key: cord-1004639-nu4hlm9y authors: Joshi, Madhuri S.; Lole, Kavita S.; Barve, Uday S.; Salve, Dawal S.; Ganorkar, Nital N.; Chavan, Nutan A.; Shinde, Manohar S.; Gopalkrishna, Varanasi title: Investigation of a large waterborne acute gastroenteritis outbreak caused by group B rotavirus in Maharashtra state, India date: 2019-07-05 journal: J Med Virol DOI: 10.1002/jmv.25523 sha: 7a57a2039925df8de385fd5d6f4d46a5945afffc doc_id: 1004639 cord_uid: nu4hlm9y An acute gastroenteritis outbreak at Devli Karad village, Maharashtra, India with an attack rate of 22.6% affected mainly adolescent and adult population. The viral investigations conducted on fecal specimens of patients hospitalized indicated the presence of rotavirus B (RVB) using RNA polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The samples collected from the source of drinking water also showed the presence of the only RVB. Absence of other viral agents and identification of RVB of genotype G2 as the etiological agent of the acute gastroenteritis outbreak highlights, the necessity of monitoring RVB, the viral agent known for its large outbreak potential. Diarrhea is the eighth leading cause of mortality and responsible for more than 1‧6 million deaths. 1 Among different diarrheal etiological agents, namely viruses, bacteria, and parasites, viral gastroenteritis continues to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality globally despite the improvements in sanitation and hygiene. The clinical manifestations of viral gastroenteritis include diarrhea, vomiting, fever, anorexia, headache, abdominal cramps, and myalgia . 2 The enteric viruses associated with acute gastroenteritis include rotavirus A (RVA), rotavirus B (RVB), rotavirus C (RVC), Caliciviruses (Norovirus and Sapovirus), enteric adenovirus, human astroviruses, aichiviruses, toroviruses, coronaviruses, picobirnaviruses, enteroviruses, and Sali/Klassi viruses. Globally, RVA is the main cause of sporadic cases of acute gastroenteritis in children less than 5 years of age and outbreak cases in infants hospitalized, day care centers, and old age individuals. 3 The circulation of RVC, in individuals of all age groups has been documented in sporadic and large outbreak cases from different parts of the world. 4 In contrast, RVB infections in sporadic and outbreak cases are mainly restricted to Asian countries namely China, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Nepal and largely during gastroenteritis outbreaks in adults. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] Among non-rota viral agents, Norovirus, Astrovirus, and Adenovirus infections have been reported to be predominant and known to be responsible for different gastroenteritis outbreaks globally. [14] [15] [16] The transmission of these viruses could be water-borne, food-borne, person-to-person, and a variety of less clearly identifiable modes. Tris-glycine buffer and gel was stained with silver nitrate as described earlier. 18 RT-PCR reaction for different viral agents was carried out by the methods as described earlier. 4, 5, [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] The specimens positive for RVB using NSP2 gene-based RT-PCR were further subjected to genotyping analysis and nucleotide sequencing using previously reported VP7 gene-specific primers. 25 Nucleotide sequence identity was determined through BLAST ( analysis. The phylogenetic tree was generated with the maximum likelihood method using MEGA 6 software. 26 Nucleotide sequences of the strains examined in the study have been deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers MK515128 to MK515139. Two water samples of 5 L each was collected from two wells on 18th November 2017, the only source of drinking water in the affected area before the emergence of the outbreak. Two water samples were also collected (5 L each) from both the sources after routine chlorination treatment on 28th December 2017. All water samples were concentrated by using one-step skimmed milk flocculation method as described previously 27 Estimates of the global, regional, and national morbidity, mortality, and aetiologies of diarrhoea in 195 countries: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study Gastroenteritis viruses: an overview A waterborne outbreak of epidemic diarrhea due to group A rotavirus in Malatya,Turkey Group C rotavirus infections in patients with acute gastroenteritis in outbreaks in western India between Identification of group B rotavirus as an etiological agent in the gastroenteritis outbreak in Maharashtra, India Occurrence of group B rotavirus infections in the outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis from western India Outbreak of diarrhoea in Daman and detection of group B rotavirus from three adult cases Waterborne outbreak of rotavirus diarrhoea in adults in China caused by a novel rotavirus Etiologic studies of the 1983 and 1984 outbreaks of epidemic diarrhea in Guangxi RT-PCR based diagnosis revealed importance of human group B rotavirus infection in childhood diarrhoea Group B rotavirus infection in patients with acute gastroenteritis from India Clinical presentation and molecular characterization of group B rotaviruses in diarrhoea patients in Bangladesh The first identification of rotavirus B from children and adults with acute diarrhoea in An outbreak of norovirus-associated acute gastroenteritis associated with contaminated barrelled water in many schools in Zhejiang A non-enteric adenovirus A12 gastroenteritis outbreak in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Outbreak of astrovirus in adults with acute gastroenteritis in Korea Probabilities in norovirus outbreak diagnosis Rapid diagnosis of rotavirus infection by direct detection of viral nucleic acid in silver-stained polyacrylamide gels Molecular characterization of VP6 genes of human rotavirus isolates: correlation of genogroups with subgroups and evidence of independent segregation Foodborne outbreak caused by a Norwalk-like virus in India Detection and differentiation of antigenically distinct small round structured viruses (Norwalk-like viruses) by reverse transcription PCR and southern hybridization Polymerase chain reaction for detection of adenoviruses in stool samples Enteroviruses in patients with acute encephalitis Typing of human astroviruses from clinical isolates by enzyme immunoassay and nucleotide sequencing Identification of the gene encoding the major outer capsid protein of ADRV: primary characterisation of RNA segment 9 MEGA6:-molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 6.0 Development and application of a one-step low cost procedure to concentrate viruses from seawater samples Diversity in the enteric viruses detected in outbreaks of gastroenteritis from Mumbai, western India Investigation of a large waterborne acute gastroenteritis outbreak caused by Group B rotavirus in Maharashtra state, India The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.