Commentary. 1 Whiles the Dragon was thus tied up and thrown into the bottomless pit for a ●housand years space, a certain continuance of being, the elect had. Whose peaceable estate and condition for that time the text here following declareth, by manner of recapitulation. After the afore rehearsed vision of the serpent. I beheld (saith S. john) seats prepared without number. I saw the hearts of faithful believers (which are the seats of wisdom after Stlomon) bewtifully garnished with virtues by the preaching of thou Apostles & other godly teachers. Very peaceable & quietus were these seats. For though they had in the world on every side tribulation, yet had they their contciences quieted in Christ. They considered themselves partakers of the heavenly calling, and rejoiced in hope of the glory of gods children. 2 Upon these seats sat they which are afore called that people whom Satan should no more deceine. They settled themselves in the wisdom the god loveth. They grounded their dwelling with discretion in his understanding and knowledge. Fast did they cleave to his loving word. And for none adversity would they move their foot from the hard rock which is Christ. Thus sat his people in the beautiful seats of peace after Esay in the tabernacles of trust, and in a most plenteous rest, the deceivers and mockers put apart. 3 And as they were thus quieted, the judgement or true understanding of the lords verity was given unto them. Their senses were opened, and great knowledge had they in the scriptures. The figures and prophecies that were hid to other, were manifest and open unto them. The Dark vale was removed from Moses' face, and the light of the laws appeared. They could then decern good from evil, light from darkness, and sweet from sour. The yoke was then taken from them, & no longer were they subject to strangers. Dead men perceived the secrets of the Book. The eyes of the blind might see without mist of darkness. They which afore time were of an erroneous spirit, had than the right understanding, and were learned in the law. In their inward parts was the knowledge thereof planted of the Lord, and the truth written in their hearts, he becoming their God & they his people. Because we should not separate the dead from the quick, or the departed from the living, and so judge them divers, considering they both are of one God, and live by one spirit, being of one hope and calling. The holy ghost doth here couple them together, as sheep of one pasture, feeding all of one spiritual meat, and drinking of one spiritual rock accompanying them, and as members of one mystical body of Christ in this present revelation. 4 I also (sayeth saint john) beheld in this secrets mystery of the spirit the innocent souls of godly men and women, that were beheaded of cruel tyrants for the faithful testimony of jesus and the constant assertion of the true word of the Lord God. I perceived by the scriptures that his true hearted witnesses remained not in death with the wicked, but passed through● with the righteous from the death unto life, & had the life everlasting. They are not forgotten with the ungodly, but they now follow the lamb, and dwell where as he dwelleth. Else would Paul never so earnestly have desired to be dissolved from this flesh, and so to be with Christ. 5 Not only is this here spoken of them that were beheaded, and of none other else, thought it seemeth so in the letter, but of all them that hath died for the verity. For than should Isaiah, jeremy, ezechiel, Amos, Micheas, Zacharye, Steven, and james the less, with all those that hath been burned, strangled, quartered, drowned, stoned, crucified, spitted, racked, ●layed, boiled, sticked, shot through with arrows, and that hath suffered all other terrible torments, be reckoned to be none of that number. Beheadding is here taken for deprivation of life, like as the head is in scripture taken sometime for the soul, sometime for the whole man. 6 For standing by Christ's verity, confessing him God and man, did they lose their lives, which was in the end no loss unto them but a profitable winning. For unto such remaineth the crown of life, the delights of Paradise, and a seat with god. 7 These worshipped not the beastly Antichrist, the very body of Satan. They bowed not down, nor yet gave themselves to such wicked traditions as that carnal generation made for their beasty bellies sake. 8 Neither reverenced they this prodigious Image, or such ungodly princes and magistrates as (their true office set a part) did counterfeit him in cruelty and devilishness. But they rightly considered with the faithful Machabées and apostles, that in such case it was much better to obey God than men. 9 Neither had they in their life time taken the print of his filthy seal upon their foreheads, professing in their inward consciences those diabolical rules. 10 Nor yet on their hands, agreeing to use them in the outward conversation of their bodies. No yoke would they draw with the infidels, thinking that Christ could have no agreement with belial. For through faith they perceived (as he that is of the spirit discerneth all things) that though they seemed glorious in the face of the world, yet were they before God abominable sacrilege. Diligently they searched the scriptures, and believed not all spirits, but first proved them whither they were of God or nay. By that knew they that the homage of soul ought to be given to none other than to one living God alone, and that none other precepts of living were to be followed of them, than Christ their saviour had taught. All other traditions of men took they for strange doctrine, & for crafty colours of devilish deceitfulness 11 Therefore when they were thought of the wicked to be dead, they lived in all sweetness of the spirit, in desire of his latter coming which shall be to their double glory. 12 And they reigned with Christ the pastor & high bishop of their souls, not only here were as they suffered with him for a thousand years space, but also above where as he sitteth on the right hand of god's majesty seat, thousand without end. Than reigneth the godly numbered most of all, when they seem to the wicked lest of all to reign, as when they suffer persecution and death for Christ. For after none other sort reigneth his church here, than he reigned afore them, whose triumph was greatest upon the cross. 13 The thousand years of the reign of the godly, stretcheth here no farther than the thousand years of the fall of the ungodly, Christ's years also deducted which is the head of his congregation. For as the one kingdom decreased, the other always increased, very few Christian martyrs are constant witnesses perceived, from thence forth. For as it appeareth by the history many were abjured and recanted (which was not seen in the former age) and all in a manner, a small number of the poor, except, utterly renounced the verity, for the cruel behaviour of the Antichristes. In these two. sorts afore rehearsed, of them that sat upon the seats and of them that were beheaded for the testimony of jesus, is it to be marked, that all were not martyrs whom God allowed for his in the primitive church, but that there were of both sorts. So well was he accepted that mortified the desires of the flesh, and offered himself a living sacrifice unto God as he that gave his life for the verity. 14 But the residue (saith saint john) or the other sort, called the dead men for that they were not numbered with the righteous, neither among them that sat upon the seats, nor yet among them that were slain for the witness of jesus, lived not again after they were once dead, till the thousand years of their death was thoroughly fulfilled. The time was when they which were dead through sin, did hear the voice of the son of God. They fatihfuly believed the word thereof, & so it revived in him unto the life everlasting, which was both the life & light of men. Where as the froward con●ēners of the living word, having their consciences sealed with the beasts mark, remained still in their infidelity, which is the very death of the soul, & so were by the right judgement of God lost for ever. For the sin against the holy ghost (which is a resistance against the manifest truth) shall neither be forgiven in this world nor yet in the world to come. 15 A time without end doth this word till, cause this thousand here to be, after the common usage of the scripture. Noah sent forth a Raven out of the ark, which returned not again till the waters were dried up, that is to say, he never returned again. joseph knew not Mary till she had brought forth her first borne son. That is to say he never bodily knew her. Thou shalt not out of prison till thou hast paid the uttermost mite i thou shalt never out. With an hundredth of such places in the Bible. THE TEXT 1. This is that first resurrection. 2. Blessed and holy is he, that hath part in the first resurrection. 3. For on such shall the second death have no power, 4. But they shall be the priests of God and of Christ. 5. And shall reign with him a thousand years. The commentary 1 This is the first resurrection unto life, to rise from sin to repentance, from ignorance to godly knowledge, and from darkness to faith. Through the offence of one man entered sin into the world, and through sin death. Necessary it is therefore, to die unto sin, and to live unto righteousness. And so to rise together with Christ, seeking the things which are above, & not upon earth. For never shall they come to the second resurrection which is unto the life everlasting, that will not rise by repentance unto a new life in him, which is both resurrection and life. 2 Blessed is that man of the Lord, yea, holy, just, and perfect may he be reported also of all men, which hath portion convenient in the first resurrection with David, Magdalene, Zacheus, and Peter. Happy are they which hearing the word of God, retaineth it in their living. For they being renewed with the glad tidings of life, are depured by the spirit of Christ, sanctified and so made the habitacles of the holy Ghost. 3 Upon such Godly disposed persons hath the second death of the soul (which is eternal damnation) no manner of power nor effectual jurisdiction. For no damnation can be unto them which are in Christ jesus, not walking after the flesh. Though they have been great sinners, yet shall not their sins be to them imputed, but in the resurrection of the wrightuous shall they rise to immortality, and be as the very Angels in heaven. He that hath taken from them the poor of death, shall make them sure of eternal inheretaunce with god. 4 They shall surely be the chosen priests of God the everlasting father and of his eternal son jesus Christ which are of the first resurrection. Though they be here in the flesh, yet fight they not after the flesh, but they shall follow the governance of the spirit, & give over their bodis for a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. 5 And thus shall they reign with christ their merciful saviour & redeemer for the space of the thousand years afore named. None other took they all that long season for their spiritual messias, their eternal King, their high Bishop for all, their master, their Lord, their guide, their light, and the shepherd of their souls. None other would they acknowledge but him for their mediator & atonement maker, neither Moses nor Samuel, Noah, Daniel, nor job, johan Baptist, Mary, nor Peter. He only was unto them all wisdom, righteousness, holiness, and redemption. In none other name could they find health and salvation but alone in his. Nothing pertaineth this unto the Pope's mass sayers, for they call upon many names with Ora pro nobis, and are of a far other priesthood as we have declared afore. In Christ's kingdom is none outward priesthood, nor sacrifice to be made for sin. For he hath with one oblation for all fully satisfied for the sins of his elect number for ever. The office of a Christian man now is only to offer up himself by the denial of himself, and by the mortification of his flesh. In the holy supper of the Lord (which is a mutual participation of his body & blood) is no new sacrifice to be made, but only a faithful remembrance to be taught of that full and perfect sacrifice that he made once for all, unless we will betray him and crucify him again. The duty of a minister in Christ's congregation, is with all study and diligence to labour in the holy word of God, be he bishop, priest, chaplain, Pastor, or preacher. His ministration is great labour & no dignity, pain and not pride or arrogancy. And having his food and raiment, he ought to require no more. THE TEXT. 1 And when the thousand years are expired. 2. Satan shall be loosed out of prison, 3. and shall go out, 4. to diseeive the people, 5. which are in the four quarters of the earth. 6. Gog & Magog, 7. to gather them together to battle 8 whose number is as the sand of the sea, 9 And they went upon the plain of the earth, 10. and compassed the tents of the saints about, 11. and the beloved City. 12. And fire came down from God out of heaven, 13. and devoured them, 14. And the Devil that deceived them, 15. was cast into a lake of fire and brimstone, 26. where the beast and the false Prophet were 17. and shall be tormented day and night for evermore. The Commentary. 1 After the plentnous description of the true church of Christ, which is unknown to the world (for the glorious daughter of the eternal King, is from within, saith David, now followeth in course the pernicious kingdom of Antichrist, when it was in the highest pride, so soon as the afore rehearsed thousand years (saith saint john) are fully accomplished or brought to an end. 2 Satan the common adversary of man shallbe loosed out of his dark prison, and so shallbe set at large by the sufferance of God, man's wickedness deserving none other. A full liberty shall he have to do all mischief upon earth, and strongly to delude the unbelievers for their unbeleves sake. 3 He shall go fourth with all deceitful power whereof he is full, transforming himself into a resemblance of the Angel of light, to deceive the universal people of the world. 4 Through the operation of error he shall cause them to give credence unto lies and false miracles, that they might be dampened for refusing the truth and consenting to such wickedness. Very crafty shall he compass them with gins of hypocrisy too blind their unfaithful minds, least the light of the gospel should be open unto them. The abomination of desolation shall he set up in the holy place, to the utter destruction of their faith. 5 Yea, he shall seek out this people from each, iiii. quarters of the universal earth, to corrupt their consciences with all manner of superstitions. 6 Which people of him thus perverted is called here in misteri, Gog & Magog which is as much to say as covered, & of revered. For both the grand captains, and multitudes of them depending doth these two words comprehend, the one covering the devil with many false religions & the other in his sort following the same wicked consent. S. Augustine in his twenty ●ooke, de civitate dei, willeth by Gog to be signified the glorious hypocrites of the world, & by Magog the open enemies of righteousness pretending the contrary as testifieth Berrosus the Caldeane in the first book of his histories, & fift chap. Gog was a mighty governor in the lands of Sabea and Arabia the rich, under Nembroth the great King of Babylon and their ruled with Sabus his father in the xviii year of his reign. In the xxxviii chapter of Ezechiels' Prophecy is he called the chief prince of Mosoche & Turball, whom some expositors take for Capadoce & Spain. But after the opinion of saint Hierom and Isidorus which was a Spanayrde, the hebrews doth take this Thurball for italy, which is much more agreeable to this purpose. Magog was the second son of japhet, which was the third son unto Noe. This Magoge (as witnesseth josephus in the first book of his antiquities the xj. Chapter) was the first beginner of the Magogytes, whom the Greeks called the Scitheanes, & we now the Tartareanes. And all the chief writers specifieth the Turks of them to have taken their first original. Now mark this wonderful mystery, & consider therein both the time & story. So shall ye well perceive the holy ghost to mean none other hereby this Gog and Magoge, but the Romish Pope & Mahomete, with their blasphemous and wicked generations. search the Chronicles and ye shall find that their beginnings were base, and their estate, simple before the thousand years were finished. But after that they grew up so high by their feigned simplicity and simulate holiness, that they became the ii chief monarch of the earth, and so in process ruled the universal world. These are the two horns or beastly kingdoms of the great Antichrist or whole body of the Devil, rising up by the earthly studies and devilish devices of wicked men. By the doctrine of Aristotle, Plato, Porphirie Auicenne, Averroes, Auenzoar, and such other, became the Romish Pope Christ's vicar, and head of the universal church. Petrus Lombardus created him a new divinity, so did Gracianus monachus a new Cannon law of decrees to establish the same besides that was done than by Petrus Conmestor the third brother. For all they three were the children of one adulterous mother, as witnesseth Antoninus, Hermannus Schedel, joannes Textor, and diverse other Chronographers. By the crafty conveyance of Sergius a false Monk of Constantinople, and of one Matthew the Archdeacon of Antioch, was Mahomete taken for the Apostle of both testaments, for the great Prophet of God, and for Messiah among the Tartareanes and Arabies, with other peoples of the East. To establish this by a pretenced religion, and to bring it to a mighty monarchy, by the advisement of Phinées, Abdias, Cabalchabar, Balteira, Merban, and Elgug, with other jews, jacobynes, Nestorianes, and Arlyanes', they made the blasphemous law of their Alchorane, as testifieth john Cuspiniane in his book de Turcarum origine and other authors else. Thus for the wickedness and sins of the people suffered the Lord abominable hypocrites to have the dominion over them. The two horns are like the lambs horns at a blush. For both they pretend holiness in fastings, in prayers, in alms deeds, in washings, & in other holy rites and ceremonies. That a man seeing them (not having knowledge of the truth of god, which trieth all) would think nothing to be more pure, honest, godly, innocent, clean, holy, & angleycke, than are their traditions. Both they confess one God. Both they commend christ. Both they allow the scriptures of both laws. Mahomete callerh Christ the word of God, the spirit of God, and the soul of God, the most excellent Prophet and the worthiest among creatures. But in no case will he have him taken for the son of GOD, no more than the Pope will have him taken for a full saviour without his masses and suffrages. And like as the Pope hath risen up by the wily practises of Philosophers, Sophysters, Sentencioners and canonists, so hath Mahomete comen up by the Sobellianes, Manyches, Eunomyanes', Macedonianes, Nestoreanes, and Arrians with other heretics. Out of whose opinions was contrived his Alchorane as a mean law betwixt Moses and Christ, because the one (say they) was too full of hardness, the other too full of liberty. And to call upon him both jews & Christianes', he admitteth after a sort both Circumcision and baptism granting them liberty to have many wives with other voluptuous pleasures. 7 Thus under simulate religion or pretence of God's law & service, these two tyrants, Gog and Magog, the Romish Pope & Mahomete with their whole generations of like spirit with them, have gathered themselves together into one wicked consent against god & his christ. For under Gog & Magog are all they comprehended, whom sathan deceived after that he was set at large, though these two have not accorded in other things, yet have they both agreed in this one point by the devils enticement, to battle against the lamb. To withstand the verity, and impugn the truth of the Gospel, they have been ready every where, in every land, in every city, and in every town. Of one cruel purpose and study to do mischief have these two enemies been in all places of the world, to persecute Christ's poor congregation. This thing doth the daily practices of them both so manifestly declare, that all the world see it▪ well enough. These doth Esay call that strong multitude, whose spoil Christ shall divide, the smith that bloweth the colles in the hot fire, and the waster that destroyeth, Ezechiel doth compare them to a raging tempest, Daniel to the King of the north, and Zachary to the Princes of the earth. 8 Whose exceeding number (saith saint john) is as the dry sand that hath been baste up with the sea, which can in no wise be numbered. In this full well may it be considered what a small thing Christ's flock was in comparison of these soldiers of Gog and Magog, after satans going forth, & for the time of their battle. Innumerable were the sects of the Pope with those that they brought to that false faith and obedience. And so were the Prophets of Mahomete with the perverted mulytude. Their power was great for the time, and their malice vengeable, yet were they as sand dry and unfruitful. 