key: cord-0945373-i6r9hdva authors: Üstün, Nilüfer; Akgöl, Beyza Ballı; Bayram, Merve title: Influence of COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric dental attendance date: 2021-03-30 journal: Clin Oral Investig DOI: 10.1007/s00784-021-03917-5 sha: 1d6301c1b27873775135bdc7d770b9fd357f8292 doc_id: 945373 cord_uid: i6r9hdva OBJECTIVES: This retrospective study aimed to evaluate the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on dental attendance and emergency/non-emergency visits of children during the outbreak, compared to the same period of 2019. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients who visited the paediatric department clinic during the observed period were included in this study. The patient’s demographic data, purpose of visit, and treatment type were evaluated retrospectively from patient examination records. The Pearson chi-square and t-tests were used for comprehensive statistical analysis. RESULTS: A total of 1454 patient files (1184/270 cases from non-pandemic/pandemic period) were assessed. A significant reduction was found in aggregated emergency/non-emergency visits during the pandemic period (p < 0.01). During the pandemic, average daily visits for emergency dental care were observed to have a decrease to half of the non-pandemic period. Non-emergency routine dental visits have also exhibited a drastic decline. Severe dental pain due to pulpal inflammation and abscess/swelling were the most frequently reported urgent dental complaints that patients applied to the paediatric dental clinic during the pandemic period. CONCLUSION: COVID-19 pandemic has a significant influence on patients’ attendance to paediatric dental clinic. Therefore, concerning a potential post-pandemic increase in treatment demand, meticulous future planning and proper regulation of dental care should be provided for better oral health and children’s quality of life. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study’s importance is the observation of dramatically reduced number of patient visits during the pandemic period which may yield increased number of oral health-related complications in the long run. The coronavirus disease has spread to many countries quickly and became a global problem affecting the whole world. On 11 March 2020, WHO has announced COVID-19 as a pandemic disease [1] . On the same day, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey declared the first COVID-19 case [2] . The first death related to COVID-19 was reported on 17 March 2020 [3] . During the early period of the pandemic, recommendations for disease prevention as well as social distancing and local quarantine necessities were announced. Several further restrictions such as interruption of education, cancellation of public events were announced on 16 March 2020 [4] . Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) may be transmitted directly (cough, sneeze, and droplet inhalation) and by contact (contact with oral, nasal and eye mucosa) or by inhalation/ingestion of microorganisms in droplets/bioaerosols [5, 6] . It may also be transmitted directly or indirectly by the saliva [7] . Dental hospitals are vulnerable domains that are exposed to the COVID-19 virus, given the fact that droplet and aerosols are produced during practice. Furthermore, regular transmission routes such as speech, coughing, and sneezing also cause transmission by contact. Viral particles as well as small infected droplets in the air may cause through long-distance transmission between the patient and the dental staff [5, 8] . These potential transmission routes resulted in patient anxiety, which affected the dental attendances, especially in emergency clinics [9] [10] [11] [12] . On 16 March 2020, American Dental Association (ADA) released a recommendation to postpone elective procedures as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 [13] . With the coordination of faculty board, our department started to implement emergency treatment limitations on 16 March 2020. The initial emergency treatment limitations implemented by our department were as follows: i. Severe dental pain due to pulpal and/or periodontal inflammation ii. Abscess, cellulitis iii. Acute, painful lesions/ulcerations of the oral mucosa iv. Dento-alveolar trauma (tooth, jaw, facial fractures, tooth luxations and avulsions) v. Uncontrolled haemorrhage vi. Dental consultation required prior to medical procedures vii. Snipping or adjustment of an orthodontic wire or appliances causing pain Further emergency treatment limitations (based on the recommendations of Turkish Dental Association and the Ministry of Health) were implemented following the announcement of emergency procedures in dentistry by local authorities starting from 23 March 2020 [14] . The corresponding emergency treatment limitations were as follows: i. Severe dental pain from pulpal inflammation ii. Pericoronitis or third-molar pain iii. Surgical post-operative osteitis, dry socket dressing changes iv. Abscess or localized bacterial infection resulting in localized pain and swelling v. Tooth fracture resulting in pain or causing soft tissue trauma vi. Dental trauma with avulsion/luxation vii. Jaw and facial fractures viii. Acute, painful lesions/ulcerations of the oral mucosa ix. Life-threatening or uncontrolled bleeding x. Intraoral/extraoral infections that threaten the patient's airway patency xi. Treatment of patients who are receiving radiotherapy/ chemotherapy and/or who are planned to have organ transplants xii. Patients who require dental consultation regarding medical problems xiii. Suture removal xiv. Denture adjustments or repairs when function impeded xv. Snipping or adjustment of an orthodontic wire or appliances Local authorities