key: cord-1028886-75mbdrk5 authors: Legault, Marianne; Leblanc, Vicky; Marchand, Geneviève B.; Iceta, Sylvain; Drolet-Labelle, Virginie; Lemieux, Simone; Lamarche, Benoît; Michaud, Andréanne title: Evaluation of Dietary Assessment Tools Used in Bariatric Population date: 2021-06-29 journal: Nutrients DOI: 10.3390/nu13072250 sha: 0b689735c7c946fb5363cadc820fe83a518f93b6 doc_id: 1028886 cord_uid: 75mbdrk5 Severe obesity is associated with major health issues and bariatric surgery is still the only treatment to offer significant and durable weight loss. Assessment of dietary intakes is an important component of the bariatric surgery process. Objective: To document the dietary assessment tools that have been used with patients targeted for bariatric surgery and patients who had bariatric surgery and explore the extent to which these tools have been validated. Methods: A literature search was conducted to identify studies that used a dietary assessment tool with patients targeted for bariatric surgery or who had bariatric surgery. Results: 108 studies were included. Among all studies included, 27 used a dietary assessment tool that had been validated either as part of the study per se (n = 11) or in a previous study (n = 16). Every tool validated per se in the cited studies was validated among a bariatric population, while none of the tools validated in previous studies were validated in this population. Conclusion: Few studies in bariatric populations used a dietary assessment tool that had been validated in this population. Additional studies are needed to develop valid and robust dietary assessment tools to improve the quality of nutritional studies among bariatric patients. Obesity is a common, complex chronic disease and its prevalence has increased over the past several years, making it a major public health concern [1] . More importantly, the prevalence of severe obesity (BMI ≥ 35 kg/m 2 ) has increased dramatically in Canada [2] . Severe obesity is associated with major health issues such as an increased risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea and cancer [2] . Bariatric surgery is the only treatment for severe obesity to offer significant and durable weight loss as well as improvement of metabolic diseases [3] . Multiple types of surgery exist and are usually classified as restrictive, malabsorptive or mixed-procedures. Restrictive surgery limits the amount of food consumed by reducing stomach size, while malabsorptive surgery limits nutrient absorption by bypassing or reorganizing parts of the small intestine. Mixed-procedures, the most common surgeries, combine both gastric restriction and intestinal malabsorption [4, 5] . Assessment of dietary intakes and eating behaviors are important components of the bariatric surgery process especially after surgery, since diet quality of bariatric patients is most likely to impact their risk of developing nutritional deficiencies [6] and their food preferences and choices could impact the success of their weight loss [7] . Many dietary assessment tools are used in nutritional research, especially self-report tools because they are often easier to use and less expensive as opposed to using controlled feeding environments, direct observation or measurements of biomarkers. The most common self-reported tools are food records (FR), 24-h dietary recalls (24HR) and food frequency questionnaires (FFQ). Over the last years, these tools have been adapted for a web-based use, such as self-administered web-based 24HR [8, 9] or a web-based FFQ [10, 11] , to increase cost-efficiency and therefore the applicability to large cohort studies. The FR is a dietary assessment tool where respondents have to report all the foods and beverages consumed during the current day with as many details as possible (portion size, brand, method of cooking, time of the day, location of the eating occasion, etc.), for a variable number of days (often between 3 and 7) [12] . The 24HR consists of listing detailed information about everything the respondent ate and drank from midnight to midnight the previous day, or over the past 24-h period [12] . Finally, FFQ is a fixed-sequence questionnaire based on a predetermined series of foods and beverages consumed over a given period of time, which can be the previous week, month or year. The number and size of portions are often asked subsequently [12] . Of all these dietary assessment tools, the 24HR has been hypothesized as the least biased dietary assessment tool, since FR is more associated to reactivity biases such as a tendency to modify the usual diet for a more socially desirable manner or to simplify the recording task, and FFQ is known to encompass more important systematic biases than 24HR (does not capture the entire diet due to difficulty of the recall