THE SEVEN spiritual Exercises of a devout Soul. CONTAINING the Life and Death of our Saviour CHRIST: compiled in seven Meditations, replenished with most godly, and devout motions, and serving for the seven days in the Week. PSALM 119.15. I will meditate in thy precepts, and consider thy ways. LONDON: Printed by T. S. for john Budge, and are to be sold at the great South-door of Paul's, and at Britain's Burse. 1613. TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL, Mr. William Bull, MAYOR of the City of WELLS, I. B. Wisheth all prosperity in this life, and eternal happiness in the life to come. IF all men are by nature and duty bound to gratify their well-deserving Friends, (most dear, and much respected UNCLE) then must I not overslip time to make requital of your manifold kindnesses, by some slender gift, such as the zeal of my duty, and the ability of my mind is able to perform. And now to make it appear, not so much in compliments as in action, I have sent you a small Treatise, which (in the judgement of some Divines, whom I reverence in my heart) is, for matter, of worthy respect; for method, plain; for practise, godly; and (I hope) for the fruits of it, profitable: for what of higher regard, of more facility, of deeper devotion, and of greater comfort, than the meditation of the History of our Saviour CHRIST, which you see here parted into seven days practice, and may be the Christians daily task. I will say no more of it, only use it, peruse it, practise it: and after your charitable censure, if it may seem worthy your patronage, claim it as your own; your own you may then call it, for without you, it had never seen the Sun, nor the Sun it. The reflex of your favours towards me, and the undeserved kindness of Some that are near allied to you (whom I only point at, R. B. etc. I need no more, as also the godly disposition of you all in matters of piety and devotion) have called this light out of darkness, and made it (that long hath wandered from the Author) like a wearied Pilgrim to fly to you for protection. As you love Christ, so favour it, and as you favour godliness, so love It. Make it your daily, Viz. This Book. though not your whole, task: and resolve of this, that Christ calls men, as well to Mount Tabor by divine Meditation, to admire his goodness and glory; as Caesar calls them to bear the Sword, for the defence and countenance of authority. Thus craving your favourable acceptance of this poor mite, undertaking the patronage of the same, I wish you all health and happiness. Leaving this to you, with the remembrance of my humble duty. London, this 3. of October. 1612. Your cozen in all service to be commanded. I. B. THE PREFACE to the seven Meditations, of the Life, and Death of our SAVIOUR CHRIST. AMongst all spiritual Exercises, (if we may give credit to an Ancient Writer) there is none more profitable, In Prol. of the Medit. of the Life of jesus. than the Meditations of the Life and Death of our Saviour. For as they work in us, a despising, and contempt of all visible things; so do they arm us against all the power of the world, the flesh, and the Devil: They purchase familiarity with God; they procure his love towards us; they make us confident, and they bring our souls to the Paradise of all virtues, and height of all heavenly perfections. For, where may we find the force, virtue, and true effects of poverti-, humility, patience, meekness, love, obedience, and other celesliall Graces, more perfectly displayed, then in the life of our Saviour. Therefore Bernard speaketh rightly, when he saith: That man that would get unto himself virtue, laboureth in vain, if he seek it any where else, or desire it of any other, then of him that is Lord of all virtues, whose doctrine is the rule of Wisdom, whose mercy is the work of justice, whose life is the example of Temperance, and whose death is the perfect precedent of Patience. In this Exercise this sweet and holy Teacher spent and consumed his whole time, making benefit and fruit of the godly collections, which he gathered together of the anxieties and bitterness of Christ his Passion: in whose person he pasionately speaketh; Sup. Can. Serm. 63. O homo, vide quae pro te patior, non est dolor sicut dolor meus. Whereof also he was not at any time unmindful, as he witnesseth of himself. Therefore a man shall do a work of exceeding worth, if once (at the least) in every week, either by prayer, or Meditation, he run over the whole life of our Saviour jesus: seeing there is no prayer more acceptable unto him, then that, in which is made a remembrance and commemoration of his life, and death, of his merits, and benefits which he hath done for us. And that this may be done more fitly, the Author hath comprehended the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ, in seven Prayers or Meditations following, that they might serve for the seven days in the week; and the same in manner of a thanksgiving, seeing there is no benefit for which we own greater thanks unto Almighty God. Then let God have the glory, that requires no more of us, than the Confession and remembrance of his benefits, optima beneficiorum custos est ipsa memoria beneficiorum, Hom 25. sup. Mat. & perpetua confessio gratiarum, saith Chrisostome; The best preserver of the graces of God is the mention and confession of his graces. SEVEN MEDITATIONS, of the Life of JESUS. MEDITAT. I. Christ descendeth from heaven, and is conceived in the Virgin's Womb. I Render unto thee immortal thanks (oh sweet jesus) that for the love of me, didst descend from thy Regal Palace, and high bosom of thy Father, into this low vail of all miseries, and vouchsafedst to take upon thee human flesh, in the holy womb of thy blessed Mother, Mat. 1.18. I beseech thee (O Lord) to prepare my heart a Tabernacle for thee, and to that end to adorn the same with all manner of virtues, that thou mayst therein make perpetual habitation. Oh would to God it might please thy goodness, to make my heart to be such towards thee, that I be not afraid to invite thee, but that thou mayst come to dwell in me, and that I may be fit to receive thee with spiritual delight, Luke 19.6 as Zacheus which received thee joyfully: and that thou mayst sweetly rest in my heart without end. Oh that I could embrace thee with the arms of strong affection, that at any time, I be not drawn from thee by