key: cord-0961551-de0lrkgy authors: Amarsy, Rishma; Jacquier, Hervé; Munier, Anne-Lise; Merimèche, Manel; Berçot, Béatrice; Mégarbane, Bruno title: Outbreak of NDM-1-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in the intensive care unit during the COVID-19 pandemic: another nightmare date: 2021-07-15 journal: Am J Infect Control DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2021.07.004 sha: b2d637354f0a21e9c69533b6fffe6067be986900 doc_id: 961551 cord_uid: de0lrkgy An outbreak of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing the carbapenemase NDM-1 occurred in our ICU during the last COVID-19 wave. Twelve patients were tested positive, seven remained asymptomatic whereas five developed an infection. Resistome and in silico multilocus sequence typing confirmed the clonal origin of the strains. The identification of a possible environmental reservoir suggested that difficulties in observing optimal bio-cleaning procedures due to workload and exhaustion contributed to the outbreak besides the inappropriate excessive glove use. of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing the carbapenemase NDM-1 (NDM-1 K. pneumoniae) occurred in our intensive care unit (ICU). Our study objectives were to report the extent and consequences of this outbreak and to discuss its possible origins since it represented the first outbreak involving highly resistant bacteria in our ICU during the COVID-19 pandemic. In agreement with the French guidelines, all patients admitted to our intensive care unit (ICU) were screened routinely for carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE) colonization on admission and weekly thereafter with rectal swabs. During the outbreak period, all NDM-1 K. pneumoniae strains isolated in blood cultures, respiratory samples, urinary samples and rectal swabs were sequenced. The whole genome sequencing of all isolates and their genetic relationships was determined as previously described 2 and phylogenetic tree was provided by using the Moabi Bioinformatic platform ( 3 In parallel, the Infection Prevention and Control Team of our hospital investigated the practices of caregivers including environmental infection control, hand hygiene, isolation precautions, fiberscope disinfection and medical device management, providing provided day-by-day advices until the outbreak resolution. Twelve patients in our intensive care unit (ICU) were tested positive for Klebsiella pneumoniae producing the carbapenemase NDM-1 (NDM-1 K. pneumoniae) between mid-March and mid-May 2021 (Table 1) . Seven patients were asymptomatic carriers while an infection occurred in five patients. Patients with NDM-1 K. pneumoniae were cohorted in an ICU area with dedicated nursing and medical staff. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that all strains were related clonally, with less than 16 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within core-genome ( Figure 1 ). The resistome of the K. pneumoniae isolates confirmed that all isolates harbored bla NDM-1 gene associated with other betalactamase encoding genes (bla TEM-1 , bla CTX-M-15 , bla OXA-1 and bla In parallel, microbiological investigations of the environment revealed the presence of NDM-1 K. pneumoniae on the mattress and in the siphon of a room, where two carriers were identified. During the outbreak, the Infection Prevention and Control Team of our hospital audited adherence of caregivers to infection control practices. Inappropriate excessive glove use and perfunctory environment hygiene after a patient has left a room were reported. Feedback was given rapidly to the ICU team. Specific measures including strengthening of room and device cleaning, and change of suspect materials were conducted to control NDM-1 K. pneumoniae transmission. In the present study, we report a clonal outbreak of multidrug-resistant K pneumoniae in an ICU already overburdened by a wave of COVID-19 patients. The Infection Prevention and Control team highlighted non-complete compliance with standard and contact precautions. NDM-1 K. pneumoniae acquisition was likely transmitted from the environment due to the invasive procedures, high antimicrobial selective pressure and immunomodulatory therapy administration in COVID-19 patients, as previously acknowledged. 4 Moreover, difficulties in observing and applying optimal bio-cleaning procedures after the prolonged pandemic by exhausted caregivers may have contributed to maintain bacterial reservoir. Transmission between caregivers and patients was facilitated by increased patient density and severity, enhanced workload due to the burden of the disease, and reduced space (e.g., two mechanically ventilated patients managed in rooms routinely dedicated to single patients). In our ICU, PPE included FFP2-masks, long-sleeved disposable gowns, aprons, goggles and gloves, as recommended internationally. 5 Caregivers were encouraged to wear gloves during patient care if contact with blood and other body fluids could be reasonably anticipated. They were advised to carry 6 out hand hygiene systematically with alcohol-based hand rub after removing gloves. However, strengthening PPE wearing and fear of self-contamination by SARS-CoV-2 led the team, especially additional caregivers not trained to manage ICU patients, to wear gloves even if not required. These poor practices such as not changing gloves between two patients likely contributed to the room contamination and cross-transmission between patients. Based on the MLST findings, our isolate was related to a novel international clone previously associated with multidrug resistance 6 and implicated in numerous hospital outbreaks worldwide. 7 Interestingly, COVID-19 pandemic has been associated with hospital acquisition of carbapenemaseproducing K. pneumonia. [8] [9] [10] In one study, several distinct lineages of carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae were observed suggesting that favoring factors including prolonged critical illness produced an optimal host environment supporting the emergence of diverse CPE. 8 The two other studies promoted the continuous use of gloves, which is no longer recommended due to the risk of environmental contamination. 9, 10 Curiously, this outbreak of NDM-1 K. pneumoniae occurred during the third peak of COVID-19 pandemic, more than one year after its start. Burnout, exhaustion and reduced vigilance with rigorous bio-cleaning and hygiene measures may have played a key-role, while caregivers were experienced with the correct use of PPE in adapted situations. Intensive room bio-cleaning was performed and recommendations to improve hand hygiene were provided to caregivers by the IPC team. No further cases occurred. Although implementation of additional infection control procedures during COVID-19 outbreak was expected to be associated with decrease in healthcare-associated infections, our experience suggests that extra-procedures, which require more attention and time, could exhaust teams and lead to counterproductive effects if prolonged application is required. Coronavirus : chiffres clés et évolution de la COVID-19 en France et dans le Monde Genomic characterization of 16S rRNA methyltransferase-producing Escherichia coli isolates from the Parisian area, France The Galaxy platform for accessible, reproducible and collaborative biomedical analyses: 2016 update Intensive care unit design and environmental factors in the acquisition of infection Rational use of personal protective equipment for COVID-19 and considerations during severe shortages Genomic definition of hypervirulent and multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae clonal groups Population genomics of Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales causing secondary infections during the COVID-19 crisis at a New York City hospital Impact of SARS CoV-2 pandemic on carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae prevention and control programme: convergent or divergent action? Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales outbreak: Another dark side of COVID-19