key: cord-1036309-xw4prglz authors: Abd-ElGawad, Ahmed M.; Elgamal, Abdelbaset M.; EI-Amier, Yasser A.; Mohamed, Tarik A.; El Gendy, Abd El-Nasser G.; I. Elshamy, Abdelsamed title: Chemical Composition, Allelopathic, Antioxidant, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Sesquiterpenes Rich Essential Oil of Cleome amblyocarpa Barratte & Murb. date: 2021-06-25 journal: Plants (Basel) DOI: 10.3390/plants10071294 sha: 49cecd6bc0d4798f8a04344dd55d69da2d792501 doc_id: 1036309 cord_uid: xw4prglz The integration of green natural chemical resources in agricultural, industrial, and pharmaceutical applications allures researchers and scientistic worldwide. Cleome amblyocarpa has been reported as an important medicinal plant. However, its essential oil (EO) has not been well studied; therefore, the present study aimed to characterize the chemical composition of the C. amblyocarpa, collected from Egypt, and assess the allelopathic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities of its EO. The EO of C. amblyocarpa was extracted by hydrodistillation and characterized via gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The chemometric analysis of the EO composition of the present studied ecospecies and the other reported ecospecies was studied. The allelopathic activity of the EO was evaluated against the weed Dactyloctenium aegyptium. Additionally, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities were determined. Forty-eight compounds, with a prespondence of sesquiterpenes, were recorded. The major compounds were caryophyllene oxide (36.01%), hexahydrofarnesyl acetone (7.92%), alloaromadendrene epoxide (6.17%), myrtenyl acetate (5.73%), isoshyobunone (4.52%), shyobunol (4.19%), and trans-caryophyllene (3.45%). The chemometric analysis revealed inconsistency in the EO composition among various studied ecospecies, where it could be ascribed to the environmental and climatic conditions. The EO showed substantial allelopathic inhibitory activity against the germination, seedling root, and shoot growth of D. aegyptium, with IC(50) values of 54.78, 57.10, and 74.07 mg L(−1). Additionally, the EO showed strong antioxidant potentiality based on the IC(50) values of 4.52 mg mL(−1) compared to 2.11 mg mL(−1) of the ascorbic acid as standard. Moreover, this oil showed significant anti-inflammation via the suppression of lipoxygenase (LOX) and cyclooxygenases (COX1, and COX2), along with membrane stabilization. Further study is recommended for analysis of the activity of pure authentic materials of the major compounds either singularly or in combination, as well as for evaluation of their mechanism(s) and modes of action as antioxidants or allelochemicals. The hydrodistillation of the air-dried powder of the above-ground parts of C. amblyocarpa yielded 0.38% (v/w) of golden-yellow oil. Depending upon the GC-MS analysis ( Figure 1 ), 48 compounds were characterized, representing 97.17% of the total mass ( Table 1 ). The Egyptian ecospecies of the present study yielded higher EO yield compared to Iranian [27] and Saudi [28] ecospecies, which had 0.20 and 0.21%, respectively. This variation in oil production could be ascribed to environmental, climatic, or genetic factors [5, 6, [29] [30] [31] . The term "ecospecies" means that species of the plant can be divided into several ecotypes (a genetically distinct population of plants that is growing in a particular habitat). In the EO of C. amblyocarpa, six classes of components were determined, comprising oxygenated sesquiterpenes, sesquiterpenes hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes, diterpenes hydrocarbons, oxygenated diterpenes, apocarotenoid-derived compounds, carotenoid-derived compounds, and other compounds ( Figure 2 ). These compounds pooled as 81.80% oxygenated compounds and 15.37% as non-oxygenated compounds. From overall mass, terpenoids represented the main constituents with a relative 84.88% with a preponderance of sesquiterpenes (75.77%), a remarkable concentration of monoterpenes (8.72%), and traces of diterpenes (0.39%). The abundance of terpenoids in the EO of C. amblyocarpa was in agreement with the data reported for samples collected from Iran [27] and the United Arab Emirates [26] . In contrast, the plurality of sesquiterpenes was inconsistent with the Iranian C. amblyocarpa, in which diterpenoids were determined as the major class [27] , and C. amblyocarpa collected from the United Arab Emirates, in which monoterpenes were the main constituents [26] . These significant variations of chemical composition might be ascribed to environmental circumstances (such as temperature, rainfall, soil factors, altitude, etc.) and genetic characteristics [11, 30, 32, 33] . Sesquiterpenes were assigned as the main components involving the oxygenated compounds as majors (60.62%) in addition to a relative concentration of 15.15% of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Out of the 16 identified oxygenated sesquiterpenes, caryophyllene oxide (36.01%), alloaromadendrene epoxide (6.17%), isoshyobunone (4.52%), and shy- Sesquiterpenes were assigned as the main components