key: cord-1051886-yxhigw8h authors: Samanta, Sudip; Tiwari, Pankaj Kumar; Alzahrani, Abdullah K.; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh title: Chaos in a nonautonomous eco-epidemiological model with delay date: 2019-11-08 journal: Appl Math Model DOI: 10.1016/j.apm.2019.11.006 sha: bd58cb5a6388e475b066a8046076596884e5fd71 doc_id: 1051886 cord_uid: yxhigw8h In this paper, we propose and analyze a nonautonomous predator-prey model with disease in prey, and a discrete time delay for the incubation period in disease transmission. Employing the theory of differential inequalities, we find sufficient conditions for the permanence of the system. Further, we use Lyapunov’s functional method to obtain sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability of the system. We observe that the permanence of the system is unaffected due to presence of incubation delay. However, incubation delay affects the global stability of the positive periodic solution of the system. To reinforce the analytical results and to get more insight into the system’s behavior, we perform some numerical simulations of the autonomous and nonautonomous systems with and without time delay. We observe that for the gradual increase in the magnitude of incubation delay, the autonomous system develops limit cycle oscillation through a Hopf-bifurcation while the corresponding nonautonomous system shows chaotic dynamics through quasi-periodic oscillations. We apply basic tools of non-linear dynamics such as Poincaré section and maximum Lyapunov exponent to confirm the chaotic behavior of the system. The use of mathematical models for analyzing and understanding the spread and control of the infectious diseases has become an extremely important tool. Theoretical biologists, physicists and mathematicians extensively studied the dynamics of ecological models and provided important insights about complex biological processes [1] [2] [3] [4] . In ecology, the predatorprey interactions have a long history and understanding the dynamics of such systems is the most interesting research topic among the scientists across the world. The study of eco-epidemiological systems is the investigation of ecological systems in the presence of epidemiological factors. In this regard, Anderson and May [5] were the first who paved the way of merging ecological and epidemiological systems. The term 'eco-epidemiology' was coined for such systems by Chattopadhyay and Arino [6] . Afterwards, the study of eco-epidemiological models and their biological significances have gained much attention among the researchers [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] . In nature, species do not survive alone, they compete with the other species in the environment for space, food and predation. Understanding the effect of parasites on biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics is an important issue in conservation biology. The dynamics of host population can be regulated by disease, and also depend on the other members of the host's community, such as predators. Moreover, the shape and the community structure of an ecosystem can be dramatically changed by the predatory activities. The invasion of parasites into the host population may be prevented by predators. Due to these facts, the research on eco-epidemiological systems has become more important issue among the scientists worldwide. It plays crucial role in determining the persistence-extinction threshold of populations in the systems of two or more interacting species subjected to parasitism [16] [17] [18] . In the eco-epidemiological systems, the nonautonomous phenomenon frequently happens due to seasonal variations in biological parameters such as growth rate and disease transmission rate which in turn makes the populations to behave periodically [19] [20] [21] [22] . The contact rate of pathogen changes seasonally with peaks in spring and autumn. This seasonal behavior is due to the moderate temperature in spring and autumn, which is favorable for pathogen survival. A nonautonomous predator-prey system is studied by Samanta [21] , considering a disease in prey transmitted through direct contact only. He has also considered gestation delay in the modeling process and investigated its effect on the permanence and global stability of the system. He performed mathematical analysis and showed that the time delay has no impact on the permanence of the system, but it affects the global stability. In the present study, we have investigated a similar nonautonomous eco-epidemiological system with incubation delay with an aim to explore rich dynamics. It is well understood that many of the processes, both natural and man-made, in biology and medicine involved time delays. Time delay occurs often in almost every biological