9 They rose up in pride, riches and ryalty, and always went over where as they see the earth made plain and smooth, and that in every land compass. Their general journey was all the world over towards them that were poor in spirit, or whose l●stes were mortified from the worlds Consider them for an example, whom they have cruelly burned and slain where as they perceived their crooked customs thrown down, and the straight rule of God's word faithfully received, there persecuted they most ●ier●●sy, there we●ed they furious and maid, sparing neither sword, fire, gibbet, nor other torment. such heretics as would not believe as holy church commanded. This hath been their order for the time of Satan's liberty. And this have they taken for an high point of Christian religion. For this is that hour that Christ prophesied of, wherein men should think to do unto god great good service when they put one of his unto death. 11 Thus have they with all prodigious tyranny compassed the dearly beloved City of God, or the holy congregaton for whom Christ died, utterly to overthrow it. By all manner of crafts and devilish circumventions have they gone about at that time (as they would do yet still) to destroy that small remnant or church of the Lord, builded without material stone & mortar, the sweet spouse of his with out spot or wrinkle. Not only sought they in the enterprise to bring to nought the particular congregations, but for as much as lay in them, the universal church of god, than living. Blessed be our lord god, though it hath been since the losing of sathan but a poor wretched neglected thing, & of no reputation before the world, yet hath it been always before him a beloved City, and hath defended it so mightily, that nothing hath perished of it. No not one heir of their heads. What the Turk with Mahomet's host hath done for his part in Egypt, Gréece, palestine, Jerusalem, Bulgary, in the borders of Italy & Spain, at the Rhodes, in the kingdom of Hungary, Ludovirus the king there ruefully slain, & now last of all against the city of Uyen, I think it is known unto all men. We may see by that is here written of these two enemies Gog & Magog, the daily experiments confirming the same, that they are far above us in number and power being as the sands in the sea. Most vainly are we occupied, if we ascertain ourselves to have the victory over them by any other way than the Lord hath appointed. Let us pray therefore unto the Lord for grace and than amend our lives, and the plague shall cease. Only hath he promised to destroy them all with the breath of his mouth and with no bodily armour nor strength of men, as here after followeth. Let us in the mean time give ourselves unto fervent prayer, to compassion of our brethren, to deeds of charity & pity, to abstinence from sin, and to the forsaking of our own desires. For sure we are, that he shall shorten their days of mischief for his elects sake. 12 In the process following must we take for the time past, the time to come, for the clear declaration of the mystery considering ever more the usage of the scriptures for times. When these enemies Gog and Magog, shallbe at the highest in their vengeable enterprises against the elect City or peaceable congregation of Christ, a consuming fire (saith Saint john) which is the eternal word of the Lord shall come down freely out of heaven from the mouth of the great omnipotent God. 13 As a fearful lightning shall it fall upon them, and as terrible fire shall it devour them, like as the material fire, did eat up Sodom and Gomorre, rebellions in the desert, & the enemies that sought Helias. The fire that is kindled in the wrath of God, shall burn unto the bottom of hell, & consume up those terrible termagauntes. 14 That word of the lords indignation shall with great violence throw the devil that wi●y serpent, which deceived gog & Mogog with their innumerable soldiers, into a foul stinking lake or boiling pit of wild fire & brimston. 15 Upon the wicked (saith David) shall the lord rain snars. wild fire, brimstone, with tirrible storm & tempest, shall they have to reward, for their etarnall punishment. Herein are to be marked & considered, both the intolerable grievousness of the pains, & also the everlasting continuance of them. 16 In the same place of intolerable torment, were the beastly generations of Antichrist & all their schoolmasters of hypocrites doctrine. Or eternally of god were they thereunto appointed as the ungodly commonalty with their captain, and as the body and members with their wicked head (for all ready is it done by his word, but than shall it follow in effect) whereas they shallbe as the Lord hath appointed, most sharply afflicted with unspeakable torments both day and night without pause or ceasing for ever and ever without end. 17 Never shall their fire be quenched (saith isaiah) no● yet their gnawing worm be taken from them. For all manner of griefs wherewith God vexed the wicked, may this fire here be taken after the scriptures. For as witnesseth saint Augustine in his xx. book and xii. chapter De civitate Dei, not only is this punishment to be referred to the latter judgement, but alo to the extermination of Antichristes h●st by the word of God the world over. Be the Gospel once purely taught among men, it will condemn all that they have done upon their own presumption without the ground of God's verity, be it ceremony or Sacrament, priesthood or sacrifice, reserving the deceivers to his most fearful judgement. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw a great white seat, 2. & him that sat on it, 3. from whose face fled away both the earth & heaven, 4. & their places was no more found, 5. And I saw the dead, both great and small, 6. stand before God. 7. And the books were opened, 8. And an other book. was opened 9 which is the book of life, 10. And the dead were judged of those things, 11. which were written in the books, according to their deeds, 12. And the sea gave up her dead, 13. which were in her, 14. And death▪ 15. and hell delivered up the dead, 16. which were in them, 17. and they were judged every man according to his deeds▪ 18. And death, 19▪ and hell were cast, 20. into the lake of fire▪ 21. This is the second death 22. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, 23. was cast into the lake of fire. The commentary 1 A none after this I beheld (saith Saint johan) in secret mystery an imperial throne or seat of estate, fair splendaunte, and beautiful. None other is this than the judgement seat of the Lord. 2 Great it is, for the Majesty and power of him that shall sit thereupon, is of inestimable magnificence & greatness. Fair and white, both for the celestial clearness that shall at that hour apere with him, and also for the pureness, equity, and right of his universal judgements. 3 From the aspect of whose fearful countenance shall both the earth beneath and the other elements above flee away. All the creatures of his creation shall with reverence tremble & quake at his mighty appearance. The sun shall than be darkened, the moon shall not give her light. The Stars shall fall down from above, the powers of heaven shallbe moved. The elements shall melt with heat, and the whole earth shall tear in pieces like a rag. 4 A terrible fire shall go before the judge, to burn up his enemies on every side. The places of them that lived here superstitiously and voluptuously, shall no more after that be found. Never shall they resort again hither to their old wanton pleasures. Of their beautiful Cities, shall not one stone be left upon an other. Their proud painted synagogues as dust in the wind shallbe scattered away from the earth. Neither shall the sky nor yet the ground beneath be as it was, but both they shallbe renewed & changed. They shallbe delivered from corruption, and so appear both a new heaven, and a new earth, according to the expectation of the creatures. 5 Immediately after that (saith saint john) the judge thus sitting upon the sca●e of his eternal Majesty. I saw still in mystery after the blast of the trumpet, that all they which were dead, arose out of the earth. And that both high and low, great and small, good and bad, King, and beggar, prelate and plough man, tyrant and perscecuted innocent. Yea, the sucking babe the died in the cradle so well as the aged man. 6 All they seemed unto me to stand before their general judge jesus Christ, to whom the everlasting father had given over his whole judgements, which there appeared as he was in deed a very omnipotent god. All we shall appear (saith Paul) before the judgement seat of Christ, that every one of us may receive according to that he hath done, be it good or ill. 7 And the books of reckennings (which are the several consciences of men) were open before the judge. That afore was hid, will than be manifest, and that was secret, will then come to light & be disclosed. Evident it will be unto him who hath fulfilled the commanded works of mercy & who hath left them undone, their own constences bearing witness to the same. For what can be hid from him which seethe both the inward reins and the secret thoughts of the heart? In this general reckoning yet, shall praise with the eternal reward redound unto them from the merciful Lord whose walking here hath been according unto faith. There shall they be reproved to have been pitiful to the poor, hungry, thirsty, needy, naked, sick, & in prison. 8 After this was an other book opened of a far diverse nature from the other books, for it was the sweet book of life, wherein be registered all that were predestinate to be saved, from the world's beginning. And this book is the eternal predestination of God. 9 Before the world's foundation (saith s. Paul) the lord predestinate us into the addoption of his children, through jesus Christ. Of this book made Moses mention, when he said, Either pardon this people, or else raze me out of thy book which thou haste written. And Christ also to his seventy disciples. Be glad (saith he) that your names are written in heaven. Moreover joshua called this the book of the righteous, and john here the book with seven clasps. This sheweh the holy ghost here unto us, much after the custom daily used among us. For of the most notable men and women our manner is both long to remember the names, and also to speak of them as occasion giveth. So equal is this eternal judge, that no parsonage respecteth he in judgement, neither of Emperors nor Pope, King nor Byshope, Lord nor priest. But as he is righteous of himself, so judgeth he righteously. 10 For they that were dead (sayeth saint johan) or that had led their lives here without faith and the spirit of Christ, were judged of him there, according to the things which were registered in the books of their consciences. 11 That is to say, according to the filthy works whereof their desperate conciences accused them. Only are the wicked to be taken here for the dead. For the righteous shall than have nothing, whereof their conscience may accuse them. Neither shall the evil doers as witnesseth David, be of counsel with them at the day. They having the life everlasting, shall not than be judged, though they then appear, but shall sit with Christ in judgement, and rejoice in the condemnation of the ungodly blasphemers. The reward of their unfaithfulness shall than be powered upon them, to their perpetual care. At that day shall none be absent but all shallbe seen, either to honour or else to reproof. 12 Neither shall the depth of the sea, nor the darkness of death, nor yet hell that is bottomless, be able to hide any from the face of this judge. For the sea (saith saint john) that is mighty and great, shall at that day deliver up clean her dead, or those whom the Lord suffered her to swallow in for their outrageous sins. 13 Like as were the giants in the flood of Noah, the great host of Pharaoh in the red sea, and such other more. 14 So shall greedy death do also, which after many strange sorts hath consumed the enemies of God. As for an example, Cain by a chance unsought, Nadah and Abyn by fire, Achan by standing, Holofernes & saul by the sword, nabal by excess of wine, jesabel by treading of horses, daniel's accusers by the lions, Menelaus by breaking his neck, judas by hanging himself Herod, by worms, the children of Israel by sword, fire, serpents, and sudden death, and such other like. 15 Hell which is insatiable, shall in like case render up the innumerable swarm of the dead whom he with open mouth, hath swallowed in quick for their abominations. 16 Of whose number were Chore, Dathan and Abiron with their affinity, the cities of Sodom and Gomorre, the uncircumcised giants, the rich rourer and the rich glutton in Luke, Simon Magus, with diverse other. Hell hath gaped marvelously wide (sayeth Isaiah) and hath ravenouslye devoured the high minded, sturdy, and disobedient nation. The uncircumcised giants (saith ezechiel) with their weapons are gone down to hell, whose swords are laid under their heads, their wickedness upon their bones. Of the wicked only is all this spoken here, if ye mark well the text, and in no wise of the Godly, what though many, of them hath been drowned in the sea, burned, beheaded, and hanged upon the land, and buried quick in the earth. 17 For it followeth also, that they were judged of the judge and received every one according to their deservings. According to the fleshly fruits of their own inventions shall they be rewarded, their unfaithfulness justly measured unto them. Their bodies shall then take part with their wretched souls, in the everlasting curse of damnation, the elect numbered rewarded with perpetual felicity. 18 And as concerning death itself, which is the universal enemy of man, it shallbe destroyed for ever. 19 Hell also (which is here taken for sin) shall never more be seen among the creatures of God. 20 For both shallbe thrown into the great lake of boiling fire and brimstone. The victory of death shall be swallowed up, and his sting done clean away, which is sin. That is now corruptible shall put on uncorruption, & that is now mortal, immortality. Thus that the Lord at the hour make of all his enemies his footstool according to his promise by Oseas the Prophet. O death I will be thy death. O hell I will be thy destruction. 21 This tirrible appointment of the judge (saith saint john) is the second death, or perpetual deprivation of the sight of God, yea, the utter fall from his favour, grace, and mercy. This death is the whole vengeance of all innocent blood which hath been shed upon earth from just Abel to the last faithful witness. Yea, this sentence is the stone that shall grind the enemies to powder, the very eternal damnation both of body and soul. 22 Now for a conclusion of the whole matter, whatsoever he be king or Emperor, Priest or prelate, lay or religious, that shall not be found written in the book of life, which is the eternal predestination of god, for that he hath worshipped the beast and his Image, he shallbe cast by the irrevocable sentence of the judge, into the stinking lake of fire, perpetully there to burn with the Devil and his Angels. So that he which hath had no part in the first resurrection, shallbe sure to taste of this second death which is damnation. 23 He that believeth not the gospel when it is faithfully taught him, repenting his former life, but refuseth the grace thereof, freely offered, shall for ever be damned. Never shall his sin be remitted, neither in this world nor in the world to come, that reststeth the holy ghost, withstanding the open verity. Only remaineth a fearful expectation of judgement unto them that here treadeth Christ under foot▪ not regarding his blood shedding, but doing injury to the spirit of grace for their own invention. The xxj Chapter. In this last vision of johan, is both described the prosperous estate of the true church or kingdom of Christ here, and also the perpetual Sabbath of the children of God. All the other visions were mixed with labours, afflictions and pains. This is full of peace, tranquillity, and joy, incorruption, glory, and felicity. THE TEXT. 1 And I saw a new heaven, 2. & a new earth, 3. for the first heaven, 4. and the first earth were vanished away, 5. and there was no more sea, 6. And I johan saw that, 7. holy City, 8. new, 9 Jerusalem, 10. come down from God out of heaven, 11. prepared as a bride, 12. garnished for her husdande, 13. And I heard a great voice from the seat saying, 14, Behold the tabernacle of God▪ 15. is with men, 16. and he will devil with them, 17. And they shall be his people, 18. and God himself shall be with them, 19 and shall be their God 20 And God shall wipe away, 21. all tears from their eyes, 22. And there shall be no more death, 23. neither sorrow, 24. neither shall there be any more pain, 25. for the old things are gone. The Commentary. 1 Besides the afore rehearsed revelations, I beheld now last of all (saith saint johan) that heaven was clean altered from that it was afore and became all new, and so was the earth also and became the same. Not only become they now spiritual by a true believe in the Gospel that afore were carnal, but also in the end of the world shall the whole bodies of heaven and of earth as gold in the furnace be purged from filthiness by fire going before the yudge, which both are now defiled with the wickedness of the creatures. 2 After both sorts shall they be delivered from the corruption, here of sin, and thereof death and damnation, and so be restored unto the glorious liberty of God's children. 3 The first heaven defiled through the pride of Angel, and the first earth also corrupted by the sinful usage of man, shall vanish clean away and no more be seen. Not that the substance of them shall utterly perish, but that their nature, shape, and figure shall change into a much more pure and perfect similitude. A custom it was among the prophets, when thy advertised the afflicted israelites of prosperity, peace, or renovation of the glory of God coming towards them to promise all things new. 4 Behold (saith the Lord in Esay) I make you new heavens, and a new earth, and as for the old shall never more be though upon. New is the true church of Christ, so are the people pertaining to the same. In no point are they like to the Pope's holy orders, nor yet unto Mahomates religion. Clere are their hearts which have rereceived the verity, from all superstitions, and their outward lives from idle observations, perfect are their consciences, and their conversations godly. And this in the regeneration shallbe fully accomplished. Not only shall that which is now mortal become immortal & the is now corruptible, than incorrupted & as the very Angels of the Lord, but also the universal heaven shallbe then renewed, so shall the whole face of the earth, and appear more beautiful than now. 5 And from that time fourth shall there be no more sea, which signifieth people unsteadfast, vain, and fickle. Whereas the peace of Christ is surely grounded, no more is there any troubled conscience. No more is there any diffydence, wanhope, or despair. All bitterness, sorrow, & anguish is turned into sweetness & joy in the holy ghost. We know (saith saint Paul) the all things are taken to the best in them that love God. From the Apostles (whom Christ first also called from the Sea) vanished this wavering Sea away, when they went from the malicious counsel of the bishops rejoicing that they were found worthy to suffer rebuke for his name's sake. In like case all impediments and needs, all dangers and doubts, all fearful movings and outraging that we now have of the sea, shall cease in that day of the Lord, when we shall behold him face to face. No longer shall it be subdued unto vanity, no more than the other creatures, but clearly depured from filthy corruption. No more shall it be the same to see, to being from thence forth so claer● as crystal, though it still be the same in substance. 6 Heaven, earth, & the sea, with all other creatures in mystery thus renewed, I johan the son of zebedee & the same disciple whom Christ loved, being here in exile for his word & testimony, perceived in the save mystery by the singular gift of the spirit, the the self holy city or congregation of the Lord which is worthily called the new Jerusalem of peace descended down out of heaven from her omnipotent creator & God eternal. 7 Holy is this city. For both is she here the undefiled spouse of the lamb and shallbe hereafter more perfectly in the regeneration. Here admitteth she nothing in faith that is prohpane and carnal, but cleaneth to his only word. There shall she follow his steps in a much more pure estate, clearly delivered from all that is ill. 8 Here is she new, in that she hath here by his godly spririte done of the old man with his filthy works. And there shall she also be new through his gift, by throwing away the body of sin with death and corruption. 