key: cord-0950325-v6ghfmuy authors: Abrokwa, Seth Kofi; Ruby, Lisa C.; Heuvelings, Charlotte C.; Bélard, Sabine title: Task shifting for point of care ultrasound in primary healthcare in low- and middle-income countries-a systematic review date: 2022-03-06 journal: EClinicalMedicine DOI: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101333 sha: d6b9411e2835688a4a20d2ac945f93b09b01fde6 doc_id: 950325 cord_uid: v6ghfmuy Low-and middle-income countries (LMIC) are faced with healthcare challenges including lack of specialized healthcare workforce and limited diagnostic infrastructure. Task shifting for point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) can overcome both shortcomings. This review aimed at identifying benefits and challenges of task shifting for POCUS in primary healthcare settings in LMIC. Medline and Embase were searched up to November 22nd, 2021. Publications reporting original data on POCUS performed by local ultrasound naïve healthcare providers in any medical field at primary healthcare were included. Data were analyzed descriptively. PROSPERO registration number CRD42021223302. Overall, 36 publications were included, most (n = 35) were prospective observational studies. Medical fields of POCUS application included obstetrics, gynecology, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, and cardiac, abdominal, and pulmonary conditions. POCUS was performed by midwives, nurses, clinical officers, physicians, technicians, and community health workers following varying periods of short-term training and using different ultrasound devices. Benefits of POCUS were yields of diagnostic images with adequate interpretation impacting patient management and outcome. High cost of face-to-face training, poor internet connectivity hindering telemedicine components, and unstable electrici'ty were among reported drawbacks for successful implementation of task shifting POCUS. At the primary care level in resource-limited settings task shifting for POCUS has the potential to expand diagnostic imaging capacity and impact patient management leading to meaningful health outcomes. Low-and middle-income countries (LMIC) are faced with healthcare challenges that disrupt successful implementation of health services creating inequitable access to care and entailing poor health outcome. 1 Core to these challenges are lack of specialized health workforce and diagnostic infrastructure. 2−6 Combining task shifting and point-of-care diagnostics can overcome these shortcomings. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends task shifting as one strategy to strengthen and expand health workforce. 7−9 By task shifting, specific tasks are moved from highly qualified health workers to health workers with shorter training and less qualifications in order to increase efficiency of available human resources for health. 7 Key elements, including quality assurance mechanisms, standardized training and certification have been recommended to ensure a safe, efficient, effective, equitable and sustainable task shifting approach. 7 Diagnostic imaging plays an important role in timesensitive management of many conditions. In LMIC, diagnostic imaging services are limited and the quality of service varies significantly. 4, 10, 11 Factors associated with limited availability and varying quality of diagnostic imaging in LMIC include the lack of or inadequate diagnostic imaging equipment, the lack of skilled human resources to operate and maintain equipment, and insufficient training capacity in diagnostic imaging. 4 Progress in technology has advanced the development of portable, easy to use and affordable point-ofcare ultrasound (POCUS) devices that allow imaging at the patient's bedside. 4 ,11 POCUS is a promising task shifting approach moving sonographic imaging from radiology departments to frontline healthcare. 12 POCUS improves health outcomes by improved and timely diagnosis resulting in expedited clinical decision-making, and reduces lengths of hospital stays, need for referrals and costs. 12−14 In this review we focus on benefits and challenges of POCUS tasks shifted to ultrasound naÿve care providers at the primary level of care in LMIC. We thereby apply a comprehensive concept of task shifting for POCUS that is not limited to the fundamental task shifting of sonographic imaging away from radiology services to the bedside clinician but also includes further task shifting of sonographic imaging to health workers with shorter training and less qualifications than clinicians. We reviewed literature following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. 15 The electronic databases Medline (Ovid, 1946 to present) and Embase (Ovid, 1947 to present) were searched on 23rd of January 2021; a search update was performed on 22nd November 2021. Key search terms included 'point of care', 'ultrasonography' and 'low-and middle-income countries' (Appendix 1). Synonyms for 'Point of care' included 'handheld' or 'hand-carried' or 'portable' or 'mobile' or 'focused' or 'pocket' or 'bedside'. LMIC was defined using the World Bank definition of developing countries 16 and the synonyms 'resource limited setting' or 'developing country' or 'remote setting' were applied. Synonyms of ultrasonography included 'ultrasound' or 'echography' or 'sonography'. The study was exempt from institutional review board approval and the review protocol was published on PROSPERO with registration number CRD42021223302. Task shifting for POCUS was defined as focused bedside ultrasound performed by