key: cord-1034551-oh8t81gj authors: Jiménez-Rodríguez, Diana; Ruiz-Salvador, Diego; Rodríguez Salvador, María del Mar; Pérez-Heredia, Mercedes; Muñoz Ronda, Francisco José; Arrogante, Oscar title: Consensus on Criteria for Good Practices in Video Consultation: A Delphi Study date: 2020-07-27 journal: Int J Environ Res Public Health DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17155396 sha: ec5d5d4296f4ea31c2ccc6bb7ba47baa332586a4 doc_id: 1034551 cord_uid: oh8t81gj The use of telemedicine has greatly increased, largely derived from the COVID-19 pandemic, which has created the need for a guide aimed towards the adequate management of a modality of health care: the video consultation. A Delphi study composed of three rounds was conducted with 16 experts in holding video consultations and managing non-technical skills from different specialties and nationalities to conceive a consensus on the criteria needed for properly managing video consultations by healthcare professionals. The consensus criteria were defined by three dimensions (preparation of video consultation, video consultation process, and post-video consultation) and their corresponding items. Excellent consensus data was obtained; therefore, use is recommended by any healthcare professional who is going to utilize a video consultation, in order to manage it effectively. The pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a threat to global health [1] . We are facing a new disease, and both the health systems and the cultures of the different countries affected, which vary greatly, have had an influence on its management. During the outbreaks of other known infectious diseases, it has been shown that organizational support and the incorporation of new forms of work optimize results in both patients and the level of professional satisfaction [2] . There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic and its rapid evolution has created quite a confounding situation [3] , creating great challenges for health systems due to the tremendous pressure that exists to limit the transmission of the virus [4] , which has seriously affected all health administrations and policies [5] . In this way, health systems are witnessing, on the one hand, the need to prevent the spread of the virus by minimizing both the exposure of the population and the risk of spread in health centers [1] and, on the other hand, the overload of healthcare services [6] . Among the multiple challenges and changes faced by health systems owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, we find the forceful entry of technology and technological solutions [7] , which have promoted the role of telemedicine in healthcare organizations [8] . Consequently, available health care resources will proliferate in the next decade, improving health care services and promoting their implementation To date, some approaches have recommended a range of strategies to hold an adequate video consultation, but these are related to quite specific clinical conditions and diseases, and not aimed at providing general health care for most clinical practice situations and patients through this modality. For instance, the following have been promoted: broad guidelines for ethical conduct related to key issues in telehealth/telemedicine [13] , an example workflow for inpatient tele-palliative consultation [32] , tips on tele-palliative care [28] , and finally, recommendations for general use of videos and guides for both patients and healthcare professionals mainly aimed at COVID-19 infection [29] . However, all of these recommendations and guides tend to be quite technical, and no consensus criteria for generalized actions have been reported by experienced healthcare professionals either for video consultations or communication, addressing patient-centered daily clinical practice by video consultation and promoting the non-technical skills required for its adequate management. Additionally, previous telecare experiences, such as the use of telephone calls, have demonstrated that structured telephone assistance is effective, improving patients' quality of life and reducing costs [33, 34] . Taking all the above into account and considering the current increase of this modality of health care, the main purpose of our study is to elaborate consensus criteria for managing video consultation that contributes to effective and high-quality health care provided by healthcare professionals. As the video consultation is a novel and innovative topic, the creation of a consensus on criteria for good practices in video consultation using the Delphi method is proposed, as it is an effective method for obtaining a consensus among experts in any given field of study [35, 36] . More specifically, with the use of this method, we intended to reach a consensus among a panel of experts on the guidelines to be utilized to properly manage a video consultation. Consequently, this technique is perfectly adapted to the objective of our study, since it is considered particularly useful for attaining expert consensus on specific subjects, facilitating decision-making, problem-solving or prioritization [37] . In addition, this systematic method is used to create quality indicators or review criteria for areas where evidence alone is insufficient [38] and to synthesize the accumulated opinion of experts. In this sense, it constitutes a group communication between experts through any type of self-administered questionnaire, with no meetings [39] , which allows a group of participants who are geographically dispersed to synthesize knowledge [40] . Therefore, the best practice guidelines for the use of the Delphi method proposed by Boulkedid et al. [39] were followed, in relation to the selection of the experts, Delphi questionnaire preparation, survey characteristics, and reporting of results. According to Mosadeghrad [41] , including different stakeholders who often have