9 Jerusalem is she called both here and there, or peceable city of the Lord, in that all her citizens are here of one faith, and there shallbe of one glorious unity and concord. Here are her dwellers citizens with the saints, & the household servants of god. There shall they be both his children and heirs together with Christ. 10 From God came she down, and out of heaven first of all. Neither out of flesh nor blood hath sprung her Christian believe, but from the gracious opening of the father which is in heaven. That Jerusalem (saith Paul) which is free & our mother is from above. She is that City, whose builder and maker is God. With none other laws is she governed, but with his eternal testament and Gospel of peace. With the constitutions of men hath she nothing to do, be they never so holy and precious. For alone she dependeth on God and his spirit. 11 Of him is she prepared through the gift of faith. She is cleansed with the fountain of water in the word of life to seem a glorious congregation without blemish or wrinkle. From her sins is she purely washed in his blood. 12 And so garnished as a beautiful bride to her husband with love, joy, peace, patience, meekness, long suffering, & other glorious fruits of the spirit. Upon thy right hand Lord (saith David) standeth a queen in a garment of most fine gold compassed with diversity. But every man, shall not see this her apparel, for it willbe rather a raiment of the heart than of the outward body. Figured was this decking of her at large, in the wonderful adjourning of the temple and tabernacle of God in the days of Moses and Solomon, whose mystical meeting also he describeth in his canticles. How marvelous this new Jerusalem will be in the regeneration, when she meeteth her spouse in the air, and how glorious her countenance with him, it lieth not in us to declare in all points, considering that neither eye hath seen, nor ear hard, neither can the heart conjecture what God hath there prepared for them that love him, but of this are we sure, that with the glory of him she shallbe replenished. Here is her estate unperfect, and there perfect, here mortal, there immortal, here sour, there sweet, here hard, there pleasant, here painful, there delectable, here Godly, there inestimable glorious. 13 And as john had seen these wonderful things, and mused much upon them, a great voice came unto him from the seat of God, declaring the mystery thereof. I hard (saith he) in the midst of this last revelation, as I was in doubt what it meant, a mighty voice from the throne of my everlasting Lord, saying thus unto me. 14 Behold John behold, & mark it both for thine own erudition, and also for the instruction of others. The holy tabernacle or resting place of the everlasting God of heaven, is with men in the world beneath. Not only in that the eternal son of the Lord took upon him the shape of a man, calling it the temple of his body, but also in that the soul of every faithful man is become the habitacle of the holy ghost. He that loveth me (saith Christ) observeth my word. In him will both I and my father provide us a resting place. He that is in love abideth in god and God dwelleth in him. 15 This voice might john well hear from the mouth of God in Esechiell. I will make (saith he there) a perpetual covenant with man to dwell with him evermore. My tabernacle shallbe among them. So that I will be their God, and they shallbe my people. 16 For why, it followeth here in this voice, that he hath determined of favourable love & mercy to dwell with them, assisting them here in this life by his spirit, and in the life to come shall he satisfy them by his eternal presence. For here do we see him in a similitude far of, there shall we behold him like as he is in deed, and shall eternally rejoice therein. 17 Here are they his people through faith, for Israel is his heritage. There shall they be his familiar household through love and he their Lord for ever. Here shall they be his children, and he their eternal father. There shall they be his heyers, Christ being the right heyer for them all. 18 Thus God his own self of his inestimable goodness being presently with them, shall here by his grace, and thereby inestimable benefits, show himself in all points to be their most merciful and loving God▪ Here doth he strongly assist them against all temptations of enemies. There shall be endue them with full perfection and clearness. 19 So shall he be their god, that neither here nor yet there shall they knowledge any other but him alone. He shall so comfort them here by his spirit, and there by his glorious presence, that neither shall they here forsake him, nor there be divided from him. 20 And this everlasting god shall so wipe away all tears from their eyes here, that no vexation shall make them sorrowful, nor yet adversity pensive. But all manner of slanders and persecutions, shall they take for most suffren consolations for his name's sake. For if he be with them, who can prevail against them? 21 And after that day can no weepings be, whereas shallbe full joy with immortality both of soul and body. Behold (saith the Lord in esay's prophecy) I shall make a joyful Jerusalem, yea, and myself will rejoice there with them. From thence forth shall neither wailing nor weeping be hard in her any more. 22 In her moreover shall be no more death for it shallbe destroyed for ever. No more shall men's consciences despair here, But have joy in the holy ghost. No more shall they die through sin, but live unto God by faith. And there shall no more the rose coloured whore be drunken in the blood of martyrs. Her tyrants shallbe closed up in the stinking lake of fire from the slaughter of them, they than becoming immortal and impossible Moreover than this, he that believeth in christ shall never die nor yet come into judgement, but pass clean from death unto life. 23 Neither shall there be any sorrow nor crying any more. For all manner of displeasure of the body, as poverty, sickness, losses, emnytie, vexations, and ill reports are here patiently borne of the faithful. And there shallbe found nothing to minister any such occasions. Here is neither age doubted, nor yet persecution feared, in them that reckoneth death advantage, having in desire with Paul to be hence and with Christ. Nor yet shall be there where all is in joy and peace, durable for ever. 24 Neither shall there be felt any more pain. Such hath been the constancy of the martyrs here that little have the torments grieved them. Eleazarus patiently suffered all punishment▪ Steven reyosed to see heaven open. Andrew would in no case be delivered from death. Laurentius offered his brent flesh to be eaten. The burning coals were so sweet unto Tiburcius as the fragrant roses. So desirous were the terrible torments unto Uincent, as a most pleasant banquet. Angelus desired the people in Sicilia to esteem the tyrant his friend. What the exceeding constancy was of john Husse and Hieronym of prague, divers chronicles mention. And in our time, George Baynham in the fire did never complain. John Frith never showed himself once grieved in countenance. Barns never moved, as his enemies doth report. Peter Frank in Colchester sang joyfully to the Lord. The three young men of Southfolk rejoiced at the death, with such other many. And how far they shallbe, from pains after this, the great day of the Lord shall declare. 25 For the old things are paste, saith the text. All that afore was tedious, heavy, and fearful to the flesh, is now become easy, light, and pleasant, through that they have learned of Christ. His word refresheth them in spirit, and is a sweet rest unto their souls. And in the regeneration shall hunger, thirst, weariness, labour, heat, cold, rain, wind, thunder, earthquakes, with all other discommodities be taken clean from them. Neither shall they have there, need of meat nor drink, food nor raiment, beds nor buildings, fields nor meadows, wellsprings nor rivers, gardens nor vineyards. The Text. 1 And he that sat upon the seat said, 2. Behold, I make all things new. 3. And he said unto me. 4 Write. 5. for these words are faithful and true. 6. And he said unto me. 7. it is done. 8. I am Alpha and Omega, 9 the beginning and the end, 10. I will give to him that is a thirst, 11. of the well of the water of life, free, 12. He that overcometh, shall inherit all things, 13. I will be his God, and he shall be my son, 14, but the fearful. 15. & unbelieving, 16. & the abominable, 17. & murderers, 18. and whoremongers, 19 and sorcerets, 20. and Idolatrs, 21. & all liars, 22. shall have their part in the lake, 23. that burneth With fire and brimstone, 24. which is the, second beath. The commentary 1 And the omnipotent Lord which sat upon the eternal throne concluded thus with me. His holy spirit of promise ascertained my spirit by his heavenly word, that all these things should be true. 2 Behold (saith he) I will make all things fresh and new. Heaven, earth, the Sea, and the universal city of peace, I will deliver from all corruption, I make all pure, clean, holy, immortal, uncorrupt, impassable, clear, heavenly, spiritual, and glorious. Never more shall, they be as they were afore when they were yet old. Never shall be more eating nor drinking, wiving nor banqueting, traveling, nor sleeping ●or other such doings pertaining to the corruptible life. The righteous shall then shine as the red fire sparks. So bright as the sun shall they be in the kingdom of their father. 3 Thus hath the Lord here midsts meruielously described unto john, and by him unto us the mystical Sabbath of his people here, & the eternal Saboth after this life ommanding him to 〈◊〉 it, as followeth. Much to & fro hath been among the 〈◊〉 doctors & is 〈◊〉 to th●● day, whether the saved multi●●●● shall reign here upon earth 〈◊〉 Christ, or above in heaven after the judgement day●. Which is easy to be perceived, if the scriptures he tru●● conferred. Therefore search d●lygently the scriptures, for they hear● witness of all truth. Christ hath in Math. the they shallbe than as the Angels are now● in heaven, whose office is hath to be h●re ● there. And so much 〈…〉 the they shallbe as than all one. 〈◊〉 w●ll shall the earth be new as the heavens. And needs it must be to some purpose. Never would Esay & Pete● have said, the rightuous●sse should dwelled in them if they should not occupy them both. It is said here also the the new Jerusalem shall come down from heaven. But not so that it shall not up again. For Christ's elects shallbe whereas he is. When they shallbe upon the earth, no let nor impediment shall they have to be also in heaven, both they being one. 〈…〉 agyltie & perfection shall be than in their bodies as is now in the glorified body of Christ; or in the spiritual nature of the angels. Which are nowhere now the● And whether they be here or there▪ always they see God, ● are 〈…〉 absent from him. Many scriptures might be brought in to declare th●● mat●er more at large, but it would 〈◊〉 much tyme. What mutual fellowship heavenly amity, & glorious pastime will be betwixt them & the angels at that day it far passeth all capacities to define. I counsel 〈◊〉 to be curious in the search of high mistresses ●s this here is one, without the fear of God, lest he overcomen of their exceeding 〈◊〉 whoredom with many kings, by many false worshippings. This for her meekness is commended of God, the other proudly boasteth her 〈◊〉 through holy traditions, merits, and deservings to b●● a rich queen. With many such other. 4 And the Lord (saith saint john) which worketh all things by his only word and commandment, 〈◊〉 thus unto me. Emprente first in thy heart that I have here shewe● the●, & than leave it in writing to the 〈◊〉 of those that than follow the●▪ 5 And if thou will know a reason why thou shalt thus do, take this 〈◊〉 sentence with thee. I assure the so 〈◊〉 as I am God, that the words which I have showed in this present Revelation are effectually most faithful and rust. In no manner of 〈…〉 break promise, nor go from the 〈◊〉 that I have once spoken. Both heaven and earth shall pass over, but not 〈◊〉 of my words shall pass 〈◊〉 at their times appointed. The word that goeth out of my mouth, 〈◊〉 not return home again 〈…〉 both accomplish my will, & prosper the thing▪ I sent it for. Needful is it therefore that all men believe, that I shall fulfil the covenants here promised. 6 Moreover than this, the said heavenly Lord said thus unto me, to put me clearly out of doubt. 7 It is fintshed and done already. Be thou ascertained that my word is my deed. In the beginning I spoke but the word, & all things were created, heaven, earth, the light, the firmament, the Sun, the Moon the fowls, the fishes, the beasts, and last of all man. Whatsoever I say therefore, aught to be believed as now done in deed, be it to the righteous or damned. For all things are present afore me. In token whereof, the prophets and fathers uttered their prophecies of things to come, in the time passed for the more part, for the sure certainty of them. 8 And take these my words so much to be the more certain, that I which have made those promises, have all things in my power. I am the first and the last, fyguratly comprehended under Alpha & Omega the first & the last Greek letters, as a known 〈…〉 the Greeks, unto whom this 〈◊〉 was first written. 〈…〉 God was there before me, nor 〈…〉 after me, I am God from everlasting and world without end. 9 I am he that hath begun all things▪ I am he again that shall finish them. I am alone & there is none other God but I. I slay, I quick. I smi●e, I heal▪ I set up, I put down. Through me doth king's reign & every man's 〈◊〉 is in my hand. Wherefore it is reason that they have recourse unto me. 10 I am that fresh fountain that ●say speaketh of most highly necessary to them that will live. Very liberal shall he find me, the seeketh me in faith. 11 To him that is a thirst or desirous of righteousness will I give to drink of the plenteous wellspring of the wholesome waters of life. And that will I do freely without price or payment either of Mass or merits, dead suffrages or deservings. Say out your money on more for ●he thing the feedeth not, spend no more travail about the thing that helpeth not. Come unto me all you that labour and are loaden and I shall refresh you. So desirously seek unto me your God as the heart seeketh to the brooks of water. For with me is the well of life everlasting. With my pleasant rivers shall I content your good appetites. The water of this fountain is the verity & sweetness of Christ's spirit, refreshing the soul here with hope, & there with the life everlasting. In this life is felt but a taste of it, in the world to come shall the thirst be satisfied. Here is it but in heart springing up toward life, there shall it be in full course and never fail. Here are obtained but small drops of it, there shall it be had in full plentuousnesse. The philosophers for their wisdom, the lawyers for their learning, & the physicians for their cunning looketh for great rewards. The buyers & sellers in the templ, set their wares at a great price, yet are they but stinking waters, & not able to restrain the thirst. But this is free with out payment through christ, & containeth health in abundance. Not our good works (saith s. Augustin) but his own fregifts doth god crown in us. This must be sought for. For onli sha● he obtain it, the thirstith after it. Onli shall he have the asketh, & he find that seeketh. 12 He that hath done on a christian warrior to fight against the devil of these darknesses, and so manfully doth his part, that by faith he overcometh him, & hath the full victory over him in Christ, he shall be sure to possess all these things, heaven, earth, the new Jerusalem, the living waters, and to have his full desire in the joys to come. Wonderful is this promise. No King nor Emperor, priest nor prelate, Turk nor Sultan, can grant such wages. But who shall obtain them? None other than fighteth lawfully, working, according to the rules and examples of faith? Neither he that masseth nor senseth, processioneth nor holy watereth, nor yet he that buildeth churches. For those works the Scripture commandeth not. 13 Besides this promised reward, (saith the lord here) I will be his god in deed, according to my former covenant, and he shallbe unto me as my natural son. So loving will I be to him as the mother is to the babe borne of her body, whom she can never forget. So merciful as the natural father, that pitieth his own children at the very heart. Example by the unworthy lost child, whom I both lovingly received & sweetly embraced in mine arms, Yea, I both clothed him & fed him with the best, as a son full dear unto me. And of this let him be sure which hath me for his father, that I shall give him Christ to be his brother and with him all things necessary, constituting him my perpetual heir. This fatherly covenant was plain unto my servant David, for whom I set up mercy 〈◊〉 ever. 14 But far otherwise will I do by the other sort, which neither will seek the living waters or have desire to the scriptures, nor yet keep the hold I have put them to, which is their Christian profession, but cowardly leave it unto the enemies, the serpent, the beast, and the false prophet. As are these which followeth here in their course. first of all the fearful cowards or false hearted Christians. Whom the holy ghost calleth here afore neither hot nor cold. At a time they believe, but when any trouble cometh they go clean from it. These dou● the loss of their goods, the hindrance of their names, and the harm of their bodies, and so are they not worthy of Christ. Such were Ananyas & Saphira with many other more sense their tyme. These trust not in the Lord as doth Zion, which never removeth. 15 Next are the unfaithful hipoccits which neither believe the promises nor yet fear the threatenings of the Lord. These make gods commandments of no value for their own traditious. With beggary ceremonies clog they the people, & as the blind they lead the blind into the ditch. Neither will these enter into the kingdom of god, nor yet suffer other to enter. Such were the pharisees & saducees with our monks, canons, and friars, succeeding in their wicked examples. 16 After them followeth the cursed obstinates or abominable blasphemers, which knowing the verity, doth not only abhor it, but also with most spiteful cruelness persecuteth it. These are the swine y●●redeth pearls in the mire, and the dogs that turn again to devour. Impossible to be renewed to repentance, thus casting at their tails the gra●es of the spirit so freely offered them. Such were Anna's ● Caiphas with our execrated bishops, suffragans, cannons, 〈◊〉, ●●cars, with all the priests of the same wicked zeal. 17 The unpytefull murderers, are also the same blood thirsty prelate's▪ those Caines, & these boisterous Nemrothes that never will b●e satisfied with the slaughter of innoc●ntes. No cruel Antichrist after John Wy●leues time did so spitefully persecute the verity of Christ in England, as did Philip Repyngedone, made than of a false brother or p●riuired christan, bishop of Lincoln. The grand captain of this mad muster is the proud bishop of Rome the preposterous vicar of the lamb, & the unworthy successor of Peter in that he hath not yet put up his sword. Of the same sort also are all those cruel Princes, and unmerciful magistrates, that applieth their authorities, powers, and offices unto the same mescheife. Such deceitful raveners and abominable blood sheders the merciful Lord abhorreth evermore. Of this number was Pharaoh & herod, with innumerable tiranntes since, which to rehearse in order were to long 18 The filt●● whoremongers are those holy spiritual Ammorites which hath consecrate themselves unto Moloch in the fire of fleshly concupiscence. For ever have they for sworn godly marriage, to make daily sacrifice to the devil in buggary and other carnal beastliness. The most highly esteemed virtue of that generation, is to have no wives. Never commanded I such filthy vows (saith the Lord) neither came it ever in my thought, to make juda sin with such abomination. For the oft breaking of their oath, profession, & vow it is no matter, so long as they make the reckoning among themselves. Innumerable is the swarm of these lecherous locusts of Egipte, every where are their fruits seen all after Christ's resurrection, to say that his disciples had stolen him away by night. 22 All these with such other execrable ●●●tes (saith the Lord unto john) shall have their just portion in the foul stinking lake, that horribly foameth upward with filthy fire and brimstone. With the devil and his angels shall they dwell for ever. 23 Thus shall the wicked (saith David) for neglecting their Lord God be turned into hell, with perpetual confusion. The fiery flood that shall go before the judge, will swallow them up clean. 