key: cord-0960777-plvgqlhh authors: Asakura, Hidesaku; Ogawa, Haruhiko title: Overcoming bleeding events related to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in COVID-19 date: 2020-10-29 journal: Lancet Respir Med DOI: 10.1016/s2213-2600(20)30467-7 sha: a4f63307795bc5e9a14b3b2db9e82c8fdd8e44dd doc_id: 960777 cord_uid: plvgqlhh nan Matthieu Schmidt and colle agues 1 aimed to establish the clinical character istics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 and respiratory failure treated with extracorporeal mem brane oxygen ation (ECMO). Among 83 patients, 30 (36%) died, 35 (42%) had major bleeding events, and four (5%) had a haemorrhagic stroke. When discussing the effectiveness of ECMO, an essential aspect is assessing whether the associated bleeding events are adverse incidents, or events resulting from abnormal coagulation. Bleeding symptoms generally tend to be interpreted as adverse events related to heparin dissolved in the ECMO circuit. However, the amount of anticoagulant therapy used in their cases seemed to be appropriate and is unlikely to be the main cause of bleeding. Therefore, other mechanisms should be considered as reasons for bleeding under ECMO use in patients with COVID-19. Firstly, excessive fibrinolytic activation could occur. A report by Tang and colleagues 2 showed that in the severe cases of COVID-19 leading to death, elevated fibrinogen dropped sharply to 1·0 g/L, and mildly elevated fibrin degradation products increased to 100 μg/mL in just 3 days (day 7 to 10 after admission). During this period, elevations in D-dimer were relatively gradual, leading to a large discrep ancy between fibrin degradation product and D-dimer concentrations. These data suggest disseminated intravascular coagulation with enhanced fibrinolysis, indicating the development of coagulation disorders in COVID-19 that could cause major clinical bleeding. 3 Another plausible mechanism is vascular endotheliitis, given that severe COVID-19 reportedly causes severe vascular endothelial injury and vascular vulnerability. 4 Acquired von Willebrand syndrome is also a possibility. During extra corporeal circulation, such as ECMO, high shear stress is known to destroy large multimers of von Willebrand factor. 5 In critical COVID-19 cases that require ECMO, it can be assumed that the phase of disseminated intravascular coagulation often changes from a suppressed-fibrinolytic type to an enhanced-fibrinolytic type. However, because of the rapid conversion, this change might be overlooked unless blood coagulation tests (table) are done regularly. In the report by Schmidt and colleagues, 1 although the concentration of fibrinogen was increased at 6·4 g/L, the data obtained at early stages of the disease are not representative of the actual coagulation state at the time of bleeding events. Follow-up data, such as fibrinogen and fibrinogen degradation product concentrations, or at least those at the time of major bleeding events, would be of interest to help elucidate the underlying mechanism of bleeding events. Such information might subsequently help to improve the survival of critically ill patients receiving ECMO. We declare no competing interests. 6 DIC as a complication, 2 immune thrombocytopenia, antiphospholipid syndrome, haemophagocytic syndrome, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, pseudo-thrombocytopenia, and drug-induced myelosuppression; platelet count decrease is also associated with ECMO. 7 †Rapid decrease in a few days. 2 ‡Nafamostat, an antithrombin drug with strong antiplasmin action, is effective against DIC with enhanced fibrinolysis, 3 and also has the effect of suppressing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 entry into host cells; 8 during ECMO, heparin and nafamostat combination therapy is inevitable, because UFH is also administered. §Rapid increase in a few days; 2 in DIC with enhanced fibrinolysis, FDP concentrations increase significantly, but D-dimer is only mildly to moderately elevated, resulting in a discrepancy between FDP and D-dimer concentrations. 2,3 ¶In acquired von Willebrand syndrome, VWF activity is lower than the amount of VWF antigen. Classifying types of disseminated intravascular coagulation: clinical and animal models Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19 Acquired von Willebrand syndrome associated with cardiovascular diseases Thrombocytopenia and its association with mortality in patients with COVID-19 Thrombocytopenia and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in adults with acute respiratory failure: a cohort study Nafamostat mesylate blocks activation of SARS-CoV-2: new treatment option for COVID-19