key: cord-1014525-9p26isft authors: Ashley, Caroline L.; Abendroth, Allison; McSharry, Brian P.; Slobedman, Barry title: Interferon-Independent Innate Responses to Cytomegalovirus date: 2019-12-11 journal: Front Immunol DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02751 sha: 9a5373ecd01b3bcd536ed29778076947fab8eef2 doc_id: 1014525 cord_uid: 9p26isft The critical role of interferons (IFNs) in mediating the innate immune response to cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is well established. However, in recent years the functional importance of the IFN-independent antiviral response has become clearer. IFN-independent, IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF3)-dependent interferon-stimulated gene (ISG) regulation in the context of CMV infection was first documented 20 years ago. Since then several IFN-independent, IRF3-dependent ISGs have been characterized and found to be among the most influential in the innate response to CMV. These include virus inhibitory protein, endoplasmic reticulum-associated IFN-inducible (viperin), ISG15, members of the interferon inducible protein with tetratricopeptide repeats (IFIT) family, interferon-inducible transmembrane (IFITM) proteins and myxovirus resistance proteins A and B (MxA, MxB). IRF3-independent, IFN-independent activation of canonically IFN-dependent signaling pathways has also been documented, such as IFN-independent biphasic activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) during infection of monocytes, differential roles of mitochondrial and peroxisomal mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS), and the ability of human CMV (HCMV) immediate early protein 1 (IE1) protein to reroute IL-6 signaling and activation of STAT1 and its associated ISGs. This review examines the role of identified IFN-independent ISGs in the antiviral response to CMV and describes pathways of IFN-independent innate immune response induction by CMV. HCMV has a 236 kbp double stranded DNA (dsDNA) genome, 165 genes (1) encoding up to 751 protein products (2), a 45-100% seroprevalence in the adult population (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) , and remains a significant human pathogen particularly in those with an underdeveloped or suppressed immune system. Just as HCMV infection can profoundly alter the overall adaptive immune response (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) , it also generates a powerful innate response. Key mediators of this innate response are IFNs. There are three types of IFN: type I (α, β, κ, ω, τ , and ε), type II (γ), and type III (λ1, λ2, λ3, λ4). Type I and II IFNs are the best characterized in the context of HCMV and their induction, antiviral roles as well as the viral antagonism of these processes have been extensively reviewed (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) . A role for type III IFNs, in the innate response to HCMV and murine CMV (MCMV), whose pathogenesis closely parallels that of HCMV (20) , has recently been elucidated (21-27). The innate response to both HCMV and MCMV infection is initiated when virus is detected by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) including toll-like receptors (TLRs) TLR2 (28) (29) (30) (31) and TLR9 (32) (33) (34) . Once virus has bound and entered cells, HCMV and MCMV can be detected by cytosolic DNA sensors such as IFI16 (35, 36) , ZBP1/DAI (37) (38) (39) and cGAS (32, 40) that signal through the stimulator of IFN genes (STING). Each of these pathways culminates in activation and dimerization of IRF3 resulting in production of type I IFN (41) (42) (43) (44) . Type I IFN production is subsequently enhanced by upregulation of IRF7, an ISG that is also capable of dimerizing and activating the type I IFN promoter (45) . HCMV and MCMV infection both trigger production of type II IFN from CD8 + T cells, CD4 + T cells and natural killer (NK) cells (46) (47) (48) . HCMV even remodels the IFNγ locus (IFNG) for sustained IFNγ expression in NKG2C hi NK cells (49, 50) . IFNλ production is induced by HCMV and MCMV infection (22) and these type III IFNs are themselves ISGs with production stimulated by IFNα and IFNβ treatment (51) . Key antiviral mediators of all IFN types are ISGs (52) . Interferome, a database dedicated to chronicling all genes significantly regulated by IFN (changes ≥ 2-fold), identifies 12614 ISGs (53) . Type I IFNs alone can trigger expression of more than 2,000 genes in humans, many of which are antiviral (54) . Canonical induction of ISGs by type I, II, and III IFNs occurs by JAK/STAT signaling downstream of the type I IFN receptor (IFNAR1 + IFNAR2), the IFNγ receptor (IFNGR1 + IFNGR2) and the IFNλ receptor (IFNLR1 + IL10R2), respectively. The type I and II IFN receptors are widely expressed but type III IFN receptor expression is limited to epithelial cells (55, 56) . ISGs stimulated by type I and III IFN contain an IFN stimulated response element (ISRE) in their promoter region that is bound by the activated transcription factor IFN stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3), comprised of phosphorylated STAT1 and STAT2 with IRF9 (55, (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) , or by STAT2 homodimers associated with IRF9 (63) (64) (65) . IFNγ induced ISG promoters contain γ-activated sequences (GAS) that are bound by STAT1 homodimers (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) . However, upregulation of some ISG mRNAs in the early stages of HCMV infection (prior to DNA replication) are not inhibited by IFN neutralization (71, 72) . Since this discovery, the body of literature demonstrating ISG induction independent of canonical IFN signaling pathways has been steadily expanding and those discussed in this review are summarized in Figure 1 . Initial differential display analyses compared the susceptibility of genes upregulated early vs. late in infection to inhibition by IFN neutralizing antibodies and/or protein synthesis