involving the oxygenated compounds as majors (60.62%) in addition to a relative concentration of 15.15% of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Out of the 16 identified oxygenated sesquiterpenes, caryophyllene oxide (36.01%), alloaromadendrene epoxide (6.17%), isoshyobunone (4.52%), and shyobunol (4.19%) represented the major compounds, whereas β-cubebene (0.13%) was the minor compound. Caryophyllene oxide is a common major compound in several EOs derived from plants such as Cullen plicata [34] , Schinus polygamus [35] , Curcuma sahuynhensis [36] . Caryophyllene oxide was documented as a minor compound in the EO of Iranian C. amblyocarpa [27] , and totally absent from the EO of C. amblyocarpa collected from the United Arab Emirates [26] , Tunisia [37] , and Saudi Arabia [28] . On the other hand, trans-caryophyllene (3.45%), and α-muurolene (2.30%) were found to be the main sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, whereas silphiperfol-5,7(14)-diene (0.13%) was determined as a minor component. transcaryophyllene has been reported in trace amounts of the EO of the Iranian ecospecies of C. amblyocarpa [27] , whereas it is completely absent from the EO of Saudi [28] , Emirati [26] , and Tunisian [37] ecospecies. The oxygenated monoterpenes were represented by 8.72%, which contained seven compounds, with myrtenyl acetate (5.73%) and borneol (1.12%) as major compounds. These two compounds are totally absent from the other ecospecies of C. amblyocarpa [26] [27] [28] 37] . On the other hand, low diterpene contents were determined and represented by two compounds, geranyl-α-terpinene (0.22%) and phytol (0.17%). However, diterpenes were absent from other ecospecies of C. amblyocarpa. In other species of Cleome genus, phytol was reported in a high concentration such as C. monophylla [23] , C. serrata [24] , and C. serrata [38] . Carotenoid-derived compounds were determined in a concentration of 3.03%, that represented only two compounds, dihydroedulan II (1.64%) and theaspirane A (1.39%). Only one apocarotenoid-derived compound, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, was identified with a high relative concentration (7.92%), whereas it was completely absent from the other reported ecospecies of C. amblyocarpa [26] [27] [28] 37] . Hexahydrofarnesyl acetone is a widely distributed major compound in the EOs of several plants such as Bassia muricata [10] , Heliotropium curassavicum [33] , Hildegardia barteri [39] , Trianthema portulacastrum [40] . Finally, traces of other non-terpenoid components were characterized including only two compounds, p-isopropy-l-benzaldehyde (1.16%) and 9,12-octadecadienoic acid (0.18%). The chemometric analysis of the EO composition of the present studied C. amblyocarpa and other reported ecospecies (Saudi, Iranian, Tunisian, and Emirati) was performed using cluster analysis and PCA ( Figure 3 ). The cluster analysis revealed substantial variations among the studied ecospecies, and we can categorize them into three groups: group I comprising the present Egyptian and Tunisian ecospecies, group II containing Emirati and Iranian ecospecies, and finally the Saudi ecospecies separated alone as group III (Figure 3a) . Interestingly, the chemometric analysis revealed that the EO compositions of ecospecies from the nearest countries were similar. This observation reflects the effect of environmental and climatic factors [30, 32, 33] . However, the present studied C. amblyocarpa ecospecies showed a correlation with the caryophyllene oxide, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, and shyobunol, whereas the Tunisian ecospecies showed a correlation with ethyl 3-methylpentanoate, 7-epi-silphiperfol-5-ene, αcopaene, and 1,8-cineole (Figure 3b ). The Saudi ecospecies was characterized by cis-dihydro carvone, 2-methoxy-4-vinyl phenol, and cubebene heptanal. The EO of C. amblyocarpa showed significant allelopathic activity of the seed germination (p < 0.05) as well as the shoot and root development of D. aegyptium in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 4a ). At the highest concentration (100 µg mL −1 ), the germination was inhibited by 70.18%, whereas the seedling root and shoot were reduced by 75.88% and 61.87%, respectively. Based on the IC 50 values, the root was more affected than the shoot, where the roots had an IC 50 value of 57.10 µg mL −1 , and the root attained 74.07 µg mL −1 (Figure 4b ). Root has been reported to be more affected by allelochemicals than the shoot. This observation was reported for many plant species such as Deverra tortuosa [41] , Teucrium polium [42] , Calotropis procera [5] , Ficus carica [43] , and C. plicata [34] . This could be ascribed to the direct contact of the root with the medium and the high permeability of root cells [34, 44] . The chemometric analysis of the EO composition of the present studied C. amblyocarpa and other reported ecospecies (Saudi, Iranian, Tunisian, and Emirati) was performed using cluster analysis and PCA (Figure 3 ). The cluster analysis revealed substantial variations among the studied ecospecies, and we can categorize