key: cord-1053757-565kozq0 authors: Sridhar, Siddharth; Nicholls, John title: Pathophysiology of infection with SARS‐CoV‐2—What is known and what remains a mystery date: 2021-05-26 journal: Respirology DOI: 10.1111/resp.14091 sha: 5c6899066cb9c595e033ec6ba997576ae1c25e99 doc_id: 1053757 cord_uid: 565kozq0 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), caused by coronavirus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), has caused extensive disruption and mortality since its recent emergence. Concomitantly, there has been a race to understand the virus and its pathophysiology. The clinical manifestations of COVID‐19 are manifold and not restricted to the respiratory tract. Extrapulmonary manifestations involving the gastrointestinal tract, hepatobiliary system, cardiovascular and renal systems have been widely reported. However, the pathophysiology of many of these manifestations is controversial with questionable support for direct viral invasion and an abundance of alternative explanations such as pre‐existing medical conditions and critical illness. Prior research on SARS‐Co‐V and NL63 was rapidly leveraged to identify angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor as the key cell surface receptor for SARS‐CoV‐2. The distribution of ACE2 has been used as a starting point for estimating vulnerability of various tissue types to SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. Sophisticated organoid and animal models have been used to demonstrate such infectivity of extrapulmonary tissues in vitro, but the clinical relevance of these findings remains uncertain. Clinical autopsy studies are typically small and inevitably biased towards patients with severe COVID‐19 and prolonged hospitalization. Technical issues such as delay between time of death and autopsy, use of inappropriate antibodies for paraffin‐embedded tissue sections and misinterpretation of cellular structures as virus particles on electron micrograph images are additional problems encountered in the extant literature. Given that SARS‐CoV‐2 is likely to circulate permanently in human populations, there is no doubt that further work is required to clarify the pathobiology of COVID‐19. The spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19) across the world has led to an explosion of publications related to COVID-19. Over 65% of these publications were however not based on original data (i.e., viewpoints, editorials, perspectives or expert opinion), with original studies (14.9%), case reports (9.3%) and research letters (10%) comprising the remainder. 1 Sixty percent of published articles have been posted on preprint servers, which have the advantage of easy access, easy feedback and fast dissemination, 2 but this increase in publication has also been associated with increased numbers of articles retracted. Of the top 50 cited publications, there are two related to the clinicopathological aspects of this review-the detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in different specimens and the lung pathophysiology of fatal COVID-19. 3, 4 The intention of this review is to summarize and consolidate the clinical and pathological changes seen in COVID-19; however, one should be mindful that most publications have dealt with hospitalized patients. This is important because this population as a whole has varied admission rates depending on regional, societal, seasonal and political factors, and thus much of what is reported in the medical literature is but the tip of the clinical COVID-19 iceberg. Another challenge with performing a review is that most of the accessed articles in December to February 2021 were published in a timeframe based on data collated and obtained from the first 'wave' of the pandemic. Since the emergence of the 'UK', 'South African' or 'Indian' variants of SARS-CoV-2, it remains to be seen to what extent the putative organ dissemination and pathophysiology of the original strain reviewed in most of these publications will be seen in 2021. The seasonal coronaviruses that are ubiquitous in the general population are associated with upper respiratory tract and nasal symptoms, so it is not surprising that this anatomical site is one of the main portals of entry of coronavirus into the body; however, one of the features that distinguishes COVID-19 from other seasonal coronaviruses has been the relative lack of typical nasal symptoms, such as rhinitis and sneezing, but in contrast to SARS and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) infection, there is a high frequency of anosmia, implying involvement of the olfactory epithelium. 5 The viral dynamics of COVID-19 in the nasal mucosa will be detailed elsewhere 6 but in general the infected individual can be asymptomatic for up to 5 days after infection, with a high viral load and infectivity in this period. There is a peak at days 5-7 post onset of symptoms. 7 After day 15, the probability of culturing live virus in severe and critically ill or immunocompromised patients is less than 5%, but there may be prolonged shedding in individuals who are of older age, and, or, have medical comorbidities, immunosuppressive conditions, severe disease, delayed hospitalization and are managed with steroids. 8 The high viral load in the pre-symptomatic phase is in contrast to SARS, and has presented one of the major challenges in reducing and mitigating transmission of viruses from individual to individual. The high frequency of anosmia indicates that viral replication involves the olfactory mucosa, and as this anatomical site is more posterior in the nose, it means that rapid antigen testing will need a more intrusive sampling than just swabbing the anterior nasal cavity. Viral loads are higher in nasal swabs than throat swabs. 9 However, certain nasal pathology such as polyps or deviated nasal septum can lead to a false-negative result, thereby creating an additional challenge for pathologists. The main surface receptor mediating SARS-CoV-2 cell entry is angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and the serine protease transmembrane protease, serine 2 (TMPRSS2) is important for priming the viral spike protein. As such, expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in various tissues is often taken as evidence that particular organs can potentially support SARS-CoV-2 replication. In an unsolicited review, 10 a high expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 was detected in the nasal epithelial cells, and also appeared to be in high expression on the tongue. In the oral cavity, there is a paucity of definitive clinical symptoms with taste alterations, blisters, ulcers and Kawasaki disease reported. 11 A large number of studies have proposed the salivary glands could be potential reservoirs for SARS-CoV-2 based on immunohistochemical detection of ACE2 [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] or the presence of sialadenitis in early stages of COVID-19 infection. 15 Presently, there are no data to indicate that virus replication can be detected in this site, and ex vivo studies of human explants did not show infection of minor salivary glands. 18 Within the olfactory mucosa, there has been much attention focused on the sustentacular cells as a target for viral entry. 19 ACE2 has been identified on the motile cilia of the airway epithelial cells, 20 but the use of angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors or receptor blockers did not increase susceptibility to infection in humans. The direct infection of the epithelium by the virus has been blamed for the loss of smell, 21 and in 25% of patients this anosmia may fail to resolve. 