24 And this is without fail the second death, or damnation both of soul and body. The perpetual shame and reproof, as Daniel calleth it, that shall never be recovered. Not only the abominable homicides, idolaters, and whoremongers shall have this stinking reward, but also the faint hearted hypocrites, the unfaithful sorcerers, and the execrable liars with all their affinity. THE TEXT. 1. And there came unto me, 2. one of the seven Angels. 3. Which hath the seven vials full of the seven last plagues. 4. And talked with me, saying. 5. Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the lambs wife, 6. And he carried me away in the spirit to a great & an high mountain. 7. And he showed me the great city. 8. holy Jerusalem. 9 defending out of heaven from GOD▪ 10. having the brightness of God. 11. And 〈…〉 was like unto a 〈◊〉 most 〈…〉 〈…〉 had walls 〈◊〉 high 〈…〉 had xii gates▪ 15 and at the gates, xii. Angels, 16. and names written. 17. which are the xii tribes of Israel. 18. On the East part three gates. On the North side three gates. 19 And towards the 〈…〉 And on the West side three gates. 20. And the wall of the city had xii foundations. 21. and in them the names of the Lambs xii Apostles. The Commentarye. 1 And as I was yet still joyously marveling (saith saint john) at this most friendly communication & wonderful mystery of the Lord. 2 There resorted unto me very lovingly, one of the seven angels mentioned here afore, which angels hath committed unto them at the lords pleasure the seven vials of his wrath containing the seven plagues of the world. 3 None other are these Angels, but the decreed purposes of God, uttering his judgements against cursed Babylon at their times appointed, as we have sufficiently declared in the xv. & xvi. chapters, afore. One of them sent the lord unto john, to describe unto him at large the glory of the new Jerusalem, like as he did afore the confusion of Babylon. For only was this in spirit as here after followeth. 4 This angel (saith he) familiarly communed with me. This inspired purpose of God moved my heart, my mind, my wit, reason, understanding, and remembrance, with the other powers of soul to make me privy of this secret mystery, necessary to be known of the faithful. 5 Come hither (saith it spiritually unto me) leaving at this time behind thee all such considerations as thou hast of nature. Certainly will I manifest unto thee, to the singular comfort of many other, what the beautiful Bride is, which is the undefiled spouse of the Lamb jesus Christ. Thou shalt well perceive her by the gift of faith, to be far different from the Rose coloured whore that thou seest afore. Thou shalt know here, her estate, beauty, behaviour, and apparel. For that maketh God open to his lovers which he hideth unto other in parables. 6 Than took he me up in the spirit (saith john) and so carried me clean away into a mighty great and exceeding high mountain. The contemplation of this heavenly mystery, so occupied my mind, that clearly was I taken from the remembrance of all worldly fantasies, & thought myself rapt up with Paul unto the third heaven. sitting solitary alone (as did Hieremie) I was lift up above myself. With Enoch & Helias I thought myself taken from the world, so great was the mystery. 7 Anon this spiritual messenger showed me a great godly City I was in remembrance of the true congregation of God compact together in the unity of one perfect Christian faith. And this was not the old Hieru●alem, builded long ago of Melchisadech as testifieth josephus. For that was full of sin, ignorance, and blindness. She slew the Prophets, and stoned them unto death that were sent unto her. She disdained also to receive her own Lord, when he came to her of good love. 8 But this is all of an other sort, perfect, godly, & faithful. Yea, this is above all estimation holy. Not for the outward sacrifices, which were but shadows of things to come, but for the eternal redention that came, through him which offered himself unto God the father without spot. 9 Not made by man's hand was this holy Jerusalem, nor yet after this manner building. For it issued out of heaven and so came down from God the Father of light, of whom only is all that is good and perfect. Great is this city, not only in that it is the possession of the great king of all, but also in that it is highest in dignity before him, & spread the world over. 10 Glorious is it also, blessed, spiritual, and heavenly, having the inestimable brightness or wisdom of the omnipotent God, her light is the lamb jesus Christ, and his word the lantern to her very footsteps. Endued is she here with the graces of the spirit, and after this shall possess these benefits of immortality. Like shall she be to her spouse to his latter appearance, and shall see God as he is in deed, when she is like fashioned to his glorious similitude. 11 And this her shining light or wisdom in the spirit (saith the Angel) was like vn●o a stone, most orient and precious. For more precious is the verity than Gold in his most pureness. 12 And of all things in the world most rightly might it seem to be compared to a fine jasper, resembling a pure Crystal in clearness. For not only is it here in faith clear as the crystal, high, incomparable, and inestimable. But also in the regeneration it will be to the eyes of the glorified saints as the green jasper, most amiable, fresh, and desirous. The doctrine of the Lord is here all pure, expelling the darkness of errors and lies. He that followeth me (saith Christ) wandereth not in the dark, but shall have the light of life. And there shall neither their eyes be sore, nor yet their sight bleared by any impediment, but they shall be made able to behold him face to face, being of most inestimable brightness. 13 The walls of this city betokning the manifold strengths of God, were inestimable great and high, marvelous and glorious. Great is the Lord (saith David) and mighty is his power. He compasseth his people round about from this time forth and for ever. A wall of fire is he unto Jerusalem, & a defence of steel unto juda. Their keeper, protector, saviour and defender is he, most steadfast, perfect, constant, and sure. Strong is the City of Zion, for she saver is both her wall and Bulwark. 14 Twelve gates hath this City to open and to spear. Yet is there but one opening unto them, which is Christ. divers are they called, for the diversity of nations, peoples, languages, & kindreds. From all quarters of the world round about cometh people to Christ's congregation, yet enter they not but through him (no man saith he) cometh unto the father but by me. I am the door into the shepfolde. He that entereth in by me shall be saved. 15 Twelve angels are set at ye●ntes of this city (which are both the Angels in deed) & the godly preachers signified by them. The angels of the Lord (saith David) pitched their tents round about those that feareth him, to preserve them. Watchmen hath he s●t (saith Esay) upon the walls of Jerusalem to preach his glorious name. So that it is now become inexpugnable. The devil with his whole army cannot prevail against it. None is he able to pluck out of his hand. 16 Names were gloriously written over the gates of this city. And none other were they but the names of the xii. tribes of the children of Israel. As are juda, Reuben, Gad, Aser, Neptalim, Manasse, Simeon, Levy, Isachar, Zabulon, joseph and Benjamin. For this consideration were their names there in sight, and none other. 17 Only was the heritage promised unto Abraham's seed. Only cometh salvation from among the Jews. Christ was the only seed of Abraham, and we are now become the children of promise in him. In the scripture are their names registered. And not the names of them alone, but of so many else as have brought unto us the true worship of God. As were Moses, Samuel, David, & Helias, Esay, Hieremy Ezechiel, and Daniel, with the xii. inferior prophets. john Baptist, Iose●h, Simeon, & such other. For the number of xi●. is a viniversall number comprehending all. 18 Upon the East part of this beautiful city were three gates. So were three gates, also upon the North side. 19 Towards the South were three gates. And on the West side iii gates, to perform up the number of twelve. Such a City is the true Church of Christ, as is spread the world over. What so ever they be that will approach unto this City, which way so ever they come, necessary is it for them, to enter into it through an only faith in the father, in the son, and in the holy ghost. Behoving is it (saith Paul) for him that will resort unto god faithfully to believe. Through faith have we entrance into his favour. baptize them that believe (saith Christ) in the name of the father and the son, and the holy ghost. exceeding great is the multitude of those just believers which hath come from these iiii. quarters of the world, and hath entered into this city through this faith. Very many shall come (saith the Lord) from the east and the West, (which includeth the other two parts) and shall rest with Abraham, Isaac, and jacob in the kingdom of God. From the East come the jews inhabiting the mid part of the world. From the three out quarters else, as are Asia, Aphrica, and Europa, came the Gentiles, and after this sort through one faith in the trinity, became one city of the Lord having xii fair gates. prefigured was this in the passage of the children of Israel out of Egypt. In the wilderness of Sinai at the lords commandment, were the tribes of juda, Isachar, Zabulon, with their hosts of a C.lxxx. and six thousand and four hundred, upon the East side. Reuben, Simeon, and Gad with their armies of a thousand four hundredth and fifty, upon the South side, Ephraim, Manasse, and Benjamin upon the West part, with their C. and eight thousand and one hundredth. D●n, Asser, and Neptalim upon the north with their C. and lvii. thousand and six hundred also. Where as the tribe of Levy was only appointed to minister in the tabernacle of witness in the midst of the hosts, and therefore was not at that time numbered among the children of Israel. 20 Finally (saith the Angel) the wall of this beautiful City (which is the power of God unto salvation for them that believeth) hath xii. strong foundations surely couched upon the unmovable and hard rock Christ. For upon him was the Christian Church first grounded. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Helias, and john Baptist, with all the other fathers & prophets builded upon him, though they were long before him. For all they trusted surely in the promises that God had made them in him. All they being under the cloud did eat of one spiritual meat, and drunk of one spiritual rock following them in the flesh which was jesus Christ. No man can lay any other foundation than is laid already, which is Christ jesus. 21 Upon this one foundation perpetually strong and durable, were laid these twelve foundations agreeing to the same. And in them were the names of the Lambs xii Apostles or faithful messengers. As Peter, john, james, Andrew, Philip, Bartilmew, Thomas, matthew, james the less, Simon, Thadeus, and Mathyas. These are figured in the xii. stone's that josua raised up in Galgala for a remembrance of the dry passage of the children of Israel through jordane. So are they signified also by the xii. other stones where with Helias in the mount of Tarmo●us made an altar in the Lord's name. The sure ground of these foundations was, that Christ is the son of the living God. Upon this builded all they both in their preachings and writings. All one with this was the faith of the Prophets, which believed that he was the Lamb that should take away the sins of the world. For they inquired the way of salvation, they searched for the saving health. Wherein thy prove themselves the living stones of this spiritual building. Thus unto one sure ground of faith extended the belues both of the Apostles and Prophets. Now are ye citizens with the saints (saith Paul to the Ephesians) builded upon the sure foundation of the Apostles & prophets, jesus Christ being the fast corner stone. For this cause are the apostles put here before the prophets, that we reding their profices should understand them after the apostle doctrine, & so deduce them both unto christ And for this consideration are they here called the lambs Apostles, that they have in all their instructions and writings uttered nothing but that they have received of his wonderful, rich, and plenteous abundance. Besides all this, not only are these twelve here named, to be taken for the xii. foundations and none other. For than should Paul be excluded, which laboured more than all the rest. So should Barnabas, Silas, Lucas, Agabus, judas the righteous, john that was called Marcus, with many other. But so many godly ministers are of the sort besides them, as hath been of the same faith, spirit, and doctrine. For ye must consider that twelve is here a universal number as in other places, and betokeneth all the whole fellowship, they be holden for the principals for that they were present with Christ. The Text. 1 And he that talked with me. 2. Had a golden read. 3. To measure the City with all 4. And the gates there of. 5. And the wall thereof. 6. And the city was built foursquare 7. And the length was as large as the breadth of it 8. And he measured the City with the reed xii. thousand furlongs 9 And the length and the breadth 10. And the height of it were equal 11. And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and xliiii. cubits. 12. After the measure of man, which the Angel had. The Commentary. 1 And the Angel (saith saint john) or set purpose of the Lord which commoned thus with me in secret mystery, had a measure all of Gold in his hand, in similitude of a Reed, not all unlike unto them that talked with Ezechiel and Zacharie, in mystery also. 2 And with this golden Reed, which is the pure word of God, did he take measure both of the City itself, and of the twelve gates thereof, and also of the great mighty wall of the same. 3 The determinate purpose of the everlasting builder, measureth all things concerning his church, according to his undefiled scriptures, which are the right rule of faith and the rod of right order in his kingdom. What so ever they be (saith both Paul and David) that live according to this rule, mercy, and peace be unto them, as upon the Israel of God. Not only is this measuring Réed precious in itself, but also as gold in the furnace it is daily tried a fresh, through many troublous adversaries of them that hath unfeignedly set hands upon it. diversly measureth this Reed of the spirit in the city, in the gates, & in the wall. For divers are the gifts of the holy ghost in one congregation of the Lord, unto every one is given a grace according to the measure of faith. Some hath he constitute apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors & teachers to the necessary edification of Christ's mystical body. For here by the city is meant the whole congregation of Gods elects, perfectly joined together in one true believe. 4 By the gates, the godly preachers and counsellors, by whom Christ openeth unto his kingdom. 5 By the wall, the mighty power which he hath committed to the Angels or spirits of heaven to keep them, to the godly princes and magistrates here to defend them, and to other true ministers to hold them still in righteousness. All these must be measured. They must be brought to the touchstone. The scriptures must try of what spirit they are. If they agree not to this measure, they pertain not to the city of god. But they are that salt unsavoury that is no better worth than to be thrown forth of men and those unprofitable servants whom the Lord shall cast into exterior darkness. 6 And as concerning the fashion of this city, builded all four square, all four sides thereof being of like length and breadth. 7 No longer nor brother was it upon the east side than upon the north side, nor upon the south part than towards the west. But equal it was every way towards all quarters of the world And as it was in length & breadth, so was it in height. Which signifieth not only the perpetual stability or sureness of the true christian faith, the Lord evermore preserving it, but also the faithful believers of on quarter of the world, are so highly accepted unto him, as of another So largely doth he reward them of the East that truly believeth in Christ, as of any other quarters else, and so highly doth he esteem them. So dear unto him are those good Christians that dwell among the Sarizens, Turks, and jews, as are they which dwell in the midst of Christendom. So precious that lie sick in the spittle house, as they which pray in the temple. Noah found grace in the sight of God, when all the world else were wicked. Loath was judged righteous in the midst of the filthy Sodomites. And so are many yet to this day, among the Idolatrous and superstitious papists. Still are there Lambs among wolves, clean wheat among tars, and good fishes among evil. job was a companion with the Dragons, Estryches. Isaiah dwelled among ill tonged people, ezechiel in the midst of a froward household. Sayncte Paul commended the Philipyans, in that they shone among the perverse generation, as lights in the firmament. Never is God any partial accepter of persons, but among all people's, he that in his fear worketh righteousness, is accepted unto him, whatsoever he be. Thus are they in length, breadth, and height, spiritual, godly and heavenly through his word. 8 Moreover this Angel measured the city with the golden road, and it was in compass xii thousand furlongs. Which signifieth Christ's kingdom to be so large every way, that it reacheth the whole earth over by his word and promise. The sonde of the apostles preaching hath gone out into all lands, and their doctrine into the ends of the world. For xii evermore in the scriptures is an whole perfect number, and a thousand a universal sum, as we have here noted afore. No man ought in this heavenly work● superstitiously to observe the numbers but rather to seek diligently to understand the Godly mysteries that they comprehend. 9 The greatness of a city is to be considered to the multitude of the dwellers therein. Than who can think Christ's congregation small, measuring it by the scriptures from the first beginning of the world to the latter ending. A furlong is the eight part of a mile and containeth a hundredth and twenty five paces, which is in length, vi. hundredth & xxv. foot & here it betokenoth the continual course of labour and painful sufferance in the kingdom of Christ after saint Paul. They that run for the wager in this course, laboureth not for a thing uncertain. But for an incorruptible crown, they hold their bodies in subjection to the spirit. Such are the inhabitors of this city, whose number is great, whole, and perfect, universally taken. O Israel (saith Baruch) how great is the house of God? and how large is the compass of his possession? Exceeding great is it & hath none end, highout of measure & can not be over reached. 10 The height of this City from the foundation, was all one in measure with the length and breadth. For every way was it equal and square in compass. Round about was it strong, mighty, and sure, the gates of hell in no wise able to prevail against it. Upon every part faithful, perfect and godly, seeking those things only which are above where Christ is sitting at the rygyt hand of God. Yea, all spiritual, high, and heavenly are they, having their daily conversation not here but in heaven, from whence they wait for their saviour jesus Christ. So high also is the spirit that governeth this congregation in rewarding as it is either large in giving, or long in continual working. Never had john seen the height, breadth and length of this wonderful city for our universal comfort, had he not been raised up by the secret purpose of God into the mountain of this spirit, inestimable height and great. 