them into three groups: group I comprising the present Egyptian and Tunisian ecospecies, group II containing Emirati and Iranian ecospecies, and finally the Saudi ecospecies separated alone as group III (Figure 3a) . Interestingly, the chemometric analysis revealed that the EO compositions of ecospecies from the nearest countries were similar. This observation reflects the effect of environmental and climatic factors [30, 32, 33] . However, the present studied C. amblyocarpa ecospecies showed a correlation with the caryophyllene oxide, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, and shyobunol, whereas the Tunisian ecospecies showed a correlation with ethyl 3-methylpentanoate, 7-epi-silphiperfol-5ene, α-copaene, and 1,8-cineole (Figure 3b ). The Saudi ecospecies was characterized by cis-dihydro carvone, 2-methoxy-4-vinyl phenol, and cubebene heptanal. The EO of C. amblyocarpa showed significant allelopathic activity of the seed germination (p < 0.05) as well as the shoot and root development of D. aegyptium in a dosedependent manner (Figure 4a ). At the highest concentration (100 µg mL −1 ), the germination was inhibited by 70.18%, whereas the seedling root and shoot were reduced by 75.88% and 61.87%, respectively. Based on the IC50 values, the root was more affected than the shoot, where the roots had an IC50 value of 57.10 µg mL −1 , and the root attained 74.07 µg mL −1 (Figure 4b ). Root has been reported to be more affected by allelochemicals than the shoot. This observation was reported for many plant species such as Deverra tortuosa [41] , Teucrium polium [42] , Calotropis procera [5] , Ficus carica [43] , and C. plicata [34] . This could be ascribed to the direct contact of the root with the medium and the high permeability of root cells [34, 44] . To the best of our knowledge, the allelopathic activity of the EO from C. amblyocarpa has not been studied yet. However, the aqueous, hexane, chloroform, and methanol extracts from C. amblyocarpa have been reported to inhibit lettuce germination and growth To the best of our knowledge, the allelopathic activity of the EO from C. amblyocarpa has not been studied yet. However, the aqueous, hexane, chloroform, and methanol extracts from C. amblyocarpa have been reported to inhibit lettuce germination and growth [45] . At a concentration of 6 g L −1 , ethyl acetate showed a complete inhibition of lettuce growth, whereas Peganum harmala, Raphanus sativus, and Silybum marianum were more resistant. Additionally, Ladhari et al. [46] identified some terpenoids and flavonoids from C. amblyocarpa, where dammarane-type triterpenes showed strong allelopathic activity, and flavonoid compounds exhibited <50% inhibition of the targeted species. In our results, the allelopathic activity of C. amblyocarpa EO could be attributed to the activity of a single or combination of the major identified compounds. Caryophyllene oxide is reportedly a major compound of the EOs with substantial allelopathic activity such as C. plicata [34] , H. curassavicum [33] , Acroptilon repens [47] , Teucrium arduini, T. montbretii [48] , and Nepeta curviflora [49] . On the other hand, the EO from Launaea mucronata and L. nudicaulis showed the presence of hexahydrofarnesyl acetone as a major compound, where it revealed significant allelopathic activity against the weed: Portulaca oleracea [30] . Additionally, the EO of H. curassavicum had hexahydrofarnesyl acetone as the main compound, and showed marked allelopathic activity on Chenopodium murale [33] . The major compound, alloaromadendrene epoxide, in the EO of the present C. amblyocarpa has also been reported as the main compound (7.32%) of the EOs from Lactuca serriola that showed allelopathic activity against the weed Bidens pilosa [50] ; however, in the EO of Calamintha nepeta, it did not show significant allelopathic activity against Raphanus sativus, Lepidium sativum, Sinapis arvensis, Triticum durum, and Phalaris canariensis [51] . This inconsistency could be attributed to the resistance of the weeds and shows that allelochemicals are species-specific [52] . Generally, the oxygenated terpene compounds have been reported to possess allelopathic activity compared to the non-oxygenated compounds [6] . In the present study, the EO of C. amblyocarpa was very rich in oxygenated compounds (81.80%), which could explain the notable allelopathic activity. The activity of C. amblyocarpa EO in the reduction in the DPPH revealed significant antioxidant activity in a dose-dependent manner ( Figure 5 ). At the lowest concentration of the EO (10 mg mL −1 ), the EO showed a 15.28% scavenging activity of the DPPH, whereas at the highest concentration (100 mg mL −1 ), the antioxidant activity was reduced by 3.7fold of the lowest concentration of the EO. Based on the IC 50 , the C. amblyocarpa EO had a value of 4.52 mg mL −1 compared to 2.11 mg mL −1 of the ascorbic acid as a standard antioxidant. The antioxidant activity of EOs in the present study were lower than those reported from Tunisian ecospecies [37] . This could be ascribed to the variation in the EO chemical compositions ( Table 1) . The