9 In the laboratory setting, despite a large concentration of viral antigen in the olfactory mucosa of hamsters, 22 there is no involvement of the olfactory nerve as a potential route of transmission to the central nervous system. In hACE2 transgenic mice infected with SARS, there was involvement of the olfactory bulb, but this was not seen in infection with SARS-CoV-2, even though infection of the sustentacular cells was documented. The importance of the eye as a site for viral entry, spread to the upper respiratory tract via the lacrimal duct or transmission to other individuals has been the subject of a number of well-written and comprehensive reviews. [23] [24] [25] [26] Ocular involvement of other respiratory viruses, including the seasonal coronaviruses has been well documented, 27 but there have been conflicting results on whether the conjunctiva or other ocular tissues express ACE2. [28] [29] [30] Patients with clinical COVID-19 have presented with folliculitis, keratoconjunctivitis, ocular pain and discharge, 31 but these are thought to reflect a publication bias. Ex vivo conjunctival tissues were reported to be susceptible to infection 18 ; however, it was commented in a reply to this article that the study was an artificial laboratory setting which may not exist in the in vivo setting. Sampling of tear fluid for virus is reportedly unreliable. 26 The conclusion from most of these reviews is that the ocular route of entry is low, with insufficient evidence to provide a conclusive statement on this portal. Despite this low potential risk, professional bodies such as the American Academy of Ophthalmology advise the use of goggles and face shields. 27 In fact, the use of face shields has become widespread clinically. At the beginning of the COVID outbreak in 2020, the main concern was how severe this emerging disease was. In particular, would this outbreak have the same manifestation and pathology to that seen in two of the three recently described coronavirus infections in the past 20 years-SARS and MERS, or follow a similar pattern to the third emerging coronavirus NL63, with mild respiratory disease? Initially, it was thought that infection was limited to the respiratory tract, but with the rapidly increasing number of cases, it became evident that this was a respiratory virus with multisystem complications ( Figure 1 ) As lung biopsies were rarely performed in the SARS outbreak, the respiratory pathology was based on post-mortem/autopsy material. Three chronological histological patterns were thus identified: an exudative phase characterized by hyaline membrane formation and pulmonary oedema, followed by a proliferative phase of Type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, with or without giant cell formation, then an organizing phase of fibrosis and vascular proliferation, together with squamous metaplasia in the conducting airways. 32 As the standard treatment in many institutions in the SARS outbreak was the use of steroids to reduce the 'cytokine storm', patients with prolonged disease had secondary bacterial or fungal infection. Once antibodies to SARS-CoV nucleoprotein were available, these demonstrated antigen in the first 14 days, but little evidence of positive staining after that, indicating that the proliferative phase and organizing phase were secondary to viral-induced pneumocyte damage. 33 Review of the respiratory pathology caused by H1N1, H2N2, H7N9 and H5N1 influenza viruses showed that there were similar morphological changes in the lung in these conditions to that seen in SARS. Thus, it was proposed that there were no unique morphological changes seen in SARS infection compared to severe influenza, and that what was seen was a similar pattern of cellular damage followed by tissue repair. 34 The first reports of COVID lung pathology appeared in February and March 2020 in two publications involving seven patients, 35 but these were based on limited autopsy material. These reports confirmed that the early changes were very similar to SARS, with the presence of hyaline membranes in the alveolar spaces with a variable degree of oedema present. As the pandemic spread to involve more countries and the long-term temporal course of disease was better appreciated, there were seven autopsy publications in April 2020, and 12 more in May, in total involving 97 patients, where the early changes of oedema and diffuse alveolar damage progressed to an organizing pneumonia and repair within the lung. 35 However, in this period, two features emerged which would be different from that reported in SARS. The first was that, owing to the lessons learned from the SARS outbreak, there was less use of steroid treatment, and so secondary opportunistic infection was not as prevalent. The second, and probably more important feature from a clinical F I G U R E 1 Simplified schematic of proposed pathological changes in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. The three main portals of entry into the respiratory tract are through the eye, nasal cavity and oral route, with the latter also leading to infection of the gastrointestinal tract. In the respiratory tract, infection of pneumocytes leads to exudation of fibrinogen and hyaline membrane formation, followed by diffuse alveolar damage with hypoxia. Stimulation of macrophages and bronchiolar epithelial damage causes cytokine release into the alveolar spaces and into the blood. Either virus infection of endothelium or cytokine release activates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, producing a pro-thrombotic tendency, with the formation of thrombi, mainly in the pulmonary vasculature. Either viraemia or cytokinaemia in the systemic circulation damages the brain, pancreas, kidneys, heart and liver producing a number of organ-specific changes, in addition to the increased thrombotic tendency. The multi-system damage is manifest by elevated troponin and liver enzymes in the blood, and the release of factors aggravates the pro-thrombotic tendency point of view, was a reporting of the presence of fibrin and organizing thrombi in the vessels in the pulmonary vasculature, 36 raising the possibility that there was damage to the pulmonary endothelium, with the pulmonary thromboemboli detected in a number of post-mortem and antemortem cases. [37] [38] [39] This thromboembolism was noted in the SARS cases, but was not as pronounced as that seen in COVID infection, possibly because of the limited numbers of fatalities with autopsies performed in SARS. 35 Once antibodies that were reliable for formalin-fixed tissues became available, studies performed by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 40 and National Institutes of Health 41 showed positive staining in alveolar epithelium, hyaline membranes and epithelial cells in the conducting airways. Although co-localization of viral antigen with the endothelial marker CD31 has been reported, detection of virus in endothelial cells has been challenging, with occasional reports showing co-localization of viral antigen with endothelial markers, but in these positive areas there is no thrombosis or vascular damage noted. 42, 43 The lung pathophysiology model which was developed after SARS proposed that Type I pneumocytes would become infected and damaged, leading to a loss of the integrity of the basal layer, fibrin exudation and hyaline membrane formation. The Type II pneumocytes would then differentiate to replace the Type I pneumocytes. Since that time, there has been the emergence of new concepts of lung repair and regeneration, where even though the Type II pneumocytes may replace damaged Type I pneumocytes, there exists a population of Krt-5-positive basal cells which may also replace the Type I pneumocytes. 44, 45 If the SARS paradigm is relevant for COVID-19, then the initiating event would therefore be demonstration of viral antigen in Type I pneumocytes. Unfortunately, antibodies that are definitive for Type I pneumocytes rather than Type II pneumocytes (such as caveolin) have not been routinely used in the autopsy studies for COVID infection, and thus many publications have based tropism on cellular morphology combined with immunohistochemistry (IHC)/ISHpositive cells. One publication showed co-localization of SARS-CoV-2 antigen with Thyroid transcription factor 1 (a marker of Type II pneumocytes and club cells) and also in macrophages of the lung, in p63-positive basal cells and ciliated cells, but not MUC5AC-positive mucus-secreting cells. 