key: cord-0986132-r6mv5ksf authors: Cox, E.; Cools, V.; Houvenaghel, A. title: Pathophysiology of diarrhoea induced by a combined infection with transmissible gastroenteritis virus and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in newly-weaned piglets and the effect of flurbiprofen treatment date: 1988 journal: Vet Res Commun DOI: 10.1007/bf00343259 sha: fe1a7499648f283fd038af8422a103083b892216 doc_id: 986132 cord_uid: r6mv5ksf In newly-weaned 3–4 week old piglets (n=29) diarrhoea (100%) and vomiting (65%) were induced by inoculation with transmissible gastroenteritis virus and enterotoxigenic E. coli strains (0(149):K(91):K(88ac); LT, STa and STb enterotoxin positive). This combined infection resulted in pronounced mortality within 7 days. During this period the piglets had decreases in body weight, arterial pressure and leucocyte count and increases in heart rate and in total plasma protein concentration. The plasma pH and lactic acid concentration decreased, whereas the values for pO(2), pCO(2) and frequency of respiration did not change significantly. No significant changes in the serum concentrations of potassium, chloride or calcium were observed, whereas sodium concentration revealed a transient increase. In shocked and dying piglets an increase in haematocrit was observed, whereas base excess and bicarbonate concentration decreased. Flurbiprofen, a potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, administered intramuscularly on 3 successive days following the combined infection at a dosage of 1 mg/kg/12 h was without beneficial effect on diarrhoea or mortality. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are involved in the post-weaning diarrhoea syndrome in pigs. However, experiments performed in our laboratory to induce hypersecretion diarrhoea by inoculation of newly-weaned piglets with ETEC, possessing fimbrial adhesins and producing heat-labile (LT) and heat-stable (STa and STb) enterotoxins, were not always successful (Cox et al., 1986a) . Post-weaning diarrhoea has a multifactorial etiology. The genetic susceptibility of the host to adhesion of ETEC as well as nutritional, environmental and immunological factors and the presence of a rotavirus infection can probably seriously influence the occurrence and the severity of the diarrhoea (Tzipori etal., 1980; Lecce et al., 1982; Lecce, 1983; Sellwood, 1983; Bijlsma et al., 1985) . When the experimental ETEC infection was preceded by oral chloramphenicol treatment we observed an enhanced occurrence, severity and duration of diarrhoea (Cox et uf., 1986a) . This 'colonization-resistance-suppressing' antibiotic probably makes the gut more susceptible to ETEC (Kaufman, 1984) . The induced diarrhoea, however, was still insufficiently pronounced to result in significant hypovolaemia and shock. We therefore introduced a combined viral-bacterial infection into our piglet diarrhoea 0165-7380/88/$03.50 0 1988 Geo Abstracts Ltd model. Since rotavirus is enzootic in Belgian piggeries and most pigs are infected before the age of 6 to 7 weeks (Debouck, 1984) , we inoculated piglets with transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) virus, a coronavirus, prior to ETEC infection. This combined infection resulted in pronounced diarrhoea and hypovolaemia and in 100% mortality within 5 days of TGE virus inoculation (Cox et al., 1986b) . We recently reported the effect of the antisecretory drugs chlorpromazine, verapamil, clonidine and propranolol on diarrhoea and survival in our piglet diarrhoea model Cools et al., 1987) . Several studies suggest the involvement of prostaglandins as important messengers in the secretory response of the enterocytes to bacterial enterotoxins (Bennett, 1971; Wise et al., 1983; Powell, 1986) . Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis by blocking the cyclooxygenase pathway, have been shown to reduce cholera or ETEC-induced hypersecretion in several species (Willard, 1985; Greenough & Rabbani, 1986) . However, in clinical trials in man, aspirin and indomethacin were ineffective in the treatment of cholera-induced hypersecretion diarrhoea (Greenough & Rabbani, 1986) . The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the pathological changes induced by the combined TGE virus and ETEC inoculation in newly-weaned piglets and to examine the possible effects of flurbiprofen, a potent NSAID of the arylacetic acid class, on this diarrhoea model. AND METHODS The experiments were performed on 29 newly-weaned, 3-4 week old female piglets, weighing 3.2 to 7.2 kg, from primiparous sows purchased from the same commercial farm. The piglets were of mixed breeding (Pietrain x Belgian Landrace). They were individually housed at 27°C and allowed to drink UHT sterilized whole cow's milk ad libitum. On day 1 of the experiment the piglets were anaesthetized with 15 mg/kg methomidate (Hypnodil@, Janssen) and 2 mg/kg azaperone (Stressnil@, Janssen) and a Silastic catheter (Dow Corning) was implanted in the left carotid artery for daily blood sampling and pressure recording. To enhance ETEC colonization of the small intestine, the piglets were pretreated on days 1, 2 and 3 with chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin@, Parke-Davis; 1,875 mg/l milk). After a starvation period during the first three hours of day 4, the piglets were orally inoculated with TGE virus (1.66 x 106 pig infective dose/ animal). Twenty-four hours later (day 5) the piglets were again starved for 3 hours, after which 62 ml of a 1.4% NaHCO, solution was given intragastrically to prevent ,ETEC destruction. Fifteen minutes later they were each intragastrically inoculated with 10 ml of a suspension of two ETEC strains. Both strains, O,,:K,,:Kxxac, LT, STa and STb enterotoxin positive, were grown on brain heart infusion agar,(.Oxoid) at 37°C for 24 hours. The bacteria, w.ere suspended and dil,uted in sterile physiological saline to an "&?o of.0.4, approximately 1.2 .X IQ: bacteria/ml, by via.b!e'count., Flurbiprofen treatment was started 5 hours after:>the ,ETEC inoculation and was performed @IF 3 consecutive ,days., Eight piglets (Aurbiprsfefi 'group) were intramuscufarly.i~njected with Qurbiprofen (B0ots)at.a dose of 1 mg/kg/l2 b. Flurbiprofen dissolved in 0.1 M NaOH (10 mg/ml) and the solution was neutralized to pH 7.4with 0.1 M HCl. Xylocaine (2 mg) was added ta reduce the pain induced by the intramuscular injection of flurbiprofen. ,. The other piglets (n = 21):were kept as untreated controls (control group). Weight change, milk intake, body temperature, appearance and severity of diarrhoea, and clinical symptoms were registered daily; From day 3 onwards the following parameters were also evaluated.: survival rate; frequency of respiration; arterial blood pres-sure (Pa); heart rate (HR); haematocrit (Hct); plasma protein (Merck kit), glucose {Merck kit) and lactic acid (Boehringer kit) concentrations; arterial pH, pOf and pC0, (Astrup, Radiometer); base excess (BE) and bicarbonate (porcine acid-base alignment nomogram for arterial blood; Hannon, 1984) ; leucocyte count; serum concentrations of sodium, potassium (flame photometry), chloride (chloridometer) and calcium (atomic absorption); sodium and potassium concentrations and osmolality (cryoscopy) of faecal water, obtained as the supernatant after centrifugation of freshly collected faeces at 6,000 g for 5 min; faecal ETEC excretion; and the faecal shedding of TGE virus, rotalike-and rotavirus (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). The severity of diarrhoea was evaluated by arbitrarily scoring the consistency of the faeces (0 = normal; 1 = pasty; 2 = semiliquid; 3 = watery). Scoring was always performed by the same person. The osmotic gap was calculated from the faecal water values as the difference between the measured osmolality and the estimated osmolality, based on twice the sum of the sodium and potassium concentrations (Shiau et al., 1985) . Secretory diarrhoea is commonly associated with a negative osmotic gap, whereas osmotic diarrhoea is associated with a positive osmotic gap of greater than 160 mosmol/l, at least in man (Shiau et al., 1985) . Faecal ETEC excretion was evaluated as the approximate percentage of haemolytic E. coli among the total number of aerobic bacteria in rectal swabs inoculated onto blood agar plates at 37°C for 24 hours and was also arbitrarily scored (0 = 0%; 1 = &25%; 