free radical scavenging activities of plant extracts and/or EOs were directly correlated with the concentration of the oxygenation of their constituents due to the increase in the free electrons [53] . The present data revealed 81.08% of oxygenated compounds, which means that a wealth of free electrons can act to diminish free radicals in the evaluation reaction. More specifically, the activity of this EO may be attributed to the activity of major compounds, either singularly or in synergy. Caryophyllene oxide has been reported to possess antioxidant activity [34] . EOs rich in hexahydrofarnesyl, such as B. muricata [10] and H. curassavicum [33] , showed substantial antioxidant activity. The EO extracted from L. serriola has been reported to be rich in alloaromadendrene epoxide and isoshyobunone, where it expressed strong antioxidant activity [50] . The free radical scavenging activities of plant extracts and/or EOs were directly correlated with the concentration of the oxygenation of their constituents due to the increase in the free electrons [53] . The present data revealed 81.08% of oxygenated compounds, which means that a wealth of free electrons can act to diminish free radicals in the evaluation reaction. More specifically, the activity of this EO may be attributed to the activity of major compounds, either singularly or in synergy. Caryophyllene oxide has been reported to possess antioxidant activity [34] . EOs rich in hexahydrofarnesyl, such as B. muricata [10] and H. curassavicum [33] , showed substantial antioxidant activity. The EO extracted from L. serriola has been reported to be rich in alloaromadendrene epoxide and isoshyobunone, where it expressed strong antioxidant activity [50] . For the first time, the anti-inflammatory of EO of C. amblyocarpa has been evaluated via inhibition of the enzymes, lipoxygenase (LOX), cyclooxygenases (COX1, and COX2), as well as membrane stabilization. The results presented in Figure 6 revealed that the EO exhibited a significant anti-inflammatory action via the inhibition of LOX, COX1, and COX2 with respective IC50 values of 1.67, 12.77, 13.43 µg mL −1 , whereas ibuprofen showed inhibition with IC50 values of 1.53, 10.26, and 12.71µg mL −1 , respectively. Additionally, the For the first time, the anti-inflammatory of EO of C. amblyocarpa has been evaluated via inhibition of the enzymes, lipoxygenase (LOX), cyclooxygenases (COX1, and COX2), as well as membrane stabilization. The results presented in Figure 6 revealed that the EO exhibited a significant anti-inflammatory action via the inhibition of LOX, COX1, and COX2 with respective IC 50 These data revealed that this EO has potent anti-inflammatory potentialities comparable with the two reference drugs, ibuprofen, and indomethacin, especially via the inhibition of lipoxygenase (LOX) and cyclooxygenase (COX1). This capability of EO for the inhibition of inflammations might be directly ascribed to the terpenoid contents as the main components (84.88%) [54] . Terpenoids represented major components of many of the documented plants with significant anti-inflammatory potentialities such as Araucaria heterophylla [8] , Ocimum basilicum [55] , and Limnophila indica [56] . Many studies have deduced that volatile sesquiterpene compounds have a potent anti-inflammation role in in vivo and in vitro models, especially caryophyllene and its oxide form [57] . Chavan et al. [58] described that the caryophyllene oxide, isolated from Annona squamosa, has significant in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. EO derived from Cordia verbenacea as well as its active constituent, caryophyllene, were demonstrated to exhibit strong anti-inflammatory activity was discussed with regard to their interfering with the production of TNF-α [59] . Moreover, Medeiros et al. [60] described that trans-caryophyllene showed potent anti-inflammatory in rats by significantly decreasing the migration of neutrophils as well as increasing the NF-κB-induced stimulation by lipopolysaccharides. The EO of Sardinian Santolina corsica has been reported to contain a remarkable content of aromadendrene derivatives that exhibit a significant anti-inflammatory [61] . The enriched EO of Algerian Myrtus communis with myrtenyl acetate (38.7%) was shown to reduce the mice's inflammation and paw edema at a concentration of 100 mg/kg [62] . In addition to these significant roles of the main components, the other compounds were expected to have an important contribution via synergetic effects [8] . Based upon all these reported data, it is very clear that the present data agree with the previously documented. These data revealed that this EO has potent anti-inflammatory potentialities comparable with the two reference drugs, ibuprofen, and indomethacin, especially via the inhibition of lipoxygenase (LOX) and cyclooxygenase (COX1). This capability of EO for the inhibition of inflammations might be directly ascribed to the terpenoid contents as the main components (84.88%) [54] . Terpenoids represented major components of many of the documented plants with significant anti-inflammatory potentialities