46 In this study, there was no report of endothelial cell tropism. Occasional reports of intracytoplasmic viral-like inclusions are mentioned, 47 but these tend to be the exception rather than the rule. Giant cells have also been reported, 48 but these can also be seen in non-COVIDassociated diffuse alveolar damage. There have also been the occasional reports of the presence of the 'viral type particles' in bronchiolar epithelial cells and alveolar epithelial cells. 49 It should also be recognized that most autopsy studies have failed to distinguish whether the tissue was from people who died with COVID-19, or of COVID-19, or whether the clinical and pathological changes are secondary to intensive care management. Goligher et al. posed this clinical question on whether severe COVID was a typical or atypical form of ARDS, 50 and concluded that in classical ARDS the hypoxia was a result from atelectasis and consolidation, with an increased physiological shunt fraction, but that COVID-19 was different in that the hypoxaemia was out of proportion to the lung parameters and was more vasocentric in keeping with the pro-thrombotic tendency. Their suggestion was that apart from more anticoagulation there should not be other major changes in management and the goal should be to avoid unsafe lung stress and strain. On the pathological findings to investigate if the changes seen in the lung were secondary to intensive care management, an early report of COVID-19 patients who died without hospital admission showed diffuse alveolar damage with hyaline membrane formation, Type II hyperplasia and interstitial lymphocytic inflammation. 51 Intriguingly, of the nine cases studied, there was no evidence of microthrombi formation and no myocarditis was seen. This thromboembolic tendency was seen in another clinical study that showed 18 of 370 patients admitted with COVID had computed tomography (CT) evidence of thrombosis. 52 A review of most of the autopsy publications shows a confirmation bias of histological changes of diffuse alveolar damage but more attention should be given to images which show areas of positive antigen, but no significant other morphological changes, 46, 53 suggesting that not all virus infection of the functional lung unit leads to massive damage and that the cytokine storm is only seen in a minor proportion of cases. 54 The problems with understanding human lung pathophysiology and COVID-19 are illustrated in two cases of fatal COVID-19 in which post-mortem was performed. In the first case involving a patient with cardiovascular morbidities who died after 3 days, typical features of hyaline membrane disease are identified (Figure 2A) , and yet IHC for virus was negative ( Figure 2B ). In a second case ( Figure 2C -F), occurring in a patient who died after 10 days, there is antigen in macrophages and desquamated epithelial cells, but not in endothelial cells but as this is autopsy tissue accurately determining if the antigen is in Type 1 or Type 2 cells is not possible. In most countries, there is a delay of 3-10 days from death until autopsy, during which tissue breakdown occurs, thus accurate understanding of the nature of disease in future will probably rely on laboratory animal models, which may not faithfully replicate human pathophysiology. The potential role of the gastrointestinal tract as a route of replication and transmission was proposed soon after there was evidence of viral spread from China to other parts of the world. 55, 56 This hypothesis was initially based on historical evidence of the finding of virus in intestinal samples during the 2003 SARS outbreak, 57 as well as the documented spread of the virus through wastewater systems in the Amoy Gardens housing complex in Hong Kong, leading to a large community outbreak (reviewed in 2006 58 ). The MERS outbreak in 2012 documented one quarter of patients having gastrointestinal symptoms, and viral RNA was detected in the gastrointestinal tract. 59 In the early reports of clinical presentation in COVID-19, the symptoms were, as expected, non-specific with diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting reported. 60 The gastrointestinal symptoms were more frequent in patients after hospitalization, rather than on admission. 61 The presence of ACE2 has been detected in the oesophageal epithelium and enterocytes of the ileum and colon, 62, 63 and intriguingly the colonic organoid system developed in the rat model showed upregulation of ACE2 in organoids derived from hypertensive rats. 63 Of note, ACE2 has been detected in the intestines of cats and tigers, in which sporadic reported cases of infection have occurred, 64 leading to concern that these animals may be reservoirs for virus mutation. 65 Even though human ex vivo explants have been used to study tropism, 18 gastrointestinal explants have not been successful, and as a result some centres are using organoid cultures derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC). Organoid systems act as multicellular composites that faithfully replicate the characteristics of the native epithelium. The first report of this system from the United States 66 showed multiple colonic cell types, including enterocytes that were susceptible to infection with expression of ACE2 detected. CT abnormalities in the abdomen have been identified in 18.1% of patients admitted with COVID-19, with fluidfilled colon and pericolic stranding reported as the most common features 67 ; however, these appearances did not correlate with abdominal symptoms. There have been isolated case reports of colonic ischaemic change, 68, 69 in line with the increased thromboembolic tendency seen in more severe cases of COVID-19. As with other systems reviewed here, the challenge has been to detect actual virus replication in human gastrointestinal tissues, and unfortunately the hard data supporting this are lacking. There have been two case reports documenting the presence of virus in human tissues. The first, from Germany, 70 was from a 43-year old male who 6 weeks after admission for COVID-19, developed large bowel obstruction requiring resection, in which electron microscopy reported isolated viral particles, but this was not confirmed by ISH, IHC or PCR, and the isolated particles appeared to have a hollow core. A second report from a patient with colonic carcinoma, 71 who was positive for viral RNA, also claimed to find viral particles; however, close examination shows that these isolated particles are 150 nm in diameter, larger than the spectrum of coronavirus particles seen in other studies, and most likely represent other structures. Despite the lack of definitive sites of replication of SARS-CoV-2 in the gastrointestinal site there has been a great deal of interest in the detection of viral genetic material in waste water from a number of countries and regions to screen for virus prevalence in the community setting. This has been recently reviewed in a number of multi-regional publications. [72] [73] [74] [75] From these studies, it can be concluded that the viral load is extremely variable in waste water treatment plants depending on stages of the outbreak, and not surprisingly that viral RNA does not imply infectiousness. This finding of RNA in waste water is important as it has been proposed that in regions where there is poor hand hygiene, open defecation, squat toilets and lack of water sealing Utraps, the possibility of environmental transmission from an infected individual to another should be considered. 76 is whether this is a condition limited to the respiratory and gastrointestinal sites, or whether there is dissemination to other organs. In the 2003 SARS outbreak, there were two publications which found evidence of viral RNA in the blood, 77, 78 and one publication demonstrating viral RNA in 33% of patients with MERS-CoV infection 79 ; however, there has been no published information on the other human coronaviruses. Although there has been interest in exploring the multi-organ tropism of this virus, 80 in view of the time frame of organs sampled from 20 to 81 days after infection correlation with damage due to direct virus interaction needs to be examined more closely. With clinical COVID-19, there have been a number of publications on viral RNA in the blood with the first publication using data from the early 2020 Wuhan outbreak. 