key: cord-1042551-c5by42le authors: Jin, Andrew Shida; Sanders, Kelly T. title: Analyzing Changes to U.S Municipal Heat Response Plans During the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2021-11-30 journal: Environ Sci Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2021.11.022 sha: 46365b2640d2973ac1a169bab6a8456e35b087a5 doc_id: 1042551 cord_uid: c5by42le Extreme heat events are the deadliest weather-related event in the United States. Cities throughout the United States have worked to develop heat adaptation strategies to limit the impact of extreme heat on vulnerable populations. However, the COVID-19 pandemic presented unprecedented challenges to local governments. This paper provides a preliminary review of strategies and interventions used to manage compound COVID-19-extreme heat events in the 25 most populous cities of the United States. Heat adaptation strategies employed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic were not adequate to meet during the co-occuring compound hazard of COVID-19-EHE. Long-term climate-adaptation strategies will require leveraging physical, financial, and community resources across multiple city departments to meet the needs of compound hazards, such as COVID-19 and extreme heat. specific populations. In addition to raising risks to severe disease, these economic hardships reduced the ability of vulnerable populations to afford interventions that provide protection from extreme heat (e.g., air conditioning, paying utility bills, transportation to cooling centers, etc.). More broadly speaking, protecting the public from the threats of acute and recurring weather-related events such as heat waves, hurricanes, tornados, and wildfires has become more expensive and more challenging over time. 23, 24 While these seasonal phenomena have already stretched limited governmental resources at the federal, state and local levels in recent years, responding to these natural disasters while simultaneously managing a contagious disease during the COVID-19 pandemic added a great deal of complexity to developing adequate governmental responses. Given that most experts expect that contagious epidemics are likely to reoccur in the future, 25 analyzing the successes and failures of governments to respond to concurrent disasters during the summer of 2020 is prudent. In this manuscript we investigate how compound extreme heat-pandemic hazards were managed in the 25 largest cities in the United States (by population) during the period spanning from April through September 2020. First, we compiled a database detailing the municipal response of these cities to compound EHE-pandemic hazards in Summer 2020, then we discuss these municipal responses across a range of heat response classifications. Finally, we comment on lessons learned and potential interventions to improve future responses to compound events. Our study analyzed the heat response of the 25 largest U.S. cities by population size through the period spanning from April 1 st to September 30 th , 2020. 26 After an initial search of response policies, we identified four key categories of COVID-19-EHE adaptation strategies, J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f which include heat warnings, cooling centers, alternative cooling resources, and utility assistance and shutoffs. For each category of cooling strategy, we tracked whether a strategy was initiated, whether there were specific modifications to those strategies for COVID-19 related concerns, and whether a given strategy was reduced in magnitude in comparison to pre-pandemic strategies. For each city, we performed keyword searches on Google News for each month included in our study period. We also searched each city's website, including public health and emergency departments, as well as local news outlets for heat related notifications. For heat warning systems, we looked at both news posts as well as the local National Weather Service's Twitter account. 27 We did not track cooling centers or alternative cooling facilities provided by nongovernmental organizations unless they were working directly in conjunction with city or county governments to open centers. This methodology assumes that information regarding heat response plans was released and made publicly available via online documents, including government released sites and newsbased sites. Hence, one key limitation of our search was that plans developed and conceived offline would not appear in our results. Despite this potential limitation, the findings of our search compiles information that could have been accessed by heat vulnerable populations in efforts to find relief, even if they do not represent a fully comprehensive list of all heat response measures taken during COVID-19. As a result, the findings of this search are likely to present more results for cities that experienced more extreme events during our study period. Cities that had few or no EHEs during this period may have never publicized heat response plans, even if they were developed. J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Here we discuss the results of our review of heat response plans, which are summarized in Table 1 . Heat-health warning systems and heat-health action plans are key components of reduce the morbidity and mortality of extreme heat on the populations by notifying the public of inclement extreme heat and initiating emergency public health interventions. 