2 = 25-50%; 3 = 50-75%; 4 = 75-100%). The carotid arterial pressure was registered with a saline-filled polyethylene catheter connected to a miniature pressure transducer (Gaeltec). The electrocardiogram (ECG), which was used to measure HR. was monitored with five ECG electrodes fixed with rubber bands cranial to the left and right shoulder joint, above the seventh vertebral spine and on the abdomen cranial to the left and right stifle joint. Pa and ECG were recordedon a Beckman multichannel recorder. Shocked piglets died spontaneously or were killed with an overdose of methomidate. The other piglets were euthanatized with methomidate 10 days after the start of the experiment. All piglets were examined post mortem. The genetic susceptibility of the piglets to K,,,,-ETEC adhesion to their small intestinal villi was determined by the in vitro technique described by Girardeau (1980) . The daily diarrhoea score and faecal ETEC score are expressed as medians and ranges or individual values and were statistically analysed using the Mann-Whitney U or Wilcoxon tests. All other parameters are given as means +SEM. A one-way analysis of variance and simple contrasts were used to assess the statistical significance between the values of the different parameters registered after the experimental infection and the values measured before infection on day 3. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to demonstrate significant differences for time-matched values of the flurbiprofen group and the control group. The percentage of survival in both groups was statistically evaluated using the Mantel modification of the Gehan generalised Wilcoxon test. The post mortem in vitro adhesion assay revealed that the villi of all piglets from the control and the flurbiprofen group were susceptible to adhesion by K,,,,-ETEC to their enterocytes. Experimental infection with TGE virus and ETEC resulted in a pronounced mortality (71% of the animals), starting from day 5 and reaching maximal values on days 5 to 6 ( Figure 1 ). Mortality was provoked by the pronounced watery diarrhoea, resulting in a hypovolaemic shock ( Figure 2 ). Vomiting was observed in 65% of the animals. Hypovolaemic piglets had a poor appetite, severe depression and cyanosis of the extremities. In the terminal stage some pigs lay in lateral decubitus with the eyes retracted in the orbits, the flanks sunken and a prominent pelvis as a result of the severe dehydration. The piglets developed diarrhoeic faeces during the chloramphenicol pretreafnient ( Figure 2 ; day 3). Diarrhoea, however, seriously worsened following inoculation with TGE virus and ETEC (PcO.01). The faecal osmotic gap significantly increased from -14k11.6 mosmol/l on day 3 to 53.6-Cl5.8 mosmol/l on day 5 (PO.O5). As in the control group, the pigs developed severe diarrhoea during the chloramphenicol pretreatment period haemolytic E. coli (Figure 3 ). a significantly more pronounced decrease in leucocyte count ( Figure 7) and a temporary normalization of body temperature (Figure 8 ). After the later administrations, however, the evolution of all the parameters studied was comparable to that of the control group (Figures 3-8 Since the turn of the century E. coli has been implicated in the aetiology of porcine weaning diarrhoea (colibacillosis). The causal strains are usually haemolytic, possess fimbriae which mediate specific adherence of the E. co/i to receptors on villous enterocytes and produce enterotoxins (Lecce, 1983) . The enterotoxins LT and STa induce fluid secretion by the crypt cells, mediated by cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP respectively, whereas LT also inhibits absorption by villous cells. Although STb can induce villous atrophy, the exact mechanism through which it increases intestinal fluid loss is still unclear (Whipp et al., 1987) . In the past five years there has been steady progress in research on potentially useful drugs which can reduce fluid loss in secretory diarrhoeas. In spite of promising activity in animal models, the recently tested antisecretory drugs have only reduced secretory diarrhoea in humans by 50%, chlorpromazine and nicotine having the most effect (Powell, 