thought, word, deed, or vain imagination. Mary visiteth Elizabeth. I Give thee thanks (O sweet jesus) for that after thou wert conceived in the womb of the blessed Virgin Mary, thou willedst her, by thy Angel Gabriel, Luke 1.39 to go by the Mountains and visit Elizabeth that she might salute, and congratulate with her, for that GOD had made her barren womb to bear. Thou didst not disdain to be shut nine Months in the glorious bowels of thy Mother. Therefore I beseech thee to give me the grace of true Humility, and so to imprint the same in my heart, that thou mayst always find me ready in those things that appertain unto the godly worship and service of thee. Grant (O Lord) that my heart may still disdain all worldly things, and that I may continually desire to rest and dwell in thee, and that my heart may be humbled to endure any low estate for thee, that willingly enduredst the lowest degree of humility for my sake. Phil. 2.7.8 Christ is borne. I Give thee thanks (O my sweet jesus) which art borne of the most holy Virgin, without damage of Virgin's purity, and who laid thee straightway, being borne, in a Manger or Crib, as poor and mortal; and humbly worshipped thee as immortal God, Luke 1.46 and Creator of all things. I pray thy divine mercy, that thou wouldst vouchsafe to be continually borne in me by a new desire of Charity, and that thou alone mayst be my whole desire, my only fullness, and firm hope of my heart. Let it be pleasing unto thee, that I always seek thee, always think on thee, and always fervently love thee. Christ is wrapped in base clothing. I Give unto thee infinite thanks (O sweet jesus) that being borne, waste subject to the bitterness of the air and cold seasons, and yet createdst the air, and orderest the seasons: thou didst not disdain to be wrapped in base clothing, and to partake of my weakness and misery, to suck virgins Milk from the breast of thy glorious Mother, as the innocent Lamb of God, in the form of a poor and simple Babe; when thou wast indeed the true omnipotent God. Thou becamest poor for our sakes, that art indeed the King of heaven and earth, that we through thy poverty, 2 Cor. 8.9 might be made rich. Grant then (O Lord) that in thy sight, I may always be a true Infant in Humility, thy Child in innocency; and that I may be always truly poor in spirit, but rich in grace, and plentiful in goodness. Grant that for the love of thee, I refuse nothing in this World, that is either bitter, or laborious; that I love nothing in this world, but thee; desire to possess nothing above thee; nor esteem any worldly thing in comparison of thee. Christ is worshipped of the Shepherds. I Give thee thanks (O bountiful jesus) that as soon as thou wast borne, was celebrated with the sweet Hymns of holy Angels, Luke 2.14 and worshipped of the Shepherds, Luke 2.20 with great joy and admiration, whom thou didst choose to publish thy praise, non sapientes, Beda. sed simplices, qui fucare audita nescirent; not the wisemen of the world, but plain and simple men, that knew to publish no more than they heard. Give me grace (O Lord) to persevere always in thy praise with gladness, that I may seek therein the society of the godly, and in seeking may find thee; and (found) may joy in thee; and joying, may enjoy thee eternally. Finally, that my joy may burst forth with them, to publish abroad these glad tidings to the comfort of others, as they have comforted me. Christ is Circumcised, and called jesus. BE ever praised and glorified (O sweet jesus) for that the eight day (according to the custom of other Infants) thou wouldst be circumcised, Luke 2.21. and didst begin to shed thy blood for the love of me, in thy most tender age, and that thou wouldst comfort me with ineffable consolation, wert called jesus, a Saviour; Mat. 1.21. to save me, that otherwise had utterly perished. I beseech thee (O Lord) to account me in the number of thy elect, and to write my name in the book of the blessed. And that thou wouldst circumcise my heart from all superfluity, that is, from idle and hurtful speeches, from unjust works, and from impure and vain thoughts, and cogitations. Set a watch before mine eyes, keep the door of my lips, and so search my heart, that I may confine myself within the bounds of thy will. Oh my Redeemer, thou art called jesus, that is, a Saviour: for to thee only it belongeth to give salvation. Therefore I pray thee (O Lord) that the remembrance of this sweet Name of Saviour, may expel from me all despair, all inordinate faintness of heart, and slothfulness; that it may endue me with a steadfast hope of thy mercy, and may save me from all the power of sin, the rage of Satan, and the deceitful delights of this present world. Christ is worshipped of the Wise men. I Give thee thanks (O sweet jesus) that wert found of the Magis, or wisemen, seeking thee with sincere faith, and inward devotion, by the appearing of a Star; who falling down upon their knees before thee, offered Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Grant (O Lord) that I may seek thee in the company and society of those Wisemen, not in Bethlehem, but even in the centre of my heart, and (being found in the same) I may worship thee in spirit and in truth, that I may offer unto thee, the Gold of pure Charity, Gregor. in Homil. the Incense of true Devotion, and the Myrrh of perfect Mortification: finally, grant me grace, that with readiness of heart, and willingness of mind, I may bestow all my strength, and power in the imitation and following of thy most holy life. And if at any time I err from thy truth, make (O Lord) thy Word to be the star of my guide to lead me till I find thee. jesus is presented in the Temple. I Give thee thanks (O Lord jesus Christ) for that thou (to leave us the example of Obedience and Humility) wouldst be subject to the Law for the love of us, Luke 2.22. for that thou wouldst be presented in the Temple in the Arms of thy blessed Mother, and wouldst the Oblation of two Turtle Doves (not of him that was rich, Leu. 12.6. but of a poor man) to be offered for thee. Luke 2.25.38. When Simeon with Anna the Prophetess rejoicing at thy presence, did give a worthy testimony of thy glory. Grant that it may please thee (O Lord) not to suffer the least thought or imagination of vanity at any time hereafter, to enter into my heart, and more especially, that I be not lifted