key: cord-1034884-0qlr5f10 authors: Rajoli, Rajith K. R.; Pertinez, Henry; Arshad, Usman; Box, Helen; Tatham, Lee; Curley, Paul; Neary, Megan; Sharp, Joanne; Liptrott, Neill J.; Valentijn, Anthony; David, Christopher; Rannard, Steven P.; Aljayyoussi, Ghaith; Pennington, Shaun H.; Hill, Andrew; Boffito, Marta; Ward, Steve A.; Khoo, Saye H.; Bray, Patrick G.; O'Neill, Paul M.; Hong, W. David; Biagini, Giancarlo A.; Owen, Andrew title: Dose prediction for repurposing nitazoxanide in SARS‐CoV‐2 treatment or chemoprophylaxis date: 2020-12-01 journal: Br J Clin Pharmacol DOI: 10.1111/bcp.14619 sha: 1e8e5f9260132938b9d5c632993d690cb44aae6b doc_id: 1034884 cord_uid: 0qlr5f10 BACKGROUND: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) has been declared a global pandemic and urgent treatment and prevention strategies are needed. Nitazoxanide, an anthelmintic drug, has been shown to exhibit in vitro activity against SARS‐CoV‐2. The present study used physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling to inform optimal doses of nitazoxanide capable of maintaining plasma and lung tizoxanide exposures above the reported SARS‐CoV‐2 EC(90). METHODS: A whole‐body PBPK model was validated against available pharmacokinetic data for healthy individuals receiving single and multiple doses between 500 and 4000 mg with and without food. The validated model was used to predict doses expected to maintain tizoxanide plasma and lung concentrations above the EC(90) in >90% of the simulated population. PopDes was used to estimate an optimal sparse sampling strategy for future clinical trials. RESULTS: The PBPK model was successfully validated against the reported human pharmacokinetics. The model predicted optimal doses of 1200 mg QID, 1600 mg TID and 2900 mg BID in the fasted state and 700 mg QID, 900 mg TID and 1400 mg BID when given with food. For BID regimens an optimal sparse sampling strategy of 0.25, 1, 3 and 12 hours post dose was estimated. CONCLUSION: The PBPK model predicted tizoxanide concentrations within doses of nitazoxanide already given to humans previously. The reported dosing strategies provide a rational basis for design of clinical trials with nitazoxanide for the treatment or prevention of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. A concordant higher dose of nitazoxanide is now planned for investigation in the seamless phase I/IIa AGILE trial. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) with noticeable symptoms such as fever, dry cough, and difficulty in breathing. 1 There are currently no effective treatment or prevention options and it has become a global health problem with more than 3.1 million cases and over 217,000 deaths as of 29 April 2020. 2 Urgent strategies are required to manage the pandemic and the repurposing of already approved medicines is likely to bring options forward more quickly than full development of potent and specific antivirals. Antiviral drugs may have application prior to or during early infection, but may be secondary to immunological interventions in later stages of severe disease. 3 Although new chemical entities are likely to have high potency and specificity for SARS-CoV-2, full development is time-consuming and costly, and attrition in drug development is high. 4 repurposing exist, including the use of the anti-angiogenic drug thalidomide for cancer, the use of mifepristone for Cushing's disease after initially being approved for termination of early pregnancy and the repurposing of sildenafil from angina to erectile disfunction. 6, 7 It should be noted, however, that drug repurposing is considerably faster when the approved dose is successfully repurposed, with additional complexity in clinical development when higher doses are required. SARS-CoV-2 targets the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors that are present in high density on the outer surface of lung cells. 1 Lungs are the primary site of SARS-CoV-2 replication and infection is usually initiated in the upper respiratory tract. 8 Symptoms that result in neurological, renal and hepatic dysfunction are also emerging due to the expression of ACE2 receptors in these organs. [9] [10] [11] [12] Therefore, therapeutic concentrations of antiviral drugs are likely to be needed in the upper airways for treatment and prevention of infection, but sufficient concentrations are also likely to be required systemically for therapy to target the virus in other organs and tissues. The scale at which the antiviral activity of existing medicines is being studied for potential repurposing against SARS-CoV-2 is unprecedented. 13 The authors recently reported an analysis which benchmarked reported in vitro activity of tested drugs against previously published pharmacokinetic exposures achievable with their licenced doses. 14 Importantly, this analysis demonstrated that the majority of drugs that have been studied for anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity are unlikely to achieve the necessary concentrations in the plasma after administration of their approved doses. While this analysis is highly influenced by the drugs selected for analysis to date and highly sensitive to the accuracy of the reported antiviral activity data, a number of candidate agents were identified with plasma exposures above the reported EC 50 /EC 90 against SARS-CoV-2. One such drug, nitazoxanide, is a thiazolide antiparasitic medicine used for the treatment of cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis that cause diarrhoea, 15, 16 and also has reported activity against anaerobic bacteria, protozoa and other viruses. 