key: cord-1011509-5pt32qkb authors: Maxwell, Nicholas P.; Huff, Mark J. title: Reactivity from judgments of learning is not only due to memory forecasting: evidence from associative memory and frequency judgments date: 2022-04-29 journal: Metacogn Learn DOI: 10.1007/s11409-022-09301-2 sha: 789f6b15f92183f0de7631681ec50d218aa690b0 doc_id: 1011509 cord_uid: 5pt32qkb Research has shown that judgments of learning (JOLs) often produce a reactive effect on the learning of cue-target pairs in which target recall differs between participants who provide item-based JOLs at study versus those who do not. Positive reactivity, or the memory improvement found when JOLs are provided, is typically observed on related pairs, while no reactivity is commonly found on unrelated pairs. In four experiments, we examined JOL reactivity effects by comparing JOL and no-JOL groups to other groups who engaged in relational-type encoding/judgment tasks. Experiment 1 replicated positive JOL reactivity effects with related pairs with an extension to symmetrically related pairs. Next, Experiment 2 found that providing judgments of associative memory—a task that does not involve memory predictions—yielded equivalent reactivity patterns as JOLs. Experiment 3 replicated this reactivity pattern using a frequency of co-occurrence judgment task. Finally, In Experiment 4, a similar positive reactivity pattern was found using a relational encoding task when compared to a standard JOL. Collectively, our results suggest that previous JOL reactivity patterns are not solely due to memory forecasting processes via JOLs and likely reflect relational encoding that is strategically applied towards related, but not unrelated pairs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s11409-022-09301-2. participants was instructed to provide JOLs, while a no-JOL group studied each pair in isolation via silent reading. Participants were then tested on their recall of the target word when presented with the cue without additional metacognitive judgments made at retrieval (cf. Arbuckle & Cuddy, 1969) . Overall, target recall was greater for participants who provided JOLs initially versus those who did not; however, this positive reactivity pattern was restricted to related pairs. For unrelated pairs, target recall did not differ between the JOL and no-JOL groups. A similar pattern was reported by Janes et al. (2018) , who also showed that initial JOLs produced positive reactivity for targets from related but not unrelated pairs. Furthermore, Witherby and Tauber (2017) found evidence for positive reactivity on related pairs after a 48-h retention interval, providing evidence for positive reactivity after a delay. In contrast to the positive reactivity for JOLs associated with related pairs as reported by Soderstrom et al. (2015) and Janes et al. (2018) , Mitchum et al. (2016) reported a divergent pattern of reactivity. In their study, participants who provided JOLs at study showed no difference in later recall relative to a no-JOL group on related pairs. For unrelated pairs, a negative reactivity pattern emerged in which JOLs produced a cost to memory relative to the no-JOL group. Mitchum et al. initially interpreted this discrepancy as arising from methodological differences compared to Soderstrom et al., such as differences in experimenter-paced study and the inclusion of a generation task in their second experiment. However, in a subsequent experiment that used experimenter-paced study, Mitchum et al. again found no evidence for positive reactivity on related pairs and again showed negative reactivity on unrelated pairs. Taken together, these studies demonstrate that providing JOLs at study can induce reactivity on target learning, but the direction of reactivity is mixed, with positive or no reactivity reported when pairs are related and negative or no reactivity reported with unrelated pairs. Several mechanisms have been proposed to account for JOL reactivity (see Mitchum et al., 2016 and Soderstrom et al., 2015) . First, the positive reactivity hypothesis states that given monitoring is essential for determining the effectiveness of the learning process (e.g., Nelson & Narens, 1990) , retention will benefit from any additional monitoring that occurs as a byproduct of providing JOLs at encoding, as this additional monitoring encourages participants to process materials more deeply than silent reading. Because JOLs are provided for all pairs at encoding, this hypothesis predicts a global memory improvement for all items relative to a no-JOL control group. Alternatively, the dual-task hypothesis predicts the opposite will occur, such that generating JOLs at encoding will produce negative reactivity across study materials versus a no-JOL control, since providing JOLs is resource demanding and may interfere with the learning of word pairs (Hertzog et al., 2002) . Next, the changed-goal hypothesis proposes that JOL reactivity occurs due to online changes in participant study goals that arise during encoding. According to this hypothesis, participants set an initial goal of memory mastery and strategically allocate more encoding time and/or effort towards studying items perceived as challenging to remember relative to those perceived as easy. However, certain conditions may induce a change of study goal such that easier items become prioritized. For example, Metcalfe and Kornell (2003) presented participants with English-Spanish vocabulary pairs and found that when study time was limited, participants prioritized learning pairs that were perceived as "easy" due to a shared root word (i.e., cognate pairs, park-parque) versus more difficult pairs that did not contain the same root word (i.e., non-cognate pairs, dog -perro).When providing JOLs (specifically those utilizing a 0-100 rating scale), it becomes clear to participants that not all items will be recalled equally. Thus, participants may use perceptions of item difficulty when providing JOLs to shift their study goals towards mastering easier items. Within the context of JOL reactivity on word pairs, the changed-goal hypothesis assumes that study lists will provide participants with at least two discernable pair types. This hypothesis predicts that providing JOLs will induce positive reactivity for pairs perceived as easy to remember, but negative reactivity for pairs perceived as difficult to remember. This is because when individuals perceive differences in difficulty between pair types, they prioritize encoding of easier to remember related pairs at a cost of encoding more difficult unrelated pairs. Thus, for related and unrelated pairs, the changed-goal hypothesis predicts a divergent memory pattern when comparing JOLs to a no-JOL control group due to participant perceptions of pair difficulty. Finally, Soderstrom et al. (2015) introduced a cue-strengthening account, which is based on Koriat's (1997) cue-utilization theory. This account posits that JOLs call attention to certain intrinsic cues about study pairs (e.g., perceived difficulty, pair relatedness, etc.) and that reactivity occurs whenever those cues are made available at test. Within the context of cued recall of word pairs, the act of making JOLs at encoding reinforces relatedness cues that are used when participants make JOLs. By further strengthening these cues, the JOL task functions akin to a generation task (e.g., Slamecka & Graf, 1978) , boosting recall for pairs that receive JOLs at study. According to this account, JOL reactivity should occur whenever relatedness cues are made easily discernable (as in the case of related pairs), while no reactivity would be expected when relatedness cues are weak or nonexistent (e.g., unrelated pairs). Recent work by Myers et al. (2020) supports this account, as they found positive reactivity on related pairs when participants completed cued-recall and recognition tests, but these patterns did not extend to free recall in which cues were absent at retrieval. Although JOL reactivity patterns based on pair association have been mixed (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Mitchum et al., 2016; Soderstrom et al., 2015) , a meta-analysis conducted by Double et al. (2018) which included 17 published and non-published experiments comparing JOL and no-JOL groups provided no support for the positive reactivity and dualtask hypotheses, only partial support for the changed-goal hypothesis, and fully supported a cue-strengthening account. Specifically, providing JOLs yielded a positivity effect for related target recall but showed no reactivity on recall of unrelated targets relative to no-JOL controls. It therefore appears that individuals prioritize encoding of related pairs when making JOL ratings, but this priority is not accompanied by a concomitant cost to encoding of unrelated pairs. While relatedness has been shown to affect JOL reactivity, both the strength and direction of the association have been shown to influence the accuracy of JOLs (see Koriat & Bjork, 2005; Maxwell & Huff, 2021, for review) . For example, Koriat and Bjork (2005) showed that for weak forward associates (e.g., article-newspaper), JOLs were less predictive of recall compared to strong associates (e.g., lost-found). However, weak forward pairs still received JOLs similar to those given to strong pairs even though their recall was reduced, as weakly related cues were less effective in aiding target retrieval relative to strong pairs. Importantly, Koriat and Bjork (2005; Experiment 2) also evaluated the correspondence between JOLs and target recall for pairs associated in the backward direction (e.g., cardcredit). Like weak forward associates, backward associates also received high JOL ratings, but again, recall for the target word was considerably lower than strong forward pairs. Dubbed the illusion of competence, this overestimation pattern has been extended to other pair types. For example, Maxwell and Huff (2021) showed that the illusion of competence holds for backward associates after controlling for lexical and semantic properties of the cue and target (e.g., word length, concreteness, etc.) and extended this pattern to symmetrical associates (e.g., off-on). Thus, associative direction, more so than associative strength, contributes to the illusion of competence. The illusion of competence serves as an example of how the associative direction between related pairs can affect the predictive capacity of JOLs on later recall. Regarding JOL reactivity, most studies investigating reactivity with related pairs have used forward associate pairs where the cue is highly predictive of the target. In a notable exception, Mitchum et al., (2016, Experiment 1) , compared target recall using forward associates, backward associates, and unrelated pairs that were presented within the same study list. As reported above, no reactivity was found for either backward or forward pairs. Despite this null pattern, the authors concluded that the changed-goal hypothesis was partially supported, as JOL participants spent less time studying unrelated pairs, which suggested that related pairs were being prioritized with additional study time. Although Mitchum et al.'s (2016) reactivity results were inconsistent with findings from other JOL reactivity studies (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Soderstrom et al., 2015) , we