key: cord-0981065-2ql94l1b authors: Singh, Surjit; Jindal, Ankur Kumar; Pilania, Rakesh Kumar title: Diagnosis of Kawasaki disease date: 2017-11-13 journal: Int J Rheum Dis DOI: 10.1111/1756-185x.13224 sha: 571e2d50bbfd13f3dc277ba771cfd635ff7d21f7 doc_id: 981065 cord_uid: 2ql94l1b Kawasaki disease (KD) is a medium vessel vasculitis with predilection for coronary arteries. Due to lack of a reliable confirmatory laboratory test, the diagnosis of KD is based on a constellation of clinical findings that appear in a typical temporal sequence. These diagnostic criteria have been modified from time to time and the most recent guidelines have been proposed by the American Heart Association (AHA) in 2017. However, several children may have incomplete or atypical forms of KD and the diagnosis can often be difficult, especially in infants and young children. In this review, we have detailed the steps involved in arriving at a diagnosis of KD and also highlight the important role of echocardiography in diagnosis and management of children with KD. Kawasaki disease (KD) is a medium vessel vasculitis with predilection for coronary arteries and has been recognized to be the most common cause of acquired heart disease in children. 1 KD is now being increasingly recognized in several developing countries. Even though more than 50 years have passed since the first case of KD was identified by Dr Tomisaku Kawasaki, 2 the diagnosis of KD continues to remain a clinical dilemma and there is no confirmatory laboratory test. The diagnostic criteria for KD have been modified from time to time. The two sets of diagnostic criteria that have been used most frequently for this condition are as follows (Table 1) These criteria are based on clinical findings and do not differ significantly from the original descriptions of cases of KD given by Dr Kawasaki himself. 2 The major difference between the Japanese and AHA criteria is that while fever for more than 5 days is an essential prerequisite in the AHA criteria, 1 it is not so in the Japanese version. 3 In other words, a diagnosis of KD can be proffered even when there is no fever when one is using the Japanese criteria. Despite several limitations, both these criteria have stood the test of time and have been widely used by clinicians the world over. In this review, we have provided a critique on the diagnostic criteria for KD including the 2017 guidelines. 4 We have detailed the usefulness and limitations of echocardiography in the diagnosis and management of children with KD. We have also alluded to several clinical and laboratory manifestations that help clinicians in arriving at a diagnosis of KD but do not find a mention in the KD criteria. We highlight the diagnostic challenges faced by pediatricians while managing these patients, especially in resource-constrained settings. The seven cardinal findings in KD are detailed in Table 2 . The major limitation in the diagnosis of KD is that this diagnosis is often not considered upfront in febrile children in countries where infectious diseases are still very common, as for example India and China, the two most populous countries in the world. 14 Broad spectrum antimicrobials are commonly prescribed for febrile illnesses in children and are often replaced by second level antimicrobials if fever continues to persist. [15] [16] [17] If the child develops rash during the course of illness, it is often taken as a drug rash 8, 18 and the diagnosis of KD may get further delayed. As many of the clinical manifestations of KD (such as redness of eyes, redness of lips, tongue and oral cavity, rash and edema of the hands and feet) are commonly seen in childhood infectious diseases as well, the diagnosis of KD is often delayed or missed altogether. Parents often seek multiple consultations from different healthcare facilities. Many of these clinical signs are often not documented and might have disappeared by the time the child is seen by another doctor. Although KD is now being diagnosed frequently in several developing countries, there is no dearth of skeptics who question this diagnosis. 19 In our experience there have been several instances when KD was diagnosed in time by a pediatrician but parents sought multiple consultations and several doctors questioned the diagnosis and this resulted in avoidable delays in initiation of specific treatment. 20 Many clinical signs of the disease provide important diagnostic clues; however, they have not been included in the diagnostic criteria. Perineal desquamation is an important clinical sign (Table 3) . 7 It usually appears a few days prior to the appearance of periungual desquamation and may provide the initial diagnostic clue. Similarly, reactivation of the bacillus Calmette-Gu erin (BCG) injection site is a pathognomonic clinical sign of KD and may be more commonly observed than cervical lymphadenopathy. 21, 22 However, this has not been given enough consideration in the diagnostic criteria. Sterile pyuria, 23 peripheral arthritis, 24 hydrops of gall bladder 25 and myocarditis 4, 26 are other important indicators of KD. Extreme irritability, out of proportion to the illness, is observed in children with KD, especially in young infants, 27 and may be a prominent clinical finding but this too does not find a mention in the diagnostic criteria. 