task) [12] . One reason explaining the difficulty to select the most appropriate dietary assessment tool with patients targeted for bariatric surgery and patients who had bariatric surgery is the relative lack of validation of these tools within those specific populations. Validity of an instrument is the degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure [12] . To determine the validity of an instrument, it is often compared with another instrument measuring the same concept and known to be accurate or considered as a gold standard [12] . Validation of dietary assessment is conducted to determine how accurately self-report instruments measure true dietary intakes [13] . It is crucial to develop and use tools that provide an accurate and precise measure of dietary intakes to optimize treatment and the nutritional care provided to patients targeted for or who had bariatric surgery [6, 14] . Moreover, as patients who have undergone bariatric surgery have a higher risk of developing nutritional deficiencies [6] , it is also essential to select dietary assessment tools validated for global intakes, particularly protein intakes since it is the major macronutrient deficiency after bariatric surgery [14, 15] . The aim of this review was to document the dietary assessment tools that have been used in research involving patients targeted for bariatric surgery and patients who had bariatric surgery, and to explore the extent to which these tools have been validated. A literature search was conducted for all articles published on Pubmed up to January 2021 to identify studies that used dietary assessment tool with patients targeted for bariatric surgery or who had bariatric surgery. The search strategy was done using this keywords combination: "food intake"[All Fields] OR "food intake evaluation"[All Fields] OR "dietary intake"[All Fields] OR "dietary intake evaluation"[All Fields] OR "dietary assessment"[All Fields] OR "dietary assessment evaluation" [All Fields] OR "food assessment" [All Fields] OR "food assessment evaluation" [All Fields] AND bariatric [All Fields]. The literature search was performed independently by three authors (G.B.M., M.L., V.L.) and included all studies published on Pubmed up to 2021. Studies were found and retained in three stages: (i) the first stage was a screening done directly on Pubmed according to the title and abstract, (ii) the second one was the complete reading of the articles, and (iii) the third stage was a screening of the references of the retained articles. Inclusion and exclusion criteria that were used are presented in Table 1 . Only original studies were included in this review, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The following data were extracted by three authors (M.L., G.B.M., V.D.-L.) for each study: (a) bibliographical data (author, publication year, country); (b) sample characteristics (sample size, type of surgery, mean and standard deviation (SD) for age, sex and body mass index); (c) study design features (objective, study design and dietary assessment tool); (d) outcomes (self-reported energy and nutrient intakes, information on the validity of the dietary assessment tool, if available) ( Table 2) . Information regarding the validity of the dietary assessment tool was also extracted, such as the reference method used for validation, the population in which the validation has been performed, and information about the validation process (Table 3) . Investigate the perception of hunger and satiety and its association with nutrient intake in women who regain weight in the postoperative period after bariatric surgery. No correlations were found between serum/plasma concentrations and nutritional intake nor associations between low concentrations and inadequate intakes. Aron-Wisnewsky et al. [23] RYGB or AGB 24HR conducted by a dietitian (food consumption, energy and macro-and micronutrient intakes) Agreement between the two methods was high, although it may have been overestimated because the two assessments were consecutives to one another. The tool may be highly advantageous for large population-based surveys [125] . Pre-surgery Yes Comparing the results obtained for the modified Goldberg equations in this study, there was considerable variation in the proportion of underreporting (55% to 97%). Verger et al. [115] RYGB or SG Indirect calorimetry (basal metabolic rate) Yes Values revealed that patients from both groups underreported their caloric intake by 8% pre-surgery. Amundsen et al. [18] GB Doubly labelled water (total energy expenditure) The data showed that there was substantial variability in the accuracy of the FFQ at the individual level. Furthermore, the results showed that the questionnaire was more accurate for groups than individuals [127] . On average, 39% of the men were