81, 82 Since then, more extensive publications from Spain, 83, 84 Germany, 85, 86 United States 87-89 and Norway 90 have been published using outpatients, hospital ward patients and critically ill patients. The positive detection rate is between 28% and 32% of hospitalized patients; however, those in intensive care have rates up to 78%. Only a few studies have looked at the temporal changes, 88,91,92 and it appears the peak of viral load is in the first 10 days with plasma levels declining after that. It is noteworthy that this decline is regardless of outcome. 92 One early study found that the RNA level correlated with IL6 levels, 82 and other inflammatory chemokine levels. 83 A review of the presence of viral RNA in the blood 93 commented that in only two of the 23 published studies was there an attempt to grow virus in culture (i.e., to distinguish RNAaemia from true viraemia) and both of these failed to grow virus. Another study 92 involving 71 patients stated that additional studies were needed to confirm that the plasma 'viraemia' actually represented infectious virions. This distinction is important not only in understanding the clinical spectrum of disease, but also whether virus can be transmitted by blood, as a number of centres have been using convalescent plasma for the management of severe disease. It was also noted in the review of RNAaemia that in most studies reporting positive RNA, the level was close to the limit of detection with a cycle threshold (Ct) value on quantitative PCR greater than 30 in most cases. The results of virus culture in blood have been recently summarized in a preprint review, 94 with no publications demonstrating virus growth from PCR-positive blood samples. Thus, the conclusions from another review of virus tropism 95 have concluded that there was no firm evidence that there could be virus infection of other organs via the bloodstream, and in view of the correlation of viral RNA with severe disease, the RNA in the blood could be a manifestation of viral RNA released from damaged epithelial cells. Initially, the clinical spectrum of COVID-19 was thought to be a respiratory disease, similar to SARS-CoV; however, as the pandemic evolved, multi-organ involvement was seen and the heart was no exception. Initial autopsy studies from the United States, 96-99 Germany 100-102 and later other countries such as Netherlands, 103 UK, 104 Belgium, 105 Italy, 106 Switzerland, 107 Austria 108 and China 109 have shown that in patients who have died with COVID-19 there have been a range of cardiac findings including lymphocytic myocarditis, pericardial damage, dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hypertensive cardiomyopathy, 96 septal myocardial infarction, 97 perivascular lymphocytic inflammation, 110 right ventricular damage 105 and even amyloidosis. 99 A number of studies have highlighted the presence of a prothrombotic state, characterized by the identification of thrombo-emboli in a number of organs, 104 including non-occlusive fibrin microthrombi. 99 Although these autopsy series would initially indicate that clinical COVID-19 can have widespread cardiac involvement, a number of review publications published 10 months after the outbreak have pointed out a number of challenges with these reports. 111 The first is a disconnect between autopsy studies and clinical myocarditis, pointing out that the diagnosis of clinical myocarditis is a challenge, requiring a number of distinct and distinguishing investigations including ECG, non-invasive technologies like echocardiography and cardiac MRI. Although a definitive diagnosis of myocarditis needs endomyocardial biopsy (EMB), there have actually been very few published studies in which EMBs have been performed. 112 Even if EMB is performed, the sensitivity is between 10% and 22%, because all autopsy data have demonstrated that myocardial involvement is patchy and there is significant interobserver variability. 113 The second problem with autopsy data is that mortality from COVID-19 is increased in patients with cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, diabetes, hypertension and atherosclerosis. Therefore, whether the histological findings in the heart can be attributed to direct viral damage, or preexisting disease has to be carefully detailed. A review of cardiovascular pathology 108 came to the conclusion that even though 7.2% of patients had histological evidence of myocarditis, most of these cases would likely not be functionally significant, and reduced the true prevalence to less than 2%, suggesting that the patients with autopsy were dying 'with' myocarditis rather than 'of' myocarditis. A similar conclusion was reached by another group of researchers in a review article 111 indicating that distinct European Society of Cardiology criteria should be used before a diagnosis of myocarditis was made The pathogenesis of myocardial dysfunction is probably multifactorial (see below). In patients who died from SARS, autopsy data showed evidence of an increased thrombotic tendency, 33 and many studies from the COVID-19 patients have shown that patients admitted to hospital had increased tendency towards thrombosis, including deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism 100 and microthrombi 98,102 despite anticoagulation. 97 These thromboembolic features were seen in multiple organs 104 and have resulted in many authors proposing the term endothelial dysfunction. This is taken to imply a change of the endothelium from an anti-thrombotic state to a pro-thrombotic one, with a consequent increase in vascular permeability and a change to a large number of biomarkers including prothrombin time, C-reactive protein, ferritin, IL6 and plasma creatinine. The mechanisms for this endothelial dysfunctional have been extensively reviewed, 114 and have been attributed to interference with the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), oxidative damage, cytokine storm, immune damage, disseminated intravascular coagulation and even by a recently described process called ferroptosis, 110 an irondependent form of regulated cell death where there is a loss of glutathione peroxidase activity leading to excessive peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. In most models of the mechanisms of endothelial dysfunction, the initiating trigger has been proposed to be direct viral infection of myocytes or endothelial cells, causing cellular damage, disturbances of intercellular junctions and exposure of the subendothelial collagen leading to the prothrombotic tendency. It has been previously acknowledged using IHC that endothelial cells express ACE2 (the SARS-CoV-2 receptor), and thus should be a likely target for viral entry and replication; however, the data supporting this mechanism are by no means conclusive. Distribution of ACE2 was investigated after the SARS 2003 outbreak by a number of publications using ACE2 antibodies, with the distribution found in many organs, 115 thus implying that SARS could be a systemic disease; however, the in situ hybridization studies done in the fatal SARS patients found no evidence of signal in endothelial cells. A number of structural proteins apart from ACE2 have been proposed to serve as viral attachment factors such as CD147 (BSG) which is expressed on the basal surface of the endothelium in culture in one study, 116 but this has not been confirmed by another study, 117 with a further publication showing that ACE2 decreases with age, but BSG actually increased. 118 Most review articles on whether there is direct endothelial infection cite two articles in which 'virus-like particles' were identified in endothelial cells using electron microscopy. 119, 120 These two articles have been quickly followed by a number or short communications challenging these findings, 121, 122 attributing these ultrastructural changes to rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, clathrin-coated vesicles, or multi-vesicles-mimics of virus particles. 