key: cord-0984143-okxz8muc authors: Aldinger, Fanny; Schulze, Thomas G. title: Environmental factors, life events, and trauma in the course of bipolar disorder date: 2016-09-21 journal: Psychiatry Clin Neurosci DOI: 10.1111/pcn.12433 sha: d47b906d52e8cf15b22cf081924cfb7fbda158b7 doc_id: 984143 cord_uid: okxz8muc The etiology and clinical course of bipolar disorder are considered to be determined by genetic and environmental factors. Although the kindling hypothesis emphasizes the impact of environmental factors on initial onset, their connection to the outcome and clinical course have been poorly established. Hence, there have been numerous research efforts to investigate the impact of environmental factors on the clinical course of illness. Our aim is to outline recent research on the impact of environmental determinants on the clinical course of bipolar disorder. We carried out a computer‐aided search to find publications on an association between environmental factors, life events, and the clinical course of bipolar disorder. Publications in the reference lists of suitable papers have also been taken into consideration. We performed a narrative overview on all eligible publications. The available body of data supports an association between environmental factors and the clinical course of bipolar disorder. These factors comprise prenatal, early‐life, and entire lifespan aspects. Given varying sample sizes and several methodological limitations, the reported quality and extent of the association between environmental factors and the clinical course of bipolar disorder should be interpreted with utmost caution. Systematic longitudinal long‐term follow‐up trials are needed to obtain a clearer and more robust picture. B IPOLAR DISORDER IS one of the most common psychiatric illnesses. Its lifetime prevalence is about 3% worldwide. [1] [2] [3] Patients with bipolar disorder suffer from instability of mood, cycling between opposing affective states (i.e. between mania and depression). The mean age of onset is set in late adolescence and early adulthood. 4 According to the diagnostic criteria listed in DSM-IV and ICD-10, the core symptoms of depression are depressed mood, loss of energy, inability to experience pleasure, loss of interest in activities, cognitive impairment, changes in sleep and appetite, decreased libido, and suicidal thoughts. Mania, by contrast, is characterized by unusually cheerful and optimistic mood, elevated energy, racing thoughts and accelerated speaking, decreased need for sleep, and unrealistic ideas without considering the consequences. Delusions and hallucinations can occur in both mania and depression. Even in euthymic states, patients with bipolar disorder may suffer from constant neuropsychological impairment, such as mnestic deficits and a reduced psychological capacity, 5 factors that negatively impact on participation in daily life, social integration, and employment status. The etiology and clinical course of bipolar disorder are considered to be determined by genetic and environmental factors. [6] [7] [8] Clinicians observe a high diversity of the clinical course and outcome for this disease. Kraepelin was one of the first to define the distinct nosology of bipolar disorder and emphasized the importance of the knowledge of the clinical course of illness. 9,10 Based on Post's kindling hypothesis, subsequent episodes have been considered to occur unpredictably and without pattern. 11, 12 This also highlights the need to study disease trajectories, in particular given the recent major achievements in psychiatric genetics: [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] we now need to learn more about the non-genetic factors and their interaction with genetic underpinnings. A better understanding of the complex interplay between life events and disease course is warranted. Bipolar disorder may serve as a case in point. Our aim is to summarize and discuss recent research on the impact of environmental factors, trauma, and life events on the clinical course of bipolar disorder in a narrative review. A computer-aided literature search using PUBMED was carried out to find articles published between 2005 and January 2016 on the topic of a potential association between environmental factors, life events, and trauma, and the course of bipolar disorder. The keywords 'bipolar disorder', 'manic depressive illness', and 'course' or 'outcome' in combination with 'environmental factors' or 'environmental triggers', 'life events', 'early adversities', 'recurrence', 'life stress', 'climate', 'prenatal infections', 'influenza', 'early adversities', 'maternal smoking', and 'childhood trauma' were used. Publications in the reference list of suitable papers were also taken into consideration. There is a substantial number of studies investigating factors influencing the course of bipolar disorder. The number of identified studies focusing on specific aspects varied broadly, and so did the sample sizes (see Table 1 ). Categorizing the different aspects has proven to be a non-trivial task as some of the factors may fall within more than one category (see Fig. 1 ). For example, exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy can be seen as an environmental trigger, but it is also an early adverse life event and may be considered a trauma to fetal development. Similarly, lack of social support is a traumatic life experience and can also be seen as an adverse life event. Moreover, the amount of social support is an environmental trigger. The complexity and mutual interference of the different categories lead to inconsistent categorization in the literature. Therefore, developing a systematic categorization seems quite infeasible or is at least far beyond the scope of this paper. Infections, especially intrauterine infections, are supposed to interfere with fetal and postnatal neurodevelopment. This could lead to impaired neuropsychological health and a higher vulnerability for psychiatric disorders. 28 Canetta et al. evaluated whether serologically confirmed maternal exposure to influenza was associated with an increased risk of bipolar disorder. 24 Furthermore, they investigated its impact on psychotic features within bipolar disorder. Their data suggested a fivefold increased risk for bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms, whereas influenza did not influence bipolar disorder without psychotic symptoms. This could be interpreted as an impact on clinical course as psychotic features stand for a more severe course of illness. 24 Parboosing et al. observed a fourfold increased risk for bipolar disorder in general due to gestational influenza infection, regardless of the presence or absence of psychotic symptoms. 23 However, on the other hand, the hypothesis of gestational viral infections increasing susceptibility to bipolar disorder could not be verified by either Pang et al. 21 or Mortensen et al. 22 The influence of viral infections during adulthood has been investigated in only a few studies. Okusaga et al. evaluated the relation between seropositivity for coronaviruses, influenza A and B viruses, and mood disorders with or without psychotic features and suicide attempts. An infection with any of the three respiratory viruses was associated with major depressive disorder, but not with bipolar disorder. Only influenza B was linked to a history of suicide attempts and psychotic symptoms. 25 It should be pointed out that the sample size was small and that viral infections occur epidemically. Therefore, the results should be considered with caution. As Toxoplasma gondii parasites are supposed to influence dopamine metabolism, toxoplasmosis could possibly influence psychiatric health and impairment, such as bipolar disorder. 90 Only a few studies have investigated T. gondii infection in adult Maternal smoking has been suggested to increase the risk of various mental illnesses, such as attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, 92 and autism spectrum disorder. 93 In a study with a large sample size, Ekblad et al. observed an increased risk of psychiatric disorders except for schizophrenia and anorexia nervosa. 29 A respective association with bipolar disorder is poorly investigated and findings are inconsistent. Two studies showed an increased risk of bipolar disorder due to maternal smoking during pregnancy. 29,30 Ekblad Whether birth complications have an impact on bipolar disorder in general is unclear. There exists only one study that suggests an association with 2.5fold higher risk of bipolar disorder in offspring delivered by planned cesarean section 35 compared to natural birth. Bain et al. could not find such association. 32 There are, anyhow, only a few studies investigating this topic, none of which found an association among birthweight, gestational age, and the risk of bipolar disorder. [32] [33] [34] [35] One of these studies found preterm birth to be associated with a higher risk of bipolar disorder. 34 Up to January 2016, there existed no study focusing on a potential impact of birth complications on the clinical course. Seasonal effects supposedly influence the regulation of mood, especially in bipolar disorder. 94, 95 The first systematic review of this topic concluded that there was a replicable association of seasonal variation and bipolar disorder symptoms. 38 Bipolar patients with seasonal patterns form the minority but suffer from a more severe clinical course. Manic episodes seem to be more frequently linked to seasonality than depressive episodes. 41 Overall mania has its peaks in spring and summer and a third peak in mid-winter, while depression shows high occurrence in winter and spring. 37, 38 Furthermore, there are indications that climate factors, such as mean daylight hours, mean daily temperature, and the daily number of sunshine hours, are associated with relapse in bipolar disorder. The shortening of sunlight in particular triggers depressions. 96 The relation between sunlight and mood states is furthermore supported by the positive therapeutic effect of phototherapy in mood disorders. Young et al. argue that this fact may lose importance due to the weakening of circadian rhythm in consequence of electric light. 39 It is worth noting that a higher vulnerability to climate and seasonal changes has been reported in females. 38 In contrast, Rajkumar et al. observed a greater degree of seasonality in men. 40 In addition to that, these patients suffer more frequently from psychotic features and substance misuse. 36, 41 Childhood trauma A history of childhood trauma is common in patients with mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in bipolar disorder ranges from 16% to 39%. 2, 97, 98 Childhood trauma in the broader sense is considered to be evident in almost 50% of patients with bipolar disorder. 43 There are several bipolar patients who report childhood trauma and do not fulfill the criteria of PTSD. Still, childhood trauma is assumed to impact on the onset and the clinical course of bipolar disorder. So far, there are only four reviews that address childhood trauma. The association between childhood trauma and the onset and course of bipolar disorder has been established quite robustly. 46, 47, 58, 98 The latest review by Aas et al. was published in January 2016. 58 The most relevant findings of this review are: Childhood trauma influences the clinical course by leading to an earlier age of onset. It also increases the likelihood of a rapid cycling course, the occurrence of psychotic features, the number of lifetime mood episodes, the risk of suicide ideation and attempts, and substance misuse. Gender issues have been found as well. Females with bipolar disorder reported childhood trauma more frequently and had a stronger association with a more severe clinical course (i.e. rapid cycling, early age of onset, suicide attempts, and more depressive episodes). 58 In contrast to that, Quarantini et al. showed that bipolar patients with trauma experienced more severe manic symptoms than depressive symptoms compared to controls. 45 Sala et al. investigated dose-response effects of childhood maltreatment and the course of bipolar disorder, including clinical characteristics, probability of treatment, and psychiatric comorbidities. 52 There are different types of trauma, such as physical abuse and neglect, emotional abuse and neglect, and sexual abuse. Robust data on the epidemiology of trauma types and their impact on the onset and course of bipolar disorder are scarce. Most research into this field concentrated on physical and sexual abuse. But there are indications that emotional abuse and neglect have the highest prevalence among trauma subtypes. 57, [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] Emotional abuse seems to be disregarded in the literature. One possible explanation is the difficulty to detect emotional abuse in assessment surveys. It is worth noting that bipolar patients gain traumatic experience not only due to childhood trauma, but also as a consequence of their own disruptive behavior during manic episodes. 42 Aas et al. also summarize biological and molecular modifications in bipolar disorder due to childhood trauma. 58 A reduction of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) 44, 48, 49 plus alterations in inflammatory processes 53 and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis functioning have been described. 50 Genetic variations in the following genes have been found as mediating factors in bipolar patients with traumatic experience: BDNF val66met, 48 5-HTTLPR, 51,54 TLR2, 55 CLOCK, 56 and SNPs near genes coding for calcium-channel-related proteins. 8 Furthermore, epigenetic modifications of HPA-axis-related genes, stress regulatory genes, and glucocorticoid receptor genes have been implicated. Additionally, reduced telomere length, a marker for biological aging, was found as a mediator of the negative effects of childhood trauma in bipolar disorders. 58 The term 'life events' describes any substantial changes in personal surroundings resulting in personal and social consequences. Life events might occur unexpectedly or in an anticipated manner. The social zeitgeber theory has recently gained attention. Social zeitgebers comprise social contact and solitary activities. Changes in social zeitgebers are followed by rhythm disruption in daily life. 71 In consequence, biological circadian rhythms are disrupted and may affect mood stability. 60, 72, 104 Numerous researchers have shown that certain life events influence the age of onset and the clinical course of bipolar disorder. 7, 11, [59] [60] [61] [62] 64, [66] [67] [68] The types of stressful life events differ in triggering either mania or depression. The literature emphasizes that positive life events and goal attainment are more likely to be followed by mania. 66, 68, 70, 76 Others support the point of view that negative as well as positive life events are able to trigger both depression and mania. 63, 65, 69, 70 Bereavement is assumed to trigger mania, while personal illness more likely causes depression. 67 Interpersonal problems, financial crises, work-related difficulties, failure, and job loss were often found prior to mania. 73 Unemployment at onset is considered to be a risk factor of relapse and psychotic features. 74, 80 A poor premorbid social status does not influence the course of bipolar disorder. 80 Gershon et al. showed that trauma exposure is related to more severe interpersonal chronic stressors, which causes more severe depressive episodes. 75 There are indications that living in a mixed urban-rural area is associated with a higher risk of relapse. 74 Minor life events have less influence on mood changes than severe life events or several consecutive life events. 72, 76 The definition of minor and major life events, respectively, remains uncertain as the perception of burden is highly individual. Overall, the findings are heterogeneous. There exists one prospective study with a considerable sample size of 222 patients by Simhandl et al. 77 More than 60% of the patients experienced at least one life event 6 months before a new episode. The risk of a depressive episode was associated with the number of life events, but was independent of the quality of the life event. 77 The quantity of life events has also been investigated. An increased life event load stands for a higher risk of experiencing a first episode plus subsequent episodes. 11, 67, 78 Whether life events are cause or consequence of mood changes is a topic debated frequently. Life events prior to subsequent episodes were discussed to be caused by the illness itself. 11, 67, 76 Kemner et al. reported that life events in consequence to affective episodes were independent from the psychiatric illness itself. 79 Furthermore, they report a slightly higher impact of life events on onset than on recurrence of bipolar disorder, which underlines Post's kindling hypothesis 78, 79 that emphasizes that external triggers, such as life events, have a greater impact on the first episode than on subsequent episodes. Accordingly, recurrent episodes occur more autonomously and independently of life events. 11, 105 In terms of life events over the lifespan, the decay model deserves mention. This model describes the fact that earlier life events will no longer have the same impact anymore as time passes. Due to life experience, people gain different coping strategies. 64, 78 Thus, the kindling hypothesis is supported from another perspective. Social support can be defined as the perception of being loved, cared for, esteemed, valued, and belonging to a network of communication and mutual obligation. 106 As poor social support is considered a long-term psychosocial stress, it has been a research topic in the field of psychiatric diseases. Its influence on bipolar disorder has been investigated as an important impact on clinical course of illness. The reverse influence of the severity of illness on social support should not be neglected. Up to now it has been poorly examined. Greenberg et al. published a review concerning social relationships in bipolar disorder. Emerging as the main results of this review is that individuals with bipolar disorder report deficits in many fields of social relationships, such as relationship to parents, family, partner, and friends. 87 The rate of relapse is higher in patients with low social support. 81, 82, 84, 87 Here again, the causality remains unclear. Johnson et al. report that patients with incomplete recovery between episodes receive less social support and that vice versa less social support leads to a residual status complicating socialization. 84 Furthermore, the results show that having a partner at onset of illness has a positive effect on the course of illness, especially on the remission between episodes. 84 Furthermore, patients without partners have an increased risk of psychotic features. 80 Owen et al. investigated qualitative social factors that prevent or trigger suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. 89 Overall, controversy surrounds the question of whether low social support influences the recurrence of mania or depression or both. 81, 83, 84 In addition to social support, family behavior plays an influencing role on the course of bipolar disorder. High expressed emotions and negative affective styles increase the likelihood of a higher risk of relapse. 85, 86 High expressed emotions may even influence the prevalence of suicide ideation in young bipolar patients. 88 Miklowitz pointed out that patients who were more distressed by criticisms from their relatives showed more severe symptoms in both depression and mania. 107 Overall, research in this field faces challenges and limitations. Instruments for investigating social support are usually self-rating tools and the evaluation can often be influenced by mood episodes and a possible discrepancy between real and desired social integration. Consequently, the findings are inconsistent and need further investigation. The available body of evidence suggests that environmental factors may either trigger or prevent the development of a psychiatric disorder. Moreover, there is some circumstantial evidence of an association between environmental factors and the clinical course of bipolar disorder. To conclude, viral infections during pregnancy and adulthood might influence onset and clinical course of bipolar disorder. However, this is only supported by a scarce body of studies. Similarly, the studies concerning maternal smoking show inconsistent findings. Some researchers suggest a strong association between onset and clinical course of bipolar disorder and maternal smoking, and others do not. Likewise, the impact of birth complications on onset and course of bipolar disorder needs further research efforts to allow for robust findings. There is relatively ample data on the influence of climatic factors on bipolar disorder. The occurrence of depressive and manic episodes shows replicable seasonal peaks. Furthermore, there are indications that bipolar patients with seasonality suffer from more severe clinical course. There are robust findings that childhood trauma triggers onset and especially clinical course. Bipolar patients with trauma history are more likely to show rapid cycling course, psychotic features, higher number of lifetime mood episodes, and greater risk for suicide ideation and attempts, and substance misuse. It seems worthwhile highlighting that emotional abuse has been disregarded in the literature although it is supposed to have the highest prevalence among adverse childhood experiences. Additionally, there are interesting findings in molecular biology, genetics, and epigenetics that need to be vetted in large-scale replication studies. Findings concerning the quality of live events remain inconsistent. As we might assume, social support influences the course of bipolar disorder, with low social support worsening the disease outcome. It is to be noted that live events and social support are influenced by the illness itself. Furthermore, there are national and cultural limitations to be pointed out. These have already been described by Merikangas in context of the World Mental Health Survey Initiative. 4 The countries in which the trials were carried out are listed in Table 1 . Nevertheless, there is no detailed information about the participants' ethnicity. The impact of life events, trauma, and social support on an individual varies across countries and cultures. For example, the actual impact of job loss on one's life will to a large part be determined by the level of social security or public welfare provided. In addition to that, the diagnosis of mental disorders is related to a different degree of stigmatization in different cultures and countries. Overall, research in this field faces methodological challenges. Therefore, results should be considered cautiously. First, there are fundamental limitations due to different diagnostic definitions. Mostly, the diagnostic interviews are based on the DSM and ICD; still there is a cross-national and cross-cultural variation remaining (for diagnostic criteria see Table 1 ). In general, apart from environmental factors, trauma, and life events (which influence the clinical course), the differences in the availability of mental health treatment may have an important but often neglected impact on the illness. Most of the studies are retrospective and only a few provide long-term follow-up data. Furthermore, inconsistency of study designs, measures, and analyses lead to partially inconsistent findings. There is an evident problem of how to categorize the influencing factors into further (sub-) groups (see Fig. 1 ). Creating a standardized consensus categorization would simplify the comparison of research results. One approach has been reached by the International Society for Bipolar Disorders developing consensus nomenclature to describe course and outcome of bipolar disorder. 108 Even if this could be achieved, other challenges remain: we have to consider the critical timing of events and the distinction between general and personal risk factors. The field furthermore needs to reach consensus on the most reliable and valid assessment tools: Structured or at least semi-structured phenotyping tools may be preferred over self-rating questionnaires. Moreover, prospective study designs should be favored over retrospective approaches. Finally, truly large samples sizes are needed. This will require international collaborative networks of peers. During the conduct of the study, Professor Schulze and Dr Aldinger report: grants from DFG, Klinische Forschergrupe 241: SCHU 1603/4-1, SCHU 1603/5-1; grants from DFG, PsyCourse: SCHU 1603/7-1; grants from BMBF, BipoLife: 01EE1404H; and grants from the Dr.-Lisa-Oehler Foundation. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. F.A. and T.G.S. designed the study. F.A. wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Both authors worked on further versions of the manuscript and approved the current version. Diagnostic features, prevalence, and impact of bipolar disorder Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of bipolar spectrum disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey replication Epidemiology of bipolar disorders Prevalence and correlates of bipolar spectrum disorder in the World Mental Health Survey Initiative Cognitive dysfunction, dissociation and quality of life in bipolar affective disorders in remission Bipolar disorder diagnosis: Challenges and future directions Adverse life event reporting and worst illness episodes in unipolar and bipolar affective disorders: Measuring environmental risk for genetic research Genetic and childhood trauma interaction effect on age of onset in bipolar disorder: An exploratory analysis Kraepelin and manic-depressive insanity: An historical perspective Kraepelin's concept of manicdepressive insanity: One hundred years later Life stress and kindling in bipolar disorder: Review of the evidence and integration with emerging biopsychosocial theories Kindling and sensitization as models for affective episode recurrence, cyclicity, and tolerance phenomena Collaborative genome-wide association analysis supports a role for ANK3 and CACNA1C in bipolar disorder Analysis of ANK3 and CACNA1C variants identified in bipolar disorder whole genome sequence data Genetics of bipolar disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Identification of risk loci with shared effects on five major psychiatric disorders: A genome-wide analysis Genome-wide analysis implicates microRNAs and their target genes in the development of bipolar disorder Genetic architectures of psychiatric disorders: The emerging picture and its implications A genome-wide association study implicates diacylglycerol kinase eta (DGKH) and several other genes in the etiology of bipolar disorder Large-scale genome-wide association analysis of bipolar disorder identifies a new susceptibility locus near ODZ4 No association between prenatal viral infection and depression in later life-a long-term cohort study of 6152 subjects Neonatal antibodies to infectious agents and risk of bipolar disorder: A population-based case-control study Gestational influenza and bipolar disorder in adult offspring Serological documentation of maternal influenza exposure and bipolar disorder in adult offspring Association of seropositivity for influenza and coronaviruses with history of mood disorders and suicide attempts Serum antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Herpesvidae family viruses in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A casecontrol study The relationship between Toxoplasma gondii infection and mood disorders in the third National Health and Nutrition Survey Relationship between Toxoplasma gondii infection and bipolar disorder in a French sample Prenatal smoking exposure and the risk of psychiatric morbidity into young adulthood Maternal smoking during pregnancy and bipolar disorder in offspring Is maternal smoking during pregnancy associated with bipolar disorder in offspring? Obstetric complications and affective psychoses. Two case-control studies based on structured obstetric records Indicators of fetal growth and bipolar disorder: A Danish national register-based study Preterm birth and psychiatric disorders in young adult life Perinatal factors and the risk of bipolar disorder in Finland Further evidence of seasonality of mania in the tropics Psychiatric hospitalizations for affective disorders in Warsaw, Poland: Effect of season and intensity of sunlight Seasonality and bipolar disorder: A systematic review, from admission rates to seasonality of symptoms Investigating the mechanism(s) underlying switching between states in bipolar disorder Seasonality of admissions for mania: Results from a general hospital psychiatric unit in Pondicherry Seasonal pattern of manic episode admissions among bipolar I disorder patients is associated with male gender and presence of psychotic features Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in subjects with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Impact of childhood abuse on the clinical course of bipolar disorder Traumatic life events in bipolar disorder: Impact on BDNF levels and psychopathology The impact of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder on bipolar disorder patients Childhood maltreatment and bipolar disorder : A critical review of the evidence Childhood maltreatment and clinical outcomes of bipolar disorder Brain-derived neurotrophic factor val66met genotype and early life stress effects upon bipolar course Interplay between childhood trauma and BDNF val66met variants on blood BDNF mRNA levels and on hippocampus subfields volumes in schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders Morning cortisol levels in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: A meta-analysis The serotonin transporter genotype modulates the relationship between early stress and adult suicidality in bipolar disorder Childhood maltreatment and the course of bipolar disorders among adults: Epidemiologic evidence of dose-response effects Childhood trauma and adulthood inflammation: A meta-analysis of peripheral C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor-α Interaction between SLC6A4 promoter variants and childhood trauma on the age at onset of bipolar disorders Combined effect of TLR2 gene polymorphism and early life stress on the age at onset of bipolar disorders Effects of CLOCK gene variants and early stress on hopelessness and suicide in bipolar depression Factors associated with suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder type I The role of childhood trauma in bipolar disorders Life events and the course of bipolar disorder Stressful life events and social rhythm disruption in the onset of manic and depressive bipolar episodes: A preliminary investigation Stressful life events, bipolar disorder, and the "kindling model Life events and affective disorders Life events and onset of a new phase in bipolar affective disorder Impact of stressful life events, familial loading and their interaction on the onset of mood disorders: Study in a high-risk cohort of adolescent offspring of parents with bipolar disorder Effects of stress and social support on recurrence in bipolar disorder Life events in bipolar disorder: Towards more specific models Predictive effects of previous episodes on the risk of recurrence in depressive and bipolar disorders The psychosocial context of bipolar disorder: Environmental, cognitive, and developmental risk factors Life stress and the course of early-onset bipolar disorder Life events as predictors of mania and depression in bipolar I disorder Sleep matters: Sleep functioning and course of illness in bipolar disorder Life events and social rhythms in bipolar spectrum disorders: An examination of social rhythm sensitivity Life-event specificity: Bipolar disorder compared with unipolar depression Predictors of recurrence in bipolar disorders in Spain (PREBIS study data) Chronic stressors and trauma: Prospective influences on the course of bipolar disorder Stressful life events in bipolar I and II disorder: Cause or consequence of mood symptoms? The prevalence and effect of life events in 222 bipolar I and II patients: A prospective, naturalistic 4 year follow-up study The influence of life events on first and recurrent admissions in bipolar disorder The role of life events and psychological factors in the onset of first and recurrent mood episodes in bipolar offspring: Results from the Dutch Bipolar Offspring Study Can psychological, social and demographical factors predict clinical characteristics symptomatology of bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia? Social support and the course of bipolar disorder Social support and self-esteem predict changes in bipolar depression but not mania Increases in manic symptoms after life events involving goal attainment Social support in bipolar disorder: Its relevance to remission and relapse The role of the family in the course and treatment of bipolar disorder Correlates of high expressed emotion attitudes among parents of bipolar adolescents The role of social relationships in bipolar disorder: A review Parental expressed emotion and suicidal ideation in adolescents with bipolar disorder A qualitative investigation into the relationships between social factors and suicidal thoughts and acts experienced by people with a bipolar disorder diagnosis The neurotropic parasite Toxoplasma gondii increases dopamine metabolism May Toxoplasma gondii increase suicide attempt-preliminary results in Turkish subjects? Perinatal risk factors for infantile autism Relationship between antisocial behaviour, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and maternal prenatal smoking Circadian rhythms and mood regulation: Insights from pre-clinical models Genetics of circadian rhythms and mood spectrum disorders Bupropion for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder in patients with bipolar disorder: A review of prevalence, correlates, and treatment strategies Beyond genetics: Childhood affective trauma in bipolar disorder The universality of childhood emotional abuse: A meta-analysis of worldwide prevalence Emotional abuse and neglect (psychological maltreatment): A conceptual framework Child and adolescent abuse and neglect research: A review of the past 10 years. Part I: Physical and emotional abuse and neglect Emotional abuse in childhood is a differential factor for the development of depression in adults An evaluation of screening questions for childhood abuse in 2 community samples: Implications for clinical practice The social zeitgeber theory, circadian rhythms, and mood disorders: Review and evaluation Kindling of life stress in bipolar disorder: Comparison of sensitization and autonomy models Presidential address-1976. Social support as a moderator of life stress Perceived criticism from family members as a predictor of the one-year course of bipolar disorder The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) Task Force report on the nomenclature of course and outcome in bipolar disorders