28, 29 Table 1 demonstrates that of the cities in our study group, only Seattle did not have a National Weather Service heat notice (i.e., met local qualifications to issue a heat advisory or excessive heat warning). Heat plans varied throughout the United States. Most cities within our study did not post a formal comprehensive heat plan to the public. Only three cities, New York, Chicago, and Houston posted formal heat plans to the public that were adapted to COVID-19 restrictions. Two others, Los Angeles and Philadelphia, reported COVID-19 heat-plans were in progress at the end of the summer of 2020. While not all cities developed publicly outlined heat plans, a majority of cities initiated heat-related adaptation strategies. J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f public spaces that might otherwise provide de-facto heat relief, such as malls and museums, were also closed in many cities. Some cities preemptively opened cooling centers before heat watches or warnings were issued, including San Antonio and Chicago. In Phoenix and El Paso, cooling centers were opened daily for those looking for heat relief throughout the summer, even when heat emergencies were not declared. Non-traditional facilities were used as cooling centers over the summer of 2020. For example, Philadelphia and Chicago both implemented -cooling bus‖ programs to leverage their public transportation system's air-conditioned buses as cooling centers that could strategically be placed in locations that needed cooling access. 36, 37 Phoenix, on the other hand, used their convention center as a larger cooling center with more space availability to physically distance visitors. 38 However, even when open, attendance in cooling centers was another area of concern for many municipalities. A number of cities reported cooling center underutilization, including Washington DC, Detroit, and El Paso. [39] [40] [41] During a four-day heatwave spanning Labor Day (Sept 3-6, 2020), slots in the Los Angeles's six cooling centers averaged under one-third utilization, with many community outreach volunteers citing poor walkability or lack of transportation options to cooling centers as key reasons for underutilization by vulnerable populations. 42 Previous work found that even in non-pandemic conditions, less than 10% of houses in Los Angeles and Phoenix were within walking distance of an official cooling center. 20 Reduced openings because of COVID-19 restrictions significantly reduced geographic accessibility to cooling centers, exacerbating these accessibility challenges. J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f 30 Most other programs were significantly smaller J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f or relied on community donations (e.g. Houston, San Diego) . It is important to note that even when cooling infrastructure is available in households, it is not a guarantee that people will use it due to the high electricity costs. 18 Thus, utility assistance and utility shut-off bans are also key policy levers that can be used to make cooling resources affordable and accessible. We found that all 25 of the cities studied here had some form of moratorium on utility disconnections throughout the summer of 2020. However, some moratoriums ended before the summer heat ended. Furthermore, these moratoriums on shutoffs did not reduce the accumulation of financial stress on COVID-19 impacted families. Many families were still likely to avoid the use of air conditioning and/or allow indoor temperatures to reach unsafe levels due to concerns over future financial burdens, as has been found in pre-pandemic studies of household energy insecurity. 52, 53 The federally funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) program 54 is an important component for reducing energy insecurity, with households who receive LIHEAP money reporting significantly improved health and economic outcomes. 55 In years past, only 20% of eligible households were able to be funded through the program, but the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 56 released an increased $900 million in supplemental funds for LIHEAP. 54 However, many of these funds became available well after the summer of 2020, and thus, may not have been effective in offering resources to help vulnerable residents. Despite efforts to improve LIHEAP program accessibility, persistent barriers continue to exist. For example, vulnerable populations require knowledge of these programs, the resources to apply (i.e. internet for online applications), and in some cases, help from experienced professionals to navigate the application process. there is evidence to suggest that increased temperatures may have increased the spread of COVID-19 as a result increased congregation indoors. 