key: cord-1046515-7lcd3h3y authors: Smoktunowicz, Ewelina; Lesnierowska, Magdalena; Carlbring, Per; Andersson, Gerhard; Cieslak, Roman title: Resource-Based Internet Intervention (Med-Stress) to Improve Well-Being Among Medical Professionals: Randomized Controlled Trial date: 2021-01-11 journal: J Med Internet Res DOI: 10.2196/21445 sha: 530ca6a81473c3266f4266742b3d3ff6c97e68ba doc_id: 1046515 cord_uid: 7lcd3h3y BACKGROUND: Medical professionals are exposed to multiple and often excessive demands in their work environment. Low-intensity internet interventions allow them to benefit from psychological support even when institutional help is not available. Focusing on enhancing psychological resources—self-efficacy and perceived social support—makes an intervention relevant for various occupations within the medical profession. Previously, these resources were found to operate both individually or sequentially with self-efficacy either preceding social support (cultivation process) or following it (enabling process). OBJECTIVE: The objective of this randomized controlled trial is to compare the efficacy of 4 variants of Med-Stress, a self-guided internet intervention that aims to improve the multifaceted well-being of medical professionals. METHODS: This study was conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants (N=1240) were recruited mainly via media campaigns and social media targeted ads. They were assigned to 1 of the following 4 groups: experimental condition reflecting the cultivation process, experimental condition reflecting the enabling process, active comparator enhancing only self-efficacy, and active comparator enhancing only perceived social support. Outcomes included 5 facets of well-being: job stress, job burnout, work engagement, depression, and job-related traumatic stress. Measurements were taken on the web at baseline (time 1), immediately after intervention (time 2), and at a 6-month follow-up (time 3). To analyze the data, linear mixed effects models were used on the intention-to-treat sample. The trial was partially blinded as the information about the duration of the trial, which was different for experimental and control conditions, was public. RESULTS: At time 2, job stress was lower in the condition reflecting the cultivation process than in the one enhancing social support only (d=−0.21), and at time 3, participants in that experimental condition reported the lowest job stress when compared with all 3 remaining study groups (ds between −0.24 and −0.41). For job-related traumatic stress, we found a significant difference between study groups only at time 3: stress was lower in the experimental condition in which self-efficacy was enhanced first than in the active comparator enhancing solely social support (d=−0.24). The same result was found for work engagement (d=−0.20), which means that it was lower in exactly the same condition that was found beneficial for stress relief. There were no differences between study conditions for burnout and depression neither at time 2 nor at time 3. There was a high dropout in the study (1023/1240, 82.50% at posttest), reflecting the pragmatic nature of this trial. CONCLUSIONS: The Med-Stress internet intervention improves some components of well-being—most notably job stress—when activities are completed in a specific sequence. The decrease in work engagement could support the notion of dark side of this phenomenon, but further research is needed. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT03475290; INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID): RR2-10.1186/s13063-019-3401-9 yes: all primary outcomes were significantly better in intervention group vs control partly: SOME primary outcomes were significantly better in intervention group vs control no statistically significant difference between control and intervention potentially harmful: control was significantly better than intervention in one or more outcomes inconclusive: more research is needed Other: Approx. Percentage of Users (starters) still using the app as recommended after 3 months * Overall, was the app/intervention effective? * TITLE AND ABSTRACT 1a) TITLE: Identification as a randomized trial in the title yes Other: Is this a full powered effectiveness trial or a pilot/feasibility trial? * Manuscript tracking number * If this is a JMIR submission, please provide the manuscript tracking number under "other" (The ms tracking number can be found in the submission acknowledgement email, or when you login as author in JMIR. If the paper is already published in JMIR, then the ms tracking number is the four-digit number at the end of the DOI, to be found at the bottom of each published article in JMIR) 1a) Does your paper address CONSORT item 1a? * I.e does the title contain the phrase "Randomized Controlled Trial"? (if not, explain the reason under "other") 16.06.2020 CONSORT-EHEALTH (V 1.6.1) -Submission/Publication Form… 8/51 subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential 1a-i) Identify the mode of delivery in the title Identify the mode of delivery. Preferably use "web-based" and/or "mobile" and/or "electronic game" in the title. Avoid ambiguous terms like "online", "virtual", "interactive". Use "Internet-based" only if Intervention includes non-web-based Internet components (e.g. email), use "computer-based" or "electronic" only if offline products are used. Use "virtual" only in the context of "virtual reality" (3-D worlds). Use "online" only in the context of "online support groups". Complement or substitute product names with broader terms for the class of products (such as "mobile" or "smart phone" instead of "iphone"), especially if the application runs on different platforms. Does your paper address subitem 1a-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from manuscript title (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Yes: "internet intervention" Mention non-web-based components or important co-interventions in title, if any (e.g., "with telephone support"). Copy and paste relevant sections from manuscript title (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study No, there are no non-web-based components in this intervention 16.06.2020 CONSORT-EHEALTH (V 1.6.1) - subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential 1a-iii) Primary condition or target group in the title Mention primary condition or target group in the title, if any (e.g., "for children with Type