up with pride, nor carried with presumption. O how happy were I if all manner of presumption, were banished from me, and all desire of worldly favours, together with the inordinate conceit of Selfe-affection, were extinguished in me? Grant to me thy grace (O Lord) that I may be careless of vain oftentations, that I submit myself to all men, and willingly obey them for thy ordinance sake. And as thou (O Lord) camest not to destroy, but to fulfil the Law, so direct and sanctify my heart, and help me with thy righteousness, that I may be obedient to thy Law, and perform those duties in thy sight, as may please thee, and stand for thy glory. jesus flieth into Egypt. I Give thee thanks (O sweet jesus) for that even in thy minority thou didst begin to suffer persecution, and disdainedst not to fly into Egypt, to avoid the bloody hands of Herod, Mat. 2.13. though thou mightst have crushed him with thy Rod of Iron, and dashed him in pieces like a Potter's vessel. Grant me grace that in all my persecutions, tribulations and temptations, I may wholly fly unto thee, as my only refuge; only seek thee, as my chief treasure; and call upon thee, as the only hope of my salvation. And how often soever thou imposest any of those crosses upon me, grant that I may endure them with all patience; abide them with all tranquillity, and suffer them with all gladness of heart, giving thee continual thanks, for all things that may please thee to appoint to happen unto me: and in every estate to learn me to be content: Lastly, guide me with thy free Spirit, that at the summons of thy Angels, or at the voice of thy word in the mouth of thy Ministers, I may be ready and willing to rise from the bloody pursuit of Sin and Satan, that seek to destroy my soul. jesus sitteth among the Doctors. I Likewise give thanks to thee (o Lord jesus) for that thy Mother sought thee with great sorrow, when thou remainedst in the Temple, and after three days found thee with great joy, sitting in the midst of the Doctors, Luk. 2.46. whom thou didst hear, and disputedst with them, astonishing their hearts with thy great Wisdom, which they could not in any wise resist. O Lord, for thy goodness, grant me, that I be never separated from thee, nor thou from me: Put from me all slothfulness and fear: expel the coldness of affection from my heart, which is so much displeasing unto thee; and give me a perfect devotion, and an ardent thirst after thy righteousness, which may so possess my Soul, that I never grow faint, or weary in serving thee. And if at any time I find not the comfort of thy presence; so touch my heart (o Lord) with an ardent desire of thee, that I never cease till I have found the comfort of thy presence again, and may joyfully say with thy Spouse; Cant. 3.4 I have found him whom my Soul loved. Amen. MEDITAT. 2. jesus is baptized. I Give THEE thanks (o most sweet JESUS) for that thou wouldst be baptised, entering into the River jordaine, by the hands of S. john Baptist, Mat. 3.15. thy Servant, and forerunner, to fulfil all righteousness. Vouchsafe (o Lord) to purge me in this life, and to make me clean from all my sins: Confirm in me this thy Covenant of grace, and seal unto me the assurance of righteousness and washing away of my sins by thy blood. Let me surfeit with the love of thee, and with the vehement desire of thy heavenly kingdom. Fashion me (o Lord) to thine own will and pleasure, before my Soul departed from the imprisonment of my body, that I presume not to dispute with thee, but willingly to submit myself to thy holy ordinance: That leaving this pilgrimage, I may forthwith be with thee, that I may always see thee, and always enjoy the happy eternity, which hath no end. jesus is tempted of Satan in the Desert. I Give thee thanks (O bountiful jesus) that being in the Desert, didst fast forty days and forty nights, and afterwards suffered'st thyself to be tempted of Satan, Mat. 4.2.3 and when he was overcome, the Angels came, and ministered unto thee. Grant (O Lord) that by thy grace, I may punish and chastise the wickedness of my flesh, and all vicious affects thereof, and that (with the gift of perseverance) I may exercise myself in continual fasting, watching, praying, and other godly and spiritual Exercises. But chiefly grant (O Lord) that by the help of thy grace, I may be free from the sin of Gluttony, and from all other deceits and suggestions of the Devil. Let no temptation prevail against me, nor be able to separate me from thee. But rather grant that all these things may give greater occasion, that I may be the more firmly and strongly united and joined unto thee, and that I may with more heedfulness, watch against all the subtle sleights of the Tempter, to follow thy example in resisting, and to return with thee in triumph. jesus suffereth divers labours and necessities. I Give thee thanks (O sweet jesus) that for the love of me, hast been afflicted in this world with infinite sorrows, and sundry necessities, as heat, cold, hunger, thirst, labour, and weariness, with divers watchings, travels, persecutions, and all kind of tribulations. Grant (o Lord) that for thy sake, I may sustain all adversities with gladness, as imposed upon me, by the work of thy hands, for the just merit of my sins. And that I may abide them with great patience. Grant, that in all estates, as well in adversity, as prosperity; in grief, as joy; in troubles, as tranquilities; I may still persever in thee, and never start or swerver from thee, but that in all things, thy will may be my will: when thou strikest, let me not murmur against thee: when thou dost afflict me with poverty, and loss of worldly comforts, then lift up my heart, that I may repose my wealth and my comfort in thee, o blessed Saviour. jesus prayeth and preacheth. I Give thee thanks (O most sweet JESUS) for that thou didst perform many things for my sake, whilst thou didst seek the conversion and safeguard of my Soul, and in no wise didst omit the office, and duty of a good Pastor: but (even as a true Shepherd, and Saviour of the World) didst watch in praying, and weary thyself in traveling from Province to Province, and from place to place, to preach and teach, and publish thy heavenly doctrine. I beseech thee (O LORD) to impart this grace unto me, that at any time hereafter, I be never found slack, or slothful in thy service, but that I may be ever