1 Fever persisting at least 5 days with 2 At least four of the five principal clinical features: i) Changes in extremities Acute: Erythema of palms, soles; edema of hands, feet Subacute: Periungual peeling of fingers and toes in weeks 2 and 3 ii) Polymorphous exanthema (diffuse maculopapular, urticarial, erythroderma, erythema-multiforme like, not vesicular or bullous) iii) Bilateral bulbar conjunctival injection without exudates iv) Changes in lips and oral cavity: erythema, lips cracking, strawberry tongue, diffuse injection of oral and pharyngeal mucosae v) Cervical lymphadenopathy (> 1.5 cm diameter), usually unilateral Kawasaki disease in infants is always a diagnostic challenge as infants often may not manifest the complete form of disease (incomplete KD). 27 Incomplete forms of KD should not be assumed to be milder forms of KD. As children with incomplete KD often remain undiagnosed for several days, there are greater chances of development of coronary artery abnormalities (CAAs). 28 Infants with KD can also present with pyuria (as a result of the associated urethritis) and this may be erroneously thought to be due to a urinary tract infection. This can result in further delays in arriving at a diagnosis. Kawasaki disease in a child who is more than 10 years old is relatively difficult to diagnose and is often more severe. 29, 30 As the diagnosis usually gets delayed in these children, there is higher risk of CAAs. Another problem faced by clinicians while managing such patients is difficulty in the assessment of CAAs using echocardiography because of their thick chest wall. Fever Fever is typically abrupt onset, high grade, unremitting, without any response to antimicrobials and not accompanied by mucosal inflammation. While majority of children with KD have fever that usually lasts more than 5 days, this figure is rather arbitrary. Children with KD can have short-lasting fever as well In the Japanese criteria fever is not taken as an essential prerequisite 3 A few cases of KD without fever have also been reported. 5 An experienced physician can diagnose KD on day 3 or day 4 of illness and fever may subside before 5 days if appropriate treatment is instituted 4 Extremity changes (acute) Children with KD often have erythema of palms and soles that is usually non-specific. The edema of hands and feet is rather characteristic However, these clinical features are transient and usually subside within a few days Extremity changes (subacute) Periungual peeling of skin is a pathognomonic sign of KD that usually appears in the 2nd to 3rd week of illness. However, in India, periungual desquamation seems to occur early and can often be seen by day 10 of fever 6 It is often not very useful for early diagnosis. 7 On the other hand, perineal desquamation, often missed, usually appears earlier than periungual peeling and facilitates early diagnosis Rash Diffuse erythematous polymorphous rash usually appears in the first few days of illness and may be seen in up to 96% of patients. Bullous, vesicular and petechial lesions are not seen in KD 8 It is non-specific (mimics many viral or bacterial infections) and it is often transient and hence may be missed, especially in darkskinned children Conjunctival involvement † Bilateral conjunctival injection with sparing of limbus and without exudate is an important and specific clinical sign and often helps in making a clinical diagnosis. It may be seen in up to 89% of patients 8 There is no conjunctivitis and not associated with any discharge Lips and oral cavity changes † Erythema of lips and oral cavity with lip cracking in a febrile child is an important diagnostic clue and is seen in up to 96% of patients 8 Presence of distinct oral ulcerations make the diagnosis of KD unlikely Unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy is a characteristic clinical sign of KD but is seen in only 60% of patients [8] [9] [10] [11] Often mistaken for suppurative lymphadenitis 12, 13 Exclusion of other diseases with similar findings It is not clear whether the exclusion is clinical or if there is a well-defined panel of laboratory investigations that need to be carried out before satisfying this point †Conjunctival injection and lip changes are not seen in scarlett fever and are important differentiating points. In addition, KD is predominantly a disease of children < 2 years old, while scarlet fever is always seen beyond 2 years of age. Infections are often considered triggers for KD [31] [32] [33] and clinical manifestations of many viral illnesses can mimic KD. 34 [41] [42] [43] are also closely associated with the pathogenesis of KD. It is not often recognized that myocarditis is an integral part of KD and can, at times, be severe and symptomatic. 