60 Regardless, outbreaks during these periods made executing heat response plans more difficult due to social distancing protocols. These health impacts were not unique to the year 2020. In 2021, a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest of the United States brought record breaking temperatures over five days that resulted in an estimated death toll of 800 across the region. 61 The unique challenge of managing both COVID-19 and extreme heat continued to place stress upon communities. Hospital systems were overwhelmed, with waiting times as long as five to seven hours, especially during the early afternoons. 62 Limited access to cooling as well as COVID-19 related social isolation played a major role in adverse heat health effects, especially in the South and the West US. 63 As the US and other countries face a future of COVID-19 as a potentially endemic disease, creating effective strategies to respond to extreme events in the context of infection disease outbreaks is increasingly important. Extreme heat events and COVID-19 pandemic concurrent events were not isolated from other climate-related risks. In California and Arizona, a prolonged heat event in August 2020 induced record-breaking temperatures and increased fire danger. 64 Combined with lightning strikes and high wind gusts, hundreds of wildfires sparked across the state of California and combined to form the August Complex Fire, the largest wildfire in California history. 65 The fire resulted in one million acres burned with several hundred structures destroyed, tens of thousands of residents forced to evacuate, and multiple injuries and deaths. 66 Additionally, at one point, the wildfires led to the worst measured air quality worldwide. 67 These compounding risks created strained conditions for medical care. Fire, heat, electricity shutoffs, and poor air quality forced the evacuation of some hospitals and prevented some COVID-19 testing sites from opening. 68, 69 Similarly, moisture leftover from the remnants of Hurricane Laura combined with late summer sunshine to produce heat index values of 105 degrees or greater across much of the Mid-South. Over 300,000 customers in Louisiana and Texas lost power after Hurricane Laura inflicted major damage to infrastructure. 70 The loss of electricity and heat led some hospitals to evacuate. 71 These compound crises underscore a key challenge in risk-based approaches; riskmanagement of compound events requires understanding the probability, severity, and consequence of numerous threats and the failures those threats could cause on complex and interconnected infrastructure systems. Many of the same strategies for heat-adaptation, such as cooling shelters, are transferable to other climate disasters, such as wildfire and post-hurricane shelter requirements. These congregant sheltering solutions provide efficient ways to protect public extreme weather but pose major public health risks during a contagious pandemic. The impact of COVID-19 on heatadaptation strategies provides insight into how we can prepare for future coupled pandemicclimate events. Many of the same racial inequities that constrain access to cooling resources have also constrained access to health care services, such as vaccinations. 72 Developing methods to spatially allocate congregant resources, such as cooling centers, could help cities to more quickly respond and adapt to new compound challenges. There are also major lessons that were learned during the summer of 2020 that public health departments can draw from in developing best practices for designing future heat response plans in the context of a circulating, highly transmissible disease like COVID-19. The on-theground challenges of opening cooling centers while maintaining adequate social distancing was a key challenge for the emergency response community. While Interim CDC guidance has suggested new social physical distancing, air filtration, cleaning, and personal protective equipment protocols to operate cooling centers safely, 73 operators at a state and local level also J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f developed their own guidelines and best practices ranging from individual screening questions to rules about food delivery, masking, and re-entry. 38 In the long term, cities can also work to reduce the likelihood of extreme temperatures. For example, city planning to require cool pavement, energy efficient buildings, and green infrastructure to combat the urban heat island may help to reduce the magnitude of climate impacts faced by residents. 81, 82 Large scale policy initiatives to mitigate climate change may help in reducing more frequent, more severe, and longer lasting heat waves experienced by cities. 