ready and forward to do all good duties, respecting thy glory, and the good of my brethren, Grant, that I may fervently thirst after the saving health of all people, and that I may always have a desire & zeal of thy name, and then shall I stand for the defence of Religion, and refuse no labour or study, to promote thy glory. jesus is conversant amongst men. I Give thee thanks (O benign jesus) for that by conversing amongst men, thou wouldst cheerfully comfort them, and cure their infirmities, of thy great mercy. Grant me (O Lord) that I may have a heart full of loving affections towards all men, that I may have compassion on all that I perceive to be in affliction. And grant me thy grace (O LORD) that I may esteem other men's miseries as mine own, that I may bear with other men's imperfections, with a sincere heart, and without any passion of anger, hatred, or contempt; and that I may help and relieve their necessities after my ability, or at least, have a fellow-feeling and touch of their miseries. O Lord, purge my soul perfectly from all vicious concupiscences and vain desires, which have any domination in my heart, that the same (being healed of all these evils, and freed from all these impediments) may safely fly unto heaven, and never rest before it may be fit by pure love and affection, to come unto thy heavenly embracements. jesus suffereth many things for us. I Give thee thanks (O good jesus) that for the love which thou bearest unto me, thou didst suffer innumerable injuries, blasphemies, slanders and persecutions, and even of those chiefly, on whom thou bestowedst infinite benefits and blessings. I beseech thee (O Lord) to give me a pure, innocent, and simple heart, that I may love my enemies, and that from my heart I may lament their evils and wickedness. That I may always excuse them if they trespass in any thing, and that (intending good for evil) I may truly imitate thy perfect charity and patience. jesus cometh into jerusalem. I Give thee thanks (O most loving JESUS) for that thou camest to jerusalem, Mat. 21.5. humble and meek, riding upon an Asse-colt; and on them that came to meet thee, singing with pleasant Hymns, and glorious praises, thou sheddedst forth tears full of bitterness, which thy grief did express, that was conceived for the loss of so many souls, and the destruction of so beautiful a City. Give me (O Lord) an inward knowledge, and feeling of mine own estate, that I may wholly humble myself, and openly acknowledge my vileness. That I may so far despise myself, that the flatter, commendations, and applauses of men be not (hereafter) pleasing unto me, but that I may daily mourn and bewail, as well the sin of my neighbour, as the impiety of myself, still reckoning and reputing his evil as mine own, jer. 9.1. that mine head may be filled with the waters of bitter sorrow, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, lamenting the destruction that thou hast threatened against unpenitent persons, because they know not those things which belong to their peace. Luk. 19.42 MEDITAT. III. jesus washeth the feet of his Disciples. I Give THEE thanks (O Lord jesus) for that thou (to prescribe an end of the old Law) didst eat the Paschal Lamb in jerusalem with thy Disciples, and to give an example to them of thy great humility, & ineffable love, didst wash their feet, kneeling. I beseech thee (O Lord) that this example may pierce my heart, and may suppress all presumption and pride in me. Give me (O Lord) all humble submission, by which I may subject myself to all men, not with constraint, but willingly. Give me also perfect Obedience, by which I may fully satisfy thy Commandments, and the ruling power of them that command in thy Name. Stir up in me (O Lord) a most fervent Charity, by which I may love thee and my neighbour with true pureness and simplicity. Let not the pride of my heart carry me to disdain my brethren, but to endeavour myself to do them all christian service, whether it be in the refreshing of their bodies, or ministering spiritual comfort unto their souls. jesus ordaineth the Eucharist. I Give thee thanks (O sweet jesus) that of thy most excellent Charity, thou hast ordained the Sacrament of thy body and blood, Mat. 26.26 and of thy unspeakable bounty hast given thyself to be food for us: and for that also thou hast not refused to be here spiritually present with us, to the end of the world. O Lord, excite in me (I beseech thee) a lively desire, and most ardent thirst of this Sacrament. Grant, that I may come unto this Table of life, receive thee, by a lively Faith, with chaste Love, with low Humility, with Purity of heart, and with Sincerity of mind. Grant also, that my Soul may so thirst after thee, and be so wounded with thy love, that at the length, I may be admitted to possess thy heavenly pleasures, for the honour and glory of thy Name. jesus comforteth his Disciples at his last Supper. I Give thee thanks (O sweet jesus) for that being willing to leave the world, thou didst admonish and comfort thy Disciples with words full of holy affection, and by earnest prayer didst commend them to thy father, john 17.9.11. showing thereby, with what love thou didst embrace them, and all those that should believe in thee by their doctrine. I beseech thee (O Lord) that my heart may feel a sweetness in thy words, and that they may be always more pleasant unto me, than the honey or the honeycomb. O Lord, let the spirit of thy affection reign in me, that I may wholly transform myself into thy love. Direct all my actions, that in me, and of me, always thy will may be done. jesus prayeth to his Father in the Garden. I Give thee thanks (O loving lesus) that falling on the Earth, (thy Arms spread forth) thou didst pray unto thy Father, commending thyself wholly into his hands, and praying that in all things not thy will but the will of thy Father might be fulfilled. Luk. 22.42 I beseech thee (o Lord) that in all tribulation, and necessity, I may run unto thee by hearty prayer, that I may believe in thy providence wholly, without election, or choice of my own will, or the expectation of any proper commodity. Grant that I may not at any time shun adversities, nor be withheld from any good enterprise by the same. But that whatsoever shall happen unto me, I may take it patiently, bearing and suffering all things with an humble & quiet heart, as sent