quite different views on the quality of health care may enrich the results obtained using the Delphi procedure. This author recommends including healthcare professionals, patients or patient representatives and methodologists. In this way, the panel of experts obtained is representative of all stakeholders affected by the results. Consequently, all participants in our study were professionals from different disciplines (psychologists, nurses, and general practitioners) who were national and international experts on the use of video consultations or training in communication skills. In addition, three experts had been patients attended by video consultation. In this way, all experts were selected according to their experience and knowledge of both video consultations and skills required for effective communication, comprising a diverse group of professional and personal profiles. More specifically, only healthcare professionals who had performed at least 20 video consultations were selected to be part of the panel of experts. All questionnaires were sent electronically using the application Google Forms™ (Alphabet, Mountain View, CA, USA), whose use has increased over the years, demonstrating its effectiveness [42] . Moreover, all experts were questioned using an e-questionnaire due to social distancing restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, which did not allow in-person interviews. Three Delphi rounds were carried out during the study between 25 March and 9 June 2020. First round: The Delphi process traditionally starts with an open-ended questionnaire to collect specific information about a content area from experts [43] . Consequently, a self-administered questionnaire was electronically sent to participants to obtain their opinion about items that should be included in a guide on video consultations, asking six closed-ended questions about their sociodemographic characteristics and eight open-ended questions related to three themes ( Table 1 ): (1) information before commencing a video consultation, (2) development and closing of a video consultation, and (3) after completion of a video consultation and before starting any other activity. A total of 20 experts were invited, and 16 of them answered the first questionnaire, so the response rate was 80%. In the following rounds, there was a responsible commitment from all the experts who accepted participation in the study, as they completed all the rounds planned (all experts who accepted participation in the first round also participated in the second and third round). Once all the data were obtained, a content analysis was carried out, selecting the elements provided by each expert, its similarities, and frequencies (see the Data Analysis subheading). Subsequently, a proposal for a video consultation guideline was created, using all the information collected. -Indicate the recommendations or previous information that you would give to healthcare professionals who are going to carry out the video consultations before starting them. -In the case of patients who are going to be attended through a video consultation, which recommendations or prior information would you give to them before starting it? -Indicate the guidelines that you would give to healthcare professionals to address the beginning of the consultation. -Regarding the guidelines to soften the effect of care through a screen and adequately manage the socio-emotional skills of patients, which recommendations would you give to healthcare professionals to provide adequate emotional support, an environment of trust, active listening, show of empathy, and respect, etc. ? -Indicate the guidelines that you would give to healthcare professionals for adequate management of verbal and non-verbal language during a video consultation -In the case of a bad internet connection (e.g., broken audio and/or image), which guidelines would you give to healthcare professionals when technical problems occur? -Indicate the guidelines that you would give to healthcare professionals for adequate closing of a video consultation. After completing a video consultation and before starting any other activity -Indicate the recommendations or advice that you would give to healthcare professionals immediately after completing a video consultation. A second self-administered questionnaire was electronically sent to participants to obtain their opinion about the items that should be included in the guideline, including a brief report of the panel's most outstanding qualitative results. The response rate was 100% (n = 16). The experts scored this using a Likert scale ranging from 1 (totally disagree with the inclusion) to 4 (totally agree with the inclusion) to assess the inclusion or not of the different items prepared, after analyzing the content of responses obtained in the first-round survey (see the Data Analysis subheading). In addition, an observations section was included, where experts could add indicators or proposals for change or inclusion of new items that they considered necessary to be evaluated in subsequent rounds. Third round: After the second-round survey, both quantitative and qualitative responses and observations were analyzed. The revised survey obtained was forwarded to experts with the same evaluation criteria (Likert scale response of four points to questions and an observations section), including feedback of both quantitative (median, minimal, and maximal ratings) and qualitative (more frequent observations) results obtained in the previous round [39] . Once again, the response rate was 100% (n = 16). Since consensus was achieved, no more rounds were needed. A content analysis of data obtained in the first round was performed by two different members of the research team who were experts in qualitative methodologies, by analyzing the eight open-ended questions raised in this round through a self-administered questionnaire. This content