key: cord-0969056-ws5phpan authors: Backes, Dirce Stein; Malgarin, Camila; Erdmann, Alacoque Lorenzini; Büscher, Andreas title: Nursing Now and Nursing in the future: the experience of the unexpected irruptions date: 2021-06-28 journal: Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.4826.3453 sha: def08ecadc402d964f6088f25a51a5c350122d78 doc_id: 969056 cord_uid: ws5phpan OBJECTIVE: to carry out a theoretical reflection on the Nursing Now Campaign and the experience of the unexpected irruptions facing the pandemic period. METHOD: a theoretical-reflective study, supported by the theoretical framework of complexity thinking. It aims at understanding the dialogic between the notions of order, disorder and organization, which translate the transition from simplification to complexity of the pandemic phenomenon and its relation to the theme of Nursing Now and Nursing in the future. RESULTS: the universe of phenomena is simultaneously composed of order, disorder and organization. Reasserting the central role of Nursing in the health team, facing the irruptions and uncertainties caused by the current pandemic, implies the ability to dialog with disorder and raise a new and more complex global (re)organization of the being and doing Nursing. CONCLUSION: in addition to answers, theoretical reflection raises new questions and irruptions. The inseparability between the notions of order and disorder in the evolutionary dynamics of the Nursing system is conceived and the promotion of even more complex levels of organization, management and Nursing assistance to achieve universal access to health is advocated. The Nursing Now global campaign, performed in collaboration with the International Nursing Council and the World Health Organization, arose to reassert the central and vital role of Nursing in the health team, especially in a year marked by the pandemic caused by COVID-19 (1) . The experience of the unexpected irruptions in 2020 emphatically denotes that the Nursing professional can be the protagonist of new care technologies, booster of new health politics, and mediator of integrating and articulating processes of promotion, protection and recovery of health (2) . The pandemic caused by the coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS-COV-2) quickly changed the course of daily life, tested the logic of the economy, and increased the suffering and fear of death of thousands of people (3) (4) (5) . Its configuration and repercussions, quintessentially complex, represent an important threat to public health and human life worldwide. No event in recent history has affected life so deeply and widely in all its dimensions as the pandemic event caused by COVID-19. We find ourselves facing the chaos defined by the author of complex thinking, Edgar Morin, as an irreversible or volatile phenomenon, not reducible to a predictable mathematical reality. As the world becomes globalized, human minds expand more and more to follow this development, which in turn originates even more complex phenomena. In the author's view, uncertainty, unpredictability and contradictions are part of the human condition and, in this direction, suggest solidarity and ethics as a possible way for the reconnection of the professional beings and knowledge, in this case, those of Nursing (6) (7) (8) . Therefore, we are facing systemic disorder with the possibility of creating a new global organization, more visionary, prospective and integrated also in the Nursing area. The moment calls researchers and professionals in general to expand knowledge, connect, interconnect and understand the part in the whole, as well as the whole in each part and thus, find new meanings in the midst of the uncertain, the unexpected and the random. Amid disorder and chaos, new opportunities can emerge (9) (10) . Conceiving disorder and chaos under this focus does not mean shaping the pandemic in regretting missed opportunities, but rather enhancing them so that the Nursing Now Campaign attains its proposed objectives. In addition to strengthening prospective and visionary leadership, it is essential that Nursing expands the influence and dissemination of its knowledge and professional practices. It is also essential that Nursing perceives itself as connected to other areas and articulating new processes, products and services that contribute to the promotion of health and citizenship. Therefore, how to evidence and project Nursing nationally and internationally in face of the COVID-19 pandemic? The objective, based on this impulse, is to carry out a theoretical reflection on the Nursing Now campaign and the experience of the unexpected irruptions in the face of the ongoing pandemic period, in the light of the complexity thinking. The author of complex thinking, Edgar Morin, invites scientists on a journey without a predefined methodological path, but encourages them to conceive complexity and develop their own strategies, based on predictable and unpredictable problems. In Morin's conception, the method as a path is linked to the experience of the uncertain, the random and the lived by the researchers and, thus, invites them to modify their approach based on the (re)construction and the expansion of knowledge (11) . Therefore, Morin enables a methodological path in which researchers are induced to learn, to invent and to (re) create their own path, through significant interpretive processes in the here and now. Under this focus, the present study is not based on a preconceived method, but is guided by complex thinking, which is outlined in inventing, questioning and (re)creating its own path, based on life experiences when learning, teaching and caring in Nursing. Thus, the theoretical-reflective framework consists of old and recent productions by Edgar Morin, such as books, articles or published interviews, which retain the core of complex thinking, highly evolutionary and transformative (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) . Along this path, concepts such as certainty, uncertainty, order, disorder and organization will be explored without taking them as conclusive. The universe of phenomena is simultaneously woven of order, disorder and organization, in addition Backes DS, Malgarin