1986; Greenough & Rabbani, 1986) . Recently rotavirus has been shown to be causally associated with weaning diarrhoea of pigs. This virus multiplies in and destroys the absorptive cells of the villi of the small intestine, leading to malabsorption, dehydration and death in very young piglets (Lecce, 1983 ). In our model TGE virus, another enteropathogenic virus, was selected since rotavirus is enzootic in Belgian piggeries (Debouck, 1984) , since the effects of this coronavirus in swine are well characterized and since, like rotavirus, it infects only mature epithelial cells and does not infect the undifferentiated crypt cells. TGE virus consistently induces villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia. The disease is most acute and almost invariably fatal in the very young piglet, in which vomiting and profuse diarrhoea can lead rapidly to dehydration and death. Young pigs over 3 weeks old, as in our study, experience a debilitating diarrhoea of 10 to 14 days duration but usually survive (Aitken, 1983; Whipp et al., 1985) . We recently demonstrated the adhesion of the two ETEC-strains used in our present study to the atrophic villi following TGE virus inoculation in newlyweaned pigs (Cox et al., in press ). In our model, dually-infected piglets experience profuse diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration, weight loss and hypovolaemic shock, causing the death of 71% of the animals. The induced diarrhoea is probably a combination of malabsorption (TGE virus) and hypersecretion (ETEC). As a consequence of malabsorption the accumulation of non-absorbable nutrients, such as lactose, promotes a rise in luminal osmotic pressure, encouraging fluid movement from blood to lumen. At present the osmotic effect is considered to be the major component of TGE virus diarrhoea (Aitken, 1983) . The evolution of the osmotic gap of the faecal water from secretory diarrhoea (day 3) to near osmotic diarrhoea (day 7) in our study is an interesting observation in this context. The clinical signs in dying piglets in our study agree with the observations on E. coli infection in gnotobiotic pigs (Kenworthy & de G. Mitchell, 1976) . The diarrhoea occurring during the chloramphenicol pretreatment (days 1 to 3) in both groups studied can be explained by the change in the diet from sow's to cow's milk, by the loss of maternal immunity, by environmental changes (Tzipori et al., 1980; Lecce, 1983) , and probably by suppression of the gut flora by the antibiotic resulting in an increased susceptibility to infection by potentially pathogenic microorganisms (Kaufman, 1984) . In healthy, nondiarrhoeal, colostrum fed neonatal calves, oral administration of chlo-ramphenicol induces diarrhoea by partial decrease of villous height and crypt depth (Rollin ef al., 1986) . The high control values for arterial pH (day 3) in piglets of both groups in the present study agree with the observation on conscious immature pigs of 2 to 3 months old. Pigs of this age, however, reveal a higher pC0, value, a higher HC03-concentration, a lower p02 value and a lower Hct (Hannon, 1983) . Differences in our results can probably partly be attributed to the diarrhoea occurring on day 3. The decrease in Hct, following the initial increase, in surviving pigs of our study can probably be explained by a haemodilution effect, resulting from the daily extraction of blood. When piglets developed hypovolaemia and shock some characteristic changes occurred within a few hours: an abrupt rise in Hct, a pronounced decrease in BE and a concomitant decrease in bicarbonate resulting in an acidosis. Since lactic acid did not increase but significantly decreased, other acid metabolites must be responsible for this metabolic acidosis. In experiments on ETEC-induced and spontaneous diarrhoea in neonatal piglets a metabolic acidosis with low pH and an abrupt decrease in BE and an increase in Hct was also reported in dying animals (Andren & Persson, 1983) . Kutas and Szabo (1971) likewise reported low pH and BE values in diarrhoeic piglets, resulting from experimental E. coli infection. In shocked animals in our study, the BE values were lower than -10 mEq/l, a critical limit below