4,26 Whenever a young child presents with fever, myocardial dysfunction and shock, KD should also be included in the differential diagnosis of viral myocarditis/ septic shock. The term Atypical KD' is used when there are one or more atypical features of KD such as pulmonary involvement (e.g., pneumonia), 44, 45 arthritis, 24 nephritis, 23,46,47 myositis, uveitis, 48,49 retinal vasculitis 50 and central nervous system involvement (e.g., facial palsy and meningoencephalitis). [51] [52] [53] [54] The diagnosis of KD is more challenging in the presence of one or more atypical manifestations. Pulmonary presentation of KD can be very challenging for even astute clinicians. 44, 45 The AHA has recently published revised criteria for diagnosis of KD 4 . While fever for at least 5 days remains an essential criterion and there is no change in the five principal clinical manifestations of the disease, the drafting committee has suggested several changes. 1 The controversy regarding duration of fever has been addressed and it has been recommended that in the presence of ≥ 4 principal clinical features, particularly when redness and swelling of the hands and feet are present, KD can be diagnosed even with 4 days of fever. Experienced physicians who have treated many patients with KD may be able to arrive at a diagnosis within 3 days of fever. 2 Presence of one or more principal clinical manifestations of disease that can be revealed on history but have disappeared by the time of presentation to the hospital, have been considered important for diagnosis. This has been a major change in the present guidelines as many physicians, especially in developing countries, have faced this problem due to late referrals. Because of multiple consultations in a febrile child, the acute stage clinical manifestations are often missed and not documented. By the time the diagnosis of KD is considered, many of the salient clinical manifestations would have already disappeared. 3 Shock has been mentioned as an important cardiovascular manifestation of KD. KD shock syndrome (KDSS) has been given special consideration in the 2017 revised guidelines because in the presence of shock the diagnosis is often considered as bacterial sepsis. These patients are also at higher risk of developing coronary artery abnormalities, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) resistance and myocardial dysfunction. 4 KD in infants has been given special consideration. It has been suggested that clinicians should have a lower threshold for diagnosis of KD in this age group. As per the recent guidelines, the diagnosis of KD in infants may be considered in the following situations: infants < 6 months old with prolonged fever and irritability infants with prolonged fever and unexplained aseptic meningitis infants or children with prolonged fever and unexplained or culture-negative shock 1 There is sequential appearance of clinical signs and symptoms and many of them disappear by the time the child reaches a healthcare facility. Hence, appropriate parental history has important contributions in reaching a diagnosis 2 Incomplete KD is often believed to be a mild form; however, because of delay in diagnosis there are often higher risks of coronary artery abnormalities. KD in infants is almost always incomplete. The diagnostic algorithm for incomplete KD is complicated and not very helpful in clinical decision making 3 There have been no standard recommendations for grading the severity of coronary artery abnormalities on echocardiography 4 The limitation of echocardiography and other diagnostic modalities have not been highlighted infants or children with prolonged fever and cervical lymphadenitis unresponsive to antibiotic therapy infants or children with prolonged fever and retropharyngeal or parapharyngeal phlegmon unresponsive to antibiotic therapy. 5 The issue of infections and KD has been detailed at length. It has been emphasized that the diagnosis of KD must not be excluded even in the presence of a documented infection when typical clinical features of KD are present. In the presence of some features of KD and when bacterial cultures are sterile or if there is response to antimicrobials, a possibility of KD must be considered. 6 Bacterial lymphadenitis is often confused with the lymphadenitis of KD. The recent guidelines have emphasized the important ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) findings in differentiating the two conditions: bacterial lymphadenitis is often single and has a hypoechoic core on ultrasonography, while lymphadenopathy in KD is usually multiple and is associated with retropharyngeal edema or phlegmon. The diagnostic algorithm for evaluation of incomplete KD proposed by the AHA in 2004 had several limitations and was difficult to use in clinical practice. 1 The 2017 guidelines have proposed a modified algorithm that is relatively easy to use and is more likely to be clinically meaningful. 