I Diabetes") Example: A Web-based and Mobile Intervention with Telephone Support for Children with Type I Diabetes: Randomized Controlled Trial Does your paper address subitem 1a-iii? * Copy and paste relevant sections from manuscript title (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Yes: "Medical Professionals" Mention key features/functionalities/components of the intervention and comparator in the abstract. If possible, also mention theories and principles used for designing the site. Keep in mind the needs of systematic reviewers and indexers by including important synonyms. (Note: Only report in the abstract what the main paper is reporting. If this information is missing from the main body of text, consider adding it) 16 .06.2020 CONSORT-EHEALTH (V 1.6.1) -Submission/Publication Form… 10/51 subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential Does your paper address subitem 1b-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript abstract (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Participants (N = 1240; physicians, nurses, first responders etc.) were assigned to one of four groups: 1) experimental condition reflecting the cultivation process, 2) experimental condition reflecting the enabling process, 3) active comparator enhancing only self-efficacy, 4) active comparator enhancing only perceived social support." "Focusing on enhancing psychological resources-self-efficacy and perceived social support-makes an intervention relevant for various occupations within medical profession. Previously, these resources were found to operate both individually or sequentially with self-efficacy either preceding social support (cultivation process) or following it (enabling process)." Clarify the level of human involvement in the abstract, e.g., use phrases like "fully automated" vs. "therapist/nurse/care provider/physician-assisted" (mention number and expertise of providers involved, if any). (Note: Only report in the abstract what the main paper is reporting. If this information is missing from the main body of text, consider adding it) Does your paper address subitem 1b-ii? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript abstract (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Med-Stress, self-guided internet intervention" Does your paper address subitem 1b-iii? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript abstract (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Participants (N = 1240) were recruited mainly via media campaign and social media targeted ads."; "Measurements were taken online at baseline (Time 1), right after intervention (Time 2), and at a 6-month follow-up (Time 3)."; "The trial was partially blinded as the information about the duration of the trial-that was different for experimental and control conditions-was public." 1b-iv) RESULTS section in abstract must contain use data Report number of participants enrolled/assessed in each group, the use/uptake of the intervention (e.g., attrition/adherence metrics, use over time, number of logins etc.), in addition to primary/secondary outcomes. (Note: Only report in the abstract what the main paper is reporting. If this information is missing from the main body of text, consider adding it) Does your paper address subitem 1b-iv? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript abstract (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "There was a high dropout in the study (82.5% at posttest) reflecting the pragmatic nature of this trial." 1b-v) CONCLUSIONS/DISCUSSION in abstract for negative trials Conclusions/Discussions in abstract for negative trials: Discuss the primary outcome -if the trial is negative (primary outcome not changed), and the intervention was not used, discuss whether negative results are attributable to lack of uptake and discuss reasons. (Note: Only report in the abstract what the main paper is reporting. If this information is missing from the main body of text, consider adding it) Does your paper address subitem 1b-v? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript abstract (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Decrease in work engagement could support the notion of "dark side" of this phenomenon but further research is needed." Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "(...) accessibility [to workplace interventions] is usually constrained and they can be difficult and costly to scale up. Technology overcomes some of these limitations." Med-Stress is a resource-oriented intervention which makes it applicable in all occupations within medical profession. We used active comparators (only perceived social support and only self-efficacy enhancement modules) as we already know that strengthening these resources is effective. What we don't know is whether sequential enhancement (and its order) is more effective for stress reduction. Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 2b? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "We compared two experimental conditions, in which self-efficacy and social support were enhanced sequentially, to two active controls, in which only self-efficacy or only social support was targeted. We expected that experimental conditions-which are designed to build two resources-would prove to be more beneficial than active control ones-that target only a single resource-in terms of reducing negative outcomes (i.e., job stress, burnout, depression, job-related secondary stress) and improving a positive one (i.e., work engagement) both at posttest and at a 6-month follow-up. Furthermore, we aimed to test whether one sequence of resources-in line with either the enabling or cultivation hypothesis-would turn out to be more beneficial than the other." 3b) Important changes to methods after trial commencement (such as eligibility criteria), with reasons subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 3a? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "The Med-Stress study was designed as a four-arm parallel randomized controlled trial comparing the posttest and follow up effects of two experimental and two active control conditions."; "The allocation ratio was 1:1:1:1 to ensure an equal number of participants in each study condition". Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 3b? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study The only changes were made to planned statistical analyses. "It is important to note that our research question was not about the differences in changes over time between groups but about the differences in the outcomes between study conditions at two time points: the posttest and at the follow-up. This was reflected in the study protocol [58] where we planned on conducting separate analyses at two measurement points. Ultimately though, to take into account the dependency between multiple measurements, we used linear mixed effects models." Bug fixes, Downtimes, Content Changes: ehealth systems are often dynamic systems. A description of changes to methods therefore also includes important changes made on the intervention or comparator during the trial (e.g., major bug fixes or changes in the functionality or content) (5-iii) and other "unexpected events" that may have influenced study design such as staff changes, system failures/downtimes, etc. [2]. subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential Does your paper address subitem 3b-i? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 4a? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "The following inclusion criteria were applied: 1) being at least 18 years old, 2) representing health-related profession that involved direct patient care." Computer / Internet literacy is often an implicit "de facto" eligibility criterion -this should be explicitly clarified. Does your paper address subitem 4a-i? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer 4a-ii) Open vs. closed, web-based vs. face-to-face assessments: Open vs. closed, web-based vs. face-to-face assessments: Mention how participants were recruited (online vs. offline), e.g., from an open access website or from a clinic, and clarify if this was a purely webbased trial, or there were face-to-face components (as part of the intervention or for assessment), i.e., to what degree got the study team to know the participant. In online-only trials, clarify if participants were quasi-anonymous and whether having multiple identities was possible or whether technical or logistical measures (e.g., cookies, email confirmation, phone calls) were used to detect/prevent these. Does your paper address subitem 4a-ii? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Med-Stress is a self-guided internet intervention."; "Participants were recruited between October 2018 and April 2019 via targeted social media campaigns, advertisements via radio and press, professional forums, and through medical organizations." Information given during recruitment. Specify how participants were briefed for recruitment and in the informed consent procedures (e.g., publish the informed consent documentation as appendix, see also item X26), as this information may have an effect on user self-selection, user expectation and may also bias results. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "The trial was conducted online. It had been approved by a research ethics committee". Informed consent documentation is in Polish only and is accessible upon request. Other information about trial was accessible to participants on the intervention's website. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "The trial was conducted online." 4b-i) Report if outcomes were (self-)assessed through online questionnaires Clearly report if outcomes were (self-)assessed through online questionnaires (as common in web-based trials) or otherwise. Does your paper address subitem 4b-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Immediately after completing the intervention (at the posttest, Time 2) and 6 months after the baseline assessment (follow up, Time 3), participants were invited again to fill out the questionnaires online." Report how institutional affiliations are displayed to potential participants [on ehealth media], as affiliations with prestigious hospitals or universities may affect volunteer rates, use, and reactions with regards to an intervention.(Not a required item -describe only if this may bias results) 5) The interventions for each group with sufficient details to allow replication, including how and when they were actually administered subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential Does your paper address subitem 4b-ii? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer Mention names, credential, affiliations of the developers, sponsors, and owners [6] (if authors/evaluators are owners or developer of the software, this needs to be declared in a "Conflict of interest" section or mentioned elsewhere in the manuscript). Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer Describe the history/development process of the application and previous formative evaluations (e.g., focus groups, usability testing), as these will have an impact on adoption/use rates and help with interpreting results. Does your paper address subitem 5-ii? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer Revisions and updating. Clearly mention the date and/or version number of the application/intervention (and comparator, if applicable) evaluated, or describe whether the intervention underwent major changes during the evaluation process, or whether the development and/or content was "frozen" during the trial. Describe dynamic components such as news feeds or changing content which may have an impact on the replicability of the intervention (for unexpected events see item 3b). Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer Provide information on quality assurance methods to ensure accuracy and quality of information provided [1], if applicable. Does your paper address subitem 5-iv? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer 5-v) Ensure replicability by publishing the source code, and/or providing screenshots/screen-capture video, and/or providing flowcharts of the algorithms used Ensure replicability by publishing the source code, and/or providing screenshots/screen-capture video, and/or providing flowcharts of the algorithms used. Replicability (i.e., other researchers should in principle be able to replicate the study) is a hallmark of scientific reporting. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer Digital preservation: Provide the URL of the application, but as the intervention is likely to change or disappear over the course of the years; also make sure the intervention is archived (Internet Archive,, and/or publishing the source code or screenshots/videos alongside the article). As pages behind login screens cannot be archived, consider creating demo pages which are accessible without login. Does your paper address subitem 5-vi? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Access: Describe how participants accessed the application, in what setting/context, if they had to pay (or were paid) or not, whether they had to be a member of specific group. If known, describe how participants obtained "access to the platform and Internet" [1]. To ensure access for editors/reviewers/readers, consider to provide a "backdoor" login account or demo mode for reviewers/readers to explore the application (also important for archiving purposes, see vi). Does your paper address subitem 5-vii? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Participants needed to be medical professionals. Access to the intervention was free. This information was provided during recruitment. "Study flow is presented in Figure 1 . Participants were directed to the Med-Stress website where they filled out a screening to ensure they met the inclusion criteria. The registration process was finalized when they signed an online informed consent form." Does your paper address subitem 5-viii? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Med-Stress is a self-guided internet intervention. Its contains two main modules that were made available to participants in different variants depending on randomization to study condition: 1) self-efficacy & perceived social support sequential enhancement modules (SE + SS; experimental condition), 2) perceived social support & self-efficacy sequential enhancement modules (SS + SE; experimental condition), 3) self-efficacy enhancement module (SE; active control condition), 4) perceived social support enhancement module (SS; active control condition). There were three exercises per module. Each consisted of psychoeducational animated clips and interactive tasks requiring both online and offline activity. To complete all tasks within each exercise, participants needed up to 1.5 hours. Additionally, everyone had access to four modules: Relaxation, Mindfulness, Cognitive Restructuring, and Lifestyle that were optional and available throughout the intervention. Such a design allowed the participants to partially self-tailor the intervention. Exercises in each module were evidence-based and developed in a participatory manner, as a result of the pre-implementation study among 744 medical professionals conducted at the Med-Stress' developmental stage [62] . Exercise descriptions are presented in Table 1 and the example screenshots can be found in Figure 2 . The program was run on the Iterapi platform [63] ." Additionally a table in the paper describes all exercises in more details. Describe use parameters (e.g., intended "doses" and optimal timing for use). Clarify what instructions or recommendations were given to the user, e.g., regarding timing, frequency, heaviness of use, if any, or was the intervention used ad libitum. Does your paper address subitem 5-ix? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "The intervention lasted either 6 weeks (experimental conditions) or 3 weeks (active controls). Activities in the intervention were released for a participant once a week. Although we encouraged participants to complete all tasks, this was not a prerequisite to access subsequent exercises." Clarify the level of human involvement (care providers or health professionals, also technical assistance) in the e-intervention or as co-intervention (detail number and expertise of professionals involved, if any, as well as "type of assistance offered, the timing and frequency of the support, how it is initiated, and the medium by which the assistance is delivered". It may be necessary to distinguish between the level of human involvement required for the trial, and the level of human involvement required for a routine application outside of a RCT setting (discuss under item 21 -generalizability). Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Med-Stress is a self-guided internet intervention." Does your paper address subitem 5-xi? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Activities in the intervention were released for a participant once a week."; "Immediately after completing the intervention (at the posttest, Time 2) and 6 months after the baseline assessment (follow up, Time 3), participants were invited again to fill out the questionnaires online. Each time, participants received 3 email remainders (two automatic and one personalized)." Describe any co-interventions (incl. training/support): Clearly state any interventions that are provided in addition to the targeted eHealth intervention, as ehealth intervention may not be designed as stand-alone intervention. This includes training sessions and support [1] . It may be necessary to distinguish between the level of training required for the trial, and the level of training for a routine application outside of a RCT setting (discuss under item 21 -generalizability. Does your paper address subitem 5-xii? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study No co-interventions. Does your paper address subitem 6a-ii? Copy and paste relevant sections from manuscript text "We assessed the usage of obligatory and optional modules. For the former, finishing at least one weekly assigned task was coded as activity. Optional modules contained a number of similar exercises that participants could choose from, thus finishing at least one of them was coded as completion." 6a-iii) Describe whether, how, and when qualitative feedback from participants was obtained Describe whether, how, and when qualitative feedback from participants was obtained (e.g., through emails, feedback forms, interviews, focus groups). 6b) Any changes to trial outcomes after the trial commenced, with reasons 7a) How sample size was determined NPT: When applicable, details of whether and how the clustering by care provides or centers was addressed subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential Does your paper address subitem 6a-iii? Copy and paste relevant sections from manuscript text Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 6b? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study No 7a-i) Describe whether and how expected attrition was taken into account when calculating the sample size Describe whether and how expected attrition was taken into account when calculating the sample size. Copy and paste relevant sections from manuscript title (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "A power analysis showed that a sample of 607 was needed. As we expected a high dropout rate, we aimed to recruit a sample of 1200." 