key: cord-1002402-phyttpoa authors: Pompa, Ciro; D’Amore, Teresa; Miedico, Oto; Preite, Chiara; Chiaravalle, Antonio Eugenio title: Evaluation and Dietary Exposure Assessment of Selected Toxic Trace Elements in Durum Wheat (Triticum durum) Imported into the Italian Market: Six Years of Official Controls date: 2021-04-04 journal: Foods DOI: 10.3390/foods10040775 sha: 26ba7598a5f969f9de4fabd5aca2535295c3e7ad doc_id: 1002402 cord_uid: phyttpoa Durum wheat grains, which are mostly used for the production of pasta and several baked goods, represent a main source of vegetable proteins and calories. Concurrently, many contaminants, including toxic trace elements, may accumulate in them, posing a potential severe hazard to human health. In this context, for official control and food safety purposes, 346 samples of whole durum wheat imported into the Italian market from six countries (Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, and the United States) during the period 2015–2020 were analysed for cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg) content using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). All the analysed samples were compliant with Food Agriculture Organization–World Health Organization and European Union regulations. The mean values were 0.0322 and 0.0162 mg kg(−1), respectively, for Cd and Pb, while all samples showed levels below the limit of detection (0.004 mg kg(−1)) for Hg. The results were construed in terms of seasonality, year, and country of production, and compared with reference tolerance values. Confirming previous exposure studies, the obtained data and the dietary intake assessment showed that durum wheat-based products may have a significant impact on exposure to Pb and Cd (20–50%) in the overall population, particularly in more sensitive and/or exposed subgroups (infants, toddlers, and females). According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), wheat represents the most important source of food calories and vegetable macronutrients (including proteins, with a mean content of 15%, carbohydrates, and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and oligoelements) at the global level. This cereal is the basis of all regional diets in the world. Moreover, it is the most commonly traded cereal and the food crop that covers the largest share of the global cultivated area [1] [2] [3] . In particular, durum wheat (Triticum durum or Triticum turgidum subsp. durum Desf; fam Poaceae) is the second most cultivated species of wheat, and constitutes the main ingredient of pasta, steamed/parboiled/roasted groats (e.g., bulgur, couscous, freekeh), and several types of baked goods (bread, pizza, biscuits etc.) [4] . The European Union (EU) is the leading producer of wheat, generating an average of 150.4 million tonnes per annum in the last 5 years. Among the EU member states, France, Spain, and Italy are the top manufacturers in terms of harvest and area of production. At the same time, Italy, which is the lead country in semolina production (with 76% of the mills in Europe) and pasta industry, is the main importer of durum wheat [3, 5, 6] . As the result of their widespread average consumption, within the vegetable and cereal category, durum wheat grains are under close surveillance, becoming a food safety The 346 samples of whole durum wheat were imported into the Italian market from 6 countries (Australia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, and the United States) and were intended for the manufacture of products for human nutrition. The analyses were carried out by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Puglia e della Basilicata (IZS-PB) over six years (2015-2020) for official control purposes. The territorially competent authorities (the Port, Airport, and Border Health Offices and Border Inspection Posts) collected samples in agreement with European regulation No. 333/2007 and the standard method ISO 24333:2009 "Cereals and cereal products-Sampling". Each wheat sample intended for laboratory test weighed about 10 kg and was representative of a lot of 10-500 tonnes [32, 33] . A minimum of 50 samples and a maximum of 92 per year were analysed. In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic and governmental consequences (exportation reductions/bans, economic recession, lower production rates, etc.) only 14 samples arrived at the IZS-PB [34, 35] . High-purity reagents, nitric acid (trace element grade HNO 3 , 68% v/v), hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 30% v/v), and ultrapure water (18.2 MΩ cm, at 25 • C) were supplied by Romil Ltd. (Cambridge, UK). Single-element standard solutions for Pb, Cd, and Hg at the concentration of 1000 mg L −1 were purchased from VWR International Ltd. (Leicestershire, UK). Working solutions were prepared by dilution in 2% (v/v) HNO 3 . Ultrapure argon (Ar, 99.9999% purity) was obtained from SAPIO s.r.l. (Monza, MI, Italy). The Standard Reference Material (SRM 1567b, wheat flour), supplied by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), was used for quality control and assurance. The sample preparation procedure, following a standard method (EN 13805:2014 "Determination of trace elements-Digestion under pressure") consisted of microwaveassisted wet digestion in acid and oxidant conditions (6 mL of 68% (v/v) HNO 3 and 2 mL of 30% (v/v) H 2 O 2 ) with 1.00 g ± 0.0001 g of ground sample previously aliquoted into a Teflon vessel by using an analytical balance (Mettler Toledo s.p.a., Novate Milanese, Milan, Italy) [36] . An Ethos-One Microwave Reaction System (Milestone s.r.l. Sorisole, Bergamo, Italy) was used with the following program: (1) temperature increase up to 120 • C in 15 min, maintained constant for 10 min; (2) temperature increase up to 190 • C in 15 min, maintained constant for 20 min; and (3) cooling stage of about 30 min to reach room temperature. The final solution (about 5% HNO 3 ) was obtained by a 50-mL dilution with ultrapure water. The standard method EN 15763:2009 "Determination of arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead in food" was used as the reference method for ICP-MS quantitative analysis [31] . From 2015 to 2017 the PerkinElmer Elan DRC II instrument was used. For analytical procedure details, please refer to Miedico et al. (2020) [37] . From 2018 to 2020 the analyses were performed by using the PerkinElmer NexION 2000 apparatus, which was equipped with a concentric nebulizer, a demountable quartz torch with a 2.0 mm internal diameter quartz injector tube, and a quadrupole ion deflector. The following operational parameters were set-nebulizer gas (Ar) flow rate: 1.01 L min −1 ; plasma gas (Ar) flow rate: 15 L min −1 ; auxiliary gas flow rate: 1.2 L min −1 ; radio frequency power: 1600 W. Rhodium and bismuth (both at 200 ng mL −1 ) were used as internal standards and added to standard and sample solutions by on-line mixing. One or more stable isotopes were monitored ( 111 Cd, the sum of 200 Hg and 202 Hg, and the sum of 206 Pb, 207 Pb and 208 Pb) in order to eliminate the intrinsic variability of isotope distribution and/or to improve sensitivity. A summary of validation parameters of the analytical procedure is reported in Table 1 . The limits of detection (LODs) and limits of quantification (LOQs) were calculated as 3.3 and 10 times the standard deviation of 10 blank determinations, Two replicates of each sample were analysed, and the trace element concentrations were evaluated as the mean of the two replicates. Elemental concentrations in durum wheat samples were checked for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Data were not normally distributed (Critical D-value: 0.073) for Cd, so in addition to mean and standard deviation values the median, minimum, and maximum values were also calculated. The normality test was not performed for Pb, since about 70% of samples were below the limit of quantification (