note an additional inconsistency in their data-no illusion of competence pattern emerged for backward pairs (cf. Castel et al., 2007; Koriat & Bjork, 2005; Maxwell & Huff, 2021) . While Mitchum et al. reported reduced recall rates for backward than forward pairs across JOL and non-JOL groups, these differences were much smaller than those typically reported, as participants had high percentages of correct recall on both backward and unrelated pairs. This discrepancy may have resulted from how association was measured across these studies. Koriat and Bjork (2005) for instance used Hebrew word pairs derived from a set of Hebrew free association norms, while Mitchum et al. used English word pairs derived from the University of South Florida Free Association Norms (USF norms; Nelson et al., 2004) as well as a relatedness score calculated with Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA; Landauer & Dumais, 1997) . Maxwell and Huff (2021) similarly utilized the USF norms, as in Mitchum et al., and used pairs that were identical in associative strength (0.37 in both studies); however, a robust illusion of competence pattern was found. A second possibility for this discrepancy is that while the association between pair types was assessed and manipulated, neither Koriat and Bjork (2005) nor Mitchum et al. (2016) controlled for lexical and semantic item characteristics of cues and targets that may have covaried across pair types. Characteristics such as word length, frequency, and concreteness have each been shown to affect later recall (Balota & Neely, 1980; Criss et al., 2011; Madan et al., 2010) and could be confounded with associative direction in these studies. Thus, given discrepancies in recall that occur due to pair direction (i.e., the illusion of competence), it remains unclear whether pair direction could moderate JOL reactivity (i.e., greater reactivity for forward vs. backward pairs). Given the effects of associative direction on cued-recall, one goal of the present study was to examine pair associations as a means of testing potential mechanisms that contribute to JOL reactivity. First, Experiment 1 was designed to provide a replication of JOL reactivity patterns reported by Janes et al. (2018) and Soderstrom et al. (2015) to further test the reliability of positive reactivity for related pairs and no reactivity for unrelated pairs while controlling for lexical and semantic characteristics of cues and targets. Additionally, we compared reactivity effects on four different pair types, including three types of related pairs (forward, backward, and symmetrical) and unrelated pairs. Next, Experiments 2 and 3 evaluated whether JOL reactivity effects are due to the memorial forecasting that occurs when providing a JOL or due to rating cue-target pairs within the same context, which could encourage relational encoding. This set of experiments compared recall in the JOL and no-JOL groups to a group that completed either the judgment of associative memory task (JAM; Experiment 2) or a frequency of co-occurrence judgment task (Experiment 3). The JAM task was utilized because it encouraged the processing of related characteristics between the cue and the target while using a similar rating process as JOLs, whereas the frequency task was designed to mimic this rating process while placing less emphasis on associations between the cue and target. Thus, both tasks encouraged participants to engage in relational encoding without explicitly directing participants to relate all items together. Each task additionally required participants to provide ratings without the memorial forecasting component associated with JOLs. Finally, given that previous research has shown JOL reactivity to be contingent upon pair relatedness, Experiment 4 was specifically designed to evaluate the strategic nature of this pattern (i.e., prioritization of related pairs over unrelated pairs at encoding). As evidenced by Soderstrom et al. (2015) and others (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Myers et al., 2020) , when participants are exposed to related and unrelated pairs, reactivity only emerges for related pairs. Because metacognitive processes are thought to operate strategically (see Nelson & Narens, 1990) , it is assumed that this pattern occurs because participants selectively emphasize processing of related (but not unrelated) pairs at encoding, leading to their greater recall. To test this assumption, Experiment 4 compared target recall in JOL and no-JOL groups to a relational-encoding group in which participants were explicitly instructed to relate all cue-target pairs together. In the relational encoding group, relational processing is applied non-strategically, as participants are directly instructed to apply relational encoding on all pair types rather than choosing to use relational encoding on different subsets of pair types (i.e., only using relational encoding for related pairs). Thus, Experiment 4 allowed for the comparison of relational encoding that may be applied selectively (via JOLs) to relational encoding that is explicitly applied across all pairs. Finally, Experiment 4 also included an additional encoding task where participants counted the number of vowels in each stimuli pair, rather than employing a study task in which items were encoded in an associative fashion (e.g., JAMs or frequency judgments). The inclusion of this group allowed us to test whether JOL reactivity reflects the use of relational encoding or if it simply reflects the use of an explicit encoding task. To preview, across experiments, we found reliable positive JOL reactivity for all three related pair types, consistent with the general pattern in the literature (cf. Double et al., 2018) . We then show that both JAMs and frequency judgments elicit identical patterns of reactivity as JOLs by boosting correct recall of only related pairs, suggesting that participants strategically allocate relational processing to related pairs, even when memory forecasting is not used. Finally, we found that the benefit to related pairs when participants make JOLs is equivalent to the benefit related pairs receive when studied using an explicit relational encoding task, suggesting that when participants provide JOLs, they deploy relational encoding for related, but not unrelated pairs. Collectively, our experiments reveal that reactivity patterns are not unique to JOLs and may reflect the use of relational encoding that is selectively applied to related pairs. The purpose of Experiment 1 was to replicate and extend previous JOL reactivity patterns by comparing target recall following study of related and unrelated pairs. The changedgoal hypothesis predicts that JOL reactivity should produce a benefit to related pairs and a cost to unrelated pairs as participants shift their study goals to prioritize the easier related pairs over the more difficult unrelated pairs. Alternatively, the cue-strengthening account predicts that JOLs will produce a positive benefit to related pairs, but that no reactivity would occur for unrelated pairs. Given that prior studies have generally only shown positive reactivity for related pairs and no effect on unrelated pairs (e.g., Double et al., 2018) , we expected that this pattern of reactivity would emerge, and thus we expected our findings would follow predictions from the cue-strengthening account. An additional goal of Experiment 1 was to evaluate positive reactivity effects across different types of related pairs. We therefore compared forward and backward pairs, but also included symmetrical pairs-a related pair type that has not yet been tested in reactivity experiments. We expected that positive reactivity would be found across all three related pairs despite differences in recall rates (Maxwell & Huff, 2021) . Importantly, we controlled for lexical and semantic item effects that were not equated for across pair types in previous studies (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Soderstrom et al., 2015) . All related and unrelated pairs were matched on word frequency, concreteness, and length and related pairs were further matched on associative strength. Thus, Experiment 1 provides a more precise test of JOL reactivity patterns while controlling for important lexical and semantic item effects. Seventy-eight participants were recruited online through Prolific (www. proli fic. co) and were compensated at a rate of $8.00/hour. Participants were randomly assigned to either the JOL or no-JOL group (39 per group). A sensitivity analysis conducted with G*Power 3 (Faul et al., 2007) indicated that this sample size provided adequate power (0.80) to detect medium-sized main effects/interactions (Cohen's d = 0.41) or larger. All participants were native English speakers with normal or corrected-to-normal vision who had obtained at least a high school education or equivalent. Study materials were taken from Maxwell and Huff (2021) and consisted of 180-word pairs generated from the University of South Florida Free Association Norms (Nelson et al., 2004) . Pairs were split into four types consisting of 40 forward pairs (e.g., credit-card), 40 backward pairs (e.g., card-credit), 40 symmetrical pairs in which forward and backward strength were equivalent (e.g., ball-bounce), and 40 unrelated pairs (e.g., artery-bronze). Additionally, 20 non-tested buffer pairs were generated to control for primacy and recency effects. Item pairs were distributed across two study lists of 90 items which were used in two separate study/test blocks. Thus, each list contained 20 items of each of the four pair types and 10 buffer items. Pairs are available at https:// osf. io/ 8yvn3/. Study lists were created such that the 80 tested pairs were always proceeded and followed by five buffer pairs to reduce primacy and recency effects. Additionally, lists were constructed such that pair types were equated on frequency (SUBTLEX; Brysbaert & New, 2009) , word length, and concreteness (from the English Lexicon Project; Balota et al., 2007) , and related pair types were further equated associative strength (e.g., FAS and BAS values derived from the Nelson et al. (2004) free association norms; see Tables 1 and 2 in the Appendix for associative strength and lexical properties for each pair type). Finally, counterbalanced versions of each study list were created that flipped the order of words within each of the four pair types (i.e., king-queen becomes queen-king). While the order within pairs was switched across all pair types, this was especially important for forward and backward pair types given forward pairs were transformed to backward pairs, making these pair types perfect controls. Study pairs were presented in a randomized order. The cued-recall test was generated from all 80 cue items (excluding buffers) by replacing the target item with a question mark (i.e., credit-?). Test items were presented in a newly randomized order for each participant. Data collection was conducted online using Collector, an open-source program for presenting web-based psychological experiments (Garcia & Kornell, 2015) . In both the JOL and No-JOL groups, participants were instructed that they would view a series of cue-target word pairs and that their memory for the target item would be tested. Participants in the JOL group were further instructed to