11 After this measured the Angel the wall of the city, and it came fully to an hundred and xliiii cubits, which is xii times xii in number, as we had afore here in the seven. and xiiii. chapters. And it comprehendeth the whole number of the elect multitude, only for the universal perfectness thereof. A cubytte after the common sort is in length but a foot & an half, but after the course of Geometry it is six times so much, which cometh too ix foot justly. Now an hundredth and xliiii cubits wanteth after the first reckoning. CC. and ix foot of a furlong. And after the rules of geometry, it passeth not xlvi foot more than two. furlongs, which stretcheth nothing towards xii thousand furlongs. Therefore we may not here reckon the cubits with the furlongs after a worldly sort, but we must spiritually measure them according to the scriptures. So that they may agree together after the meaning of the mystery, the course with the gift, and the working with the power. The cubit of a man is the fore part of his arm with the hand, and it betokeneth here in mystery jesus christ, which is the strong arm of the father. To whom is the arm of the Lord known (saith Isaiah and john) or who perceiveth the power of his word? Such might (saith Mary) showeth he in his arm, as will scatter abroad his obstinate, enemies. That hand is he, where with god created all things, in the beginning. In this arm hath he redeemed his people, the posterity of jacob and joseph. With this hand preserveth he them in the life that can not fail, whom the enemies hath marked out unto cruel death. Through the mighty power of this arm shall most terrible fear and dread light upon the wicked at the latter day. After this cubit must they be measured, which are of this spiritual building, specially they that are the wall thereof, as the Godly preachers, princes, magistrates, and other lawful ministers. Agreeable to his doctrine ought their conversation to be in all points. As his true ministers should they show themselves in meekness, konwledge, long sufferance, in love unfeigned, in the word of truth, in the power of GOD, by the armour of righteousness, and so forth. Necessary is it for them to do on jesus Christ, & to walk worthily in their vocation, observing the unity of the spirit in the yoke of peace. As the choose holy, and well-beloved, of God to take upon them a tender pity, kindness, lowliness, softness, swift forgiving, with other fruits of the spirit, acknowledging alway Christ's for their only wisdom, righteousness, and redemption, for their keeper, saver, and strong bulwark of defence. Thus in this spiritual reckoning is it to be considered, that by the furlongs is the city measured, and by the cubits the wall, the furlongs comprehending them that have run in the true course of a christian life, and the cubits them that have justly ministered the power of Christ's word and doctrine. Some writers have taken the one sort here for martyrs, for valiantly performing their most sharp course, and the other for them that have peaceably rested in Christ. But I am contented here with my conjecture, considering there have been martyrs in both the afore named degrees. And as for the unequalness of length in the furlongs & cubits, it only respecteth the persons, or peoples among whom the people, taught, have exceeded the teachers in number, the communality, the governors, and the flock, the shepherds, or else the gentiles, the jews. Yet are they both twelve, both great, whole, perfect, & universal numbers, one Jerusalem, or one perfect kingdom of Christ. Thus doth also the xii. twelves correspond to the xii. thousands, as the jews to the gentiles in one faith (though their limits were much larger, extending to the ends of the world) and are made one sheepfold or flock. Christ being one shepherd of salvation to them both. 12 Consequently the golden measure which the Angel had, was much after the measure that man customably useth. And this signifieth that the word of god which measureth all things pertaining to his church, is given unto us under such worldly similitudes & likilihodes, as we are best acquainted with, for our weakness sake. Not only in this revelation, but also in all other books of the scriptures doth the holy ghost at his appoyctment, allure us to his kingdom by the example and parables of such things as we have in daily custom. As of mountains, gardens, wellsprings, vineyards, fig trees, tabernacles, temples, buildings, marriages, stewards, virgins, merchandise, tilling, harvest, talentes, pearls, nets, suppers, sheep, lambs, light, wheat, salt, goats, doves, serpents, men, keys, lanterns, swords, rods, traveling women, mustard seed, beasts, and here of furlongs and cubits, with such other like, and all to make us to perceive them. Now see we only by such dark similitudes. But in the regeneration, when all things is clear, shall we have need of no such night shadows, without veil or covering shall we then see, and behold our Lord God as he is in deed. Than shall we perfectly know like as we are now known of him. Than shall our measure be in all points, as is the Angel's measure. Equal shall we be unto them in full perfection, understanding, and knowledge. For as the Angels of heaven shall we than be, impassable, immortal, and glorious, & of equal number with them. The Text. 1 And the building of the wall of it, was of jasper, 2. and the city was of pure gold, 3. like unto clear glass, 4. And the foundations of the walls and of the city 5. were garnished with all manner of precious stones. 6 The first foundation was a jasper, 7. the second a Sapphire, 8. the third a chalcedony, 9 the fourth a smaragd, 10. the fift a Sardonix, 11. the sixth a Sardeos' 12. the seventh a Chrysolyte, 13. the eight a Gerall, 14. the ninth a Topas, 15. the tenth a Chrisoprasos, 16. the eleventh a jacynte, 17. the twelfte an Amethyst. The Commentarye. 1 The whole building, of the wall of this city was of jasper stone. Which betokeneth that in Christ it shallbe most precious, pleasant, delectable, and sure. For ever shall they be new and green, fresh, and lively, durable, and beautiful, that perfectly believe in him, and shall become sure stays or pillars in his holy temple. He that truly observeth my word (saith Christ) shall never taste of death. Upon a living foundation shall they be couched, and so grow up into an holy temple in the Lord, and so together into the habitacle of God in the holy Ghost. 2 And this fair city itself was of most pure gold, so fine, beautiful and clear as most pure glass possible. With out spot or deformity is the true church of god, having neither blemish nor yet wrinkle, and tried it is thoroughly as gold in the furnace. The clear light of this city is Christ, which never did sin in word nor in deed. More precious have his death & bloudshedinge made it than is the most pure fine gold that ever was yet seen. 3 A glorious congregation have he provided it to be, and that will appear in the day of his visitation. So far shall this excel the Jerusalem that Solomon builded, as heaven exceleth the earth. For that was but gold within, this is all gold thoroughly, both within & with out. That was builded by the hands of men, this is of a much higher workmanship. An undefiled heritage is this, & shallbe changed from clearness to clearness, into the glory of the Lord. 4 The strong foundations of the wall of this worthy city (which is the firm faith of the patriarchs & Prophets, the Apostles and other true teachers, surely grounded upon Christ) were beautifully adorned with all manner of precious stones, or gifts of the holy Ghost. 5 diverse were the graces which they had received, and the fruits out springing from them were also divers & glorious. As love, joy, peace, patience, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, temperance, and such other. Nothing fair appeared these stones unto this world, when they were hewn, squared, and made fit foundations, by the manifold persecutions of tyrants, no more than was the great costly stone in the bottom of Zion, upon whom they were builded, which seemed so deformed as a lypper. Nevertheless, yet was their death precious in the lords sight. These are they (shall their adversaries say at the day) whom we sometime thought fools & had in much derision. But now they are counted among the children of god, and have their portion among the saints. Here might much be spoken of faith, which diversly wrought in Abel, Seth, and Enoch for the first age. In Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Helias, and other in their ages. In Peter, john, & james, with all the other Apostles & sincere preachers since Christ's time. But let that suffice in this behalf, that S. Paul hath written in the xi Chap. to the hebrews, which is also here after comprehended under the mystery of the xii precious stones whereof the foundations are. 6 In that the first foundation is said here to be of a jasper or Diamond, (Whose colour is green) is signified that the faith of the first fathers is not yet withered away. Still unto this present day is the example of Enos orient, fresh, & lively, which first called upon the name of God, and of many such other more. Still persever they green in the lively Scriptures and fadeth not. I have earnestly prayed for thee Peter (saith Christ) that thy faith should not fail. 7 The second foundation was of a sapphire, whose colour is as the Air clear, but not very precious in sight. This betokeneth those simple souls, which though they were as job and joseph the carpentour, not precious to the world, yet had they their daily conversations in heaven. 8 The third was of a Calcedony, which is yet more course to look upon than the Sapphire, but in nature precious, mighty, and strong. Of this nature were Helias and john baptist, whose conversation was in the wilderness, rough, hard, and unpleasant. Yet appeared they precious at their times appointed, mightily rebuking sin, drawing unto them the chaff as the property is of the Calcedony (which are the common people) but utterly throwing forth again or condemning the idolaters and hypocrites. The word of Helias brent like a cresset, and john was a shining lantern before the Lord. 9 The fourth was of a smaragd or an Emerald, which is not only gren● of his own nature, but he maketh all the air about him to seem green also. Of this condition was Hieremy and Paul, which having the doctrine of life, spared not to minister it unto other for their eternal refreshing. These with such other thrown into the foundation of the church, were very comfortable unto other. With the holy (saith David) thou shalt be holy▪ and with the pure innocent thou shalt be both innocent and pure. 10 The fift was of a Sardonix, which is componed of a Sardeos & an Onice, and is beneath black, in the midst white, and above read. Such were those meek spirited that confesseth themselves sinners with David and Magdalene, being through faith both pure and orient afore god. Though I be black (saith the true congregation) yet am I fair & well favoured We faint not (saith Paul) for though our outward man be corrupt yet is he that is inward daily renewed. 11 The sixth is a Sardeos, which in simultitude is very like unto red earth. And such are they, as notwithstanding the great benefits of God, thinking themselves the unworthy children of Adam, whose interpretation after Philo, is red earth in deed. Marry Christ's mother was of this sort, confessing herself after most high benefightes, to be but an hand maid, and her spirit only to rejoice in god her saviour. So was Abraham calling himself but dust and ashes before the Lord. 12 The seventh foundation is of a Crisolite or Turcas, which shineth as gold, and seemeth as it should send forth sparks. Under this are they comprehended, which having the wisdom of the spirit, inflameth other with it, provoking them thereby to the love of god & their neighbour. Thus did Moses and Esay, Barnabas and Paul, in whom the glory of the Lord appeared plenteously. 13 The eight was of a Berall, which is of a pale green colour, betokening those faithful persons which of christian compassion hath dolorously lamented the fall of their brethren. Of this godly nature was Steven which prayed for them that stoned him to death. So was afore his time Samuel which mourned for Saul, when he see him cast out of the lords favour. 14 The ninth was of a Topaz which hath in him the colours of all other stones. And this signifieth than, which are with all virtues adorned. Like as was Daniel the man of desires, and john the Evangelist which wrote this present prophecy, whom Christ much loved. The clear works of these and such other would he to shine unto men, that by them the father might be glorified. 15 The tenth was of a Chrisoprasos, whose condition is to shine like gold, and yet he is green in sight. Such are they which having godly wisdom, uttereth it according to the talent given them of the Lord, thereby renewing the dull spirits of other unto heavenly things. Among this sort may ezechiel be numbered, which saw many wonderful visions, & so may Simeon and Anna in the Gospel. 16 The eleventh was of a hyacinth, which is in colour like unto water, spread over with bright son beams. And this betokeneth those that are barren from the science and learning of this world, and yet have knowledge from above. Very Idiots appear they in the sight of men, and yet are they taught of God, to disclose most wonderful secrets. Of this sort were Oseas, johel, and Amos, wihch was but a poor shepherd, with the other inferior prophets: And so were Andrew, Philip, & Thomas with the other Apostles and Disciples. 17 The twelft was an Amethyst, purple, violet, & rose coloured. And this betokeneth them that are fervent, meek, and constant in the Lord's truth, and that hath been always ready to shed their blood for it. Such were the unbrethrens in the Machabées with their most faithful mother. So was also james the more, and Antipas the faithful witness, with other disciples & martyrs. None can show a more token of love than he which giveth up his life for his friends. This sort did Christ proclaim altogether blessed, & said that the kingdom of heaven was their own. Thus signifieth these xii. foundations, that the godly ministers of Christ's congregation, have builded upon him according to the divers graces which god hath given them, some gold, some silver, some precious stones. But they that have brought unto this building, timber, hay or stubble which are customs, traditions, & dumb ceremonies, or else worldly honours, riches, & voluptuous pleasures, are not in this heavenly number admitted. Figured are these foundations in the precious stones which were in the breast flap of Aron that high priest, & in the preious decking of the king of Tirus, necessary shall it be for him that will more largely know the natural properties of them, to resort unto Plinius in the xxxvii. Book of his natural history, or unto Bartilmew, de proprietatibus rerum, & for the understanding of mysteries, unto S. Hierom upon the liv. chap. of Esay, or unto Beda, Haymo, Costasy, Bacō●horpe, Elyne, Tilney, & such other as hath written great works upon the apocalypse. Enough is it for us to show you after the mind of S. Augustin these stones to signify the divers graces of the holy ghost. For all these things doth one spirit of the Lord work, dividing several gifts unto every man at his pleasure which are not without their preciousness, beauty, & excellent glory, as will appear in the glorius day of the children of god. The Text. 1 And the twelve gates were xii. pearls. 2. And every gate was of one pearl. 3. And the street of the city was pure gold. 4. As a thorough shining glass. 5. And I saw no temple therein, 6, For the Lord God almighty and the Lamb is the temple of it. 7. And the city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon to lighten it. 8. For the brightness of God doth lighten it. 9, And the Lamb is the light of it. 10. And the people which are laved shall walk in the light of it. 11. And the kings of the earth shall bring their glory unto it. 12. And the gates of it shall not be shut by day. 13, For there shall be no night there. 14. And there shall enter into it none unclean thing. 15. Neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh lies, 16 but they which are written in the lambs Book of life. The Commentary. 1 Consequently (saith the Angel unto john) the xii. gates or openinges into this city, were twelve fair pearls, For delectable and precious is the doctrine of the gospel, whereby men do enter into the kingdom of God on every side, or in every quarter & age of the world. 2 And every gate by himself was of one pearl, like as were the foundations of one precious stone evermore in their kinds. In token that the verity of Christ, is whole perfect, & unbroken in itself, like as is his cote without seam. A special commodyty is it in cities, to have their gates strong and beautiful. And so is it in the kingdom of God, that they which open unto righteousness, be more fervent in the truth and of a more sincere life than the residue. For they should be both the salt of the earth and light of the world▪ Though these gates be many, yet have they but one entrance, for each one of them is but of one pearl. But one mediator is there between God and man, which is jesus Christ▪ None may come unto the father but by him only. Alone is he the door, the way, the verity, light, & life. 3 And as concerning the city within the great street thereof was as of pure gold, so fine, fair, and clear all the bright shining glass, that may be seen through without any manner of impediment or dimness. This street is the large commynalty or the saints, whom the father of heaven by his power made of froward stones, the perfect children of Abraham, when he couched them here together in the verity of one christian faith, & shall here after join in such perfection of love as possible can not be dissolved. 4 Precious are they here through faith in Christ's blood, and there shall they be pure both in love and life incorruptible. Our rejoice (saith saint Paul) is not in carnal wisdom, but in the great grace of God, in singleness of heart, & in a sincere faith. Your glory are we, even as you are ours also in the day of our Lord jesus Christ. 5 In this glorious city saw I no temple builded (saith john) for the Lord God almighty, which is the eternal father, and the lamb jesus Christ which is his eternal son is the holy, full and perfect temple thereof. None outward priesthood▪ ceremony, nor sacrifice for five commandeth Christ's doctrine to his congregation. The golden measure of his word, which diffyneth and judgeth all things necessary thereunto, appointeth no such matter. For in no temples made with stone dwelleth God, which will be all in all. Only is required of them a sacrifice from the soul, which is the very temple of God. In his only name should the faithful sort, there offer up themselves. And therefore Christ appointed Uespasian and Titus, to turn over the great temple of Jerusalem, and utterly to destroy that priesthood, because we should put no trust in such things, nor yet be addict or bound to places. A damnable invention is it of Antichrist that the suffragans halloweth the sinagogs, to bring them into all kinds of superstition. They constitute also a feastful day to the honour and worship thereof, called the dedication, which is most abominable wickedness. Truth it is that after the Apostles time there were places appointod, where as the congregation met together once in the weak, for the hearing of God's word and for the holy communion, and that was called the oratory or house of prayer. But that house was not exercised nor conjured, crossed nor smeared, blessed nor be sprinkled with water. Neither was there at that time any altar set up in it, & anointed with oil & cream, to offer any new sacrifice upon. Consider also that the appoinment of this bare house without altar or images, was left to man's ordinance without any expressed commandment of Christ, that it should be thought of no reputation. For in spirit and verity will god only be worshipped. And for this cause after that Christ had driven the buyers and sellers out of the temple, he commended none other temple unto us but his body, which he raised up in the day of his resurrection, to our behove. 6 God therefore, is our temple and his Christ. In them ought we to do sacrifice, and in none other. In their faith should our works, labours, & studies be grounded only, if we covet them to profit us. john for his time could see none other temple but this. The Lord of his tender mercy grant us to be john's in this behalf. john beheld also at the Angel's demonstration, that this City had neither need of Sun nor Moon to minister light unto it, as the old Jerusalem had. Neither hath Christ's congregation need of man's natural reason, nor yet of his worldly wisdom, conjectures, nor practices, subtleties nor wiles, polices, nor wits, inventions nor traditions. No, neither of their philosophy nor sophistry, the decrees nor sentences of the great Lawyers & Schoolmen, which all is but darkness and blindness. 