such as Araucaria heterophylla [8] , Ocimum basilicum [55] , and Limnophila indica [56] . Many studies have deduced that volatile sesquiterpene compounds have a potent anti-inflammation role in in vivo and in vitro models, especially caryophyllene and its oxide form [57] . Chavan et al. [58] described that the caryophyllene oxide, isolated from Annona squamosa, has significant in vivo anti-inflammatory activity. EO derived from Cordia verbenacea as well as its active constituent, caryophyllene, were demonstrated to exhibit strong anti-inflammatory activity was discussed with regard to their interfering with the production of TNF-α [59] . Moreover, Medeiros et al. [60] described that trans-caryophyllene showed potent anti-inflammatory in rats by significantly decreasing the migration of neutrophils as well as increasing the NF-κB-induced stimulation by lipopolysaccharides. The EO of Sardinian Santolina corsica has been reported to contain a remarkable content of aromadendrene derivatives that exhibit a significant anti-inflammatory [61] . The enriched EO of Algerian Myrtus communis with myrtenyl acetate (38.7%) was shown to reduce the mice's inflammation and paw edema at a concentration of 100 mg/kg [62] . In addition to these significant roles of the main components, the other compounds were expected to have an important contribution via synergetic effects [8] . Based upon all these reported data, it is very clear that the present data agree with the previously documented. Additionally, the present results could be attributed to the prevalence of sesquiterpenes, especially trans-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide. Composite samples of the above-ground parts of the flowering C. amblyocarpa were collected in May 2018 from Wadi Hajoul, eastern desert, Egypt (29 • 57 51.2 N 32 • 08 57.9 E). The flowering plant was presented in Figure 7 The samples were collected from two populations in plastic bags, transferred to the laboratory, air-dried in a shaded place at room temperature for seven days, crushed into powder, and stored in paper bags until further analysis. The plant was identified according to [63, 64] . A herbarium sheet (Mans.030301002) was prepared and deposited in the Herbarium of Botany Department, College of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt. Additionally, the present results could be attributed to the prevalence of sesquiterpenes, especially trans-caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide. Composite samples of the above-ground parts of the flowering C. amblyocarpa were collected in May 2018 from Wadi Hajoul, eastern desert, Egypt (29°57′51.2″ N 32°08′57.9″ E). The flowering plant was presented in Figure 7 The samples were collected from two populations in plastic bags, transferred to the laboratory, air-dried in a shaded place at room temperature for seven days, crushed into powder, and stored in paper bags until further analysis. The plant was identified according to [63] and [64] . A herbarium sheet (Mans.030301002) was prepared and deposited in the Herbarium of Botany Department, College of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt. The EO chemical compositions of the two extracted EO samples were analyzed and identified separately by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), as described in our previous publication [65] . The allelopathic activity of the extracted EO from the above-ground parts of C. amblyocarpa was evaluated in vitro against the weed, Dactyloctenium aegyptium. The ripe seeds of the weed were collected from a cultivated field near Gamasa city, northern Mediterranean coast, Egypt (31°26′19.3″ N 31°34′12.9″ E). The uniform seeds were surface-sterilized with sodium hypochlorite (0.3%), rinsed with distilled sterilized water, and dried under sterile conditions [34] . To test the allelopathic activity, serial concentrations (10-100 µg mL −1 ) of the EO were prepared using 1% polysorbate 80 (Sigma-Aldrich, Darmstadt, Germany) as an emulsifier. In a Petri plate, 20 sterilized seeds of D. aegyptium were arranged over wetted Whatman filter paper (Sigma-Aldrich, Darmstadt, Germany), either with each concentration or polysorbate 80 (as positive control). The plates were sealed The EO chemical compositions of the two extracted EO samples were analyzed and identified separately by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), as described in our previous publication [65] . The allelopathic activity of the extracted EO from the above-ground parts of C. amblyocarpa was evaluated in vitro against the weed, Dactyloctenium aegyptium. The ripe seeds of the weed were collected from a cultivated field near Gamasa city, northern Mediterranean coast, Egypt (31 • 26 19.3 N 31 • 34 12.9 E). The uniform seeds were surface-sterilized with sodium hypochlorite (0.3%), rinsed with distilled sterilized water, and dried under sterile conditions [34] . To test the allelopathic activity, serial concentrations (10-100 µg mL −1 ) of the EO were prepared using 1% polysorbate 80 (Sigma-Aldrich, Darmstadt, Germany) as an emulsifier. In a Petri plate, 20 sterilized