key: cord-1020523-i9ut2p06 authors: nan title: Index to Subjects ∗ ∗ July, pp. 1-98; August, pp. 99-198; September, pp. 199-294; October, pp. 295-438; November, pp. 439-564; December, pp. 565-736. date: 2004-12-31 journal: Annals of Emergency Medicine DOI: 10.1016/s0196-0644(04)01589-6 sha: 0a167ca22aea20cb40d6f05f70644bf10e01f179 doc_id: 1020523 cord_uid: i9ut2p06 nan Meeting abstracts are located in the following issue: October Supplement (ACEP Research Forum; pp. S1-S136). *July, pp. 1-98; August, September, October, November, December, Effects of initial pain treatment on sedation recovery time in a pediatric emergency department (Losek and Reid 74-5, 105-7, 128-30, 138-41, 153-4, 213-14, 304-6, 384-5, 399-400, 451-3, 524-6, 575-6, 586-8, 605- A-455 polymorphism in Korean ischemic stroke patients (Cho et al) Research Forum abst.) Patient isolation An evaluation of portable high-efficiency particulate air filtration for expedient patient isolation in epidemic and emergency response (Mead and Johnson) Research Forum abst.) The risk of recurrent emergency department visits or hospitalization in asthmatic children given different asthma medications (Patel et al) Research Forum abst.) Patient satisfaction Do emergency department patients with musculoskeletal pain really want analgesics? (Axelband et al) Does the evidence support the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization's requirement for spiritual assessment? (Jang et al) Research Forum abst.) Does utilization of physician extenders reduce emergency department length of stay while maintaining patient satisfaction scores? (Silverman et al) Research Forum abst.) Racial and economic composition of emergency department visitors and privacy values: are first-time visitors different from repeat visitors? (Nelson et al) Validated physiologic scoring systems are inadequate for predicting inhospital mortality among critically ill emergency department patients (Fitch et al) San Francisco Brief report: azithromycin treatment failures in syphilis infections NHTSA notes commentary) Sepsis Ancient Chinese herbal medicine as a modern hope for the treatment of sepsis: extract of Angelica sinensis as an antagonist for a newly discovered late mediator of sepsis, HMGB1 (Wang et al) Using a multidisciplinary acute sepsis initiative to teach early goal-directed therapy for sepsis-induced hypoperfusion states (Abate et al) Severe acute respiratory syndrome The effect of severe acute respiratory syndrome on emergency airway management (Wong and Ho) Facing an outbreak of highly transmissible disease: problems in emergency department response (Chen et al) (Correspondence) SARS decision rule: who's a suspect? Correspondence) ''SARS-Ed'': severe acute respiratory syndrome and the impact on medical education (Sherbino and Atzema Correspondence) Sex distribution Aspirin therapy in patients who presented to an academic emergency department with chest pain: race, sex, and age effects (Takakuwa et al Does sex influence triage decision and time to initial electrocardiogram? (Tanabe et al) Is sex a factor in determining whether acute coronary syndrome patients with renal insufficiency undergo diagnostic cardiac catheterization? (Ayan et al) Shock, septic Using a multidisciplinary acute sepsis initiative to teach early goal-directed therapy for sepsis-induced hypoperfusion states (Abate et al) Research Forum abst.) Shoulder dislocation Anterior dislocation of shoulder: reduction in the emergency department without analgesia by scapular rotation and humeral traction (Shoukry and Riou) Direct humeral head manipulation (Oza maneuver) for anterior shoulder dislocations (Oza) Efficacy of a pressure-immobilization bandage in delaying the onset of systemic toxicity in a porcine model of Eastern coral snake (Micrurus fulvius) envenomation (German et al) Fasciotomy worsens the amount of myonecrosis in a porcine model of crotaline envenomation (Tanen et al) Pressure immobilization delays mortality and increases intracompartmental pressure after artificial intramuscular rattlesnake envenomation in a porcine model (Bush et al) Research Forum abst.) Racial and economic composition of emergency department visitors and privacy values: are first-time visitors different from repeat visitors? (Nelson et al) Residents' perspective) Spectrophotometry Xanthrochromia: by which method? A comparison of the visual and spectrophotometric determination of xanthrochromia (Durfey et al) Role of tissue oxygen saturation