health care providers with ultrasound training limited to the respective POCUS examinations. We included publications describing POCUS performed at the primary care level in all medical fields in LMICs by local healthcare providers (including primary care physicians, nurses, midwives, clinical officers, medical assistants, radiology technicians and community health workers) who had not primarily undergone ultrasound training. We excluded studies on POCUS performed by healthcare professionals whose formal training includes training in ultrasound (i.e. specialized or specializing doctors emergency medicine, obstetrics/gynaecology and cardiology, as well as specialized or specializing radiologists or sonographers), on POCUS performed by healthcare workers with basic ultrasound training according to WHO, 17 and studies on POCUS training only without clinical application. Publications without original data (editorials, comments, and conference abstracts) and non-human studies were excluded. We made no restrictions regarding language of publication, year of publication nor patient population. We organized publications in ENDNOTE X9. 18 Title and abstract screening were performed with Rayyan QCRI, a web and mobile app for systematic reviews. 19 Two reviewers (SKA, LCR) performed title and abstract screening based on the pre-specified eligibility criteria. Discrepancies were resolved by a third reviewer (CCH). We performed full text screening of potentially eligible publications after title and abstract screening. Two independent reviewers (SKA and LCR) screened all full texts. Disagreement on full text assessment was also resolved by discussion with a third reviewer (CCH). Following satisfactory non-discrepant comparison of a random 15% of data extraction performed by two reviewers (SKA, CCH), data of the other 85% citations were extracted by one reviewer (SKA or CCH) and checked by the other reviewer (SKA or CCH). The following data were extracted: first author, title, year of publication, study design, country, type of POCUS examination, type of ultrasound device, duration of POCUS training, mode of delivery of POCUS training, condition examined, outcome measured, type of healthcare providers performing POCUS, benefits of POCUS, and drawbacks of task shifting for POCUS. The methodological quality and risks of bias were assessed by two independent reviewers (SKA, LCR) for each publication using a modified National Heart, Lung and Blood institutes protocol for observational studies (Appendix 2, 3) and National Heart, Lung and Blood institutes protocol for controlled randomized studies (Appendix 4). 20 Findings were analysed using Microsoft Excel 365 (version 16.57) and presented in a descriptive way in text and tables; sums and percentages were calculated or extracted from original studies, where appropriate. There was no funding source in developing the study protocol; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the paper for publication. All named authors Review had access to the data, contributed to the drafting and revising of the manuscript and agreed to submit for publication. The database search yielded 3873 unique publications. One hundred and forty-one publications were retrieved for full text screening after title and abstract screening. Thirty-six publications were selected for synthesis ( Figure 1 ). 21−48 Thirty-five studies were prospective observational studies and one randomized controlled trial. 30 The majority of the included publications (n = 20) were conducted on the African continent, 21,22,31 −35,37,39,40,42−44,46,47,49−53 nine studies originated from the Americas, 24,27,29,38,41,45,54−56 two from Asia, 26, 36 and three from Oceania 23,28,57 as shown in Figure 2 . Two studies were multi-national studies. 30, 58 Risk of bias assessment Of the 35 observational studies, ten were of high, twentytwo of moderate and three of low methodological quality (Appendix 2). Most studies were found with high risk of bias for sample size justification (selection bias) as shown in the supplementary material (Appendix 3). Twenty-one (60%) of the studies were associated high risk of bias regarding controlling for confounders and eight (23%) were associated with a high risk of detection bias as blinded assessment was not performed. The randomized controlled trial was of moderate methodological quality but associated with high risk of bias as concealed allocation of intervention and blinding assessment was not used (Appendix 4). There was a substantial range of clinical areas and conditions for which task shifting for POCUS was applied. All studies primarily examined the impact of task shifting for POCUS as a diagnostic or screening tool in LMIC as shown in Table 1 . Ten publications reported on task shifting for POCUS in obstetric care, examining pregnancy and pregnancy related complications. 24 −26,30,31,34,35,43,46,47 Nine and three publications reported on task shifting for chest POCUS for cardiac and pulmonary conditions respectively, including rheumatic heart disease screening, diagnosing cardiac structural anomalies, aneurysms and deep vein thrombosis, 23, 28, 30, 36, 38, 39, 45, 55, 57, 58 and lung examinations to diagnose conditions such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, pleural effusion and atelectasia. 29, 53, 59 Further reported task shifting for POCUS applications included abdominopelvic examination for liver, gallbladder diseases, and kidney diseases, prostate hypertrophy and urinary tract infection, 21, 32, 41, 42, 44, 54 breast and axillary examination for breast cancer screening, 40,56 examination in trauma patients for pneumothorax and internal haemorrhage, 48 examination for HIV associated tuberculosis, 33 and screening for abdominal cystic echinococcosis. 