situation. Therefore, investigation of any ecological/epidemiological system without time delay is not realistic [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] . Detailed topics on the use of time delays in real models can be found in the classical books [32] [33] [34] . A plethora of research is available in the literature on the behavior of dynamical systems with retarded systems, such as periodic oscillation, persistence, bifurcation and chaos [35] [36] [37] [38] . In eco-epidemiological systems, time delay involves in the primary infection [39] , immune response [40, 41] , etc. Passing of infection from one infected individual to another susceptible individual is not an instantaneous process but conceals some time-lags, known as delay due to incubation. The time elapsed between exposure of a susceptible individual to a pathogenic organism, and the individual becomes infectious is called incubation period. The period of incubation depends on the type of diseases, e.g., in case of chickenpox, it is 14-16 days. Several authors have considered incubation delay in the modeling process [42] [43] [44] . Previous studies on ecological/eco-epidemiological modeling mainly concerned about the stability and persistence of the system [45] but in recent years, scientists are interested to investigate more dynamical features such as bifurcations and chaos [2, 46, 47] . The occurrence of chaos in ecological systems made it a subject of paramount interest among the theoretical ecologists [2] [3] [4] 48] . Hastings and Powell [2] first observed chaos in a three-species food chain model, and concluded that chaos is a common phenomenon in nature. Later on, many studies have been conducted with an aim to explore chaotic dynamics in continuous three-species food chain models [19, 49, 50] and/or to control chaos in such systems [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] . Due to rich dynamics, the occurrence of chaos in an ecological system is of considerable interest. It is well documented that many biological and/or environmental processes, such as Allee effect [56] , omnivory [50] , latency in biological processes [47, 57] , large turn over of resource [58] , coupling of incommensurate oscillations [59] , seasonal forcing [19, 20] , noise [60, 61] , etc., may produce chaotic dynamics in simple predator-prey systems; out of which the presence of time delay and seasonal forcing can be observed in many biological processes. Recently, Khajanchi et al. [62] showed that the incorporation of realistic time delays in cancer models exhibits deterministic chaos, and significantly increase the dynamical complexity of the tumor-immune competitive system. In eco-epidemiology, presence of delay and seasonal forcing is very common. For example, marine viruses constitute a major ecological and evolutionary driving force in the marine ecosystems [63] . Several studies have demonstrated that natural virus populations can consist of different viruses infective to many algal groups, such as coccolithophorids [64] , picoflagellates [65] , and dinoflagellates [66] , etc. There might be some time delay due to virus reproduction inside infected cells [67] . Moreover, the rate parameters of phytoplankton-zooplankton interactions are time varying and follow positive periodic function with period of one year [22] . Therefore, such complex biological processes can be modelled by system of delayed nonautonomous differential equations. Here, our aim is to study the impact of incubation delay in a nonautonomous predator-prey system with disease in prey population only. We compare the dynamical behaviors of the nonautonomous systems with and without time delay with the corresponding autonomous systems by using numerical simulations. Rest of the paper is organized as follows: in the next section, biological assumptions and model formulations are given. In Section 3 , the existence and uniqueness of the solutions are discussed; also the sufficient conditions for permanence of the system are derived. Conditions for the global stability of the positive periodic solutions are derived in Section 4 . In Section 5 , numerical simulations are carried out. Finally, the paper ends with a conclusion. Here, we propose a nonautonomous eco-epidemiological model by considering susceptible prey, infected prey and predator populations as state variables. In the region under consideration, let x 1 ( t ), x 2 ( t ) and x 3 ( t ) be the densities of susceptible prey, infected prey and predator population, respectively at time t > 0. Only susceptible prey is assumed to be capable of reproducing following logistic growth, and their mortality rate is of density dependent. We consider that the disease is transmitted from infected individuals to susceptible individuals through contacts. The force