recommended to postpone procedures other than the above-mentioned emergency definitions in private dental offices, all public and private dental clinics, hospitals, and universities until the mitigation stage that was proclaimed with a second order by the Ministry of Health. The measures were relieved during the mitigation stage which routine dental procedures could be provided. Due to COVID-19 being a novel disease, there is limited data regarding the relative long-term impact, including the emergency and mitigation stage, on paediatric dental care. This study aims to assess the effect of COVID-19 pandemic on attendance and treatment requirements in the paediatric dental clinic during the outbreak. The study hypothesis was that COVID-19 pandemic has significant influence on patients' attendance to paediatric dental clinic. Dental practice in this study was conducted in the university clinic which provides emergency and comprehensive dental care for patients in routine basis. However, a strict protocol was applied during the COVID-19 outbreak, and only emergency treatments could be carried out during the 16 March 2020 to 1 June 2020. Data was obtained from the electronic patient records, following the ethics committee approval, for the periods between March 2019-June 2019 and March 2020-June 2020. All the clinical records included in the study had informed consent forms approved by the patients' parents, and the patients' personal information was kept confidential. Patients who applied for and received dental care in the paediatric clinic between 16 March and 30 June of years 2019 and 2020 were included in this study. Dental problems could be solved with treatment under GA (during the study periods in 2019, 64 cases; in 2020, 8 cases) which the evaluations were conducted in a different zone of the hospital and by consultation, i.e., on telephone were excluded for analysis in this study. The patients' demographic data (age, gender, health status), purpose of visits, and treatment types were recorded. The purpose of visits was assigned in classes of dental emergencies, urgent dental care, and dental non-emergency care based on ADA guidelines [15] . Dental emergency was categorized under three sub-classes by ADA as follows: i. Dental emergencies ii. Urgent dental care iii. Other urgent dental care Dental emergencies were defined as potentially lifethreatening and requiring immediate treatment to stop worsening health conditions, such as uncontrolled bleeding and airway obstruction. Urgent dental care was explained as focusing on the management of conditions that require immediate attention to relieve pain and/or reduce the risk of infection and alleviate the burden on hospital emergency departments. On the other hand, dental non-emergency had been limited as routine or non-urgent dental procedures in the concerning guidance [15] . Primarily, body temperature of the patient (and guardian(s)) was measured in the waiting room before entering the dental office. A detailed anamnesis was taken with questioning risk history, i.e., COVID-19 symptoms present, and contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case. Oral examination was performed using a mirror and a probe combined with a panoramic radiography. Two paediatric dentists (BBA and NU) prioritized the cases by emergency status during the COVID-19 period. Following the prioritization, the cases were scheduled for treatment (urgent care or day scheduling) or registered on a non-emergent waiting list. Parents were kindly requested to leave for the waiting room. Pre-procedural mouth-rinse with 0.2 % povidone-iodine was used in children who are able to spit. Treatment procedures were carried out with primary protection such as work cloth, shoe cover, disposable cap, N95 mask, face shield, and disposable latex gloves. Following each case's management, the dental office environment was well ventilated and disinfected based on WHO recommendations [16] . Patients were identified by a patient protocol number and case number generated from database records, to protect confidentiality. The case number, age (at the time of the dental attendance), gender, health status, and attendance history of the patient were recorded. All data was collected and evaluated by one independent examiner (MB). Dental emergency was evaluated as urgent (ADA sub-class ii) and other urgent dental care (ADA sub-class iii), due to the fact that no dental emergencies (ADA sub-class i) application was observed during the study period. The treatment procedures were recorded as oral examination, oral prophylaxis, fissure sealant, fluoride therapy, restorative therapy, pulpotomy, pulpectomy, tooth extraction, space maintainers, basic orthodontic appliance, and prosthetic rehabilitation in a spreadsheet. Type of treatment data was extracted from the file. The state of the pandemic emergency period covered in this research was between 16 March and 1 June 2020; and the mitigation stage period was between 1 June and 30 June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Raw patient data extracted from the hospital database was structured using Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA) for further analysis. SPSS software version 25 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY, USA) was used to carry out statistical inference and generate corresponding figures: Pearson chi-square and independent samples t-test. The significance level was set as < 0.01. A sum of 1454 case records who attended the paediatric department clinic during the pandemic and non-pandemic period (270, 1184, respectively) were analysed in this retrospective study. Demographic data including age groups, gender, and health status was laid out in Table 1 . The age range was 