8 For the brightness of God showeth them light sufficient. His shining verity, his pure gospel, and his undefiled laws, cleareth their understandings. A lantern to their feet is his heavenly word. Only doth that clearness suffice them, which faith offereth unto them. 9 Only are they contented with the light they have of the Lamb, which is the bright Sun of righteousness. He is the Lamp, the Candle, and the flaming Cresset of this city. None other admonisher have they need of, none other counsellor nor teacher. Accursed hold they him that bringeth any other doctrine than his, though he were an Angel from heaven. For he is the only light of the world the brightness everlasting, the undefiled mirror of the majesty of God and the Image of his infinite goodness. Whoso ever followeth him, can in no wise walk in the darkness. The days will come (saith the Lord in Hieremy) that a man shall not need to teach his neighbour or brother for they shall know me from the highest to the lowest. I shall plant my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts. 10 And the people of all manner of regions which are predestinate of God to be saved, shall walk in the clearness of the light. None other wisdom, health, righteousness, and redemption shall they seek, than they find in him. Neither shall they care for Mary nor John, roads nor relics, heads, nor holy water, masses, nor merits. For so shall he shine upon them, and his glory apere in them that the clouds of Antichrist and his false prophits shall take no place. So lively shall the righteous wax in that faith of salvation, that they shall become not only the children of clearness, but also very lights in the Lord, 11 moreover unto this heavenly light shall the mighty kings of the earth bring their glory, magnificence, and honour, as did the wise men of the East, which offered rewards unto christ. They shallbe converted from their errors, to a sincer, believe in the Lord, as were in the Apostles time Abagarus, Egippus, and Gundoforus. And since their days the mighty Emperor great Constantine, jovinian, Theodosius and diverse other. Yea, some were so fervent in that faith, that gladly they suffered death for it. Of whose numher were here in England, saint Edmound, oswald, Ethelbert, edwin and Fremonde, with a great sort more in other Christian regions. All kings (saith David) shall worship him and all pagans shall do him service. Among these are not they to be reckoned, which leaving their kingdoms, hath made themselves monks and friars, or hath founded masses and monasteries to be prayed for. For they never brought their glory to this light. No more have they done which hath enriched the clergy, glutting them with possessions, and setting them up in a glittering pomp. But rather have they sought darkness than light, blindness than to be taught of god. Some have thought themselves in our age clearly converted to this light. But rightly hath their iniquity lied unto them. For nothing have they done less than brought unto christ their glory. Truth it is that they have discharged themselves of the Pope, and to some of his sects. They have plucked down shrines and Images that received offerings, and daily worshippings, with a few superstitions beside, but still bringing up whelps of the same false generation, both bishops & priests. Still have they to this day, the same wicked rites and ceremonies that they had afore. And when they should bring any thing to a right christian order, according to Christ's first institution, they cannot away with it. Great is the vengeance terrible heavy and fearful the judgement that abideth them. 12 And as concerning the great gates of this City, which are the true understandings of the lords verities, they shall not be shut up by day. Hidden shall they not be to them the walk in this light. All that Christ hath received of his heavenly father leaveth he manifest and plain unto his faithful levers▪ Not only openeth he their feeble understandings, but also sendeth them his spirit to deduce them into all godly knowledge. 13 For in that city shall be no night. No doctrine of darkness, nor filthy mist of men's imaginations, can have place where Christ is ever resident and his verity manifest. The night of infidelity is clean gone from them, which hath obtained the everlasting day. The clouds of filthy errors abideth not, where the true sun hath always dominion. The strong powers of hell shall not be able to prevail, where as faith is perfect and sure. So goeth the Lord before his true Israelits in this pillar of fire, that the night is unto them all one with the day. That is unto other darkness in parables, is unto them the clear light and the evidently known mysteries of God's kingdom. In the common translation (that is daily read in the Temple) it followeth, that they shall bring the glory and honour of the heathen into the same city, which is not found in the Greek. And by this is it signified that the apostles and other godly preachers sins their time, converting the gentles, have not only brought into the christian Church by their preachings many of their philosophers whose glory hath been their wisdom and learning, but also their princely potentates, whose honour consisted in power, possessions, & magnificence. Of this sort was the chamberlain of Queen Candace, to whom Philip declared the prophecy. So was Cornelius the noble Centurion, which was instructed and baptized of Peter. So were also Dionysius the Areopagite. Apollo of Alexandria, and Aquila the Italiane, with divers other whom Paul converted in his progress. And after their days were of this company justinus the martyr, Quadratus, Aristides, Tertullyane, Origyne, Cyryll, basil, john Crysostome, augustine, Hieronimie, with an infinite number else. So was Lucius the first Christian King of this region, Philippus the Emperor, with many other great governors, which both builded alms houses for the poor, and made other godly provision else. This is the precious spoil they brought out of Egypt, and the fruit they have planted in the Lord's vineyard. As Isaiah prophesied, they enjoyed the strength of the pagans and triumphed in their glory, but not in their superfluous toys and vanities as do the Papists. 14 For into this city (saith the text) or congregation, which is from within & unknown to the world, shall nothing enter that is unclean, or that after any sort defileth. No righteousness of men, which is afore God, but as the cloth stained with menstrue. No traditions, merits, nor masses, apere they never so holy. For all that is done besides the prescripts of his word, is plain abomination and filthiness. None that is gelded or coacted to chastity by papistical vows. None that is borne of a concubine, or that maketh a new superstitious profession. No misbegotten Moabites, and Ammonites betokening all sects of perdition, are allowed of the Lord unto this congregation. Only are they accepted for Citizens thereof, which are renewed in faith by the spirit of jesus Christ. 15 Whatsoever it be that worketh abomination in uncommanded worshippings, or maketh lies in Hypocrisy, is clearly sequestered from this undefiled city. The constrained virginity of priests, which hath made so many sodomites, Confession under a stole that hath bred so many false traitors and thieves. The two horned order of Bishops that hath hatched so many proud gluttons and murderers. The anointed priesthood the hath so many idolaters. The unholy profession of monks that hath brought forth so many stinking hypocrites, with such other sedes of the devil, hath here no place at al. For neither whormongers, nor yet Idol worshippers, nor buggers, nor Gomoreans, nor extortioners, nor covetous bribers, nor drunkards, nor blasphemers of the lords word, nor cruel destroyers of innocentes can in any wise inherit the kingdom of God. 16 But they only shall possess that which are written in the Lamb's book of life, or that were predestinate there unto in Christ before the world's constitution, to be holy and unspotted in his sight. These are they whom he hath a perpetual remembrance, whom he hath ordained of goodness, choose of mercy, called by the Gospel, justified through faith, & glorified in the performance of his commandments, that they should be like fashioned to the shape of his son. Though these of frailness offend many times (as the flesh can do none other) yet deny they not the verity, they abhor not the scriptures. But after they have fallen they repent from the heart, they seek the remedies, they hate their own deeds, they call unto Christ, they lament their chance, they hunger and thirst continually for the righteousness of God, and such other like. Now as concerning this city in the regeneration or Sabbath to come, all will be gold, precious stone, and pearl. Their glory will be perfect, their knowledge whole, and their judgement in the spirit full. All will be there square, even, and right, nothing shallbe crooked, rough, and froward. All will be new and precious, no manner of deformity appearing in the creatures. The beauty of the city will be wonderful, the light inestimable, the dwelling most quietous and pleasant. There shall we clearly behold how mighty, marvelous, high, beautiful, glorious, perfect, strong, victorious, delectable, and sweet our redeemer jesus christ is with his father and holy Ghost. Here have we but a small taste thereof, but there, shall we be fully replenished there with. The xxii. Chapter. Still doth this Chapter following (which is the last of this revelation) prosecute the spiritual and heavenly commodities of this City, concluding with most excellent admonitions and Godly warnings. The text. 1 And he showed me a pure river. 2. of water of life. 3. clear as crystal. 4. proceeding out of the seat of God, and of the lamb. 5, in the midst of the street of it. 6. and of either side of the river. 7. was their wood of life. 8. which bore twelve manner of fruits. 9 and gave fruit every month. 10. and the leaves of the wood served. 11. to heal people with all. The Commentary. 1 And the Angel (saith S. johan) or gracious purpose of the Lord, which commoned with me all this time to bring me yet into a farther knowledge of his mysteries showed unto me a most pure and commodious river, which was the wholesome water of life. None other can I suppose this river to be by the search of the scriptures, but the flowing verity, the word of salvation, or the effectual doctrine of Christ's holy spirit. That is the sweet flood of Eden which pleasantly floweth through paradise, & visiteth the four quarters of the world. This is the wholesome & delectable water, which daily comforteth & preserveth the spiritual Jerusalem from all contagious maladies. This running flood with his rivers on every side, rejoiceth the city of god which is the habitation of the highest. 2 All full of quickness is it, springing into the life everlasting. Here is it the spiritual comfort of gods children, there shall it be the enestimable glory of the saints. To whom shall we go lord (saith Peter) but unto thee? For only hast thou the words of eternal life. 3 So clear is this water as the pure crystal that is without spot. Much farther from corruption is the sincere word of God, than is the fine silver that is seven. times tried in the fire. The laws of the Lord are perfect and quickeneth the soul, his testimonies are true giving wiseome to babes. His statutes are right rejoicing the heart. His precepts are pure giving sight to the eyes. And his judgements are all together righteous. 4 The nature of this water is none other but evermore to cleanse, evermore to revive, & evermore to make whole and perfect. For only doth it issue from the magistie of God, it proceedeth out from the sempiternal throne of the father, and so floweth forth in the plenteous abundance of the lamb jesus Christ and of his Godly spirit. With him is the well of everlasting life. They that walk in his light shallbe free from darkness for ever. They shall thoroughly enjoy the abundance of those things that his house is full of, and he shall give them drnicke out of the full flowing river of his eternal pleasures. I will power clear water upon you (saith the Lord in ezechiel) and ye shallbe clean from all filthiness. A new heart will I give you. A new spirit will. I plant in you, and so cleanse you from all your idols. Rejoice with Jerusalem all you that love her, for ye shall suck comfort out of her breasts, and be satisfied. They that have sown in heaviness, shall reap in perpetual gladness. From the father and the son proceeded the holy Ghost, as a clear crystal river, neither created nor be gotten, to refresh this chosen city. So that much more understanding, light, and knowledge it hath, than had the old synagogue of the jews which was thereof but a shadow. Yet is it incomparably far from that shall be in the durable life to come, being as yet thereto but a figure. For as witnesseth Paul, our knowledge is now unperfect, and our prophesying unperfect But when that cometh which is perfect, then that which is unperfect shall be done away. Here is it also to be considered that the Lamb is equal with God, they both having but one seat. 5 Moreover in the mids of the golden street of this beautiful city, which comprehendeth the spiritual children of Abraham couched together in the unity of one tried faith. 6 And upon either sides of the sweet river which are the ii Testaments of the Lord, was standing the most delectable tree of life jesus Christ, that mediator & father which giveth life ●o the world. Out of the stock of Afbraham and David sprang this free a●er the flesh, conceived of the holy Ghost, & borne of Marie the virgin, which was also a golden stone of this street. Blessed art thou (saith Elizabeth) for thy believes sake. For in thee is performed the full promise of the Lord. This is that tree which was planted by the water side, & gave forth fruit at his time appointed. As the tree of life was set in the mids of paradise at the beginning, so is he now spiritually grounded in the midst of his church, which is his garden of pleasure. Behold (saith Christ) I am with you every day unto the worlds end. 7 Marvel not that the tree is here called wood, for it is the custom and manner of the hebrews to put the one for the other. Both is this tree in the midst of the street and also upon either sides of the river. For both is Christ known of his faithful multitude, and comprehended in the scriptures. David acknowledged himself to be a pure stone of this golden street, when he said. My humble soul hath cleaved or fastened to the pavement, thou quickening me Lord according to thy word. So did King Ezechyas when he was revived again. And so did Helias when he under the juniper tree desired to die, with many other more. Between both testaments arose Christ, performing the old, and beginning the new. He bordereth also to this present day upon them both, for both they bear large and plenteous witness of him. Both the law and the Gospel, the Prophets and Apostles, the Psalms and all other scriptures, witnesseth thoroughly that he is the promised seed, the son of the living God, & the saviour of the world. 8 If that soil be fortunate which bringeth forth fruits twice in the year, most happy and blessed is the ground of this city. For the living tree thereof is never barren, bare, nor idle. 9 Not only doth it bear xii manner fruits of inestimable wholesomeness, betokening the universal graces and gifts of the holy Ghost, but also it giveth them forth every month in the year, or ever more with out ceasing. Every month hath there both his summer and his winter. Every life time of them, which be of this congregation, hath here both his sweet consolation in the spirit and also his hard persecution in the flesh. Else is it not of Christ's kingdom, which is the destroyer of death, and ministereth life at his pleasure. In this tree is the original ground of life. He is the very life of all them that liveth unto God. In him only they consist, they move, and they have their continual being. His branches are the holy Prophets and Apostles, and the evangelists & Martyrs, with all other godly preachers and teachers, evermore green & pleasant in their conversation and doctrine. I am the true vine (saith he) and you are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, bringeth forth much fruit. Them sent Christ out as branches, and spread with them the world over, too bring forth fruit that should not perish. And that every month, from age to age, and from time to time continually. For still are the true believers fed with the apostles fruitful doctrine, and shallbe to the end of the world. Therewith are their souls refreshed, in their great manifold sorrows and labours. A singular comfort it is unto them to consider Gods sweet promises, and to remember what a loving father they have of him through jesus christ their only mediator and saviour. Most haboūd●untly feel they themselves satisfied, when they are ascertained thoroughly by the scriptures, that they are predestinate, called, saved, sanctified, and shallbe here after glorified by him. Where as contrariwise, the desperate infidels are much discomforted, considering themselves blinded, condemned judged, & reproved. Twelve are these fruits here called, which is a perfect and full complete number, comprehending the universal graces of the spirit, contained in all the whole scriptures. As are the fear of God the poverty of soul, the cleanness of heart, compassion upon the needy, desire of righteousness, mercy, gentleness, quietness, sufferance, wisdom, understanding, counsel, perseverance, knowledge, prudence, force, justice, temperance, with those that Paul numbereth too the Galathians, and innumerable virtues besides some expositors willeth this twelve to signify the none can be saved unless he be of the xii. children of Israel in spirit, & so walk according to the doctrine of Christ's xii Apostles. But I am contented with that is said afore, being more agreeable to the text. 10 Such leaves had this wholesome tree as were for the health of the people, good necessary, and medicinable. Such profitable words and promises hath Christ, as are spirit and life, power of salvation, and everlasting health. These leaves of his can in no wise wither away, and whatsoever he doth by them, it shall wonderfullly prosper. He sent forth his wholesome word (saith David) and so healed them. He delivered them from all evils wherewith they were oppressed. As these words are sincerely taught, the benefightes of our redemption are brought into remembrance. So is the conscience quieted, and the heart made glad. So rejoiceth the soul & giveth perpetual thanks unto God the father. So are the gentiles throughly made whole acknowledging Christ for their only saviour and redeemer. 11 Thus after Czechyell, are these fruits good to eat, and their leaves profitable for medicines. As the leaves are the beauty of a tree, and preserveth the fruit, so is the true preaching of the lords verity, the comeliness of his church and preservation of the same. And not the oilings, shavings, and disguisings, nor yet the lordships, miters, and masses. A light thing is the word of god written or spoken, as is the leaf also of a tree. But if his spirit worketh in it, than is it a thing most precious, effecttuall, and strong, compared of Christ to a mustard seed, which grows into a great tree. Above all things (saith Zorobabel) the verity, is most strong. For that is the Lords eternal will, which never shallbe altered. The text. 1 And there shallbe no more curse. 2. but the seat of God and the Lamb shallbe in it. 3. and his servants shall serve him. 4 And they shall see his face,. 5. & his name shallbe in their foreheads. 6. And there shall be no night there. 7. and they need no candle. 8. neither light of the Sun, 9 For the Lord God giveth them light. 10. and they shall reign for evermore. The Commentary. 1 And as concerning the afore named city, or worthy congregation of the Lord, the curse that the earth had in the work of Adam, shall clearly be taken from it. Never more from henceforth shall therein be any thing that God is not pleased with. For Christ hath redeemed her from the curse of the law, sustaining thereof the penalty to make her innocent. So that now there is no damnation to them which are in Christ jesus, following the doctrine of the spirit, if painful adversity, loss of goods, detriment of fame, sickness, persecution of body, or any other troublous cross happeneth, it is evermore for the best to them that are faithful. Perfectly shall these be taken away with all the corrupt fruits of Adam in the regeneration, when to their glory both heaven and earth shallbe blessed, all that is cursed thrown into the lake of everlasting fire. 2 And for a more sure token that this will be true, the high seat of God the eternal father, and of the Lamb jesus Christ with the holy Ghost, one Lord almighty in three personages, shallbe continually there in. In the house of jacob shall he reign evermore and of his kingdom shall be none end. Among them will he fix his dwelling place here, which loveth him and observeth his commandments, and there will he not be separated from them, but be still their eternal God. 3 Moreover as his true servants, here shall they worship him in spirit and in verity, and so serve him in a sincere faith performing such Godly works as he hath prescribed unto them, and not such as men's fantasies hath dreamt. They shall so mortify their old man, destroying the body of sin, that no longer shall he obey the concupiscence, nor become a captive servant unto wickedness here. But now delivered from sin, they shall do on a new man which is rightly fashioned of God, and so become his servants in righteousness. And in the world to come they shall serve him according to the knowledge that they shall have than, which now is incomprehensible and unspeakable. 