inhibitor cyclohexamide (CHX) (72) . Three of these genes: IFIT2/ISG54/p54/cig42, IFIT3/ISG60/p60/cig49 and viperin/cig6, were upregulated by HCMV at 8 h post infection (hpi) and even accumulated following exposure to replicationincompetent ultraviolent-irradiated HCMV (UV-HCMV) (72) . Blocking type I IFN with neutralizing antibodies failed to inhibit IFIT2, and IFIT3 induction, demonstrating that their upregulation was both IFN-independent and could be triggered by viral binding entry alone (72) . A subsequent, broad mRNA analysis using oligonucleotide arrays found that levels of 258 mRNAs were altered more than 4-fold prior to initiation of HCMV DNA replication (71) . IFIT2 and IFIT3 were among these quickly detected ISGs as were MxA, MxB, and ISG15 (71) . The immediacy of this induction suggests a direct mechanism requiring few intermediary steps, indeed IFIT2, IFIT3, ISG15 (73) and viperin (72) upregulation can be detected 6 hpi with HCMV in the absence of de novo host and viral protein synthesis (cyclohexamide (CHX) treatment). This is also the case for IFIT1/ISG56/p56 (73) and indicates that this subset of ISGs may be induced/upregulated independently of IFN during HCMV infection. When searching for a mechanism underpinning IFNindependent ISG induction during CMV infection, initial studies turned to the powerful transcriptional regulator involved in IFN production, IRF3. Expression of constitutively active IRF3 in the absence of any viral stimulus could induce transcription of a subset of ISGs including IFIT1, IFIT2, IFIT3, ISG15, and viperin (74) . IRF3-independent expression of these same ISGs was also observed during infection with other viruses: single stranded RNA (ssRNA) Newcastle disease virus (NDV) upregulated IFIT1, IFIT2 and ISG15 in cells that could respond to but were unable to produce type I IFN (75) and IFIT1 expression could be induced during ssRNA Sendai virus (SeV) infection by IRF3 nuclear translocation in cells unable to respond to type I IFN (76) . Studies using herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) demonstrated that IFIT1 expression could be driven by infection even in the presence of CHX in human fibroblasts (HFs) but could not be detected in the human epithelial osteosarcoma cell line U2OS (77) . U2OS cells can respond to IFN but have defects in the STING signaling pathway (78) involved in IRF3 activation and dimerization in response to DNA sensing by IFI16, ZBP1/DAI, and cGAS (79) (80) (81) (82) . Furthermore, HSV-1 infection of IRF3 −/− , IRF3 −/− IRF9 −/− , and IRF1 −/− murine fibroblasts revealed that IRF3 was essential for generation of an antiviral state and IFIT2 expression in response to UV-HSV-1 (83) . In the case of IFIT1, expression was directly induced by an IRF3-containing complex binding to its promoter region (77, 84) . In the context of HCMV infection, initiation of IFIT2 transcription was found to occur independently of STAT1 nuclear localization (85) and in the presence of CHX (86) . Soon it emerged that expression of IFIT1, IFIT2, IFIT3 and ISG15 during HCMV could be IFN-independent but always required IRF3 activation (42, 73, 87) . Subsequent studies revealed that viperin expression could be driven directly by HCMV glycoprotein B (gB), in an IFN-independent, IRF3/IRF1 dependent manner (88, 89) . This aligns with data demonstrating that IRF3 translocation to the nucleus is a requirement for the IFN-independent induction of an antiviral state in response to UV-HCMV (87) . In contrast, another transcription factor implicated in type I IFN production NFκB (90), remains cytosolic (91). Sensing of HCMV by components of the innate immune response initiates production of IFNs and proinflammatory cytokines. HCMV is sensed by PRRs on the cell surface (TLR2) and in endosomes (TLR3, TLR4, and TLR9). Signaling from TLR2, TLR3, and TLR4 is through MyD88 and results in the activation and nuclear translocation NFκB, a transcription factor that stimulates expression of proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF, IL-8, IL-12, and IL-6. TLR9 and TLR4 signal through TRIF which causes activation by phosphorylation of IRF3 via TBK1/IKKε, activated IRF3 dimerizes and enters the nucleus to stimulate production of type I IFNs. HCMV infection can also be recognized by viral nucleic acid detectors in the cytoplasm; DNA sensors ZBP1, IFI16 and cGAS signal through ER-resident STING to activate TBK1/IKKε whilst the viral RNA sensor RIG-I activates TBK1/IKKε by signaling via MAVS located on the mitochondria or peroxisomes. The end result of both of these pathways is IRF3 phosphorylation, dimerization, nuclear translocation and production of type I IFNs. (B) IFN-dependent and IFN-independent pathways of ISG induction during HCMV infection. For IFN-dependent induction of ISGs to occur type I, type II and type III IFNs must bind to their cell surface receptors. Type I and III IFN receptors signal through various combinations of JAK proteins to phosphorylate STAT1 or STAT1 and STAT2 which form a complex referred to as ISGF3 with IRF9. ISGF3 then translocates to the nucleus where it binds to the ISRE to induce ISG production. The type II IFN receptor utilizes both JAK1 and JAK2 to phosphorylate STAT1, leading to its dimerization and nuclear translocation. Once in the nucleus, activated STAT1 dimers bind to GAS and stimulate ISG production. The three key pathways of HCMV-mediated IFN-independent ISG induction are indicated in red. Firstly, HCMV can directly activate IRF3; additionally, HCMV can sequester STAT3 and redirect the activated JAK1, created by IL-6 receptor binding, to phosphorylate STAT1; and finally peroxisomal MAVS may be able to trigger IFN-independent ISG expression at early times following infection. Black line = canonical IFN-dependent ISG induction pathway, red line = HCMV-induced, IFN-independent ISG induction pathway. To interrogate the IFN-independent, IRF3-dependent response to HCMV HFs have been engineered (92, 93) to lack either