rate the likelihood that they would be able to remember the target word if shown only the cue at test. JOLs were provided concurrently with study. Judgments were elicited using a scale of 0-100, in which 0 indicated that participants would be completely unable to recall the item at test, while a rating of 100 represented full certainty in their ability to correctly recall the target. Participants were encouraged to use the full range of the scale and informed that they would need to provide a JOL rating before advancing to the next study pair. Participants in the No-JOL group were instructed to encode the cue-target pairs intentionally by reading them silently to themselves. After receiving instructions, participants began the first study list. Study was selfpaced, with both groups pressing the Enter key to advance to the next pair. Following presentation of the first study list, participants completed a two-minute filler task in which they were asked to list the 50 U.S. states in alphabetical order. This was immediately followed by a cued-recall test that presented participants with the cue word from each of the previously studied pairs. Participants were asked to type from memory the correct target that was initially paired with the cue. If participants could not retrieve the correct target, the Enter key could be pressed to advance to the next pair. Following the first cued-recall test, participants began the second block, which followed the same study/ test format of the first. Participants were fully debriefed following completion of the second cued-recall test. Each experimental session lasted approximately 30 min. A p < 0.05 significance level was used for all analyses. Partial eta-squared (η p 2 ) and Cohen's d effect sizes are reported for all significant analyses of variance (ANOVAs) and t-tests. For all comparisons, we report means in parentheses (± 95% CIs for all comparisons are available in the Appendix). Additionally, for all non-significant main effects and post-hoc comparisons, we report a Bayesian estimate of the strength of the evidence supporting the null hypothesis (Masson, 2011; Wagenmakers, 2007) . This analysis compares two models, one in which a significant effect is assumed, and one that assumes a null effect. From this analysis, a probability estimate is generated, a p-value termed p BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion), which estimates the probability that the null hypothesis is retained. This estimate is sensitive to the sample size, providing increased confidence in null effects reported. For completeness, encoding durations for experimental groups as a function of pair types are reported in our Supplemental Materials with data available on our OSF page (https:// osf. io/ xq375/). Figure 1 plots mean recall rates for participants who made JOLs at study versus those who silently read pairs. A lenient scoring criterion was adopted for recall such that misspellings and grammatical errors (i.e., changes in tense) were counted as correct. All comparisons between JOL ratings and correct recall proportions for each pair type are displayed Table 3 . All analyses have been collapsed across block order. 1 In our analyses, we first test for an illusion of competence pattern in the JOL group, given this pattern has not been reported consistently in JOL reactivity studies (cf. Mitchum et al., 2016) . These analyses were conducted across all experiments, and each demonstrated reliable illusion of competence patterns for backward associates that were consistent with previous findings (i.e., JOLs overpredicted recall of this pair type; Koriat & Bjork, 2005; Maxwell & Huff, 2021) . We then test for reactivity patterns across pair types by comparing the JOL and no-JOL groups. Analyses testing for the illusion of competence for all experiments are reported in the Appendix. Finally, all comparisons assessing changes in correct recall between the JOL and no-JOL groups are reported in Table 4 . We tested JOL reactivity patterns by comparing pair types across study groups using a 4 (Pair Type: Forward vs. Backward vs. Symmetrical vs. Unrelated) × 2 (Study Group: JOL vs. No-JOL) mixed ANOVA. A main effect of Pair Type was found, F(3, 228) = 512.24, MSE = 75.53, η p 2 = 0.87, indicating that across study groups, correct recall was greatest for forward pairs (58.69), followed by symmetrical pairs (46.89), backward pairs (23.88), and unrelated pairs (9.26). Post-hoc t-tests indicated that all comparisons differed significantly, ts ≥ 7.79, ds ≥ 1.27. An effect of Study Group was also found, F(1, 76) = 26.01, MSE = 623.74, η p 2 = 0.26, in which correct recall in the JOL group (41.89) exceeded the no-JOL group (27.47), indicating an overall JOL reactivity pattern. Importantly however, a significant interaction was found, F(3, 228) = 28.71, MSE = 75.53, η p 2 = 0.27, and post-hoc tests indicated that positive reactivity was confined to related pairs. Correct recall in the JOL group exceeded that of the no-JOL group for forward pairs (69.29 vs. 48.07), symmetrical pairs (57.78 vs. 36.03), and backward pairs (31.67 vs. 16.09), ts ≥ 4.90, ds ≥ 1.11. For unrelated pairs (8.85 vs. 9.68), no reactivity was found, t < 1, p BIC = 0.88. Thus, JOLs only benefit cued-recall performance when item pairs are related. The results from Experiment 1 are quite clear. Providing JOLs at study greatly increased correct recall of targets for forward, backward, and symmetrical related pairs relative to a no-JOL control. For unrelated pairs, however, providing JOLs had no effect on later recall compared to the no-JOL group. The finding that JOL reactivity effects on related pairs generalize to different types of directional associates that are matched on several lexical and semantic characteristics indicates that JOL reactivity effects occur for related pairs more broadly and are not restricted to one type of associative direction. The JOL reactivity 1 For completeness, we further analyzed the effect of block order on reactivity in Experiments 1-4. No interactions with block were found in Experiment 1 or Experiment 3 (Fs < 2.50, ps > .06, p BIC s > .99), however block did interact with pair type in Experiment 2, F(3, 285) = 4.41, MSE = 95.71, η p 2 = 0.01, and Experiment 4, F(3, 489) = 3.50 s, MSE = 83.64, η p 2 = 0.01. We note, however, that all other interactions with block were not significant across either experiment (Fs < 1.63, ps > .10, p BIC s > .99). Post-hoc testing revealed that correct recall of symmetrical pairs in Experiment 2 was lower in block 1 (58.57) relative to block 2 (53.88), t(97) = 2.25, SEM = 2.11, p = .02. All other comparisons were non-significant (ts < 1, p BIC s > .86). In Experiment 4, correct recall of backward pairs was numerically higher in block 1 (23.66) than block 2 (21.07), however, this comparison failed to reach conventional significance, t(165) = 1.77, SEM = 1.46, p = .08, p BIC = .81. All other comparisons were non-significant (ts < 1, p BIC s > .89). Furthermore, the same general patterns of reactivity were detected in Experiments 2 and 4 after controlling for block order, indicating that block order did not contribute to the reactivity patterns reported. pattern is therefore consistent with other reactivity studies (Double et al., 2018; Janes et al., 2018; Soderstrom et al., 2015) which have reported positive JOL reactivity for forward but not unrelated pairs. The finding that positive reactivity effects are consistently found for related pairs but that negative reactivity is not found for unrelated pairs is inconsistent with a changedgoals account (e.g., Mitchum et al., 2016) . As demonstrated in Experiment 1, related pairs, regardless of their associative direction, are prioritized at encoding and thus receive a recall boost. Given this pattern, it is possible that participants are selectively processing related over unrelated pairs, leading to a memory benefit that only occurs for related pairs. Given the associative relations between the cue and target for related pairs, we argue that JOLs may encourage participants to engage in relational encoding at study, such that participants emphasize shared features or characteristics of a study set (Einstein & Hunt, 1980; Hunt & Einstein, 1981) . Because JOLs only produce a recall benefit for related pairs, we suggest that this relational processing may be applied strategically based on participant's perceptions of association. This notion is complimentary to previous research on JOL reactivity conducted by Soderstrom et al. (2015) , who proposed that JOLs were reactive because they strengthened cues used at retrieval (e.g., pair relatedness). Though they made no explicit claims regarding the strategic nature of any JOL induced relational encoding, previous work on metacognition (e.g., Nelson & Narens, 1990) has already proposed that metacognitive processes operate in a strategic manner. Therefore, our findings in Experiment 1 provide further support for Soderstrom et al.'s (2015) account while simultaneously providing additional evidence for strategy use regarding reactivity. Because JOL reactivity appears driven by relational encoding, it may be the case that other judgment tasks that also encourage relational processing at encoding would produce similar reactivity patterns. While the literature on JOL reactivity has recently experienced an increased focus, to date, no work investigating JOL reactivity effects for cue-target word pairs has explicitly tested whether observed reactivity effects are unique to JOLs or if they can extend to other, non-metacognitive judgment paradigms (though see Murphy & Castel, 2021 , who compared recall between items encoded using JOLs and a non-metacognitive Judgment of Importance task). Because Soderstrom et al.'s (2015) cue-strengthening account predicts that reactivity will occur anytime a judgment task strengthens relatedness cues between study pairs, reactivity should be expected to occur anytime this criterion is met, regardless of whether participants are engaging in metacognitive processes or not. Experiment 2 openly tested this possibility by comparing JOLs to the Judgment of Associative Memory task (JAM; Maki, 2007; Valentine & Buchanan, 2013) . Like JOLs, JAMs encourage participants to attend to the relatedness between items within cue-target pairs. However, unlike JOLs, JAMs do not require participants to make memorial predictions at encoding. Therefore, Experiment 2 provided an additional test of the cue-strengthening account by assessing whether the metacognitive aspects of JOLs were a requisite for reactivity to occur and whether a reactivity pattern would hold without memory forecasting. The goal of Experiment 2 was to test whether JOL reactivity patterns could be induced when participants engage in other, non-predicative judgment tasks at encoding. In doing so, we compared JOL reactivity effects to a JAM task. In the JAM task, participants are presented with a cue-target pair and are asked to estimate the percent likelihood that an individual would respond to the cue with the presented target (Garskof, & Forrester, 1966; Nelson et al., 2005; see Maki, 2007 , for a review). These estimates are typically framed as predicting the number of individuals out of 100 who would respond to the cue item with the paired target. In doing so, the JAM task is heavily dependent upon relational