83 However, cities must also build in institutional and financial support systems to improve the resilience of cities by increasing access to cooling resources as urban environments warm. Our analysis found that EHE-response strategies were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic not only by policies to enacted limit the spread of COVID-19, but also the economic and staffing limitations induced by those pandemic-related public health restrictions. We found that the cities most able to provide resources to residents leveraged resources beyond traditional public health and emergency management departments. Our work underscores that evaluating multipurpose uses of physical infrastructure and developing improved analytical tools to identify the vulnerable will be a critical step to enabling improved responses to complex compound challenges. Intra-urban societal vulnerability to extreme heat: The role of heat exposure and the built environment, socioeconomics, and neighborhood stability More intense, more frequent, and longer lasting heat waves in the 21st century Related Deaths -United States The Urban Heat Island: Implications for Health in a Changing Environment Climate Change and Extreme Heat Events Heat Response Plans: Summary of Evidence and Strategies for Collaboration and Implementation Climate and Health Technical Report Series Climate and Health Program Municipal Heat Wave Response Plans Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago Excessive Heat Events Guidebook Strategies to reduce the harmful effects of extreme heat events: A four-city study A survey of public perception and response to heat warnings across four North American cities: An evaluation of municipal effectiveness Adaptive capacity to extreme heat: Results from a household survey in Houston The social impacts of the heathealth watch/warning system in Phoenix, Arizona: Assessing the perceived risk and response of the public Differential adaptive capacity to extreme heat: A Phoenix, Arizona, case study Public perception and behavior change in relationship to hot weather and air pollution Risk Factors for Heatstroke LIHEAP Recovery Crisis Program Metro Health Issues Heat Advisory -The City of San Antonio -Official City Website Excessive heat warning issued for San Antonio as temperatures hit 106 degrees NWS warns this will be the 'hottest weekend of the year' in More dangerous heat across the region today. A Heat Advisory has been posted for much of the area from 12 -8 PM. Even areas outside the advisory will see temperatures near 100 degrees, so there isn 20) NWS Austin/San Antonio on Twitter: 'A Heat Adivsory will be in effect again on Tuesday Peak afternoon Heat Index values will range from 108 to 114. Stay hydrated and in air-conditioning if possible Cooling centers to open across San Antonio Cooling centers open to public for heat relief | WOAI Pools and Splash Pads to Remain Closed -The City of San Antonio -Official City Website City's Department of Human Services come together for Project Cool to collect, distribute box fans to seniors -The City of San Antonio -Official City Website Hot weather expected in San Diego County until Sunday, Cool Zones closed Heat Wave To Continue Through Thursday In San Diego County | KPBS Temps to Sweep San Diego As Heat Wave Peaks -NBC 7 San Diego Sweltering Heat Expected for Labor Day Weekend -NBC Consumer Version Excessive Heat Response Plan. www Are San Diego Cool Zones Closed? | cbs8 Cool Zones plan on the horizon, free fan program launches Triple-digit heat and West Texas dust Heat advisory in effect this weekend 5 things to know about Austin's excessive heat this week FORECAST: Heat advisory in effect Sunday Dangerous heat continues today Duval County beach restrictions lifted How to apply for Jacksonville's emergency rental and utility assistance program Fort Worth swimming pools will be closed amid coronavirus | Fort Worth Star-Telegram Heat advisory issued for Thursday for much of Ohio | WSYX It's going to be hot: Lack of pools, community centers add to heat-wave woes. The Columbia Dispatch Here's when Ohio utilities will resume service shutoffs for unpaid bills -cleveland Heat advisory issued for central North Carolina | myfox8 Charlotte weather: Heat index dangers, storm in forecast | Charlotte Observer Looking for a place to escape the heat? Here's some cooling stations around the area Bay Area sees 110 degrees as region hits record temperatures during scorching heat wave Bay Area temps could hit 112 over Labor Day weekend -fire weather watch to follow heat warning Bay Area braces for intense heat, critical fire weather as Glass Fire continues to rage in Napa and Sonoma Counties List: Bay Area Cooling Centers Open for Hot Labor Day Weekend -NBC Bay Area San Francisco Department of Public Health City and Francisco Cooling Centers for Saturday September 2, 2017 | Department of Emergency Management San Francisco Allows Swim Team To Practice Despite COVID-19 Health Order Banning Pool Use Bay Area Beaches Remain Open During Hot Weekend -CBS San Francisco Indianapolis weather: Extreme heat, severe storms target Central Indiana Indy Parks splash pads, parks to reopen with mask guidelines in place Indy Parks will open these 5 Indianapolis pools -with some restrictions Ban on shutting off utilities extended six more