IRF3 through expression of the nPro protein of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) (nPro/HFs) which binds and degrades IRF3 (94) or STAT1, by expression of the parainfluenza virus type 5 (PIV-5) V protein (V/HFs) which targets STAT1 for proteasomal degradation (95) . These nPro/HFs and V/HFs were recently utilized, alongside IRF3 KO CRISPR/Cas9 HFs, to demonstrate that expression of viperin, ISG15, IFIT1, IFIT2, IFIT3, Mx1, and Mx2 mRNA during infection with HCMV can be induced in an IRF3-dependent, STAT1-independent manner (96) . In fact, mRNA levels of IFIT1, IFIT2, and IFIT3 were as highly elevated in the absence of STAT1-mediated IFNAR signaling as in the parental HFs (96) underlining the capacity of such IFN-independent mechanisms to profoundly regulate ISG expression. Many of these IFN-independent, IRF3-dependent ISGs are among the most potently induced by CMV infection and examining the roles these genes play in the innate response to CMV is essential to understanding the ramifications of this non-canonical regulation. Viperin inhibits the egress and replication of many viruses (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) . However, in the context of HCMV, viperin upregulation is proviral, initiated by infection to manipulate cellular metabolism and cause the accumulation of cytosolic lipids for use in production of the viral envelope (103) . In trophoblasts, a cell type of particular clinical relevance due to their role in the transmission of congenital HCMV (104-106), viperin is required for efficient expression of immediate early viral genes (107) . Viperin is also known to enhance type I IFN production in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) by localizing to lipid rafts and acting as a scaffold for recruitment of interleukin-1 receptorassociated kinase 1 (IRAK1) and TNF receptor associated factor 6 (TRAF6) (108) . In addition, viperin has been identified to act in its capacity as a member of the radical S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) superfamily of enzymes to facilitate conversion of cytidine triphosphate (CTP) to 3 ′ -deoxy-3 ′ ,4 ′ -didehydro-CTP (ddhCTP) (109) . Thus far, ddhCTP is known to act as a terminator of RNA synthesis by viral (Dengue and Zika) RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (109) and so investigations into its interaction with the HCMV encoded viral DNA polymerase are warranted. The viperin gene (RSAD2) lies in close proximity to the gene encoding cytidylate monophosphate kinase 2 (CMPK2) in the genome, suggesting a potential functional link to this pathway (109) . Expression of CMPK2 is so closely linked to viperin that, following stimulation by IFN, viperin, CMPK2 and a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) called lncRNA-CMPK2 are all co-transcribed (110) . Interestingly, lncRNA-CMPK2 acts as a negative regulator of ISG expression (including ISG15, IFIT3 and IFITM1) (110) . If IFN-independent, CMV-induced viperin upregulation also enhances expression of lncRNA-CMPK2, this could be a novel mechanism utilized by the virus to dampen the antiviral ISG response. Furthermore, viperin has been demonstrated to be important for replication of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), a function attributed to the ability of viperin to catalyze oxidation of methionine in the viral DNA helicase, enhancing its expression and function (111) . In this context, IFN-independent viperin upregulation by HCMV may be a way to ensure viral replication proceeds with maximum efficiency and thus the potential of viperin to modify the HCMV viral helicase-primase complex should be considered for further study. Overall, IFNindependent upregulation of viperin by HCMV seems to be a process initiated by the virus very early in infection to prepare the cell for its role as a virus-producing factory. ISG15 is a small ubiquitin-like protein that exists in three forms: (1) unconjugated within the cell, (2) conjugated within the cell (112, 113) , and (3) secreted into serum (mainly by granulocytes) where it promotes NK maturation and IFNγ production (114) . During HCMV infection accumulation of both free and conjugated ISG15 can be partially inhibited by interfering with the canonical IFNAR signaling pathway with a JAK inhibitor (115) but some IFN-independent, IRF3-dependent expression remains (96) . Whilst the mechanisms by which ISG15 regulates CMV infection are currently unknown, it appears to possess antiviral activity as blocking ISG15 accumulation enhances viral replication (115) and HCMV antagonizes both the production of unconjugated ISG15 and ISGylation (115) (116) (117) (118) . On the other hand, it is interesting to note that whilst in murine studies ISG15 −/− mice are generally more sensitive to disseminated viral infections (119) human patients presenting with primary immunodeficiencies associated with defects in ISG15 expression are not (120) . In fact, ISG15 −/− fibroblasts isolated from such patients and primed with type I IFN were less susceptible to infection with HCMV than controls. This was attributed to the elevated levels of antiviral ISGs in these cells, a result of ISG15s ability to bind and stabilize the E3 ubiquitin ligase-like protein USP18, which acts as a negative regulator of the type I IFN response (120, 121) . It is also possible that HCMV manipulates levels of ISG15 to shift monocytes toward the mixed M1/M2 macrophage phenotype that is observed during infection (122) and hypothesized to enhance viral dissemination and persistence (123, 124) . This is because in the absence of infection, ISG15 plays a role in the maintenance of mitochondrial homeostasis (125) . Specifically, ISGylation of mitochondrial components can control mitochondrial function: reducing the rate of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and causing a corresponding decrease in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) (126) . A reduction in levels of mitochondrial