123 In a laboratory setting, human microvascular endothelial cells showed a low level of viral replication, 124 with no electron microscopy performed. Unfortunately, another human primary lung microvascular endothelial cell line was not able to replicate this finding. 125 RNA-seq studies on vascular arterial venous and microvascular beds also failed to find ACE2, although pericytes were found to be positive. 126 Similarly, a report of finding virus within endothelial cells in the skin from a series of paediatric patients presenting with chilblains 127 was challenged in a number of correspondence replies [128] [129] [130] regarding the veracity of the virus particles in the endothelium. If finding virus in endothelial cells had been challenging, finding virus in the myocardium and thus attributing the myocarditis to direct viral damage have been in general unrewarding. Despite many autopsy findings of PCRpositive results in the myocardium, in no cases has virus been able to be cultured from the myocardium, and in only a few cases have possible single viral particles been identified, 131 with no groups of viruses or replication complexes observed. 132 The recent report of fulminant myocarditis with positive IHC 133 is confounded by the fact that the N-protein antibody used is not considered reliable in paraffin-embedded tissue. 134 It should also be noted that small animal and primate studies have also failed to detect viral antigen or show significant myocardial damage. 22, 135 The negative IHC, and EM findings despite a lymphocytic myocarditis is not unique to SARS-Co-2 infection, and is more likely to be immune mediated (rather than direct viral damage). It should also be mentioned that this immune-mediated damage has been documented in other virus-associated myocarditis and has been attributed to an exaggerated immune response, with increased levels of serum cytokines and TNFα detected. 136 This is supported by evidence that cardiac troponin is higher in patients with more severe infection with non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy with limited evidence of direct infection. 137 It therefore appears that the cardiac damage is not a direct viral damage, 138 nevertheless the recognition of myocarditis is important as it leads to an increased risk of inhospital mortality with adverse long-term clinical outcome, with current management being supportive unless cardiogenic shock occurs. There are a number of excellent reviews on liver involvement in clinical COVID-19. [139] [140] [141] [142] As with other organs system reviews, these are biased towards an inpatient cohort, often with severe disease, so the extent by which there may be hepatic involvement in mild disease has not been properly studied. Liver involvement can be subdivided into damage to hepatocytes, leading to changes in biochemical processes and coagulation, changes to the cholangiocytes leading to jaundice and changes to the hepatic sinusoids resulting from an endotheliitis. It has been postulated that hepatocyte damage may be drug induced, direct viral damage or resulting from endotheliitis, coagulopathy, with damage to cholangiocytes by the cytokine storm, and drug-induced liver injury. 139 The extent of biochemical liver dysfunction increases with the severity of disease in patients and is associated with older age and male sex, 143 and the liver injury correlates with the severity of pulmonary disease. 144 Many of the patients who develop severe disease have coagulopathy; therefore, it has been difficult to determine pathological changes in the inpatient setting using liver biopsy because of the risk of bleeding. However, one study which did perform liver biopsies found steatosis, Kupffer cell activation, luminal thrombosis and portal fibrosis. 145 From a virological point of view, a major question (similar to other organs) has been whether the damage seen in clinical disease is due to direct viral infection or whether the liver is an 'innocent bystander'. 146 In studies done on macaques by the Erasmus group, there was no evidence of extrapulmonary virus spread 135 ; conversely, a number of studies have commented that ACE2 is expressed in the liver, 147 and this expression can be increased by activation of the RAAS. 148 In vitro, liver cancer cell lines appear susceptible to infection, and indeed a HuH7 has been used as a positive control for a number of virus replication studies. Furthermore, use of liver organoids that have been derived from human pluripotential stem cells are able to support virus replication. 149 A number of autopsy studies detailing the liver pathology in COVID-19 have been reported in the United States, 142, 150 Belgium 103, 146 and Netherlands, 103 in which a common feature is steatosis (often microvesicular), platelet fibrin microthrombi, lobular inflammation, Zone 3 haemorrhage and ischaemic type hepatic necrosis. The challenge with these finding is that hepatic pathologies such as steatosis can be seen in patients who have a high risk of developing severe disease, that is, diabetes, obesity and patients with cardiovascular disease. One report showed interesting 'atypical basophilic sinusoidal structures' in which detailed IHC was not able to elucidate the nature of these structures. 142 Immunohistochemical analysis 150 and electron microscopy 151 for antigen and virus, respectively, have claimed to find positive staining; however, subsequent correspondence by Philips et al. 152 challenged these findings and proposed that these particles were not of viral origin and could represent cholesterol crystals. Most reviews to date have come to the conclusion that apart from the prothrombotic tendency which is seen in severe disease, possibly by endothelial dysfunction, most of the changes are non-specific and secondary to factors such as hypoxaemia, drug induced, ischaemia or result from systemic inflammation. [139] [140] [141] [142] 153 Kidney and urine One of the first series of articles investigating the renal involvement in clinical COVID-19 was a multicentre US analysis from February to May 2020 involving 3993 hospitalized patients with clinical COVID. 154 Of these patients, 46% developed acute kidney injury (AKI) and 19% of this cohort required dialysis. The main renal manifestations were proteinuria (84%), haematuria (81%) and leukocyturia (60%). The frequency of this AKI varies significantly in a number of review articles from 0.5% to 80%, with factors such as geography, race/ethnicity and sex accounting for this variation. 155 Similar to other organ systems reviewed, the AKI correlated with disease severity and morbidity. 156 Other review articles indicated that the main pathology was acute renal tubular damage. 157 Similar to other organs discussed in this review paper, there has been much discussion on whether the changes are due to direct viral damage or secondary to hypoxaemia and hypercoagulability. 158 As people who contract COVID-19 and require hospitalization often have disturbed coagulopathy, renal biopsies have not been routinely performed except for other conditions. 159, 160 These biopsies have shown AKI with podocytopathy and collapsing glomerulopathy (a form of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis). The first large multicentre renal biopsy study was from the United States. 161 This confirmed the presence of acute tubular injury and collapsing glomerulopathy, but in keeping with disturbed coagulopathy seen in many inpatients reported endothelial injury and a thrombotic microangiopathy. The AKI was predictive of multi-organ dysfunction. 162 As ACE2 is expressed in the renal tubules, it was expected that this region would be a site of viral damage; however, it was reported that though the tubules might express ACE2, there was a lack of expression of TMPRSS2. 163 The first autopsy study detailing the renal findings was from China which described finding virus-like particles in six of 2626 cases with positive IHC, 164 although others have described the renal findings as non-specific. 165 Another article by Farkash et al. also reported finding virus-like particles, 166 but the EM conclusions of these articles was challenged by two consecutive letters, which proposed that the structures were either endocytic vesicles coated with clathrin or multivesicular bodies (MVBs), as the putative viral particles lacked electron-dense nucleocapsid material. 