weeks. extends-utility-shutoff-moratorium-denies-utilitiesrequest-recover-lost-revenue/3278411001 Some Western Washington cities hit over 95 degrees Monday Here's how high temps could get and when things may cool off. | The Seattle Times King County Modified Phase 1 (and 2) Seattle park and recreation guidance and the reopening of many amenities -Parkways Ratepayer Assistance and Preservation of Essential Services What health officials are saying on coronavirus, swimming pools Moratorium on utility disconnections expires; customers needing help encouraged to make payment arrangements or apply for assistance J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f expires-customers-needing-help-encouraged-make-payment Dangerous heat, humidity Monday in DC region with heat index values near 105 degrees Government of the District of Columbia Cooling centers DC near me: Here's a list of whats open Extreme heat closes coronavirus testing centers in DC | wusa9 Receive Assistance With Your Utility Bills (LIHEAP) Commission Updates in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. District of Columbia Public Service Commission Heat advisory issued for much of Massachusetts for Sunday, Monday -masslive Forecast: Extreme Heat Through Tuesday Mayor Walsh declares heat emergency, opens 20 BCYF community centers as cooling centers Boston to open cooling centers to deal with expected heat wave Beating the heat: Residents escape to Boston cooling centers Massachusetts beaches can reopen next week. Here are the rules you'll need to follow if you go Administration Extends Utility Shutoff Moratorium | El Pasoans head outdoors despite extreme heat Extreme Weather Task Force launches 2020 Summer Safety Campaign, Fan Drive After hitting 98 DEGREES yesterday, the NEW EDITION of the forecast would suggest we're not in for just 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER. If you're one of the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK, TAKE THAT to heart by getting yourself NSYNC with a heat index over 1-0-THE JACKSON 5 and drink lots of water Phase 2 Re-openings Wave Country's wave pool reopening this weekend in Nashville LIST: Cooling Centers Open In Detroit During Extreme Heat All public pools in metro Detroit, Detroit to be closed indefinitely Michigan pools, splash pads closed, beaches open Memorial Day weekend Michigan families vulnerable as economic safeguards expire Oklahoma pools, aquatic centers reopening amid pandemic | Oklahoma City Oklahoma Gas & Electric. OG&E to Resume Service-Disconnects Sept. 6. Press Release Intra-urban societal vulnerability to extreme heat: The role of heat exposure and the built environment, socioeconomics, and neighborhood stability More intense, more frequent, and longer lasting heat waves in the 21st century Heat-Related Deaths -United States The Urban Heat Island: Implications for Health in a Changing Environment Climate Change and Extreme Heat Events Heat Response Plans: Summary of Evidence and Strategies for Collaboration and Implementation Climate and Health Technical Report Series Climate and Health Program Municipal Heat Wave Response Plans Heat Wave: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago Excessive Heat Events Guidebook Strategies to reduce the harmful effects of extreme heat events: A four-city study A survey of public perception and response to heat warnings across four North American cities: An evaluation of municipal effectiveness Adaptive capacity to extreme heat: Results from a household survey in Houston The social impacts of the heat-health watch/warning system in Phoenix, Arizona: Assessing the perceived risk and response of the public Differential adaptive capacity to extreme heat: A Phoenix, Arizona, case study Public perception and behavior change in relationship to hot weather and air pollution Use of cooling centers to prevent heat-related illness : summary of evidence and strategies for implementation Perceptions of heat-susceptibility in older persons: Barriers to adaptation Extreme Heat Awareness and Protective Behaviors in New York City Household accessibility to heat refuges: Residential air conditioning, public cooled space, and walkability Protect the vulnerable from extreme heat during the COVID-19 pandemic Compound climate risks in the COVID-19 pandemic Trends in weather related disasters -Consequences for insurers and society Changes in risk of extreme weather events in Europe A new twenty-first century science for effective epidemic response Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for Incorporated Places of 50,000 or More Heat save lives: Estimated costs and benefits for Philadelphia 1995-98 Overview of existing heat-health warning systems in Europe Office of The Mayor of New York City. Mayor de Blasio Announces COVID-19 Heat Wave Plan to Protect Vulnerable New Yorkers | City of New York Approves Plan to Help Con Edison's Low-Income Customers Emergency Summer 2020 Cooling Bill Relief Program Provides Bill Credits to Low-Income Bill Discount Program Customers in NYC and Westchester County Financial Support