which the prognosis should be considered poor, at least in neonatal piglets (Andren & Persson, 1983) . In experiments on gnotobiotic pigs, 27 to 34 days old when infected with ETEC-strains, animals developed a severe diarrhoea resulting in dehydration and death between 16 and 36 hours after infection. As in the piglets in our control group, no elevation of body temperature was recorded during this period. Pigs also revealed a neutropenia soon after infection and an abrupt increase in Hct (Kenworthy & de G. Mitchell, 1976) . Polymorphonuclear cell infiltration in the intestinal mucosa was observed in pigs following infection with TGE virus or with STb producing ETEC strains (Pensaert et al., 1970; Rose & Moon, 1985) . This observation can probably partly explain the severe neutropenia observed in our study. The post mortem findings in the piglets in the present study correspond to those observed in piglets which have died from post weaning diarrhoea. Several studies suggest the involvement of prostaglandins in the LT and ST enterotoxin-induced hypersecretion (Berridge, 1984; Petzinger, 1984; Donowitz et al., 1986) . Results of studies on the effects of aspirin, indomethacin and other NSAID's are, however, somewhat inconsistent. In vivo, indomethacin inhibits secretion caused by Vibrio cholerae, cholera toxin and ST enterotoxin of E. coli. In vitro, this agent decreases the effects of CAMP and of drugs that stimulate the adenylate cyclase-CAMP system. In vivo, aspirin inhibits small intestinal secretion provoked by cholera toxin and E. coli LT enterotoxin but not E. coli ST enterotoxin (Donowitz et al., 1986) . In ligated calf's jejunal loops, salicylates reduced E. coli ST induced hypersecretion (Wise et al., 1983) . In the porcine jejunal loop, however, this NSAID was ineffective in reducing E. coli ST induced hypersecretion (Ahrens & Zhu, 1982) . The inhibitory effect of the NSAID's appears to be due to increased absorption, although it is associated with some inhibition of activation of the cyclic AMP-system by LT enterotoxin of Vibrio cholerue and E. coli. (Donowitz et al., 1986) . In the present experiments we studied the effect of flurbiprofen, a potent NSAID, on diarrhoea induced by combined TGE virus and ETEC infection in newly-weaned piglets. The dosage, 1 mg/kg/l2 h, was derived from the oral dose in humans and from the plasma mean half-life value of approximately 7 hours after oral dosage in man (Szpunar et al., 1987) . In our model flurbiprofen was without significant beneficial effect on diarrhoea score or lethality suggesting that prostaglandins are rather unimportant in the pathophysiology of the malabsorption and hypersecretion diarrhoea. Only the first administration of this NSAID resulted in a temporary amelioration of some parameters studied. The treatment, however, induced a decreased activity. The effects of various NSAID's on cholera toxin-induced intestinal secretion in a number of animal species have generally shown them to be effective when given before but not after toxin administration (Wise et al., 1983) . In our experiments flurbiprofen was administered following the combined viral-bacterial inoculation. It recently appears that arachidonic acid metabolites may play an important role in invasive, inflammatory diarrhoea, but not in secretory diarrhoea (Powell, 1986; Turnberg, 1986 ). In our model the dual infection induced inflammatory intestinal changes (unpublished observation), as consistently occur following TGE virus and STb enterotoxin exposure (Pensaert et al., 1970; Rose & Moon, 1985) . No beneficial effect of the NSAID studied, however, was observed. Perhaps treatment with NSAID's would be more appropriate in diarrhoeic conditions caused by enteroinvasive bacterial strains (Petzinger, 1984) . Effects of indomethacin, acetazolamide, ethacrynate sodium, and atropine on intestinal secretion mediated by Escherichiu coli heat-stable enterotoxin in pig jejunum Structural and functional damage caused by viral infection of the small intestine Acid-base and electrolyte changes in l-3 days old piglets infected with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and in spontaneous cases of piglet diarrhoea