4 However, as there are no specific laboratory investigations, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) remain the most important laboratory investigations for deciding the therapy. ESR and CRP are non-specific laboratory markers for inflammation. Most other laboratory investigations (anemia, thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, hypoalbuminemia, high alanine aminotransferase and pyuria) have only supportive roles in the diagnosis. There is an urgent need to have a laboratory gold standard for KD. Role of several biomarkers has been evaluated for the diagnosis of KD. 55, 56 Th1 and Th2 cytokines (interleukin 6 [IL-6], IL-20, tumor necrosis factor-a [TNF-a] and interferon-c) have been found to be elevated during the acute phase of KD and decline promptly following IVIg administration. Furthermore, levels of TNFa continued to remain elevated in patients with IVIg resistance or with coronary artery abnormalities. Th17 cytokine (IL-17) has also been found to be elevated in the acute phase of KD. Wu et al. 57 evaluated the diagnostic utility of NT-proBNP (N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide) and IL-17 to differentiate incomplete KD from other febrile infectious illnesses of childhood and found that when the cut-offs for IL-17 and NT-proBNP were set at 11.55 pg/mL and 225.5 pg/dL, respectively, the sensitivity and specificity of differentiating incomplete KD from infectious illnesses reached as high as 86.5% and 94.8%, respectively. NT-pro-BNP estimation (a marker of myocardial damage) has recently been evaluated for inclusion in the diagnostic criteria of KD. 58, 59 Although NT-pro-BNP is not specific for KD and may be elevated in any disease that leads to myocardial damage, NT-pro-BNP-based diagnostic algorithm has been proposed that scores better than the AHA diagnostic algorithm for incomplete KD. In addition, proteomic studies have identified biomarkers for the diagnosis of KD. However, none of them has been validated for clinical use. 60, 61 Thus, more research is needed to identify a potential biomarker for KD that can be used in clinical practice. Echocardiography is mandatory in the acute phase of disease to monitor cardiac complications. Two-dimensional (2-D) echocardiography has been considered to be the imaging modality of choice in evaluation of children with KD. However, it is important to understand that a normal echocardiography examination can never rule out a diagnosis of KD. On the other hand, if there are echocardiography changes, the diagnosis is more secure. Similarly, a normal baseline echocardiogram in the first 7 days does not exclude the possibility of later development of coronary artery aneurysms. 4 Experienced clinicians now recommend frequent echocardiography examinations during the first few days of the disease. This should be repeated at time of discharge and at 2 weeks. 62 In developing countries, where trained pediatric cardiologists may not be easily accessible, echocardiography is often performed by cardiologists who deal with adults and may not have the expertise, experience and patience to perform detailed echocardiography examination of coronary artery abnormalities in small children. 14, 63 As a result, the echocardiographic examination in these circumstances may not pick up these abnormalities that are often very subtle. In our experience, it is not uncommon to find gross coronary artery abnormalities getting missed on echocardiographic examination. There is little or no consensus on reporting of echocardiography findings in children with KD in developing countries. Many centers are still using Japanese criteria for grading the coronary artery involvement. 64 It is mandatory that body surface area-adjusted Z-scores be used to grade the severity of coronary artery involvement so that objectivity can be maintained and results can be compared with other studies. 4 The initial criteria for CAAs in KD were proposed by the Japanese Ministry of Health (Table 4 ). 65 The classification was later modified (in 2008). 64 This definition partially accounts for the body size, but fails to distinguish between different degrees of coronary artery aneurysms at different age groups. Hence this classification is likely to result in diagnostic confusion. The AHA 2004 classification 1 was a major advance as it proposed the use of Z-scores for defining CAAs. The most widely accepted classification scheme for CAA is the one proposed by Manlhiot et al. 66 (based on body surface area-adjusted Z-scores). Use of body surface-adjusted Z-scores has improved the uniformity of reporting of coronary artery abnormality and is more meaningful for treatment decisions. However, there are still several limitations that need to be addressed, as follows. 1 An inter-individual variation in measurement of coronary artery diameter can change the Zscores and subsequently the risk category. This can impact both acute and long-term management. 2 There are various standards that have been used for calculation of body surface area (the most recent has been proposed by Dallaire et al., 2011) . 