7b) When applicable, explanation of any interim analyses and stopping guidelines 8a) Method used to generate the random allocation sequence NPT: When applicable, how care providers were allocated to each trial group 8b) Type of randomisation; details of any restriction (such as blocking and block size) Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 7b? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 8a? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Participants were automatically allotted to one of the four study conditions in line with the predefined randomization protocol generated via randomizing software ( We applied a block randomization with a block size of 4. The allocation ratio was 1:1:1:1 to ensure an equal number of participants in each study condition." Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 8b? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "We applied a block randomization with a block size of 4. The allocation ratio was 1:1:1:1 to ensure an equal number of participants in each study condition." 9) Mechanism used to implement the random allocation sequence (such as sequentially numbered containers), describing any steps taken to conceal the sequence until interventions were assigned 10) Who generated the random allocation sequence, who enrolled participants, and who assigned participants to interventions 11a) If done, who was blinded after assignment to interventions (for example, participants, care providers, those assessing outcomes) and how NPT: Whether or not administering co-interventions were blinded to group assignment subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 9? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Participants were automatically allotted to one of the four study conditions in line with the predefined randomization protocol generated via randomizing software (" Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 10? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Participants were automatically allotted to one of the four study conditions (...)" 11a-i) Specify who was blinded, and who wasn't Specify who was blinded, and who wasn't. Usually, in web-based trials it is not possible to blind the participants [1, 3] (this should be clearly acknowledged), but it may be possible to blind outcome assessors, those doing data analysis or those administering co-interventions (if any). (this item is usually not relevant for ehealth trials as it refers to similarity of a placebo or sham intervention to a active medication/intervention) Does your paper address subitem 11a-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Masking was partially achieved: allocation was not revealed to the participants; however, they had previously been informed that the intervention would last 3 or 6 weeks depending on the intervention variant." 11a-ii) Discuss e.g., whether participants knew which intervention was the "intervention of interest" and which one was the "comparator" Informed consent procedures (4a-ii) can create biases and certain expectations -discuss e.g., whether participants knew which intervention was the "intervention of interest" and which one was the "comparator". Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Masking was partially achieved: allocation was not revealed to the participants; however, they had previously been informed that the intervention would last 3 or 6 weeks depending on the intervention variant." 12a) Statistical methods used to compare groups for primary and secondary outcomes NPT: When applicable, details of whether and how the clustering by care providers or centers was addressed subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 11b? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study N/a Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 12a? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "To verify the effect of intervention conditions on the five outcome variables over the course of three time points we applied linear mixed effects models with restricted maximum likelihood estimation, unstructured covariance matrices of random effects, and random slopes and intercepts [73] , separately for each of the five outcomes. Time variable was coded as Time 1 = 0 (baseline), Time 2 = 1 (posttest), and Time 3 = 2 (follow-up). In order to make comparisons between each active control group and experimental ones, as well as between two experimental conditions, we created three dummy variables in which two controls, and one experimental condition subsequently served as a reference category." Imputation techniques to deal with attrition / missing values: Not all participants will use the intervention/comparator as intended and attrition is typically high in ehealth trials. Specify how participants who did not use the application or dropped out from the trial were treated in the statistical analysis (a complete case analysis is strongly discouraged, and simple imputation techniques such as LOCF may also be problematic [4]). Does your paper address subitem 12a-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "All analyses in the present study were conducted on the intention-to-treat sample (ITT). The multiple imputation procedure was applied using 10 iterations. All baseline scores, available posttest and follow up scores, and all variables that were found to differentiate completers and dropouts (see below) were introduced as predictors of imputation (...)'. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Does your paper address subitem X26-i? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "The trial was conducted online. It had been approved by a research ethics committee (...)' Outline informed consent procedures e.g., if consent was obtained offline or online (how? Checkbox, etc.?), and what information was provided (see 4a-ii). See [6] for some items to be included in informed consent documents. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "The registration process was finalized when they signed an online informed consent form." Safety and security procedures, incl. privacy considerations, and any steps taken to reduce the likelihood or detection of harm (e.g., education and training, availability of a hotline) 13a) For each group, the numbers of participants who were randomly assigned, received intended treatment, and were analysed for the primary outcome NPT: The number of care providers or centers performing the intervention in each group and the number of patients treated by each care provider in each center 13b) For each group, losses and exclusions after randomisation, together with reasons Does your paper address subitem X26-iii? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 13a? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Out of the 1240 participants, 217 completed the posttest assessment and 147 did the 6month follow up. Intervention dropout, defined as a loss to posttest, was 82.5%." Additionally the flow of participants and dropout is reflected in Figure 1 . Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 13b? (NOTE: Preferably, this is shown in a CONSORT flow diagram) * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study This is shown in flow diagram (Figure 1 ). Strongly recommended: An attrition diagram (e.g., proportion of participants still logging in or using the intervention/comparator in each group plotted over time, similar to a survival curve) or other figures or tables demonstrating usage/dose/engagement. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript or cite the figure number if applicable (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 14a? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Participants were recruited between October 2018 and April 2019. Indicate if critical "secular events" fell into the study period, e.g., significant changes in Internet resources available or "changes in computer hardware or Internet delivery resources" 14b) Why the trial ended or was stopped (early) NPT: When applicable, a description of care providers (case volume, qualification, expertise, etc.) and centers (volume) in each group Does your paper address subitem 14a-i? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study This study was conducted before the breakout of COVID-19 pandemic so it did not affect participants' responses. Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 14b? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study The trial ended when 1200 were randomized to one of the study conditions. Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 15? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study In ehealth trials it is particularly important to report demographics associated with digital divide issues, such as age, education, gender, social-economic status, computer/Internet/ehealth literacy of the participants, if known. Does your paper address subitem 15-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "The final sample (N = 1240) consisted of physicians (36.1%), nurses (24.8%), dentists (7.5%), physiotherapists (6.0%), midwives (5.2%), paramedics (5.0%) and other medical professionals (15.4%). Overall, job tenure ranged from less than 1 year to 40 years (M = 11.46, SD = 10.26), whereas tenure at participants' current position was M = 6.69 years (SD = 7.31). On average, participants worked 47.38 hours per week (SD = 18.53). The majority of responders were employed in public health care institutions (74.5%). Women constituted 86.6% of the sample. Participants' age ranged between 20 and 66 years (M = 36.21, SD = 10.18). Nearly seventeen percent of the sample had received specialist support (psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy) to cope with job stress at some point in their professional career." Report multiple "denominators" and provide definitions: Report N's (and effect sizes) "across a range of study participation [and use] thresholds" [1], e.g., N exposed, N consented, N used more than x times, N used more than y weeks, N participants "used" the intervention/comparator at specific pre-defined time points of interest (in absolute and relative numbers per group). Always clearly define "use" of the intervention. subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential 17a) For each primary and secondary outcome, results for each group, and the estimated effect size and its precision (such as 95% confidence interval) Does your paper address subitem 16-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "A total of 1575 people registered for the study, however 335 did not complete the required baseline assessment. The final sample (N = 1240) (...)". "Out of the 1240 participants, 217 completed the posttest assessment and 147 did the 6-month follow up."; "Intervention usage was similar within experimental and control conditions. In experimental condition reflecting cultivation process (self-efficacy precedes perceived social support), 209 participants (out of 311 randomized) engaged in at least one exercise in the first module and 33 of them engaged in at least one exercise in the second module. For the experimental condition reflecting enabling process ( n = 311) these numbers were 206 and 43 respectively. In each control condition (n = 309) 205 participants engaged in at least one exercise in self-efficacy or social support enhancement module respectively. Usage of optional modules was similar across the conditions and varied between 98 participants benefitting from at least one optional module in social support control condition to 124 participants in self-efficacy control condition." Primary analysis should be intent-to-treat, secondary analyses could include comparing only "users", with the appropriate caveats that this is no longer a randomized sample (see 18-i). Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "To analyze the data, linear mixed effects models were used on the intention-to-treat sample." subitem not at all important 1 2 3 4 5 essential 17b) For binary outcomes, presentation of both absolute and relative effect sizes is recommended Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 17a? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Results for all outcomes are presented in Table 2 along with effect sizes and 95% CI. 17a-i) Presentation of process outcomes such as metrics of use and intensity of use In addition to primary/secondary (clinical) outcomes, the presentation of process outcomes such as metrics of use and intensity of use (dose, exposure) and their operational definitions is critical. This does not only refer to metrics of attrition (13-b) (often a binary variable), but also to more continuous exposure metrics such as "average session length". These must be accompanied by a technical description how a metric like a "session" is defined (e.g., timeout after idle time) [1] (report under item 6a). Does your paper address subitem 17a-i? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 17b? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 18? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study N/a A subgroup analysis of comparing only users is not uncommon in ehealth trials, but if done, it must be stressed that this is a self-selected sample and no longer an unbiased sample from a randomized trial (see 16-iii). Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 19? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Work Engagement We found no main effect of condition assignment on work engagement but we did find a main effect of time (Table 2) for the comparisons between all study conditions, showing that work engagement decreased with time."; "In fact, at the follow up, work engagement was significantly lower in the very same condition that we found was beneficial for the reduction of both types of job-related stress. In other words, participants who first completed self-efficacy enhancing exercises and then the ones dedicated to building perception of social support reported lower stress and lower work engagement. This pattern of results suggests that a decrease in work engagement might be beneficial to medical professionals. In fact, although work engagement is overly considered a positive state, associated with numerous beneficial consequences for a person, such as better selfreported health, a so-called dark side of engagement has also been identified, suggesting that overengaged workers might experience undesired outcomes" Include privacy breaches, technical problems. This does not only include physical "harm" to participants, but also incidents such as perceived or real privacy breaches [1], technical problems, and other unexpected/unintended incidents. "Unintended effects" also includes unintended positive effects [2]. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study N/a Does your paper address subitem 19-ii? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "In fact, comments that we received post intervention seem to support this notion: users referred to the content of the exercises (not user-friendly enough), pace of the intervention (new exercise released each week), and the fact that it was a web-and not app-based intervention." 22-i) Restate study questions and summarize the answers suggested by the data, starting with primary outcomes and process outcomes (use) Restate study questions and summarize the answers suggested by the data, starting with primary outcomes and process outcomes (use). Does your paper address subitem 22-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "This study had two objectives. First, we wanted to test whether enhancing two psychological resources, perceived social support and self-efficacy, would be more effective for improving the well-being of medical professionals than strengthening only one of them. Second, we aimed to experimentally verify the enabling versus the cultivation hypothesis, that is, to test whether the sequence in which social support and self-efficacy were targeted would have an effect on well-being. In order to reflect the complexity of a natural occupational context we tested the efficacy of the intervention for five outcomes. We found that job burnout did not depend on assignment to the study condition. However, allocation to study condition did have an effect on another primary outcome, job stress. Immediately after the intervention, we found that one experimental condition (i.e., the one reflecting the cultivation hypothesis by first enhancing self-efficacy and later social support) was more effective in reducing stress than the control condition that solely targeted social support but not the one dedicated to enhancing only self-efficacy. This result only partially supported our expectations. Yet, six months later, the same experimental condition was found to be the most effective. This result supported a cultivation process of stress reduction over an enabling one. When we analyzed how participants used the Med-Stress intervention regardless of condition assignment, we found that there was a reduction in job burnout and it was predicted by using optional modules that were comprised of CBT-based exercises. Perhaps these exercises, and not the ones dedicated to building personal resources (i.e., self-efficacy and perceived social support), were responsible for the decrease in burnoutalbeit small-in participants across all conditions. Job stress, on the other hand, was not associated with completing optional modules; the only significant predictor of its decrease was using self-efficacy exercises. No meaningful differences between study conditions were detected for depression. In the case of job-related traumatic stress, between-group differences at the posttest were negligible, whereas at the follow up, we again found that participants in the condition reflecting the cultivation hypothesis reported greater reduction in stress than those in a control condition enhancing solely social support, although the effect was small. Work engagement also revealed different patterns at posttest and at the follow up. Right after the intervention, there were no meaningful differences in work engagement between study conditions; however, six months later, work engagement was lower in the same experimental condition reflecting the cultivation hypothesis than in the control condition that aimed to build only social support. Moreover, contrary to what might be expected, work engagement decreased over time. In fact, at the follow up, work engagement was significantly lower in the very same condition that we found was beneficial for the reduction of both types of job-related stress. In other words, participants who first completed selfefficacy enhancing exercises and then the ones dedicated to building perception of social support reported lower stress and lower work engagement. This pattern of results suggests that a decrease in work engagement might be beneficial to medical professionals. In fact, although work engagement is overly considered a positive state, associated with numerous beneficial consequences for a person, such as better self-reported health, a so-called dark side of engagement has also been identified, suggesting