Cholera and prostaglandins A general survey of the mechanism and control of intestinal fluid transport The prevalence of different porcine phenotypes in the Netherlands concerning adhesion of K88-positive Escherichia coli to intestinal epithelium Absence of beneficial effects of clonidine treatment in a piglet diarrhoea model Effect of chlorpromazine, verapamil, clonidine and propranolol on diarrhoea and survival in a diarrhoea-shock model in piglets Experimental infection of piglets with enterotoxigenic E. coli: effect of oral chloramphenicol pretreatment Experimental combined infection of just-weaned piglets with transmissible gastroenteritis virus and enterotoxigenic E. coli Effect of experimentally induced villus atrophy on adhesion of K88ac-positive Escherichiu coli in just-weaned piglets Rotavirus infekties bij biggen: Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift Drug therapy for diarrhea1 diseases: a look ahead A new in vitro technique for attachment to intestinal villi using enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Antisecretory and antimicrobial drugs for treating diarrhoea Blood acid-base curve nomogram for immature domestic pigs Cdnstruction'of acid-base alignment nomograms to estimate buffer base and base-excess concentrations in arterial blood from immature pigs Nosocomial infections: Klebsiella. Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian Escherichiu coli infection of gnotobiotic pigs: significance of enterotoxin and endotoxin in the clinical state Effect of diarrhoea on the water and acid-base balance in piglets with enteric colibacillosis Dietary regimen, rotavirus, and hemolvtic enteropayhogenic Escherichia coli in weanling diarrhea of $gs.~Annnls de Recherches V&&naires Rotavirus and hemolytic enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in weanling diarrhea of pigs Transmissible gastroenteritis of swine: virus-intestinal cell interactions. I. Immuno-fluoresence, histopathology and virus production in the small intestine through the course of infection. Archiv fiir die Gesamte Virusforschung Trends in der Arzneimitteltherapie: Elektrolyt-transporte im Darm. Ein Beitrag zur Pathophysiologie und Therapie Enterotoxin-verursachter Durchfalle. Berliner und Miinchner Tieriirztliche Wochenschrift Mechanisms of antisecretory agents and prospects for novel drugs Diarrhea and malabsorption in calves associated with therapeutic doses of antibiotics: absorptive and clinical changes Elicitation of enteroluminal neutrophils by enterotoxigenic and nonenterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli in swine Genetic and immune factors in the susceptibility of piglets to Eschericha coli diarrhoea The K88 adherence system in swine Stool electrolyte and osmolality measurements in the evaluation of diarrhea1 disorders Pharm&okinetics of flurbiprofen in man. I. Area/dose relationships Mechanisms of intestinal absorption and secretion of electrolytes and water Escherichiu coli and rotavirus infections in four-week-old gnotobiotic piglets fed milk or dry food Effect of virus-induced destruction of villous epithelium on intestinal secretion induced by heat-stable Escherichia coli enterotoxins and prostaglandins El in swine Functional significance of histologic alterations induced by Escherichia coli pig-specific, mouse-negative, heat-stable enterotoxin (STb) Newer concepts in treatment of secretory diarrheas Effect of salicylates on intestinal secretion in calves given (intestinal loops) Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin This work was supported by grant 4640 A from the Belgian Institute for the Encouragement of Research in Industry and Agriculture (IWONL). The authors thank Professor Dr M. Pensaert (University of Ghent, Belgium) for the supply of the TGE virus and for the identification of viruses in faecal samples and Drs P. Pohl and P. Lintermans (National Institute for Veterinary Research, Brussels) and Smith Kline-RIT (Genval) for the supply of the ETEC strains. Flurbiprofen was a generous gift from Dr Deherve, The Boots Company, Brussels. The technical assistance of Mr J. Belle, Mrs C. De Schepper-Van Hoecke and Mrs R. Hens-Sleeckx is greatly appreciated.