key: cord-0972236-6srmimh6 authors: Adams, Megan A.; Kurlander, Jacob E.; Gao, Yuqing; Yankey, Nicholas; Saini., Sameer D. title: Impact of COVID-19 on Screening Colonoscopy Utilization in a Large Integrated Health System date: 2022-02-24 journal: Gastroenterology DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2022.02.034 sha: e115e8e5f9630bd33fbc4c69a3ccc1460ab12289 doc_id: 972236 cord_uid: 6srmimh6 nan COVID-19-related backlogs in high-volume gastrointestinal endoscopic procedures, such as colonoscopy, are projected to lead to a rise in avoidable cancers. Almost a third of colonoscopies performed in Veterans Health Administration (VHA), the largest integrated health system in the United States, are for screening. However, colonoscopy is not the only option for colorectal cancer (CRC) screening. Indeed, the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) endorses several different testing modalities, including annual fecal immunochemical testing (FIT), as alternatives to colonoscopy for average-risk screening. 1 A recent simulation study projected that increasing FIT-based screening during COVID-19 could mitigate the consequences of reduced screening rates during the pandemic on CRC outcomes. 2 Such an approach also could address longer-term endoscopy access challenges in settings where endoscopy demand exceeds capacity. This is particularly important considering recent changes to USPSTF guidelines recommending initiating screening at age 45 (previously 50). 1 In VHA alone, this change is estimated to increase the number of screening-eligible patients by 280,000, further exacerbating existing and creating new endoscopy access challenges. Recognizing the potential of this colonoscopy-to-FIT strategy to reduce endoscopy demand in the face of severely constrained resources during the pandemic and improve overall access for the highest-need patients, VHA issued a March 2020 national directive mandating preferential use of stool-based CRC screening in average-risk patients during the pandemic. Here, we aimed to evaluate impacts of COVID-19 on VHA screening colonoscopy utilization and assess facility-level variation and potential explanatory factors. We also sought to better understand the relationship between changes in screening colonoscopy utilization and overall facility capacity to explore the sustainability of this colonoscopy-to-FIT approach as a mechanism to address more chronic endoscopy access challenges. This was a retrospective cohort study of Veterans undergoing screening colonoscopy in October-December 2019 ("pre-COVID") and October-December 2020 ("COVID"). Screening colonoscopies were identified using a previously validated algorithm. 3 We then calculated the overall and facility-level proportion of all colonoscopies performed for screening during each period and the change in facility-level proportion pre-COVID/COVID. Predicted facility-level estimates were calculated using shrinkage estimates to adjust for facility procedural volume. We also examined facility characteristics associated with this change. 4 (Supplemental Methods). 99,595 total colonoscopies were performed during the study period at 117 VHA facilities. Of these, 28,082 (28.2%) were screening colonoscopies (pre-COVID: 18,681; COVID: 9,401). System-wide, there was a 9.3% decrease (95% CI: -10.5% to -8.1%) in the mean (adjusted) facility-level proportion of screening procedures pre-COVID/COVID. Most facilities modestly decreased screening colonoscopy utilization in the COVID period, with wide variation across facilities (IQR: -14.8% to -4.6%) (Figure 1 ). At the same time, average monthly FIT volume increased by 7.9% pre/post (31,604 FIT/month pre-COVID; 34,109 FIT/month COVID). A majority of VHA facilities included in the analysis were high complexity and academically-affiliated (Supplementary Table 1 ). Higher-complexity facilities achieved larger relative decreases in screening colonoscopy use than the lowest-complexity facilities (Supplementary Table 2 ). However, even these higher-complexity facilities decreased screening colonoscopy use by only ~25%. Similarly, academically-affiliated facilities achieved larger relative reductions in screening colonoscopy use (-28%, 95% CI -33% to -22%) than nonacademically affiliated facilities (-15%, 95% CI -23% to -6%). Facilities that had failed to regain their pre-COVID capacity by Q4 2020 were no more likely to decrease screening colonoscopy use than those that had regained their capacity (p=0.8231). The proportion of screening J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f procedures increased 0.4% (95%CI: -3% to 4%) for every 10% additional regained capacity. Geographic region did not significantly impact facility-level screening colonoscopy use (p=0.4168). Here, we evaluated impacts of COVID-19 on VHA screening colonoscopy utilization, and facility characteristics associated with these changes. While we found a modest (9.3%) decrease in the overall proportion of screening procedures by Q4 2020, VHA facilities clearly did not maximize the opportunity to accomplish a marked, system-wide reduction in screening colonoscopy demand by shifting to an underused, evidence-based alternative screening modality (FIT). This occurred despite a national VHA policy directive strongly encouraging widespread adoption of a stool-based CRC screening strategy to enhance overall endoscopy access. Furthermore, there was significant facility-level variation, with the greatest reduction in screening colonoscopy use occurring at higher-complexity, academically-affiliated sites. However, even these facilities were able to achieve only ~25% relative reduction in screening colonoscopies. Though not captured electronically, site-level differences in pre-procedure COVID testing requirements (potentially impacting site willingness to perform and/or patient willingness to undergo colonoscopy) also could contribute to this variation. The reasons for this modest response are likely multifaceted. First, amid a raging pandemic, it is plausible that some sites simply were unaware of the national directive strongly encouraging systematic adoption of a stool-based screening strategy, perceived more pressing priorities, and/or failed to appreciate the link between reducing screening colonoscopy volume and addressing their acute endoscopy access challenges. This would not be surprising because demand-side interventions are often overlooked in favor of expanding capacity/increasing supply in addressing access challenges. Second, some sites may have lacked pre-existing, robust, J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f collaborative relationships between GI, primary care and other key stakeholders, which are essential for coordinating a stool-based screening program. Finally, while sites may have had underlying motivation for change, a reflection of VHA's intense focus on improving specialty care access over time, facility leadership and staff may have lacked the time, resources, and/or implementation tools to facilitate enhanced FIT uptake. While extreme pandemic-related care disruptions provided short-term motivation for change at these sites, this data suggests that whatever changes facilities were able to make in response to acute COVID-19-related resource constraints and the national directive were not and will not be sustainable in the long term. Sustainability of this facility-level stool-based screening strategy will require a more systematic approach that leverages principles of implementation science, requires culture change, and promotes greater stakeholder engagement. Accomplishing such culture change and stakeholder engagement will necessitate multi-modal strategies including collaboration with frontline providers and patients at the facility-level, measurement of performance, and feedback. 5 Despite acute COVID-19 related endoscopy access challenges and a related national policy directive, VHA facilities achieved only a modest reduction in the proportion of screening colonoscopies with substantial facility-level variation, suggesting poor system-wide uptake of this colonoscopy-to-FIT strategy. Future work should focus on developing multi-level implementation strategies to provide facilities with effective tools to enhance uptake and sustainability of stool-based CRC screening to reduce colonoscopy demand and improve overall endoscopy access for high-need patients, particularly in integrated healthcare systems and other settings with limited endoscopy access. J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f US Preventive Services Task Force. Screening for colorectal cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement Health Affairs Blog