unto me by thy holy hands. And that I may account them not as thy heavy judgements, to confound me utterly; but as thy chastisements, to correct me, and that not in thy fury, but in thy Fatherly love and goodness. jesus is apprehended. I Give thee thanks (o holy jesus) for that thou wouldst be taken with armed men, and be bound by them as a wicked man and malefactor, and be brought before Annas, Mat. 26.47 and didst not abhor to abide the judgement and sentence against thee. Oh wonderful meekness of my Redeemer, whilst thou wert apprehended, bound, scorned, and evil entreated, thou didst neither lament, murmur nor grudge, but holding thy peace, didst patiently follow them that did lead thee, draw thee, & weary thee, thou didst obey them that commanded thee, and with great patience suffered'st the torments which they inflicted upon thee, when thou couldst have had a legion of Angels to have rescued thee, and have crushed the backs of thine enemies. O Lord, grant that such an example of thy great virtue and patience, may shine in me, for the glory and honour of thy most holy Name. jesus is smitten on the face. I Give thee thanks (o amiable jesus) that standing before the proud & stiffnecked high-Priest, no otherwise, then if thou hadst been a vile and abject person, Luk. 22.64 thou wert stricken, and most patiently didst suffer a cruel blow, which one of his wicked ministers struck on thy face. Oh Lord, I beseech thee, mortify in me all wrath and indignation; take from me all manner of envy and hate, and extinguish in me all desires of revenge, that when any one doth wrong and injure me, I may not be troubled or molested, neither devise at any time to be revenged, but suffering all things, with patience, for thy sake, and by thy example, I may for thy love, render to every man good for evil. Amen. MEDITAT. FOUR jesus is diversly molested the night in which he is apprehended. I Give THEE thanks (O sweet JESUS) that in the night of thy Passion, thou wert scorned, and deluded, Luke 22. & Chap. 23. smitten of thine enemies, and diversly injured and molested. Thou knowest (O LORD) how grievous & troublesome it is to me, to bear and suffer the least wrong or injury. Thou knowest that my will and desire is slow and slack to all virtue, and that all good affections and appetites wax cold in me. O Lord, for thy mercy, help my infirmity: mortify in me all carnal affections, as heat of anger, hope of revenge, and quicken thy graces within me. Grant, that for no adversity, my mind be thrown down, or dejected. Help me that I faint not under the burden of tribulations, which shall fall upon me; neither let me repine at the injuries done unto me by others; but giving thee thanks for all things, I may refer all things to the honour and glory of thy Name. jesus is accused before Pilate. I Give thee thanks (O Lord jesus) that standing before Pontius Pilate, Mar. 12.17 thou didst not answer unto the false complaints and accusations wherewith they did injure thee, didst pass over all things with silence, even like a meek lamb, which openeth not his mouth, but is mute before the shearer. Grant me (o Lord) that the reproaches, murmurings, or revilings of wicked men, make me not to swell against them, or puff me up with envy, but that being taught by thy example, I may overcome all them, when the case so requires, by silence and taciturnity, that slander or impeach my good name. Give me the grace of perfect Humility, that I may neither desire that men praise me, nor be afraid to be dispraised for thee: But to comfort me with the reward of blessedness, that thou hast assured them that are reviled, and suffer persecution for righteousness sake; namely, that theirs is the Kingdom of heaven, Mat. & quoth eyes magna est merces in coelis; that great is their reward in heaven. jesus brought before Herod. I Give thee thanks (O sweet JESUS) King of Heaven and Earth, that with great stir and fury of the people, thou wert brought before Herod, Luke 23.7. by the commandment of Pilate. Give me fortitude (o Lord) that persecutions may not confound me, nor the injuries of my enemies provoke me to anger, nor that their impudency make me to blush, or be ashamed, but that I may bear all things with meekness & patience, and overcome with silence, according to the prescript of thy Commandments; remembering always whose cause I have in hand, and that thou deniest them before thy Father, that deny thee before men. Strengthen me (o Lord) in thy cause and quarrel, for thou art greater than the Princes of the earth, and canst make thy servants to stand against them. jesus is accused before Herod. I Give thee thanks (O holy JESUS) that standing before Herod, Luke 23.9 10. and accused before the chief Priests and Elders of many crimes and iniquities, thou wouldst answer to nothing, but didst justify thy cause by holding thy peace. Give me the gift of silence (o Lord) that I have not at any time, a desire to speak vain, idle, or unclean speeches, nor that I waste not my time in discoursing of barren and unfruitful matters; but grant that my tongue utter nothing that is not just, honest, profitable, and consonant to thy holy will. Let me detest (o Lord) the vice of backebiting, and that I be still pleased to hear & speak well of all men: And when they shall band themselves to plot my destruction, yet make me to pray for them; and in all things to be mild and merciful, Luke 6.36 as my heavenly father is merciful. jesus is judged more wicked than Barrabas. I Give thee thanks (O sweet jesus) that being compared with that infamous murderer Barrabas, Mark 15.15. Act. 3.14. thou wert judged worse, and more unworthy of life, than he: so that homicide was set at liberty, and thou (the author of life) condemned to die. O King of eternal glory, what greater infamy could thy majesty be afflicted with? From hence (O LORD) from hence it appears, that thou art that lively stone disallowed of men, which God nevertheless hath chosen to himself, and placed in the head corner. Grant (o Lord) that I may prefer nothing before thee, that for any thing I be not changed from thee, but that I may account all things as vile and base that are compared unto thee. Grant, that the poison of envy never infect my mind, but that I may always rest in thee, and place my salvation in thee. jesus is whipped. IEsu, I give thee thanks, that being spoiled of thy