THE MOST RARE, STRANGE and wonderful Example of Almighty God, showed in the City of Telonne in Provence, on a cruel Papistical Bishop, With the preservation of the Lady Deormoga, whose life he vowed to have, his miserable and lamentable end, and may serve for a most strange example. ALSO THE BURNING OF THE Church at Argere, with divers hurts done by lightning, burning a Ship of bread and corn, arrested by the Governor, bound for the relief of Telonne, With the great plague of Rats, that filled the whole City, A warning to let us all know our heavenly Father and Redeemer, and to repent us of our sins. Witness these whose names are here set down. jacob johnson of Dort in Holland. Peter van Haget of Ancusa Marchant. Martin Philip's Pilot of Dort. At London Printed by A. I. 159●. The most rare, strange and wonderful examples of Almighty God; showed in the City of Telonne in Provence, on a cruel Papistical Bishop, with the preservation of the Lady Deermoga, whose life he vowed to have. CHristian Reader, to deliver unto you the many wonders of the almighty God, with what signs & tokens he hath showed, would fill large volumes, and weary you with the hearing and reading of the same, wherefore omitting circumstances, I shall here deliver unto you the truth and certainty, by honest men approved, and of good reckoning in the Towns where they dwell, the most strange and wonderful work of God, lately shown, in two several Cities in the streets, not past two months since. The strangeness and wonderful work whereof God grant may cause in us true repentance of our sins, and learn us to amend our evil lives, putting of the old sin and clothing us a new, with the pure garment of faith, fearing to offend the Majesty of the most highest, and dreading to feel that utter cross which was lately laid on our neighbours, for their wickedness, and for our example. In the Country of Provence, in a Town called Tellonne, which holdeth for the King, yet are for the greater part Catholics as they term themselves, in this town, dwelled a Lady called Madam Deormoga, sister to a man of good name, and late wife to a most brave and gallant man and a brave soldier while he lived, and an earnest professer of the truth. This Madam Deermoga, the 24. of March now last passed, supping at the governors house being her kinsman, chanced at the table to enter talk of her religion, being a zealous Protestant, on whom, there was so many baiting to draw her from the truth, as it did not a little grieve the good Lady, having no body but God that defendeth the cause of the just to say for her, or in any wise to help her to answer a word. After long communication hot on both sides, a certain Bishop, which had some authority in that place threatened her, protesting that the next day he would call her in question, and so accusing her of heresy, put her to death, defying her with very odious speeches, and terming her at his pleasure, who was nobly borne and every way his better. The time of night calling every one to their rest, they took leave each of others, committing the Lord of the house to his quiet, but the Bishop whose heart encenced with envy towards the Lady, gave her this caviat, to be the next day when she should be called of another mind, or else provide to fry a faggot, affirming therewith by great oath that it was not for her sake they had borne with her as they had. To whom the Lady Deormoga replied, assuring him that she weighed not what he or any Priest of Ball could do, for God was her defence, and by his passion she hoped of everlasting life, daring him to do what he could, alleging many places out of the scripture, wherein she had sure comfort and hope of Christ, not forgetting to put him in mind how God by his power freed Daniel, the three children in the Oven, Susanna from the Elders, & infinite others, seeing my Lord quoth she, that such is the power of my Saviour, I fear not you nor what you can do: And so farewell: and favour me as I shall desire your friendship. Thus parted they, and the rest of the company many the Lady's friends, which did know the condition of the Bishop, and with what cruelty he pursued those whom he envied, knowing by his countenance, that he was thoroughly moved, greatly lamented the good Lady, albeit they liked not of her religion. But behold, the wonder of the great God of Israel, how from the cruel jaws of this blood thirsty Prelate, the Lord delivered this virtuous and innocent Lady, even as Phato with his host was overwhelmed, so was this Bishop overtaken in his own sin. The night being well spent ere the company parted, it was near twelve a clock ere the Bishop was laid in his bed, where he had scarcely remained one hour and his people at quiet but throughout the house there was heard the most grievous noise that might be imagined, so that those which awaked therewith, with the terror thereof was near besides themselves. In this manner, for one hour or