key: cord-1026380-74uqskab authors: Varshney, Prateek; Mamtani, Harkishan; Kumar, Channaveerachari Naveen; Chandra, Prabha S. title: COVID-19 Vaccination for Persons With Severe Mental Illnesses: An Indian Perspective date: 2021-08-24 journal: Indian J Psychol Med DOI: 10.1177/02537176211033933 sha: bd53a3bfe5d02a6984963ddef72f40e843ec1f8c doc_id: 1026380 cord_uid: 74uqskab nan are often so debilitating that the individual's ability to engage in functional and occupational activities is severely impaired." 1 SMI (schizophrenia and severe mood disorders) follow a chronic course, 2 thereby highlighting the long-standing disabilities posed by them. While the A midst the growing concerns due to the second wave of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, the various available vaccines have come as a respite for the masses. Due to their limited availability, various countries rolled out priority-based programs, where the vaccines are administered in a cascaded manner. Certain groups of the population are placed higher on the priority list because of their vulnerability to contracting SARS-CoV-2 infection, having a more severe presentation, and/or a poorer prognosis. Dynamic interaction between a multitude of risk factors such as age, profession, socioeconomic status, and medical comorbidities might predispose them to these poor outcomes. Despite addressing the prioritization of the vaccines for various vulnerable groups, many of the vaccination programs, including the Indian one, seem to have failed to acknowledge the disadvantage that the people with severe mental illnesses (PwS-MI) face in these adverse times. Severe Mental Illness (SMI) has been defined as "psychological problems that Viewpoint vaccination against COVID- 19 and some recommendations about how this can be achieved. Why Are PwSMI at Greater Risk? The higher likelihood of PwSMI getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 and eventually having a worse prognosis can be explained by the following. Compared to the general population, PwSMI are at a higher risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and respiratory tract diseases (either due to genetic causes or treatment-induced). 5 All of these are risk factors for worse outcomes and can exacerbate the underlying vulnerabilities discussed subsequently. The increased risk persists even if these comorbidities are corrected for. 12 This shows that these are only contributing factors rather than the sole responsible factor. This also refutes the claim that PwSMI would anyway be given priority because of their physical health status. The lifetime prevalence rates of substance use disorders (SUD) are nearly 50% in PwSMI. 13 Factors that predispose individuals with SUD to getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 include ongoing substance use, inadequate infection control measures, and social disadvantage. 14 Considering smoking, in particular, its prevalence is up to 2-3 times higher in PwSMI than those without a mental illness. 12 The role of smoking in the worse outcome of COVID-19 can be explained by the causation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers, which predisposes to worse outcomes in COVID-19. 12 The higher expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) in bronchial epithelial cells of active smokers can also be another explanation for increased infection of smokers with SARS-CoV-2, although this theory is controversial. 12 Acquisition of substances needs constant social engagement with drug suppliers or stores. When smoking, frequent hand-tomouth actions and sharing of smoking devices can lead to the spread of infection. Smokers who live in smoke-free areas may need to leave and return their homes frequently, exposing themselves and others to infection. Smokers may be apprehensive about using alcohol hand sanitizers since they can provide a fire danger if used near a fire source. In addition, the social disadvantage they face may lead to housing, food, and economic insecurity, 15 which can lead to poorer outcomes of infection. SMI is associated with a pro-inflammatory state and a maladaptive functioning of T cells. 12 Childhood adversities, chronic stress, and sleep disturbances also predispose these individuals to a dysregulated immune system. 12 Increasing age is a known factor for poorer outcomes in COVID-19. 16 SMI is associated with the evolving concept of "accelerated biological aging," 17 which can be thought of as playing a role in the worse outcomes. An Indian study 18 revealed that 72% of PwSMI did not have adequate knowledge about the symptoms of COVID-19. 64% had inadequate information about the precautionary measures to be taken for the same. 18 PwSMI may be unable to find adequate information on COVID-19, understand the contents and applicability of this information to their situation, and adapt to the continuously changing health safety regulations of "respiratory etiquette," including usage of masks and social distancing. Help-seeking and getting adequate treatment are a challenge in this population due to stigmatization, discrimination, erroneous beliefs, and negative attitudes. 12 Dedicated COVID facilities might even be reluctant to admit floridly symptomatic PwSMI for many of these reasons, even if there is a clear indication for the same. The symptomatology of COVID-19 reported by these patients often might be misinterpreted by physicians as their "psychiatric symptoms" and thereby ignored. In many cases, the symptoms of SMI might themselves act as barriers to help-seeking. For the management of agitation in cases of SMI, in particular in hospitals, benzodiazepines are commonly used. However, many doctors of other specialties are not aware that these benzodiazepines are weak respiratory depressants 21 that might further complicate the clinical picture of COVID-19. Another challenge in this population is the use of corticosteroids, which are known to cause psychotic symptoms, 22 thereby causing further damage to their mental health. Social exclusion and loneliness are associated with dysregulated antiviral immunity, which can be thought of as a cause for poor outcomes in SMI. 19 In addition, socioeconomic deprivation, poverty, and homelessness also predispose PwSMI to higher infection rates. 