garments, Mar. 15.15 thou suffered'st, thy chaste, holy, and naked flesh to be looked upon, and afterwards wouldst abide to be scourged, and whipped, that by thy wounds our wounds might be healed. O Lord, despoil my heart of all unclean cogitations: dis-robe me of the old man with all his works, and me with the new man, which is created to thy image and similitude, in justice and holiness, and grant that with all patience and humility, I may abide the scourge of thy fatherly visitation. jesus is crowned with thorns. I Give thee thanks (O bountiful jesus) for that thou wert so diversly illuded after so great envies, so many wounds, Mar. 15.17 and after thy blood so plentifully shed through thy whole body; & to thy greater reproach, they attired thee with a purple garment, & put a crown of thorns upon thy head, with a Reed in thy hand, in stead of a Sceptre, and bending their knees saluted thee as King (or rather mocked thee) saying; Hail King of the jews. Let (o Lord) the memory of this miserable Tragedy be ever imprinted in my heart, and never blotted out of my remembrance. Fix thy charity in my mind, that I may only love thee: think of thee, and of thy injuries; and so, ever rest and depend on thee. That neither tribulation, miseries, nor persecutions, separate me from thee: neither let it be grievous unto me at any time, if I be despised, contemned, mocked, and derided of men for thy sake. jesus speaketh to the women. I Give thee thanks (O good jesus) that in this laboursome journey, when thou wert brought forth to be crucified, thou didst lovingly admonish the women that were lamenting, Luk. 23.28 not to pour forth their plaints over thee, but over themselves and their children. Grant (o Lord) that I may shed the tears of love and compassion so abundantly, that the hardness of my heart may be mollified, and made acceptable in the sight of thy Majesty. Grant (o Lord) that being wholly inflamed with the love of thee, I may little or nothing esteem of worldly causes, but that I may embrace thee, only love thee, and rest in thee, world without end. Amen. MEDITAT. V jesus drinketh the Vinegar mixed with gall. I Give THEE thanks (O bountiful jesus) that thy bones being wearied, Mat. 27.34 thy body being weakened, and thyself overmuch pressed with the weight of thy tortures & sorrows, at length thou camest unto the place of sacrifice, where thou wert found wholly afflicted, & almost killed with thirst; at which time those barbarous and wicked Soldiers offered thee Vinegar mixed with gall to drink. Let it please thee (o Lord) that the remembrance of this Cup may extinguish in me the inordinate concupiscence of gluttony, and delights of the flesh; and grant, that at any time I give not consent to filthy and unlawful pleasures, but give me the necessary virtue of Temperance, that all other appetites and delights being suppressed, I may only hunger and thirst after thee, and place my whole pleasures in thee. Christ is crucified. I Give thee thanks (O sweet JESUS) that wert cruelly distract and handled: when they came to crucify thee, Mat. 27.35 did dost also suffer that thy holy hands and feet should be nailed and fastened to the Cross. Grant me (o Lord) that with a faithful and acceptable heart, I may always be mindful of that thy most ardent charity, by which thou wert moved so lovingly to stretch forth thy arms, and open thy hands to be nailed, and to endure such horrible torments. Arise (O Lord) and wound my heart with perfect charity, and fill all my senses with thy love and affection, that at any time my desires and cogitations be not separated from thee. jesus hangeth upon the Cross. I Give thee thanks (O most holy Jesus) that for three hours space thou didst hang upon the Cross, joh. 19.18 molested with many and intolerable infamies, abundantly shedding thy blood, and in all thy members sustaining immeasurahle furrows. Fasten (O Lord) my wretched Soul (which lieth prostrate on the ground) to the same Cross: purge the same from uncleanness of Sin, and filthy desires, washing it with the flowing springs of thy precious blood, which yieldeth life and salvation. Refuse not (o Lord) to cleanse me with the same blood, to sanctify and make me pure with that most precious liquor of life. Offer the same (o Lord) unto thy Father in remedy and full satisfaction of my sins and iniquities. Grant (O Lord) I befeech thee, that my heart may taste, and my soul may drink of the sweet drops of that thy precious blood. jesus hangeth between two thieves. I Give thee thanks (O sweet jesus) that for the love of me thou wouldst be hanged between two thieves, Mat. 27.38 and be also accounted like unto them, that by this thy marvelous humility, and patience, thou mightest heal and utterly destroy our haughty pride and presumption. Grant (o Lord) so to exalt my spirit, that I may despise all the things of this world, and that I may only behold thee, only love thee, that I may never meditate of any thing, but that thou (o LORD) and thy sufferings may be fresh bleeding in my heart; that I may only think of thee, only talk of thee, delight myself in thee, and that all my actions be in thee, and by thee, and that nothing may satisfy my mind without thee. jesus prayeth for them that crucify him. I Give thee thanks (O beloved jesus) that wert so good to them that handled thee in such hard measure, and didst also pray unto thy Father for them that crucified thee, Luk. 23.34 saying; Forgive them (Father) for they know not what they do. Give me grace (O Lord) that I may have true patience and meekness; by which being armed (according to the example which thou hast given me, and the commandment which thou hast left me) I may love my enemies, & do good to them that hate me, and that I may pray unto thee for them, that thou forgive all their injuries. jesus is scoffed on the Cross. I Give thee thanks (O bountiful JESV) that wert scorned & despised of thine enemies, Luk. 23.36 & suffered'st so many injuries and blasphemies, even at that time, in which they inflicted such ineffable griefs & sorrows on the cross upon thy naked body. Grant me grace, (O Lord) that being mindful of the humility which thou didst suffer, and patience with which thou didst abide so great dolours and infamies, I may also with the like sufferance endure all adverfities, persevering with thee (even unto death) in the cross of patience. Let