key: cord-0994475-iyvsxfsa authors: Held, Michael B.; Boddapati, Venkat; Kaidi, Austin C.; Trofa, David P.; Neuwirth, Alexander L. title: Response to letter to the editor on “Elective orthopaedic surgeries during COVID-19 pandemic.” date: 2020-09-11 journal: Arthroplast Today DOI: 10.1016/j.artd.2020.09.001 sha: 56bc4cdd56fa6a415be0f74fcd6fe1ab34caffa4 doc_id: 994475 cord_uid: iyvsxfsa nan Title: Response to letter to the editor on "Elective orthopaedic surgeries during COVID-19 1 pandemic." 2 3 We would like to thank the authors for their thoughtful review and commentary on our 4 manuscript entitled "Timing and Tips for Total Hip Arthroplasty in a Critically Ill COVID-19 5 Patient with a Femoral Neck Fracture: A Case Report [1] ". 6 7 We agree with the authors that the risks and harms of COVID-19 in our patient were greater than 8 the additional risks of delayed surgery. According to criteria put forward by Rizkalla et al. our 9 case differs from an elective total joint arthroplasty (TJA), as we presented a critically ill, 10 decompensated patient with active COVID-19 disease and an acute femoral neck fracture In conclusion, we appreciate the thoughtful response by the authors regarding our manuscript 44 describing a deliberate delay in surgery in a patient requiring THA with COVID-19. Urgent TJA 45 may be safely performed in appropriately selected patients with active COVID-19 if proper 46 multidisciplinary team decision-making is utilized. As for the return to elective joint 47 replacement, individual institutions need to follow guidance from local and state authorities, who 48 should be constantly analyzing the local COVID-19 disease burden. If deemed safe, specific 49 protocols, for all phases of care, must be followed to ensure safe and effective delivery of 50 important, but elective orthopaedic surgeries. 51 J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Timing and Tips for Total Hip 52 Arthroplasty in a Critically Ill COVID-19 Patient with a Femoral Neck Fracture: A Case Report Hip Arthroplasty During the COVID-19 Pandemic Medically necessary orthopaedic surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: 59 safe surgical practices and a classification to guide treatment Association of inflammatory 63 markers with the severity of COVID-19: a meta-analysis Recommendations for resuming elective hip and knee arthroplasty 67 in the setting of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: the European Hip Society and European Knee 68