167 , 168 Calomeni et al. furthermore reported that when they examined 10 renal biopsies from the pre-COVID era they were able to identify the same MVBs, 169 and a subsequent review of the challenges of identifying coronaviruses indicated that confirmation of these 'virus-like structures' needed immunoelectron microscopy. 170 Puelles et al. 171 also came to the same conclusion and also commented that for the cases of PCR-positive renal material obtained at autopsy, the RNA levels were low, and that the increased numbers of endocytic vesicles could be seen in patients with proteinuria. There have been a number of publications using IHC to investigate viral antigen in the tubules, most have found no positive staining, 172, 173 and in the ones finding some positive findings, the antibodies used (against the spike protein or nucleoprotein) were not reliable in formalin-fixed tissues. 134, 174, 175 If there was supposed to be widespread replication of virus in the kidney, especially the tubules, then one would expect to find a high frequency and detection of virus or RNA in the urine. In one study from China using droplet digital PCR of the urine, 5.41% of patients tested positive, 176 with no detection found in 74 recovered patients. 177 Other studies have varied from region to region 95, [177] [178] [179] with review studies finding overall rates of less than 10%, correlating with severe disease status, but similar to the viraemia studies, in quite a few cases this was a low concentration with a high cT values. 180 Only one case from China has reported positive virus culture from urine, and in another series from South Korea 'contagious' virus was found in two of 247 samples. Not surprisingly, this was reported as being at a very low level. The general conclusion on the urine therefore is that a positive finding is rare, and this tends not to be associated with renal disease. 181 Pancreas COVID-19 has been implicated as a cause of acute pancreatitis in several case reports, but a causal link is yet to be established. [182] [183] [184] In a retrospective observational study of a large inpatient population in New York, 32 of 11,883 (0.27%) patients hospitalized with COVID-19 had acute pancreatitis according to the Revised Atlanta Classification. 185 Furthermore, pancreatitis in COVID-19 patients was less likely to be attributable to other causes such as gallstones or alcohol, increasing the possibility of a causal link between SARS-CoV-2 infection and pancreatitis. 185 Hyperglycaemia, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and diabetic ketoacidosis have been reported as complications of SARS-CoV-2 infection. [186] [187] [188] Whether this is due to infectioninduced islet cell dysfunction is debatable as acute stress responses, glucocorticoid treatment and underlying poorly controlled diabetes are all plausible explanations for these clinical observations. Autopsy series have reported a spectrum of involvement including microscopic inflammation, focal pancreatitis and necrotic-haemorrhagic pancreatitis in some deceased COVID-19 patients. 104 ,189 SARS-CoV-2 RNA has been detected in pancreatic tissue from COVID-19 deceased patients, albeit at lower viral loads than respiratory tissue. 190, 191 Virus-infected cell clusters (identified by immunohistochemical staining) were mostly in the exocrine compartment in one study, but with proximity to the islets of Langerhans. Viral RNA has also been documented in the endothelium of pancreatic blood vessels. 190 Both exocrine (acinar and ductal cells) and endocrine cell populations in the pancreas have been reported to express ACE2 and TMPRSS2, although there may be significant interindividual variations in distribution of these entry factors within the various pancreatic cell populations. 191, 192 Endocrine cells and hPSC-derived β-cells are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro . 11, 13, 149, 191 Interestingly, recent evidence suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection might decrease insulinpositivity in β-cells driving them to degranulation and dedifferentiation in patients with severe COVID- 19. 191 CONCLUSION At the time of writing, just over 1 year has passed since a novel coronavirus entered the community in China. From there, it rapidly spread throughout the world. Even though a number of vaccines have been developed in a short period of time, with initiation of mass population vaccination, it is acknowledged that the virus will not be eradicated and most likely will become one of the circulating seasonal viruses. SARS-CoV-2 infection will continue to cause human disease, and despite the large number of clinical cases and excess mortality, to date, owing to the limited number of autopsies and restricted availability of clinical samples, it is disappointing that the progress made in vaccinology has not been matched by progress in understanding many aspects of the pathobiology of this disease. 193 Unlike the first wave of the pandemic in which healthcare settings were overwhelmed with untreated cases and deaths occurring in early stages of the disease resulting in most of the publications cited in this review, with worldwide vaccination strategies in effect in 2021, plus improved testing and therapeutics, there will be a reduced ability to understand the natural, untreated course of disease and many aspects of this disease in terms of pathophysiology will continue to be a mystery. COVID-19-related medical research: a meta-research and critical appraisal COVID-19 NMA Consortium. Changes in evidence for studies assessing interventions for COVID-19 reported in preprints: meta-research study Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in different types of clinical specimens The importance of considering olfactory dysfunction during the COVID-19 pandemic and in clinical practice Epidemiology, clinical spectrum, viral kinetics and impact of COVID-19 in the Asia-Pacific region Viral dynamics in the upper respiratory tract (URT) of SARS-CoV-2 Role of systemic and nasal glucocorticoid treatment in the regulation of the inflammatory response in patients with SARS-Cov-2 infection Coronavirus disease-19 and rhinology/facial plastics Expression of ACE2 in airways: implication for COVID-19 risk and disease management in patients with chronic inflammatory respiratory diseases How to deal with coronavirus disease 2019: a comprehensive narrative review about oral involvement of the disease Salivary gland disease in the era of COVID-19 pandemic Systematic analysis of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression in salivary glands reveals underlying transmission mechanism caused by SARS-CoV-2 Parotitis-like symptoms associated with COVID-19 Sialadenitis: a possible early manifestation of COVID-19 Brief communication: immunohistochemical detection of ACE2 in human salivary gland Immunohistochemical expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in minor salivary glands during SARS-CoV-2 infection Tropism, replication competence, and innate immune responses of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in human respiratory tract and conjunctiva: an analysis in ex-vivo and in-vitro cultures Anosmia in COVID-19: underlying mechanisms and assessment of an olfactory route to brain infection ACE2 localizes to the respiratory cilia and is not increased by ACE inhibitors or ARBs Viral infection and smell loss: the case of COVID-19 Pathogenesis and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in golden hamsters There is a role in detection of SARS-CoV-2 in conjunctiva and tears: a comprehensive review What is the importance of the conjunctiva as a potential transmission pathway for SARS-CoV-2 infections? Novel insights into the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 through the ocular surface and its detection in tears and conjunctival secretions: a review Human coronaviruses: ophthalmic manifestations Ocular tropism of coronavirus (CoVs): a comparison