key: cord-1017488-2y64gywt authors: HAZNEDAROĞLU, İbrahim Celalettin; ÇELEBİER, Mustafa title: Antiinfective and wound-healing pleiotropic actions of Ankaferd hemostat date: 2020-08-26 journal: Turk J Med Sci DOI: 10.3906/sag-2004-94 sha: 98d3e93ca5159e85dc433e5d0ad1ce1624a9ebe3 doc_id: 1017488 cord_uid: 2y64gywt no needed for the letter to the editor. progress of repurposing against COVID-19. Glycyrrhiza glabra has long been employed against coughs and colds in Chinese Medicine and Wuhan University has proposed a combination of diammonium glycyrrhizinate and vitamin C for COVID-19 therapy [12] . Although herbal medicinal products might be effective against COVID-19, it is hard to suggest them for drug repurposing since most of the plants are not standardized products and not approved by any disease indication. However, ABS is an already approved and standardized plant-based medicinal product for the management of dental, dermal, external and internal bleedings. Its nontoxic and nonirritable features make it possible to be safely applied as topical oral solution [4] . ABS inhibited the growth of nosocomial bacterial pathogens in 72.4% to 100% of the bacteria tested, depending on the type of the isolate [3] . Furthermore, the in vitro yet unpublished results presented that ABS was found to be virucidal on bovine herpes virus type 1 (BHV-1) virus. Within the light of the recent published paper in Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences [1] regarding the wound healing properties of ABS on oral mucosa and the already published results about the antiinfective effect of ABS, we propose that small-volume ampoule solution of the ABS diluted with water shall be used as a gargling solution for the virus-induced oropharyngeal mucositis, clinically representing itself as 'sore throat' . The antimicrobial, antiinfective, virucidal, antiseptic and wound healing features of ABS [3] could be beneficial for the clinical management of initial steps of COVID-19 infection for instance at the oropharyngeal level. Repurposing of the topical oral usage of ABS against COVID-19 may be tested in clinical trials in near future for this aim of repositioning. An evaluation of the effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester and Ankaferd blood stopper on secondary wound healing of oral mucosal tissue Safety and efficacy of Ankaferd Blood Stopper in dental surgery Pleiotropic cellular, hemostatic, and biological actions of Ankaferd hemostat Effectiveness of Ankaferd BloodStopper in prophylaxis and treatment of oral mucositis in childhood cancers evaluated with plasma citrulline levels Safety and efficacy of ankaferd hemostat (ABS) in the chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis Ankaferd blood stopper: A novel hemostatic agent with unique antimicrobial, antineoplastic and regenerative properties Glycyrrhizin suppresses HMGB1 inductions in the hippocampus and subsequent accumulation in serum of a kainic acid-induced seizure mouse model The role of Glycyrrhizin, an inhibitor of HMGB1 protein, in anticancer therapy Glycyrrhizin, an active component of liquorice roots, and replication of SARS-associated coronavirus Pathogenic role of HMGB1 in SARS? Glycyrrhizic acid affords robust neuroprotection in the postischemic brain via anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting HMGB1 phosphorylation and secretion Redeploying plant defences