seeds of D. aegyptium were arranged over wetted Whatman filter paper (Sigma-Aldrich, Darmstadt, Germany), either with each concentration or polysorbate 80 (as positive control). The plates were sealed with Parafilm ® tape (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) and kept in a growth chamber adjusted at 25 • C. The plates were checked every day, and after 7 days, the number of germinated seeds was counted, and the lengths (mm) of seedling roots and shoots were measured. The inhibition of the germination, root growth, and shoot growth of seedlings was calculated according to the following equation: Additionally, the IC 50 , which is the concentration of the EO required for 50% inhibition of seed germination or seedling growth, was calculated by linear regression of the inhibition values versus various EO concentrations using MS-EXCEL 2016. The antioxidant activity of the EO from C. amblyocarpa was estimated based on its ability to reduce the stable radical, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). According to the method of Miguel [66] , a reaction mixture of an equal volume of 0.3 mM of freshly prepared DPPH and serial concentrations (10-100 mg mL −1 ) of the EO or ascorbic acid as standard was prepared and well shaken. The mixture was incubated in dark conditions at room temperature (25 ± 2 • C) for 30 min. The absorbance was measured at 517 nm using a spectrophotometer (Spectronic 21D model). The scavenging activity was estimated according to the following equation: The IC 50 , which is the concentration of the EO required to reduce the color of the DPPH by 50%, was calculated graphically by linear regression using MS-EXCEL 2016. The anti-inflammatory activity of the EO from the above-ground parts of C. amblyocarpa was evaluated by assessing the in vitro membrane stabilizing, and inhibition of lipoxygenase (LOX, EC: and cyclooxygenase (COX1 and COX 2, EC: enzymes. The membrane-stabilizing activity of the samples was assessed using hypotonic solution-induced erythrocyte (RBCs) hemolysis [67] . For the preparation of erythrocyte suspension, whole blood was obtained with heparinized syringes from rats through cardiac puncture. The blood was washed three times with isotonic buffered solution (154 mM NaCl) in 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) and immediately centrifuged for 10 min at 3000× g. The test sample consisted of stock erythrocyte suspension (0.5 mL), 5 mL of hypotonic solution (50 mM NaCl), and the C. amblyocarpa EO (7.81-1000 µg mL −1 in ethanol) or indomethacin (as a standard drug). The control sample consisted of 0.5 mL of stock erythrocyte suspension and hypotonic-buffered saline solution alone. The mixtures were incubated for 10 min at room temperature (25 ± 2 • C) and centrifuged for 10 min at 3000× g. In 96-well plates, the absorbance of the supernatant was measured at 540 nm. The percentage inhibition of hemolysis or membrane stabilization were calculated according to the modified method described by Shinde et al. [67] as follows: where A control is the absorbance control, and A treatment is the absorbance treatment. The IC 50 value was defined as the concentration of the EO required to inhibit 50% of the RBC hemolysis under the assay conditions. It was calculated graphically by linear regression of the inhibition values of different concentrations using MS-EXCEL 2016. The activity of the C. amblyocarpa EO on the inhibition of the LOX enzyme (type I-B) was determined according to Granica et al. [68] , with slight modifications. Briefly, in 96-well plates, 100 µL of soybean (Glycine max) LOX solution (1000 U/mL in borate buffer solution, pH 9) and 200 µL of borate buffer were mixed together with various concentrations of either EO (to a final concentration range of 0.98-125 µg mL −1 ) or ibuprofen as a reference drug. Samples were pre-incubated with 100 µL of linoleic acid (substrate) to initiate the reaction and then were incubated at 25 • C for 15 min. The absorbance increase was measured at 234 nm using a microplate reader (BioTek Instruments Inc., Winooski, VT, USA). The inhibition percentage and IC 50 were calculated as previously mentioned in the membrane stabilization inhibition assay. The COX activity was monitored as a result of the oxidation reaction of N,N,N,Ntetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) with arachidonic acid according to the protocol of Petrovic and Murray [69] , with slight modifications. The activity of the EO or ibuprofen as a reference drug at a concentration range of 0.98-125 µg mL −1 was determined by monitoring the absorbance of TMPD oxidation reaction with arachidonic acid at 611 nm using a microplate reader (BioTek Instruments Inc., Winooski, VT, USA). The inhibition percentage and IC 50 were calculated as previously mentioned in the membrane stabilization inhibition assay. The experiment of allelopathic bioassay was repeated three times with five replicas per each treatment. The data were subjected to one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's HSD at the probability level of 0.05 using CoStat software program, version 6.311 (http: //, CoHort, Monterey, CA, USA, 1 April 2017). Additionally, the antioxidant scavenging data were subjected to one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's HSD. The data of anti-inflammatory activity were compared using paired two-tailed t-tests using the XLSTAT 2018 program (, Addinsoft Inc., New York, NY, USA, 15 January 2018). Chemometric analysis of the EO compositions of the studied Egyptian ecospecies in the present study and four other studied ecospecies collected from Saudi Arabia [28] , Tunisia [37] , Iran [27] , and the United Arab Emirates [26] was performed via cluster analysis (agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) and principal components analysis (PCA). We constructed a matrix of 65 compounds, from six samples of C. amblyocarpa, with a concentration >2%. The matrix was subjected to AHC and PCA using the XLSTAT 2018 program (https: //, Addinsoft Inc., New York, NY, USA, 15 January 2018). For the first time, the analysis of the EO from the above-ground parts of the Egyptian ecospecies of C. amblyocarpa revealed the presence of 48 compounds, with a prevalence of sesquiterpenes. Caryophyllene oxide, hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, alloaromadendrene epoxide, myrtenyl acetate, isoshyobunone, shyobunol, and trans-caryophyllene have been identified as major compounds. The chemometric analysis of the presently studied ecospecies and other reported ecospecies revealed significant variation in the EO composition that could be ascribed to variation in the environmental and climatic conditions. EO showed substantial allelopathic inhibitory activity against the weed D. aegyptium, reflecting the potentiality of using this EO as an eco-friendly bioherbicide. Additionally, the EO showed significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Further studies are recommended for evaluation (i) of anti-inflammatory effects of the C. ambliocarpa EO on an in vitro cell model (ex. RAW 264.7 cells); and (ii) the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and allelochemical activities along with the possible modes of action of the pure samples of the main EO compounds either singularly or in combination. Green chemistry Green chemistry: Science and politics of change Innovations and green chemistry Chemical profiles, anticancer, and anti-aging activities of essential oils of Pluchea dioscoridis (L.) DC. and Erigeron bonariensis L. Plants Essential oil of Calotropis procera: Comparative chemical profiles, antimicrobial activity, and allelopathic potential on weeds Abd-ElGawad, A. Sesquiterpenes-rich essential oil from above ground parts of Pulicaria somalensis exhibited antioxidant activity and allelopathic effect on weeds Prevalence of diterpenes in essential oil of Euphorbia mauritanica L.: Detailed chemical profile, antioxidant, cytotoxic and phytotoxic activities Essential oil and its nanoemulsion of Araucaria heterophylla resin: Chemical characterization, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic activities Investigation on the genotoxicity of extracts from Cleome amblyocarpa Barr. and Murb, an important Tunisian medicinal plant. South Afr Essential oil of Bassia muricata: Chemical characterization, antioxidant activity, and allelopathic effect on the weed Chenopodium murale Chemical composition variations, allelopathic, and antioxidant activities of Symphyotrichum squamatum (Spreng.) Nesom essential oils growing in heterogeneous habitats Allelopathic activity and chemical composition of Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. essential oil from Egypt The International Plant Names Index; The Royal Botanic Gardens Guide to Medicinal Plants in North Africa Effect of Cleome arabica leaf extract treated by naringinase on human neutrophil chemotaxis Leaves of Cleome amblyocarpa Barr. and Murb. and Cleome arabica L.: Assessment of nutritional composition and chemical profile (LC-ESI-MS/MS), anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of their extracts Molecular docking reveals the potential of Cleome amblyocarpa isolated compounds to inhibit COVID-19 virus main protease 15α-Acetoxycleomblynol A from Cleome amblyocarpa High in vitro antioxidant capacities of Algerian Cleome arabica leaves' extracts Study of antimicrobial activity of secondary metabolites extracted from spontaneous plants from the area of Laghouat Essential oil composition, antioxidant and allelopathic activities of Cleome droserifolia (Forssk.) Delile Phytochemical investigation and in vitro antibacterial activity of essential oils from Cleome droserifolia (Forssk.) Delile and C. trinervia Fresen. (Cleomaceae). South Afr Cleome monophylla essential oil and its constituents as tick (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus) and maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) repellents Chemical composition and biological activity of the essential oil from Jamaican Cleome serrata Application of supercritical carbon dioxide to extract essential oil from Cleome coluteoides Boiss: Experimental, response surface and grey wolf optimization methodology Chemical composition of