cues, as it gauges perceived associations between cue-target pairs. Thus, JAMs should encourage relational encoding, and this encoding may be applied strategically to related pairs as participants are not given explicit relational encoding instructions. By encouraging participants to process the cue and target together, the JAM task was designed to mimic processing that occurs in the JOL task. We elected to use JAMs due to their similarity to JOLs, as both require participants to process related aspects of the study pairs (either conceptually or their use together) and assign a judgment value. Further, ratings on both tasks are provided using the same scale, allowing for easy comparison. If participants are indeed using relational encoding strategically on related word pairs, they would be able to use this encoding on both the JOL and JAM tasks. Of course, a key difference between the two tasks is that JOLs require participants to predict later recall at encoding, whereas JAMs do not. Thus, an interesting question regarding JOL reactivity is whether memory predictions are necessary to produce a memory improvement. Because JOL reactivity may be driven by selective relational encoding, we expected that only the use of relational encoding given to pairs at study would benefit memory, not necessarily whether a memory prediction is made. Therefore, JAMs were expected to produce reactivity patterns that mirrored JOLs (i.e., positive reactivity for all related pairs, no reactivity for unrelated pairs). As such, we expected memory forecasting via JOLs would not be necessary to produce reactivity effects. Participants 70 participants were recruited from The University of Southern Mississippi's undergraduate research pool and completed the study online for partial course credit. Additionally, 28 participants were recruited from Prolific and completed the study at a rate of $8.00/ hour, leading to a total of 98 participants who completed Experiment 2. 2 Participants were randomly assigned to either the JOL group (n = 33), the no-JOL group (n = 32), or the JAM group (n = 33). A sensitivity analysis conducted using G*Power 3 indicated that the sample provided adequate power (0.80) to detect medium-sized main effects/interactions (Cohen's d = 0.50) or larger. All participants were native English speakers who reported normal or corrected-to-normal vision. 2 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, data collection was shifted online to Prolific partway through Experiment 2. In addition to the 70 participants recruited through the University of Southern Mississippi's undergraduate pool, 28 participants were recruited through Prolific, with 11 completing the JOL task, 10 completing the JAM task, and 7 assigned to the no-JOL control group. Overall, mean recall did not differ between the Prolific or USM groups for the JOL task (44.06 vs 47.95), JAM task (46.09 vs 42.00), or the no-JOL control task (35.85 vs 38.66), all ts < 1, ps ≤ .48, p BIC s ≥ .78. Thus, participant performance did not appear to be influenced by recruitment source. Experiment 2 used the same materials and followed the same general procedure described in Experiment 1 with the following exception. In addition to standard JOL and no-JOL groups, participants were also randomly assigned to a JAM task group in which they were asked to rate the likelihood in which the target word would be given as a response to the cue. Like JOLs, JAM ratings were elicited using a continuous 0-100 scale. JAM instructions were modeled after the associative judgment task used by Maxwell and Buchanan (2020; instructions are available at https:// osf. io/ 6xgkt/). Specifically, JAMs were framed as the number of individuals out of 100 who would respond with the target word if shown only the cue. As with the JOL task, JAMs were elicited concurrently with study, and study was self-paced across all groups. Thus, only the focal point of the two judgments differed. Figure 2 plots mean recall as function of encoding group and pair type. To test for reactivity effects, we conducted a 4 (Pair Type: Forward vs. Backward vs. Symmetrical vs. Unrelated) × 3 (Study Group: JOL vs. JAM vs. No-JOL) mixed ANOVA on correct recall. An effect of Pair Type was found, F(3, 285) = 616.18, MSE = 81.46, η p 2 = 0.60, in which correct recall was highest for forward pairs (64.92), followed by symmetrical pairs (56.22), backward pairs (33.16), and lowest for unrelated pairs (14.82). All comparisons differed significantly, ts ≥ 8.08, ds ≥ 0.45. Next, an effect Study Group was found, F(2, 95) = 3.90, MSE = 827.92, η p 2 = 0.06, in which correct recall was highest when participants made JOLs (45.36) and JAMs (44.85) relative to participants in the no-JOL control group (36.46). Recall following JOLs and JAMs did not differ, t < 1, SEM = 3.57, p = 0.88, p BIC = 0.88, but both tasks were greater than the No-JOL group, ts ≥ 2.28, ds ≥ 0.57. Importantly, a significant interaction between Pair Type and Study Group emerged, F(6, 285) = 9.82, MSE = 81.46, η p 2 = 0.04. Follow-up t-tests revealed that for forward pairs, correct recall in both the JOL (71.74) and JAM (67.58) groups exceeded that of the no-JOL group (55.16). JOL and JAM tasks produced equivalent recall, t < 1, p BIC = 0.84, but both were greater than the No-JOL task, ts ≥ 2.93, ds ≥ 0.65. A similar pattern was observed for symmetrical pairs. Correct recall was equivalent between the JOL (60.68) and JAM (61.29) groups, t < 1, p BIC = 0.87, but both were greater than the No-JOL group (46.41), ts ≥ 3.22, ds ≥ 0.80. The goal of Experiment 2 was to examine whether JOL reactivity pattens would extend to other non-predictive judgment tasks by comparing the standard JOL task to a JAM task. In both tasks, participants processed the cue-target relations prior to providing a judgment using the same 0-100 scale. Although the judgment type differs (recall forecasting vs. relatedness estimates), the reactivity patterns observed for related and unrelated pairs did not differ, suggesting that similar processing occurred between the two task types. Compared to the no-JOL control group, both the JOL and JAM groups showed increased correct recall of targets across forward, backward, and symmetrical pairs-a positive reactivity pattern, but produced no recall benefit on unrelated targets. The similarity in recall rates between the JOL and JAM groups yields several important findings regarding reactivity effects in recall of cue-target pairs. First, similar reactivity patterns observed for the JOL and JAM tasks indicate that the type of task employed at encoding may not be a critical factor in whether or not a reactivity pattern emerges. Instead, the qualitative processing given to the cue and target by the task may be more impactful. Second, providing a memory prediction does not appear to be a requisite for positive reactivity on related pairs given the similarity between the JOL and JAM groups. This finding is important in reference to other studies that have reported JOL reactivity patterns (e.g., Mitchum et al., 2016; Soderstrom et al., 2015) which have only compared JOL and no-JOL groups and have not measured recall differences relative to additional, non-JOL encoding tasks. Finally, the finding that reactivity does not operate globally across all pair types (regardless of judgment task) further suggests that reactivity processes are applied strategically, with an emphasis on related over unrelated pairs. While the JAM task does not explicitly instruct participants to relate study pairs together at encoding, relations between the cue and target are still prioritized as participants are required to estimate the association strength between the two words. JAMs may therefore be more likely to induce relational encoding relative to JOLs. A stronger test of whether JOL reactivity extends to other encoding tasks would be to compare JOLs to a judgment task that less overtly directs attention to relational characteristics between the cue and target. To this end, Experiment 3 introduced a frequency of co-occurrence judgment task in which participants were instructed to rate the likelihood that two words would be used together in everyday language. Like JAMs, frequency judgments emphasize the correspondence between cues and targets, but do not explicitly instruct participants to relate items together at encoding. However, unlike JAMs, the frequency judgment task places less overt emphasis on pair relatedness and is more likely to encourage unique processing of the cue and target, as participants must consider the context in which each word appears. Thus, compared to JAMs, frequency judgments may provide a more comparable task to JOLs. The primary goal of Experiment 3 was to provide an additional test of whether reactivity effects found with JOLs and JAMs would extend to a frequency of co-occurrence judgment task. In this task, participants are asked to estimate the likelihood that the cue and target words would appear together or separately within the English language. We note that while the frequency task is still sensitive to pair relatedness, unlike the JAM task, it also encourages participants to think about unique contexts in which words are presented to provide a frequency estimate. Overall, we expected that any observed reactivity would adhere to the patterns previously reported in Experiments 1 and 2. Specifically, we anticipated that the JOL group would again show positive reactivity for related pairs (forward, backward, and symmetrical), and recall would not differ on unrelated pairs relative to a no-JOL control. Furthermore, consistent with findings for JAMs in Experiment 2, we also expected that this pattern of reactivity would extend to the frequency judgment group, such that positive reactivity would be observed for related, but not unrelated pairs. Finally, we expected that any reactivity patterns observed for frequency judgments would be equivalent to the JOL group due to relational encoding of related pairs being fostered by both tasks. A total of 118 participants completed Experiment 3 and were randomly assigned to either the JOL group (n = 40), the no-JOL group (n = 39), or the frequency judgment group (n = 39). A sensitivity analysis conducted with G*Power 3 indicated that this sample size provided adequate power (0.80) to detect medium main effects/interactions (Cohen's d = 0.45) or larger. All participants were recruited from The University of Southern Mississippi's undergraduate research pool and completed the study online in exchange for partial course credit. Participants were all native English speakers and reported normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Experiment 3 used the same materials and followed the general procedure of Experiment 1 with one exception. In addition to the JOL and no-JOL groups, Experiment 3 included a frequency judgment group in which participants were asked to rate the likelihood in which the cue and target items would appear together versus separately in everyday language. The frequency judgment task utilized the same 0-100 rating scale employed by the JOL task, with higher ratings corresponding to more frequent occurrences. Like Experiments 1 and 2, JOLs and frequency judgments were again made concurrently with study. Thus, the only difference between the two tasks was the focus of the judgment. Figure 