22, 27 Duration and mode of training of POCUS operators in respective POCUS applications were described by all publications except one. 33 Training included theoretic sessions, hands-on practice, and supervised and unsupervised scans sessions. Duration and scope of training varied between studies (Tables 2−5). Most trainings were provided face-to-face, but online training was also reported. Most of the trainers were nonlocal POCUS trainers, who subsequently provided remote support for the trainees. Healthcare providers that were trained as POCUS operators included nurses, general physicians, residents, medical students, medical graduates, midwives, clinical officers, technicians, nursing assistants, and community health workers (CHW). Ten publications reported on task shifting for POCUS in obstetric care (Table 2 ). POCUS interventions aimed at sonographic identification of high-risk pregnancy, increased accuracy of obstetric diagnoses, POCUS-guidance on clinical decision-making, increased utilization of antenatal care services, increased deliveries by skilled birth attendants and in healthcare facilities, and reduced maternal and neonatal mortality. [24] [25] [26] 30, 31, 34, 35, 43, 46, 47 High risk pregnancies such as foetal mal-presentation, placenta previa, amniotic fluid abnormalities, multiple gestation and intra-uterine growth restrictions were identified by midwives and nurses during the prenatal period, 24,31 and at labour. 43 Task shifting for POCUS services improved accuracy of diagnosis when compared with clinical exam only; midwives applying POCUS corrected their diagnosis in around 7% of examinations 46 or changed their clinical decision making in 17% following POCUS examinations. 35 Task shifting ultrasound increased utilization of antenatal care (ANC) services and motivated women to comply with the recommended ANC schedule and complete four ANC visits. 34 An increase in facility-based deliveries and obstetric referrals to Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care facilities (CEmOC) were reported by this study. 34 A study from the Philippines showed that 6.3% of maternal deaths and 14.6% of neonatal deaths were averted by introducing task shifting for POCUS services by CHW. 26 On the contrary, a multi-country cluster randomized controlled trial, reported that introducing task shifting for POCUS services as routine antenatal ultrasound did not increase the use of ANC and the rate of hospital births for women with complications, nor did it improve the composite outcome of maternal, and neonatal mortality, and near-miss maternal mortality. 30 Clinical benefits of chest POCUS Task shifting for cardiac and lung POCUS were described in nine 23, 28, 36, 38, 39, 45, 55, 57, 58 and three 29,52,53 studies respectively. Cardiac examinations focused on using handheld echocardiography to screen structural cardiac abnormalities and was primarily performed by nurses (Table 3) . Cardiac POCUS was used to screen for rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in pediatric populations by obtaining qualitative images of pathologies such as Medical field/Organ system Application Obstetrics and perinatal care Screening in pregnancy 24,31,34 : e.g., foetal presentation (vertex or breach), foetal heart rate, placental location, number of gestations, and gestational age based on biparietal diameter and femur length Congenital anomalies 30 Identification of high-risk pregnancies 25, 26, 30, 43, 46, 47 : e.g., low lying placenta and placenta previa, multiple gestation, intra-uterine growth restriction, amniotic fluid abnormalities including oligohydramnios Screening for breast mass and axillary lesions 40 Identification of the aetiology of abnormal vaginal bleeding 46 Identification of acute lower respiratory tract infections in children 97 Identification of interstitial syndrome, pleural effusion, atelectasis 29 Identification of correlates of pulmonary tuberculosis 29, 42 Emergency/Trauma Identification of internal haemorrhage and pneumothorax (FAST/eFAST) 21, 42, 98 Identification of severe dehydration 37 Screening of liver, spleen, and pancreas 21, 42 Identification of the aetiology of vesico-urinary diseases 21,44,51,96 : e. g., kidney stones, prostate hypertrophy, urinary tract infection, HIV associated nephropathy Identification of ascites 32, 44 Identification of the aetiology of liver and gall bladder diseases 21,44 : e.g. hepatomegaly and cholecystitis, hepatic cysts or abscesses, abdominal tumour evaluation and biliary ultrasound Identification of features of HIV-associated extrapulmonary tuberculosis (FASH) 33 Screening for cystic echinococcosis (FASE) 22, 27 Diagnosis and surveillance of Schistosoma haematobium related lesions 51 Review mitral and aortic regurgitation with satisfactory interobserver agreement when compared with experienced reviewers. 23, 28, 38, 39, 55, 57 Task shifting for cardiac POCUS was also used to diagnose heart failure and hypertensive heart disease in the adult population. 36, 45 Task shifting POCUS for lung examination was reported to be a feasible tool for both, healthcare facility and community-based diagnosis of lung pathologies, including pneumonia, pleural effusion, atelectasis, and tuberculosis for both in the pediatric and adult population. 