17 Several reports have confirmed the activity of nitazoxanide against SARS-CoV-2 in different cell types. 18 20, [26] [27] [28] As another respiratory virus, previous work on influenza may be useful to gain insight into the expected impact of nitazoxanide for SARS-CoV-2. Accordingly, the drug has been shown to selectively block the maturation of the influenza haemagglutinin glycoprotein at the post-translational stage 27, 29 and a previous phase 2b/3 trial demonstrated a reduction in symptoms and viral shedding at a dose of 600 mg BID compared to placebo in patients with uncomplicated influenza. 30 Other potential benefits of nitazoxanide in COVID-19 may derive from its impact upon the innate immune response that potentiates the production of type 1 interferons 27, 31 and bronchodilation of the airways through inhibition of TMEM16A ion channels. 32 As of 9 August 2020, a total of 19 trials were listed as either planned or recruiting on but all of these studies are focusing on doses of ≤1000 mg BID nitazoxanide either alone or in combination with\ other agents. 33 However, there are currently no data within the public domain to support these doses for COVID-19. Nitazoxanide is relatively safe in humans and a review of the safety and minimum pricing was recently published. 34 Plasma concentrations of tizoxanide have demonstrated dose proportionality, but administration in the fed state increases the plasma exposure. 35 Thus, the drug is recommended for administration with food. The prerequisites for successful development of antiviral drugs for SARS-CoV-2 have yet to be elucidated and gaps in knowledge exist in terms of the exposure-response relationship. However, the lung has emerged as a clear site of primary infection, and pulmonary co-morbidities are a key driver of mortality in the sickest patients. [36] [37] [38] Therefore, in treatment of early disease at least it seems likely that successful antiviral regimens will require drugs to penetrate into the lung at sufficient concentrations to exert their activity. Using HIV as a paradigm for successful chemoprophylactic approaches, antiviral drugs also require penetration into key sites of transmission such as the anal and vaginal mucosa. [39] [40] [41] Therefore, the authors hypothesise that drugs achieving concentrations in lung that exceed those needed for activity will underpin successful antiviral development. Physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling is a computational tool that integrates human physiology and drug disposition kinetics using mathematical equations to inform the pharmacokinetic exposure using in vitro and drug physicochemical data. 42 Recently, several international groups have called for a more robust integration of clinical pharmacology principles into COVID-19 drug development. 43, 44 Accordingly, the aim of this study was to validate a PBPK model for tizoxanide following administration of nitazoxanide. Once validated, this model was first used to assess the plasma and lung exposures estimated to be achieved during a previous trial for uncomplicated influenza. Next, different nitazoxanide doses and schedules were simulated to identify those expected to provide tizoxanide plasma and lung trough concentrations (C trough ) above the reported nitazoxanide SARS-CoV-2 EC 90 in the majority (>90%) of patients. A previously published whole-body PBPK model consisting of compartments to represent select organs and tissues developed in Simbiology (MATLAB R2019a, MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) was used in this study. 45, 46 Nitazoxanide physiochemical and drug-specific parameters used in the PBPK model were obtained from literature sources as outlined in Table 1 . The PBPK model was assumed to be blood-flow limited, with instant and uniform distribution in each tissue or organ and no reabsorption from the large intestine. Since the data are computer generated, no ethics approval was required for this study. One hundred virtual healthy adults (50% women, aged 20-60 years between 40 and 120 kg) were simulated. The required duration for successful SARS-CoV-2 antiviral activity has not yet been robustly elucidated but for clarity in presentation, the simulations were conducted over 5 days of dosing. It should be noted that similar exposures would be expected beyond this once the drug has reached steady-state pharmacokinetics. Patient demographics such as weight, body mass index and height were obtained from CDC charts. 47 Organ weight/volumes and blood flow rates in humans were obtained from published literature sources. 48, 49 Transit from the stomach and small intestine was divided into seven compartments to capture effective absorption kinetics as previously described. 