key: cord-1046511-hboc3xcz authors: Roncati, Luca; Vadalà, Maria; Corazzari, Veronica; Palmieri, Beniamino title: COVID-19 vaccine and boosted immunity: nothing ad interim to do? date: 2020-10-09 journal: Vaccine DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.10.013 sha: 3388c9483dea31292c978fe1ef3c19bb258f1019 doc_id: 1046511 cord_uid: hboc3xcz SUMMARY Today, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a global public health emergency and vaccination measures to counter its diffusion are deemed necessary. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the etiological agent of the disease, unleashes a T-helper 2 immune response in those patients requiring intensive care. Here, we illustrate the immunological mechanism to train the immune system towards a more effective and less symptomatic T-helper 1 (Th1) immune response, thanks to a subcutaneous vaccine containing lysates of Corynebacterium parvum (synonym for Propionibacterium acnes), a Gram-positive bacterium able to evoke a strong Th1 response. In the 60-80 years of last century, an experimental wave of immunological studies attempted to fight cancer by exploiting live or killed bacteria, among which the most investigated were the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), an attenuated strain of Mycobacterium bovis, and Corynebacterium parvum (C. parvum), later renamed Propionibacterium acnes and then Cutibacterium acnes [1, 2] . Administered percutaneously or into the neoplastic mass, they proved able to induce the tumor lysis at some extent, and to delay or arrest the cancer growth through the innate immunity potentiation [3, 4] . BCG gained approval since 1977 and is currently the standard of care for patients with nonmuscle-invasive bladder cancer by means of mucosal instillation, besides to be registered as an antituberculosis intradermal vaccination [5, 6] . As of March 2020, BCG vaccine is furthermore in phase III or IV trials to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID- 19) among healthcare workers in the Netherlands, Australia, USA, Germany, France, Denmark, Colombia, Mexico, Egypt, and South Africa [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] . Additional trials in the Netherlands, Germany, Greece, and India are evaluating whether BCG vaccine provides protection against COVID-19 in the elderly and in middle age [17] [18] [19] [20] ; besides, randomized trials on volunteers over 18 years to test BCG vaccine in this context has been launched in Brazil and Canada [21, 22] . C. parvum is an aerotolerant anaerobic rod-shaped Gram-positive bacterium largely commensal and part of the skin flora present on most healthy adults, but also associated to sarcoidosis and juvenile acne, hence its taxonomic renaming [23] . After an initial registration like immunoadjuvant and immunomodulator, C. parvum was added to the chemotherapy protocol for colon cancer by repeated injections in the form of formalin-killed freezedried vaccine preparation (Coparvax ® , Wellcome Research Laboratories, Beckenham, UK); however, it was discarded because no partial remission, overall survival or significant benefits were achieved in the treated cohorts of patients [24] . At that time, one of us (Prof. Palmieri) had the chance to perform a clinical pilot trial with C. parvum administration into subcutaneous and lymph nodal metastases from lungs, thyroid and breast malignancies, noting local shrinking and colliquative effect in 48-72 hours, accompanied by mild symptoms and occasional febrile peaks. In a few cases, very rapid regressions of concomitant herpes infections involving the head, the thorax and the genitals were incidentally observed. By searching on the English biomedical literature, several studies from the past fully support the C. parvum antiviral power on man and animal against, for example, influenza virus, hepatitis B, rabies, encephalomyocarditis virus, herpes zoster and human papilloma virus [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] . In addition, a scientific evidence of C. parvum vaccine protection against a coronavirus (mouse hepatitis virus type 3), dating back to 1981 murine model by Schindler and colleagues, is also reported [31] . Always working on a murine model, Teixeira and collaborators proved in 2018 that C. parvum enhances the immunogenicity of the HIVBr18 vaccine, a vaccine against 18 epitopes of the human immunodeficiency virus, subtype B [32] . In the same year, Hsu and coworkers discovered 16 short RNA sequences from C. parvum similar to Ebola virus microRNAs, capable to protect the human host by influencing the thrombospondin 4 expression, a multifunctional protein which plays also an initiating role towards cell-mediated immunity in the skin [33] . Palmieri dropped out his clinical trial on bacterial immune stimulation against cancer in 1980, but he followed up with anecdotical compassionate treatments of severe herpes, and others heavy viral infections, such as influenza, mumps, varicella and measles, by subcutaneous injections of C. parvum cultured and killed in our microbiological lab, after signing an informed consent out of a total of 40 patients, 30 males and 10 females, aged between 5 and 97 years (mean age 49 