monitoring in diagnosing necrotizing fasciitis of the lower limbs (Wang and Hung) abst.) Spinal puncture Assessing the diagnostic contribution of lumbar puncture in geriatric patients presenting with fever and altered mental status: does source obviate lumbar puncture? (D'Amore and Nelson) Ultrasonographic identification of anatomic structures relevant to lumbar puncture (Ferre and Sweeney) See also Cervical vertebrae Efficacy of an inflatable spine-board padding device in relieving pain during simulated spinal immobilization Spirituality Does the evidence support the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization's requirement for spiritual assessment? (Jang et al) Research Forum abst.) Status epilepticus Status epilepticus after a massive intravenous N-acetylcysteine overdose leading to intracranial hypertension and death (Bailey et al) An observational study to identify predictors of acute stress disorder and depressive symptoms in adult female victims of sexual assault (Freeman and McDaniel) See Cerebrovascular accident Stroke volume Third and fourth heart sounds detected by correlated audioelectric cardiography are highly specific markers for elevated left ventricular filling pressure and reduced ejection fraction (Jordan et al) See also Overdose Another perspective on ''severe hypercapnia caused by acute heroin overdose Correspondence) Characterization and clinical assessment of 571 febrile intravenous drug users at risk for infective endocarditis presenting to an urban emergency department (Ho et al Cocaine use in a young urban population with newonset congestive heart failure (Mills et al) Hydroxybutyrate addiction and withdrawal: from the c-Hydroxybutyrate addiction study (Zvosec and Smith) Correspondence) Suicide Depressive symptoms and suicidality in women experiencing intimate partner violence (Houry et al Correspondence) Surgery Effect of the elective surgical schedule on daily emergency department throughput time (Rathlev et al Prevalence and predictors of surgical intervention in trauma patients activated by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma Guidelines (Coba et al) Syncope Characteristics and admission patterns of patients presenting with syncope to US emergency departments Long-term survival of Japanese patients transported to an emergency department because of syncope (Suzuki et al) Risk prediction for patients with syncope Should calcium and magnesium levels be checked in patients with a prolonged QTc? (Shah et al) Syncope in patients older than 65: do they all require admission? (Coon et al) See Population surveillance, methods Syphilis Brief report: azithromycin treatment failures in syphilis infections 540-2 T Tachycardia, supraventricular Synchronized cardioversion of unstable supraventricular tachycardia resulting in ventricular fibrillation (Xavier and Memon) Effect of standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation on cerebral blood flow and coronary perfusion pressure in the canine model of simulated ventricular tachycardia (Hwang et al) Teaching, methods Do learning styles of emergency medicine residents reflect their preference for typical teaching modalities offered in residency programs? (Barlas et al) Impact of institution of an electronic hospital information system on nursing quick registration and triage times (Tsai et al) Predictive validity comparison of two five-level triage acuity scales (Worster et al) Prevalence and predictors of surgical intervention in trauma patients activated by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma Guidelines (Coba et al) Reliability and validity of the Emergency Severity Index triage algorithm in a pediatric population (Baumann and Strout) Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment: does it predict transportation and referral needs in patients evaluated by disaster medical assistance teams? (Richards and Nufer) Research Forum abst.) Utility of ultrasonography in the triage of patients in the disaster setting: a preliminary study (Sztajnkrycer et al) Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole combination Antimicrobial resistance among clinical isolates of Haemophilus influenzae in the United States (Heilmann et al) diagnostic use Could a six-hour multimarker protocol be accurate to predict acute coronary syndromes in chest pain patients admitted to an observational unit in an emergency department? (Parenti et al) Heart failure with an elevated troponin is associated with increased