key: cord-1000319-zxgvpgsb authors: Lima, Nerilson M.; Fernandes, Bruno L.M.; Alves, Guilherme F.; de Souza, Jéssica C.Q.; Siqueira, Marcelo M.; Patrícia do Nascimento, Maria; Moreira, Olívia B.O.; Sussulini, Alessandra; de Oliveira, Marcone A.L. title: Mass spectrometry applied to diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic targets identification for the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2: A review date: 2021-12-20 journal: Anal Chim Acta DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2021.339385 sha: ecf7586c3a81883879d5540ff0504889e9aeea3d doc_id: 1000319 cord_uid: zxgvpgsb Mass spectrometry (MS) has found numerous applications in medicine and has been widely used in the detection and characterization of biomolecules associated with viral infections such as COVID-19. COVID-19 is a multisystem disease and, therefore, the need arises to carry out a careful and conclusive assessment of the pathophysiological parameters involved in the infection, to develop an effective therapeutic approach, assess the prognosis of the disease, and especially the early diagnosis of the infected population. Thus, the urgent need for highly accurate methods of diagnosis and prognosis of this infection presents new challenges for the development of laboratory medicine, whose methods require sensitivity, speed, and accuracy of the techniques for analyzing the biological markers involved in the infection. In this context, MS stands out as a robust analytical tool, with high sensitivity and selectivity, accuracy, low turnaround time, and versatility for the analysis of biological samples. However, it has not yet been adopted as a frontline clinical laboratory technique. Therefore, this review explores the potential and trends of current MS methods and their contribution to the development of new strategies to COVID-19 diagnosis and prognosis and how this tool can assist in the discovery of new therapeutic targets, in addition, to comment what could be the future of MS in medicine. Mass Spectrometry (MS) has been widely used in the detection and characterization 147 of biomolecules, especially due to its versatility, mainly related to soft ionization suboptimal sensitivity, often resulting in false-negative diagnostic despite their substantial specificity [27, 29] . 344 Facing the current necessity of improving available diagnosis assays and/or 345 developing new diagnosis alternative that allies high accuracy, low cost, and less invasive 5B and 5C). The authors also found 1008 proteins being commonly identified and 379 quantified among all groups (Fig. 5D ). The average abundance of identified proteins for 380 COVID-19 samples was lower than the other two groups (Fig. 5E ). Their study was the first one to access COVID-19 features in urine, which were 382 consistent with a previous blood assay. Even though experimental data about urine 383 proteome, in this case, is yet limited, it could be a promising approach further on. This 384 study is a good example of how MS data could be helpful in the understanding of human 385 metabolism before and after being infected by SARS-CoV-2. The biological 386 interpretation of these data could be a handful of valuable information for the diagnosis 387 and prognosis of patients. [44] discovered that the S-protein was cleaved into S1, S2b, and S2a 512 although held together by disulfide bridges. The S1 peak measurement has proven to be ☒ The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. ☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: The epidemiology and pathogenesis of 1052 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak Organization, World Health Organization. Clinical management of severe The COVID-19 MS Coalition-1088 accelerating diagnostics, prognostics, and treatment The Power of LC-MS Based 1092 Multiomics : Exploring Multi-platform omics analysis reveals 1097 molecular signature for COVID-19 pathogenesis, prognosis and drug target 1098 discovery What Are Omics 1101 Sciences?, Periparturient Dis Mass spectrometry analytical responses to the 1104 SARS-CoV2 coronavirus in review Justin Mass spectrometry analysis of 1106 gliadins in celiac disease Application of mass spectrometry to 1109 molecular diagnostics of viral infections Empowering Clinical Diagnostics with Mass Spectrometry The Orbitrap: A 1121 new mass spectrometer Orbitrap mass spectrometry Potential diagnostics and therapeutic 1127 approaches in COVID-19 Molecular Diagnosis of COVID-19: Challenges and Research Needs, Anal COVID-19 spurs wave of innovative diagnostics Laboratory diagnosis of 1136 COVID-19: Current issues and challenges Development of a clinical MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry assay for SARS-CoV CD4 T cells: Fates, functions, and faults Interactome and Proteomic Survey Reveal Potential Virulence Factors 1327 Influencing SARS-CoV-2 Pathogenesis Quantitative plasma proteomics of survivor and non-survivor 1332 COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital unravels potential prognostic biomarkers 1333 and therapeutic targets Research and Development on 1336 Therapeutic Agents and Vaccines for COVID-19 and Related Human 1337 Coronavirus Diseases Drug 1340 Development and Medicinal Chemistry Efforts toward SARS-Coronavirus and 1341 Covid-19 Therapeutics MS-MS identification of drug metabolites obtained by metalloporphyrin 1345 mediated oxidation Mass spectrometry for small molecule 1348 pharmaceutical product development: A review Development and 1352 validation of a UHPLC-MS/MS method for quantification of the prodrug Antiviral for Treatment of COVID-19, in Healthy Subjects Towards 1362 Optimization of Hydroxychloroquine Dosing in Intensive Care Unit Ritonavir Treatment for COVID-19 Infection in Intensive Care Unit: Risk of 1366 Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate: New 1371 Chemical Developments and Encouraging in vitro Biological Results for SARS-1372 Identification of falsified chloroquine tablets in Africa at the 1376 time of the COVID-19 pandemic Bioactive coumarins from Boenninghausenia 1379 sessilicarpa Identification of natural compounds with 1383 antiviral activities against SARS-associated coronavirus Chemical composition and pharmacological 1393 mechanism of Qingfei Paidu Decoction and Ma Xing Shi Gan Decoction against 1394 COVID-19): In silico and experimental study Respiratory Detox Shot, a traditional Chinese medicine prescription, for COVID-1400 19 control and prevention: Network-molecular docking-LC-MSE analysis Geranium and lemon essential oils and their active 1404 compounds downregulate angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain, in epithelial cells Geranylated flavonoids displaying SARS-CoV papain-like protease 1409 inhibition from the fruits of Paulownia tomentosa Discovery of M protease 1414 inhibitors encoded by SARS-CoV-2 XII inhibit SARS-CoV-2 viral replication by targeting the viral 1425 main protease Allosteric 1428 Inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease: Insights from Mass 1429 Spectrometry Based Assays** Correction: Multi-targeting of 1433 functional cysteines in multiple conserved SARS-CoV-2 domains by clinically 1434 safe Zn-ejectors Diketopiperazines from the Marine Derived Endophytic Aspergillus versicolor 1437 DY180635 The utility of native MS for understanding the 1439 mechanism of action of repurposed therapeutics in COVID-19: Heparin as a 1440 disruptor of the SARS-COV-2 interaction with its host cell receptor Tandem mass spectrometry of small-molecule antiviral drugs: 1443 3. antiviral agents against herpes, influenza and other viral infections