of the interaction between the animal-to-human transmitted coronaviruses (SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, CoV-229E, NL63, OC43, HKU1) and the eye Expression of the COVID-19 receptor ACE2 in the human conjunctiva ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are expressed on the human ocular surface, suggesting susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection Immunohistochemical study of SARS-CoV-2 viral entry factors in the cornea and ocular surface Keratoconjunctivitis as the initial medical presentation of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Lung pathology of fatal severe acute respiratory syndrome Time course and cellular localization of SARS-CoV nucleoprotein and RNA in lungs from fatal cases of SARS Avian influenza: update on pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis Pulmonary pathology and COVID-19: lessons from autopsy. The experience of European pulmonary pathologists COVID-19 autopsies Histopathologic changes and SARS-CoV-2 immunostaining in the lung of a patient with COVID-19 Pulmonary pathology of early-phase 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pneumonia in two patients with lung cancer Early histologic findings of pulmonary SARS-CoV-2 infection detected in a surgical specimen Pathology and pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 associated with fatal coronavirus disease, United States Insights into pathogenesis of fatal COVID-19 pneumonia from histopathology with immunohistochemical and viral RNA studies Visualization of SARS-CoV-2 in the lung Visualization of SARS-CoV-2 in the lung. Reply Thoughts on the alveolar phase of COVID-19 The cellular and physiological basis for lung repair and regeneration: past, present, and future In situ detection of SARS-CoV-2 in lungs and airways of patients with COVID-19 Pulmonary pathology of early-phase COVID-19 pneumonia in a patient with a benign lung lesion Histopathological observations in COVID-19: a systematic review Pathological evidence for residual SARS-CoV-2 in pulmonary tissues of a ready-for-discharge patient Is severe COVID-19 pneumonia a typical or atypical form of ARDS? And does it matter? COVID-19 autopsy in people who died in community settings: the first series Pulmonary thrombosis in Covid-19: before, during and after hospital admission Investigations of pathologists as a key to understanding coronavirus disease 2019 Distinct inflammatory profiles distinguish COVID-19 from influenza with limited contributions from cytokine storm Enteric involvement of coronaviruses: is faecal-oral transmission of SARS-CoV-2 possible? Gastrointestinal infection could be new focus for coronavirus diagnosis Enteric involvement of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus infection Environmental transmission of SARS at Amoy Gardens Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease from Saudi Arabia: a descriptive study Gastrointestinal insights during the COVID-19 epidemic Gastrointestinal symptoms of 95 cases with SARS-CoV-2 infection An overview of the gut side of the SARS-CoV-2 infection SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) is upregulated in colonic organoids from hypertensive rats Bats, pangolins, minks and other animals -villains or victims of SARS-CoV-2? Mutational spectra of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from animals Identification of SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors using lung and colonic organoids Are asymptomatic gastrointestinal findings on imaging more common in COVID-19 infection? Study to determine frequency of abdominal findings of COVID-19 infection in patients with and without abdominal symptoms and in patients with chest-only CT scans Acute intestinal ischemia in a patient with COVID-19 infection Severe colon ischemia in patients with severe coronavirus-19 (COVID-19) Direct evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in gut endothelium Direct evidence of active SARS-CoV-2 replication in the intestine Prevalence, mechanisms, and implications of gastrointestinal symptoms in COVID-19 The novel SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: possible environmental transmission, detection, persistence and fate during wastewater and water treatment Shedding of SARS-CoV-2 in feces and urine and its potential role in person-to-person transmission and the environment-based spread of COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 from faeces to wastewater treatment: what do we know? A review Open defecation and squat toilets, an overlooked risk of fecal transmission of COVID-19 and other pathogens in developing communities Detection of SARS coronavirus in plasma by real-time RT-PCR The design and application of DNA chips for early detection of SARS-CoV from clinical samples Viral shedding and antibody response in 37 patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection Multi-organ proteomic landscape of COVID-19 autopsies Factors associated with prolonged viral RNA shedding in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Detectable serum severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 viral load (RNAemia) is closely correlated with drastically elevated interleukin 6 level in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 Viral RNA load in plasma is associated with critical illness and a dysregulated host response in COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia is associated with severe chronic underlying diseases but not with nasopharyngeal viral load Biodistribution and serologic response in SARS-CoV-2 induced ARDS: a cohort study Validation of a SARS-CoV-2 RNA RT-PCR assay for high-throughput testing in blood of COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors and patients Coronavirus disease 2019 viremia, serologies, and clinical course in a case series of transplant recipients High frequency of SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia and association with severe disease SARS-CoV-2 RNAemia in a healthy blood donor 40 days after respiratory illness resolution SARS-CoV-2 RNA in plasma is associated with ICU admission and mortality in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 Relationship between serum SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid (RNAemia) and organ damage in COVID-19 patients: a cohort study SARS-CoV-2 viral load is associated with increased disease severity and mortality Risk of transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 by transfusion: a literature review Viral cultures for COVID-19 infectious potential assessment -a systematic review On the whereabouts of SARS-CoV-2 in the human body: a systematic review The emerging spectrum of cardiopulmonary pathology of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): report of 3 autopsies from Houston, Texas, and review of autopsy findings from other United States cities Megakaryocytes and platelet-fibrin thrombi characterize multiorgan thrombosis at autopsy in COVID-19: a case series Anticoagulation, bleeding, mortality, and pathology in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 COVID-19-associated nonocclusive fibrin microthrombi in the heart Autopsy findings and venous thromboembolism in patients with COVID-19 Association of cardiac infection with SARS-CoV-2 in confirmed COVID-19 autopsy cases Immunothrombotic dysregulation in COVID-19 pneumonia is associated with respiratory failure and coagulopathy Viral presence and immunopathology in patients with lethal COVID-19: a prospective autopsy cohort study Histopathological findings and viral tropism in UK patients with severe fatal COVID-19: a post-mortem study Pathological features of COVID-19-associated myocardial injury: a multicentre cardiovascular pathology study Persistence of viral RNA, pneumocyte syncytia and thrombosis are hallmarks of advanced COVID-19 pathology Analysis of cardiopulmonary findings in COVID-19 fatalities: high incidence of pulmonary artery thrombi and acute suppurative bronchopneumonia Myocarditis is rare in COVID-19 autopsies: cardiovascular findings across 277 postmortem examinations Pulmonary vascular