of infection is assumed to follow the mass action law i.e., β( t ) x 1 ( t ) x 2 ( t ). The disease is considered to spread among the prey population only. We also Table 1 Biological meanings of parameters in the system (2.1) . Descriptions Intrinsic growth rate of susceptible prey e ( t ) Death rate of infected prey Death rate of the predator population k ( t ) Crowding effect on the prey population b ( t ) Crowding effect on the predator population Consumption rate of susceptible prey by predator a 2 ( t ) Consumption rate of infected prey by predator Predator's conversion efficiency from susceptible prey to predator biomass c 2 ( t ) Conversion efficiency from infected prey to predator biomass consider that the disease is not genetically inherited. The infected prey neither recovers nor becomes immune. For example, cassava (the natural host) and N. benthamiana, infected with a DNA begomovirus, East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMCV-[CM]), failed to recover [68] . Even human population cannot recover from some communicable diseases, such as HIV/AIDS and Ebola haemorrhagic fever. The hunting rates of predator on the susceptible and infected prey are assumed to be different [69] . Let a 1 ( t ) and a 2 ( t ) be rate functions at which the predator hunt the susceptible and infected prey, respectively. The conversion efficiency of the predator population for susceptible and infected prey be c 1 ( t ) and c 2 ( t ), respectively. Based on the above ecological assumptions, we have the following nonautonomous eco-epidemiological model, Here, we assume that the rate parameters are positive, continuous and bounded, and have positive lower bounds. We assume that the rate parameters vary depending on the light intensity, temperature and rainfall. It is to be noted that the maximum temperature is observed in summer, the highest daily average light intensity is observed in winter and the maximum rainfall is observed in monsoon [70] . For simplicity, we neglect this phase shift and simply incorporate the effect of seasonal changes by considering the periodic rate parameters with a period of one year. The biological meanings of parameters involved in the system (2.1) are given in Table 1 . In system (2.1) , it is assumed that the disease transmission is instantaneous, i.e., if a susceptible individual comes into contact with an infected individual, the susceptible one becomes infected. However, in reality, this process doesn't occur instantaneously. After getting infected, the infected individuals take some time to become infectious until the infected agents grow sufficiently inside the body. Therefore, there is a time lag between the process of contact and becoming infectious, known as incubation delay. The incubation period varies depending on the infectious disease. For example, the incubation period of chickenpox is 14 − 16 days, 2 . 8 − 3 . 7 days for human coronavirus, 3 . 6 − 4 . 4 days for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, 1 . 3 − 1 . 5 days for influenza A, 0 . 5 − 0 . 6 days for influenza B, 11 . 8 − 13 . 3 days for measles, etc., [71] . To incorporate the incubation delay, we modify system (2.1) as, Here, the incubation period τ ∈ R + is the time during which the infectious agent develops in the host, and only after that time the infected prey becomes itself infectious. Therefore, the number of actively infected prey at time t is arising from the contacts of actual population of susceptible and infected prey at time (t − τ ) , where τ is the discrete time delay. Let C denote the Banach space of continuous functions ψ : where ψ = (ψ 1 , ψ 2 , ψ 3 ) . Initial conditions of system (2.2) are given as (2.5) In this section, we have illustrated some basic results, such as existence and uniqueness of the solution and permanence of the system (2.2) . Proof. Since the right hand side of the system (2.2) is completely continuous and locally Lipschitzian on C , the solution 2) with initial conditions (2.4) exists and is unique on [0, α), where 0 < α ≤ + ∞ [72] . Now, from the first equation of system (2.2) , we have Form the third equation of system (2.2) , we have Then, Here, we discuss permanence of the system (2.2) with initial conditions (2.4) , which demonstrates how the system will be uniformly persistent, i.e., the long-term survival of all components of the system (2.2) with initial conditions (2.4) , under some conditions. Let f l = inf t≥0 f (t) and f u = sup t≥0 f (t) , for a continuous and bounded function f ( t ) defined on the interval [0 , + ∞ ) . Lemma 3.1. Consider the following system [73] , From the second equation of system (2.2) , we obtain ˙ M 1 can be chosen sufficiently close to r u k l . Hence, , since M 3 can be chosen sufficiently close to M * . This completes the proof. ) be a solution