no force of temptation, no tempest of tribulation, nor no affliction of injuries withdraw me from any good purpose begun. Let neither life nor death, things present, nor things to come, nor any creature separate me from thee. jesus promiseth Paradise to one of the thieves. I Give thee thanks (O excellent JESV) that didst also suffer the injuries and blasphemies of one of the thieves, Mat. 27.38 and to the other that confessed his sins unto thee, and set forth thy innocency with a pure Faith, didst promise the glory of Paradise. Oh happy me, if I might ever become so blessed, as to be so respected with the eyes of thy mercy, with which thou didst behold that happy Thief; and to live so innocently, by the help of thy grace, that at the end of my life, I may hear this thy most sweet saying: This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise! Amen. MEDITAT. VI jesus complaineth that he is forsaken of his Father. I Give THEE thanks (o most sweet jesus) that thy Wounds being opened, thy head crowned with thorns, thy hands and feet fixed to the Cross, Mat. 27.46 thou didst say; Oh God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Work in me (o Lord) that in all adversities and temptations, I may fly unto thee my loving Father, and (distrusting in myself) may only trust in thee, and wholly resign myself into thy hands. Grant (O Lord) I beseech thee, to wound the inward parts of my Soul, with the remembrance of thy wounds. Let them be imprinted in the closet of my heart, and so let me be satisfied with thee, that I may think of none but thee, nor seek any other than thee, that seeking, I may find thee; and found, I may possess thee for ever. jesus thirsteth upon the Cross. I Give thee thanks (O Lord jesus Christ) that having thy body weakened, and dry, by reason of thy most grievous torments, and great effusion of thy blood, didst vehemently thirst, joh. 19.28 and burning with desire of our salvation, didst say, I thirst. Grant (O Lord) that I may ardently thirst after thy honour, and the salvation of Souls. Let me wholly occupy myself in the same, & conform myself to thy holy will, doing as much as my estate is able. I beseech thee, that no love of transitory things carry me away, nor no creature draw me into perilous dangers. Nay, rather let me embrace all things for the love of thee, that are to be embraced, but let me still hold thee more dear unto me then any thing, and only in thee find rest and quietness. jesus drinketh gall upon the Cross. I Give thee thanks (O most merciful JESUS) that in the hour of thy death; Mat. 27.34 to quench thy thirst, thou wouldst apply a Sponge full of vinegar unto thy mouth, that by tasting in that thy afflicted estate, thou mightest satisfy thy heavenly Father for all our intemperances' and voluptuousness, and leave unto us a miraculous example of thy poverty. Grant me grace (O Lord) that for the love of thee, I may despise all dilicious savours, and exquisite banquets, and that I may be contented with modesty and temperance, to eat & drink that only that may suffice to the sustenance of this body, rendering thee infinite thanks for the same. Purify and heal my Soul, that whatsoever is acceptable unto thee, may be pleasing to me; and what displeaseth thee, may be unsavoury and loathsome unto me. jesus endeth the work of our Redemption. I Give thee thanks (O jesus, the fervent lover of mankind) that in so absolute order thou didst end the work of our Redemption, offering thyself a lively Sacrifice on the Altar of the Cross for the sins of the world. I beseech thee (O my Redeemer) that thou wouldst vouchsafe to be the only harbour of my heart, and the scope of my cogitations, words, and works, that in all things with pure & chaste intention, I may only look on thee, that I do that thing only which thy glory requireth, that nothing please me, but thee; and that I desire nothing besides thee. Grant (o Lord) that hereafter at any time, I be not slack or remiss in thy service, but that (the fervour of thy holy Spirit being daily renewed in me) my diligence may increase more and more in thy praise and service. jesus dieth. I Give thee thanks (O most meek jesus) that thou didst call Death, and command thy Spirit to leave the prison of the flesh (being commended into the hands of thy Father) in which thing thou declarest, joh. 19.30 that thou art that true Shepherd, that died for the safeguard of his flock. Grant me (O Lord) that being dead to sin, and all wicked vices, I may only live unto thee, that (the course of this life being ended in charity) I may forthwith enter into thee, that art the true Paradise of our souls. jesus is buried. I Give thee thanks (O beloved jesus) that with great complaints and mournings of thy friends thou wert taken from the Cross, john 19.40.41. anointed with most precious ointments, wrapped in linen , & put into another man's Sepulchre: O Lord, bury with thee all my senses, and desires, that being joined to thee in the strong links of love, I may be, as it were, dead, in those things that displease thee. And of the contrary part, in all things that please thee, let me be wholly alive, ready, and joyful; let me only be delighted in thee, my Redeemer and treasure of my Soul. Amen. MED●●●●. ●●●. Christ 〈…〉 I 〈…〉 for 〈…〉 hast not spared to undergo the torments of death and hell for my sake, that thou mightest advance me into thy Kingdom. Let the consideration of this (o God) terrify me from sin, because thou sparedst not thine only begotten Son, but that 〈…〉 endure the grea●● 〈…〉 and 〈…〉. Let it also 〈…〉 in my hea●●● 〈…〉, that though 〈…〉 of wrath 〈…〉 in me, job 6.4. and 〈…〉 thereof drink 〈…〉 spirit, yet I may still remember, that thou my Saviour hast satisfied for all my sins, and conquered both Death and Hell, Col. 2.15 when thou didst lead captivity captive: and by the spoil of all principalities & powers of darkness, hast swallowed them up into victory. Behold, (O Lord) behold my infirmities, and consider that I am in thy hands but as the clay in the hands of the Potter: If thou try me, give me patience to bear it, and when thou smitest me, lift me up again; and if thy terrors should fight against me, job. 6.4. yet teach me (o Lord) to resolve that it is thy fatherly work to kill sin in me, that I being mortified in my sinful flesh, may be raised up unto the life of glory. Amen. Christ is risen from