12, 20 Thus, PwSMI are at a higher risk of not only contracting COVID-19 but also having poorer outcomes and not getting adequate medical care. Including SMI in the comorbidities as a priority group for COVID-19 vaccination is thus very important. Various countries are at different stages of developing and putting into practice their plans. Nevertheless, systemic efforts have been initiated to facilitate the inclusion of PwSMI in the priority list for COVID-19 vaccination. A glimpse of the same is provided in Table 1 . 23, 24 Indian Scenario Let us look at the Indian scenario, where the world's largest vaccination drive is underway. 30 As per the recommendations by the National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for COVID-19 (NEGVAC) constituted in India, the vaccine was offered on a priority basis to healthcare workers and various other frontline workers, and later, to persons above 60 years, followed by individuals older than 45 years with associated comorbidities. 31 These comorbidities are enlisted in Table 2 . The last criterion in the list does mention individuals with disabilities having high support needs/multiple disabilities. Though this does not exclude PwSMI, it will be a cumbersome process for them to avail of the benefit. Hence, a discrete mentioning of a category for SMI should be ensured. This will also make the local authorities providing vaccination at the ground level aware of it, who otherwise might not be able to appreciate this "invisible disability." In a populous country like India, where the lifetime prevalence of SMI is 1.9%, 4 leaving this population out would be a big miss. Evidence has shown that the severity of outcomes due to SARS-CoV-2 infection in PwSMI is similar to that of people with cardiac, pulmonary, or autoimmune issues. 23 So, if the latter group of diseases can find a place in the aforementioned list, a provision for SMI should also be made. The highly prevalent stigmatization of PwSMI in India 33 further strengthens our recommendation for the need for the same. A public interest litigation was filed to fight for the above cause; however, the same was termed "not desirable" by the Government of India. 34 The NEGVAC felt that "decision regarding prioritization is based on scientific evidence, principles of equity, WHO guidelines and hence there was no need to change or alter or modify the criteria for the present." 34 However, the above-mentioned evidence pointed in this article certainly calls for a relook of the current policy. Steps need to be taken at various levels to ensure priority delivery of the vaccines to PwSMI. As highlighted above, policy changes are warranted to explicitly mention this group of people in the priority list of vaccination. Various stakeholders in mental health care, including mental health professionals, user groups, caregivers, and representatives from nongovernmental organizations working in this field should be made a part of the committees involved in decision-making for the vaccination of this group in particular. In addition, it is the responsibility of the mental health professionals to be "vaccine advocates" and update this population about the information for the need for vaccination and the safety and efficacy of the various available vaccines. They should also be prepared for various doubts and questions, especially regarding any specific side effects or possible drug interactions. In addition, advice should be provided for lifestyle modifications, like smoking cessation and measures to prevent and treat metabolic syndrome, so that the poor prognostic factors of COVID-19 are taken care of. 35 They should also ensure that COVIDappropriate behavior is followed at their institutes and that their health-care staff Viewpoint is vaccinated and adequately educated about the precautions to be followed. 35 The caregivers of PwSMI also need to be proactive in getting their patients vaccinated at the earliest. By virtue of their proximity, they are the best people to educate the patients about the need for vaccination and encourage a discussion about the same with their treating psychiatrist. Also, they should accompany these individuals to the vaccination centers, especially if they are actively symptomatic. The challenges PwSMI might face during the entire process of vaccination also need to be addressed. If they don't have any caregivers, concerns about booking an appointment for the vaccination might be common because of their cognitive disability. 36 This can be overcome by keeping in place a simpler method for them to register for the same, where they should not have to go through a process that might be cumbersome for them. Also, a greater number of doses increases the likelihood of missing the subsequent doses. Hence, the use of vaccines like the Sputnik V should be considered, especially for this population, where a single dose can provide a partial protective effect. 37, 38 The efficacy of these might not be equal to that of the other two-dose regimens, but it would still be better than not vaccinating this vulnerable group at all. An American study that focused on vaccination in PwSMI reported increased vaccination rates if such drives were carried out at a mental health establishment. 39 This can be possibly extrapolated to the vaccination drives in other countries, including India, as well. Having these drives at such centers also ensures that floridly symptomatic patients can be managed appropriately by mental health experts if at all any urgent intervention is required. A vaccination drive was conducted at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bengaluru, for the chronically mentally ill PwSMI, majority of whom are long-stay patients. Personal communication with the institute revealed that as of June 2021, out of a total of 81 patients in the closed wards, 60 (74%) had been completely vaccinated, with an additional 15 (19%) having received the first dose of the vaccine. This can serve as an example for many other mental health establishments in the country. Also, regularly reserving a particular number of vaccination slots at these establishments for PwSMI might help improve the vaccination rates in this underserved population. While this can be achieved relatively easily at longstay facilities and rehabilitation homes, most PwSMI reside in the community, and hence our advocacy for proactive steps for them. Also, learning from the global scenario (see Table 1 ), consideration should be given to prioritizing vaccination for the caregivers of PwSMI too. These caregivers should include the professional staff at various institutions and establishments and the nonpaid caregivers, who are family members in most cases. This will not only ensure that the caregivers are protected from the infection but also significantly reduce the chances of PwSMI getting infected. The Mental Health Care Act in India, which is in place for the protection of the rights of the mentally ill, entitles the nominated representative (NR) to make treatment-related decisions for PwSMI if they do not have the capacity. 