of the system (2.2) with initial conditions (2.4) . Using Theorem 3.2 , where 2 is any positive real number. If β l m 1 > a u 2 M 3 + e u , then by Theorem 3.2 , we conclude that Hence, From the third equation of system (2.2) , we have ˙ 6 . From the above discussions, we conclude that ∃ a T 6 > 0, such that every solution of system (2.2) with initial conditions (2.4) eventually enters and remains in the region This completes the proof. Global asymptotic stability of solutions of system (2.2) is defined as follows. Definiton 4.1. System (2.2) with initial conditions (2.4) is said to be globally asymptotically stable if for any two solutions ( x 1 ( t ), x 2 ( t ), x 3 ( t )) and ( u 1 ( t ), u 2 ( t ), u 3 ( t )), the following conditions are satisfied, where m and M are the same as in Theorem 3.3 . ) be any two solutions of system (2.2) with initial conditions (2.4) . Define The right-upper derivatives of V 1 ( t ), V 2 ( t ) and V 3 ( t ) along the solutions of system (2.2) with initial conditions (2.4) are given by Using Eqs. (4.2) -(4.6) , the right-upper derivative of V ( t ) is given by where T 6 is defined in Theorem 3.3 and B i ( t ), i = 1 , 2 , 3 are defined in (4.1) . Now, integrating (4.7) from T 6 to t , we have (4.8) (4.9) By assumptions (4.1) about B i ( t ), i = 1 , 2 , 3 and the boundedness of ( x 1 ( t ), x 2 ( t ), x 3 ( t )) and ( u 1 ( t ), u 2 ( t ), u 3 ( t )) on [0, ∞ ), we This shows that the system (2.2) with initial conditions (2.4) is globally asymptotically stable. This completes the proof. Assume that the system (2.2) is ω-periodic, i.e., all coefficients are ω-periodic functions, then the system has a positive ω -periodic solution if it is uniformly persistent [74] . Thus, we have the following corollary. Here, we perform the numerical simulations to investigate the dynamical behaviors of systems (2.1) and (2.2) . We compare the dynamics of the nonautonomous and delayed nonautonomous systems with the autonomous counterparts. Our aim is to explore different dynamical behaviors, including chaos. For the nonautonomous systems (2.1) and (2.2) , we consider that the rate parameters are time dependent. More precisely, we consider that most of the biological parameters depends on temperature. It is to be noted that the daily average temperature changes periodically throughout the year. Therefore, in the present investigation, we consider the parameters to be a sinusoidal function, r(t ) = r + r 11 sin (ωt ) , e (t ) = e + e 11 sin (ωt ) , d(t ) = d + d 11 sin (ωt) , with period of 365 days. We have also considered the parameters in such a way that all the parameters are positive, continuous and bounded. First, we study the behavior of autonomous system without time delay. We simulated the system (2.1) by assuming the system's parameters to be independent of time. We choose a set of hypothetical but biologically feasible parameter values as, By assigning the seasonal forcing terms to be zero, we can get the corresponding autonomous system. Numerically, we compute the coexisting equilibrium point E * = (0 . 1908 , 0 . 4145 , 0 . 1053 ) and the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix of the autonomous system at the equilibrium E * are −0 . 0955 ± 0 . 3340 i and −0 . 021 . Therefore, the interior equilibrium point of the autonomous system is asymptotically stable. We plot the solution trajectories in Fig. 1 and observe that the system is stable focus for the above parameter values. Next, we simulate the system (2.1) by assuming all the parameters to be affected by seasonality. To incorporate the periodic functional form of rate parameters, we consider these rate parameters to be a sinusoidal function with a period of one year ( ω = 2 π / 365 ), and set r 11 = 0 . 01 , e 11 = 0 . 01 , d 11 = 0 . 01 , k 11 = 0 . 6 , b 11 = 0 . 01 , 1 , a 11 = 0 . 01 , a 22 = 0 . 01 , c 11 = 0 . 05 , c 22 5 . Bifurcation diagram of the autonomous system with respect to τ for the parameter values given by (5.2) . In the absence of seasonal forcing, for gradual increase in the values of delay parameter, the system undergoes a Hopf-bifurcation and switches it's stability from stable focus to limit cycle oscillation. Further, numerically we study the effect of time delay on the stability behavior of the autonomous system. We plot the solution trajectories by fixing the value of time delay at τ = 2 . The autonomous system with time delay shows stable focus for the parameter values given by (5.2) , Fig. 3 . Next, we increase the value of time delay to τ = 5 and plot the solution trajectories. We observe that the autonomous system shows limit cycle behavior for the parameter values given by ( days. However, above the threshold value of the delay parameter, the nonautonomous system enters into the chaotic regime through quasi-periodic oscillations. The occurrence of chaotic oscillation may be explained through incommensurate limit cycles [2, 59] . It is noteworthy here that in the absence of delay, the nonautonomous system produces periodic solutions with a period of 365 days, whereas in the absence of seasonal forcing, the delayed autonomous system exhibits limit cycle oscillations with a period of 28 days approximately. Since these oscillations are not commensurate, i.e., the frequency of the first type of oscillation is not multiple of the frequency of the second type of oscillation, the combined system (delayed nonautonomous system) produces chaos [2, 59] . Further, we observe that the global stability of the positive periodic solution of the delayed nonautonomous system is affected by the delay parameter. For better understanding, we choose two values of the delay parameter from below and above of the threshold value τ * = 2 . 8 . We fix the value of incubation delay at τ = 2 and plot the solution trajectories Fig. 8 . It is evident from the figure that the system shows chaotic dynamics for τ = 15 . Therefore, the global stability of the delayed nonautonomous system is affected due to enhancement of the delay parameter, whereas the persistence of the system is not affected by the magnitude of the delay. Further, we draw the Poincaré map of the system on x 2 − x 3 plane ( x 1 = 0 . 30 ) for τ = 15 (see Fig. 9 ). The scattered distribution of the sampling points implies the chaotic behavior of the system. We also draw the maximum Lyapunov exponent of the system (2.2) for τ = 15 , Fig. 10 . To draw the maximum Lyapunov exponent, we first simulate the delayed nonautonomous system (2.2) , then considering the time series solutions of each component, we compute the Lyapunov exponents by using the algorithm of [75, 76] . In 1985, Wolf et al. [76] have proposed the algorithms that allow the estimation of nonnegative Lyapunov exponents from an experimental time series. In Fig. 10 , positive values of the maximum Lyapunov exponent indicate the chaotic regime of the system. It is to be noted here that the nonautonomous eco-epidemiological model can produce positive periodic solution with a period of 365 days. The delayed autonomous eco-epidemiological model produces limit cycle oscillations with a period of 28 days approximately. None of the nonautonomous and delay autonomous model produces chaotic oscillation. However, the combined eco-epidemiological model (delayed nonautonomous system) produces chaotic oscillation. In the past few decades, the emergence of infectious diseases among humans and animals remains the leading cause behind the mortality of individuals contradicting the paradigm that disease is not an important cause for the mortality of wildlife populations [77, 78] . Presence of infection among individuals regulates the size of population [79] and plays a leading factor for the extinction of species [80] . It is to be noted that the rate of disease transmission, and the other biological rate parameters depend on light intensity, temperature and rainfall. Therefore, such parameters are time dependent and their values follow the periodic (sinusoidal) function with lower bound greater than zero [21, 22, 44] . On the other hand, considering infection in prey/predator in the modeling process increases the dimension of the system and consequently, the possibility for the occurrence of chaotic dynamics increases. In general, almost every biological process has some delay effects. For exam ple, incubation delay in disease transmission, gestation delay in predator, maturation delay, delay in defense mechanism, etc. Therefore, models with time delays are more realistic but are complicated in analyzing. Such systems can exhibit more biological as well as dynamical properties, which are not present in the corresponding non-delayed systems. Moreover, time delay can produce rich dynamics as increasing the values of time delay may produce oscillations in the system. A lot of studies showed the occurrence of limit cycle oscillations through a Hopf-bifurcation by varying the delay parameter [27, 81] . However, fewer studies are carried out for the delayed systems showing chaotic dynamics [47, 57] . In the present investigation, our aim is to extensively study the delay dynamics and explore how the system produces chaotic behavior due to presence of time delay and seasonality. We propose a nonautonomous predator-prey model by considering that a disease spreads among prey population and transmitted by direct contact only. We have incorporated a delay for the incubation period in the modeling process to make the system more realistic. Conditions for the permanence of the system are obtained analytically. The system is shown to be globally asymptotically stable under certain