3 reports mean recall rates as function of encoding group and pair type. We conducted a 4 (Pair Type: Forward vs. Backward vs. Symmetrical vs. Unrelated) × 3 (Study Group: JOL vs. Frequency Judgment vs. No-JOL) ANOVA to evaluate reactivity effects. First, an effect of Pair Type was detected, F(3, 348) = 590.71, MSE = 99.13, η p 2 = 0.84, indicating that correct recall was highest for forward pairs (62.94), followed by symmetrical pairs (56.13), backward pairs (29.97), and lowest for unrelated pairs (15.31). Differences were significant across all comparisons, ts ≥ 10.80, ds ≥ 0.79. An effect Study Group was also found, F(2, 116) = 6.00, MSE = 1205.07, p = 0.003, η p 2 = 0.12, indicating that correct recall was highest when participants made JOLs (47.13) and Frequency Judgments (43.30) relative to the No-JOL control group (32.66). All comparisons were significant, ts ≥ 2.97, ds ≥ 0.67, except for the JOL and frequency groups, t < 1, p BIC = 0.86. Critically, a significant interaction was found, F(6, 348) = 12.34, MSE = 1205.07, η p 2 = 0.17. Follow-up tests indicated that for forward pairs, correct recall in both the JOL (72.57) and frequency judgment (66.58) groups exceeded that of the No-JOL group (49.42). All comparisons differed, ts ≥ 3.91, ds ≥ 0.88, except for the JOL and Frequency Judgment groups, t(76) = 1.50, SEM = 4.07, p = 0.14, p BIC = 0.74. Symmetrical pairs displayed a similar pattern. Recall was greater in the JOL (62.91) and frequency judgement (62.05) groups relative to the No-JOL group (43.27), and again, all comparisons differed ts ≥ 4.23, ds ≥ 0.96, except for the JOL and frequency judgment groups, t < 1, p BIC = 0.85. For backward pairs, correct recall in the JOL group (35.44) was greater than the No-JOL group (23.01; t(77) = 2.82, SEM = 4.47, d = 0.64), while correct recall in the Frequency Judgment group (31.23) was marginally greater than the No-JOL group, t(76) = 1.96, SEM = 4.31, p = 0.05, p BIC = 57. No differences in correct recall were detected between the JOL and frequency judgment groups, t < 1, p BIC = 0.90. Finally, for unrelated pairs, recall rates were equivalent across the JOL (17.53), Frequency Judgment (13.34), and No-JOL (14.94) groups, ts ≤ 1.02, ps ≥ 0.31, p BIC ≥ 0.88. Thus, both JOL ratings and frequency judgments produced equivalent reactivity on correct recall for related pairs but no reactivity on unrelated pairs. The primary goal of Experiment 3 was to provide an additional test of whether JOL reactivity patterns could be produced by other, non-metacognitive encoding tasks. Specifically, we assessed whether reactivity patterns observed for JOLs and JAMs in Experiment 2 would replicate when participants completed a frequency judgment task at encoding. We selected the frequency judgment task because it provided a closer comparison to the JOL task by reducing the emphasis on pair relatedness that is inherent to JAMs. Consistent with Experiment 2, reactivity patterns emerged for both JOLs and frequency judgments. Relative to the no-JOL group, participants making either JOLs or frequency judgments at encoding showed increased correct recall for each of the three types of related pairs. These tasks, however, produced no reactivity when participants studied unrelated pairs, indicating that reactivity effects operated selectively as a function of pair relatedness. Importantly, frequency judgments produced reactivity patterns that were comparable to those observed for JAMs in Experiment 2, providing further evidence that memory forecasting is not a requirement for reactivity to occur. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that JOL reactivity patterns can be reproduced using other non-metacognitive judgment tasks, as both JAMs and frequency judgments each selectively boosted recall of related pairs relative to unrelated pairs, mimicking previously observed JOL reactivity patterns (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Soderstrom et al., 2015) . Although Soderstrom et al. (2015) did not make explicit claims regarding the strategic nature of JOL reactivity, it is assumed that this pattern emerges because the JOL task selectively emphasizes the processing of related pairs over unrelated pairs. To test this possibility, Experiment 4 compared JOLs to an explicit relational encoding task in which participants were instructed to relate all pairs together at study, regardless of relatedness. In doing so, Experiment 4 Fig. 3 Comparison of mean recall rates in the JOL, Frequency Judgment, and No-JOL groups in Experiment 3. Bars = ± 95% CIs provided a test of this strategy use account by comparing JOL reactivity, which may operate strategically, to an explicit relational encoding task that is globally applied to all pair types and, therefore, does not operate strategically. In Experiment 4 we tested whether positive reactivity found for related pairs following JOLs versus no-JOLs was due to the strategic use of relational processing at encoding. We investigated this possibility by comparing standard JOL and no-JOL groups to a relational-encoding group, which was given intentional encoding instructions to relate all pairs together at study. We reasoned that if the JOL group employs relational encoding strategically on related pairs leading to reactivity, then this pattern of reactivity should be equivalent to related pair recall rates for participants who are engaging in explicit relational encoding at study. Because relational tasks facilitate encoding by encouraging participants to elaborate on shared characteristics (which improves recall relative to silent reading; see Huff & Bodner, 2014 , 2019 , we expected that the relational encoding instructions would increase recall relative to the no-JOL group. However, because the previous experiments showed that JOLs only increased recall for related pairs, unrelated pairs were only expected to receive a memory benefit when encoded using the intentional relational instructions which were non-strategic and applied to all pair types. Finally, Experiment 4 also included a group who completed a vowel-counting task, which allowed us to contrast JOLs with an encoding task in which relatedness was not focal. By including this additional comparison, Experiment 4 was able to test whether recall benefits found in the relational encoding/JOL groups were due to participants engaging in relational encoding at study or if reactivity occurred due to participants simply engaging in an explicit encoding task. The inclusion of the explicit relational encoding group was designed to contrast with the strategic relational encoding processes induced by JOLs. Whereas JOLs selectively encourage relational processing only when pairs are related, the relational encoding instructions in Experiment 4 were designed to encourage participants to apply relational encoding to all pair types, regardless of relatedness. Having participants in the relational group apply this task across all pairs (vs. a subset of related pairs) was used because explicit relational encoding instructions have been shown to spill over into other encoding tasks when encoding processes are manipulated within-subjects . Given these carryover issues, it was reasonable to have participants utilize relational encoding across pair types. Consistent with the previous experiments, we again expected a positive reactivity pattern for the JOL versus no-JOL group. Additionally, we anticipated that relational encoding would produce a recall benefit that would mimic positive reactivity in the JOL group on related pairs, consistent with reactivity patterns observed for JOLs. However, we also expected that recall of unrelated pairs would be greater in the relational-encoding group relative to the JOL group. This is because the explicit relational task forces participants to utilize relational encoding regardless of pair type, which would likely benefit memory for unrelated pairs. Finally, we anticipated that any positive reactivity patterns observed for JOLs would not extend to the vowel-counting task. Instead, we expected this task would produce a negative reactivity pattern for all pair types given that vowel-counting is a shallow encoding task which does not emphasize pair relatedness. Thus, if JOL reactivity indeed reflects a selective use of relational encoding, vowel-counting would not be expected to produce the same positive reactivity pattern observed for JOLs. A total of 167 participants were recruited for Experiment 4. Participants were recruited from two sources. First, we recruited 84 undergraduate psychology students from The University of Southern Mississippi who completed the study online for partial course credit. The remaining 83 participants were recruited online via Prolific and were compensated at a rate of $8.00/hour. 3 Participants were randomly assigned to the JOL group (n = 39), the no-JOL group (n = 40), the relational encoding group (n = 45), and the shallow group (n = 43). A sensitivity analysis conducted with G*Power 3 indicated that this sample size provided adequate power (0.80) to detect medium main effects/interactions (Cohen's d = 0.40) or larger. All participants were native English speakers with normal or corrected-to-normal vision. The same materials and general procedure from Experiment 1 were again used in Experiment 4, except for the inclusion of two additional encoding tasks. Participants in the relational-encoding group were instructed to think about how the two concepts were related to one another. The pair cat-turtle was provided as an example, and participants in this group were instructed to consider overlapping features shared between the two concepts while studying the pairs (i.e., both are animals, have four legs, and can be kept as pets, etc.). In the vowel-counting group, participants were instructed to report the total number of vowels contained within the cue and target items by typing their response into a text box. Both the relational-encoding and vowel counting groups did not provide JOL ratings at study (as in the no-JOL group) and were instead instructed to apply their encoding strategy to all study pairs. After viewing each pair and studying it using their respective encoding strategy, participants pressed the Enter key to move to the next pair. Participants in the JOL and no-JOL groups followed the same procedure used in Experiment 1, and all groups completed a 2-min filler task and a cued-recall test following the study phase. Mean cued-recall rates for each of the four encoding strategies as function of pair type are reported in Fig. 4 (38.61) , the no-JOL group (28.11), and vowelcounting group (23.18). Post-hoc t-tests indicated that cued-recall rates in the JOL and relational encoding groups differed significantly from the no-JOL and vowel-counting groups tasks (ts ≥ 4.14, ds ≥ 0.93), but did not differ between each other, t < 1, p BIC = 0.88. Additionally, there was no difference between the no-JOL and vowel-counting groups, t(69) = 1.48, SEM = 3.39, p = 0.14, p BIC = 0.76. The effects of Pair Type and Study Group were qualified by a significant interaction, F(9, 489) = 13.29, MSE = 78.13, η p 2 = 0.03. Beginning with forward pairs, correct recall was highest in the JOL group (63.78), followed by the relational group (58.17), the no-JOL control group (48.06), and the vowel-counting group (39.19). All comparisons