key: cord-0976719-78l9zivi authors: Baldi, Enrico; Auricchio, Angelo; Cresta, Ruggero; Vanetta, Chiara; Anselmi, Luciano; Pedrazzini, Giovanni; Benvenuti, Claudio title: Patient voluntarily delays call to emergency medical system for ST-elevation myocardial infarction during COVID-19 pandemic date: 2021-06-11 journal: Int J Cardiol Heart Vasc DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2021.100824 sha: c866821858774de621b8fba1357811a4b6dbbfc6 doc_id: 976719 cord_uid: 78l9zivi BACKGROUND: an increase in the time from the symptoms onset to first medical contact and to primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) has been observed in countries with high-incidence of COVID-19 cases. We aimed to verify if there was any change in the patient delay and in the EMS response times up to the pPCI for STEMI patients in Swiss Ticino Canton. METHODS: We assessed STEMI management including time from symptoms onset to EMS call, time of EMS response, time to pPCI in Swiss Canton Ticino. Data were retrieved from the Acute-Coronary-Syndrome-Ticino-Registry. We considered the patients included in the registry from March to May 2020 (pandemic period) and then from June to August 2020 (post-pandemic period) in whom a pPCI was performed. We compared these patients to those undergoing a pPCI in the same months in the year 2016-2019. RESULTS: During the pandemic period, the time from symptoms onset to pPCI significantly increased compared to non-pandemic periods. This was due to a significant prolongation of the time from symptoms onset to EMS call, that nearly tripled. In contrast, after the pandemic period, there was a significantly shorter time from symptom onset to EMS call compared to non-pandemic years, whereas all other times remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: Patients delay the call to EMS despite symptoms of myocardial infarction during the COVID-19 pandemic also in a region with a relatively low incidence of COVID-19. During the Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic, changes in the incidence and time to alert of Emergency Medical System (EMS) by patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) have been consistently reported thus, resulting in a reduction in the number of STEMI [1] [2] [3] , and an increase in the time from the symptoms onset to first medical contact and to primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI) 4-7 . The reported delay in EMS contact has been attributed to the fear of COVID-19 inhospital transmission by patients living in regions with high disease incidence, possibly contributing to the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest increase observed in that regions 8 . Unknown is whether a similar clinical situation occurred in countries with a more moderate incidence of COVID-19 cases during the first pandemic wave. Furthermore, none of the previous studies reported all timings of the rescue chain starting from symptom onset to pPCI for STEMI patients. We aimed to verify if there was any change in the patient delay and in the EMS response times up to the pPCI for STEMI patients in Swiss Ticino Canton. We assessed STEMI management including time from symptoms onset to call by the patients, time of EMS response, time to pPCI in Swiss Canton Ticino, a region with a relatively low incidence of COVID-19 cases during the first pandemic wave. Data were retrieved from the Acute Coronary Syndrome-Ticino-Registry, a prospective longitudinal registry that enrolls consecutive patients treated by EMS presenting with a STEMI diagnosis. We considered all the patients included in the registry in the months from March to May 2020 (pandemic period) and then from June to August 2020 (post-pandemic period) in whom a pPCI was performed. We compared these patients to those undergoing a pPCI in the same months in the year 2016 to 2019. The registry is approved by local Ethic Committee and all patients signed an informed consent. All data were entered in anonymous form into a database (Microsoft Excel 2019) and all analyses was performed The anthropometric characteristics of the patients were similar in the different periods. During the pandemic period, the time from symptoms onset to pPCI significantly increased compared to non-pandemic periods pPCI. Our study shows that patients considerably delay the call to EMS during the pandemic period resulting in a huge prolongation of the time to coronary reperfusion that ultimately will affect the extension of myocardial injury. It is reasonable to assume that this have also played a key role in the increase in fatality and complication rates of patients admitted for acute myocardial infarction during the first pandemic wave 9 , especially considering that a delay in reperfusion deeply affects infarct size and clinical outcome 10 . As in other countries, an increase in mortality compared to past years has been noted in Switzerland due to multiple causes including cardiovascular deaths 11 . The significant delay -up to 6 hours -in the time to alert EMS is most likely due to a major fear to be hospitalized during the pandemic time even in a European region where infection burden (363 COVID-19 patients per 100.000 inhabitants hospitalized up to 31 st May in Ticino Canton) was much lower compared to Lombardy (708/100.000 inhabitants) or New York City (617/100.000). Indirect confirmation of the voluntary delay in calling EMS by the patients during the pandemic is given by the impressive short time -about 1 hour -in summer 2020, which was even shorter compared to previous years. This finding calls for action to develop awareness campaign about early STEMI symptoms recognition and management during COVID pandemic; at the same time, our observation shows that it is possible to achieve a very short reperfusion time (<120 minutes from symptoms onset) when a population is sensitive to the matter. Media campaign launched by the Swiss Heart Foundation 12 and other Cardiology Societies during the pandemic to keep patient informed about the importance to call EMS in case of suspected cardiac symptoms have possibly influenced patient's behavior, highlighting the importance to carry out these campaigns to avoid delay in reperfusion therapy in STEMI patients even during pandemic peaks. Although highly speculative, it is entirely possible that immediately after the first pandemic peak the level of attention of the general population about healthcare in general, and about symptoms preceding or accompanying acute coronary syndrome has been significantly higher thus resulting, in an early call for help. Finally, the time between arrival at patient's side and ECG acquisition and from ECG acquisition to pPCI remained unchanged during pandemic, and it is well below the time recommended by guidelines (10 minutes and 90 minutes respectively) thus, indicating an unaltered well-performing EMS, without needing to re-organize the EMS network, differently as it was necessary in the regions more affected by COVID-19 13 . Our study has limitations. The main limitation is that Swiss Canton Ticino is a relatively small region with a population of about 350.000, and this lead to small sample size. However, the strength is that all the STEMI occurred in that Region were involved. Analysis of larger areas would be useful to confirm our results. Another limitation is that our registry does not include patients presenting directly to the emergency department. Despite it is reasonable to assume that the delay to seek for medical help during first pandemic wave would be present also in that population, as already highlighted in Hong Kong during the early phase Reduction in ST-Segment Elevation Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Activations in the United States during COVID-19 Pandemic ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction during COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from a Regional Public Service Healthcare Hub Cardiac procedural deferral during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv Impact of COVID-2019 outbreak on prevalence, clinical presentation and outcomes of ST-elevation myocardial infarction Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy Reduction of hospitalizations for myocardial infarction in Italy in the COVID-19 era Impact of delay to reperfusion on reperfusion success, infarct size, and clinical outcomes in patients with St-segment elevation myocardial infarction: The INFUSE-AMI trial (INFUSE-anterior myocardial infarction) Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak on ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Care in Hong Kong, China