40 In a situation where the NR denies the vaccine for a PwSMI, then the further course of action is something worth pondering upon. If the PwSMI are found to have the capacity, they themselves take those decisions. 40 If they refuse to take the vaccine, then what would be the way ahead also needs to be thought of. Another interesting but contrasting perspective on this can be illustrated from the consideration that lower vaccine coverage in high-risk groups does not always equate to the low impact of the vaccine program. 41 Expanding this finding to the COVID-19 vaccination program, even if the vaccine uptake falls short in the vulnerable group, health benefits may still be realized in terms of disease burden reduction. Having said that, this does not discount the fact that priority vaccination and special facilities for the same for vaccinating PwSMI is the need of the hour. This will benefit these individuals and help break the chain of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in an efficient way. Since May 1, 2021, all individuals above 18 are being vaccinated in India. 42 This is a welcome step since nearly threefourths of mental illnesses have their onset by the age of mid-20s. 43 However, since the supply of vaccines is limited, prioritization in this age group is also warranted. A positive development is that some local authorities have started to recognize individuals with mental illnesses in the priority groups for vaccination, as is evident in a recent development in Bengaluru. 44 Similar steps need to be taken at the national level to ensure faster vaccine distribution to this vulnerable group. Efficient intersectoral coordination between the concerned governmental bodies, relevant nongovernmental organizations, and bodies of mental health professionals is warranted to achieve the said target. The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Prateek Varshney Harkishan Mamtani Severe mental illness (SMI) and physical health inequalities: Briefing [Internet] Massachusetts general hospital comprehensive clinical psychiatry Prevalence, severity, and unmet need for treatment of mental disorders in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys National mental health survey of India Physical illness in patients with severe mental disorders: I. Prevalence, impact of medications and disparities in health care Association of psychiatric disorders with mortality among patients with COVID-19 Increased risk of COVID-19 infection and mortality in people with mental disorders: Analysis from electronic health records in the United States Prepandemic psychiatric disorders and risk of COVID-19: A UK Biobank cohort analysis Bidirectional associations between COVID-19 and psychiatric disorder: Retrospective cohort studies of 62 354 COVID-19 cases in the USA Death associated with coronavirus (COVID-19) infection in individuals with severe mental disorders in Sweden during the early months of the outbreak-an exploratory cross-sectional analysis of a population-based register study Association between mental illness and COVID-19 susceptibility and clinical outcomes in South Korea: A nationwide cohort study COVID-19 vaccination for people with severe mental illness: Why, what, and how? Management of persons with co-occurring severe mental illness and substance use disorder: Program implications COVID-19 and persons with substance use disorders: Inequities and mitigation strategies Social determinants and the health of drug users: Socioeconomic status, homelessness, and incarceration The age-related risk of severe outcomes due to COVID-19 infection: A rapid review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression Accelerated biological aging in serious mental disorders COVID-19 and severe mental illness: Impact on patients and its relation with their awareness about COVID-19 Two distinct immune pathways linking social relationships with health: Inflammatory and antiviral processes The hidden vulnerability of homelessness in the COVID-19 pandemic: Perspectives from India Benzodiazepine use, misuse, and abuse: A review Steroid psychosis: A review Severe mental illness: Reassessing COVID-19 vaccine priorities Severe mental illness and European COVID-19 vaccination strategies Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation: Advice on priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination If you have severe mental illness, the time to get your COVID-19 vaccination is now Characteristics and predictors of hospitalization and death in the first 11 122 cases with a positive RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 in Denmark: A nationwide cohort Kamerbrief over COVID-19 vaccinatiestrategie update stand van zaken -Kamerstuk -Rijksoverheid The world's largest COVID-19 vaccination campaign Strategy for COVID-19 vaccination in India: The country with the second highest population and number of cases Certificate to identify individuals with co-morbidities that enhance the risk of mortality in COVID-19 disease for priority vaccination Labels used for persons with severe mental illness and their stigma experience in North India Not desirable" to create separate priority group of mental illness for vaccination: Centre to Delhi HC COVID 19 vaccination of persons with schizophrenia in India-need for imperative action! Cognition in severe mental illness: Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression Oxford Textbook of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine candidate appears safe and effective Safety and efficacy of an rAd26 and rAd5 vectorbased heterologous prime-boost COVID-19 vaccine: An interim analysis of a randomised controlled phase 3 trial in Russia Adult vaccination rates in the mentally Ill population: An outpatient improvement project uploads/media/Mental%20Health/ Mental%20Healthcare%20Act,%202017. pdf 41. GOV.UK. Annex A: COVID-19 vaccine and health inequalities: Considerations for prioritisation and implementation Vaccine for all above 18 starting May 1 [Internet]. 2021 Age of onset of mental disorders: A review of recent literature The News Minute. BBMP assigns nodal officers for vaccination of frontline workers in 18-44 groups