was performed according to the methodology proposed by Piñuel [44] , which recommends the elaboration, recording and analyzing of all the data obtained from the participants' discourse, considering the interpretation of those who generated and communicated it. This methodology allowed us to discover the views of each expert by analyzing their responses, selecting analysis units, coding them, and identifying registration units that were translated into the items of the questionnaire used in the second round. Conversely, both quantitative and qualitative data were obtained in the second and third rounds. Regarding the quantitative data collected, as a 4-point Likert response scale was used, the criteria used to decide the consensus on the inclusion of each element proposed were as follows [35, 43] : High consensus: the median response was equal to or greater than 3 and at least 80% of the experts scored the element proposed with at least 3 points. Low consensus: the median response was equal to or greater than 3 and 70-79% of the experts scored the element proposed with at least 3 points. No consensus: the median response was less than 3 and less than 70% of the experts scored the element proposed with at least 3 points. The major statistics used in Delphi studies are measures of central tendency and level of dispersion in order to present information concerning the collective judgments of the respondents. Generally, the use of median and mode is favored [35, 43] . When the median is used, the inclusion of minimal and maximal ratings obtained in experts' responses to each element is recommended [35, 43] . Consequently, the median and minimal and maximal ratings were used in this study as the parameters. The qualitative data collected in the observations section of the questionnaire distributed during the second and third rounds were also analyzed according to the content analysis methodology proposed by Piñuel [44] . More specifically, in the second round, each basic component of recommendation was evaluated for the purposes of generating the corresponding modification of the item. In the third round, only one recommendation was performed (due to an error in the numbering of an item), so data analysis was not needed. Participation was voluntary and the process was anonymous and was carried out following the ethical principles for medical research of the international Declaration of Helsinki [45] . This study is the first phase of a larger project to implement innovative methodologies for training healthcare professionals, which received approval from the Research and Ethics Board of the Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Medicine at the University (EFM No. 75/2020). A total of 16 national (Catalonian (two), Madrid (two), Murcia (three), Galicia (two), and Andalusia (three)) and international experts (Mexico (two) and Argentina (two)) on video consultations participated in the study. The mean age of the participants was 44.31 years (SD = 7.854) and most were women (n = 11; 68.75%). The panel of experts was composed of five psychologists, eight nurses, and three general practitioners (three of these had been in turn patients attended by video consultation). Their average length of work experience was 19.86 years (SD = 9.979), and they had performed 53.43 video consultations on average (SD = 50.029). After performing the content analysis of the experts' responses to the eight open-ended questions raised in the first round, responses were translated into the questionnaire distributed in the second round. In this second round, consensus on criteria proposed in this questionnaire was achieved, as more than 80% of the experts scored each element proposed with at least three points, obtaining a median response greater than 3.25. However, to increase the degree of consensus, a third round was carried out after refining several items according to the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data collected (responses to each item proposed and experts' observations) in the second round. More specifically, an item was removed (1.3. Verification of what was originally planned) since it was redundant in relation to a previous item, and a total of five items were modified in this round (Tables 2 and 3 ): • Availability of other alternative forms of communication in order to be able to contact the patient in case of problems with the video call (e.g., phone call). To plan the reason for the consultation (being flexible, attending to, and prioritizing the needs of the patient), and searching for scientific evidence available to resolve any questions, if necessary. To start the conversation, refer to some temporospatial aspect to contextualize (weather, news of the day, etc.). Postpone video consultation if it is not possible at that time due to non-rectifiable connection problems that prevent effective communication, but in that case always agree on the date, time and type of the new interaction to provide continuity. In the case of performing a prior consultation and if it is necessary, summarize its significant aspects, established objectives, and their degree of compliance, as well as strengths and difficulties found during this consultation before presenting the action plan derived from the current video consultation. Once again, more than 80% of the experts scored each element proposed with at least three points in this third round, obtaining a median response greater than 3.25. It should be noted that only one expert provided an observation related to an error in the numbering of an item. Consequently, as a high consensus was achieved after this round, no more rounds were needed. Therefore, a series of criteria for good practice in video consultation management were obtained by the consensus of a panel of experts. These criteria were defined by three dimensions (preparation of video consultation, proper video consultation process, and post-video