ROS alters macrophage polarization, shifting these cells toward a mixed M1/M2 phenotype (126) . IFITs are ISGs with antiviral capabilities against flaviviruses, poxviruses, coronaviruses and papillomaviruses (127) (128) (129) (130) . A pan-viral mechanism of host defense mediated by IFITs is the sequestration of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF3) by IFIT1 which slows the overall rate of cellular protein synthesis (76, 84, 131) . A more specific strategy depends on the recognition and binding of viral RNA lacking 2 ′ -O methylation of the 5 ′ RNA cap by IFIT1 (132) . This binding ability is enhanced by association with IFIT2 and IFIT3 (133) . Despite the fact that CMV replication takes place wholly within the nucleus, export of viral mRNAs does occur (134) and these may be sensed by IFITs. Another possibility is that IFITs may directly bind essential CMV proteins in the cytoplasm, as IFIT1 does to inhibit human papilloma virus (HPV) infection (135, 136) . Although the mechanisms of the IFIT-mediated antiviral response to HCMV are still unclear, a significant reduction in titer has been reported when the virus is grown in IFIT1 overexpressing fetal astrocytes (137) . IFITM proteins are also implicated in the antiviral response against a wide range of viruses: orthomyxoviruses, flaviviruses, filoviruses, and coronaviruses often by blocking membrane fusion (127, (138) (139) (140) . However, overexpression of IFITM1, IFITM2 and IFITM3 does not inhibit HCMV infection but rather results in a modest increase in the percentage of infected cells (141, 142) . Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) knockdown of IFITM1 alone or in combination with IFITM2 and IFITM3 inhibits HCMV infection as they are required for successful formation of the HCMV virion assembly complex (vAC) and production of infectious progeny virions (142) . It is interesting to note that despite this proviral role, IFITM proteins are noticeably downregulated at later stages of infection (48-72 hpi) (142) . Direct induction of IFITMs by HCMV may also contribute to the severe consequences of congenital infection as IFITM expression can inhibit the fusion of cytotrophoblast cells into the multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast, a structure at the interface between maternal and fetal tissue, essential for placental development (143) . The Mx proteins MxA and MxB are a family of dynaminlike GTPases first reported for their antiviral activity against influenza and are now well characterized in response to other viruses (144, 145) . MxA is found in the cytosol and inhibits influenza virus infection through retention of the viral genome (146) . On the other hand, MxB localizes to the cytoplasmic face of nuclear pores (147) and is able to inhibit HIV-1 replication by blocking nuclear viral genome accumulation (148, 149) . Both MxA and MxB are highly upregulated by HCMV infection (73, 150) and it has recently been discovered that MxB overexpression inhibits replication of HSV-1, HSV-2, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), MCMV, and HCMV (151, 152) . HSV-1 and MCMV inhibition manifested in a similar way to that of HIV-1, a block in the delivery of viral genome to the nucleus (151) . However, in terms of the regions of protein at play, this mechanism was found to differ substantially with a requirement for GTP binding but not GTP hydrolysis (152, 153) . Knockdown of MxB has also been implicated in stalling cell cycle progression (147) and it has been suggested that the HCMV virion protein pUL69 that contributes to the cell cycle arrest (154) does so via an interaction with MxB (155) . Direct ISG induction by IRF3 is not the only pathway associated with the IFN-independent response to CMV. In human monocytes, IFN-independent, biphasic activation of STAT1 with differential phosphorylation at early (30 min) compared to late (24 h) time points post-HCMV infection appears to influence motility, migration, differentiation and polarization (156) . Regulation of mitochondrial activity is emerging as another IFN-independent innate response mediator. A number of years ago it was discovered that HCMV DNA could induce ISG expression in an IRF3-dependent, TLRindependent manner that involved TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1), IκB kinase epsilon [IKKε; originally called IKKinducible (IKKi)], and mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS) (157) . More recently, peroxisomal MAVS has been implicated in rapid type-I IFN-independent ISG (viperin, Mx2, IFIT3, IFIT2) expression (158) . Conversely, mitochondrial MAVS appears to be involved in IFN-dependent ISG production (158) . HCMV actively impairs mitochondrial MAVS signaling through the viral mitochondria-localized inhibitor of apoptosis (vMIA) and reduces type I IFN production (159) . vMIA has also been found to localize to peroxisomes and induce their fragmentation by interaction with the cytoplasmic chaperone protein Pex19, hijacking the transport machinery of peroxisomal membrane proteins (160) . This suggests that disabling IFN-independent ISG transcription induced by peroxisomal MAVS contributes to efficient CMV infection. The HCMV immediate early gene 1 (IE1) is also capable of inducing expression of ISGs in the absence of IFN production. HCMV IE1 induces expression of IL-6 (161) which usually signals through JAK and STAT3 (162) . However, IE1 binds and sequesters STAT3 (163), leaving JAK, already activated by IL-6, free to phosphorylate STAT1. Thus IE1 re-routes IL-6 signaling to activate STAT1 resulting in transcription of ISGs independently of IFN (164) . Early studies examining IFN-independent induction of an antiviral state showed that treatment of human embryonic lung fibroblasts (HELFs) with UV-HCMV rendered these cells resistant to subsequent viral infection in the absence of detectable IFN production (91) . Intriguingly, whilst high multiplicity of infection (MOI) UV-HCMV also induced an