classified in the same quartile with the two methods, and 3% in the opposite quartile. Very-long chain n-3 fatty acids in adipose tissue and total serum lipids reflect the dietary intake of very-long-chain n-3 fatty acids to the same degree. No associations were observed between intake of alpha-tocopherol and concentration in adipose tissue and serum [130] . Correlations between questionnaire and FR for percent of energy from fat were 0.67 and 0.65 respectively in the two groups; most correlations were similar to those achievable by a single 4-day FR [131] . [132] . Post-surgery Yes After SG, patients reported higher total energy intake and energy intake from carbohydrates compared to estimations using photographs. Digital photography appears reliable and accurate in adults in measuring energy intake in a cafeteria setting. Brolin et al. [28] VBG or RYGB As shown in Figure 1 , a total of 800 references were generated by the search strategy in Pubmed, and 108 original studies were included in this review by fulfilling our inclusion and exclusion criteria. Table 2 shows an exhaustive description of the 108 studies included. Studies were published between 1989 and 2021 and were conducted in many countries. These studies represented a total of 10 046 participants (74% females). Twenty five studies (23%) included more than 100 participants, including one with 1695 participants. The mean BMI was 46.0 kg/m 2 (between 29.2 and 55 kg/m 2 ) with a mean age of 44 years (between 33 and 65 years old). Among studies, 75 (69%) included Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), 26 (24%) sleeve gastrectomy (SG), 19 (17%) gastric banding (GB) and 4 (4%) biliopancreatic diversion (BPD). Thirty-three (31%) studies included more than one type of surgery, and 8 (7%) studies did not specify the type of surgery performed. Almost all studies were classified as prospective (n = 32), cross-sectional (n = 26), retrospective (n = 22) or longitudinal (n = 18). To assess dietary intakes, 38 studies used FR [16,19-21,24,27,31,36,39,41-43,46,51-53, 57-59,61-63,68,70,72,74,80,81,91,94,99,100,105,107,111,112,118,121] , 32 used 24HR [23, 25, 32, 35, 37, 44, 45, 49, 60, 64, 67, 73, [77] [78] [79] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] 92, [95] [96] [97] [98] 106, 110, 115, 119, 122, 123] , 16 used FFQ [18, 26, 40, 48, 50, 65, 76, 84, [101] [102] [103] [104] 108, 109, 114, 117] , 8 used questionnaires (6 were inspired by FFQ [29, 66, 69, 71, 93, 120 ] and 2 did not provide details [22, 55] ), 2 used other dietary assessment methods (photo-assisted capture method and food and symptom diary) [17, 75] , and 12 studies used combined tools [28, 30, 33, 34, 38, 47, 54, 56, 82, 83, 113, 116] (Table 2) . Among all studies included, 27 used a dietary assessment tool that had been validated either as part of the study per se (n = 11) or in a previous study (n = 16) (Figure 2 ). Table 3 Of the three studies having tested the validity of the FR per se in their bariatric population, two studies [27, 63] used indirect calorimetry as a reference and one study [121] used plasma concentrations biomarkers (vitamin A, D, E and C) as reference (Table 3) . Regarding the validity of the tools, Bobbioni-Harsh et al. [27] found that the mean selfreported energy intake from their 3-day FR was 17.2% lower than energy requirement Of the three studies having tested the validity of the FR per se in their bariatric population, two studies [27, 63] used indirect calorimetry as a reference and one study [121] used plasma concentrations biomarkers (vitamin A, D, E and C) as reference (Table 3) . Regarding the validity of the tools, Bobbioni-Harsh et al. [27] found that the mean self-reported energy intake from their 3-day FR was 17.2% lower than energy requirement evaluated with indirect calorimetry pre-surgery. Golzarand et al. [63] found that protein and carbohydrate oxidation were significantly decreased post-surgery. Wolf et al. [121] found no correlation between self-reported dietary intakes obtained from a 3-day FR pre-surgery and corresponding serum concentrations biomarkers of intake (25-hydroxycholecalciferol, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol/cholesterol ratio, β-carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphate). Four studies tested the validity of the 24HR per se in their bariatric population [67, 92, 97, 115] (Table 3 ). In two of those studies, indirect calorimetry (resting metabolic rate, energy requirement) pre-surgery [97] and pre-and post-surgery [115] was used as a reference. Total daily energy intake assessed by 24HR was below measured resting metabolic rate pre-surgery by 8% in Verger et al.' study [115] , while Quesada et al. [97] found that 55 to 97% of their participants underreported their intake compared to resting metabolic