Totaling Up to $70.56 Million 699B852585840063F94F/$File/pr20051.pdf?OpenElement Philadelphia Parks and Rec expands Playstreets with cooling kits -WHYY Dallas furloughs 472 city employees, cutting heavily into Park & Rec, libraries and the arts Columbus library board approves staff furloughs Menlo Park and Palo Alto plan service cuts as Covid-19 impacts municipal budgets Mayor Lightfoot and OEMC Expand Cooling Resources for Residents to Beat Extreme Heat This Week Philadelphia Department of Public Health Declares First Heat Health Emergency of 2020 | Department of Public Health | City of Philadelphia Opens 14 Cooling Centers Around The City El Paso operating cooling centers for triple-digit heat wave -KVIA Heatwave plus COVID-19 equal a strain on city resources A. suffered deadly heat, yet chairs sat empty at its cooling centers Fort Worth Designates Two Community Centers as Cooling Stations -NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth Despite triple-digit heat in the forecast, Dallas has not set up cooling stations Thousands of people pack California beaches despite coronavirus concerns Maskless Parties And Crowded Beaches Across U.S. As Coronavirus Spikes Over Holiday Weekend Seattle Parks' lifeguarded swimming areas now open -Parkways. Seattle Parks and Recreation Jacksonville pools to reopen in phases; mayor outlines plan for summer camps These Free Pools in Austin are Open Summer 2020 Household Energy Insecurity and COVID-19 Have Independent and Synergistic Health Effects on Vulnerable Populations Sociodemographic disparities in energy insecurity among low-income households before and during the COVID-19 pandemic One in three U.S. households faced challenges in paying energy bills in 2015. Energy Information Administration COVID-19 assistance needs to target energy insecurity LIHEAP DCL 2020-10 CARES Act Supplemental Funding Release FFY20 Heat or eat: The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and nutritional and health risks among children less than 3 years of age Global temperatures in 2020 tied record highs. Science (80-. ) AZ Heat Season Recap. Arizona Department of Health Services Transmission Dynamics by Age Group in COVID-19 Hotspot Counties -United States Near-real-time monitoring of global CO2 emissions reveals the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic Bay Area fires fueled by dry lightning and extreme heat Massive August fire is now the largest in California history -Los Angeles Times Complex fire burns record-breaking 1 million acres -Los Angeles Times The West Coast had the world's most polluted cities in September Scope of California Wildfires Is Staggering North Bay fires rage, Angwin and St. Helena Hospital ordered to evacuate Excessive heat warning in areas ravaged by Hurricane Laura, power outages -The Washington Post How Louisiana Medical Team Protected COVID-19 Patients as Hurricane Laura Roared In | Voice of America -English Buses Bring School to Students for Remote Learning Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Community-Based Adaptation to the Health Impacts of Climate Change The role of household level electricity data in improving estimates of the impacts of climate on building electricity use How many smart meters are installed in the United States, and who has them? Aggregated mobility data could help fight COVID-19. Science (80-. ) The social and spatial distribution of temperature-related health impacts from urban heat island reduction policies Investigating the climate impacts of urbanization and the potential for cool roofs to counter future climate change in Southern California Climate change and human health: impacts, vulnerability, and mitigation Health Alert #19: Help Prevent Heat-Related Illness and Death Among Heat-Vulnerable at-Vulnerable People During the COVID-19 Pandemic Dangerous Heat Wave Begins in NYC Health Alert #25 Heat Event Health Alert #27 Heat Event NYC Cooling Centers and Cool It! NYC Initiatives Available Tuesday to Help New Yorkers Beat the Heat NYC's Cooling Center Network Strands Nearly A Third Of City's Seniors -Gothamist Residents Faced With Sweltering Sunday, First Heat Wave Of The Year -CBS New York Get Cool NYC: Mayor de Blasio Updates New Yorkers on COVID-19 Summer Heat Plan | City of New York S08113 -Relates to issuing a moratorium on utility termination of services during periods of pandemics and/or state of emergencies As Heat Wave Sizzles in Southern California, Out-of-towners urged to Avoid Beaches Heat wave continues in Southern California, and it's not cooling down at night -Daily News Temperatures Climb by 20 Degrees During SoCal Hot Streak -NBC Los Angeles Los Angeles is in the grips of a heat wave this weekend -Los Angeles Times LA County Smashes an All-Time Heat Record Over Labor Day Weekend -NBC Los Angeles Fall heat wave breaks records, prompts statewide flex alert -Los Angeles Times COVID-19) -Creating a Heat Emergency Response Plan for Los Angeles County (Item No 23 Southern California prepares for heat wave amid Stay Home order, with or without air conditioning -ABC7 