29, 52, 53 Clinical benefits of multi-organ POCUS Six studies applied task shifting for POCUS to examine a combination of different organ systems comprising abdominal/pelvic, heart, lung, and soft tissue POCUS. 21, 32, 41, 42, 44 Task shifting for POCUS by CHW in Sierra Leone led to changes in the initial diagnosis in 34% (196/ 584) of examinations and changes in patient management in 29% (171/584) of the patients (Table 4 ). 41 A study from Rwanda observed similar findings with change in patient management in 81.3% of patients after POCUS by general physicians 32 ; most common changes in patient management related to medication administration (42.4%), admission (30%), change in surgical procedure (23.3%), and transfer to a higher level of care (28.1%). Three studies reported the use of task shifting for POCUS for trauma (FAST); one study focused exclusively on FAST, 48 while the other two performed FAST as part of multi-organ examinations. 21, 42 General physicians and non-physician clinicians including medical students, clinical officers, and CHW obtained quality ultrasound images and accurately interpreted the findings. Together with feedback from specialists, diagnostic accuracy of FAST examinations improved patient management. Utilization of task shifting for POCUS for tuberculosis (FASH) in Malawi was reported as an important adjunctive diagnostic tool to augment clinicians' ability to diagnose tuberculosis. 33 Task shifting for POCUS for screening cystic echinococcosis (FASE) in Morocco and Patagonia were performed with good accuracy by general practitioners and residents for detection of cyst. 22, 27 Similarly, in Rwanda and Peru nurses, midwives, and general practitioners used POCUS to supplement clinical examination for breast cancer and associated axillary lesions 40, 56 and assess for signs of severe dehydration in children with diarrhoea and/or vomiting by examining the aorta and inferior vena cava ratio, 37 in Senegal for surveillance of Schistosoma haematobium morbidity 51 (Table 5 ). The many clinical benefits of POCUS on patient management have been described within the above sections; in summary the major clinical benefits include improved diagnosis and support in clinical decision making leading to better bedside management but also adequate referral, increased use of health services, and ultimately better health outcomes. Additional benefits identified include availability of imaging at primary health care level, empowerment of frontline health care workers, saving of costs by identifying needless referrals. Challenges of task shifting for POCUS including drawbacks to successful implementation and sustainability were described in 13 (37%) of the publications. 21, 23, 24, 27, 32, 35, 39, 41, 43, 44, 50, 54, 57 The common constraints of working in resource limited settings including poor quality of the healthcare system paired with lack of local healthcare providers to lead and sustain ultrasound programs, 44 a high turn-over of local supportive supervision, 27 and unstable electricity 43, 54 were identified as barriers. These factors led to reduced frequency of POCUS examination, incomplete data log, loss of data, loss of ultrasound images and interpretations. 50 Other barriers included training constraints and lack of an algorithm to guide POCUS screening and diagnosis. 23 Face-to-face training sessions were reported to be expensive as costs for services of experienced trainers including travelling are high. 24 Poor internet connectivity was reported to pose serious challenges to both implementing e-training and remote supervision as this translated into delays in exchanging POCUS information between POCUS operators and reviewers. 21, 43, 54 Language barrier was also identified as a challenge to POCUS training. 41 This systematic review is the first to collate benefits and challenges of task shifting POCUS in primary healthcare in LMIC. Most studies included in this review report favourable effects of task shifting POCUS on clinical management at the primary care level in LMIC. Although the clinical value of POCUS is generally well established, collated evidence by this review needs to be appreciated with caution as studies originate from heterogenous settings and methodology is limited by uncontrolled study designs and constrained reference standards. More generally, there may be relevant publication bias with disappointing task shifting experiences less likely being published. Nevertheless, available literature indicates that task shifting for POCUS can make a difference in patient care in major medical fields of LMIC and highlights the pronounced potential of task shifting for POCUS for primary healthcare settings in LMIC where diagnostic imaging is otherwise barely accessible to large proportions of the population. In LMIC, maternal mortality is the leading cause of death among women of childbearing age 60 and 98% of the global neonatal mortality rate occur in LMIC. 61 Antenatal sonographic examinations are integral to identifying high-risk pregnancies and for initiating time-sensitive management to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Consequently, the WHO recommends at least one ultrasound examination for pregnant women. 62 Task shifting for obstetric POCUS provided by midwives, nurses or birth attendants at the primary care level may be essential to increase access to antenatal ultrasound for pregnant women in LMIC. Obstetric POCUS studies reported considerable impact of POCUS on management and clinical care of pregnant women including improved diagnosis of high-risk and complicated pregnancies, increased number of deliveries by skilled birth attendants, more deliveries in healthcare facilities and a reduction in maternal and neonatal mortalities. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are on the rise and are the leading cause of mortality globally; over three quarters of CVD deaths occur in LMIC. 63, 64 Patients with heart diseases often present late with symptoms of heart failure that do not allow for distinguishing the underlying etiology of heart disease. 65 In the recent past, increasing experience has become available on the benefits of cardiac POCUS by non-cardiologists to evaluate structural and functional heart pathology. 66 The studies on cardiac POCUS showed the need for imaging capacity at the primary care and that task shifting for POCUS can partly fill this gap. A broader cardiac POCUS yet context tailored approach to identify most prevalent etiologies underlying heart failure and to guide clinical management in LMIC has been suggested 65 ; its feasibility and diagnostic utility in routine care remain to be evaluated. Road traffic trauma constitutes a global health challenge, particularly in LMIC where 90% of the world's fatalities on the roads occur. 67 Multi-sector approach including improved post-crash care in the health sector is required in addressing challenges of road trauma victims. 67 Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST) is part of resuscitation of trauma patients in most high-level care settings and recommended by international panel consensus. 68−70 FAST and eFAST (extended FAST (eFAST)) are highly accurate for identification of free fluid and pneumothorax. 71, 72 Comparatively, few publications on FAST application in LMIC were identified by this review. FAST in LMIC can play an important role in the management of trauma patients given the limited access to other cross-sectional imaging modalities. FAST in a pre-hospital setting allows targeted referral of trauma patients requiring surgery or transfusion. In LMIC, lower respiratory tract infection is a leading infectious cause of morbidity and mortality particularly in children under 5 years. 73 Chest ultrasound for the diagnosis of pneumonia has been reported as an imaging modality with sensitivity and specificity superior to chest-x-ray (CXR) for the diagnosis of childhood pneumonia. 74 The substantial inter-rater agreement between POCUS operators and experts for lung consolidation and the almost perfect interrater agreement for viral lower respiratory tract infection encourages that locally trained lung POCUS can become a feasible tool to diagnose pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases in children under 5 years old in LMIC. 52, 53 POCUS for imaging pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) has recently been subject of various studies, 75 but only one study from Peru could be included in this review. The potential role of POCUS in screening and diagnosis of PTB in areas without access to CXR is also supported by other studies; a specific sonographic pattern of tuberculous lung infection is being discussed and could help differentiate between tuberculous and nontuberculous pneumonia. 76 Accurate diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in HIV-coinfected people is difficult. HIV patients have higher rates of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB), and the diagnosis of TB is often limited to clinical findings and imaging results, if imaging services are accessible. Focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated TB (FASH) 77 aims at detecting common EPTB manifestations and has become one of the most applied POCUS modules in settings with high TB/HIV burden. 78, 79 Of the many studies that evaluated EPTB-focused POCUS in adult and pediatric patients either as a diagnostic or treatment monitoring tool, 80−85 only one met the inclusion criteria for this review; most studies were excluded because POCUS was performed by non-locals and at higher care levels. Included and excluded studies conclude that FASH can augment the clinician's ability to make a timely diagnosis of TB and monitor treatment response. Adoption of TB-focused POCUS and TB diagnostic algorithms can support its rollout in primary care setting, but to date data on its utility at primary care are limited. Further, infectious diseases with public health relevance in endemic LMIC have been investigated for suitability for POCUS diagnostics. The study from Morocco on POCUS screening for cystic echinococcosis (CE) 22 an infectious disease with a primarily imaging-based diagnosis, 86 proved not only feasible and successful in identifying the disease, but is a good example that POCUS can also support the implementation of disease control activities. POCUS for the detection of urogenital schistosomiasis, 49 POCUS to guide management of severe malaria, 87 POCUS for early detection of vascular leakage in severe dengue 88 and POCUS for visceral leishmaniasis 89 None reported Table 5 : Overview of studies applying task shifting POCUS in primary care in LMIC for emergency care, trauma, infectious disease, and breast cancer. FAST: focused assessment with sonography for trauma, FASH: focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated tuberculosis, FASE: focused assessment with sonography for echinococcosis. diagnostic studies from primary care settings in LMIC are not yet available. An immediate impact of POCUS on patient management relates to appropriate use of anti-microbial medication. Henwood et al. reported that POCUS by local healthcare workers changed treatment modality in 42% of patients and this included administration of antibiotics. 