the dead. I Give thee thanks (O good JESUS) that victoriously coming out of thy Sepulchre with most noble triumph, after thou hadst overcome death, didst rise again the third day in great Glory and Majesty, visiting thy Disciples & comforting them with exceeding gladness. Grant (o Lord) that being quickened from death, and the deadly action of my sinful life, and ungodly conversation, I may walk in the newness of life, and seek only for those things which are high and heavenly, and not those things which are vile and transitory, that when thou (being the true life) shalt secondly appear in the glory of thy Father with the Angels, I may likewise appear with thee in glory, and be made everlastingly blessed in the joyful fruition of that Kingdom that never shall have end. jesus ascendeth into heaven. I Give thee thanks (O loving jesus) that forty days being overpast after thy Resurrection, thy Disciples did behold thee triumphantly, Acts 1. and gloriously ascending into heaven, where sitting at the right hand of thy Father, thou rulest, and reignest as King, world without end. Let it be pleasing unto thy goodness (o Lord) that my Soul may be ravished with the love of thee, Coloss. 3.1 and to seek those things that are above, and may despise all worldly things: Let it always aspire unto thee, that it may be lift up unto the heavens, from whence must come my comfort, my crown, and my joy. And that my prayer may ascend unto thee as the morning Incense, let it affect, or be delighted in nothing, but in thee my only Lord and God. jesus sendeth the HOLY GHOST. I Give thee thanks (O most loving jesus) that didst send thy holy spirit upon thy elect which persevered in prayer, and didst send them to preach and teach the people throughout all the world. I beseech thee (O LORD) to purify the inward parts of my heart, and to give me true purity and cleanness of conscience, that the same Comforter finding in my soul an acceptable dwelling-place, may adorn and beautify it with the most fruitful gifts of his Graces. Let him only comfort me, only strengthen me, only rule me, and be only respected of me. Let me never want the comfort of thy Spirit (o God) but that I may find him in his sweet influence of grace and assistance, to sanctify my Soul, and to strengthen the inward man in all godliness and virtue. jesus shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I Give thee thanks (O bountiful JESUS) that when thou shalt come at that last day to judge the world, thou wilt render to every one according to his works, either the joy of eternal life, or everlasting punishment. Grant (o my loving Father) that I may have grace to spend the course of my life in innocency, according to thy holy will, that at length, my Soul leaving the imprisonment of the body, may be presented blameless before thee, and being garnished with many virtues, may through thy mercy be received into thy Tabernacle of glory, and that it may glorify and praise thee in the fellowship and company of Saints, world without end. Amen. A PRAYER, or Meditation on the Name of JESUS. O Good JESV, o sweet jesus, the Son of the Virgin Mary, full of pity and mercy; o sweet jesus, after thine infinite goodness, have mercy upon me; o bountiful jesus through that thy precious blood, which thou didst plentifully shed upon the Altar of the Cross for wicked Sinners, that thou wash me from all my sins and iniquities, and that thou despise not thy Servant, which humbly prayeth, and calleth upon thee by this holy Name jesus. This Name jesus is a sweet Name; yea, it is sweeter than any Nectar & Ambrosia. This Name of jesus bringeth life and salvation: for what is jesus but a Saviour? Therefore o good jesus, which of thy goodness hast created me, and by thy precious blood hast redeemed me; suffer not my Soul to be overcome with the multitude of sins and offences. O good JESUS, let not mine iniquities condemn my Soul, which thou hast made of thine infinite goodness: acknowledge in me (o good jesus) that which is thine, and take from me all my sinful and filthy enormities. O good jesus, have mercy upon me so long as I am in this world, lest at that terrible day of judgement I be damned with the wicked and reprobate. O good jesus, if according to thy justice, I (being a perverse sinner) deserve to be condemned by reason of my grievous sins and offences, I humbly appeal from thy severe justice, to thy mercy and compassion, trusting altogether (o my Lord jesus) that thou wilt be gracious unto me, and wilt have mercy on my soul, as a loving and pitiful Father. What profit will be to thee (O good JESUS) in my flesh, if my Soul descend into hell? for it is certain that in hell none shall confess the holy Name of jesus. O most merciful jesus have mercy on us, o most sweet jesus, deliver us from all our tribulations, and adversities; o excellent jesus be good unto us miserable sinners; o most holy JESUS, grant that our souls may enjoy the fellowship of the Elect in thy heavenly habitation. Strengthen me o most loving jesus, with the saving health of all that trust in thee. O jesus the Son of the most holy Virgin Mary, give unto us thy Mercy, Grace, Wisdom, Charity, Chastity, Humility, and Patience in all our adversities, that we may always praise and glorify thee, our Lord JESUS, which livest and reignest God world without end. Amen. A short Prayer for Morning. I Thank thee, most merciful Father, my maker and preserver, that thou hast so lovingly vouchsafed to tender my safety this night past, giving me sweet sleep, to the refreshment of my soul and weak body. So (of thy goodness) vouchsafe to extend thy loving favour towards me this day, that thereby I may be both safely preserved from all kind of evil, and employ myself diligently unto the execution of my vocation, to thy glory, and to the relief of me & mine, through jesus Christ, Amen. A short Prayer for Evening. O Almighty Lord God, I thank thee, that this day past, thou hast of thy mercy vouchsafed unto me thy poor creature, not only protection against all dangers and evils, but also all things necessary. I humbly beseech thee, of that same thy mercy, and for thy Son jesus Christ his sake, to extend the like protection and favour toward me this night, that I may enjoy at thine hands safe and quiet rest, to the comfort and refreshment both of my body and soul, for jesus Christ's sake. Amen. FINIS.