endothelial injury and acute pulmonary hypertension caused by COVID-19: the fundamental cause of refractory hypoxemia? Cardiovasc Diagn Ther Fatal lymphocytic cardiac damage in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): autopsy reveals a ferroptosis signature Clinically suspected myocarditis in the course of severe acute respiratory syndrome novel coronavirus-2 infection: fact or fiction? COVID-19 myocarditis and long-term heart failure sequelae Update on COVID-19 myocarditis COVID-19, immunothrombosis and venous thromboembolism: biological mechanisms Tissue distribution of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus. A first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis CD147-spike protein is a novel route for SARS-CoV-2 infection to host cells No evidence for basigin/CD147 as a direct SARS-CoV-2 spike binding receptor Cardiorenal tissues express SARS-CoV-2 entry genes and basigin (BSG/CD147) increases with age in endothelial cells Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 Pulmonary vascular endothelialitis, thrombosis, and angiogenesis in Covid-19 Electron microscopy of SARS-CoV-2: a challenging task Pulmonary vascular pathology in Covid-19 Characterizing viral infection by electron microscopy: lessons from the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic Endothelium infection and dysregulation by SARS-CoV-2: evidence and caveats in COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 reverse genetics reveals a variable infection gradient in the respiratory tract Lack of evidence of ACE2 expression and replicative infection by SARSCoV-2 in human endothelial cells SARS-CoV-2 endothelial infection causes COVID-19 chilblains: histopathological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of seven paediatric cases SARS-CoV-2 has not been detected directly by electron microscopy in the endothelium of chilblain lesions: reply from authors SARS-CoV-2 has not been detected directly by electron microscopy in the endothelium of chilblain lesions: reply from the authors Chilblains and COVID-19: why SARS-CoV-2 endothelial infection is questioned. Reply from the authors The enemy within: sudden-onset reversible cardiogenic shock with biopsy-proven cardiac myocyte infection by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. Circulation Myocardial localization of coronavirus in COVID-19 cardiogenic shock SARS-Cov-2 fulminant myocarditis: an autopsy and histopathological case study Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in formalin-fixed paraffinembedded tissue sections using commercially available reagents Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS, and SARS in a nonhuman primate model The hidden burden of influenza: a review of the extra-pulmonary complications of influenza infection. Influenza Other Respir Viruses COVID-19 pandemic and troponin: indirect myocardial injury, myocardial inflammation or myocarditis? Can COVID 2019 induce a specific cardiovascular damage or it exacerbates pre-existing cardiovascular diseases? Pathophysiological mechanisms of liver injury in COVID-19 Molecular and cellular mechanisms of liver dysfunction in COVID-19 COVID 19 and liver: an A-Z literature review Autopsy findings in 32 patients with COVID-19: a single-institution experience COVID-19 associated variations in liver function parameters: a retrospective study Liver injury with COVID-19 based on gastrointestinal symptoms and pneumonia severity Liver histopathology in severe COVID 19 respiratory failure is suggestive of vascular alterations The liver in COVID-19-related death: protagonist or innocent bystander? Potential effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the gastrointestinal tract and liver COVID-19 pandemic: pathophysiology and manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract A human pluripotent stem cell-based platform to study SARS-CoV-2 tropism and model virus infection in human cells and organoids Pathological findings in the postmortem liver of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) SARS-CoV-2 infection of the liver directly contributes to hepatic impairment in patients with COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 related liver impairment -perception may not be the reality COVID-19-associated gastrointestinal and liver injury: clinical features and potential mechanisms AKI in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Pathophysiology and pathology of acute kidney injury in patients with COVID-19 Acute kidney injury in COVID-19: the Chinese experience Postmortem findings associated with SARS-CoV-2: systematic review and meta-analysis SARS-CoV-2 and viral Sepsis: immune dysfunction and implications in kidney failure Clinical and pathological findings of SARS-CoV-2 infection and concurrent IgA nephropathy: a case report COVID-19-associated glomerular disease Multicenter clinicopathologic correlation of kidney biopsies performed in COVID-19 patients presenting with acute kidney injury or proteinuria Novel evidence of acute kidney injury in COVID-19 Acute kidney injury associated with COVID-19 -cumulative evidence and rationale supporting against direct kidney injury (infection) Renal histopathological analysis of 26 postmortem findings of patients with COVID-19 in China Unspecific post-mortem findings despite multiorgan viral spread in COVID-19 patients Ultrastructural evidence for direct renal infection with SARS-CoV-2 Visualization of putative coronavirus in kidney Kidney involvement in COVID-19: need for better definitions Multivesicular bodies mimicking SARS-CoV-2 in patients without COVID-19 Ultrastructure of cell trafficking pathways and coronavirus: how to recognise the wolf amongst the sheep Multiorgan and renal tropism of SARS-CoV-2 Kidney biopsy findings in patients with COVID-19 Feasibility and safety of ultrasound-guided minimally invasive autopsy in COVID-19 patients Histopathology and ultrastructural findings of fatal COVID-19 infections in Washington State: a case series Comparison of RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry techniques for the detection and localization of SARS-CoV-2 in human tissues Analysis of viral load in different specimen types and serum antibody levels of COVID-19 patients Progress in research on the detection of the novel coronavirus in human samples of different groups Sewage surveillance system using urological wastewater: Key to COVID-19 monitoring Diagnostic and methodological evaluation of studies on the urinary shedding of SARS-CoV-2, compared to stool and serum: a systematic review and meta-analysis Implementation of environmental surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 virus to support public health decisions: opportunities and challenges Presence of SARS-CoV-2 in urine is rare and not associated with acute kidney injury in critically ill COVID-19 patients COVID-19 and acute pancreatitis: examining the causality COVID-19 presenting as acute pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis in a COVID-19 patient Prevalence, risk factors, and outcomes of hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 presenting as acute pancreatitis Autoantibody-negative insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus after SARS-CoV-2 infection: a case report Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study Ketoacidosis in children and adolescents with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany Pulmonary arterial thrombosis in COVID-19 with fatal outcome: results from a prospective, single-center, clinicopathologic case series Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 replication and tropism in the lungs, airways and vascular endothelium of patients with fatal COVID-19: an autopsy case-series SARS-CoV-2 infects and replicates in cells of the human endocrine and exocrine pancreas SARS-CoV-2 cell entry factors ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are expressed in the microvasculature and ducts of human pancreas but are not enriched in beta cells COVID-19: brief check through the pathologist's eye (autopsy archive) The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.