years). During our evolving experience, we modified the subdermal injection formula (9 x 10 9 phenol-killed bacteria in 2 ml saline), adding high molecular weight hyaluronic acid as slow delivery system, having found aspecific virucide properties of this non-sulphated glycosaminoglycan, notoriously able to bind the cluster of differentiation 44 (CD44) receptors present on the surface of activated leukocytes [34, 35] . The (T h 2), classically directed against extracellular non-phagocytosable pathogens (e.g. helminths), whose main effectors are eosinophils, basophils, mastocytes and B cells (humoral immunity) [37] . In spite of this, severe SARS-CoV-2 infections are associated with marked T c lymphopenia [38] . During our researches on COVID-19, we have disclosed that the immune system is forced to mount in critically ill patients a T h 2 response, the only one still mountable in the attempt to counteract the viral load, rather than a T h 1 response, which would keep the infection under control by means of macrophages and T c cells [39, 40] . Moreover, for the first time in worldwide literature, we have provide evidence that a life-threatening escalation from T h 2 immune response to type 3 hypersensitivity (immune complex disease) in COVID-19 vasculitis takes place, and that the inflamed smooth muscle cells of blood vessels concur to the «cytokine storm» via interleukin (IL)-6 [41] . Therefore, we have proposed that an effective vaccination strategy should be able to prevent or limit the systemic imbalance of T h 2 cytokines [42] , inducing a protective T h 1 response to be exploited against SARS-CoV-2 (Fig. 2) . Among the T h 2 cytokines, there are IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, IL-13 and IL-25, while IL-2, IL-12, interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) are the master T h 1 cytokines [37] . Many researches have ascertained that C. parvum subcutaneous injection is able to induce a strong T h 1 response favoring the production of IL-2, IL-12, IFN-γ and TNF-α, in practice as BCG works, and that the characteristic allergic T h 2 response can be counterbalanced by C. parvum vaccination [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] ; besides, it has been found a natural killers (NK) and dendritic cells activator [50] [51] [52] . In 1985 Cioffi and colleagues reported that C. parvum protects splenectomized Sprague Dawley rats from respiratory challenge with Streptococcus pneumoniae, without alter the number or activity of lavageable alveolar macrophages, and they hypothesized that C. parvum protection is more likely due to an increased clearance of blood-borne bacteria by the expanded and enhanced reticuloendothelial system [53] . If we transfer this murine model to man, a T h 1 cytokines release syndrome from activated pulmonary macrophages after C. parvum lysate subcutaneous injection, such as to aggravate a possible superimposed COVID-19, appears somewhat unlikely. Therefore, our long-standing experience lays the foundation to revalue C. parvum lysate as a further surrogate vaccine against COVID-19, safer and more manageable than an attenuated living bacillus like BCG, in the attempt to prevent or mitigate the cumbersome pandemic morbidity and mortality. The accurate preparation of the lysate is a crucial time to avoid opportunistic bone implant-associated infections or acute septic polyarthritis, whose a single case has been described in 1983 after C. parvum instillation for malignant pleural effusion; an episode of prolonged fever from immune system hyperactivation has also been reported [54] [55] [56] . Previous efforts to develop subunit vaccines against the most lethal human coronaviruses, for instance the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome None. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Fig. 2 . Illustrative scheme of our vaccination rationale: following SARS-CoV-2 entry (point 1), the immune system is forced to mount a T h 2 response in those patients requiring intensive care, at the expense of a more effective and less symptomatic T h 1 response, compromised by the viral load (point 2). Through C. parvum vaccine (point 3), it is theoretically possible to train and calibrate the immune system towards a T h 1 response (point 4), able to prevent COVID-19 or to keep the disease under control in a paucisymptomatic or asymptomatic way thanks to activated reticuloendothelial system, NK, T c and dendritic cells. Immunotherapy of cancer Corynebacterium parvum versus BCG adjuvant immunotherapy in human malignant melanoma Innate, antigen-independent role for T cells in the activation of the immune system by Propionibacterium acnes Licensed Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) formulations differ markedly in bacterial viability, RNA content and innate immune activation World Health Organization. BCG vaccines: WHO position paper Thirty years of BCG immunotherapy for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer: a success story with room for improvement Reducing health care workers absenteeism in Covid-19 pandemic through BCG vaccine (BCG-CORONA). identifier: NCT04328441 BCG vaccination to protect healthcare workers against COVID-19 (BRACE). identifier: NCT04327206 