rate. Another study [67] tested the validity of their 24HR using 24-h urine recovery biomarker data as a reference for protein intake pre-surgery, and another one [92] used FR post-surgery as a reference (energy, macro and micronutrient intakes). Kops et al. [67] concluded that approximately 37% of bariatric patients underreported protein intakes pre-surgery assessed with 24HR compared to 24-h urinary recovery biomarker data, while 25% overreported it. Novais et al. [92] validated their 24HR by comparing it with a 3-day FR and found a high level of agreement between both tools for energy and nutrient intakes. One study [34] directly tested FFQ validity using a 24HR as a reference in post-surgery patients and found a difference of 150 kcal between the two methods (1230 kcal with the FFQ vs. 1083 kcal with the 24HR) ( Table 3 ). None of the studies that used a questionnaire to assess mean daily energy intake used a questionnaire validated in bariatric population. It is important to mention that little information was available about the form of questionnaires used. Five studies [66, 69, 71, 93, 120] used the Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study questionnaire [132] (Table 3) , which was adapted from a simplified dietary history interview and was previously validated using a 4-day FR, nitrogen urinary excretion and 24 h energy expenditure measured by indirect calorimetry in obese and non-obese population, but not in bariatric population. Al-Ozairi et al. [17] used a photo-assisted diet capture method to assess energy intake in post-surgery (Table 3) . They found that after SG, patients reported a higher energy intake with the 24HR compared to estimations obtained using photographs, but they suggested that digital photography was more reliable and accurate for measuring energy intake in this specific population than 24HR [17] . Two studies validated the use of mixed methods to assess dietary intakes among bariatric population [28, 33] (Table 3) . Casagrande et al. [33] used both FFQ and 24HR to assess dietary intakes pre-surgery. Protein, cholesterol and sodium intakes were lower with the FFQ than with the 24HR, while calcium intake was higher [33] . To assess the accuracy of the estimated mean dietary intake found with the 24HR, Brolin et al. [28] used a 1-week FFQ to compare both dietary intakes pre-surgery. They found statistically significant correlations between the tools for total energy intake and intake of milk and ice cream products, sweet/soda and nonliquid sweets [28] . The objective of this review was to document the dietary assessment tools used among patients targeted for bariatric surgery and those who have undergone bariatric surgery. A total of 108 studies were included in this review; only 27 (25%) validated their dietary assessment tool or used a tool that had been previously validated, and only 11 (10%) were validated in bariatric population. Of these 11 studies, only 3 of them validated the dietary assessment tool before and after surgery, 5 validated it only before surgery, and 3 only after surgery. The validation process of dietary assessment tools is complex but is imperative in order to evaluate usual dietary intakes and also provide an adequate estimation of nutrient intakes and potential deficiencies following bariatric surgery [6] . As previously mentioned, the dietary assessment tool of interest is often compared with another tool measuring the same concept and known to be accurate or considered as a gold standard to determine the validity [3, 4] . Direct observation, which refers to objective assessment of foods and beverages consumed, is also frequently used in a clinical setting [5] . This method remains the best option to exclude risk of estimation bias, which could be present with another dietary assessment tool [2] , but it is not representative of usual intakes and can cause other biases such as response bias since participants are being observed. No study using direct observation were found for this review. Most of validation studies included in this review used the comparison with another dietary assessment tool (n = 4; 1 FR, 2 24HR, 1 FFQ) or used indirect calorimetry (n = 4) to assess energy expenditure and macronutrient's oxidation. Indirect calorimetry is less biased than self-report dietary assessment tools [12] , however the later are more commonly selected as they are more accessible [12] . In the general population, FR are the most commonly used self-report tools to validate dietary intakes [8] . In order to improve quality of the validation process, the dietary assessment tool needs to be tested and compared, by direct observation or with a reference method, within the same population [6, 7] . In the current review, we found that only 10% of the validated tools were validated in a bariatric population, showing a clear lack of studies that used a tool validated in that specific population. Moreover, conclusions about validity of the tools varied considerably among studies (as seen in Table 3 ). However, in general, FR were found as acceptable as a dietary assessment tool [27, 124] . Authors found underreporting of dietary intake while validating their 24HR [97, 115] , but it was still deemed appropriate [67, 92] , particularly when used within epidemiological studies [125] . Studies examining the validation of FFQs found almost the same conclusion, namely more accurate with groups than individuals [127, 129] and with a reasonable validity [128, 130, 131] . The only validated questionnaire had the tendency to report higher dietary intake than FR or nitrogen excretion [132] . Finally, digital photography seems to be a reliable and accurate tool for dietary intakes assessment [17] , but more studies are needed to confirm these results. Factors characterizing the bariatric population such as bias and stigmatization, dietary requirements pre-versus post-surgery and type of surgery might influence the choice of the dietary assessment tool and need to be considered in the validation process. Inclusion of patients who will have bariatric surgery and patients who have undergone bariatric surgery in the same study can be questioned as characteristics of patients and susceptible biases in reporting dietary intakes can broadly differ. For instance, social desirability biases and stigmatization can be stronger prior to than after bariatric surgery [133] since patients want to be eligible for the surgery and do not want to be excluded based on some inadequate eating habits. In addition, because several types of bariatric surgeries exist and have different impact on energy restriction and nutrient's absorption, the need to categorize individuals according to the type of surgery, more specifically post-surgery, should also be considered in the validation process. Some studies included in this review evaluated a cohort longitudinally and assessed dietary intakes pre-and post-surgery using the same dietary assessment tool, but none of them differentiated the validity of the tool to measure dietary intakes prior to and after surgery. This review has strength and limitations. It showed an important lack of studies that used a tool validated in bariatric population and the need to conduct research to address this concern. Indeed, a considerable number of studies used a dietary assessment tool that had been previously validated in a non-bariatric population, such as the Swedish Obese Subjects study questionnaire. Furthermore, only a few studies included in this review specifically aimed to validate the dietary assessment tool used to assess dietary intakes in bariatric population, another indicator of the lack of literature. The interpretation of the results remained difficult considering the limited availability of information regarding the validation process and conclusions about the validity in most studies, and the high level of methodological differences between studies. Identification of the most relevant dietary assessment tools validated prior to and after bariatric surgery would allow to characterize dietary intakes more accurately while improving nutritional interventions among these patients. Validity of dietary assessment tools should be tested for total daily energy intake and in terms of diet quality. Indeed, quality of dietary intakes of patients targeted for bariatric surgery can impact their risk of developing nutritional deficiencies after the surgery [6] and the success of their weight loss [93] . Moreover, web-based and technology-assisted assessment methods have opened the way to a new wave of self-administered automatic tools [8, 9] . Considering that the web-based 24HR has been associated with reduced desirability bias compared to standard administrated questionnaires at least in the general population [8] , such tools could be an interesting approach to assess dietary intake in bariatric population. The potential benefits and risks associated with these web-based tools need to be evaluated in bariatric population. More studies about the validation of dietary assessment tools in bariatric population are needed, taking into account potential biases in this population. In conclusion, few studies included in the review validated their dietary assessment tool. Additional studies are needed in order to develop valid and robust dietary assessment tools among bariatric population. These tools are essential in evaluating efficacy of nutritional interventions conducted in this population. Obesity in adults: A clinical practice guideline Current and predicted prevalence of obesity in Canada: A trend analysis Bariatric Surgery: A Review