differed Fig. 4 Comparison of mean recall rates in the JOL, Relational Encoding, Vowel-Counting, and No-JOL groups in Experiment 4. Bars = ± 95% CIs significantly (ts ≥ 2.13, ds ≥ 0.47), except for the JOL and relational groups, t(75) = 1.37, SEM = 4.18, p = 0.18, p BIC = 0.79. This same pattern was also found with symmetrical pairs: Correct recall was highest in the JOL group (54.17), followed by the relational group (50.06), the no-JOL group (38.13) and the vowel-counting group (29.83). All comparisons differed significantly, ts ≥ 2.06, ds ≥ 0.45, again except for the JOL and relational groups, t < 1, p BIC = 0.79. For backward pairs, correct recall was highest in the relational group (30.89), followed by the JOL group (26.60), the no-JOL group (17.13), and the vowelcounting group (14.13). Follow up t-tests showed that recall rates in the JOL and relational groups differed from both the no-JOL and vowel-counting groups (ts ≥ 3.24, ds ≥ 0.77). Recall did not differ between the JOL and relational group (26.60 vs. 30.89) , or between no-JOL and vowel-counting groups (17.13 vs. 14.13), ts < 1, ps ≥ 0.33, p BIC s ≥ 0.85. Finally, for unrelated item pairs, recall rates were highest for the relational group (25.11) relative to the JOL task (9.87), the no-JOL group (9.13), and the vowel-counting group (9.59), ts ≥ 3.73, ds ≥ 0.74). All other comparisons were non-significant, (ts < 1, ps ≥ 0.73, p BIC s ≥ 0.90). Experiment 4 produced three notable outcomes. First, a JOL reactivity pattern was again found in which, relative to the no-JOL group, providing JOLs increased recall for related but not unrelated targets. Second, the JOL reactivity pattern for related pairs extended to related pairs in the relational encoding group in which participants were instructed to explicitly related pairs together at encoding. This similarity suggests that JOL participants are engaging in deep relational encoding of related pairs despite not receiving explicit instruction to do so. Additionally, the memory benefit for related pairs in the relational group was also found for unrelated pairs relative to all other groups. This pattern is important regarding strategy use as it suggests that when relational encoding is applied non-strategically, memory benefits are found for all pair types. However, when participants can apply relational encoding selectively as in the JOL group, they selectively apply relational processing to related but not unrelated pairs. Finally, the positive reactivity observed on related pairs in the JOL group did not extend to the vowel-counting task. Instead, this task produced negative reactivity (forward and symmetrical associates) or no reactivity (backward associates). The lack of positive reactivity on related pairs in the vowel-counting group further suggests that reactivity is contingent on relational processing rather than reflecting the use of an intentional encoding strategy that processes shallow, item-specific details. The primary goals of this study were twofold. First, Experiment 1 sought to replicate previous work showing that item-based JOLs produce a reactive effect on cued-recall of related targets while comparing these reactivity patterns on forward, backward, and symmetrical paired associates-a novel contribution. Second, and more importantly, Experiments 2-4 were designed to test whether reactivity patterns that have been found with JOLs can occur in other tasks that do not require memorial forecasting. In Experiment 2, we gauged JOL reactivity effects relative to the JAM task in which participants made relational, non-metacognitive frequency judgments. Next, Experiment 3 provided an additional test of whether JOL reactivity patterns generalize to other judgment tasks by comparing JOL reactivity to a frequency-judgment task. Finally, Experiment 4 compared JOL reactivity to a deep relational encoding strategy. Collectively, our results indicate that reactivity is not limited to JOLs and that enhanced relational encoding applied to related but not unrelated pairs may contribute to these reactivity benefits. Results from Experiment 1 found positive JOL reactivity on forward pairs that was consistent with previous work by Soderstrom et al. (2015) and Janes et al. (2018) , while extending this pattern to include backward and symmetrical pairs. Importantly, these reactivity patterns occurred using word pairs that were engineered to control for lexical and semantic item effects, including associative strength that could potentially influence correct recall. The positive reactivity pattern found across each of the three related pair types indicates that the associative direction of related cue-target pairs does not affect reactivity. Instead, the mere presence of an association is likely sufficient to facilitate additional encoding of related pairs. For unrelated pairs, however, no reactivity pattern was found, as recall was equivalent between the JOL and no-JOL groups. The discrepancy in reactivity for related and unrelated pairs provides further evidence that making JOLs encourages participants to engage in selective relational encoding of related pair types, consistent with Soderstrom et al. (2015) and Myers et al. (2020) . Next, to test whether reactivity effects were unique to JOLs, Experiment 2 compared JOL and no-JOL groups to participants completing a JAM task, which required participants to provide relatedness judgments for cue-target pairs. This task was selected because, like JOLs, it allowed for processing of the relational characteristics of study pairs without explicit instruction to encode all study pairs using a relational strategy. Moreover, the JAM task utilized the same rating scale as the JOL task. The JAM task therefore resembled the JOL task but did not require that participants forecast later recall. This provided a novel comparison, as to date, studies investigating the reactive effects of JOLs on cue-target word pairs have not compared reactivity to other, non-metacognitive judgment tasks. Overall, Experiment 2 found equivalent positive reactivity on related pairs when compared to the JOL task, and critically, no reactivity was found on unrelated pairs, indicating that reactivity patterns are not exclusive to JOLs and likely reflect the selective use of relational encoding. Experiment 3 then compared JOL and no-JOL groups to a frequency-judgment task in which participants were required to estimate the frequency in which the cue-target pair would co-occur in the English language. The frequency-judgment task provided a stronger test of whether JOL reactivity would extend to other judgment tasks, as relative to JAMs, frequency judgments place less emphasis on the associative characteristics of cue-target pairs, making them more akin to JOLs. Like the JAM task used in Experiment 2, frequency judgments showed the same positive reactivity on related pairs as the JOL task, and critically, no reactivity was found on unrelated pairs. The extension of this finding to frequency judgments provides additional evidence that reactivity patterns are not limited to JOLs and further shows that reactivity can occur in the absence of memory forecasting. Finally, Experiment 4 compared JOLs to a relational encoding task where participants were explicitly instructed to relate all cue-target pairs together at study. We reasoned that if JOLs lead participants to selectively engage in relational encoding of related pairs, then this explicit relational encoding task should produce recall patterns mirroring JOLs when applied to related pairs. Additionally, Experiment 4 included a group of participants who completed a shallow vowel-counting task, which allowed us to test whether reactivity was simply the byproduct of having participants engage in an explicit encoding task. Importantly, this comparison group also allowed us to test whether reactivity would still occur when participants engaged in a non-relational encoding task. Relative to both the no-JOL and vowel-counting groups, relational encoding produced the same positive reactivity pattern on related pairs as participants who completed the JOL task. However, unlike JOLs, the positive reactivity induced by relational processing was not restricted to related targets, as recall of unrelated targets was also greater relative to the no-JOL control group. This latter pattern was unsurprising given participants were instructed to utilize relational encoding across all pair types. Finally, vowel-counting did not produce positive reactivity on related pairs relative to the control group. Instead, related pairs encoded via this task either showed negative reactivity or did not differ from the control group. Taken together, it appears that the qualitative aspects (i.e., deep relational processing) of the encoding task were a driving factor of reactivity rather than merely having participants engage in an additional task at study. Finally, consistent with previous work on reactivity (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Soderstrom et al., 2015) , negative reactivity effects on unrelated pairs as reported by Mitchum et al. (2016) continuously failed to occur, regardless of whether participants made JOLs, JAMs, frequency judgments, or counted vowels at encoding. However, given that participants generally performed poorly across experiments when recalling unrelated pairs (across experiments, mean recall of unrelated pairs was < 18% in the no-JOL groups), negative reactivity may not have occurred because participants' lack of success left little room for further decreases in performance in the judgment groups. Though these levels of recall performance are in line with findings from other reactivity studies showing positive reactivity for related pairs (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Soderstrom et al., 2015) , we note that Mitchum et al. (2016) reported higher recall rates for unrelated pairs in their control groups, with mean correct recall for these pairs exceeding 40% across experiments. Thus, whether negative reactivity occurs on unrelated pairs may be at least partially contingent on participant performance on this pair type. An important finding from this set of experiments is that reactivity patterns observed for cue-target word pairs are not limited to JOLs. Because JOLs call attention to pair relatedness (which is a strong predictor of cued-recall performance; Maxwell & Buchanan, 2020) , relatedness cues may become more salient relative to participants completing a no-JOL control task such as silent reading. Based on this account, reactivity would be expected to occur whenever participants engage in tasks that encourage the use of a relational strategy at encoding and when these tasks include study items that differ in their relatedness, regardless of whether participants engage in metacognitive processes at encoding. Results from Experiments 2-4 support this claim, as JAMs (Experiment 2), frequency judgments (Experiment 3), and relational encoding (Experiment 4) each produced equivalent reactivity patterns for related pairs relative to the JOL group. Furthermore, the similarity in reactivity patterns between JOLs and both JAMs and frequency judgments suggests that each task taps into similar underlying relational encoding processes. Based on Koriat's (1997) cue-utilization framework, each judgment type tunes participants