BCG vaccine for health care workers as defense against COVID-19 (BADAS). identifier: NCT04348370 Study to assess VPM1002 in reducing healthcare professionals' absenteeism in COVID-19 pandemic. identifier: NCT04387409 Efficacy of BCG vaccination in the prevention of COVID19 via the strengthening of innate immunity in health care workers Using BCG vaccine to protect health care workers in the COVID-19 pandemic. identifier: NCT04373291 Performance evaluation of BCG vaccination in healthcare personnel to reduce the severity of SARS-COV-2 infection Prevention, efficacy, and safety of BCG vaccine in COVID-19 among healthcare workers. identifier: NCT04461379 Application of BCG vaccine for immune-prophylaxis among Egyptian healthcare workers during the pandemic of COVID-19. identifier: NCT04350931 BCG vaccination for healthcare workers in COVID-19 pandemic Reducing COVID-19 related hospital admission in elderly by BCG vaccination. identifier: NCT04417335 Study to assess VPM1002 in reducing hospital admissions and/or severe respiratory infectious diseases in elderly in COVID-19 pandemic Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination to prevent COVID-19 (ACTIVATEII). identifier: NCT04414267 BCG vaccine in reducing morbidity and mortality in elderly individuals in COVID-19 hotspots. identifier: NCT04475302 COVID-19: BCG as therapeutic vaccine, transmission limitation, and immunoglobulin enhancement (BATTLE). identifier: NCT04369794 Efficacy and safety of VPM1002 in reducing SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection rate and severity (COBRA). identifier: NCT04439045 The long-standing history of Corynebacterium parvum, immunity, and viruses parvum clinical protocols: prototypes and summary results in U.S. trials with Wellcome Coparvax Protection of mice against influenza virus infection: enhancement of nonspecific cellular responses by Corynebacterium parvum The effect of intradermal administration of Corynebacterium parvum on the immune response to hepatitis Bs antigen Increased interleukin-10 associated with low IL-6 concentration correlated with greater survival rates in mice infected by rabies virus vaccinated against it and immunomodulated with P. acnes Role of interferon, antibodies and macrophages in the protective effect of Corynebacterium parvum on encephalomyocarditis virusinduced disease in mice Immunomodulating and antiviral therapy in herpes zoster Treatment of common warts with the immune stimulant Propionium bacterium parvum Protection of mice against mouse hepatitis virus by Corynebacterium parvum Propionibacterium acnes enhances the immunogenicity of HIVBr18 human immunodeficiency virus-1 vaccine On revealing the gene targets of Ebola virus microRNAs involved in the human skin microbiome In vitro evaluation of antiviral and virucidal activity of a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid CD44 is the principal cell surface receptor for hyaluronate Renin-angiotensin system: the unexpected flaw inside the human immune system revealed by SARS-CoV-2 Type 1/Type 2 immunity in infectious diseases Lymphopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections: a systemic review and meta-analysis Signals of Th2 immune response from COVID-19 patients requiring intensive care The «moonlighting protein» able to explain the Th1 immune lockdown in severe COVID-19 Type 3 hypersensitivity in COVID-19 vasculitis What about the original antigenic sin of the humans versus SARS-CoV-2? Propionibacterium acnes promotes Th17 and Th17/Th1 responses in acne patients Th1 and Th17 immune responses to viable Propionibacterium acnes in patients with sarcoidosis Intratumoral injection of Propionibacterium acnes suppresses malignant melanoma by enhancing Th1 immune responses MIS416, a nontoxic microparticle adjuvant derived from Propionibacterium acnes comprising immunostimulatory muramyl dipeptide and bacterial DNA promotes cross-priming and Th1 immunity Propionibacterium acnes vaccination induces regulatory T cells and Th1 immune responses and improves mouse atopic dermatitis Innate, antigen-independent role for T cells in the activation of the immune system by Propionibacterium acnes BCG-induced trained immunity: can it offer protection against COVID-19? Modulatory effect of killed Propionibacterium acnes and its purified soluble polysaccharide on peritoneal exudate cells from C57Bl/6 mice: major NKT cell recruitment and increased cytotoxicity A randomized prospective clinical trial of adjuvant C. parvum immunotherapy in 260 patients with clinically localized melanoma (Stage I): prognostic factors analysis and preliminary results of immunotherapy Interferon production and lymphocyte stimulation in human leucocyte cultures stimulated by Corynebacterium parvum The quantity and function of pulmonary alveolar macrophages after splenectomy and Corynebacterium parvum Interaction of Cutibacterium acnes with human bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells: a step toward understanding bone implant-associated infection development Acute polyarthritis following the use of Corynebacterium parvum vaccine (Coparvax) for malignant pleural effusion Prolonged fever after pleural instillation of Corynebacterium parvum (Coparvax)