of Procedures and Outcomes Types of Gastric Bypass Bariatric Surgery and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Deficiências de micronutrientes no pré-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica Food Preferences and Their Perceived Changes Before and After Bariatric Surgery: A Cross-sectional Study Relative validity of a web-based, self-administered, 24-h dietary recall to evaluate adherence to Canadian dietary guidelines Performance of the Automated Self-Administered 24-hour Recall relative to a measure of true intakes and to an interviewer-administered 24-h recall Comparing Interviewer-Administered and Web-Based Food Frequency Questionnaires to Predict Energy Requirements in Adults Evaluation of Web-Based, Self-Administered, Graphical Food Frequency Questionnaire The National Cancer Institute's Dietary Assessment Primer: A Resource for Diet Research Bariatric surgery and long-term nutritional issues Nutritional deficiencies after bariatric surgery Gut Microbiota Profile of Obese Diabetic Women Submitted to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Its Association with Food Intake and Postoperative Diabetes Remission Photo-Assisted Dietary Method Improves Estimates of Dietary Intake Among People with Sleeve Gastrectomy Suboptimal Weight Loss and Weight Regain after Gastric Bypass Surgery-Postoperative Status of Energy Intake, Eating Behavior, Physical Activity, and Psychometrics Dietary outcome in obese patients treated with a gastroplasty program Weight Loss and Health Outcomes in African Americans and Whites After Gastric Bypass Surgery Protein Intake, Body Composition, and Protein Status Following Bariatric Surgery The Duodenal Switch Operation for the Treatment of Morbid Obesity Nutritional and Protein Deficiencies in the Short Term following Both Gastric Bypass and Gastric Banding Sleeve gastrectomy in patients with severe obesity restores circadian rhythms and their relationship with sleep pattern Nutritional Course of Patients Submitted to Bariatric Surgery Most of qualitative dietary changes observed one year post-bariatric surgery can be achieved with a preoperative dietary intervention Factors influencing energy intake and body weight loss after gastric bypass Weight Loss and Dietary Intake After Vertical Banded Gastroplasty and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Dietary intake and ghrelin and leptin changes after sleeve gastrectomy. Videosurg. Other Miniinvasive Tech Changes in Resting Energy Expenditure and Body Composition after Weight Loss following Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Changes in ghrelin concentrations one year after resective and non-resective gastric bypass: Associations with weight loss and energy and macronutrient intakes Circadian Misalignment Is Negatively Associated with the Anthropometric, Metabolic and Food Intake Outcomes of Bariatric Patients 6 Months After Surgery Bone Mineral Density and Nutritional Profile in Morbidly Obese Women Dietary Intake and Weight Changes 5 Years After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Food Intake and Changes in Eating Behavior After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Nutritional consequences of modified vertical gastroplasty in obese subjects Obesity coexists with malnutrition? Adequacy of food consumption by severely obese patients to dietary reference intake recommendations Comparison of Nutritional Status During the First Year After Sleeve Gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Evolution of nutritional, hematologic and biochemical changes in obese women during 8 weeks after Roux-en-Y gastric bypasss Nutritional Status Prior to Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Do Bariatric Patients Follow Dietary and Lifestyle Recommendations during the First Postoperative Year? Gut Microbial Predictors of Type 2 Diabetes Remission Following Bariatric Surgery Comparison of Virtual Nutri Plus ® and Dietpro 5i ® software systems for the assessment of nutrient intake before and after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Poor diet quality and postoperative time are independent risk factors for weight regain after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Dietary intake of female bariatric patients after anti-obesity gastroplasty Lithogenic Risk Factors in the Morbidly Obese Population The Effect of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery on Dietary Intake, Food Preferences, and Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Post-Surgical Morbidly Obese Lebanese Subjects: A Cross-Sectional Pilot Study Differential Changes in Dietary Habits after Gastric Bypass Versus Gastric Banding Operations Comparison of weight loss, food consumption and frequency of vomiting among Roux-en-Y gastric bypass patients with or without