50 Tissue to plasma partition ratio of drug and drug disposition across various tissues and organs were described using published mathematical equations. [51] [52] [53] Effective permeability (P eff ) in humans was scaled from apparent permeability (P app ) in HT29-19A cells (due to lack of available data, it was assumed the same in Caco-2 cells) using the following equations to T A B L E 1 Nitazoxanide input parameters for the PBPK model Molecular weight 307.28 [15] 265.25 [56] Protein binding a >99% [15] >99% [53] Log P 1.63 [15] 3.2 [56] pKa (acidic) 8.3 [15] 6.7 [57] R 0.55 0.55 Number of hydrogen bond donors 1 [15] 2 [56] Polar surface area 114.11 [15] 136 [56] Apparent permeability (cm/s) 19.34 ± 4.97 [55] Volume of distribution (L) … 38.68 ± 14.02 [55] Half-life (h) … 1.38 ± 0.29 [55] Note. R, blood to plasma ratio was predicted from Paixão et al. 35 not available, apparent permeability was assessed in HT29-19A cells and this value was considered the same in caco-2 cells for tizoxanide. a Protein binding was considered as 99% for the PBPK model. compute the rate of absorption (K a in h −1 ) from the small intestine. 54, 55 log 10 P eff = 0:6836 × log 10 P app −0:5579 The PBPK model was validated against available clinical data in healthy individuals in the fed and fasted state for various single oral doses of nitazoxanide ranging from 500 to 4000 mg, 35,56 and for multiple dosing at 500 and 1000 mg BID with food. Nitazoxanide absorption was considered using the available apparent permeability data (shown in Table 1 and C trough (trough concentration at the end of the dosing interval) were less than 2-fold from the mean observed values. The pharmacokinetics following administration of 600 mg BID as reported in a previous phase 2b/3 clinical trial of nitazoxanide in uncomplicated influenza 30 AUC is represented as AUC 0-∞ after the first dose for single and AUC 0-12 on day 7. b C trough is C 12 and has been digitised from the pharmacokinetic curve as the geometric mean is not available. The arithmetic mean is shown for observed and arithmetic mean (mean -SD, mean + SD) is shown for simulated data. c C max and AUC are represented as geometric mean (mean -SD, mean + SD) and C max and AUC 0-24h were normalised to a 1000 mg dose. C max and AUC 0-12h are represented as arithmetic mean ± SD. b C trough is C 12 and has been digitised from the pharmacokinetic curve as the geometric mean is not available. The arithmetic mean is shown for observed and arithmetic mean (mean -SD, mean + SD) is shown for simulated data. c C max and AUC 0-24h are represented as geometric mean (mean -SD, mean + SD). C max , AUC 0-24h and C trough were normalised to a 1000 mg dose. BID dose of nitazoxanide with food as reported in the previous phase 2b/3 trial in uncomplicated influenza. 30 These simulations indicate that all patients were predicted to have plasma and lung tizoxanide C trough (C 12 ) concentrations below the average EC 90 (8.4 mg/L, Supporting Information Table S1), 59 but that 71% and 14% were predicted to have plasma and lung C max concentrations, respectively, above the average EC 90 for influenza, respectively. Figure 3 shows the plasma and lung concentrations for the optimal doses and schedules in the fed state and Supporting Information Figure S3 shows the plasma concentrationtime profile of optimal doses in the fasted state. Tizoxanide concentrations in lung and plasma were predicted to reach steady state in <48 hours, in both the fasted and fed stated. F I G U R E 1 Simulated plasma A, and lung B, concentrations for nitazoxanide 600 mg BID for 5 days with food relative to the average reported tizoxanide EC 90 value for influenza strains (Supporting Information Table S1) QID dosing regimens may also warrant investigation, and 900 mg TID as well as 700 mg QID (both with food) regimens are also predicted to provide optimal exposures for efficacy. Importantly, the overall daily dose was estimated to be comparable between the different optimal schedules and it is unclear whether splitting the dose will provide gastrointestinal benefits. For prevention application where individuals will need to adhere to regimens for longer durations, minimising the frequency of dosing is likely to provide adherence benefits. However, for short-term application in therapy, more frequent dosing may be more acceptable to minimise gastrointestinal intolerance. The nitazoxanide mechanism of action for SARS-CoV-2 is currently unknown. However, for influenza it has been reported to involve interference with N-glycosylation of haemagglutinin. 27, 63, 64 Since the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is also heavily glycosylated 65 with similar cellular targets in the upper respiratory tract, a similar mechanism of action may be expected. 