more, most odiously it continued, and ever the principal and chiefest thereof was heard, towards the Bishops own lodging, who for that he called not, nor made any means for his servants they lay all still as full of fear as ever were men. Before two of the clock the watch of the Town descried in the Bishop's house a great fire, which no sooner perceived, but they repaired to their Lieftenantes' lodging, and him thereof advertised, who doubting some treason, took with him forty or fifty of his company, and coming to the house addressed themselves, to seek relief for the staying the same, first breaking open the gates and beseeching the company of the house to direct them for things necessary as ladders and things to bring water, the servants thus amazed at the sodeinnes thereof could not tell what to do, but like men distraught ran up and down, at length one amongst the rest, called to mind their Lord, perceiving the fire to be near his lodging cried out to the Lieutenant who was without the house busied in setting the company a work for help, and told him the fear he had of the Bishop in whose lodging the fire was, upon these speeches the Lieutenant repaired to the Chamber door which was yet whole, and with his company began to lift at it to get it open, where a voice shrill and fearful, commanded them to let all rest, for the Bishop with his Idols and gold which he loved must perish together. The Lieutenant albeit a worthy Gentleman, was hereat more amazed, then if he had been in the field environed with enemies, and forbear his own hands commanding the rest to stay, who being full of courage continued still, thinking it some jest, or some illusion, and were stricken, one lame, and two slain out right. The Lieutenant which saw this strange stratagem, was not a little amazed, and lamenting his people, caused them to be carried away, they that were on the outside the house, heaving water, was divers times teryfied with the same voice, who for lack of government regarded nothing, amongst which so many were grievously hurt, some fell of the house so into the fire and were pitifully burnt, but in vain was all their labour, for nothing might help or avail the Bishop till all was consumed. By this day approached when the house was near consumed, when the Lieutenant with some of his followers entered the lodging of the Bishop, but found all consumed, & nothing to be seen or heard of him, with the report of which had happened, the Lieutenant repaired to the lord governor, and to him recounted what had happened, with the fearful voices, which so terrify them, at whose speeches, the Governor so much amazed as flesh might be, began to recount the power of the omnipotent God, who had wrought this miracle, amongst many others to draw the unbelievers to know him, and to protect the innocent Lady, from the cruelty of that balamite which had so professed himself her enemy, for the truths sake, the Lady whose charity excelled the cruiltie of the envious Bishop, grieved not a little for his death, and in charity besought his divine majesty, not to impute his sins unto him. Lo thus the reward of bludthirstines, he that pretended the overthrow of this good Lady, was in his own sins overthrown, the Lord make us mindful of his grace, thankful for his benefits, and endue our hearts with charity, send an unity in the Church and confound Idolatry. another most rare exampele four days after that happened, lamentable and full of pity, in the City of Arger in Turkey, as they were at prayer according to the manner of the country, a most sudden darkness fell upon them, and presently ensued such a fearful clap of thunder as would have terified the hardest heart, with which also fell great store of lightning which fired the one end of the church, through which there ensued a most cruel fire, which consumed the same in short time, by which many were slain, some with the fall of stones, and divers by seeking to quench the same, the Governors house with divers others was likewise consumed. Also a ship of corn and bread ready baked, which was stayed by the governor, bound for the relief of Telonne, which was greatly distressed, for it rarely was by this lightning fired and consumed, the men being all prisoners, two days after which ship was consumed, in the road from the ship was seen to come so many Rats as amazed men to behold, who recovering the shore, so greatly annoyed the city that there dwelled none therein which complained not of the harm was done by them. Thus have I for example, written this true history, and lamentable stratagem, for your benyfit, the like whereof hath seldom been hard, the holy scriptures declare many wonders of the Lord, besides what our eyes have been witness of, by many and several signs in the air, monstruous births and other exterordinarie chances, all to draw us to amendment of life, which the God of all glory grant for his son jesus Christ's sake, Amen. FINIS.