to specific intrinsic cues about the study pairs, providing them with information about inherent properties of the studied material (i.e., pair relatedness). Thus, cued-recall performance is enhanced whenever an encoding task draws attention to the relatedness between studied items, regardless of whether this is done explicitly (e.g., relational study instructions) or implicitly (e.g., JOLs, JAMs, frequency judgments, etc.). However, because this occurred indirectly in Experiments 2 and 3 (as neither the JOL, JAM, or frequency judgment tasks explicitly instructed participants to relate items together at study), only related items receive a memory boost when judged. As such, reactive effects are not generally observed for unrelated items unless the task explicitly instructs participants to relate all pairs together. While our conclusion that reactivity effects are not limited to JOLs was based primarily on similarities in recall patterns between JOLs, JAMs, and frequency judgments, we note that memory forecasting may still be in operation for JOLs and thus could still possibly contribute to reactivity effects observed for this encoding task. However, we reasoned that positive reactivity patterns continuously occurred across judgment types because each task implicitly encouraged participants to engage in relational processing at encoding, which strengthened cues used at retrieval (i.e., cue-strengthening account; Soderstrom et al., 2015) . If each judgment type encouraged processing of cue-target relations, judgment values across task types would be expected to be highly correlated. To test this assumption, we computed Pearson correlations between mean JOL, JAM, and frequency judgment values for related and unrelated pairs. We anticipated that these judgments would be related if they were indeed assessing the same construct. As expected, judgments showed strong positive correlations across tasks for related pairs(rs ≥ 0.65, ps < 0.001; see Figs. 5 and 6) and moderate-to-strong positive correlations for unrelated pairs (rs ≥ 0.41, ps < 0.001). Thus, it appears that participants were utilizing pair relatedness to inform their judgments across tasks, and unsurprisingly, they were more likely to do so consistently when the pair types were high in relatedness. These patterns therefore provide additional evidence that reactivity for related pairs may reflect the use of relational encoding, a finding consistent with a cue-strengthening account of reactivity. Finally, our findings that reactivity repeatedly occurs only when pairs are related suggests that making JOLs, JAMs, and frequency judgments does not merely constitute the use of "deep" encoding tasks. Within the levels-of-processing framework (Craik & Lockhart, 1972) , tasks that facilitate deeper processing are those which encourage participants to elaborate on specific characteristics of items at encoding. However, a deep encoding task should operate globally across all pair types irrespective of relatedness, as observed in Experiment 4 with the relational encoding task. The observation that JOLs do not operate globally across pair types suggests that they are not functioning as a traditional depth of processing task. Rather, JOL reactivity was consistently moderated by pair relatedness, a pattern which extended to both JAMs and frequency judgments. Thus, while JOLs improve retention of related pairs relative to silent reading, this increase does not appear to result from a greater depth of processing but from the selective nature of the processing induced by this task. A case for strategic relational encoding Soderstrom et al. (2015) proposed that JOLs will induce reactivity whenever two criteria are met. First, the JOL task must strengthen cues that inform JOLs (i.e., such as pair relatedness) and second, the same cues must be available at test (i.e., such as a cued-recall test in which the desired target can be triggered by the presentation of the cue). Consistent with this account, Myers et al. (2020) showed that positive reactivity on related pairs only occurred when cues used to inform the JOL were available at test. JOLs were reactive when using cued-recall and recognition testing, but not when using free-recall testing. Myers et al.'s extension of this pattern to recognition memory but not free-recall provides support for Soderstrom et al.'s first criterion that the JOL task strengthens cue-target associations that are subsequently used at retrieval. The present study provides further support for the cue-strengthening account and suggests that JOLs encourage participants to engage in relational encoding, which is applied selectively to pairs as a function of pair relatedness. Therefore, our study is consistent with previous research showing JOLs produce a reactive effect on related word pairs and further establishes that the selective use of relational processing is a factor contributing to this reactivity effect. The finding that relational encoding is applied selectively as a function of pair relatedness is consistent with previous work on metamemory and strategy use. For example, in their metamemory framework, Nelson and Narens (1990) posited that participants can adjust their encoding strategies based on cues inherent to the stimuli as participants monitor their study. Moreover, recent work by Undorf and Brӧder (2020) suggests that JOLs reflect the strategic integration of a variety cues (e.g., relatedness, concreteness, valence, etc.) rather than a single mnemonic cue (e.g., encoding fluency; see Koriat, 1997) . Thus, because pair relatedness is a highly salient cue of future recall performance, it is likely that participants use relatedness cues as a basis when forming their JOLs. In doing so, they adopt a relational encoding strategy which operates selectively as a function of pair relatedness such that participants modify their study strategies based on pair type. This additional processing on related pairs produces a memory benefit for this pair type, while unrelated pairs remain unaffected. While the present study used cued-recall performance as our primary measure of reactivity, we note that these effects may partially represent increased encoding durations for participants who completed judgment tasks at study relative to silent reading. Though encoding was self-paced in the present study, previous research has often attempted to control for this via experimenter paced study (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Soderstrom et al., 2015) . These studies, however, have repeatedly shown that reactivity effects still emerge even after encoding durations are held constant between JOL and no-JOL groups. Further, Janes et al. (2018) showed that positive reactivity effects on related pairs only emerged when experimenter pacing was used. Therefore, although the self-paced encoding used in the present study resulted in longer encoding durations for participants in the judgment groups (see Supplemental Materials for all RT analyses), these differences likely reflected participants in the judgment groups multi-tasking the encoding of each pair while simultaneously completing their respective judgment task, as judgments in the present study were made concurrently with encoding. Consistent with this notion, reactivity effects repeatedly failed to emerge for unrelated pairs, even though across experiments, participants in the judgment groups spent significantly longer encoding this pair type compared to participants in the control groups. Finally, we note that while useful for assessing memory, RTs provide only an indirect measure of memory performance, and encoding durations are not always informative regarding encoding effectiveness. Indeed, several studies have found that memory benefits for deep tasks versus shallow tasks persist even after controlling for encoding duration (e.g., generation: Slamecka & Graf, 1978; production: Icht et al., 2014; rehearsal: Craik & Watkins, 1973) . Additionally, although prior research on JOL reactivity suggests that relatedness cues influence reactivity, recent work conducted by Senkova and Otani (2021) proposes that JOL reactivity effects are not due to the use of relational encoding and instead reflect the effects of item-specific processing. According to this account, JOLs modify memory by calling attention to the item and modifying its distinctiveness. While Senkova and Otani showed that recall following JOLs was equivalent to recall for item-specific processing tasks (i.e., ratings of pleasantness and imagery), we note one methodological discrepancy between their study and the present that may account for this. Whereas most studies investigating JOL reactivity have tested for these effects using mixed lists of related and unrelated word pairs (e.g., Janes et al., 2018; Soderstrom et al., 2015) , Senkova and Otani instead had participants study lists of single words. Because participants studied single words as opposed to word pairs, participants could not access relational information from a cue to inform JOL strategy use. Instead, both the JOL and item-specific tasks operated as deep encoding tasks which participants applied universally across all items in the study list (Craik & Lockhart, 1972) . Our findings in Experiment 4 lend support to this notion, as participants applied relational encoding globally across pair types when explicitly instructed to engage in relational encoding rather than selectively as when making JOLs. However, more research is needed comparing JOL reactivity with item-specific encoding within the context of learning cue-target word pairs. While the present study provides further support that JOL reactivity results from participants selectively engaging in relational strategies at encoding, we did not directly assess the type of encoding participants engaged in while providing JOLs. Instead, we relied upon comparisons to similar relational tasks in Experiments 2-4 as a means of triangulating encoding processing (see Huff & Bodner, 2013; Meade et al., 2020 , for similar approaches). Additionally, our experiments did not include any online measures of strategic encoding at either study or test. While it has been well documented within the metacognitive literature that participants engage in strategic encoding both when acquiring new knowledge and when processing metamemorial information (e.g., Hertzog & Dunlosky, 2004; Nelson & Narens, 1990) , our study did not explicitly assess whether participants were altering study strategies as a function of pair type. Rather, strategic changes of encoding strategy were inferred based on differences in cued-recall rates. Future research could utilize more direct measures such as having participants report the type of encoding strategy used during study as a function of pair type, which could potentially indicate any encoding changes consistent with a strategy-use account. Until recently, studies investigating JOLs have often assumed that having participants make metacognitive judgments at encoding does not influence memorial processes. Recent work showing the reactive effects of these judgments on memory, however, indicates that that this is not the case. The present study provides a further examination of JOL reactivity and its underlying mechanisms. Our inclusion of multiple associative pair types within each experiment provided