8, 66 An ongoing trial in Mexico is being conducted with 500 mg BID nitazoxanide with food, 33 but these doses may not be completely optimal for virus suppression across the entire dosing interval. This analysis provides a rational dose optimisation for nitazoxanide for treatment and prevention of COVID-19. However, there are some important limitations that must be considered. PBPK models can be useful in dose prediction but the quality of predictions is only as good as the quality of the available data on which they are based. Furthermore, the mechanism of action for nitazoxanide for other viruses has also been postulated to involve an indirect mechanism through amplification of the host innate immune response, 67 Also, the disposition parameters (apparent clearance and rate of absorption) obtained for the PBPK model were from a fasted study of 500 mg BID and the parameters were adjusted to validate the tizoxanide model in the fed state, which may limit confidence in the model at higher doses. Only one manuscript has described the in vitro activity of nitazoxanide against SARS-CoV-2 18 and no data are available for tizoxanide. Reported in vitro data may vary across laboratories and due to this the predicted optimal doses may change. However, the reported comparable activity of nitazoxanide and tizoxanide against a variety of other viruses (including other coronaviruses) does strengthen the rationale for investigating this drug for COVID-19. [22] [23] [24] 26, 27 Recently, several international investigators with experience of protein binding and its application in successful therapy for other viruses initiated a discussion about protein binding to reach consensus on its correct interpretation for SARS-CoV-2. 68 As an outcome of this consensus, care should be taken to neither overnor under-represent its consequences. Unfortunately, assessment of the consequences of protein binding needs to involve empirical determination as part of the in vitro methodology and none of the reported EC 90 values for influenza or SARS-CoV-2 were protein bindingadjusted. 18 Tizoxanide is known to be highly protein bound (>99%) in plasma, 69 but while this was used to estimate drug penetration into the lung, data were not available to correct the in vitro activity to make a robust assessment in relation to the free drug pharmacokinetics. The doses estimated to be necessary to maintain active tizoxanide concentrations in plasma and lung are considerably higher than the approved dose (500 mg BID) or other multiple dose studies that have been published to date. However, single doses of up to 4000 mg have been given safely to humans previously, and several of the authors recently reviewed the safety of nitazoxanide across the different doses at which it has been studied. 34, 35 Nitazoxanide appears to be a remarkably safe drug but the major concerns are likely to relate to gastrointestinal safety. Accordingly, the doses proposed here will require a clinical development pathway that robustly addresses safety. As a first step, Unitaid have recently agreed funding and an independent scientific advisory board has approved inclusion of high-dose nitazoxanide in the seamless phase I/IIa AGILE platform trial (, subject to successful relevant ethical and regulatory approvals. In summary, the developed PBPK model of nitazoxanide was successfully validated against clinical data and based on currently available data optimal doses for COVID-19 were estimated to be 700 mg QID, 900 mg TID or 1400 mg BID with food. Should nitazoxanide be progressed into clinical evaluation for treatment and prevention of COVID-19, it will be important to further evaluate the pharmacokinetics in these population groups. In treatment trials particularly, intensive pharmacokinetic sampling may be challenging. Therefore, an optimal sparse sampling strategy for BID, TID and QID dosing is also presented. The natural history, pathobiology, and clinical manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infections The use of anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of people with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): the perspectives of clinical immunologists from China An update on drug repurposing: re-written saga of the drug's fate Repurposing as a strategy for the discovery of new anti-leishmanials: the-state-ofthe-art Drug repurposing for cancer therapy Drug repurposing strategies for COVID-19 COVID-19 infection: origin, transmission, and characteristics of human coronaviruses Epidemiology, causes, clinical manifestation and diagnosis, prevention and control of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) during the early outbreak period: a scoping review A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China High expression of ACE2 receptor of 2019-nCoV on the epithelial cells of oral mucosa Letter to the editor regarding the viewpoint "evidence of the COVID-19 virus targeting the CNS: tissue distribution, host-virus interaction, and proposed neurotropic mechanism Pharmacologic treatments for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a review Prioritization of anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug repurposing opportunities based on plasma and target site concentrations derived from their established human pharmacokinetics 296 -Antiparasitic Agents Chapter 8 -The Drugs We Have and the Drugs We Need Against Major Helminth Infections Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro A screen of the NIH clinical collection small molecule library identifies potential anti-coronavirus drugs Discovery of synergistic and antagonistic drug combinations against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro. bioRxiv: the preprint server for biology Nitazoxanide in the treatment of viral gastroenteritis: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial Potential for hepatitis C virus resistance to nitazoxanide or tizoxanide tizoxanide and other thiazolides are potent inhibitors of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus replication Nitazoxanide inhibits human norovirus replication and synergizes with ribavirin by activation of cellular antiviral response Influenza antivirals currently in late-phase clinical trial. Influenza Other Respi Viruses Nitazoxanide: a first-in-class broad-spectrum antiviral agent Drug repurposing approaches for the treatment of influenza viral infection: reviving old drugs to fight against a Long-lived enemy Effect of nitazoxanide in adults and adolescents with acute uncomplicated influenza: a doubleblind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2b/3 trial The antiinfective nitazoxanide shows strong immumodulating effects (155.21) Drug repurposing: the anthelmintics niclosamide and nitazoxanide are potent TMEM16A antagonists that fully bronchodilate airways Review of safety and minimum pricing of nitazoxanide for potential treatment of COVID-19 Nitazoxanide pharmacokinetics and tolerability in man using single ascending oral doses In situ detection of SARS-CoV-2 in lungs and airways of patients with COVID-19 Mortality and pulmonary complications in patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international cohort study Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study Pharmacokinetics of antiretrovirals in genital secretions and anatomic sites of HIV transmission: implications for HIV prevention Pharmacokinetics of antiretrovirals in mucosal tissue Innate molecular and anatomic mucosal barriers against HIV infection in the genital tract of HIV-exposed seronegative individuals In vitro antiviral activity and projection of optimized dosing design of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) A rational roadmap for SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pharmacotherapeutic research and development: IUPHAR review 29 Concerns about pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) studies in the new therapeutic area of COVID-19 infection Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling to inform development of intramuscular longacting nanoformulations for HIV Predicting drug-drug interactions between rifampicin and long-acting cabotegravir and rilpivirine using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling Mean body weight, height, waist circumference, and body mass index among adults: United States Reference values for total blood volume and cardiac output in humans An improved model to predict physiologically based model parameters and their inter-individual variability from anthropometry A compartmental absorption and transit model for estimating oral drug absorption Evaluation of a generic physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for Lineshape analysis Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling 1: predicting the tissue distribution of moderate-tostrong bases Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling 2: predicting the tissue distribution of acids, very weak bases, neutrals and zwitterions Comparison of human duodenum and Caco-2 gene expression profiles for 12,000 gene sequences tags and correlation with permeability of 26 drugs Prediction of human intestinal first-pass metabolism of 25 CYP3A substrates from in vitro clearance and permeability data Determinants of unplanned antiretroviral treatment interruptions among people living with HIV in Yaoundé, Cameroon Nitazoxanide: pharmacokinetics and metabolism in man Synergistic effect of nitazoxanide with neuraminidase inhibitors against influenza a viruses In Vitro Nitazoxanide, a novel potential anti-influenza drug, acting in synergism with neuraminidase inhibitors Drug-drug interaction predictions with PBPK models and optimal multiresponse sampling time designs: application to midazolam and a phase I compound. Part 1: Comparison of uniresponse and multiresponse designs using PopDes Methods and software tools for design evaluation in population pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics studies Nitazoxanide pharmacokinetics and tolerability in man during 7 days dosing with 0.5 g and 1 g b.i.d The susceptibility of circulating human influenza viruses to tizoxanide, the active metabolite of nitazoxanide Coronavirus disease 2019 treatment: a review of early and emerging options Structure, function, and antigenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein The pathology of influenza virus infections Cytoplasmic RNA sensor pathways and nitazoxanide broadly inhibit intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis growth Towards consensus on correct interpretation of protein binding in plasma and other biological matrices for COVID-19 therapeutic development Development of a method by UPLC-MS/MS for the quantification of tizoxanide in human plasma and its pharmacokinetic application Dose prediction for repurposing nitazoxanide in SARS-CoV-2 treatment or chemoprophylaxis The data presented in this study is available from the corresponding author upon request.