67 Also, a small difference in measurement of height (especially in infants and young children) can significantly impact the body surface area and subsequently the coronary artery Z-scores 3 The Z-scores for left circumflex coronary artery has not been uniformly standardized. Manlhiot et al. has derived the left circumflex coronary artery Z-scores based on regression formulas for left anterior descending artery (LAD). However, Kobayashi et al. 68 and Dallaire et al. 67 have provided the normative data for left circumflex coronary artery as well. Small aneurysm (dilation with internal diameter < 4 mm or if child is ≥ 5 years of age, internal diameter ≤ 1.5 times that of an adjacent segment) Medium aneurysm (dilation with internal diameter > 4 mm but ≤ 8 mm or if child is ≥ 5 years of age, internal diameter 1.5-4 times that of an adjacent segment) Large aneurysm (dilation with internal diameter > 8 mm or if child is ≥ 5 years of age, internal diameter > 4 times that of an adjacent segment) AHA 2004 criteria Aneurysm defined as internal diameter Z-score > 2.5 (as per body surface area adjusted Zscores) Small, medium and giant aneurysm defined based on absolute diameter, i.e., < 5 mm, 5-8 mm and > 8 mm respectively AHA 2017 criteria (Manlhiot et al.) No involvement (Z-score always < 2) Dilation only (Z-score 2 to < 2.5; or if initially < 2, a decrease in Z-score during follow-up ≥ 1 thereby suggesting that coronary artery was dilated during acute stage although diameter was within normal standards and the diameter has regressed on follow-up) Small aneurysm (Z-score ≥ 2.5 to < 5) Medium aneurysm (Z-score ≥ 5 to < 10, and absolute dimension < 8 mm) Large or giant aneurysm (≥ 10, or absolute dimension ≥ 8 mm) Echocardiography findings in KD, other than coronary artery ectasia, dilation and aneurysm, include lack of tapering of coronary arteries, myocardial dysfunction, pericardial effusion, aortic root dilatation and valvular regurgitation. 4 It is important to identify and document these findings. Myocardial involvement with left ventricular dysfunction may be seen in up to 20% of patients and is usually associated with CAAs. The 2017 AHA guidelines have highlighted certain important points related to echocardiography in KD as given in Table 5 . KD is the most common vasculitis in children. 70 More than 50 years have elapsed since the first description of this disease, the diagnosis of KD is still based on few clinical manifestations and there is no laboratory gold standard test. Although the AHA 2017 criteria have been able to clarify a few issues related to the diagnosis of KD (such as the algorithm for evaluation of incomplete KD, including a special emphasis in infants, fulfillment of diagnostic criteria based on history alone and uniformity in use of Z-scores for echocardiography evaluation of CAA), there still remain several challenges that need to be addressed. A few important and specific clinical manifestations (such as BCG site reactivation and perineal desquamation) that have not been included in the diagnostic criteria, must be actively looked for while evaluating these children. Echocardiography findings must be interpreted carefully and treatment should not be delayed if facilities for echocardiography are not easily available (as may often be the case in developing countries). None. 1 It has been stressed that initial echocardiogram in the 1st week of illness is usually normal and doesn't rule out the diagnosis of KD 2 Echocardiography has high sensitivity and specificity for detection of abnormalities in proximal segment of coronary arteries. It has been observed that absence of proximal coronary artery abnormality virtually rules out a significant distal coronary artery involvement 3 It has been emphasized to measure aortic root diameter as a routine and to use Z-scores for the same 4 As per the recent guidelines, use of Z-scores adjusted for body surface area to grade the severity of coronary artery abnormality is essential to maintain the uniformity and for treatment decisions 5 Limitations of echocardiography and indications of higher imaging modalities has been more clearly highlighted (e.g., limitation of evaluation of distal coronaries in older children, long-term assessment of aneurysm in presence of dystrophic calcification that can obscure the visualization of luminal diameter) 6 Assessment of ventricular systolic and diastolic function should be a part of routine echocardiographic examination in KD 7 It has been emphasized that in patients with evolving or significant coronary artery abnormalities, a more frequent echocardiographic assessment should be done during acute stage till the changes stabilize 8 An important observation that most of the patients with KD having coronary artery abnormalities are having dilation or normal diameter only, but demonstration of reduction in luminal diameter in serial measurements of coronary artery diameter may suggest that coronary artery was actually dilated Kawasaki disease, council on Cardiovascular disease in the young Acute febrile mucocutaneous syndrome with lymphoid involvement with specific desquamation of the fingers and toes in children Revision of diagnostic guidelines for Kawasaki disease (the 5th revised edition) Diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease: a scientific statement for health professionals from the American heart association Afebrile