32 Comparably, a change in treatment following POCUS was observed by Chavez et al. for children diagnosed with pneumonia. 59 In TB/HIV co-infected patients POCUS prompted live-saving initiation of antituberculosis treatment, addition of steroids in case of sonographically identified tuberculous pericarditis, and guided initiation of antiretroviral treatment. 81 As mentioned above, POCUS shows also promise as a monitoring tool for treatment response in TB treatment with inadequately long persistence of sonographic findings indicating inadequate treatment dosing, intake, or resistant tuberculosis. 83, 91, 92 Challenges relating to basic and continuous training were reported repeatedly. Particularly face-to face training was identified to be expensive. Most POCUS trainers were from overseas and travel related costs were high. Using e-learning methods have been suggested, 43 however, these come with difficulties such as poor internet connectivity and extra costs in procuring internet data for streaming videos and downloading study material. 93, 94 The lack of stable internet connection and electricity to access study materials may lead to low motivation among healthcare workers to utilize e-learning platforms. 95 Poor internet infrastructure can also hamper communication between POCUS operators and reviewers which was identified as the commonest method of supervision provided. The extremely broad range of length and type of training in the articles included highlights the need for standardized curricula; given the operator dependency of POCUS, under-training and lack of supervision can endanger patients' safety. Primary care settings in most LMIC often face power instability, and hot and humid climate conditions that can damage ultrasound devices. Inadequate know-how for maintenance service and lack of close technical service threatens continuous availability of functioning ultrasound devices. Many devices have been used for POCUS in LMIC but no comparative evaluation of device performance under LMIC conditions is available. Most studies focused on clinical aspects relating to POCUS rather than key determinants of the task shifting approach. Ultrasound devices were not specifically studied for their suitability for task shifted use; userfriendliness including the possibility for setting presets targeted to the specific POCUS applications likely impacts feasibility and quality. Although most studies reported on the basic components of POCUS training it remains unclear to what extent POCUS training had been contextualized to the respective setting. Mention of infrastructure support needed to enable and sustain task shifting POCUS were discussed in relation to challenges with electricity and internet provision; further infrastructure aspects such as availability of ultrasound device servicing or arrangement of favorable scanning conditions (e.g., room darkening) may also play a role. None of the studies assessed cost-effectiveness of task shifting POCUS. Generating data on cost-effectiveness of task shifting for POCUS will, however, be crucial to guide implementation of task shifting for POCUS. Within the available studies structures, quality management and supervision of task shifting for POCUS have largely been set up for the respective research and included overseas telemedicine components. For an independent and sustainable task shifting program pathways, local quality management and supervision are warranted. The empowerment of health care workers by gaining diagnostic capacities through task shifting for POCUS will likely increase satisfaction and recognition of their work and consecutively promote staff retention, a prerequisite for long term success of task shifting for POCUS. In summary, seed evidence on task shifting for POCUS encourages further promotion of task shifted frontline POCUS use in LMIC. Establishing and disseminating successful and sustainable task shifting for POCUS programs needs a comprehensive strategy that addresses key aspects of a task shifting approach including definition of suitable technology, contextualized training, infrastructure support, adequate financing, quality management, longitudinal supervision, staff retention strategies, and outcome analysis. Determination of local disease burdens and needs assessment will allow conception of context adapted POCUS programs and POCUS curricula that could become integral part of local health education programs. Operational research on facilitators and barriers of POCUS implementation programs is needed to guide higher level decisions on integration in health sectors. This review identified multiple studies that showed that shifting ultrasound tasks away from radiology centres to frontline bedside care is a feasible and effective strategy to change patient management at the primary care level in LMIC. Task shifting for POCUS thereby demonstrates that task shifting diagnostics to providers at lower-level facilities is impactful and translates to meaningful health outcomes. Technological advances and affordability of POCUS devices will continue to promote the diffusion of POCUS into frontline care, however, appreciation of POCUS as a diagnostic tool suitable for task shifting is warranted to deliberately enhance sustainable and qualitative implementation of task shifting for POCUS. All data are already publicly available. No funding was received. SKA and