C, Erdmann AL, Büscher A. In the perspective of complex thinking, the notions of order and disorder involve different levels of apprehension. While the idea of order is related to modern science, in which the sovereignty of monarchies and divine law predominated, the notion of disorder developed with the connotation of irregularity, inconstancy and instability (7) (8) . Disorder, in other words, was associated with disturbance, deviations or any event that led to disorganization, disintegration, death. The Nursing system developed, paradoxically, with this sovereign connotation, that order needed to prevail over disorder and, easily, any adverse advent was eliminated. This sovereign and disciplinary order, however, he believes that we are moving towards new uncertainties (17) . In one of his speeches, the person in charge of the World Health Organization's Sanitary Emergencies program stated that, despite signs of hope, realism in expectations is needed. He recognizes that it is necessary to be realistic and understand that, however great the efforts of researchers to find a vaccine, it will demand a quality and safety process (18) . In this path, it is necessary to transcend the disciplinary barriers of Nursing/health and achieve knowledge which is integrated and interconnected to The pandemic phenomenon is not treated as an invention, but rather as an event that takes place over long periods of time. Likewise, catastrophes experienced at different times are sometimes revealed by the action of fire and others by the action of water. These phenomena serve for the Earth and humanity to (re)organize themselves and for human beings to learn that the best evolutionary possibilities can arise in chaos (6) (7) (8) (9) . The different questions explained above evoke a new way of thinking, managing, caring, teaching and researching, based on complex thinking, in the sense of complexus -which is woven of heterogeneous and associative constituents. The universe of phenomena is inseparably the fabric of order, disorder and organization. These notions are complementary and, with regard to order and disorder, also antagonistic and even contradictory. This evolutionary dynamic denotes that complexity is a logical notion, which unites one and multiplies it into unitas multipiex of the complexus and, at the same time, complementary, antagonistic and dialogical. Under this focus, achieving the complexity of the real means conceiving mental binocularity and abandoning simplified thinking, without giving rise to new reductionisms (12) (13) (14) . As it aspires to singular and multidimensional knowledge, complexity thinking is applicable to any area of knowledge. Apprehending Nursing care as a complex unit necessarily implies the expansion of the concepts of human being, life, health, environment and time -both present and future. If human beings -complex and plural, cognoscent, socio-political-cultural -have the skills to produce, evolve and transform, they also have the ability to destroy and kill, without predicting the devastating consequences (9, (15) (16) . Therefore, it is recognized that everything is born and ends by the action (or not) of human beings. Thus, as human beings, Nursing professionals have in their hands the driving and transforming weapon of learning, managing, teaching and caring. They also have the strength to explore new policies and contribute to universal access to health. Under this thinking, the COVID-19 pandemic, in the midst of the Nursing Now campaign, came to reiterate that this biological war of the pandemic is not fought with nuclear weapons or firearms, but with care in its unique and multidimensional aspect. It is opportune to learn the lessons resulting from the pandemic, which will be overcome, unfortunately with the sacrifice of many lives, including the expressive number of Nursing professionals. It is necessary to recognize that humanity needs to take a new course. Supportive solidarity is not enough, which is summarized in specific actions, but solidarity networks are needed, with a transforming character, educational strength, and a path to integral development (15) (16) . The Nursing Now campaign emerged at this historic moment to increase investment in improving education, professional development, regulation, and working conditions for nurses. To increase the influence on the national and international policies and the number of nurses in leadership positions with more opportunities for professional and social development. To increase the evidence to support policies and improve the dissemination of effective and innovative Nursing practices. To tell the world that Nursing is an essential profession and the driver of the health systems, both today and in the future (19) (20) . In short, the inseparability between the notions of order and disorder in the evolutionary dynamics of the Nursing system is conceived. And the promotion of even more complex levels of organization, management and Nursing care to achieve universal access to health is advocated. Year of the Nurse and the Midwife 2020 World Health Organization. State of the World's Nursing Report Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Italy Origin and evolution of pathogenic coronaviruses First cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in France: surveillance, investigations and control measures A religação dos saberes: o desafio do século XXI A cabeça bem-feita: repensar a reforma, reformar o pensamento Introdução ao pensamento complexo O método 6: ética Educação e complexidade: os sete saberes e outros ensaios Novos paradigmas, cultura e subjetividade. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas A via para o futuro da humanidade O método II: a vida da vida Complexity and the reconnection of interdisciplinary knowledge: contribution of Edgar Morin's thoughts Teaching how to live: the sense of the act of educating in Edgar Morin. Rev Bras Estud Pedagog Dirce Stein Backes E-mail: backesdirce@ufn Uncertainty is Intrinsic to the Human Condition World Health Organization. WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 Geneva: WHO Nursing Now campaign: raising the status of nurses Perspectivas da Enfermagem e a Campanha Nursing Now