4 Having the spirit of Christ, they shall here see his face of salvation in the mirror of faith, which is to have knowledge of his godhead. And after this life they shall behold him in glory, like as he is in deed, much more perfectly than did jacob, which saw him face to face. Moreover so shall these his servants respect his usage, that whatsoever they do here in word or in deed, they shall do it with all godly fear, lowliness, and reverence, always thinking him to behold their deeds. 5 They shall also perceive his glorious name to be written in their foreheads, or registered in their faith, feeling the sweetness thereof to their salvation. Besides that not only shall they confess God with their mouth, but also in their outward conversation shall they daily apere as his faithful servants and children. And as concerning the glorious day, by that name than shall one know an other to be a free citizen of heaven. Consider (saith Saint john) how lovingly the Father doth use us. Not only here do we bear the name of his children, but also there shall we be sure to be his sons in deed. 6 No manner of night or darkness of human doctrine, shall appear any more in that city. But having Christ and his verity, all unprofitable doubts, fantasies, errors, lies, and false miracles, shall these citizens detest here. And after this life are no such matters to be looked for, all things then being clear and perfect. Though they some time were darkness, yet are they now light in the Lord, and will walk still therein as the children thereof, till they come to the God of Gods in the everlasting Zion. 7 There shall they have need of no candle or of wisdom borrowed of men. 8 Nor yet of the matteryall sun which ministereth light to the day, by whom is meant the high science of philosophers conceived of the creatures above without faith. Those foreign lights may his ministers well use, but truly his church needeth them not having much better than they are of christ & of his Aposils. Very dark lights are they, where his bright beans once appeareth, which is the clear sun of righteousness. Abominable lies & errors did he prove the high learning of the bishops & lawyers, as he doth yet their decrees & laws, their school, divinity and sentences, their ordinary questions and quodlibetes. 9 All these stinking mists set apart, the merciful Lord above, which is the omnipotent God, giveth them a light sufficient. His eternal son is unto them such a clear shining cresset, as no great blast can extinguish, nor cloud with dark shadow blemish. Of most tender mercy sent he that day spring from above, to direct their feet here in the way of his peace. 10 And after this laborious pilgrimage, in the sabbath of perpetual quiet shall he lighten them throughly with his most glorious presence, and with him shall they reign for ever and ever in full felicity and glory continuing. In this life beginneth the kingdom through faith, but there shall it be performed in the perfect sight of the godhead. The proud reign of tyrants is here but for a time, the less it is to be feared. The meek reign of the righteous continueth for ever, the more it is to be sought for and desired. The fruits that are here very hard and sour unto them, shall there be inestimable sweet, gentile, beautiful, perfect, and pleasant, having their full ripenesss. No need shall it be than to run by sea and land for the wisdom, power, and glory of Christ, for in that day shall they be with every one present. Here have they but little pretty beams of the light, very small drops of the water, and a smell of the fruits a far of. likelihoods, figures, & mysteries have they only now of the beatitude to come. But there shall they be sure to have them in full sight, taste, and saver, and plenteously to be satisfied with them. Scarce is it here in comparison to that it shall be there, as one drop of water to the whole sea, or as an handful of sand is to the whole earth. The text. 1 And he said unto me. 2. These sayings are faithful and true. 3. And the Lord God, 4. of the holy Prophets, 5. sen● his Angel to sheue unto his servants, 6. the things which shortly must be fulfilled. 7. Behold, I come shortly. 8. Happy is he that keepeth the saying, 9 of the prophecy of this book. The Commentary. 1 In the conclusion of these most wonderful revelations (saith saint john) the Angel that communed with me all this time (which was the very spirit of Christ) said thus unto me his poor exiled servant. 2 It shall become no man to despise these words, nor to reject these sayings, whom thou hast here seen and hard since the first beginning of this revelation. For they are most faithful and true, sure and perfect, & shall without fail at their appointed times in every jot be fulfilled, for the true church's commodity and profit. This is here spoken for the conservation of the high mysteries of this book, lest any false Antichrist hereafter (as many such hath been in deed) should condemn them, deprave them, and as of none authority report them. As the most dear treasures of God therefore, doth the holy Ghost here wrap them up together, to preserve them under his power, & setteth unto them the seal of his own witness, that they should evermore be taken for his. After this sort did the Prophets use their prophecies, concluding always, thus sayeth the Lord of hosts. So did the Lord his self when he said. verily verily I say unto you, we speak that we know. My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. Of myself I speak not the words that I utter. The father dwelling in me, performeth the works. I am not come of myself, but he that sent me is true, with such other like. Paul doth also name himself the Apostle of jesus Christ. Not I command this (saith he) but the Lord. The gospel that I preach, have I learned of no man, but by the showing of jesus Christ. The Lord that is blessed for ever knoweth that I lie not, and such like. So is the end of this book as was the beginning, sealed with many wonderful & strong sentences of the Lord, as his whole mind, perfect will, and purposed decree, concerning his church here in earth. 3 And the same Lord God eternal (sayeth Christ unto john) which hath diversly afore time spoken in the holy Prophets and fathers, hath now last of all sent the Angel of his everlasting covenant, by him to utter the secrets of his mind by whom he created the world. Him hath he hither directed, in these latter days of the world to show clearly unto his true servants (of whom thou art in these days principal) those wonderful things in mystery, which must within short space effectually come to pass and be fulfilled in deed. As the manifold persecutions of his church, & the prosperous reign of the beast and his shorlings, with the glorious raise of the one, and damnable fall of the other. That when troublous crosses do come, they may be the more joyfully taken, considering the time of them short, & the reward of their sufferance everlasting. 4 For none other cause is God here called the Lord God of the Prophets, but that they have through his spirit truly believed in him, & the same spirit declared his mind and pleasure. 5 In the beginning of this revelation was this Angel sent unto john alone, here is he sent also unto his other servants, in token that the Lord in john respecteth his congregation. 6 The things that must shortly follow, are his judgements in rewarding the righteous and condemning the reprobates. For a thousand years are but as a day before him, & as the time that is in a manner past. Let every man take heed (sayeth the Lord) least I come upon him unlooked for. Let them watch in faith, and pray in spirit and verity, having their wedding garments, with the oil of Christian love in their lamps. 7 For behold when I shall come either to the particular end of any man, or to the latter judgment, I will come suddenly neither the day nor yet the hour of my coming known afore, least men (as they are ill of nature) should drive of till that day to live according to faith. Of this admonition may the faithful sort be glad, being here in adversity, considering their deliverance is at hand, & their crown of immortality not far of. 8 Happy is that man whatsoever he be, high or low, rich or poor, learned or unlearned, that observeth in his conversation and life, the godly sayings contained in the prophecy of this present book. 9 Yea, blessed is he that so receiveth the premonishments thereof, that neither false prophet can deceive him, nor yet any cruel Antichrist with terror drive him from the right understanding and following of Christ's pure doctrine. For neither to dogs nor swine are they here left, to be neglected or disdained, but unto his faithful servants to be reverently followed and had in remembrance. The text. 1 I am john, 2. which saw these things, 3. and haerde them, 4. And when I had heard and seen them, 5. I fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel, 6. which showed me these things. 7. And he said unto me. 8. See thou do it not, 9 For I am thy fellow servant, 10. and the fellow servant of thy brethren the Prophets, 11. and of them which keep the sayings of this book. 12. Worship God. The Commentary. 1 Consequently, because ye shall not suppose this matter light (saith saint john) as many thinketh that which hath not the testimony of men, besides the authority of God, I johan Boanerges, an earnest thunderer out of the gospel, & a stirrer up men's hearts to the study of heavenly things. Yea a man known, not only to you Afianes, but also the whole Christianity, for that Apostle whom Christ peculyarlye loved. 2 Even I am the same self johan, which have both heard these wonderful things with mine ears, and also have seen them through the great goodness of my lord God with mine eyes, for your singular commodity and profit. 3 None other matter do I here write unto you, at the commandment of jesus Christ for your health and salvation, but such as I have both heard and seen for the same, believe them if ye wil In my other writings, as are my gospel and my first Epistle, whereunto I never subscribed, ye have thoroughly believed me. Give no less credence now than unto this, whereunto I subscribe my name. For so have I done here, that ye should the rather believe it, and receive it as most wholesome doctrine of salvation. After this sort did Paul add his name to his sayings, that they should be the more earnestly received. 4 And as concerning my part, truly when I had thus hard them & seen them, the wonderful mysteries of them so ravished my spirits, that I in a manner clearly forgot myself. 5 Yea, I was so far from my right remembrance for the vehemency of them, that I fell down flat to the ground, prostrate before the feet of the Angel, minding to give unto him the whole homage of my soul, which is only due unto God that created my soul. 6 And what though this Angel which had thus opened unto me all these wonderful mysteries afore, where jesus Christ himself (as I thought him no less in deed) yet sought I not to have worshipped him in that similitude, considering also the God will have no part of his honour given to any other than unto himself only. 7 Wherefore he charitably admonished me of it, and said thus unto me. 8 In any wise beware thou do no such homage unto me, which apere here to thee but a creature, lest thereby thou offend the Lord god. For danger may be in such case, though the intent be godly, if any part thereof should remain to the creature, as thou knowest well enough. Nothing mayest thou worship that thy outward sight offereth unto thee, for in them hath faith no place which is a substance of things unseen. And God hath taught thee to worship him in no creatures, neither in bread nor wine, man nor angel, but in spirit and verity only, much less than to worship the self creatures, or Idols in their stead, which is much worse. 9 Though I be the son of God and saviour of the world, yet am I in this office but a creature, and thy fellow servant. A sent messenger from God as thou art, an opener of his godly mind and pleasure as thou art, to signify y● unto thee, which he would have thee again to signify unto his people. 10 And in this point am I not only thy companion, or in this message joined fellow with thee (for so well is it my revelation as thine) but also I am a like companion to thy former brethren ezechiel, Daniel, Zacary, and such other, which had the gift of prophecy and were prophets in deed, as thou art now doing like office with them thus uttering gods mind in mysteries. 11 Yea, furthermore, I am a fellow servant likewise and a companion together of all them that with reverence observe the faithful testimonies of this present book or prophecy. In token whereof I took the shape of a servant, I fulfilled the law, and was conversant among men. 12 So thou worship not me therefore, but worship thy only Lord god. For alone shouldest thou seek him and love him, honour him and serve him, praise him, and glorify him. None other gods shalt thou have in my sight, saith the eternal and omnipotent lord Observe the same rule in worshipping that I taught thee to observe in prayer. Remember I taught thee not to pray unto me whom thou seest, nor yet unto any dead saint whom thou seest not, but unto thy lord God whom thou hast only in believe, saying our father which art in heaven. I told thee also that God was a spirit, and that he would only be sought in spirit, and in nothing that thou seest with thine eyes. Therefore worship God & not me. Consider here (good reader) the ungodly violence of the papists, enforcing the simple multitude to worship a dry wafer cake, to kneel unto it, to hold up their hands, to make their prayers to it, and to call it their God, making them to believe that it is god's commandment they should so do. Oh, abominable Antichristes, Oh, filthy Balaamites, seeking your own bellies & glory to your confusion. Way this place throughly with the other scriptures, & be once ashamed of your beastly and blasphemous madness. Ye will peradventure say, it is Christ's body. But truly that is all false. For thereof is no mutual participation, where one eateth up all. No showing is there of the Lords death till he come, where all is done in a foreign language and nothing understanded. Christ breathed not upon the bread with hoo, he, have at all, as you do. He only took it in his holy hands, and gave thanks unto God. The words of thanksgiving he left not behind him for you to ●unger with, for he knew ye afore for subtle workers. He kept not that bread to himself, nor yet closed it up in a box as you do. But he broke it and distributed it unto other. In like case the disciples did neither worship it nor him at that season. For if they had, he would have forbidden it them, and have taught the same self doctrine that he showeth here unto johan. Only did they take it & eat it in his remembrance, and that was his institution. And where as it is this used, there is both his body and blood received. But otherwise not. The bread that was left of this consecration or breaking, which was so holy as the other, was neither housed nor churched, boxed nor pixed, but remained there still to the householders, to be eaten of whom soever lusted. Neither doth the divinity of your sentemcioners as of Thomas of Aquine, Dons, Dorbel, Guido, Baconthorp, and such other, appoint thereunto that kind of honour that ye suffer the people to give unto it, but a far meaner honour called Hiperdulia. But you can wink at such matters & suffer both them and yourselves to go to the devil for worldly lucer. Nothing holdeth long with you, neither Christ's doctrine nor your own. But that ye make now, ye mar to morrow. And that at one time is a law, at an other time shall be none at al. Such are your wavering wonders. The Text. 1 And he said unto me. 2. Seal not thy sayings of the prophecy of this book. 3. For the time is at hand. 4. He that doth evil, let him do evil still. 5. and he which is filthy, let him be filthy stil. 6, & he that is righteous let him be more righteous 7. & he that is holy let him be more holy. 8, And behold, I come shortly, 9, and my reward with me 10. to give every man according as his deeds shallbe 11▪ I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, 12. the first and the last. The Commentary. 1 Consequently the Angel (saith S. john) which was jesus Christ, had these same sayings unto me that here followeth. 2 Seal not (saith he) the godly words contained in the prophecy of this book. Close them not up from the sight of other. Hid them not from those which are desirous of knowledge. For profitable they are to the congregation of God, and most highly necessary to them that shallbe saved. For both show they thoroughly the damnation of the wicked with remedies to avoid it, and also the salvation of the righteous with means to obtain it. 3 And this is the cause why thou shalt not close them up. The time is at hand. The fulfilling of them will shortly appear, and evidently declare what they are in deed. In the mean season shall many of their mystieryes be open unto them that are taught of God, though the unfaithful sort knoweth nothing what they mean. They that have Christ's spirit, can in no necessary point be ignorant. The cause why many writers hath erred in expounding this revelation, hath been the ignorance of other scriptures, the pleasing of prelate's for dignity and lucre, and most of all the horrible blindness of soul, which long hath continued in the world among the fleshly Hypocrites. 4 And as concerning those beastly belly gods, let them wallow in their mischiefs. He that is evil among them, or froward and obstinate against the verity of God, let him work evil upon evil, abomination upon abomination, and murder upon murder, till he bring upon himself the vengeance of all innocent blood which hath been shed upon earth, to his more damnation without remedy. 5 Moreover he that is filthy in his conversation, be it in the spirit or otherwise, I will take my grace from him, for the utter contempt of my word, and he shall be still from thence forth more execrable and filthy. He shall do● wickedness upon wickedness, Idolatry, upon Idolatry, and whoredom upon whoredom. Yea, where as he was before but an idolater in himself he shall become after that an idolater also in other, by provoking than to the same, to his double damnation. And whereas he should peradventure in the world have been but a single whoremonger, he shallbe there an holy, spiritual, anointed, shaven, shorn, priestly and mitred whoremonger, abusing every man's wife, daughter, and servant. And to make up all to the devil, become a consecrate sodomite, offering himself up in dead sacrifices unto Belphegor, for fear of breaking his unuirgynall vow. Farther than all this, he shall enter into such blindness of the spirit, that he will think verily to do God an high pleasure when he murdereth up without mercy, his innocent people which will not obey their execrable laws, blessings, absolutions, and other sorceries, for conscience sake. Consider in this the terrible and fearful hand of the Lord towards them that withhold his truth in unrighteousness, specially when he hath given them over & left them to themselves. For they work their own damnation, when they think nothing less. 6 contrariwise consider his exceeding great mercy towards them that are godly, whom he diversly afflicteth in his life, lest they should perish with the wicked. My pleasure is it (saith he here) that the man which is faithful, righteous, and good, shall increase ever more therein, and so continually be righteous. I shall so temper their hearts, that hath love to my truth, that they shall love it more and more. Yea, I shall so therein strengthen them, that for no persecution of tyrants shall they forsake it. 7 So will I order the matter among my elects, that he which is holy, pure, and perfect, leading a life according to my word, he shall persever in i● still, and be perfect unto the end, that he may enjoy the crown thereof. Neither shall seducing hypocrite nor yet perverting Antichrist, with all their subtle charms and gins, be able to bring them out of that way, which leadeth unto life. By this we may see that the verity preached, christ is unto some a falling, unto some again a rising up. Unto some is his godly doctrine a sweet savour unto life, & unto some an ill savour unto death. The gospel is foolishness to them that shall perish, but unto them that believe, it is such a power of god as bringeth salvation with it. The faithful by hearing it, waxeth more godly. The undiscrete hypocrites, contemneth the grace thereof. So that the one sort is thereby made better and increased in virtue, the other is made worse and followeth all mischiefs. In him that hath faith shall all other graces of the spirit abound, and in him that hath it not, shall no gift of virtue arise to his fowls profit. 8 Let men take heed if they will, & give diligent watch & attendance, for truly (saith the Lord) I will come suddenly▪ and v●bewars upon the unfaithful, none other warnings given but this & such other in the scriptures, take than if they lust▪ 9 Necessary it is the every man walk according to his vocation, both prince and preacher. Lord and commoner, merchande and artificer. For when I shall resort, be certain and sure of it, my just reward shall come with me, which is both life and death. 