key: cord-1023340-olhh6pjg authors: Chambon, M.; Laveran, H.; L'Haridon, R.; Peigue-Lafeuille, H.; Trimolet, M.; Beytout, D. title: Enquête sérologique par immunofluorescence indirecte, sur les infections à coronavirus OC43 date: 1987-06-30 journal: Annales de l'Institut Pasteur / Virologie DOI: 10.1016/s0769-2617(87)80010-2 sha: ca9ed72cea16dc3044bb2ebc71de7da849dbec36 doc_id: 1023340 cord_uid: olhh6pjg Summary Four-hundred seventy-two sera were examined by the indirect immunofluorescence test against Coronavirus strain OC43 adapted to the HRT18 cell culture. Sera were from children and adults hospitalized over a 4-year period, from 1979 to 1982, at the CHRU of Clermont-Ferrand (France) for different clinical reasons. Of the 446 sera tested, 61 % showed antibodies against OC43; 90 % of adult sera were positive. Coronavirus infections are very common in France. Immunity appears early in life, and infection is frequent in children from 12–36 months of age. Les coronavirus constituent une famille de virus reconnus responsables d'affections respiratoires benignes, Les premieres etudes cliniques et epidemiologiques des annees 60-70 ant ete peu nombreuses en raison des difficulres de culture de ces virus. Depuis, l'adaptation de certaines souches it la culture cellulaire a permis d'avancer de facon considerable dans I'etude de leur structure fine, de leur biochimie et de leur pouvoir pathogene. Des coronavirus enteropathogenes ant ete decrits chez l'animal [10] puis chez l'enfant [13, 14, 17] [6] et L'Haridon et coli. [7] , a ete utilisee au 25" passage sur cellules. Ce travail a beneficie de l'aide financiere de J'INSERM Coronavirus antibody titres in sera of healthy adults and experimentally infected volunteers Coronavirus infections in working adults: eight-year stud y with 229E and OC 43 • Amer Seroepidemiologic survey of coronavirus (strain OC 43 ) related infections in a children's population. A mer Seroepidemiologic survey of coronavirus (strain 229E) infections in a population of children Antigenic relationship between human coronavirus strain OC 43 and hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus st rain 67N of swine: antibody responses in human and animal sera Une lignee cellulaire particulierement sensible ala replication du coronavirus enteritique bovin: les cellules HRTI8 ) ts«. D) Adaptation d 'un isolement de coronaviru s enterique bovin a la culture cellul aire et caracterisation de la souche obtenue Seroepidemiologic studies of coronavirus infection in adults and children. A mer Two antigenic group of human coronaviruses detected by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Neonatal calf diarrhea propagation, attenuation and characteristics of a coronavirus-like agent The Tecumseh study of respiratory illness. -VI. Frequency of an relationship between outbreak of coronavirus infection Detection of coronavirus infection of man by immunofluorescence Association d'infection acoronavirus avec l'enterite hemorragique du nouveau-ne Coronavirus et astrovirus observes dans les selles d'enfants atteints de gastroenterites Occurence of antibodies to human coronavirus OC 43 in Finland. Scand Rises in titers of antibody to human coronaviruses OC 43 and 229E in Seattle families during 1975-1979 Pleomorphic, envelopped, virus-like particles associated with gastrointestinal illness in neonates