constriction ring Impact of dietary patterns according to NOVA food groups: 2 y after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery Gastrointestinal Hormones, Intestinal Microbiota and Metabolic Homeostasis in Obese Patients: Effect of Bariatric Surgery Essential Fatty Acid Plasma Profiles Following Gastric Bypass and Adjusted Gastric Banding Bariatric Surgeries Assessment of Selenium in Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Gastric Banding Surgery Food tolerance and diet quality following adjustable gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Differential Adaptation of Human Gut Microbiota to Bariatric Surgery-Induced Weight Loss: Links With Metabolic and Low-Grade Inflammation Markers Evaluation of factors that may influence in the insufficient weight loss in patients after two years of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Micronutrient intake, from diet and supplements, and association with status markers in pre-and post-RYGB patients Pregnancy After Roux en Y Gastric Bypass: Nutritional and Biochemical Aspects Energy and macronutrient intake after gastric bypass for morbid obesity: A 3-y observational study focused on protein consumption Micronutrient and physiologic parameters before and 6 months after RYGB Food Intolerance 1 Year After Banded Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Short-term effect of weight loss through restrictive bariatric surgery on serum levels of vaspin in morbidly obese subjects Changes in Body Composition, Dietary Intake, and Substrate Oxidation in Patients Underwent Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Comparative Prospective Study Assessment of dietary habits, nutritional status and blood biochemical parameters in patients prepared for bariatric surgery: A preliminary study Dietary changes in obese patients undergoing gastric bypass or lifestyle intervention: A clinical trial Sociodemographic and lifestyle factors as determinants of energy intake and macronutrient composition: A 10-year follow-up after bariatric surgery Anthropometric and lipid profile of individuals with severe obesity carrying the fatty acid-binding protein-2 Thr54 allele Weight, and Psychological Changes among Patients with Obesity, 8 Years after Gastric Bypass Decreased energy density and changes in food selection following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass Snack-Eating Patients Experience Lesser Weight Loss after Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Gastric bypass reduces fat intake and preference Relevance of Self-reported Behavioral Changes Before Bariatric Surgery to Predict Success After Surgery Nutritional profile of patients in a multidisciplinary treatment program for severe obesity and preoperative bariatric surgery Micronutrient supplementation in gastric bypass surgery: Prospective study on inflammation and iron metabolism in premenopausal women Insights from the Impact of Meal Composition on Glucose Profile Towards Post-bariatric Hypoglycemia Management Comparison of dietary habits and plans for dietary changes in black and white women seeking bariatric surgery Preoperative Nutritional Interventions in Morbid Obesity: Impact on Body Weight, Energy Intake, and Eating Quality Bone turnover after bariatric surgery Anthropometric Evaluation and Micronutrients Intake in Patients Submitted to Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass with a Postoperative Period of ≥1 Year Changes in Nutrients and Food Groups Intake Following Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Influence of diet and supplements on iron status after gastric bypass surgery Nutritional Intake and Prevalence of Nutritional Deficiencies Prior to Surgery in a Spanish Morbidly Obese Population Long-Term Dietary Intake and Nutritional Deficiencies following Sleeve Gastrectomy or Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass in a Mediterranean Population Eating patterns and food choice as determinant of weight loss and improvement of metabolic profile after RYGB Effectiveness of B Vitamin Supplementation Following Bariatric Surgery: Rapid Increases of Serum Vitamin B12 New look at nutritional care for obese patient candidates for bariatric surgery Red meat intolerance in patients submitted to gastric bypass: A 4-year follow-up study Role ofUCP2polymorphisms on dietary intake of obese patients who underwent bariatric surgery Nutritional Inadequacies Among Post-bariatric Patients During COVID-19 Quarantine in Sao Paulo Is there any change in phenotypic characteristics comparing 5 to 10 years of follow-up in obese patients undergoing roux-en-y gastric bypass? Diabetes remission after bariatric surgery is characterized by high glycemic variability and high oxidative stress Food intake in women two years or more after bariatric