that overengaged workers might experience undesired outcomes [77] . Moreover, the results of a recent meta-analysis [78] showed that only half of the interventions aimed at improving work engagement were found to have a positive effect. The rest either had no effect or a negative one, although the latter were in the minority. Interestingly, the intervention that resulted in decreased work essential y g y, engagement was dedicated to service workers in elderly care, a group that is similar to the one in . This might indicate that, at least for these occupational groups, being highly engaged in work can be detrimental. At the same time, this interpretation needs to be treated with caution as one of the options that require further analysis. Taken together, these results show that the experimental condition reflecting the cultivation hypothesis-self-efficacy preceding social support-is the most beneficial in the long run, although this finding needs to be treated with caution for the following reasons." Highlight unanswered new questions, suggest future research. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer Typical limitations in ehealth trials: Participants in ehealth trials are rarely blinded. Ehealth trials often look at a multiplicity of outcomes, increasing risk for a Type I error. Discuss biases due to non-use of the intervention/usability issues, biases through informed consent procedures, unexpected events. 21) Generalisability (external validity, applicability) of the trial findings NPT: External validity of the trial findings according to the intervention, comparators, patients, and care providers or centers involved in the trial Does your paper address subitem 20-i? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "Our study has several limitations. First, the dropout was high which affects the interpretation of the results. We mitigated this risk by applying the multiple imputation method (MI). There is an ongoing argument regarding the threshold over which the dropout rate is deemed unacceptable; however, the latest simulations indicate that it is not the proportion but the pattern of missingness that should be taken into account when considering data imputation. Specifically, in the case of the MAR (missing at random) pattern, the multiple imputation procedure-the one that includes all identified variables that differentiate dropouts from completers as imputation predictors-leads to the least biased results [75, 83] . As the pattern of missingness in this study was indeed MAR, we followed these recommendations when conducting MI. Moreover, it should be said that internet interventions, in particular self-guided ones, do tend to have high dropout rates. Even though such a loss to follow-up is rare, it is not unprecedented [84, 85] . Yet, despite our attempts to mitigate the risks resulting from high dropout, the obtained results need to be treated with caution. This loss reflects the pragmatic nature of this trial: It was conducted in Poland where internet interventions are still rare and we suspect that users did not have a framework into which this form of psychological help could be easily incorporated. A high recruitment rate compared to high dropout probably reflects participants' initial enthusiasm and curiosity that diminished over time. This was also reflected in the poor usage of the intervention, in particular in the experimental conditions in which the second assigned module was used much less frequently than the first one. In fact, comments that we received post intervention seem to support this notion: users referred to the content of the exercises (not user-friendly enough), pace of the intervention (new exercise released each week), and the fact that it was a web-and not app-based intervention. High dropout was also a reason as to why we could not conduct a per protocol analysis: the sample of completers was too small to provide sufficient power. Ultimately, we had enough power to detect effects of minimum d = 0.21, and therefore not all findings could be generalized; however, the effects for job stress and job-related traumatic stress were large enough. Some of the phenomena in this study, in particular job burnout and work engagement, are multidimensional and analyzing them as such could inform a more in-depth understanding of the intervention's impact on them. However, that would further increase the already high number of comparisons that needed to be accounted for in the study design." Generalizability to other populations: In particular, discuss generalizability to a general Internet population, outside of a RCT setting, and general patient population, including applicability of the study results for other organizations Does your paper address subitem 21-i? Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Your answer Discuss if there were elements in the RCT that would be different in a routine application setting (e.g., prompts/reminders, more human involvement, training sessions or other co-interventions) and what impact the omission of these elements could have on use, adoption, or outcomes if the intervention is applied outside of a RCT setting. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study In addition to the usual declaration of interests (financial or otherwise), also state the relation of the study team towards the system being evaluated, i.e., state if the authors/evaluators are distinct from or identical with the developers/sponsors of the intervention. Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study As a result of using this checklist, did you make changes in your manuscript? * What were the most important changes you made as a result of using this checklist? Your answer Registration number and name of trial registry 24) Where the full trial protocol can be accessed, if available 25) Sources of funding and other support (such as supply of drugs), role of funders Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 23? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study Does your paper address CONSORT subitem 25? * Copy and paste relevant sections from the manuscript (include quotes in quotation marks "like this" to indicate direct quotes from your manuscript), or elaborate on this item by providing additional information not in the ms, or briefly explain why the item is not applicable/relevant for your study "This study was funded by The National Centre for Research and Development in Poland