antiviral state in the HELFs, this required IFN production (91) . Paladino et al. (91) proposed a model by which, when cells are exposed to limited numbers of virus particles (low MOI), induction of an internal antiviral state is sufficient to control infection, however, when many virus particles are present (high MOI), cells secrete IFN to protect neighboring cells too. The ability to induce an antiviral state in the absence of IFN production may be important in cells such as neurons, where inflammation is undesirable. In this respect, neurotropic arboviruses have been shown to induce protective type I IFN-independent, IRF3-dependent responses (165) . Recently, the power of IFN-independent innate responses to CMV has been illustrated by the finding that human macrophages co-cultured with HCMV-infected retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPEs) can limit viral replication and spread in a cell-cell contact dependent manner that could not be blocked by vaccinia-derived type I IFN binding protein B18R, nor by neutralizing antibodies against either IFNγ or TNFα (166) . It has also been shown that HCMV virus particles pretreated with HCMV-specific antibodies that do not replicate, nor express IE antigens, can enter human macrophages and induce an antiviral state that renders these cells less susceptible to subsequent HCMV infection independently of IFN production (167) . IFN-independent ISG induction can also be used to regulate the development of cells key to viral persistence and dissemination. In human monocytes infected with HCMV, ISGs are upregulated independently of IFN (4 hpi) that function to enhance monocyte motility and migration (156) . This occurs in a STAT1-dependent manner that also suppresses transcription of anti-inflammatory M2-associated cytokines (IL-10 and CCL18), promoting polarization of macrophages toward a mixed M1/M2 phenotype (156) . ISG15 was among the ISGs found to be upregulated in monocytes 4hpi with HCMV (156) . ISG15 may contribute both directly and indirectly to the mixed M1/M2 macrophage phenotype, causing monocyte-specific upregulation of IL-10 (168) whilst simultaneously inducing production of M1 macrophage-stimulating cytokine IFNγ by NK and T cells (114) . When considering the innate response to CMV infection, IFN and the ISG-mediated induction of an antiviral state are important first elements. The intention of this review has been to highlight the substantial body of literature accumulating around IFN-independent innate responses to CMV. IFN-independent induction of ISGs is an important phenomenon and ISGs produced via this pathway appear to play both pro-and anti-viral roles during infection. This complicates direct interrogation of the IFN response during viral infection and necessitates careful consideration of kinetics, as particular ISG may be upregulated directly by the virus, independently of IFN, to play a proviral role early in infection but later on, when IFN-dependent expression dominates, may antagonize infection. When examining plaque number and size at 7 days post infection, we reported no difference in rates of CMV replication nor spread between cells unable to produce IFN (IRF3 degraded) and those that could not respond to IFN (lacking STAT1) (92) , even though the latter cells still allowed viral induction of IFN-independent ISGs (96) . Focusing on earlier time points, before loss of IFN production/signaling becomes the overwhelming factor affecting infection efficiency, may reveal more subtle differences conferred by abrogation of either IRF3 or STAT1 signaling. A deeper understanding of the various functions of IFNindependent ISGs may enable their relative abundance to serve as a predictor of disease progression. For example, high levels of IL-6 have been correlated with CMV reactivation and poor prognosis for transplant patients (169) (170) (171) ; perhaps this is because ISGs produced by IE1 re-routing the IL-6 response to enhance infection. If this were the case, interference with STAT1 homodimer-mediated ISG expression may improve prognosis. Since CMV infected, polarized macrophages are key mediators of T cell activation and proliferation (172) , if IFNindependent ISGylation influences macrophage polarization then levels of ISG15 induced directly by CMV early in infection may provide an indication as to whether or not a robust T cell response will be generated. It is also important to note that many of these ISGs, including viperin, IFIT2, IFIT3, Mx1 and ISG15 are defined as part of the 28 core mammalian ISGs i.e., produced in all nine mammalian species tested (54) . It would therefore be prudent to determine whether their IFN independence is also conserved across species especially since rhesus CMV does not induce IRF3 activation nor the associated ISG expression (173) . Finally, with the IFN-independent nature of these ISGs becoming clear, caution should be exercised when using these ISGs as surrogate readouts for interferon signaling, as it is clear that they are also induced directly by viral infection. CA generated the initial draft of the manuscript. All other authors (BM, AA and BS) contributed to the subsequent writing and review of the manuscript. The authors wish to acknowledge the many research groups who have contributed to a better understanding of the innate response to cytomegalovirus infection, particularly in the context of IFNindependence, and apologize to those whose work has not been cited due to space constraints. Genetic content of wild-type human cytomegalovirus Decoding human cytomegalovirus Seroprevalence of Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection in pregnant women and outcomes of pregnancies with active infection National serosurvey of cytomegalovirus in Australia Cytomegalovirus (CMV) seroprevalence in the adult population of Germany Review of cytomegalovirus seroprevalence and demographic characteristics associated with infection Universal newborn screening for congenital CMV