SB conceptualized the systematic review. SKA developed the data extraction tools with input from SB and CCH. SKA, LCR and CCH performed the initial abstract screen and subsequently full text screening. SKA and CCH extracted data from the included publication. SKA and LCR performed the risk of bias assessment. All named authors contributed to drafting, revising, and approving of the final manuscript. Sabine B elard is a board member (unpaid) for the Deutsche Gesellschaft f€ ur Tropenmedizin, Reisemedizin und Globale Gesundheit e.V. Lisa C. Ruby report a travel grant and a Charit e SEED grant for travel support for a research project in India. The other authors have nothing to declare. Is task-shifting a solution to the health workers' shortage in Northern Ghana? The labour market for human resources for health in low-and middle-income countries World Health Organization. Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030. World Health Organization How to improve access to medical imaging in low-and middle-income countries ? eClinicalMedicine Medical imaging and nuclear medicine: a lancet oncology commission The global shortage of health workers-an opportunity to transform care World Health Organization. Task shifting: Global Recommendations and Guidelines. Geneva: World Health Organization World Health Organization. Task Shifting: Rational Redistribution of Tasks Among Health Workforce Teams: Global Recommendations and Guidelines. World Health Organization Delivering Quality Health Services: A Global Imperative Point-of-care ultrasound education for non-physician clinicians in a resourcelimited emergency department The lancet Commission on diagnostics: transforming access to diagnostics. 10315th 398. Lancet Point-of-care ultrasonography Impact of point-of-care ultrasound on clinical decision-making at an urban emergency department in Tanzania Clinical impact of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) consult service in a teaching hospital: effect on diagnoses and cost savings The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews World Bank Country and Lending Groups. Country Classification Training in Diagnostic Ultrasound: Essentials, Principles and Standards: Report of a WHO Study Group. World Health Organization Rayyan-a web and mobile app for systematic reviews Study Quality Assessment Tools. National Heart Lung and Blood Institue Introduction of a portable ultrasound unit into the health services of the Lugufu refugee camp Human cystic echinococcosis in Morocco: ultrasound screening in the Mid Atlas through an Italian-Moroccan partnership Pilot study of nurseled rheumatic heart disease echocardiography screening in Fiji-a novel approach in a resource-poor setting Use of a portable system with ultrasound and blood tests to improve prenatal controls in rural Guatemala Mart ınez-Fern andez A. Detection of high-risk pregnancies in low-resource settings: a case study in Guatemala Handheld ultrasound to avert maternal and neonatal deaths in 2 regions of the Philippines: an iBuntis Ò intervention study Early diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cystic echinococcosis in remote rural areas in Patagonia: impact of ultrasound training of non-specialists Screening for rheumatic heart disease: quality and agreement of focused cardiac ultrasound by briefly trained health workers Lung ultrasound findings compared with chest X-ray findings in known pulmonary tuberculosis patients: a cross-sectional study in Lima, Peru Routine antenatal ultrasound in low-and middle-income countries: first look -a cluster randomised trial Implementing an obstetric ultrasound training program in rural Africa Point-of-care ultrasound use, accuracy, and impact on clinical decision making in Rwanda hospitals Diagnostic utility and impact on clinical decision making of focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated tuberculosis in malawi: a prospective cohort study Impact of introducing routine antenatal ultrasound services on reproductive health indicators in Mpigi District Focused maternal ultrasound by midwives in rural Zambia Focused cardiac ultrasound by nurses in rural Vietnam Ultrasound assessment of dehydration in children with gastroenteritis Programa de RastreamentO da VAlvopatia Reum atica) investigators. Echocardiographic prevalence of rheumatic heart disease in Brazilian schoolchildren: Data from the PROVAR study Handheld echocardiographic screening for rheumatic heart disease by non-experts Training nonradiologist clinicians in diagnostic breast ultrasound in rural Rwanda: impact on knowledge and skills The implementation of a longitudinal POCUS curriculum for physicians working at rural outpatient clinics in Chiapas, Mexico Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) in a remote area of Sierra Leone: impact on patient management and training program for community health officers Efficacy of an ultrasound training program for nurse midwives to assess high-risk conditions at labor triage in rural Uganda Impact of the introduction of ultrasound services in a limited resource setting: rural Rwanda Focused cardiopulmonary ultrasound for assessment of dyspnea in a resource-limited setting The diagnostic impact of limited, screening obstetric ultrasound when performed by midwives in rural Uganda Training midwives to perform basic obstetric pocus in rural areas using a tablet platform and mobile phone transmission technology Rapid, remote education for point-of-care ultrasound among non-physician emergency care providers in a resource