consultation). These dimensions and their corresponding criteria are shown in Table 2 (preparation of video consultation), Table 3 (video consultation process) and Table 4 (post-video consultation), including statistical data (median, minimal, and maximal ratings) and the degree of consensus for each item proposed in both the second and third round. -In the case of performing a prior consultation, summarize its significant aspects, established objectives, and their degree of compliance, as well as strengths and difficulties that occurred during this consultation before presenting the action plan derived from the current video consultation. (Item included only in the second round) In the case of performing a prior consultation, and if it is necessary, summarize its significant aspects, established objectives, and their degree of compliance, as well as strengths and difficulties that occurred during this consultation before presenting the action plan derived from the current video consultation. (Item modified in the third round) -Summarize all of what has been discussed and remind of planned objectives and agreed upon interventions to achieve them. 81.25% 4 (2) (3) (4) 93.75% -Request feedback to verify that the most relevant information has been understood. 4 (2) (3) (4) 93.75% 4 (2) (3) (4) 93.75% -Ask the patient if he/she has felt comfortable during the video consultation. 4 (2) (3) (4) 93.75% 4 (2) (3) (4) 93.75% -Schedule the next appointment, give thanks for the collaboration and farewell. 4 (3-4) 100% 4 (3-4) 100% Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the need has arisen to promote telemedicine, and specifically, video consultation [9, 10, 14, 18] . Consequently, both healthcare professionals and patients must take on these new challenges and changes to adapt to this new situation for continuing to provide high-quality health care and achieving patients' satisfaction. In this sense, Humphreys et al. [32] indicate that the videoconference interaction with patients and relatives is fundamentally different from in-person interactions. However, according to Calton et al. [28] , if the internet connection is adequate, the health professionals and patients tend to communicate in the same manner as in a face-to-face consultation, so effective communication and interaction could be achieved. In addition, other studies state that it is feasible to obtain similar results to traditional face-to-face health care [46, 47] . Therefore, it is necessary to train and educate healthcare professionals to eliminate the barriers that may be present, as this is a new modality of health care. In this way, Calton et al. [28] reported that, although the first video consultation implied a major difficulty for healthcare professionals, most of them reported positive experiences in the following video consultations. Aside from mastering the technology required, certain communication and social-emotional skills must be adapted to provide high-quality and humanized health care through this modality. Therefore, we set out to develop consensus criteria on video consultation management, creating a panel of experts to improve health care quality, eliminate technological barriers, and at the same time provide humanized care. Some specific aspects should be noted in both video consultation phases (preparation of the video consultation, video consultation process and post-video consultation) and the context of the patient-healthcare professional relationship, as it is essential to establish an adequate encounter and interaction between them, generating a substantial impact on the participants' experience [28] . In this way, consensus criteria developed in our study took the basic elements that influence a video consultation into consideration, such as technical resources, the relationship established between healthcare professionals and patients (verbal and non-verbal communication, attitude, knowledge, and management of difficulties), and the environment during their interaction. In fact, it is precisely because of the environment in a video consultation that the social distance could be reduced (as there are none of the typical barriers found in a healthcare environment such as a desk or an examination table), increasing communication quality and trust between healthcare professionals and patients, and, consequently, promoting the patients' access to health care while increasing their satisfaction [28] . In this sense, some studies indicate technological difficulties as relevant issues during a video consultation, with the quality and clarity of the audio being a critical point [32] , as the understanding of both participants will logically be compromised. In addition, there is a need for adequate lighting and a camera with an effective zoom to facilitate physical examination for an adequate diagnosis and decision-making [48] . Regarding innovations in work environments such as the implementation of a new modality of health care, Humphreys et al., [32] indicate that professionals who are part of healthcare teams have to be kind to each other and that it is necessary to work with humility and patience with both others and oneself. In this study, the consensus of the experts consulted indicated the need to share experiences of the video consultation format with other colleagues, promoting its management by constructive criticism, and without losing patience. It should be noted that the high consensus obtained in our study was achieved following the recommended methodology criteria for reporting of Delphi studies [35, 43] . In addition, the qualitative data collected from experts' observations were analyzed with a high methodological rigor [44] . Although it may seem controversial to create a standard for a unique and personalized act such as a video consultation, in this study an expert consensus was reached to achieve structured and detailed criteria for the steps and indications