infection: what is the evidence of potential benefit? Variation in the human immune system is largely driven by non-heritable influences Human cytomegalovirus-specific CD8(+) T-cell expansions contain longlived cells that retain functional capacity in both young and elderly subjects A fingerprint left by cytomegalovirus infection in the human T cell compartment Broadly targeted human cytomegalovirus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells dominate the memory compartments of exposed subjects Role of cytomegalovirus in the T cell changes seen in elderly individuals The tiers and dimensions of evasion of the type I interferon response by human cytomegalovirus Modulation of the innate immune response by human cytomegalovirus Who's driving? human cytomegalovirus, interferon, and NFκB signaling Catch me if you can: the arms race between human cytomegalovirus and the innate immune system Navigating the host cell response during entry into sites of latent cytomegalovirus infection Interplay between human cytomegalovirus and intrinsic/innate host responses: a complex bidirectional relationship 2012 Immunomodulatory function of interleukin 28B during primary infection with cytomegalovirus IL-28A and IL-29 mediate antiproliferative and antiviral signals in intestinal epithelial cells and murine CMV infection increases colonic IL-28A expression Impact of IFN lambda 3/4 single nucleotide polymorphisms on the cytomegalovirus reactivation in autologous stem cell transplant patients Influence of IFNL3/4 polymorphisms on the incidence of cytomegalovirus infection after solid-organ transplantation The IFNL3/4 DeltaG variant increases susceptibility to cytomegalovirus retinitis among HIV-infected patients Interferon lambda is required for interferon gamma-expressing NK cell responses but does not afford antiviral protection during acute and persistent murine cytomegalovirus infection Epigenetic Reprogramming of the type III interferon response potentiates antiviral activity and suppresses tumor growth Human cytomegalovirus elicits a coordinated cellular antiviral response via envelope glycoprotein Human cytomegalovirus envelope glycoproteins B and H are necessary for TLR2 activation in permissive cells Human cytomegalovirus activates inflammatory cytokine responses via CD14 and Toll-like receptor 2 Role for TLR2 in NK cell-mediated control of murine cytomegalovirus in vivo cGAS senses human cytomegalovirus and induces type I interferon responses in human monocyte-derived cells Human cytomegalovirus differentially controls B cell and T cell responses through effects on plasmacytoid dendritic cells TLR9-dependent recognition of MCMV by IPC and DC generates coordinated cytokine responses that activate antiviral NK cell function The intracellular DNA sensor IFI16 gene acts as restriction factor for human cytomegalovirus replication The interferon-inducible 204 gene is transcriptionally activated by mouse cytomegalovirus and is required for its replication Human cytomegalovirus induces the interferon response via the DNA sensor ZBP1 Activation of the interferon response by human cytomegalovirus occurs via cytoplasmic double-stranded DNA but not glycoprotein B DAI/ZBP1/DLM-1 complexes with RIP3 to mediate virus-induced programmed necrosis that is targeted by murine cytomegalovirus vIRA cGAS-STING signaling regulates initial innate control of cytomegalovirus infection Identification of a member of the interferon regulatory factor family that binds to the interferon-stimulated response element and activates expression of interferon-induced genes Interferon regulatory factor 3 is necessary for induction of antiviral genes during human cytomegalovirus infection DLM-1/ZBP1) is a cytosolic DNA sensor and an activator of innate immune response Cyclic GMP-AMP containing mixed phosphodiester linkages is an endogenous high-affinity ligand for STIN Differential viral induction of distinct interferon-alpha genes by positive feedback through interferon regulatory factor-7 Molecular characterization of HCMV-specific immune responses: Parallels between CD8(+) T cells, CD4(+) T cells, and NK cells Ten Berge IJM. Primary immune responses to human CMV: a critical role for IFN-γ-producing CD4+ T cells in protection against CMV disease Memory T cells specific for murine cytomegalovirus re-emerge after multiple challenges and recapitulate immunity in various adoptive transfer scenarios Cytomegalovirus reactivation after allogeneic transplantation promotes a lasting increase in educated NKG2C+ natural killer cells with potent function Human cytomegalovirus drives epigenetic imprinting of the IFNG locus in NKG2Chi natural killer cells Lambda interferon (IFN-λ), a type III IFN, is induced by viruses and IFNs and displays potent antiviral activity against select virus infections in vivo Interferon-stimulated genes: what do they all do? INTERFEROME v2.0: an updated database of annotated interferon-regulated genes Fundamental properties of the mammalian innate immune system revealed by multispecies comparison of type I interferon responses Type III interferon (IFN) induces a type I IFN-like response in a restricted subset of cells through signaling pathways involving both the Jak-STAT pathway and the mitogen-activated protein kinases IFN-lambda (IFN-lambda) is expressed in a tissue-dependent fashion and primarily acts on epithelial cells in vivo Jak-STAT pathways and transcriptional activation in response to IFNs and other extracellular signaling proteins Interferon-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of a latent cytoplasmic transcription factor Cytoplasmic activation of ISGF3, the positive regulator of interferon-alphastimulated transcription, reconstituted in vitro A transcription factor with SH2 and SH3 domains is directly activated by an interferon alpha-induced cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinase(s) Interferon-induced nuclear factors that bind a shared promoter element correlate with