limited setting Focused assessment with sonography for urinary schistosomiasis (FASUS)-pilot evaluation of a simple point-of-care ultrasound protocol and short training program for detecting urinary tract morbidity in highly endemic settings Rapid Internet-based review of point-of-care ultrasound studies at a remote hospital in Uganda Learning curve of vesico-urinary ultrasonography in Schistosoma haematobium infection with WHO practical guide: a "simple to learn" examination Correct diagnosis of childhood pneumonia in public facilities in Tanzania: a randomised comparison of diagnostic methods Feasibility of Training Clinical Officers in Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Pediatric Respiratory Diseases in Aweil, South Sudan Point of care ultrasound (POCUS) telemedicine project in rural Nicaragua and its impact on patient management Echocardiographic screening of pregnant women by non-physicians with remote interpretation in primary care Evaluation of diagnostic ultrasound use in a breast cancer detection strategy in Northern Peru Novel handheld ultrasound technology to enhance non-expert screening for rheumatic heart disease in the Republic of Palau: a descriptive study Cardiac point of care ultrasound in resource limited settings to manage children with congenital and acquired heart disease Agreement between the world health organization algorithm and lung consolidation identified using point-of-care ultrasound for the diagnosis of childhood pneumonia by general practitioners Maternal mortality Neonatal mortality, risk factors and causes: a prospective population-based cohort study in urban Pakistan Ultrasound for fetal assessment in early pregnancy Reducing the growing burden of cardiovascular disease in the developing world. Health Aff (Millwood) World Health Organization. Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) Cardiac ultrasound in resource-limited settings (CURLS): towards a wider use of basic echo applications in Africa Point-of-care cardiac ultrasound: feasibility of performance by noncardiologists World Health Organization. Road Traffic Injuries. World Health Organization Ultrasound performed by radiologists-confirming the truth about FAST in trauma Prospective evidence of the superiority of a sonography-based algorithm in the assessment of blunt abdominal injury Focused assessment with sonography for trauma: current perspectives Extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma (EFAST) in the diagnosis of pneumothorax: experience at a community based level I trauma center First-line sonographic diagnosis of pneumothorax in major trauma: accuracy of e-FAST and comparison with multidetector computed tomography Estimates of the global, regional, and national morbidity, mortality, and aetiologies of lower respiratory tract infections in 195 countries: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study Chest ultrasound for the diagnosis of paediatric pulmonary diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy Chest ultrasound findings in children with suspected pulmonary tuberculosis Chest ultrasound findings in pulmonary tuberculosis Focused assessment with sonography for HIV-associated tuberculosis (FASH): a short protocol and a pictorial review Adequacy of the emergency point-of-care ultrasound core curriculum for the local burden of disease in South Africa Ultrasound for patients in a high HIV/tuberculosis prevalence setting: a needs assessment and review of focused applications for Sub-Saharan Africa Short course for focused assessment with sonography for human immunodeficiency virus/tuberculosis: preliminary results in a rural setting in South Africa with high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis Abdominal tuberculosis: sonographic diagnosis and treatment response in HIV-positive adults in rural South Africa Diagnostic value of FASH ultrasound and chest X-ray in HIV-co-infected patients with abdominal tuberculosis Utility of point-of-care ultrasound in children with pulmonary tuberculosis Focused ultrasound to diagnose HIV-associated tuberculosis (FASH) in the extremely resource-limited setting of South Sudan: a cross-sectional study Point-of-care ultrasound for extrapulmonary tuberculosis in india: a prospective cohort study in HIV-Positive and HIV-negative presumptive tuberculosis patients International classification of ultrasound images in cystic echinococcosis for application in clinical and field epidemiological settings Point-of-care ultrasound to assess volume status and pulmonary oedema in malaria patients Ultrasound in dengue: a scoping review Abdominal ultrasound in the diagnostic work-up of visceral leishmaniasis and for detection of complications of spleen aspiration Sonographic findings in visceral leishmaniasis-a narrative review Changes of FASH ultrasound findings in TB-HIV patients during anti-tuberculosis treatment Call for ultrasound in paediatric tuberculosis work-up: a case report from Germany Application Chang's extent analysis method for ranking barriers in the e-learning model based on multi-stakeholder decision making The experiences, challenges, and acceptance of e-learning as a tool for teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic among university medical staff Challenges and opportunity of E-learning in developed and developing countries-a review We would like to thank Bettina Utz for initial contribution in the idea stage of this research. Supplementary material associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j. eclinm.2022.101333.