1-14 years old with the mean of 7.75 (± 2.60) years. Comparison of the emergency and non-emergency visits is laid out in Fig. 1 . A significant reduction was found in both emergency/non-emergency total visits during the pandemic period (p < 0.01). Mean daily visits within the study group were demonstrated in Table 2 . There was a statistically significant decline in the mean daily emergency/non-emergency visits during the pandemic period ( Table 2 , p < 0.01). During the pandemic, average daily visits for emergency dental care were observed to have a decrease to half of the nonpandemic period. Non-emergency routine dental visits have also exhibited a drastic decline. The figures of dental attendance reasons, including the most frequently performed treatment types during the pandemic and non-pandemic periods, were laid out in Table 3 . According to the test results, "severe dental pain from pulpal inflammation" and "abscess, localized pain and swelling" were the most frequently observed urgent problems both in non-pandemic and pandemic periods, and there was a statistically significant difference between two periods (p < 0.01). The number of dental visits for the 0 ≤ 6 years old age group with severe dental pain from pulpal inflammation was observed more than the older age group, and this difference was found statistically significant (p < 0.01). Although "snipping or adjustments of an orthodontic wire/appliances" visits in other emergencies had shown a statistically significant increase (p < 0.01), "initial/periodic oral examinations and recall visits", "orthodontic procedures", and "restorative dentistry" visits in dental non-emergency care group had shown a statistically significant decline during the pandemic period (p < 0.01). Table 4 represents the types of treatment procedures during the study period. Oral examination, tooth extraction, and other procedures (cementation, repairment, snipping) had demonstrated an upward trend during the pandemic period. Figure 2 showed the weekly patient visits during nonpandemic and pandemic period. This retrospective study analysed the child patients' dental care visits from 16 March 2020 to 30 June 2020 and compared the results with the same period of 2019. There is limited research that analysed attendance in the paediatric dental setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. The presented data yields valuable outputs regarding the emergency/nonemergency dental visits to the paediatric dental clinic. COVID-19 has been diagnosed as a novel disease recently. Therefore, data throughout the literature was limited to a short time span. Sixteen weeks study period and large sample size are the strengths of this study. Moreover, having a mitigation stage as well as the emergency stage during the study period added novelty. To make a decision on what situation was an emergency (or non-emergency), parents were able to reach the clinicians by telephone, especially during the pandemic period. Nonemergency situations were postponed to forthcoming dates. These consultations were not recorded to the electronic patient file, which may have an effect on the results. This was considered as a limitation of the study. A recently published study [9] in China evaluated the impact of current COVID-19 outbreak on the utilization of emergency dental services. Test period covered 1-10 February 2020, control period was 1-10 January 2020, and the number of patients attended to the dental emergency service was reported to have decreased by 38% following the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic. The present study reports an identical result of a 38% reduction in emergency dental visits to paediatric clinic during the pandemic period (Fig. 1) . The study period covers a temporary suspension of routine dental care (11 weeks) in the dental clinics, plus a mitigation stage (5 weeks). Although the study period was extended further than the aforementioned research [9] , including the normalization period, a relatively stable decrease in dental clinic visits was observed, which may be related to ongoing fear and anxiety due to ambiguity. While the mean emergency dental care visits decreased to half of the non-pandemic period, dental non-emergency visits decreased to one-tenth (Table 2) , these results were statistically significant (p < 0.01). Compared to the previously reported results [9] , a sharper decline in the number of dental nonemergency visits was observed. The differences could be attributed to the longer time of our study period. Moreover, nonemergency or routine dental procedures could be provided only during the mitigation stage of the pandemic period, which explains the drastic reduction of the visits during the non-pandemic period. There was an 81.6 % drop in the overall dental non-emergency visits in the paediatric dental clinic (Fig. 1) . Severe dental pain from pulpal inflammation (% 15.96) and abscess/localized pain and swelling (% 12.06) were the most frequent reason for child patients' urgent dental care attendance during the pandemic period, as well as during non-pandemic period, whereas visits regarding dental trauma were low. Our findings are in-line with previous researchers reporting dental pain from pulpal inflammation, abscess, or swelling as the most common reason for patients seeking treatment [9, 10, [17] [18] [19] . Although pulpectomy was situated as management of signs and symptoms related to dental pain and abscess/swelling during the non-pandemic period, extraction was preferred to refrain from the high risk of aerosols (Table 3) . Implementing alternative treatment choices during COVID-19 pandemic will potentially have some consequences; hence dental professionals should provide additional information to