conditions. Analysis of the system showed that the time delay has no effect on the permanence of the system, but the global asymptotical stability of the positive periodic solution is affected due to increase in the time delay parameter. The analytical findings are well supported by numerical simulations. We consider periodic function (sinusoidal function) with a period of one year to incorporate the seasonal patterns of all the rate parameters. We have also studied the dynamical behavior of the systems (2.1) and (2.2) by assuming the rate parameters to be independent of time. In the absence of time delay, the autonomous version of the system (2.1) shows stable dynamics, whereas the nonautonomous system (2.1) shows a unique positive periodic solution with a period of one year. Further, we have explored the effect of time delay on the nonautonomous system (2.2) and the corresponding autonomous system. We have observed that the autonomous system undergoes a Hopf-bifurcation through limit cycle oscillations, whereas the corresponding nonautonomous system showed chaotic dynamics for increasing the incubation delay. We have observed that delay and seasonal forcing have the synergism effect for producing chaotic oscillations. We have plotted the solution trajectories of the system (2.2) for three different initial values, when the incubation delay is fixed at τ = 2 , and observed that the solutions of the system converge to a unique periodic solution. This shows that for a range of the time delay, the positive periodic solution is globally asymptotically stable. However, if the incubation delay is increased above a threshold value, then the system (2.2) exhibits chaotic oscillations. Thus, we can conclude that the incubation delay together with seasonal forcing is responsible for the chaotic dynamics, which was absent in the autonomous system. There are several environmental factors, such as sun light, temperature, rainfall, etc., which can induce seasonality in the interacting population dynamics [70] . For aquatic ecosystems, light and temperature induce seasonal forcing in the rate parameters. In such systems, growth rate of phytoplankton (photosynthesis) is light dependent and the growth rate of zooplankton is temperature dependent, whereas the vertical migration of zooplankton is light dependent [22] . On the other hand, in epidemiology/ecoepidemiology, some infectious diseases show the peak in monsoon, which depend on rainfall, whereas some infectious diseases show spring/autumn peak depending on the suitable temperature. Therefore, aquatic ecosystems such as phytoplankton-zooplankton or zooplankton-fish interactions can be modelled using the present modelling techniques, when the phytoplankton or zooplankton population is subjected to disease infection. Moreover, in terrestrial ecosystem, plant-herbivore, herbivore-carnivore, mesocarnivore-large carnivore interactions can also be modelled using delayed nonautonomous coupled equations if the prey population is infected. Therefore, outcomes of the present investigation are very important for understanding such complex dynamical systems and they have wide spread applications in conservation biology. Population biology of infectious diseases: Part i Chaos in a three-species food chain Biological populations with nonoverlapping generations: stable points, stable cycles, and chaos Complex Population Dynamics: a Theoretical/Empirical Synthesis The invasion, persistence and spread of infectious diseases within animal and plant communities A predator-prey model with disease in the prey Role of infection on the stability of a predator-prey system with several response functions -a comparative study Disease in group-defending prey can benefit predators Pelicans at risk in salton sea -an eco-epidemiological model Viral infection on phytoplankton-zooplankton system -a mathematical model Predator-prey populations with parasitic infection A predator-prey model with infected prey An eco-epidemiological system with infected prey and predator subject to the weak allee effect Epidemics in predator-prey models: disease in the predators Modelling and analysis of a predator-prey model with disease in the prey Modeling the role of viral disease in recurrent phytoplankton blooms Epidemics in predator models: disease in the prey Analysis of a delay prey-predator model with disease in the prey species only Seasonally perturbed prey-predator system with predator-dependent functional response Chaos in a seasonally and periodically forced phytoplankton-zooplankton system Analysis of a delay nonautonomous predator-prey system with disease in the prey Existence and global stability of positive periodic solution of tri-trophic food chain with middle predator migratory in nature A delayed prey-predator system with prey subject to the strong allee effect and disease Optimal harvesting and complex dynamics in a delayed eco-epidemiological model with weak allee effects Effect of multiple delays in an eco-epidemiological model with strong allee effect Stability and HOPF bifurcation in a three-species system with feedback delays Effect of Kairomone on predator-prey dynamics -a delay model Effects of awareness program and delay in the epidemic outbreak Ratio-dependent predator-prey model of interacting population with delay effect Bifurcation and chaos of a delayed predator-prey model with dormancy of predators Bifurcation analysis in a delayed Lokta-Volterra predator-prey model with two delays Stability and Oscillation in Delay Differential Equation of Population Dynamics Delay Differential Equation with Applications in Population Dynamics Biological Delay Systems: Linear Stability Theory Periodic time-dependent predator-prey systems Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation in a tri-neuron BAM neural network model with multiple delays Dynamics of a competitive Lotka-Volterra system with three delays Bifurcation analysis for a three-species predator-prey system with two delays Stability analysis for a vector disease model, Rocky Mt Periodic solutions and chaos in a non-linear model for the delayed cellular immune response Dynamics of a HIV-1 infection model with cell-mediated immune response and intracellular delay Impacts of incubation delay on the dynamics of an eco-epidemiological system -a theoretical study Global stability of an SIR epidemic model with time delays Stability and bifurcation analysis of an eco-epidemiological model with multiple delays Global asymptotic stability of a predator-prey system of holling type, nonlinear anal Study of a tri-trophic prey-dependent food chain model of interacting populations Species coexistence and chaotic behavior induced by multiple delays in a food chain system Biodiversity of plankton by species oscillations and chaos Modelling of phytoplankton allelopathy with Monod-Haldane-type functional response -a mathematical study Omnivory creates chaos in simple food web models Chaos to order: preliminary experiments with a population dynamics models of three trophic levels Migratory effect of middle predator in a tri-trophic food chain model Re-evaluating the omnivory-stability relationship in food webs Revisited hastings and powell model with omnivory and predator switching Mathematical modeling of cascading migration in a tri-trophic food-chain system Bifurcations and chaos in a predator-prey system with the allee effect Complex dynamics in a prey predator system with multiple delays Body size and consumer-resource dynamics Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields Can noise induce chaos? When can noise induce chaos? The influence of time delay in a chaotic cancer model Infection of phytoplankton by aerosolized marine viruses Viral activity in relation to emiliana huxleyi blooms: a mechanism of DSMP release? Viruses infecting the marine prymnesiophyte chrysochromulina spp.: isolation, preliminary characterisation and natural abundance Isolation of a virus infecting the novel shellfish-killing dinoflagellate heterocapsa circularisquama Time-delayed spread of viruses in growing plaques Short interfering RNA accumulation correlates with host recovery in DNA virus-infected hosts, and gene silencing targets specific viral sequences Wolf Density as a Predictor of Predation Rate Seasonal dynamics of daphnia and algae explained as a periodically forced predator-prey system Incubation periods of acute respiratory viral infections: a systematic review Retarded functional differential equations: basic theory Optimal harvesting and stability with stage-structure for a two species competitive system The positive periodic solutions of periodic kolmogorove type systems with delays A matlab version of the lyapunov exponent estimation algorithm of wolf et al. -physica16d Determining lyapunov exponents from a time series Emerging infectious pathogens of wildlife Conservation and disease Two paradigms of population regulation Evidence for the role of infectious disease in species extinction and endangerment Effect of time-delay on a food chain model This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, under Grant No. KEP-MSc-17-130-38. The authors, therefore, acknowledge with thanks DSR technical and financial support. The authors also thank the associate editor and anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments, which contributed to the improvement in the presentation of the paper. The authors are grateful to Prof. Joydev Chattopadhyay, Agricultural and Ecological Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata for carefully reading and amending the earlier version of the manuscript.