key: cord-1047662-vvs3fk18 authors: Salcher-Konrad, Maximilian; Smith, Sian; Comas-Herrera, Adelina title: Emerging evidence on effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines among residents of long-term care facilities date: 2021-05-25 journal: J Am Med Dir Assoc DOI: 10.1016/j.jamda.2021.05.017 sha: d5c1e2a4501d86f47e684f783ed2adaa9a264d1b doc_id: 1047662 cord_uid: vvs3fk18 nan solely on LTC or reported data separately for LTC users. We also searched two additional 19 databases on 11 May 2021 (Web of Science; CINAHL Plus). We extracted key findings from 20 included studies and summarised them narratively. This was a pragmatic and rapid review to 21 monitor emerging evidence. We did not register a protocol for this work. 22 We identified 17 studies reporting on effects of COVID-19 vaccines in LTC users (including 25 five pre-prints). All studies were conducted in institutional care facilities and none reported 26 on community or home-based care. 27 28 J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f effectiveness against infection at 60% or higher four weeks or more after the first dose, 1 or 31 one week after the second dose. 2 These results are not directly comparable due to different 32 intervals between first and second doses in the two countries. Two smaller studies found 33 similar levels of protection against infection, and one also showed protection from severe 34 outcomes (Table) . for some even after the second dose. 16 Those with prior infection also had higher antibody 58 levels after the second dose, but other characteristics (including frailty and cognitive 59 impairment) were not associated with different antibody levels. 17 60 61 Among Skilled Nursing Facility Residents and Staff Members An assessment of the impact of 115 the vaccination program on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreaks in care 116 homes in Northern Ireland-A pilot study Single dose of a mRNA 118 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is associated with lower nasopharyngeal viral load among 119 nursing home residents with asymptomatic COVID-19 Residents With or Without Prior COVID-19 3 Weeks After a Single BNT162b2 Vaccine Dose Humoral and 125 cellular immunogenicity of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in nursing home 126 residents Weak humoral immune reactivity among 129