So short a Catechism, that whosoever cannot, or will not learn, are not in any wise to be admitted to the Lords supper. Edward Fenton. Imprinted at London by john Dawson. 1622. So short a Catechism that whosoever cannot or will not learn, are not in any wise to be admitted to the Lords supper. Question. WHo made thee? Answer. a Isa. 44.2. Psal. 13.913 14.15. God. Q. What is God? A. He is b Gen. 17.1 iere. 32.18 19 Almighty, the c Gen. 2.4.5 isa. 44.24. jere. 16.23. prou 21.30.31. maker and e Deut. 10.12. ioshua 22.5 governor of all things. Q. Wherefore did he make thee? A. To serve him. Q. How oughtest thou to serve him? A. f Deut. 12.32. psal. 119.4 As he hath appointed in his laws. Q. Which be they? A. g Exod. 20 deut. 6.57. God spoke all these words, and said, Thou shalt have none other Gods before me, etc. Q. Canst thou fulfil all these Commandments without breaking any one of them? A. No, though I do all that I can, yet I break them every day, in h Mat. 15 19 thought word and deed. 〈◊〉. 18.19 Q. What punishment is there appointed for the breach of these commandments. A. i Deut. 27.26. mat. 25.41. The curse of God, which is eternal destruction both of body and soul. Q. By what means then shalt thou escape this punishment? A. k Gal. 3.13. col. 2.14.15. Only by jesus Christ. Q. What is jesus Christ? A. He is the l Mat. 17.5 heb. 1.23. eternal son of God. Q. What hath he done for thee? A. He m Phil. 2.8. heb. suffered the torments of death for me. Q. Christ jesus was God, and how then could he die? A. Christ jesus was both n Isa. 9.6. Rom. 9.5. God and o 1. Tim. 2.5. 1. phil. 2.6.7. man, and in that he was God, he could not die: but being man, he died p Rom. 4.25. 1. Pet. 2.24. for my sins, and rose again to make me righteous. Q. Are all men then saved by his death A. No, none are saved, q john. 3.18 36. acts. 13 48. but such as lay hold on him by a lively faith. Q. What is a lively faith? A. A lively faith is a r Ephe. 3.12 col. 2.5.7. Ephes. 3.17. full persuasion of my s heart, grounded upon the promises of GOD: Acts 15.9. ● Rom. 4.18 21▪ heb. 11.11 that whatsoever Christ hath done for the salvation of man, he hath done it as well for me as for any others. Q. How comest thou by this faith? A. The holy Ghost doth work it u Act. 19.14. john 6.45. inwardly in my heart, by the outward x Rom. 10▪ 14.17. acts 11.14. preaching of his word. Q. How is this faith increased & made strong in us? A. y 2. Thes. 1.3 prou. 4.18 By hearing the same word preached, and using the Sacraments. Q. What be Sacraments? A. Sacraments be outward z Gen. 17.11. exod. 12.3.4 signs ordained of God, and are left as a Rom. 4.11. 1. cor. 10. 1●▪ 17. seals and pledges of those benefits of our salvation which we receive in Christ to strengthen our faith. Q. How many Sacraments be there▪ A. Two, b 1. Cor. 1▪ Baptism and the Lord's supper. Q. What profit hast thou by Baptism? A. I believe that by Baptism my c Acts 22.16. & 2.38. sins are forgiven me: for as the water doth wash the filth of my body: so I believe that the d Ephe. 1.7 1 Pet. 1. ●. blood of Christ being sprinkled upon my soul by the e Heb. 10.22 Acts 15.9. hand of faith, doth wash me from all my sins. Q. What profit hast thou by the use of the Lord's supper? A. As I receive the f Mat. 26.29.27. 1 Cor. 11.23.24 25. bread and wine into my body to become wholly mine: so I believe that my soul receiveth with all Christ jesus with g 1. Cor. 1.30 2. cor. 5.21 his death and righteousness to the h Rom. 4.1. ephe. 1.13. sealing up of my everlasting salvation. Q. Seeing that they which receive these mysteries unworthily, eat and drink their own condemnation: how oughtest thou to prepare thyself to the right receiving of them? A. First I must i Cor. 11.8. 2. Cor. 5.13.21. Thes. 30 1. cor. 16.8. Mat 26.15 2. Cor 9.70 examine myself whether I k stand strongly in the true faith of jesus Christ or no. Secondly, whether I find my heart l inwardly grieved for my sins with an m Psa. 511, Rom. 7.2.4. hatred and loathing of the same. Thirdly, if any offence be betwixt others and me, that I n Mat. 5.2. Heb. 12.14. reconcile myself unto them, and o Mat. 18.22 colos. 3.12.13. forgive them even as Christ hath forgiven me. Q. Is not pray a special means to increase our faith. A. Yea it is p Acts 4.29.31. Luke 7.51. a special help. Q. How oughtest thou then to pray? A. Only to God in the name of jesus Christ. q john 19 23. james. 15 Q. What form of prayer usest thou most? A. That which the r Mat. 6.9. Luke 11.2. Lord jesus taught his Apostles. Q. What is that? A. Our father which art in heaven, etc. Q. How understandest thou this prayer? A. This prayer containeth six petitions: whereof the first three are apppointed only to God's glory: the other three belong unto us, wherein we ask things necessary both for soul and body. Finis. OPen our eyes( O Lord) that we may see the wondrous things of thy law: that by them as by a glass we may see our own weakness, and by our weakness our wickedness, and by them both our accursedness: then cause thy sweet comforts and consolations contained in thy Gospel, to shine into our souls, by a true and a lively faith in Christ jesus: beseeching thee that our dry and stony hearts, may by the sweet dews & showers of thy heavenly spirit, be so moistened & softened, that as good ground they may ever be yielding forth good fruit to the glorifying of thy name, to the suppressing of sin, and increasing of virtue, through Christ our Saviour. Amen.