that are considered essential in this modality of health care. All of these recommendations are flexible and versatile enough for all healthcare professionals (nurses, general practitioners, psychologists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, etc.) to be able to adapt them to their particular conditions, helping to successfully manage a video consultation. However, it is highly recommended that all healthcare professionals, patients, and caregivers be trained and taught in this modality of healthcare before its real-life use in order to master this technology. In this sense, our guideline includes the availability of other alternative forms of communication in order to be able to contact the patient in case of problems with the video call. In addition, ethical issues related to this technology depend on the specific platform or video consultation software provided by the healthcare service, ensuring privacy and confidentiality. In this case, our guideline includes two elements related to ensuring an environment that is secure, private and confidential. Our study is not exempt from limitations, which are fundamentally related to the Spanish and Latin American origin of the experts selected and the sample size (n = 16 experts). Although there is no standard sample size for the Delphi method, some authors recommend that the sample should range between 20-50 experts [49] , whereas Delphi's primary research indicates that the ideal sample is 15 subjects [50] . However, other authors have emphasized that the objective of the study and the available resources are relevant in determining the sample size [38] . In our study, 20 experts were invited, but four did not accept. Consequently, we have prioritized the categorization of 'expert' (a person who has mastered the topic of interest, that is, has previous experience with using video consultation), a key requirement in the Delphi technique [37] . In addition, three of the expert participants had a dual expert role, as they had also been a patient in a video consultation, so the wealth of information from experts was evident. Lastly, it would be advisable to include not only other healthcare professionals (such as physiotherapists, nutritionists, etc.) but also patients' perceptions in future studies to analyze the usefulness of the criteria of good practice in video consultation obtained in our study. A consensus on criteria for good practices in video consultations management was achieved with a panel of experts using a 3-round Delphi study. The resulting criteria were focused on both video consultation phases (preparation of the video consultation, video consultation process and post-video consultation) and the context of the patient-healthcare professional relationship. The use of these video consultation criteria is recommended for all health professionals who are going to hold a video consultation. Pilot studies on the use of these criteria for good practice in video consultation management are recommended to analyze their operability, satisfaction, and quality. 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Care Cancer The impact of private online video consulting in primary care Telemedicine in the fight against SARS-COV-2-opportunities and possible applications in Otorhinolaryngology: Narrative review Interactive telemedicine: Effects on professional practice and health care outcomes Internet videoconferencing for patient-clinician consultations in long-term conditions: A review of reviews and applications in line with guidelines and recommendations Cost-utility and cost-effectiveness studies of telemedicine, electronic, and mobile health systems in the literature: A systematic review Telemedicine in the era of COVID-19 Top ten tips palliative care clinicians should know about telepalliative care Video Consultations: A Guide for Practice Humanizar la asistencia en los grandes hospitales: Un reto para el profesional sanitario Video consultations between patients and clinicians in diabetes, cancer, and heart failure services: Linguistic ethnographic study of video-mediated interaction Rapid implementation of inpatient telepalliative medicine consultations during COVID-19 pandemic Structured telephone support or telemonitoring programmes for patients with chronic heart failure Structured telephone support or non-invasive telemonitoring for patients with heart failure Defining consensus: A systematic review recommends methodologic criteria for reporting of Delphi studies Research guidelines for the Delphi survey technique How to use the nominal group and Delphi techniques Prescribing indicators for UK general practice: Delphi consultation study Using and reporting the Delphi method for selecting healthcare quality indicators: A systematic review Gazing into the Oracle: The Delphi Method and Its Application to Social Policy and Public Health Verification of a Quality Management Theory: Using a Delphi Study Mental health first aid guidelines for helping a suicidal person: A Delphi consensus study in India The Delphi technique: Making sense of consensus Epistemología, metodología y técnicas del análisis de contenido: Epistemology, methodology and content analysis techniques World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects Inpatient transition to virtual care during COVID-19 pandemic Telemedicine in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications in facial plastic surgery The current and future use of telemedicine in infectious diseases practice Maximum Variation Sampling for Surveys and Consensus Groups The Delphi Survey: Method Techniques and Applications We wish to publicly recognize our gratitude to the Provincial Headquarters of the Foundation for Biosanitary Research of Eastern Andalusia (FIBAO, in Spanish) in Almeria, for their invaluable collaboration in the strategic and methodological organization of this study. The authors declare no conflict of interest.