positive and negative transcriptional control IFN-λs mediate antiviral protection through a distinct class II cytokine receptor complex Intracellular expression of IRF9 Stat fusion protein overcomes the defective Jak-Stat signaling and inhibits HCV RNA replication A hybrid IRF9-STAT2 protein recapitulates interferon-stimulated gene expression and antiviral response Activation of transcription by IFN-gamma: tyrosine phosphorylation of a 91-kD DNA binding protein Cytoplasmic activation of GAF, an IFN-gamma-regulated DNA-binding factor GAS elements: a few nucleotides with a major impact on cytokine-induced gene expression Interactions of alpha-and gamma-interferon in the transcriptional regulation of the gene encoding a guanylate-binding protein Characterization of the promoter of the human gene encoding the high-affinity IgG receptor: transcriptional induction by gamma-interferon is mediated through common DNA response elements Cellular gene expression altered by human cytomegalovirus: global monitoring with oligonucleotide arrays Use of differential display analysis to assess the effect of human cytomegalovirus infection on the accumulation of cellular RNAs: Induction of interferon-responsive RNAs Altered cellular mRNA levels in human cytomegalovirus-infected fibroblasts: viral block to the accumulation of antiviral mRNAs Transcriptional profiling of interferon regulatory factor 3 target genes: direct involvement in the regulation of interferon-stimulated genes Regulation of gene expression by cytokines and virus in human cells lacking the type-I interferon locus Induction of the human protein P56 by interferon, double-stranded RNA, or virus infection Herpes simplex virus triggers and then disarms a host antiviral response Impaired STING pathway in human osteosarcoma U2OS cells contributes to the growth of ICP0-null mutant herpes simplex virus Cyclic GMP-AMP is an endogenous second messenger in innate immune signaling by cytosolic DNScience A Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase is a cytosolic DNA sensor that activates the type I interferon pathway Cell intrinsic immunity spreads to bystander cells via the intercellular transfer of cGAMNature P Phosphorylation of innate immune adaptor proteins MAVS, STING, and TRIF induces IRF3 activation Innate cellular response to virus particle entry requires IRF3 but not virus replication A new pathway of translational regulation mediated by eukaryotic initiation factor 3 Cytomegalovirus activates interferon immediate-early response gene expression and an interferon regulatory factor 3-containing interferonstimulated response element-binding complex Activation of interferon response factor-3 in human cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 or human cytomegalovirus Identification of a novel pathway essential for the immediate-early, interferonindependent antiviral response to enveloped virions Viperin (cig5), an IFN-inducible antiviral protein directly induced by human cytomegalovirus IFN regulatory factor-1 bypasses IFN-mediated antiviral effects through viperin gene induction Noncanonical NF-κB pathway controls the production of type I interferons in antiviral innate immunity The IFN-independent response to virus particle entry provides a first line of antiviral defense that is independent of TLRs and retinoic acid-inducible gene I Abrogation of the interferon response promotes more efficient human cytomegalovirus replication Human cytomegalovirus upregulates expression of the lectin galectin 9 via induction of beta interferon The NPro product of bovine viral diarrhea virus inhibits DNA binding by interferon regulatory factor 3 and targets it for proteasomal degradation Degradation of STAT1 and STAT2 by the V proteins of simian virus 5 and human parainfluenza virus type 2, respectively: consequences for virus replication in the presence of alpha/beta and gamma interferons Interferonindependent upregulation of interferon-stimulated genes during human cytomegalovirus infection is dependent on IRF3 expression Viperin is an important host restriction factor in control of Zika virus infection The interferon-inducible protein viperin inhibits influenza virus release by perturbing lipid rafts TLR3 ligation activates an antiviral response in human fetal astrocytes: a role for viperin/cig5 Identification and characterization of interferon-induced proteins that inhibit alphavirus replication Analysis of ISG expression in chronic hepatitis C identifies viperin as a potential antiviral effector The role of viperin in the innate antiviral response Viperin regulates cellular lipid metabolism during human cytomegalovirus infection Human trophoblast cells are permissive to the complete replicative cycle of human cytomegalovirus Human cytomegalovirus infection interferes with the maintenance and differentiation of trophoblast progenitor cells of the human placenta Permissive cytomegalovirus infection of primary villous term and first trimester trophoblasts Viperin is induced following toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) ligation and has a virusresponsive function in human trophoblast cells Antiviral protein viperin promotes toll-like receptor 7-and toll-like receptor 9-mediated type i interferon production in plasmacytoid dendritic cells A naturally occurring antiviral ribonucleotide encoded by the human genome Negative regulation of the interferon response by an interferoninduced long non-coding RNA Viperin catalyzes methionine oxidation to promote protein expression and function of helicases Molecular characterization of the interferon-induced 15-kDa protein. Molecular cloning and nucleotide and amino acid sequence Interferon induces a 15-kilodalton protein exhibiting marked homology to ubiquitin Mycobacterial disease and impaired IFN-gamma immunity in humans with inherited ISG15 deficiency Restriction of human cytomegalovirus replication by ISG15, a host effector regulated by cGAS-STING double-stranded-DNA sensing Consecutive