Cleome amblyocarpa Barr. & Murb. essential oils under different irrigation levels in sandy soils with antioxidant activity The essential oil composition of Cleome brachycarpa Vahl ex DC Antioxidant activity and chemical composition of essential oils of selected Cleome species growing in Saudi Arabia Phytotoxic effects of plant essential oils: A systematic review and structure-activity relationship based on chemometric analyses Interspecific variation, antioxidant and allelopathic activity of the essential oil from three Launaea species growing naturally in heterogeneous habitats in Egypt Comparative chemical profiles of the essential oils from different varieties of Psidium guajava L Environmental effects on yield and composition of essential oil in wild populations of spike lavender Habitat affects the chemical profile, allelopathy, and antioxidant properties of essential oils and phenolic enriched extracts of the invasive plant Heliotropium Curassavicum Chemical constituents, antioxidant and potential allelopathic effect of the essential oil from the aerial parts of Cullen plicata Chemical composition, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of essential oils from Schinus polygamus (Cav.) cabrera leaf and bark grown in Egypt Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the rhizome essential oil of Curcuma sahuynhensis from Vietnam Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GM-MS) analysis and biological activities of the aerial part of Cleome amblyocarpa Barr. and Murb Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oils from Cleome spinosa Hexahydrofarnesyl acetone-rich extractives from Hildegardia barteri Chemical composition of the essential oil of Trianthema portulacastrum L. Aerial parts and potential antimicrobial and phytotoxic activities of its extract Essential oil of Deverra tortuosa aerial parts: Detailed chemical profile, allelopathic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities Phytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of Teucrium polium and Thymus decussatus essential oils extracted using hydrodistillation and microwave-assisted techniques Allelopathic potential and phenolic allelochemicals discrepancies in Ficus carica L. cultivars. South Afr Herbicidal potential and quantification of causative allelochemicals from several Compositae weeds Phytotoxic activity of Cleome arabica L. and its principal discovered active compounds. South Afr Influence of new effective allelochemicals on the distribution of Cleome arabica L. community in nature Chemical constituents and phytotoxic activity of the essential oil of Acroptilon repens (L.) Dc from Iran Phytotoxic activities of Mediterranean essential oils Chemical composition and phytotoxic effects of essential oils of Salvia hierosolymitana Boiss. and Salvia multicaulis Vahl. var. simplicifolia Boiss. growing wild in Lebanon Preponderance of oxygenated sesquiterpenes and diterpenes in the volatile oil constituents of Lactuca serriola L. revealed antioxidant and allelopathic activity Chemical composition and biological activities of the essential oil from Calamintha nepeta plants from the wild in southern Italy Mechanism and active variety of allelochemicals Unusual 9,10-anthraquinone glucoside from Rumex pictus Forssk Structure-activity relationship of terpenes with anti-inflammatory profile-A systematic review Anti-inflammatory activity of the essential oil obtained from Ocimum basilicum complexed with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) in mice Chemical composition, in vitro antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antifeedant properties in the essential oil of Asian marsh weed Limnophila indica L. (Druce) Sesquiterpenes from essential oils and anti-inflammatory activity Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of caryophyllene oxide from Annona squamosa L. bark Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties of the essential oil and active compounds from Cordia verbenacea Effect of two active compounds obtained from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea on the acute inflammatory responses elicited by LPS in the rat paw Evaluation of chemical composition and anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial activity of essential oil of Sardinian Santolina corsica Composition and anti-inflammatory effect of the common myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) essential oil growing wild in Algeria All Hadara Publishing: Cairo Assaeed, A. Volatiles profiling, allelopathic activity, and antioxidant potentiality of Xanthium strumarium leaves essential oil from Egypt: Evidence from chemometrics analysis Antioxidant activity of medicinal and aromatic plants. Flavour Fragr Membrane stabilizing activity-A possible mechanism of action for the anti-inflammatory activity of Cedrus deodara wood oil Chemical composition, antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activity of extracts prepared from aerial parts of Oenothera biennis L. and Oenothera paradoxa Hudziok obtained after seeds cultivation TMPD) to assay cyclooxygenase activity In Vitro