a more precise test of reactivity, the changed-goal and cue-strengthening accounts, and allowed us to test whether different associative pair types produce the same reactive benefits as forward associates. Overall, we showed that the reactive benefits of item-based JOLs can extend to both backward and symmetrical pairs (Experiment 1). Importantly, our findings from Experiments 2 and 3 suggest that the reactive effects associated with JOLs are not exclusive to JOLs and extend to other types of judgment tasks that emphasize the associative characteristics of cue-target pairs. Finally, Experiment 4 provided further evidence that JOL reactivity occurs as a function of selective relational encoding of related pairs. Overall, our experiments demonstrate that memory forecasting from JOLs is not the only requirement for reactivity, and that for cue-target word pairs, JOL reactivity may reflect the selective use of relational encoding. First, to test for the illusion of competence in the JOL group, a 4 (Pair Type: Forward vs. Backward vs. Symmetrical vs. Unrelated) × 2 (Measure: JOL vs. Recall) repeated measures ANOVA was used. As expected, this analysis revealed a main effect of Pair Type, F(3, 117) = 293.33, MSE = 151.31, η p 2 = 0.88, following the same pattern reported in the previous two experiments. JOLs/recall rates were highest for forward pairs (68.29), followed by symmetrical pairs (65.73), backward pairs (47.56), and lowest for unrelated items (17.14). All comparisons differed statistically, ts ≥ 2.38, ds ≥ 0.18. JOL ratings were only marginally greater than cued-recall rates (52.25 vs. 47.11), F(1, 39) = 3.56, MSE = 590.62, p = 0.07, η p 2 = 0.08, p BIC = 0.53, however a significant interaction confirmed the presence of an illusion of competence, F(3, 117) = 57.32, MSE = 68.40, η p 2 = 0.59. For backward pairs, JOLs greatly exceeded subsequent cued-recall rates (59.69 vs. 35.44), t(39) = 6.79, SEM = 3.69, d = 1.27. However, for unrelated pairs, the illusion of competence did not occur, as JOLs and recall were equivalent (16.77 vs. 17.53), t < 1, p BIC = 0.86, and this equivalence was also found on symmetrical pairs, (68.54 vs. 62.91), t(39) = 1.69, SEM = 3.44, p = 0.10, p BIC = 0.61. Finally, as found in Experiment 1, an underestimation pattern was found for forward pairs in which JOLs were generally lower than subsequent recall (64.03 vs 72.57), t(39) = 2.90, SEM = 3.04, d = 0.52. To test for the illusion of competence, we first conducted a 4 (Pair Type: Forward vs. Backward vs. Symmetrical vs. Unrelated) × 2 (Measure: JOL vs. Recall) repeated measures ANOVA, assessing only participants who completed JOL encoding task. Consistent with Experiment 1, a main effect of Pair Type was found, F(3, 114) = 363.39, MSE = 112.72, η p 2 = 0.91, in which JOLs/recall rates were highest for forward pairs (65.68), followed by symmetrical pairs (63.15), backward pairs (44.43), and unrelated pairs (16.06). All comparisons differed significantly, ts ≥ 2.48, ds ≥ 0.22. A significant effect of Measure was also found, F(1, 38) = 50.54, MSE = 464.04, η p 2 = 0.57, such that JOL ratings (56.03) exceeded cued-recall rates (38.69). Finally, a significant interaction between Pair Type and Measure was found, indicating the presence of an illusion of competence, F(3, 114) = 56.41, MSE = 61.67, η p 2 = 0.60. Post-hoc tests indicated that an illusion of competence occurred for backward pairs such that JOLs greatly exceeded later recall rates (62.18 vs. 26.67), t(38) = 12.02, SEM = 3.05, d = 2.63. This pattern also occurred on unrelated pairs (22.30 vs. 9.87), t(38) = 4.07, SEM = 3.16, d = 0.96, and symmetrical pairs, (71.89 vs. 54.17), t(38) = 6.49, SEM = 2.79, d = 1.18. The illusion of competence, however, was not found on forward pairs, (67.63 vs. 63.78), but unlike Experiment 1, JOLs were equivalent to recall rates t(38) = 1.38, SEM = 2.91, p = 0.17, p BIC = 0.71. Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Figure 5 Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material Discrimination of item strength at time of presentation Test-expectancy and word-frequency effects in recall and recognition The English lexicon project Moving beyond Kučera and Francis: A critical evaluation of current word frequency norms and the introduction of a new and improved word frequency measure for American English Attention and performance XVII: Cognitive regulation of performance: Interaction of theory and application Prologue: Some metacomments on metamemory Illusions of competence and overestimation of associative memory for identical items: Evidence from judgments of learning Levels of processing: A framework for memory research The role of rehearsal in short-term memory The effects of word frequency and context variability in cued recall A meta-analysis and systematic review of reactivity to judgments of learning Levels of processing and organization: Additive effects of individualitem and relational processing Protocol analysis: Verbal reports as data (Rev) G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences Collector [Computer software The relationship between judged similarity, judged association, and normative association Sans forgetica is not desirable for learning Calibration of metacognitive judgments: Insights from the underconfidence-with-practice effect Aging, metacognition, and cognitive control Aging and monitoring associative learning: Is monitoring accuracy spared or impaired When does memory monitoring succeed versus fail? Comparing item-specific and relational encoding in the DRM paradigm All varieties of encoding variability are not created equal: Separating variable processing from variable tasks Item-specific and relational processing both improve recall accuracy in the DRM paradigm Distinctive encoding of a subset of DRM lists yields not only benefits, but also costs and spillovers Relational and item-specific information in memory The production effect in memory: Multiple species of distinctiveness The influence of making judgments of learning on memory performance: Positive, negative, or both? Monitoring one's own knowledge during study: A cue-utilization approach to judgments of learning Illusions of competence in monitoring one's knowledge during study A Solution to Plato's Problem: The latent semantic analysis theory of acquisition, induction, and representation of knowledge The influence of item properties on associationmemory Judgments of associative memory A tutorial on a practical Bayesian alternative to null-hypothesis significance testing Investigating the interaction of direct and indirect relation on memory judgments and retrieval The deceptive nature of associative word pairs: Effects of associative direction on judgments of learning The benefit (and cost) of drawing as an encoding strategy The Oxford handbook of memory The dynamics of learning and allocation of study time to a region of proximal learning When asking the question changes the ultimate answer: Metamemory judgments change memory Metamemory that matters: Judgments of importance can engage responsible remember Judgments of learning (JOLs) selectively improve memory depending on the type of test What is preexisting strength? Predicting free association, similarity ratings, and cued recall probabilities The University of South Florida free association, rhyme, and word fragment norms Metamemory: A theoretical framework and new findings Judgments of learning Memory predictions are influenced by perceptual information: Evidence for metacognitive illusions Making judgments of learning enhances memory by inducing item-specific processing The generation effect: Delineation of a phenomenon Judgments of learning as memory modifiers Cue integration in metamemory judgements is strategic JAM-boree: An application of observation oriented modeling to judgements of associative memory A practical solution to the pervasive problems of p values The influence of judgments of learning on long-term learning and short-term performance Publisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Ethical approval This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of Southern Mississippi (Protocol #IRB-19-429).Informed consent All participants provided informed consent prior to their participation. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. The data for all experiments have been made available at https:// osf. io/ 8yvn3/. None of the experiments were preregistered. Across each of our four experiments, we tested for an illusion of competence pattern in the JOL group, given this pattern has not been reported consistently in JOL reactivity studies (cf. Mitchum et al., 2016) . Given the prevalence with which this pattern occurs for backward pairs (e.g., Koriat & Bjork, 2005; Maxwell & Huff, 2021) , this provided us with an additional test of the integrity of our dataset. Comparisons across all experiments are reported in Table 3 . For completeness, Table 5 reports mean Goodman-Kruskal gamma correlations as a measure of JOL accuracy. We conducted a 4 (Pair Type: Forward vs. Backward vs. Symmetrical vs. Unrelated) × 2 (Measure: JOL vs. Recall) repeated measures ANOVA to assess whether the illusion of competence first reported by Koriat and Bjork (2005) replicated for participants in the JOL group. A main effect of Pair Type was found, F(3, 114) = 421.81, MSE = 99.94, η p 2 = 0.92, in which JOLs/recall rates were highest for forward pairs (65.10), followed by symmetrical pairs (61.32), backward pairs (43.40), and unrelated pairs (14.14). Post-hoc t-tests showed that JOLs/recall rates significantly differed across all comparisons, ts ≥ 4.42, ds ≥ 0.32. Next, a significant effect of measure was observed, 14, d = 0.47, though the difference between judgments and recall smaller than backward pairs. Finally, for forward pairs, this pattern reversed-JOL ratings were significantly lower than cued-recall rates (60.87 vs. 69.34), t(38) = 2.93, SEM = 2.98, d = 0.57, indicating that participants underestimated their performance for this pair type and performed better than predicted at test. Using a 4 (Pair Type: Forward vs. Backward vs. Symmetrical vs. Unrelated) × 2 (Measure: JOL vs. Recall) repeated measures ANOVA, we tested for the illusion of competence in the JOL group. Consistent with our predictions, this analysis yielded a significant effect of Pair Type, F(3, 96) = 269.87, MSE = 127.66, η p 2 = 0.89 that closely followed the patterns reported across the previous experiments. Specifically, mean JOLs/recall rates were highest for forward pairs (69.02), followed by symmetrical pairs (65.36), backward pairs (47.76), and were lowest for unrelated items (18.61). Comparisons differed statistically across each pair type, ts ≥ 3.04, ds ≥ 0.29. Next, the effect of measure was also significant, F(1, 32) = 10.32, MSE = 693.79, η p 2 = 0.24, in which JOL ratings were greater than cued-recall (55.16 vs. 45.36). Finally, a significant interaction between Pair Type and Measure confirmed that the illusion of competence pattern, F(3, 96) = 38.71, MSE = 64.82, η p 2 = 0.55. Starting with backward pairs, post-hoc analyses revealed that JOLs greatly exceeded subsequent later recall (60.15 vs. 35.61), t(32) = 6.92, SEM = 3.78, d = 1.54, a pattern that was echoed in unrelated pairs, (23.94 vs. 13.41), t(32) = 2.77, SEM = 3.71, d = 0.59, and symmetrical pairs, (70.14 vs.