10 Let no man reckon otherwise to find me than a most righteous judge, rendering unto every one at the day according as his works shall appear & as his deeds shall require of righteousness. Neither shall suffrages nor church building, pigrimage, nor mass ringin, holy orders nor yet assoiling, stand in any stead at the day: only shall they find mercy which hath been merciful, all other perishing without mercy. No man shall there be rewarded for works of men's preseciption, be they never so holy, but for that which hath risen of faith in God's word only. Neither shall they have that of deservings, as work preachers hath taught, but only of grace & favour for Christ's blood sake. For unprofitable servants are w●e of ourselves, when we have done all that hath been commanded us▪ No better is our whole righteousness, when it is at the highest, than is the cloth that is stained with menstrue, nor more pleasant unto God, were it not for him. Let no man think to be saved through deserving, no more than he is justified of deserving. Only is it the merciful favour and free goodness of him without our mangy merits that shall save us. Not our good works (saith saint augustine) but his own mere gifts doth the Lord crown in us. 11 This hath the Lord put here in the end as a brief conclusion comprehending his whole mind in this revelation, concerning the righteous, and unrighteous. Believe this necessary doctrine (saith the Lord jesus christ) for I which have told it here unto you am under the mystery of Alpha & Omega the first and the last Greek letters, the original beginning of all things, and perfct end of the same. I am that mighty word of god though I apere now in this nature, in whom he created all, & by whom he shall perform & finish all too the end they were created for. 12 I am the first, in that I am in one godhead equal with the Father and with the holy ghost. I am also the last in that I shall so continue world with out end. I am he before whom there was never any god, neither shall there be any after me. I am only the Lord, for I am from everlasting. In t●ken whereof I have told you both things that are past and things yet to come. Under this strange Trope or similitude of Alpha and Omega (which is a common Allegory used of the Greeks) is always to be understanded the eternal divinity in Christ's manhood. Which is here (as are many other things else) oft times repeated, of none other purpose, but as a most necessary cause to be had in remembrance. The text. 1 Blessed are they that do. 2. his commandments. 3. that their power may be in the tree of life. 4. and may enter in through the gates into the city. 5. For without are dogs 6. and enchanters. 7. and whoremongers. 8. and murderers. 9 and idolaters, 10▪ and who soever loveth or maketh leasings. The Commentary. 1 From henceforth doth the Lord change the manner of his speaking, representing again the parsonage of an Angel or messenger. Blessed are they (saith he) or happy afore GOD, that of a sincere faith and Godly mind do diligently observe his most just commandments, which is a very washing of their defiled garments in the blood of the Lamb. For perfectly, pure, innocent, and clean are they that walk faithfully according to the precepts of his heavenly doctrine. Yea, doing on the armour of light they are very clearness in the Lord and the shining beauty of the world. 2 And as concerning his commandments, grievous are they not, but sweet & pleasant, he setting hand to the fulfilling of them, which hath commanded them, he ministering his Godly spirit may make of him that was afore unwilling, a very willing person, like as he did of Saul when he changed him into a Paul. He laying before their eyes the inestimable profit of the good things to come, will cause them to forget these corruptible pleasures, and always to labour for them. 3 Happy are they afore hand, that shall mind to do these things, that their power through a true believe may be in the tree of life, whereby they may work them and so have fruit of their labours. For without that tree (by whom is meant the soviour of the world) they can do nothing thereunto. Without his strength, grace, & spirit, doubtless they are all weak, wretched, and unprofitable, have they never so many holy deservings, which faithfully desired, is never denied them as all the scriptures recordeth. 4 This would be sought therefore, that they may thereby enter in peaceably, without impediment through the clear gates of pearl afore mentioned, in to the pleasant city or the newly prepared Jerusalem. By the which gates is none other signified here, but he alone, diversly opened by the Apostles doctrine. He is the only portal of righteousness, and the strait way unto life, by whom they enter in from all quarters of the world. None other would David acknowledge in all his godly praises, nor yet the Apostle Paul in his manifold exhortations. Whatsoever they be that enter in by him, be without peril evermore, and shall have the life everlasting. Thus is a true believe in him and his word with a just following of the same, a full doing of his commandments without any other traditions, ordinances, or ceremonies. 5 And whilst this chosen flock are thus entering into this city, the cruel dogs, which bark against the verity, and tear the true servants of God, are still remaining without, appear they never so spiritual & holy. 6 So are the subtle sorcerers, which with their holy charms and enchantments, with their prophecies, revelations, and false miracles, both blind the unlearned governors and deceive the profane▪ Idiotish multitude, leading them both to the devil. 7 So are the consecrate whoremongers, the defilers of all honesty, and breakers of all godly ordinances, as are in these days in the bragger's out of Romish chastity, the bishops, priests, and religious, under the title of vows, mayntaynig Sodom and Gomorre. 8 Likewise in the spiteful murderers, that of malice and mischief slay the godly preachers, and other poor innocent▪ people for rebuking their corrupt customs are sequestered from thence for ever. 9 The superstitious idolaters of all generations the most execrable, as mass mongers, head babblers, saint séekers, Image lighters, gadders to Compostell, Rome, Trier, & Tholose, with all their strange worshippings not commanded of God, shall have no place there. 10 briefly to conclude the whole, what people so ever they are that delighteth in fables, lies, and errors, not regarding the right meaning of the scriptures, or what holy hypocrites ●o ever they be that with famed sanctity, deceivable wonders, and false interpretations, blemisheth the verity of the Lord▪ for the upholding of they● pride, lechery, and lucre, shall enjoy no freedom within this city. be ye sure of this (saith saint Paul in divers places) that no fornicator, nor unclean person, no covetous cloyne●, deceitful hypocrite, liar for advantage, filthy idolater, malicious murderer, or such other like, can have any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. No portion can they have in the land of the living, that hath been partakers with adulterers & thieves. The Text. 1 Hesus have sent mine Angel. 2▪ to testify unto you these things in the congregation, 3. I am the root and generation of David, 4. and the bright morning star. 5. And the spirit and the bride say, 6. Comely. And let him that heareth say also, 8. Come 9 And let him that is a thirst come, 10. And let whosoever will take, 11. freely of the water of life. The Commentary. 1 Consequently if ye cover (saith the Lord) to know surely from whence this doctrine doth come, and who is the chief authority thereof be you thoroughly ascertained, that I jesus Christ the son of the living God, have directed forth mine Angel (which is the spirit of truth) or the holy ghost whom I promised to witness here manifestly unto you, by my dear disciple john these wonderful things hereafter to chance in the christian congregations. 2 Think not that the contents of this book are either of john, or yet of any other man that ever was here living, for neither hath he learned them of Prophet nor holy father, but by my only revelation or showing (which am the eternal spouse of the church) hath he received them to their singular health and comfort. 3 And as concerning me without fail I am the original root, or ground of salvation in David after the word, and after the flesh I am of his stock or generation. For in me are fulfilled all promises of health that ever god made for that faithful household. By me had David his beginning for I made him, and by me shall he and all other true Israelites in him, have for ever a glorious continuance, for I saved them in that flesh. 4 To all them which walk after David's faith, am I the bright morning star of grace, removing the filthy clouds of error. The shining clearness of godly understanding, finishing the dark night of ignorance. I bring with me the day of mercy, health, and righteousness, and the Sabbath of full reconciliation to God. I give light unto them that sat in darkness, directing their feet in the path way of peace. 5 For my word is spirit and verity, resurrection and life. And where as it shineth in the hearts of mortal men, it maketh them the children of light. To seek unto this necessary light, the eternal spirit of God, the holy Ghost, daily moveth and provoketh by many inward callings upon, saying always. 6 Come with a sincere faith. Draw nigh unto him, and be lightened, and your frail consciences shall never be confounded. Resort unto him all you that are loaden, and he shall refresh you. The bride or congregation of the Lord thus taught, stirred, and pricked forward of his spirit saith also in her heart evermore, with a fervent desire. Oh, come my most delectable spouse & lord jesus Christ, my health, joy, and sweetness. Apply that the immortal glory of the chosen children of God, may be seen of all creatures, iniquity condemned for ever. Accomplish the marriage appointed from the world's beginning. Permit the prepared spouse with her appointed number to enter into thy eternal tabernacle of rest. 7 Moreover (saith the Lord) whatsoever they be that shall hear and believe this prophecy, let them desire the consummation thereof, and so conform themselves unto Christ & his church, saying also. 8 Come moste merciful saviour and redeemer and fulfil the godly promises of this book, to the eternal comfort of man. Make haste to the judgement seat, for a full deliverance of the whole chosen number, that thy servants may be where as thou art in perfect glory and joy. 9 Finally, let him (saith the Lord) that in faith is a thirst, or that hath in him a desire to be saved, hast himself forward, and come also. Let him only believe. For the plenteous fountains of the living waters mentioned afore, are withholden from no servant of God. Nothing is denied unto him that asketh in faith. In prayer are all spiritual commodities granted. 10 Whosoever therefore hath a wil● conformable unto God's will, let him take freely without price or payment, without satisfaction or merit, the pleasant water of the life for ever, refreshing his soul in the plentuousness thereof. 11 Of grace and favour is salvation in Christ laid forth. Only is here required but a will to seek for it. Not that it shall so be deserved. For neither is it of him that willeth, nor yet of him that runneth. But the gracious Lord which calleth men to these waters, putteth into them a stomach, thirst, & desire to covet them. Yea, he ministereth strength to the seeking of them, lest some of the glory thereof should remain unto their deservings, and not all to his mercy alone. Thus standeth the doctrine of our work bragger's void, which neither feedeth nor satisfieth, considering that not for our righteous doings, but alone for his own mercies sake hath he saved us. The text. 1 But I testify unto every man that heareth the words of prophecy of this book, 2. if any man shall add unto these things, 3. God shall add unto him the plagues, 4. that are written in this book, 5. And if any man shall minish of the words of the book of this prophecy, 6. God shall take away his part out of the book of life, 7. and out of the holy city, 8. & from the things which are written in this book, 9 He which testifieth these things sayeth, 10. Yea, 11. I come quickly, 12. Amen, 13. Even so, 14. come lord jesus, 15. The grace of our Lord jesus, 16. be with you all 17. Amen. The Commentary. 1 As my duty is (sayeth saint john) to premonish afore hand, I faithfully protest by this my present testimony, unto all those men that shall hereafter receive the words of this wonderful prophecy here written in this book, either by reading or hearing. 2 That if any of them shall presumptuously take upon him to add any thing thereunto, in purpose to pervert the truth, or contrary to the holy ghosts meaning, as Carpocras, Hebion, Cerinthus, and other antichrists hath done with the other scriptures. 3 Be certain and sure of it, that the eternal god (from whom nothing can be hid) shall add unto him for so doing, the most terrible and woeful plagues registered afore in this work. 4 That is to say, he shall suffer him to run in to most deep errors, & give him over for ever into the sin against the holy ghost, whereupon all other plagues of damnation dependeth. Ye shall put nothing (saith the Lord) unto the word that I have given you, neither shall ye take any thing from it. Put thou nothing unto his sayings (saith Solomon) of thine own imaginytion lest he reprove thee for a damnable liar. Nothing is this against them which by the other scriptures and histories doth expound this revelation, to make it to their understanding more plain. For than should Saint augustine, saint Jerome, Isydorus, Beda, Rabanus, & divers other great pillars of the church be under these plagues, for doing that charitable office. So should also the doctrine of this book be against itself in the xiii chapter where as liberty is given to him that hath writ, to count the number of the beast, & in other places else. But this is here spoken from them that corrupteth the text to maintain their blasphemous lies for advantage, or that seeketh to blemish the right sense thereof, least men should behold them in their right colours, as the wicked papists hath done ever since their beginning, so drownning the authority & majesty thereof. 5 Moreover (saith saint john) if any mortal man shall presume to diminish the words contained in the volume of this heavenly prophecy, unreverently so controlling the wisdom of God. 6 The said omnipotent god, and revenger of all ungodliness, shall clearly wipe away his portion out of the book of life so that he shallbe none of their number, which are predestinated to the glory of his children. 7 Neither shall such be allowed for citizens with the saints in the holy congregation of his new Jerusalem, nor yet be accepted for his shousholde servants enjoying the sweet commodities mentioned in this book as pertaining to his peculiar people. 8 Like as are the beautiful tree of life with his manifold fruits and leaves of wholesomeness, the sweet running river of the living waters, and the holy city sufficiently described afore with such other else. None that contendeth for a mastery (saith Paul) shallbe crowned, unless he contend lawfully. Arrius took away from the tenth of john this setence, I & the father are one. Photinus' added this clause to the gospel as a voice from the father, I give unto jesus his original of Mary And both their intentes were to destroy our faith concerning christs godhead, like as the papists doth also our justification in his blood, unless we have their lousy masses & merits. A like adjuration to this, hath Hireneus in the end of his octonary, requiring all them that shall copy out that book, to do it truly as they will answers it before god their righteous judge. In like case doth saint Jerome before the abreviations of Eusebius chronicle command, that in any wise the verity thereof be diligently reserved. So doth also Cyrillus the Greek in the preface of his prophecy unto joachim Abbas, desiring the writings thereof in no case to be corrupted of ill writers, which divers other 9 In confirmation of the I have said afore (saith S. john) the eternal son of god which hath ratified these former things with his mighty word, saith here also as one subscribing to it. 10 Yea, it is so, or else thus. Like as thou hast said (john) shall these blasphemers here after find it, the presumeth either to add, or to diminish from these scriptures for any carnal purpose. 11 And to perform the promise of thine I will not long tarry. I come by & by, to reward the wicked which swift damnation, for not believing the truth. For now are the last days, the ends of the world, yea, the very last hour. Ready is the Lord (saith saint Peter) to judge the quick and dead, and the end of all things is at hand. 12 Saint john hearing this of his merciful Lord and saviour lift up his head and hands towards heaven, & as one desirous of the performance of Gods appointed will, and of the full deliverance of the faithful, he said, Amen. Or be it fulfilled in effect. For that is the thing which my soul daily desireth and inwardly coveteth, to the full manifestation of thy glorious kingdom. 13 Consequently, in the voice of the whole congregation crieth john, as did simeon the just. Yea, even so might it be, as thou hast here promised, that thou mightest come out of hand. 14 Oh, come most merciful redeemer & gracious Lord jesus Christ, to judge the universal world. Come, come, or hie thee hither apace, to separate the wheat from the chaff, and the lambs from the Goats, so bringing them into thy eternal tabernacle. Woe is me that my banishment endureth so long, I dwelling in the tabernacles of the sorrowful. My soul hath a thirsty desire for God the fountain of life. Oh, when shall I come and behold his face? Like are we to those faithful servants, which wait for the return of their Lord from the wedding, very ready to open at his knocking. 15 The grace of our merciful Lord jesus Christ (saith saint john) whereby cometh salvation to them that truly believeth, be with you all, so many as are of that godly expectation and desire. 16 Or the favour, mercy, and acceptation of God the father, through his blessed death, evermore preserve you in the unity of his godly spirit, that ye may hereafter in this holy city, be partakers of his glorious heritage in the world to come. 17 Let all them say Amen unto this, which mindeth the glory of the Lord unfeignedly. So be it. A conclusion of the whole work. HEre hast thou good christian reader, to thy soul's consolation, from the eternal Trinity, the Father, the Son & the holy Ghost, three distinct persons in one everlasting godhead, the universal estate of the church from Christ's ascension to the end of the world, in wonderful mysteries described, & directed unto thee of him, by the most holy Apostle and Evangelist Saint john. Wherein it is fully by all due circumstances manifested of the said holy Ghost, what the innocent Christian church is, with all her justifications & blessings, to the singular comfort of the Lords true elects, and what the proud synagogue of Antichrist is, with her filthy superstitions and plagues, to their forewarning also. This is specially done here of the said holy ghost, that no true believer should profess himself a citizen of this wretched world with Cain, Nembroth, & other reprobate vessels, at the execrable doctrine of men, but at the pure voice of God with Abel and Abraham, to seek for that heavenvly heritage which is purchased for them in Christ's blood. Mark here the condition of john being in most painful exile, for he in mystery through all this book representeth every godly believer. By this shall ye well know in this revelation the one church from the other, for the one is maintained by the only preaching of God's pure word, the other by all kinds of jewish ceremonies and heathenish superstitions. And by this they also differ, that Christ would have all of love, Antichrist of tyrannous constraint, as evidently appeareth in Mahomete and the Pope. For that only cause are many necessary things here written in mystery, that they should be hid from the worldly wise Hypocrites, and that the just or Gods meek spirited servants, should ask them of their Lord in faith and prayer. In the which daily prayer, is that most worthy minister of God, King Henry the eight afore all other to thee remembered, which hath so sore wounded the beast, that he may before his departure, or Prince Edward after him, throw all his superstitions into the bottomless lake again (from whence they have comen) to the comfort of his people. The grace and peace directed from God the Father & his Son jesus Christ, with the holy Ghost, in the beginning of this revelation be unto all them which unfeignedly love his verity. Amen. ¶ Printed at London by Thomas East.