surgery meets adequate intake requirements Body Composition, Dietary Intake, and Energy Expenditure After Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass and Laparoscopic Vertical Banded Gastroplasty What Are Obese Patients Able to Eat after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass? Lifestyle Intervention Favorably Affects Weight Loss and Maintenance Following Obesity Surgery Increase in Protein Intake After 3 Months of RYGB Is an Independent Predictor for the Remission of Obesity in the First Year of Surgery Comparative Analysis of Approaches for Assessing Energy Intake Underreporting by Female Bariatric Surgery Candidates Reported nutrient intake over 7 years after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in the Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery-3 (LABS-3) psychosocial study Energy Intake and Food Habits between Weight Maintainers and Regainers, Five Years after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Timing of food intake is associated with weight loss evolution in severe obese patients after bariatric surgery Changes in Frequency Intake of Foods in Patients Undergoing Sleeve Gastrectomy and Following a Strict Dietary Control Micronutrient Deficiencies in Morbidly Obese Women Prior to Bariatric Surgery A pilot study investigating the efficacy of postoperative dietary counseling to improve outcomes after bariatric surgery Preoperative eating behavior, postoperative dietary adherence, and weight loss after gastric bypass surgery The Relationship Between Energy Intake and Weight Loss in Bariatric Patients Impact of metabolic surgery on health-related quality of life and quality of alimentation The effect of dietary counseling on nutrient intakes in gastric banding surgery patients Long-term Dietary Changes after Vertical Banded Gastroplasty: Is the Trade-off Favorable? Food Quality in the Late Postoperative Period of Bariatric Surgery: An Evaluation Using the Bariatric Food Pyramid Dietary Composition and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Gastrointestinal function and eating behavior after gastric bypass and duodenal switch Nutrient Intake of Women 3 Years After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Weight Loss and Food Intake 18 Months following Vertical Banded Gastroplasty or Gastric Bypass for Severe Obesity Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Reduces Hedonic Hunger and Improves Dietary Habits in Severely Obese Subjects Micronutrient and Protein Deficiencies After Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy: A 1-year Follow-up Perception of Hunger/Satiety and Nutrient Intake in Women Who Regain Weight in the Postoperative Period After Bariatric Surgery Consumo alimentar e sua associação com estado nutricional, atividade física e fatores sociodemográficos de candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica Oral Hydration, Food Intake, and Nutritional Status Before and After Bariatric Surgery Calorie Intake and Meal Patterns up to 4 Years after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Increased Postprandial Energy Expenditure May Explain Superior Long Term Weight Loss after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Compared to Vertical Banded Gastroplasty Preoperative micronutrient status in morbidly obese patients before undergoing bariatric surgery: Results of a cross-sectional study Food intake evaluation during the first year of postoperative of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus or glycemic alteration submitted to roux-en-y gastric bypass Dietary macro-and micro-nutrients intake adequacy at 6th and 12th month post-bariatric surgery Relative validities of 3-day food records and the food frequency questionnaire Comparison between an interactive web-based self-administered 24 h dietary record and an interview by a dietitian for large-scale epidemiological studies Relative validation of fruit and vegetable intake and fat intake among overweight and obese African-American women Validation of energy intake estimated from a food frequency questionnaire: A doubly labelled water study Use of a three-day estimated food record, a 72-hour recall and a food-frequency questionnaire for dietary assessment in a Mediterranean Spanish population Reprodutibilidade e validade do questionário de freqüência de consumo de alimentos Evaluation of a Food Frequency Questionnaire with Weighed Records, Fatty Acids, and Alpha-Tocopherol in Adipose Tissue and Serum Validation of a self-administered diet history questionnaire using multiple diet records Validity and reproducibility of a self-administered dietary questionnaire in obese and non-obese subjects Measuring food intake in studies of obesity Funding: This research received no external funding. The authors declare no conflict of interest.