key: cord-0967823-htzrbwzp authors: Shikino, Kiyoshi; Iwasaki, Mana; Takahara, Ayaka; Kogayo, Naoki; Ito, Shoichi; Ikusaka, Masatomi title: Online clinical reasoning skill training course for medical students: General medicine interest group date: 2021-09-29 journal: J Gen Fam Med DOI: 10.1002/jgf2.498 sha: de6f4bdaf3593569560fd32aff14652310a1ae66 doc_id: 967823 cord_uid: htzrbwzp nan To the Editor In Japan, the general medicine specialty began in April 2018. Japan: Board Certified Fellow of the Japanese Society of Hospital General Medicine [updated What determines medical students' career preference for general practice residency training?: A multicenter survey in Japan Twelve tips for "flipping" the classroom Alternative approaches for clinical clerkship during the COVID-19 pandemic: online simulated clinical practice for inpatients and outpatients-a mixed method The Tokyo GIM conference: clinical reasoning conference from real cases