parents regarding space management and suggest strongly the use of space maintainers when extraction was chosen instead of pulpectomy. A minor increase was observed in other emergency dental care visits during the pandemic period except the reason of referral: "snipping or adjustments of an orthodontic wire/appliances." There was a significant difference in this referral reason (p < 0.01), which may be explained by the patients' choices to not interrupt the treatment and proceed with the non-aerosol generating treatment procedure and short processing time. The dental non-emergency care visit reasons: "Initial/periodic oral examinations and recall visits", "orthodontic procedures", "restorative dentistry" were less common in pandemic period compared to the non-pandemic period ( Table 3 , p < 0.01). As routine dental care was not recommended during the COVID-19 acute phase [20] , we could only provide nonemergency procedures in the mitigation stage period (5 weeks). Pulpotomy, pulpectomy, restorative therapy, and oral prophylaxis were not the first-choice procedures due to their characteristics of aerosol generation. A recent article [19] retrospectively analysed children's dental health during COVID-19 via online consultation system. Dental pain consultations were found significantly higher in the 3-6 years old group compared to the other age groups. Preschool-age children are more prone to early childhood caries (ECC), which causes severe dental pain and requires urgent dental management. ECC is one of the most common chronic diseases in pre-school children and affects both families and children's quality of life due to dental pain [21] . Similar to the research mentioned above [19] , 0 ≤ 6 years age group attended to the paediatric dental clinic with severe dental pain more than the older age group during COVID-19. In spite of the pandemic derived fear and anxiety existence in parents, children are willing to seek urgent dental care when suffering from severe toothache. Weekly child patient attendances may be viewed in Fig. 2 . The reason of the sharp decline observed in week 12 despite the steady trend during 2019 was the national holiday season (4-6 June 2019). The same holiday season in 2020 was between 24 and 26 May. A dramatic drop can be observed in weekly number of patient visits during the pandemic period. Although one may view the reported figures solely as a significant decline in numbers between two important time frames, it is more than a downward trend. It is crucial to consider what this dramatic decline may yield in the long run, in terms of oral health-related complications. Hence, further prospective studies may focus on the long-term impact of COVID-19 on oral health in the general population. Suspension of routine dental care may cause an increased dental treatment requirement of child patients during the post-pandemic period. Therefore, concerning a potential post-pandemic increase in treatment demand, meticulous future planning and proper regulation of dental care should be provided for better oral health and children's quality of life. Local health authorities should designate prevention strategies with consultation to dental professionals. Future dental Fig. 2 Weekly patient visits to the paediatric dentistry clinic during non-pandemic and pandemic periods treatment needs of the child patients may be predicted using the yielded robust results of this research. This study successfully concluded that COVID-19 pandemic has a significant influence on dental attendances in the paediatric clinic. Available from: https:// Sağlık Bakanlığı COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 Enfeksiyonu) Rehberi Koronavirüse (Covid-19) Karşı Türkiye'nin Karantina ve Tedbir Politikaları Transmission routes of 2019-nCoV and controls in dental practice 2019-nCoV transmission through the ocular surface must not be ignored Ocular tropism of respiratory viruses Exhaled droplets due to talking and coughing The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the utilization of emergency dental services Impact of COVID-19 on dental emergency services in Cluj-Napoca metropolitan area: A cross-sectional study Impact of COVID-19 on oral emergency services The COVID-19 effect: number of patients presenting to The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals OMFS team with dental infections before and during The COVID-19 outbreak ADA recommending dentists postpone elective procedures WHO (2020) Cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19 The first six weeks -setting up a UK urgent dental care centre during the COVID-19 pandemic Provision of dental services at a single institution in the UK's epicentre during the COVID-19 pandemic Online consultation and emergency management in paediatric dentistry during the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan: a retrospective study Oral health management of children during the epidemic period of coronavirus disease 2019 Parental perceptions of children's oral health: the early childhood oral health impact scale (ECOHIS) Publisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Acknowledgements We thank our patients who participated in the study.Author contribution NU conceptualized the manuscript. BBA and NU carried out methodology; MB carried out data analysis, drafted and edited the manuscript. All authors subsequently revised the drafts. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Ethics approval Ethics committee approval was received for this study from the Ethics Committee of Istanbul Medipol University (REF: E-10840098-772.02-66610).Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from parents of all participants included in the study. The authors declare no competing interests.