morbidity and mortality: an ADHERE registry analysis (Peacock et al) Tryptamines The Meixner test in the detection of a-amanitin and false-positive reactions caused by psilocin and 5-substituted tryptamines (Beuhler et al) Turkey Effect of Ramadan on surgical emergencies (Gö çmen et al) See also Abdomen, ultrasonography Applied Bedside Sonography for Convenient Evaluation of Superficial Soft Tissue Infections (Squire et al) Access to ultrasonography by other specialists and performance of ultrasonography by emergency physicians in community emergency departments (Moore et al) The influence of an emergency medicine ultrasonography program on the ranking of senior medical students who choose emergency medicine residencies: a prospective study (Miller et al) Research Forum abst.) The role of bedside ultrasonography, urinalysis, and computed tomography in the diagnostic evaluation of flank pain (Gaspari et al) Ultrasonographic assessment of bladder volume prior to urinary catheterization in infants: training operators and avoiding unsuccessful catheterizations (Milling et al) Ultrasonographic identification of anatomic structures relevant to lumbar puncture (Ferre and Sweeney) Ultrasonography for manipulation and reduction of pediatric forearm fractures in the children's emergency department (Wong et al) Ultrasonography of the internal jugular vein in patients with dyspnea without jugular venous distention on physical examination (Jang et al) Research Forum abst.) Utility of ultrasonography in the triage of patients in the disaster setting: a preliminary study (Sztajnkrycer et al) CDC update) Seroprevalence of tetanus antibodies among immigrants over age 50: a comparison to an aged matched US-born population (Alagappan et al) Student-run medical clinics in the United States: a national survey (Lung and Marco) Syncope in patients older than 65: do they all require admission? (Coon et al) United States Indian Health Service Emergency medicine career paths less traveled: cruise ship medicine, Indian health, and critical care medicine (Cawdery and Burg) Research Forum abst.) The role of bedside ultrasonography, urinalysis, and computed tomography in the diagnostic evaluation of flank pain (Gaspari et al) Research Forum abst.) Urinary catheterization Ultrasonographic assessment of bladder volume prior to urinary catheterization in infants: training operators and avoiding unsuccessful catheterizations (Milling et al) Research Forum abst.) Does the WBC count, age, or sex predict which febrile children from 90 days to 36 months of age will have a positive urine culture? (Ryan et al) Weightlessness Evaluation of an unrestrained cardiopulmonary resuscitation method in microgravity (Lee et al) spondence) Wounds and injuries. See also Abdominal injuries Brain injuries; Cervical vertebrae, injuries Craniocerebral trauma; Fractures; Shoulder dislocation; Spinal cord injuries Evaluation of an emergency department trauma workshop (Bentancur et al) Research Forum abst.) Wounds and injuries, diagnosis Bispectral analysis in trauma patients: an observational study (Holger et al) Kappa values for focused abdominal sonography for trauma examination interrater reliability based on anatomic view and focused abdominal sonography for trauma experience level (Ma et al) Prevalence and predictors of surgical intervention in trauma patients activated by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma Guidelines (Coba et al) Research Forum abst.) Emergency medical services for children: assessment of all-terrain vehicle-related injuries in Illinois (Weinstein et al) Research Forum abst.) Wounds and injuries, prevention & control Burn prevention knowledge and education in the emergency department (Horn et al) Research Forum abst.) Wounds and injuries, ultrasonography Kappa values for focused abdominal sonography for trauma examination interrater reliability based on anatomic view and focused abdominal sonography for trauma experience level (Ma et al) Randomized clinical trial of point-of-care, limited ultrasonography for trauma in the emergency department: Sonography Outcomes Assessment Program (SOAP)-1 trial (Melniker et al) Intramuscular ziprasidone in agitated patients with bipolar diagnoses (Daniel et al) Intramuscular ziprasidone in the psychiatric emergency department: expanded sample (Francis et al) Ziprasidone in bipolar mania: efficacy across patient subgroups (Potkin et al) Ziprasidone versus haloperidol for the treatment of agitation (Citrome et al)