inhibition of ISG15 expression and ISGylation by cytomegalovirus regulators Transmembrane protein pUL50 of human cytomegalovirus inhibits ISGylation by downregulating UBE1L The abundant tegument protein pUL25 of human cytomegalovirus prevents proteasomal degradation of pUL26 and supports its suppression of ISGylation Interferon-stimulated genes: roles in viral pathogenesis ISG15 deficiency and increased viral resistance in humans but not mice Protein ISGylation modulates the JAK-STAT signaling pathway Transcriptome analysis reveals human cytomegalovirus reprograms monocyte differentiation toward an M1 macrophage Human cytomegalovirus induces monocyte differentiation and migration as a strategy for dissemination and persistence Human cytomegalovirus induction of a unique signalsome during viral entry into monocytes mediates distinct functional changes: a strategy for viral dissemination ISG15, a small molecule with huge implications: regulation of mitochondrial homeostasis ISG15 governs mitochondrial function in macrophages following vaccinia virus infection The broad-spectrum antiviral functions of IFIT and IFITM proteins IFITs: emerging roles as key antiviral proteins Interferon-induced Ifit proteins: their role in viral pathogenesis Better together: the role of IFIT proteinprotein interactions in the antiviral response Alpha interferon induces distinct translational control programs to suppress hepatitis C virus RNA replication 2'-O methylation of the viral mRNA cap evades host restriction by IFIT family members IFIT1 is an antiviral protein that recognizes 5'-triphosphate RNA The UL69 transactivator protein of human cytomegalovirus interacts with DEXD/H-Box RNA helicase UAP56 to promote cytoplasmic accumulation of unspliced RNA The inhibitory action of P56 on select functions of E1 mediates interferon's effect on human papillomavirus DNA replication Interferon-inducible protein, P56, inhibits HPV DNA replication by binding to the viral protein E1 Antiviral effects of IFIT1 in human cytomegalovirus-infected fetal astrocytes IFITMs restrict the replication of multiple pathogenic viruses IFITM proteins-cellular inhibitors of viral entry Functional involvement of interferon-inducible transmembrane proteins in antiviral immunity The antiviral restriction factors IFITM1, 2 and 3 do not inhibit infection of human papillomavirus, cytomegalovirus and adenovirus Human cytomegalovirus exploits interferon-induced transmembrane proteins to facilitate morphogenesis of the virion assembly compartment IFITM proteins inhibit placental syncytiotrophoblast formation and promote fetal demise Mx proteins: antiviral gatekeepers that restrain the uninvited The Mx GTPase family of interferon-induced antiviral proteins The human interferoninduced MxA protein inhibits early stages of influenza A virus infection by retaining the incoming viral genome in the cytoplasm Inhibition of nuclear import and cellcycle progression by mutated forms of the dynamin-like GTPase MxB MX2 is an interferon-induced inhibitor of HIV-1 infection Human MX2 is an interferon-induced post-entry inhibitor of HIV-1 infection Strategy of human cytomegalovirus to escape interferon beta-induced APOBEC3G editing activity MxB is an interferon-induced restriction factor of human herpesviruses Human MxB protein is a pan-herpesvirus restriction factor MXB inhibits murine cytomegalovirus Human cytomegalovirus UL69 protein is required for efficient accumulation of infected cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle Human cytomegalovirus UL69 protein facilitates translation by associating with the mRNA cap-binding complex and excluding 4EBP1 Human cytomegalovirus utilizes a nontraditional signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 activation cascade via signaling through epidermal growth factor receptor and integrins to efficiently promote the motility, differentiation, and polarization of infected monocytes A Tolllike receptor-independent antiviral response induced by double-stranded B-form DNA Peroxisomes are signaling platforms for antiviral innate immunity Mitochondrial dynamics regulate the RIG-I-like receptor antiviral pathway Peroxisomes are platforms for cytomegalovirus' evasion from the cellular immune response Cytomegalovirus modulates interleukin-6 gene expression Stat3: a STAT family member activated by tyrosine phosphorylation in response to epidermal growth factor and interleukin-6 Human cytomegalovirus IE1 protein disrupts interleukin-6 signaling by sequestering STAT3 in the nucleus Human cytomegalovirus immediate-early 1 protein rewires upstream STAT3 to downstream STAT1 signaling switching an IL6-type to an IFNγ-like response Neurotropic arboviruses induce interferon regulatory factor 3-mediated neuronal responses that are cytoprotective, interferon independent, and inhibited by Western equine encephalitis virus capsid Human monocyte-derived macrophages inhibit HCMV spread independent of classical antiviral cytokines Human cytomegalovirus particles treated with specific antibodies induce intrinsic and adaptive but not innate immune responses ISG15-induced IL-10 is a novel antiinflammatory myeloid axis disrupted during active tuberculosis IL-6 in human cytomegalovirus secretome promotes angiogenesis and survival of endothelial cells through the stimulation of survivin Elevated serum cytokines are associated with cytomegalovirus infection and disease in bone marrow transplant recipients Effect of ganciclovir on IL-6 levels among cytomegalovirus-seropositive adults with critical illness: a randomized clinical trialganciclovir and IL-6 levels among CMV-seropositive critically Ill adultsganciclovir and IL-6 levels among CMV-seropositive critically Ill adults Human cytomegalovirus infection of M1 and M2 macrophages triggers inflammation and autologous T-cell proliferation Rhesus cytomegalovirus particles prevent activation of interferon regulatory factor 3 The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.