Los Angeles Cooling Center Guidance During Covid-19.v3 (5-2-20) Guidance for Operating Cooling Centers During COVID-19 Locations and Hours: Los Angeles Cooling Centers Are Open -NBC Los Angeles Cooling Center FAQs Cooling Centers and COVID-19 Public splash pads and pools are opening in L.A., but it's a trickle, not a torrent -Los Angeles Times City Council President Nury Martinez Announce $50 Million In Emergency Relief for Low-Income Households Impacted by COVID-19 Mayor Garcetti orders new restrictions on evictions, announces indefinite moratorium on water and power shutoffs in fight against COVID-19 | Office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti coronavirus testing centers -Los Angeles Times Heat Advisory In Effect; Temperatures Will Feel Like 105 -CBS Chicago 25 years after deadly heat wave, COVID-19 gives Chicago a new summer foe -Chicago Tribune New Program Offers ComEd Customers Additional Bill Assistance During Pandemic | ComEd -An Exelon Company Heat advisory for Houston area today, triple-digit ‗feels like' temps in forecast ‗Y'all, it's hot': Heat index could hit 110 in Houston; high temps expected through Tuesday Heat advisory starts at 10 a.m. for Houston today City of Houston and Reliant Launch 2020 Beat the Heat Program to Help Houstonians ‗Stay Cool in Your Home Houston cooling centers, a/c units part of Beat the Heat program | khou Houston Will Have 11 Cooling Centers During The Hot Summer Months -Houston Public Media Houston pools closed this summer Houston to swap cooling centers for A/C units amid pandemic's summer spike Texas' Moratorium On Electricity Shutoffs Comes To An End In October -CBS Dallas / Fort Worth Extreme heat impacts COVID-19 testing sites, causes some to close early Harris County coronavirus testing closed due to hot weather Heat Relief Efforts Adapt as COVID-19 Restrictions Remain in Place Phoenix to open convention center for homeless heat relief; more support is needed, advocates say Excessive heat warning: Heat relief stations activated in Phoenix | 12news Statement about City Pools for Summer 2020 Arizona Corporation Commission bans electricity shutoffs in summer Philadelphia weather has heat wave on tap, 100 degrees possible. The Philadelphia Inquirer Summer Arrives and Philadelphia Heat Plan Is Still Work-in-Progress -NBC10 Philadelphia Find Your Local Cooling Center and Protect Yourself From the Summer Heat Philadelphia opens cooling centers for heat emergency Philadelphia pools won't open in 2020 amid COVID-19 crisis | PhillyVoice Utilities can now cut off non-paying customers, Pa. agency says, but there are safeguards for the poor LIHEAP Recovery Crisis Program Metro Health Issues Heat Advisory -The City of San Antonio -Official City Website Excessive heat warning issued for San Antonio as temperatures hit 106 degrees NWS warns this will be the ‗hottest weekend of the year' in More dangerous heat across the region today. A Heat Advisory has been posted for much of the area from 12 -8 PM. Even areas outside the advisory will see temperatures near 100 degrees, so there isn ‗A Heat Adivsory will be in effect again on Tuesday. Peak afternoon Heat Index values will range from 108 to 114. Stay hydrated and in air-conditioning if possible Cooling centers to open across San Antonio Cooling centers open to public for heat relief | WOAI Pools and Splash Pads to Remain Closed -The City of San Antonio -Official City Website City's Department of Human Services come together for Project Cool to collect, distribute box fans to seniors -The City of San Antonio -Official City Website Hot weather expected in San Diego County until Sunday, Cool Zones closed Heat Wave To Continue Through Thursday In San Diego County | KPBS Temps to Sweep San Diego As Heat Wave Peaks -NBC 7 San Diego Sweltering Heat Expected for Labor Day Weekend -NBC 7 San Diego Consumer Version Excessive Heat Response Plan. www Are San Diego Cool Zones Closed? | cbs8 Cool Zones plan on the horizon, free fan program launches San Diego County to public pool visitors: not yet | San Diego Reader As of May 4: What's open and closed this week: Beaches, parks and trails in Southern California -Los Angeles Times EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION AND ORDER DIRECTING UTILITIES TO IMPLEMENT EMERGENCY CUSTOMER PROTECTIONS TO SUPPORT CALIFORNIA CUSTOMERS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Heat advisory issued for Dallas-Fort Worth as humidity pushes heat index values into the 100s With highs in the 100s expected, heat advisory for Dallas-Fort Worth extended through Sunday night Much Of North Texas Under Excessive Heat Warning -CBS Dallas Dangerous heat expected this weekend in North Texas | wfaa The Salvation Army debuts cooling stations as Dallas-Fort Worth hits triple-digit temperatures City of Dallas -Office of Emergency Management. City of Dallas Heat Advisory Response Where to find free splash pads, spraygrounds and fountains Some Pools Close Due to Pandemic Bay Area weather: Memorial Day temps reach record highs Heat wave hits Bay Area as shelter in place, curfews