key: cord-1056009-i8lzm9ya authors: Nugroho, Heru Santoso Wahito; Acob, Joel Rey Ugsang; Martiningsih, Wiwin title: Healthcare Worker’s Mental Health During the Epidemic Peak of COVID-19 [Letter] date: 2021-03-17 journal: Psychol Res Behav Manag DOI: 10.2147/prbm.s309309 sha: cf7bcf24085d0d5e9fa302cbb48e91bc9caa98a2 doc_id: 1056009 cord_uid: i8lzm9ya nan Dove Medical Press encourages responsible, free and frank academic debate. The content of the Psychology Research and Behavior Management 'letters to the editor' section does not necessarily represent the views of Dove Medical Press, its officers, agents, employees, related entities or the Psychology Research and Behavior Management editors. While all reasonable steps have been taken to confirm the content of each letter, Dove Medical Press accepts no liability in respect of the content of any letter, nor is it responsible for the content and accuracy of any letter to the editor. Psychology Research and Behavior Management is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on the science of psychology and its application in behavior management to develop improved outcomes in the clinical, educational, sports and business arenas. Specific topics covered in the journal include: Neuroscience, memory and decision making; Behavior modification and management; Clinical applications; Business and sports performance management; Social and developmental studies; Animal studies. The manuscript management system is completely online and includes a very quick and fair peer-review system, which is all easy to use. Visit http://www. to read real quotes from published authors. Healthcare worker's mental health and their associated predictors during the epidemic peak of COVID-19 A response to "effect of integrated pictorial handbook education and counseling on improving anemia status, knowledge, food intake, and iron tablet compliance among anemic pregnant women in Indonesia: a quasi-experimental study Response to "Prevalence and Associated Factors of Musculoskeletal Disorders Among Cleaners Working at Mekelle University, Ethiopia Partial Least Squares: Regression and Structural Equation Models