Kawasaki disease with coronary artery dilatation Impressions of Kawasaki syndrome in India Perineal eruption as an early sign of Kawasaki disease Diagnosis and management of Kawasaki disease Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of patients referred for evaluation of possible Kawasaki disease. United States Multicenter Kawasaki disease study group Epidemiologic features of Kawasaki disease in South Korea: data from nationwide survey Lack of association of cervical lymphadenopathy and coronary artery complications in Kawasaki disease Cervical ultrasound and computed tomography of Kawasaki disease: comparison with lymphadenitis Kawasaki disease mimicking a parapharyngeal abscess: a case report Kawasaki disease: issues in diagnosis and treatment-a developing country perspective Antibiotic prescribing practices in primary and secondary health care facilities in Uttar Pradesh. India Antibiotic misuse in children by the primary care physicians-an Indian experience Antibiotic prescribing of village doctors for children under 15 years with upper respiratory tract infections in rural China: a qualitative study Rash and fever in a 3-year-old girl Kawasaki disease in Jammu and Kashmir Kawasaki disease in India, lessons learnt over the last 20 years BCG site reactivation in Kawasaki disease Reaction of the BCG scar in the acute phase of Kawasaki disease in Mexican children Pyuria in patients with Kawasaki disease Has joint involvement lessened in Kawasaki disease? Gall bladder hydrops -a rare initial presentation of Kawasaki disease Not just coronary arteritis, Kawasaki disease is a myocarditis, too Kawasaki disease in infants below 6 months: a clinical conundrum High risk of coronary artery aneurysms in infants younger than 6 months of age with Kawasaki disease Characteristics of Kawasaki disease in older children Kawasaki disease in older children and young adults: 10 years of experience in Marseille Kawasaki disease: is it caused by an infectious agent? Kawasaki disease: novel insights into etiology and genetic susceptibility Can a systems biology approach unlock the mysteries of Kawasaki disease? Concurrent respiratory viruses and Kawasaki disease Simultaneous development of Kawasaki disease following acute human adenovirus infection in monozygotic twins: a case report Incomplete Kawasaki disease induced by measles in a 6-month-old male infant Viral infections associated with Kawasaki disease Dengue fever triggering Kawasaki disease Dengue fever and Kawasaki disease: a clinical dilemma Osteomyelitis in Kawasaki disease The role of superantigens of group a Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus in Kawasaki disease Incomplete Kawasaki disease associated with complicated Streptococcus pyogenes pneumonia: a case report Comprehensive pathogen detection associated with four recurrent episodes of Kawasaki disease in a patient during a single year using next-generation sequencing Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in patients with Kawasaki disease Pulmonary presentation of Kawasaki disease: an unusual occurrence Acute renal failure in typical Kawasaki disease Acute kidney injury in patients with Kawasaki disease Uveitis as an important ocular sign to help early diagnosis in Kawasaki disease Acute anterior uveitis as the presenting feature of Kawasaki disease Retinal vasculitis in Kawasaki disease Infantile Kawasaki disease presenting as acute meningoencephalitis Kawasaki disease as a cause of encephalitis Meningoencephalitis as a presentation of Kawasaki disease Facial nerve palsy, Kawasaki disease, and coronary artery aneurysm Biomarkers for diagnosis of Kawasaki disease Upcoming biomarkers for the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease: a review Blood Nterminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and interleukin-17 for distinguishing incomplete Kawasaki disease from infectious diseases Pro-brain natriuretic peptide (ProBNP) levels in North Indian children with Kawasaki disease Usefulness of natriuretic peptide for the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis Identification of candidate diagnostic serum biomarkers for Kawasaki disease using proteomic analysis Serum miR-92a-3p as a new potential biomarker for diagnosis of Kawasaki disease with coronary artery lesions Kawasaki disease The Xi'an experience of Kawasaki disease -lessons learnt over 5 years Guidelines for diagnosis and management of cardiovascular sequelae in Kawasaki disease (JCS 2008)-digest version Report of Subcommittee on Standardization of Diagnostic Criteria and Reporting of Coronary Artery Lesions in Kawasaki Disease. Ministry of Health and Welfare Improved classification of coronary artery abnormalities based only on coronary artery z-scores after Kawasaki disease New equations and a critical appraisal of coronary artery Z scores in healthy children A new Z score curve of the coronary arterial internal diameter using the lambda-mu-sigma method in a pediatric population Predictors of coronary artery visualization in Kawasaki disease The epidemiology of Kawasaki disease: a global update None. None.