force people to stay indoors Bay Area heat wave: Record temps in San Jose Heat Wave Leaves Bay Area Scrambling for Ways to Cool Down Cooling Centers Open to Help Beat the Heat -NBC Bay Area Pools to remain closed in Santa Clara County amid heat wave PG&E Reminds Customers of Ongoing Support Available to Help with the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts | PG&E Triple-digit heat and West Texas dust Heat advisory in effect this weekend 5 things to know about Austin's excessive heat this week FORECAST: Heat advisory in effect Sunday Dangerous heat continues today Duval County beach restrictions lifted How to apply for Jacksonville's emergency rental JEA: Pandemic reprieve for disconnections ends Fort Worth swimming pools will be closed amid coronavirus | Fort Worth Star-Telegram Heat advisory issued for Thursday for much of Ohio | WSYX It's going to be hot: Lack of pools, community centers add to heat-wave woes. The Columbia Dispatch Here's when Ohio utilities will resume service shutoffs for unpaid bills -cleveland Heat advisory issued for central North Carolina | myfox8 Charlotte weather: Heat index dangers, storm in forecast | Charlotte Observer Helping Residents Stay Cool During Extreme Heat Looking for a place to escape the heat? Here's some cooling stations around the area Bay Area sees 110 degrees as region hits record temperatures during Bay Area temps could hit 112 over Labor Day weekend -fire weather watch to follow heat warning Bay Area braces for intense heat, critical fire weather as Glass Fire continues to rage in Napa and Sonoma Counties List: Bay Area Cooling Centers Open for Hot Labor Day Weekend -NBC Bay Area San Francisco Department of Public Health City and County of San Francisco Cooling Centers for Saturday September 2, 2017 | Department of Emergency Management San Francisco Allows Swim Team To Practice Despite COVID-19 Health Order Banning Pool Use Bay Area Beaches Remain Open During Hot Weekend -CBS San Francisco Indianapolis weather: Extreme heat, severe storms target Central Indiana Indy Parks splash pads, parks to reopen with mask guidelines in place Indy Parks will open these 5 Indianapolis pools -with some restrictions Ban on shutting off utilities extended six more weeks Some Western Washington cities hit over 95 degrees Monday Here's how high temps could get and when things may cool off. | The Seattle Times King County Modified Phase 1 (and 2) Seattle park and recreation guidance and the reopening of many amenities -Parkways What health officials are saying on coronavirus, swimming pools Moratorium on utility disconnections expires; customers needing help encouraged to make payment arrangements or apply for assistance Dangerous heat, humidity Monday in DC region with heat index values near 105 degrees Government of the District of Columbia Cooling centers DC near me: Here's a list of whats open Extreme heat closes coronavirus testing centers in DC | wusa9 Receive Assistance With Your Utility Bills (LIHEAP) Commission Updates in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. District of Columbia Public Service Commission Heat advisory issued for much of Massachusetts for Sunday, Mondaymasslive Forecast: Extreme Heat Through Tuesday Mayor Walsh declares heat emergency, opens 20 BCYF community centers as cooling centers Boston to open cooling centers to deal with expected heat wave Beating the heat: Residents escape to Boston cooling centers Here are the rules you'll need to follow if you go. Boston Administration Extends Utility Shutoff Moratorium | Weather Authority Alert: Heat Advisory today, rain/ storm chances return | KTSM 9 News Weather Warn Day: Dangerous heat is on the way El Paso soars to 109 again as Excessive Heat Warning is in effect for 1st time in 25 years -KVIA El Paso hits 109 degrees to blow past old high temp record during heat advisory Juárez in heat advisory as temperatures top 100 degrees again Heat Advisory El Paso cooling centers extends hours of operation to help residents face extreme heat El Pasoans head outdoors despite extreme heat Extreme Weather Task Force launches 2020 Summer Safety Campaign, Fan Drive After hitting 98 DEGREES yesterday, the NEW EDITION of the forecast we're not in for just 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER. If you're one of the NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK, TAKE THAT to heart by getting yourself NSYNC with a heat index over 1-0-THE JACKSON 5 and drink lots of water Phase 2 Re-openings Wave Country's wave pool reopening this weekend in Nashville City of Detroit safely opens recreation centers to provide relief from extreme heat and protection against COVID-19 | City of Detroit LIST: Cooling Centers Open In Detroit During Extreme Heat All public pools in metro Detroit, Detroit to be closed indefinitely Michigan pools, splash pads closed, beaches open Memorial Day weekend Michigan families vulnerable as economic safeguards expire Oklahoma pools, aquatic centers reopening amid pandemic | Oklahoma City declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests